Homeless people are not criminals What is criminal is how we are treated...like trash, like second class citizens, like nothing. The damage being homeless does to a person is unimaginable. Wealthy landowners, lying real estate agents make it so much more difficult. Having been homeless, it is a constant fear when you manage to find a rental. No grounds evictions exist. Wealthy owners make their own laws, protected by the greedy agencies waiting for a commission from a sale. It is despicable. Blessings to the homeless today. From Australia.
Absolutely,it is !! But in oligarchic economies, housing is expensive on purpose, and now this crazy thing with chickens and cows being infected with " avian flu." The timing for this is interesting,and not surprising anymore. People who have land will need to raise their own food and livestock.
You guys are looking at this the wrong way. Cops have to enforce laws, if they don't then they'll get fired and the police dept will move on and hire someone who will. Cops don't have to be a_holes in the way they speak to people!!...but they're probably frustrated and sick of hearing it from BOTH sides. The problems are economic; inflation outstripping wages, and a lack of adequate affordable housing . Also a shortage of shelters bc funding is required, and taxpayers don't want to foot the bill. The cop is just the guy doing his job, he's got a family to support and bills to pay like everybody else.
Are you slow? I'm sure deciding to destroy your life doing drugs is somehow others faults? You are the problem, just because you screw up your life doesn't mean you are a victim.
The reason why is because HOUSED middle class people sneer at the homeless. And bitch and moan and groan. Even if the homeless person or people aren't actually doing anything wrong.
They absolutely know she'll likely never pay the fines. It's not about the fines, though. It's about the psychological warfare that's going on every day against the modern-day American untouchable class. Communities that continually hand out the same tickets to these folks every single day are only digging themselves in deeper in the long run.
I heard about Homelessness being a crime and she is a prime example of our insanely insensitive government. 30 Tickets at $300 each 👀 and she's homeless 😢
If you aren’t doing something to make a change then what are you doing ? There are public places you could go use to charge your phone. If the climate is too cold, then go live homeless in a warmer climate.
@@MW-jm8qbAre you going to drive her to Florida? Oh wait the alligators being outside not a good idea. Ok California? Ya we all know that's not a good idea. "A public place to charge her phone, ya then she gets back and her tent is gone. Charging her phone won't get her work, go a week+ without a shower bud and tell me who would hire you?? I know just trolling by 🚶
The dehumanization of homeless people, hurts my heart. I am astounded by so many people just turning a blind eye. The bible says to love your neighbor as yourself.
@@countrystix Stop voting for people who clearly don't have good intentions, Especially locally 😂. Voters treat politics like a team sport instead of being critical.
@@countrystix You're correct,we are taxed like crazy but what we can do is demand that our government stop giving r Tax breaks and million dollar funding to corporations. Corporations will screw up their profits so the CEOs can't take home million dollar bonuses and to compensate they go to their political buddies for money, our money! They grift and lie and gaslight us with the "we create jobs blah blah blah,but that's crap because they either don't create jobs or the few jobs they do create pay less than livable wages and they continue to greedy grab millions in bonuses! I would rather my tax dollars go to affordable housing, feeding poor people, lunch in schools for kids, rent assistance, help for elderly, help for medical care, if our government gave as much help to the needy as they do to the greedy ,well then we truly would, could be the great country we tell everyone that we are, until that happens then the so called country we think we have is just an illusion.and by the way, the people who think tRump is the answer are deluding them selves.
Having people shack up in a public park where literal children go to play is clearly a safety issue man. Y’all really just lead with these raw unmitigated emotion without thinking about anything at all. A lot of these people tend to be on drugs too but sure that’s okay to be around kids
That poor lady, they took her son’s ashes away. My heart broke when I heard that. She deserves a break and I hope everyone who has unfairly treated homeless people like her realise they are also just a few pay checks and life events away themselves.
Something with me when I was staying at a "faith based" shelters. Took half my food stamps & had to pay $200.00 a week. I was working full-time. You finally get something, and someone is always there to take it away ...
Nobody has a clue about what to do, seriously? How about changes in zoning, tiny houses, poor houses, etc. Simply having a lockable 100 square feet, heat, and running water, is not rocket science, but everywhere they look there are various types of "minimums," below which it's said a person shouldn't be "made" to live. Unless they're in a tent, that is...
I can't help but blame people who rent out rooms and charge a thousand a month for just a room!! I get less than a grand a month and I'm desperately looking for A ROOM. Not having much luck and the "system " will only help a few times then I'll be in the market for a tent and supplies. Rooms used to run around 500-600. Shame on these greedy a-holes!
Una vergüenza la desigualdad entre personas que hay a nivel mundial. Ánimos, bendiciones y por un mundo más empático y resiliente, saludos desde Argentina.
Listen, I live in FL and own a home.we are retired on a fixed income. Rentals around here are $2509 and WAY up. Part of the problem is property taxes and insurance. Because of hurricane losses here, insurance companies started leaving and our Governor let the ones who stayed, hike our rates sky high. Mine went from $3800 a year to $11,700 a year, in 3 year's time. Between property tax increases and insurance, my house payment has jumped $900/month!! Dont blame landlords when they have to raise rent to cover rising costs on their side. Blame the insurance lobbyists and greedy execs and politicians who are pushing the cost of living to extremes.
If you think homelessness is going away it's not. There's to much money being made from it. This government could house every homeless person in the US. They waist billions of dollars on other countries. God bless the homeless
It's the only solution they can come up with. Cause you know passing laws on rent hikes and renovating old hotels and warehouses into homes isn't profitable. It's a really sad state when we no longer care for others.
My dear brother can you please start a go fund me for each person you interview. These people need our help and support asap. It is disgusting my UK and USA government spend and give billions to Israel while these people are homeless !
A GoFundMe will not solve homelessness. My suggestion is you work to prevent an end homelessness in your own community. If we all did that, worked in our own community to solve homelessness, we could make a difference. A GoFundMe is not a solution to homelessness.
@@InvisiblePeople I know a go fund me will not solve the major issues of homeless however it will give some kind of instant support for food, water, tents, medication and so on that these people need. Like I said before our governments are speading way too much on Israel and needs to look into it's own people. UK is big-ish however America is very huge. With all that land you guys have I can see millions and millons of homes being made. We need a secure and safe system of course for this to work. Anyways when you next in the UK/London I would love to meet you. Stay blessed brother and thanks for all that you are doing for these people xxx
Mark, if someone is drowning, you throw them a lifebelt, not start thinking about how to teach them swim. If basic needs are not satisfied, higher needs can't be either. That's why a gofundme could work for this lady, get her back on her feet and then she could start rebuilding her life. Me starting campaigning for ending homelessness won't help her because that takes years or decades to bear fruit. Still, your channel and work is amazing, we both have Hungarian origins:)
A GoFundMe would not work for the lady in this video because as she knows she does not have regular access to a phone. You also have to keep in mind that GoFundMe requires a bank account or somewhere for the money to go. I also agree with Mark that a GoFundMe is not a long-term solution.
How are all these people not getting shelter ? They are human beings please help your unhoused. There is so much empty land that could hold temporary housing such as campers, motor homes. Hire a crew to overlook them all. It's way cheaper and safer than in the streets.
In my city (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) there are tons of different homeless shelters for people with different needs; at least 4 the last time that I checked. The city could help too, they just don't want to.
Holy shit I'm from the Rogue Valley and everyone knows the cops in Grants Pass are the worst. They have almost nothing productive to do and it feels like they take it out their boredom on normal people. Never thought you'd go to a (relatively) smaller neck of the woods like that. There's a guy in Medford who has an apartment now but who was homeless for a while (I think) named Downtown Dan, if you ask around you might be able to talk to him.
My heart goes out to them . I myself along with my family will not have a home after my lease is up in April 30 2024 . Dear Lord I ask you to lead us in the right direction , so we can all find a home Amen 🙏🏼
When I applied for food stamps in Arkansas they denied me I don't know how but they did and told me literally if I wanted to eat to go find a husband😢😮
We are seniors and we were cut to $23/mo. It's a joke. 60% of our Social Security goes to rent. We were homeless approximately 15 years ago. But the illegals get $6k-7k/month!!! That's where the funding is going, not to Americans who paid taxes for over 50 years.
This woman has inspired me. Thank you God for all your blessings. For a roof over my head. Thank you for my children and family. Thank you for my health and wealth. God forgive me for the times when I am ungrateful for silly things. Let's all spread positivity and help the needy around us.
It seems as soon as someone is in a downward spiral, there are more who will trip you up than help you out. Granted there are a few who dont know how to act if you offer help. Ive been on both sides of the fence and helped others when i could. From giving bus money to a meal to staying with me for awhile. Most were good experiences. The bad experiences were when someone felt i was at a disadvantage so instead of just a job thought they force me to do other things instead but call it house cleaning 😅 and i literally laughed in their face. Then gaslight you and say you have the problem. Im so glad you make these videoes as i see alot of "Dreamers" here that dont qualify for special help. Were all human but dont know how to treat each other any more. Society is deteriorating due to unequality gap growing.
If I ever am in the position of owning a business where I need employees I will definitely turn to the homeless and the addicts in recovery first that's a promise.❤
what do you mean the church is taking their food stamps? insane.. i dont think people realize how fast you can become homeless, it happened to me, luckily im out now but the system is made to keep you in the hole of homelessness. this channel sheds light on invisible people, thank you
When I lived in a faith based homeless shelter, they made all of us homeless people sign a power of attorney. If anyone received money, they would take it. My parents would send me $20 a week. The Shelter took it. I needed to pay my storage and my parents sent me money to cover the rent. The Shelter took it. Any money coming in, in the name of Jesus, they confiscated for their own use praise be to God
@@InvisiblePeople I am shocked by what I am hearing. Do you know about legal grounds that would allow such practices or if taking money, foodstamps or else is still a common practice and is anyone working on this already so I can support them?
I don’t know if there’s legal grounds, but once we signed over power of attorney, they had legal authority to do whatever they want. The biggest one is what they call work therapy, which is just a new sexy term for slavery.
Yes, there ARE some religious organizations that do take client's government assistance. Even the Los Angeles Rescue Mission is doing it because donations are down, and if they take government funding, then officials can tell the mission what to do. So they began to charge a fee,after a while.
@@LilySaintSin I’m not angry it’s just a fact. They’re treated different because a certain group wants them here for a reason. It’s a dark agenda. Not just about votes. It’s about destroying USA. Out of the ashes comes hunger games world.
If I had the money if I were one of these billion dollar companies I would invest in low income housing and make sure that every person is off the street. This is just inhumane. I don’t care who the person is what they’ve done. I don’t care if they have addiction problems, mental illness I don’t care, it doesn’t mean bad people
“We have come to a clear realization of the fact, however, that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry, people who are out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made. In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a Second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all regardless of station, race, or creed. Among these are: The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation; The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation; The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living; The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad; The right of every family to a decent home;" - President Franklin D Roosevelt (1944)
Our country is sick its priorities throwing hundreds of billions to defense endless wars but come to housing such as sec 8 etc be tight as possible sad we don't prioritize housing as we do on the defense 😢 .
maybe blame your government and rich hoarders instead of the people who are coming for a better life. it's not like americans aren't famous for continuously "intervening" (breaking) into other countries. heck, y'all even historically broke into american lands & locked the natives in tiny reservs they remain at today.
@@EricNorthman-h2f keep spouting revisionist history lmao. also theres a difference between occasional regional spats among tribes where by logic some prisoners will be exchanged with some territory up'd, & a great invasion & genocide of such proportions & consequences that continues to systematically oppress the GENERAL natives up til today. it must've counted even as biological warfare with the bunch of nasty illnesses the Europeans brought here which aided them in subjugating the natives lmao
There are barriers...this is what people just don't seem to grasp. The barriers are what needs to be removed/ addressed. People need transportation, showers, clothing, and access to laundry and basic shelter. Without these simple things, life becomes way more complex and challenging. We all need access to education and training as well. So that people who want to better their lives are able to.
We stayed in my car most of the time it was broke down. During stimulus check stayed at motels didn't take long to go through that money had to eat . Fortunately when got car running went to social services fortunately got help. It's rough n people r still losing their homes jobs etc. Now we have a little apartment. While in the motels with help was able to get kid back in school. Has Asperger's adhd anxiety disorder depression also has light sensitivity touch sensitivity eating issues. Now in apartment can teach them how to cook clean do dishes etc. The government n everything should b putting more programs in place to help humans off the streets etc get a job n keep it. If they have mental health issues health issues etc help with a program to help them. Ones with addictions put them in a program to get them better so they can take care of themselves. Some have problems with following the rules of the programs. America has always helped other countries. Im Thankful n Grateful for the help was able to receive. Prayers for All of whom r struggling 🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇
If I'm not mistaken Grant pass is at the center of a case that the US supreme Court just agreed to take that will decide whether or not the criminalization of homelessness violates the Constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Given the makeup of the current Court I'm extremely skeptical that anything good will come out of the lawsuit. Whichever way they decide a lot will be riding on the impending case. Making life so unbearable in the hope that the homeless will just leave is not a long-term solution.
So im wondering,is it possible for half a dozen of them get together and all throwmin tonrent a house?is there no houses available?Surly someone could help these folk out
I hate it so much for her that her son's ashes were thrown away, that just so sad. That had to be so devastating! Loosing her son was bad enough and then for his ashes to be thrown away, just heart breaking. How is it legal for the mission to take their food stamps, I mean really those are meant for her and her only, not to feel everyone else? That is just really, really sorry of the missions. I'm sure that mission isn't the only one. You can't blame her for not wanting to go to places like that. I think shelters and the life need rules, but taking food stamps from someone is not at all right. I know I've heard of several halfway houses that take your government check, that too is sorry, and it too puzzles me how they are able to do that. I wish Amber a better life and that she finds housing soon.
Desantes passed a law in florida making being homeless a felony . Now this week he's suposed to pass a law making feeding clothing or giving homeless money 1 year in jail .
moved to portland in 70's at 20 years old, cops were so horrible and gave tickets every chance they could, too many to count as a working 20 year old, i left my good govt job and went back to D, best decision i ever made
Why don't you go to the Grants Pass Police department, and ask them what they want these people to do. Where can these people go, because fines are not a solution to the problem. Get an interview with local government, or the local news outlet. We need to get the other side of the story, and don't tell me they don't want to talk. It is easy to upload this, harder to find information on what can she do, and is there any help.
People become homeless for various reasons. Its not only substance abuse, alcoholism, and mental illness. Sometimes people lose a job, and have little or no savings. They may have no family
@ashahelfaubert3754 have you ever heard of giving someone a hand up? I was homeless but I could afford to live in my car. I now proudly own a short bus. One step at a time!
Wow ! I've heard of police doing many bad things, but this takes the cake ! Why take human remains ?? I hope this woman contacts Legal Aid and sues them, whoever did this. If there was enough housing stock for all Americans, this situation wouldn't have happened to begin with !
The only way to have homeless people leave an area , is to make sure that there's the kind of housing stock that existed before 1980. That's when most people were housed, before that year,when apartments stopped getting built. When your old enough to remember when there were no homeless people, this is what comes to mind. Renting was so easy before that odd year. There's definitely some strange agenda afoot, and it's started with homeless people,but it won't end there. This should frighten people. It's just that it's politically correct to attack homeless people. Few classes remain that are safe to pick on. Granted there are bad homeless people who should be locked up- but this doesn't apply to ALL homeless people!
This is heart breaking. Most of us truly are just one difficult event from being outside. People that have never felt the fear of losing everything can be so heartless. We will all be judged on how we treat the least of these. God cares. Cry out to him in your time of need. He will give you peace and rest when you feel lost and alone. 🙏🏻💗
What is best thing for normal people to do to end homeless? Im in NYC, and donate occasionally to The Bowery Mission. Have you ever heard of them? I dont think inviting strangers to live with you is the solution. We are not professionals, and cannot vet people.
God actually says people can have strangers live with you, but most refuse to not just the harm of the homeless but to their own self-harm because God will punish those who harden their hearts against the poor and destitute.
Everyone is waiting for someone else to help . I can't help or I would . Illegals get housing but not our Americans ? As for the ashes , what's done is done . Hope she gets a good lawyer and everything changes for the better ! Your son is with Jesus now, next time you see him it's forever ❤️
For your phone charging you can get small solar panels that are about the size of a cell phone..maybe a bit bigger..just put them in sun lite and they take a charge..don't know the cost.
I lived in Denver for 6 yrs and it snows there but in the winter the cops would come through and take um and if they caught u feeding one u'd go to jail.
A sick joke. It's a vicious cycle; a losing battle for these people. They are a very real reflection of a sick, corrupt system. Tossing out a mother's sons ashes is beyond cruel. Even if they didn't know, these belongings are all they have. I would be so heartbroken. So fucking sad.
Denver seems to take pretty good care of their homeless. When cold weather comes, buildings open up and busses come to transport and you dont see them. Good job Denver !!!
Both parties are major failures when it comes to this issue. And no, they don't care if the rest of the world is laughing at America. America is a superpower, so guns before butter, as the Germans once said.
Any religious mission providing help, yet telling you that you have to go to church, or believe what they believe is just disgusting. They know nothing about compassion if they have to make rules trying to control you. Tit for Tat. Just be a decent human being and help without trying to indoctrinate these poor people. Seems everyone has an agenda. If God were real these people would not be out on the street suffering.
The world messed up, I was homeless but I was lucky that a after hours homeless shelter let me in and got hostel, I was 19 and I'm 20 now
Glad you hopefully made it.
It's not luck, it's the Lord who looks after us. Have a blessed year and glad to hear things got better.
Stay sharp, stay vigalent ❤👊
Homeless people are not criminals What is criminal is how we are treated...like trash, like second class citizens, like nothing. The damage being homeless does to a person is unimaginable. Wealthy landowners, lying real estate agents make it so much more difficult. Having been homeless, it is a constant fear when you manage to find a rental. No grounds evictions exist. Wealthy owners make their own laws, protected by the greedy agencies waiting for a commission from a sale. It is despicable. Blessings to the homeless today. From Australia.
Whether you fault or not being HOMELESS is a living nightmare 😢
Absolutely,it is !! But in oligarchic economies, housing is expensive on purpose, and now this crazy thing with chickens and cows being infected with " avian flu." The timing for this is interesting,and not surprising anymore. People who have land will need to raise their own food and livestock.
This is all the governments fault and their enforcers. Police who enforce unjust laws are despicable.
But they “Protect and Serve”
Hahahaha - sure they do @@teresadwhiteley
You guys are looking at this the wrong way. Cops have to enforce laws, if they don't then they'll get fired and the police dept will move on and hire someone who will. Cops don't have to be a_holes in the way they speak to people!!...but they're probably frustrated and sick of hearing it from BOTH sides. The problems are economic; inflation outstripping wages, and a lack of adequate affordable housing . Also a shortage of shelters bc funding is required, and taxpayers don't want to foot the bill. The cop is just the guy doing his job, he's got a family to support and bills to pay like everybody else.
Are you slow? I'm sure deciding to destroy your life doing drugs is somehow others faults? You are the problem, just because you screw up your life doesn't mean you are a victim.
The reason why is because HOUSED middle class people sneer at the homeless. And bitch and moan and groan. Even if the homeless person or people aren't actually doing anything wrong.
This lady is homeless, how do they think she can pay all of these fines. She has very little resources.
They do it to force the homeless out of the city. Go some where else
You can go to the mental health center and they will pay the ticket state pay taxes and they spend it
They absolutely know she'll likely never pay the fines. It's not about the fines, though.
It's about the psychological warfare that's going on every day against the modern-day American untouchable class.
Communities that continually hand out the same tickets to these folks every single day are only digging themselves in deeper in the long run.
They do not care
I hope she finds housing , instead of having a tent.
Nothing to glorify our USA 🇺🇸. We all must feel ashamed ❤️👏🙏.
It's same in the UK
@@andrewmorton395 Thank you : your honesty is appreciated by us true human beings 🙏👏❤️.
I heard about Homelessness being a crime and she is a prime example of our insanely insensitive government. 30 Tickets at $300 each 👀 and she's homeless 😢
I can't afford that with a home.
If you aren’t doing something to make a change then what are you doing ? There are public places you could go use to charge your phone. If the climate is too cold, then go live homeless in a warmer climate.
I believe that is a crime
@@MW-jm8qbAre you going to drive her to Florida? Oh wait the alligators being outside not a good idea. Ok California? Ya we all know that's not a good idea. "A public place to charge her phone, ya then she gets back and her tent is gone. Charging her phone won't get her work, go a week+ without a shower bud and tell me who would hire you?? I know just trolling by 🚶
@@MW-jm8qbyou’ve never been homeless and it shows. Your cold dead headed is a major issue
The dehumanization of homeless people,
hurts my heart.
I am astounded by so many people
just turning a blind eye.
The bible says to love your neighbor
as yourself.
@@countrystix Stop voting for people who clearly don't have good intentions, Especially locally 😂. Voters treat politics like a team sport instead of being critical.
@@countrystix You're correct,we are taxed like crazy but what we can do is demand that our government stop giving r
Tax breaks and million dollar funding to corporations. Corporations will screw up their profits so the CEOs can't take home million dollar bonuses and to compensate they go to their political buddies for money, our money! They grift and lie and gaslight us with the "we create jobs blah blah blah,but that's crap because they either don't create jobs or the few jobs they do create pay less than livable wages and they continue to greedy grab millions in bonuses! I would rather my tax dollars go to affordable housing, feeding poor people, lunch in schools for kids, rent assistance, help for elderly, help for medical care, if our government gave as much help to the needy as they do to the greedy ,well then we truly would, could be the great country we tell everyone that we are, until that happens then the so called country we think we have is just an illusion.and by the way, the people who think tRump is the answer are deluding them selves.
Having people shack up in a public park where literal children go to play is clearly a safety issue man. Y’all really just lead with these raw unmitigated emotion without thinking about anything at all. A lot of these people tend to be on drugs too but sure that’s okay to be around kids
How many do you have living with you? Your just another all talk liberal.
@@chandlerlowell5you need education and empathy
That poor lady, they took her son’s ashes away. My heart broke when I heard that. She deserves a break and I hope everyone who has unfairly treated homeless people like her realise they are also just a few pay checks and life events away themselves.
Something with me when I was staying at a "faith based" shelters. Took half my food stamps & had to pay $200.00 a week. I was working full-time. You finally get something, and someone is always there to take it away ...
They are the worst. Trying to control you and take your money when your in a desperate situation. The worst kind of people
This is just plain sad how many millions to Europe and our people in tents
So, this is real America?!😮 omg 😮
@@bobbysaysthey are the worst but they aren’t real Christians.
Oh my dear dear mother i am so so sorry about your tent and things. To loose your sons ashes is tragic
I hope things are better for you soon.
Nobody has a clue about what to do, seriously? How about changes in zoning, tiny houses, poor houses, etc. Simply having a lockable 100 square feet, heat, and running water, is not rocket science, but everywhere they look there are various types of "minimums," below which it's said a person shouldn't be "made" to live. Unless they're in a tent, that is...
Isn't it illegal for them to take your food stamps?
I can't help but blame people who rent out rooms and charge a thousand a month for just a room!! I get less than a grand a month and I'm desperately looking for A ROOM. Not having much luck and the "system " will only help a few times then I'll be in the market for a tent and supplies. Rooms used to run around 500-600. Shame on these greedy a-holes!
Una vergüenza la desigualdad entre personas que hay a nivel mundial. Ánimos, bendiciones y por un mundo más empático y resiliente, saludos desde Argentina.
Listen, I live in FL and own a home.we are retired on a fixed income. Rentals around here are $2509 and WAY up. Part of the problem is property taxes and insurance. Because of hurricane losses here, insurance companies started leaving and our Governor let the ones who stayed, hike our rates sky high. Mine went from $3800 a year to $11,700 a year, in 3 year's time. Between property tax increases and insurance, my house payment has jumped $900/month!! Dont blame landlords when they have to raise rent to cover rising costs on their side. Blame the insurance lobbyists and greedy execs and politicians who are pushing the cost of living to extremes.
Most communities get $ to help unhoused people. We need more oversight on where that $ goes and stop punishing people for not having $ ❤
If you think homelessness is going away it's not. There's to much money being made from it. This government could house every homeless person in the US. They waist billions of dollars on other countries. God bless the homeless
My heart breaks for her .
Some cops are just heartless assholes.
YES,and some are worse than the people who are in jail.
Some the wealthiest people in the world live in America yet this poor lady has to live that way , what do that say about society 😢
These interviews are really valueable.
Thanks so much for your kind word and the support
I am ashamed to be called a human living in such an evil world like this. It doesn’t get any lower than this.😰😡
Why would the police fine homeless people? They surely could never pay the fines!
It's the only solution they can come up with. Cause you know passing laws on rent hikes and renovating old hotels and warehouses into homes isn't profitable. It's a really sad state when we no longer care for others.
It's harassment to get them out of town.
Because their are dogs and don't have a consciousness
Yeah, no kidding...duh
My dear brother can you please start a go fund me for each person you interview. These people need our help and support asap. It is disgusting my UK and USA government spend and give billions to Israel while these people are homeless !
A GoFundMe will not solve homelessness. My suggestion is you work to prevent an end homelessness in your own community. If we all did that, worked in our own community to solve homelessness, we could make a difference. A GoFundMe is not a solution to homelessness.
I know a go fund me will not solve the major issues of homeless however it will give some kind of instant support for food, water, tents, medication and so on that these people need. Like I said before our governments are speading way too much on Israel and needs to look into it's own people. UK is big-ish however America is very huge. With all that land you guys have I can see millions and millons of homes being made. We need a secure and safe system of course for this to work.
Anyways when you next in the UK/London I would love to meet you.
Stay blessed brother and thanks for all that you are doing for these people xxx
Same in Australia. Always sending millions, overseas, but homelessness here is out of control!
Mark, if someone is drowning, you throw them a lifebelt, not start thinking about how to teach them swim. If basic needs are not satisfied, higher needs can't be either. That's why a gofundme could work for this lady, get her back on her feet and then she could start rebuilding her life. Me starting campaigning for ending homelessness won't help her because that takes years or decades to bear fruit. Still, your channel and work is amazing, we both have Hungarian origins:)
A GoFundMe would not work for the lady in this video because as she knows she does not have regular access to a phone. You also have to keep in mind that GoFundMe requires a bank account or somewhere for the money to go. I also agree with Mark that a GoFundMe is not a long-term solution.
Honestly, don't throw people's possessions away, especially when they don't have a home. Who does that?! It's heartless
They don't even make -tiny- budget to store their stuffs which must be taken from streets immediatly... 😢
That’s not legal in California.
American government . Politicians they are rich and couldn't give a crap
The cops across this country unfortunately
@@maryyoung777 It's NOT??
What about letting her sleep on your sofa? She looks honest.
How are all these people not getting shelter ? They are human beings please help your unhoused. There is so much empty land that could hold temporary housing such as campers, motor homes. Hire a crew to overlook them all. It's way cheaper and safer than in the streets.
In my city (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) there are tons of different homeless shelters for people with different needs; at least 4 the last time that I checked. The city could help too, they just don't want to.
Holy shit I'm from the Rogue Valley and everyone knows the cops in Grants Pass are the worst. They have almost nothing productive to do and it feels like they take it out their boredom on normal people.
Never thought you'd go to a (relatively) smaller neck of the woods like that.
There's a guy in Medford who has an apartment now but who was homeless for a while (I think) named Downtown Dan, if you ask around you might be able to talk to him.
Thankyou for highlighting and making us aware. I cannot believe the supposedly best country in the world, treat people in this way. I am devasted 😢
My heart goes out to them . I myself along with my family will not have a home after my lease is up in April 30 2024 . Dear Lord I ask you to lead us in the right direction , so we can all find a home Amen 🙏🏼
I am so sorry that happened to her. 😢
When I applied for food stamps in Arkansas they denied me I don't know how but they did and told me literally if I wanted to eat to go find a husband😢😮
We are seniors and we were cut to $23/mo. It's a joke. 60% of our Social Security goes to rent. We were homeless approximately 15 years ago.
But the illegals get $6k-7k/month!!! That's where the funding is going, not to Americans who paid taxes for over 50 years.
Huckabee needs the money for that eye operation thats why
Can't stand Huckabee, I'm so sorry that happened to you.
This woman has inspired me. Thank you God for all your blessings. For a roof over my head. Thank you for my children and family. Thank you for my health and wealth. God forgive me for the times when I am ungrateful for silly things. Let's all spread positivity and help the needy around us.
If the supreme court ruies in favor of Grant's pass, we're in serious trouble in America.
Your amazing sister. Stay strong and don't give up. I love you.
Your Amazing Beautiful human being God bless you Always 🙏🇮🇪🇺🇲
Once a week its wild 💔. How on earth would you even pay for a ticket when you dont have a home? Where is the money gonna come from?!
I'm sorry about her son. How can you restart with nothing? Or support?
Really Sad
An when you walk away to go to work your at risk of theft
It seems as soon as someone is in a downward spiral, there are more who will trip you up than help you out. Granted there are a few who dont know how to act if you offer help. Ive been on both sides of the fence and helped others when i could. From giving bus money to a meal to staying with me for awhile. Most were good experiences. The bad experiences were when someone felt i was at a disadvantage so instead of just a job thought they force me to do other things instead but call it house cleaning 😅 and i literally laughed in their face. Then gaslight you and say you have the problem. Im so glad you make these videoes as i see alot of "Dreamers" here that dont qualify for special help. Were all human but dont know how to treat each other any more. Society is deteriorating due to unequality gap growing.
If I ever am in the position of owning a business where I need employees I will definitely turn to the homeless and the addicts in recovery first that's a promise.❤
what do you mean the church is taking their food stamps? insane.. i dont think people realize how fast you can become homeless, it happened to me, luckily im out now but the system is made to keep you in the hole of homelessness. this channel sheds light on invisible people, thank you
When I lived in a faith based homeless shelter, they made all of us homeless people sign a power of attorney. If anyone received money, they would take it. My parents would send me $20 a week. The Shelter took it. I needed to pay my storage and my parents sent me money to cover the rent. The Shelter took it. Any money coming in, in the name of Jesus, they confiscated for their own use praise be to God
@@InvisiblePeople I am shocked by what I am hearing. Do you know about legal grounds that would allow such practices or if taking money, foodstamps or else is still a common practice and is anyone working on this already so I can support them?
I don’t know if there’s legal grounds, but once we signed over power of attorney, they had legal authority to do whatever they want. The biggest one is what they call work therapy, which is just a new sexy term for slavery.
@@InvisiblePeople ok thank you again for sharing this I will educate myself on this matter to gain a better understanding but still baffled by it
Yes, there ARE some religious organizations that do take client's government assistance. Even the Los Angeles Rescue Mission is doing it because donations are down, and if they take government funding, then officials can tell the mission what to do. So they began to charge a fee,after a while.
Grants Pass Police & residents should be ashamed of themselves.
If these police people would live homeless themselves they would be very unhappy
The way the economy is going….some might just become homeless too.
They harass em, fine them, throw away their stuff to force them to move out of the city. Thats what they are doing
We are living in a inhumane world!!!!
God Bless the homeless man and women with a permanent shelter so they can stay warm and dry.
God bless the homeless people
What god??? There is no god.
Amen 🙏
WOW, that's just horrible.
But homeless illegals are treated different.
You're angry at the wrong people. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated
@@LilySaintSin I’m not angry it’s just a fact. They’re treated different because a certain group wants them here for a reason. It’s a dark agenda. Not just about votes. It’s about destroying USA. Out of the ashes comes hunger games world.
The illegals were dumped on the streets of NYC in the middle of winter, by the gov't there.
If I had the money if I were one of these billion dollar companies I would invest in low income housing and make sure that every person is off the street. This is just inhumane. I don’t care who the person is what they’ve done. I don’t care if they have addiction problems, mental illness I don’t care, it doesn’t mean bad people
It causes constant confusion and chaos and diverts from the problem.
I understand we all do not make best choices. I know i have not. How can people be treated this way. She deserves so much better.
“We have come to a clear realization of the fact, however, that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry, people who are out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.
In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a Second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all regardless of station, race, or creed.
Among these are:
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;" - President Franklin D Roosevelt (1944)
Our country is sick its priorities throwing hundreds of billions to defense endless wars but come to housing such as sec 8 etc be tight as possible sad we don't prioritize housing as we do on the defense 😢 .
Im so sorry Ambar, about all your hardships, its truly unfair, you are a smart kind gentle soul. you are beautiful. you deserve a safe warm home...
Yep. Heard about that happening in NYC.
maybe blame your government and rich hoarders instead of the people who are coming for a better life. it's not like americans aren't famous for continuously "intervening" (breaking) into other countries. heck, y'all even historically broke into american lands & locked the natives in tiny reservs they remain at today.
@@uhhthatskindauhh you mean like how the Indians fought each other historically , taking each other's land, and prisoners ?
@@EricNorthman-h2f keep spouting revisionist history lmao. also theres a difference between occasional regional spats among tribes where by logic some prisoners will be exchanged with some territory up'd, & a great invasion & genocide of such proportions & consequences that continues to systematically oppress the GENERAL natives up til today. it must've counted even as biological warfare with the bunch of nasty illnesses the Europeans brought here which aided them in subjugating the natives lmao
There are barriers...this is what people just don't seem to grasp. The barriers are what needs to be removed/ addressed. People need transportation, showers, clothing, and access to laundry and basic shelter. Without these simple things, life becomes way more complex and challenging. We all need access to education and training as well. So that people who want to better their lives are able to.
God bless her. I hope things start going better for her soon.
We stayed in my car most of the time it was broke down. During stimulus check stayed at motels didn't take long to go through that money had to eat . Fortunately when got car running went to social services fortunately got help. It's rough n people r still losing their homes jobs etc. Now we have a little apartment. While in the motels with help was able to get kid back in school. Has Asperger's adhd anxiety disorder depression also has light sensitivity touch sensitivity eating issues. Now in apartment can teach them how to cook clean do dishes etc.
The government n everything should b putting more programs in place to help humans off the streets etc get a job n keep it. If they have mental health issues health issues etc help with a program to help them. Ones with addictions put them in a program to get them better so they can take care of themselves.
Some have problems with following the rules of the programs. America has always helped other countries.
Im Thankful n Grateful for the help was able to receive. Prayers for All of whom r struggling 🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇
And to think police were people I looked up to and could depend on growing up and into adulthood 👀
If I'm not mistaken Grant pass is at the center of a case that the US supreme Court just agreed to take that will decide whether or not the criminalization of homelessness violates the Constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Given the makeup of the current Court I'm extremely skeptical that anything good will come out of the lawsuit. Whichever way they decide a lot will be riding on the impending case. Making life so unbearable in the hope that the homeless will just leave is not a long-term solution.
So im wondering,is it possible for half a dozen of them get together and all throwmin tonrent a house?is there no houses available?Surly someone could help these folk out
The local housing authority should be able to help the local homeless population in GP.
I hate it so much for her that her son's ashes were thrown away, that just so sad. That had to be so devastating! Loosing her son was bad enough and then for his ashes to be thrown away, just heart breaking.
How is it legal for the mission to take their food stamps, I mean really those are meant for her and her only, not to feel everyone else? That is just really, really sorry of the missions. I'm sure that mission isn't the only one. You can't blame her for not wanting to go to places like that. I think shelters and the life need rules, but taking food stamps from someone is not at all right.
I know I've heard of several halfway houses that take your government check, that too is sorry, and it too puzzles me how they are able to do that.
I wish Amber a better life and that she finds housing soon.
Desantes passed a law in florida making being homeless a felony . Now this week he's suposed to pass a law making feeding clothing or giving homeless money 1 year in jail .
If this is true this woman has a million dollar civil lawsuit against the police
Local authorities must be proud 🫣
What has happened to humanity
Paying people a decent wage would be a start!
Yes, that plus affordable housing that is affordable for most Americans.
Prayers for you.
Prayers with her....your doing a great job man
moved to portland in 70's at 20 years old, cops were so horrible and gave tickets every chance they could, too many to count as a working 20 year old, i left my good govt job and went back to D, best decision i ever made
Why don't you go to the Grants Pass Police department, and ask them what they want these people to do. Where can these people go, because fines are not a solution to the problem. Get an interview with local government, or the local news outlet. We need to get the other side of the story, and don't tell me they don't want to talk. It is easy to upload this, harder to find information on what can she do, and is there any help.
Cops are very unforgivable, but US cops must be one of the most.
Many prayers
12:25 please, someone in the government needs to listen and have the authority to action
People become homeless for various reasons. Its not only substance abuse, alcoholism, and mental illness. Sometimes people lose a job, and have little or no savings. They may have no family
Im so sorry. I was homeless. Now im going to be homeless again. I wish you were in Oklahoma. I have a car i could give you!
She has no money what the heli she going to do with a car
@ashahelfaubert3754 have you ever heard of giving someone a hand up? I was homeless but I could afford to live in my car. I now proudly own a short bus. One step at a time!
God bless you and keep you safe 🙏
Wow ! I've heard of police doing many bad things, but this takes the cake ! Why take human remains ?? I hope this woman contacts Legal Aid and sues them, whoever did this. If there was enough housing stock for all Americans, this situation wouldn't have happened to begin with !
These local laws are the attempt to have people leave the area permanently
The only way to have homeless people leave an area , is to make sure that there's the kind of housing stock that existed before 1980. That's when most people were housed, before that year,when apartments stopped getting built. When your old enough to remember when there were no homeless people, this is what comes to mind. Renting was so easy before that odd year. There's definitely some strange agenda afoot, and it's started with homeless people,but it won't end there. This should frighten people. It's just that it's politically correct to attack homeless people. Few classes remain that are safe to pick on. Granted there are bad homeless people who should be locked up- but this doesn't apply to ALL homeless people!
Why is the police so INSENSITIVE?Why are they so bust happy?
I cannot stand the “a paycheck away” comment.
God bless you sweet girl, I'm homeless too😢
This is heart breaking. Most of us truly are just one difficult event from being outside. People that have never felt the fear of losing everything can be so heartless. We will all be judged on how we treat the least of these. God cares. Cry out to him in your time of need. He will give you peace and rest when you feel lost and alone. 🙏🏻💗
Someone is making money off the poor and low income; yet illegal immigrants or asylum seekers are given housing, money and transportation.
What is best thing for normal people to do to end homeless? Im in NYC, and donate occasionally to The Bowery Mission. Have you ever heard of them? I dont think inviting strangers to live with you is the solution. We are not professionals, and cannot vet people.
God actually says people can have strangers live with you, but most refuse to not just the harm of the homeless but to their own self-harm because God will punish those who harden their hearts against the poor and destitute.
Everyone is waiting for someone else to help . I can't help or I would . Illegals get housing but not our Americans ? As for the ashes , what's done is done . Hope she gets a good lawyer and everything changes for the better ! Your son is with Jesus now, next time you see him it's forever ❤️
That should not be legal
For your phone charging you can get small solar panels that are about the size of a cell phone..maybe a bit bigger..just put them in sun lite and they take a charge..don't know the cost.
Wow damn 😢😢😢😢
I lived in Denver for 6 yrs and it snows there but in the winter the cops would come through and take um and if they caught u feeding one u'd go to jail.
being homeless is not your fault
A sick joke. It's a vicious cycle; a losing battle for these people. They are a very real reflection of a sick, corrupt system.
Tossing out a mother's sons ashes is beyond cruel. Even if they didn't know, these belongings are all they have. I would be so heartbroken. So fucking sad.
Denver seems to take pretty good care of their homeless. When cold weather comes, buildings open up and busses come to transport and you dont see them. Good job Denver !!!
So this is what build-back-better looks like?
Both parties are major failures when it comes to this issue. And no, they don't care if the rest of the world is laughing at America. America is a superpower, so guns before butter, as the Germans once said.
Any religious mission providing help, yet telling you that you have to go to church, or believe what they believe is just disgusting. They know nothing about compassion if they have to make rules trying to control you. Tit for Tat. Just be a decent human being and help without trying to indoctrinate these poor people. Seems everyone has an agenda. If God were real these people would not be out on the street suffering.