These 9 Myths About Mushrooms Are Not True - You Should Know Them

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @johntnguyen9917
    @johntnguyen9917 Год назад +183

    Psychedelics definitely have the potential to deal with mental health issues like anxiety and depression, they really helped me.

  • @Katya_Lastochka
    @Katya_Lastochka 2 года назад +4

    The medical field is a business. This is why the pharmaceutical companies lobbied to ban official herbal clinics. In the Soviet Union, herbal medicine was used alongside regular treatment and you can still find it in a pharmacy.

  • @sidneyysky-nr3dd
    @sidneyysky-nr3dd Год назад +5

    Psilocybin saved my life . I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September . I have zero cravings . This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment .

    • @samanthatanya2494
      @samanthatanya2494 Год назад

      Psychedelic are just an amazing discovery. Is quite fascinating how effective they are for depression and stress disorder.

  • @patriciawalker851
    @patriciawalker851 Год назад +32

    Is this info true?
    Because amaze me how many talk good things about mushrooms.. Everyone focused on how magical psychede|ics has change their lives..I haven’t tried them yet, but on my “must do list’’

    • @richardwalker8575
      @richardwalker8575 Год назад +2

      some myth are true, not all

    • @richardwalker8575
      @richardwalker8575 Год назад +2

      Psychedelics is the reason I did not take my life some years back.. I can’t forget it!!

    • @markhalton2468
      @markhalton2468 Год назад +1

      psychedelic containing mushroom saves my life .the drastically reduced my benzodiapine withdrawal allowing me to quit illicit pills addition after three years of heavy daily use..

    • @harperbrandon8473
      @harperbrandon8473 Год назад +4

      I’ve started taking mushroom powders in my morning tea and give supplements husband and kids . Such a difference. Mushrooms are the hidden gem. Mother nature has everything we need.

    • @tammybreden9320
      @tammybreden9320 Год назад +2

      @@harperbrandon8473 I do have a friend microdosing pills helped get through depression..but I’ve not tried it for my ptsd.. do you think it will help ?

  • @LabelsAreMeaningless
    @LabelsAreMeaningless 2 года назад +131

    He says we're not using them (or doctors aren't suggesting them) because of lack of knowledge. Some of it may be that but I think the bigger issue is that it's hard for pharmaceutical companies to patent and profit on them. This is why all natural and beneficial herbs/mushrooms are mocked by those in power. They're much rather profit on treating symptoms with patented chemicals, than help people to treat their problems naturally.

    • @bfreeman8786
      @bfreeman8786 2 года назад

      Big Pharma sells stuff they know causes cancer. They also have some very good medicines, but you have to do your own research these days as Doctors seem to have Forgot their Hippocratic Oath- First Do No Harm...

    • @isaacmontero6800
      @isaacmontero6800 2 года назад +7

      Pretty certain that in some way those same companies influence what is put into the training.

    • @williamdhersigny
      @williamdhersigny 2 года назад +6

      Why treat a wound when you can make money of selling painkillers to the wounded. As an example.

    • @markhuntermd
      @markhuntermd 2 года назад

      Precisely! Money walks And BS Walks! At last, the people are on their own! Medicine in the USA is more corrupt than Wall Street
      Clearly the breadth of Wall Street fraud is extraordinary. I submit medical fraud is equal in breadth but more pernicious in scope. This is because everyone signs onto the gravy train; and, it feeds like a parasite directly off the misery of the people.
      “Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar
      You're gonna go far, you're gonna fly high
      You're never gonna die
      And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
      We call it Riding the Gravy Train”
      In the USA, drug pricing is a crime against humanity! For instance: generic Ibrutinib costs $86 in Australia. However, the same drug in the USA costs over $22,000 USD! Imagine the total cost to the patient requiring several rounds of Ibrutinib plus Obinutuzumab! Drug monopolies have (legally) bribed politicians [1] - And now use the powers of “life & death” to extort patients. The USA is the only country where the government is not allowed to negotiate drug prices on behalf of the US tax payers! Insane Fascism!
      Why doesn’t a dentist treat the infective agents that ‘cause’ gum disease with the required antibiotic combinations - or any antibiotic? Why are physicians’ access to medications and antibiotics (e.g., amphenicols) blocked? Why are vitamins like E fraudulently demonized whilst drugs that shut down hormone production (statins) - resulting in premature aging - approved? The number one cause of emergency room visits - blood thinners - shouldn’t even be legal; there are in fact, far safer solutions!
      Cures are blocked; and, treating the underlying ‘cause’ of disease is blocked. The profit is in the management of symptoms at best; and, creating more disease at worst.
      In fact, there are countless examples of surgeries and drugs that are deployed to temporarily mollify symptom; but, which ‘cause’ far more long-range disease and suffering. All of this is great for profits! No one questions anything.
      I wrote a medical text about psychotropic drugs. In my research I documented 100s of autopsies that gave evidence that benzodiazepines were the seminal cause of death to many celebrities over time: Prince, Elvis Presly, Michael Jackson, etc.
      Benzodiazepines form a chemical tourniquet around clusters of neurons in the brain. Over the short term this can have the effect of lowering anxiety as brain transmission is greatly attenuated. However, over time, this kills enormous patches of brain matter. As large patches of the brain die the patients mind grows weaker; and, they must resort to opioids and/or alcohol to face the challenges of daily life. Brain death in long-term benzodiazepine use has been clearly elucidated and shockingly visualized thanks to advances in brain imaging studies.
      After taking benzodiazepines for a time, the sleep architecture of the brain fails requiring the patient to take yet more brain-damaging drugs. Death by suicide or overdose is typical. For this reason, the European Medical Associations have blocked the long-term use of these drugs. Yet in the USA, Xanax is a money maker: priced at over 30,000% higher than the international generic equivalent.
      No one questions when doctors randomly remove masses of organ tissue; or cut up vertebra resulting in their collapse around exiting nerve bundles. Not only did their procedures fail to consider & address the underlying ‘cause’ of disease, these procedures effectively created a highly-profitable life-long in-patient phenomenon.
      Government supports it all because big pharma monopolies, medical consortiums and bankers who back it all fund elections; and, corporate bribery of politicians has been formally legalized.
      Today we shuffle barefoot through TSA lines whilst trying to hold up our pants; and, socially distance, wear masks that damage viral fighting immunity, and close businesses simply because government bureaucrats tell us too. No one is permitted to question anything.
      In many cases, if you want to ‘get well’ or achieve good health you have to leave the USA for treatment. The bureaucrats block treatments. Take the example of Lyme Disease - which was in fact created by the US Government: the cure is banned by the IDSA, (Infectious Diseases Society of America). Chronic Lyme patients typically suffer from multiple infections. Therefore, the cure to chronic Lyme disease requires either an amphenicol or multiple antibiotic drug combinations to cover the breadth of coinfected agents, (e.g., Anaplasma, Babesiosis, Mycoplasmas, Bartonella, Tularemia, etc.).
      However, the IDSA will fine a physician $10K and revoke his license unless he treats the patient with (only) doxycycline. And yet doxycycline does nothing to kill the many co-infective agents or even borrelia (borrelia merely rolls up into a protective cyst until after the patient discontinues taking doxycycline - then it comes back out to infect the patient).
      The Connecticut AG sued the IDSA for this practice - finding five executives there to be holding corrupting financial interests in the big pharma monopolies. And yet nothing has changed in this policy set by the IDSA: physicians are still banned from curing the disease.
      There are countless examples that can be cited. The Americans pay a lot, lot more simply to be parasitically sucked dry by an inhuman system. If you want to get a cure, you have to leave the country! It was for this reason that I voted with my feet, and moved out of the USA for good - Which has come to be the best decision of my life.
      The U.S. Is an “Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery”
      Former president Jimmy Carter said on the nationally syndicated radio show the Thom Hartmann Program that the United States is now an “oligarchy” in which “unlimited political bribery” has created “a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.” Both Democrats and Republicans, Carter said, “look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves.”
      Carter was responding to a question from Hartmann about recent Supreme Court decisions on campaign financing like Citizens United.

    • @emoryogglethorp8180
      @emoryogglethorp8180 2 года назад +3

      You can patent anything, the human gene code itself has been patented, there's nothing stopping them from patenting anything they find in mushrooms except for a weird mycophobia we have in this part of the world.

  • @johntnguyen9917
    @johntnguyen9917 Год назад +180

    Psilocybin mushrooms saved me. They drastically reduced my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quite illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would had became medically dangerous to quit. It has also helped me with my anxiety

    • @shannonkeeth3094
      @shannonkeeth3094 Год назад

      I’ve heard so much and I really want to try them too. I put so much on my plate and it definitely affects my stress and anxiety levels

    • @miketolliver8940
      @miketolliver8940 Год назад

      He’s on insta?

    • @realisticlife647
      @realisticlife647 Год назад +1

      The trips I've been having has helped me a lot, I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have a lot more empathy as well

    • @toddortscheid5855
      @toddortscheid5855 Год назад

      Sure, he ships discreet and anonymous.

    • @philcurtis4256
      @philcurtis4256 Год назад

      Saw reviews about dr.coxx, checked him out and I must say he is very good at what he does and his products are pure.

  • @Sl3xx
    @Sl3xx 2 года назад +8

    I would really like to try mushroom but is not found easily around here

    • @Neto37375
      @Neto37375 2 года назад

      I've always wanted to trip but am so scared it might end up bad.. I've heard a story of how a trip went bad so am so terrified of having one..

    • @Sl3xx
      @Sl3xx 2 года назад

      @Jeffrey Hart
      pls how do I find him?
      Is it on IG?

    • @Bryanclouds
      @Bryanclouds 2 года назад +1

      They say that even a bad trip can help you to unlock certain hidden parts about yourself and the innermost fears...but once you break pass it you learn from it.( Not speaking from experience)but I used to be scared of that happening too but I think now that I've heard people talking about their experience even a bad trip can be beneficial(maybe obviously everyone is different) good luck!

    • @smithsSons
      @smithsSons 2 года назад +4

      Magic mushroom don't only help with mental health,they also do help amplify one's empathy

    • @amandabrewster8308
      @amandabrewster8308 2 года назад +1

      My crippling insecurity that was caused by emotional abuse in my childhood got cured on taking 5grams and also dramatically reduced the severity of my PTSD and uncovered very many repressed emotions I had

  • @PedroLucas-oc3wk
    @PedroLucas-oc3wk 2 года назад +33

    I can't find a source anywhere for any good psychedelics in my area, I suffer some pretty bad depression and i got a chance to try K and man it was a miracle substance, I felt free, the only high or euphoria was from the relief of my vices being released, that's exactly what it did

    • @collinsdutch6640
      @collinsdutch6640 2 года назад +6

      The psychedelic experience is temporary but many people have permanent results.

    • @alpha-tj6jt
      @alpha-tj6jt 2 года назад

      I had 3.5grams dried lemon tek most beautiful experience ever!

    • @gigssloan745
      @gigssloan745 2 года назад +3

      Mushrooms completely turned my life around my anxiety and panic attack disappeared and my personality changed into a much more generous and loving person

    • @PedroLucas-oc3wk
      @PedroLucas-oc3wk 2 года назад

      @Jeffrey Hart thanks I'll get some now

    • @purplebaby3005
      @purplebaby3005 Год назад

      Find your own

  • @kajzersoze8051
    @kajzersoze8051 2 года назад +5

    Mushrooms are $5. Chemotherapy is thousands of $$. That's why it's not being used. It's always about $$$$!

  • @RabianskiT
    @RabianskiT 2 года назад +29

    In Central/ Eastern Europe gathering mushrooms is very common. We stick to the safest and most delicious mushrooms like ceps and other boletus. Walking through forests and picking these up is SO MUCH fun!
    What kinda annoys me is that most western shows mostly end up talking about magic mushrooms (I guess that sells better to the “adventurous” audience 😆).
    There are many great dishes that you can prepare with mushrooms. Due to their texture, they can sometimes substitute meat, so they’re are great for those, who want to limit the meat intake.

    • @lenamoser3888
      @lenamoser3888 Год назад +3

      My Polish great-grandparents always used to collect boletes and saffron milk caps. The rest of the family wasn't particularly into it, and it took me until recently to realise that everyone was missing out big time. Still not a huge fan of most boletes (the texture isn't my cup of tea) but saffron milk caps are delicious!

    • @babs926
      @babs926 Год назад +4

      I grew up in the 60s in Germany. My parents and grandparents always went mushroom picking in autumn. It’s wonderful memories I have of those forest walks, mostly Sunday afternoons. We only picked the ones we knew, like velvet cap or stone mushroom, or marons.

  • @jamesfry8983
    @jamesfry8983 2 года назад +22

    I'm a fifth-generation mushroom forager/hunter, I remember my mum teaching me from five years onwards when we went for walks in the forest, I would say one of the best mushrooms/fungi is the beefsteak a real thick meaty texture

    • @kennedygary9031
      @kennedygary9031 2 года назад


    • @kelleeemberson353
      @kelleeemberson353 2 года назад


    • @anitaparks8945
      @anitaparks8945 2 года назад

      I'm 60
      German Immigrant
      My grandmother verbally passed on certain Spots in the woods where mushrooms grew to my mom...later my no more

    • @gillianwales169
      @gillianwales169 2 года назад

      @@kennedygary9031 nada bro

    • @pennywaters2740
      @pennywaters2740 2 года назад

      but they all have their own differentgoodness - mmmm beefsteak

  • @phoenixkali
    @phoenixkali Год назад +1

    I ran into some guys who live up my street while out mushroom picking. They excitedly showed me their haul and I poked thru them saying"haycap, haycap", they looked dismayed as I whittled down the pile but I warned them, I"if you're making punch for your mates, they're only gonna get a punch in the gut." I showed them the difference between haycaps and our little friends and now they're enlightened!

  • @aaronmaloney8282
    @aaronmaloney8282 2 года назад +72

    I took a super high dose of psilocybin mushrooms a few years back and yes it melted my brain and it felt fricking amazing haha, my physical & mental health has improved so much I’m in better shape than I was 10 years ago, also take Lions mane daily

    • @herelieskittythomas3726
      @herelieskittythomas3726 2 года назад +11

      Psilocybin and lions mane user here 💪
      I am prescription drug and alcohol free for 15 straight years now.

    • @katehenderson8194
      @katehenderson8194 Год назад


    • @n5sdm
      @n5sdm Год назад +1

      Or you only think you are......

      @JOEFABULOUS. Год назад +1

      @@n5sdm I drink a bottle of whiskey it makes me the life and soul of the party and extremely interesting to listen to 🤪

    • @open1979
      @open1979 Год назад

      @@herelieskittythomas3726 nice one , me magic 23 years
      Allso no meds nothing really is magical 🍄🧞🙂

  • @shanepaynter5591
    @shanepaynter5591 2 года назад +13

    I take a gram of the "bad" mushrooms almost daily to help me sleep due to nerve pain and muscle spasms. I describe it as a fast forwarded meditation where I can "turn off" and not have to feel my body doing it's best to drive my insane. We have a problem with putting blanket statements and descriptions on things instead of figuring out what works for individuals.

  • @samplastik13
    @samplastik13 2 года назад +7

    I grew up in Poland and I have learned about what mushrooms to pick or avoid from my family and friends.

  • @possumpatrol45
    @possumpatrol45 2 года назад +13

    Myth: some mushrooms cannot be eaten. Fact: all mushrooms are least once.

    • @dimensionexo.
      @dimensionexo. Год назад


    • @ADB-zf5zr
      @ADB-zf5zr Год назад

      If a Mushroom has an end, you are it, I name you Bell.

  • @tamarac283
    @tamarac283 2 года назад +14

    I would love a video about mushrooms with First Nations pov. They have been using NA mushrooms for a loooong time, their knowledge is important.

    • @bobjohnson1633
      @bobjohnson1633 2 года назад

      White Europeans in Europe are first nations people. The term is racist and you need to stop using it. Native Americans aren't fucking wizards and expert rangers.

  • @The411
    @The411 2 года назад +2

    I have a load of mushrooms that pop up in my yard every year. I have no idea what they are.... How do you even start? Nothing looks like they do in the books.

  • @le-grey-far-away
    @le-grey-far-away 2 года назад +32

    Man, I learned about Pokeweed (which I see behind you) from a previous video, and it was really useful seeing as I have a huge bush of it now outside my widow, just popped up over the summer.

    • @UntamedScience
      @UntamedScience  2 года назад +5

      Yep, love me some pokeberry! ;)

    • @le-grey-far-away
      @le-grey-far-away 2 года назад +1

      It's actually been providing some great shade during the day, so it can stay xD
      Didn't mean to rhyme lol

    • @loezha6794
      @loezha6794 2 года назад

      I think I have some but I don’t want to eat one because I don’t want to die I’m not ready to die

    • @SoulDelSol
      @SoulDelSol 2 года назад

      @@loezha6794 ya I thought it was poisonous. I'm surprised this guy would eat them

  • @MushroomMagpie
    @MushroomMagpie 2 года назад +7

    One myth that is true: don't fall asleep inside fairy rings and stay away from toadstools!

  • @Jerryberger9235
    @Jerryberger9235 2 года назад +16

    Psychedelic’s definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it’s just so hard to source here

    • @georgewilliams1062
      @georgewilliams1062 2 года назад +7

      Psychedelics are the reason why i didn’t take my life when i was at my end. I was stripped of my ego and saw the beauty of life and interconnectivity and even though i still battle anxiety and depression, I’m doing better everyday and will never think in such a self destructive way again.

    • @sarahh321
      @sarahh321 2 года назад

      Got psychs

    • @Jerryberger9235
      @Jerryberger9235 2 года назад

      @@sarahh321 Where to search?? Is it IG?

    • @sarahh321
      @sarahh321 2 года назад

      @@Jerryberger9235 Yes

    • @stephenpain9236
      @stephenpain9236 2 года назад +3

      I grew Golden Teachers here in South Africa some years ago. I bought a suspension of spores in water (over the internet) and grew them in bowls of 50% ground brown rice and 50% vermiculite in an old fish tank to keep the humidity in and the unwanted spores out. Very easily done and excellent results.

  • @eve_squared
    @eve_squared 2 года назад +12

    Love the pokeberry tree in the background, I was just thinking about adding elderberry trees to my yard and it caught my eye since they look similar.

    • @UntamedScience
      @UntamedScience  2 года назад +1

      great spot!

    • @marjhuncantago9476
      @marjhuncantago9476 2 года назад

      Wow, so lucky you can grow elderberry,
      it's really hard to find something like that "could possibly increase our lifespan"
      i bought elderberry powder online, and it's not cheap,

    • @eve_squared
      @eve_squared 2 года назад +1

      ​@@marjhuncantago9476 Elderberry has a very wide range and can be grown in many parts of the US. The only problems you'll run into is likely that the berries are so good all the animals might get to them first. Ironically enough right after making this comment I saw some behind a store.

    • @marjhuncantago9476
      @marjhuncantago9476 2 года назад

      @@eve_squared not in Philippines XD
      thats very sad for me.

    • @eve_squared
      @eve_squared 2 года назад

      @@marjhuncantago9476 But in the Philippines you have many wonderful fruits you can grow that I cannot grow in my area. You also don't have to worry as much about low temperatures like I do. It regularly gets to -10 F here and has gone as low as -55 F so plants tend to have a hard time if they are not extremely cold resistant. Try and embrace some native plants. I am currently growing black nightshade cuttings and seeds to either keep inside over the winter or plant for the fall. The plant itself started growing in my yard naturally too.

  • @christopherellis2663
    @christopherellis2663 2 года назад +8

    In France, one may take his haul to a Pharmacist, and have them checked, usually by the local expert. "Guide to the 60 best comestible mushrooms ", for example.

    • @kevinbrown8794
      @kevinbrown8794 2 года назад

      I'll refer to this reliable doctor he'll guide you properly 🙏

    • @kevinbrown8794
      @kevinbrown8794 2 года назад

      They've got all kinds of psychedelic stuff!!

    • @kevinbrown8794
      @kevinbrown8794 2 года назад


    • @ingridschmid1709
      @ingridschmid1709 2 года назад

      Having been trained as one I can tell you the most of them did poorly and so have taken the habit of telling people to throw the whole haul to the bin for security .I got my real training mushroom hunting with my father occasionally extending my expertise with "société mycologique" experts .

    • @nolitetebastardescarborund9761
      @nolitetebastardescarborund9761 2 года назад

      I've never known the pharmacist to call in a "local expert" (who probably is working too on her/his job & not available). In France, the pharmacist's job is not to be a mycologist, but to keep people from poisoning themselves. I knew a wonderful pharmacist-who knew her mushrooms well-who explained that she sometimes told people to throw away perfectly good mushrooms BECAUSE SHE KNEW those people wouldn't be able to tell the same mushrooms apart from dangerous ones the next time. She had to judge the picker's knowledge. A wise woman.

  • @dog-gone-it5944
    @dog-gone-it5944 Год назад +1

    I'm 63 and just started getting interested in wild mushrooms. Even went into the woods looking for some different types. Wasn't very successful, but it may be because it's been so dry here. I've bought a few books on them but I'll definitely get Roger's book to add to my collection. I live in Florida so hopefully I'll be able to find some around my area. We live in the country and so far the ones I've found are not edible. My husband is very worried I'll come home with the wrong ones!🤣 he'll have to trust me!
    I've been drinking mud water for over a year now. Good stuff!

  • @Oldfarmlady
    @Oldfarmlady 2 года назад +84

    Oh my goodness. Literally just starting to try and figure all this out. I have such a ridiculous amount of wild mushrooms growing around my farm. Honestly it's kind of scary cause I definitely want to learn what these are but I'm also scared to death I'm going to pick one that will kill me. Lol.

    • @c3N3q
      @c3N3q 2 года назад +34

      I also find it funny.
      I come from the Czech Republic where it is the most common thing to go mushroom hunting. Families in the woods with baskets... Every season.
      That said, I'd definitely do my research.
      I once had a very unpleasant experience in the big Sequoia park in California, where we found BIG mushrooms that looked like those we knew from home, but we're in fact highly toxic,, luckily I had only a tiny test bite in the woods, and 30 minutes after the worst night of my life started.
      Not sure if it helps 😎

    • @Oldfarmlady
      @Oldfarmlady 2 года назад +8

      @@c3N3q oh wow!! Yep that's my exact fear. Glad your okay! I just ordered some books so hopefully this will help. It's weird cause I grew up hearing mushrooms are bad. That they'll either poison you or they're a drug.

    • @thedoctoradvocate8251
      @thedoctoradvocate8251 2 года назад +13

      @@Oldfarmlady Would highly recommend looking for a local group or somebody in your area who has experience mushroom hunting! I can also guarantee they would love to teach you what they know! Be safe, and never eat anything unless you are 100% sure what it is!

    • @Oldfarmlady
      @Oldfarmlady 2 года назад +1

      @@thedoctoradvocate8251 I've been looking for one. Unfortunately the closest group is 5hrs away. I did ask to join a fb group though.

    • @UntamedScience
      @UntamedScience  2 года назад +2

      Some many great points Cenek. ;)

  • @attiesenekal6234
    @attiesenekal6234 2 года назад +2

    I'm a medical student and I would love to read Roger's book on medicinal mushrooms and clinical trails.
    Where can I get it??
    I feel like the reason why practioners don't treat with mushrooms is that it comes fourth as "holistic" medicine. If you take a different approach and use the names of the chemicals and how they work in the body - maybe it would be more acceptable by the "general scientific" community. It will take time to research and discover these compounds, though.
    Here in South Africa we do deal a lot with traditional healers and how we should incorporate people's belief with evidence-based medicine.
    A cool fact we learned is how grapefruit (esp. juice) acts as a liver enzyme inducer (creates more enzymes and makes the metabolism faster) and will decrease or increase some of the prescribed medicine's effect.

  • @willwinning3643
    @willwinning3643 Год назад +2

    i would think that when they say it melts your brain, they would mean it breaks past any barriers you have and allows you to visualise what you need well at lest imo

  • @nerdette314159
    @nerdette314159 2 года назад +8

    Thank you so so much for your content!

  • @nicstroud
    @nicstroud 2 года назад +2

    Here in the U.K. where, according to this video, we are terrified of mushrooms, I haven't heard any of these myths.

  • @AJScraps
    @AJScraps 2 года назад +34

    Mycophobia is rampant in western society! 🍄

    • @ingridschmid1709
      @ingridschmid1709 2 года назад +1

      In some more than others .

    • @rosewood8503
      @rosewood8503 2 года назад

      @@ingridschmid1709@ trippy_psyche1

    • @Jay-kk3dv
      @Jay-kk3dv 2 года назад

      They’re good on pizza and Hungarian mushroom soup, that’s about it. The myco addicted are literally mind controlled by fungi

    • @ingridschmid1709
      @ingridschmid1709 2 года назад

      @@Jay-kk3dv Such gastronomical ignorance is typically Anglo Saxon .
      A non fungi controlled mind is hungarian soup.

    • @derekstaroba
      @derekstaroba 2 года назад

      @@ingridschmid1709 well go eat his liver with favre beans 😋 🤣

  • @nunyabitnezz2709
    @nunyabitnezz2709 2 года назад +2

    Every so often I read a story about a ‘knowledgeable’ guy who feeds his family wild mushrooms they foraged for in the woods, and then they find them all dead the next day…

    • @UntamedScience
      @UntamedScience  2 года назад +3

      Not super knowledgeable it seems. 😬🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @cheintze1
    @cheintze1 2 года назад +42

    While I appreciate debunking these harmful misconceptions about mushrooms, I really wish the video didn't end with shilling for supplements. Not only are some of the medicinal effects of certain mushrooms not fully understood, but the active ingredients may need to be taken in a dosage that can't be delivered through supplement powders. You should beware of claims about mushrooms made by the wellness industry girfters.

    • @TheOtherMontoya
      @TheOtherMontoya 2 года назад +6

      As a reply, as much as it seems like shilling - I've been drinking Mud and taking fresh cap (ultimate) since before Rob started this series. Both of them are outrageous in how I've noticed a boost in mood and genuine wellbeing. I know damn well when I've missed my daily mushrooms. I think of this less of shilling and more of giving a starting point for those that want to start working on their wellness in this particular direction. Sure he might have gotten a sponsor, but it's also well within the subject mater from a subject matter expert.

    • @YourComputerExpert
      @YourComputerExpert 2 года назад

      I agree.

    • @greuju
      @greuju 2 года назад +2

      A man's gotta eat, you however don't have to voice this stupid ass opinion.
      Do you though, you're definitely going places.

    • @kdavis4910
      @kdavis4910 2 года назад +1

      Unless you've been on the biopsy table and they've literally saved your life. The compounds you speak of are secondary compounds. The primary compounds are immunomodulating and are shared by ALL mushrooms that aren't toxic. Please, do some research because you would find the department of defense has researched much of this with Paul Stamets and mushrooms are way more understood than they ever used to be. I guess you have to experience it to believe it.

    • @devorahrose782
      @devorahrose782 2 года назад


  • @SzymonAdamus
    @SzymonAdamus Год назад

    Fun fact - I'm from Poland and in our culture picking mushrooms is absolutely normal. Ordinary, edible mushrooms, not "magic mushrums".
    People do it as a weekend pastime, sometimes with whole families, for fun, but also to simply eat those mushrooms later, dry them, use them as the main part of a meal or as a side dish or even like a herb for many dishes.
    Once in a while there are accidents if someone does not recognize a poisonous mushroom and eats it. But it's very rare (about 100 cases a year).

  • @scrappydoo7887
    @scrappydoo7887 2 года назад +8

    I love amanita muscaria 🙂 some of the best nights I've ever experienced. Micro dose is literally a life saver

  • @ADB-zf5zr
    @ADB-zf5zr Год назад +1

    I had a real WTF moment when the video went from @6:12 until... the question was not answered... There was no attempt to answer it.! If it was an "Editorial" mistake, it was blatant. In the meantime, I have to run :*

  • @Thaijler
    @Thaijler 2 года назад +6

    The issue with Aminita is they can be confused with the Death Cap which is poisonous. Many medicinal mushrooms have lookalikes that are poisonous and can be mistaken by an untrained forager.

  • @stephiegetsit
    @stephiegetsit 2 года назад +2

    My grandmother used to tell me to even hold my breath when touching or moving them in the wild because even inhaling the spores from many can mess you up.

    • @Morning_muzic
      @Morning_muzic 2 года назад

      Actually made a purchased of mine from an online source******

    • @Morning_muzic
      @Morning_muzic 2 года назад


    • @AlissaSss23
      @AlissaSss23 2 года назад +1

      Nah, very hard for the spores to fly to your nose and make you inhale enough to do any damage

    • @stephiegetsit
      @stephiegetsit 2 года назад +1

      @@AlissaSss23 in the early part of the video they spoke of paranoia of mushrooms and spores particularly amongst Eastern Europeans, that's from wence my ancestors came. So yup I mentioned my grandmother's thoughts about how even inhaling the air around a disturbed one or a toad stool might mess you up .LOL

    • @AlissaSss23
      @AlissaSss23 2 года назад +1

      @@stephiegetsit well, it's better to be safe than sorry

  • @helenamcginty4920
    @helenamcginty4920 Год назад +1

    Some close friends of my brother regularly collected mushrooms growing round the holiday home. Despite all their books and experienced gained over years 3 of the family of 4 died from poisoning. 1 child survived.

  • @c-LAW
    @c-LAW 2 года назад +9

    I wish I knew how to hunt mushrooms. Many exist in the woods, but I just don't know how to identify if they're edible.

    • @UntamedScience
      @UntamedScience  2 года назад +2

      That's the first step of course. You'll get there! I recommend "Mushrooming Without Fear" by Schwab if you want to start.

    • @nunyabitnezz2709
      @nunyabitnezz2709 2 года назад +2

      Taste them one by one. The last one you taste is the bad one.

    • @Flippokid
      @Flippokid 2 года назад +3

      I started out with the easily identifyable ones. Chicken of the woods has no false lookalikes. Boletes with a dark head are always edible (not always as tasteful, but always safe to eat) Then gradually inform yourself about other mushrooms. Pick them, bring them home, then research them. If you're then not a 100% sure, you throw them out.

    • @TheOtherMontoya
      @TheOtherMontoya 2 года назад

      Just finished my bowhunter Ed class. Great seeing you just about everywhere I look, Rob.
      On topic, I love this series - I've been taking both the freshcap ultimate (used to be called thrive I think) for about a year and the mudwatr off and on for just about two years. I'll tell you, I know really f*cking well when I haven't had my capsules for a couple days. I truly believe you're onto something - and I really look forward to learning more with you on this journey!

    • @grimble4564
      @grimble4564 2 года назад +1

      @@Flippokid this

  • @AbC-hh8vg
    @AbC-hh8vg 2 года назад +2

    I’ve eaten nushrooms my entire life and love them. A year or so ago a doctor told me I’m allergic to them along w buckwheat. I wonder if i still am

  • @jeremybertram5575
    @jeremybertram5575 2 года назад +4

    I love turkey tail and lions mane. I'm not big on morels. I find all sorts of good mushrooms on my mountain. Just had some puff balls the other day. Chicken of the woods is awesome. Ink caps are also really good. Especially the blue ones.

  • @jacquelyns9709
    @jacquelyns9709 Год назад +1

    I have read about the benefits of eating certain mushrooms over the years. Here are the barriers to eating them:
    1. Availability
    2. Cost
    3. Learning how to forage and identify fresh ones
    4. No luck with growing kits
    Also I have a friend who is allergic to mushrooms and yeast among many other foods. How many other people are allergic or sensitive?

  • @victoriashroom5526
    @victoriashroom5526 2 года назад +7

    I absolutely love anything and everything about mushrooms, I find them absolutely fascinating, I do touch and love to look for them on all my walks, I found chicken of the woods the other day, delicious 😋 and very tasty along with amethyst deceivers, very nice. I love all things mushrooms and have been interested in them for a good few years now and will tell anyone who listens about them, also take turkey tail and a few other mushroom supplements 🍄🍄🍄🍄🥰🥰🥰

    • @victoriashroom5526
      @victoriashroom5526 2 года назад +1

      I'm good thanks, I hunt for my own mushrooms 🍄 🤪

    • @UntamedScience
      @UntamedScience  2 года назад +1


    • @Flippokid
      @Flippokid 2 года назад +2

      Amethyst deceiver is a gorgeous one! Don't eat too much in one go though, it can upset your stomach. I like to fry them up and put them on as garnish.

    • @victoriashroom5526
      @victoriashroom5526 2 года назад +1

      @@Flippokid thank you. Yes I only eat a little of what I find until I know it's ok. Found some chicken of the woods yesterday 😋 🙌 so yummy, southern fried, just like chicken

  • @gerryjamesedwards1227
    @gerryjamesedwards1227 Год назад +2

    My Brother married a Polish girl and she couldn't believe how our lack of knowledge and interest in mushrooms meant we were walking past delicacies all the time.

  • @Valhallaaaa
    @Valhallaaaa 2 года назад +3

    Here in Slovakia we sometimes laught at nations that dont harvest mushrooms :D best thing ever by far THE BEST to me is Lactarius deliciosus. Slices fried on butter butter with little salt until butter is clear (lost milky colour)... Or even better just cap alone on hot casting iron with "leg" removed and little salt in cap upside down... Best thing ever really...

  • @williamsandrews4111
    @williamsandrews4111 Год назад

    I've heard so many wonderful things about magic mushrooms but I can't easily get some, Is there any realiable source I can purchase from??

  • @skiman863
    @skiman863 2 года назад +2

    When I was a kid we just ate the magic mushrooms and they tasted horrible. Now you can get the extracts and they have edibles as well. They also have it in tea so you can micro dose. I know a number of people that drink the tea instead of using prescription anxiety meds.

  • @jestincase2611
    @jestincase2611 2 года назад +1

    Good video. When you said it's changing. I thought no.. It's changing back. The change happened with the medical industry.

  • @andysux1
    @andysux1 2 года назад +3

    Your videos never disappoint!

  • @simonwilliams7608
    @simonwilliams7608 2 года назад +1

    Those stats about cancer survivors is misleading. They seem to be talking about (or, at least, including) those whose cancer has metastasized.

  • @PaulHaesler
    @PaulHaesler 2 года назад +1

    I live in Canberra, Australia and we get a lot of death caps (Amanita phalloides). Every couple of years someone dies from them - usually an immigrant from a culture more accustomed to mushroom foraging. Sometimes they take their whole family with them. So yeah, there's that.

  • @creaturesgreatandsmall9957
    @creaturesgreatandsmall9957 2 года назад +5

    Also not true with snakes but another misconception. Yes there are brightly colored venomous snakes like in North America the corals but some milk and king snakes look incredibly similar but totally harmless and then look at one of the most toxic snakes.....the fierce snake, and by its colors, you'd never guess it would send you to the grave. Also vertices eye slits indicate nocturnal behavior not venom and venom glands can't always be seen (again corals) and non venomous snakes can be deceiving looking like they have venom glands but do not (pythons, boas, and upset water snakes)

  • @DTA-me3kv
    @DTA-me3kv 2 года назад +2

    Turkey tail mushroom tinture works great.

  • @alchemy_mindset
    @alchemy_mindset 2 года назад +13

    Mushrooms helped me heal from covid. I take the functional ones too! Great video! Thanks for posting

    • @thirst4truth204
      @thirst4truth204 2 года назад +4

      You mean the common cold

    • @stephenfox7080
      @stephenfox7080 2 года назад

      Check-out our bio...
      We got the best ☝☝🍄🍄👆👆

  • @mrsmucha
    @mrsmucha Год назад

    My paternal grandmother was born in Slovakia. She taught my dad, who was born here, how to hunt for mushrooms and then my dad taught me. The mushrooms were then dried on screens and were used on Christmas Eve to prepare a special soup.

  • @brett4264
    @brett4264 2 года назад +1

    My browser doesn't let me use on screen links. Almost all the videos he recommended, I want to see, but I don't know their titles to even search this channel to find them. Oh well, that's the cost of never seeing ads (from youtube).

    • @rosewood8503
      @rosewood8503 2 года назад


    • @UntamedScience
      @UntamedScience  2 года назад

      Do a search for "Mushrooms StoneAgeMan" - you should at least get my playlist on them. :) Thanks Brett.

  • @chtomlin
    @chtomlin 2 года назад +6

    why didn't you link to Rogers' book?

  • @jeff3696
    @jeff3696 2 года назад +2

    Loved the production as much as the content, thank you!

  • @tbobmann229
    @tbobmann229 2 года назад +2

    Great video! Ive become fascinated by mushrooms after picking and cooking chanterelles.😂.. After learning the medicinal qualities I've joined my local mycophile club to learn all that I can.lovin it!

    • @anitaparks8945
      @anitaparks8945 2 года назад

      Oh my God....I grew up eating those.They are called Pfifferlinge in Germany

  • @Jdowling357
    @Jdowling357 2 года назад +1

    @8:13 nice old man of the woods! I found one in my front yard a few years ago. Kind of a rare find in my area

  • @PanglossDr
    @PanglossDr Год назад +1

    I grew up knowing and trusting only one sort of mushroom.
    I used to go out at dawn to collect them for breakfast.
    This was really interesting.
    Best line 'If you want to know, read my book'

      @JOEFABULOUS. Год назад

      Rule of thumb black gills edible white gills not

  • @pattibrown1809
    @pattibrown1809 2 года назад +5

    Nicely done! Everyone should see this video!

  • @dennisst.pierre210
    @dennisst.pierre210 2 года назад +1

    Been on reishi double extract I made myself in tincture for 2 yrs. now … feel great ! Also picked ultra fresh chicken of the woods yesterday . Yum !

    • @Nwagbara-chinonso
      @Nwagbara-chinonso 2 года назад

      ☝️☝️☝️ they have good quality 🍄🍫💊 and ship swiftly to any location

    • @Nwagbara-chinonso
      @Nwagbara-chinonso 2 года назад

      ☝️☝️☝️ they have good quality 🍄🍫💊 and ship swiftly to any location

    • @dennisst.pierre210
      @dennisst.pierre210 2 года назад

      I make my own! 2.5 years worth for tha price of 2 bottles of vodka. Do the math.

  • @pennywaters2740
    @pennywaters2740 2 года назад +1

    thanks for the info re golden teachers - roger phillips book 'mushrooms' is a photographic collection (amongst other similar phillips photo books re plants in uk). worries are gone if people have at least 2 ident books - not all books are useful - get your eye in and it becomes too easy to not eat them!! like all wild food the best you can get - industrialised food is not nutritious - most measurements for vitamins and minerals in food are based on old data

  • @poetryme333
    @poetryme333 2 года назад +2

    While working on my lifetime list , I found a couple of clusters growing in minor, cantherellus minor being one, another in close proximity beneath an eastern hemlock an LBM helped breakthrough some of my olfactory issues from trigeminal nerve damage just by smelling it

  • @Plarndude
    @Plarndude 2 года назад +1

    That knowledge was earned at some point at great risk. Totally new things you know nothing about could kill you. That’s just how life is. You either use what you know, or risk something new.

  • @sighber600f4
    @sighber600f4 2 года назад +1

    I have literally found all the mushrooms in that MUD WTR! Found them out in the wild, self educated.

  • @tigerkatze9819
    @tigerkatze9819 Год назад +1

    It is miraculous wonderful trait that humans can share, record, and build upon knowledge but its a horrible curse that we can spread misinformation or misconceptions so well too.

  • @nathangood9834
    @nathangood9834 2 года назад

    Can you link us to any verification of the clinical trials of the colon cancer?

  • @reginaayat5390
    @reginaayat5390 2 года назад +2

    so in the summer of 2020 i was doing a ton of foraging every week since there was nothing else to do and i found a mushroom im fascinated with. i only found three all summer but they were so fragrant that i became semi obsessed with them. i looked in a dozen books and online and never could identify them. i still have one dried on my window sill today and the perfume is still present. its a small, 1 in across cap, pink top and gills and if i remember correctly it has pink spores and has the most amazing perfume smell. not mushroomy at all. as a matter of fact my gloves still have a slight smell of this mushroom i collected only 3 of 2 years ago and the dried one i smell to brighten my mood with when i sniff it. question is, what is it? any ideas? haha

  • @alicjafinster-szczepanska9020
    @alicjafinster-szczepanska9020 Год назад

    People in western europe are very often so disconnected from nature, even normal mushroom that you can find in forest and put into soup sounds scary for them

  • @pepinie1
    @pepinie1 Год назад

    I am from Eastern Europe and as a child we spend hours picking mushrooms with granddad :)

  • @scrappydoo7887
    @scrappydoo7887 2 года назад +5

    The tongue test is a basic part of mushroom hunting isn't it?

    • @primitivebushcraft4243
      @primitivebushcraft4243 2 года назад

      No, even some of the deadliest mushrooms taste rather inert to pleasant. An example is the death cap tasting slightly sweet and of potatoes.

    • @robbcairl3728
      @robbcairl3728 2 года назад +3

      Yes, the taste test is a basic identification aid for many species. This is not to say flavor indicates edibility

    • @scrappydoo7887
      @scrappydoo7887 2 года назад

      @@primitivebushcraft4243 I wasn't saying to taste it, I was referring to the sensation test.
      If you dab your tongue with one and wait for a reaction be it hot or numb ect it's likely not safe

    • @nolitetebastardescarborund9761
      @nolitetebastardescarborund9761 2 года назад

      @@scrappydoo7887 Not enough. Bite off a TINY piece & NIBBLE at the tip of your tongue long enough to taste something, then spit it out.

  • @Pootycat8359
    @Pootycat8359 Год назад +1

    No, no! they WON'T melt your brain! They melt your walls.... :)

  • @jamesal0
    @jamesal0 2 года назад +1

    Interesting. I was taught a mushroom had dark brown gills and everything else was a toadstool and dont touch it. We get tons of those red ones with the gold specs in our pine forests in Canberra Australia in spring .

    • @nolitetebastardescarborund9761
      @nolitetebastardescarborund9761 2 года назад

      Maybe in Australia the only edible mushrooms have dark brown gills. Mushrooms, like plants & animals, aren't the same between continents, so don't think US or European or Asian mushrooms you see in vids or books are necessarily what you find in Oz.

  • @toddwmac
    @toddwmac 2 года назад

    Great vid and nice choice of experts. Thanks.

  • @terryashton9213
    @terryashton9213 2 года назад

    When I used to do a bit of Flying, we had a Meme in our Ground School manual. "There are Old Pilots, and Bold Pilots, but No Old Bold Pilots". I was in the Boreal Forest of Saskatchewan, a place where I like to hang my hat as much as possible. I used to forage for Munchrooms. Many, I would just take a small piece from and have a taste. Once, I came upon a Munchroom that I aptly named, "The Mexican Fire Mushroom". No doubt a plants defense mechanism like many others, to keep certain birds and animals from eating it. Luckily for myself, I had a drink in the truck with me because I needed it.

  • @euphoniahale5181
    @euphoniahale5181 Год назад

    I used to watch “depression cooking with Clara”. She said they would cook the mushrooms with a silver coin. If the coin turned it wasn’t a good mushroom.

  • @freedoompictures6839
    @freedoompictures6839 Год назад

    I wish I could add more mushrooms to my diet, but seen how they're produced, I quit eating them. Well at least the industrially produced ones. Majority of producers use antibiotics and carcinogenic stuff like formaldehyde to sterilize the substrates they grow in.

  • @gamingnerds5194
    @gamingnerds5194 2 года назад +6

    awesome content, thank you for sharing this. normally people only eat what the government provides by charging tax. and then you also get a nice bonus by eating preservatives. nature does have benefits.

    • @nathanielmuller4400
      @nathanielmuller4400 2 года назад +1

      People eat food that's cheap and easy to prepare. Has nothing to do with the government and tax.
      I'm very grateful to live in a country where there are good safety standards enforced by the government and this doesn't at all necessitate preservatives.

    • @adminworx7363
      @adminworx7363 2 года назад

      You should do some research. Black Rock owns your country and your government. It's cheap to brainwash as well. Humans haven't learned how we are supposed to live. What we are supposed to eat. Preserve the world not your food.

  • @charronfamilyconnect
    @charronfamilyconnect 2 года назад +1

    Why are all the old mushroom hunters bearded, and all the young mushroom hunters are peach fuzzed geeks like me! LOL! :)

  • @mikemason4758
    @mikemason4758 2 года назад

    Tried Clitocybe Nuda for the first time. I was calling it blewit, but the other makes for more fun when I tell my friends about it.

  • @chapter4444
    @chapter4444 Год назад +2

    The European countries are more knowledgeable for some reason. Passed down knowledge I guess. I know a Ukrainian family that says they commonly collected mushrooms since childhood age

    • @kiarawilliam9223
      @kiarawilliam9223 Год назад

      From treating depression to helping manage alcohol addiction," magic mushrooms and the microdosing caps have many potential benefits description to order for your well treated psilocybin mushrooms and other psychedelic,they provide in town/ local and overseas delivery (All discreet)-

    • @kiarawilliam9223
      @kiarawilliam9223 Год назад


  • @anmoldalal16
    @anmoldalal16 Год назад

    Fungus like most biologic organisms have a positive side. In my opinion the scarier side of fungus is what keeps me alert enough to not indulge in unproven or speculative science. These researchers are doing good by collecting and quantify data on the subject.

  • @tvviewer4500
    @tvviewer4500 2 года назад +2

    So raw mushrooms are great. The acids in the mushroom will interact with your soft tissues. Cooking mushrooms may be great to break down some poisons or to kill off bugs but you really should try leaving chewed up raw mushrooms in your cheeks for a few minutes and see how your body reacts.

    • @nolitetebastardescarborund9761
      @nolitetebastardescarborund9761 2 года назад

      A sa longtime mycologist, who even sold up to 180 species of wild mushrooms on the local markets in France, I don't recommend this procedure. Tip of the tongue for the taste-that's all.

  • @mrsbiodeb
    @mrsbiodeb 2 года назад +1

    Super informative! Thank you. I love Reishi for a variety of reasons.

  • @dougmackenzie5976
    @dougmackenzie5976 Год назад

    Great video!! Thanks for helping dispel these long-held myths!!

  • @GM-ny5cc
    @GM-ny5cc Год назад

    Some time ago, a friend of mine took some strange mushrooms, and was out of it for 4 days; when he woke up, one of his kidneys had been taken out; he had a big scar where it used to be.
    If anyone asks if I want to try anything, I'll say - thank, but no thanks, I'll pass. You got to be smarter than this guys, there are plenty of people out there wanting to take advantage, and hurt you!

  • @christianlingurar7085
    @christianlingurar7085 Год назад

    so glad to live in a region (lower bavaria) where mushroom hunting is really still called hunting ("catching" to be precise) and mushroom "awareness" is wide spread among the native population, although clearly declining. no incidents with mushroom poisonings among natives since decades, but several incidents and accidents with people not native to the environment (migrants) in the last years (btw, abundant semilanceata and cyanescens here...)

  • @pktdbgnzwl
    @pktdbgnzwl 2 года назад +1

    What were the causes of death for the placebo people ?

  • @jerryhall5709
    @jerryhall5709 Год назад

    In Sweden there is a mushroom we call witch egg. Funny looking ball which is the early stage of stinkhorn. It's edible but I've never tried it.

  • @karenreynolds7109
    @karenreynolds7109 Год назад

    How does drying mushrooms change them besides eliminating water? Are they as effective?

  • @jessebb193
    @jessebb193 2 года назад

    The best tasting mushrooms are the easiest to identify. I think a lot of people believe we walk into the woods grabbing everything we see and throwing it in the basket but to be honest I don’t care much about 90% of the fungi I see. Always looking for chanterelles/hedgehogs, morels, oysters, chicken of the woods, lions main, lobsters. All these taste fantastic, grow in good batches and are easy to identify leaving nothing to chance. Also couldn’t care less about any psychedelic fungi not interested in anyway. But of course the first thing anything thinks about mushrooms is getting high 🤷‍♂️

  • @nikolaisprinkling
    @nikolaisprinkling 2 года назад +1

    I have prepared and consumed Amanita mushroom 🍄💯👀

  • @HiloBoiz808
    @HiloBoiz808 2 года назад

    As a teenager growing up in Florida I've eaten psilocybin mushrooms on many many occasions.We would cook the mushrooms inna large pot until it looked like black ink.About a 20oz. cup on an empty stomach followed by an O.J. chaser.In 20 minutes the effects would begin and we would trip HARD for about 6-7 hours.We would have fantastic hallucinations and laugh til your stomach ached.None of us seemed to have had any long-term negative effects.

  • @kyle-409
    @kyle-409 2 года назад +2

    I've only eaten the ones that grow on cow poo. A little bit feels great but if I eat too much I just get a bad feeling

    • @droid16beta97
      @droid16beta97 Год назад

      You mean psychedelic ones?

    • @kyle-409
      @kyle-409 Год назад

      @@droid16beta97 naturally

    • @droid16beta97
      @droid16beta97 Год назад +1

      @@kyle-409 What do you mean by bad feeling? If you mean nausea, that can be avoided by making tea instead of eating them.

  • @jeaniebird999
    @jeaniebird999 Год назад

    8:31 Wait a second! The test to find out if they're edible, or not,... is to TASTE them?!

  • @aliciaaustin8373
    @aliciaaustin8373 Год назад

    Medical does know about the benefits of mushrooms and other supplements. I was told specifically Not to take any vitamins or supplements, alternative medicine because it would interfere with the chemo and radiation.

    • @aliciaaustin8373
      @aliciaaustin8373 Год назад

      Not that kind of mushroom folks. Do not advertise illegal stuff. I'm cancer free now. I was saying, the us doesn't offer any alternatives.

  • @artursandwich1974
    @artursandwich1974 2 года назад

    "The term adoptogen is passed around a lot these days". Well, today is the first time I've ever heard it in my life .

  • @Noone-rt6pw
    @Noone-rt6pw 2 года назад +1

    I like your show. First I seen it. Some things can be poisonous at certain stages of growth, or under certain conditions, just like some medicinal herbs need to be grown in a certain soil, certain time of day, certain atmospheric condition, etc., as it's under these conditions the medicinal constituents develop, otherwise they do not, or not as much.
    I mentioned that, as I reference poke below. Where anyone know anything about this?

    • @Nwagbara-chinonso
      @Nwagbara-chinonso 2 года назад

      ☝️☝️☝️ they have good quality 🍄🍫💊 and ship swiftly to any location