"Looking unto Jesus" - Paul Washer & Lecrae (Sermon Jam)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • "You may preach very fine sermons, but if you are not yourselves holy, there will no souls be saved.” -Charles Spurgeon
    "If you firmly believe that God has called you to preach the gospel, you will preach it with courage and confidence." -Charles Spurgeon
    "The kind of sermon which is likely to break the hearer’s heart is that which has first broken the preacher’s heart, and the sermon which is likely to reach the heart of the hearer is the one which has come straight from the heart of the preacher." -Charles Spurgeon
    "The preaching that this world needs most is the sermons in shoes that are walking with Jesus Christ…The best way to revive a church is to build a fire in the pulpit." ~ Dwight L. Moody
    "No one should ever preach on the topic of hell without a tear in his eye." ~ Dwight L. Moody
    "Before I can preach love, mercy, and grace, I must preach sin, Law, and judgment. Preach 90% Law and 10% grace." ~ John Wesley
    “Every time I preached on the blood of Christ, He’s honored it. Every time I preached on the cross, God honors it. I can never give an invitation until I feel that certain nails have been nailed down. The cross and the resurrection have to be there. The fact that God loves them have to be there. The fact of sin has to be there, there must be conviction of sin and righteousness and judgment. And then man’s response by repentance and faith must be there.”
    -Billy Graham
    "I preach the Bible, and I preach it with authority." -Billy Graham
    “I don’t ever preach without saying ‘You must be born again!’”
    -Billy Graham
    “Missions is about preaching. It’s about proclamation.”
    -Paul Washer
    “I don’t have to find these new faddish strategies of missions, I don’t have to try to make the gospel contemporary, I don’t need to wear cool glasses and mousse my hair to be relevant. All I need to do is to go into any place God sends me and preach the gospel true enough, bold enough, long enough and someone is coming out of there born again. “
    -Paul Washer
    “All this talk about anthropology. All this talk about contextualization. All this talk about apologetics. We’re using weapons that are useless. Our weapon is this: Go out preach the gospel and pray, and preach the gospel again and pray again, preach the gospel again and pray again, and keep doing it even if you’re like William Carey, doing it for seven years without a convert. Because I can assure you if you will do it all your life and not see one convert, there will be a harvest and you will be very happy on that Day!”
    -Paul Washer
    "I want you to know that that radical transformation will not occur except through the preaching of the gospel! You can give your life away all day. You can dig water wells. You can vaccinate their cattle. You can do every sort of thing you want to do in the name of Jesus but unless you teach them who God is, who His Son is, what the gospel is done and our proper response to it, you will never see the transformation of culture!
    -Paul Washer
    "You cannot shepherd people unless you demonstrate love to them. I mean you are just a clanging cymbal, a banging gong without love. And loving those people are a challenge. Loving them means patiently instructing them. We’re preaching the Word but with all what? Patience.”
    -John MacArthur
    “[We are not to] preach the gospel in a harsh, callous way, putting it before his neighbor with a contemptuous air of ‘there you are-take it or leave it,’ and excusing himself for his unconcern about people on the grounds of his faithfulness to the truth.”
    -J.I. Packer
    “His business was to present truth in a spirit of love, as an expression and implementation of his desire to save his hearers.”
    -J.I. Packer

Комментарии • 102

  • @intavawongministries
    @intavawongministries 2 года назад +14


    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 2 года назад

      Sticking "indeed" on the end of an unsupported assertion does not make it real. We got rid of the awful ways of kings in 1776. Many of us are not overboard and do not need a savior to save us. You christians cannot conceive of the fact that it is a meaningless concept to us who do not follow your folklore.

  • @arrkbats
    @arrkbats 2 года назад +14

    Never thought I’d see a video where lecrae is preaching biblical doctrine, I commend him for that

    • @gabrielcarrasco602
      @gabrielcarrasco602 2 года назад +7

      You won't see one these days..he's to busy "deconstructing" his faith..lol

    • @paulbeahm3891
      @paulbeahm3891 2 года назад +1

      @@gabrielcarrasco602 not sure what this deconstructing is but to me it sounds like many are following the command to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith and finding out that they indeed were not.

    • @Joshua-li1vn
      @Joshua-li1vn 2 года назад

      Yh but is he practising what he's preaching? & Paul washer....Well let's just say I don't think he's 100%

    • @Wretched2JZ
      @Wretched2JZ 2 года назад

      Probably from a while back. Idk, it’s so hard to tell with “famous” folks sometimes 😕. Someone made this short clip on Lecrea vs the world, what’s the difference, basically.. none.

  • @dv4740
    @dv4740 2 года назад +8

    I see the fire of god in Washer!!!

  • @richardtrumbo164
    @richardtrumbo164 2 года назад +4

    Hallelujah for the KING!

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 2 года назад

      We got rid of kings in 1776.

    • @richardtrumbo164
      @richardtrumbo164 2 года назад +1

      @@stevepierce6467 I'm not sure who the "we" is that you think you speak for but your straw man is on fire. My assertion is supported by the same scripture of truth that our founding fathers, even the non-Christians, respected and used as a basis for much of our constitution. If you believe that you don't need a Savior to save you, don't worry; you won't have one. If you are not trolling and you are interested in where the assertion of millions of people for thousands of years is based, here are some examples. Holy Bible, Philippians chapter 2, verses 5-11; First Timothy chapter 1, verse 17 and chapter 6, verse 15; Revelation chapter 15, verses 1-4; chapter 17, verse 14; chapter 19, verses 11-21. Good luck with your rebellious anarchy

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 2 года назад

      "We, the people......"
      Assertions based on contradictory and often cruelly immoral scriptures do nothing to convince anyone of anything. The magic stories were comprehended by uneducated and superstitious peasants. Since science ceased to be punished by burning at the stake, we have discovered that much of magic were mere stories to scare the ignorant. --- Actually our founding documents were influenced by the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights of 1689, writings of Locke and Montesquieu etc. --- Savior? Salvation? These sound like attempts to strike fear into the hearts of the ignorant. To quote an Amazonian native chief upon hearing the bible stories, "That scratches a lot, and it scratches very well, but it scratches where I have no itch." --- Lots of people have followed various (which one is The One?) sects of christianity (and many other religions) for many centuries throughout most of history simply because religion was by far the easiest way for an emperor to control the masses. If you stepped out of line, you not only broke the king's law, but also committed heresy, usually punishable by death. Look up the French Cathars.

    • @richardtrumbo164
      @richardtrumbo164 2 года назад +1

      @@stevepierce6467I have no beef with your historical references. One of your errors is deciding to believe that God is like man. From your own words man is obviously a wicked creature and his own religious practices do not change human character. Once again , if you are not just trying to argue through your straw man of human religious wickedness and willful cruelty, The One is not a set of religious rules or dogma: The One is a Person and he is the Son of God, Jesus the Messiah. It is impossible to redeem ourselves from our own slavery to our own wicked hearts. What "coin of the realm" or what rituals can we expect to satisfy God the Holy One? I am not promoting Christianity or any religious practice. I am talking about a living relationship with the living God through the atonement of the required death of a pure sinless sacrifice, on behalf of sinners like you and me. Friend, don't waste your life living in the questions and missing the ultimate Truth. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our LORD. Are you seeking The One? If you are I will try to help you. Otherwise, let's part ways and agree to disagree.

  • @paulpranit5148
    @paulpranit5148 2 года назад +10

    God is Holy. Amen!

  • @ssennses9648
    @ssennses9648 2 года назад +5

    In Jesus Name.Amen.

  • @jameseverhart9814
    @jameseverhart9814 2 года назад +2

    AMEN brother and AMEN again!

  • @Wretched2JZ
    @Wretched2JZ 2 года назад +2

    Amen amen amen! Can’t say it enough

  • @OrangeMonkey2112
    @OrangeMonkey2112 2 месяца назад


  • @keithjackson4985
    @keithjackson4985 2 года назад +1


  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676
    @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 2 года назад +3

    Galatians 6:8
    For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
    2 John 1:9
    Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

  • @matthew4177
    @matthew4177 2 года назад

    Amen amen amen

  • @banjo3751
    @banjo3751 2 года назад +2

    Paul Washer would never share a stage with Lecrea. Fresh and saltwater don’t mix.

  • @aletheamallory9674
    @aletheamallory9674 2 года назад +2

    Love to listen to Paul Washer, a General and Servant of The True and Living GOD. Got a problem with all of the graven images at the end tho👑

    • @sheilasweeney6505
      @sheilasweeney6505 2 года назад +1

      They weren't graven images sister, they were depictions of men speaking boldly like PastorbWasher was saying to those who would be threatening them with death! They stood tall amd firn in God truth. See their courage and devotion to the gospel!!

  • @Niko-zg6uq
    @Niko-zg6uq 2 года назад +2

    Where can I find the original sermon from Paul Washer?

  • @markfrenzy9647
    @markfrenzy9647 2 года назад +1

    Leviticus Christ is all through it

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 2 года назад

      I jesus had anything to do with leviticus, I want nothing to do with this religion.

  • @dovybar
    @dovybar 2 года назад +1

    That is an old video Of Lecrae

  • @ronkelley1490
    @ronkelley1490 2 года назад +2

    If only Lecrae had held this course. It seems he has become an apostate or is heading that way in a hurry

  • @aran1162
    @aran1162 2 года назад

    What's the paul washer sermon title?

  • @dv4740
    @dv4740 2 года назад +1

    Lecrea and Washer in one video? Wrong. Washer is right

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 2 года назад

    No mention of john3v21
    The elect will come
    One was brought to the light
    Without hearing any sermon
    Or hearing of any famous preacher
    Also different levels of hell
    Jesus said religous people will receive the greater damnation!

  • @Bleioep
    @Bleioep 2 года назад +1

    3:56 there is no Romans 10 24 why is it there?

    • @kevinmillard5692
      @kevinmillard5692 2 года назад +2

      Reference should be Rom. 10:14

    • @kevinmillard5692
      @kevinmillard5692 2 года назад +1

      @@JiLoa13 You mean Hebrews 10:24

    • @JiLoa13
      @JiLoa13 2 года назад +1

      @@kevinmillard5692 Oh no, How did I copy the wrong one. That happens when you don't look it up in your own Bible and rely on a google search.
      Thanks. It should've been Romans 10:14 as you say.
      I'm an idiot, going to delete my comment!

    • @truth7416
      @truth7416 2 года назад +1

      Many Cults use the Bible and then pervert it to follow their heretical founders doctrine.
      Examples would be Jehovah Witness, Mormons, Calvinists. Reformed Churches, Catholics and many others.
      That is why they are Cults. This video is of one of the bigger Cult leaders Paul Washer.
      I will put down two examples where the Calvinist higher ups have stated their position clearly.
      Ask yourself as you read them if this sounds like the Loving God of the Bible.
      The founder of Calvinism John Calvin Quote:
      God arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death and are to glorify him by their destruction.( John Calvin Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6)
      “…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
      “We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
      Now a quote from a living promoter of Reformed Calvinism. John Piper:
      " God . . . brings about all things in accordance with his will. In other words, it isn’t just that God manages to turn the evil aspects of our world to good for those who love him; it is rather that he himself brings about these evil aspects for his glory (see Ex. 9:13-16; John 9:3) and his people’s good (see Heb. 12:3-11; James 1:2-4). This includes-as incredible and as unacceptable as it may currently seem-God’s having even brought about the Nazis’ brutality at Birkenau and Auschwitz as well as the terrible killings of Dennis Rader and even the sexual abuse of a young child . . .
      Make no mistake the following false teacher follow the same thinking. Some are afraid to say it but it is part of the Calvinist package. STAY AWAY FROM THESE NAMES THEY ARE POISON
      John MacArthur
      John Piper
      Paul Washer
      James White
      Voddie Baucham
      Steven Lawson
      On a happy note these are Quotes from God to mankind:
      1 Timothy 2 : 3-6 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people.
      Acts 2 :21And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off-....
      John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
      If you are really interested in learning more about God, I highly recommend these teachers you can find on youtube.
      Dr Flowers Soteriology 101
      Dave Hunt "What love is this"
      Mike Winger
      David Pawson

    • @MB65Sax
      @MB65Sax 2 года назад

      @@truth7416 Man you have listed some of my favourite preachers. Listen to them, almost daily; and I don’t mean Flowers et al…

  • @DesroQc
    @DesroQc 2 года назад +10

    Stay away from Lecrae...

  • @Ryker2608
    @Ryker2608 2 года назад

    I dislike this "gangsta swag" style of preaching.

  • @Eriasu_17
    @Eriasu_17 2 года назад +4

    Lecrae shouldn’t be in this video. This guy is deceiving many.

  • @donwoodard5590
    @donwoodard5590 2 года назад

    This man is unstable!

  • @donwoodard5590
    @donwoodard5590 2 года назад

    This man is unstable

  • @angelajackson3258
    @angelajackson3258 2 года назад +1
