Aquarium Co-Op I have hard water and I mixed play sand, eco complete and fluorite. It’s just a simple 30 gallon. I dose liquid co2 and flourish. My plants are growing slow but they are growing. I have a 5 watt led light with a 5 watt fluorescent that I use for two hrs after the sun sets and the tank is behind a window. So the daytime it’s 5 watt led plus sunlight at night it’s 5 watt led plus 5 watt fluorescent for two hrs. I have a video on my channel just asking for some criticism. Thanks.
Hi @Aquarium Co-Op, should I be vacuuming my inert gravel in my planted 20g medium light tank? You spoke of the nutrients slowly seeping in to the gravel over time in this video. Thank you for your time!
Not that I am any kind of expert, but I think this is the best information on substrates I have ever heard/read. I'm going to check out the other plant 101 videos I skipped over.
I am learning so much from you. I loved the gardening analogy. You're right, as a gardening hobbyist, I would never plant anything in just one type of soil. But it never occured to me to do the same with aquarium plants.
-_- I'm just frying my brain (and eyes) at this point doing all this research. Every time I come to a conclusion, something changes my mind. Having such a tight budget doesn't help either. I just don't know anymore!
Oh my, to who that has watched this comment Dirted tank for easy plants and good quality ada type soil for lomg term aquascaping tank.... Correct if you have an opinion
Perfect;y put as always. I had failed miserably in the past on the substrate. Your statement on "everything is centered around water" is certainly an important message for many hobbyist's as well.
Great discussion Cory. Having some sort of substrate is 80% of growing plants, and you are so right about learning your local water first, and then amending to suit. Big Thumbs Up!
hahaahah that's the first thing I did. It's just my personal preference though. Absolutely nothing against him. I usually watch vids at at least 1.25 anyway
I have been trying to find information on this topic for days now and this has been the most thorough, informative, and comprehensive video I have come across. Thank you for the time and energy you put into your videos.
I'm cheap, regular old walmart gravel and let the fish poop feed plants. I love that you tie it all back to gardening, it's my other passion besides planted tanks! BTW Dustin was just jealous of your dedication to this hobby. He used to be ALMOST as good.
@@AquariumCoop could u fertilze the substrate naturally like you could fertilize regular plants with things like banana water, coffee grounds and egg shells, probably not those exact things but, cost effeciant like so?
Thank you! I am setting up my first planted tank and I had questions about which substrate to use. My plants will be a mix, so I was glad this video confirmed my plan to use a mixture of substrates to benefit both types of plants at once. You're other videos have also been helpful. I feel very confident now that I am going to have a successful planted tank.
Mixing stuff is a good advice I think. I built my own soil using peat, worm kompost, crouched seeshells, clay and biochar, capped with pool filtersand. It has worked well fore me for two years now. I reasently started experimenting with adding micronutrients. Allso a good way to not run out of nutrients is to clean less and do fewer water charges.
My experience pretty much matches what you discuss here: my 20-long is planted with Eco-Complete, and far and away the best performer among my plants is the dwarf pygmy chain sword - it's growing like a weed. The stem plants, on the other hand, are struggling with slow growth. At least, they were until I started using Easy Green...
Eco complete is meant to get more mineral rich the longer it’s in the tank. You’re supposed to dose root tabs and liquid fert for the first 4-6 months and by that time it’s pretty good for the long term. It starts with almost no nutrients, but builds over time.
Thank you. Because I came across you on RUclips one day, I am enjoying this hobby. Thank you for being a fountain of information. Your videos helped my get through the pandemic 👍🏼✌🏽
I liked your idea of using jars with layered gravel and root tabs. Layer of gravel in bottom of jar root tabs on top, followed by plant roots then more gravel and possibly 2 more root tabs. Like the ability to see progress of roots thru the glass.
I'm starting my first planted tank soon.. but I just want to learn as much as possible before even filling the tank up.. I need to buy substrate first, so thank you so much!
Awesome info, I’ve usually done a “renovation” at the 20/24 month mark, everybody comes out, fish go to the quarantine tank and plants get a Tupperware lol, things get re-arranged, I swap out 60% of my substrate, add a new lower layer and reset up all in one day, I wait till the next day and add everybody back in, I Don’t change the filter media, so my cycle is good, I trim some roots also to make them grow abit...never had any issues, I’m almost due for my 4 th Reno this fall :) Than I have mature plants, I sometimes add new ones lol, a new look, and everyone is super happy after a week or so again :) Plus after 2 years you want a new look usually! I mix like 3 different plant substrates, and gravel, it’s worked for a long time now 😎👍🏻
This sounds like the best strategy and approach for established planted tanks that just need a revamp fertilization wise. I think i will be using this method, thanks for sharing
Same here. Red soil from Nagpur. Local nursery guy gave me 3 pots, about 12 litres. 2 kilograms of Fluval soil and 3 litres of Platinum substrate to top it up. My 2x1.6x2 feet aquarium shall be set up tomorrow, after having upgraded from my present 1.5x1x1 planted one.
Lol still learning about aquarium plants. I had to google what you said because "pogostemon stellatus octopus" just sounds made up when you say it fast!
Cory, that was great. Since most of the people that want to convert from plastic plant to real plants will have gravel, how about to do a segment specifically on gravel tank growing techniques.
He did mention in another vid about wanting to do clown puke gravel with all the red blue yellow green pink and whatever other colors there is to prove plants can be grown successfully in there that a high end substrate isn't needed to do a planted tank. May be awhile till this happens though.
I really want to see this video, I just got rid of my turtle and I'm ready to start a planted aquarium. My turtle destroyed my last one and I stupidly threw out all the substrate and replaced with gravel. Big mistake that was back when I could afford to spend £100-150 on substrate. A lot of people seem to be biased towards plant substrate but I'm sure there must be a way to do it in gravel
Love your videos Cory. I have 6 tanks. 2 of which I have under gravel filtration. 1 of which I used eco and the other regular gravel. Same lighting and dosing. The regular gravel grows like crazy, out preforms the eco. 2 of my other tanks I harvested river sand\gravel. Both of those tanks going on 3 years, out grow the under gravel 2.
Makes sense in nature, there are seasons that affect the soil, substrate in ponds, streams and many bodies of water. Some also dry up or some rely on the flow of the water to redistribute nutrients. I wonder if Eco Complete will make a good addition to orchid media...
Great stuff! I'm putting together a 120 dirted+plant+discus tank. This is great information I had a 40 gallon years ago and I made every mistake that could possibly be made. This time you guys are arming me with much needed information. Keep the videos coming.
Wasn't sure when i started watching it...Turned out pretty good. I've never seen the whole planted thing from this angle. It's like all those Pro knew about it but wasn't sharing it with us...Just my views. I'm glad i subscribed to this channel a while back. Great video guys... Thanks. ; )
Best infoI have found and presented in an easy to understand form. I have not been having good luck with Eco complete, but my water is hard and my ph high right out of the tap. Now I see why I may have chosen the wrong substrate for my situation as I don't want to use RO. Thank you.
I was just on your website, lost in the sauce, when I decided I needed to do more research. After watching this, not only do I feel more comfortable making a decision, I also feel .ore comfortable ordering from you knowing that there is some knowledge behind the business.
I’ve used it all, but my go to now is a thin layer of pond soil with crushed root tabs, then a layer of pre used fine gravel (I never throw old substrates out,) and then a thick layer of sand. Never fails.
Feeling lucky to live in the woods and have generally hard water. Been a year and so far fluval stratum clay substrate(spelling) is perfect for my planted tank and not super expensive. I occasionally use a little fertilizer from shrimp king once in a while (also priced reasonably) but really not often. Best wishes everyone.
I am so happy i watched this whole vid and didn't skip around. At first I was looking for a product recommendation but by the end of your video I now feel confident finding the correct substrate and what suits me and my water! BTW I live in Texas :) and am about to test my water and see just how hard it is.
This video was super super helpful. You answered all my questions and other videos just seemed to complicate it or leave me with even more questions. I’m so glad I found this!
I set up a planted 55 a month ago and used fert tabs on the bottom then ProMix organic potting soil mix covered with a thin layer of well rinsed coarse general purpose construction sand, the sand has a more natural color and a variety of particle sizes. The soil has a lot of compost so it already has a large diversity of beneficial bacteria and fungi, it also has a lot of lignin so when you fill the tank you get yellow water but a couple of partial water changes takes care of that while the tank cycles. It doesn't seem to change the hardness but that's OK, our water is fairly hard, lots of Calcium and Magnesium My plants and snails are thriving.
I watch this video every few months. This time was ALSO revealing I have got Red soil from Nagpur. Local nursery guy gave me about 12 litres from three pots where the plants had died during transport. 2 kilograms of Fluval and 3 litres of Platinum substrate to top it up. My 2x1.6x2 feet aquarium shall be set up tomorrow, after having upgraded from my present 1.5x1x1 planted one. #PlantedAquariumRocks!
In my whole year of fish hobby, I use gravel... no c.o.2 at all just naturale, I recycle fish poop, which means I just empty 60% water in tank, add clean water, with conditioners and chlorine killers , gallons I leave aside for a week, so when I do clean I add it to tank, and with just that , my plants have grown in nothing but just gravel. No sand, no co2, nothing poop, feeds it.
love this video spot on. i really enjoyed how you discuss water hardness. people always forget that part. i had high light, co2, aquasoil, the works. then i decided i wanted low tech. what an experience. i now know what plants can acfiallu grow in hard water.
Thanks so much for doing this video. I love sand substrates and have had decent luck with them with low maintenance plants. I'm setting up a new little tank and I've been wondering if I shouldn't switch to soil - but I was struggling with the idea that you outlined here...somewhere down the line, the soil will become depleted and I would be stuck doing a revamp or fertilizing - just about the same as if I had started with non-soil in the first place. I think I'd rather work with the substrate that I really want and make adjustments for its limitations to maintain it for its lifetime, than have a great substrate for a certain window of time that will require similar maintenance down the road. I'm not knocking soil at all, I do think it produces beautiful results, but not sure it's what I want and I'm not as concerned now about just sticking with sand.
One thing you can do, and which I plan to try someday, is a gravel substrate but with potted plants buried in the gravel. This would hopefully keep the plants' soil isolated and keep the tank bottom relatively clean. It also makes repositioning the plants fairly simple :P
I was about to drop a chunk of change for aquarium plant substrate to fill my 40, from what I've learned from your video and some quick research, I only have two plant types that would need it. Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green and Hair Grass. Could I buy a small bag of decent Aquarium Plant substrate and put it in areas where I plan of planting these specific plants? Should I worry about over fertilizing my plants also? I'm planning on using a liquid aquarium fert for the rest of my plants, as they get their nutrients from the water.
Setting up a shrimp and guppy planted tank. I have Fluval Stratum and also the Eco-complete you recommended. Should I mix the 2 or place the Stratum on the bottom with a cap of Eco-Complete on top?
Is there a good resource out there that has the information about what different aquatic plants need with regard to nutrients and how they are adapted to survive (root versus water column feeders)? You drop some random knowledge about particular plants and their needs and adaptations so I'm just curious where you might recommend an aquarist to go if they want to find out this type of information about a particular plant. Thanks for making these videos!
I just use an inert mixture of black crystal gravel (20%) rinsed river sand (60%) and white crystal gravel(20%) , seems to work great alongside organic potting soil root tabs
Hopeful this might still be seen after a couple of years. My water is super soft. pH from tap is around 6, kH practically nothing and gH like 30 drops. I use crushed coral as a substrate like you. Can I layer or or should I mix the coral with one of these. It's there one that increases pH by, like a lot? It's love to add some driftwood but that's a no, no for me with my water. It's there a product where you can add just straight minerals? Or a plant that will do that?
good video... I don't really mess with seachem substrates too much. for me ADA is heads and tails above the rest. I've used it all and currently have ADA, fluorite, eco complete, one dirted and my wife uses stratum. I have soft water too and have found its pointless to have a substrate do my buffering. I have municipal water and use a 50-50 ro mix using equilibrium to remineralize. ADA imho has it all covered after that. Root tabs are nice in theory but never did much for me. I uses them when my subs. depleted till I have time to start fresh.
My water is super acidic it's like 60 to 80 ppm kh and my plants are having a hard time. What would you reccomend for buffering it. I use eco complete mixed with gravel. I have low lights and med light plants my swords are melting
I live in South Texas. My tap water tests are crazy. Like pH is probably above 7.6 but that's the highest my current test goes, KH is around 8°, & GH is about 15°. So my plants do good with lower lights (LED lights attached to lid on 5 gallon kit & similar), and a basic aqueon liquid fertilizer. I currently only have an Anubis Nana & a money wort. My Anubis is kinda planted in the gravel but just the "roots" are under the surface not deep & it's next to the filter output. I keep reading that it won't grow planted & planting it is bad. However I've had it almost 6 months now & it's twice as big as it was when I got it, growing 1-2 new leaves every couple of weeks. The money wort I just got & it's currently floating.
Great tank! Here's my question with substrates: won't the plants eventually use up the nutrients in the special plant substrate, to where root tabs will be necessary? If so, then is there much of a benefit to planted substrate vs. sand+root tabs?
Do you have any tips for planting in that loose, clay style substrate? I tried fluval stratum, and it looked amazing and my fish & plants loved it - but i found it tricky to plant in!
I have extremely hard water, but I keep very hardy black skirt tetras, tiger barbs and albino cory catfish. If I wanted to change to a planted tank. How would a substrate that softens the water affect the fish (it would be a big change)? I have had tropical fish for years, but I never did a planted tank. I want to start with very basic/beginner plants. Thanks for the info. I subscribed 😁
Came to figure out if I needed some sort of nutrients substrate & leaving realising I don’t need it as I only have (&plan to get) plants that draw from the water. Thanks!
This may be a hard question to answer, but my tap PH is 8... i use ada AS in my tank and it buffers it to 6. Now my tap GH 2 and my plants have been seen with calcium deficiency’s in the passes due to the cork-shoe twisted growth and snail shells deteriorating rapidly. I dose GH booster now twice a week which helps. Do you think adding some of the grey coast under the substrate would help? Im worried the PH will go bananas do to both substrates fighting each other
is it safe to use organic compost/dirt substrate covered with gravel for cory dora tank? . I heard the compost is very rich in nutrient.. is there a chance cory would end up sucking particles or concentrated compost water..
Did this in a 5 gal. Another problem with sand is if you have aggressive root plants, like crypts, you can actually rip out a chunk of your substrate trying to pluck out runners. Yes, I was a little aggressive on my pruning, but I wasn't expecting to lift out my sand bed.
I have a dirted tank. It's made with compost I made and sifted. I also mixed it with diatomaceous earth or rock dust, cant remember. Its pretty mineral rich. But I need root tabs after like 2 years
Can a have a plant substrate and put gravel on top? We have many of your plants in our tanks my lily bulb I got went so crazy on my 10 gallon but my betta loves it and so do my other fish in the tank.
I Would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on father fishes deep substrate and forever aquarium principles :using minimum 2 inches of soil capped with usually sand like the walstad method Love your videos thank you
Hi, I want to know if you think my white Zanzibar sand that I bought would be to dense for plants to grow? Should I just have moss balls and potted plants in my aquarium instead? I've just started out on week 3 now and didn't use CO2, extra plant nutrients or stuff like that my first two weeks. Didnt even have a light. Bought a Leddy Nano plant LED light now with 900lumens. I have one anubia, anacharis and dwarf grass right now. Thinking of getting shrimps to clean the sand for me. And have a couple of small fish in the tank.
I have water lettuce and one water hyacinth. I just added aquarium co-op easy green and flora max. I heard flora max is basically the same as eco complete. I was looking for a video from you about soil bc some people say to use just Home Depot soil.
Should I mix seachem or Tetra active substrate with Fluval plant & shrimp stratum for my upcoming Shrimp tank, or am I getting the wrong idea? Also, would I be able to use this in a guppy tank who need a different pH? Do I need to use something like flourish each month or leave it 6 months? I have powdered calcium & crushed snail shells. Please help, I’ve forgotten everything I knew years ago😵💫
It works, the potting soil provides nutrients to the root plants, the gravel cap keeps the dirt from coming off the bottom and making the tank all nasty. Like Cory said in a year or 2 the soil will be depleted and thats the same for all of these things he talked about and then you will want to add root tabs and things.
*Part 4, Cycling your planted aquarium.*видео.html
Aquarium Co-Op I have hard water and I mixed play sand, eco complete and fluorite. It’s just a simple 30 gallon. I dose liquid co2 and flourish. My plants are growing slow but they are growing. I have a 5 watt led light with a 5 watt fluorescent that I use for two hrs after the sun sets and the tank is behind a window. So the daytime it’s 5 watt led plus sunlight at night it’s 5 watt led plus 5 watt fluorescent for two hrs. I have a video on my channel just asking for some criticism. Thanks.
Could you update this video, I think hobby has more stuff out now
My man literally said cation like "Caysion". It's Cat-ion as in Cation excha ge capacity- soil scientist
Hi @Aquarium Co-Op, should I be vacuuming my inert gravel in my planted 20g medium light tank? You spoke of the nutrients slowly seeping in to the gravel over time in this video. Thank you for your time!
Not that I am any kind of expert, but I think this is the best information on substrates I have ever heard/read. I'm going to check out the other plant 101 videos I skipped over.
I am learning so much from you. I loved the gardening analogy. You're right, as a gardening hobbyist, I would never plant anything in just one type of soil. But it never occured to me to do the same with aquarium plants.
I'm glad, I figure if I put it in enough analogies eventually it'll reach everyone :)
-_- I'm just frying my brain (and eyes) at this point doing all this research. Every time I come to a conclusion, something changes my mind. Having such a tight budget doesn't help either. I just don't know anymore!
CheshireKat same!😭
same for me atm
Yep. I bought ecocomplete and in about to cancel my order. What did you settle with?
I think you should just start with not rooted plants as beginners plants so you just use liquid based nutrients
Oh my, to who that has watched this comment
Dirted tank for easy plants and good quality ada type soil for lomg term aquascaping tank....
Correct if you have an opinion
Perfect;y put as always. I had failed miserably in the past on the substrate. Your statement on "everything is centered around water" is certainly an important message for many hobbyist's as well.
I feel like I just took a class ...u provided so much information . Thank you
subbed - learned more in this video about substrates than my entire 2 months of prep for my first planted HOOKED
Cory is the man.
Great discussion Cory. Having some sort of substrate is 80% of growing plants, and you are so right about learning your local water first, and then amending to suit. Big Thumbs Up!
Play this at 1.5 Speed
Yes he is so slow
hahaahah that's the first thing I did. It's just my personal preference though. Absolutely nothing against him. I usually watch vids at at least 1.25 anyway
No offense for the guy but thanks for this comment. 😁😁😁
Even the movement of fishes looks more normal at 1.5x
Pro tip
I have been trying to find information on this topic for days now and this has been the most thorough, informative, and comprehensive video I have come across. Thank you for the time and energy you put into your videos.
You are one of my favorite aquarium youtubers... you have such a friendly tone... Thanks for sharing!
You make the best aquarium videos hands down. Very in depth and comprehensive
I'm cheap, regular old walmart gravel and let the fish poop feed plants. I love that you tie it all back to gardening, it's my other passion besides planted tanks! BTW Dustin was just jealous of your dedication to this hobby. He used to be ALMOST as good.
Yep you can definitely build a low tech tank around fish poop ;)
@Tall Thingy well, that's nature for ya!!! Lol
@Tall Thingy it's the one tangible free thing we get in this hobby.
So you use gravel only for you're plants?And do you clean vacuum fish poop or food at all or do you leave it ??
@@AquariumCoop could u fertilze the substrate naturally like you could fertilize regular plants with things like banana water, coffee grounds and egg shells, probably not those exact things but, cost effeciant like so?
Thank you! I am setting up my first planted tank and I had questions about which substrate to use. My plants will be a mix, so I was glad this video confirmed my plan to use a mixture of substrates to benefit both types of plants at once.
You're other videos have also been helpful. I feel very confident now that I am going to have a successful planted tank.
Maggie Brayton what mix did you use?
love the rated "f" for fish nerds! Thank you Cory for all your help and info!
Gatoraid, it's what plants crave.
Welcome to Aquarium Co-Op. I love you.
It's got electrolytes!?!
Really?? Wow!! So do you just get a cup and put in Gatorade and and a plant?
@@AquariumCoop you like money? I like money.. we should hang out. maybe get a "starbucks"
Great "Idiocracy" reference! LOL :-)
Mixing stuff is a good advice I think. I built my own soil using peat, worm kompost, crouched seeshells, clay and biochar, capped with pool filtersand. It has worked well fore me for two years now. I reasently started experimenting with adding micronutrients. Allso a good way to not run out of nutrients is to clean less and do fewer water charges.
Your videos are by far the best at explaining things clearly and properly. Thanks for being such a great teacher.
My experience pretty much matches what you discuss here: my 20-long is planted with Eco-Complete, and far and away the best performer among my plants is the dwarf pygmy chain sword - it's growing like a weed. The stem plants, on the other hand, are struggling with slow growth. At least, they were until I started using Easy Green...
+Anthony Ragan yeah sounds like you got a first hand example of root vs water column feeders going on.
Eco complete is meant to get more mineral rich the longer it’s in the tank. You’re supposed to dose root tabs and liquid fert for the first 4-6 months and by that time it’s pretty good for the long term. It starts with almost no nutrients, but builds over time.
I was worried I got the wrong thing I got eco complete
Don't you often have to trim plants, or remove some organic matter/duckweed, so it's decreasing the minerals?
Thank you for this video! Coming from a beginner, I love that you put everything in layman's terms!!
And I came here expecting simple sand vs gravel
dmcepeda my kind ... Haha
This actually makes for a good podcast to listen to while working
Thank you. Because I came across you on RUclips one day, I am enjoying this hobby. Thank you for being a fountain of information. Your videos helped my get through the pandemic 👍🏼✌🏽
Thanks, Cory, for making me 'think' about my substrate. You are GREAT to listen to. A fount of knowledge. I am a BIG fan!!! :)
I liked your idea of using jars with layered gravel and root tabs. Layer of gravel in bottom of jar root tabs on top, followed by plant roots then more gravel and possibly 2 more root tabs. Like the ability to see progress of roots thru the glass.
This channel is like a good physics teacher. It doesn't teaches you what to do, it teaches how to think about aquariums.
As someone who is just getting into the hobby this is most beneficial. Thank you!
I'm starting my first planted tank soon.. but I just want to learn as much as possible before even filling the tank up.. I need to buy substrate first, so thank you so much!
Well said Cory. Very balanced overview for us beginners.
I just cant get over how Amazing your videos are!! So much great information. Youre constantly answering all my qs. Thank you so much!!! 😀😀😀
Glad you're finding value in our videos :)
Awesome info,
I’ve usually done a “renovation” at the 20/24 month mark, everybody comes out, fish go to the quarantine tank and plants get a Tupperware lol, things get re-arranged, I swap out 60% of my substrate, add a new lower layer and reset up all in one day, I wait till the next day and add everybody back in, I Don’t change the filter media, so my cycle is good, I trim some roots also to make them grow abit...never had any issues, I’m almost due for my 4 th Reno this fall :) Than I have mature plants, I sometimes add new ones lol, a new look, and everyone is super happy after a week or so again :) Plus after 2 years you want a new look usually! I mix like 3 different plant substrates, and gravel, it’s worked for a long time now 😎👍🏻
MrsBrownsAquaria what substrates do you use?
This sounds like the best strategy and approach for established planted tanks that just need a revamp fertilization wise. I think i will be using this method, thanks for sharing
I've done dirt with gravel cap for 6 years now in 7 aquarium's and love it. Never need co2 or anything
Same here. Red soil from Nagpur. Local nursery guy gave me 3 pots, about 12 litres.
2 kilograms of Fluval soil and 3 litres of Platinum substrate to top it up.
My 2x1.6x2 feet aquarium shall be set up tomorrow, after having upgraded from my present 1.5x1x1 planted one.
Lol still learning about aquarium plants. I had to google what you said because "pogostemon stellatus octopus" just sounds made up when you say it fast!
yea try the close captions its even worst lol >_
Thanks for covering pretty much the entire spectrum, Corey. I knew I could count on you. Cheers. :)
Cory, that was great. Since most of the people that want to convert from plastic plant to real plants will have gravel, how about to do a segment specifically on gravel tank growing techniques.
He did mention in another vid about wanting to do clown puke gravel with all the red blue yellow green pink and whatever other colors there is to prove plants can be grown successfully in there that a high end substrate isn't needed to do a planted tank. May be awhile till this happens though.
Yeah, basically any gravel will work. Just read other's comments about how they are having success with normal gravel.
I really want to see this video, I just got rid of my turtle and I'm ready to start a planted aquarium. My turtle destroyed my last one and I stupidly threw out all the substrate and replaced with gravel. Big mistake that was back when I could afford to spend £100-150 on substrate.
A lot of people seem to be biased towards plant substrate but I'm sure there must be a way to do it in gravel
Thanks for all the information, as a beginner it helped me out a lot!
Love your videos Cory. I have 6 tanks. 2 of which I have under gravel filtration. 1 of which I used eco and the other regular gravel. Same lighting and dosing. The regular gravel grows like crazy, out preforms the eco. 2 of my other tanks I harvested river sand\gravel. Both of those tanks going on 3 years, out grow the under gravel 2.
Makes sense in nature, there are seasons that affect the soil, substrate in ponds, streams and many bodies of water. Some also dry up or some rely on the flow of the water to redistribute nutrients.
I wonder if Eco Complete will make a good addition to orchid media...
+Julius Toledo yeah, I really hope to explore the way I keep aquariums in the coming year.
Great stuff! I'm putting together a 120 dirted+plant+discus tank. This is great information I had a 40 gallon years ago and I made every mistake that could possibly be made. This time you guys are arming me with much needed information. Keep the videos coming.
Wasn't sure when i started watching it...Turned out pretty good. I've never seen the whole planted thing from this angle. It's like all those Pro knew about it but wasn't sharing it with us...Just my views. I'm glad i subscribed to this channel a while back. Great video guys... Thanks. ; )
Thanks for watching and glad you enjoyed it.
Just about to finish up watching the series. Thank you for sharing. ; )
Best infoI have found and presented in an easy to understand form. I have not been having good luck with Eco complete, but my water is hard and my ph high right out of the tap. Now I see why I may have chosen the wrong substrate for my situation as I don't want to use RO. Thank you.
I was just on your website, lost in the sauce, when I decided I needed to do more research. After watching this, not only do I feel more comfortable making a decision, I also feel .ore comfortable ordering from you knowing that there is some knowledge behind the business.
I've watched a lot of videos trying to figure this out and this one was very clear for me - Thank you! Subscribed!
I’ve used it all, but my go to now is a thin layer of pond soil with crushed root tabs, then a layer of pre used fine gravel (I never throw old substrates out,) and then a thick layer of sand. Never fails.
Feeling lucky to live in the woods and have generally hard water. Been a year and so far fluval stratum clay substrate(spelling) is perfect for my planted tank and not super expensive. I occasionally use a little fertilizer from shrimp king once in a while (also priced reasonably) but really not often. Best wishes everyone.
Of course youre from Seattle. Ive been doing a crazy amount of research before I start my first tank. Guess Ill come visit next weekend!
I am so happy i watched this whole vid and didn't skip around. At first I was looking for a product recommendation but by the end of your video I now feel confident finding the correct substrate and what suits me and my water! BTW I live in Texas :) and am about to test my water and see just how hard it is.
Very. And same.
This video was super super helpful. You answered all my questions and other videos just seemed to complicate it or leave me with even more questions. I’m so glad I found this!
This was probably the most helpful vid on substrate ever
I set up a planted 55 a month ago and used fert tabs on the bottom then ProMix organic potting soil mix covered with a thin layer of well rinsed coarse general purpose construction sand, the sand has a more natural color and a variety of particle sizes.
The soil has a lot of compost so it already has a large diversity of beneficial bacteria and fungi, it also has a lot of lignin so when you fill the tank you get yellow water but a couple of partial water changes takes care of that while the tank cycles.
It doesn't seem to change the hardness but that's OK, our water is fairly hard, lots of Calcium and Magnesium
My plants and snails are thriving.
Thanks cory, this really help me to understand my tank
Glad to help :)
Longduck Dong how do you go about mixing them?
can you perhaps post a link or guide? very interested
Dark Knight MGTOW You've gotten quite a bit of the wrong information. You must be a little confused.
Thank you for taking the time to EXPLAIN! I am new to the hobby and I have learned so much from your videos :)
+skinsgirl3 glad I could help ya.
I have sand substrate and my plants are doing amazing and growing like crazy with root tabs
I have the opposite after 7 months.
Love your videos man, now I can improve my 10gal betta tank
Yet again another video!! You make everything easy to understand and remember! Thank you. Keep it up!!
I watch this video every few months.
This time was ALSO revealing
I have got Red soil from Nagpur. Local nursery guy gave me about 12 litres from three pots where the plants had died during transport.
2 kilograms of Fluval and 3 litres of Platinum substrate to top it up.
My 2x1.6x2 feet aquarium shall be set up tomorrow, after having upgraded from my present 1.5x1x1 planted one.
A refreshingly informative presentation. Thanks for not just pushing a brand of substrate. 👍
All you need is dirt covered with sand but your not suppose to know that.
I’m very new to planted tanks and fish-keeping in general. The some of the plant names are soooo funny. “Dwarf baby tears” 😭😭
What if i mixed those 2 Seachem products in between An Undergravel Filter at the bottom Soil and Sand at the top?
In my whole year of fish hobby,
I use gravel... no c.o.2 at all just naturale, I recycle fish poop, which means I just empty 60% water in tank, add clean water, with conditioners and chlorine killers , gallons I leave aside for a week, so when I do clean I add it to tank, and with just that , my plants have grown in nothing but just gravel. No sand, no co2, nothing poop, feeds it.
and a led light. Natural.
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like ADA Amazonia. Amazonia is soft and smooth.
Was that a Star Wars reference
Nice reference lol
Sand for corydoras :)
love this video spot on. i really enjoyed how you discuss water hardness. people always forget that part. i had high light, co2, aquasoil, the works. then i decided i wanted low tech. what an experience. i now know what plants can acfiallu grow in hard water.
Thanks so much for doing this video. I love sand substrates and have had decent luck with them with low maintenance plants. I'm setting up a new little tank and I've been wondering if I shouldn't switch to soil - but I was struggling with the idea that you outlined here...somewhere down the line, the soil will become depleted and I would be stuck doing a revamp or fertilizing - just about the same as if I had started with non-soil in the first place. I think I'd rather work with the substrate that I really want and make adjustments for its limitations to maintain it for its lifetime, than have a great substrate for a certain window of time that will require similar maintenance down the road. I'm not knocking soil at all, I do think it produces beautiful results, but not sure it's what I want and I'm not as concerned now about just sticking with sand.
One thing you can do, and which I plan to try someday, is a gravel substrate but with potted plants buried in the gravel. This would hopefully keep the plants' soil isolated and keep the tank bottom relatively clean. It also makes repositioning the plants fairly simple :P
I was about to drop a chunk of change for aquarium plant substrate to fill my 40, from what I've learned from your video and some quick research, I only have two plant types that would need it.
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green and Hair Grass. Could I buy a small bag of decent Aquarium Plant substrate and put it in areas where I plan of planting these specific plants? Should I worry about over fertilizing my plants also? I'm planning on using a liquid aquarium fert for the rest of my plants, as they get their nutrients from the water.
Setting up a shrimp and guppy planted tank. I have Fluval Stratum and also the Eco-complete you recommended. Should I mix the 2 or place the Stratum on the bottom with a cap of Eco-Complete on top?
Is there a good resource out there that has the information about what different aquatic plants need with regard to nutrients and how they are adapted to survive (root versus water column feeders)? You drop some random knowledge about particular plants and their needs and adaptations so I'm just curious where you might recommend an aquarist to go if they want to find out this type of information about a particular plant.
Thanks for making these videos!
You have to research plants individually unfortunately. No comprehensive guide that I can find :(
Hitting like before even watching
I just use an inert mixture of black crystal gravel (20%) rinsed river sand (60%) and white crystal gravel(20%) , seems to work great alongside organic potting soil root tabs
Hopeful this might still be seen after a couple of years. My water is super soft. pH from tap is around 6, kH practically nothing and gH like 30 drops. I use crushed coral as a substrate like you. Can I layer or or should I mix the coral with one of these. It's there one that increases pH by, like a lot? It's love to add some driftwood but that's a no, no for me with my water. It's there a product where you can add just straight minerals? Or a plant that will do that?
good video... I don't really mess with seachem substrates too much. for me ADA is heads and tails above the rest. I've used it all and currently have ADA, fluorite, eco complete, one dirted and my wife uses stratum. I have soft water too and have found its pointless to have a substrate do my buffering. I have municipal water and use a 50-50 ro mix using equilibrium to remineralize. ADA imho has it all covered after that. Root tabs are nice in theory but never did much for me. I uses them when my subs. depleted till I have time to start fresh.
My water is super acidic it's like 60 to 80 ppm kh and my plants are having a hard time. What would you reccomend for buffering it. I use eco complete mixed with gravel. I have low lights and med light plants my swords are melting
I live in South Texas. My tap water tests are crazy. Like pH is probably above 7.6 but that's the highest my current test goes, KH is around 8°, & GH is about 15°. So my plants do good with lower lights (LED lights attached to lid on 5 gallon kit & similar), and a basic aqueon liquid fertilizer. I currently only have an Anubis Nana & a money wort. My Anubis is kinda planted in the gravel but just the "roots" are under the surface not deep & it's next to the filter output. I keep reading that it won't grow planted & planting it is bad. However I've had it almost 6 months now & it's twice as big as it was when I got it, growing 1-2 new leaves every couple of weeks. The money wort I just got & it's currently floating.
What is your opinion of carib sea eco complete? I thought this would work 😕
Great tank! Here's my question with substrates: won't the plants eventually use up the nutrients in the special plant substrate, to where root tabs will be necessary? If so, then is there much of a benefit to planted substrate vs. sand+root tabs?
I've seen Cory and others such as diana walstad who swear by over feeding of fish food to fertilise.
Do you have any tips for planting in that loose, clay style substrate? I tried fluval stratum, and it looked amazing and my fish & plants loved it - but i found it tricky to plant in!
Can carpet plants grow on anything but very fine gravel or sand?
Using your root tabs and fertilizer, I have good luck growing plants in gravel.
Great video, going to set up a tank with your advice now
Thank you I learned a lot from this video 👍👍
I have extremely hard water, but I keep very hardy black skirt tetras, tiger barbs and albino cory catfish. If I wanted to change to a planted tank. How would a substrate that softens the water affect the fish (it would be a big change)?
I have had tropical fish for years, but I never did a planted tank. I want to start with very basic/beginner plants. Thanks for the info. I subscribed 😁
Came to figure out if I needed some sort of nutrients substrate & leaving realising I don’t need it as I only have (&plan to get) plants that draw from the water. Thanks!
This may be a hard question to answer, but my tap PH is 8... i use ada AS in my tank and it buffers it to 6. Now my tap GH 2 and my plants have been seen with calcium deficiency’s in the passes due to the cork-shoe twisted growth and snail shells deteriorating rapidly. I dose GH booster now twice a week which helps. Do you think adding some of the grey coast under the substrate would help? Im worried the PH will go bananas do to both substrates fighting each other
I have white gravel, construction sand, and garden soil and compost, what i can use and in which manner? or do I need to buy a special substrate
Thank you for doing this video. Its extremely helpful!!
could you do a video on the pros/cons of the Walstad Method?
My ph out of the tap is around 8.5, so the acidifying factor is soil is amazing to me.
That plant in the background is my next must have!! 😁😁😁
It’s so cool! Do you know what it’s called?
@@fakisdanam3946 valisneria??
The one looks like a spring onion?
@@fakisdanam3946Crinum natans
is it safe to use organic compost/dirt substrate covered with gravel for cory dora tank?
I heard the compost is very rich in nutrient.. is there a chance cory would end up sucking particles or concentrated compost water..
I didn’t get eco complete because it looked like sharp gravel. No good for bottom fishies. Wonder if they have a smooth version
Did this in a 5 gal. Another problem with sand is if you have aggressive root plants, like crypts, you can actually rip out a chunk of your substrate trying to pluck out runners. Yes, I was a little aggressive on my pruning, but I wasn't expecting to lift out my sand bed.
I have a dirted tank. It's made with compost I made and sifted. I also mixed it with diatomaceous earth or rock dust, cant remember. Its pretty mineral rich. But I need root tabs after like 2 years
Can a have a plant substrate and put gravel on top? We have many of your plants in our tanks my lily bulb I got went so crazy on my 10 gallon but my betta loves it and so do my other fish in the tank.
I Would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on father fishes deep substrate and forever aquarium principles :using minimum 2 inches of soil capped with usually sand like the walstad method
Love your videos thank you
Hi, I want to know if you think my white Zanzibar sand that I bought would be to dense for plants to grow? Should I just have moss balls and potted plants in my aquarium instead? I've just started out on week 3 now and didn't use CO2, extra plant nutrients or stuff like that my first two weeks. Didnt even have a light. Bought a Leddy Nano plant LED light now with 900lumens. I have one anubia, anacharis and dwarf grass right now. Thinking of getting shrimps to clean the sand for me. And have a couple of small fish in the tank.
I have water lettuce and one water hyacinth. I just added aquarium co-op easy green and flora max. I heard flora max is basically the same as eco complete. I was looking for a video from you about soil bc some people say to use just Home Depot soil.
Is there an updated version of this? Any new products in the last 4years?
Should I mix seachem or Tetra active substrate with Fluval plant & shrimp stratum for my upcoming Shrimp tank, or am I getting the wrong idea?
Also, would I be able to use this in a guppy tank who need a different pH?
Do I need to use something like flourish each month or leave it 6 months?
I have powdered calcium & crushed snail shells.
Please help, I’ve forgotten everything I knew years ago😵💫
What would be very helpful is a list of aquatic plants categorized by whether they draw nutrients through the substrate or through the water column.
I've seen people use organic potting mix then a larger layer of gravel over it. What's your take on that?
It works, the potting soil provides nutrients to the root plants, the gravel cap keeps the dirt from coming off the bottom and making the tank all nasty. Like Cory said in a year or 2 the soil will be depleted and thats the same for all of these things he talked about and then you will want to add root tabs and things.