One trick with the motor for future uses. Is look into adding an encoder to a motor when you want fine control over it. It with a little code turns a motor into a servo.. to a point.
As a matter of fact, the motor I used has an encoder on it! I connected it to the microcontroller. At some point if I want more control over how much it spins I'll have that option. It honestly doesn't really need it though.
Nice. However, a USB key that connects the shield to ground is technically violating electrical specs as it creates a ground loop. So I wouldn't count on it working for all keys.
To save power you could route the ground for the power input to the arduino through the shield conection so you automatically turn on the arduino once you plug in the usb
I’ve been thinking about making a sort of USB hub that physically launches the USB drive when you eject it. I have no idea what to do with the software that will trigger it, or how to make the launching mechanism (servo? Solenoid? Something else?). Do you have any ideas? If possible, that would make an awesome video as well.
@@bytesizedengineering That's cool. I like the machine look as well. I may have preferred a ball nose cutter finish though. Like this.видео.html
Can you get all the cad files for the Death Star and a hologram of Princess Leia with that USB adapter? Very cool project, and how cool is it that you got Winston to make you some parts. Maybe someday you will ask me? ;-)
For bonus points, arrange it so that it only spins when data is being transferred.
This turned out so awesome! Great job, Zach! And congrats on 100k!!
One trick with the motor for future uses. Is look into adding an encoder to a motor when you want fine control over it. It with a little code turns a motor into a servo.. to a point.
As a matter of fact, the motor I used has an encoder on it! I connected it to the microcontroller. At some point if I want more control over how much it spins I'll have that option. It honestly doesn't really need it though.
I came from Winston's channel...
This is an awesome little project
May the 4th be with you! 😉
However, a USB key that connects the shield to ground is technically violating electrical specs as it creates a ground loop.
So I wouldn't count on it working for all keys.
Informative video.
To save power you could route the ground for the power input to the arduino through the shield conection so you automatically turn on the arduino once you plug in the usb
Awesome use of power ground and shield!
I wonder if the motor speed could change based on data transmission 🤔 off to the (very complicated) USB specifications! 😅
@@noliver7913 that would be really cool
My own projects might be plagued with scope creep 😅
I’ve been thinking about making a sort of USB hub that physically launches the USB drive when you eject it. I have no idea what to do with the software that will trigger it, or how to make the launching mechanism (servo? Solenoid? Something else?). Do you have any ideas? If possible, that would make an awesome video as well.
@@somebody943 Please do this and make it in a toaster-like form factor.
Next time you do something like this. Go check out , Roll , they have great new ways of gearing spinning machines.
You mean you’re going to steal top secret information and spend time being tortured by Darth Vader?
I always enjoy watching someone else problem solve. Good work!
That inner aluminium part needs some sanding and/or sand blasting as the tool tracks are still visible on it.
Yup I agree. Sand blast with walnut or soda. Knock off the shine from that aluminum with make it look a little more authentic.
Winston and I discussed this, and I told him that I wanted to see the tool paths because it tells the story of being machined
@@bytesizedengineering That's cool. I like the machine look as well. I may have preferred a ball nose cutter finish though. Like this.видео.html
@@bytesizedengineering It is your part and it has to look the way you like it of course. I wasn't aware it was intentionally left that way.
Can you get all the cad files for the Death Star and a hologram of Princess Leia with that USB adapter? Very cool project, and how cool is it that you got Winston to make you some parts. Maybe someday you will ask me? ;-)
I don't know if you remember or not, but you have made parts for me! You made a mounting bracket for my original shapeoko
Safe Cracking Robot - Part 3 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
While this is a cool project. Your engineering processes frustrate me 😅