Why don't they open their gay church only and rest in peace there? Then problem is solved. They disagree with everything others believes, but they force everyone else to believe what they believe it should be. Ridiculous
the reason gay marriage is forbidden is because marriage is a sacrament of union between man and woman, so the church cant and wont change its content because the seven sacraments are like the cornerstones of christian life. i think pope francis said he wants them to get civil unions instead of
Why dont chrsitians believe in general in their churches their believes and dont come as street preachers to gay parades and tell their man-made morals to young people?
I dont know..but how does a man and woman lie? Who created effeminate people.. God created all.. Jesus say love one another..and that judgement is for the Lord
People who thinks they have the right to judge others, you people are the ones mocking God. It's OK he will put a stop to you wolves in sheep clothing. You sir will be judged by God for your hate
Brother, WE ALL STRUGGLE with our fleshly desires. You seem to be looking for someone to validate your lifestyle as both a gay man and a man of the cloth. The first two clergy members were clear on what THE BIBLE considers marriage to be; but you kept looking until you found someone to co-sign your belief. You don’t want answers you want validation from man. Man’s validation should not be what you’re seeking if you’re a true Christian. I struggle with my fleshly desires daily and in many ways-and so do many people, but I must crucify the flesh and pick up my cross. If this is not what you believe then go find a religion that coincides with your beliefs and be confident in doing so if you strongly disagree with Biblical doctrine. You cannot rewrite the Bible to fit your ideologies. I believe it is very wrong to indoctrinate others into a mindset that is NOT reflected in the Bible. Yes, the Bible says do not eat shellfish or wear a certain material but are we putting things into proper context? Even if they are sinful things it does not negate the fact that sin is sin. I am praying for you as you struggle through this dilemma and pray our Father God lights your path to understanding, repentance and forgiveness. In Jesus’s name.
As an openly out and proud gay Roman Catholic, who believed that he might be called to be a priest, I totally relate to him and his experience. Thank you for this wonderful video. Thank you for giving this very important issue the attention it needs and deserves. My husband and I were married last September in the Episcopal Church in the USA.
The very reason I left my RC Congregation and did not pursue the priesthood. I couldn’t stand in the pulpit as an openly gay priest and a monk. Celibacy was never the reason, the church’s attitude was.
One day we are going to stand in front of God ,then we will know how majestic he is ,and all our petty fleshly desires are going to be nothing but regret.
Then God should not have either made people gay or if you believe its some evil spirit that made them that way then he should have defended them from that spirit. Now if you are not gay its very easy to sit in your lofty place and cast judgement, but if you are gay then you know you did not one day decided mmmm I think I no longer want to be straight , I think I want to be gay or bi. You know that when these religious people make comments like this one, you are not folding your arms in defiance saying I refuse to be straight. You know there is no switch that you can turn on or off being gay. My religious sister once made the comment that gay people should stop being gay because its a sin. She suffers from manic depression. I told her if gay people should stop being gay then she should stop being manic depressive. If there is a magic switch to turn gay people straight then there should be a magic switch to turn her mentally healthy. Only then there is a choice to turn that switch on or off. When you find that magic switch please tell me about it.
Nothing like LGBT Christian. Because Christian is Christ like. And the major identity of Christ is obedience to the commandments of God to the later. LGBTQ has no place in the word of God
@@jbennett8030no one condemns you but you condemned yourself when you refused to repent of your sin. All we advocate for is for you to come out and repent of your sin of homosexuality. Show me in the Bible you read that says a man can marry a man?
If the standard of God can not be compromised, why should the standard of the church change? I pray that God should reveal the truth of His word to you.
Only one Gospel: The Gospel of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods). REPENT FALLEN ANGELS.
If you listen what you are saying is , l want. I is a sign of pride. You have totally overlooked what God says. God loves us all. But God has rules. He will not change his standards, we have to change ours as followers.
Shouldn't that be the same for every decision humans make? Nobody is perfect and if God is a God of common sense then He looks at us as with compassion and understanding, not as some overbearing war lord.
@@Eli08ish God has compassion, grace, mercy and love towards us all. Thats why He gave us the Bible and the Holy Spirit to show us what is wrong/right in His eyes. He has given us so much time to repent and walk in His ways. If there are people who walk in God's ways it means it is possible. He is not a war lord at all but a very very good Father who loves us all. Please read the Bible for yourself and ask Him to show you His ways.
@@millie9627 As much as you may believe that is helpful, it is not. Your personal opinion and faith are wrapped in the Bible but you don't realise that God never commissioned a religious text to be written. Man attempts to have dominion over others by showing that their idea of god is better than someone else's. Be careful and do your research because there are many books that were not canonized due to human beings choosing to not include them.
28:23 hit me hard with this moment. It IS truly a real struggle for the alphabet Christian. I just wanted to give you a hug at this moment. God will never give us more than we can handle. ❤
Homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of God perioid. People need to stop trying to twist the Word of God. I lived a gay lifestyle for 30 years. I repented, from my heart. God opened my eyes. JESUS is the Way, Truth, and Life. I was deceived by the enemy. I was reborn by His- God's spirit. Who the Son sets free is free indeed.
Yep! I don't understand why everyone else has to do their part but they themselves have refused to do same. No sin is easy to leave behind. But with transformation through the Holy Spirit, persistence and going through the refiners fire, we all have to walk our own paths. It's unfortunate that He also misleads others with still an uncoverted heart.
Why stay in this abusive relationship? Why attempt to pull other people into the same abusive relationship? The abusive relationship being, as I see it, between you and the people in the religion not the religion itself. Why not divorce yourself of the people and still practice the religion?
My husband and I truly believe God brought us together. After all, if God made you this way (gay), why would God not approve this marriage? You can take a lot of verses out of the Bible and make it say what you want. There are a lot of things we should not eat and wear according to the Bible. Like you pointed out.
After a thief breaks into your house and he tells you God made him that way, I’ll be here waiting on you in this comment section. Can we just we just fear God for once and ask him to help us live pure and holy lives??!
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all things become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17. So either you go all out in your homosexual lifestyle or you can surrender all to Jesus who loves you so much that He laid down His life to save you and all mankind from their sins. Choose life in Christ and be blessed!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
*Romans 1: 23-27 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man or birds or animals or reptiles. 24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25.because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever! Amen. 26.For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, 27 .and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error. Romans 1:23-27*
I remember very vividly reading that news when it was released here in Nigeria, it was quite loud because of his father's reaction and public statements... I was surprised a father could turn his back on his own son because of his sexuality, who ever knew that years later he'd be doing so well and even dare challenge the norm... Alot of people will be surprised when at the end you find out that not everything in the bible is what it is.
God loves us all lgbt and this a perfect example on to why. Thank you for shining light on this, I m very gay but I know God loves me, if he didn't, I would be dead right now.
True, God loves evryone even the murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc, He loves us all. But he does not condone the sins we commit, thats why He has not struck all of us dead. Its because of His grace and mercy that we are alive.
Married or not, I still maintain the opinion that you guys have it easy, i am catholic and I can't even be with someone I love and I am forced to go on as if I don't have emotions and feelings 😢
As an openly Black Trans woman & Rev. (probably the first in the USA) I love your work which puts our lives, our humanity, and even our divinity, in context with an ancient text. Practiced in the Bible: Human sacrifice- we dont still practice this. Theology (and the Bible) doesn’t speak to outter space but we now know that exist. 🤷🏽♀️🤓
Human sacrifice wasn't of God, it was a heathen practice. There were times when Israel swayed and began worshipping other gods. They continuously sunned against God in thus manner. This is one of the reasons salvation is no longer of the Jews. Men's tendency to sin is natural but the righteousness of Christ covers those who are willing to ket go and let him.
God loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved from their sins and evil ways. He loves us but hates sin, otherwise what was the point for Christ to die for our sins if we are still going to live as the world we've been saved from? What's the point of being a Christian if we're still going to be worldly? What's the point of being a Christian and gay concurrently? On one side you're being saved,on the other going back to the world you're being saved from? Seek God sincerely without trying to merge Christianity and the world into one. That cannot happen. 1 John 1
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ( they are homosexual in the world and they are people ,, and they can believe in Christ and be saved . it does not say John 3.16 for God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotton son that who so ever belives in him ( except the homosexuals ) shall not perish but have eternal life.
It's painful to see the damage the devil is doing to my own brothers. I pray that God will send the holy spirit to teach you how to honour him with all you are, then you will know that the great I AM doesn't need man to be God. It's out of mercy that we are forgiven and redeemed by God. God is God
I beg christians to humble themselves before God and ask for directions before taking decisions. God speaks to us when we seek. I personally don't take any decisions with out consulting God, and since I started doing that, I have been successful all through.
You want to serve God on your terms. You needed to see that your body is a temple of the living God. You needed to have been HONEST with your wife BEFORE marriage
If you can do this and not have your conscience judge, it means you have left the path of God a long time ago. Your conscience: That's the voice of God! stop asking people,go on knees, and ask God what he says, He will tell you.
You know that God loves you he doesn't like the act of the sin maybe gay may be lying maybe cheating he doesn't like the sin but he loves us. But we don't love God enough to get rid of our sin
From A King 2 A KIng . I Pray 🙏 You have an encounter with Jesus Christ & Seek God's Forgiveness today 4 You do NOT represent The Image & Likeness of a Child of God aka A King . READ THE BIBLE 🙏
This dilemma you talk about is (in my mind) so very silly, without common sense and it is an overabundance of ignorance in your mind. When you fall in love or when you simply love someone, anyone and want to marry them, you do so or you don't for whatever reason you decide. I have lived almost my entire life like that and have always been aware of all opposing sides and have avoided all those sides all my life. There are three forces in this world responsible for the death of billions (YES, billions) of people and animals since almost the beginning of time. They are Religion, Culture and Ignorance. And they will all be here on this planet when the very last person takes their last breath. Now go and live your life that pleases you and harms no one else.
Clearly you love yourself more than you love God and the church. There is always this talk about taking up the cross and following Jesus. You are a part of an organization where their Priests are celibate, so if you do not want that then exit and do you. You cant serve two (2) masters either you will love one and hate the next. stop putting God is this gay foolishness. He is a Holy God. Surely he doesn't hate you but the sin you do, and that's not just homosexuality. Just remember sin separates us from God Isaiah 59: 1-2. Love you praying for you 🙏
Oh my God i felt so bad to see this shows me when Jesus walk on Jerusalem and sees the way peoples playing in his father's house he be came so angry and whent to throw everything and chase everyone there now this is it ,God is angry with this you peoples you think God accept this things😢😢😢😢 this is the work of evil and soon or later you will know the real God let me pray for you may God remember you all and love you all and he is waiting on you
Father God, . In The Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ, I pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏 4 Justice & Judgement 4 Glbtq+ people aka Fallen Angels 4 Your Glory & 4 Your Kingdom Come Here In Earth As It Is In Heaven. Amen. 🙏
C'est honteux de prétendre que Dieu condamne ce qu'il a lui même créé.. les textes de la bible sont contextuels et c'est l'homme qui condamné.. sodome et gomorhe n'ont jamais parlé d'homosexualité...relisez vos textes... et accueillez la différence car c'est sur ce manque que Dieu a puni ces habitants.... et Jésus n'est pas venu pour la loi mais pour l'accomplir. Aimez vous les uns les autres voilà son commandement.... les églises ne sont pas Dieu. Si c'était le cas on serait encore dans l'obscurantisme...et je ne parle pas non plus de la place des femmes...cet homme est prêtre,il aime un homme l'église devrait s'en réjouir de contribuer à fortifier cet amour dans la patience, la fidélité et l'espérance...je peux comprendre les raisons qui poussent les uns à quitter les églises....
You are looking for the blessing of the church but you should be looking for the blessings of God you trying to hold on to something that let you go you walked away from the church you want to marry that man why are you holding on to something you cannot change God's word
It's not about what your church says, it's about what God says
Why don't they open their gay church only and rest in peace there? Then problem is solved.
They disagree with everything others believes, but they force everyone else to believe what they believe it should be. Ridiculous
the reason gay marriage is forbidden is because marriage is a sacrament of union between man and woman, so the church cant and wont change its content because the seven sacraments are like the cornerstones of christian life. i think pope francis said he wants them to get civil unions instead of
Why dont chrsitians believe in general in their churches their believes and dont come as street preachers to gay parades and tell their man-made morals to young people?
Damaris they have a secret agenda my dear!may God help us
I dont know..but how does a man and woman lie? Who created effeminate people..
God created all..
Jesus say love one another..and that judgement is for the Lord
So ridiculous, why should we agree with them? Well said, let them open their own thing
GOD CANNOT BE MOCKED.MAY The good sberepherd have mercy on you all
May he have mercy on people like yourself
People who thinks they have the right to judge others, you people are the ones mocking God. It's OK he will put a stop to you wolves in sheep clothing. You sir will be judged by God for your hate
Brother, WE ALL STRUGGLE with our fleshly desires. You seem to be looking for someone to validate your lifestyle as both a gay man and a man of the cloth. The first two clergy members were clear on what THE BIBLE considers marriage to be; but you kept looking until you found someone to co-sign your belief. You don’t want answers you want validation from man. Man’s validation should not be what you’re seeking if you’re a true Christian. I struggle with my fleshly desires daily and in many ways-and so do many people, but I must crucify the flesh and pick up my cross. If this is not what you believe then go find a religion that coincides with your beliefs and be confident in doing so if you strongly disagree with Biblical doctrine. You cannot rewrite the Bible to fit your ideologies. I believe it is very wrong to indoctrinate others into a mindset that is NOT reflected in the Bible. Yes, the Bible says do not eat shellfish or wear a certain material but are we putting things into proper context? Even if they are sinful things it does not negate the fact that sin is sin. I am praying for you as you struggle through this dilemma and pray our Father God lights your path to understanding, repentance and forgiveness. In Jesus’s name.
I wish I could like your comment 1000 times. Seeking validation from fellow humans to fit his lustful self is what exactly he is doing
God bless you
Absolutely love your testimony
Wel said my beloved brother in christ
Well saided my beloved brother in christ
As an openly out and proud gay Roman Catholic, who believed that he might be called to be a priest, I totally relate to him and his experience. Thank you for this wonderful video. Thank you for giving this very important issue the attention it needs and deserves. My husband and I were married last September in the Episcopal Church in the USA.
The very reason I left my RC Congregation and did not pursue the priesthood. I couldn’t stand in the pulpit as an openly gay priest and a monk. Celibacy was never the reason, the church’s attitude was.
I am openly gay and Eastern Catholic, and I condemn him. Secular marriage is one thing, but to defy the vows he made is another.
Congratulations! Wishing you and your partner a long and happy time together! Life is too short to live by another man's rules.
Your breaking God's rules 1 Timothy 1:9-10
Ask Jesus To Save You 🙏
One day we are going to stand in front of God ,then we will know how majestic he is ,and all our petty fleshly desires are going to be nothing but regret.
God show us the way 🙏🏻
Then God should not have either made people gay or if you believe its some evil spirit that made them that way then he should have defended them from that spirit. Now if you are not gay its very easy to sit in your lofty place and cast judgement, but if you are gay then you know you did not one day decided mmmm I think I no longer want to be straight , I think I want to be gay or bi. You know that when these religious people make comments like this one, you are not folding your arms in defiance saying I refuse to be straight. You know there is no switch that you can turn on or off being gay. My religious sister once made the comment that gay people should stop being gay because its a sin. She suffers from manic depression. I told her if gay people should stop being gay then she should stop being manic depressive. If there is a magic switch to turn gay people straight then there should be a magic switch to turn her mentally healthy. Only then there is a choice to turn that switch on or off. When you find that magic switch please tell me about it.
If it weren't for your parents coming together, you wouldn't be here
Seems he's never thought about that yet
Let us honour God and stop gratifying sin
I am a gay man but you can’t rewrite the rules to suit you. That’s not a church, it’s a literary society.
That's what churches are, literary societies for the illiterate.
Yes you are, God hates it, repent while u still have time. Jesus loves u and if u love him too, u will follow His commands
God loves all, religions need to take note! Great documentary, thx you!
God does NOT love all religions. That is not true nor Biblical.
God love all but not sin
It's not about your feelings but what God wants
We do not know what gods wants, there is no evidence at all that the bible was inspired by any god.
I highly agree with you.
We do not know what god wants.
@@seekerhonest Yes we do, its called the BIBLE. Read it.
“God” who?…
Nothing like LGBT Christian. Because Christian is Christ like. And the major identity of Christ is obedience to the commandments of God to the later. LGBTQ has no place in the word of God
God doesn't transition he stays the same.
God doesn't condone divorce either....but people and the church allow it. So are divorcee's going to get into heaven?
@@dennisholliday2454 Only God can condemn.
@@jbennett8030no one condemns you but you condemned yourself when you refused to repent of your sin. All we advocate for is for you to come out and repent of your sin of homosexuality. Show me in the Bible you read that says a man can marry a man?
Yall can "hide in the church" the most sad and terrifying thing is when you stand before the LORD ⚠️🤔😢.
Don't go to church anymore...after 70 years which included living the life of a Benedictine monk.
Too Gay for God? Surely Not.
If the standard of God can not be compromised, why should the standard of the church change? I pray that God should reveal the truth of His word to you.
It is not what church say it is what God ordain
Marriage in The Church is ONLY 4 A Man and A Woman.
GOD's Angel and Warrior.
Only one Gospel:
The Gospel of Reconciliation.
Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).
If you listen what you are saying is , l want. I is a sign of pride. You have totally overlooked what God says. God loves us all. But God has rules. He will not change his standards, we have to change ours as followers.
Shouldn't that be the same for every decision humans make? Nobody is perfect and if God is a God of common sense then He looks at us as with compassion and understanding, not as some overbearing war lord.
@@Eli08ish God has compassion, grace, mercy and love towards us all. Thats why He gave us the Bible and the Holy Spirit to show us what is wrong/right in His eyes. He has given us so much time to repent and walk in His ways. If there are people who walk in God's ways it means it is possible. He is not a war lord at all but a very very good Father who loves us all. Please read the Bible for yourself and ask Him to show you His ways.
@@millie9627 As much as you may believe that is helpful, it is not. Your personal opinion and faith are wrapped in the Bible but you don't realise that God never commissioned a religious text to be written. Man attempts to have dominion over others by showing that their idea of god is better than someone else's. Be careful and do your research because there are many books that were not canonized due to human beings choosing to not include them.
28:23 hit me hard with this moment. It IS truly a real struggle for the alphabet Christian. I just wanted to give you a hug at this moment. God will never give us more than we can handle. ❤
Thank u
At the end of the day we will all face the consequences of our actions
Homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of God perioid. People need to stop trying to twist the Word of God. I lived a gay lifestyle for 30 years. I repented, from my heart. God opened my eyes. JESUS is the Way, Truth, and Life. I was deceived by the enemy. I was reborn by His- God's spirit. Who the Son sets free is free indeed.
Amen 🙏🏻 what a great testimony
No one is too gay for God everyone can repent and change if they wanted.
Yep! I don't understand why everyone else has to do their part but they themselves have refused to do same. No sin is easy to leave behind. But with transformation through the Holy Spirit, persistence and going through the refiners fire, we all have to walk our own paths.
It's unfortunate that He also misleads others with still an uncoverted heart.
For the sins of our youth ,God have mercy on us🙏🏻
Why stay in this abusive relationship? Why attempt to pull other people into the same abusive relationship? The abusive relationship being, as I see it, between you and the people in the religion not the religion itself. Why not divorce yourself of the people and still practice the religion?
There is a consequence for every action, therefore you have to accept the consequence
Repent today and save your soul
My husband and I truly believe God brought us together. After all, if God made you this way (gay), why would God not approve this marriage?
You can take a lot of verses out of the Bible and make it say what you want. There are a lot of things we should not eat and wear according to the Bible. Like you pointed out.
After a thief breaks into your house and he tells you God made him that way, I’ll be here waiting on you in this comment section.
Can we just we just fear God for once and ask him to help us live pure and holy lives??!
Which God do you believe in?
You are free to leave the Anglican priesthood.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all things become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17. So either you go all out in your homosexual lifestyle or you can surrender all to Jesus who loves you so much that He laid down His life to save you and all mankind from their sins. Choose life in Christ and be blessed!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Nothing will separate us from the love of God.
Romans 8: Read all.
*Romans 1: 23-27
23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man or birds or animals or reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,
25.because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever! Amen.
26.For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural,
27 .and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error.
Romans 1:23-27*
Is it possible to believe in God but think the devil doesn't exist?
My sentiments exactly!
I remember very vividly reading that news when it was released here in Nigeria, it was quite loud because of his father's reaction and public statements... I was surprised a father could turn his back on his own son because of his sexuality, who ever knew that years later he'd be doing so well and even dare challenge the norm... Alot of people will be surprised when at the end you find out that not everything in the bible is what it is.
The Church of England provided a statement signed by a Bishop named Cocksworth???!!!🤣
God loves us all lgbt and this a perfect example on to why. Thank you for shining light on this, I m very gay but I know God loves me, if he didn't, I would be dead right now.
True, God loves evryone even the murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc, He loves us all. But he does not condone the sins we commit, thats why He has not struck all of us dead. Its because of His grace and mercy that we are alive.
You could have been dead,but God want you repent and leave your evil ways
Pls are you sure that the man you are fighting for in Nigeria truly love you? Hmmmm
I think that man just want a Visa 😊
I am sure he will get a very rude shock
Thanks for the great video
Married or not, I still maintain the opinion that you guys have it easy, i am catholic and I can't even be with someone I love and I am forced to go on as if I don't have emotions and feelings 😢
As an openly Black Trans woman & Rev. (probably the first in the USA) I love your work which puts our lives, our humanity, and even our divinity, in context with an ancient text.
Practiced in the Bible:
Human sacrifice- we dont still practice this. Theology (and the Bible) doesn’t speak to outter space but we now know that exist. 🤷🏽♀️🤓
Human sacrifice wasn't of God, it was a heathen practice. There were times when Israel swayed and began worshipping other gods. They continuously sunned against God in thus manner.
This is one of the reasons salvation is no longer of the Jews. Men's tendency to sin is natural but the righteousness of Christ covers those who are willing to ket go and let him.
Momma Jide, God's with you and I hope you and your boyfriend become husbands soon.
Which bible do these people read.They do not know Jesus nor have they seen him.
If you're psychotic and believe in a bearded daddy in the sky, why not also believe he loves you.
Cant have your cake and eat it too son. Hope your dude from Nigeria is not scamming you
When you deviate from the teachings of the bibible.. you're nolonger a Christian and not worthy to stay working as a clergy
God loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved from their sins and evil ways. He loves us but hates sin, otherwise what was the point for Christ to die for our sins if we are still going to live as the world we've been saved from?
What's the point of being a Christian if we're still going to be worldly?
What's the point of being a Christian and gay concurrently? On one side you're being saved,on the other going back to the world you're being saved from?
Seek God sincerely without trying to merge Christianity and the world into one. That cannot happen.
1 John 1
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ( they are homosexual in the world and they are people ,, and they can believe in Christ and be saved . it does not say John 3.16 for God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotton son that who so ever belives in him ( except the homosexuals ) shall not perish but have eternal life.
You either Hot ir cold. You cat be both bro.
God cannot be mocked.
It's painful to see the damage the devil is doing to my own brothers.
I pray that God will send the holy spirit to teach you how to honour him with all you are, then you will know that the great I AM doesn't need man to be God.
It's out of mercy that we are forgiven and redeemed by God.
God is God
In my country, Nigeria, a clergy is not suppose to wear earing....
I beg christians to humble themselves before God and ask for directions before taking decisions. God speaks to us when we seek.
I personally don't take any decisions with out consulting God, and since I started doing that, I have been successful all through.
Evil destroying the body of God calling yourself men of God
Don't misleads people.
You want to serve God on your terms. You needed to see that your body is a temple of the living God. You needed to have been HONEST with your wife BEFORE marriage
I wish the Lord to give you a change of heart. I pray you repent from your sinfulness.
Don't be fooled by the devil and his agents that being gay is a right please ask God for forgiveness and you will be forgiven in Jesus name amen
Once your a gay your not a Christian your a sinner don’t matter what society and everyone say can’t change God word.
God is watching us
If you can do this and not have your conscience judge, it means you have left the path of God a long time ago. Your conscience: That's the voice of God! stop asking people,go on knees, and ask God what he says, He will tell you.
In the beginning, it wasn't so... an enemy has done this. Satan has deceived a lot of people
If what you do is against God,then you don't need rocket science to know you are a sinner
I wish i can use voice noye here. We need ti see the light..Therr is nothing like gay Christian
GOD'S true church ⛪will not change and cannot change,the church ⛪will continually strive Triumphantly for ever and ever
I wonder how the word missionary got derived
You know that God loves you he doesn't like the act of the sin maybe gay may be lying maybe cheating he doesn't like the sin but he loves us. But we don't love God enough to get rid of our sin
The church wil not respect dat Because God says no to it period
…move to Scotland…check out the Church of England in Scotland…?
Repent, Jesus is coming soon, this is inordinate affection, turn to Jesus Christ and he'll heal and deliver you my brother
Am just asking , I thought catholic priest are not meant to marry. ? That’s part of the gig ? Or his not a catholic priest ?1
This isn't catholic oh..I think this is just a church in England that uses the word"reverend "too
Repent..You cannot change,the word of God because of how you feel or think or choosr to do.The word of God is final.This is disgusting..
You can’t change God’s word to suit your life style and things of the world. You’re living in sin and you know it. God doesn’t change.
Then you are not a Christian remember it is written those who love me will obey my word say.obedience is better than sacrifice
Read that Bible Romans 1:25-27 and 1 Timothy 1:9-10
True. This gospel exists in both old and new testament. God is unchanging, hence bend his laws a little to one's purpose and then be blown to pieces.
You will have to choose from the love of GOD and the love of your partner. Don't twist it.
And God said, "It is not good for a man to be alone...."
I pray for you all to r repent and give your life to Christ before it too late. Amen 🙏🏿
This is a very hard decision
Then open ur own church if u feel rejected
You had better listen to your FATHER😫he wants best for you
You go againt peoples beliefs and want to push your own beliefs down the throat of people, how does that work
Devil is using this people, may God have mercy
End of world As muslim i think Jesus is coming soon
God loves you all but He will not accept sin,no sin at all in His beautiful kingdom Hallelujah!
From A King 2 A KIng
I Pray 🙏 You have an encounter with Jesus Christ
Seek God's Forgiveness today
You do NOT represent The Image & Likeness of a Child of God aka A King
This dilemma you talk about is (in my mind) so very silly, without common sense and it is an overabundance of ignorance in your mind. When you fall in love or when you simply love someone, anyone and want to marry them, you do so or you don't for whatever reason you decide. I have lived almost my entire life like that and have always been aware of all opposing sides and have avoided all those sides all my life. There are three forces in this world responsible for the death of billions (YES, billions) of people and animals since almost the beginning of time. They are Religion, Culture and Ignorance. And they will all be here on this planet when the very last person takes their last breath. Now go and live your life that pleases you and harms no one else.
Clearly you love yourself more than you love God and the church. There is always this talk about taking up the cross and following Jesus. You are a part of an organization where their Priests are celibate, so if you do not want that then exit and do you. You cant serve two (2) masters either you will love one and hate the next. stop putting God is this gay foolishness. He is a Holy God. Surely he doesn't hate you but the sin you do, and that's not just homosexuality. Just remember sin separates us from God Isaiah 59: 1-2. Love you praying for you 🙏
Wonderful. Perhaps you should consider being a Pentecostal.
Oh my God i felt so bad to see this shows me when Jesus walk on Jerusalem and sees the way peoples playing in his father's house he be came so angry and whent to throw everything and chase everyone there now this is it ,God is angry with this you peoples you think God accept this things😢😢😢😢 this is the work of evil and soon or later you will know the real God let me pray for you may God remember you all and love you all and he is waiting on you
Pride before the fall……. I am gay , but this is blasphemy!!!!……
May God have mercy on you and thise who think like you. The day of reckoning is near so repent whilst you still alive and have tiime.
Father God,
In The Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ,
I pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏 4 Justice & Judgement 4 Glbtq+ people aka Fallen Angels 4 Your Glory & 4 Your Kingdom Come Here In Earth As It Is In Heaven.
sooo you gotta sexless relationship? Not even side stuff ever??
Disgusting. Blasphemy.
Oh dear! U wanna have the cake and eat it too. The Lord we are joking with is a holy God. There are rules ofcourse.
Catholic will accept all these bullist
Ask Jesus To Save You 🙏
You can listen to man ,what does God say about homosexuality in the Bible. And it is clearly against what God has created.
Nothing. Man says what they believe an Israelite or Babylonian god would say.
C'est honteux de prétendre que Dieu condamne ce qu'il a lui même créé.. les textes de la bible sont contextuels et c'est l'homme qui condamné.. sodome et gomorhe n'ont jamais parlé d'homosexualité...relisez vos textes... et accueillez la différence car c'est sur ce manque que Dieu a puni ces habitants.... et Jésus n'est pas venu pour la loi mais pour l'accomplir. Aimez vous les uns les autres voilà son commandement.... les églises ne sont pas Dieu. Si c'était le cas on serait encore dans l'obscurantisme...et je ne parle pas non plus de la place des femmes...cet homme est prêtre,il aime un homme l'église devrait s'en réjouir de contribuer à fortifier cet amour dans la patience, la fidélité et l'espérance...je peux comprendre les raisons qui poussent les uns à quitter les églises....
@ronaldcarter888 There's no God in the Bible, everything there was written by man
You are looking for the blessing of the church but you should be looking for the blessings of God you trying to hold on to something that let you go you walked away from the church you want to marry that man why are you holding on to something you cannot change God's word