Assault: Hellriegel 1915 Factory Medic: Selbstlader M1916 Marksman Support: BAR Storm or Trench Scout: SMLE MKIII or Russian 1895 (Depending on Situation) Martini Henry for closer quarters/fun gun. Vehicle Loadouts: Sawed Off or Frommer Stop Auto Saved you a Video.
*at dice office* all right guys we need a new support gadget, in bf4 people hated air burst and the mortar, *steven in the back* what if we combined the two?
Lies all lies, I can't believe you didn't tell them the truth LevelCap. Everyone knows the Kolibri is the best gun, not just for the scout class, but for all time.
Most* I play medic in all battlefield games, I have my defib, and medbag/little med kits depending on how i feel, I rezz everyone that doesn't spacebar themselves out (That makes me furious)
Its lucky if you can find more than a couple of medics on a 32 man team. The majority seem to play as scout .....and don't bother spotting - just try and get kills for themselves.
Except from he only plays medic in 1/4 of the video.. and where he did play medic he revived almost everyone that died around him the people that he didnt revive would have died instantly and himself aswell
Erina when you see a tank in the spawn menu. You have the option to costumize the gear of thw tanker or pilot if you wish. I'm rank 65 and I just realized this
^ Which is bullshit that you can't change it at the spawn menu or main menu. I recently just found out about it as well, hopefully dice will change it too just that in the March update.
Here they are if you don't want to watch the entire video. BAR, M1916 marksmen, SMLE MKIII Marksmen/Russian 1895 sniper, Hellreiger 1915 Factory. Great video btw
Elliot James I like it but it needs better guns, the only good gun is the bar storm and that gets boring after a while. and I think the limpet charge needs a big buff or it should let you carry two at a time because it's not very effective
Elliot James I love the support lmg for life! Mg15 suppressive is my go to I don't rate the bar at all, I would rather use the rank 10 if your looking for a closer engagement!
Please go to the Forums and tell those retards there that. LMGs are absolutely perfect where they are now. Seriously, three days in and they're all crying for buffs all over the place. It will ruin the game.
William Garcia agree, but some things are kinda cringy. It's a bit exagerated that on a 30 round lmg like the Benett-Mercier (my most used gun, so i can't attest for the other), it take about 6 bullets for the accuracy to settle and then you need about 4-7 bodyshots to kill. basically you it ate 10-13 bullets out if your mag for a single target...
If you use the bipod, and play the support role, they are great. The mg15 is by far best for this. If you really want kills, you shouldn't be playing support.
Medics PLEASE FUCKING DROP MED PACKS!!! I request medic packs so much that im either dead or at full hp by the time they start to realize what a call out is fuck.. and FOR FUCKS SAKE REVIVE PEOPLE!
then play as a medic and u wont have this problem xD i learned this the hardway back in battlefield 3... i smell ur a new Battlefield Player. Damn noob
Excuse me NO i will not play as a medic in a squad full of medics that just doesn't make sense now does it? I'm thinking your the noob here and theres nothing wrong with that son. I actually love playing medic, but kind of dumb to play medic when theres 4 people already playing medic..
I personally prefer the Gewehr 98 as my sniper rifle of choice, I just love the feel of it over the others, the SMLE is great too. Not a fan of the Russian 1895 tho
I personally love the Russian. The look of the scope when zoomed in just gives me so many Saving Private Ryan feels.. Looks pretty, nice rate of fire, does the job.
You kidding me? The rigotti trench is fantastic. I also majorly disagree with the 1916 being the best weapon. It's complete shit at close range, okay at medium range, and has a terrible movement penalty. If you like to play defensively then sure it's great but it's not well rounded at all. Also the automatico is easily the best smg in the game. It just straight up beats any thing else it comes up against.
The clips playing in the background for the sniper class are amazing. If I hit two guys in a row with my sniper rifle, that's a good day. He must have a crapload of practice.
To all of the people raging about the "balance problem" in BF1, specifically about how some classes are "under powered" or certain weapon categories aren't "as effective" as others: The WHOLE POINT of BF1 is to play the role of the class you choose. You have to embrace the intended use of each weapon category. LMG's are intended to be used from a superior firing position PURELY to throw bullets down range so that your enemies can't comfortably set up clean shots on you and your squad. They are meant to shut down enemy defenses while your assault squad rolls around to flank and score the kills. And you know what's awesome? BF1 REWARDS YOU FOR SUPPRESSIVE FIRE! How cool is that? Suppressive fire is a very real part of REAL war (I'm not pretending that I know what it's like to go to war, because I don't... but I've seen enough video from veteran family members and had enough conversations to know that this is a fact). In regard to the medic class not having "good enough" guns, I have two questions for you; Do you just suck with semi autos because they aren't a FPS staple? Wouldn't the medic class be SUPER OP if they had the same time-to-kill as assault? BF1 isn't an FPS like CoD or even Destiny where every weapon class is meant to be used by one guy running around killing all of the other guys. They are meant to compliment each other. Work together guys!
devin nelson The only problem is that everyone now a days uses scouts and camp at the very back of the map, medics not healing dead teammates or give out medic packs, and bunch of assaults using shotguns in corners.
devin nelson why would you embrace being a support when most people die before emptying an entire clip and vehicles can repair themselves? and why play sniper when you in every way have a better chance in close combat to get kills and objective points? medic only matters to save tickets and heal... even though half the time nobody does. there's no point what so ever NOT to be assault. it has literally the best weapons in the game, is more suited to barreling over objectives, and can deal with vehicles better than anyone. the game has no real balance valu, and to top it off, it's cherry picked what is realistic, and what isn't. sorry, but dice has been shit since hardline. battlefront was an embarrassing failure, and now bf1 is a blemish to the series. dice does not care about you, and does not have a clue on how to run a multiplayer. they put all their time and care into the engine, and just plop everything into place without thought afterwards
Zach Harrelson Battlefront is a joke, but that's pretty much the only thing I agree with you on- and that's fine. While assault might be the most OP class up close, I have never had nearly as much fun playing assault as I have playing medic or sniper- and I play an aggressive medic/sniper role. No camping BS. Give me a Seblaster Optical or the Martini Henry and I'll end up with a way higher scoring match than I would with any assault build- but that's just because I LOVE semiautomatic and powerful single action guns in games. It's all about play style, personal preference, and what is actually fun to you. I don't have fun spraying bullets up close out of a poorly designed WWI Era grease gun, but I really like risking my ass rezing team mates and taking people out with 3 well placed shots. it's just more satisfying. I don't love playing support, but I honestly find it more satisfying pinning people down and putting heavy suppressive fire down range or peppering an area with mortars than I do charging up close. Neither of us are wrong, it's just about what you enjoy. I happen to enjoy playing a more mid-long range oriented role, and the points system is smart enough to reward me for it despite the fact that people playing assault are scoring more kills.
that the response im talking about! It's like this in any game , just people need to adapt to the game. Instead of treating every shooter like CoD where a sniper can turn his gun into a close range rifle ( Bo2, dragnov) I just did my first BF1 Operations and had a blast. I died like over 19 times with a sht kill score but i didnt get kills from assault. Fuck assault. I had fun playing a aggressive sniper class. Not that camping bs either i litterally would crouch and slowly walk towards a zone to capture shooting at every enemy i could see lol the trick is to " Scout " the enemies lol
The lmgs desperately need a damage buff. They are getting consistently out shot by smgs in CQB, semi auto rifles at medium range, and completely useless at long range. They are effectively useless at all ranges. The only way they can get kills is if you sneak up behind people. It seriously needs to be a 4 shot kill in close range and 5 max, as well as a reduction in bullet spread.
iiNova Care to clarify how they should be properly used then, fuck face? Because EVERYONE knows they are extremely under powered, except you for some reason.
Jack Norman is not even that bad, RPM is pretty fast downside it has 10 bullets but if you know how to use it you can play pretty well with it. the trench variant is my favorite cuz really at close i can spray and pray !
+Carlos Tapanes agreed. My best gun is the Factory version which is the base gun for the medic class and that thing shreds. Idk what he means about it's downsides when the only thing wrong with the gun is maybe the magazine size.
+Carlos Tapanes agreed. My best gun is the Factory version which is the base gun for the medic class and that thing shreds. Idk what he means about it's downsides when the only thing wrong with the gun is maybe the magazine size.
If you're on console, the mondragon storm is a beast. The one levelcap mentioned is not very good on console because we do not have a keyboard and mouse.
I'm not sure I understand why you think having a M&K makes a difference whether one gun is better than the other.. The Selbstlader M1916 is just a better overall gun, regardless of how you aim it.
Recoil management, that's why. On consoles guns can be completely different because of how much harder it is to aim, it's physically impossible to be as accurate as even an average pc player with a controller.
Personally, I think support has some of the better guns in the game, at least if you're playing supportively. Most of the LMGs can hit at medium range easily, and although the Lewis Gun sucks, all the others, especially the MG15, can tear down a whole team easily. Oh, and it's pronounced Selp-Shhtr-Larder
Support is my favorite class and I got to say that the Chauchat is my favorite weapon of them all. It took me a long time to grind for and I needed to get 50 kills with one of my least favorite weapons, but it was all worth it in the end. On a single life, I would get half a dozen kills before I go down.
Martin Kreig yea like how can i kill someone with a shot gun 10 feet away but shot someone point blank and do 99 dameg then die or shot him 2 times in the chest i even was 2 feet away and shot them in the head and still lived. i also shot someone with a k bullet point blank in the chest and he lived makes no senc to me when i can take out tanks with it or i can kill one shot with regular bullet at a serten range
Martin Kreig yea after taking 4 shots head shots should be harder to get hopfuly hardcore will fix this as long as there is no gas cause i will die from team
Here in 2019, still enjoy this game a lot.. only took me a week of playing BFV before I was bored as all hell, this game however still does it for me as it’s smooth and casual, when I’m feeling that competitive bite I jump over to BF4.. just to say the god guns in the class now are SMG08 for assault, Federov for the medic, parrabellum for support.. snipers are a bit all over place but the arisaka patrol has earned my favour.
FluffyMcPuff it's kinda of hard to not get bored when it feels like there is only 4 guns for each class, don't you think? And no customization. Well? You can equip a bayonet. That's it.
Hey levelcap. Do you think that there isn't enough trench warfare in battlefield 1. There is more trench fighting in the hoth map in battlefront. Do you think there needs to be a map that is completely trenches?
I love Level's videos and suggest you watch them in full, but just in case you need a short version/future reference: Tanker/Pilot: Sawed Off Shotgun/Frommer Stop pistol Support: Bar M1918 Storm (video) or Trench for hipfire Medic: Selbstlader M1916 Sharpshooter Scout: SMLE MKIII Marksman for mid-range/ Russian 1895 for longer range/ Martini Henry for close-up with style Assault: Hellriegel 1915 Again, I love Level's vids and have been watching for a while. He puts plenty of time into them and is always detailed and typically offers alternatives with drawbacks or possible positive points. Keep up the great work, Level!
I'm getting Battle Field 1 for Christmas and I've been studying up on your videos so I know what I'm doing when I start playing😂 Keep up the good work!
Never would have thought DICE would remove classes from BF. It was a staple of the franchise and I don't think the switch to specialists was the right choice at all after actually playing the game. What a shame.
Assault: Hellfighter Trench gun Medic: Selbstlater Support: Lewis Gun Scout: Lawrence of Arabia rifle Sidearms: Either Hellfighter 1911, Red Barons P08 or Auto Revolver
Dice fucked up on the BAR more then any other gun in the game IMHO. Historically it had an insane amount of recoil primarily because it fired a rifle cartridge. This means the gun should out damage every other machine gun in the game LMG/SMG alike, but should be a massive PITA to control.
"No optics" should be the standard for all bolt action rifles at the start. Maybe at like 10 service stars or something you get a gay ass scope, but until then...
When you are watching the video, your internet is a bit slow and the resolution is not great and then an ad comes on and buffers, 10 minutes later you are returned back to video 😭🚨
I played support only in bf3 and 4. Dice have given me nothing even half decent lmg wise in bf1 which is a shame as the other classes have great weapons.
definitly not , all the people would then use the support and with those 100 round mags they would be OP if buffed , and btw the support's purpose is spraying down fire against enimies so assaults would advance , and to supply ammo for those who needs, i think support are pretty good in the game IMO plz dont attack me
Rana Ztr there is only 1 lmg with a 100 round mag, and the most others have around 30 round mags. the only thing that I want to see buffed is the bullet spread. and everyone is using scout now anyway
As someone who loves bolt guns (I compete with bolt action's with iron sights when I get the time), I was pumped for this game when it was announced. Sure, I figured there would be a few light automatic weapons like the MP18 subgun and Lewis and Hotchkiss and Madsen 'Light Machine Guns', but not this many. Mondragons were meant to be used by aircrew in the German army, not by ground troops as its action could get pretty dirty and jam up, fast. Half of these auto-rifles were only small batches of prototypes. Look, I get it, its Battlefield, but I feel like Dice could have made it work and make it a convincing period shooter. Instead it turned out into whatever this is, which looks fun, don't get me wrong, but its not WW1, at least not to me.
I love the suppressive variant, but I will try the Storm one. Suppressive is really accurate, you can counter-snipe almost. It's also great against air.
KG0801 I've only played 40 minutes since I bought today after playing BF4 a lot, I did shit (really really shit) with all classes except when I switched to the medic with their first DMR style gun I absolutely destroyed and topped the leaderboard when rank 3 against lots of rank 100+ guys haha So maybe I just suit the medic gun more, I tried the first assault gun but found it horrible for some reason, even in close range :(
I'm very surprised he didn't bring up the Mondragón storm for medic. I think that rifle is amazing for all ranges, set your sights zoomed to the max and you have iron sight that you can counter snipe with and use for close courters. And this is coming from a guy that plays on console.
agree 100℅ the gun feels great. the main downside is the 10 shots let clip, so you have to lean on your secondary quite a bit if it's gets close quarters.
+LevelCapGaming the Martini Heneri is considered one of the best snipers because of its constant one shot kill, it occasionally gets a two shot kill but that's dealing damage in the high 90's, so if your target doesn't die then you just pull to your secondary to finish of the kill
L. DMND - In the game options, there is an option to hold sprint, or toggle, toggle you only need to hit the key once, i use my scroll back side button on my mouse for this.
Dice really screwed over us support players. The LMG's are pathetic excuses for weapons. Mainly the random bullet deviation is ridiculous and removes all skill
Seriously?! I've gotten 4 kills with one mag using the automatico. I'm assault rank 7 right now so I almost have that awesome gun! I think I'm gonna miss the automatico after I ditch it for the Hellriegel
Anyone else on ps4 finding the snipers don't have sweet spots? I don't think I've ever gotten a 1 hit kill which wasn't a headshot and I've got over 300 Russian sniper kills, and 200 smle kills
Matt Happs I play ps4 version because I feel my PC won't be able to get 60 fps and instead like 40 on medium. But PC is so much easier with the keyboard and mouse and sniping is much easier... Sniping is quite hard on consoles
My go to support weapon is the Huot Automatic Low Weight. You can easily take out 3-4 guys with it without reloading. Overall stable with a very low recoil and has the best range for all the support weapons. A really underrated weapon imo!
P968 I've found that the gewer m.95 infantry is one of the best blot action rifles, with its very fast rate of fire (for a bolt-action) it is very easy to get 2 bullets on your target witch is what it takes most of the time, sometimes even one bullet, I have 4 service stars with this gun already
Mp18 trench? It's awesome on close quarters combat but I would use the optical mp18 for a lot more of the situations. I am sure you would like it as well
In Battlefield, how long does it usually take to level up classes. Is it based off of the amount of XP you accumulate using the class, is it based off of number of kills...
in my opinion the selbstlader m1916 marksman isn't that good on console since it's harder to handle recoil. so i think maybe the mondragon or a closer combat variant of the m1916 is better
The Last Black Saiyan wat it's recoil is so low? if your having recoil problems lower the modification or get the sniper version with a bipod making it a laser
Actually I do. It's not mentioned very often but I've gotten to rank 61 and obtained 10 service stars with that weapon already. I used the Mondragon Optical. Recoil was never much of an issue for me.
I find the mondragon sniper is the best medic rifle the amount of recoil is the best in the class and its super easy to take out pesky scouts with it lol
I have 13 stars (+1300 kills) on my mondragon storm and its definitely the best weapon on medic for mid range. For low range the ebst is Autoloading 8 .25 (magnified).
after that he talks about how you can never get 2+ kills (technical max being 4) with a single mag on the BAR then goes on to toat that it's possible to kill 8+ with the selbsladder (that being the absolute max), jesus this guy has gone to shit, I'm going back to Matimi0
He doesn't understand what a bipod is or how to use it. BF1 doesn't auto-spot you on the map for firing your weapon anymore so it's not a death sentence like it was in BF4.
except it is if your enemy team is in anyway competant as soon as you bipod and start shooting - sniper bait. Using MGs the way they should be used is far to easily countered due to the amount of snipers and how they are like laser beams.
Yes and no. You're no longer auto-spotted so the enemy has to visually identify you first. Still, Support players could really use that sniper shield gadget Recon players got for this reason.
Assault: Hellriegel 1915 Factory
Medic: Selbstlader M1916 Marksman
Support: BAR Storm or Trench
Scout: SMLE MKIII or Russian 1895 (Depending on Situation) Martini Henry for closer quarters/fun gun.
Vehicle Loadouts: Sawed Off or Frommer Stop Auto
Saved you a Video.
Sk8mattGaming I love you
Truthseeker 1018 😂
***** My bad, how could I forget?
Should be called "Battlefield 1 Best Guns For All Classes From Assault-only Player POV"
And the best Sidearm is The Kolbri
Gamez Trickz who?
Gamez Trickz Kolibri*
Gamez Trickz already getting old...
Ethan Fowler
Gamez Trickz Stop it already. It's the worst gun in the game, and it desperately needs a buff.
*at dice office* all right guys we need a new support gadget, in bf4 people hated air burst and the mortar, *steven in the back* what if we combined the two?
random man 14 Not all hero's wear capes!
random man 14 u sir deserve my like it
random man 14 it makes the support class not as underpowered
That's why support got the airburst mortar.
You won
The irony when he was talking about medic and walked past 4 people who needed reviving only one of which he revived the guy in front of him
LMG mounted and ready our lord tachanka every one shall neel before the lord
William Playz I realized that too but then I figured out that his purpose was to showcase the weapons
Lies all lies, I can't believe you didn't tell them the truth LevelCap. Everyone knows the Kolibri is the best gun, not just for the scout class, but for all time.
The Cool Persian it's too OP 😛
How many kills you have I've got 500
Thank me later.
Pilot/ tanker:
Nozil la thx
Thank u
Nozil la i
Nozil la z
all I saw the entire time was him ignore revivable teammates. this is why all medics ignore us
Most* I play medic in all battlefield games, I have my defib, and medbag/little med kits depending on how i feel, I rezz everyone that doesn't spacebar themselves out (That makes me furious)
JazGamingHD you are the needle in the haystack of blind medics
Its lucky if you can find more than a couple of medics on a 32 man team. The majority seem to play as scout .....and don't bother spotting - just try and get kills for themselves.
Except from he only plays medic in 1/4 of the video.. and where he did play medic he revived almost everyone that died around him the people that he didnt revive would have died instantly and himself aswell
I just brought BF1 and i started playing medic can someone tell me how do you revive teammates?
is it bad that I'm about 15 hours into bf1 and had no idea you could change the pilot and tanker classes?
PowerPanda It's not very obvious
I'm 40 hours in and just realized...
PowerPanda how do you change it? I'm confused.
Erina when you see a tank in the spawn menu. You have the option to costumize the gear of thw tanker or pilot if you wish. I'm rank 65 and I just realized this
^ Which is bullshit that you can't change it at the spawn menu or main menu. I recently just found out about it as well, hopefully dice will change it too just that in the March update.
Here they are if you don't want to watch the entire video.
BAR, M1916 marksmen, SMLE MKIII Marksmen/Russian 1895 sniper, Hellreiger 1915 Factory.
Great video btw
You forgot the Colibri.
need more a this
The Automatico M1918 Storm is fucking crazy sometimes.
am i the only one that actually likes the support class?
Elliot James lol I like it , I use the bar at the least I get 25 kills a game (low end)
no, I probably have the most kills with the default lewis gun
Elliot James I like it but it needs better guns, the only good gun is the bar storm and that gets boring after a while. and I think the limpet charge needs a big buff or it should let you carry two at a time because it's not very effective
Elliot James I love the support lmg for life! Mg15 suppressive is my go to I don't rate the bar at all, I would rather use the rank 10 if your looking for a closer engagement!
I loved it in BF4 but in BF1 they took are C4/dynamite!
I got this game when it was released, PEOPLE ARE ALREADY LEVEL 70
Some Beta progress carries over
NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ No, it doesn't. Dice said that isn't a thing.
origin access + early enlisted edition, some hardcore people started playing for 5 days before you
Empty soul Depends how you define beta, I actually was referring to what was technically early access
Rivalxfactor is 78
The BAR isn't even a support weapon. DPS is high but the mag size is a joke. It's basically just an assault weapon.
Grey Fox exactly
stupid its conciderd an lmg
Ryan0494 axk When you can spell considered you can call somebody stupid ok?
Snacks Ahoy lmao when autocorrect fails
SoundsLikeAlotOfHoopla ikr
The support guns are great if you play your fucking role
Please go to the Forums and tell those retards there that. LMGs are absolutely perfect where they are now.
Seriously, three days in and they're all crying for buffs all over the place. It will ruin the game.
+Future Ruler of Ukraine the accuracy shouldn't be garbage when you first start shooting that's fucking stupid
doesn't make sense to have sustained fire for accuracy when lmgs can overheat. Should be one or the other, not both factors clashing with each other.
William Garcia agree, but some things are kinda cringy. It's a bit exagerated that on a 30 round lmg like the Benett-Mercier (my most used gun, so i can't attest for the other), it take about 6 bullets for the accuracy to settle and then you need about 4-7 bodyshots to kill. basically you it ate 10-13 bullets out if your mag for a single target...
If you use the bipod, and play the support role, they are great. The mg15 is by far best for this. If you really want kills, you shouldn't be playing support.
Cel rigotti is a GREAT weapon, I main medic and it is my go to weapon and I have over 300 kills with it.
BOBBYS BOYS Exactly what I was thinking it's pretty good for a starting gun
It's not that bad, I think it has the highest semi-auto fire rate.
300 kills is not a lot, get a 1000 before having a really a fond opinions about a weapon
I have over 3,000 With the Selbslatier Optical - the ammo capacity really is helpful
BOBBYS BOYS same I really like it
Medics PLEASE FUCKING DROP MED PACKS!!! I request medic packs so much that im either dead or at full hp by the time they start to realize what a call out is fuck.. and FOR FUCKS SAKE REVIVE PEOPLE!
then play as a medic and u wont have this problem xD i learned this the hardway back in battlefield 3... i smell ur a new Battlefield Player. Damn noob
Excuse me NO i will not play as a medic in a squad full of medics that just doesn't make sense now does it? I'm thinking your the noob here and theres nothing wrong with that son. I actually love playing medic, but kind of dumb to play medic when theres 4 people already playing medic..
then go to another squad genius, damn u really are a new battlefield player xD
Classic uneducated dumpster rat ^
Lol i just started playing bf1 today and im dropping med packs for daaays :D
Am I the only one that's found the medic starter gun amazing…
Jack Richards no the cel rigotti
Jack Richards same i got used to it
Jack Richards yes I used the shit out of it
Yup, starter gun is pretty sick
fuck that gun it needs to be patched I don't use the intire medic class because every gun in it is overpowered
I don't think anything can separate me from the Mondragon Storm.
Mondragon Sniper?
TheNekoThatKnew Not necessarily. I don't use the scope.
CHAINGUNNA Selbstadler Marksman is better than Mondragón, had more bullets per round.
Can't bring myself to like it.
OK bro, Mondragón is a pretty Power gun as well
Am I the only one who loves the Cei-Rigotti?
A1sd Gaming the Trench variant has served me great. I think it's my second best weapon.
A1sd Gaming I think it's a good balance between the close quarter style dmrs and the medium range dmrs
Oracle Nova Yeah, I just like the full auto capability and it's more accurate than the M1907 Sweeper at a longer range.
No i also really enjoy this gun, i would however like it to be a bit more accurate and its my most used weapon.
Yes it's a pretty good weapon, Medic is getting hauled at for not being good enough, I think it's a good class with pretty solid weapons
I personally prefer the Gewehr 98 as my sniper rifle of choice, I just love the feel of it over the others, the SMLE is great too. Not a fan of the Russian 1895 tho
Oracle Nova I agree
I personally love the Russian. The look of the scope when zoomed in just gives me so many Saving Private Ryan feels.. Looks pretty, nice rate of fire, does the job.
Oracle Nova I love the Russian a
Also the Russian cavalry is overpowered having a super good rate of fire sadly it's for horse riders only.
As far as range scoped snipers, I like the Gewehr sniper and the M1903 sniper best. Then Russian 1895.
Oracle Nova same it is by far my favorite gun in the game
You kidding me? The rigotti trench is fantastic. I also majorly disagree with the 1916 being the best weapon. It's complete shit at close range, okay at medium range, and has a terrible movement penalty. If you like to play defensively then sure it's great but it's not well rounded at all. Also the automatico is easily the best smg in the game. It just straight up beats any thing else it comes up against.
Wow a 30-06 doing the same damage as a 9mm. Good job dice. Angry Joe voice: lYa done fucked it up"
Its called balance.
go play Arma
its a video game, not real life fucking idiot
9 mm actually does more damage per bullet in pistols. P08 has max damage 30.
Ahem, is called "bullshit"
The clips playing in the background for the sniper class are amazing. If I hit two guys in a row with my sniper rifle, that's a good day. He must have a crapload of practice.
He's been playing BF for a _looong_ time...
I. Chrome looooooooong
haha level is already level 56, shitbucket confirmed xD
naturbur battlefield friends?XD
ran into a rank 72 yesterday
someone has been playing literally 24/7 since early enlister access
Played with him (on the same team) earlier.. he was up to 60
shit he has done it all.
XFactor is rank 80 currently.
12:58 oh fuck
pono kid joe i just got ad
pono kid joe wc
To all of the people raging about the "balance problem" in BF1, specifically about how some classes are "under powered" or certain weapon categories aren't "as effective" as others: The WHOLE POINT of BF1 is to play the role of the class you choose. You have to embrace the intended use of each weapon category. LMG's are intended to be used from a superior firing position PURELY to throw bullets down range so that your enemies can't comfortably set up clean shots on you and your squad. They are meant to shut down enemy defenses while your assault squad rolls around to flank and score the kills. And you know what's awesome? BF1 REWARDS YOU FOR SUPPRESSIVE FIRE! How cool is that? Suppressive fire is a very real part of REAL war (I'm not pretending that I know what it's like to go to war, because I don't... but I've seen enough video from veteran family members and had enough conversations to know that this is a fact). In regard to the medic class not having "good enough" guns, I have two questions for you; Do you just suck with semi autos because they aren't a FPS staple? Wouldn't the medic class be SUPER OP if they had the same time-to-kill as assault? BF1 isn't an FPS like CoD or even Destiny where every weapon class is meant to be used by one guy running around killing all of the other guys. They are meant to compliment each other. Work together guys!
devin nelson The only problem is that everyone now a days uses scouts and camp at the very back of the map, medics not healing dead teammates or give out medic packs, and bunch of assaults using shotguns in corners.
devin nelson why would you embrace being a support when most people die before emptying an entire clip and vehicles can repair themselves? and why play sniper when you in every way have a better chance in close combat to get kills and objective points?
medic only matters to save tickets and heal... even though half the time nobody does.
there's no point what so ever NOT to be assault. it has literally the best weapons in the game, is more suited to barreling over objectives, and can deal with vehicles better than anyone.
the game has no real balance valu, and to top it off, it's cherry picked what is realistic, and what isn't. sorry, but dice has been shit since hardline. battlefront was an embarrassing failure, and now bf1 is a blemish to the series.
dice does not care about you, and does not have a clue on how to run a multiplayer. they put all their time and care into the engine, and just plop everything into place without thought afterwards
Zach Harrelson Battlefront is a joke, but that's pretty much the only thing I agree with you on- and that's fine. While assault might be the most OP class up close, I have never had nearly as much fun playing assault as I have playing medic or sniper- and I play an aggressive medic/sniper role. No camping BS. Give me a Seblaster Optical or the Martini Henry and I'll end up with a way higher scoring match than I would with any assault build- but that's just because I LOVE semiautomatic and powerful single action guns in games. It's all about play style, personal preference, and what is actually fun to you. I don't have fun spraying bullets up close out of a poorly designed WWI Era grease gun, but I really like risking my ass rezing team mates and taking people out with 3 well placed shots. it's just more satisfying. I don't love playing support, but I honestly find it more satisfying pinning people down and putting heavy suppressive fire down range or peppering an area with mortars than I do charging up close. Neither of us are wrong, it's just about what you enjoy. I happen to enjoy playing a more mid-long range oriented role, and the points system is smart enough to reward me for it despite the fact that people playing assault are scoring more kills.
that the response im talking about! It's like this in any game , just people need to adapt to the game. Instead of treating every shooter like CoD where a sniper can turn his gun into a close range rifle ( Bo2, dragnov) I just did my first BF1 Operations and had a blast. I died like over 19 times with a sht kill score but i didnt get kills from assault. Fuck assault. I had fun playing a aggressive sniper class. Not that camping bs either i litterally would crouch and slowly walk towards a zone to capture shooting at every enemy i could see lol the trick is to " Scout " the enemies lol
Actually you'll find that bf1 is one of the most unbalanced games around😂
4:29 "Rage Against the Airburst"..... that my favorite band lol
Yea, Killing in the plane is my favorite song of theirs.
Crimson464 lmao
Crimson464 idk "airbursts on parade" is a pretty killer song
Nick Timm "Guerilla airburst" is also a killer song.
Crimson464 "airbust your enemy" knocks me dead every time
Personally I love the Gewehr 98 Sniper.
ScarfaceOkappa who?
Personally I love the martini Henry
ScarfaceOkappa what are the benefits to it? Doesn't it only do 75 damage?
Fastrocket37 Faster round chambered. Still a 2 shot kill like the smle.
NickFromFlorida I think the 98 might do 100 actually, the 95 does 75
cei rigotti optical is easily one of my favorite guns, i prefer it over the mondragon storm anyday
The lmgs desperately need a damage buff. They are getting consistently out shot by smgs in CQB, semi auto rifles at medium range, and completely useless at long range. They are effectively useless at all ranges. The only way they can get kills is if you sneak up behind people. It seriously needs to be a 4 shot kill in close range and 5 max, as well as a reduction in bullet spread.
gtaclevelandcity, agreed.
gtaclevelandcity smg are meant for of course your going to get beat in cqb
gtaclevelandcity They're supposed to be beaten by smgs at close range. Also if you use lmgs correctly you can still destroy people at all ranges
iiNova Care to clarify how they should be properly used then, fuck face? Because EVERYONE knows they are extremely under powered, except you for some reason.
Use the bipod on the MG15 supp. and you can do some insane damage, the LMGs are not meant to be run and gun in this game.
WTF did he just said the rigotti is the worst ? i love that gun. i have like 300 kills already
It is a really good gun
Jack Norman is not even that bad, RPM is pretty fast downside it has 10 bullets but if you know how to use it you can play pretty well with it. the trench variant is my favorite cuz really at close i can spray and pray !
+Carlos Tapanes agreed. My best gun is the Factory version which is the base gun for the medic class and that thing shreds. Idk what he means about it's downsides when the only thing wrong with the gun is maybe the magazine size.
+Carlos Tapanes agreed. My best gun is the Factory version which is the base gun for the medic class and that thing shreds. Idk what he means about it's downsides when the only thing wrong with the gun is maybe the magazine size.
He said it is really hard to use
If you're on console, the mondragon storm is a beast. The one levelcap mentioned is not very good on console because we do not have a keyboard and mouse.
TheSkylineful friend, simply git gud
TheSkylineful try the mondragon sniper, it's a laser with its bipod and it auto deploys on almost every ledge you can put it on
I'm not sure I understand why you think having a M&K makes a difference whether one gun is better than the other.. The Selbstlader M1916 is just a better overall gun, regardless of how you aim it.
Recoil management, that's why. On consoles guns can be completely different because of how much harder it is to aim, it's physically impossible to be as accurate as even an average pc player with a controller.
Ease of aiming = more kills, more kills = better gun
Can u activate the killfeed in the options menu?
Almir Karacic yes
ok tnx
U can do nub
Noob Ninja learn how to spell you "nub"
The Selbstlader is so good. 3 shot kill from range, often win 1v1's against snipers with it.
but if the mondragon comes along, you only get to fire 2 rounds :p
mokka exactly I use the optical one and its sooo good
mokka is the Mondragón sniper on the seblaster better
Personally, I think support has some of the better guns in the game, at least if you're playing supportively. Most of the LMGs can hit at medium range easily, and although the Lewis Gun sucks, all the others, especially the MG15, can tear down a whole team easily. Oh, and it's pronounced Selp-Shhtr-Larder
I like the Madsen MG because of its decent rate of fire
Young Jesus it is pronounced selpst-lader there is no r in selbst...
Young Jesus so true
I wish more support class players throw more ammo crates
Young Jesus It's actually pronounced
Best guns in every class to me.
Assault: Hellriegel
Medic: Autoloading Extended
Support: BAR
Scout: Martini Henry & Gewehr 98
For me.
Assault: smg 8/18
Medic: fedorov avtomat
Support: parabellum mg14
Scout: mosin & vetterli
Support is my favorite class and I got to say that the Chauchat is my favorite weapon of them all. It took me a long time to grind for and I needed to get 50 kills with one of my least favorite weapons, but it was all worth it in the end. On a single life, I would get half a dozen kills before I go down.
I get in insane amount of hit markers with the morter
YungDavid69 no they blow up 5 feet away from them and all i get is hit markers no kills toke me 3 morters to kill one guy after geting hit markers
esmokebaby yeah i used to have to nail someone directly with mortar shells to get kills, sorry prone camping snipers
Martin Kreig yea like how can i kill someone with a shot gun 10 feet away but shot someone point blank and do 99 dameg then die or shot him 2 times in the chest i even was 2 feet away and shot them in the head and still lived. i also shot someone with a k bullet point blank in the chest and he lived makes no senc to me when i can take out tanks with it or i can kill one shot with regular bullet at a serten range
Martin Kreig yea after taking 4 shots head shots should be harder to get hopfuly hardcore will fix this as long as there is no gas cause i will die from team
esmokebaby yes I feel you man I always land on people but they don't die
Has anyone else fallen in love with Lawrence of Arabia's SMLE?
BIGGGO4 its a normal SMLE ... just a Skin ;)
Marco Wirth yeah but it looks cool as fuck. That's the only reason I use the recon class
Scott Sykes haha yeah thats true :D but alot of People Really think that this version Is better than the normal one
Marco Wirth yeah that's pretty dumb
Guilded skin, and sniping with irons. There isnt something more badass.
im surprised the early version of the thompson didnt make it into the game since it was produced just before the end of the war
Gdude2k Got to save some for DLC
brobro34343 Yep.
Gdude2k one answer dlc
lol but they added cei riggoti
Here in 2019, still enjoy this game a lot.. only took me a week of playing BFV before I was bored as all hell, this game however still does it for me as it’s smooth and casual, when I’m feeling that competitive bite I jump over to BF4.. just to say the god guns in the class now are SMG08 for assault, Federov for the medic, parrabellum for support.. snipers are a bit all over place but the arisaka patrol has earned my favour.
spittin fax. i am a fan of the 1905 sweeper and the federov
i try and use them all, sticking to one gun gets boring quick
sheep head supreme, fam
Not everyone have 9000 warbonds.
Henrik when you are 30 lvl then you have almost enough
Yeah i know, as long as you dont spend lavishly you get enough bonds. But enough for every weapon? Maybe at lvl 60
FluffyMcPuff it's kinda of hard to not get bored when it feels like there is only 4 guns for each class, don't you think? And no customization. Well? You can equip a bayonet. That's it.
Hey levelcap. Do you think that there isn't enough trench warfare in battlefield 1. There is more trench fighting in the hoth map in battlefront. Do you think there needs to be a map that is completely trenches?
Conor O'Callaghan play more than team deathmatch and you'll see you're wrong. A lot of CQ and trench fighting on several maps.
beestplayer44 k. I haven't gotten around to playing those yet. Thanks for clearing that up
The first part of operations on Quentin Scar is just full on trench warfare
that operation is the most immersive shit I've ever experienced in a video game xD
literally breathtaking
It's amazing!!!!
I love Level's videos and suggest you watch them in full, but just in case you need a short version/future reference:
Tanker/Pilot: Sawed Off Shotgun/Frommer Stop pistol
Support: Bar M1918 Storm (video) or Trench for hipfire
Medic: Selbstlader M1916 Sharpshooter
Scout: SMLE MKIII Marksman for mid-range/ Russian 1895 for longer range/ Martini Henry for close-up with style
Assault: Hellriegel 1915
Again, I love Level's vids and have been watching for a while. He puts plenty of time into them and is always detailed and typically offers alternatives with drawbacks or possible positive points. Keep up the great work, Level!
Is it just me or is the sensitivity slider in this game very sensitive compared to previous games?
Robin legoboy you forgot the "me"
Robin legoboy battlefield 4 had that too.
Robin legoboy it is
Robin legoboy I've noticed that too actually
Robin legoboy I went up 5 points and couldn't aim for shit lol. I'm on 23 now I believe.
In my opinion the martini henry is the best sniper rifle, not for very close quarter but for medium- a beast!!
lawrence of arbia smklll is one of the best weapons in the game
Tiffany Wade heck yeah, I racked up like 600 kills with it already . so so dope 👌
It's just a skin for the smle
Keedro minus the scope as well derp
But it's not a MAUSER
There is no stat difference from the normal one.
I'm getting Battle Field 1 for Christmas and I've been studying up on your videos so I know what I'm doing when I start playing😂 Keep up the good work!
I got battlefield 1 for Christmas and j already love it
on waht do u play?
RiveeR xbone my gamer tag is
kj playa 101
Never would have thought DICE would remove classes from BF.
It was a staple of the franchise and I don't think the switch to specialists was the right choice at all after actually playing the game. What a shame.
The way you say "Selbstlader" gives me cancer lol
He is absolutly right - Selfstelado - thats the real name of the gun! Dice... these typos...
TheZupperGuy No english youtuber pronouces german weapon names right xD It's really funny.. "Gewohr" instead of the real name "Gewehr" :D
"Hellregel" was actually pretty near the real name "Hellriegel" .. just missing the "i"
lol what.. he is literally pronouncing Hellriegel, Selbstlader and Gewehr wrong every time.
Assault: Hellfighter Trench gun
Medic: Selbstlater
Support: Lewis Gun
Scout: Lawrence of Arabia rifle
Sidearms: Either Hellfighter 1911, Red Barons P08 or Auto Revolver
I dont see a gun named hellfighter in the list
It's for people with season pass. They make no difference in stats, they just look cool
ForrestRGump screw the 1911 to much damn recoil
Dice fucked up on the BAR more then any other gun in the game IMHO. Historically it had an insane amount of recoil primarily because it fired a rifle cartridge. This means the gun should out damage every other machine gun in the game LMG/SMG alike, but should be a massive PITA to control.
Marcello Genovese thank u
So like in BFH
"No optics" should be the standard for all bolt action rifles at the start. Maybe at like 10 service stars or something you get a gay ass scope, but until then...
Lol, agree 100% :P
Agree. I'm enjoying the Enfield iron sight SMLE variant. Just for authenticity value.
+TotalWarFlames I just want iron sights to be more revelant
TotalWarFlames i wish it was possible to Take off the scope from the Gewerh 98
They are. You still can deliver some serious whoop ass with a naked bolt action.
I remember watching this video as a 12 year old
me too
Wow. i was like 20
@@ghuldorgrey old fuck lol
Dats facts.
When you are watching the video, your internet is a bit slow and the resolution is not great and then an ad comes on and buffers, 10 minutes later you are returned back to video 😭🚨
I played support only in bf3 and 4. Dice have given me nothing even half decent lmg wise in bf1 which is a shame as the other classes have great weapons.
Swearengen yes My favoriteclass in bf3 and 4 was also support. having my support rank 11in bf1 I think they should buff the lmg a bit
definitly not , all the people would then use the support and with those 100 round mags they would be OP if buffed , and btw the support's purpose is spraying down fire against enimies so assaults would advance , and to supply ammo for those who needs, i think support are pretty good in the game IMO plz dont attack me
Swearengen whatabout the BAR and the Madsen
Rana Ztr there is only 1 lmg with a 100 round mag, and the most others have around 30 round mags.
the only thing that I want to see buffed is the bullet spread.
and everyone is using scout now anyway
Renzo Hendriks on xbox everyone uses medid, i have been playing since tuesday and have only been killed by a scout twice for fuck sakes dont wine
This video could literally be 2 minutes long. He likes the sound of his own voice.
Hey guys look a kid that has nothing better to do then hate. Your just jealous this guy is cool and your nothing loser
Kaleb Feliciano you’re*
Kaleb Feliciano hes obviously trying to reach the 10 minute mark.
Kaleb Feliciano oh yeah yeah you are the hater here
Ok 11 people commenting 'first'. it's time to stop!
Salt Detected Ey b0ss!!!
I'm gay
British Bobcat who?
I love the cei rogetti or whatever it's called. It's a beast at close to medium range
As someone who loves bolt guns (I compete with bolt action's with iron sights when I get the time), I was pumped for this game when it was announced. Sure, I figured there would be a few light automatic weapons like the MP18 subgun and Lewis and Hotchkiss and Madsen 'Light Machine Guns', but not this many. Mondragons were meant to be used by aircrew in the German army, not by ground troops as its action could get pretty dirty and jam up, fast. Half of these auto-rifles were only small batches of prototypes. Look, I get it, its Battlefield, but I feel like Dice could have made it work and make it a convincing period shooter. Instead it turned out into whatever this is, which looks fun, don't get me wrong, but its not WW1, at least not to me.
What about the Shotguns and the MP18 and the Automatico 1918.
Aventedor 2013 All are useless against the Hellreiger 1915.
***** Yeah I know.
junkygamer so MP18 is useless? So don't use Assault until level 10?
+Aventedor 2013 mp18 is one of the best multi purpose weapons in bf1
+Tom Clark ace 23 of bf1 imo
Who else in in love with the MG 15(storm)? :D I fuckin LOVE this thing
Juli Schäfer I like the ammo capacity
Juli Schäfer I'm don't with support and assault scout is next :)
Meh I really hate the accuracy, I prefer the Madsen or the BAR
I love the suppressive variant, but I will try the Storm one. Suppressive is really accurate, you can counter-snipe almost. It's also great against air.
***** The lowweight is the worst imo
Thanks for including the tank/pilot class!
I use the sweeper for the medic class. The guns insanely good idk why this guy didn't mention it in the video tbh. I wreck with the sweeper lol
KG0801 he did, he called the the m1907 which is its official name. I use it two and I love it
KG0801 same
KG0801 I've only played 40 minutes since I bought today after playing BF4 a lot, I did shit (really really shit) with all classes except when I switched to the medic with their first DMR style gun I absolutely destroyed and topped the leaderboard when rank 3 against lots of rank 100+ guys haha
So maybe I just suit the medic gun more, I tried the first assault gun but found it horrible for some reason, even in close range :(
KG0801 same bro its op
I'm very surprised he didn't bring up the Mondragón storm for medic. I think that rifle is amazing for all ranges, set your sights zoomed to the max and you have iron sight that you can counter snipe with and use for close courters. And this is coming from a guy that plays on console.
agree 100℅ the gun feels great. the main downside is the 10 shots let clip, so you have to lean on your secondary quite a bit if it's gets close quarters.
i like this guy because he kind of sounds like toby from the office
Centrion 😂😂
+LevelCapGaming the Martini Heneri is considered one of the best snipers because of its constant one shot kill, it occasionally gets a two shot kill but that's dealing damage in the high 90's, so if your target doesn't die then you just pull to your secondary to finish of the kill
I prefer the Mondragon storm for medic. It's my best weapon ever!
Madden Hartz i take optical :)
Battlefield Colony yeah
Haha yeah that’s not happening not today anyway. You want Angela these days you have to heal yourself.
what do y'all use for keybindings? I'm new to PC gaming and my pinky hurts after holding shift all the time to sprint
L. DMND you will Get used to it
Isn't there an option to press shift and not hold it, to sprint? But I'd stick with holding it, you'll get used to it.
yes, there is
soldier sprint, click on it
L. DMND - In the game options, there is an option to hold sprint, or toggle, toggle you only need to hit the key once, i use my scroll back side button on my mouse for this.
"The Hellriegel has the worst hip fire of all the SMGs."
*Gets a hip fire kill as soon as he says it*
Dice really screwed over us support players. The LMG's are pathetic excuses for weapons. Mainly the random bullet deviation is ridiculous and removes all skill
Git gud kid. LMGs are fine; as evidenced by myself and every other Support in the game who can do just fine.
aww you cant snipe with LMG's anymore? want a tissue?
ABritishZebra have you seen the mg15 suppressor? It's an amazing sniper.
GrahamCracker you must suck
It's a *Support* class. Not a one man army class.
Seriously?! I've gotten 4 kills with one mag using the automatico. I'm assault rank 7 right now so I almost have that awesome gun! I think I'm gonna miss the automatico after I ditch it for the Hellriegel
Remmy Bauer what kind of automatico do you use, Storm?
love4remind it's the one with the grip on it , so maybe storm or trench I forget
Remmy Bauer I've already got 885 kills with the Hellriegal.
junkygamer wow , pretty cool but sad aswell seeing that it's been out for a week😂
Anyone else on ps4 finding the snipers don't have sweet spots? I don't think I've ever gotten a 1 hit kill which wasn't a headshot and I've got over 300 Russian sniper kills, and 200 smle kills
Matt Happs good it's annoying to constantly get sniper from far and not being able to do anything
Matt Happs sniped not sniper
Matt Happs
I play ps4 version because I feel my PC won't be able to get 60 fps and instead like 40 on medium. But PC is so much easier with the keyboard and mouse and sniping is much easier... Sniping is quite hard on consoles
You could sell your shitty PS4 and upgrade your PC. A $350 PC built in 2014 easily fucks the shit out of the PS4.
youre kidding right?
My go to support weapon is the Huot Automatic Low Weight. You can easily take out 3-4 guys with it without reloading. Overall stable with a very low recoil and has the best range for all the support weapons. A really underrated weapon imo!
just curious but how do you enable the kill feed on xbox one?
While in a match got to options and then gameplay and then enable kill feed.
Justin Breslow Settings
+BigRed Ben88 Did you not see my comment?
Nope I didn't. It wasn't loading
Justin Breslow what does that mean?
What assault weapon would you use on your way to level 10 before the Hellriegel?
roguegeek Automatico
Connor Robinson Thanks.
roguegeek goodbye people will hate you if you use that thing
jelo villasenor And what's your recommendation?
roguegeek don't listen to him. Use the MP18 optic. The sight feels good, there's enough ammo to kill 4 guys with one mag, decent rate of fire.
Is there anybody that tried the Gewehr 95 and 98? I'm waiting for my mobo, ram and case and i can't play this fabulous game :(
Irriverent Italian Geek who?
Irriverent Italian Geek yes the gewer 98 is also good the only down side is it's 5 round magazine
P968 I've found that the gewer m.95 infantry is one of the best blot action rifles, with its very fast rate of fire (for a bolt-action) it is very easy to get 2 bullets on your target witch is what it takes most of the time, sometimes even one bullet, I have 4 service stars with this gun already
i like the 95, havnt used the 98, also i am waiting for a new mobo, cpu and ram, this game kills my current cpu
98 is the best for long range imo. not a fan of the 95
I think that the Model 10-A is great for assault. You can get very effective in close quarters.
I like the first gun at assault i got a distinguished skin a bayonet and it is awesome
Sven Ungureanu u get the bayonet automatically.
Mp18 trench? It's awesome on close quarters combat but I would use the optical mp18 for a lot more of the situations. I am sure you would like it as well
How do I free look in planes?
You don't. change your settings
Press and hold the middle mouse button on PC (the scroll wheel).
If ur on PS4 or Xbox 1 it's pressing down the right analogue stick
In Battlefield, how long does it usually take to level up classes. Is it based off of the amount of XP you accumulate using the class, is it based off of number of kills...
Astrology I'm pretty sure all xp that doesn't come from kills levels up the class. All kill xp doesn't count unless you use a gadget
Astrology captures are 100 xp kills r 20 xp
Astrology 0
5:25 the cei reigotti is my top kill gun with about 76-90 kills. I just work extremely good with it.
where is the freaking HARDCORE mode???
coming soon :/
cmc usmc they added it on custom servers
in my opinion the selbstlader m1916 marksman isn't that good on console since it's harder to handle recoil. so i think maybe the mondragon or a closer combat variant of the m1916 is better
The Last Black Saiyan wat it's recoil is so low? if your having recoil problems lower the modification or get the sniper version with a bipod making it a laser
The Last Black Saiyan who?
James Davis i think he meant the bullet velocity because it rather slow especially for console players seeing as there not as snappy as pc players
Can people tell me how they think about Gewehr 98?
i thik m1903 is better
depends on what you are playing the scout as. I play it as infantry and assaulting....I use the Infantry 98 and get it done.
yeah i take what i say back i now realize the gewehr 98 is better, faster velocity, faster reload
Jinoon Joe I like it bcz of the iron sights I don't like the the scopes plus It's a decent weapon
Jinoon Joe The Gewhr 98 Infantry is the coolest!
Why is this in my recommended? 2042 is already out XD
What is the statics mean? like hip fire and all that stuff?
yeah, about the weapon yes haha
yeah what is hip fire then?
I never even fully understood hip-fire. This could be the same case with him..
no im not new... but I have never like cared about the statistics... for an example, battlefield 4, im just playing with the weapon i like the most.
With friends who takeing the game kinda serious is the best thing ever!
can anyone help me how do you put the airplanes in 3Person?
Sergio Romero If you play on PS4, while flying the plane press down and the right thumb stick
Sergio Romero if your playing console push down right thumb stick
Sergio Romero click C on PC, down on the arrow/plus sign on PS4. Xbox 1 idk
thanks man, great video. just started on Xbox 1 and am having trouble figuring out weaponry and strengths. this was a big help
Why is the BAR so weak in this game? Its .30-06 irl
Can you rank up your Tank class while being a passenger?
Good question but I don't think so because if you leave the vehicle you're still a normal class not a tank class.
But I'm not sure though
No, since you spawn with your regular kit as a passenger. You only rank up if you spawn as the driver.
Anyone else find the mondragon storm best medic gun?
Actually I do. It's not mentioned very often but I've gotten to rank 61 and obtained 10 service stars with that weapon already. I used the Mondragon Optical. Recoil was never much of an issue for me.
I like just using the iron sights, even though the optical one is prob better. Shame it only has 10 bullets in a clip.
I find the mondragon sniper is the best medic rifle the amount of recoil is the best in the class and its super easy to take out pesky scouts with it lol
The recoil is awful with the mondragon sniper
I have 13 stars (+1300 kills) on my mondragon storm and its definitely the best weapon on medic for mid range.
For low range the ebst is Autoloading 8 .25 (magnified).
Hey level cap big fan watch most of ur vids only just bought battlefield 1 and you've helped me heaps, thanks again man 👍👌
The fuck levelcap? have you even used the telescopic version of the BAR???? its hands down better than the stupid fucking storm when bipodded
after that he talks about how you can never get 2+ kills (technical max being 4) with a single mag on the BAR then goes on to toat that it's possible to kill 8+ with the selbsladder (that being the absolute max), jesus this guy has gone to shit, I'm going back to Matimi0
He doesn't understand what a bipod is or how to use it. BF1 doesn't auto-spot you on the map for firing your weapon anymore so it's not a death sentence like it was in BF4.
except it is if your enemy team is in anyway competant as soon as you bipod and start shooting - sniper bait. Using MGs the way they should be used is far to easily countered due to the amount of snipers and how they are like laser beams.
Yes and no. You're no longer auto-spotted so the enemy has to visually identify you first. Still, Support players could really use that sniper shield gadget Recon players got for this reason.
Stinger911 You can see the muzzle flash and the tracer fire easily.
Support is my favorite class :/
ADMIRALSNACKB4R which gun of him do you like Cuz u play him ? *~*
I'm a support main
The sawed of shotgun is the best sniper
first time watching any of your videos, gained a subscriber! nice video very informative thanks!
Lots of campers in this game...
Typical BF game. Vehicle whores, spawn campers and snipers everywhere.
Aliveindarkness I know but there are more.campers than ever... The hype did damage to Battlefield...
Aliveindarkness very truthful it's fucking annoying haha
Assault AT Rocket Gun, problem solved.
Trollmau5 this is ww1 most of the war the soldiers were camping or rushing nothing between.