You do so well in this thing because: Your crew is upgraded and can handle G's. Most are not. Most experience G-Lock where you don't. Your cannon has the last upgrade where others fire more than 3 shots and lock up,..37mm is Done until you go back to base. You are giving players false hope while you insist that this plane is fully capable at facing 5.0 BR. Most can not handle uptier.
@@sprsnc01 you're argueing the plane can't handle the uptier but claiming it's a pilot issue? This plane is actually really good and I back the 5.0 comment.
WhooptieDo Pokryskin’s P-39N has entered the chat (I mean seriously, 400mph at 10,000ft, climbs to that Alt in like 2 minutes, and its 37mm is pretty much a guaranteed 1 hit kill)
Hello friend, between the oldies, like i am one of , the p400 still is a brilliant aircraft , but actually, the p47, p63, and even the f4f and f6f are still popular today. It,s not only their climbing rate, as for the f4f there is litle, but the 6x12,7 brownings , situated on the wings , are just amazing , ...use stealth bullets, and it is done with the most other planes. Yep...even in 2020, 7 years later , i enjoy the p400 , and prettymuch the entire rank 2 and 3 planes of u.s.a.
@@Spitflyer Well, trash in-game perhaps. No idea how effective it would have been in real combat. Depends on how well you trust Gaijiggles to model stuff right I suppose
At that tier it's a jack of all trades, master of some. -As fast as an Fw-190 A-1 -Turns decently -climbs well -armament aint bad either -max dive speed ~850 km/h
A good fellow I know flew RP-63s for operation pinball. He also flew the combat versions of them. He remarked they were his favorite aircraft in terms of performance and often said the reason they weren't used was basically because the P-51 was already being mass produced.
YES I FOUND THE SAME the first thing I did once I could test fly the German CL was slap the wings off, and I was shocked how well it flew, I could still shoot stuff down.
The control surfaces are just so stupidly responsive that the instructor has little trouble trimming out major changes in lift and drag balance Also on that note, the F-2 model is WAY harder hitting than the F-25, I found out recently (and also, it saw minor service in Korea while the -25 block did not)
Yeah, if you learn how to use it, you can often wreck most of the fighters in 1-2 bullets and tear bomber wings right off. But the cannon handles so differently from most other plane armaments in the game, that most people just assume it handles badly.
I fly it almost exclusively in SB, and most if not all my kills are with the 37. It's far from useless, even though its dispersion isn't too great at the distance pilots shoot at in RB
@@MadManchou I agree with you, the p63 cannon in SB is pretty good, I knew it because I fly with italian planes and when I see something that looks like a p63 i run away as fast as i can In AB the cannon is useless.
i think you forgot about the Tempest Vickers P, thats at 4.0 and can get to 390 mph (620kph) on the deck. However it has 47mms, but if you are good you can shoot people down with them. Please do a video on the Vickers P, flying a tempest at 4.0 with two huge cannons is so amazing. Its amazing for ground pounding, its so good im using it to grind out the javelin haha. great vid :)
As a P-39 pilot, I always found the P-63s really frustrating. I don't entirely remember WHY that is, but I think it might've been that lack of low-speed maneuverability. The Airacobra is pretty much ready to dogfight from the moment it gets wheels-up, whereas the Kingcobra feels a lot heavier. I will say, if you can learn the 37mm (at least, with the Airacobra's flying style and the older M3 version of the cannon), you can absolutely make it work just fine. As in, I used to be able to reliably whack small targets like an I-16 levels of deadly. Actually, my advice used to be pretty much the opposite of what you give: "Pretend the .50 cals don't exist, just be practiced with that cannon." Not sure if the P-63's M10 is as accurate, and the marginally different playstyle of the P-63 probably has a significant impact on its usefulness, but for the most part, it just takes being practiced and familiar with the ballistics. There are some types of shots that the 37mm really likes (particularly mid-turn shots when you've got the largest possible profile of the enemy aircraft to shoot at), but it's absolutely deadly if you know how to handle it. It seems like it hasn't performed as well for me recently, but I think I'm just out-of-practice and not getting as good of shots in. After taking it out in some test flights, I'm still getting pretty good damage on my hits. Tail-section hits aren't always an instant kill but they are usually crippling, and center-of-mass hits (near the wing stem/cockpit) are pretty much always fatal. It takes some getting used to, but I remember I used to be able to get a hit for every three shots on a good day when I was playing pretty much nothing but the P-39, and while that takes an obscene amount of practice, I think something like 1 hit per 6-8 shots is probably fairly achievable, and with how lethal that gun is, I'd say that's fairly effective. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk
For climbing in rb, I use the virtual cockpit because you get an AOA pipper thing that shows your true heading, if it start to drop it means you’re too slow, so use it to find the ideal speed and angle where it still holds with your gun pipper.
Mr Spit, I managed to shoot down a total of 3 enemy planes with the 37mm alone, I f***ing love this cannon when a single universal or default 37mm round impacts the enemy plane and I love watching them go boom. I never ignore a weapon I can aim if I just concentrate on doing so.
Noooo, don't out my baby like this! :c Also you call yourself a cobra fan while dissing the 37! This is like saying you like the A-10 but dislike the GAU-8. I do the opposite of what you say, I have my .50s set to stealth and focus on trying to use the 37 mm as if the .50s aren't there, or rather as stealthy guns to tickle the enemy into turning or as bonus damage in a dogfight. Once you learn it, which admittedly few have the will for, certainly not you it seems, the central gun just swats people out of the sky on command, far more satisfying than tickling people to death with the police .50s, that don't even have that much ammo for MGs.
I completely agree. In order to be a true P-63 fan you gotta learn to aim that 37mm. I use ground targets on the .50 cause they seem to do more damage, but I shoot the .50s and 37 seperatly so I don’t get confused with the tracers
I aced out my crew on the Spitfire Mk.22. Without talisman, nor premium, totally f2p. It's total beast against jets, can outturn and outroll almost everything it faces. I have like 150 battles on it but around 300 kills. I was happier when i got uptiered rather than downtiered, bcs german props :)
I had a feeling that said, "fly the P-63," and whenever I want to play a plane I am not comfortable with, I watch vids on its strengths and weaknesses to get a grasp of what I need to do. The game after watching this video I got 8 kills. Thanks!
People start playing france more since the EBR come out, and here i am who have used that plane hundreds of match could confirm that this plane realy good but kinda paper ish. Also the 500lb armament on this plane is very worth it to bring in ground RB , especially at its BR. Btw this plane still work amazingly even at ground RB 6.0+ at least until 8.0+ ish i still using it. But then the F4U-7 come in thats your real CAS prize.
I use this plane with my EBR lineup it's so effective it feels like the lineup is a recon unit with the EBR that spots ennemies and the P63 comes in to bring air support in case things go wrong on the ground
@@hugorc343 it really does lol... nothing you can do about them unless you're playing against people who don't know how to deal with jets at all. even then, the p59 doesnt really play like a jet either.
@@randonlando418 It can outturn them but it cant realy outmanover them. The roll rate is much worse than on a TA 152, especialy at Low speeds(and you will be at low speeds a lot when you want to turn with that thing) and above 600km/h the rudder just gives up on life and stops existing.
Muzzy According to the Kiwi’s climb charts, the A-10 Actually has better low alt performance, while the C-5 does sufficiently better high up that it still climbs better to 6km from the deck than the A-10
mmm 37mm single shot kills are so satisfying I remember this one match where a plane tried to outrun me after diving and I fired a single shot and the entire plane exploded "Right wing damaged, left wing damaged, engine damaged, pilot is unconscious, right gear leg damaged, etc." it was so satisfying
Jack of all, master of none. Best flown as a medium speed, shorter loop, BnZ below 4.7k meters. I highly suggest a secondary fire button on all planes like this to fire just the low caliber weapons. Also when overshooting below an enemy, level off after turning away from enemy and let that sweet speed just drag you away. This works best between 0.5k to 3k meters alt.
Lol, me and my friend just started playing the game last month, and i have the whole line of the p400 type planes(p39 and 63) and they are my best fighters. My friend primarily uses a p51
a forward mounted engine vs center mounted engine isn't going to be "pulling from the front vs center." Aircraft have a specific center of gravity and also, the prop does the pulling. The prop is on the nose so its always going to be pulling from the nose. You just now have a cavity in the forward fuselage to jam weapons or other things in vs an engine.
I prefer the N, ESPECIALLY Pokryskin’s N. The wing guns don’t give you many kills that the 37mm won’t give you, and the result is 400mph at 10,000ft, at 3.0 BVeetus Deletus
imagine if the p-39 actually was prodiced with the supercharger and engine bell had intended it to have. Post war p-39s and p-63s became beast racing aircraft.
Just checking my stats, A5 version has a 2:1 kill to death ratio which is good for me as an average player. The C5 also has a 2:1 kill ratio and I haven't got it spade out yet, I've not done very well with the A10 though which also isn't fully spade, only a couple more kills than deaths.
I thoroughly enjoyed this plane I played in a squad with 3 other guys in P63s and F6F-5Ns I had just come off spading the first VB.10C-1 so imagine combing from that into this I had a blast I had it near spaded in 6 or 6 matches it was a beast
I love that plane so much... I don't rely on the cannon too much but the 50s and just the whole plane in general is fucking amazing... I can kill any 109 or 190s, Italians and sometimes zeros as well
P63 a5 is the best plane for operatios. It's so good and CAS is somewhat possible too thanks due to thin German armor. Was honestly surprised when I got to know close to no one else uses it, some don't even acknowledge how good it is
Spitflyer, I recommend you try the Russian premium lend-lease P-63 A-5, which is still available for 1,500 GE (iirc). Its a monster that climbs to 5,000 meters in 5 minutes and the 37mm (although not reliable) can incinerate planes with a direct hit. I personally love to go underneath a BV 238 and smack it with 3 direct hits of the 37mm into the fuselage and watch that terrifying gunboat become mince meat. It also absolutely destroys any bomber it faces, as long as you still have ammo for the 37mm. Fun plane that I grinded out half th Soviet line in about 100 battles.
I already say that the P-39 is underrated, but I don't often say anything about the '63, although I group those under the '39 umbrella, as they are extremely similar.
Awesome ^^ I'm confused about one thing though, how are you so experienced in this plane but you cant lead the 37mm? Its exactly like with any kind of gun, you need to learn how to lead it before it works. I get at least 50% of my kills with the 37, the other 50% being stealth .50 cals in headons.
Oh I agree, its not at all reliable at range, but most engagements and dogfights close range are great for using the 37mm, I just thought it was strange that you advised to play like it isnt even there ^^
Yes ist underrated. I fly only in Tank-RB und have a very good K-D Ratio with the Aircobra or later Models. Keep this on speed, good initial turn. Bloody good 37mm.
I find only one issue with P-63s in general: high speed control surface compression. Good luck not compressing at 550 kph with a maxed, non-expert crew while making a slight turn. But other than that, if you Ace the crew, it becomes insane and very good at everything.
Spit your wrong about that P63 the 37 mm is actually really great. I use the American one. And you don't need to aim all, that much. You just need to use it like a bf109 nose mounted 20mm. It works and works with perfect effects.
Learn the Tempest Mk V, it can out energy 109 K-4s in a sustained turnfight while easily exceeding 600km/h in a 3~4 deg CLIMB. It's an actual BEAST at lower altitude xD
the P-63 i think is very underrated, and if allied teams knew how to fly them and flew them out more i dont think the allied 5.0 "suffer" would be there
I recommend using TAS instead of IAS when going off speed while climbing, cause IAS is a curve. It's set to a fixed altitude and temparture (so air density), which means that your IAS at high altitude would be way lower than your TAS would be
uhm, tier for tier the Fw190 at 4.3 goes up to 530-540 at 1.7 the He100 also easily breaks 500 decently sure the bf109F4 at 4.0 also goes trough the 500 line
Dunno about high speed at low alt, I mean don't forget russian Yak-3 and La-5FN. Sure it's hard to notice mostly because of how people use them (turn even with zeros, never said it was effective though), but when it comes to tag games at low alt they can surprise most of their enemies.
Also I forgot to mention, but your dissing of 37mm is really biased. I'm mostly flying Pokryshkin's P-39N-0 and have .60 cals set on stealth so I can focus on 37mm and after a while it just annihilates any enemy you meet. Happened even to 3-shot a BV a couple of times with 37mm only.
There is a similar example in 3.0 The P-39N-0 Similar performance with 2x50cals, 4x30cals, and a 37mm Really nice plane to fly, I get kills while being a noob fighter(just started playing ARB few months ago
I love this plane! It's what got me into War Thunder. I remember watching Entak's video a long time ago, where he called it the best plane in the game.
***Disclaimer: Spit did well here because he had teammates that stepped in the right moment. If you are playing American 4.0 your teammates are a bunch of P47 doing ground pound and dies. You will be going solo, and will certainly die if you are not that skilled in 1v2+
Yeah but putting a talisman on a lower tier plane is really cheap. You can do the tutorials or earn the eagles from a wager. His point was he didn't spend eagles to convert them to research points.
@@Rogueginger69, I’m perfectly aware of what he meant. At the end of the day, he’s saying he didn’t use Golden Eagles when that is in fact what he did. Talismans are cheap up until a certain point, in Tier IV, Talismans are 1,000+ Golden Eagles, you don’t get 1,000+ Golden Eagles from the tutorials and it will take quite some time to get from the Golden Eagles wagers, unless you’re lucky. I’m not having a go at him or criticising his content, well I suppose I am in a sense. I’m just mocking him for how poorly he worded that sentence.
@@Spitflyer They do but how many engagements happen at 1.5km away at 3.0-5.0? I'd say only about 2.5% of the players will engage intentionally at that range and know they can hit reliably. Now that being said if the other 97.5% of engagements are within that 0.8km range what's the point of being effective past that range? Yeah it's convenient but designers of aircraft during war time will typically stay with designs and weapon systems that are most useful not designs that can only show their merits outside of typical parameters of combat. This is also due to other factors such as war time industry needing to be as streamlined as possible and new technologies outside the norm are very good at slowing that down.
Spit_flyer only made this video so more people would play it who can’t so its stats go down and gets an even LOWER BR.
Omg yes
You want lower, fly the P39.
You do so well in this thing because: Your crew is upgraded and can handle G's. Most are not. Most experience G-Lock where you don't. Your cannon has the last upgrade where others fire more than 3 shots and lock up,..37mm is Done until you go back to base. You are giving players false hope while you insist that this plane is fully capable at facing 5.0 BR. Most can not handle uptier.
@@sprsnc01 you're argueing the plane can't handle the uptier but claiming it's a pilot issue? This plane is actually really good and I back the 5.0 comment.
Pokryskin’s P-39N has entered the chat
(I mean seriously, 400mph at 10,000ft, climbs to that Alt in like 2 minutes, and its 37mm is pretty much a guaranteed 1 hit kill)
I seem to remember the P-400 and P-63 being really popular in early days of WT
The P-39 is a clubbung machine
I remember that... ah.
I used to play the P-39 all the time in the early days. Great low altitude fighters.
I still use my P-400 when I want to play in the 2.7 area and it still works pretty well
Hello friend, between the oldies, like i am one of , the p400 still is a brilliant aircraft , but actually, the p47, p63, and even the f4f and f6f are still popular today.
It,s not only their climbing rate, as for the f4f there is litle, but the 6x12,7 brownings , situated on the wings , are just amazing , ...use stealth bullets, and it is done with the most other planes.
Yep...even in 2020, 7 years later , i enjoy the p400 , and prettymuch the entire rank 2 and 3 planes of u.s.a.
Im the dead teamate from that match lol
Tuff luck but guess what, you're in the vid now lmao
Would you rather...
Win the game?
Get in a Spit_flyer video?
@@PNolandS Video
@@PNolandS wing game
@@PNolandS Clap them cheeks
Unless is misremember the Soviets really loved the Cobras they received from lend-lease due to their great performance at lower altitudes
iirc they also loved the 37, which is fucking trash lmaooooo
Spit_flyer the gun?
@@Spitflyer Well, trash in-game perhaps. No idea how effective it would have been in real combat. Depends on how well you trust Gaijiggles to model stuff right I suppose
While the us rarely used the p 63, the soviets loved it.
@@Spitflyer maybe in real life it was a lot better than it actually is in the game
Hey spit try the P-39N i love that little cobra.
“ the 37 MM is’nt a good weapon” blow ups a 109
At that tier it's a jack of all trades, master of some.
-As fast as an Fw-190 A-1
-Turns decently
-climbs well
-armament aint bad either
-max dive speed ~850 km/h
One shots a hudson
There is ultra rare P39-Q also )))
The delete key
It is never a good idea to strap a grenade launcher and a sniper, and aim them and fire them together.
The p-63 is one of my favorite straight BnZ planes in the game. I love to hear the clap of 109 cheeks when I let the 37 bang
And I get to clap those silly bombers who think they can bomb airfield
Shrek Wazowski
BVeetus Deleetus
A good fellow I know flew RP-63s for operation pinball. He also flew the combat versions of them. He remarked they were his favorite aircraft in terms of performance and often said the reason they weren't used was basically because the P-51 was already being mass produced.
Spit: "This thing can go 500km/h on the deck, no other single engine until 5.0 can do that"
Typhoon, yaks, p-51, f4u: *"Are you sure about that?"*
Got my first sabre today. On a completely unrated note it turns out wings arent as critical as i thought they where
the first thing I did once I could test fly the German CL was slap the wings off, and I was shocked how well it flew, I could still shoot stuff down.
The control surfaces are just so stupidly responsive that the instructor has little trouble trimming out major changes in lift and drag balance
Also on that note, the F-2 model is WAY harder hitting than the F-25, I found out recently (and also, it saw minor service in Korea while the -25 block did not)
@@spindash64 I had to go for the pilot shot because of only had 7,7mm machine gun shower lol...
Lmao at this but hey Sabres turn so nice lol. As long as you don't go fast 🙃
P63 is great performance wise.
It's just hard to get clean kills against high speed Target
The Porkshins P39 is a monster. It has crazy good performance for a 3.0
I have to disagree on the 37mm not being good.. I use default rounds for the 37mm and thats where i get most of my kills. But anywho, great video!
Yeah, if you learn how to use it, you can often wreck most of the fighters in 1-2 bullets and tear bomber wings right off. But the cannon handles so differently from most other plane armaments in the game, that most people just assume it handles badly.
I fly it almost exclusively in SB, and most if not all my kills are with the 37. It's far from useless, even though its dispersion isn't too great at the distance pilots shoot at in RB
@@MadManchou I agree with you, the p63 cannon in SB is pretty good, I knew it because I fly with italian planes and when I see something that looks like a p63 i run away as fast as i can
In AB the cannon is useless.
Not to mention that the M4 and M10 cannons tend to put their rounds in the same place every time, so it’s easy to line up snipes with practice
37mm is Op :D I snipe with it
9:45 yeah except the he100d that can sit at 500kmh on the deck at br 2.0
Yeah that thing is utterly insane. The only reason it is so low is its horrible armament
i think you forgot about the Tempest Vickers P, thats at 4.0 and can get to 390 mph (620kph) on the deck. However it has 47mms, but if you are good you can shoot people down with them. Please do a video on the Vickers P, flying a tempest at 4.0 with two huge cannons is so amazing. Its amazing for ground pounding, its so good im using it to grind out the javelin haha. great vid :)
But you get reduced rewards?
@@frisos8850 what do you mean?
H.A I think he meant that you get reduced RP rewards as it only researches up to tier V effectively. No effect on that sweet SL gain though.
*SERVER* : 300+ of Ping
*SPIT* : i'm about to end this man's whole career
37mm aka what I call "The Flying Kitchen Gun"
Bam Bam Bam Bam It's Cle- It's Gone!!!
Battlestar Lelouch
It’s the BFG37
Fridge Launcher
As a P-39 pilot, I always found the P-63s really frustrating. I don't entirely remember WHY that is, but I think it might've been that lack of low-speed maneuverability. The Airacobra is pretty much ready to dogfight from the moment it gets wheels-up, whereas the Kingcobra feels a lot heavier.
I will say, if you can learn the 37mm (at least, with the Airacobra's flying style and the older M3 version of the cannon), you can absolutely make it work just fine. As in, I used to be able to reliably whack small targets like an I-16 levels of deadly. Actually, my advice used to be pretty much the opposite of what you give: "Pretend the .50 cals don't exist, just be practiced with that cannon." Not sure if the P-63's M10 is as accurate, and the marginally different playstyle of the P-63 probably has a significant impact on its usefulness, but for the most part, it just takes being practiced and familiar with the ballistics. There are some types of shots that the 37mm really likes (particularly mid-turn shots when you've got the largest possible profile of the enemy aircraft to shoot at), but it's absolutely deadly if you know how to handle it. It seems like it hasn't performed as well for me recently, but I think I'm just out-of-practice and not getting as good of shots in. After taking it out in some test flights, I'm still getting pretty good damage on my hits. Tail-section hits aren't always an instant kill but they are usually crippling, and center-of-mass hits (near the wing stem/cockpit) are pretty much always fatal. It takes some getting used to, but I remember I used to be able to get a hit for every three shots on a good day when I was playing pretty much nothing but the P-39, and while that takes an obscene amount of practice, I think something like 1 hit per 6-8 shots is probably fairly achievable, and with how lethal that gun is, I'd say that's fairly effective.
Thank you for listening to my TED Talk
King Cobra!
For climbing in rb, I use the virtual cockpit because you get an AOA pipper thing that shows your true heading, if it start to drop it means you’re too slow, so use it to find the ideal speed and angle where it still holds with your gun pipper.
That's actually really smart
The 37mm cannon on the lend-lease P-39’s, was undoubtedly why the Soviets include one on the Mig-15 and 17. They loved what it could do in battle.
The French P-63 is gorgeous, love playing it at the moment.
Wanna know another underrated airplane?
**Hawker Typhoon/Tempest**
Because who needs ailerons, anyway?
@Mrlightning 101 It doesn't roll well
Ok me: presses show less immediately
Mr Spit, I managed to shoot down a total of 3 enemy planes with the 37mm alone, I f***ing love this cannon when a single universal or default 37mm round impacts the enemy plane and I love watching them go boom.
I never ignore a weapon I can aim if I just concentrate on doing so.
Thanks for the tips on the P63. I’m a fan of the P39/63 in real life, and this gives me something to get in the game!
Noooo, don't out my baby like this! :c
Also you call yourself a cobra fan while dissing the 37! This is like saying you like the A-10 but dislike the GAU-8. I do the opposite of what you say, I have my .50s set to stealth and focus on trying to use the 37 mm as if the .50s aren't there, or rather as stealthy guns to tickle the enemy into turning or as bonus damage in a dogfight. Once you learn it, which admittedly few have the will for, certainly not you it seems, the central gun just swats people out of the sky on command, far more satisfying than tickling people to death with the police .50s, that don't even have that much ammo for MGs.
I completely agree. In order to be a true P-63 fan you gotta learn to aim that 37mm. I use ground targets on the .50 cause they seem to do more damage, but I shoot the .50s and 37 seperatly so I don’t get confused with the tracers
And don’t forget the sound. That’s just the sound of Doomguy banging on the Gates of Hell.
I agree brother the 50 cals make me laugh while the 37mm makes me say ''OH THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE''
"G-6 has excellent energy retention" lol
you might wanna rewatch your vid dude
I aced out my crew on the Spitfire Mk.22. Without talisman, nor premium, totally f2p. It's total beast against jets, can outturn and outroll almost everything it faces. I have like 150 battles on it but around 300 kills. I was happier when i got uptiered rather than downtiered, bcs german props :)
I had a feeling that said, "fly the P-63," and whenever I want to play a plane I am not comfortable with, I watch vids on its strengths and weaknesses to get a grasp of what I need to do. The game after watching this video I got 8 kills. Thanks!
You’re basically describing Vx and Vy climb angles haha
Basically yeah
People start playing france more since the EBR come out, and here i am who have used that plane hundreds of match could confirm that this plane realy good but kinda paper ish. Also the 500lb armament on this plane is very worth it to bring in ground RB , especially at its BR. Btw this plane still work amazingly even at ground RB 6.0+ at least until 8.0+ ish i still using it. But then the F4U-7 come in thats your real CAS prize.
I use this plane with my EBR lineup it's so effective it feels like the lineup is a recon unit with the EBR that spots ennemies and the P63 comes in to bring air support in case things go wrong on the ground
But is it as wack as the P-59? I dont think so
This P-63 is poor mans P-59
P59 gets it shit pushed in by Ta152's Doras and K4's
@@hugorc343 it really does lol... nothing you can do about them unless you're playing against people who don't know how to deal with jets at all. even then, the p59 doesnt really play like a jet either.
hugorc 3 at least it can outmaneuver them.
@@randonlando418 It can outturn them but it cant realy outmanover them. The roll rate is much worse than on a TA 152, especialy at Low speeds(and you will be at low speeds a lot when you want to turn with that thing) and above 600km/h the rudder just gives up on life and stops existing.
P-63A-10 vs P-63C-5
everlasting debate with one is better.
According to the Kiwi’s climb charts, the A-10
Actually has better low alt performance, while the C-5 does sufficiently better high up that it still climbs better to 6km from the deck than the A-10
mmm 37mm single shot kills are so satisfying
I remember this one match where a plane tried to outrun me after diving and I fired a single shot and the entire plane exploded
"Right wing damaged, left wing damaged, engine damaged, pilot is unconscious, right gear leg damaged, etc."
it was so satisfying
Jack of all, master of none. Best flown as a medium speed, shorter loop, BnZ below 4.7k meters. I highly suggest a secondary fire button on all planes like this to fire just the low caliber weapons. Also when overshooting below an enemy, level off after turning away from enemy and let that sweet speed just drag you away. This works best between 0.5k to 3k meters alt.
Great plane. Fantastic divespeed and energy retention. I have the A-5 on the American tree spaded but not the French one.
Any idiot with a gunpod can carry an allied team XD
4.0 Helldiver with gunpods )))
F-82 with a gunpod
halloo, i know you!!
Sbd2 at like 2.3 with gun pods
I practice for along time in customs to get good at aiming the 37mm and it really paid of
"Strap yourselves in..." -You mean strap yourselves 15 feet from airplane and float behind it??
Lol, me and my friend just started playing the game last month, and i have the whole line of the p400 type planes(p39 and 63) and they are my best fighters. My friend primarily uses a p51
a forward mounted engine vs center mounted engine isn't going to be "pulling from the front vs center." Aircraft have a specific center of gravity and also, the prop does the pulling. The prop is on the nose so its always going to be pulling from the nose. You just now have a cavity in the forward fuselage to jam weapons or other things in vs an engine.
Well it feels like since the weight is in the centre the plane is less likely to nose over as nicely. Idk how to properly put it into words
The P63 and the P39 are hands down some of the best props in the game for their BR. The dive potential is unreal.
9:37 This plane can sit on 500km/h in flat flight, no other prop can do this. Typhoon: Am i a joke to you?
You should try the P-39 in Il-2. Great fun. Interesting but great fun.
Fly it’s younger brother the P-39!
I love the P-39Q in particular.
I prefer the N, ESPECIALLY Pokryskin’s N. The wing guns don’t give you many kills that the 37mm won’t give you, and the result is 400mph at 10,000ft, at 3.0
BVeetus Deletus
I knew a man that flew the P-39 in action (N.Africa, Italy). He preferred missions supporting ground forces, and said it was his preferred aircraft.
imagine if the p-39 actually was prodiced with the supercharger and engine bell had intended it to have. Post war p-39s and p-63s became beast racing aircraft.
I facking love the p-63 my God its beautiful and its little brother the p-39
Just checking my stats, A5 version has a 2:1 kill to death ratio which is good for me as an average player. The C5 also has a 2:1 kill ratio and I haven't got it spade out yet, I've not done very well with the A10 though which also isn't fully spade, only a couple more kills than deaths.
P63's machine guns seem to light everything it shoots at on fire.
I have all 3 P-63s, the premium Soviet one researched basically half the tree for me.
I thoroughly enjoyed this plane I played in a squad with 3 other guys in P63s and F6F-5Ns I had just come off spading the first VB.10C-1 so imagine combing from that into this I had a blast I had it near spaded in 6 or 6 matches it was a beast
I love that plane so much... I don't rely on the cannon too much but the 50s and just the whole plane in general is fucking amazing... I can kill any 109 or 190s, Italians and sometimes zeros as well
the vb.10 is also really good, no one flys it aswell, i find it interesting how everyone skips the french props but they have some really good stuff
In real life the King Cobra could out climb the FW-190 D-9 did this over Berlin in April 1945
P63 a5 is the best plane for operatios. It's so good and CAS is somewhat possible too thanks due to thin German armor.
Was honestly surprised when I got to know close to no one else uses it, some don't even acknowledge how good it is
Glad to see the 63 getting some love!
I used that beast to grind out pretty much all mid tier Frenchy bois.
Shatterfish I rlly tried to use it but for me the plane doesnt work, doesnt climb well, turns wierd and isnt really the fastest either
Spitflyer, I recommend you try the Russian premium lend-lease P-63 A-5, which is still available for 1,500 GE (iirc). Its a monster that climbs to 5,000 meters in 5 minutes and the 37mm (although not reliable) can incinerate planes with a direct hit. I personally love to go underneath a BV 238 and smack it with 3 direct hits of the 37mm into the fuselage and watch that terrifying gunboat become mince meat. It also absolutely destroys any bomber it faces, as long as you still have ammo for the 37mm. Fun plane that I grinded out half th Soviet line in about 100 battles.
I already say that the P-39 is underrated, but I don't often say anything about the '63, although I group those under the '39 umbrella, as they are extremely similar.
I don’t think you thought about this but the typhoon mk1b has the same ace up its sleeve as the p63 really fast at low altitudes no problem
i actually pay attention to the 37mm more often as it does the most damage and now i am able to use get it on target very easily
U r right. It is very underrated craft. I love playing them and I am terryfied when I gotta face one. Keep up the good work!!!
people play that plane so little I didn't know the french had it.
37 is important to have the right belts with.. the cannon is a beast. can easily one tap alot of fighters
Awesome ^^
I'm confused about one thing though, how are you so experienced in this plane but you cant lead the 37mm? Its exactly like with any kind of gun, you need to learn how to lead it before it works. I get at least 50% of my kills with the 37, the other 50% being stealth .50 cals in headons.
The 37 isnt reliable at range. It's easier to use the .50cals
Oh I agree, its not at all reliable at range, but most engagements and dogfights close range are great for using the 37mm, I just thought it was strange that you advised to play like it isnt even there ^^
You can manage 50cals easier and then the whole package . not just only worrying about he big gun and then missing altogether ...
Yes ist underrated. I fly only in Tank-RB und have a very good K-D Ratio with the Aircobra or later Models. Keep this on speed, good initial turn. Bloody good 37mm.
How tf you flying so flawlessly on 309 ping
Sam Clark Australian severs are wack and it says 300 ping but its really more like 50
@@lachlanebsworth5907 there are no aussie servers mate
300 ping is my natural state in War Thunder. It's generally unnoticeable - what gets you is packet loss.
Yeah I always have around 300-400 ping
I got to sit in the cockpit of one of these I live about 4 miles away from an air museum that has a p63
I find only one issue with P-63s in general: high speed control surface compression. Good luck not compressing at 550 kph with a maxed, non-expert crew while making a slight turn. But other than that, if you Ace the crew, it becomes insane and very good at everything.
Oh. It's a GAME thing. Not that I wouldn't agree the P-63 wasn't a good plane in real life, but...
I approve of this video because the P-63 is my favorite plane that I have
Spit your wrong about that P63 the 37 mm is actually really great. I use the American one. And you don't need to aim all, that much. You just need to use it like a bf109 nose mounted 20mm. It works and works with perfect effects.
at 5:30 I underestimate that G.55 energy
I love the P-63, the C5 is my favourite. It’s a beast.
i really struggle playing that plane
hope we can play it tgt so u can teach me
@@kapishss5540 search PhoniiczZ-
@@PhoniiczZ sure mate
I love my king cobras, no one ever expects the things to be quite so lethal.
I do get on better with the P47 - 28 at br4.0 although the P61 is my favorite USA P61 4.0 plane. I get a decent mix of air and ground kills with it.
I love the P-63, for some reason my brain doesn’t click with almost any of the other American props, but this thing, it’s just so smooth for me.
It's the most "Axis-like" American plane
Learn the Tempest Mk V, it can out energy 109 K-4s in a sustained turnfight while easily exceeding 600km/h in a 3~4 deg CLIMB.
It's an actual BEAST at lower altitude xD
the P-63 i think is very underrated, and if allied teams knew how to fly them and flew them out more i dont think the allied 5.0 "suffer" would be there
I recommend using TAS instead of IAS when going off speed while climbing, cause IAS is a curve. It's set to a fixed altitude and temparture (so air density), which means that your IAS at high altitude would be way lower than your TAS would be
The thing is TAS doesn't help me when manoeuvring and at super high or low speeds because planes rip etc off IAS
@@Spitflyer Yeah, that's true
now subtract by 2
P-61 is op
Destroys every single bomber, and has those damn turrets
uhm, tier for tier the Fw190 at 4.3 goes up to 530-540
at 1.7 the He100 also easily breaks 500
decently sure the bf109F4 at 4.0 also goes trough the 500 line
I play this plane very often and it helped me get some operation winter stars.
P 36 g hawk is such a great plane!!! Guys plz stop sleeping on it!
Legitimately watched this video while playing, instantly became better at p63
Dunno about high speed at low alt, I mean don't forget russian Yak-3 and La-5FN. Sure it's hard to notice mostly because of how people use them (turn even with zeros, never said it was effective though), but when it comes to tag games at low alt they can surprise most of their enemies.
Also I forgot to mention, but your dissing of 37mm is really biased. I'm mostly flying Pokryshkin's P-39N-0 and have .60 cals set on stealth so I can focus on 37mm and after a while it just annihilates any enemy you meet. Happened even to 3-shot a BV a couple of times with 37mm only.
There is a similar example in 3.0
The P-39N-0
Similar performance with 2x50cals, 4x30cals, and a 37mm
Really nice plane to fly, I get kills while being a noob fighter(just started playing ARB few months ago
P-63 and P-39s also climb pretty damn fast
I love this plane! It's what got me into War Thunder. I remember watching Entak's video a long time ago, where he called it the best plane in the game.
what happened to him? he suddenly disappeared.
Edit: Just checked his channel he's returned
***Disclaimer: Spit did well here because he had teammates that stepped in the right moment. If you are playing American 4.0 your teammates are a bunch of P47 doing ground pound and dies. You will be going solo, and will certainly die if you are not that skilled in 1v2+
8:56 not the smartest move on your side to be honest :v you got really lucky that G-55 pilot was terrible
I've spent the entire week being a mong in the skies. I've gotta catch a break somewhere lol
@@Spitflyer watch some good movies, helps a lot, trust me xd
I’ve always’d love the P63
The p63 can shred stuff faster than the p51 if you hit the target with the 37mm
“I didn’t use any golden eagles, I did buy a talisman though.”
So yes, you did use golden eagles, don’t try and sugarcoat it. 🤣
Yeah but putting a talisman on a lower tier plane is really cheap. You can do the tutorials or earn the eagles from a wager. His point was he didn't spend eagles to convert them to research points.
@@Rogueginger69, I’m perfectly aware of what he meant. At the end of the day, he’s saying he didn’t use Golden Eagles when that is in fact what he did. Talismans are cheap up until a certain point, in Tier IV, Talismans are 1,000+ Golden Eagles, you don’t get 1,000+ Golden Eagles from the tutorials and it will take quite some time to get from the Golden Eagles wagers, unless you’re lucky. I’m not having a go at him or criticising his content, well I suppose I am in a sense. I’m just mocking him for how poorly he worded that sentence.
@@butlerxiii4191 I've earned 2k eagles from wagers. If you play with a squad and you work together them wagers are really good for earning eagles.
"P-63 has a hard time turning at low speed"
well duh
it's a plane
you need speed to generate lift
I saw the miniature and i was like:
Spit_flyer: the 37 sucks
me: Remembers how I would snipe people from .8km with it on a regular basis.
Tbh 0.8km isn't that far. MG 151s go out to 1.5km at some speeds
@@Spitflyer They do but how many engagements happen at 1.5km away at 3.0-5.0? I'd say only about 2.5% of the players will engage intentionally at that range and know they can hit reliably. Now that being said if the other 97.5% of engagements are within that 0.8km range what's the point of being effective past that range? Yeah it's convenient but designers of aircraft during war time will typically stay with designs and weapon systems that are most useful not designs that can only show their merits outside of typical parameters of combat.
This is also due to other factors such as war time industry needing to be as streamlined as possible and new technologies outside the norm are very good at slowing that down.
p63 in russian lineup is awesome, rounds out their lineup so well!
Damn even a year ago he was less dead inside Bc war thunder
Play the fw190a5, its as fun as the g2trop. In my opinion
Recently played the A-5 and Loved it too
I usually kill all the enemy planes by myself in Ground RB using the P-63. And I don't even need to spawn camp