👉🖖🏼🛸⚖💯♾♨️♨️⚠️⏳😔👈 Los enviados (Al-Mursalāt): 24 - Ese día ¡ay de los desmentidores! 25 -¿NO HEMOS HECHO DE LA TIERRA LUGAR DE REUNIÓN 26 - DE VIVOS Y MUERTOS, 27 - y puesto en ella elevadas montañas? ¿No os hemos dado de beber un agua dulce? 28 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 29 - «¡Id a lo que desmentíais! 30 - ¡Id a la sombra ramificada en tres, 31 - sombra tenue, sombra inútil frente a la llama! 32 - Porque arroja chispas grandes como palacios, 33 - chispas que semejan camellos leonados. 34 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 35 - Ése será un día en que no tendrán que decir 36 - ni se les permitira excusarce. 37 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 38 - Éste es el día del Fallo. Os hemos reunido, a vosotros y a los antiguos. 39 - Si disponéis de alguna artimaña, ¡empleadla contra mí. 40 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 41 - Los temerosos de Alá estarán a la sombra y entre fuentes, 42 - y tendrán la fruta que deseen. 43 - ¡Comed y bebed en paz el fruto de vuestras obras! 44 - Así retribuimos a quienes hacen el bien. 45 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 46 - ¡Comed y disfrutad aún un poco!, ¡Sois unos pecadores! 47 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 48 - Cuando se les dice: ¡Inclinaos!, no se inclinan. 49 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 50 - ¿EN QUÉ ANUNCIO, DESPUÉS DE ÉSTE, VAN A CREER? www.AlfayOmega.com .pe 👉⚠️♨️💯⏳♾🛸⚖⚠️👈 ...el Creador del infinito, el eterno Padre Jehova, está entre vosotros; ningún demonio de vuestro maldito sistema de vida, tocará ni un pelito a mi Hijo Primogénito; que como tal, es el Primer Hijo Telepático del mundo; y de verdad os digo, que temblarán las naciones ante su presencia; ya no podréis matar demonios de la violación; porque el matar era propio de vuestro sistema de explotación; y de verdad os digo, que todo crimen oculto se sabrá; el mundo conocerá al verdadero satanás; porque vosotros mismos lo creásteis, al crear vuestro sistema de vida; y de verdad os digo, que para las generaciones del futuro, el satanás será el que creó el capitalismo explotador; tal como fué para vosotros, el satanás que se rebeló en el Reino; preparaos malditos; creadores de injusticias y calvarios; conoceréis una justicia que vosotros mismos la pedísteis en el Reino de los Cielos; porque todo se pide en el Reino; lo imaginado y lo inimaginado; lo que comprendéis y lo que no comprendéis; lo visible y lo invisible; y de verdad os digo, que cada idea que sale de vuestra mente, segundo por segundo; instante por instante; fué pedida por vosotros y se os concedió; lo que no se os concedió, fué violar la ley del Padre; por lo tanto, toda violación ocurrida en este mundo, no es del Reino; y es por eso, que ninguno de vosotros, entrará al Reino de los Cielos;.- Escribe: Alfa y Omega JUICIO FINAL; LOS MÁS SUFRIDOS QUEDAN; LOS EXPLOTADORES PASAN; NINGUNO QUE GOBERNÓ DIVIDIENDO, ENTRARÁ AL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; SÓLO SATANÁS SE DIVIDE ASÍ MISMO.- ...👉⚠️⚖Si no hubiera venido, ni les hubiera hablado, no tendrían pecado, mas ahora no tienen excusa de su pecado..♨️👈 Más Todos, NACIONES Y HOMBRES NEGARÁN mi NOMBRE NUEVO. ⚠️POR CULPA DE LOS RELIGIOSOS DE OCCIDENTE, LA DIVINA REVELACIÓN DEL CORDERO DE DIOS, PASA A ORIENTE⚖ Mi Nombre Nuevo Apocalipse capitulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, De La Humildad que es en CRISTO. 2 Corintios capítulo 11:4, Si él que biene... Alfa Omega Alian =E Sabio,el Altisimo, el Todopoderoso, Nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno Jesucristo =Mohammed Msto=Maestro=Cristo = El GLORIFICADO. Mahoma=mohammed=Ahmed Mesto. María = Sasha Msto. FÁTIMA =Jennifer Mesto. El ANTICRISTO y El FALSO PROFETA y El ESPÍRITU de ERROR. 1 Juan capitulo 4:1,2,3,6, 2 Juan capitulo 1:7, ♨️👈 El Anciano y La Señora Elegida y SUS HIJOS. 2 Juan capitulo 1. PARA TODOS LOS QUE NUNCA VIERON MI ROSTRO EN CARNE. de Dios, y del Padre, y de CRISTO. LAODICEA =LATTAKIA SYRIA Colosences capitulo 2. Después que ÉL PADRE DE FAMILIA SE LEVANTARÉ, y Cerraré la Puerta. Lucas 13:25, ♨️🙈😔⚖👈 De La Humildad que Es En Jesucristo. 2 Corintios capitulo 11:4, SI EL QUÉ VIENE... www.CienciaCeleste .com www.AlfayOmega .com .pe Ángel Mediador Entre Nosotros =AMÉN = Apocalipse o REVELACIÓN capítulo 3:14, 🙏👈
@@annacaterina6289 👉🖖🏼🛸⚖💯♾♨️♨️⚠️⏳😔👈 Los enviados (Al-Mursalāt): 24 - Ese día ¡ay de los desmentidores! 25 -¿NO HEMOS HECHO DE LA TIERRA LUGAR DE REUNIÓN 26 - DE VIVOS Y MUERTOS, 27 - y puesto en ella elevadas montañas? ¿No os hemos dado de beber un agua dulce? 28 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 29 - «¡Id a lo que desmentíais! 30 - ¡Id a la sombra ramificada en tres, 31 - sombra tenue, sombra inútil frente a la llama! 32 - Porque arroja chispas grandes como palacios, 33 - chispas que semejan camellos leonados. 34 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 35 - Ése será un día en que no tendrán que decir 36 - ni se les permitira excusarce. 37 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 38 - Éste es el día del Fallo. Os hemos reunido, a vosotros y a los antiguos. 39 - Si disponéis de alguna artimaña, ¡empleadla contra mí. 40 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 41 - Los temerosos de Alá estarán a la sombra y entre fuentes, 42 - y tendrán la fruta que deseen. 43 - ¡Comed y bebed en paz el fruto de vuestras obras! 44 - Así retribuimos a quienes hacen el bien. 45 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 46 - ¡Comed y disfrutad aún un poco!, ¡Sois unos pecadores! 47 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 48 - Cuando se les dice: ¡Inclinaos!, no se inclinan. 49 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores! 50 - ¿EN QUÉ ANUNCIO, DESPUÉS DE ÉSTE, VAN A CREER? www.AlfayOmega.com .pe 👉⚠️♨️💯⏳♾🛸⚖⚠️👈 ...el Creador del infinito, el eterno Padre Jehova, está entre vosotros; ningún demonio de vuestro maldito sistema de vida, tocará ni un pelito a mi Hijo Primogénito; que como tal, es el Primer Hijo Telepático del mundo; y de verdad os digo, que temblarán las naciones ante su presencia; ya no podréis matar demonios de la violación; porque el matar era propio de vuestro sistema de explotación; y de verdad os digo, que todo crimen oculto se sabrá; el mundo conocerá al verdadero satanás; porque vosotros mismos lo creásteis, al crear vuestro sistema de vida; y de verdad os digo, que para las generaciones del futuro, el satanás será el que creó el capitalismo explotador; tal como fué para vosotros, el satanás que se rebeló en el Reino; preparaos malditos; creadores de injusticias y calvarios; conoceréis una justicia que vosotros mismos la pedísteis en el Reino de los Cielos; porque todo se pide en el Reino; lo imaginado y lo inimaginado; lo que comprendéis y lo que no comprendéis; lo visible y lo invisible; y de verdad os digo, que cada idea que sale de vuestra mente, segundo por segundo; instante por instante; fué pedida por vosotros y se os concedió; lo que no se os concedió, fué violar la ley del Padre; por lo tanto, toda violación ocurrida en este mundo, no es del Reino; y es por eso, que ninguno de vosotros, entrará al Reino de los Cielos;.- Escribe: Alfa y Omega JUICIO FINAL; LOS MÁS SUFRIDOS QUEDAN; LOS EXPLOTADORES PASAN; NINGUNO QUE GOBERNÓ DIVIDIENDO, ENTRARÁ AL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; SÓLO SATANÁS SE DIVIDE ASÍ MISMO.- ...👉⚠️⚖Si no hubiera venido, ni les hubiera hablado, no tendrían pecado, mas ahora no tienen excusa de su pecado..♨️👈 Más Todos, NACIONES Y HOMBRES NEGARÁN mi NOMBRE NUEVO. ⚠️POR CULPA DE LOS RELIGIOSOS DE OCCIDENTE, LA DIVINA REVELACIÓN DEL CORDERO DE DIOS, PASA A ORIENTE⚖ Mi Nombre Nuevo Apocalipse capitulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, De La Humildad que es en CRISTO. 2 Corintios capítulo 11:4, Si él que biene... Alfa Omega Alian =E Sabio,el Altisimo, el Todopoderoso, Nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno Jesucristo =Mohammed Msto=Maestro=Cristo = El GLORIFICADO. Mahoma=mohammed=Ahmed Mesto. María = Sasha Msto. FÁTIMA =Jennifer Mesto. El ANTICRISTO y El FALSO PROFETA y El ESPÍRITU de ERROR. 1 Juan capitulo 4:1,2,3,6, 2 Juan capitulo 1:7, ♨️👈 2 Tesalonicenses capítulo 2:11, Dios les manda ESPÍRITU DE ERROR. EL DIVINO ESPÍRITU SANTO = Mateo 10:20, Marcos 13:11, Lucas 21:15, Juan 14:26,15:26,16:13, Proverbios capitulo 2. El Anciano y La Señora Elegida y SUS HIJOS. 2 Juan capitulo 1. PARA TODOS LOS QUE NUNCA VIERON MI ROSTRO EN CARNE. de Dios, y del Padre, y de CRISTO. LAODICEA =LATTAKIA SYRIA Colosences capitulo 2. Después que ÉL PADRE DE FAMILIA SE LEVANTARÉ, y Cerraré la Puerta. Lucas 13:25, ♨️🙈😔⚖👈 De La Humildad que Es En Jesucristo. 2 Corintios capitulo 11:4, SI EL QUÉ VIENE... www.CienciaCeleste .com www.AlfayOmega .com .pe Ángel Mediador Entre Nosotros =AMÉN = Apocalipse o REVELACIÓN capítulo 3:14, 🙏
I have visited 82 countries and Lebanon is definitely in my TOP 3 !!! Amazing nature, very rich culture and history, very welcoming and friendly people, crazy nightlife and very yummy food (I mean really really yummy) ! Beirut has it all ❤ ❤
Lebanon, a country that appeared in school textbooks before and was seen in the news later, I feel it is both familiar and unfamiliar; Beirut's architecture is very beautiful, and the cars on the road are also very stylish. It feels like a very modern metropolis. Thank you for taking us to see the city, the collapsed gas station and exchange rate changes are the parts that textbooks can't see!👍😃🙏 黎巴嫩,以前學校課本出現過,後來又在新聞中看到的國家,感覺既熟悉又陌生; 貝魯特的建築很漂亮,路上的汽車也很氣派,感覺上是一個非常現代化的大都市, 謝謝你們帶我們回去看這個城市,倒塌的加油站及匯率變化是課本看不到的部份!
The old part of Beirut looked so very beautiful. Wow. And so much interesting street-art, though it's sad that the art shows us how difficult life must be for the Lebanese. I love the art by your AirBNB host.
This series has been so educational. Love the fact that you have no fear and travel to places where most people would not go. You also embrace the various cultures. Very well done. I came across this channel via Delightful Travelers while in el Nido and have been hooked ever since. Thanks for sharing.😎
I visited Lebanon about twelve years ago and it is a beautiful if not a country with many problems. Can I suggest that you visit Baalbeck during your stay in Lebanon. The Roman remains are among the finest you will see anywhere and in excellent condition. the columns were imported by the Romans from Upper Egypt and when you see the size of the column you will appreciate the scale of the operation to bring the columns such a long distance. Enjoy your visit to this unique country.
I remember the civil war and all it's fighting factions. It seemed to go on for ever. It looks like a lovely place with lots of tourist potential. I wish them well.👍😊🇱🇧💙
Even with what happened, Beirut seems a unique place to visit for every travellers. Electricity cuts must be so hard for the population. Hope things get better regulation. Thank you both for sharing this amazing place.
Hey 👋 there!! Thank you very much for showing us Beirut, like many other cities there is the rich and poor areas, I still want to go to Lebanon to see the city of Baalbek! Good luck on your journey 😃😃😃
Yes definitely worth visiting, even though the country is in a big crisis it wont really affect you as a tourist. It gets much better in the next videos, wished we had stayed longer. I think all the areas that we showed in this video are wealthy areas, just doesn't seem that way in the beginning because of the damage from the explosion.
What an interesting place, jumping from place to place in the video looks like you could be in totally different places! The sndy area, the more white and modern area, even the windy coast. A difficult past, to be sure, thanks for the history lesson too.
And again you see the positive...the shopping places all closed, but look at the interesting architecture, holes in the walls but it's not unsafe and feels quite normal, marketplace is closing bit look at the tasty food we did get....you're very pleasant to listen to.
Paris of the east is cairo actually, because the khedive of egypt in the 1860's ordered the construction of new parts of cairo in the neo classic french architecture( now downtown cairo and the area around it). Lebanon was called Switzerland of the east because of the banks
@@rowantharwat9195 well downtown beirut and some other parts of beirut are 100% buildings built by france during there occupation to lebanon and are reserved till now, +that actually the residents of north part of beirut have a french culture more than a lebanese one, that's why (beirut), was nicknamed "paris of the east" and lebanon in general was Switzerland of the east for it's banks/and nature en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_of_the_East
@@rowantharwat9195 Lebanon's second language is french where Egypts languages are only Arabic. Beirut, having a large Christian population as well, is much closer to Paris than Cairo could be in this millenia
In the late '70s a neighbour of my parents was a retired airline pilot who'd flown as a pilot for BOAC and then MEA and had retired to Beirut. He'd come back to Manchester when things got dangerous in Lebanon and he also described it as the Monaco of the Eastern Mediterranean. It's nice to see a travel vlog from some unusual places, keep up the great work.
Your walkabouts with area info are so interesting, educational. We stopped watching world news a couple years ago, so experiencing all these countries with you is so enjoyable. Love your videos and your English expressions. My husband is from Newcastle.
@@living_peace brazilian, absolutely. I am just supposing that i might have some lebanese descent... Which also includes native brazilian, portuguese and people from western africa: present day Angolia and Nigeria
@@living_peace I can not confirm if there are 12mi, but there are many descendents for sure. Most of this folks don't speak arabic neither are lebanese passport holders. For instance, the former president Michel Temer and the former mayor of São Paulo Fernando Haddad got lebanese heritage
@@living_peace I am not sure about the number either but the biggest Lebanese diaspora is located in Brazil indeed! They are definitely (very successfully) Brazilians now but most do speak the language and used to visit when the country was better!
@@living_peace there is 12M Lebanese registered as Lebanese Without counting the none registered some for some old political reasons others because they started a new life And also without counting every Lebanese descendants from a woman as per the law they cant have the Lebanese papers ( thats because of the conflict and the Palestinian in Lebanon ) Lebanon dont want to let a pâli male to mari à Lebanese woman just to be able to have the papers specially they tried to take the country in the 70's but they failed
I guess I am taking a 30 min break from writing my thesis to watch this video. My tea is ready so I can enjoy your video. Btw... In your previous video, I have to say Carol looked sooooo gorgeous.
Really appreciate this series on Lebanon. I personally think that engaging with the locals is a major aspect of traveling. I hope you guys got to interact more with the Lebanese people and if you did, we'd like to see it in your videos. Safe travels
I enjoy watching how you share history and the true life of each country you visit. I love culture and you both inspire me to want to travel to more countries.
Have always wanted to go to Lebenon so really extra happy to see you there. 😊 Loved the video and look forward to what comes next. I remember the civil war there and also the more recent explosion. Wonderful memorial to those who perished then. We met some people from there on our travels who have family who suffered so much. Still there hearts are open and so friendly. 😊 👍
Hiya Chris and Carol, I remember when it was on the news. Educational video. Some of the buildings are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Have a great week.
Hi Carol and Chris, love you videos, I love your quite and humble personalities, I wish you could make more local people interactions to put the human touch in your videos instead of being documentary, love to see you in Australia.
This country has suffered so much, from civil war, to war with Israel and then a massive explosion. I hope Lebanon finds its feet to sort out the financial issues it’s facing now and Lebanese will enjoy peace and prosperity in the future
Beautiful apartment for a very low price. Of course there is no tourism there anymore so they are happy to get whatever they can get. And you guys continue to be the best tour guides ever.
21:40 Lebanon is close to Europe and Thats why is similarities to Europe as well. It is a short distance from Lebanon to Cyprus, which is considered a country in the European Union.
What the woman gave you to try was a regular fried kibbeh, but what you bought was a grilled kibbeh. Grilled kibbeh is mainly filled with lamb fat, which of course melts when grilled, which is why your kibbeh was so empty 😁
Those paintings on your airbnb were so interesting, especially the one with the cows holding knives. Its nice to see that the residents of Beirut don't litter and trash their city like so many other cities do. Despite all their struggles, at least they take pride in \keeping their city clean.
"Its nice to see that the residents of Beirut don't litter and trash their city like so many other cities do. Despite all their struggles, at least they take pride in \keeping their city clean." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
16:20 this is one type of kebbeh It's called kebbeh from zgharta (a city in Lebanon called zgharta) The one In Brazil also is in Lebanon obviously but of course you'll find more variations in Lebanon
Very interesting video. Different than your usual. Lebanon is a war torn country with a industrial mess that’s not cleanup yet. Thank you for showing us what it’s like there.
Im Lebanese. comparing downtown to when i was 13 (2012) and again when i was 18 (2017) is so sad. Downtown used to be full of life and not walled off. There used to be events and fashion shows even like victoria's secret in the middle of downtown. Its so sad seeing my capital city so dead.
The name of the food you eat in down town habe the same name like in brazil , kebbeh , and also " sfiha " but she mentioned sbenekh , because we have a lot of sfiha ( sfiha meat , sfiha cheese , sfiha sbenekh , etc) and the one you bought is sfiha sbenekh and the lady briefly said sbenekh.
You have convinced my wife and I to go there! Do you just change your dollars at any currency conversion place or is it similar to Argentina where there are random people on the streets who change the money?
I am guessing most of the local population has already left the country. I am very sorry about the situation in Lebanon, they are such nice and kind people. Lots of love and respect from Turkey.
Would love to visit Lebanon , I have a friend who lives 30 to 40 minutes north of Beirut she tells me . Thank you for the tip on the exchange rate with the currency !
Muito bom vídeo, dando uma visão bastante nítida da situação atual do Líbano e, especialmente, de Beirute, marcada pela beleza e pela desigualdade... Por motivos distintos, não muito diferente do que encontramos aqui. Parabéns pelo bom trabalho de vocês! Abraços do Rio!
Yeah definitely a huge difference. Beirut used to be the Dubai of the middle east in a way many decades ago. We actually preferred this trip way more than our trip to Dubai, some awesome places coming up in the next videos :D
@@JumpingPlaces Yes,Beirut was once considered the Paris of the Middle East.So was Tehran btw ***The plural for for CASTUS is CACTI,not "cactuses" for future videos where you might come across any
Hey rich, we have already been through this before lol. Cacti is the latin plural and cactuses is the english plural, you can search it online and you will easily find the same information. Both can be used.
Hey man great video! could you tell us about the covid 19 rules over there ? like does one have to be vaccinated with 1-3 dos to enter the country or just pcr test is mandatory when arriving and leaving the airport ?
Loved your Beirut analysis comparing it to Rio. My wife and I just returned from Rio and walking the streets of Ipanema and Le Bron, we could see the similarities.
Can you believe that this city suffers from the most severe economic crisis in its history? It is Beirut, the city that emerges from under the ashes. We are the phoenix. Beirut has been destroyed seven times and then stood again.
Beirut is Lebanon's seat of government and plays a central role in the Lebanese economy, with many banks and corporations based in the city. Beirut is an important seaport for the country and region, and rated a Beta + World City by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network.
lebanese here who grew up always going to the down town seeing crowds and tourists and amazing places to have fun with family. Last week when i went to down town it was desert and all shops were closed and/or still broken. Got really sad
Hi guys, just a tip-off the exchange rate changes every day .. today black market is higher then 27000 LL today it’s 34000 LL .. Just exchange from day to day ... Have a nice trip 👍
@@JumpingPlaces Hey, at least they're dismantling the concrete walls in downtown Beirut now that the protest movement was able to get 13 members into parliament 😅
@@JumpingPlaces Yes, the barricades are currently being removed and the Sahat al-Najma will soon be open to the public again. However, all the restaurants and shops are still closed because it will take a few more weeks until everything is back to normal. Here you can see it ruclips.net/video/Fz2ypoPnbok/видео.html
That funny building, is designed by British-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid is considered one of her latest works before she passed away in 2016. and it caught fire not long after the beirut port explosion, about a month after.
Not going to Tel Aviv, Israel? (you can enter even if you have a stamp from Arab countries) You'd love it. It's even more Brazilian. But Beirut is very nice, too -- the Paris of the East!
We were supposed to cross the land border from jordan to israel but it was the exact same week (around ramadan time) that fighting broke out and many people were injured and killed in both palestine & israel. So we decided to cancel the trip as we would prefer to visit there during a less hostile time. We will go at some point though but probably not this year anymore
Watch all our Lebanon Videos here:
The sculpture in the port has been made after the explosion and its materials are collected from the destruction that happened from the explosion
Los enviados (Al-Mursalāt):
24 - Ese día ¡ay de los desmentidores!
27 - y puesto en ella elevadas montañas? ¿No os hemos dado de beber un agua dulce?
28 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
29 - «¡Id a lo que desmentíais!
30 - ¡Id a la sombra ramificada en tres,
31 - sombra tenue, sombra inútil frente a la llama!
32 - Porque arroja chispas grandes como palacios,
33 - chispas que semejan camellos leonados.
34 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
35 - Ése será un día en que no tendrán que decir
36 - ni se les permitira excusarce.
37 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
38 - Éste es el día del Fallo. Os hemos reunido, a vosotros y a los antiguos.
39 - Si disponéis de alguna artimaña, ¡empleadla contra mí.
40 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
41 - Los temerosos de Alá estarán a la sombra y entre fuentes,
42 - y tendrán la fruta que deseen.
43 - ¡Comed y bebed en paz el fruto de vuestras obras!
44 - Así retribuimos a quienes hacen el bien.
45 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
46 - ¡Comed y disfrutad aún un poco!, ¡Sois unos pecadores!
47 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
48 - Cuando se les dice: ¡Inclinaos!, no se inclinan.
49 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
50 - ¿EN QUÉ ANUNCIO, DESPUÉS DE ÉSTE, VAN A CREER? www.AlfayOmega.com .pe
...el Creador del infinito, el eterno Padre Jehova, está entre vosotros; ningún demonio de vuestro maldito sistema de vida, tocará ni un pelito a mi Hijo Primogénito; que como tal, es el Primer Hijo Telepático del mundo; y de verdad os digo, que temblarán las naciones ante su presencia; ya no podréis matar demonios de la violación; porque el matar era propio de vuestro sistema de explotación; y de verdad os digo, que todo crimen oculto se sabrá; el mundo conocerá al verdadero satanás; porque vosotros mismos lo creásteis, al crear vuestro sistema de vida; y de verdad os digo, que para las generaciones del futuro, el satanás será el que creó el capitalismo explotador; tal como fué para vosotros, el satanás que se rebeló en el Reino; preparaos malditos; creadores de injusticias y calvarios; conoceréis una justicia que vosotros mismos la pedísteis en el Reino de los Cielos; porque todo se pide en el Reino; lo imaginado y lo inimaginado; lo que comprendéis y lo que no comprendéis; lo visible y lo invisible; y de verdad os digo, que cada idea que sale de vuestra mente, segundo por segundo; instante por instante; fué pedida por vosotros y se os concedió; lo que no se os concedió, fué violar la ley del Padre; por lo tanto, toda violación ocurrida en este mundo, no es del Reino; y es por eso, que ninguno de vosotros, entrará al Reino de los Cielos;.- Escribe: Alfa y Omega
...👉⚠️⚖Si no hubiera venido, ni les hubiera hablado, no tendrían pecado, mas ahora no tienen excusa de su pecado..♨️👈
Mi Nombre Nuevo Apocalipse capitulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
De La Humildad que es en CRISTO. 2 Corintios capítulo 11:4, Si él que biene...
Alfa Omega Alian =E Sabio,el Altisimo, el Todopoderoso, Nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno
Jesucristo =Mohammed Msto=Maestro=Cristo = El GLORIFICADO.
Mahoma=mohammed=Ahmed Mesto.
María = Sasha Msto.
FÁTIMA =Jennifer Mesto.
El ANTICRISTO y El FALSO PROFETA y El ESPÍRITU de ERROR. 1 Juan capitulo 4:1,2,3,6,
2 Juan capitulo 1:7, ♨️👈
El Anciano y La Señora Elegida y SUS HIJOS. 2 Juan capitulo 1.
de Dios, y del Padre, y de CRISTO.
Colosences capitulo 2.
Después que ÉL PADRE DE FAMILIA SE LEVANTARÉ, y Cerraré la Puerta. Lucas 13:25, ♨️🙈😔⚖👈
De La Humildad que Es En Jesucristo.
2 Corintios capitulo 11:4, SI EL QUÉ VIENE...
www.CienciaCeleste .com
www.AlfayOmega .com .pe
Ángel Mediador Entre Nosotros =AMÉN = Apocalipse o REVELACIÓN capítulo 3:14, 🙏👈
could you tell me the name of the B&B please? it seems rellay beautiful..thank you!
Los enviados (Al-Mursalāt):
24 - Ese día ¡ay de los desmentidores!
27 - y puesto en ella elevadas montañas? ¿No os hemos dado de beber un agua dulce?
28 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
29 - «¡Id a lo que desmentíais!
30 - ¡Id a la sombra ramificada en tres,
31 - sombra tenue, sombra inútil frente a la llama!
32 - Porque arroja chispas grandes como palacios,
33 - chispas que semejan camellos leonados.
34 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
35 - Ése será un día en que no tendrán que decir
36 - ni se les permitira excusarce.
37 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
38 - Éste es el día del Fallo. Os hemos reunido, a vosotros y a los antiguos.
39 - Si disponéis de alguna artimaña, ¡empleadla contra mí.
40 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
41 - Los temerosos de Alá estarán a la sombra y entre fuentes,
42 - y tendrán la fruta que deseen.
43 - ¡Comed y bebed en paz el fruto de vuestras obras!
44 - Así retribuimos a quienes hacen el bien.
45 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
46 - ¡Comed y disfrutad aún un poco!, ¡Sois unos pecadores!
47 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
48 - Cuando se les dice: ¡Inclinaos!, no se inclinan.
49 - Ese día, ¡ay de los desmentidores!
50 - ¿EN QUÉ ANUNCIO, DESPUÉS DE ÉSTE, VAN A CREER? www.AlfayOmega.com .pe
...el Creador del infinito, el eterno Padre Jehova, está entre vosotros; ningún demonio de vuestro maldito sistema de vida, tocará ni un pelito a mi Hijo Primogénito; que como tal, es el Primer Hijo Telepático del mundo; y de verdad os digo, que temblarán las naciones ante su presencia; ya no podréis matar demonios de la violación; porque el matar era propio de vuestro sistema de explotación; y de verdad os digo, que todo crimen oculto se sabrá; el mundo conocerá al verdadero satanás; porque vosotros mismos lo creásteis, al crear vuestro sistema de vida; y de verdad os digo, que para las generaciones del futuro, el satanás será el que creó el capitalismo explotador; tal como fué para vosotros, el satanás que se rebeló en el Reino; preparaos malditos; creadores de injusticias y calvarios; conoceréis una justicia que vosotros mismos la pedísteis en el Reino de los Cielos; porque todo se pide en el Reino; lo imaginado y lo inimaginado; lo que comprendéis y lo que no comprendéis; lo visible y lo invisible; y de verdad os digo, que cada idea que sale de vuestra mente, segundo por segundo; instante por instante; fué pedida por vosotros y se os concedió; lo que no se os concedió, fué violar la ley del Padre; por lo tanto, toda violación ocurrida en este mundo, no es del Reino; y es por eso, que ninguno de vosotros, entrará al Reino de los Cielos;.- Escribe: Alfa y Omega
...👉⚠️⚖Si no hubiera venido, ni les hubiera hablado, no tendrían pecado, mas ahora no tienen excusa de su pecado..♨️👈
Mi Nombre Nuevo Apocalipse capitulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
De La Humildad que es en CRISTO. 2 Corintios capítulo 11:4, Si él que biene...
Alfa Omega Alian =E Sabio,el Altisimo, el Todopoderoso, Nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno
Jesucristo =Mohammed Msto=Maestro=Cristo = El GLORIFICADO.
Mahoma=mohammed=Ahmed Mesto.
María = Sasha Msto.
FÁTIMA =Jennifer Mesto.
El ANTICRISTO y El FALSO PROFETA y El ESPÍRITU de ERROR. 1 Juan capitulo 4:1,2,3,6,
2 Juan capitulo 1:7, ♨️👈
2 Tesalonicenses capítulo 2:11, Dios les manda ESPÍRITU DE ERROR.
EL DIVINO ESPÍRITU SANTO = Mateo 10:20, Marcos 13:11, Lucas 21:15, Juan 14:26,15:26,16:13,
Proverbios capitulo 2.
El Anciano y La Señora Elegida y SUS HIJOS. 2 Juan capitulo 1.
de Dios, y del Padre, y de CRISTO.
Colosences capitulo 2.
Después que ÉL PADRE DE FAMILIA SE LEVANTARÉ, y Cerraré la Puerta. Lucas 13:25, ♨️🙈😔⚖👈
De La Humildad que Es En Jesucristo.
2 Corintios capitulo 11:4, SI EL QUÉ VIENE...
www.CienciaCeleste .com
www.AlfayOmega .com .pe
Ángel Mediador Entre Nosotros =AMÉN = Apocalipse o REVELACIÓN capítulo 3:14, 🙏
I have visited 82 countries and Lebanon is definitely in my TOP 3 !!! Amazing nature, very rich culture and history, very welcoming and friendly people, crazy nightlife and very yummy food (I mean really really yummy) ! Beirut has it all ❤ ❤
And two others ?
@@kekecin9145 Thailand and Italy 😍
@@ravivmadar2422 why not Sudan?
@@jaraza323 I have never been to Sudan. Maybe someday!
Lebanon, a country that appeared in school textbooks before and was seen in the news later, I feel it is both familiar and unfamiliar;
Beirut's architecture is very beautiful, and the cars on the road are also very stylish. It feels like a very modern metropolis.
Thank you for taking us to see the city, the collapsed gas station and exchange rate changes are the parts that textbooks can't see!👍😃🙏
The old part of Beirut looked so very beautiful. Wow. And so much interesting street-art, though it's sad that the art shows us how difficult life must be for the Lebanese. I love the art by your AirBNB host.
This series has been so educational. Love the fact that you have no fear and travel to places where most people would not go. You also embrace the various cultures. Very well done. I came across this channel via Delightful Travelers while in el Nido and have been hooked ever since. Thanks for sharing.😎
Lots of people go to Lebanon?! You need to see more videos of all the club scene in Beirut and beaches.
Really miss being in Lebanon. The summers there are always alive and I can’t wait to return.
I visited Lebanon about twelve years ago and it is a beautiful if not a country with many problems.
Can I suggest that you visit Baalbeck during your stay in Lebanon. The Roman remains are among the finest you will see anywhere and in excellent condition. the columns were imported by the Romans from Upper Egypt and when you see the size of the column you will appreciate the scale of the operation to bring the columns such a long distance.
Enjoy your visit to this unique country.
Sending ❤️ and thanks to Carol & Chris for taking me along on their adventures & teaching me so much! Love seeing the different cultures!
I remember the civil war and all it's fighting factions. It seemed to go on for ever. It looks like a lovely place with lots of tourist potential. I wish them well.👍😊🇱🇧💙
I was a teen in the 80's, I recall the conflict as well. I have seen a few Lebanese movies too.
Even with what happened, Beirut seems a unique place to visit for every travellers. Electricity cuts must be so hard for the population. Hope things get better regulation.
Thank you both for sharing this amazing place.
You are just natural tour guides who always provide so much interesting information. I'm learning so much through your videos.
Very proud to be lebanese ❤❤❤🤍🤍🤍🌲🤍🤍🤍❤❤❤ i miss you so much Beirut 💔
Hey 👋 there!! Thank you very much for showing us Beirut, like many other cities there is the rich and poor areas, I still want to go to Lebanon to see the city of Baalbek! Good luck on your journey 😃😃😃
Yes definitely worth visiting, even though the country is in a big crisis it wont really affect you as a tourist. It gets much better in the next videos, wished we had stayed longer. I think all the areas that we showed in this video are wealthy areas, just doesn't seem that way in the beginning because of the damage from the explosion.
Beirut looks so beautiful city, i would like to visit and explore it 👍
I recommend Jeiata natural cave and the Cedar forests as places to visit ...
What an interesting place, jumping from place to place in the video looks like you could be in totally different places! The sndy area, the more white and modern area, even the windy coast. A difficult past, to be sure, thanks for the history lesson too.
And again you see the positive...the shopping places all closed, but look at the interesting architecture, holes in the walls but it's not unsafe and feels quite normal, marketplace is closing bit look at the tasty food we did get....you're very pleasant to listen to.
It was known as the Paris of the Middle East before the civil war. My favorite cuisine is Lebanese.
Paris of the east is cairo actually, because the khedive of egypt in the 1860's ordered the construction of new parts of cairo in the neo classic french architecture( now downtown cairo and the area around it).
Lebanon was called Switzerland of the east because of the banks
@@rowantharwat9195 well downtown beirut and some other parts of beirut are 100% buildings built by france during there occupation to lebanon and are reserved till now, +that actually the residents of north part of beirut have a french culture more than a lebanese one, that's why (beirut), was nicknamed "paris of the east" and lebanon in general was Switzerland of the east for it's banks/and nature
Chicago has a big Lebanese - American population. Shanghai was called the Paris of Asia in the 20's.
@@rowantharwat9195 I imagine many elderly citizens still speak a little French.
@@rowantharwat9195 Lebanon's second language is french where Egypts languages are only Arabic. Beirut, having a large Christian population as well, is much closer to Paris than Cairo could be in this millenia
In the late '70s a neighbour of my parents was a retired airline pilot who'd flown as a pilot for BOAC and then MEA and had retired to Beirut. He'd come back to Manchester when things got dangerous in Lebanon and he also described it as the Monaco of the Eastern Mediterranean. It's nice to see a travel vlog from some unusual places, keep up the great work.
Your walkabouts with area info are so interesting, educational. We stopped watching world news a couple years ago, so experiencing all these countries with you is so enjoyable. Love your videos and your English expressions. My husband is from Newcastle.
Hello guys, thank you for sharing your wonderful journey in Beirut, Lebanon. Have fun and enjoy.
I am brazilian and very atrracted to Lebanon, i even suspect my heritage (which is very mixed) includes lebanese folks. Best wishes to Lebanon ❤️🇱🇧
Do you know yourself as Lebanese or Brazilian?
I saw in a RUclipsr video that there are 12 million Lebanese in Brazil
is that true?🤔
@@living_peace brazilian, absolutely. I am just supposing that i might have some lebanese descent... Which also includes native brazilian, portuguese and people from western africa: present day Angolia and Nigeria
@@living_peace I can not confirm if there are 12mi, but there are many descendents for sure. Most of this folks don't speak arabic neither are lebanese passport holders. For instance, the former president Michel Temer and the former mayor of São Paulo Fernando Haddad got lebanese heritage
@@living_peace I am not sure about the number either but the biggest Lebanese diaspora is located in Brazil indeed! They are definitely (very successfully) Brazilians now but most do speak the language and used to visit when the country was better!
@@living_peace there is 12M Lebanese registered as Lebanese
Without counting the none registered some for some old political reasons others because they started a new life
And also without counting every Lebanese descendants from a woman as per the law they cant have the Lebanese papers ( thats because of the conflict and the Palestinian in Lebanon )
Lebanon dont want to let a pâli male to mari à Lebanese woman just to be able to have the papers specially they tried to take the country in the 70's but they failed
I guess I am taking a 30 min break from writing my thesis to watch this video. My tea is ready so I can enjoy your video.
Btw... In your previous video, I have to say Carol looked sooooo gorgeous.
Really appreciate this series on Lebanon. I personally think that engaging with the locals is a major aspect of traveling. I hope you guys got to interact more with the Lebanese people and if you did, we'd like to see it in your videos. Safe travels
Love these vids, always SO informative. Beirut looks beautiful.
I enjoy watching how you share history and the true life of each country you visit. I love culture and you both inspire me to want to travel to more countries.
I'm so attracted to Lebanese people, they're gorgeous.
Have always wanted to go to Lebenon so really extra happy to see you there. 😊 Loved the video and look forward to what comes next. I remember the civil war there and also the more recent explosion. Wonderful memorial to those who perished then. We met some people from there on our travels who have family who suffered so much. Still there hearts are open and so friendly. 😊 👍
Hiya Chris and Carol, I remember when it was on the news. Educational video. Some of the buildings are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Have a great week.
Hi Carol and Chris, love you videos, I love your quite and humble personalities, I wish you could make more local people interactions to put the human touch in your videos instead of being documentary, love to see you in Australia.
Amazing as usual. Thanks for the tip at the end as well….. Hope you guys are enjoying Greece.
This country has suffered so much, from civil war, to war with Israel and then a massive explosion. I hope Lebanon finds its feet to sort out the financial issues it’s facing now and Lebanese will enjoy peace and prosperity in the future
I was there 6 years ago, as Unifil troop for peacekeeping mission.
I guess back then it looked a lot more normal compared to this video? since it was before the revolution & the explosion
Very cool artwork in your place. Love the old buildings. Good info about the money. Thankyou
Beautiful apartment for a very low price. Of course there is no tourism there anymore so they are happy to get whatever they can get. And you guys continue to be the best tour guides ever.
it is kebbeh too in lebanon - the sfihha is the circular one with meet
21:40 Lebanon is close to Europe and Thats why is similarities to Europe as well. It is a short distance from Lebanon to Cyprus, which is considered a country in the European Union.
Beautiful! I had no idea this part of bible history was so gorgeous.
What the woman gave you to try was a regular fried kibbeh, but what you bought was a grilled kibbeh. Grilled kibbeh is mainly filled with lamb fat, which of course melts when grilled, which is why your kibbeh was so empty 😁
Those paintings on your airbnb were so interesting, especially the one with the cows holding knives. Its nice to see that the residents of Beirut don't litter and trash their city like so many other cities do. Despite all their struggles, at least they take pride in \keeping their city clean.
"Its nice to see that the residents of Beirut don't litter and trash their city like so many other cities do. Despite all their struggles, at least they take pride in \keeping their city clean."
@@ألفومية-ح5ك he anything wrong?
Check to other arab countries IN the neighborhood and tell me of they are as well taken care off
Where r u from ?
I’ve visited almost all countries in the middle east. Beirut is my favorite. Dubai is just a dumb towers in the middle of the desert.
Thanks for the video, the Airbnb is impressive because of the artwork, you guys are doing a good job and I am looking out for the follow up ❤
great video, thanks for the info about the currentcy it was something i didn't know and will be handy when i go to Beirut.
16:20 this is one type of kebbeh
It's called kebbeh from zgharta (a city in Lebanon called zgharta)
The one In Brazil also is in Lebanon obviously but of course you'll find more variations in Lebanon
Very interesting video. Different than your usual. Lebanon is a war torn country with a industrial mess that’s not cleanup yet. Thank you for showing us what it’s like there.
GuyszZz u Rrr awesome... That's d first vidéo that depicts accurately the true picture of lebanon... 🥂🎯
I'm really enjoying your Middle Eastern series and look forward to your next video. Really interesting material!!!
My father’s country 🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧❤️❤️❤️
Where do you guys live now?
@@JumpingPlaces I was born in France, my father is lebanese 🇱🇧my mom spanish 🇪🇸
This big kebbeh that you tried is well known in north of lebanon. Known as kebbeh zghertewiye (in zgharta )
Im Lebanese. comparing downtown to when i was 13 (2012) and again when i was 18 (2017) is so sad. Downtown used to be full of life and not walled off. There used to be events and fashion shows even like victoria's secret in the middle of downtown. Its so sad seeing my capital city so dead.
You guys give great contents, so appreciate your videos. Continue to have save travels.
Hello from Sao Paulo.
I love small old buildings with high ceiling and large doors.They are very charming.
My favourite bit of the video - Carol: " is this the Mediterranean"? lol.
that's what too much travelling does to you :-)
The name of the food you eat in down town habe the same name like in brazil , kebbeh , and also " sfiha " but she mentioned sbenekh , because we have a lot of sfiha ( sfiha meat , sfiha cheese , sfiha sbenekh , etc) and the one you bought is sfiha sbenekh and the lady briefly said sbenekh.
You have convinced my wife and I to go there! Do you just change your dollars at any currency conversion place or is it similar to Argentina where there are random people on the streets who change the money?
You find exchange offices everywhere.
We didn’t see any people in the streets here, but any exchange place will give you that rate. There are many around everywhere we went
@@JumpingPlaces thanks so much. Safe travels!
@@JumpingPlaces How do you make a reservation in the cities you go to?
the small kebbeh is the fried one - the big one is grilled, some people put fat and meat inside with spices
Fantastic video's guys keep up the good work.
Wow nice view capital city of libanon
the area with the rocks is called RAWCHEH. yes some crazy guys dive from the rock
I am guessing most of the local population has already left the country. I am very sorry about the situation in Lebanon, they are such nice and kind people. Lots of love and respect from Turkey.
This is very traditional appartment of Beirut. Good Choice.
Wonderful video. Nice creation.
Great work friends.
Would love to visit Lebanon , I have a friend who lives 30 to 40 minutes north of Beirut she tells me . Thank you for the tip on the exchange rate with the currency !
Muito bom vídeo, dando uma visão bastante nítida da situação atual do Líbano e, especialmente, de Beirute, marcada pela beleza e pela desigualdade... Por motivos distintos, não muito diferente do que encontramos aqui. Parabéns pelo bom trabalho de vocês! Abraços do Rio!
the futuristic white building is zaha hadid designed buiding for aishti trademark
The Art work is fabulous
stay healthy, safe
the hugh beach is called RAMLEH EL BAYDA (white sand)
Another great video!!!
Thanks!!! Regards from Angola
and btw we also call the spinach pies sfiha like in Brazil, it goes by both names, sbenikh and sfiha.
I want to see you guys back in Asia maybe JAPAN or KOREA KEEP SAFE Guys Thanks for Sharing 👍👍👍🙌✌️👋👌
Very nice plece and beautiful 😍❤️
From new york
Cool video thanks for visiting🙌🙌🇱🇧🇱🇧
As always, great video. Would you happened to know the name of the artist of paintings at your AirBnB? or his/her website etc. Thanks!
It's surely a big change from Dubai that's for sure, but it doesn't make it any less interesting!💛
Yeah definitely a huge difference. Beirut used to be the Dubai of the middle east in a way many decades ago. We actually preferred this trip way more than our trip to Dubai, some awesome places coming up in the next videos :D
@@JumpingPlaces wow great to hear looking forward to them
@@JumpingPlaces Good to know.. looking forward to your awesome adventures🙋♀
@@JumpingPlaces Yes,Beirut was once considered the Paris of the Middle East.So was Tehran btw
***The plural for for CASTUS is CACTI,not "cactuses" for future videos where you might come across any
Hey rich, we have already been through this before lol. Cacti is the latin plural and cactuses is the english plural, you can search it online and you will easily find the same information. Both can be used.
Thank you so much for keeping your videos real....I`m learning lots 🤩
Pigeon Rocks reminds me of your trips to the Algarve. Very neat!!!
Really interesting adventure, thank you, guys!
Love you 😍 beautiful Lebanon 🇱🇧
Wow, cool art in your apartment.
Hey man great video! could you tell us about the covid 19 rules over there ? like does one have to be vaccinated with 1-3 dos to enter the country or just pcr test is mandatory when arriving and leaving the airport ?
Great videos!!! Love the content. Do you have a video on how you are funding your travels?
We have an old one but its still pretty accurate even now: ruclips.net/video/NXUUO7MhbY8/видео.html
Thanks a lot for this. I have now decided to buy my ticket to Beirut for the end of october.
love your channel so fresh and authentic
Gracias por compartir buena onda de información saludos y Bendiciones para todos ustedes desde CD México 🇲🇽🙏
Chris, I noticed you are driving. That is a change….safe travels.
Hey there, that wasn’t Chris driving it was the Uber driver. Chris can’t drive because his drivers license has expired
Loved your Beirut analysis comparing it to Rio. My wife and I just returned from Rio and walking the streets of Ipanema and Le Bron, we could see the similarities.
Can you believe that this city suffers from the most severe economic crisis in its history? It is Beirut, the city that emerges from under the ashes. We are the phoenix. Beirut has been destroyed seven times and then stood again.
Beirut is Lebanon's seat of government and plays a central role in the Lebanese economy, with many banks and corporations based in the city. Beirut is an important seaport for the country and region, and rated a Beta + World City by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network.
lebanese here who grew up always going to the down town seeing crowds and tourists and amazing places to have fun with family. Last week when i went to down town it was desert and all shops were closed and/or still broken. Got really sad
Thanks for sharing. Can you fly drones in Lebanon, like for filming tourist things from the air…
Hi guys, just a tip-off the exchange rate changes every day .. today black market is higher then 27000 LL today it’s 34000 LL ..
Just exchange from day to day ...
Have a nice trip 👍
Wow that is so sad, insane inflation! :(
@@JumpingPlaces Hey, at least they're dismantling the concrete walls in downtown Beirut now that the protest movement was able to get 13 members into parliament 😅
Really they are opening that part back up now?
@@JumpingPlaces Yes, the barricades are currently being removed and the Sahat al-Najma will soon be open to the public again. However, all the restaurants and shops are still closed because it will take a few more weeks until everything is back to normal. Here you can see it ruclips.net/video/Fz2ypoPnbok/видео.html
Chris and Carol, you said you exploring Beirut, Lebanon?
That funny building, is designed by British-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid is considered one of her latest works before she passed away in 2016. and it caught fire not long after the beirut port explosion, about a month after.
Reminds me of Leblon in Rio
This is great information. I can't imagine paying the government price for that food !
Bangladesh............ Veautiful....... Like.... Ilove....... 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩💝💖💖💖💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙♥️♥️💗💗💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
Amazing blog thanks guys xxxxx
People do not realise how fabulous the range of food and gastronomy in Lebanon
Not going to Tel Aviv, Israel? (you can enter even if you have a stamp from Arab countries) You'd love it. It's even more Brazilian. But Beirut is very nice, too -- the Paris of the East!
We were supposed to cross the land border from jordan to israel but it was the exact same week (around ramadan time) that fighting broke out and many people were injured and killed in both palestine & israel. So we decided to cancel the trip as we would prefer to visit there during a less hostile time. We will go at some point though but probably not this year anymore
Great video. What airline did you fly with to Beirut?