I’ve been using similar substrate for 15 years and I have had the best plant growth and over all health from it! I will never use any other type of substrate! Awesome video as always!! Thank you!
Can a natural aquarium with a nutrient-rich filter, plants, and only aquatic animals become a breeding ground for mosquitoes that spread diseases like malaria or dengue?
@@Vishal_437 I’m sure the possibility is there depending on where you are sourcing your substrate but having a sponge filter with proper air flow would cause enough surface movement that it should deter mosquitoes from trying to lay eggs. But if the mosquitoes are in the soil from where you are sourcing your substrate then whatever you decide to stock in your aquarium would absolutely love to munch on. Live bugs are amazing for a fishes color, breeding and over all health! The thousands of betta fry I’ve spawned have always benefited from the natural aquarium and all the organisms that in habitats them
@@CrowntailAquatics01 I leave an old cooler outside and scoop mosquito larva out of it all summer long to use as fish food. All my fish go absolutely crazy for them the chances of mosquitos infesting a fish tank with fish in it are less than zero.
I ended up using black cow, peat moss, and a bagged garden potting soil from home depot. After setup and everything i learned that that soil might not have been a good idea. but i decided to plant and just wait it out to see. The tank is still thriving!! there is so much life and the plants and fish are so happy. Love this method, thank you for the breakdown, my current tank doesnt have all the additives so im guessing it wont last more than a few years, but with my next one ill definetely be using all the extra goodies.
Wise old Father Fish up to his aquarium making antics. Thank you Father Fish for another awesome and informational videos. That new aquarium looks great.
Thank You Father Fish! 💙 I've had fish tanks since I was a teen. I'm 47 now. I kinda always did your method (I didn't do many water changes, only topped it off) but I always used gravel. I would always have issues with algae and slime though. I bought your substrate and some plants and I added some leaf litter and other soil and extra worm castings so I had enough to do a few tanks. I bought tank sand and play sand. (Both are doing great!) 💙 The plants are thriving and the fish are happy *and* for the FIRST time in my life I've been able to keep *shrimp!* One is even berried!! 💙 One of my cichlid tanks had slime growing on the glass everyday so I dumped sand over the gravel, planted some plants, cleaned the filters and that tank is doing well now too! No more slime! 💙 I ordered some guppies I've had my eye on and some cherry shrimp and I'm very excited now that I know they'll be very happy and healthy! 💙
This is how you keep an aquarium. The fun of collecting things for my aquariums is such a joy and adding it to my tanks and watching my fish interact is even more fulfilling. Thank You Father Fish!!!
I have done this with my own DIY substrate and Sand on a few of my tanks and it’s been a year since then and my tanks are doing Amazing ! Thank you father fish for inspiring me next time I’ll definitely be buying your substrate
Another great video father fish. I love watching your videos it's almost as fun as watching my my fish swim around it's relaxing and I learn. And try and teach newbies on the father fish shoal thank you for another great video
I just used bags of organic potting soil, mixed in some basic ferts and capped it with sand. Tank has been running for 7 years without a hitch and only the most basic of maintenance and even that is largely just out of habit. I think people struggle with the concept of a "natural tank" because it seems too simple to actually work but it absolutely does.
instead of sand can I use fine gravel (1-2 mm)? For some 1-2 mm is still sand, for others it is a gravel. I don't like fine sand as it syncs to dirt and is easily disturbed.
@@FatherFish Thank you for your reply, I love what you do, another quick question: I plan to go with tank setup you suggested with loads of plants. I noticed you often use sponge filter. I would like to avoid any machine except lighting. Am I too ambitious?
I think you can, but when starting the tank you'll need a sponge filter until the plants are fully settled in and growing just fine. However sponge filters are a helpful tool no matter what and it is inexpensive.
I used to think natural tanks were super complicated with chemicals and fertilizers until i was blessed by the algorithm to see one of your vids... But now i'm taking on the ultimate tank challenge, which I'm affectionately calling the "nature speedrun" method. Here's how it works; It was a standard 29 gallon artificial tank, with a medium guppy and tetra community already in it when i discovered your method... But with no backup tanks or bins to move the fish to, i had to build a natural tank while it's already established and being lived in. The only way to do that was to essentially speedrun how it would occur in nature.... Step 1: was to cover the original gravel with crushed quartz, without gravel vacuuming, making a very basic soil and using easy growing plants like waterweed to start. I used quartz rather than sand simply because it's slightly more coarse but it essentially works the same way, and added it cup by cup to limit the dust bloom. I did HEAVY overfeeding after that to fast-track the guppy breeding and mulm building process (thinking of it like a gravel trail that's now been flooded, the dead plants and critters replaced by flakes and frozen foods) Step 2: after 3 days i began adding small clumps of moss covered dirt from my yard, to mimic dirt being washed into this new "river". The dirt was almost clay-like making it stay mostly intact rather than mudding the water, and the land moss provided a natural cover that is still breaking down to this day, adding extra nutrients to the soil. The only form of cleanup crew was my single corydora at that time, to help push the mulm under the quartz. I also added a few other random plants just to see what would grow, burying any that died rather than removing them. Step 3: after about a month of trimming and spreading the waterweeds, adding plants and overfeeding the guppies, a brown algae began to grow, so i added cherry shrimp and bladder snails to the mix. The guppies had doubled in number and the Cory was becoming overwhelmed, so it was the perfect time for them to naturally gravitate to the "river". I continuously added more plants and re-planted any trimmings i made as well and added large seashells and rocks for the shrimp to hide in. The combination of mulm and dirt began to "spread" across the whole substrate seeping into the quartz layer and the algae was quickly taken care of over the next month. The only "water change" came in the form of replacing what my floated houseplants drank and what naturally evaporated from it. Step 3: after 2 months, the substrate was strong enough to begin supporting rooted plants like swords, and plant life was thriving, but heavy light was needed to stimulate the growth further... so i moved the tank to in front of a window with direct sunlight from daybreak to late afternoon and added a few root tabs. The guppies had also quadrupled in number so population control was needed, which is when i added my dwarf frog. The tank began to look like a healthy river bed, overgrown with plants and teeming with life. Step 4: after 6 months, the tank now looks like any of your tanks or Fishtory's tanks in terms of general appearance, but the signs of imbalance are still there. For example, colourful plants struggle to maintain colour and a few specific species of stem plants have become covered in fuzzy green algae, hair algae and a black fuzzy algae, but it's specifically located on them only and nowhere else in the tank, and they're still growing at a slowed rate which tells me the substrate is still missing a few key ingredients... The water has not been changed since adding the quartz 6 months ago and is still crystal clear, though slightly tinted yellow from age, and the fish are beyond overstocked now even though my dwarf frog and new female betta are constantly stuffed with guppy and shrimp fry lol. I guess this step is to finalize the substrate balance and upgrade that 2nd stage of the food web 😅 But it just goes to prove what you and so many others are saying, with the smallest amount of effort on our end, if we provide mother nature what she needs, she'll take hold almost anywhere, even a tiny fish tank! And by far this is the most enjoyable and interesting way of fishkeeping ever devised, simple enough for anyone to take up, including me!
This is excellent advice and just plain common sense to me. These rules generally apply to growing plants in the garden so why shouldn't they work in our aquariums. Following this simple step by step advice will save you a lot of headaches and give you so much joy in the long run. 😊
Great video. I wish this was out when I set up my tanks months back! Some good points were made in this video that I haven’t seen before, like the reason why our sand has to be 2x the soil thickness.
Thank you SO much Father Fish for sharing your absolute wealth of knowlege. I appreciate you sharing the secret ingredients to your soil buffer even more. I will likely be ordering from you shortly, I just can't hold back my curiousity as to what it contained. Wishing you were out here in Canada lol. Thank you again for your videos. They are absolutely fueling my love, and now obsession, with this new hobby! Much love.
People have no idea what you just shared in this video😊 anf its free of cost ?! Some of the people would had made a course fee out of such knowledge and some still making it a chemical buisness full of fear 😢 Thankyou father fish uv always taught us and prepared for the long run ... Thankyou for sharing this to the whole world father fish ❤❤ you are so true to ur name 🙏🏼
Unless you change out your plants from time to time. If that's the case, aquasoil or laterite is probably better for avoiding an algae bloom from disturbing the soil layer or if you have digging critters.
Well done! Father Fish loved this, and as I mentioned earlier, it's a no-brainer: if you can raise plants, anyone can do this-provided they pay attention and don’t shortcut your method. I love it! Patience is key, and I agree with your process. The best thing about it is that it’s natural; that’s the secret. It takes time. You've had my support long ago-thank you so much! The G Man totally approves!👊👍❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥
I used Black Gold potting soil and natural sand. I put in 2 inches of soil and only 1 inch of natural sand (oops). I used such a dense packing of plants as to create a serious jungle. The tank in every way is going great guns w the plant growth. All the critters I put in there are alive and spritely. When I do my 30 gallon tank (sometime early 2025), I will use Father Fish's definitive substrate combo to see how that way goes. I expect it to go very well when I do.😊
Thank you! You just conforted my intuition about a lot of things. I used to listen most of advices provided by the aquarium market, but took risks at times by adding "dirty" things from the wild, and i did experience mostly good results. I think diversity is the key to mass invasion in and out the water. Your lessons may be really good for agriculture too.
i did my 100 gallon tank with ur old recipe from 4 years ago. its a jungle inside. i change the water every 4 months. 0 filter. sun light only. the fish reproduction is crazy. almost 0 death in 4 years. and i never tested the water for ph or nitrate. its working very well. and if you got a pleco !! go for more than 2 inchs cause those fish dig into the sand, it almost ruind my tank.
I put two tanks together this June, they are doing great. I used an Organic potting mix and builders sand (UK) loads of plants, the trimmings I sell now. Fish are doing great. I had a filter fail on my small tank a week ago, but its doing fine, water is clear.
It's funny that you mentioned that you don't soaked the dirted substrate anymore. The first tank I did about 2 years ago, was my 10 gallon tank, and I basically did it with dry dirt - I think I just dampened the soil just enough so I could get it distributed evenly. I did the same thing with my second tank, a 29 gallon. The third tank I set up about 10 months ago, a 30 gallon breeder, I thoroughly wet the dirted substrate and let it set overnight before adding the sand, as was recommended on the FF discord channel - the only tank I did that to. Unlike the first two tanks, which I had little to no trouble during the "break-in period", I had nothing but trouble with the 30 gallon. I got green water for weeks - I never before had green water in any of my tanks. The green water blocked light from getting to the plants, so they did not grow as fast as they should. I took phosphate readings in the tank and they were off the charts - I had to do tons of water changes in the beginning just to try and keep it under control. After 3 or 4 months, it finally settled down, and now it is one of my best tanks. But I think you're on to something when you perceived the tanks to perform better when you don't thoroughly wet the soil.
@@maggyf3932maybe the reason is when we wet the sand way before adding plants sand and water and fishes, the microbial process start at that time, and those microbes that are growing are the different one not like the anaerobic one that help the aquarium in every possible way, and when we sand plant and water after the day Or 12 hours, they start to degrade(the other microbes) that what's make it imbalance that aquarium. Like a pre starter cookup culture 😅😂hope you understand what I'm saying.
@@yahya_176 Yes, I do. Thank you for explaining. I wonder if Father Fish saw the same happening by his tanks. I know he learns about problems and figures out better ways, just like he's done with a Walstead problem and found the solution.
Sir .... thankyou for explaining and sharing such valuable cycle and how it simply works .. which you've been telling and repeating time and times.. but some us just just ignored and now you needed this masterpiece to get the young hobbist educated about how the cycle works so do less damage to the evolution of our fish,we need to be mimmicing the nature and keep it real as it is ,as it was and as it will be... possibly ....!! Thankyou father fish .. you are so true to ur name ❤❤
I started a tank mid summer and its doing good but have issues with fish digging plants out, but it is still doing good and i dont have to do much. Well now trying another tank with different fish that should not take plants out. I got black dirt from near our wood cutting area. Its decomposed over the last 5 years full of worms and life and black as coal. Than got sand from the back yard samd pit amd washed it well. Was so happy it was clear the next day (better than my forst set up) and planted a bunch of plants of all sizes and now wating for the fish to arrive i cant wait to watch the fish and plants grow.
I started a 75gal FF tank 14 months ago. I added a large wooden root that I purchased in a local shop. I soaked that root outside in a bucket for several months, changing the water twice a day and it still made the water an iced tea color but I put it in the tank anyway. About a month after that I did a 10% water change, only because I didn't want the very light iced tea color in the water. The water is still very clear, though still slightly yellowed due to the tannin from the root. But I have done virtually nothing to the tank in over a year except add water lost to evaporation, which is not much because I have a glass cover on it. I continue to add plants and fish. I feed them only 2 or 3 times per week, very small amounts, sometimes tiny granulated food and sometimes frozen blood worms or frozen brine shrimp. This is an almost maintenance free tank. I can just sit back and enjoy watching the tetras, platys, danios, rams horn snails and small angels enjoy their home. I have a total of probably around 50 fish in there and will probably add a few more. I am also constantly adding plants. I am attempting to have a food web of microfauna but, since they are very difficult to see with the naked eye, I am not really sure how that is going. I also have no filter system except a foam filter that helped to keep the water clear for the first couple of months. I cleaned the foam filetr one time, about 10 months ago and it has been in constant use ever since than, still looking like I just cleaned it. I could remove it completely with no problems but it also offers a home for more microfauna, so I leave it. OH! Also, NO algae, None. This is a very simple way to create a long lasting and virtually maintenance free tank.
There's a perpetual mud-puddle by the curb on my street, and it has at least 3 varieties of zooplankton. The mud puddle occasionally dries, then it rains and ...the plankton return! What can I learn from this.
I wish I had discovered your channel sooner. I'm so happy that you have an EU shop that I can buy your substrate from. I need to convert my 4ft gravel tank but I think I need to watch more of your videos to figure out how to do that safely without removing my fish. I was given a small black scaly fish a few years back, I've no idea what it is but looks like a standard black "gold fish". Over the last three years in my gravel tank he has grown to about 10 inches long and ate all my small fish. It now looks very unhappy and no longer greets me when I approach the tank. I want to do my best to create an environment that it will be happy in and I'm hoping this is the solution. It may be that the fish is now too big for my tank. I understand that I may have to find someone with a large pond to adopt it. I do have another small tank that I will experiment with by following your methods from scratch.
Father Fish, could you explain in short how the plants do their job/ what happens between setting up the plants and putting the fish in? Id also like to know how they continue working together with the fish once theyre in. Maybe you'd consider a longer video (in simple language, for dummies) like this 1 explaining the fish, waste, plants, microfauna cycle?
I did this today bought Peet soil and compost added tank water and did a 40 gal but what I'm doing is growing seeds first then adding other plants later
Hi father fish i am a beginner and have just came across you videos i have already got so much helpful information. I noticed my fish tank had bubbles along the walls and started looking things up and become concerned i made many mistakes but i do feel a little better after watching a few of you videos. I did not wait the 2 days before pitting in the fish we did let them sit for 20mins before the transfer. Tomorrow our heater and filters arrive. Do you suggest before i add the heater and filter i take the fish out or just add them in while it’s in there. I’d also like to add i have used sand and live plants in my new tank.
I have not kept a fish tank for more than 20 yrs now. Really keen to try a planted natural one this year. May I ask, how to separate the sand and the bottom soil substrate, just in case I mess up anything and have to restart.
Hi Father Fish, I am from India. I couldn't buy your supplements. And It was very very very difficult to collect all these things. However, I just finished my new tank setup followed by your method. But one thing I want to ask that light should be on 24x7 for first week ?
Love your content father fish. Watching your videos got me interested in this hobby. I just have a question which you might have already answered before. But what does the diatomaceous earth do in the substrate?
Do you have a preference on the sand you use? I've used play sand in aquariums in the passed to save money, haven't had any issues other than it being cloudy at first
I tried the substrate in a nano aquarium. I didn't like the outbreak of diatom bacteria. After 2 months it started to decrease. I read about a dark start. For example, keep a new aquarium without light for 2 months, but with heating, flow and aeration. Add bacteria and single-celled organisms. Let them adapt and multiply. Then, after turning on the light, in theory, there should be no outbreak of diatom bacteria and algae. I haven't done this in practice yet, but I want to try.
Dear Father fish, I have built the substrate as per the video and planted the tank with the number mentioned accordingly to the videos instructions for a 10 gallon tank. Please tell me how many hours of light and aeration to be provided and how to put the fish in the tank. Is it all the fish in one go?
I have a worm bin and chickens and I use coconut coir and leaf mold as a large part of my worm bin bedding. I shred my oak leaves every year and hot compost my chicken manure with them. I age the compost for a year so it’s not too hot. I use these 50/50 for the soil layer in my Walstad tanks and it works amazing. I’m going to have to try adding your powder in my next setup.
Thank you so much for this, but I noticed in other videos advice about how long to leave the lights on after set up, doing a mini water change after set up, temperature, and other details. It is tricky to create a comprehensive guide that will gather all the disparate details contained in your videos. I should have taken notes lol to make my own FF guide for dummies. I am about 4 weeks in on a 100 and a 29 gallon tank. The former is from 0 with algae contaminated plants and the latter is with 2 gold fish. Oops, I had no thought to plan the image scape. Oops, I have not added hardscape as step 1. I guess I will have to go find rocks and branches and transplant a few plants. Tally ho! Next step, resurrection jars with the kids. What if I threw ants or pill bugs in the tank was my 7 year old's question. Can I throw in any bugs I find? I was not sure how to respond. I replied that the garden snails would probably be a bad idea and to give them to the chickens. LOL Peace out y'all. Keep it deep and substrate on!
Currently I have a 10-day-old 120 G aquarium. I have posted quite a few times in your Shoal page in FB on my tank updates. I'd like to ask about aeration. I have a top filter which its outlet is vertical & it doesn't give much surface agitation. Is surface agitation a must for aeration? I don't like air pump because of the hum. The power head for the top filter is too strong if I put on the aeration tube. It produces bubbles across the length of the tank, 4 feet of it. It also blows off the sand & small plants. It is rated 3000L/H.
Dear Father fish….. First of all hats off to the explanation. As I am from India where your booster is not available, I am making the booster in DIY method. Is it advisable to use boric acid instead of diatomaceous earth. Before starting to add fish do we have to prepare the resurrection jar well in advice keeping the system which we are gonna make in the aquarium without fish for a month?
Boric acid can counteract the buffers , so use sparingly. It is vital that the Ph be very high and hard. I like that you are building a food web before adding fish. A few fishkeepers have done this with some real success. Important to make the food web base at least an inch deep in at least half of the tank to protect the microfauna from being completely consumed when fish are introduced. I like it!!
I am a new fish foster parent and have been looking at various systems to try and figure out the “best” way for myself and the fish. The more low tech and self sustaining the better, as I am a bit lazy and have other hobbies. So far this, and a slow moving under gravel filter seem the most appealing. I‘m curious if you (or anyone here) have ever tried combining the two methods? And I have a Spotted Raphael that digs. As I understand it they can dig down to an undergravel filter wreaking havoc on the system. Any advice would be much appreciated. TIA!
@@FatherFish That makes great sense. I’m still curious if this could be used with an under gravel filter as well, or does it have to be one or the other?
I am going to try this . I am ok with tge dirt , but thelive foid web makes me nervous . I see i can buy the soilsupplements online for Canada . Wish luck . 😊😊😊😊
Father fish i wanna ask on your thoughts about root tabs,i completely respect the hustle with the *Father Fish Soil Substrate Pack* and i just want your honest opinions about where root tabs lands in this equation and is it better since i can keep adding it whenever the planted tank needs nutrient replenishing or would it be too costly and time consuming? Thank you father fish
@@FatherFish Alright noted,also Father fish is there any other substitutes for bat guano? since i'm worried that the coronavirus might be living inside bat poop
I just started up a tank. Aquasoil, sand, plants and now I've found you. I got worried and found some mud and plonked it in, ive stirred it round and tried to move some of the soil and sand on top. Needless to say its a mud bath. Will it be ok?
I’m sure you have seen my comments before. I first off want to thank you for all of your advice and expertise! As I’ve said before I have been trying to convert my 55 gallon to tank to a similar set up as yours. I’ve been slowly fixing it the best I can. I will be going to the local creek today and filling a bucket with creek sand and this will be going on top of that fluval stratum stuff. I don’t have soil however like your set ups but I don’t think I could do this with an existing tank like mine. Anyways I want to order some plants from you. And I noticed that you have plant packages. What do you recommend for a 55 gallon? And feel free to give any more advice you have. Also maybe you should do a video of how to transform an existing tank to a natural tank, you may already have one I’m not sure. For me it’s hard because I have no place to put my fish while I transform the tank so it’s been little by little.
Nice to hear from you kws. Sand cap on an aged substrate is always beneficial. The root plant and stem pak work well in large tanks together. This will give you a moderately heavy planting that will improve over time. Older tanks have a natural biological system already built up. This allow the sand to both protect the biology and notrients in the substrate, prevent leaching, and provide a means for nutrients in the water column to precipitate into the substrate. The sand from your creek will be most beneficial if you gather it from in the water. Gathering wet sand from the water will provide live sand in your system which will substantially improve the biology of the substrate.
I’ve been using similar substrate for 15 years and I have had the best plant growth and over all health from it! I will never use any other type of substrate! Awesome video as always!! Thank you!
Can a natural aquarium with a nutrient-rich filter, plants, and only aquatic animals become a breeding ground for mosquitoes that spread diseases like malaria or dengue?
@@Vishal_437 I’m sure the possibility is there depending on where you are sourcing your substrate but having a sponge filter with proper air flow would cause enough surface movement that it should deter mosquitoes from trying to lay eggs. But if the mosquitoes are in the soil from where you are sourcing your substrate then whatever you decide to stock in your aquarium would absolutely love to munch on. Live bugs are amazing for a fishes color, breeding and over all health! The thousands of betta fry I’ve spawned have always benefited from the natural aquarium and all the organisms that in habitats them
@@CrowntailAquatics01 perfect! This clarifies my doubts. Thanks much.
Base on my observations, planted aquariums with fish don't have mosquito larvae. Although mosquito larvaes appeears on my parents bath room.
@@CrowntailAquatics01 I leave an old cooler outside and scoop mosquito larva out of it all summer long to use as fish food. All my fish go absolutely crazy for them the chances of mosquitos infesting a fish tank with fish in it are less than zero.
I ended up using black cow, peat moss, and a bagged garden potting soil from home depot. After setup and everything i learned that that soil might not have been a good idea. but i decided to plant and just wait it out to see.
The tank is still thriving!! there is so much life and the plants and fish are so happy.
Love this method, thank you for the breakdown, my current tank doesnt have all the additives so im guessing it wont last more than a few years, but with my next one ill definetely be using all the extra goodies.
Wise old Father Fish up to his aquarium making antics. Thank you Father Fish for another awesome and informational videos. That new aquarium looks great.
I needed this video! I have three failing tanks right now… 💔 So I want to start over with what I know already and add it to this set of knowledge!
Father fish, you are a treasure.. Much love and appreciation from sweden
Father fish you fixed the walstad method. thank you very much!
Thank You Father Fish! 💙
I've had fish tanks since I was a teen. I'm 47 now. I kinda always did your method (I didn't do many water changes, only topped it off) but I always used gravel. I would always have issues with algae and slime though.
I bought your substrate and some plants and I added some leaf litter and other soil and extra worm castings so I had enough to do a few tanks.
I bought tank sand and play sand. (Both are doing great!) 💙
The plants are thriving and the fish are happy *and* for the FIRST time in my life I've been able to keep *shrimp!* One is even berried!! 💙
One of my cichlid tanks had slime growing on the glass everyday so I dumped sand over the gravel, planted some plants, cleaned the filters and that tank is doing well now too! No more slime! 💙
I ordered some guppies I've had my eye on and some cherry shrimp and
I'm very excited now that I know they'll be very happy and healthy! 💙
This is how you keep an aquarium. The fun of collecting things for my aquariums is such a joy and adding it to my tanks and watching my fish interact is even more fulfilling. Thank You Father Fish!!!
I have done this with my own DIY substrate and Sand on a few of my tanks and it’s been a year since then and my tanks are doing Amazing ! Thank you father fish for inspiring me next time I’ll definitely be buying your substrate
Thank you for finally making this! Perfect guide!
You completle changed My attitude towards fish keeping.
Thank You for sharing your expirience ♥️
Salutes from México City
Father Fish is tops!
Watching The MASTER at work 🤩
this video was absolutely needed, it's a must watch for anyone wanting to do a ff style tank
Another great video father fish. I love watching your videos it's almost as fun as watching my my fish swim around it's relaxing and I learn. And try and teach newbies on the father fish shoal thank you for another great video
Thank you for doing this video. It is very helpful.
This is a gold mine. Thank you so much for showing in detail how it is done, as well as how to make the nutritional solution.
I just used bags of organic potting soil, mixed in some basic ferts and capped it with sand. Tank has been running for 7 years without a hitch and only the most basic of maintenance and even that is largely just out of habit. I think people struggle with the concept of a "natural tank" because it seems too simple to actually work but it absolutely does.
instead of sand can I use fine gravel (1-2 mm)? For some 1-2 mm is still sand, for others it is a gravel. I don't like fine sand as it syncs to dirt and is easily disturbed.
If it is 1mm it is sand
@@FatherFish Thank you for your reply, I love what you do, another quick question: I plan to go with tank setup you suggested with loads of plants. I noticed you often use sponge filter. I would like to avoid any machine except lighting. Am I too ambitious?
I think you can, but when starting the tank you'll need a sponge filter until the plants are fully settled in and growing just fine. However sponge filters are a helpful tool no matter what and it is inexpensive.
@@aquariumentropy Yeah. I have a HOB already and wonder if I could just continue to use that instead.
I used to think natural tanks were super complicated with chemicals and fertilizers until i was blessed by the algorithm to see one of your vids... But now i'm taking on the ultimate tank challenge, which I'm affectionately calling the "nature speedrun" method. Here's how it works;
It was a standard 29 gallon artificial tank, with a medium guppy and tetra community already in it when i discovered your method... But with no backup tanks or bins to move the fish to, i had to build a natural tank while it's already established and being lived in. The only way to do that was to essentially speedrun how it would occur in nature....
Step 1: was to cover the original gravel with crushed quartz, without gravel vacuuming, making a very basic soil and using easy growing plants like waterweed to start. I used quartz rather than sand simply because it's slightly more coarse but it essentially works the same way, and added it cup by cup to limit the dust bloom. I did HEAVY overfeeding after that to fast-track the guppy breeding and mulm building process (thinking of it like a gravel trail that's now been flooded, the dead plants and critters replaced by flakes and frozen foods)
Step 2: after 3 days i began adding small clumps of moss covered dirt from my yard, to mimic dirt being washed into this new "river". The dirt was almost clay-like making it stay mostly intact rather than mudding the water, and the land moss provided a natural cover that is still breaking down to this day, adding extra nutrients to the soil. The only form of cleanup crew was my single corydora at that time, to help push the mulm under the quartz. I also added a few other random plants just to see what would grow, burying any that died rather than removing them.
Step 3: after about a month of trimming and spreading the waterweeds, adding plants and overfeeding the guppies, a brown algae began to grow, so i added cherry shrimp and bladder snails to the mix. The guppies had doubled in number and the Cory was becoming overwhelmed, so it was the perfect time for them to naturally gravitate to the "river". I continuously added more plants and re-planted any trimmings i made as well and added large seashells and rocks for the shrimp to hide in. The combination of mulm and dirt began to "spread" across the whole substrate seeping into the quartz layer and the algae was quickly taken care of over the next month. The only "water change" came in the form of replacing what my floated houseplants drank and what naturally evaporated from it.
Step 3: after 2 months, the substrate was strong enough to begin supporting rooted plants like swords, and plant life was thriving, but heavy light was needed to stimulate the growth further... so i moved the tank to in front of a window with direct sunlight from daybreak to late afternoon and added a few root tabs. The guppies had also quadrupled in number so population control was needed, which is when i added my dwarf frog. The tank began to look like a healthy river bed, overgrown with plants and teeming with life.
Step 4: after 6 months, the tank now looks like any of your tanks or Fishtory's tanks in terms of general appearance, but the signs of imbalance are still there. For example, colourful plants struggle to maintain colour and a few specific species of stem plants have become covered in fuzzy green algae, hair algae and a black fuzzy algae, but it's specifically located on them only and nowhere else in the tank, and they're still growing at a slowed rate which tells me the substrate is still missing a few key ingredients... The water has not been changed since adding the quartz 6 months ago and is still crystal clear, though slightly tinted yellow from age, and the fish are beyond overstocked now even though my dwarf frog and new female betta are constantly stuffed with guppy and shrimp fry lol. I guess this step is to finalize the substrate balance and upgrade that 2nd stage of the food web 😅
But it just goes to prove what you and so many others are saying, with the smallest amount of effort on our end, if we provide mother nature what she needs, she'll take hold almost anywhere, even a tiny fish tank! And by far this is the most enjoyable and interesting way of fishkeeping ever devised, simple enough for anyone to take up, including me!
Makes work so much more relaxing
This is excellent advice and just plain common sense to me. These rules generally apply to growing plants in the garden so why shouldn't they work in our aquariums. Following this simple step by step advice will save you a lot of headaches and give you so much joy in the long run. 😊
Great video. I wish this was out when I set up my tanks months back! Some good points were made in this video that I haven’t seen before, like the reason why our sand has to be 2x the soil thickness.
Thank you SO much Father Fish for sharing your absolute wealth of knowlege. I appreciate you sharing the secret ingredients to your soil buffer even more. I will likely be ordering from you shortly, I just can't hold back my curiousity as to what it contained. Wishing you were out here in Canada lol. Thank you again for your videos. They are absolutely fueling my love, and now obsession, with this new hobby! Much love.
Thanks for all the great info
Great tutorial as always!!
Can't wait to build my 55 gallon one
People have no idea what you just shared in this video😊 anf its free of cost ?! Some of the people would had made a course fee out of such knowledge and some still making it a chemical buisness full of fear 😢 Thankyou father fish uv always taught us and prepared for the long run ... Thankyou for sharing this to the whole world father fish ❤❤ you are so true to ur name 🙏🏼
Agreed! Thanks a lot Father Fish! 🐠
Awesome video and great advice! Nothing beats natural aquarium.
Unless you change out your plants from time to time. If that's the case, aquasoil or laterite is probably better for avoiding an algae bloom from disturbing the soil layer or if you have digging critters.
Learn to jiggle the plants to prevent this from happening. Video link
Get jiggy with your plants.
I’ve had a handful small tanks over the years but never had one that endured…
I’m so looking forward to starting another using this method!
So appreciative to your advice I started off with a 10 gallon now I’m working on my 55
Love this video of setting up the tank. You are so helpful in naming the ingredients needed to make your own dirt.
This is the best advise on creating a deep substrate system. All fish keeper need to know this.
Well done! Father Fish loved this, and as I mentioned earlier, it's a no-brainer: if you can raise plants, anyone can do this-provided they pay attention and don’t shortcut your method. I love it! Patience is key, and I agree with your process. The best thing about it is that it’s natural; that’s the secret. It takes time. You've had my support long ago-thank you so much! The G Man totally approves!👊👍❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, father fish!!🐟
I LOVE your videos! I'm taking notes and learning so much it's amazing. Thank you so much!
I started my first tank 6 days ago using your method and it looks great already and I started my first resurrection jar today ❤
🎉 Congratulations 👏
You are truly amazing FF! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us.
Thank you! Cheers!
I used Black Gold potting soil and natural sand. I put in 2 inches of soil and only 1 inch of natural sand (oops). I used such a dense packing of plants as to create a serious jungle. The tank in every way is going great guns w the plant growth. All the critters I put in there are alive and spritely. When I do my 30 gallon tank (sometime early 2025), I will use Father Fish's definitive substrate combo to see how that way goes. I expect it to go very well when I do.😊
So your potting soil and sand is like from Menard's or Home Depot?
He’s the Mr Roger’s and Bob Ross of fish. Love your videos father fish!
Baba çok faydalı mükemmel bir çalışma olmuş çok teşerkkür .
Thank you! You just conforted my intuition about a lot of things. I used to listen most of advices provided by the aquarium market, but took risks at times by adding "dirty" things from the wild, and i did experience mostly good results. I think diversity is the key to mass invasion in and out the water. Your lessons may be really good for agriculture too.
These techniques are used extensively in aquaculture when applying natural soil techniques.
i did my 100 gallon tank with ur old recipe from 4 years ago. its a jungle inside. i change the water every 4 months. 0 filter. sun light only.
the fish reproduction is crazy. almost 0 death in 4 years. and i never tested the water for ph or nitrate.
its working very well.
and if you got a pleco !! go for more than 2 inchs cause those fish dig into the sand, it almost ruind my tank.
@@Fred-maurice yeah, I have a Raphael catfish and about a 2” all sand substrate. He stays in the hole he dug all the way down to the glass!
I started a new tank one year ago
It’s doing very well to this day
I put two tanks together this June, they are doing great. I used an Organic potting mix and builders sand (UK) loads of plants, the trimmings I sell now. Fish are doing great. I had a filter fail on my small tank a week ago, but its doing fine, water is clear.
It's funny that you mentioned that you don't soaked the dirted substrate anymore. The first tank I did about 2 years ago, was my 10 gallon tank, and I basically did it with dry dirt - I think I just dampened the soil just enough so I could get it distributed evenly. I did the same thing with my second tank, a 29 gallon. The third tank I set up about 10 months ago, a 30 gallon breeder, I thoroughly wet the dirted substrate and let it set overnight before adding the sand, as was recommended on the FF discord channel - the only tank I did that to. Unlike the first two tanks, which I had little to no trouble during the "break-in period", I had nothing but trouble with the 30 gallon. I got green water for weeks - I never before had green water in any of my tanks. The green water blocked light from getting to the plants, so they did not grow as fast as they should. I took phosphate readings in the tank and they were off the charts - I had to do tons of water changes in the beginning just to try and keep it under control. After 3 or 4 months, it finally settled down, and now it is one of my best tanks. But I think you're on to something when you perceived the tanks to perform better when you don't thoroughly wet the soil.
Thank you for the insight.
@@FatherFish Well what made u have a change of mind?
Him experienced Di same and augmented his technique for the most efficient effect, father fish is genius @@maggyf3932
@@maggyf3932maybe the reason is when we wet the sand way before adding plants sand and water and fishes, the microbial process start at that time, and those microbes that are growing are the different one not like the anaerobic one that help the aquarium in every possible way, and when we sand plant and water after the day Or 12 hours, they start to degrade(the other microbes) that what's make it imbalance that aquarium. Like a pre starter cookup culture 😅😂hope you understand what I'm saying.
@@yahya_176 Yes, I do. Thank you for explaining. I wonder if Father Fish saw the same happening by his tanks. I know he learns about problems and figures out better ways, just like he's done with a Walstead problem and found the solution.
Sir .... thankyou for explaining and sharing such valuable cycle and how it simply works .. which you've been telling and repeating time and times.. but some us just just ignored and now you needed this masterpiece to get the young hobbist educated about how the cycle works so do less damage to the evolution of our fish,we need to be mimmicing the nature and keep it real as it is ,as it was and as it will be... possibly ....!!
Thankyou father fish .. you are so true to ur name ❤❤
You are most welcome
Thanks Lou
Awesome Advice ❤❤❤
Thank You 🙏🏼😊😊😊😊😊
I started a tank mid summer and its doing good but have issues with fish digging plants out, but it is still doing good and i dont have to do much. Well now trying another tank with different fish that should not take plants out. I got black dirt from near our wood cutting area. Its decomposed over the last 5 years full of worms and life and black as coal. Than got sand from the back yard samd pit amd washed it well. Was so happy it was clear the next day (better than my forst set up) and planted a bunch of plants of all sizes and now wating for the fish to arrive i cant wait to watch the fish and plants grow.
I started a 75gal FF tank 14 months ago. I added a large wooden root that I purchased in a local shop. I soaked that root outside in a bucket for several months, changing the water twice a day and it still made the water an iced tea color but I put it in the tank anyway. About a month after that I did a 10% water change, only because I didn't want the very light iced tea color in the water. The water is still very clear, though still slightly yellowed due to the tannin from the root. But I have done virtually nothing to the tank in over a year except add water lost to evaporation, which is not much because I have a glass cover on it. I continue to add plants and fish. I feed them only 2 or 3 times per week, very small amounts, sometimes tiny granulated food and sometimes frozen blood worms or frozen brine shrimp. This is an almost maintenance free tank. I can just sit back and enjoy watching the tetras, platys, danios, rams horn snails and small angels enjoy their home. I have a total of probably around 50 fish in there and will probably add a few more. I am also constantly adding plants. I am attempting to have a food web of microfauna but, since they are very difficult to see with the naked eye, I am not really sure how that is going.
I also have no filter system except a foam filter that helped to keep the water clear for the first couple of months. I cleaned the foam filetr one time, about 10 months ago and it has been in constant use ever since than, still looking like I just cleaned it. I could remove it completely with no problems but it also offers a home for more microfauna, so I leave it.
OH! Also, NO algae, None.
This is a very simple way to create a long lasting and virtually maintenance free tank.
Thanks Father
This is the masterclass I been waiting for. But three inches of substrate uses a lot of space in a 5-gallon tank.
There's a perpetual mud-puddle by the curb on my street, and it has at least 3 varieties of zooplankton. The mud puddle occasionally dries, then it rains and ...the plankton return! What can I learn from this.
reduce the soil to 1/2" and the sand to 1"
I wish I had discovered your channel sooner. I'm so happy that you have an EU shop that I can buy your substrate from. I need to convert my 4ft gravel tank but I think I need to watch more of your videos to figure out how to do that safely without removing my fish. I was given a small black scaly fish a few years back, I've no idea what it is but looks like a standard black "gold fish". Over the last three years in my gravel tank he has grown to about 10 inches long and ate all my small fish. It now looks very unhappy and no longer greets me when I approach the tank. I want to do my best to create an environment that it will be happy in and I'm hoping this is the solution. It may be that the fish is now too big for my tank. I understand that I may have to find someone with a large pond to adopt it. I do have another small tank that I will experiment with by following your methods from scratch.
Where is the EU shop?
Leonardite. Super!!!
Looking forward to the release of your book.
the ebook is available now
Father Fish, could you explain in short how the plants do their job/ what happens between setting up the plants and putting the fish in?
Id also like to know how they continue working together with the fish once theyre in.
Maybe you'd consider a longer video (in simple language, for dummies) like this 1 explaining the fish, waste, plants, microfauna cycle?
Yes. I will do that.
@@FatherFish Yippee!
@@FatherFish I love learning about nature it's fascinating!
First comment
I did this today bought Peet soil and compost added tank water and did a 40 gal but what I'm doing is growing seeds first then adding other plants later
Thank you Father Fish for sharing your expertise and knowledge to us ❤ Kram10114
Hi father fish i am a beginner and have just came across you videos i have already got so much helpful information. I noticed my fish tank had bubbles along the walls and started looking things up and become concerned i made many mistakes but i do feel a little better after watching a few of you videos. I did not wait the 2 days before pitting in the fish we did let them sit for 20mins before the transfer. Tomorrow our heater and filters arrive. Do you suggest before i add the heater and filter i take the fish out or just add them in while it’s in there. I’d also like to add i have used sand and live plants in my new tank.
If all is alive and well keep moving forward.
I used my red-ear turtles manure. It works really great. That was 10 years ago 😅
I have not kept a fish tank for more than 20 yrs now. Really keen to try a planted natural one this year.
May I ask, how to separate the sand and the bottom soil substrate, just in case I mess up anything and have to restart.
Would this be okay for neocaridina shrimp? The thing I'm concerned about is the trace amounts of copper in most composts
Hi Father Fish, I am from India. I couldn't buy your supplements.
And It was very very very difficult to collect all these things. However, I just finished my new tank setup followed by your method. But one thing I want to ask that light should be on 24x7 for first week ?
The light next please. I stayed up all night and tried to figure out where the sun was in my space for natural lighting. Then it dawned on me.
And you were illuminated! I use 100W led flood lights.
How many lights will be needed and how many watts will be needed to make it in a 56 gallon tank?...
Lol 😊
Love your content father fish. Watching your videos got me interested in this hobby. I just have a question which you might have already answered before. But what does the diatomaceous earth do in the substrate?
adds minerals and provides bacterial haven.
Do you have a preference on the sand you use? I've used play sand in aquariums in the passed to save money, haven't had any issues other than it being cloudy at first
pool filter sand is best
I tried the substrate in a nano aquarium. I didn't like the outbreak of diatom bacteria. After 2 months it started to decrease. I read about a dark start. For example, keep a new aquarium without light for 2 months, but with heating, flow and aeration. Add bacteria and single-celled organisms. Let them adapt and multiply. Then, after turning on the light, in theory, there should be no outbreak of diatom bacteria and algae. I haven't done this in practice yet, but I want to try.
Dear Father fish,
I have built the substrate as per the video and planted the tank with the number mentioned accordingly to the videos instructions for a 10 gallon tank. Please tell me how many hours of light and aeration to be provided and how to put the fish in the tank. Is it all the fish in one go?
When pushing live plants into the substrate, how deep do the roots go? Into the sand or into the dirt?
1 “ into the sand. Roots will find the dirt. GL😊
I have a worm bin and chickens and I use coconut coir and leaf mold as a large part of my worm bin bedding. I shred my oak leaves every year and hot compost my chicken manure with them. I age the compost for a year so it’s not too hot. I use these 50/50 for the soil layer in my Walstad tanks and it works amazing. I’m going to have to try adding your powder in my next setup.
can you use vermicompost with soil and peat moss ???
Thank you so much for this, but I noticed in other videos advice about how long to leave the lights on after set up, doing a mini water change after set up, temperature, and other details. It is tricky to create a comprehensive guide that will gather all the disparate details contained in your videos. I should have taken notes lol to make my own FF guide for dummies.
I am about 4 weeks in on a 100 and a 29 gallon tank. The former is from 0 with algae contaminated plants and the latter is with 2 gold fish. Oops, I had no thought to plan the image scape. Oops, I have not added hardscape as step 1. I guess I will have to go find rocks and branches and transplant a few plants. Tally ho! Next step, resurrection jars with the kids.
What if I threw ants or pill bugs in the tank was my 7 year old's question. Can I throw in any bugs I find? I was not sure how to respond. I replied that the garden snails would probably be a bad idea and to give them to the chickens. LOL Peace out y'all. Keep it deep and substrate on!
I added biochar, epsom salt, eggs shells powder, baking soda, natural red soil. Is that enough???
That is a good combination.
Hello, should we add a heater with fish to the tank after dirt/sand layers, plants, air filter, and light? And after how many days?
Hello Father fish. What type of sand do you recommend if I have corydoras. Blessings
Any inert sand is fine.
@FatherFish Do you think that 2 inches of sand is enough so that the corydoras do not mix it with the soil underneath?
I have a drilled 40 breeder. Would a sump create too much flow in the tank?
We can’t access your store in Australia! Any other tips on how to get the mix you offer?
Hoping to have a distributor soon. The formula is in the SHOAL
Can you add the booster to a sand/gravel substrate in an established aquarium
Yes, carefully
Does the grain size of the sand matter. And if so, does a smaller grain make it hard for your plants to grow?
no. I find that smaller grain size grows plants better.
@@FatherFish thank you for the help!!!
With this natural substrate system can any freshwater tropical fish suit the tank. In particular clown loaches? thanks for all your good info.
Yes, absolutely
@@FatherFish thanks. In regards to the sand is rinsing beach sand ok or maybe sand pit sand which u would use for kids play pits?
Currently I have a 10-day-old 120 G aquarium. I have posted quite a few times in your Shoal page in FB on my tank updates. I'd like to ask about aeration. I have a top filter which its outlet is vertical & it doesn't give much surface agitation. Is surface agitation a must for aeration? I don't like air pump because of the hum. The power head for the top filter is too strong if I put on the aeration tube. It produces bubbles across the length of the tank, 4 feet of it. It also blows off the sand & small plants. It is rated 3000L/H.
probably too big
@@FatherFish so, change to lower rated power head?
What about light to last per day and week
Dear Father fish….. First of all hats off to the explanation. As I am from India where your booster is not available, I am making the booster in DIY method. Is it advisable to use boric acid instead of diatomaceous earth. Before starting to add fish do we have to prepare the resurrection jar well in advice keeping the system which we are gonna make in the aquarium without fish for a month?
Boric acid can counteract the buffers , so use sparingly. It is vital that the Ph be very high and hard.
I like that you are building a food web before adding fish. A few fishkeepers have done this with some real success. Important to make the food web base at least an inch deep in at least half of the tank to protect the microfauna from being completely consumed when fish are introduced. I like it!!
Dear fatherfish thanks alot
How long would the soil last? Do you need to replace it often? Thanks
The soil is permanent.
I am a new fish foster parent and have been looking at various systems to try and figure out the “best” way for myself and the fish. The more low tech and self sustaining the better, as I am a bit lazy and have other hobbies. So far this, and a slow moving under gravel filter seem the most appealing. I‘m curious if you (or anyone here) have ever tried combining the two methods?
And I have a Spotted Raphael that digs. As I understand it they can dig down to an undergravel filter wreaking havoc on the system.
Any advice would be much appreciated. TIA!
egg crate on the soil before capping prevents digging
@@FatherFish That makes great sense. I’m still curious if this could be used with an under gravel filter as well, or does it have to be one or the other?
Is the preta complete soil for a 55 gallon tank enough for a 75 gallon tank
I am going to try this . I am ok with tge dirt , but thelive foid web makes me nervous . I see i can buy the soilsupplements online for Canada . Wish luck . 😊😊😊😊
You can do it!
It’s unfortunate that your online store doesn’t ship to Canada. Some time next year I wanted to start an aquarium with this soil.
We have a Canadian supplier. Contact him at fatherfish.fish. Scroll down to the CA link.
Father fish i wanna ask on your thoughts about root tabs,i completely respect the hustle with the *Father Fish Soil Substrate Pack* and i just want your honest opinions about where root tabs lands in this equation and is it better since i can keep adding it whenever the planted tank needs nutrient replenishing or would it be too costly and time consuming? Thank you father fish
feerts interfere with the plant's natural hormonal activity, causing it to grow abnormally.
@@FatherFish Alright noted,also Father fish is there any other substitutes for bat guano? since i'm worried that the coronavirus might be living inside bat poop
Apparently Guinea pig poop doesn't burn plant roots like others, as they worked well for me
In uk here can we get the supplement on Amazon ?
We have a UK supplier. goto fatherfish.fish, the link is below
Do you need to rinse the soil before adding it or no
I just started up a tank. Aquasoil, sand, plants and now I've found you. I got worried and found some mud and plonked it in, ive stirred it round and tried to move some of the soil and sand on top. Needless to say its a mud bath. Will it be ok?
Probably not.
@FatherFish thank you for the reply, ive siphoned everything out now so I can start again.
I’m sure you have seen my comments before. I first off want to thank you for all of your advice and expertise! As I’ve said before I have been trying to convert my 55 gallon to tank to a similar set up as yours. I’ve been slowly fixing it the best I can. I will be going to the local creek today and filling a bucket with creek sand and this will be going on top of that fluval stratum stuff. I don’t have soil however like your set ups but I don’t think I could do this with an existing tank like mine. Anyways I want to order some plants from you. And I noticed that you have plant packages. What do you recommend for a 55 gallon? And feel free to give any more advice you have. Also maybe you should do a video of how to transform an existing tank to a natural tank, you may already have one I’m not sure. For me it’s hard because I have no place to put my fish while I transform the tank so it’s been little by little.
Nice to hear from you kws. Sand cap on an aged substrate is always beneficial. The root plant and stem pak work well in large tanks together. This will give you a moderately heavy planting that will improve over time.
Older tanks have a natural biological system already built up. This allow the sand to both protect the biology and notrients in the substrate, prevent leaching, and provide a means for nutrients in the water column to precipitate into the substrate.
The sand from your creek will be most beneficial if you gather it from in the water. Gathering wet sand from the water will provide live sand in your system which will substantially improve the biology of the substrate.
Are your measurements in fluid ounces or by weight?
@@FatherFish- thank you 😊
What's the weight of 1 part ? Weight of 1 part compost? 2 parts peat moss? 1 part compost?
What type of sand are you using exactly?
I use silica mostly.