1.When you drag from the array element it could be hidden in "content sensitive". 2. The custom event needs to be made in the event graph of LootItemBP. 3. The event graph needs to be made public in "Access Specifier" in details.
All variables are stored in a GameInstance class. Then the scoreboard widget has a Get Game Instance > Cast to LootInstance > Get X variable > Set Text. I can paste a screenshot on that on my discord if you like?
So at about 10:30 I'm stuck.
When I try to connect the Array Element of "For Each Loop", I don't get an option to link it to the StopLooking Event.
1.When you drag from the array element it could be hidden in "content sensitive". 2. The custom event needs to be made in the event graph of LootItemBP. 3. The event graph needs to be made public in "Access Specifier" in details.
Please show the creation of the scoreboard.
I tried it myself, but did not understand how to exchange variables between BPs.
All variables are stored in a GameInstance class. Then the scoreboard widget has a Get Game Instance > Cast to LootInstance > Get X variable > Set Text.
I can paste a screenshot on that on my discord if you like?
@@BurrowGames Yes, it would be great