Why Europe Will Never Solve Mass Immigration

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Why Europe Will Never Stop Its Immigration Crisis

Комментарии • 3,4 тыс.

  • @aldoushuxley5953
    @aldoushuxley5953 2 месяца назад +550

    We will either solve it democratically, or democracy is not here to last

  • @coyotedust
    @coyotedust 3 месяца назад +12

    Each country needs to be sovereign and get out of the EU open border madness.

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +3

      Hey king, you dropped this 👑

    • @thatsthejobbb8587
      @thatsthejobbb8587 Месяц назад

      We joined the EEC to boost trade and ecommerce. Today we have a faceless, bureaucracy that controls our borders, agriculture, waters & fisheries, Forrest's, financial systems and courts above our own. It has gone rogue and needs to be dismantled!!

  • @mansbjork5721
    @mansbjork5721 Месяц назад +1

    It's not true that all European countries talk a lot about migration. Some of us aren't developed enough to attract migrants, thank God 👍

  • @CosmicCoyote
    @CosmicCoyote 2 месяца назад +137

    Europe will stop it's immigration disaster eventually. It's just a question of how poor and violent it gets before the politically correct charade ends. People will eventually put their own survival over that of incompatible foreigners.

    • @dubravkokovacevic3489
      @dubravkokovacevic3489 Месяц назад

      Unless Europe changes its identity over time and at some point it has nobody to fight

    • @mayy9685
      @mayy9685 Месяц назад

      It won’t until European governments stop their barbarism neocolonialism.

    • @lawrencefrost9063
      @lawrencefrost9063 Месяц назад

      Yes but by that time Europe will be in permanent strife and inner conflict between muslims and normal human beings who aren't brainwashed with insanity. Just like Lebanon.

    • @schopen-hauer
      @schopen-hauer 26 дней назад

      and what are goin to do with the millions living here? living in slums all sucking tax money? i think europe is done, these people will bring us all down except if we get somebody with balls and mass deport them by force.

    • @Cloud-dq1mr
      @Cloud-dq1mr 24 дня назад +2

      Well this immigration or movement of people was sped up by purposeful means, so many European went in a few decades from "restricted immigration" to 1/5 or 1/3 immigrant population compared to the whole populace.

  • @VidraDeArgint
    @VidraDeArgint 2 месяца назад +1447

    1. Only a few European countries had colonies.
    2. Europe doesn't owe anyone anything and doesn't have to open its borders to everyone.
    3. You should hold everyone to the same standards you hold Europeans.

    • @valdemarjoana625
      @valdemarjoana625 2 месяца назад

      Yes, if europe doesnt owe anybody, neither do Africans, so either you pay or you get chased out

    • @taknoef9195
      @taknoef9195 2 месяца назад

      yeah france bombs libya makes it a failed state then act suprised when they refugees from there at their border

    • @1212Diablo
      @1212Diablo 2 месяца назад +69

      This is all I want. It's not facist, it's not racist, it mean, it's not cruel and not evil!

    • @lanetderaffe2069
      @lanetderaffe2069 2 месяца назад +190

      1. The only countries that did not, were the eastern european ones. Those are currently also the ones economically behind and usually do not take as many refugees as the economically strong ones (e.g. Germany). Nevertheless, they profited off cheap prices from other countries' colonies indirectly and also they are also contributing to climate change. But I think it is generally ackowledged that richer countries with a worse history of colonialism and exploitation are expected to host more refugees.
      2. Yes, Europe does owe its former colonies. The crimes commited by our ancestors might not be ours, but since the wealth we inherited was criminally aquired, it does comes (in my opinion) with the duty to repay it. And even if we would not owe anything to anyone, it would still be the right thing to do. We help people in our own country through welfare if they have problems. Just because Africa is physically far away that should not mean our empathy should stop at the border. It is a human trait to feel less empathy for people farther away, but human evolution has continously widened the range at which we can empathize and that is a good thing.
      3. Yes. And that is what is continously done. But keep in mind that in third world countries, often the state does not represent the will of the people (due to curruption and dictatorship) and hence the citizens are largely not at fault for the crimes of such states.
      One mroe note: people underestimate the lasting effects, things like occupations and colonialism can have. Eastern germany is significantly behind western germany economically, and this just came from a bit over 40 years of soviet control. And I think it is hard to argue that eastern germans are genetically or culturally different to western germans. African countries have been exploited way harder for way longer, and artifically-drawn new borders and western coups for political destailization come on-top of that.

    • @1212Diablo
      @1212Diablo 2 месяца назад

      ​@@lanetderaffe2069 1. Economically behind? Poland is on track to over take Germany is 2040. Also if it's such an economic win why doesn't these poor nation fight over taking in as many refugees as possible? Why do the EU try to make them take them on? It's obviously not because of immigration that western Europe have economic growth. We someone manage to have economic growth DESPITE it, not because of it. If you want to point to BNP you must divide it on the population as well and even then the founder of BNP said it shouldn't be used to judge a nations prosperity.
      2. Okay in that case? Do Sweden owe the English for the Viking invasions? Do the Turks have to pay back to the Greeks, bosnians ect? This is called the blame game. Are you sure you want to play that game? Also Sweden never had colonies. So why should we help anyone in Africa? We also invented penicillin. Who have saved far more people than we ever hurt in Africa. That must mean that African countries and the world in general owes Sweden? Or we only count all the bad things? It's not a lack of empathy that I have it's that it's not my responsibilities to make sure that other people prosper. Nor is it my government job to make sure that other people prosper.
      3. Most western governments do not represent their citizens either. Name me a government in the West that have more than 50% approval rating? Winning an election shouldn't be enough to make you represent the people. If I vote for someone and they don't do what I want they no longer represent me. No people are responsible for the actions of their government or you can twist it and say all people are responsible for their government. As it's the peoples job to change the government if it's bad and doesn't do what it should.
      You last note doesn't make sense. Poland was occupied up until 1994 by the Sovjet Union, one of the most evil, oppressively and abusive countries in human history. The Jews the most oppressed people in all of human history by far. Is also prospering and are rich. If you look at most of human history being occupied is nothing out of the ordinary nor is recovering from it. Also to bring up Poland again before the Sojet union, there was the russian occupation, before that The Deluge. I bring this up to show that Africa is not a special place that have been abused to some unique level as you claim.
      Plus Polands current borders are also artificially drawn mind you. Poland never looked like that historically. Along with India once again nothing special or unique. India was also a colony mind you.
      Sure I will grant that some disadvantage is at hand but nothing even remotely to this level. The problems that africa is having is mostly self inflicted. They could be rich and prosperous but they aren't despite having been free for so long. It's not our fault at this point. What if 100 more years pass and they are still poor? Still our fault? Still us to blame? Still our responsibility?

  • @Gangstergranny1950
    @Gangstergranny1950 3 месяца назад +1412

    Stop giving them benefits and housing

    • @KerstinMamma
      @KerstinMamma 3 месяца назад +48

      So you want them on your streets instead?

    • @Gangstergranny1950
      @Gangstergranny1950 3 месяца назад +280

      @@KerstinMamma I don’t give a damn where they go as long as it’s out of Europe we need a home our people first

    • @KerstinMamma
      @KerstinMamma 3 месяца назад

      @@Gangstergranny1950 Then say that instead, that you don't want want any immigrants in your country or in Europe. If they are already in your country it makes more sense to care for them than to not care for them since it costs you more not to. If they are already in your country they are your people already unless you have some racial or nationalism basis that you want to mention as well. The same capitalist policies and companies that put your fellow country men on the street are the same ones that forces immigrants into your country.

    • @lyhjiba
      @lyhjiba 3 месяца назад +2

      Illegal migrants should never be let in to begin with. Europe needs an army to fight the smugglers and protect the border!

    • @shahbagerjoddha
      @shahbagerjoddha 3 месяца назад

      Stop bombing their countries then. They don't wanna come here if they don't have to.

  • @Stoddardian
    @Stoddardian 3 месяца назад +1118

    It can be stopped very easily actually.

    • @duff0120
      @duff0120 3 месяца назад +122

      its barly white ppl left in England and France. London with its 9 000 000 ppl, less than 33% are ethnic Englishmen, less than 50% In Manchester are Englishmen, less than 43% in Birmingham. white ppl are old, immigrants are young. in 20 years, only 40 % or so in uk are Englishmen, ppl even say only 40% in France today are frenchmen, rest are africans, North Africans, muslims, Arabs, asians.

    • @jillybe1873
      @jillybe1873 3 месяца назад

      As a Welsh person and original Briton, I say SAXONS GO HOME!! ​@@duff0120

    • @marsjfields
      @marsjfields 3 месяца назад +65

      @@duff0120 That's just not true. (I live in London.)

    • @WouldYouKindlyGWAR
      @WouldYouKindlyGWAR 3 месяца назад +226

      It's extremely easy to solve, people just don't have the stomach for it.

    • @radidov5333
      @radidov5333 3 месяца назад +65

      if you're thinking with violence, it only gonna make things worse, for everyone, for you and your kids. Violence its what got us in this mess in the first place..

  • @jeffkardosjr.3825
    @jeffkardosjr.3825 2 месяца назад +956

    The EU is not Europe.

    • @ПавелКрот-х5ы
      @ПавелКрот-х5ы 2 месяца назад +20

      But not only EU is subject to mass immigration. For example, hundreds of thousands of Central Asians and South Caucasus people become naturalized Russian citizens every year and even the war didn't stop the process, although slowed it down a bit. And let me not talk about Norway and UK.

    • @skyfeelan
      @skyfeelan 2 месяца назад +20

      like it or not, just being in the Europe allow a lot of countries to benefit from colonization, even though they are not technically in the EU (Switzerland is a good example, they are technically neutral, but they are used by colonizing countries to safeguard their money, thus, indirectly profiting from colonization)

    • @thomasdevine867
      @thomasdevine867 2 месяца назад +4

      @@skyfeelan European economic development and service industries benefited many nations. Some colonized nations used other European colonizers for their benefit. Many anti colonial organizers went to London or Paris to study anti colonial scholarship and write important anti colonial documents. That doesn't make London's or Paris' part in colonialism any less, but it does show colonies getting a rare (very rare) benefit from the colonizers.

    • @hfb-ie7nc
      @hfb-ie7nc 2 месяца назад

      *You western countries should stop making troubles in middle east and africa so illegal immigration will stop !*

    • @skyofforest
      @skyofforest 2 месяца назад


  • @firas47482
    @firas47482 3 месяца назад +1310

    Great analysis but as a citizen from a north African nation I have to correct you in just one thing: it's not colonialism it's corruption.
    the top 5 obstacles that cause underdevelopment in MENA are: corruption, corruption, corruption, corruption and corruption.

    • @Mongol_Invasion
      @Mongol_Invasion 3 месяца назад +36

      But why are they so corrupt?

    • @firas47482
      @firas47482 3 месяца назад +194

      Because we failed in nation building game, from pastoral medieval society with medieval mindset in governing and ruling to modern time without changing the core just adding make up of supposed democracy and modernity

    • @dannyzabin200
      @dannyzabin200 3 месяца назад

      @@firas47482 not to mention any time Africa has had a good leader they just get killed by the West 80% of the time

    • @buddy1155
      @buddy1155 3 месяца назад

      Everybody knows it is not colonialism, if anything colonialism made those countries richer, the colonialists build: railways, harbours, roads, entire cities, learned western languages like Spanish, French and English what is now highly beneficial for trade with the west.
      But, those countries just want reparations from the west, nothing is better than free money, so they keep yelling that it is colonialism.

    • @muhammedjaseemshajeef6781
      @muhammedjaseemshajeef6781 3 месяца назад +6

      Which country

  • @jesseking9254
    @jesseking9254 3 месяца назад +674

    Colonialism has been over for 60 years. Singapore and Hong Kong are both former colonies and are wealthy. The true problem is Middle Eastern and African culture (corruption).

    • @Wozza365
      @Wozza365 3 месяца назад +38

      Yes and no, Africa and the 2 micro nations you mention are in different worlds and had different outcomes from colonialism. Both of those were used as big trading hubs, and are also very densely populated now. A better example would have been somewhere like India, which lost its colonial rule at a similar time and is now coming into its own whilst maintaining its 'native' culture unlike say Australia or Canada which are majority European heritage. Not to say India doesn't have its own problems, but its people generally aren't attempting to illegally migrate on this scale and its growth is trending well in the past couple decades and though Modi has turned more authoritarian, from the outside corruption appears to be improving and government isn't at least actively making things worse like some countries in Africa.

    • @rickbhattacharya2334
      @rickbhattacharya2334 3 месяца назад +6

      The issue with India was Indians were taught from the beginning to hate the indigenous cultures and how inferior they are compared to outsiders. Modi as you mentioned came on the power of Indian nationalist ideologies and this ideology is actually keeping the economy roaring as India itself is a very diverse country and it's this nationalism which brought most people under a same banner and pass the needed reforms.

    • @pinktfatrabbit
      @pinktfatrabbit 3 месяца назад +21

      A country does not necessarily need resources to develop. The most important thing is a stable government. This can be seen very clearly in the example of Singapore.

    • @darwinviera1587
      @darwinviera1587 3 месяца назад +12

      but united arab emirates, qatar, and bahrain are wealthy middleast nations

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 2 месяца назад +2


  • @jeffteschner687
    @jeffteschner687 Месяц назад +145

    Morocco is for Moroccans ! Tunisia is for Tunisians and England is for the English ! Why are only one of these statements considered racist !?

    • @Respectedideas
      @Respectedideas Месяц назад

      Because you don't leave African and middle eastern countries as military warmongers but asking them leave your country as citizens

    • @Dan5482
      @Dan5482 Месяц назад +11

      The Earth is for Earthlings!

    • @Respectedideas
      @Respectedideas Месяц назад +12

      @@jeffteschner687 so America and Australia and islands for indigenous natives (reds and other native races) . do you agree?

    • @khadijaelmorabiti8440
      @khadijaelmorabiti8440 Месяц назад

      😂ah but wait your Green Energy will be European from Morocco... your raw material will come from Africa! Your labor comes from OUTSIDE even the recruitment of your army comes from africa... but you are right this is all AFRICAN OUR RAW MATERIAL OUR LABOR AND SOON OUR OWN MOROCCAN GREEN ENERGY IN EU

    • @Pierronimo8764
      @Pierronimo8764 Месяц назад

      @@Respectedideas No, because indigenous people lost their territory. It was a war, and they lost. European people EARNED those lands. While in Europe it's the european people who are commiting suicide themselves by inviting anyone. Tottaly different things.

  • @RobinMeineke
    @RobinMeineke 2 месяца назад +249

    You may not be able to solve the reasons people are fleeing. But you sure can close the borders. They can flee if they want, just not to europe.

    • @valentinkrajzelman4649
      @valentinkrajzelman4649 2 месяца назад +5


    • @Olp-t7j
      @Olp-t7j 2 месяца назад +10

      And how will you do this? Even if we build a 5m high wall it wont stop them, if anything it will cause more business for smugglers because, as is said in the video, companies want cheap workforce, even if it's illegal. Also, where else will they flee, if not to the richest part of the world?

    • @greywolf1989
      @greywolf1989 2 месяца назад

      @@Olp-t7j that’s only because illegals don’t fear any consequences because politicians are corrupt and weak sink their boat cut off welfare benefits and they will stop coming and leave

    • @Goldenberg198
      @Goldenberg198 2 месяца назад +52

      @@Olp-t7j Egypt built a wall, and the Palestinians didn't get in. Saudi Arabia shoots at Palestinian, Syrian and Yemeni migrants, and they don't come back. Pakistan was able to remigrate millions of Afghans in less than two months... What's stopping Europeans from doing the same thing?

    • @dimfre4kske67
      @dimfre4kske67 2 месяца назад +13

      ​@@Olp-t7j Well we should make a distinction between students, legal migrants, illegal migrants and actual refugees.
      As for legal migrants, there is no problem there, follow the proper procedures and you can come if you have work, but lose that work and you have 3 months to find new employment or face deportation, just like for internal EU migration. Upon comiting any crime legal migrants lose their legal migrant status and face deportation, the local population is after all not responsible to suffer the consequences of the illegal activities of imported criminals.
      Students can come, but can't work more then laws applicable to local youths. Work too much, don't attend classes or comit any crime and you lose your student status and face deportation. Studying in a European country should not give residency or work rights after the study is complete.
      For the other 2, build 2 types of migration camps in every EU country paid for by the international aid budgets of the EU countries.
      Camp A for refugees with identity papers in the process of having their status confirmed. Like low security prison with recreational activities, internet/phone access and educational opportunities including learning the local language. Known criminals should not have the right to request asylum.
      Camp B segregated by sex and age for all illegal migrants, all those who tossed their passport into the Mediterranean sea, all failed asylum seekers, able bodied men of fighting age fleeing war instead of helping defend their homeland and all those who should be deported but can't be due to non cooperation of their own government. Like max security prison.
      People in camp A move to camp B upon comiting any crime including presenting forged documents or lying during their asylum application and lose their right to request asylum, actual refugees are after all not responsible to suffer the consequences of illegal activities from imported criminals.
      Upon granting asylum, provide access to social security for 3 months after that they are on their own and should have been able to find work or an educational opportunity which extends the social security access. Provide mandatory language lessons for all asylees, adults and minors and I can't stress minors enough here because currently western European governments are wasting the efforts of teachers on helping those who don't even speak the language in which they are being taught instead of helping their own young citizens with learning problems. Upon resolution of the conflict they fled from immediate deportation to the country of origin. Taking vacations in the country you fled from should obviously invalidate refugee status as should comiting any crime and make the person an illegal migrant.
      For those in camp B, regular deportation flights paid for by the aid budget and this is going to sound tough but if they want to rob, rape or kill each other, let them, the guards should after all not risk their lives for people who shouldn't even be here. Once a year or so documentaries should be made about camp B and made publicly available on the internet and be put in the public domain so they can be spread freely to deter any illegal migration.
      Naturalization, as in changing nationality, and family reunification schemes should be reserved for EU citizens only.
      Edit> EU citizens who house or employ people who should be in camp B or take advantage of students or legal migrants should be fined or imprisoned for their crimes as should NGO leaders, funders and activists who are "helping" the migrants come to Europe because what they are essentially doing is organizing, funding and comiting human traficing.

  • @afa4727
    @afa4727 3 месяца назад +323

    Let's not forget that many MENA Countries are complete kleptocracy against thier own people. That doesn't help.

    • @skasteve6528
      @skasteve6528 3 месяца назад +7

      Well the same could be said about the USA or the UK & many other 'developed countries'.

    • @thomasdevine867
      @thomasdevine867 3 месяца назад

      @skasteve6528 There's a difference between saying a nation is a kleptocracy and being a kleptocracy. The Soviet Union loudly proclaimed it was a democracy, that was a lie. European intellectuals have been announcing the death of America since the 1780s. Does that seem honest? Screaming hate at America does nothing to heal MENA. In fact, it only allows fools and frauds cover. Don't be part of the problem even if you aren't capable of helping.

    • @thomasdevine867
      @thomasdevine867 2 месяца назад

      @fn3516 It goes way back. I've read historical documents (in translation, I admit) from Summer and Ur to the present. Corruption seems to have been the norm. Rare governments and rulers have stopped it for a while, but it returns. Most serious commentators from within or without of MENA societies and cultures treat it as a preexisting cultural feature.
      However, I am from the US. We once accepted rule by a king that's gone. Slavery was defended by many churches and held to be allowed by God. That's gone. Jim Crow, laws defining women as minors, laws outlawing homosexuality, all these are gone. All progress is contested. And European critics still deny that Americans can be full human beings in our own right. But if we can change, who are we to say that the people of MENA are helpless to change their societies.

    • @1wun1
      @1wun1 2 месяца назад +5

      What happened to better leaders?

    • @thomasdevine867
      @thomasdevine867 2 месяца назад

      @1wun1 Some died of old age, others died in different ways. The reforms or improved laws fell into disuse. Corruption routinely snuck back. It does in most places, MENA is worse off than most, but corruption in MENA is different in volume and outrageousness. But otherwise, it's the same old garbage.

  • @erichschmid4930
    @erichschmid4930 2 месяца назад +65

    it has nothing to do with the Arab spring. I have been living in Turkey and Algeria in the 80ies. Main question of the youth was, how do I immigrate to the rich west. I 've been living in Egypt between 2002 and 2006, same question!

    • @tanyak9349
      @tanyak9349 Месяц назад +1

      and do nothing there

  • @簡伯軒-j8t
    @簡伯軒-j8t 2 месяца назад +404

    Europe for European, supporting from East Asia 💪

    • @caelumlupus
      @caelumlupus 2 месяца назад +45

      Thank you for your support, it is appreciated, east Asia for the East Asians 💪

    • @fuzzy7644
      @fuzzy7644 2 месяца назад +13

      what does that even mean?

    • @sleefy2343
      @sleefy2343 2 месяца назад

      As an Asian I also support
      No illegal immigrants allowed 🎉.

    • @jaguarnordestino
      @jaguarnordestino 2 месяца назад +21

      No, Europe for everyone, specially African People.

    • @afnanhaider7083
      @afnanhaider7083 2 месяца назад

      Shouldn't have Colonized Africa then

  • @minetv4001
    @minetv4001 2 месяца назад +343

    Europe got colonized by the Ottoman Empire for example but everyone seems to forget that.

    • @lonalxaia
      @lonalxaia 2 месяца назад +53

      And Barbery slave trade.

    • @icygood101
      @icygood101 2 месяца назад +68

      spain and portugal had to retake their lands in the reconquista. many terror groups still believe they need to recover it for the next caliphate...

    • @lonalxaia
      @lonalxaia 2 месяца назад +1

      @@icygood101 I see RUclips got rid of both our posts.

    • @icygood101
      @icygood101 2 месяца назад +3

      @@lonalxaia well idk which one but if you see the comments here and on other videos, they can't silence the overwhelming sentiment of everybody who's worried about this anymore

    • @icygood101
      @icygood101 2 месяца назад +1

      oh haha I actually deleted one here about Islam because it wasn't so related to the video... plenty of other good comments about colonialism but I moved that comment to a good video about migrants in Sweden >> ruclips.net/video/951jyOOxE7s/видео.html&pp=gAQBiAQB

  • @GhostSal
    @GhostSal 3 месяца назад +300

    "The European Union and all leaders of all European countries MUST USE IMMIGRATION to undermine the homegenity and ethnic identity of the native European people no matter how difficult this will be to explain to the citizens of their nations. This must happen, thus will happen for globalism to take hold of Europe."
    (UN Bilderberger Peter Sutherland speaking in the House of Lords,
    This literally is a re-placement.

    • @schurlbirkenbach1995
      @schurlbirkenbach1995 3 месяца назад +28

      Agree totally. You got the point.

    • @IhaveBigFeet
      @IhaveBigFeet 3 месяца назад +1

      I’m from Poland and I think this is being used to Unite the EU into a single country, which I’m not totally against but it’s unethical. This is because when you’re a normal Pole standing in front of a Mosque on your street with a woman covered from head to toe and call to prayer heard in the background you start to realise that maybe the German over the border is not that different from you as you once thought, in comparison to the rest of the globe.

    • @IhaveBigFeet
      @IhaveBigFeet 3 месяца назад

      This is why you begin to hear people saying Europe for Europeans more and more often, rather than people saying Denmark for Danes or Slovakia for Slovaks etc.

    • @PonutsAreGreat
      @PonutsAreGreat 2 месяца назад +40

      @@IhaveBigFeet That might have been true if there weren't as many, and the media actually reported on migrant crime. But right now if you look at youngest generations in Germany, most of them have migrant background, and migrant crime is swept under a rug. Remember that Afghan guy killing a policeman in Germany recently? Barely received any coverage.

    • @Astuga
      @Astuga 2 месяца назад +20

      "BBC EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief"
      He also had interesting connections.

  • @mar145gh7
    @mar145gh7 2 месяца назад +11

    Oh it can be solved alright. You guys just don't have the balls to do it 😂

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 Месяц назад +1

      If I were you, I wouldn't bet vs. the Faustian spirit.

  • @Ace-id3ky
    @Ace-id3ky 2 месяца назад +228

    People like this guy is the exact reason europe is in troubble right now.

    • @petersherwood5887
      @petersherwood5887 2 месяца назад +31

      Just saying stuff such as your, ‘People like this guy…’ doesn’t help anyone’s thinking. You offer no explanation or reasoned criticism of his position, you just make a dull grunt in his general direction. Why not explain to us where his exposition of ideas goes wrong? Is it that you don’t actually know? Or is it that you just can’t be bothered?

    • @ahroxmusic
      @ahroxmusic 2 месяца назад +22

      Cuz he says the truth?😂 truth is bitter isn’t it

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +13

      @@ahroxmusic What truth?

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +1

      @@petersherwood5887 Yeah, one can't be bothered because a single YT comment can't make up for a fundamental lack of history education, intuition and ethnic consciousness. One shouldn't have to explain what should be perceived on an instinctive level. The things this guy says are common, and they're repulsive. If you want to get an idea why, read the comment section. Here's some top comments: "Europe for European, supporting from East Asia" "Stop giving them benefits and housing" "It can be stopped very easily actually." "I’m a latin american citizen and also don’t think it’s colonialism, but corruption as mentioned in the other comment." "this video is just collective guilt." "The EU is not Europe."
      "Europe for Europeans" "1. Only a few European countries had colonies. 2. Europe doesn't owe anyone anything and doesn't have to open its borders to everyone. 3. You should hold everyone to the same standards you hold Europeans."
      TL;DR: "We for ourselves" is a common sense position. To ask anyone to abandon that position the burden of proof is on the person who demands that. And all he does is spout generic CRT bullshit from his Marxist college professors. The guy who made this video is a shill for the opposite of the values the most popular and common sense comments embody.

    • @MeatVessel
      @MeatVessel 2 месяца назад +24

      This giant guilt trip, moral posturing needs to stop. This guy is a weak willed, pseudo intellectual.

  • @norbertfontaine8524
    @norbertfontaine8524 2 месяца назад +237

    7:55 "they never got a chance to develop or gain their own wealth because of that" Vietnam also was a French colony. How do you explain the economic success of Vietnam ?

    • @Muhammad_Ahmad_
      @Muhammad_Ahmad_ 2 месяца назад +30

      Vietnam isn't rich either, its GDP per capita is less than $6000 and its economic success has been fairly recent, even within the global south, some countries have far more tragic fates than others

    • @TeddyKrimsony
      @TeddyKrimsony 2 месяца назад +16

      Communism, contrary to popular narrative the USSR pretty much uplifted their subjects like Vietnam, Eastern Europe and even China, making them easily integratable into the west's economy.

    • @user-do1hk7mg5y
      @user-do1hk7mg5y 2 месяца назад +32

      @@Muhammad_Ahmad_ Vietnam is getting richer every year. It might not be a rich country, but it's a progressing country that gets better each year. It's about societal values and low corruption. East Asia is improving rapidly because of their work ethics and shared values. Africa and the middle east are ruined by Islam and other types of societal values that are batshit insane

    • @vornamenachname1069
      @vornamenachname1069 2 месяца назад +5

      @@Muhammad_Ahmad_ Then take Hong Kong or Singapore. (Or South Africa, Brazil, Indonesia)

    • @Muhammad_Ahmad_
      @Muhammad_Ahmad_ 2 месяца назад +2

      @@vornamenachname1069 Hing Kong and Singapore are city states located on strategic geographical areas, even though india is poor some of it cities can be classified as middle income, as for brazil, south Africa or Indonesia, they are developing economies not wealthy economies

  • @mintmez1170
    @mintmez1170 2 месяца назад +382

    this video is just collective guilt.

    • @SuperAlphaOmega
      @SuperAlphaOmega 2 месяца назад +24

      Deservidly so.

    • @mintmez1170
      @mintmez1170 2 месяца назад +9

      @@SuperAlphaOmega thank you 😊

    • @MikoDnst
      @MikoDnst 2 месяца назад +3


    • @idcaf
      @idcaf 2 месяца назад +12

      if thats what you got out of it, you truly haven't watched it or worse, have watched it, but haven't understood any of the points. A shame

    • @mintmez1170
      @mintmez1170 2 месяца назад +11

      @idcaf No, shame on you. I have watched it, and I just gave one of many criticisms of the video. I don't have the time to give a list of criticisms, but I have time to give one criticism, plus you haven't disproven what I said.

  • @davidwestwater2219
    @davidwestwater2219 3 месяца назад +88

    Poland stopped it.

    • @IhaveBigFeet
      @IhaveBigFeet 3 месяца назад

      No we have not, if you live in Poland you would know how quickly it is changing, used to be rare to see a non European now go through Warsaw and it’s looking like a French city, albeit not to the same extent yet. We’ve given out more work permits than any country in Europe, and no it’s not just for Ukrainians we made a deal with 10-15 third world nations like Nigeria and India allowing them easy access for work permits. Recently on our border with Belarus a soldier was stabbed to death by Syrian migrants.

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 2 месяца назад +23

      No. They just don't go to Poland.

    • @ree2453
      @ree2453 2 месяца назад

      ​@@tomorrowneverdies567they go, even stabbed one border guard to death, google it. there are times when they try to storm in waves

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +1

      @@tomorrowneverdies567 It's almost like Poland doesn't have a free-for-all welfare state and useful idiots with 'refugees welcome'-signs waiting on train stations.

    • @MikoDnst
      @MikoDnst 2 месяца назад +25

      ​@@tomorrowneverdies567why don't they go to Poland? Because Poland doesn't give various benefits to migrants, and it's working, so other European countries should follow their example

  • @brainlet99
    @brainlet99 2 месяца назад +44

    "The far-right finn party" xD you make great comedy documents

    • @vengxance
      @vengxance Месяц назад

      he’s a radical leftist. even being a centrist, this muppet will call u “far right”

  • @nickyzzz5
    @nickyzzz5 3 месяца назад +316

    I’m a latin american citizen and also don’t think it’s colonialism, but corruption as mentioned in the other comment.

    • @isseirien
      @isseirien 3 месяца назад

      well can you choose another leave with having a coup next day or even escape uncle sam control without getting sanctions or even boomed because uncle sam is afraid for his security lol , if you can do that then it is corruption , otherwise you still under the US fruit company look like

    • @naisussybaka
      @naisussybaka 2 месяца назад

      the corruption started because of the colonialism

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 2 месяца назад +3

      Bark bark

    • @hamedjokar1128
      @hamedjokar1128 2 месяца назад

      The extractive colonial institution set up by Spain led to the current corruption and stagnation in Latin America. Plus US will never let a power house being formed never it's borders and even continent.

    • @alep5158
      @alep5158 2 месяца назад

      Yes but a lot of latin american politics have been influenced/ manipulated by america to push an agenda which benefits them and this is just another way of neocolonialism.

  • @paulsmith1981
    @paulsmith1981 2 месяца назад +87

    Abolishing the unworkable asylum ideal would instantly make illegally travelling to Europe futile. Mass inward Immigration is obviously desirable to the ruling class so that isn't going to happen,

  • @pinktfatrabbit
    @pinktfatrabbit 3 месяца назад +248

    If colonialism is the main problem, why has Singapore managed to develop?
    The problem that these countries have is that they are unable to create a stable government, which is the prerequisite for foreign capital to come into the country and create jobs. Which then leads to the development of a stable economy.

    • @elanita71
      @elanita71 3 месяца назад +30

      african countries has the most sections on trading, did you know?
      fun fact: Ghana cocoa farma are still controlled by french people

    • @eltecnico9541
      @eltecnico9541 3 месяца назад +28

      Singapore received massive foreign investment similar to countries like China, Japan or Korea, countries that have not developed or have very low levels of foreign investment or no investment at all, similar to what happens in Africa, economic experts believe that Africa's problem is multiple, they are too ethnically divided, they are far from economic centers or maritime routes, a culture of corruption inherited from colonialism. Singapore is very lucky to be in one of the most important economic centers on the planet in addition to applying reform in the 80s that gave rise to the current Singapore.

    • @eltecnico9541
      @eltecnico9541 3 месяца назад

      It is important to keep in mind that African countries like Kongo do not even have control over their mining resources, 95% of all their mining resources are controlled by multinationals that have their headquarters in developed countries, in other words, Africans have nothing, nor do they have any possibility of escaping their poverty.

    • @mxtpo
      @mxtpo 2 месяца назад

      @@pinktfatrabbit because they whore themselves out MNCs

    • @juanzulu1318
      @juanzulu1318 2 месяца назад +21

      ​@@eltecnico9541dont be silly, other low incestment countries like Vietnam have managed to develop quite well.
      moreover many African countries have quite some riches as natural resources.
      Dont point fingers and play the victim game.

  • @dohminkonoha3200
    @dohminkonoha3200 3 месяца назад +267

    Afrika and Middle East countries had far more chances to become wealthy non western country like Japan.
    But they all missed chances.

    • @xerogue
      @xerogue 3 месяца назад

      The only countries that got rich was those who had the wests permission. Name any country that didn’t

    • @arslanrauf3641
      @arslanrauf3641 3 месяца назад +24

      Please study individual examples from your question (developed and undeveloped nations) and you will get a way greater scope of dynamics.

    • @Notreallyhereanymore
      @Notreallyhereanymore 3 месяца назад

      The west and other nations have meddled in their affairs and started and financed wars in those countries. The ones that are rich are backed by the west. Syria, Iraq, yemen, and Libya were quite safe prior to their respective wars.

    • @pinktfatrabbit
      @pinktfatrabbit 3 месяца назад +27

      @@arslanrauf3641 A prerequisite for the development of a country and the creation of prosperity is a stable government.

    • @frixxer87
      @frixxer87 3 месяца назад

      Again: Neocolonialism and the Arab Spring.

  • @dariusalexandru9536
    @dariusalexandru9536 3 месяца назад +40

    My guy lives in his own world .

  • @mar145gh7
    @mar145gh7 2 месяца назад +10

    Europe for Europeans

  • @roymarron7622
    @roymarron7622 3 месяца назад +235

    Saying that Colonialism is what made Africa poor completely ignores countries like Singapore, Israel, Guinea Ecuatorial, the Seychelles 😂

    • @KerstinMamma
      @KerstinMamma 3 месяца назад +1

      Israel is the colonizing entity so I don't get why that's on your list?

    • @arslanrauf3641
      @arslanrauf3641 3 месяца назад +56

      Please study your examples closely and you will get your answer.

    • @roymarron7622
      @roymarron7622 3 месяца назад +23

      @arslanrauf3641 what? The only outlier is Guinea Ecuatorial, they still have the highest GDP per capita in Africa, Seychelles is way above the average as well.

    • @miobro2901
      @miobro2901 3 месяца назад +3

      Let's guess rq why are those nations wealthy

    • @frixxer87
      @frixxer87 3 месяца назад +4

      Why don’t you have another guess on why those nations are wealthy?

  • @hooligan9794
    @hooligan9794 3 месяца назад +315

    Ever right wing party is called "Far-right".
    The reason for this is simple. The far-left gained total cultural dominance. People today think that very far-left ideas are "normal". Anyone to the right of Lenin is seen as dangerously far-right.
    The far-left ideology that has dominated Europe for years has led to terrible consequences. We have started to reap the rewards of those policies.
    Also, the idea that Europe is helpless to stop mass migration if they dont solve Africa and Middle easts problems for them is utter bullshit.
    It could be immediately stopped if the will to do it were present. That will is not present. The end of the road we are on is really ugly. I think it may be inevitable at this point.
    Standard left-wing explanation in this video. Everything is the fault of the western nations. Africans and Arabs are helpless pawns that the west moves around effortlessly.
    Irelands economy is dominated by American multinationals. Oh no!! It must be neo-colonialism!!
    I love how bribes are the fault of the companies. Those poor government officials had no choice but to accept the brides shell wanted to force on these poor innocent lads.
    This kind of crap borders on racism.

    • @pedrobarao4558
      @pedrobarao4558 3 месяца назад

      Right?! Seems racist to say: "Hey they know no better than this, cant be their fault, is these white/european master minds that have planned this whole thing up!"
      So so condescending

    • @xerogue
      @xerogue 3 месяца назад

      western countries have been run by right wingers forever. Not sure how you think leftism has been culturally normalised when pro-war right wingers have been in charge for generations.

    • @shahbagerjoddha
      @shahbagerjoddha 3 месяца назад

      Haha wow have you lived in any of these countries that you speak so confidently about how these countries operate? Guess you never touched a history book in your life. Try googling East India Company. Get a Library card before denying what has literally ruined the lives of billions of human beings.

    • @theholypapalspud
      @theholypapalspud 3 месяца назад +26

      Totally agree

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 2 месяца назад +26

      Very well said comment about a literally crappy video.

  • @typicallatenightgamer7122
    @typicallatenightgamer7122 2 месяца назад +20

    most of the unstable countries who are like this because of colonialism, have been under Ottoman rule at some point or another. curiously the Balkans have had the same problems after gaining independence from the ottomans as well. Look at a map of when a territory was colonized, because most of the north African colonies were not colonized first by European powers. They were conquered after the many wars and the decline of the Ottoman empire. With countries like Syria, only being occupied after ww1, which is about 150 years after industrialization began in Western Europe. How did all of those North African and middle eastern regions not industrialize in their 150 years before being colonized by western powers? China began industrializing. Japan successfully industrialized, why did the regions under the ottoman empire not industrialize?

    • @PresidentFlip
      @PresidentFlip 2 месяца назад +3

      @@typicallatenightgamer7122 except for Turkey itself, lmao
      Also North Africa was actually colonized first by Europeans, by the Romans. The ottoman territory pretty much matches with the most of the romans’

    • @typicallatenightgamer7122
      @typicallatenightgamer7122 2 месяца назад +3

      @@PresidentFlip if you wish to go that far in history, wasn't Spain colonized first by the north African Carthaginian empire which used it to mine silver in order to rebuild their economy and army to attack Rome again? followed by becoming a roman colony, followed by getting constantly invaded by Muslim empires which wanted to use it as a bridge for further European expansion. Spain seems fine now.

    • @PresidentFlip
      @PresidentFlip 2 месяца назад +1

      @@typicallatenightgamer7122 I never said it wasn’t. Just correcting you. And the main point being Turkey itself is the exception out of that region. Settle down kid

    • @Chkoupinator
      @Chkoupinator 23 дня назад

      except during the ottoman empire countries were more like states than pure colonies and there was a push to make things better in those countries instead of strictly pillaging them and taking the highest possible cut from their natural resources.
      That's why for example in Algeria the ottoman "colonization" lead to one of it's golden ages, where it became a superpower in the Mediterranean sea in the late 18th century, before it got colonized by France which started by destroying as much of it's culture as possible to make it reliant on France before leaving it a barren scientific and medical wasteland (that was only saved by the USSR's help).
      To this day France still has a huge share of the resources in Algeria and France's Total even tried to do fracking to extract shale gas below the biggest underground water reserves (which would have polluted it), despite it being illegal in France.

  • @MartinMenge
    @MartinMenge 3 месяца назад +354

    Conclusion: Invest in domestically owned companies in the global south.

    • @VanDeutscheHammer
      @VanDeutscheHammer 3 месяца назад +10

      No no no… invest in yourself and , be dependent as close as you can.

    • @diegoyanesholtz212
      @diegoyanesholtz212 3 месяца назад +8

      ​@@VanDeutscheHammerdependent? You need to be independent, thinker and financially. You cannot depend on the government. I think Europe is over, they already had a lost decade in the 2010s now is their second one. It is done economically. There is a Dutch RUclipsr that blame the fall of communism in eastern Europe, I couldn't disagree more, it was the 2008 crisis and the pension crisis in Greece that caused Europe to stagnate. Greece adopting the Euro was the worst decision ever made.

    • @VanDeutscheHammer
      @VanDeutscheHammer 3 месяца назад +4

      @@diegoyanesholtz212 yes but I mean to help foreign countries from these foreign manipulation techniques, many of the worlds problems are blamed away from the self and are externalized to corporations and governments. Don’t invest in domestically owned companies in the south, the issue is foreign dependence altogether. Once you become foreign dependent, these entities will go the easiest route which will involve a country with self manipulation within its culture and you will force yourself to feel inner guilt because that’s what a foreign dependent citizen does. You need to exit the psychological trap from within yourself.

    • @MartinMenge
      @MartinMenge 3 месяца назад

      @@VanDeutscheHammer My call is for those in Europe worried about immigration.

    • @cheeseflavoredsoda3262
      @cheeseflavoredsoda3262 3 месяца назад +9

      Conclusion: We will have to build huge armies, engage in colonialism, just to keep others in their own countries.

  • @valentinkrajzelman4649
    @valentinkrajzelman4649 2 месяца назад +111

    why should europe, or any other nation really, worry about people you have so little in common

    • @Olp-t7j
      @Olp-t7j 2 месяца назад

      Because we do have a lot in common with them and.because the west is mainly responsible for their poverty.

    • @taknoef9195
      @taknoef9195 2 месяца назад +23

      then europe shouldnt have colonised them

    • @mythoed6651
      @mythoed6651 2 месяца назад +21

      @@taknoef9195 who were those "Europe" and do they exist now ?

    • @jinkazama9017
      @jinkazama9017 2 месяца назад +26

      ​@@taknoef9195I found the American.
      Europe is big. Name the countries that colonized, and then name the rest that didn't. The ones that were not colonial powers should suffer? Should we southeastern Europeans flood en masse to idk, Turkey, for colonizing and enslaving most of our regions?

    • @taknoef9195
      @taknoef9195 2 месяца назад +6

      @@mythoed6651 france is a great example, most of the immigrants there are coming from their former colonies, same with the UK most of their migration is coming from nigeria, india and hong kong all former colonies, no suprise the largest Ethiopian immigrant community is in Italy since they had previously colonized them too

  • @XofHope
    @XofHope 2 месяца назад +125

    Being Portuguese, oh yeah we owe our ex colonies so much, especially Angola and Mozambique. The poor darlings, who kept fighting among themselves for power, oil and diamonds for near 40 years, aided by the USA on one side and the USSR on the other. The roads, railways, dams, bridges, power centrals we left, bombed time and time again. Those in power? Stole absolutely everything they could for themselves and family with no interest whatsoever in improving the country. The old colonialism rhetoric got old long ago.

    • @MrMirville
      @MrMirville 2 месяца назад

      Those abusive rulers for the most part were the successors of the colonial powers and most directly obedient to the former colonial powers' heads of state : Bokassa was Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's personal friend. Algeria never was independent for real : the French deep state has always selected the rulers. I know less about the Portuguese Empire except that they were not very good at modernizing their own country let alone their colonies under Salazar. They built a few prestige monuments and touristic attractions but very little more.

    • @KimbunduKing
      @KimbunduKing 2 месяца назад

      You stole our resources and your companies still have control over our resources, colonialist and it's effects are still been seen today and will probably never cease 🤦🏽🤦🏽

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 2 месяца назад +1


    • @Weshmorrey
      @Weshmorrey 2 месяца назад

      lol Angola a lot richer than Portugal broke ssa right now🤣

    • @hamedjokar1128
      @hamedjokar1128 2 месяца назад +12

      But your racist rhetoric never gets old

  • @Fred_BLN
    @Fred_BLN 3 месяца назад +109

    Isn't it a little bizarre that the problem is still not properly identified, or named?
    Most EU citizens have no problem with immigration, only with a specific type of immigration, namely Muslim immigration.

    • @Inucroft
      @Inucroft 3 месяца назад

      *racists citizens have no problem with immigration, only with a specific type of immigration, namely Muslim immigration

    • @rickbhattacharya2334
      @rickbhattacharya2334 3 месяца назад +18

      Nooo you can't mention the actual problem and not beat around the bush and paint your own propaganda....m

    • @pinktfatrabbit
      @pinktfatrabbit 3 месяца назад +10

      Depends on how many there are. If more people come than the infrastructure can be expanded in the same period, a shortage arises. If this continues for too long, as in Germany, for example, then acceptance decreases rapidly. And because governments have ignored this for so long, right-wing parties are coming to power in almost every country, in the hope that they have the balls to do what is necessary.

    • @nimp1827
      @nimp1827 2 месяца назад +1

      Any non-European, regardless of religion, is a problem as an invader.

    • @bigbadwulf5785
      @bigbadwulf5785 2 месяца назад

      That's not true, if it wasn't for the muslims you would want the poles out of germany/UK. If it wasn't for the poles you would want the jews out of germany/UK. If it wasn't for the jews you... I can go on and on. The truth is we need to cut welfare and deport anyone who is a criminal and publicize this in the media and make an example so potential criminals think twice before doing anything bad.

  • @AQuietNight
    @AQuietNight 3 месяца назад +67

    You pretty much followed the proper White Progressive talking points. Just to add a small balance you give a very brief mention to domestic chaos and fast a lighting mention of China.
    Africans are just little side players in the mess that is Africa.

    • @dannyzabin200
      @dannyzabin200 3 месяца назад

      This video doesnt even seem to be political dude, hes just explaining how the system creates immigrants and how it'll never end unless theres change. Are you on the side of multinational exploitative corporations? And technically Europe and the US has been doing it a lot longer than China lol. Domestic chaos is bad but what does it matter if any time they get a good leader they get killed by the west..?

    • @GhostSal
      @GhostSal 3 месяца назад

      Africa has some of the most cørrupt inept leaders on the planet. Uganda recently discovered trillions worth of gold, that means everyone in that country should benefit… but will they? Likely the answer is no, it’s just a very small percentage at the top that will benefit from that.

    • @Olp-t7j
      @Olp-t7j 2 месяца назад +1

      Then tell us where is he wrong

    • @sleefy2343
      @sleefy2343 2 месяца назад

      What is fast lighting????

  • @SunniLeBoeuf
    @SunniLeBoeuf 2 месяца назад +26

    the moment colonialism was mentioned, I knew exactly where this was going

    • @vengxance
      @vengxance Месяц назад

      same old dogshit leftist propaganda

  • @r4tt3
    @r4tt3 2 месяца назад +71

    The video basically says, that colonialism is the main reason for the current migration crisis and blames Europe for past exploitation. While colonialism did cause a lot of harm, it is not fair to blame today's Europeans. Many European countries have given a lot of development aid and set up programs to help former colonies. The fact that some African governments misused this aid shows that the responsibility for current problems is more complex and includes local issues.

    • @ciaranReal
      @ciaranReal 2 месяца назад +12

      Yes the middle east has also colonised africa

    • @fuzzy7644
      @fuzzy7644 2 месяца назад +1

      The issue is oil business being able to act as morden day colonialism. They all have money in goverments' pockets not just in the EU but those former colonies countries too to keep their corporate interest. They incite corruption and it's basically all infected in some form.

    • @r4tt3
      @r4tt3 2 месяца назад +13

      While some businesses act unethically and contribute to corruption, calling this "modern-day colonialism" and blaming only Europe is an oversimplification. Many problems in developing countries are rooted in local government failures, internal conflicts, and global economic influences from various countries, not just Europe.
      European nations have provided substantial development aid and support to help former colonies achieve sustainable growth and better governance. When this aid is misused by local governments, it highlights the complexity of the issues, involving both local and international factors. Which means that the responsibility is shared and multifaceted, not solely Europe’s fault.

    • @Philosophical_engineer
      @Philosophical_engineer Месяц назад +4

      The issue is that colonialism never ended.
      It just evolved from countries colonising to corporations colonising.

    • @mattpet7913
      @mattpet7913 Месяц назад +2

      You want to have the cake and eat it. You basically admit that europe is the reason africa has lost 400 years of development but then that they should just accept it and live as slaves to the current multinationals from europe and US that work there tax free and offer too much export at low costs for any possible competition. The neocolonialism that is spoken about in the video is further elucidated by monopolies of european multinationals that have become the inly source of work for the african population.
      And the violent outbursts and rebellions caused by economic/political destabilization caused by european colonialization/meddling in political affairs should just be accepted by the average person living in those african countries? Without them blaming europe and wanting to immigrate for a chance for a future? Notice i dont say better future because you have turned Africa into a place where a future is not even possible.
      In a way what you're saying is that it's true that europe took Africa's future and they should just lie down and die with that. You caused the immigration crisis and likely in 50 years africa will be an empty anarchy cause of you. But the people living there should just starve and die in what was left over after you extorted it and your companies keep extorting it through their monopolies.
      Europe's development aid never went to africans. European development aid went to european multinationals to fund europeans to come work in africa to set up stations where only europeans know hiw thr stations worked. Meanwhile your development aid personnel have been shown to have exchanged sexual favours for admission to the development aid stations. You see what is missing? No development for africa it was just development aid that went straight back into the pockets of european multinationals and workers.
      Your wealth was build on the backs of africans for 400 years and now you want to just let the people you extorted fester in the situation that you caused. Look at your so-called "golden ages" when did they take place? All of them during imperialism. Then a product of the gains of that golden age is the industrialization. Without imperialism Europe would not even be a super power as all your cheap trading routes and spice trade was built on African backs. USA would likely not even exist if Europe didn't see the prospects of bringing slaves to work the fields there.
      Most likely Africa can't be fixed anymore. Any chance for regulation and government would be corrupted by potential deals with companies who will promise the government billions in exchange for cheap labor and no taxation basically emulating slavery. All Africa's resources go to external multinationals and all the governments are enslaved by the european multinationals' money. Africa is basically the true underclass of europe. Slowly the chinese will do the same thing in Africa until the whole country is empty because it is an uninhabitable hell hole with no prospects.
      The only thing europe can do at this point that wouldn't be corrupted by your multinational monopolies is allow Africans to come to Europe so that freedom from an impossible situation in Africa can be obtained. And now you even want to block that. I need you to see how unfair it is that you have caused a situation in Africa where people cannot start businesses, cannot profit from local investments, cannot profit from foreign investments. And at the same time now they supposedly cannot even leave. Without leaving Africans will have to die as they work as slaves in your sweatshops. Leaving is the only opportunity left for africans... And that is because you are and likely forever will still be taking everything through your zero taxed companies that bribe the local government.

  • @artemduk9808
    @artemduk9808 3 месяца назад +113

    I do agree that colonialism was a horrible thing. At the same time, it's not there for quite a while now. It's like having bad parents can really screw up your childhood, but at some point, you should stop blaming your parents and get your life under control. Always looking at the past is counterproductive.

    • @adghat7819
      @adghat7819 3 месяца назад

      Colonism never stopped, it is still there by corporations, coop and corruption.

    • @Dunsly
      @Dunsly 3 месяца назад +16

      I doubt those countries can get there shit together if colonialism is still there but in a different form

    • @artemduk9808
      @artemduk9808 3 месяца назад

      @Dunsly you see, while I do agree that Western multinationals only make things worse, West can't fix African problems alone. The "They are just victims, only the whites can solve their problems" mindset is also some form of racism. 3d world country can only be moved out of poverty from within, not from outside.

    • @tomeekun
      @tomeekun 3 месяца назад +35

      The video does go into detail explaining that colonialism never truly ended in Africa and that in the rare case a country does manage to genuinely try and break away, their governments are overthrown by American and European powers.

    • @artemduk9808
      @artemduk9808 3 месяца назад +9

      @tomeekun this video is a bit one-sided. While indeed multinationals try to influence, there are many occurrences when they failed to do so. You only can play colonialism when you have boots on the ground, when you can use violence to force your will. At this point, it's no longer possible.

  • @j-rocgood7680
    @j-rocgood7680 2 месяца назад +43

    “Africa never had the chance to develop on its own or gain its own wealth. They also never had the chance to industrialize.”
    To be fair it seems unlikely this would have ever happened organically at all in Sub-Saharan Africa. The geography of the region does not seem to encourage societal or economic developments in a vacuum. Human cultures are a product of their Geographic circumstances.
    The extraction of raw resources from Sub-Saharan Africa without investing that wealth back into the region certainly did not aid long term development, but on the other hand Sub-Saharan Africa would be even less developed and even more lacking in necessary infrastructure than it already is without European intervention in the Colonial era. Colonialism is an incredibly complex and nuanced subject. It is not a simplistic topic with easy answers. Trying to paint it as an inherently evil chapter of history that left nothing but tragedy and instability in its wake does not do the topic justice.
    There is a quite noticeable cultural undercurrent within Africa and the Middle East of blaming their former colonial masters for all their societal problems and corruption. This is often accompanied by not examining their own cultural contexts and also what their own nations could have and should have done differently since achieving their long sought after independence. The growing migrant communities forming in Western Europe are often bringing these unfortunate sentiments with them, and as a result are often not very appreciative of their new host countries. European nations themselves are frequently blamed for the lack of integration with African and Arab migrant communities. However again there seems to be a strong cultural incentive within these communities themselves discouraging assimilation. This will of course lead to tensions.
    Large areas of East Asia were also part of the European colonial empires. However most East Asian nations do not seem to have such resentment towards their former European colonizers, and although not necessarily becoming rich, East Asia has faired much better than Africa or the Middle East since independence.
    If I believed the argument that Colonialism was a justification for open borders and mass immigration (which I do not), then this argument would only be Valid against France and Britain who controlled the lion’s share of Africa and the Middle East. Countries such as Scandinavia and Ireland would still not be obliged to host massive and ever growing numbers of migrants, which is what is happening. Also the majority of migrants coming to Germany are not from Germany’s former colonial Empire and do not speak German. This again makes it hard to justify and adds another barrier to integration.

    • @SdGary420
      @SdGary420 Месяц назад +6

      Really well thought out and written comment. I agree strongly.
      A lot of immigrants want the country they have immigrated to to adapt to their cultures, while refusing or struggling to adapt to the culture of the country itself. And that’s just not how it should work. That culture is exactly the reason the country is thriving, and your country of origin is struggling.
      Plus, immigrants should be grateful to their new countries. If not, why not return to your country of origin?

    • @ibliss4384
      @ibliss4384 Месяц назад

      @@SdGary420 FACT

    • @vengxance
      @vengxance Месяц назад

      there aren’t enough native europeans to vote for socialist parties.
      thus leftists are reliant on bringing the proletariat from the 3rd world over here
      without open borders, socialists would lose their political dominance 😢

    • @Chkoupinator
      @Chkoupinator 23 дня назад +1

      @@Video2Webb and how would that be done exactly when the leaders that would represent "THEM" get systematically dealt with?

    • @theteamxxx3142
      @theteamxxx3142 22 дня назад

      @@Chkoupinator They don't have the iq do to it . Some africans countries can some will never . u have to accept it and go on

  • @user-qg5tn7bf2p
    @user-qg5tn7bf2p 3 месяца назад +135

    So much tragedy, so much corruption, so much greed, so much devastation, the oil industry has so much blood on their hands

    • @georgemx4136
      @georgemx4136 3 месяца назад +22

      Not just oil, its western companies and the governments they influence in general. The oil companies are not really different from any other companies on a fundamental level, they want profit and they find people, situations and countries to exploit to get it.

    • @user-qg5tn7bf2p
      @user-qg5tn7bf2p 3 месяца назад +2

      @@georgemx4136 i agree, thanks

    • @hooligan9794
      @hooligan9794 3 месяца назад

      ​@georgemx4136 Right, the government officials who demand the massive brides are poor, innocent children exploited by those mean western companies!
      Imagine putting the blame on a profit seeking organisation rather the national governments.

    • @pinktfatrabbit
      @pinktfatrabbit 3 месяца назад +9

      Why don't the former colonies in Asia have this problem? Let's take Singapore as an example.
      Now you will notice that the arguments mentioned in the video no longer hold. What is the logical consequence of this? Framing was used.

    • @pinktfatrabbit
      @pinktfatrabbit 3 месяца назад +5

      @@georgemx4136 The reason why countries do not develop is because they do not have stable governments. However, this is a basic requirement for a country to develop and achieve prosperity.

  • @swedemartyrsonswade
    @swedemartyrsonswade 3 месяца назад +152

    Africa is so rich in natural resources and could be the shining star continent if only they could manage them themselves and mitigate these corrupt companies in the first place

    • @pro-libertatibus
      @pro-libertatibus 3 месяца назад +25

      Transportation, transportation, transportation. Africa has geographic difficulties and a current deficit in infrastructure. Afghanistan is also resource rich but faces even worse tribalist and infrastructure problems.

      @CARBONHAWK1 3 месяца назад

      Africas biggest problem is tribalism. Fix that and the rest will set in place

    • @ancalyme
      @ancalyme 3 месяца назад +29

      The issue isn't the corrupt companies, it's the corrupt local leadership.

    • @varimatra2088
      @varimatra2088 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@pro-libertatibus and who are the one to blame for lack of transportation?? Themselfs only the chinese people gave a world class demonstration on how to do it they just need to follow

    • @Stoddardian
      @Stoddardian 3 месяца назад +18

      IQ makes this impossible.

  • @Blake84838
    @Blake84838 2 месяца назад +28

    1. 90% of Africa has not been colonized for centuries mostly just coastal trade forts prior to the 1800s
    2. Actual consequence of colonialism is spread or innovations that reduced infant mortality
    3. Ghana's Gold and Congos Cobalt mostly goes to China

    • @Blake84838
      @Blake84838 2 месяца назад +11

      Also weirdly ottoman empire wasn't commented on in relation to Mena and migration to turkey ...

    • @mayy9685
      @mayy9685 Месяц назад

      Neocolonialism is the number cause which is well alive from Europe continuing to destroy, loot by the trillions and kill millions of Africans

    • @Chkoupinator
      @Chkoupinator 23 дня назад +1

      @@Blake84838 because the ottoman empire was closer to the federal government in the states than an actual "wipe your culture and take all your stuff" type of colony, and during ottoman reign most of the countries that were part of it had some kind of golden age
      1. you say this as if it counters anything? colonialism mostly happened between the 1800 and 1950s and 90% of what? land? there wasn't even proper enough structures to control land given that information was slow moving and the wo
      2. your 2nd point is also vastly inaccurate, I can only speak of the country I know well (Algeria) but post french colonialism all the medical structures and universities were left barren without knowledge or technology and it took vast amounts of aid from the USSR to be able to get back on foot (albeit not so good). Just because most of the recent medical breakthroughs happened during colonialism (which itself propelled the living standards that allowed so much spending in research to begin with) doesn't mean it's exclusive to the west.
      As a matter of fact a lot of the beginnings of the scientific, mathematical and medical breakthroughs had their starts in arab countries which then exported their knowledge to the west (don't forget your word for "zero" comes from arabic because it was exported).
      3. Nobody said China is blameless, in fact nobody says anyone is blameless everyone has their share of blame in this global mess, why are you trying to avoid the facts as if there was any kind of conclusion made in this video? doing the ostrich and hiding your head underground is not going to help you or are you feeling guilty after watching this video and trying to shift the blame?

    • @Blake84838
      @Blake84838 23 дня назад +1

      1. How do the ottomans not count as wipe your culture out in relation to the balkans even if being rather begin and not involved in Arab world
      2. Well yeah when all the administrative leaves the structures tend to deteriorate and why do the soviets have to give you aid to remake these structures build them yourself that certainly didn't exist at all before France

    • @Blake84838
      @Blake84838 23 дня назад +1

      Also what golden age did like Egypt experience under ottoman - mamluks besides insane tax rates and man power conscription to conflicts that had little to do with it

  • @Kiki67Cappi199
    @Kiki67Cappi199 3 месяца назад +144

    why do you assume birth rates can’t be changed? statistics show most women have at least one less baby than they would’ve liked. Politicians just have to implement policies ( better urban planning, subsidized childcare, pro -natal culture) to help them realized their fertility.

    • @batessdd
      @batessdd 3 месяца назад +11

      They can be changed but not fast enough. Immigration will still be needed.

    • @naapsuvaimne740
      @naapsuvaimne740 3 месяца назад

      @@batessdd forwhat , none need these unskilled immigrants

    • @wimblewomble4751
      @wimblewomble4751 3 месяца назад

      Most of it is because of housing, if people in their 30s didn't live with their parents then they would likely have children

    • @NoctLightCloud
      @NoctLightCloud 3 месяца назад +50

      ​@@batessddneeded for... what? Why is it always about money and taxes?

    • @SebastianPaul.
      @SebastianPaul. 3 месяца назад +29

      Why spend money on creating new workers, when you can import cheap workers and earn more taxes and profit. - "some company or government" Maybe.

  • @StraLo90
    @StraLo90 2 месяца назад +8

    It's really easy to stop.

      @FUTURAPTER Месяц назад

      If it were easy, it would have been done long ago)

  • @MK-lm6hb
    @MK-lm6hb 2 месяца назад +48

    How come former colonies of European countries in Asia were able to escape neocolonialism and African countries were not? Maybe the reasons for poverty in Africa are other than neocolonialism?

    • @degstoll
      @degstoll 2 месяца назад +17

      Because there is far more you can exploit from Africa than most of Asia.

    • @abdallahalbaiti3252
      @abdallahalbaiti3252 2 месяца назад +7

      What about the Philippines and Thailand? Why didn’t they develop? They’re in Asia

    • @gtrdxz
      @gtrdxz 2 месяца назад +2

      @@degstoll completely incorrect...

    • @degstoll
      @degstoll 2 месяца назад +3

      @@gtrdxz "Oranges are orange"
      "Completely incorrect..."
      Nice argumentation!

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +1

      The reason is hereditary racial patterns (IQ, aggression etc.) and the proof is in the pudding. Go spend some time with these people in their homelands and you will see it confirmed.

  • @neeljavia2965
    @neeljavia2965 3 месяца назад +63

    Majority of Asia had the same problems. Colonialism upto 1950s and then Neo Colonialism upto 2000s.
    But most still manage to break out of it and carve their own destiny. But i guess that's because Asian countries had better education and leaders who cared for their people over personal wealth.
    Otherwise majority of South Asia, or South East Asia would be even worse off the Africa.

    • @Awkci_gaming
      @Awkci_gaming 3 месяца назад +18

      Africa is still a tribal place. Just like Germany and Britain after the Romans left. They still have to build up a modern, centralised culture and modern work ethnic.

    • @tolubamidele1508
      @tolubamidele1508 3 месяца назад +13

      Exactly my thought. I had hopes for Africa until I lived in China and saw that it takes strong leadership and someone willing to do what is right despite you cost. It will be painful at first but it will pay off in the long run and future generations will understand what needed to be done had to be done

    • @nimp1827
      @nimp1827 2 месяца назад +16

      Google search average IQ by nation.

    • @Goldenberg198
      @Goldenberg198 2 месяца назад +8

      @@Awkci_gaming Germans didn't magically become intelligent through contact with the Romans. They were not barbarians. The Germans were already intelligent, they were already advanced. The fact that you think Germans were like today's Africans is quite amusing, or sad, depending on how you look at it.

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +3

      @@nimp1827 💯

  • @heatherhinde6544
    @heatherhinde6544 2 месяца назад +10

    The real priblem in Nigeria is their own internal corruption and refusal of those at the top to stop their own corruption and tribal infighting.

    • @denkendannhandeln
      @denkendannhandeln 2 месяца назад +1

      Primitive people create a primitive society. Civilized behavior is a seldom treasure and it must be learned by undeveloped societies. But they prefer being primitive, because behaving civilized is „White supremacy“, right?

    • @mayy9685
      @mayy9685 Месяц назад

      Oh but no mention of the white European neocolonialist bribery them while assassinating and leader who stands up to stop this

  • @radidani1
    @radidani1 2 месяца назад +14

    Ok, so here is what I think.
    Immigration to western countiries at least these days mostly come from muslim majority countries, which ones are without exception dictatorships ans that has more to do with political islam (sharia) rather than colonialism.
    As a result the problem that the west is facing is the same: the violent rise of political islam in the west. That is an immense danger on the whole civilised world.
    Non muslim migrants have little problem to integrate in western coutries and even though you mention these places as unliveable, most of these people are planning to spend their old days back in their homeland.
    Countries like morocco and algeria which ones have relatively stable political systems also send large amount of migrans to europe. That to me shows that the problem has more to do with european countries explicit open border policies rather than climate change or local political unrest or colonialism.
    Im not expert on the topic, but it seems paradoxical that oil rich arab states could exectively benefit of their natural resources than any african country especially Nigeria.
    The problem with immigration isnt that we have to stop it completely, but rather control it better and implement measures that integration is actually happening and deportation that supress the real threat which is radical islmamic movements.

    • @Chkoupinator
      @Chkoupinator 23 дня назад +3

      wtf are you on about, algeria? stable political system? the algeria that I come from is nothing but stable, we have had the same "president" for 20 years despite the constitution originally only allowing 2 mandates? where MILLIONS of people went to peacefully protest in the streets to say that we did not want these corrupt politicians?
      The truth is the politicians in algeria do not need their people, they just need their cut of oil money and if the people are unhappy they couldn't give less of a horse shit about it
      also morroco is a literal monarchy, how is that a "stable political system"?
      in both you get sent to jail for criticizing the government... In both the job market is laughable, the average salary is at least 10 times lower than the poorest european country
      and political islam? dictatorship? Algeria had democratically elected an islamic party and that did not align with foreign interests so they funded extremely highly trained "terrorists" (which were in fact special forces) that would then go ahead and murder the leaders of the islamic party that they were supposed to be of.
      Most instances of terrorism (islamic or otherwise) comes down to some foreign faction wanting to create unrest for cheaper oil or resources and funding whichever local faction needs weapons and wants to fight, even implanting their own pawns as leaders if needed.

    • @radidani1
      @radidani1 23 дня назад +1

      @@Chkoupinator I don't see how this contradicts anything I had said. I wrote: they are ALL dictatorships. The word "relatively" (stable) ment exactly that. It is, compared to Syria for example.

    • @Chkoupinator
      @Chkoupinator 7 дней назад

      @@radidani1 oh so just like saying that boiling water is "relatively" cold when you compare it to molten magnesium, that's extremely useful let's all swim in boiling water.
      Also you just ignored literally everything else I said, your kind is the reason why I disabled notifications for replies (I got a notification for getting likes on my comment) calling countries where islamic governments got toppled to be replaced by puppets controlled by foreign states "political islam" must be one of the dumbest things I've read in this whole month

    • @Chkoupinator
      @Chkoupinator 7 дней назад

      @@radidani1 oh so just like saying that boiling water is "relatively" cold when you compare it to molten magnesium, that's extremely useful maybe everyone should take a swim in boiling hot water? wtf?
      Also you just ignored literally everything else I said, your kind is the reason why I disabled notifications for replies (I got a notification for getting likes on my comment and made the mistake of looking at further replies)
      calling countries where islamic governments got toppled to be replaced by puppets controlled by foreign states "political islam" must be one of the most unintelligent things I've read this month, you deserve a medal

  • @ZalmoxisOfficial
    @ZalmoxisOfficial 2 месяца назад +6

    save europe

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 2 месяца назад +1


    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 Месяц назад +1

      @@felip3442 Sad that you're only able to communicate in internet hieroglyphs.

  • @MrOzzy241
    @MrOzzy241 2 месяца назад +8

    So do you think that northern Europe was ruined by Roman occupation

    • @francesconava4772
      @francesconava4772 5 дней назад

      This guy lives in his own world built of lies. I’m Brazilian and I can assure that the colonization is not even a problem, Portugal left us a massive country, infrastructure, a political administration and even a good king (the first king of Brazil was the son of the Portuguese king). We had everything to develop the country only the nowadays politicians are obstructing our development. And by the way the US was a colony and today is the richest country in the world.

  • @TheWhitehawker
    @TheWhitehawker 2 месяца назад +9

    Africa's industrialisation would never happen without outside assistance. Nothing of any consequence has ever been invented in Sub Saharan Africa.

  • @memyselfyo8844
    @memyselfyo8844 29 дней назад +9

    A massive number of immigrants are from South Asia, not the Middle East. They are from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. These nations are massively overpopulated, and by ignoring them you are brushing over a major part of the issue.

    • @owen1-q1n
      @owen1-q1n 28 дней назад +1

      Don't forget India.

  • @editorrbr2107
    @editorrbr2107 3 месяца назад +37

    Corruption, Schengen, lack of political will, desire for a cheap labor, fear of being called some flavor of bigot, and in some cases active courting for a political base (see UK Labour).
    All of these are fixable.

  • @valentinkrajzelman4649
    @valentinkrajzelman4649 2 месяца назад +35

    you should fight to keep europe for europeans, because once its lost it cannot be retaken easily

    • @Microphunktv-jb3kj
      @Microphunktv-jb3kj 2 месяца назад

      ... white people have always taken things easily.
      you have some alternative reality and history you live in ... :D
      You actually think Russia would let Islam conquer EU ?
      If u dont know Russians dont like muslims either.....
      :D Russians are most orthodox christian socviety in the world....
      Americans pretend to be christians, Russians actually are ...

    • @tysolbohan6446
      @tysolbohan6446 Месяц назад

      I'd love that how about though 1 of you go down for a week in bengaldesh and Africa see why they flee to Britain like is it cause they love white people well go to there countries cause I want Britain to be for the British but how fuck can Britain be for the Brits if any 1 else can't live there own life without worrying about crushing poverty extreme inflation you westerners really piss me like people don't migrate for reasons and what is wrong with mass immigration tell me rape ? Death penalty killing LGBT death penalty stealing get your Citizenship revoked what else ? Welfare ? Cut it to almost nothing except for disabled people.
      Why is a larger labour force with more jobs a bad thing jobs pop left and right and laizzes faire governments is Singapore struggling for jobs ?

  • @cototp
    @cototp 3 месяца назад +13

    It can and will be stopped ,just need the collective will to do it.

    • @gusfring6887
      @gusfring6887 23 дня назад +1

      multinational corporate interests will always win

  • @nbonasoro
    @nbonasoro 3 месяца назад +12

    Nigeria wasn't dependent on shell because of shells legal ownership of the wells. Nigeria was dependent on shell because they didn't have the educational system to train the engineers to keep it running if shell left.

    • @MrMirville
      @MrMirville 2 месяца назад

      Wasn't it called Shell because of the cowries used as small change for money?

  • @heatherhinde6544
    @heatherhinde6544 2 месяца назад +50

    The real issue is Islam in Fundamentalist Islamic countries. Those who want democracy and freedom they should fight for it in their own countries and stop using past colonialism as an excuse for not using the massive ammounts of aid provided to them since the 1950's to develop their countries and create stability instead of maintaining internal corruption.

    • @llindana
      @llindana Месяц назад +14

      how is this what you take away from the video? colonialism isnt an excuse, its a valid thing that set dozens of coumtries decades back, ofc its important to not lean on the past and create future, COLONIALISM IS AN IMPORTNANT POART OF THIS DISCUSSION. which westerned countries have commited. And which aid have been provided? go in detail about that. you seem like a person that lacks empathy for these people. there sufferings are the reason why we prosper.

    • @sillyguy-rv6xl
      @sillyguy-rv6xl Месяц назад +4

      ​@@RoyT64 seems like you don't have any arguments

    • @violaevavenczel8378
      @violaevavenczel8378 25 дней назад

      Exactly. 100% agree. Also look at most of the not-North-African nations, from where refugees & illegal immigrating people are flooding Europa! 😮Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and now the Gaza, etc. 😮 These countries are all majority Muslim nations. 🤔

    • @haitamsafia-eddine6048
      @haitamsafia-eddine6048 25 дней назад

      as a liberal muslim I can agree like people from MENA can easily fit into society and u won't even notice who they are.Instead of that;they choose to wear garbage like hijab and making their babrbe long AF while at the same time having a toxic ideology of misogynie and homophobia.Those SOB are just waiting to be many so they can do some shitty stuff

    • @haitamsafia-eddine6048
      @haitamsafia-eddine6048 25 дней назад

      @@RoyT64 dude here in arab countries people are leaving islam in mass.A ideological clash is coming 4 sure but liberals gonna win it easily because we believe in real human rights from equality to no slavery and prostititution and pedos those shittty things are accepted in islam

  • @jlcarrasco
    @jlcarrasco 2 месяца назад +11

    is not our fault africa is poor, they had centuries to develop before colonisation, some were never colonised and some went downhill after we left their countries, and let's not mention they turn every city/neighborhood in western countries into a hellscape
    maybe, just maybe, some people are just unfit for civilization
    btw singapore was a colony too, i wonder what's the difference...

  • @alfonsasgrinevicius7477
    @alfonsasgrinevicius7477 3 месяца назад +22

    Western colonizers created railroad systems, gave rise t to various enterprises, educated African youngsters to become leaders. Having lots of natural resources, African states had to become rich , peaceful, attractive.

    • @SomeRandomPiggo
      @SomeRandomPiggo 3 месяца назад +3

      Well, they had the chance

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +2

      Renaissance Europe in 1500 had 68 million inhabitants with a GDP per capita of 600-670$; DR Congo today has 99 million inhabitants and a GDP per capita of 1100-1600$.
      So it wasn't "developed". Renaissance Europe had many wars, the Italian Wars alone with over 100k dead; the current Kivu conflict in DR Congo saw 11k dead. So it wasn't "safe".
      Yet in the midst of this plight, Renaissance Europe had infinitely more human accomplishments, history, art, and SOVL than DR Congo could dream of, let alone aspire to (no offense).
      And if Europe becomes an undeveloped and unsafe place to live, I literally don't care as long as it retains the spirit, blood, and soil that made it so innovative, grandiose, and lovable.

    • @visuali235
      @visuali235 Месяц назад

      All of that was to steal the resources and transport so it was built for the benefit of Europe not local people

  • @krisscross5272
    @krisscross5272 Месяц назад +3

    Colonialism in Africa lasted a little more than 50 years and most colonies started gaining independence 70 years ago. Blaming colonialism is just infantile, btw Malaysia, Dubai and Singapore were also colonized. Tired of hearing these dumb arguments that deny the realities of the countries of origin.

  • @leighstreet8298
    @leighstreet8298 2 месяца назад +15

    You watch Europe empty over night, if and when there's a big war...

    • @MMOfreakOUT1
      @MMOfreakOUT1 2 месяца назад

      Yep. Why would refugees and migrants who flee countries suddenly fight for us? They are cowards.

    • @Chkoupinator
      @Chkoupinator 23 дня назад

      yeah right, because during WW2 algerians didn't fight for france under the promise of it getting it's freedom when the war was done (which then subsequently mass murdered algerians that went out to celebrate the victory and it's independence)
      also why exactly would someone you're talking like this about fight for you to begin with?

  • @Simonadas04
    @Simonadas04 2 месяца назад +5

    reinforce borders and the sea

  • @MidnightatMidian
    @MidnightatMidian Месяц назад +5

    The guy who wrote this video is completely biased and insane.

    • @hjjkk6916
      @hjjkk6916 Месяц назад

      Explain please

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 Месяц назад +1

      @@hjjkk6916 He views colonialism/resource-exploitation as the monocause for the third world's underdevelopment (willfully ignoring countless examples of successful ex-colonies) and delusionally thinks mass immigration of the most criminal or welfare-seeking elements into Europe is somehow a correct or moral response. It's an oppression narrative based on Cultural Marxist ideological criteria (power, victimhood, deconstruction) with no empirical or rational foundation, yet the author reaches outlandish conclusions about reality based on this imagination, and thus these ideas belong not into political discussion but into an insane asylum.

  • @ddlc_monika
    @ddlc_monika 2 месяца назад +13

    bro we invented the concept of borders and "fuck off we're full" and you'll see it again, don't you worry.

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +1

      Based Bruce.

  • @fact6360
    @fact6360 Месяц назад +2

    ah yes - its our fault that the middle east is a shit show. very one sided

  • @davidboyer3961
    @davidboyer3961 3 месяца назад +31

    Yes, there are ways to stop it. You Tube would ban me if I said it.

    • @AvioftheSand
      @AvioftheSand 3 месяца назад +7

      Lol, they keep deleting my post on stopping it on this video

    • @araxiel2051
      @araxiel2051 2 месяца назад

      You are a coward

    • @thatdude__
      @thatdude__ 2 месяца назад +6

      And you wonder why they hate you people when you hold beliefs like that.

    • @davidboyer3961
      @davidboyer3961 2 месяца назад

      @@thatdude__ yes and we hate you lovers too.

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +6

      @@thatdude__ "I am being hated for my beliefs" "That's why people hate you" 🤤

  • @ekenebanyesreflections
    @ekenebanyesreflections 3 месяца назад +17

    You lost me when you said categorically that colonialism was the root of all the problems of immigration.
    That's just plain unintelligent to say one factor of many is responsible for all the ills.
    It tells that you are ignorant of history and human civilization.
    Please remove your ideological glasses and do a thorough analysis.
    The most important factors for progress/development are related to CULTURE.

    • @dannyzabin200
      @dannyzabin200 3 месяца назад +5

      You didnt watch the full video clearly

    • @araxiel2051
      @araxiel2051 2 месяца назад

      You are saying that "That's just plain unintelligent to say one factor of many is responsible for all the ills. "
      But then you are saying that it's all "CULTURE".
      Your ignorance of history and facts and your comprehension is at a child's level. Sit down, shut up, and rewatch the video. Maybe you'll learn something. But I'm not holding my breath.

    • @haha__hihi
      @haha__hihi 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@dannyzabin200sure, he also mentioned capitalism :D

  • @filipboryczko7614
    @filipboryczko7614 2 месяца назад +41

    I disagree with one statement of you, that this is not a plan. To me cleary this looks like a plan

    • @Andi-xh5jw
      @Andi-xh5jw 2 месяца назад +1

      Seems like you have no plan of the world

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah it literally is a plan the UN openly calls it "replacement migration".

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +3

      @@Andi-xh5jw Please read the Agenda 2050 by Angela Merkel, you educated citizen of the world.

    • @Andi-xh5jw
      @Andi-xh5jw 2 месяца назад

      @@Pik180 There is no agenda 2050 by Angela Merkel that I can find with google. Probably you have mixxed stuff up.

    • @Andi-xh5jw
      @Andi-xh5jw 2 месяца назад

      @DONTwatchmyplaylist Are you a real person? Why do you believe in such a bullshit?

  • @devamjani8041
    @devamjani8041 Месяц назад +13

    THIS GUY IS 100% RIGHT. Iran was one of very modern, liberal and progressive countries in the world, but since that leader denied western countries their oil, they overthrew him for a theocratic dixtatorship who the west (uk and usa in this case) thought would be easy to control. They were, but eventually they became the worst enemies of the west and established an islamic State in iran.
    Also, europe was NEVER even near the top in science, technology, maths, industrialisation, economy, etc. India and china were. This only changed in the last 2-3 centuries after the west colonised the rest. Karma is such a bitch isn't it ?

    • @Wurstklauer
      @Wurstklauer Месяц назад +2

      If it really was so Europeans would not have been able to colonize... European weapons and tactics didn't get stuck in traditions like those in Asia. Europe was very wealthy and developed before fall of Constantinople that forced Europe to seek ways to bypass the ottomans. China has innovated nothing since compass and gunpowder, as seen in their rampant IP theft.

    • @Chkoupinator
      @Chkoupinator 23 дня назад +1

      @@Wurstklauer that's just because westerners were so focused on arming themselves to survive the cutthroat that was europe that they struck gold by optimizing gunpowder (which was already known in China and Arabic countries for centuries but never had been looked into as there was no particular need to make people explode).
      Also if you look at history as a whole there's always some culture or some other that strikes gold and ends up dominant... for a while

    • @Wurstklauer
      @Wurstklauer 23 дня назад +1

      @@Chkoupinator on this we do agree but Europe may solve the problem of mass immigration yet. It's not gonna be a pretty or nice solution but it's going be a solution.

  • @BlackHoleOfTime
    @BlackHoleOfTime 3 месяца назад +48

    It's the people themselves. If they were not so corrupt and wanted to make there own country better they could with the resources they have.

    • @angelanhongo3903
      @angelanhongo3903 2 месяца назад

      No the West is corrupt actually. Africa does not need aid.

    • @1wun1
      @1wun1 2 месяца назад +5

      Gaddafi had succeeded, remember?

    • @angelanhongo3903
      @angelanhongo3903 2 месяца назад

      @@BlackHoleOfTime Let us define Corruption in order to avoid misunderstanding. To corrupt is to deface, disfigure, damage, change the appearance of something in order to render it ineffective. The second definition is to use power and money to influence misinform, disinformation, dehumanised, assassinate character, misrepresentation and so on.
      For more than 500 years this has been a EuroAmerican strategy when it comes to other countries and non Europeans. Portugal was the pioneer, they lied to Pope in 1452 about African people. Look up the Doctrine of Discovery. How do you discover a place that is occupied by people and lay claims on it. Is this not Corruption. Lo9knup the Papal Bulls of 1452, 1455 and 1497. Soecific to Africa look up the Berlin Final Act of 1885. There is more. It was and stilln8s Corruption to lie to your electorate when you invade a sovereign country, murder its people and destroy the economy while claiming to protect human rights of women and children..
      Spain was legitimised to go to South America. The Pope in turn legitimised the forceful seizure of land property and people, enslave and brutalised them for future generations. The justifications were not being European, Christian, therefore rendered inferior. and treat them as inferior. As Portuguese and Spanish monarchies became rich the rest jumped onto the bandwagon. Slavery ended but was replaced by colonialism which displaced people, destroyed culture, murdered and poisoned the indigenous people. Genocides were carried out in an effort to completely destroy the indigenous populations. Rather than end colonialism, the Europeans panicked. They set-up systems and flooded the colonised countriesvwit institutions like NGOs, development agencies, different laws and narratives peddledling untruths. This propaganda has bern the worst type of Corruption because more people have died in the postcolonial era than before. At end of colonialism came neocolonialism. This goes on to this day.This in my is evidence based information that anyone seeking the truth can find if they want.
      This leads me to conclude that the West corrupts facts. In addition who corrupts most of these leaders. Who hires people to become terrorists. Check out who or what underlies any conflict that is going on or happened in the past. Propagandavis the Corruption wevrefer to. It looks like rather than watch the video, ask what can be done, some people choose to bury their heads in the sand.
      This video challenges us all to know, understand and take action. I have researched this topic for myself. You can you. Corruption is telling the world untrue things. It is Corruption to use the law, smear other countries and their people and pretend to give aid when you are bleeding the country of its resources. Perfect example, what France did to the Sahel countries. France is not alone. Other counties do the exact same things but under the table. Hypocrisy is central to the aid narrative.
      How can these resources rich counties be labelled poor. Poverty is a great nutrient for Western propaganda to feed on. Infront of cameras they publicise aid (which is actually loans) while behind the scenes theybimpose their interests on Other countries. For example, it is common knowledge that assertive African leaders are assassinated, couped, exiled, regime change or minsinform the population.
      NATO countries have played a crucial role in this exercise. So does Western media.
      It is Corruption to say you are protecting human rights when in fact you violate the fundamental rights of independent countries by denying them their right to self determination, freedom to determine their political status, freedom to pursue their economic development freedom, fredom to determine their social and cultural values. Imagine yourselves in that situation before you point to Corruption and lack of god governance. These countries do not fully govern themselves.
      They are under global governance. It is therefore unfair to compare these countries with the likes of Japan who have full sovereignty.
      The end to this migration problem lies squarely in the governments of the Western countries who have kept a tight grip on these countries under the fake democracy. This however does not deny the Corruption in these countries. I am highlighting the real causal links that. enable, drive and feed the destruction of the economies of resource rich countries. Oh I almost left out how the geopolitical battles for influence between the West and the non Western powers are another major factor.

    • @abdoulayeba9868
      @abdoulayeba9868 2 месяца назад +5

      ah yes blame the people and not the corrupt politicians that suppress them.

    • @BlackHoleOfTime
      @BlackHoleOfTime 2 месяца назад

      @@abdoulayeba9868 Through out history many cultures have had bad rulers and it's always because the people don't stand up together and stop it. If you were right and you could blame the leaders and the people had no ability to stand up then all nations would have the most corrupt worst rulers leading because no one ever stood up and just kept it going. We would all have Aztec cultures at this point in history with mass slaughter. that only happens when the people all support it.

  • @JP-Crusader-318
    @JP-Crusader-318 3 месяца назад +5

    It's easy to fix bring back the crusaders

    • @NeygarzruinedAmerica
      @NeygarzruinedAmerica 2 месяца назад +1

      The painter will come back in another form. History always repeats itself

  • @buzzgt7
    @buzzgt7 25 дней назад +4

    Crazy how American was colonized, had a civil war, and is still prosperous today…

    • @gusfring6887
      @gusfring6887 23 дня назад +4

      Bad comparison

    • @francesconava4772
      @francesconava4772 5 дней назад

      @gusfring6887 Why? The US fought against oppression. Nobody just gives you liberty, liberty is the prize of huge effort and blood. African countries don’t seem capable of liberating themselves, this is why they can’t be prosperous.

  • @thomasdevine867
    @thomasdevine867 3 месяца назад +32

    Colonialism in MENA can't be the reason. Algeria is one of the more stable nations in that area, and they had the longest and most forceful Colonial experiences. 9:47
    The Ottoman State and the Barbary Pirates had far more influence than any Western Corperation. 10:58
    Corruption is what causes the pain. Sure, western corperations make corruption more lucrative, but corruption preexisted the corperations. 13:52
    Corperations can't become merchant princes in the West because they can't dominate the government. Russia is ruled by the Oligarchs (Putin is simply the most powerful oligarch). 20:15
    America became independent in a far more hostile environment, if you're right, how did we stay anything like a democracy and develop economically?
    It's corruption, outsiders enhance the profits of corruption, but the roots are local.

    • @pinktfatrabbit
      @pinktfatrabbit 3 месяца назад +7

      First of all, you need a stable government. You can see this in ex-colonies like Singapore.

    • @nimp1827
      @nimp1827 2 месяца назад +1

      Fools just cannot google search average IQ map.

    • @w444rbv
      @w444rbv Месяц назад

      Algeria has always been corrupt and there's a growing inflation not as bad as other MENA but it is bad enough for people to want to migrate
      Poeple mainly leave to Europe or usa uae because you need bribes or name drop to get a good state job living here can be hard for thr avg citizen

    • @w444rbv
      @w444rbv Месяц назад +1

      I personally think majority won't want to migrate to Europe or anywhere is life here was fine economically

    • @thomasdevine867
      @thomasdevine867 Месяц назад

      @w444rbv I agree. The only time the USA experienced out migration was under Herbert Hoover. Hoover wrecked the economy that badly.

  • @KrysFG
    @KrysFG 2 месяца назад +5

    Is this the new leftist rhetoric? It’s unsolvable, it’s too late, you can’t fix it. So leave it? Nuh uh, I can appreciate that we can be blamed for this because well, who else? But to say we can’t fix it is ridiculous. Save Europa 🇪🇺

    • @bettybunbun9664
      @bettybunbun9664 2 месяца назад

      Better than pretending its not happening or that its beneficial.

  • @akzidenz9999
    @akzidenz9999 Месяц назад +11

    Until the european people dont held their governments and their companies accountable for the atrocities they do in the name of profit, the immigration crisis will never end😢

      @FUTURAPTER Месяц назад +1

      Yes, exactly!

    • @mayy9685
      @mayy9685 Месяц назад


    • @aomine385
      @aomine385 11 дней назад

      typical subhuman blames everything on white people when your nation has been shit since the beginning.

  • @CIeaner23
    @CIeaner23 2 месяца назад +7

    If it doesn't get fixed I might as well leave europe and never come back...

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +2

      You'll most likely move to a European-diaspora-based country with the same problems, or to an East Asian country that will decline as soon as there's no whitey to do tech espionage on.
      I suggest standing your ground and fighting the good fight instead.

  • @kundavanriel6142
    @kundavanriel6142 Месяц назад +5

    Yes you can, by securing your country border

      @FUTURAPTER Месяц назад

      This will take all the resources of the country, you don't want to give everything for this

  • @CurtisCT
    @CurtisCT 2 месяца назад +15

    07:30 - The problem with blaming colonialism for all of Africa's woes is that this theory falls apart under even the most cursory examination. The Caribbean was also colonialized, in fact for 300 to 400 years, FAR longer than Africa. Except for Cuba and Haiti, all the countries of the Caribbean are doing very well economically and exceptionally well politically with some of the world's most vibrant democracies and freedom of speech (according to the World Press Freedom Index). If colonialism were responsible for retarding a country's progress as you claimed, then we'd expect to see wave after wave of refugees from the Caribbean, which of course we do not. As a matter of fact Caribbean countries like Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados and The Bahamas even have GDP/capita and a Human Development Index on par with European countries like Spain and so are therefore struggling with their own mass immigration/refugee problems. We see a similar situation in Asia, many of whose countries were likewise colonized by Europe. Asian countries like Hong Kong and Singapore, former British colonies, are now two of the richest and most prosperous territories in the world. Malaysia, also formerly colonized by European powers, is economically and politically very stable. I could list several more examples, but suffice it to say there's no proof that colonialism, despite its darker days, is responsible for poor economic performance and political instability in the present day, leading to mass migration. In fact, the data seems to show just the opposite. Most of the territories colonized by Europeans OUTSIDE OF AFRICA seem to be thriving economically and politically. So maybe it's not colonization by Europeans that's to be blamed, but rather something else particular to the African continent.

  • @markgarrett3647
    @markgarrett3647 2 месяца назад +5

    Solve the politicians and organisations pushing for the Kalerghi plan and you stop the Kalerghi plan.

  • @tung9693
    @tung9693 Месяц назад +4

    Southeast Asian countries were colonized too. They went to the western countries as refugees, and they assimilated themselves into the society. They have never caused any problems or damages to their respective countries they settled in, like refugees who came from Arab countries and Northern Africa. They have to show respect for the customs and traditions of their new countries.

  • @swedemartyrsonswade
    @swedemartyrsonswade 3 месяца назад +16

    Make some videos about East Asia and Southeast Asia; that particular region is always neglected somehow.

    • @pinktfatrabbit
      @pinktfatrabbit 3 месяца назад +12

      He cannot make such a video about ex-colonies in Asia, because then his framing would be exposed. Because India and Singapore are also ex-colonies and they don't have this problem.

    • @Chadian777
      @Chadian777 2 месяца назад +4

      Most ex colonies in Asia are doing very well like India 🇮🇳 Vietnam 🇻🇳 Indonesia 🇮🇩 Bangladesh 🇧🇩 Singapore 🇸🇬 Uae 🇦🇪 Oman 🇴🇲 Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 etc etc.

    • @sleefy2343
      @sleefy2343 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Chadian777South Asia is clearly not doing well
      Coming from a southeast Asian myself

    • @sleefy2343
      @sleefy2343 2 месяца назад

      @@Chadian777east Asia is doing pretty well
      Some Arab countries too but South Asia is lacking behind

    • @ebi395
      @ebi395 Месяц назад

      ​@@sleefy2343Yeah except India no one in south Asia is doing good, recently there's coup happened in bangladesh.

  • @bristoled93
    @bristoled93 2 месяца назад +5

    British did not move to Italy because of the Roman Empire.

  • @everythingisfine9988
    @everythingisfine9988 Месяц назад +5

    The United states was a colony too 🤔

      @FUTURAPTER Месяц назад

      The video is not about who was a colony, the video is about who is a colony now!

    • @gusfring6887
      @gusfring6887 23 дня назад

      A colony of Englishmen for the most part who suffered relatively low exploitation

  • @andrewlim9345
    @andrewlim9345 Месяц назад +3

    The cause of immigration and poverty is unfettered capitalism in a world with finite resources.

  • @JDob-x5b
    @JDob-x5b Месяц назад +12

    They want free money it's simple,greed.

  • @avitalsheva
    @avitalsheva 2 месяца назад +10

    if EU would want , they will stop it extremely quickly . EU just do not want stop it.

      @FUTURAPTER Месяц назад

      Try to think why EU don't want it?

    • @avitalsheva
      @avitalsheva Месяц назад

      @@FUTURAPTER EU officials are paid by US . And it is clear goal to destroy EU as much as possible to remove a global competitor for USA. Or ?

    • @gusfring6887
      @gusfring6887 23 дня назад

      ​@@FUTURAPTER because they don't care about their citizens they care about the corporations that keep them in power

  • @jonteyh3388
    @jonteyh3388 2 месяца назад +6

    How about South Corea and Vietnamn they were also colonized but their economy is booming today?

    • @sleefy2343
      @sleefy2343 2 месяца назад

      Korea wasn’t colonized lol
      But yes Japan did colonized Korea

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +4

      @@sleefy2343 >wasn't colonised >was colonised
      Bro, who taught you this comedy, tell me so I can learn it too.

    • @gxbrielwatches4088
      @gxbrielwatches4088 2 месяца назад +1

      Different demographic and culture.

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +3

      @@gxbrielwatches4088 Africa, the Middle-East and South Asia should learn from them.

      @FUTURAPTER Месяц назад

      Now they have been left alone.

  • @Naturenerd1000
    @Naturenerd1000 3 месяца назад +15

    When Europe was 40 countries and not the EU they didn't have an immigration problem.

      @FUTURAPTER Месяц назад

      Without immigrants they will return to the standard of living of 100 years ago.

  • @yukki9920
    @yukki9920 2 месяца назад +3

    Blaming the west for their own sins lmao.

    • @Respectedideas
      @Respectedideas Месяц назад

      Bro you westerns actually attack countries and make proxy wars and funding terrorist groups. And still this is our sin that you trying to destroy our countries ??😂 😅

  • @Apocrypha667
    @Apocrypha667 2 месяца назад +36

    It is not colonialism. Stop trying to claim revenge on Europeans, you lost, period, that's never going to change, stau on the wrong side of the Mediterranean now and rebuild your country.

    • @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с
      @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с 2 месяца назад +1

      They just believe that if something bad happened to them then by some magick rule of universe everyone should dance around them and do everything trying to please them and sacrifices themselves fr the poor poor victim

      @FUTURAPTER Месяц назад

      I might as well send you to my country and stay in yours and say that you have to fix my country or I won't return to it. How do you like that?

      @FUTURAPTER Месяц назад

      Nobody blames anyone, he just said that no matter how hard you try, you will always drown in mass migration! Live with it and endure, do nothing! There are no solutions, and no one is to blame for this, such is the harsh life, be happy with what you have!

    • @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с
      @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с Месяц назад

      @@FUTURAPTER sounds kinda defeatist

  • @WelllDone47
    @WelllDone47 2 месяца назад +2

    Send them to Qatar Dubai and Others Islamic country

    • @aasiyapowell875
      @aasiyapowell875 Месяц назад

      This won't work. The African migrants don't want to go where they can't get citizenship and bring their families. That and Gulf countries already accept refugees from Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan. They sanely don't want any more.

  • @Noinoanoe
    @Noinoanoe 3 месяца назад +19

    It seems like most commenters only watched until the colonial part.

  • @Fai9albinKhalid3
    @Fai9albinKhalid3 3 месяца назад +8

    this always has been what we were trying to say, it's all about who controls the media at the end, the situation is tangling with time and who ever tryes to untangle it is disappearing savagely, I am a Saudi Arabian so my life here is good, but I have done many researches with my Levantine and African friends and we are just curious about it like you are cuz it's affecting us here too

    • @PresidentFlip
      @PresidentFlip 3 месяца назад +2

      @@Fai9albinKhalid3 it’s the fault of 🇮🇱

  • @raydurrmusic487
    @raydurrmusic487 2 месяца назад +2

    Yeah sounds like a skill issue

  • @Aleks96
    @Aleks96 Месяц назад +2

    Why can't this be solved? Anyone who tries to cross the borders illegally will be stopped by force. The question is also asked "why migrants (because they are not refugees) try to come to Germany or France" the answer to this is that they can receive social benefits.

  • @denkendannhandeln
    @denkendannhandeln 2 месяца назад +10

    As long as those poor counties do not stop to overbreed, their economy will never grow as fast as their population. Africa and Arab counties urgently need the one child policy.

    • @Pik180
      @Pik180 2 месяца назад +1

      "one child policy" Sounds very Gates Foundation/UN-like. As long as they stay put it's fine. We might as well return to benevolent management under European oversight.😉

  • @pequerobles
    @pequerobles 3 месяца назад +4

    Arab Spring was CIA initiated. You didn't mention this

  • @BillHartLankykats
    @BillHartLankykats Месяц назад +5

    It's a deliberate policy of WEF UN to create this...