Ronnie Cuber baritone sax with Bill Evans-Randy Brecker SoulBop Band.mp4


Комментарии •

  • @michaelfoxbrass
    @michaelfoxbrass 2 года назад +45

    RIP Ronnie Cuber. His playing here pays a subtly fine tribute to Michael Brecker (to my ears).

  • @lafayettegunter292
    @lafayettegunter292 7 лет назад +36

    I wouldn't be playing baritone saxophone if it wasn't for Ronnie cuber amazing baritone saxophone genius

  • @allenfink4321
    @allenfink4321 10 лет назад +100

    Ronnie Cuber is just amazing to listen too.

  • @ruudbergamin4361
    @ruudbergamin4361 5 лет назад +83

    Bill Evans, the saxophone player, not to be confused with the other Bill Evans, the pianoplayer...

    • @estebanvenegas89
      @estebanvenegas89 5 лет назад

      got me

    • @andysnat
      @andysnat 4 года назад

      @@estebanvenegas89 Me too!!

    • @adriandelgado8709
      @adriandelgado8709 3 года назад +4

      Jesus H Christ I got all exited thing Bill Evans the pianist was playing there 😂😂😂

    • @fatheadthedog
      @fatheadthedog 2 года назад

      The tenor player.

    • @jerrygrimes1977
      @jerrygrimes1977 2 года назад

      What a collaboration _that_ would have been. So far, there are no lame cats named Bill Evans.

  • @ericcroissantmusic
    @ericcroissantmusic 3 года назад +29

    Can't ever get enough of that phat bari sound. Of all the bari players I listen to, I always keep revisiting Ronnie's stuff. This video... definitely more than 10 times xD haha

    • @gaucho.mdq1
      @gaucho.mdq1 11 месяцев назад

      How is this song called?

  • @tubtubtub5594
    @tubtubtub5594 8 лет назад +35

    The best Bari sax player for me 👍🏻

    • @saxman8020
      @saxman8020 4 года назад +3

      Hey tub x 3 = I totally agree !! I don't think a forensic Sound Scientist could find a intonation error anywhere ! Technical Mastery for Sure.

  • @glendenig9962
    @glendenig9962 3 года назад +8

    Man! That's a powerful and rich Bari Sax tone! Great music all around!

  • @button9584
    @button9584 4 года назад +5

    This is the funkiest thing I’ve ever listened too👌

  • @ronimaki8122
    @ronimaki8122 11 лет назад +13

    I love the sound of bari saxes!

    • @billvill61
      @billvill61 2 года назад +2

      Indeed! Ronnie on Moanin' the Mingus version is unbelievable!

  • @SisterTSA
    @SisterTSA 8 лет назад +25

    Ronnie is the best bari player out there today (that I've heard anyway!)

    • @Ysendrin
      @Ysendrin 8 лет назад +1

      You sir, must listen to this : /watch?v=58NKCwjz6e8&t=5s

    • @devinpohl5532
      @devinpohl5532 7 лет назад +1

      Dude, I love that song. I even transcribed the whole chart.

    • @dduncan45
      @dduncan45 7 лет назад +2

      Ronnie is amazing....check out Leo Pellegrino
      Leo is pushing boundaries

    • @indigolabsindegoshark
      @indigolabsindegoshark 7 лет назад +24

      leo can play, he doesn't have shit on ronnie tho

    • @gabrielguzman8812
      @gabrielguzman8812 6 лет назад +1

      You sure?

  • @Kassiusday
    @Kassiusday 3 года назад +8

    What a sound baryton saxophone is my favourite never irritates me !! The bass plays the same riffs as the baryton intro !! That’s is funny !! Great stuff !!

  • @hondarideralex
    @hondarideralex 14 лет назад +5

    freakin' awesome! Ronnie cuber is such a badass!!!

  • @sebastiannai4381
    @sebastiannai4381 2 года назад +1

    Ronnie Cuber, I appreciate more and more as I get older, what a player

  • @maxwellmckinley637
    @maxwellmckinley637 4 года назад +1

    They groovin'. Especially that drummer.

  • @haydenwhite91
    @haydenwhite91 3 года назад +1

    Ronnie gives me life

  • @MrNizam3634
    @MrNizam3634 10 лет назад +2

    wow just amazing , Ronnie Cuber and the teem are doing great muzic

  • @lastort
    @lastort 2 года назад +3

    RIP Ronnie.

  • @smittyk.werbenjagermanjens4914
    @smittyk.werbenjagermanjens4914 2 года назад +2

    RIP Ronnie 🙏

  • @kbh4950
    @kbh4950 4 года назад +1

    Ronnie is amazing.

  • @AndrewBarsky
    @AndrewBarsky 7 месяцев назад +1

    The lungs on that cat to play that bass line on repeat. Nice

  • @bigdoor619
    @bigdoor619 12 лет назад +3

    4:40 - 4:55 was my favorite part. Such an amazing Bari player!

  • @ivettepalacin8599
    @ivettepalacin8599 2 года назад

    Is that a young Johnathan Blake on drums! Sweet! Ev'body is absolutely cool, swingin

  • @mikekaupa9190
    @mikekaupa9190 4 года назад

    Ronnie Cuber for president!

  • @petermartin2054
    @petermartin2054 5 лет назад

    Of course . . why wouldn't this be great !

  • @joeschmo1332
    @joeschmo1332 11 лет назад +1

    Bill Evans is awesome!

  • @chungwahcancion7870
    @chungwahcancion7870 3 месяца назад

    great and fun and even funny

  • @aboveaveragebayleaf9216
    @aboveaveragebayleaf9216 2 года назад +3

    you can tell at 4:40 bill didn't mean to come in there, but he rolled with it, and made it part of the jam.

    • @mr_jones7768
      @mr_jones7768 Год назад

      oh wow, I didn't even notice! Being able to that is a mark of a truly great player

  • @hermanmunster714
    @hermanmunster714 Год назад


  • @kennybradshaw2122
    @kennybradshaw2122 8 лет назад +1


  • @scalar0706
    @scalar0706 12 лет назад +1

    I also play on a Mark 6. LOVE it. I switched to a Otto Link Super Tone Master mouthpiece, and that's working out pretty well for me. Nice big chamber really seems to open up the sound.

    • @mccplayzmc7113
      @mccplayzmc7113 4 года назад

      i play a super tone master 6* on tenor. i feel like its hard to get a crisp tone on the higher end but the rest of the range plays awesome

  • @jazzjanne1
    @jazzjanne1 13 лет назад

    Sounds good!

  • @jtbsax
    @jtbsax 14 лет назад

    @theultimatefox Bill Evans is the sax player. Randy Brecker is the trumpet player and he's been using effects on his trumpet in rock/funk/fusion settings since the 70s. Check out some clips of the Brecker Brothers.

  • @danielalex8426
    @danielalex8426 5 лет назад


  • @geralddjembemartin
    @geralddjembemartin 14 лет назад

    That is smokin!!!

  • @Braglemaster123
    @Braglemaster123 6 лет назад +1

    Ronnie played with Maynard Ferguson 🎺🎺👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @saxman8020
    @saxman8020 4 года назад +1

    What I said to tub x 3: I totally agree !! I don't think a forensic Sound Scientist could find a intonation error anywhere ! Technical Mastery for Sure.

  • @8789spartan
    @8789spartan 12 лет назад +1

    i use a La Voix medium soft on my bari and it tends to get a smoother sound while still keeping the range

  • @cgreen4209
    @cgreen4209 10 лет назад +1

    What are the notches to his bit at the beginning

  • @vornfoehammer
    @vornfoehammer 13 лет назад +1

    This is great! Too bad it stops so abruptly

  • @bobbly7132
    @bobbly7132 9 лет назад +6

    I played bari and have never heard Ronnie until just now---and he is really good. To me not quite in Pepper's league but damn close. And he has a certain "cool" quality the other big bari players don't quite match.

    • @eatablelove
      @eatablelove 9 лет назад +10

      Bob Bly ronnie cuber is by far better than pepper adams

    • @chafdawg2000
      @chafdawg2000 9 лет назад +2

      eatablelove I agree

    • @ThePhunkyPharaoh
      @ThePhunkyPharaoh 9 лет назад +8

      +Bob Bly They are both great, but Cuber is WAYYYYY better

    • @BlowZootBlow
      @BlowZootBlow 6 лет назад +7

      Two very different styles of playing, both of them equally innovative and creative, but wildly disparate techniques. It is like comparing Steve Gadd to Art Blakey. Would you say one of them is better than the other?

    • @ezramancini1491
      @ezramancini1491 6 лет назад +2

      +Mark Norton yes

  • @pyreal_nova1526
    @pyreal_nova1526 2 года назад +1

    Does anybody know the name of this song?

  • @michaelmcdermott7349
    @michaelmcdermott7349 8 лет назад +1

    There is good/ great music out there, but not on the Radio? What's up with that?

  • @mr_jones7768
    @mr_jones7768 Год назад


  • @MonsterSuperPlayer
    @MonsterSuperPlayer 9 лет назад +1

    What's the name of the song?
    ¿Cual es el nombre de la canción?

    • @eatablelove
      @eatablelove 9 лет назад

      MonsterSuperPlayer "Passion Fruit" -Ronnie Cuber

    • @MonsterSuperPlayer
      @MonsterSuperPlayer 9 лет назад

      thank you!!!!! :D gracias!!!!! :D

    • @eatablelove
      @eatablelove 9 лет назад

      De nada!

    • @michaelpauers1859
      @michaelpauers1859 9 лет назад

      +eatablelove No, this is not Passion Fruit. This is "34th 'n' Lex," by Randy Brecker, recorded on the album of the same name.

    • @MonsterSuperPlayer
      @MonsterSuperPlayer 9 лет назад

      Thanks :D

  • @hbarisax9059
    @hbarisax9059 6 лет назад

    Anybody knows Ronnie's mouthpiece in the video???

  • @christopherfischer6998
    @christopherfischer6998 7 лет назад +1

    Anyone know the name of the song?!?!

  • @viperfanacr
    @viperfanacr 13 лет назад +2

    34th N Lex

  • @deepalmer3960
    @deepalmer3960 3 года назад

    What happened to the end????

  • @edgingchowder
    @edgingchowder 5 лет назад

    Anyone know a transcription for this?

  • @racehoglund7251
    @racehoglund7251 2 года назад

    Anybody know the name of this tune?

  • @ChmajLife
    @ChmajLife 8 лет назад +10

    Bill evans died in 1980

  • @kahhhching
    @kahhhching 12 лет назад

    Sorry no tips but damn you're a lucky beginner. That's a great horn!!

  • @gaucho.mdq1
    @gaucho.mdq1 11 месяцев назад

    How is this song called?

  • @jmartin7022
    @jmartin7022 10 месяцев назад

    Is he playing prima vista ?

  • @olivertappinbass
    @olivertappinbass 12 лет назад +5

    LOL! 2:41

  • @8789spartan
    @8789spartan 12 лет назад

    what kind of reed do you use

  • @Laytz
    @Laytz 12 лет назад +1

    Lots and lots of longtones. I know how that sounds, but it's true. That and just listening to him and others a lot to get their tone in your head so you can focus on sounding like it when you play. Try transcribing and playing along to him. Eventually you'll want to get a good open jazz mouthpiece, but that's less important. It'll take a long time, but you'll get there. You've sure as hell got the sax for it though. I'm jealous.

  • @billvill61
    @billvill61 2 года назад

    Sounds like Weather Report

  • @ulfbech6072
    @ulfbech6072 8 лет назад

    This is great creative powerful music that is important for the simple and important example by instrument voices, such as some have done in several ways by certain entities and / or certain details for example: Albinoni Boccherini Zipoli Debussy Milhaud Les Six Stravinsky Ives Miles Evans Coltrane Shorter C Baker Mulligan Brubeck Konitz Jarrett E Spalding Brilliant Great Ulf Hellerup, Playlists example 6: Ulf Bech MusiK 8888, 84248, 8448, 848, 888 or Ulf Bech Musik1 YT

  • @Jessycheese
    @Jessycheese 2 года назад

    What song is this called?

  • @raefblack7906
    @raefblack7906 9 лет назад +3

    the caveman stomp

  • @anthonybernabel9485
    @anthonybernabel9485 2 года назад

    What is the name of this tune.

  • @maxgraysax
    @maxgraysax 3 года назад

    Does this song have a name?

  • @aydanmarquez9659
    @aydanmarquez9659 4 года назад

    Is that Berg Larsen Mouthpiece

  • @thejazzcartel2542
    @thejazzcartel2542 5 лет назад

    Is this called soul bop?

  • @brianbernsteintv
    @brianbernsteintv 12 лет назад +8

    Loved this...
    but at 4:10 cuber didn't count the fill and missed the entrance completely... lol

  • @Laytz
    @Laytz 13 лет назад

    @hydekins2 Those are literally the only notes in that main line, (although I should point out that those are in Eb, just in case you're trying to play it on tenor or something). If you can't figure it out with that then there's not much more I can say.

  • @Laytz
    @Laytz 13 лет назад

    @hydekins2 If you can get the rhythm in your head, then follow these notes... D C A C C# D The main bari line essentially just uses these notes, with a lot of octave jumps on the D.

  • @Guy-em4ck
    @Guy-em4ck 5 лет назад

    Johnny Knoxville on bass

  • @don4476
    @don4476 5 лет назад +1

    The director must have hated the guitar player.

  • @lesgoe8908
    @lesgoe8908 Год назад

    Does anyone know the name of this song? Has it been recorded on an album?

  • @ChuCkyKiLLER001
    @ChuCkyKiLLER001 14 лет назад +2

    No trombone :(
    But it still sounds awesome.

  • @kevin0keviq
    @kevin0keviq 13 лет назад

    lol 2:38

  • @Kassiusday
    @Kassiusday 3 года назад +2

    I am wondering why all cameramen’s think that bass guitar is not important & particularly in African roots music : THIS IS BIG BIG MISTAKE !!! THE BASS IS FUNDAMENTAL AND SPECIALLY IN FUNKY AND FUNKY JAZZ MUSIC !!!!!!

  • @mr_jones7768
    @mr_jones7768 Год назад


  • @mr_jones7768
    @mr_jones7768 Год назад
