Debbie Bliss - Ep. 131 - Fruity Knitting

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 192

  • @KnitTogetherwithKimJonna
    @KnitTogetherwithKimJonna 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wow! Debbie Bliss is amazing! Thank you so much for introducing us to so many knitting icons.
    And I love seeing all of your projects…
    ~ Kim

  • @Helen-qb4gv
    @Helen-qb4gv Год назад

    The very first thing I knitted was a Debbie Bliss pattern. I needed a lot of help from my mum and I learnt a lot. She’s always had the most gorgeous pallet of colours for her yarn. It was love at first sight and led to a lifetime of knitting. Thanks for interviewing her. Just wonderful.

  • @teslaandhumanity7383
    @teslaandhumanity7383 25 дней назад

    My daughter wanted the intarsia cardigan 90s inspired one in squares .
    Debbie is always my favourite artist in knit 🧶.
    Wonderful interview thank you ☺️

  • @sherylkrohne3683
    @sherylkrohne3683 Год назад

    Fantastic show!! Love everything, and your new projects are stunning (sweater) and really fun (chessmen). I have been knitting Debbie Bliss patterns and yarn for at least 30 years, have 14 books. It was fabulous to meet her on your show. I can’t thank you and her enough for the interviews. I am really overwhelmed. Thanks!!!❤

  • @suedale1865
    @suedale1865 Год назад

    Late in coming to watch Debbie Bliss better late than never
    how fabulous to see her & listen what a remarkable lady loved your interview
    My mother over 55 yrs ago said to me “ You will never be alone with a ball of wool & some needles “ how right she was
    Debbie said the knitting community is fantastic , especially with RUclips I have virtual knitting friends across the world
    Absolute godsend during covid lock down knitting crochet kept me sane in isolation I made many gift knits shawls hats fingerless gloves etc another mum quote “ busy hands calm brain “ Thank you Debbie we are much of an age but you have my beloved Mums philosophy ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @rania_statho67
    @rania_statho67 Год назад

    Thank you Andrea and Madeleine for this beautiful episode. ❣I'm amazed at how much work it has taken to knit and then sew on all the parts and accessories of the chess set!!! The outcome is awesome!!! ♟♟♟

  • @lynntimmer1620
    @lynntimmer1620 Год назад

    What incredible women you all are! Thank you! I really love your stunning blue garment and the chess figures. Best to you!

  • @hannahv1930
    @hannahv1930 Год назад +12

    I'm always so excited when I get the notification from Fruity Knitting!

  • @scathatch
    @scathatch Год назад +25

    Wow. Debbie Bliss has so much energy and vitality. Great lady. The second interview was marvelous. What a lovely, gritty, funny, feisty, down to earth woman. So interesting to hear the other side of the story of such a world-renowned knitwear designer. The Great British sense of humour also to the fore with her travails with cancer. Thankyou so much for this interview. Also beautiful insights into LoveCrafts.

  • @TinaReutin
    @TinaReutin Год назад

    I loved the toy tutorial. Good job Madeleine and Andrea. The interview with Debbie Bliss was very lovely. I love your show! I’m going to up my patronage to the next level. The constant awesome show content is worth it.

  • @mcoknits856
    @mcoknits856 Год назад +1

    Debbie Bliss is One of my favourite designers. I have several of her Aron style sweaters in my queue. I will now try out some of the baby items for my new nephew.

  • @NanZingrone
    @NanZingrone Год назад

    Love this. I'm always looking at her patterns and have a book or two. Always love working and knitting to FruityKnitting.

  • @patriciapamponette9841
    @patriciapamponette9841 Год назад +4

    It's always a pleasure looking forward to the fruitty knitting podcast. Thank you for sharing Debbie Bliss. ❤

  • @r.mcd2921
    @r.mcd2921 Год назад

    Love the "behind the scenes" snippets, and always so happy to take in all the wonderful knowledge and fibery goodness you present. Ms Bliss is gorgeous, and so self-effacing. Thank you so much, and I'm so happy to be a patron of such terrific programming.

  • @catherinekhalili4412
    @catherinekhalili4412 Год назад

    Such a delight. I love supporting your channel.

  • @brigitteschaefers
    @brigitteschaefers Год назад +17

    That was wonderful. When I first discovered your channel I binge-watched all the existing episodes. So nowadays it‘s very hard to wait one month for a new one. But it is always sooo worth it. Thank you so much, Andrea and Madeleine.

  • @Lamara5292
    @Lamara5292 Год назад +1

    That blue sweater is heavenly. Oh those chess pieces are just adorable. Debbie Bliss is so down to earth, her patterns are amazing.
    Another great episode!

  • @michellesetzer9366
    @michellesetzer9366 Год назад

    This was one of my favorites episodes. Debbie Bliss is such a lovely, warm personality. I so much enjoyed the second part interview of her speaking of her personal cancer journey and her career journey. This is the second time that I have watched. Thank you for sharing her with us!

  • @robdenverco
    @robdenverco Год назад

    I never knew enough about Debbie Bliss and her patterns but I am certainly a fan now!. Placed 3 orders for yarn and patterns.

  • @priscillamcgarry5200
    @priscillamcgarry5200 Год назад +1

    You are the best of the best. Thank you for all of your hard work. xx

  • @pollyfoofoo8703
    @pollyfoofoo8703 Год назад

    Can i just remark how much i love that you show behind-the-scenes footage of your interviews! Love love. Thank you for all your hard work.

  • @nathaliebourre3578
    @nathaliebourre3578 Год назад

    Finally managed to put quality time aside to catch up before your new episode… simply tremendous, I am in awe of all of you, ladies! Even watched the interview parts twice, such amazing conversations around passion and life, thank you!

  • @WendyDussault
    @WendyDussault Год назад

    I love the relax feel of your interviews and I love that you are including some set up shots and end the video's with a after take. You and your daughter and sweet Andrew are very professional at what you are doing and I will support you as I can your program is worth every cent!!!!♥♥♥

  • @songvo1563
    @songvo1563 Год назад

    I got inspired on Debbie Bliss chevron pattern sleeveless top...knitting that now. Decided to RUclips...wonderful chat. Thank you!

  • @MelindaStewart-cr7wo
    @MelindaStewart-cr7wo Год назад

    Thank you ladies for a wonderful episode! So lovely to get to know Debbie Bliss and now I feel I must support Love Crafts as much as possible. Cannot wait to go through her patterns and purchase the perfect yarn. Thanks again and have a lovely time at the Swiss Festival!

  • @feliseacosta9491
    @feliseacosta9491 Год назад

    Fantastic program. Love Debbie and her work.

  • @marthak4561
    @marthak4561 Год назад +2

    Wonderful episode Andrea and Madeleine! Loved it all. The beautiful Maeron sweater; the chess set; and the interview with Debbie Bliss. I appreciate how you broke the interview down in two parts; the knitting and technical and the personal. Debbie is such a gracious, talented person/knitter. Love your show. ♥

  • @tammihackley4349
    @tammihackley4349 Год назад +3

    Debbie Bliss is just a wonderful person, not only as knit designer but a truly wonderful person, a wonderful outlook on life & good advice

  • @TheKnittingTexan
    @TheKnittingTexan Год назад

    When I first started knitting I knit three Debbie Bliss pattens 20 years ago! This was a delight to watch and she a gem in this community. I’m so thankful for her passions in the industry which led the way for it to be what it today. I’m still knitting today because of my success back then! I wore two of my DB patterns last year to Rhinebeck (from 20 years ago) and they were both recognized! That’s impact!

  • @christinevalentine3373
    @christinevalentine3373 Год назад +2

    It’s always a pleasure to watch Andrea’s interviews. Debbie Bliss was first introduced to me by my closest friend from university. As a single mum studying for her PhD, dealing with cancer and very young twins my friend took immense delight in immersing herself in knitting lovely clothes for her children from your patterns and yarns. A precious gift to me from her was a book of your patterns. The twins will be 21 this April 2023 and I still smile when I hear your name Debbie. Andrea, your newest knit is very pretty and suits you beautifully. As for the zippered jacket Andrew made for Madeleine, it is one of the most thoughtful gifts from a daughter to her mother. What a beautiful relationship you have. Thank you again for your wonderfully detailed and thoughtful interview, Debbie’s honest and sincere responses and your bravery.

  • @sueprice4082
    @sueprice4082 Год назад +2

    What a lovely lady (Debbie Bliss) not forgetting yourself Andrea. By coincidence, I am sitting here knitting with Debbie’s Fine Donegal - lovely yarn xxx

  • @lisanakao1043
    @lisanakao1043 Год назад

    This was a wonderful episode..I really enjoyed the interviews with Debbie Bliss. She was someone that inspired me to knit early on and still does. She is an icon that really relates to the knitter and people. 😊❤

  • @arctiknitter
    @arctiknitter Год назад

    My knitting student and I are watching this as we put together Debbie's knitted Christmas Wreath from her fall winter 2013 magazine! We love her patterns.

  • @knit4peace434
    @knit4peace434 Год назад

    Debbie Bliss’s book: How to Knit is my go-to book about knitting. I taught myself to do Entrelac using her FABULOUS instructions. The instructions and illustrations are flawless. And like all her books, the photos are delicious!!! Thank you for sharing her!!

  • @SuperLogandog
    @SuperLogandog Год назад

    Love the behind the scenes bits. As usual, fantastic content.

  • @elaineenstone6834
    @elaineenstone6834 Год назад

    Really enjoyed hearing your discussion with Debbie Bliss. Over the years I have knitted many of her patterns for babies and children. A great video cast. 🇬🇧

  • @susanmcbride4703
    @susanmcbride4703 Год назад

    One of the first knitting books I bought when I get back into knitting was by Debbie Bliss (Cotton Knits for All Seasons) and one of the first “good” yarns I bought was her Baby Cashmerino. This show was such a special treat! Thank you!

  • @kevinorr6880
    @kevinorr6880 Год назад +4

    Truly a beautiful pair of women. Wonderful photography. Thank you for the episode.

  • @juliekainz2025
    @juliekainz2025 Год назад +6

    This was such an outstanding episode. Thank you both for your dedication, professionalism, thoroughness, creativity, and also for providing such great information and entertainment. The rundown of how your jumper was knit was so informative and interesting. The demonstrations of knitting techniques are very helpful and clear. Thank you for being such an asset to the knitting community.

  • @ThePattiw
    @ThePattiw Год назад

    A wonderful episode! I am always interested in how a designer or artist works and love the talk about how ideas come about, the sketches and the challenges. I was surprised to hear and also a bit reassured when Debbie Bliss said she had all the ideas but getting them knit up were the great challenge. I feel this way about my art. Thank you Debbie Bliss and Fruity Knitting for your wonderful and inspiring videos! I also especially liked that you kept in the behind the scenes footage too. It makes it feel so real for us viewers.

  • @Helen-qb4gv
    @Helen-qb4gv Год назад

    The smock behind you. OMG. I love it. I’ve had an image of a similar smock in my Pinterest favs for years. One day I’ll make it

  • @elizabethtaylor4448
    @elizabethtaylor4448 Год назад

    Loved this episode. The interview with Debbie Bliss was wonderful. I have had the privilege of meeting her & being part of a talk she gave some years ago. She hasn't changed at all , apart from her smart haircut😀
    Loved the more raw filming style. Great podcast ladies.x

  • @jillfoster6369
    @jillfoster6369 Год назад

    This was beyond brilliant. Well done to you all. Just fabulous. Loved Debbie Bliss patterns and yarn since she first started - all those years ago. Also well done to Madeleine for finishing the amazing chess set.❤

  • @alisonsmith376
    @alisonsmith376 Год назад +7

    Great episode once again, thank you! Also, Debbie’s reading Alice Munro, nice 🇨🇦 connection. 😊

  • @munchkinheaven7877
    @munchkinheaven7877 Год назад

    Love her children’s knits, I have several of her books, such clever patterns and beautiful garments.

  • @jeaninegunn4118
    @jeaninegunn4118 Год назад

    WOW loved this episode! I too knit sweaters for my daughters from her books and have used her lovely mohair recently. Thank you.

  • @clairemcmorss2406
    @clairemcmorss2406 Год назад

    Thanx for this lovely and inspiring episode 🙏🏼

  • @barbaraanne2136
    @barbaraanne2136 Год назад

    I'm looking forward to the Swiss yarn festival presentation. You do wonderful travel and musical videos. The yarn vendor market makes a colorful and exciting background for any new products to be demonstrated. Thanks for the interview with Debbie Bliss was lovely.

  • @suzannebollard2560
    @suzannebollard2560 Год назад

    Fantastic..lovely interview . Enjoyed every minute.!

  • @christineslocum-wahl1063
    @christineslocum-wahl1063 Год назад

    What a treat indeed! Though I'm not a knitter, my favorite is everything crochet from Amigurumi to socks... Always looking forward to your next episode. Already excited about the yarn festival in Germany (my home country) 🥰🧶

  • @karenbochinski
    @karenbochinski 6 месяцев назад

    I love Debby Bliss and I love her yarn. WOWOWOW on the chess set.

  • @bethclawson2573
    @bethclawson2573 Год назад

    Thoughtful work as always. Also, I enjoyed the new editing theme of showing behind the scenes of the feature interview.

  • @kerrybutler2927
    @kerrybutler2927 Год назад +11

    Great interviews with Debbie Bliss, fantastic!

  • @salomeelizabeth6026
    @salomeelizabeth6026 Год назад

    Lovely Debbie Bliss interview, such a lovely lady.Great show again . I have knitted many of her designs.

  • @22marketst
    @22marketst Год назад

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Andrea !! I always recalled we share our birthdate which made me feel i was in very 'auspicious' company - that of a highly talented woman - Hope you have a great day in your part of the world ! I am in the SW of WA.

  • @ruthjense6272
    @ruthjense6272 Год назад +2

    One of Debbie’s baby knits books got me knitting again as well. I still have several of her books, and used them until my granddaughter was 10 or 11. She is a wonderful designer, and her instructions are excellent and easy to follow.

  • @sarawaldburg7988
    @sarawaldburg7988 Год назад +4

    Wonderful interview and podcast! Well done to you all: Debbie Bliss, Andrea and Madeleine!

  • @helenravine5163
    @helenravine5163 Год назад +1

    Lovely episode! Both the jerseys you're wearing are simply drop dead gorgeous. Thnk you for bringing us Debbie Bliss. I wanted to knit absolutely everything she showed us! Have invested in a coule of patterns - I do appreciate the discounts. And I loved the second interview. Could have listened to you chat for hours.

  • @nlturcott5168
    @nlturcott5168 Год назад +1

    Your chess set is awesome and will be fun to play with. Another great interview. Always have enjoyed Debbie Bliss patterns. Thanks again.

  • @scathatch
    @scathatch Год назад +5

    Gorgeous sweater Andrea. Beautiful design.

  • @sophiep.7781
    @sophiep.7781 Год назад

    Such a lovely interview with such a special person. Loved it very much. Thank you!
    I also really like your new sweater, it really suits you. 😊

  • @yvonnestreeter2820
    @yvonnestreeter2820 Год назад +3

    Thanks for the tip about Roxanne. She's been my go-to for knitting troubles for quite a while. You, on the other hand, are the one who's upped my knitting skills so that I even knew to go get help! Appreciate you so much.

  • @lizoid88
    @lizoid88 Год назад +2

    fantastic episode!!!! thanks so much Andrea and Madeleine xxx. Debbie has such great style - that gorgeous navy blue shirt and the (?)lapis ring - love!!!!

  • @corinnearmstrong4451
    @corinnearmstrong4451 Год назад

    Wonderfully inspiring interview. Thank you for introducing us to all these amazing designers. Looking forward to the next one.

  • @amandawood
    @amandawood Год назад +7

    Debbie Bliss is such an icon and your interviews with her give us a glimpse into just how charming she is! Love this.

  • @donnapreston767
    @donnapreston767 Год назад

    I think this was the best interview I've seen FN do, just loved finally meeting the wonderful Debbie Bliss and feel her energy for life and the humour that she sees it through. So enjoyable. Love to you both 💖💖

  • @sewingseamswithdeb
    @sewingseamswithdeb Год назад

    Amazing show as always. Ans wasn't Debbie Bliss just so,lovely. Great job Madeleine on the chest set. It looks brilliant, gloved handlers only I say too. Thanks so much for all you do x ❤

  • @joancollier4488
    @joancollier4488 Год назад

    So great to have discovered fruity knitting. I love your interviews especially this one with Debbie Bliss and of course the chess set is wonderful fun!

  • @Meredith36
    @Meredith36 Год назад

    This was so inspiring! I adore your channel

  • @margaretbyrnes2554
    @margaretbyrnes2554 Год назад

    Congratulations on a fabulous episode. I thoroughly enjoyed the Debbie Bliss interview.

  • @Mystr438
    @Mystr438 Год назад

    Started learning knitting from Debbie Bliss baby knitting books. Love Debbie calculating patterns as the beginner.

  • @helga5723
    @helga5723 11 месяцев назад

    Great Opportunity to learn to know Debbi!! And I love the Chest-Figures!!!

  • @carolbulmer8253
    @carolbulmer8253 Год назад +2

    Hello, Andrea and Madeleine. I thoroughly enjoyed this video! Andrea, your blue sweater is so elegant… Madeleine modelled it perfectly. The chess board and players are fantastic. I can understand that they were each a lot of work. AND… both parts of the Debbie Bliss interview were wonderful! Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing your Swiss video❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏

  • @marilyn1228
    @marilyn1228 Год назад

    I just loved Debbie Bliss, she's so warm and charming! Thanks for interviewing her.

  • @Bornfree1010
    @Bornfree1010 Год назад

    Your interview with Debbie Bliss was marvolous! So fun to watch. She is one of my favorites. I met her many years ago. My favorite of her books are the layette and her baby cashmerino yarns!!

  • @hablandodetejido
    @hablandodetejido Год назад

    Great episode! Debbie Bliss is so talented. Thank you Andrea and Madeleine! Greetings from Argentina!

  • @lesleywalford4093
    @lesleywalford4093 Год назад

    Wow, that blue sweater in John Arbon’s Yarnedelic is gorgeous! Thank you for explaining the design in such detail. Very clever.

  • @seasaltsandra.00
    @seasaltsandra.00 Год назад +1

    What a brilliant interview with Debbie Bliss. Thank you so much for bringing it to us. What a lovely lady - you seemed to bring out the best in each other. Wonderful!😊

  • @samanthacoombes7989
    @samanthacoombes7989 Год назад +1

    Wow so lovely to hear from Debbie Bliss, I knitted through her baby and childrens patterns 20 years ago for my 3 now adult children, and was privileged to meet her at a workshop with her when she had a lovely shop in Islington. I still have many of those little garments tucked away for another generation one day, and also wear some of her timeless adult designs knitted over the years Thanks so much for this fabulous episode

  • @LuisaLo-dm8bj
    @LuisaLo-dm8bj Год назад +2

    My favourite designer EVER. She’s been my inspiration in all my knitting work❤❤❤

  • @stavroulak.503
    @stavroulak.503 Год назад

    Amazing episode! Your sweater looks really beautiful, you did a great job as always and of course Madeline's chess set looks fantastic but I am not envying her, or you, since you are helping, for having to knit, and put together all those tiny pieces 🧥♟🧶Also, I loved the interview with Debbie Bliss 🧶🧶🧶
    Always looking forward to your episodes, like I'd do for a favorite, and good quality magazine. Thanks for all the effort you put on this. Till next time 📰🧶🧶

  • @tamaragrottker7677
    @tamaragrottker7677 Год назад

    Debbie Bliss is a hoot! Wouldn't you like someone like her show up to your knit-night!

  • @julieplumb3427
    @julieplumb3427 Год назад +1

    I too was inspired to pick up knitting needles by Debbie Bliss about thirty years ago. I still go back to her books often . Love this interview and will watch it again! Thank you ❤️🧶

  • @Bobbieliz
    @Bobbieliz Год назад

    Can't wait for your Swiss Yarn Festival episode, and all that entails!

  • @roxannewaddell3830
    @roxannewaddell3830 Год назад +2

    Another fabulous podcast, Debbie is wonderful, I love all those chunky cables.

  • @carolpepper2424
    @carolpepper2424 Год назад

    What a treat getting to know Debbie Bliss, and learning about the supportive, creative team at Love Crafts. It is always an inspiration to see your knitting work, and Madeline's chess set is amazing!

  • @Drjoyce3860
    @Drjoyce3860 Год назад +1

    What a delight and a privilege. Thank you for bringing Debbie to us.

  • @marlalena8598
    @marlalena8598 Год назад +6

    Was waiting for a new episode and I am so excited for your wonderful work! Take care 🥰

  • @francescabrescianini7565
    @francescabrescianini7565 Год назад

    Thank you to You and especially to Debbie Bliss for these lovely interviews and segments. I believe Debbie Bliss was the first knitting designer I really fell in love with, way back when I was half my age , before having a child and moving to the USA. I brought some of her books with me overseas and I have memories of knitting some of her great designs. Her achievements are well deserved! Congratulations to Madeleine for her chess pieces, they are little masterpieces….

  • @jill552
    @jill552 8 месяцев назад

    That sweater is gorgeous. Madeline is lovely in it.

  • @jeanandreas3446
    @jeanandreas3446 Год назад +2

    Love this episode…..Debbie Bliss is fantastic.

  • @aroundtheworldfibers
    @aroundtheworldfibers Год назад

    What a treat this episode is. I've followed Debbie's work for many years. She inspired me to start knitting for little ones a few years ago. The chess set is amazing and the Maeron is gorgeous!

  • @joangilligan3709
    @joangilligan3709 Год назад +1

    What a wonderful episode!Debbie Bliss has long been one of my favourite designers .I have made her garter stitch baby jacket with vent 16 times and am currently working on a summer sweater from her pure silk collection.Thank you for featuring Debbie and thank you. Andrea and Madeline for your inspirational work.

  • @phyllisburke4141
    @phyllisburke4141 Год назад +1

    Wonderful to see you both. Beautiful interview with Debbie Bliss. My current project is a crochet blanket using all the bits left over from knitting projects. I am thinking about adding some embroidered flowers! I am pleased to have my plan validated by Debbie Bliss. I’m not really good at crochet so I thought the embroidery would cover some inconsistencies. Thank you.

  • @solangethompson4251
    @solangethompson4251 Год назад

    I loved this episode. I have some Debbie Bliss books, but have never seen an interview with her. She's so lovely. Thank you.
    I also love your Maeron sweater, and am inspired to make one.

  • @brittastehling9831
    @brittastehling9831 Год назад +3

    Lovely episode❤I especially liked the second more personal part of the interview. She is so nice and real and so charming how she talks about her experiences with traveling and talking to a group of people. I came back to knitting when my kids were small and the first garment I knitted for my daughter was a cardigan in a very similar style and color like the sweater you did for Madeleine. A deep lilac in Baby Cashmerino and also a Debbie Bliss design. Thank you so much!

  • @Gail_Blanton
    @Gail_Blanton Год назад

    This was such an exciting episode to watch. I’ve been a fan of Debbie Bliss and her designs for ages. Although I learned to knit as a child, I didn’t really enter my “knitting life” until, about 26 years ago, I was put on bed rest early on with my first pregnancy. I knit a beautiful ABC blanket out of her Nursery Knits book. It is tucked away in a box in a closet now. Definitely an heirloom piece. That was the beginning of my growing interest in knitting and expanding my skill level. As my family grew, I had less time for knitting and had not done much until 5 years ago. A family member was expecting twins so I was inspired to knit a couple of simple hats. During that time, I discovered Fruity Knitting, and the second go round of my love affair of knitting and all things wool took off with a vengeance. Discovering new designers and makers through your interviews, the tutorials… everything you produce has enriched my crafting life on so many levels. I hold you partly responsible for my ever growing library of knitting books 😅 Thank you for all you do. I love how Madeline has grown into such an fantastic co host and partner. I think of Andrew often and you, Andrea, and what a lovely example of true love you were for all of us. My heart still hurts for you and Madeline. You must find it strange to have so many strangers feeling like they know you… Looking forward to seeing your next episode at the festival

  • @JustFluffyQuiltingYarnCrafts
    @JustFluffyQuiltingYarnCrafts Год назад +1

    I am enjoying Madeline's growth from a young girl who did a little knitting on the side and in between her studies to a crafter who is taking on challenging projects and completing them with relative ease. She has definitely inherited her perseverance from her parents and it is so beautiful to see. On top of that she has become such a big part of the organization - congratulations to you both.
    Debbie is such a lovely person and I would not have guessed that she was a fearful presenter at one time.
    Thank you ladies for another wonderful episode of Fruity Knitting. ❤❤

  • @barbbuteyn8800
    @barbbuteyn8800 Год назад

    Another wonderful episode! I started supporting your podcast when Andrew was diagnosed and have continued because yours is the most professionally produced podcast of any I have watched. Each show is so cleanly put together yet so personal with such obvious delight and interest for what you do and the people you interact with. Thank you!

  • @laurieboucher940
    @laurieboucher940 Год назад +2

    Was pretty chuffed to see a book by fellow Canadian Alice Munro on her side table! Great interview