I just wanted to say that not everyone (most I would think) would advertise competitors products in their advertisement! Good on you Rex for sticking with the educational foundation of your channel! I think it really speaks to your character, and wanted to make sure you know I see it and appreciate it!
I ain’t mad about it, and I think Rex seems like a genuinely good person, but I also feel he has a good understanding of RUclips, target marketing, and psychology. 👍🏻👍🏻
I hope that doesn’t sound negative at all. I’m just saying that Rex understands he’s going to sell the same amount of products wether he mentions a competitor or not, and is actually banking of the fact that us fans instead would appreciate his more modest approach vs cutthroat advertising. The RUclips/ woodwork/ online tool crowd is a community and it’s always better when you work with your neighbors rather than against them. Everyone can succeed together.
@@Keithmwalton honestly, I enjoyed your analysis and what everyone else on this thread said. You're totally right. Honesty is the right move ethically AND mentioning those other products won't hurt sales. If one of the other stops is a better fit, then I'm not going to get that sale anyway. Might as well help people find the right product, even if it's not mine.
This could have been just a commercial for a piece of steel (what's the big deal?), but the fact you positively referenced the other manufacturers shows humility and good character. Kudos for that, and all the best (sales)
I like planing against stops because it forces me to have better technique. It was a bit of a hassle at the start but really paid off as I've progressed. I had an interesting experience while I was fixing something in a friend's kitchen. Used the counter as the workbench and adhered the stop down with 3m command strips. Released clean and made the work possible where it wouldn't have been otherwise. It isn't always the best solution, but it gives great versatility when it is appropriate.
Rex, I have this stop and it simply works. I have it so the shank (?) is flush mounted to the underside of a board that I clamp onto the end of the bench. Thanks for mentioning Compass Rose. They are great to work with. I also have their router plane (built from their kit) and extra long chip breaker screws after installing an Ed Hock blade in my S/B Type 11 #4 plane. Thx.
If I was starting out, I'd start and probably stay even long term with Rex's design. It's a really simple, classic design well executed. I've owned a Benchcrafted unit for a decade now and been quite happy with it, but the installation was a steep learning curve for someone who had never really mortised anything before not to mention the careful drilling involved or the milling of the stop block itself.
Well, Rex, I installed the door prize Ready-Set Planing Stop pretty soon after returning from Handworks 2023 (I took a little time off for a case of COVID). I shot video of the process. . . and learned that I have more to learn about shooting woodworking tasks. Your design works great and it hasn't gotten in the way on my bench. Thank you! And it was fun talking you and James at the meet and greet!
Finishing up my MTB. Just finished my leg vise couple of days ago. This plane stop will be the finishing touch on my bench top. Already shipped! You are doing amazing stuff. Please keep it up.
I was all prepared to skip this one once it was clear it would be an advertisement-and one for a version of a tool I already have at that. But then the demonstration part started and the useful tips kept rolling in. Finally the thoughtful, humble and (surely for some) useful bit at the end covering other options. It's a commercial, but just about the best commercial it could possibly be … and that genuinely does improve my perception of the brand.
Hey Rex. So, I built the English Joiners Bench a while back with a couple modifications (added a pop up board in the middle as a cross planing stop similar to Mike Siemsen's design) and I made the bench a foot longer. I have been getting around to adding the planing stop and vise, but just haven't had the heart to saw a big old notch in the end of my bench for it. Thanks for this video and stop. I ordered it and it's scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Can't wait to give it a try.
So about 3 years ago I bought a planing stop at a garage sale new in the package. The original owner probably realized it was difficult to install in a hard wood bench. So for the last 3 years it has been in my drawer waiting for me get the guts to try and install it, or I could buy this and install it in 20 seconds.
Great design Rex. Love the fact that it can be bolted to any surface and just get to work. All the other ones I have seen most of which you mention as well as Lee Valley’s require mortising, dog holes etc.. are considerably more work and cannot be undone.
This is great. I made an adjustable toothed stop maybe a year ago, and use it all the time. Also I have a backstop that goes into a gap in the bench (like a split top) so the board goes into a corner. Also a wide front stop helps too.
It's not really a blatant commercial when you plug the competition as well. That just shows how confident you are in your product and that you're a good dude. I just wish the tax wasn't so heavy getting this to the UK. But hey that's not your fault. 👍
Been seeing this in a couple or so of your other videos. Definitely what I need for my current "benchless" situation. Will be ordering one by this weekend!
I actually just bought the Taytools stop 2 weeks ago because I got sick of clamping a thin strip of wood to the end of my bench. It works pretty well, but occasionally it will rotate in the dog hole (which I know is more due to my poor technique than the tool). I think I would've preferred a fixed one like this. Either way, I spent weeks without a stop after I built my bench and it was kind of a nightmare to plane anything, so this is a must-have.
Had this been available a year ago, you'd have saved me an afternoon's making one from some of the junk laying about my shop. Hope you sell bunches of them.
Yeah buddy! Got mine. Almost done with my 'Maximum' Jointer's Bench, and not having the block of wood/planing stop, will free up that space for a tool cubby.
As I mentioned on Patreon I purchased two right away at the patreon early discount price. I am super excited to add this compass rose jig to my benches. I love the simplicity of this planing stop. In truth what pushed me over the edge was the cover. Thanks Rex, now my Handtool Hero will have a few other family members in the shop. ;)
Love that you are designing and releasing tools. Super simple stuff that's very useful. Might be a good idea to release files for a 3d printed replacement cover. It's simple enough someone could whip one out in 30 minutes anyway so may as well. Obviousily won't be to the same quality as the stock one. Please keep em comming. Would love to see if you have any innovative ideas for shop organization.
I definitely plan on getting this once I get a workbench. Your solution for attaching thin boards to the plane stop will work, but I would still prefer to have adjustable height. To me, making the plane stop have adjustable height is a win-win because I enjoy making things and figuring it out, and I should be able to joint the edges of really wide boards. I would also prefer to be able to make the plane stop flush with the rest of the workbench.
My bench has large heavy quick release face and tail vices and I use them both (I mainly use the tail vice with a sash cramp in it to help support long lengths of timber that are also held in the face vice). My bench also has two retractable planing stops on one end of my bench top (opposite the tail vice), just to the left of my face vice, so that when working on a wider board, I can flip both up to accommodate it or put a piece of batten against them both to accept any width of wood while also stopping it from rocking from side to side when working on it. I would recommend anyone in USA buying Compass Rose planing stops to buy two and do the same. Obviously, being in UK, I am not likely to pay the transportation fee from USA for such a small order, so I bought locally in a sale (£20 for the two with free delivery). I have left no stone unturned in making my bench and it has so far cost me just over £500, with another £250 to spend on it (most of that cost is hardware, not timber, which is under £200 but will rise to a total of about £275). It sounds a lot for a five foot long bench - BUT - have you seen the price of imported benches? Well over £2,000 a piece and they are not as good as mine - not for me, anyway. A total eventual spend of around £750 for a bench featuring everything I want and fitted precisely to me is a bargain compared to those imports that have none of the hardware and details that I have invested into my own bench. Plus, I made it all from scratch, so I know it's right...! See imported Bench here... www.axminstertools.com/sjobergs-elite-2000-workbench-storage-unit-sm04-107840?queryID=1ec7d8a38ae91fd70f6082e67f7f142f
Over here in Europe a planing stop is available that is mounted flush with the surface of the workbench. When the stop is needed a turn of the lock and it pops up, when done jou can push it back in. It is sold for approx. 10 Euro's.
Brass and aluminium toothed stops work best (Fitted using brass screws) as they're softer than your edged tools and you can accidentally plane through the stop without worrying about marring the sole of your handplane or chipping your plane iron. Fit using suitably size plastic wall plugs and it prevents marring the timber of your bench top if you need to remove/install your stops repeatedly.
I have been using an adjustable stop similar to the one you showed. I had a freebie blade that was a 'modern' pruning saw; totally worthless for cutting a limb, but a piece of it makes a great stop.
I just have a couple of screws at the left front corner of my bench top and that has worked decently as well. But, I was gonna order the router plane anyway so I'll get this too!
i had seen your stop in your other vids- so sat down to find out how to get one from ya, and this vid showed up i ordered a couple- exactly what i wanted and expected- thx comment- loose the zink screws
I have a bunch of old oscillating saw blades. Now, I think I can use them as a planning stop. Update: A screw, a washer, and an old wood oscillating tool blade. It works.
Hi Rex, thanks for this video. Good looking product. Someone has probably mentioned already, but you have the wrong link for Tay Tools in the description. It's the same one as for Toolsforwoodworking.
I think you did a video on making one from a hinge? I saw it once but haven’t been able to find it again. Great stuff as usual, Rex. I got some random planes from antique shops that all turned out to not be worth restoring, then I did some patient browsing at Zainsville (destination antiques!) and got a like-new Bailey and brace bits (in original wooden box!) for $70 I am so glad i finally have bits, i dislike power tools 😅
For those complaining about it being permanently elevated and in the way......I have a simple solution. Don't screw it in. Instead get three threaded dowels. 3/8" diameter dowels about 2" long would work. Bolt through the stop fro the top to the dowels on the underside. Trace the dowels to the top of your workbench. Then drill the holes about 1/32" bigger than the dowel size, say 13/32". This should give you enough room for error when drilling to be able to easily install/remove the stop whenever you need yet still be tight enough for the stop not to chatter while you're planing.
Question for anyone reading. I have a 1.5" butcher block table top i throw on saw horses as an ultra portable work area. I do mostly power tools and use F style clamps. 2 questions, 1) im thinking about using dogs and hold fasts instead of clamps so i can get closer to the to the table without a clamp in the way. Do hold fasts mar up the wood? Would it be a viable option? 2) saw horse legs are okay, but they're the cheapest old plastic things. What can you come up with that's more sturdy but can still be stowed away easily?
I actually did this with a six inch wide piece of two inch angle iron and lock it into my tail vise! Heavy and big, but it gets the job done. It's also easily removable.
I am sorry to disagree with you! However, when you made the statement "you won't throw it away", you have no idea how many things I have thrown away by accident. Once, I found my table saw in the.......but, I digress. Great Video.....keep 'em coming!
I have to admit I am still very undecided about putting any holes in the top of my bench. This far I have had no use for that as clamps and my vises have served me well. I do admit this stop is intriguing as I thought that if I turned it upside down and screwed it to a small board that I could clamp at the end of my bench I could get the benefit of the teeth without putting holes in my top. I already just use a piece of 1/4 inch plywood clamped to end of my bench to plane against. I know the holes are traditional and dogs seem to be useful but …. Lol holes in a top on a bench that I spent many many hours making is just really hard for me to do
After I made my first bench this past winter, I was very reluctant to put holes in it too at first but honestly that's what it is for. I took my time to figure out the best places for dogs for the sort of work i want to do and then I put in a few holes in specific places and glad I did, its much easier then clamps, ect in the end. I also used a mending plate and a file to make a stop similar to Rex's but I screwed it to a dog so I can move it around if needed. I also did the same with a small board, I attached 2 dogs to the bottom and it can move from the end of my bench to the middle if the piece I'm planning is smaller.
I prefer a wooden stop that attaches to the end of the bench and can be raised or lowered as necessary. Those teeth marks are often unacceptable. But an interesting video, Rex.
Never tried a metal stop. I have a wood stop on my bench - just a simple block of wood I screwed down one time because I needed it and then never took it off. It's just way to useful to go without. Maybe I'll try a metal stop for my new bench if I ever get my workshop usable again.
Since the force from planing into the planing stop is always straight into it I wonder if there's a way to make a socket that the stop would slide into that sits flush with the bench top, allowing for quick removal should that be needed, though just removing 3 screws is easy enough, would definitely bring up the cost a bit too . . .
I fashioned something just like this out of scrap steel to serve as something temporary until I got around to building me a Wagon Tail Vise for my work bench. I been too lazy to spend the time to make the vise, because that scrap metal stop has been so convenient. Now after watching this video, I'm wondering if I should even bother with making a vise.
Do you think it even needs that many teeth if the marks it leaves in the end grain could potentially be any kind of concern? Could one with just 3 or 4 teeth work just as well?
Thanks Red have really been enjoying your channel. I was wondering if you have a chart for brace bit sizes, just bought a box . I was cleaning them up and all I be found was makers name and single numbers, maybe meteric?
Rex, I thought I really liked your approach to woodworking, but I just heard you list your competitors’ products. ❤ “Miracle on 34th Street” comes to mind, and my admiration is solidly, permanently cemented. Thank you.
You're very kind to say so. My next video will be out Wednesday and I'll have 3 videos in July, just like normal. June just wasn't a good month for content.
@@Karpe_Deem that's a very nice thing for you to say. It really means a lot. Getting that planing stop out and in people's hands was a massive project and I did have to take a breather, but we've got 3 videos done and ready. Just you wait!
Just a thought. The stop leaves tool marks in the end-grain, right? But you're not actually cutting any wood fibres, they're only getting displaced. So couldn't you theoretically restore the grain structure by soaking the ends in a shallow pan for a short time? I was going to say water, but I'd be tempted to experiment with engine coolant antifreeze in case I forgot to take it out in time.
I'd use multiple so when you plane the edges of a board it doesn't want to rotate off the teeth...at least two of these maybe 3 for really wide stock. As for the danger factor I'd build a box that set over the top of these planing stops...doesn't have to be much taller or wider then the metal piece...oh you sell covers...derp...yeah I want at least 3 of these...
I’m finally building my first bench this summer and I’m excited to get your stop! I’m planning on making the travelers bench- if I use the stop, do you still recommend making that square mortise at one end?
Father's Day Sale!!! Get a discount on our stop, but only until Monday! www.compassrosetools.com/store/p/ready-set-planing-stop
I just wanted to say that not everyone (most I would think) would advertise competitors products in their advertisement! Good on you Rex for sticking with the educational foundation of your channel! I think it really speaks to your character, and wanted to make sure you know I see it and appreciate it!
Reverse psychology, that's all. We're dealing with an insidious marketing genius here. :)
I thought that too
I ain’t mad about it, and I think Rex seems like a genuinely good person, but I also feel he has a good understanding of RUclips, target marketing, and psychology. 👍🏻👍🏻
I hope that doesn’t sound negative at all. I’m just saying that Rex understands he’s going to sell the same amount of products wether he mentions a competitor or not, and is actually banking of the fact that us fans instead would appreciate his more modest approach vs cutthroat advertising. The RUclips/ woodwork/ online tool crowd is a community and it’s always better when you work with your neighbors rather than against them. Everyone can succeed together.
@@Keithmwalton honestly, I enjoyed your analysis and what everyone else on this thread said. You're totally right. Honesty is the right move ethically AND mentioning those other products won't hurt sales. If one of the other stops is a better fit, then I'm not going to get that sale anyway. Might as well help people find the right product, even if it's not mine.
This could have been just a commercial for a piece of steel (what's the big deal?), but the fact you positively referenced the other manufacturers shows humility and good character. Kudos for that, and all the best (sales)
I like planing against stops because it forces me to have better technique. It was a bit of a hassle at the start but really paid off as I've progressed. I had an interesting experience while I was fixing something in a friend's kitchen. Used the counter as the workbench and adhered the stop down with 3m command strips. Released clean and made the work possible where it wouldn't have been otherwise. It isn't always the best solution, but it gives great versatility when it is appropriate.
Rex, I have this stop and it simply works. I have it so the shank (?) is flush mounted to the underside of a board that I clamp onto the end of the bench. Thanks for mentioning Compass Rose. They are great to work with. I also have their router plane (built from their kit) and extra long chip breaker screws after installing an Ed Hock blade in my S/B Type 11 #4 plane. Thx.
If I was starting out, I'd start and probably stay even long term with Rex's design. It's a really simple, classic design well executed. I've owned a Benchcrafted unit for a decade now and been quite happy with it, but the installation was a steep learning curve for someone who had never really mortised anything before not to mention the careful drilling involved or the milling of the stop block itself.
Well, Rex, I installed the door prize Ready-Set Planing Stop pretty soon after returning from Handworks 2023 (I took a little time off for a case of COVID). I shot video of the process. . . and learned that I have more to learn about shooting woodworking tasks. Your design works great and it hasn't gotten in the way on my bench. Thank you! And it was fun talking you and James at the meet and greet!
Thanks for letting me know!
Finishing up my MTB. Just finished my leg vise couple of days ago. This plane stop will be the finishing touch on my bench top. Already shipped! You are doing amazing stuff. Please keep it up.
We will, especially with people like you building our designs. Thank you!!
I was all prepared to skip this one once it was clear it would be an advertisement-and one for a version of a tool I already have at that. But then the demonstration part started and the useful tips kept rolling in. Finally the thoughtful, humble and (surely for some) useful bit at the end covering other options. It's a commercial, but just about the best commercial it could possibly be … and that genuinely does improve my perception of the brand.
Hey Rex. So, I built the English Joiners Bench a while back with a couple modifications (added a pop up board in the middle as a cross planing stop similar to Mike Siemsen's design) and I made the bench a foot longer.
I have been getting around to adding the planing stop and vise, but just haven't had the heart to saw a big old notch in the end of my bench for it.
Thanks for this video and stop. I ordered it and it's scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Can't wait to give it a try.
So about 3 years ago I bought a planing stop at a garage sale new in the package. The original owner probably realized it was difficult to install in a hard wood bench. So for the last 3 years it has been in my drawer waiting for me get the guts to try and install it, or I could buy this and install it in 20 seconds.
That's the idea!! Thank you for perfectly summarizing our product.
I watched a 7min commercial without huffing or sighing once. Well done Rex.
Wow, I am just getting back into woodworking after a few years and I decided to check in with Rex, the basement is looking reeal good
That thing is brilliant. Simple but profound. I hope you sell a million of them. Nice job Rex..
Thanks Mike!!
I just installed the Compass Rose planing stop on my Moravian bench this last week. It’s fabulous
I was not expecting to watch a seven and a half minute infomercial about a planing stop, and yet, here I am!
Thank you!
Great design Rex. Love the fact that it can be bolted to any surface and just get to work. All the other ones I have seen most of which you mention as well as Lee Valley’s require mortising, dog holes etc.. are considerably more work and cannot be undone.
This is great. I made an adjustable toothed stop maybe a year ago, and use it all the time. Also I have a backstop that goes into a gap in the bench (like a split top) so the board goes into a corner. Also a wide front stop helps too.
It's not really a blatant commercial when you plug the competition as well. That just shows how confident you are in your product and that you're a good dude. I just wish the tax wasn't so heavy getting this to the UK. But hey that's not your fault. 👍
Been seeing this in a couple or so of your other videos. Definitely what I need for my current "benchless" situation. Will be ordering one by this weekend!
I actually just bought the Taytools stop 2 weeks ago because I got sick of clamping a thin strip of wood to the end of my bench. It works pretty well, but occasionally it will rotate in the dog hole (which I know is more due to my poor technique than the tool). I think I would've preferred a fixed one like this. Either way, I spent weeks without a stop after I built my bench and it was kind of a nightmare to plane anything, so this is a must-have.
Thinking about filing teeth into one of the traditional square dogs for my bench. Or making a wooden obw with a wider planing stop on top
Had this been available a year ago, you'd have saved me an afternoon's making one from some of the junk laying about my shop. Hope you sell bunches of them.
Yeah buddy! Got mine. Almost done with my 'Maximum' Jointer's Bench, and not having the block of wood/planing stop, will free up that space for a tool cubby.
My bench (left in the workshop by the previous homeowner,) has a stop in the bench that screws in and out. Very handy!
Ready Set Planing Stop is the most beautiful name ever, thank you
I enjoy thinking of the names.
As I mentioned on Patreon I purchased two right away at the patreon early discount price. I am super excited to add this compass rose jig to my benches. I love the simplicity of this planing stop. In truth what pushed me over the edge was the cover. Thanks Rex, now my Handtool Hero will have a few other family members in the shop. ;)
Thank you for choosing us for your needs!! Thanks for being a Patron and for trusting Compass Rose.
Rex - I very much enjoy your uploads and learn something nearly every time. You are an inventive cuss!
Love that you are designing and releasing tools. Super simple stuff that's very useful. Might be a good idea to release files for a 3d printed replacement cover. It's simple enough someone could whip one out in 30 minutes anyway so may as well. Obviousily won't be to the same quality as the stock one. Please keep em comming. Would love to see if you have any innovative ideas for shop organization.
I definitely plan on getting this once I get a workbench.
Your solution for attaching thin boards to the plane stop will work, but I would still prefer to have adjustable height. To me, making the plane stop have adjustable height is a win-win because I enjoy making things and figuring it out, and I should be able to joint the edges of really wide boards. I would also prefer to be able to make the plane stop flush with the rest of the workbench.
Well done amigo, an inexpensive handy tip. Salud from Argentina.👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏
My bench has large heavy quick release face and tail vices and I use them both (I mainly use the tail vice with a sash cramp in it to help support long lengths of timber that are also held in the face vice). My bench also has two retractable planing stops on one end of my bench top (opposite the tail vice), just to the left of my face vice, so that when working on a wider board, I can flip both up to accommodate it or put a piece of batten against them both to accept any width of wood while also stopping it from rocking from side to side when working on it. I would recommend anyone in USA buying Compass Rose planing stops to buy two and do the same. Obviously, being in UK, I am not likely to pay the transportation fee from USA for such a small order, so I bought locally in a sale (£20 for the two with free delivery). I have left no stone unturned in making my bench and it has so far cost me just over £500, with another £250 to spend on it (most of that cost is hardware, not timber, which is under £200 but will rise to a total of about £275). It sounds a lot for a five foot long bench - BUT - have you seen the price of imported benches? Well over £2,000 a piece and they are not as good as mine - not for me, anyway. A total eventual spend of around £750 for a bench featuring everything I want and fitted precisely to me is a bargain compared to those imports that have none of the hardware and details that I have invested into my own bench. Plus, I made it all from scratch, so I know it's right...!
See imported Bench here... www.axminstertools.com/sjobergs-elite-2000-workbench-storage-unit-sm04-107840?queryID=1ec7d8a38ae91fd70f6082e67f7f142f
Over here in Europe a planing stop is available that is mounted flush with the surface of the workbench. When the stop is needed a turn of the lock and it pops up, when done jou can push it back in. It is sold for approx. 10 Euro's.
I had one of those. It works well, but I got tired of cleaning the sawdust out. It was worth trying though.
I don’t know how people use a bench without a planing stop. I already have one, but glad you made this one, seems great!
Sound is finally fixed! Huge improvement!
Brass and aluminium toothed stops work best (Fitted using brass screws) as they're softer than your edged tools and you can accidentally plane through the stop without worrying about marring the sole of your handplane or chipping your plane iron. Fit using suitably size plastic wall plugs and it prevents marring the timber of your bench top if you need to remove/install your stops repeatedly.
Rex manages to make commercials that are informative and pleasant to watch
Congratulations on your success, Rex. The stop seems like a good value.
I have been using an adjustable stop similar to the one you showed. I had a freebie blade that was a 'modern' pruning saw; totally worthless for cutting a limb, but a piece of it makes a great stop.
this is the only commercial that has convinced me i need something
I had just thinking I needed a stop. Now I have ordered one. Thanks.
Love my plane stop! Great product Rex.
Best delivery ever.
I just have a couple of screws at the left front corner of my bench top and that has worked decently as well. But, I was gonna order the router plane anyway so I'll get this too!
I hope you enjoy both of them!!
That's actually kinda genius. With panhead screws you could even hacksaw/dremel/file some toothy knurling into the heads for added bite :)
You've given me an idea to repurpose a kitchen wall cabinet bracket as a stop. I've got a couple somewhere in my garage 😂
Excellent work, Rex! Another killer product! 😃
Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
I would have never thought I would buy tHis. But I did. 😂😂😂
i had seen your stop in your other vids-
so sat down to find out how to get one from ya,
and this vid showed up
i ordered a couple-
exactly what i wanted and expected- thx
comment- loose the zink screws
Purchase completed before the commerc- I mean the video was over. :D Great stuff, Rex.
I appreciate your openness Rex, but this is way more than a commercial, nice product too !
I have a bunch of old oscillating saw blades. Now, I think I can use them as a planning stop.
Update: A screw, a washer, and an old wood oscillating tool blade. It works.
Hi Rex, thanks for this video. Good looking product. Someone has probably mentioned already, but you have the wrong link for Tay Tools in the description. It's the same one as for Toolsforwoodworking.
Excellent work. Always amazing to watch a masterful artist at work.
Thats awesome man; I thought it was a multitool blade; and come to think of it; I might try a multitool blade; you’re a genius
Great video. I had already got myself the Taytools style.
Always exceptional . And 2 kings at the same time !
I think you did a video on making one from a hinge? I saw it once but haven’t been able to find it again. Great stuff as usual, Rex.
I got some random planes from antique shops that all turned out to not be worth restoring, then I did some patient browsing at Zainsville (destination antiques!) and got a like-new Bailey and brace bits (in original wooden box!) for $70
I am so glad i finally have bits, i dislike power tools 😅
I made something similar out of Mending Plates, a file and wooden dog. Works amazing.
I am new to your channel and was looking for a video about that part last night after seeing it! Perfect timing :)
Great idea! Love the stop
For those complaining about it being permanently elevated and in the way......I have a simple solution. Don't screw it in. Instead get three threaded dowels. 3/8" diameter dowels about 2" long would work. Bolt through the stop fro the top to the dowels on the underside. Trace the dowels to the top of your workbench. Then drill the holes about 1/32" bigger than the dowel size, say 13/32". This should give you enough room for error when drilling to be able to easily install/remove the stop whenever you need yet still be tight enough for the stop not to chatter while you're planing.
Keep up the good work Rex!
Already ordered. Anything to support Rex!
You're very kind!!
Good on your for giving shout-outs to competitors.
Question for anyone reading. I have a 1.5" butcher block table top i throw on saw horses as an ultra portable work area. I do mostly power tools and use F style clamps. 2 questions, 1) im thinking about using dogs and hold fasts instead of clamps so i can get closer to the to the table without a clamp in the way. Do hold fasts mar up the wood? Would it be a viable option? 2) saw horse legs are okay, but they're the cheapest old plastic things. What can you come up with that's more sturdy but can still be stowed away easily?
0:31 I would like to try making a plane stop-but I haven’t yet found your video on that. Can you please give the URL to that video? Thanks!
Omg I got one before it sold out!!!
You need feedback from your plane and the only way to get that feedback is if the board is free to move, so plane against a bench stop. Nice stop Rex.
What a great point! Thanks Jeff!
I actually did this with a six inch wide piece of two inch angle iron and lock it into my tail vise! Heavy and big, but it gets the job done. It's also easily removable.
I have nothing to say really, but I appreciate your content, and wish to help with the yt-algorithms.
I am sorry to disagree with you! However, when you made the statement "you won't throw it away", you have no idea how many things I have thrown away by accident. Once, I found my table saw in the.......but, I digress. Great Video.....keep 'em coming!
Great vid. Shout out from Berea!
I have to admit I am still very undecided about putting any holes in the top of my bench. This far I have had no use for that as clamps and my vises have served me well. I do admit this stop is intriguing as I thought that if I turned it upside down and screwed it to a small board that I could clamp at the end of my bench I could get the benefit of the teeth without putting holes in my top. I already just use a piece of 1/4 inch plywood clamped to end of my bench to plane against. I know the holes are traditional and dogs seem to be useful but …. Lol holes in a top on a bench that I spent many many hours making is just really hard for me to do
After I made my first bench this past winter, I was very reluctant to put holes in it too at first but honestly that's what it is for. I took my time to figure out the best places for dogs for the sort of work i want to do and then I put in a few holes in specific places and glad I did, its much easier then clamps, ect in the end. I also used a mending plate and a file to make a stop similar to Rex's but I screwed it to a dog so I can move it around if needed. I also did the same with a small board, I attached 2 dogs to the bottom and it can move from the end of my bench to the middle if the piece I'm planning is smaller.
That is a great price. I was expecting, and would have been fine at $20 but on sale for $13.99 is a no brainer.
I prefer a wooden stop that attaches to the end of the bench and can be raised or lowered as necessary. Those teeth marks are often unacceptable. But an interesting video, Rex.
Never tried a metal stop. I have a wood stop on my bench - just a simple block of wood I screwed down one time because I needed it and then never took it off. It's just way to useful to go without.
Maybe I'll try a metal stop for my new bench if I ever get my workshop usable again.
Since the force from planing into the planing stop is always straight into it I wonder if there's a way to make a socket that the stop would slide into that sits flush with the bench top, allowing for quick removal should that be needed, though just removing 3 screws is easy enough, would definitely bring up the cost a bit too . . .
I fashioned something just like this out of scrap steel to serve as something temporary until I got around to building me a Wagon Tail Vise for my work bench.
I been too lazy to spend the time to make the vise, because that scrap metal stop has been so convenient.
Now after watching this video, I'm wondering if I should even bother with making a vise.
Love these tips and tricks
Rex, you’ve taught so much you’ve earned the right to advertise your design.
mad respect. getting one soon
I like the cap, but I'm curious if just a piece of scrap wood would do the same job, slipped between the stop and the work piece?
Do you think it even needs that many teeth if the marks it leaves in the end grain could potentially be any kind of concern? Could one with just 3 or 4 teeth work just as well?
Nice. I would love to try it but shippingcosts to the Netherlands will be huge compared to it’s price
What great product !!
Thanks Red have really been enjoying your channel. I was wondering if you have a chart for brace bit sizes, just bought a box . I was cleaning them up and all I be found was makers name and single numbers, maybe meteric?
I'm sold, unfortunately CR still doesn't seem to ship to Brazil yet :P next time!
Speaking of bench top helpers, I'd love to see a video on bench bulls.
I have to admit, i totally don't see the point of those things. Luckily, you already know about them, so you don't need me to make a video!
Rex, I thought I really liked your approach to woodworking, but I just heard you list your competitors’ products. ❤ “Miracle on 34th Street” comes to mind, and my admiration is solidly, permanently cemented. Thank you.
I am on a withdrawal
Not from drugs, but from the lack of Rex's videos and his funny persona 😵💫
You're very kind to say so. My next video will be out Wednesday and I'll have 3 videos in July, just like normal. June just wasn't a good month for content.
@@RexKrueger if you need vacation or time off, we get it. Thank you for making videos!
@@Karpe_Deem that's a very nice thing for you to say. It really means a lot. Getting that planing stop out and in people's hands was a massive project and I did have to take a breather, but we've got 3 videos done and ready. Just you wait!
Aaaaaaaaand ordered.
The first time i ever used a handplane i used a similar approach but i just sank 2 nails into my work bench and left a litte sticking out
Just a thought. The stop leaves tool marks in the end-grain, right? But you're not actually cutting any wood fibres, they're only getting displaced. So couldn't you theoretically restore the grain structure by soaking the ends in a shallow pan for a short time? I was going to say water, but I'd be tempted to experiment with engine coolant antifreeze in case I forgot to take it out in time.
You crazy guy. I'm gonna put one under the fridge. Because why the hell not.
delivery a little bit to the north? or is it US only?
I'd use multiple so when you plane the edges of a board it doesn't want to rotate off the teeth...at least two of these maybe 3 for really wide stock. As for the danger factor I'd build a box that set over the top of these planing stops...doesn't have to be much taller or wider then the metal piece...oh you sell covers...derp...yeah I want at least 3 of these...
Can't wait to get mine and toss it on the bench
Infringement concerns aside, this definitely should have been called the Krueger Claw.
It's my name. I can use it if I want. It's hardly infringement.
@@RexKrueger I wasn't sure if any other well known Clawed Kruegers would be concerned! Long live the Krueger Claw!
I’m finally building my first bench this summer and I’m excited to get your stop! I’m planning on making the travelers bench- if I use the stop, do you still recommend making that square mortise at one end?
Maybe. You still might want it for other accessories.
Great ad 👍🏻