A big problem I have is when the game kicks me out because of their servers, it makes me pay a repair cost and puts me on crew lock. Also you can’t rejoin the match which sucks.
Crew lock is pointless. I don't see why if you die because you crashed you have to wait for your crew to "come back from battle". I'm okay if you J out at the beginning of a match or something. But if you crash it's pointless and anoying. I've died because someone flipped me on takeoff and crashed into the ground and 10 minutes of crew lock
Actually u can rejoin matches if ur internet it turned off but I think I do have a timer like 5-10 mins I think or even 3 mins idk but one day I was playing and my internet was turned off and I turned it back on and Relogged asap and I managed to get back in the match and my plane was like 2 km away from where I left it but I think it kinda teleports back to where u left the match not sure
@@hemendraravi4787 That has happend to me before but instead of being in other places, I'm either dead because someone killed be or dead because I crashed into the ground
Gaijin employee seeing this video in his "Recommended." Employee - maybe i should watch it? It might be useful. *Sees another video right next to it of a bear drinking vodka.* Employee - Ooohhh!!! *clicks*
Gaijin knows the issues of the game better than us. However a game is made to make money, updates cost money, so they focus on updates that will earn them those money back and more, regardless if theres more important stuff to do
about the grind, why is no one talking about being required to buy 6 vehicles each rank to progress? Why do i have to buy bombers if i only play fighters? or spgs if i play spaa and mediums? Its there just to extend the grind even further
Basically it ensures you buy either premium, a pack vehicle or GE by the time you make it to top tier by making you tired of grinding for vehicles you never wanted in the first place.
I feel like if that was the case no one ever would play some of the spgs or light tanks in some trees, imagine tiger rushers getting to their tigers at lvl 3, and never tryig any othe rvehicles appart from their pz 3s, it also forces on them the knowledge that having a limeup makes you a lot more effective in matches
Actually, that feature is fine imo, I get the grind problem and having played this game for 7 years now, it forces people to actually learn about vehicles and create lines, it’s the reason I actually love the panthers, that jagdpanzer 4s and more, it is the very reason I love my German 5.3 lineup. I remember when they added it, hated it but then became fine with it, removed the rush element and a majority of the noobies at higher tiers
Why should gaijin care about pople playing only the tank they want to play? I started playing WT for the tiger 1s and shermans (didnt even know about panthers, m18s and other not so well known vehicles back then), so when i saw i needed to grind for +20 vehicles, which i would never play, and waste my rp and sl that could have been invested on other interesting stuff i was lile: wtf, just why? I would understand if they made me play/buy tanks from the same role since that would prepare me to be a better and more efficient player, but why should i waste time on grinding a stupid light tank that i never wanted and will never play? We are here to enjoy the tanks we like by playing them, not to farm vehicles as if this was an rpg game bruh. Grinding the purchsed vehicles to its spaded version is painful enough to having to do the same with 303716394 other vehicles
4 года назад+91
How can you say that a repair cost that needs 4 kills with a non-premium account is reasonable!? The match when I kill 3 planes is a very good match for me and the usual is to kill 1 and maybe 2 (if I even kill someone). I think a repair cost should never go over 2 kills or maybe one kill and two assists
@ realistically it's Gaijin so they probably wouldn't even consider anything like your suggestion, let alone mine :/ so hey, I can dream, right? Ideally I would just ditch repair costs and a significant grind altogether, and find some other ways to make money (for example, historical skins or unique aircraft), but that's never gonna happen is it?
I'd also like the ability to go down one line without needing to unlock five vehicles at a given rank. Even World of Tanks doesn't have that system, and it's not often that Wargaming do something right.
okay then what's the point of GE then? How does Gaijin fund future development? Why buy premium time? You end up with people having a massive bloat of SL and nothing to really spend it on. Other than some being stupidly high, repair cost are not terrible in and of themselves most people who complain about this issue need to learn how to actually MAKE SL.
@@Jadefox32 not everyone plays the game to grind all the time. some people just want to go in and be able to play whatever vehicle they want. Gaijin needs to do a complete repair cost overhaul and not make anything go over 10k, and completely decompress all BR’s (especially jets)
@@canadianbeef827 then they're playing the wrong game this isn't DCS or IL-2, it's a F2P game they have to make money you don't have to like it of course, but that's the simple truth of it.
4 года назад+16
@@Jadefox32 World of warplanes is a F2P game, that also has repair costs. But you never will se me not going above 10k money in there, like sadly I do for the most time in WT, and they still make money, so think again. This is abusive
Spit, you've been so good at what you do, for so long, you've forgotten what its like for the rest of us. When you dont know what you dont know, and that early game grind seems insurmountable because 1 kill in 5 RB matches is a good day.
The #1 problem with the game for me is sl costs. Playing top tier without premium is pretty much impossible without constantly going down to lower tiers to grind out sl with a premium or something.
Each vehicle has their own multiple for silver lion bonus now If they lower the repair cost so does the silver multiple goes down to making it pointless only make sense for premium vehicle to have that low repair cost high silver lions multiple.
Yeah, it's like they calculated the income in SL and RP and smacked it behind a paywall while calling it premium. Non premium in the other hand just cut it half and force players to buy premium to have some kind of enjoyment and not to worry about running out of SL in higher BRs. I bailed from my 10.0 lineup too because it was unbearable. I don't even have the motivation to get the M1A2 because I already have enough suffer with the M1A1. Without premium right now at 6.3 Italy I still come most of the times with a profit, but there are some really bad matches where I luckily only lose 500-2000 SL, but the matches are slowing down a lot compared to 4.0 in my opinion
@@fenderbender2476 The problem here is that the SL income factor is low in general, I am one that has premium and premium tanks/aircraft but even with all of this and the fact im a good player ( not boosting), it still takes me ages to get 600k - 1 bar of SL, and with this I have noticed that the income factor is either weak AF or somethings not right. Like how inflation goes up every year but your salary stays the same, same feeling
I think the simplest and most comprehensive fix to the match maker would be to remove the 1.0 uptier. The max BR shifts should be +- .7: 3.3-4.0-4.7 range for example.
About BR "problems" in GF, i woul say that there are some "key" BR where you can encounter a massive shift in "features". For me, a really "touchy" topic is first appreance of HEAT-FS and STAB. 6.7/7.3 that are mostly late WW2/Korea era tank will face 7.7/8.3 that are Cold War era tank with their very powerful "features" such as thermals and APFSDS, the gap is small yet the gap in tech is massive ! I think that some "ceilings" in BR should be introduced like we used to have (for a time in jets at 9.7) Same "ceilings" based on "features" could be also placed in Air !
That's the thing. Germany gets from 5.0 to 7.7 Tanks that were meant to fight with armor (like the Tiger I, Tiger II, Jagdtiger, Maus, and so on). Germany itself is a really good nation but they have the worst tank on that battle rating because they are simply out of the META. The Tiger was good against WW2 Tanks. You angled and the enemies had a hard time penetrating your armor. Nowadays you angle and still get lol penned by the next HEAT-FS round. Or you get completely outflanked by post-war tanks. IMO should WW2 Tanks not face HEAT-FS and only 17 pounder APDS. I miss the old days when armor actually mattered and could be used for what it's meant. Nowadays is armor simply weight that just slows you down without helping you in combat
@@craigveurr452 I mean I got called so often Wehraboo, Idiot, noob, and so on just because of my statement earlier but I'm personally convinced that these comments come from a player who plays only allied nations and only post-war tanks that can easily deal with Tigers
Tanks definitely need some more decompression around 6.7-7 3, it's basically old armor with APCBC vs. British turret cheeks that can't be penned due to volumetric who launch APDS straight through those massive armor plates
One of the best things Gaijin could do for the health of the game is to take a page out of Wargaming's book and hold a CC summit each year where CC's all come together and meet with developers to discuss issues and where they think the game should go in the next year realistically
Lol indeed that's a terrible idea. Don't ever mention that evil empire whoregaming. A cc program is trash all they will do is pay them off to tell us how good that content and how good the game is. The blind leading the blind.
@@JustAPairofLegs bro, I keep getting shot down by tracking missles in my Sabre. Like, how can I defend myself against those, way too op and it makes gaining sl impossible
This. Most players want to feel like they're taking part in history, and removing maps along with same-nation matchmaking doesn't give players this feeling.
Im barely past the zeros and the grind just got much worse. Its bad enough flying those paper planes and getting lit from one hit from an enemy that can dogfight you from at least 3.5km ASL. It even worse when youre in planes that are 1 to 1.7 br above where they should be. None of the japanese props should be remotely close to 5.7 like the ki 84 family hitting 6.7 when they should be 5.3 tops. Reduce the knee jerk nerfs to appease the USAF factions because "muh p47 died so that plane must be op" when theyre mowing the lawn with their props.
Spit, for tanks the decompression problem is near when heatfs become usable, you'll have people at 6.7 in their tortoises and king tigers relying on armour when there are ru251, m41, and pasta bois, running around with mega pen heatfs
Yes, yes, yes, and yes again. A Tiger II or Tortoise should NEVER be put up against HEATFS or ATGMs and it happens ALL THE TIME. There are plenty of other vehicles at and even BELOW 6.7 that can kill a Tiger II or Tortoise.
Yes, this this this. Great mechanics. Such boring gameplay. If every match was fun I wouldn't mind she grind as much, infact I'd probably spend more money to experience more of the game. Looking forward to the battlestations game mode, hopefully war thunder takes notes
didn't even mention - ghost shells, desync, lag, bullets hitting when they shouldn't in air combat, other various glitches, texture gitches, lag on consoles, lag or unplayable on lower end pc's due in part to the new graphics engine.
@@m-g-b513 if you want 45min+ matches go play sim. many dont want longer matches because it just forces space climbers especially at lower BRs so no thanks.
@@123TheCloop I don't know about you, but I know I've had maybe 2 matches the past 365 days that lasted an hour. *Just because the original max time limit was 1 hour doesn't mean all matches lasted 1 hour. The games I played lasted, on the average, 35-40 min...that doesn't mean I want to be locked to 35 min.* I've no problem with a 1 hour match since it gives you the chance to reverse a match or earn more SL/RP. Anyone playing a match that lasts longer than they want can J out or land and go th hangar...there's nothing stopping folks from doing that. I'd say if you don't want 45+ min matches, go to Arcade...it already has 20 min matches. No need to try to re-invent Arcade by trying to make RB quicker. The only reason the devs changed Air RB to 25 min was to check the space climbing and passive play, but changing it to 25 min was a very lame way to deal with space climbing. I think there's more to it than that...I think they're tired of folks trying to make a match last during events (bombers space climbing). They're being greedy but not wanting to state that they're greedy, so they made an excuse to alter the gameplay. There was no real need to make matches shorter....they could've implemented a mechanism to prevent space climbing. They got lazy and didn't want to do dev shit. This IS the laziest "fix" I've ever seen. It doesn't fix space climbing...in fact, that's even worse than before they lowered max gameplay to 25 min.
@@shadowguardian3612 the best fix to this, is the further into the battle, your tickets will start to decay, depending on how many players are alive on the teams
While grinding I am mostly playing AB and noticed that this game is actually pretty good. I was just extreme frustrated by RB where I loose a lot of motivation because I am getting my butt kicked often. (In AB I seem to be a demigod for some reason btw) It was often frustrated not necessarily because I was killed but because I knew that when the match ended I got some XP but lost SL. This is basically punishing the player for dying. I think that repair cost should stay to discourage suicide tactics but when I reach less than 0 SL as my "reward" at the end it should not take me into the negative.
As a full time tanker I’d like to see modifications linked to BR so that a stock tank starts out say a 0.3 lower BR or give stock vehicles a free respawn to encourage people to grind.
Opinion from a experienced naval player these are the top Naval issues right now: BR, Maps, Damage Model and Game Modes BR: Just sometimes stupid, getting matched in a destroyer or even stock light cruisers into matches with heavy Cruisers or Battleships. Btw don‘t even start on Arcade Naval Battles, they are beyond broken where you get matched with stock destroyers against cruisers Maps: One of the most awful map designs ever, you think Ground RB was bad? Oh boy, don‘t you think its fun spawning in an completely open sea area with no cover in a 4km radius at a distance of 10km away from your enemy? Basically every match is pray that you aren‘t the first one to get ammo wrecked in the first 2 minutes of the game trying to flee from spawn. Also higher tier matches have a huge issue with smaller boats, a lot of the matches are over by the time any bigger vessel reaches a cap, because those little PT boats spawn a lot closer to the caps and can cap them in the first 2 minutes. Damage Model: They changed it a few months ago iirc, ammo wrecks happen a lot more often, nobody kinda asked for it. Its no fun getting deleted by one HE salvo in an instant. (Might be not an expert on that one though) Game Modes: Only one game mode, cap x numbers of zone with tickets. Why? Ideas: Convoy Escort, Island Captures, Attack/Defend an Port... Maps need to be bigger for this, I mean ships are huge, so why aren‘t the maps as well? EC was great for example. Naval Battles have so much potential, but just doesn‘t get the attention it deserves imo
I miss the old gun sounds for aircraft they were amazing especially the shvak cannons the sound they had were so distinctive its like it had a ring after each shot. I suggest finding some game play of gaijins air Sim game before wt it was called birds of steel. Very amazing game instead of sl and GE it was se and gl.
@@ITSJustAGame-ro5ut yea I agree although it adds some nice detail we need quality of life patches first and the patches need to be debugged desperately my game constantly crashes in the loading screen when returning to hangar tanks look like plastic and have unicorn vomit on them
Spitflyer, what I found really special about this video is that you not only pointed out the problems, but you gave solutions and explained why they would work. Hats off to you!
For ships: First: AA is fine!!! Never ever braindead suicidebombing again, please!! decompression, decompression, decompression. The new BBs are just broken. 20-30 K/Ds in my BBs. They survive the game while 10 ships are shooting at them. Just BBs can do dmg on other BBs... mapdesign and matchtime: You will never reach a cap with a cruiser or BB before the game ends, when a small boats caps it. I think, only EC is practical for high tier ships. Maybe split the map/game: One region for small boats, one for big ships; one with caps the other one with other objectives; more pleayers per region? maybe split the match: just small boats/just big ones, ... . (but this will never happen... they need a bigger playerbase for ships [but with the current status (straight out broken, extremly unfriedly for new players) is this impossible] to fix many problems.) New objectives: capzones in high tier are bad! Carriermissions, convoimissions they are fun. to small maps: 8 km distance between the spawns, fun when you play cruisers... RP and SL gain. They increased the multiplicators, but didn´t touch the rewards... Yes they are better now, but 15k ep and 80k credits for 30 min (talis and premtime) and 10 kills+? They splited the coastal and high water techtree... I just hate it... cashgrap for me...
naval aa is ridiculous. Spawning in an aircraft is absolutely not worth it unless youre a floatplane capping an abandoned cap. And I say that not just from the perspective of the aircraft, I sometimes wanna turn off my aa to not feel as bad getting undeserved kills.
@@craigveurr452 it is realistic. What is not realistic are the map sizes. Ships should spawn more then 20km away from each other then you also have a chance to evade Ships with good AA
@@warhead_beast7661 i love realism, but since a single aircraft could not win a battle against a warship in reality, something must be adjusted. If not for aa nerf, higher ship BRs maybe.
I despise that they split the trees. I spent a lot of time and some money grinding through all the small ships I hate only for the destroyer I wanted to become a reserve ship.
Something I would love to see from Gaijin (even though I know it will never happen) would be the ability to test every vehicle. Whether it's a tank, plane, heli, or ship. It would help newer players (and older players who are shit at the game [me]) try out top tier vehicles so we can grind towards something we know we would like.
For the issue with BRs and vehicles that are either a bit too strong or bit too weak to be put up or down a BR. This issue could be addressed by giving Gaijin more BR increments to use instead of the current .0, .3 and .7 increments. Changing BRs to increments of .2 would give Gaijin more BRs to more accurately place vehicles at BRs that are balanced and reflect the vehicles ability, effectively decompressing the whole game. I’d combine this with changing the maximum uptier you can receive to 0.8 / 0.7 instead of the current 1.0. Some vehicles are so ill equipped to face vehicles a whole BR above them and are made completely redundant at BRs when they constantly get uptiered. Obviously this would require a large restructuring of the BR system but I think given how big the issue of uptiers and balance is for so many players, it would be a worthwhile exercise. Let me know your thoughts.
My idea is to increase the RP gain in tanks. In a good match in air RB I can get 15K with a non premium plane (premium account though) a good match in tanks is 7-9K for a non premium tank with vehicles that cost the same RP as planes.
@@scruf4728 You seen the Me 163 B-0? The B model is 8.0, has 2 x 30mm's and 11k repair cost, But the B-0 model has ability to put 4 x 20's on but is somehow at 8.7 with a 28k repair cost. Makes no sense at all... they both perform the exact same.
Ships with aircraft should be able to select an area on the map like when calling artillery and the ships in the area should become scouted and shown on the map
Better yet, the crane will place the scout plane on water, it takes off and scouts everything in proximity while flying to the designated zone but can get shot down as well
Revenge CAS, the killcam is only half the issue. Having CAS appear 2 minutes into the match can completely destroy a team that is still moving into position. Also, very few people will spawn in at the start with AA, meaning CAS is unimpeded until someone spawns in with AA.
even then i've seen aa either get spawn camped by fuckwits who care more about kills then playing the objective as i always see these guys even when the other team has most of the objectives or when the aa moves to find a spot where they won't be map shot they ended up getting killed either by the same cas plane they spawned to get rid of or if they are at 8.0+ gets yeeted by a heli lobbing atgms.
2 things need to happen for the tank grind, firstly all RP costs should be reduced by I think 25-30% (that includes module RP costs), and secondly end of the line tanks should not have massively increased RP costs, they should just be normal.
War Thunder Naval: You want a battleship? Nah sorry, you gotta grind through all the ww2 cruisers and THEN you get a ww1 battleship. WTF are they thinking. Also, the maps are WAY too small for naval. There is no maneuvering or strategy involved, its just a shootout. One last thing, I thought naval combat heavily relied on planes. Where are the fighter wings and dive bombers?
@@tf-uderpy699 or if youre a masochist playing the JP tree, youre the sole target since youre literally the only faction that any aircraft and do a run on.
first of all: Happy new year! As a tanker, I think that it is very important to discuss the grind for ground forces. I completely support your argument that instead of one vehicle, you need to research a whole lineup to be as competitive as with a single plane in ARB. Therefore, the grind takes longer. But my main concern is that there is way too much to research (by RP): Back in the days where there was only one 10.7 vehicle per nation, the grind to 10.7 was long and exhausting but not impossible. You could even grind out 2-4 nations at the same time given you had the resources (time and maybe prem time or a top tier prem). With the addition of multiple rank VII vehicles, the grind to get top tier lineups got a lot more exhausting and for some players almost impossible. In 2020, the German ground forces were joined by the TAM 2C, the Radkampfwagen 90, the FlaRakRad as well as the Leopard 2A6. Anyone trying to get his hands on all of these vehicles has to grind 1 430 000 RP as well as 3 770 000 SL (with basic crew training: 4 870 000 SL) which is ridiculous especially regarding the fact that you only make profit in tanks (and by profit I mean to be able to buy what you have researched and have more SL than when you started researching) when you perform well. And I don't think that it is justified to put a 390k RP barrier in between the player and a 9.3 (!) vehicle that could have been added to the standard TAM in a bracket (at least in my opinion). Now imagine that a player wanted to grind multiple nations at once. This is now almost impossible regarding the rate at which new vehicles with horrendous RP and SL costs are being added. My attempt to resolve this issue may seem a little controversial because it may seem unfair to players who have the resources to grind out top tier in ground forces almost immediately. I think that there should be a cap for vehicle RP cost. Let's say 390 000 RP or maybe 400 000 RP (which is already a fucking lot) and there should be a maximum of 2-3 vehicles that have to be researched with 390k-400k RP. Same as the BR decompression there should be an RP decompression especially for the three biggest nations (USA, Russia and Germany) in the game.
Spit one thing I would like to see from you even though I learn a lot from your videos is a specific video on how and why you perform certain manoeuvres in any given situation you find yourself in in a plane RB battle. Love you content, and happy new year!
Spit buddy I'm stupidly drunk because its new years eve but I want to commend the fantastic growth you've had over the past year and I want to acknowledge the balanced , experienced and knowledgeable voice you bring to top tier props and jet RB. I'm a long term jet player and I feel almost all of the stuff you say (for example about the F4 vs MiG21 in recent vids) is accurate and deserving of a wider audience. Top tier air RB needs work and you are (so far) one of the best avenues for that. You have achieved what I could not. Keep it up my Aussie bro!
Oh boy mid tier prop grind at 6.7 is waiting for me thanks to gayjins poster abused child, the JP tree. Player a prop with 60 rpg 30mm guns and climb rate below every other factions plane is gonna be a blast.
Very nice and comprehensive video about issues. And as some comments already suggested a collab podcast about the game every now,then could be a great thing. In Ru WT community we have something like that and i think when issues talked about publicly by a number of creators they get seen faster and more. Thanks for the videos Spit! Happy 2021
Imo the repair cost under no circumstances should be above the so you get from the avg kill. Otherwise it's mathematically impossible for the economy to stay afloat.
@@Spitflyer or maybe they could just properly balance OP vehicles? i want to play the tech tree g.55 for example, but as a player who gets an avg of 1 kill/game i will never fly that plane because it will most likely bankrupt me. If the plane is overperforming nerf its performance or increase the BR. BR decompression would obviously help with this issue as well.
First off happy new year Spit! As an air rb main there are a few things that I would like to see fixed . The matchmaker being the main issue. There are some planes I genuinely enjoy flying but always keep in the hangar due to bad matchmaking. Things like the Bf110g4 that at 3.7 fits its niche as a bomber hunter, but I never see 3.7 in that plane. It’s always 4.7 games with p47s and p51s that shred me instantly. What I’m getting at is that the amount of full uptiers should be reduced. I wouldn’t mind shitty queue times if my plane could actually survive for more than 5 minutes.
3.3-3.7 gets sucked up to 4.0-4.3 air all the time. if you play a 3.7 plane you are bottom BR 9/10 matches. its not just top tier that needs BR deconpression. the difference in performance and guns from 3.0-3.7 planes and 4.0-4.7 planes is huge and its very frustrating to want to play a plane but knowing you will have to rely on the enemy making mistakes to get kills because your plane is so crap. It makes tons of planes that aren't on top of a meta BR not even really worth playing.
@@affrajam1816 I thoroughly agree. I bought the Italian Bf110 to grind out the air tree and I haven't even flown it 10 times due to the sucky matchmaker.
I've avoided encouraging friends to download War Thunder because of the grind. That says it all. It's a free-to-play game but those hours of your life can be spent on other things that reward you a lot more.
@@josephstalin5751 I have no doubt I'd have more fun playing with friends, but I feel dirty asking them to grind a tech tree that took me ~7 years to finish (mostly without premium).
Have a premium that can be unlocked through challenges in every tree, similar to squad vehicles but not requiring a squad. Have it so progress in any vehicle can unlock it i.e. you can play in an Italian tank and unlock a British aircraft if thats what you want to do. The initial grind in the first tree would still take some time but make subsequent grinds in other trees much easier
Tyvm for that video , all the problems are put forward ! In naval the dreadnoughts at 6.0 is killing the mode just because they are simply unsinkable with 100% of the CL or the CA from 5.0 to 5.7, the only thing that can kill them are a lot of big bombs or multiple torps so...
for the lineup thing, I think it would be AMAZING if they cut the research cost of basically everything, and then maybe added that cut research into some sort of barrier for next tier. So for example, you've just researched your first rank 4 german vehicle, and now the rest of the vehicles are maybe 50% research cost of what they are now, and once you have finished rank 4 and are looking to get to rank 5, theres now a RP cost there to unlock rank 5 which was the removed RP from the vehicles, letting us get the vehicles and lineups and such faster, while not making it too fast overall. Gives some more room to actually upgrade these vehicles too. There would probably need to be a bunch of changes for this to work, in terms of tech trees, and i guess the sense of progression would slow down and speed up a lot more this way which could be a bad thing, but it would at least let us not go into games with 1 tank considerably higher BR than the rest as often.
I'd like to see a reduction in high tier prop repair costs. Most are over 20k spaded. The Spaded Spitfire F Mk 22 is 30k spaded. Meaning I need 3-4 kills per death.
Br decompression for tanks is all of them. 0.7 br mm would fix a lot of things. 5.7 and up have problems with br compression. Even lower br since we have some vehicles that are to overpowered for their br. Like R t20, whirblewind come to mind on top of my head. Also limiting ground rb to 3 spawns would fix grind issue of not having to put 5-10 vehicles into lineup to be effective.
General Alexandre You missed the point. It being rank 2 would result in them not being useable for events, thus removing the spam. Rank also doesn’t effect br, so it could theoretically be 5.0 but at rank 2
Maybe it would, but players would probably just switch to the M18 and run around in those. I would even put the R3 in a 6.0/6.7 BR and it would still do really well. One thing because it's gun is really powerful and a plane will be plane. Other than that the Allies will not give up on the P-47/F6F bombing so you can still earn quite some RP/SL with it.
The visibility bug isn't limited to spotting, a friendly was invisible to me last night and his 1km long con-trail popped in at the same time his plane did about 3km out.
As someone with a long war thunder career and also who loves naval history and the possibilities naval has to offer I'd like to offer my opinion. First of all, I don't think spawning in open waters is an issue as that's the most common place naval engagements took place, but the range is. The longest battleship hit was the HMS Warspite at 24 kilometers yet we spawn at no more than 15k and that range closes quite quickly. Secondly, the ships do need their place and purpose as a fleet of all battleships was fairly uncommon. So I suggest giving ships like destroyers the ability to help the teams larger ships accuracy. Such as within a certain range they can "mark" a ship which then applies the bonus to shots on that ship by giving a more accurate range estimation and/or tracking. Cruisers can be so different that it would really depend on the ship as to how to make them more unique. Finally, damage to ships shouldn't be so trivial. So you're telling me they just lost 25% of their crew and I destroyed the auxiliary guns but in 15sec they're just fine and start firing again? Turrets should be blown off from magazine detonation or huge shells hitting them knocking them out permanently. This would help keep battleships from having full power even after being hit for 10mins.
Gaijin needs to make bigger maps instead of limiting player counts in my opinion. Enduring Confrontation for Air RB would fit the game really well especially for the top tier jet meta.
As someone who quite enjoys naval I’ll try and present the problems I’ve experienced with Bluewater naval as objectively as possible. 1. Extreme BR Compression: currently there is not a single vessel with bluewater naval that doesn’t either see reserves or top tier. With the recent battleships this issue has become even more exacerbated with them being only .3 of a br higher than the cruisers that they’re practically impervious to. I would personally have placed the BB’s at least at 6.7, with the battlecruisers at 6.3 and perhaps decompress the 5.7 cruisers into 6.0 but I sadly have no say in that. 2. Damage model inconsistency: practically every patch sees a major change to naval damage models which drastically change the way you play, sometimes making ammo detonations the way to kill, other times making citadel crew killing the way. This makes it very confusing for long time players because they need to constantly change the way they kill their targets. 3. The interaction between the coastal fleet and bluewater fleet: At BR 3.3 it can happen that matches that consist for the majority of coastal fleet vessels will be decided by the destroyers and their map domination through firepower and survivability. On the other hand at the BR of 5.7 and 6.0 where the majority of vessels are from the bluewater fleet matches can be decided by the few coastal fleet vessels per team. (the latter is mostly an issue with gamemodes / map design) 4. Naval CAS: It is reasonable for ships with a heavy AA focus being capable of swatting single aircraft out of the sky. It is therefore not really an issue of the AA being too powerful, but the amount of aircraft in the sky being too small. 5. Map design and game modes: Oh boy, this is an issue most if not all modes have but in bluewater naval it is quite noticeable which maps were designed for cruiser and heavier vessels and which are just converted from the original coastal fleet maps. Maps with no cover being the biggest problems (these are mostly the ones that we’re straight converted from coastal fleet maps). Some examples of good maps according to most players I’ve talked to are South Kvarken and Aleutian Islands, they provide a good balance of size and cover. For game modes Encounter seems to be the one most favoured by players I’ve talked to, while Domination and Conquest are the “bad” ones. Conquest is bad because of the open maps that don’t quite allow for any advanced tactics, Domination being bad for the fact the match outcome is decided by coastal fleet vessels. I don’t have any recent experience with the coastal fleet to really form an opinion on what’s possibly wrong with them. I may have missed a key problem but I’m sure I’ll be reminded of what I forgot.
Actually it is easier to get more kills at low-mid tier than in top tier. The problem is that new players who dont know where to shoot dont do so well (obviously) but the game play styles make it easier to get more kills once u know that ur doing. Getting more than 1 kills in top tier prolly means he knows how to play (gets a good position and "camps"), or hes playing a leo2a6 🤣
@@jaewoojung1309 haha I agree, its easier in lower tier if you know what your doing, especially if you've found a tank series that works well for you e.g. the soviet T-34s. For me personally its always been the Tiger H1 that I consistently get at least 3 kills a game with. But as you said, if your still fairly new, it can be very challenging and this steep learning curve is worsened with repair costs getting in the way, considering most players havent got premium time under their belt to help..
13:08 about this "Removing Position of Player in kill cam" This is not a good idea since this will benefit "Spawn snipers/Campers", their pos will be more concealed and make them abuse the game mechanic to the fullest. Revenge CAS is something that will not go away
it is a good plane, I also want him to fly it. It can roll very well, decent armament, and accelerates well ( from my experience, better than most of the plane in that BR). Mig 9L is more or less like an F84 but slightly better, with a bit less top speed and ammo. I used it back in the old days, to grind out all Mig's up to 19 (before 21 were introduced) with Mig-9L.
About killcams ; we need to get the same one as SB ! A very neutered one, just the last few meters and how and where he penetrated, nothing more ! SB killcam should be the "norm"
For tank br's, the leap in technology is absolutely massive between br 6.7-7.7 and then from 7.7-8.7 You often don't stand a chanse if you get a full uptier in those br's. So there is definitely some decompression needed there.
What about the fact that bombers are made of paper and really can't live and other aircraft are stronger and on the topic of helis if something is lazer guided that means unlimited range but all atgms have a max range of like 6.24 miles like bruh
Bombers definitely need a change of spawn height. I do like playing the B-17 and I hate being killed by a do 335. Also with laser ATGMs 6.24 miles is OK because you can always fly to range and fire, and pop back into hiding.
List of Things of the video for those that want to skip to a exact part: Air RB: 1. Grind 3:48 2. Stock Missiles( Rank 6 ) 5:51 3. Matchmaker 7:05 4. Consistent Spotting System 8:34 5. 7vs7 in +10.0 Jets 9:35 Tanks: 1. Removal of Stock HEAT-FS 11:12 2. Revenge CAS 12:43 3. The ( Lineup ) Grind 13:33 4. Map Desing 14:58 Naval: 1. Map Desing 16:36 2. More Gameplay 17:14 3. Balance AA 17:31 Helicopters EC: 1. Rebalancing of Heli EC 18:57 Problems in General: 1. BR Descompression 20:04 2. Repair Costs 22:09 3. Impossible or too Grindy events 23:48 4. Power Creep 24:57 5. Top tier premiuns 25:56 6. Need of more quality assurance in patches 27:05 7. Dev server, not hype server ( is highly recommendable look at the point 6 to understand the context of this point ) 28:32
For the lineup grind problem perhaps something could be set so every time you research a tank of a certain BR the next tank at that same BR has it's research cost cut by a certain percentage. That percentage could grow each time you get another tank at that BR (so 40% off next, then 50%, 60%, up to 70% or even 80% if Gaijin was feeling generous)
Such a humble youtube content creator. You earned a subscriber. I've watched on and off for the last year and you have created topnotch content. I look forward to watching your further content.
With amount of vehicles in game, Gaijin could remove tech trees altogether. Set research, purchase and earning vs repair individually by plane/tank, and not by tech progression, and remove prerequisites/tier unlocks. Common and easy to use vehicles would be at cost allowing to get them in matter of hour giving player basic access to desired era, and with earning/repair balanced so even bad players don't need to worry about losing SL (but won't make much either), with purchase price, earings and repair cost increasing as we go into rare and specialised vehicles. This would also solve issue of players buying their way into high tier, then leaving after 1 death because they don't have second vehicle. Something I remember from courses, is that while enlongating goalposts between each reward is important to keep person invested, if you make it too long, they will lose interest, start taking breaks and eventually kick their addiction and leave. Imagine getting into War Thunder now and seeing solid year of daily grind to get to modern stuff. I wonder how many causal players gave up after T3 where grind starts really biting [edit] With this system in place, there would be no need for RP anymore, as the only limit would be SL pricetag.
man stock grind in jets, 200 games in the german MiG 21 and still didn't get the R60, those missiles should be rank 1 or 2 mods, it's literally 200k+ RP for those missiles
With the tank lineup grind and the grind in general you could make it so you can research multiple vehicles at the same time but with a penalty to rp per vehicle. Maybe it could be 1 vehicle per type or something along those lines so you can get at least part of a lineup at once.
A big problem I have is when the game kicks me out because of their servers, it makes me pay a repair cost and puts me on crew lock. Also you can’t rejoin the match which sucks.
Crew lock is pointless. I don't see why if you die because you crashed you have to wait for your crew to "come back from battle".
I'm okay if you J out at the beginning of a match or something. But if you crash it's pointless and anoying. I've died because someone flipped me on takeoff and crashed into the ground and 10 minutes of crew lock
Actually u can rejoin matches if ur internet it turned off but I think I do have a timer like 5-10 mins I think or even 3 mins idk but one day I was playing and my internet was turned off and I turned it back on and Relogged asap and I managed to get back in the match and my plane was like 2 km away from where I left it but I think it kinda teleports back to where u left the match not sure
@@hemendraravi4787 That has happend to me before but instead of being in other places, I'm either dead because someone killed be or dead because I crashed into the ground
@@hemendraravi4787 nah your plane just carries on flight as if you were AFK.
@@hemendraravi4787 Sometimes it doesn't let you rejoin for whatever reason even with your connection fixed.
“Things that will never come to war thunder”
Just bomb threat the bastards.
or just boycott. y would they change how they make money
@@m1a1abrams3 lol @ gamers boycotting anything
@@m1a1abrams3 Go look how historically boycotts dont work. Especially in modern times.
@@WTCheatShaming but bomb threats do.
they didnt in +6 years, they arent going to do it now.
Exactly its all for them to push you to spend money
Gaijin : *I am going to pretend I didn't see that*
Gaijin employee seeing this video in his "Recommended."
Employee - maybe i should watch it? It might be useful.
*Sees another video right next to it of a bear drinking vodka.*
Employee - Ooohhh!!! *clicks*
To be fair, most of us would watch that instead of most things
hey do you know what a russain says when he gets bombed by german aircraft?
stuka blayt
Give the test team some Decals
Give them Player titles
Gaijin : Hmmm... _nods positively_
Give Them some GE
Gaijin knows the issues of the game better than us. However a game is made to make money, updates cost money, so they focus on updates that will earn them those money back and more, regardless if theres more important stuff to do
about the grind, why is no one talking about being required to buy 6 vehicles each rank to progress? Why do i have to buy bombers if i only play fighters? or spgs if i play spaa and mediums? Its there just to extend the grind even further
Basically it ensures you buy either premium, a pack vehicle or GE by the time you make it to top tier by making you tired of grinding for vehicles you never wanted in the first place.
I feel like if that was the case no one ever would play some of the spgs or light tanks in some trees, imagine tiger rushers getting to their tigers at lvl 3, and never tryig any othe rvehicles appart from their pz 3s, it also forces on them the knowledge that having a limeup makes you a lot more effective in matches
Actually, that feature is fine imo, I get the grind problem and having played this game for 7 years now, it forces people to actually learn about vehicles and create lines, it’s the reason I actually love the panthers, that jagdpanzer 4s and more, it is the very reason I love my German 5.3 lineup. I remember when they added it, hated it but then became fine with it, removed the rush element and a majority of the noobies at higher tiers
Why should gaijin care about pople playing only the tank they want to play? I started playing WT for the tiger 1s and shermans (didnt even know about panthers, m18s and other not so well known vehicles back then), so when i saw i needed to grind for +20 vehicles, which i would never play, and waste my rp and sl that could have been invested on other interesting stuff i was lile: wtf, just why?
I would understand if they made me play/buy tanks from the same role since that would prepare me to be a better and more efficient player, but why should i waste time on grinding a stupid light tank that i never wanted and will never play?
We are here to enjoy the tanks we like by playing them, not to farm vehicles as if this was an rpg game bruh. Grinding the purchsed vehicles to its spaded version is painful enough to having to do the same with 303716394 other vehicles
How can you say that a repair cost that needs 4 kills with a non-premium account is reasonable!? The match when I kill 3 planes is a very good match for me and the usual is to kill 1 and maybe 2 (if I even kill someone). I think a repair cost should never go over 2 kills or maybe one kill and two assists
IMO I'd go a little further than that. 1 kill = break even or small profit
@@_ace_defective_ Break even would be how I do it, but I would understand if Gaijin doesn't want to do that
@ realistically it's Gaijin so they probably wouldn't even consider anything like your suggestion, let alone mine :/ so hey, I can dream, right?
Ideally I would just ditch repair costs and a significant grind altogether, and find some other ways to make money (for example, historical skins or unique aircraft), but that's never gonna happen is it?
@@_ace_defective_ They'll do it when they're starving to get players back then make it worse again.
It's only logic that if you go 1 for 1 your credits should go 1 for 1
Pretty sure we asked them year after year for at least the last 4 years to fix repair cost system and to stop “balancing” with it
I'd also like the ability to go down one line without needing to unlock five vehicles at a given rank. Even World of Tanks doesn't have that system, and it's not often that Wargaming do something right.
Just remove the stupid repair costs, literally stops me from wanting to spawn in the tanks and planes I grinded out and I have no drive to play 😔
Ya, I almost exclusively take expensive vehicles out for test drives
okay then what's the point of GE then? How does Gaijin fund future development? Why buy premium time? You end up with people having a massive bloat of SL and nothing to really spend it on. Other than some being stupidly high, repair cost are not terrible in and of themselves most people who complain about this issue need to learn how to actually MAKE SL.
@@Jadefox32 not everyone plays the game to grind all the time. some people just want to go in and be able to play whatever vehicle they want. Gaijin needs to do a complete repair cost overhaul and not make anything go over 10k, and completely decompress all BR’s (especially jets)
@@canadianbeef827 then they're playing the wrong game this isn't DCS or IL-2, it's a F2P game they have to make money you don't have to like it of course, but that's the simple truth of it.
@@Jadefox32 World of warplanes is a F2P game, that also has repair costs. But you never will se me not going above 10k money in there, like sadly I do for the most time in WT, and they still make money, so think again. This is abusive
Spit, you've been so good at what you do, for so long, you've forgotten what its like for the rest of us. When you dont know what you dont know, and that early game grind seems insurmountable because 1 kill in 5 RB matches is a good day.
The #1 problem with the game for me is sl costs. Playing top tier without premium is pretty much impossible without constantly going down to lower tiers to grind out sl with a premium or something.
Each vehicle has their own multiple for silver lion bonus now If they lower the repair cost so does the silver multiple goes down to making it pointless only make sense for premium vehicle to have that low repair cost high silver lions multiple.
Yeah, it's like they calculated the income in SL and RP and smacked it behind a paywall while calling it premium. Non premium in the other hand just cut it half and force players to buy premium to have some kind of enjoyment and not to worry about running out of SL in higher BRs. I bailed from my 10.0 lineup too because it was unbearable. I don't even have the motivation to get the M1A2 because I already have enough suffer with the M1A1. Without premium right now at 6.3 Italy I still come most of the times with a profit, but there are some really bad matches where I luckily only lose 500-2000 SL, but the matches are slowing down a lot compared to 4.0 in my opinion
@@fenderbender2476 and im having problems just playing air rb, i cant even imagine the pain of paying repair costs for a whole lineup every game
@@fenderbender2476 The problem here is that the SL income factor is low in general, I am one that has premium and premium tanks/aircraft but even with all of this and the fact im a good player ( not boosting), it still takes me ages to get 600k - 1 bar of SL, and with this I have noticed that the income factor is either weak AF or somethings not right. Like how inflation goes up every year but your salary stays the same, same feeling
I think the simplest and most comprehensive fix to the match maker would be to remove the 1.0 uptier. The max BR shifts should be +- .7: 3.3-4.0-4.7 range for example.
That would be so good
.3 would be better. war thunder have a lot of new players from this new update.
About BR "problems" in GF, i woul say that there are some "key" BR where you can encounter a massive shift in "features". For me, a really "touchy" topic is first appreance of HEAT-FS and STAB. 6.7/7.3 that are mostly late WW2/Korea era tank will face 7.7/8.3 that are Cold War era tank with their very powerful "features" such as thermals and APFSDS, the gap is small yet the gap in tech is massive ! I think that some "ceilings" in BR should be introduced like we used to have (for a time in jets at 9.7)
Same "ceilings" based on "features" could be also placed in Air !
Tiny swedish boi 400mm pen at 5.3 lol or how much was it again
That's the thing. Germany gets from 5.0 to 7.7 Tanks that were meant to fight with armor (like the Tiger I, Tiger II, Jagdtiger, Maus, and so on). Germany itself is a really good nation but they have the worst tank on that battle rating because they are simply out of the META. The Tiger was good against WW2 Tanks. You angled and the enemies had a hard time penetrating your armor. Nowadays you angle and still get lol penned by the next HEAT-FS round. Or you get completely outflanked by post-war tanks. IMO should WW2 Tanks not face HEAT-FS and only 17 pounder APDS. I miss the old days when armor actually mattered and could be used for what it's meant. Nowadays is armor simply weight that just slows you down without helping you in combat
@@BrokenAngelWings amen
@@craigveurr452 I mean I got called so often Wehraboo, Idiot, noob, and so on just because of my statement earlier but I'm personally convinced that these comments come from a player who plays only allied nations and only post-war tanks that can easily deal with Tigers
100% true
Tanks definitely need some more decompression around 6.7-7
3, it's basically old armor with APCBC vs. British turret cheeks that can't be penned due to volumetric who launch APDS straight through those massive armor plates
One of the best things Gaijin could do for the health of the game is to take a page out of Wargaming's book and hold a CC summit each year where CC's all come together and meet with developers to discuss issues and where they think the game should go in the next year realistically
Yeah cause that worked out well in WoT right? Kekw
Lol indeed that's a terrible idea. Don't ever mention that evil empire whoregaming. A cc program is trash all they will do is pay them off to tell us how good that content and how good the game is. The blind leading the blind.
I just want them to stop ruining 8.7-9.7 they add an op thing then take it away then re add some old op thing
the feeling of pain when you spawn in you MiG15bis and see a MiG21f-13
@@Moxie_278 yeah I’m over here in my vatour and Sabre playing against f104s,mig21s and lightnings and that’s classified as “fair”
@@JustAPairofLegs bro, I keep getting shot down by tracking missles in my Sabre. Like, how can I defend myself against those, way too op and it makes gaining sl impossible
F-104s are easy to kill but mig21’s and lightings are terrible
@@thomasnguyen5579 yeah I find it annoying when I play jet bombers that most of the time I don’t even make it to a base before getting missled
Remember when combined mode was "coming soon"?
I wanna be able to have a full on air/ground/ship battle.
Ships will annihilate everything
There wouldn't be any point playing tanks, they would be annihilated by both CAS and naval
I miss all the pacific maps and battles and fighting in zeros over midway
Scruf same, would love to verse zero in p51h, but I got it only a few weeks ago so that is anoying.
Now we have Bastogne, Colognia and El Alamein
What happened to pacific maps?
This. Most players want to feel like they're taking part in history, and removing maps along with same-nation matchmaking doesn't give players this feeling.
Im barely past the zeros and the grind just got much worse. Its bad enough flying those paper planes and getting lit from one hit from an enemy that can dogfight you from at least 3.5km ASL. It even worse when youre in planes that are 1 to 1.7 br above where they should be. None of the japanese props should be remotely close to 5.7 like the ki 84 family hitting 6.7 when they should be 5.3 tops. Reduce the knee jerk nerfs to appease the USAF factions because "muh p47 died so that plane must be op" when theyre mowing the lawn with their props.
Spit, for tanks the decompression problem is near when heatfs become usable, you'll have people at 6.7 in their tortoises and king tigers relying on armour when there are ru251, m41, and pasta bois, running around with mega pen heatfs
You forgot the sweds
Sad t95 sounds
Yes, yes, yes, and yes again. A Tiger II or Tortoise should NEVER be put up against HEATFS or ATGMs and it happens ALL THE TIME. There are plenty of other vehicles at and even BELOW 6.7 that can kill a Tiger II or Tortoise.
Call today and YOU can save an A-5 Saber! Don’t let BR compression and 20G missiles stop them from living a healthy life!
Yeah, those missiles are pretty unhealthy to most anything atm
F84-F suffers more than the A-5
@@rafa5361 i know, its too bad too back when the f2 was top tier the thing was fun to fly, not invincible by any means but good
@@rafa5361 i misread that but my reply still stands
Funny how much pride they find in fixing few bugs than forgetting all other ones xD
It's good for marketing xD
We CHANGED A SOUND! Game is fixed comrade!
WE NEED NEW GAME MODES. I’m tired of doing the same damn thing...
Yes, this this this. Great mechanics. Such boring gameplay. If every match was fun I wouldn't mind she grind as much, infact I'd probably spend more money to experience more of the game.
Looking forward to the battlestations game mode, hopefully war thunder takes notes
An idea, similar to BF V conquest gamemode
Or addapt arcade modes go RB. Man, playin RB planes is boring, the same maps and misión over and over again
@@jrotela vhh
didn't even mention - ghost shells, desync, lag, bullets hitting when they shouldn't in air combat, other various glitches, texture gitches, lag on consoles, lag or unplayable on lower end pc's due in part to the new graphics engine.
The ghost shells are the worst thing of the game. At leats in a top 10
They need to get rid of that 25 minute max time limit in air RB.
and maybe just divide it into 2 mode: quick match and normal 45m-1 hour, or something like that
@@m-g-b513 if you want 45min+ matches go play sim. many dont want longer matches because it just forces space climbers especially at lower BRs so no thanks.
@@123TheCloop I don't know about you, but I know I've had maybe 2 matches the past 365 days that lasted an hour. *Just because the original max time limit was 1 hour doesn't mean all matches lasted 1 hour. The games I played lasted, on the average, 35-40 min...that doesn't mean I want to be locked to 35 min.* I've no problem with a 1 hour match since it gives you the chance to reverse a match or earn more SL/RP.
Anyone playing a match that lasts longer than they want can J out or land and go th hangar...there's nothing stopping folks from doing that.
I'd say if you don't want 45+ min matches, go to Arcade...it already has 20 min matches. No need to try to re-invent Arcade by trying to make RB quicker. The only reason the devs changed Air RB to 25 min was to check the space climbing and passive play, but changing it to 25 min was a very lame way to deal with space climbing. I think there's more to it than that...I think they're tired of folks trying to make a match last during events (bombers space climbing). They're being greedy but not wanting to state that they're greedy, so they made an excuse to alter the gameplay.
There was no real need to make matches shorter....they could've implemented a mechanism to prevent space climbing. They got lazy and didn't want to do dev shit. This IS the laziest "fix" I've ever seen. It doesn't fix space climbing...in fact, that's even worse than before they lowered max gameplay to 25 min.
@@shadowguardian3612 the best fix to this, is the further into the battle, your tickets will start to decay, depending on how many players are alive on the teams
@@kevinrhodes6066 either way they are a buisness and they are loosing money on it
While grinding I am mostly playing AB and noticed that this game is actually pretty good.
I was just extreme frustrated by RB where I loose a lot of motivation because I am getting my butt kicked often. (In AB I seem to be a demigod for some reason btw)
It was often frustrated not necessarily because I was killed but because I knew that when the match ended I got some XP but lost SL.
This is basically punishing the player for dying. I think that repair cost should stay to discourage suicide tactics but when I reach less than 0 SL as my "reward" at the end it should not take me into the negative.
As a full time tanker I’d like to see modifications linked to BR so that a stock tank starts out say a 0.3 lower BR or give stock vehicles a free respawn to encourage people to grind.
Happy New Year!
Opinion from a experienced naval player these are the top Naval issues right now: BR, Maps, Damage Model and Game Modes
BR: Just sometimes stupid, getting matched in a destroyer or even stock light cruisers into matches with heavy Cruisers or Battleships. Btw don‘t even start on Arcade Naval Battles, they are beyond broken where you get matched with stock destroyers against cruisers
Maps: One of the most awful map designs ever, you think Ground RB was bad? Oh boy, don‘t you think its fun spawning in an completely open sea area with no cover in a 4km radius at a distance of 10km away from your enemy? Basically every match is pray that you aren‘t the first one to get ammo wrecked in the first 2 minutes of the game trying to flee from spawn. Also higher tier matches have a huge issue with smaller boats, a lot of the matches are over by the time any bigger vessel reaches a cap, because those little PT boats spawn a lot closer to the caps and can cap them in the first 2 minutes.
Damage Model: They changed it a few months ago iirc, ammo wrecks happen a lot more often, nobody kinda asked for it. Its no fun getting deleted by one HE salvo in an instant. (Might be not an expert on that one though)
Game Modes: Only one game mode, cap x numbers of zone with tickets. Why? Ideas: Convoy Escort, Island Captures, Attack/Defend an Port... Maps need to be bigger for this, I mean ships are huge, so why aren‘t the maps as well? EC was great for example.
Naval Battles have so much potential, but just doesn‘t get the attention it deserves imo
i dont think this is talked about enough, but recently gayjin changed the gun sounds for tanks and i LOVE it
I agree they are just perfect
I miss the old gun sounds for aircraft they were amazing especially the shvak cannons the sound they had were so distinctive its like it had a ring after each shot. I suggest finding some game play of gaijins air Sim game before wt it was called birds of steel. Very amazing game instead of sl and GE it was se and gl.
We need them to fix the game not ad shit 80% of us didnt ask for like the hot trash update
@@ITSJustAGame-ro5ut yea I agree although it adds some nice detail we need quality of life patches first and the patches need to be debugged desperately my game constantly crashes in the loading screen when returning to hangar tanks look like plastic and have unicorn vomit on them
@@wackiermaple2178 bro sound is awfull
Spitflyer, what I found really special about this video is that you not only pointed out the problems, but you gave solutions and explained why they would work. Hats off to you!
Or maybe the fact that the B-29 takes almost 60K of your SL when you die...
For ships:
First: AA is fine!!! Never ever braindead suicidebombing again, please!!
decompression, decompression, decompression.
The new BBs are just broken. 20-30 K/Ds in my BBs. They survive the game while 10 ships are shooting at them. Just BBs can do dmg on other BBs...
mapdesign and matchtime: You will never reach a cap with a cruiser or BB before the game ends, when a small boats caps it. I think, only EC is practical for high tier ships. Maybe split the map/game: One region for small boats, one for big ships; one with caps the other one with other objectives; more pleayers per region? maybe split the match: just small boats/just big ones, ... . (but this will never happen... they need a bigger playerbase for ships [but with the current status (straight out broken, extremly unfriedly for new players) is this impossible] to fix many problems.)
New objectives: capzones in high tier are bad! Carriermissions, convoimissions they are fun.
to small maps: 8 km distance between the spawns, fun when you play cruisers...
RP and SL gain. They increased the multiplicators, but didn´t touch the rewards... Yes they are better now, but 15k ep and 80k credits for 30 min (talis and premtime) and 10 kills+?
They splited the coastal and high water techtree... I just hate it... cashgrap for me...
naval aa is ridiculous. Spawning in an aircraft is absolutely not worth it unless youre a floatplane capping an abandoned cap. And I say that not just from the perspective of the aircraft, I sometimes wanna turn off my aa to not feel as bad getting undeserved kills.
@@craigveurr452 it is realistic. What is not realistic are the map sizes. Ships should spawn more then 20km away from each other then you also have a chance to evade Ships with good AA
@@warhead_beast7661 i love realism, but since a single aircraft could not win a battle against a warship in reality, something must be adjusted. If not for aa nerf, higher ship BRs maybe.
I despise that they split the trees. I spent a lot of time and some money grinding through all the small ships I hate only for the destroyer I wanted to become a reserve ship.
@@craigveurr452 Revenge bombing is a problem. Don´t spawn planes without the knowledge of the ships you attack. Simple as this.
Reducing the number of players in a match also addresses Gaijin’s biggest concern: queue time. Well said spit
Not really the player numbers in a game automatically go down if there is a lack of players
Meki Katt
??? Of course a lack of people playing the game would result in lower amounts of matches
@@Kay_213_ you misunderstand me i sayd the players in a match go down 10v10 instead of the usual 20v20(is it 20 i dont know)
Meki Katt
Ah. Still more fun then but matches tho
To attract more players they need to address the business model. As it currently stands it's downright toxic.
Something I would love to see from Gaijin (even though I know it will never happen) would be the ability to test every vehicle. Whether it's a tank, plane, heli, or ship. It would help newer players (and older players who are shit at the game [me]) try out top tier vehicles so we can grind towards something we know we would like.
They used to have that, but they got rid of it to make sure people dont know what they are getting until its too late.
For the issue with BRs and vehicles that are either a bit too strong or bit too weak to be put up or down a BR. This issue could be addressed by giving Gaijin more BR increments to use instead of the current .0, .3 and .7 increments. Changing BRs to increments of .2 would give Gaijin more BRs to more accurately place vehicles at BRs that are balanced and reflect the vehicles ability, effectively decompressing the whole game.
I’d combine this with changing the maximum uptier you can receive to 0.8 / 0.7 instead of the current 1.0. Some vehicles are so ill equipped to face vehicles a whole BR above them and are made completely redundant at BRs when they constantly get uptiered.
Obviously this would require a large restructuring of the BR system but I think given how big the issue of uptiers and balance is for so many players, it would be a worthwhile exercise. Let me know your thoughts.
My idea is to increase the RP gain in tanks. In a good match in air RB I can get 15K with a non premium plane (premium account though) a good match in tanks is 7-9K for a non premium tank with vehicles that cost the same RP as planes.
Alternative titles include;
"Things that WT wont address in 2021"
"Things that WT wont address"
For Tanks, the technological difference between 7.7 and 8.7 is the biggest in the game, and is in massive need of decompression
Shouldn't there be more BR walls so late ww2 tanks don't have to fight postwar vehicles?
@@Xiphactinus You see that would require effort something Gajin has a hard time putting into things
Players: give complains
Gaijin: ima pretend i didn't see that
In other news the F11 is once again viable!
How come? Any buffs?
@@levybaumeister2349 Likely that Harrier GR.1 is now 10.0 in RB
@KingXCorsa for some reason the A6M5 Otsu is a 26k repair cost, for some reason
@@scruf4728 bUt tHe StATisTics SaId iT's oVeRpoWeRED
@@scruf4728 You seen the Me 163 B-0? The B model is 8.0, has 2 x 30mm's and 11k repair cost, But the B-0 model has ability to put 4 x 20's on but is somehow at 8.7 with a 28k repair cost. Makes no sense at all... they both perform the exact same.
Ships with aircraft should be able to select an area on the map like when calling artillery and the ships in the area should become scouted and shown on the map
Better yet, the crane will place the scout plane on water, it takes off and scouts everything in proximity while flying to the designated zone but can get shot down as well
Br that needs decompression for tanks is i think 7.7, where the big armor meta meets the heatfs, atgms and early apfsds
Revenge CAS, the killcam is only half the issue. Having CAS appear 2 minutes into the match can completely destroy a team that is still moving into position. Also, very few people will spawn in at the start with AA, meaning CAS is unimpeded until someone spawns in with AA.
even then i've seen aa either get spawn camped by fuckwits who care more about kills then playing the objective as i always see these guys even when the other team has most of the objectives or when the aa moves to find a spot where they won't be map shot they ended up getting killed either by the same cas plane they spawned to get rid of or if they are at 8.0+ gets yeeted by a heli lobbing atgms.
2 things need to happen for the tank grind, firstly all RP costs should be reduced by I think 25-30% (that includes module RP costs), and secondly end of the line tanks should not have massively increased RP costs, they should just be normal.
War Thunder Naval: You want a battleship? Nah sorry, you gotta grind through all the ww2 cruisers and THEN you get a ww1 battleship. WTF are they thinking. Also, the maps are WAY too small for naval. There is no maneuvering or strategy involved, its just a shootout. One last thing, I thought naval combat heavily relied on planes. Where are the fighter wings and dive bombers?
most of the time they get yeeted by the laser accurate aa.
@@tf-uderpy699 or if youre a masochist playing the JP tree, youre the sole target since youre literally the only faction that any aircraft and do a run on.
For tanks a br range wich chould absolutely be decompressed is 7.3-8.7, and 3.7-5.7
I wish they would try compressing the JP tree for once since im going to be fighting 6.7 jets with my piddy dink ki 84 with 60 RPG 30mm cannons.
first of all: Happy new year!
As a tanker, I think that it is very important to discuss the grind for ground forces. I completely support your argument that instead of one vehicle, you need to research a whole lineup to be as competitive as with a single plane in ARB. Therefore, the grind takes longer.
But my main concern is that there is way too much to research (by RP): Back in the days where there was only one 10.7 vehicle per nation, the grind to 10.7 was long and exhausting but not impossible. You could even grind out 2-4 nations at the same time given you had the resources (time and maybe prem time or a top tier prem). With the addition of multiple rank VII vehicles, the grind to get top tier lineups got a lot more exhausting and for some players almost impossible. In 2020, the German ground forces were joined by the TAM 2C, the Radkampfwagen 90, the FlaRakRad as well as the Leopard 2A6. Anyone trying to get his hands on all of these vehicles has to grind 1 430 000 RP as well as 3 770 000 SL (with basic crew training: 4 870 000 SL) which is ridiculous especially regarding the fact that you only make profit in tanks (and by profit I mean to be able to buy what you have researched and have more SL than when you started researching) when you perform well. And I don't think that it is justified to put a 390k RP barrier in between the player and a 9.3 (!) vehicle that could have been added to the standard TAM in a bracket (at least in my opinion). Now imagine that a player wanted to grind multiple nations at once. This is now almost impossible regarding the rate at which new vehicles with horrendous RP and SL costs are being added.
My attempt to resolve this issue may seem a little controversial because it may seem unfair to players who have the resources to grind out top tier in ground forces almost immediately. I think that there should be a cap for vehicle RP cost. Let's say 390 000 RP or maybe 400 000 RP (which is already a fucking lot) and there should be a maximum of 2-3 vehicles that have to be researched with 390k-400k RP. Same as the BR decompression there should be an RP decompression especially for the three biggest nations (USA, Russia and Germany) in the game.
They won’t change anything, the game makes money and that’s a good reason why not to change anything in their eyes
Spit one thing I would like to see from you even though I learn a lot from your videos is a specific video on how and why you perform certain manoeuvres in any given situation you find yourself in in a plane RB battle.
Love you content, and happy new year!
“I’d like 50k by the end of the year.” My man at this rate you’ll get way more than 50k
Spit buddy I'm stupidly drunk because its new years eve but I want to commend the fantastic growth you've had over the past year and I want to acknowledge the balanced , experienced and knowledgeable voice you bring to top tier props and jet RB. I'm a long term jet player and I feel almost all of the stuff you say (for example about the F4 vs MiG21 in recent vids) is accurate and deserving of a wider audience. Top tier air RB needs work and you are (so far) one of the best avenues for that. You have achieved what I could not. Keep it up my Aussie bro!
I’ve found the best way to avoid power creep is to get stuck at mid tier prop grind and never make it to jets
Oh boy mid tier prop grind at 6.7 is waiting for me thanks to gayjins poster abused child, the JP tree. Player a prop with 60 rpg 30mm guns and climb rate below every other factions plane is gonna be a blast.
Congratulations On 40k!!!, Stay safe.
You forgot about crew levels and the way they impact the game so fucking much
Ace crews is pretty much P2W
Very nice and comprehensive video about issues.
And as some comments already suggested a collab podcast about the game every now,then could be a great thing.
In Ru WT community we have something like that and i think when issues talked about publicly by a number of creators they get seen faster and more.
Thanks for the videos Spit! Happy 2021
Imo the repair cost under no circumstances should be above the so you get from the avg kill. Otherwise it's mathematically impossible for the economy to stay afloat.
I think that if you use something OP, you better not be a monkey or you'll be punished
@@Spitflyer or maybe they could just properly balance OP vehicles? i want to play the tech tree g.55 for example, but as a player who gets an avg of 1 kill/game i will never fly that plane because it will most likely bankrupt me. If the plane is overperforming nerf its performance or increase the BR. BR decompression would obviously help with this issue as well.
Feet reveal at 50k?
Happy new year :D
First off happy new year Spit! As an air rb main there are a few things that I would like to see fixed . The matchmaker being the main issue. There are some planes I genuinely enjoy flying but always keep in the hangar due to bad matchmaking. Things like the Bf110g4 that at 3.7 fits its niche as a bomber hunter, but I never see 3.7 in that plane. It’s always 4.7 games with p47s and p51s that shred me instantly. What I’m getting at is that the amount of full uptiers should be reduced. I wouldn’t mind shitty queue times if my plane could actually survive for more than 5 minutes.
Yup, I noticed the same. 4.3-4.7.-5.0 sucks in everything, from above and under
3.3-3.7 gets sucked up to 4.0-4.3 air all the time. if you play a 3.7 plane you are bottom BR 9/10 matches. its not just top tier that needs BR deconpression. the difference in performance and guns from 3.0-3.7 planes and 4.0-4.7 planes is huge and its very frustrating to want to play a plane but knowing you will have to rely on the enemy making mistakes to get kills because your plane is so crap. It makes tons of planes that aren't on top of a meta BR not even really worth playing.
@@affrajam1816 I thoroughly agree. I bought the Italian Bf110 to grind out the air tree and I haven't even flown it 10 times due to the sucky matchmaker.
Number 1: *THE CLASS 3 P AND EBR*
And r3 Obviously
Omg the ebr that absolute cancer of a tank
@@raphaelsmith5278 It's so fun to kill with my tanks
@@joshuadumais6312 killed one yesterday and I made fun of it in the chat
I killed it with a BF 109 lol
Spit flyer: there are so many things that need to be addressed right away
Gaijin: nah......different gun sounds
I've avoided encouraging friends to download War Thunder because of the grind. That says it all. It's a free-to-play game but those hours of your life can be spent on other things that reward you a lot more.
It can be so much fun with friends and can make the grind more tolerable because your with friends and can just fuck around
@@josephstalin5751 I have no doubt I'd have more fun playing with friends, but I feel dirty asking them to grind a tech tree that took me ~7 years to finish (mostly without premium).
Have a premium that can be unlocked through challenges in every tree, similar to squad vehicles but not requiring a squad. Have it so progress in any vehicle can unlock it i.e. you can play in an Italian tank and unlock a British aircraft if thats what you want to do. The initial grind in the first tree would still take some time but make subsequent grinds in other trees much easier
Gaijin: This video is unavailable for your country. ..
Tyvm for that video , all the problems are put forward ! In naval the dreadnoughts at 6.0 is killing the mode just because they are simply unsinkable with 100% of the CL or the CA from 5.0 to 5.7, the only thing that can kill them are a lot of big bombs or multiple torps so...
Comumity: mg just ate my 152mm ap shell
Gaijin: track update go brrrrrt
for the lineup thing, I think it would be AMAZING if they cut the research cost of basically everything, and then maybe added that cut research into some sort of barrier for next tier.
So for example, you've just researched your first rank 4 german vehicle, and now the rest of the vehicles are maybe 50% research cost of what they are now, and once you have finished rank 4 and are looking to get to rank 5, theres now a RP cost there to unlock rank 5 which was the removed RP from the vehicles, letting us get the vehicles and lineups and such faster, while not making it too fast overall. Gives some more room to actually upgrade these vehicles too.
There would probably need to be a bunch of changes for this to work, in terms of tech trees, and i guess the sense of progression would slow down and speed up a lot more this way which could be a bad thing, but it would at least let us not go into games with 1 tank considerably higher BR than the rest as often.
I'd like to see a reduction in high tier prop repair costs. Most are over 20k spaded. The Spaded Spitfire F Mk 22 is 30k spaded. Meaning I need 3-4 kills per death.
Yeah Ta 152 C-3 repair costs 30k
@@zburg7313 40k
Based on performance the c3 should be 10-12k spades imo
Br decompression for tanks is all of them. 0.7 br mm would fix a lot of things. 5.7 and up have problems with br compression. Even lower br since we have some vehicles that are to overpowered for their br. Like R t20, whirblewind come to mind on top of my head. Also limiting ground rb to 3 spawns would fix grind issue of not having to put 5-10 vehicles into lineup to be effective.
If the r3 T20 was a rank 2 then a lot of event pain would go away
It was rank 2 on launch
rank 2 ? are you kidding me ? this thing should be on rank 4 or even 5
General Alexandre
You missed the point. It being rank 2 would result in them not being useable for events, thus removing the spam.
Rank also doesn’t effect br, so it could theoretically be 5.0 but at rank 2
Maybe it would, but players would probably just switch to the M18 and run around in those. I would even put the R3 in a 6.0/6.7 BR and it would still do really well. One thing because it's gun is really powerful and a plane will be plane. Other than that the Allies will not give up on the P-47/F6F bombing so you can still earn quite some RP/SL with it.
I’d take fighting a m18 over a r3t20 any day
The visibility bug isn't limited to spotting, a friendly was invisible to me last night and his 1km long con-trail popped in at the same time his plane did about 3km out.
25,000 is not reasonable at all. Repair just needs to be removed it only makes me want to quit the game.
But spit only takes examples from himself, a above average player
*farming bots
@@chumbucket589 wait what
As someone with a long war thunder career and also who loves naval history and the possibilities naval has to offer I'd like to offer my opinion.
First of all, I don't think spawning in open waters is an issue as that's the most common place naval engagements took place, but the range is. The longest battleship hit was the HMS Warspite at 24 kilometers yet we spawn at no more than 15k and that range closes quite quickly.
Secondly, the ships do need their place and purpose as a fleet of all battleships was fairly uncommon. So I suggest giving ships like destroyers the ability to help the teams larger ships accuracy. Such as within a certain range they can "mark" a ship which then applies the bonus to shots on that ship by giving a more accurate range estimation and/or tracking. Cruisers can be so different that it would really depend on the ship as to how to make them more unique.
Finally, damage to ships shouldn't be so trivial. So you're telling me they just lost 25% of their crew and I destroyed the auxiliary guns but in 15sec they're just fine and start firing again? Turrets should be blown off from magazine detonation or huge shells hitting them knocking them out permanently. This would help keep battleships from having full power even after being hit for 10mins.
Gaijin needs to make bigger maps instead of limiting player counts in my opinion. Enduring Confrontation for Air RB would fit the game really well especially for the top tier jet meta.
yea big top tier jet maps would be pretty good. but for the maps we already have they can limit the player count
They should make planes fly only from airfields, no air spawns in tank battles so 10-20 sec revenge cas kills would be impossible.
0:00: Intro
3:50: Air RB Grind
5:50: Stock Missiles
7:26: Nation vs Nation Matchmaker
8:35: Spotting System
9:38: 7 vs 7 For Top Tier
11:11: Stock HEATFS
12:43: Revenge CAS
13:41: Lineup Grind
14:59: Map Design
16:40: Naval Issues
19:00: Helicopter EC Rebalance
20:39: BR Decompression
22:14: Repair Costs
24:17: Unreasonable Event Grind
25:16: Rate Of Powercreep
26:01: Top Tier Premiums
27:27: Better QA
28:38: Longer Dev Server Opening Times
The 6.7-8.7 blackhole for tanks is insanely hard to play in general because its not cool when your late war tank fights early mbts
7.7 is suffering from atmgs and the like, it is almost impossible to play my t 54s without getting smited by a bradely on the other side of the map.
5.3 to 7.7 is hard in russia, if you don't have the money to bring 50 tanks you will suffer
So like real life?
As someone who quite enjoys naval I’ll try and present the problems I’ve experienced with Bluewater naval as objectively as possible.
1. Extreme BR Compression: currently there is not a single vessel with bluewater naval that doesn’t either see reserves or top tier. With the recent battleships this issue has become even more exacerbated with them being only .3 of a br higher than the cruisers that they’re practically impervious to. I would personally have placed the BB’s at least at 6.7, with the battlecruisers at 6.3 and perhaps decompress the 5.7 cruisers into 6.0 but I sadly have no say in that.
2. Damage model inconsistency: practically every patch sees a major change to naval damage models which drastically change the way you play, sometimes making ammo detonations the way to kill, other times making citadel crew killing the way. This makes it very confusing for long time players because they need to constantly change the way they kill their targets.
3. The interaction between the coastal fleet and bluewater fleet: At BR 3.3 it can happen that matches that consist for the majority of coastal fleet vessels will be decided by the destroyers and their map domination through firepower and survivability. On the other hand at the BR of 5.7 and 6.0 where the majority of vessels are from the bluewater fleet matches can be decided by the few coastal fleet vessels per team. (the latter is mostly an issue with gamemodes / map design)
4. Naval CAS: It is reasonable for ships with a heavy AA focus being capable of swatting single aircraft out of the sky. It is therefore not really an issue of the AA being too powerful, but the amount of aircraft in the sky being too small.
5. Map design and game modes: Oh boy, this is an issue most if not all modes have but in bluewater naval it is quite noticeable which maps were designed for cruiser and heavier vessels and which are just converted from the original coastal fleet maps. Maps with no cover being the biggest problems (these are mostly the ones that we’re straight converted from coastal fleet maps). Some examples of good maps according to most players I’ve talked to are South Kvarken and Aleutian Islands, they provide a good balance of size and cover. For game modes Encounter seems to be the one most favoured by players I’ve talked to, while Domination and Conquest are the “bad” ones. Conquest is bad because of the open maps that don’t quite allow for any advanced tactics, Domination being bad for the fact the match outcome is decided by coastal fleet vessels.
I don’t have any recent experience with the coastal fleet to really form an opinion on what’s possibly wrong with them. I may have missed a key problem but I’m sure I’ll be reminded of what I forgot.
I think that getting 5 kill games aren't something that can be reasonable expected.(top tier probs)
Yeah in a lower rank rb, only about a quarter of players on a team might get 5 (in tanks anyway)
Actually it is easier to get more kills at low-mid tier than in top tier. The problem is that new players who dont know where to shoot dont do so well (obviously) but the game play styles make it easier to get more kills once u know that ur doing.
Getting more than 1 kills in top tier prolly means he knows how to play (gets a good position and "camps"), or hes playing a leo2a6 🤣
@@jaewoojung1309 haha I agree, its easier in lower tier if you know what your doing, especially if you've found a tank series that works well for you e.g. the soviet T-34s. For me personally its always been the Tiger H1 that I consistently get at least 3 kills a game with.
But as you said, if your still fairly new, it can be very challenging and this steep learning curve is worsened with repair costs getting in the way, considering most players havent got premium time under their belt to help..
13:08 about this "Removing Position of Player in kill cam" This is not a good idea since this will benefit "Spawn snipers/Campers", their pos will be more concealed and make them abuse the game mechanic to the fullest.
Revenge CAS is something that will not go away
Do you ever plan to fly the mig 9 late
I just got it and wanna see how you would play it.
it is a good plane, I also want him to fly it.
It can roll very well, decent armament, and accelerates well ( from my experience, better than most of the plane in that BR).
Mig 9L is more or less like an F84 but slightly better, with a bit less top speed and ammo.
I used it back in the old days, to grind out all Mig's up to 19 (before 21 were introduced) with Mig-9L.
how about for the lineup issue, the more vehicles you unlock in the tier the less research is needed to unlock more vehicles in the tier.
About killcams ; we need to get the same one as SB ! A very neutered one, just the last few meters and how and where he penetrated, nothing more !
SB killcam should be the "norm"
For tank br's, the leap in technology is absolutely massive between br 6.7-7.7 and then from 7.7-8.7
You often don't stand a chanse if you get a full uptier in those br's.
So there is definitely some decompression needed there.
What about the fact that bombers are made of paper and really can't live and other aircraft are stronger and on the topic of helis if something is lazer guided that means unlimited range but all atgms have a max range of like 6.24 miles like bruh
Bombers definitely need a change of spawn height. I do like playing the B-17 and I hate being killed by a do 335. Also with laser ATGMs 6.24 miles is OK because you can always fly to range and fire, and pop back into hiding.
List of Things of the video for those that want to skip to a exact part:
Air RB:
1. Grind 3:48
2. Stock Missiles( Rank 6 ) 5:51
3. Matchmaker 7:05
4. Consistent Spotting System 8:34
5. 7vs7 in +10.0 Jets 9:35
1. Removal of Stock HEAT-FS 11:12
2. Revenge CAS 12:43
3. The ( Lineup ) Grind 13:33
4. Map Desing 14:58
1. Map Desing 16:36
2. More Gameplay 17:14
3. Balance AA 17:31
Helicopters EC:
1. Rebalancing of Heli EC 18:57
Problems in General:
1. BR Descompression 20:04
2. Repair Costs 22:09
3. Impossible or too Grindy events 23:48
4. Power Creep 24:57
5. Top tier premiuns 25:56
6. Need of more quality assurance in patches 27:05
7. Dev server, not hype server ( is highly recommendable look at the point 6 to understand the context of this point ) 28:32
I have this in the description
@@Spitflyer I have proven that, without a doubt, im dumb.
@@grass123 LOL
I think they should just add 1.0, 1.3 1.5, 1.7. 2.0, 2.3... etc
Pretty sure that’s already I’m game, has been for years.
@@TouchableGrass not the .5 part
Happy New Years spit love you bro 🤙🏽
I have never once used the warbond shop and I do not plan to get any talismans just lower the rp cost
if anyone deserves 100k subs its you mate, hope you have a great 2021 and i will do my part in supporting the channel o7
I feel like i've seen this video a few years ago already lmao
For the lineup grind problem perhaps something could be set so every time you research a tank of a certain BR the next tank at that same BR has it's research cost cut by a certain percentage. That percentage could grow each time you get another tank at that BR (so 40% off next, then 50%, 60%, up to 70% or even 80% if Gaijin was feeling generous)
One thing Gaijin can't fix (the players)
Such a humble youtube content creator. You earned a subscriber. I've watched on and off for the last year and you have created topnotch content. I look forward to watching your further content.
Wack ur timestamps didn't turn blue so prob that's why chapters didn't become a thing.
Used a : at the end so...
With amount of vehicles in game, Gaijin could remove tech trees altogether. Set research, purchase and earning vs repair individually by plane/tank, and not by tech progression, and remove prerequisites/tier unlocks. Common and easy to use vehicles would be at cost allowing to get them in matter of hour giving player basic access to desired era, and with earning/repair balanced so even bad players don't need to worry about losing SL (but won't make much either), with purchase price, earings and repair cost increasing as we go into rare and specialised vehicles.
This would also solve issue of players buying their way into high tier, then leaving after 1 death because they don't have second vehicle.
Something I remember from courses, is that while enlongating goalposts between each reward is important to keep person invested, if you make it too long, they will lose interest, start taking breaks and eventually kick their addiction and leave. Imagine getting into War Thunder now and seeing solid year of daily grind to get to modern stuff. I wonder how many causal players gave up after T3 where grind starts really biting
With this system in place, there would be no need for RP anymore, as the only limit would be SL pricetag.
Gaijin added a "new year acrobatic smoke" but it doesn't even work lmfaO
Can they even do anything right?
getting 60 euros out of your wallet for useless ship. That works without a single issue XD
man stock grind in jets, 200 games in the german MiG 21 and still didn't get the R60, those missiles should be rank 1 or 2 mods, it's literally 200k+ RP for those missiles
Your channel finna blow up man. Just keep on rocking your thing.
With the tank lineup grind and the grind in general you could make it so you can research multiple vehicles at the same time but with a penalty to rp per vehicle. Maybe it could be 1 vehicle per type or something along those lines so you can get at least part of a lineup at once.