A few years ago I visited Sombor in the north of Serbia. I had a coffee on a terrace in the center. Besides me a group of young men where sitting and chatting. When I left the coffee bar I didn't feel that my wallet slipped out of my pants. Almost 300 € in it and my ID... A minute later one of the young men from the neighbor table ran behind me. He saw my wallet at the floor, picked it up and ran to give it back to me. I am sure that in the most Western Countries that wouldn't happen. Now I am so proud to be married wto my beautiful, amazing and smart Serbian wife who gave me two little boys. Serbia is one of the best countries in the world 😊
A zapad nas je predstavio kao ljudoždere, njihovi mediji su se baš potrudili da mi budemo divljaci a ostatak sveta civiizacija. Srbi su divan i srdačan narod kakvih malo na svetu ima.
as a citizen of Serbia, I thank you for your kind words about the country and its people, nowadays it is rare that someone praises Serbia and speaks the truth about it, from now on you are my favorite character and if we meet in person I will hug you brother if someone asks where you are from tell them that you are ours and that you were born here, welcome! 💪
@@myrel543 pa on takve i trazi. Covek je avantirista i svalecrcina a kuka kako ne moze da se ozeni. Stara fora novih prevaranata. Prvo hvali Srbiju da smota zenske na brzaka i sve dok ne zasiti sve svoje planove i prohteve a onda svaljuje krivicu na Srpkinje nevsamo na nju nego i druge. Smesno. Zabavno proputovanje kroz Srbiju i Putujuci Cirkus :)
@@myrel543 sam si reko da je rijaliti. I sve sto je tamo je rijaliti shou za gledaoce i pare. Pravu istinu oni kriju. Nije rijaliti nego virtualiti. Kad izadju sa TV "rijalitija" u realan privatni zivot e to je pravi rijaliti.
And in the meantime, Serbians are treated in Germany like shit. Are you also following your country policy about Kosovo. Do you think we are genocidal people?
I sold up and moved here years ago. The only English man in Mrcajevci, near čačak. Good food, drink, Warm people. I feel safer and more relaxed here than in the UK. 👍🍺☕🥃🍷🍸
You should have seen Tito's Yugoslavia, what a beautiful country it was. I'm so glad that you feel so well in Serbia! Thank you for being so honest! Greetings and respect from Novi Sad!
@@nikilauda7499 People were leaving Yugoslavia then due to persecution and for jobs (including gastarbeiters). It wasn't so great. Tito and the communists also murdered at least a 1/4 million after WWII ended.
Možda neko ko nije video dalje od Horgoša, svako ko redovno putuje savršeno ceni mir i sigurnost Srbije, prirodne lepote, odsustvo migranata. Srbija je prelepa.
Samo čekaj sad kada se demografija promeni... Švedska i Francuska su bile bezbedne dok su samo Šveđanki živeli u Švedskoj, sada ima zona gde ne sme da Šveđani ulaze @@Visnja-ev1vx
Ja tek sada vidoh da ima ovaj kanal. Ranije su snimali u cikagu, i bili su bas zabavni, crni su srbi, ili crni srbi svaki dan, ne secam se tacno. Tada su ga zvali Jova Crnojevic.
Thank you Jibri! You recognized our true values, not the stupid political media stories about Serbia! TI SI NAS BRAT, ne zato sto nas volis, nego zato sto pokazujes realnu sliku sa terena! The one who respects Serbia & his People will be loved!
You are so beautiful soul ! Man, you talk this Serbian language better than me. Yes, this country is full of good souls and good people! Thank you, brate, that Serbia changed your life and that is your favorite country. :)
People who have a perception of Serbia being dangerous, country, usually coming from countries that committed war crimes against Serbian citizens. They've had to spur their narrative in order to justify their war crimes. Serbs are the nicest and most hospitable people on a planet.
Serbs are NOT the most hospitable people on the planet. Stop with this bs. I was in Serbia for 2 weeks and there was nothings special about Serbian hospitality. Actually many people were rude and passive.
hahah onlY a kid would say that ,,what haoppened in 90s there ,,the war criminals were holding whole city ,Beograd ,what are you smoking ,,be real look at Golubovic Arkan,,you made movies about them and what they were doing ,,now you like noo that is just a narratavive ahahah cmon ...and you are the one who start wars ,,so what are you talking about
Your right about making life long friends.. I am Serbian born in Sweden but every summer I have been here in Serbia since birth and the same dudes that I became friends with when I was 8 I am still friends with the same group of friends that stick together, I love my folks, there are nice places and everything in Serbia but the real beauty is the people..
@@Hermeneuticarim on my way.. Just waiting for my invalidity pension to get ready and I'm heading back..yupp I have fckd up my body in martial arts 10 years ago
Pre 40 god studirao sam u Beogradu sa puno ovakvih momaka i devojaka, svih boja kože i jezika i sve smo ih prihvatali srdačno i bez skrupula.., a onda nam tako pametnima, a ustvari tupavima nametnuše ratove, jer nam je društvo tad išlo ka idealnim ljudskim vrednostima koliko god to danas zvučalo utopijski.., sad kad gledam ovog momka i naše mlade, vidim da opet ima nade
@@m1lst3r hajde onda da izbacimo Arno Gujona iz vlade i postavimo na vlast Srbe čanla, čedu, djilasa, djukanovića Mila... i njihove Srbe izrode... a na čelu potomka Karadjordja i belosvetske kurte i murte izmešan koji i danas muca srpski jezik i natuca da pročita ogromna slova na papiru i živi 24 godine o trošku države i veze nema sa srpstvom ni sa našom Crkvom i verom Pravoslavnom nego je Englez u duši koliko je Arno Gujon naprimer ili nekad Arčibald Rajs bio Srbin veći od 99,99999% Srba. da si pravoslavni Srbin znao bi da je i vera i nacija više duhovna kategorija a ne telesna i genetska. Pogrešno te uči Zapad njihove ideologije. Nisi u Svetosavlju. За почетак Србине, прелазимо на српско писмо, јел важи? 🙂Чудно неко твоје ВеликоСрпско име или презиме m1lst3r? Из ког си то српског краја па су ти дали такво име твоји српски преци? Да нису земљаци Супермена са планете Криптон или су ти мама и тата A2-D2 (АрТу-ДиТу) и онај жути лимени робот из Star Wars? Они симпатични ликови из првих три дела Ратова звезда пре 30 година снимљених и далеко бољих од новија три филма.
@@m1lst3r шта кажеш брате војводо М-NATO-genije "ратови немају везе" са нацијом и братством јединством и југословенством и српством? А зашто смо ратовали онда? За Труманова јаја и Титово јајце? 😂 А за шта се ратује? За шта би ти ратовао? Шта има највише везе са ратовима, леба ти, брате Србине на латиници и са шифрованим именом? А како ратујеш ако немаш храбрости ни име да напишеш, па макар и лажно?
@@m1lst3r а ти се не дружиш ни са ким различитим? Мора да слуша твоју музику, за твој клуб да навија, да пије шта и ти, да се дрогира или не дрогира као ти, да воли исте жене као ти, или уопште не воли жене као ти...ит.итд. само са својим клоновима се дружиш? Која сте ви секта, реци? Јел они што ноћу шетају улицама у групама исто обучени са истим мајцама и делују болесно и плаше народ и жене и децу и старце и мисле да су мудоње велике што су опасни и тајанствени и исти ко неки роботи?
@@m1lst3r а има лудака и заблуда левичара али каквих тек има десничара опичених то је чудо. А ја сам ипак неки српски десничар односно родољуб и верник па ме то највише погађа.
Subscribed. I agree with everything you say. I am in Serbia right now (also making videos) and it's the first European country I've travelled to (8 in the last few months) where I've made friends for life. People here are very friendly, normal, and beautiful people. I love the Balkans, I love Serbia. You have my exact attitude. I am a visitor / guest here in this country but the hospitality is exceptional. Oh and people keep giving me gifts!
@@strahinjapavicic2987 тај ти није из гета будало. Тај ти је из нека врсте Покрета Несврстаних за мир у свету који је спасавао свет од Трећег светског рата и момак нас промовише у свету. И бори се против белаца који нас мрзе. И расиста белих и оних других шовиниста који владају њима из сенке. И видиш да прича српски супер и да није црнац прави него мешанац са неким белим родитељем, вероватно Србином. Покрет несврстаних нас је спасао и од уласка у НАТО са Титом који је окренуо леђа Русима који су га и довели на власт па их преварио он и Запад. И овај ти је хришћанин или православац наш. А Арапи и Шиптари и лажни Срби а уствари мулсимани и хрвати који су у БГ и по Србији на фунцкијама све више ти не сметају? И гледаш америчке филмове искључиво оне где нема црнаца ни једног?
@@aleksandarmladenovic4532 ај избаци све турске речи из српског језика, а онда би могао и енглеске, хрватске, латинске, немачке, мађарске, албанске, словеначке.... и нађи им замену на српском и објави "100% Србски речник" и ја ћу први да га купим и говорим тако. Хајде потруди се професоре српског. чекамо на тебе деценијама. А и вековима. Вук Караџића болео к... пардон, древна нога, за то. Па је убацивао и преписивао турцизме на даље. Ти пресеци. да будеш бољи од њега. Штету јесте Вук намазни направио по другим питањима и ту су полемике, али да би смо волели наше словенске речи да вратимо уместо страних, ту се сви српски родољуби слажемо.
I honestly started to cry when I saw this video because you are the first one I noticed that an American speaks well about Serbs otherwise it was very hard to find almost impossible thank you brother for telling the truth you are the strongest. greetings from Serbia 💪💪💪❤
@@jakatom he does exists buddy our religions aren't the same and stop complaining with christians that they believe in their own religion and god. U got something against it huh? If god doesn't exists then who created universe buddy?
just to say, i was at Guca this year and most of the serbs i had contact with were really nice, but on the other side there was extrem patriotism, songs about war-heros, songs against albania and so on. Two of my friends were punched in their faces without any obvious reason.
Bro... as a 24 year old Serbian, I've been through a lot. Like literally each aspect of life included. What I want to say is, Thank you. You made my day not just by praising my country and having amazing opinion on it overall, but also made my day and way more than that, by your maneers, I am amazed at how well you have been brought up. Your mindset and positivty are just something I could never imagine seeing on recommended youtube video. God bless you and your loved ones, thank you once again for promoting my country the way you do, thank you for spreading truth and denying false informations for the whole nation. Even more for being who you are, and probably the most important, thank you for promoting freaking positivity and the beauty you got in you. I am left without words. Thank you man. Hvala ti brate, ziv bio!
You got me with the title😂😂 i also travelled to Serbia 🇷🇸 and learning the language slowly.😊❤ my experiences and friends i made there are nothing short of amazing.😊❤❤❤
@@JoexLegacy gde nemamo crnce? Gde zivis ti? Ako nisi u beogradu onda kapiram. Na svakom koraku ih ima u Beogradu. A sto se cigana/roma tice kako kazes "rasisti" smo samo prema onim sto su lopovi i sto te uznemiravaju na ulici, ali prema normalnim nismo.
Belgrade is full of gays and people who care only for money and fun, other places in Serbia are still deffending white europe and nationalism. Viva la France@aventureraclette
Happy to find your video! After watching it, cannot wait to visit Serbia soon! I love your good vibes and energy and I love Serbia🇷🇸🥰! I fall in love with this country over 24 years ago. IMHO Serbians are the nicest people and Serbian food is delicious! Btw your outfit is cooooool! ❤❤❤❤from🇨🇦and🇵🇱
Brrrrrrooo!!!! I was watching this, thinking you’re an American guy on holiday giving a first time review and then you broke into FLUENT Serbian!!! Bro you gave me goosebumps!! Bravo brate!! Not Syria, Not Siberia😂😂😂
He was in a band with Serbs called "Black Serbs" and he's had 3 Serbian girlfriends - the last was his wife, I think. I wonder if he is in Serbia looking for a new girlfriend.
Hey man, wtf r u doin' there?! I heard on TV this guys eatin' ppl!!! Specialy Americans! EDIT: Being a Serbian origin, I hope u understood my sarcasm of this sh.t reffering our beautiful country, suffered so much just for being itself, always on the right side of justice & history. Thank you so much for the real promotion of our country and customs! Finaly, Belgrade vibes suit you so much, man! Spread the word through the Globe & break those lies !!! Peace, bro! 🇷🇸
I think he is looking for a new girlfriend in Serbia which would be his 4th Serbian girlfriend in a row. He recently broke up with Miona, a Serbian girl who was on a reality show with him. After they recently broke up he said he was through with Eastern European women as she was the third who had broken his heart, and they were all Serbs. (Of course Serbia is actually Southeastern Europe.)
Bro this is one of the most wholesome videos I've seen. All the interactions you had with different people were so great and your energy is great too. Also your Serbian accent is so clean. Great job spreading the positivity, no matter which part of the world or what race, we are all one kind, humans.
And around 500 Vietnamese workers was building the first Chinese tire factory in Serbia. Activists say their working conditions are inhumane: no money, no passports, no hot water. Serbia is a source, transit, and destination country for women and girls trafficked transnationally and internally for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. The heroin trade remains the most pervasive drug market in Serbia. The country serves as a heroin transit hub connecting the east to the west, involving several organized crime groups, and there is evidence of collaboration between criminal organizations in Serbia and neighbouring countries.
@@johnkisch240Ја још нисам срео по свету из Бивше ЈУ неког да подржава рат ,убијање и немаштину .Сви кажу и знају да су политичари у бившој ЈУ удружено мафијашко удружење којима одговара свађа народа како би што дуже остали на власти .Нико нормалан није за рат и мржњу осим ако нема неку корист .
It's not just what you're saying, it's the energy you do it with. It shows that changing the narrative around Serbia truly means to you, and I really appreciate that, thank you!
Moja mama je uvek govorila a i sada : " Ne treba ja da hvalim moju decu, nego drugi!" Tako i u ovom videu , drugi nas hvale , pa ko voli nek izvoli 😊.Hvala puno za ovaj Video ❤. Ja sam srpkinja , suprug grk a živimo u Nemačkoj. Sve tri zemlje su ko moja domovina ali uvek kad si ispred srpske granice srce počne da kuca, ko na prvom sastanku 💓💓. Puno uspeha želim gde god da se nalaziš u budućnosti 🍀🍀.
@@Vule000 Tupan, čim je napisao " naši " političari znao sam koliko je sati, nij svestan da je logorska uprava na strani okupatora. Tupav narod i nezainteresovan za ISTINU, pre svega.
Serbia was the first country in the world to abolish slavery. In the 19th century, when the modern state of Serbia was created, after almost five hundred years of slavery under the Turks, one of the determinants of the constitution of Serbia at the time stated that every slave who enters the territory of Serbia automatically becomes a free man. Freedom or death is one of the most important slogans of the Serbian people.
I only got to visit Serbia for 2 days on my whirlwind trip. But it was enough to make me feel a vibe unlike any other European city. I only talked to a handful of locals, and got nothing but warm welcome. A house music DJ who I love took the time to meet with me for a couple hours, and encouraged me to come back to Belgrade for a longer visit. I'm already planning it out in my head!
Ovaj covek iz amerike govori srpski i ozenio se sa srpkinjom i voli srbiju. Inace je muzicar i ima sa jednim isto iz srbije Davidom komponuju pesme i snimaju. Nije losmomak nemojte da govorite lose o nekome koga nepoznajete. Svi smo mi stranci u tudjim zemljama. Pokazite se kao jedan posten i dobar narod. Ja sam isto iz srbije.i puno pozdrava svim dobrim ljudima nema veze odakle su. 👍❤
Every country has it's ups and downs that's how it is. Rumors are rumors you have to go to a country to see for your self before you judge. Much Love to y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Veoma mi je drago sto postoje ovakvi dobri ljudi koji promovisu Srbiju na pravi i realan nacin. Bilo bi dobro da ih ima vise. Svaka ti cast Jibri i samo nastavi tako. Puno pozdrava.
Hahaha kakav video jebote... Baš tako ...Ja u 35 godina nisam upoznao lošeg Beograđanina a upoznao sam ih mnogo , zato se tom gradu uvijek radujem kada idem iz svoje Tuzle !
Am I dreaming??? Nah bruh, there is a small proud country on the balkans: S E R B I A , and right now Im so proud because I see a american guy speaking facts about my country. May god bless you Jibri, its so beautyfull to see you in Belgrade speakin free about my nation. Thanks alot bro!
Thank you very much for representing Serbia in a nice way, because there is BIG propaganda against us! We would be an even more wonderful country if they hadn't destroyed us economically. A little advice: unfortunately, there are pickpockets and takes care of your things, carrie everything in front of you...A little tip: If you want to speak like a real Serb, ask about the word "bre" 😊 Bog te blagoslovio ❤
He's looking for his 4th Serbian girlfriend. He recently broke up with Miona who was on a reality show with him in the US. He pledged he was through with "Eastern European women" because she was the 3rd one, all Serbs, who had broken his heart.
I've seen a lot of Westerners talk shit about Serbia being an unsafe country or whatever, meanwhile they can't even take a walk at like 3AM going through their neighbourhood. It's unthinkable for me that such a thing could ever happen here! If someone gets mugged it like makes the news immediately, let alone anything else, lol.
don't think so. I had a great time in serbia, but while walking through the streets of Guca, two friends of mine where punched in the face without any obvious reason. And somebody stole all my cash... Didn't happened to me in germany so far :D
@@marija5791 Nope, but around 500 Vietnamese workers was building the first Chinese tire factory in Serbia. Activists say their working conditions are inhumane: no money, no passports, no hot water. Serbia is a source, transit, and destination country for women and girls trafficked transnationally and internally for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. The heroin trade remains the most pervasive drug market in Serbia. The country serves as a heroin transit hub connecting the east to the west, involving several organized crime groups, and there is evidence of collaboration between criminal organizations in Serbia and neighbouring countries.
Bro lemme tell you something even more crazy, if you go down the country in south parts of Serbia, you will experience something even more crazyer, you will experience a true hospitality , if you are walking in villages and you ask people how are they doing or how is their day, they will invite you to their house, give you a cup of coffe, glass of juice or water, they will tell you a story about their village and even invite you to lunch or dinner depending on what time you arrive, only thing we dont share is breakfast because we take it as soon as we wake up... Give it a try, visit some village in Serbia, in some mountains. You will see how little those people have and how much they will offer you for free , for no good reason. Theres a saying in Serbia, if you are lost, hungry and homeless you will have a place to sleep, a meal to eat and someone will give you a ride, all for free.
Hello Jibri, Thank you very much for the nice talk about my country. Of course it is Serbia, the best country in the world ❤❤❤. Greetings to you from Texas
Love your energy, and i appreciate you showing the good part of Serbia!! You got to remember thou we are not perfect, there will always be the good and the bad people everywhere, just have to humble ourselves a little bit so we don't fly to close to the sun. Wish you all the happiness in the world and may you avoid all the bad people God bless you brother!
Serbians have to be better to themselves instead of foreigners and strangers. Of course those who have shown they genuinely like Serbs are the exception, but too often Serbs are too nice and generous to users and moochers and those who will actually say mean things about Serbs once they get to the next Balkan country.
Kao Hrvat, ovo me smeta kod ovog videa. Ponekad ližemo guzice strancima, ali mrzimo svoje susjede. Bit ću mnogo gostoljubiviji prema nekome iz Srbije nego prema nekom strancu koji uči jezik kako bi postao popularan jer nije mogao postati popularan u svojoj zemlji.
You are an exception. Croats are still attacking Serbs in Croatia, including Serbian tourists. It is foreign powers who have a history of dividing the Balkans people and using them against each other to weaken and then exploit the area. The Serbs were/are the foreign powers main target and were thoroughly demonized. That is why Serbs are so desperate and get so excited when someone compliments them.
Hrvati dolaze kod nas vise od 20 god i uzivaju. Ja sam ucitelj skijanja i radim na Kopaoniku, milion ljudi, lako je naci na intetnetu, takodje i Hrvati, svi kao u svojoj kuci, dobro dosli❤😊😊😊😊
Ja ne znam šta pričaš ti čoveče. Kao srbin jedini način da te "mrzim " je da me provociraš. Brdo Hrvata ima i po novom sadu i Beogradu pa nikom normalnom ne fali dlaka sa glave. Kao što ni meni ne fali kad odem u Hrvatsku na more. Samo ne nosim Nacionalna i ratna obeležja. Najveća neprijatnost u hrvatskoj je bila kad sam tražio da kupim hleb a rečeno mi je ea imaju samo kruh. Nasmejao se, reko ništa onda hvala i kupio hleb na drugom mestu.
Da smo zaista pametni i danas dan bi bili zajedni, ali na zalost' nismo. Sada imamo 10 razlicitih, smijesnih drzavica koji svako moze da naguzi i naguzuje. Kurcimo se svi a svaka ta "drzava" ima manje stanovnika nego mnogi velegradi u svijetu. Eto nase balkanske pamet. Mnogo ponosa, malo mozga. A da su slozni neznam gdje bi im bio kraj. Sad su samo kita zato sto se mrzite svi medusebe.
My Serbian friend sent me your video because I am like you and also love Serbia and the Serbian people. Beautiful country. Tons of good food...the people are an absolute treasure. Thumbs up for you 👏🏼 love Serbia always 🇷🇸
And here is some Serbian: Zdravo ja sam iz Srbije nama ovde u Srbiji je lepo i niko ovde se ne tuce svi smo dobri ovde sa jednim drugima i da moje ime je Oleg i hvala sto si dobar prema mojoj drzavi:)
welcome to Serbia bro 👍. that story that Serbia is dangerous is 25 years old, from the era of wars. Belgrade is the center of the Balkans and is developing more and more every day.
Vucic agree with you, but around 500 Vietnamese workers was building the first Chinese tire factory in Serbia. Activists say their working conditions are inhumane: no money, no passports, no hot water. Serbia is a source, transit, and destination country for women and girls trafficked transnationally and internally for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. The heroin trade remains the most pervasive drug market in Serbia. The country serves as a heroin transit hub connecting the east to the west, involving several organized crime groups, and there is evidence of collaboration between criminal organizations in Serbia and neighbouring countries.
Swiss here with Croat nationality, born in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Been in Serbia (Niš & Belgrade) and felt warmly welcomed as a person with a Croat name. Most people are actually nice or at least friendly anywhere in the world. I see many cars with Serbian and Bosnian plates in Croatia, too, also in Montenegro and love the fact that after all the hatred and mistrust of the recent past does not result in car vandalism. I believe the problem starts when one emphasizes only the positive aspects of his culture, deliberately leaving the dark side of it and then imposes his/ her way of life to other people and regions. Hence the so many unresolved cases of former Yugoslavia. To live and let live, the only way to go. I still can't imagine returning for good to any Balkan region, but love and will keep visiting most of the places. There is also joy in repetition!
I live in Germany but my roots are Bosnia/Croatia, but basically I am just a human, nationality doesn't matter for me, since we are all humans under the same sky. For me Serbians have the same mentality as people in Bosnia, kind and welcoming. I don't think people think so bad about Serbian people. There is always a lot of propaganda in movies as we know. I got to visit Serbia too one day. Pozdrav!!
Bosnia has 3 constituent peoples: Bosniaks, Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Croats. Bosnian Muslims were 43% of BiH in 1991 but are now around 50%. Serbs are about 1/3 and Croats are around 15%.
All the inhabitants of Bosnia are Serbs, many of them changed their religion because of the free dinner, but they all speak Serbian, not Turkish, not Latin. The rulers of the world cannot stand those who still remain Serbs and are trying to destroy them... the Serbs who bowed down and knelt before the conqueror are their favourites.
@@predragavdalovic2499 There were other peoples brought in. The Austrians brought in Ukrainians. (Most of the Ukrainians assimilated with Croats, though some became Serbs.) Jews (mainly Sephardic) came to BiH centuries ago. There are also a lot of Bosnian Roma which mainly have Bosniak/Muslim names.
The law introduced by serbian Knez Miloš Obrenović in 1835 was the first law in the world to grant freedom to slaves upon entering Serbian territory. The law stated: "Any slave who arrives on Serbian soil becomes free."
Nije 1804, jer je tada počeo prvi srpski ustanak pod vodjstvom Karadjordja (Djordja) Petrovića. Verovatno si mislio na Sretenjski ustav iz 1835, za vreme vladavine kneza Miloša Obrenovića.
A few years ago I visited Sombor in the north of Serbia. I had a coffee on a terrace in the center. Besides me a group of young men where sitting and chatting. When I left the coffee bar I didn't feel that my wallet slipped out of my pants. Almost 300 € in it and my ID... A minute later one of the young men from the neighbor table ran behind me. He saw my wallet at the floor, picked it up and ran to give it back to me. I am sure that in the most Western Countries that wouldn't happen. Now I am so proud to be married wto my beautiful, amazing and smart Serbian wife who gave me two little boys. Serbia is one of the best countries in the world 😊
RESPECT BRO im From serbia 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Good luck 🍀
Sombor shuffle by Nikola Jokic!
The best basketball player in the world is from Sombor !
A zapad nas je predstavio kao ljudoždere, njihovi mediji su se baš potrudili da mi budemo divljaci a ostatak sveta civiizacija. Srbi su divan i srdačan narod kakvih malo na svetu ima.
Welcome to your Home Serbia Brother
as a citizen of Serbia, I thank you for your kind words about the country and its people, nowadays it is rare that someone praises Serbia and speaks the truth about it, from now on you are my favorite character and if we meet in person I will hug you brother if someone asks where you are from tell them that you are ours and that you were born here, welcome! 💪
Pravo je zadovoljstvo gledati tako
pozitivno mladog čoveka
On vrsi propagandu da crnci nasele Srbiju
Jel si ga gledala u tlc rialitiju kad je hteo da ozeni nasu sponzorusu oz Nisa?
@@myrel543 pa on takve i trazi. Covek je avantirista i svalecrcina a kuka kako ne moze da se ozeni. Stara fora novih prevaranata. Prvo hvali Srbiju da smota zenske na brzaka i sve dok ne zasiti sve svoje planove i prohteve a onda svaljuje krivicu na Srpkinje nevsamo na nju nego i druge. Smesno. Zabavno proputovanje kroz Srbiju i Putujuci Cirkus :)
@@danielavasilic5140 mozda voli i starije zene i dame. Pitajte ga slobodno. Decko je otvorenih shvatanja. Belosvetskih. :)))
@@myrel543 sam si reko da je rijaliti. I sve sto je tamo je rijaliti shou za gledaoce i pare. Pravu istinu oni kriju. Nije rijaliti nego virtualiti. Kad izadju sa TV "rijalitija" u realan privatni zivot e to je pravi rijaliti.
We moved from Germany to Serbia two years ago and having the best time of our lives. ❤🎉
And in the meantime, Serbians are treated in Germany like shit. Are you also following your country policy about Kosovo. Do you think we are genocidal people?
In welcher Stadt/Dorf wohnt ihr? Haha
@@lifemeaningisyoursoulcontract Subotica
@@familycamper1857 what reason though im curious
for the change of country
The Serbians are not terorist!! Selam from Turkiye 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸 Kosovo Srbistan
Kocum benim arkadas❤️❤️❤️ Bosporus
@@joni1749 greetings from Serbia 🇷🇸🙌
Brat moj
I sold up and moved here years ago. The only English man in Mrcajevci, near čačak. Good food, drink, Warm people. I feel safer and more relaxed here than in the UK. 👍🍺☕🥃🍷🍸
You should have seen Tito's Yugoslavia, what a beautiful country it was. I'm so glad that you feel so well in Serbia! Thank you for being so honest! Greetings and respect from Novi Sad!
@@nikilauda7499 People were leaving Yugoslavia then due to persecution and for jobs (including gastarbeiters). It wasn't so great. Tito and the communists also murdered at least a 1/4 million after WWII ended.
@@jobrock1079 Braiwashed... CNN?
Thank you! ❤
@@nikilauda7499no, it's true.
Hvala na svemu sto radis na promociji Srbije kao normalne zemlje
On promoviše a žena pobegla od naše države...gledala sam njihova upoznavanja rekla bi da je sponzoruša...mislila je da u Americi pada dolar sa neba!
@@sonjaborota9780kao i što svi Srbi misle o zapadu 😂
Dobro si rekao " KAO " normalne zemlje
@@martinhrvat7817Ovim komentarom se vidi ko je ustvari pun mržnje 😊
@@stefance1 nije to nikakva mržnja,, ja iznosim samo činjenice,, mir s tobom
Nikad nepišem komentare ali ovo je za svako poštovanje i hvala ti za ovako lepim rečima za našu Srbiju.
zna on zbog čega vam ovako tepa...
Ovoliko ni sami sebe ne bi nahvalili 😊
@@vextechko je dugo ziveo yna da "spolja i unutra" nije isto, ako si putovao, kontaš me👍✌️
Možda neko ko nije video dalje od Horgoša, svako ko redovno putuje savršeno ceni mir i sigurnost Srbije, prirodne lepote, odsustvo migranata. Srbija je prelepa.
Samo čekaj sad kada se demografija promeni... Švedska i Francuska su bile bezbedne dok su samo Šveđanki živeli u Švedskoj, sada ima zona gde ne sme da Šveđani ulaze @@Visnja-ev1vx
A u srbiji najeftinije vagine na svetu, najlakše se dobije jos ako si camuga i šaka zulu, moze da skače dan i noc
Prvi put gledam tvoj video i nisam skinuo osmjeh sa lica cijelo vrijeme! Odlična energija brate ! Respect from Croatia :D
Ja tek sada vidoh da ima ovaj kanal. Ranije su snimali u cikagu, i bili su bas zabavni, crni su srbi, ili crni srbi svaki dan, ne secam se tacno. Tada su ga zvali Jova Crnojevic.
Thank you Jibri! You recognized our true values, not the stupid political media stories about Serbia! TI SI NAS BRAT, ne zato sto nas volis, nego zato sto pokazujes realnu sliku sa terena! The one who respects Serbia & his People will be loved!
You are so beautiful soul ! Man, you talk this Serbian language better than me. Yes, this country is full of good souls and good people! Thank you, brate, that Serbia changed your life and that is your favorite country. :)
People who have a perception of Serbia being dangerous, country, usually coming from countries that committed war crimes against Serbian citizens. They've had to spur their narrative in order to justify their war crimes.
Serbs are the nicest and most hospitable people on a planet.
Serbs are NOT the most hospitable people on the planet. Stop with this bs. I was in Serbia for 2 weeks and there was nothings special about Serbian hospitality. Actually many people were rude and passive.
hahah onlY a kid would say that ,,what haoppened in 90s there ,,the war criminals were holding whole city ,Beograd ,what are you smoking ,,be real look at Golubovic Arkan,,you made movies about them and what they were doing ,,now you like noo that is just a narratavive ahahah cmon ...and you are the one who start wars ,,so what are you talking about
@@AiVirtualBot Brainwashed people
Your right about making life long friends.. I am Serbian born in Sweden but every summer I have been here in Serbia since birth and the same dudes that I became friends with when I was 8 I am still friends with the same group of friends that stick together, I love my folks, there are nice places and everything in Serbia but the real beauty is the people..
Then come back and live in Serbia. Strangers and immigrants are flooding.
@@Hermeneuticarim on my way.. Just waiting for my invalidity pension to get ready and I'm heading back..yupp I have fckd up my body in martial arts 10 years ago
Pre 40 god studirao sam u Beogradu sa puno ovakvih momaka i devojaka, svih boja kože i jezika i sve smo ih prihvatali srdačno i bez skrupula.., a onda nam tako pametnima, a ustvari tupavima nametnuše ratove, jer nam je društvo tad išlo ka idealnim ljudskim vrednostima koliko god to danas zvučalo utopijski.., sad kad gledam ovog momka i naše mlade, vidim da opet ima nade
to nam je i greska sto smo se druzili sa razlicitima i prihvatali ih a ratovi sa ti mnemaju nikakve veze.
@@m1lst3r hajde onda da izbacimo Arno Gujona iz vlade i postavimo na vlast Srbe čanla, čedu, djilasa, djukanovića Mila... i njihove Srbe izrode... a na čelu potomka Karadjordja i belosvetske kurte i murte izmešan koji i danas muca srpski jezik i natuca da pročita ogromna slova na papiru i živi 24 godine o trošku države i veze nema sa srpstvom ni sa našom Crkvom i verom Pravoslavnom nego je Englez u duši koliko je Arno Gujon naprimer ili nekad Arčibald Rajs bio Srbin veći od 99,99999% Srba. da si pravoslavni Srbin znao bi da je i vera i nacija više duhovna kategorija a ne telesna i genetska. Pogrešno te uči Zapad njihove ideologije. Nisi u Svetosavlju. За почетак Србине, прелазимо на српско писмо, јел важи? 🙂Чудно неко твоје ВеликоСрпско име или презиме m1lst3r? Из ког си то српског краја па су ти дали такво име твоји српски преци? Да нису земљаци Супермена са планете Криптон или су ти мама и тата A2-D2 (АрТу-ДиТу) и онај жути лимени робот из Star Wars? Они симпатични ликови из првих три дела Ратова звезда пре 30 година снимљених и далеко бољих од новија три филма.
@@m1lst3r шта кажеш брате војводо М-NATO-genije "ратови немају везе" са нацијом и братством јединством и југословенством и српством? А зашто смо ратовали онда? За Труманова јаја и Титово јајце? 😂 А за шта се ратује? За шта би ти ратовао? Шта има највише везе са ратовима, леба ти, брате Србине на латиници и са шифрованим именом? А како ратујеш ако немаш храбрости ни име да напишеш, па макар и лажно?
@@m1lst3r а ти се не дружиш ни са ким различитим? Мора да слуша твоју музику, за твој клуб да навија, да пије шта и ти, да се дрогира или не дрогира као ти, да воли исте жене као ти, или уопште не воли жене као ти...ит.итд. само са својим клоновима се дружиш? Која сте ви секта, реци? Јел они што ноћу шетају улицама у групама исто обучени са истим мајцама и делују болесно и плаше народ и жене и децу и старце и мисле да су мудоње велике што су опасни и тајанствени и исти ко неки роботи?
@@m1lst3r а има лудака и заблуда левичара али каквих тек има десничара опичених то је чудо. А ја сам ипак неки српски десничар односно родољуб и верник па ме то највише погађа.
Subscribed. I agree with everything you say. I am in Serbia right now (also making videos) and it's the first European country I've travelled to (8 in the last few months) where I've made friends for life.
People here are very friendly, normal, and beautiful people. I love the Balkans, I love Serbia.
You have my exact attitude. I am a visitor / guest here in this country but the hospitality is exceptional. Oh and people keep giving me gifts!
Момче свака част, делија си. Хвала на тако лепим речима о овој светој земљи. Свако добро делијо.
Delije su bili turci.
@@aleksandarmladenovic4532Нажалост наш народ је неедукован.
Tako je...nek dovuce one čamuge iz geta...da vide kako je bezbedno
@@strahinjapavicic2987 тај ти није из гета будало. Тај ти је из нека врсте Покрета Несврстаних за мир у свету који је спасавао свет од Трећег светског рата и момак нас промовише у свету. И бори се против белаца који нас мрзе. И расиста белих и оних других шовиниста који владају њима из сенке. И видиш да прича српски супер и да није црнац прави него мешанац са неким белим родитељем, вероватно Србином. Покрет несврстаних нас је спасао и од уласка у НАТО са Титом који је окренуо леђа Русима који су га и довели на власт па их преварио он и Запад. И овај ти је хришћанин или православац наш. А Арапи и Шиптари и лажни Срби а уствари мулсимани и хрвати који су у БГ и по Србији на фунцкијама све више ти не сметају? И гледаш америчке филмове искључиво оне где нема црнаца ни једног?
@@aleksandarmladenovic4532 ај избаци све турске речи из српског језика, а онда би могао и енглеске, хрватске, латинске, немачке, мађарске, албанске, словеначке.... и нађи им замену на српском и објави "100% Србски речник" и ја ћу први да га купим и говорим тако. Хајде потруди се професоре српског. чекамо на тебе деценијама. А и вековима. Вук Караџића болео к... пардон, древна нога, за то. Па је убацивао и преписивао турцизме на даље. Ти пресеци. да будеш бољи од њега. Штету јесте Вук намазни направио по другим питањима и ту су полемике, али да би смо волели наше словенске речи да вратимо уместо страних, ту се сви српски родољуби слажемо.
Koji spontan lik,oduševio me je,ulepšao mi dan ❤
I honestly started to cry when I saw this video because you are the first one I noticed that an American speaks well about Serbs otherwise it was very hard to find almost impossible thank you brother for telling the truth you are the strongest. greetings from Serbia 💪💪💪❤
Chales Cather joined the chat...check the guy, a bunch of others, but bro nailed
Thank you on kind words , you are very good as person! Greeting from Serbia 🇷🇸 🎉
Bog te blagoslovio!❤
God doesn't exist. Sorry to inform you.
He does just because ur atheist doesn't mean they are too.@@jakatom
That doesn't change the fact, that god doesn't exist.
@@jakatom he does exists buddy our religions aren't the same and stop complaining with christians that they believe in their own religion and god. U got something against it huh? If god doesn't exists then who created universe buddy?
I love Serbia because there is no racism in Serbia as there is in the West. For Serbs, everyone is brothers and sisters.
what? have you heard about a war happend only a few decades ago, where they "cleansed" some cities from non-serbians?
@@bmkmymaggots he means we serbs arent racist to others and accept people no matter them being black or not
@@bmkmymaggots Which one? Unlike the other, newly created countries, only Serbia remained multinational.
hahahahahhaha good joke bro
just to say, i was at Guca this year and most of the serbs i had contact with were really nice, but on the other side there was extrem patriotism, songs about war-heros, songs against albania and so on. Two of my friends were punched in their faces without any obvious reason.
Brate kakav si ti brat nemam reči .Hvala ti na svemu dobri čoveče .
as a 24 year old Serbian, I've been through a lot. Like literally each aspect of life included. What I want to say is, Thank you. You made my day not just by praising my country and having amazing opinion on it overall, but also made my day and way more than that, by your maneers, I am amazed at how well you have been brought up. Your mindset and positivty are just something I could never imagine seeing on recommended youtube video. God bless you and your loved ones, thank you once again for promoting my country the way you do, thank you for spreading truth and denying false informations for the whole nation. Even more for being who you are, and probably the most important, thank you for promoting freaking positivity and the beauty you got in you.
I am left without words. Thank you man. Hvala ti brate, ziv bio!
Bog te blagoslovio!
@@missindependent2687 Bog tebe blagoslovio!
@@markokostadinovic389 ❤
You got me with the title😂😂 i also travelled to Serbia 🇷🇸 and learning the language slowly.😊❤ my experiences and friends i made there are nothing short of amazing.😊❤❤❤
Where are you from
U Srbiji je stopa rasizma jako mala hvala sto si to pokazao.
@@JoexLegacy gde nemamo crnce? Gde zivis ti? Ako nisi u beogradu onda kapiram. Na svakom koraku ih ima u Beogradu. A sto se cigana/roma tice kako kazes "rasisti" smo samo prema onim sto su lopovi i sto te uznemiravaju na ulici, ali prema normalnim nismo.
@@JoexLegacybilo je Crnaca jos pre 20 godina i to u malim gradovima.
@aventureraclette yes there is. Globalization doesn't excuse you from choosing a different kind of evil.
Belgrade is full of gays and people who care only for money and fun, other places in Serbia are still deffending white europe and nationalism. Viva la France@aventureraclette
Happy to find your video! After watching it, cannot wait to visit Serbia soon! I love your good vibes and energy and I love Serbia🇷🇸🥰! I fall in love with this country over 24 years ago. IMHO Serbians are the nicest people and Serbian food is delicious! Btw your outfit is cooooool! ❤❤❤❤from🇨🇦and🇵🇱
Thank You. We would like for people to feel wellcome here and enjoy in our beautifull country, nature and hospitality 🫶
unfortunately, good vibes and energy can be very deceiving. The less you know about us, the better.
@@m1lst3r Hahaha, lepo rečeno, lepo rečeno. 😂😂
Brrrrrrooo!!!! I was watching this, thinking you’re an American guy on holiday giving a first time review and then you broke into FLUENT Serbian!!! Bro you gave me goosebumps!! Bravo brate!! Not Syria, Not Siberia😂😂😂
He was in a band with Serbs called "Black Serbs" and he's had 3 Serbian girlfriends - the last was his wife, I think. I wonder if he is in Serbia looking for a new girlfriend.
Ljubav i poštovanje, pozdrav iz Nove Pazove💪🏼
Come on mehn I enjoyed this video . Watching from Cameroon 🇨🇲 ❤
Hey man, wtf r u doin' there?! I heard on TV this guys eatin' ppl!!! Specialy Americans! EDIT: Being a Serbian origin, I hope u understood my sarcasm of this sh.t reffering our beautiful country, suffered so much just for being itself, always on the right side of justice & history. Thank you so much for the real promotion of our country and customs! Finaly, Belgrade vibes suit you so much, man! Spread the word through the Globe & break those lies !!! Peace, bro! 🇷🇸
I think he is looking for a new girlfriend in Serbia which would be his 4th Serbian girlfriend in a row. He recently broke up with Miona, a Serbian girl who was on a reality show with him. After they recently broke up he said he was through with Eastern European women as she was the third who had broken his heart, and they were all Serbs. (Of course Serbia is actually Southeastern Europe.)
Greetings from Greece to our Orthodox brothers!
@@AlexDerhuan Αληθώς ο Κύριος!!!
You're a legend brate !
Bro this is one of the most wholesome videos I've seen. All the interactions you had with different people were so great and your energy is great too. Also your Serbian accent is so clean. Great job spreading the positivity, no matter which part of the world or what race, we are all one kind, humans.
You'r so right! Hope that many more people will understand it some day...
Love him! His energy and positivity is contagious ❤. The brass band while doing fitness is hilarious; then you know you’re somewhere else 🙏😎
Many people from Cuba came here and they are great people, i have few co-workers from Cuba ,Mexico and Russia, all good guys. : )
And around 500 Vietnamese workers was building the first Chinese tire factory in Serbia. Activists say their working conditions are inhumane: no money, no passports, no hot water. Serbia is a source, transit, and destination country for women and girls trafficked transnationally and internally for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. The heroin trade remains the most pervasive drug market in Serbia. The country serves as a heroin transit hub connecting the east to the west, involving several organized crime groups, and there is evidence of collaboration between criminal organizations in Serbia and neighbouring countries.
Greetings from us Bosnian American brothers to you and our Serbian brothers! Bratstvo Jedinstvo!
Pozdrav Bosni i Srbiji iz Hrvatske. Rivalstvo je oduvijek bilo. A mržnju je stvorila politika.
ne lupetaj gluposti
Bratstvo i Jedinstvo zauvek!
@@johnkisch240Ја још нисам срео по свету из Бивше ЈУ неког да подржава рат ,убијање и немаштину .Сви кажу и знају да су политичари у бившој ЈУ удружено мафијашко удружење којима одговара свађа народа како би што дуже остали на власти .Нико нормалан није за рат и мржњу осим ако нема неку корист .
Pozdrav brate moj. B&J 🇷🇸❤🇧🇦
People love you out there! Awesome!! peace from Poland, subbed!
It's not just what you're saying, it's the energy you do it with. It shows that changing the narrative around Serbia truly means to you, and I really appreciate that, thank you!
Simply UNIQUE! Thank you very much dear JIBRI! May God always bless you and your loved ones. Xoxoxo ⚘ ❤💯🙏
Brate Dzibri hvala do neba!!!!❤️
Hvala brate! Thanks Bro !!! :) God bless you! Bog ti pomogao u zivotu !
Jibri, you share an amazing positive energy. Thank you for this wonderful video.
Thank you from Belgrade 🫂🥰
Moja mama je uvek govorila a i sada : " Ne treba ja da hvalim moju decu, nego drugi!" Tako i u ovom videu , drugi nas hvale , pa ko voli nek izvoli 😊.Hvala puno za ovaj Video ❤. Ja sam srpkinja , suprug grk a živimo u Nemačkoj. Sve tri zemlje su ko moja domovina ali uvek kad si ispred srpske granice srce počne da kuca, ko na prvom sastanku 💓💓. Puno uspeha želim gde god da se nalaziš u budućnosti 🍀🍀.
He said these are now my people that is exactly the way you should feel visiting another country
Nisu tu politicari da nas promovisu, nego da nas pljačkaju🤣
Daj ćuti molim te, samo nam oni trebaju.
@@Vule000 Tupan, čim je napisao " naši " političari znao sam koliko je sati, nij svestan da je logorska uprava na strani okupatora. Tupav narod i nezainteresovan za ISTINU, pre svega.
Serbia was the first country in the world to abolish slavery. In the 19th century, when the modern state of Serbia was created, after almost five hundred years of slavery under the Turks, one of the determinants of the constitution of Serbia at the time stated that every slave who enters the territory of Serbia automatically becomes a free man. Freedom or death is one of the most important slogans of the Serbian people.
Great channel ❤😊I'm loving your content. Loving serbia 🇷🇸 too❤😊
Хахаха...добар човек...хвала на љубави! 💕
Thnx for promoting our country in real light
I only got to visit Serbia for 2 days on my whirlwind trip. But it was enough to make me feel a vibe unlike any other European city. I only talked to a handful of locals, and got nothing but warm welcome. A house music DJ who I love took the time to meet with me for a couple hours, and encouraged me to come back to Belgrade for a longer visit. I'm already planning it out in my head!
Rio Tinto marš iz Srbije!!!
Žuta pro-nato marva takodje.
@@vickoslavkovic2593 Vucic ti je NATO covek br 1 u Srbiji, samo to vesto prikriva svojim PR potezima...
@@BuXnAMaNOvo nije politicki video.
Ovaj covek iz amerike govori srpski i ozenio se sa srpkinjom i voli srbiju. Inace je muzicar i ima sa jednim isto iz srbije Davidom komponuju pesme i snimaju. Nije losmomak nemojte da govorite lose o nekome koga nepoznajete. Svi smo mi stranci u tudjim zemljama. Pokazite se kao jedan posten i dobar narod. Ja sam isto iz srbije.i puno pozdrava svim dobrim ljudima nema veze odakle su. 👍❤
I love this town. My wife is Serbian. I love her too🙂
Every country has it's ups and downs that's how it is. Rumors are rumors you have to go to a country to see for your self before you judge. Much Love to y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Super video! Bilo bi isto super imati prevod na srpskom. Ja bih rado pokazala video roditeljima ali ne pričaju engleski.
Pa znaju valjda citati? Upali prevod preko "CC" dugmeta na videou i uredi "srpski" jezik i gotovo eto ga. U cemu je problem? Pokusaj pa mi javi.
Veoma mi je drago sto postoje ovakvi dobri ljudi koji promovisu Srbiju na pravi i realan nacin. Bilo bi dobro da ih ima vise. Svaka ti cast Jibri i samo nastavi tako. Puno pozdrava.
Bravo Čoveče.Srbija je najlepša Zemlja na svetu.Srbi su divan narod,bez obzira na veru.
То је кључно зашто смо такви
Kao Bošnjak (i musliman), nemam nista prigovoriti tvojoj tvrdnji. Svako dobro, selam i pozz.
@@ComeOn-u5ine postoji Bošnjak koji nije musliman. Možda neki novokomponovani, potpuno sluđeni, ateisti
@@milutinitc4937 Eto, u drugoj si recenici sam pobio svoju tezu. Pozz
Love you brate, you are our SERBIAN legend. Welcome to Serbia brate nas!
Bravo BRATE....Nadam se da cu te jednom sresti u KNEZU da popijemo PIVO....ZIVEO....PRAVI SRBIN...
Hahaha kakav video jebote... Baš tako ...Ja u 35 godina nisam upoznao lošeg Beograđanina a upoznao sam ih mnogo , zato se tom gradu uvijek radujem kada idem iz svoje Tuzle !
U BG ima mnogo Tuzlaka posebno na Novi Beograd
Thank you bro, for standing for us, and spread positivity about Serbia, Much love from me.
Am I dreaming??? Nah bruh, there is a small proud country on the balkans: S E R B I A , and right now Im so proud because I see a american guy speaking facts about my country. May god bless you Jibri, its so beautyfull to see you in Belgrade speakin free about my nation. Thanks alot bro!
Thank you very much for representing Serbia in a nice way, because there is BIG propaganda against us! We would be an even more wonderful country if they hadn't destroyed us economically. A little advice: unfortunately, there are pickpockets and takes care of your things, carrie everything in front of you...A little tip: If you want to speak like a real Serb, ask about the word "bre" 😊 Bog te blagoslovio ❤
He's looking for his 4th Serbian girlfriend. He recently broke up with Miona who was on a reality show with him in the US. He pledged he was through with "Eastern European women" because she was the 3rd one, all Serbs, who had broken his heart.
Great Video! Thank you very much for your passioned work.
I've seen a lot of Westerners talk shit about Serbia being an unsafe country or whatever, meanwhile they can't even take a walk at like 3AM going through their neighbourhood. It's unthinkable for me that such a thing could ever happen here! If someone gets mugged it like makes the news immediately, let alone anything else, lol.
don't think so. I had a great time in serbia, but while walking through the streets of Guca, two friends of mine where punched in the face without any obvious reason. And somebody stole all my cash... Didn't happened to me in germany so far :D
@@bmkmymaggots Guča is famously a tourist trap, so who knows who did it. I'm in Vojvodina and we don't do that kinda stuff here.
@@reisshep well it was somebody with a nema predaje shirt... i don't think that a tourist is wearing that :D
Thank you, Jibri for showing us what Serbia is REALLY like!! Apparently nothing like the sinister place that we've been led to believe.
You really believed that one whole nation is evil? 🤔
@@marija5791 Nope, but around 500 Vietnamese workers was building the first Chinese tire factory in Serbia. Activists say their working conditions are inhumane: no money, no passports, no hot water. Serbia is a source, transit, and destination country for women and girls trafficked transnationally and internally for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. The heroin trade remains the most pervasive drug market in Serbia. The country serves as a heroin transit hub connecting the east to the west, involving several organized crime groups, and there is evidence of collaboration between criminal organizations in Serbia and neighbouring countries.
@@BranislavB-hx9zy Druze, nije ni srpskim radnicima bolje i kriminalne grupe ne predstavljaju srpski narod.
Bro lemme tell you something even more crazy, if you go down the country in south parts of Serbia, you will experience something even more crazyer, you will experience a true hospitality , if you are walking in villages and you ask people how are they doing or how is their day, they will invite you to their house, give you a cup of coffe, glass of juice or water, they will tell you a story about their village and even invite you to lunch or dinner depending on what time you arrive, only thing we dont share is breakfast because we take it as soon as we wake up... Give it a try, visit some village in Serbia, in some mountains. You will see how little those people have and how much they will offer you for free , for no good reason. Theres a saying in Serbia, if you are lost, hungry and homeless you will have a place to sleep, a meal to eat and someone will give you a ride, all for free.
Bravo brate Djibrile! Sve si objasnio! 👏
Such a positive young man. Big hug from London, originally born and raised in Belgrade, we love you ❤
You are king bro I love you so much!
Hello Jibri, Thank you very much for the nice talk about my country. Of course it is Serbia, the best country in the world ❤❤❤. Greetings to you from Texas
Thank You brother we Serbians love You for your true words and positive energy ,many blessings bro 🙏🏻🙏🏾
Love your energy, and i appreciate you showing the good part of Serbia!! You got to remember thou we are not perfect, there will always be the good and the bad people everywhere, just have to humble ourselves a little bit so we don't fly to close to the sun. Wish you all the happiness in the world and may you avoid all the bad people God bless you brother!
Serbia is most dangerous for its own citizens😂!
We re proud of our country, but we love all the people of the world!
Serbians have to be better to themselves instead of foreigners and strangers. Of course those who have shown they genuinely like Serbs are the exception, but too often Serbs are too nice and generous to users and moochers and those who will actually say mean things about Serbs once they get to the next Balkan country.
Kao Hrvat, ovo me smeta kod ovog videa. Ponekad ližemo guzice strancima, ali mrzimo svoje susjede. Bit ću mnogo gostoljubiviji prema nekome iz Srbije nego prema nekom strancu koji uči jezik kako bi postao popularan jer nije mogao postati popularan u svojoj zemlji.
You are an exception. Croats are still attacking Serbs in Croatia, including Serbian tourists. It is foreign powers who have a history of dividing the Balkans people and using them against each other to weaken and then exploit the area. The Serbs were/are the foreign powers main target and were thoroughly demonized. That is why Serbs are so desperate and get so excited when someone compliments them.
Hrvati dolaze kod nas vise od 20 god i uzivaju. Ja sam ucitelj skijanja i radim na Kopaoniku, milion ljudi, lako je naci na intetnetu, takodje i Hrvati, svi kao u svojoj kuci, dobro dosli❤😊😊😊😊
Ja ne znam šta pričaš ti čoveče. Kao srbin jedini način da te "mrzim " je da me provociraš. Brdo Hrvata ima i po novom sadu i Beogradu pa nikom normalnom ne fali dlaka sa glave. Kao što ni meni ne fali kad odem u Hrvatsku na more. Samo ne nosim Nacionalna i ratna obeležja. Najveća neprijatnost u hrvatskoj je bila kad sam tražio da kupim hleb a rečeno mi je ea imaju samo kruh. Nasmejao se, reko ništa onda hvala i kupio hleb na drugom mestu.
Da smo zaista pametni i danas dan bi bili zajedni, ali na zalost' nismo. Sada imamo 10 razlicitih, smijesnih drzavica koji svako moze da naguzi i naguzuje. Kurcimo se svi a svaka ta "drzava" ima manje stanovnika nego mnogi velegradi u svijetu. Eto nase balkanske pamet. Mnogo ponosa, malo mozga. A da su slozni neznam gdje bi im bio kraj. Sad su samo kita zato sto se mrzite svi medusebe.
Хвала❤❤❤,највише због тога што су рекао:"Као да припадам овде"
My Serbian friend sent me your video because I am like you and also love Serbia and the Serbian people. Beautiful country. Tons of good food...the people are an absolute treasure. Thumbs up for you 👏🏼 love Serbia always 🇷🇸
10:46 Ovo brate stvarno samo kod nas ima, najjaca scena 😂😂😂
Ja sam se valjao od smeha! 😂😂
Apsolutno 😂
Srpska posla 😂😂😂😂
And here is some Serbian:
Zdravo ja sam iz Srbije nama ovde u Srbiji je lepo i niko ovde se ne tuce svi smo dobri ovde sa jednim drugima i da moje ime je Oleg i hvala sto si dobar prema mojoj drzavi:)
welcome to Serbia bro 👍. that story that Serbia is dangerous is 25 years old, from the era of wars. Belgrade is the center of the Balkans and is developing more and more every day.
Србија је Балкан.
Vucic agree with you, but around 500 Vietnamese workers was building the first Chinese tire factory in Serbia. Activists say their working conditions are inhumane: no money, no passports, no hot water. Serbia is a source, transit, and destination country for women and girls trafficked transnationally and internally for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. The heroin trade remains the most pervasive drug market in Serbia. The country serves as a heroin transit hub connecting the east to the west, involving several organized crime groups, and there is evidence of collaboration between criminal organizations in Serbia and neighbouring countries.
every country in Europe has it...
Hvala za divni video, želim ti puuuno uspjeha u radu ❤️
Brat je najjači.💪💪💪
Predivan Jibri Sve pohvale u tvom radu ,samo tako nastavi pozdrav Krusevac Srbija!!!
Jibri, loved your video. I have never traveled so I appreciate seeing all the videos you do. You make me want to go to Serbia.
You are very welcome🇷🇸❤️
Tooo JOVO brate Srbineeee !! SRBIJA DO TOKIJA !
Mislim da je Gavrilo 😊😀
Koj si ti CAR! Good job spreading the love, puno ljubavi!!!
Thank you Bratski for show the People how Serbia realy is 😊
Swiss here with Croat nationality, born in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Been in Serbia (Niš & Belgrade) and felt warmly welcomed as a person with a Croat name. Most people are actually nice or at least friendly anywhere in the world. I see many cars with Serbian and Bosnian plates in Croatia, too, also in Montenegro and love the fact that after all the hatred and mistrust of the recent past does not result in car vandalism. I believe the problem starts when one emphasizes only the positive aspects of his culture, deliberately leaving the dark side of it and then imposes his/ her way of life to other people and regions. Hence the so many unresolved cases of former Yugoslavia. To live and let live, the only way to go. I still can't imagine returning for good to any Balkan region, but love and will keep visiting most of the places. There is also joy in repetition!
Al si ga srocio, svaka cast. Poslednja recenica pogotovo slojevita.
Amazing! ❤❤❤
Maybe they should import a couple million africans or arabs and see how safe it is then. Like Paris, London, Stockholm, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin...
Bro I was feeling blue today and I watched you and you made my day better ❤
I live in Germany but my roots are Bosnia/Croatia, but basically I am just a human, nationality doesn't matter for me, since we are all humans under the same sky.
For me Serbians have the same mentality as people in Bosnia, kind and welcoming. I don't think people think so bad about Serbian people. There is always a lot of propaganda in movies as we know. I got to visit Serbia too one day. Pozdrav!!
Bosnia has 3 constituent peoples: Bosniaks, Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Croats. Bosnian Muslims were 43% of BiH in 1991 but are now around 50%. Serbs are about 1/3 and Croats are around 15%.
All the inhabitants of Bosnia are Serbs, many of them changed their religion because of the free dinner, but they all speak Serbian, not Turkish, not Latin. The rulers of the world cannot stand those who still remain Serbs and are trying to destroy them... the Serbs who bowed down and knelt before the conqueror are their favourites.
@@predragavdalovic2499 There were other peoples brought in. The Austrians brought in Ukrainians. (Most of the Ukrainians assimilated with Croats, though some became Serbs.) Jews (mainly Sephardic) came to BiH centuries ago. There are also a lot of Bosnian Roma which mainly have Bosniak/Muslim names.
Хвала ти❤
Ohhh my Nigerian family🇳🇬 i love Serbia so much, wonderful people ❤ anyone from Nigeria here? Let's link up.
Did u ever visit?
God bless you, brother! 🙏Hvala ti za istinu i ljubav za Srbiju! ❤ 🇷🇸 🎊
Kralj si brate 😂😂😂 odavno nisam gledao neki ceo video... hvala!
That was intense 13 minutes.
The law introduced by serbian Knez Miloš Obrenović in 1835 was the first law in the world to grant freedom to slaves upon entering Serbian territory. The law stated:
"Any slave who arrives on Serbian soil becomes free."
Nije 1804, jer je tada počeo prvi srpski ustanak pod vodjstvom Karadjordja (Djordja) Petrovića. Verovatno si mislio na Sretenjski ustav iz 1835, za vreme vladavine kneza Miloša Obrenovića.
@@radisailic5706 Da, da ispravio sam, hvala!