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When everything looks fine I go for guess, since most of this power units nowadays are powered by one chip, I just change it. Worst can happen is not to work. It is quicker than diagnosing the circuit board without electrical diagrams. Sometimes work sometimes no.
nice video. would love to see more backgraund work like how did you know that one chip was faulty ? how did you diagnose?
When everything looks fine I go for guess, since most of this power units nowadays are powered by one chip, I just change it. Worst can happen is not to work. It is quicker than diagnosing the circuit board without electrical diagrams. Sometimes work sometimes no.
Sei il migliore !!
Grazie Lo’ !!
Canon 6d m ll replacement of the old base plate with a new model,with the installation of a new version of dc/dc power board, is it possible
Hi! Where do you get a new chip?
Drop me a mail, check for mai mail from the info page.