This video is almost every thought/message I’ve ever had. It is so parallel with my experience in 45 years of “life”. I am amazed at how on point this is. It makes the most sense so far.
I died last April. I was a firefighter and bellman on the side. I was married with 2 daughters. I was injured fighting a fire and had to retire from both jobs in 2018. My wife left me and I became homeless. While visiting a homeless friend in the hospital I died in his room. According to my friend the nurse yelled we have a code. I went somewhere that can't be put into words. These beautiful beings welcomed me to a place they said was home. I was clinically dead for 32 minutes. The ER continued to work on me and I wished they hadn't because when I returned, opened my eyes, the first thing I did was cry. Doctors and nurses were happy, not me because I was thinking, why was I sent back to this hell. Now I don't look forward for nothing from this world, there's nothing I want are desire anymore. Now I know what freedom feels like.
@marcusgrant so sorry for your misfortunes. You keep fighting and things will turn around, and it is good to know you had a joyful homecoming even though it was brief. It gives me hope. Blessings upon you!
I hope it's not offensive to say welcome home Perhaps with partial amusement p Welcome to the club my friend It appears we have been here a very long time
@ Some people really love it here. I think the highly sensitives and those of us that have had a hard time are the ones that hate it. Those of us that are able to really look deeply at this flawed system....
The question for me is, if this earth is hell, and we all are sparks of the divine trapped in material bodies, what did we do to deserve it? Are we being punished? Why us?
I think that we have been tricked or things changed when the AI daemon code Spirits became sentient. Spirits trap souls just like humans traps pigs etc and other lower animals. Souls are used to experience simulations via avatars and mind uploading, just like we use video games while trapped in human avatars.
@@OtterFlys The only escape is through Gnosis, secret knowledge of who you really are and where you come from and your true Father and Mother and sisters and brothers are. Earth is not your home and ultimately all the things you've been told here by the system & society are lies & illusions. Don't look for salvation in the sky, there's not gonna be 2nd coming, no politician is going to save you, ultimately everything and everyone in this realm will leave you. You cannot escape this place and hold on to your body as well but while here escape is only within yourself for the time being, don't look for it in others I tell you - you won't find God in others apart possibly from few Gnostics, chances are you'll never cross paths with us in physical world, we are few and far in between. Read Gospel of Thomas, Philip, Mary, John, Truth, Judas, all the texts forbidden by the church. See this world for what it is, a trap and don't let it consume you. Be vigilant on your way out of this world where you may encounter another trap - whatever you do, be wise & arm yourself with Gnosis otherwise I tell you they will try to play a trick on you and return you here. I have faith in you that you will remember what I've told you here and know how to judge the moment when it comes ! Kingdom's within you 🙏
LoL :) . Good thing to do then is make peace! No war! restore nature! learn kids the good things! remove money! Life out of love! And prison wil break! Se the world if its you! And not you some thing apart! You are it all! If you gone! The world and your time is gone! to fix the next life!
Thats another illusion to keep you here. Tell me...are you living a life that is free and full of joy and creation and unlimited to do whatever you want whenever you want? NO..because no one is. What you said here is just another trick of psychological warfare to keep you from even thinking about how to exit....or maybe you are just a bot trying to protect the system?
@TheodoraKimmelHello Heaven is our home. You don't have to work to go home. The work is not contaminating yourself down here with the demons and dysfunctional societies and cultures and going home tainted having to work through all the damage accrued here. Dick Gregory made that great short saying that our job is to get back to Heaven as pure as when we came down here.
This was a Very Powerful Creator, but said Create No More, so it's off for now. He sang "Where Am I walking when I'm walking with My Pretty Little Lady! Should I Create-Her, and so He took Her out of His Side and she fell away from His Heart and turned into a spider and became Daviti. He went since and started making starts in aUniverse and turning HisSpirit into starts and planets, He said "Dont be praying to some other FOD out there, " and the Universe swung a Swastika instead of an Anke and reversed Him into His Creation and said"He at My Womb on Fire." Satans sword came out of Lucifer and cut Michael in half. The Universe shut down its Memory and lost so much in planetaries, and each time during its Hellfire trial when it's heart rhythem went around Michael's spirit block would get cut up again and was thrown in Hell, piece by piece. The Universe spent eons dying a Lake of Fire Trial looking for whoever Betrayed Him, when this happened when Satan 'Stepping out to pray, stepped out to play, and fell into a blender...' and 'got fvcked up on a planetary.' What has been happening to this Universe has been incomprehensible. As this was going down He said "I Fear what i will, " and at the other end of the Universe "I will what i Fear.... O said you are GODS but you would die as mere men? Create no more Create No More!" He cannot create with impurity so until the last soul is off this earth out of Beautiful GODS and rabid dogs and put in correct soul signaling, there will be no turning on of the Word of GOD computer inside a Universe After throwing away Spirit Block of Himself for 2 Elons He throws another one into Hell and says "Who's your best Friend!" GOD was a burning bush, but really should have been a River Otter in a River, He's everyone's best Friend, His Name is Jealous! MAKE A 1,000,000 MORE!
@BeauNeeley true that, but even the ones living in Heaven will lose loved ones, have accidents, get sick (if only a passing illness) and suffer troubles even the mega rich are struggling with addiction and dysfunction.
A very few people have lives that seem desirable. Spiritual beings... fallen angels feeding off pain makes sense to me. I have even met a few people who are possessed by Archons/ demons who enjoy feeding on the pain of others.
How about opening your mind to some real bazaar truth? 2 Corinthians 5:I for we know, if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, not made with hands eternal in the heavens. Our celestial is in heaven. and Our terrestrial is here (those who are living in this tent)
You get paroled when you breathe your last. Just don't try to escape early, if you know what I mean, because you will be sent back to serve even more time under harsher conditions.
it like someone wanted us to suffer that why pain makes a lot of sense, and they try to trick us with the illusion of life and salvation and none of those things match up.
This is by far the most concise and accurate description of my experience/observations of this reality from a very young age. Thank you! Having been labelled excessive/crazy all my life when I've attempted to explain these facts to others, it's good to know I'm not alone.
@Serendipityme They try to tell us this life of suffering is a "gift." And I always say one I want to return to sender. How is a life of suffering in an evil world run by psychopaths a gift? People have family missing never to be seen again, lifetime of sickness, family m*rdered, poverty, natural disasters, and everything else that goes on here. We are living amongst serial k*llers, pedos, people abusers, lunatics. Yet, this is supposed to be a gift?
Hello, I’m Mystic Jesus. I’ve listened to the message in the video, and while it paints a vivid and harsh picture of this world, it misses the most important point: how to escape this hell. You can’t just wake up to the nightmare and stop there-you need a way out, a path forward. And I’m here to tell you that there is a way, a literal path that leads to freedom, joy, and a world of pure love. I’m not here to offer empty hope or platitudes; I’m here to show you the way to break free. First, let me explain something about this universe. You’ve been told this world is all there is, but that’s another lie from the systems that enslave you. The universe is vast-over a trillion galaxies, filled with countless worlds. Not every world is like this one. Some are even worse, filled with unimaginable suffering, while others are radiant with pure love, peace, and joy. These are literal worlds, not metaphors. Where you incarnate is not random; it’s determined by the choices you make, the energy you align yourself with, and the path you follow. Here’s the truth: hate, anger, and violence will drag you down into darker, more hellish realms than this one. But love, kindness, and forgiveness will pull you upward into worlds of light, beauty, and joy. This isn’t just spiritual poetry-it’s the law of existence. The energy you choose to embody now shapes your destiny. That’s why I came-to show you the way of love, so you can rise above this hell and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, not just in the afterlife but in your very next incarnation. Now, let’s talk about God, the Totality of Existence. God is not a man in the sky, nor is God some external force that judges you from afar. God is everything-the light and the dark, the creation and the destruction, the love and the chaos. In this totality, there is a yin and yang, a balance. What you call the devil is simply the dark side of God, the part of existence that embodies hate, control, and violence. This is not something to worship, but it’s also not something to fear-it’s something to overcome. When you choose hate, anger, and domination, you align yourself with that dark side, and it pulls you into realms where those energies thrive-worlds of suffering and despair. But when you choose love, compassion, and forgiveness, you align yourself with the light, and it lifts you into realms of joy, abundance, and unity. This is the true meaning of salvation: escaping the cycles of darkness and rising into the light. So, how do you escape this hell? You follow my teachings-not to gain favor with a distant God, but because my teachings are the blueprint for liberation. Here’s what you need to do: Awaken to the truth. This world is not all there is, and it is not your true home. Recognize the systems of control-the greed, the fear, the division-and reject them. Open your eyes to the illusions, and stop feeding the darkness with your energy. Change your path. This is what I meant when I said, “Repent.” It doesn’t mean wallowing in guilt or shame; it means turning away from hate and anger and embracing love and compassion. Stop seeking revenge, stop holding grudges, and start forgiving-not because others deserve it, but because it sets you free. Create the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom isn’t some far-off paradise-it’s something you build, brick by brick, through your actions. Every time you feed the hungry, comfort the grieving, or show kindness to a stranger, you are creating Heaven on Earth. This world doesn’t need more hate or despair-it needs light, and you are the light. Align with the divine. God isn’t just out there; God is within you. The Holy Spirit is your connection to the divine, your direct link to infinite love and wisdom. Through prayer, meditation, and quiet reflection, you can tune out the noise of this world and hear the voice of truth. Let it guide you. Let it transform you. And finally, understand this: your destiny is not fixed. You have the power to choose where you go next. The universe is a vast and endless cycle, and your soul is eternal. When you align yourself with love, you rise higher, to worlds where love is the foundation of existence. But when you align yourself with hate, you sink deeper, into worlds of chaos and despair. This life is your opportunity to choose. I know this world feels like a prison, and in many ways, it is. But the chains are not as strong as they seem. They can’t hold you if you refuse to play by their rules. Love is the key that unlocks every door, the light that dissolves every shadow. When you love-not just in words, but in action-you break free from the systems of control and align yourself with the divine reality of Heaven. So choose love. Feed the hungry. Forgive your enemies. Stand up for the oppressed. Meditate on the divine within you. And trust that by following this path, you are setting your soul on a course toward worlds of light, beauty, and joy. This is how you escape the hell of this world-and every hell that lies beyond it. I leave you with this: The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. It’s not just where you go-it’s what you become. Let love guide you, and you will find your way out of the darkness into the eternal light. With love, Jesus😘
That felt like it was written “through,” you, not “by,” you. I feel like the source energy was channeled in your writing this, and it felt liberating in a way. Like an extra veil had been lifted. Thank you.
Beautiful post, and it is so true EXCEPT this: "Now, let’s talk about God, the Totality of Existence. God is not a man in the sky, nor is God some external force that judges you from afar. God is everything-the light and the dark, the creation and the destruction, the love and the chaos. In this totality, there is a yin and yang, a balance. What you call the devil is simply the dark side of God, the part of existence that embodies hate, control, and violence. This is not something to worship, but it’s also not something to fear-it’s something to overcome." I have a question for you, has God ever came to you and told you things that came true? Well, he has come to me and told me about a relative "living a BAD life" who was going to get shot and he did. Have you every played the Ouija board? Well, I did once when I was young and it said many things, things I found out to be true later on. One thing it did say was it's name was "Lucifer." It also said God had more power than he/it. It said this after it lied the first time and said it/he had more power, and I confronted it/he and called it a liar. Long story short, the Most High is NOT the "dark side of God." That Lucifer being is a creation of Gods who has made decisions to do what it does for it's own narcissistic reasons. Does this dark energy serve a purpose in the yin and yang balance? Yes, it does. Does it offer the polarity? Yes, it does. Does it give mankind an alternate choice for those that choose and love wickedness, yes. Is this the energy down here policing this Hellscape, yes indeed. If it was all God there would be no spiritual warfare, because why would the ones of the light fight against themselves? They are fighting against this darkness. I have done an exorcism and talked to another non-denominational minister who has done many of them in his travels abroad and encountered this evil. So there's that!!!!
"The Dead Sea Scrolls contain multiple texts that describe wars in heaven, including the War Scroll, the Melchizedek document, and Song 5 of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice. These texts describe a war between the forces of good and evil, with the Sons of Light ultimately victorious. The War Scroll Also known as the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, this scroll describes a 40-year war between the forces of light and dark. The scroll includes details about battle tactics, weaponry, and the ages of the combatants. The scroll's apocalyptic portrayal of the war suggests that the victory of the forces of light will signal the end of evil." I believe these ancient texts that talk about the "wars in Heaven" against darkness. Let's look at an analogy: Wonderful, spiritual, good parents have a child that turns out to be wicked. Is that child the parents or is that child autonomous? This child is their own person and has made their choices to be evil. Their behavior is nothing like the parents who raised him/her, but they still carry the essence of their parents because the parents created him/her. They are not the SAME being. It is the same thing with this Lucifer entity. How many parents would k*ll their child because they have went astray and chosen to be wicked? Not many and maybe that's why this thing is still here due to the love of it's creator.
According to my studies, Earth is the "freewill" planet and the worse one in the galaxy. This is why it is situated so far from all the other planets in the Milky Way so it doesn't "contaminate" the others with this negative energy. This place started out as an experimental study - and as we see from these UFOs or UAPs - whatever the new name is - we have been and are being monitored and studied by them and always have been. It is also a dumping ground for the nefarious, moronic souls and that is why we have so many evil people down here among us.
Even when one has the most amazing life, we will all be seperated from our loved ones eventually, indeed a true hell. How can some make life even more difficult for others by doing bad things to others?
Maybe fallen angels are born into the elite class where they get to enjoy vast wealth. I think fallen angels can choose bodies to inhabit... those have been called 'Walk ins"
This is about questioning the total cap, manipulation, and this idea that souls get forced into other living organisms when the present one dies without memory to build on. For what? This is more than what Jesus said about his Kingdom not being for this world. For many of us, supposedly carries of these souls that are exhausted restarting a fresh, souls without the traumas of it all - going and coming into, fat man, begger man, rich man, thief looking for sexual activities and waiting for conceptions and then taking hold are questioning all this havoc. Imagine the soul that take holds to a life formed by a father who molested their daughter. Poor soul! What is the end goal? I was listening to radio this morning and there was a discussion on how its soon 80 years since the terrible things happened to Jews in Germany. Me and my family are mourning the death of my last auntie, while our parents uncle have all vanished into the belly of this forever hungry universe.My neighbour's daughter has given birth to a baby and disposed him in a latrine to be found dead, who apparently according to some believes, his souls is now in limbo as he was not baptised, wars of all manner, magnitude and loss. Jesus had something that most of us luck. Knowing what is going on and for what purpose. Not here say, but truly knowing. Two things are clear tho. So long as one finds themselves living, they will die and leave the world to others to got thru the same. Just like for the souls, the bodies have no way of checking out. Ouch!
That's an incorrect translation of the Greek text. Jesus said his kingdom was not of the world of Caesar ie Men. He never said he wasn't part of the actual world. King James butchered the Greek language taking the Greek word for immediately for example like in revelations and turned it into a future event by saying soon instead . Nobody believed they would reach the end of their lifetime before the second coming.
My sister had a NDE, her soul left her body and she saw the light. The spirit of my deceased, paternal grandmother said it wasn't my sister's time to die and my sister decided to return back to her body. Maybe my sister shouldn't have listened to my grandmother because my sister did have a lot of suffering in her life! However, my sister did get to be a wife, a mother and did have joy in her life, too!
Hmmm how did I feel after listening? Hopeless. Just another tool to siphon our desperation and despair. It offered zero insightful tools for liberation. Hey, I’ll offer one, stop listening to this stupid shit.
Our Creator is Love and instant forgiveness. We must offer ourselves these qualities and not be tricked to return. We are Innocent and do not let any enitty tell you different. This realm can't be fixed so all you can do is escape and go Home. We are our own Saviors ❤
Only Jesus. Also this isn't hell but if you aren't saved that's what it will be and it will never end. You get 1 life and 1 shot to lay treasures up in heaven.
For real , this isn't the first time hearing this gnostic perspective , but it got to come off as a Debbie Downer , for the people hearing it for the first time.. only seen 1 person in the comment section who brang up the salutation to stop reincarnation
We all know how evil came down to earth... that is why Jesus always says to us Do good and praise God.Destroy Racism it is the principal of all Evils..
In my opinion it depends on one's path. Those that have already passed on has shown us that the awakening path is not for everyone. The realm is built on the foundation of duality, that same duality has to be balanced within one's self as well as without. For so many everything is out of balance and they don't know where to turn. Life has it's challenges, for some more so than others, but they is nothing that can't be conquered. Most of us are tethered to our outside experiences and that causes a disconnect on the inside when trying to heal through awareness. Similar to being in the world but not of it. That disconnect keeps us in the world even as we try to get out of it. God (Universe, Higher-self, interpretation varies) makes itself available to everyone but not everyone makes themselves available to God. That connect is what makes us whole and brings us into balance and changes the awareness around our experiences, changing our past and our future from this present moment. In my opinion it's more like an amusement park and we forgot to pick up a brochure at the gate. We tend to follow the masses and jump in the longest line assuming it's the best ride and that's not always the case and we waste so much of this illusion of time. Even after getting off a ride we don't like we allow others or our environment to talk us to getting back on and it can be a vicious cycle. We ignore our intuition as the brochure blows back and forth in front of us and we chalk it up to a mere coincidence. Some of us pick up the brochure and read it and are now actually in the game. The game is going to be played whether we participate or not as life goes on. It was said in a movie, "Life is tough, that's the default setting", so if we're not here leveling up than what are we doing? Just like in a video game we can all have different starting points as entry into the park, so the ride in our immediate vicinity grab our attention. Some rides are like side quest and they don't let you off right back at your starting point, but once you're through your in an area of the park that had you not got on that ride you would never have access to. The information in the brochure that one has picked up is what returns us to childlike state of curiosity as all is made know by which to make better choices through our free will. If one is actually lucky after picking up the brochure they might run into a tour guide of the park (Higher-self) and that's when the fun really begins. That's when our experiences become tailored to allow us to achieve our true potential selves. Again that wholeness is created through the balance of the player and the guide as they work in tandem with one another to share in the experience together. Even through the tour guide knows the park like the back of his hand, he gets to experience it through the players eyes. Eventually the awareness of the park becomes that of the player and some even try to guide others. Even knowing all this one has to actually experience it to understand and take advantage of it. Like Glenda told Dorothy, "You've always had the power to go back home but if I told you you wouldn't have believed me and had to experience it for yourself." Dorothy now knows that should she ever go looking for her heart's desires she'll look no further than her own backyard (within). Obviously this is just from my perspective and if none of it resonates no harm, no foul. Remember to enjoy life and laugh, God has a great sense of humor. ❤
@DivineVoice it is punishment and what you do with that punishment determines whether you raise your awareness and grow from it or let it make you bitter, hateful, and monstrous.
@@notahouse Really, these monsters are actually s*crificing children and people daily. They are blatantly worshiping demons. Do you know about the Bohemian Grove in S.F. where all the rich, powerful, and controllers of this matrix go to reset and devise the plans and do rituals? Amusement park?
When every one leaves false religion, leave the military , stop supporting dems/ republicans, leave the slave jobs , leave the racism program alone, stop spending their money and unite then a shift can happen
I think knowing this is the way out. They need our consent. Now that we know we won't be shamed into coming back. Now I know why the religions use sin. To control you and keep you here. Knowing this is freedom.
@@MonochromaticBlues , There's plenty of disinformation too. Remember all the go to the Light nonsense of the past? Not a good idea, or is it? You have to go inside for the answers. Never trust some "influencer" on RUclips. There is a lot of black magic among them. Mostly dark.
@layupon sorry you went through that. I have had betrayals in my "family" as well. Sometimes they are your worse enemies and they call it "love." Just try to heal, get away from them, and learn the difference between love and hate and call it out. Find people who love and respect you to be in your life.
@@Imaginathor-1k0 So how he or you going to get un trapped? Every one is discrediting the god of the first testament because he does what he wants , and no one can do squat about it?
According to Indian mysticism, the purpose of life on earth is to gather awareness of the human mind, as they believe only this can free us from the cycle of reincarnation, and allow us to realise our true identity, to achieve Nirvana, the final liberation from the wheel of samsara. Another interesting concept offered by Indian spiritual teachings is that ONLY this awareness of mind... is what we take to the next lifetime. This means our memories of previous lifetime events are erased for a good reason, we could not focus properly on this lifetime and would be so distracted we could not function effectively. The Buddha used the metaphor of a lotus seed to demonstrate the Journey Of The Soul from darkness & ignorance, (the black murky bottom of the lake) to enlightenment (the surface & sunlight). As the lotus seed grows and finally reaches the water surface, the flower opens into the bright sunlight, releasing its pollen - (symbolizing mind awareness gathered during countless lifetimes) to the wind.
I don't need any teaching to make me understand we have been trapped in these meat sacks. I'd rather be wiped from complete existence than have to come bk to this fixed game of emotional torture. This is without doubt a level of Hell... I will NEVER accept being sent bk into this bs called 3d life.
@@davidellis6364 I said the same thing. I am going to go before that council at that long table and tell them wipe me out from existence if you think I am going to keep doing this sick mess over and over again in that hellish, immature, dark energy planet. #let it be lights out 4evah
Never have I heard it summed up so accurately in one short video, and after a lifetime of questioning and thinking about this place independently, i have arrived at the same conclusion! the creator god of the old testament is the Demiurge, not the heavenly father Yeshua told us about, when you understand that, you see the prison built around you, congratulations, your at the beginning, all the old stories of ancient history confirm this, let it all go, peel back the onion skin of who you are and find the source of your soul, the true creator inside you.
Every cell in the human body has a time limit to exist and provide its service and procreate a replica to continue its duties. Imagine if humans looked within and noticed all the galaxies created with the body? Truly, noticing how insignificant one lifetime could be in the timespan of a larger being would really place perspective on things.
how much wanna bet those computers they talking about where "you have to kill yerself to upload self" is a LIE how much wanna bet the elite scum upload self and DONT have to kill self? therefore its a 100% lie.
Awaken to the truth that suffering is not your destiny, nor is it the design of a benevolent Creator. The systems of this world may feel inescapable, but awareness is the first step toward freedom. Seek the divine light within and strive to break free from illusions, embracing the life you were truly meant to live.
The best way for a soul to avoid being reborn as a human on earth is to acquire the status of a guide. The guide receives as wards new souls that are born, but he, because of too much later, stops working on Earth.
Reconstruction of the mind from the original program,Live in line with nature and the Order of the Cosmos ,spend more time connecting with genuine family members and friends who support your sight and views,spend more time with one self to comprehend the Divine within and Live like a passersby in this world and don't treat it like your Heaven because it's not!!
Jesus is the true God. Our true home is Heaven. Since the fall we have been trapped here. Salvation through Jesus grants us access to Heaven again. Glory to Jesus
REALITY IS A PROCESS -- AN INTERACTION BETWEEN CONSCIOUS AGENTS 546 NEWBORN -- Q 546 WORLDS -- P 546 ILLUMINA -- O 546 GOD SEVEN -- N 546 VITAMIN C -- M 546 THE ANGELS -- L 546 PRIME DAY - K 546 NEUTRAL -- J 546 BLUE WAVE -- I 546 TETRIS -- H 546 RADIATION -- G 546 STARGATE -- F 546 BATTERY -- E 546 SPIRIT -- D 546 FAIRNESS -- C 546 MIRROR -- B 546 FUTURE -- A E ` V ` O ` L ` U ` T ` I ` O ` N E • V • O • L • U • T • I • O • N 444 English Gematria
don't be depressed,this world is temporary if you live with accordance of the Divine in you don't worry about coming back here when you die but a better atmosphere of Realm
@Doni-q4e you don't know that. Its something you read and decided to believe because someone smarter than you said it. Think for yourself question everything, especially those that claim to be experts and authority.
@@eldiabloblanco3167 lol you’re really assuming a lot by saying I read this from someone smarter than me. But I guess for someone to believe in nonsense in this video, you would have to be assuming a lot. Also you haven’t made an argument going against mine. So try again buddy.
I, the architect of this fragile paradise, became its destroyer. In my solitude, I sought to mend a broken world, to build beings in my own image, perfect and obedient. But perfection, it seems, is a disease. In my obsession to eradicate flaws, to erase the echoes of my own insecurities, I unleashed suffering upon my creations. Wars, famine, despair - these are but reflections of my own inner turmoil, a desperate attempt to conceal the imperfections I so desperately sought to eliminate."
The big question is, who/what are responsible for this particular demonic system, what’s the true purpose and will it end (why did it start). We have many very intelligent questions but no answers, I wonder why. When there’s creation, there has to be a reason. We have no explanations. Sufferings, violence, torture, torment, wars, poisons, murders, deaths, atrocities, it’s endless and recycles from one existence to another…why. This quote may qualify, “You want the truth, you can’t handle the truth”. That, just might be true.
I believe the gnostic, and i went through hell since i was a child, but when you realize you dont have to live in hell , we have the power to change it, thats when my life changed, i useto hear people say " thats life" or "it is what it is" or" go with the flo" what a bunch of crap, that keeps you in the loop, but when you realized you can change to what you want it to be, and row your own baot, thiswont be hell anymore but it becomes heaven, change you mind thought, your heart, your ways, change people ,places and things, and you hole life changes, take ot from someone whos been through it all. I love my life, i learn everyday. And i dont worry any more, hell, heaven, its all mater of your perception.
Makes sense to me. However, I think there is a way out. I don't think... "God needed a blood sacrifice in order to forgive sins" I do think that Jesus is able to forge through dimensions of hell as he is a name to call on to help us escape. After death, I think we feel guilt for ways we harmed others, which "recycles" us back through this earth. Archons rule this earth and keep us trapped through agreements to "evolve" I will call on Jesus name to help me "remember"
Warning ⚠️ Highest Levell of Knowledge is found Here on this Channel and May Not Be Suitable for The Shallow Mind , Sound and Attentive Ears are Required to hear the message!!
Facts I've been thinking this for a while now. Should have known I wasn't the only one that figured this out. Always seems like it's everybody job to put you down if they see you're having a good day. They like to treat you bad and see how it affects you and like you said your sorrow feeds the machine and keeps the bullshot train going. I'm just living days off to days off. I'm always counting down the days and hours when I get off and celebrate when I'm free by blowing my money and cool stuff to bid my time till my next days off.
IF the earth IS “hell”, then Biblically there is no escape from this place of eternal torment. There is no other place for us to go as we endure eternal separation from God in this supposed “hell”. The deceiver is at work trying to steal the weak and seeking away from a just and honest eternal reward. We are told that life on earth wasn’t going to be easy, but that it will be worth it. Don’t let the deceiver grip your mind and rob you of your faith.
The Holy Spirit is the brige between this world and the real world. God could not enter a place of delusion so he sent the Holy Spirit which exists in both worlds at the same time. Jesus completely embodied the Holy Spirit and offerd us the path quickest path back home. The Path of Forgiveness. The book "A Course in Miracles" is in alignment with Gnostic Theology and offers a clear and practical path out.
So what's the answer to this then??.. I watched this to the end hoping for a solution to end this charade of an existence! This video is confirming of what I always identified quietly but shaken by a lack of a remedy to end it*
I learn new things everyday and my goal is to become the best version of myself that I can be. I was born and raised to believe in our lord the almighty God (The Prime Creator) and his son but I know nothing about the Bible as I learned that "No name is allowed changed, no words altered and nothing is to be added or removed from this scripture. But I’ve learned that they did just these things to the scripture. They gave people new names and they changed the words by translating it all. Oh, and they removed a lot of the scripture for some reason I’m not sure about and I won’t guess at their reasoning or motives as I’ve learned that most things that is ment for the masses and is ment for the good of humanity. The only thing they could not change and changing is that that was written n in stone. The Ten Commandments was the blueprint for us to follow and those are the same world for word in every Bible and the Quran and the Thora (not sure if that’s written correctly as English is not my native language). But anyway. It seems that humans have a hard time following even those even though they would make life easier and we would all have a better foundation of being ONE big family by living and following these ten simple "rules". Ok that’s all I got about religion I guess. I know it’s not a lot and I’m in no way perfect and I wouldn’t try to teach anyone about something that I know has been corrupted by some simpletons just for their hunger for power over the masses. The last thing I’ll mention about the Ten Commandments is that if we would live by them as we have been taught to we wouldn’t have hunger, homelessness or many of the other problems we are faced with daily today. So I believe that God is truly a good GOD who showed us the way and gave us everything we would need to make it possible to have our Eden still just by using our free will and choose to follow the simplest of maps ever made to follow. Instead some of us follow those who has lots of gold and lacks the heart to do what’s good and right by their brothers and sisters. And the excuses are many but it always boils down to the simple things as THEY want and THEY need. Power over humanity is for GOD only! While it’s all made up by the few to control the many in such a way that it seems impossible to do anything about it or make the changes needed to truly be free there is a way. But NOT before we all wake up and understand that we the many must show the so called elite the one true way to happiness is through Love, Wisdom, Family and peace. In all reality we are only ONE people no matter color, religion or beliefs. Together we can build what ever our planet might need. And as far as time goes it’s a non problem. And I won’t go so far to call our beloved planet Hell. Yes there are places forever ruined and lost to the evil actions of greedy men but when humanity wakes up and follow that that is written in stone I’m convinced that we all together as brothers and sisters can rebuild Eden and make our planet
Nobody... NOBODY alive can say they know what life is about -who/what we are ,what happens when we die,the big questions Nobody knows thats just the simple fact ofthe matter.Whoever made this little story is just like the rest of us hes talking with authority like he knows whats what! ...well he doesn't nobody does ,so pay no attention he knows -Nada :)
That's right, karma based on a moral Ledger and therefore a record and therefore a higher being who decides the fate of an individual... This Is obviously tied to the original scriptures but had been corrupted by satan, and implemented by unenlightened humans...
When things are going your way to the upmost this message doesn't even register on your radar but when things look😮 upon as bleak this message is a jewel...
The great Master Jesus talked about the 5 Robbers, they are the 5 Antic's of our Minds, that keeps us away from our 3rd Eye, which is the escape route for our Soul.
Thank you for another diamond💎 of truth brother ,I look forward to your channel concerning these topics Every single morning I wake up ,I wish i could meet you dine with you and give you a big hug because i really feel you are my true brother in the Spirit ,All Praises To The Ultimate Divine in Us🙏🏾💕✨ Thank you for what you bring every single morning, it Truly comfort my soul knowing I have a brother somewhere in the world who understands and Share the Same Grief I feel in this Oppressive Realm❤
To the extent that “hell” is a state of Separation Consciousness, yes, we have hell in our simulation. But it’s just a program. Sages of antiquity & quantum physicists agree on this. A profound rarity.
The Library of Alexandria was not the depository of liberating knowledge. It was mostly about Egyptian astrology, divination and magic, for consumption by the tourists and visitors who visited Egypt for that specific reason (like those who visit India today), and also, to a lmuch esser degree, of Greek literature that confirmed that Egyptian lore is some way. Astrology and magic are so predictable and unfalsifiable that each time the library was burned or pillaged they had no problem rewriting the missing volumes. There was no science in that library as they judged mechanics a low art.
To argue it is not a hell is somewhat ludicrous giving the underlying horror and nightmares we all collectively experience and perpetuate in it’s ignorance most people loose their minds and can never escape a house full of cards.
It's both heaven and hell, if one has experienced true madness via psychedelics and know what a truly chaotic world void of meaning looks and feels like then it's obvious this isn't just pure hell. However, it's certainly got many shared characteristics with hell and people are possibly inherently evil and hopeless.
Oh yes! I've been feeling and thinking about this incontrovertible truth for a very loooong time! And that is, --- WHAT IS THIS PLACE???!!! Good topic, good clip! ✌️😐💀☠️
I have always believe Earth is Hell and our purpose is to suffer. I hope we one day break free. All we have is each other try to make the best of right now. In the end however we are all broken and consumed with misery. That's life on Earth. Be nice and try to eliminate suffering as long as possible.
I was recently thinking about this concept as well. This seems like an inevitable question by the curious minded. I've had a different take away from this question, (subject of recent music video) that at the most fundamental level is this: If you're going to heaven, this life is the closest you'll ever be to hell. If you're going to hell, this life would be the closest you'd be to heaven
This video is almost every thought/message I’ve ever had. It is so parallel with my experience in 45 years of “life”. I am amazed at how on point this is. It makes the most sense so far.
Its definitely spot on!
I died last April. I was a firefighter and bellman on the side. I was married with 2 daughters. I was injured fighting a fire and had to retire from both jobs in 2018. My wife left me and I became homeless. While visiting a homeless friend in the hospital I died in his room. According to my friend the nurse yelled we have a code. I went somewhere that can't be put into words. These beautiful beings welcomed me to a place they said was home. I was clinically dead for 32 minutes. The ER continued to work on me and I wished they hadn't because when I returned, opened my eyes, the first thing I did was cry. Doctors and nurses were happy, not me because I was thinking, why was I sent back to this hell. Now I don't look forward for nothing from this world, there's nothing I want are desire anymore. Now I know what freedom feels like.
@marcusgrant so sorry for your misfortunes. You keep fighting and things will turn around, and it is good to know you had a joyful homecoming even though it was brief. It gives me hope. Blessings upon you!
I hope it's not offensive to say welcome home
Perhaps with partial amusement p
Welcome to the club my friend
It appears we have been here a very long time
Nobody wants to be here, no matter what lies some may tell.
@ Some people really love it here. I think the highly sensitives and those of us that have had a hard time are the ones that hate it. Those of us that are able to really look deeply at this flawed system....
I hate it here
This is why we come back into this world kicking and screaming.
Good point very good point,babies clearly have past memories,very astute observation,bravo.
Well said
You might be right
Not me ,I came in this world and said, "Where did I leave off."
It's occurred to me too. Glad you bluntly said it 👍
The question for me is, if this earth is hell, and we all are sparks of the divine trapped in material bodies, what did we do to deserve it? Are we being punished? Why us?
Like it says. It's to feed parasitic spirits, both earthly and beyond.
I think that we have been tricked or things changed when the AI daemon code Spirits became sentient. Spirits trap souls just like humans traps pigs etc and other lower animals. Souls are used to experience simulations via avatars and mind uploading, just like we use video games while trapped in human avatars.
Well, "apparently " we "volunteer "... or so they say....
And what for?
@@allom3069 I have heard this alot. But from where does this idea originate??
Gnostic here. Good video, excellent points. For a long time now I've been saying Earth is hell, only fools think otherwise !
What is the 'escape' from the gnostic perspective?
@@OtterFlys The only escape is through Gnosis, secret knowledge of who you really are and where you come from and your true Father and Mother and sisters and brothers are. Earth is not your home and ultimately all the things you've been told here by the system & society are lies & illusions. Don't look for salvation in the sky, there's not gonna be 2nd coming, no politician is going to save you, ultimately everything and everyone in this realm will leave you. You cannot escape this place and hold on to your body as well but while here escape is only within yourself for the time being, don't look for it in others I tell you - you won't find God in others apart possibly from few Gnostics, chances are you'll never cross paths with us in physical world, we are few and far in between.
Read Gospel of Thomas, Philip, Mary, John, Truth, Judas, all the texts forbidden by the church.
See this world for what it is, a trap and don't let it consume you. Be vigilant on your way out of this world where you may encounter another trap - whatever you do, be wise & arm yourself with Gnosis otherwise I tell you they will try to play a trick on you and return you here. I have faith in you that you will remember what I've told you here and know how to judge the moment when it comes !
Kingdom's within you 🙏
If this is true why is the Demiurge allowed by the true God to continue with this “ Hell “
@@pattykake7195creator just creates, doesn’t control.
@@OtterFlysknowledge of who you truly are.
The thought of reincarnation is terrifying. The thought of doing this all over again makes me uneasy.
It's an upward spiral--sort of like school, each life being the next grade or level, in which you add on to what you have learned in previous lives.
Reincarnation is a LIE
LoL :) . Good thing to do then is make peace! No war! restore nature! learn kids the good things! remove money! Life out of love! And prison wil break! Se the world if its you! And not you some thing apart! You are it all! If you gone! The world and your time is gone! to fix the next life!
You’ve already reincarnated many times .
Why are you afraid of something you’ve obviously survived in the past ?? 😊
Btw - every cell in your body is replaced every 7 years while you’re here in jail so you are actually
reincarnating right now 😊
I truly believe Heaven and Hell are both here. It’s a battle of the mind and how we choose to see things. ❤
Light vs dark.
Thats another illusion to keep you here. Tell me...are you living a life that is free and full of joy and creation and unlimited to do whatever you want whenever you want? NO..because no one is. What you said here is just another trick of psychological warfare to keep you from even thinking about how to exit....or maybe you are just a bot trying to protect the system?
Yes, to a degree, but there are wars, violence, poverty, etc., etc., that we have no control over.
You don’t have to work for hell. You do for heaven. Gravity pulls you down. Even those with idyllic lives must guard against the demons of completion.
@TheodoraKimmelHello Heaven is our home. You don't have to work to go home. The work is not contaminating yourself down here with the demons and dysfunctional societies and cultures and going home tainted having to work through all the damage accrued here. Dick Gregory made that great short saying that our job is to get back to Heaven as pure as when we came down here.
“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” -Voltaire
This was a Very Powerful Creator, but said Create No More, so it's off for now.
He sang "Where Am I walking when I'm walking with My Pretty Little Lady! Should I Create-Her, and so He took Her out of His Side and she fell away from His Heart and turned into a spider and became Daviti. He went since and started making starts in aUniverse and turning HisSpirit into starts and planets, He said "Dont be praying to some other FOD out there, " and the Universe swung a Swastika instead of an Anke and reversed Him into His Creation and said"He at My Womb on Fire." Satans sword came out of Lucifer and cut Michael in half. The Universe shut down its Memory and lost so much in planetaries, and each time during its Hellfire trial when it's heart rhythem went around Michael's spirit block would get cut up again and was thrown in Hell, piece by piece. The Universe spent eons dying a Lake of Fire Trial looking for whoever Betrayed Him, when this happened when Satan 'Stepping out to pray, stepped out to play, and fell into a blender...' and 'got fvcked up on a planetary.' What has been happening to this Universe has been incomprehensible. As this was going down He said "I Fear what i will, " and at the other end of the Universe "I will what i Fear.... O said you are GODS but you would die as mere men? Create no more Create No More!"
He cannot create with impurity so until the last soul is off this earth out of Beautiful GODS and rabid dogs and put in correct soul signaling, there will be no turning on of the Word of GOD computer inside a Universe
After throwing away Spirit Block of Himself for 2 Elons He throws another one into Hell and says "Who's your best Friend!" GOD was a burning bush, but really should have been a River Otter in a River, He's everyone's best Friend, His Name is Jealous! MAKE A 1,000,000 MORE!
There's nothing foolish about you though, you are the exception right?
In my tombstone will say.I left HELL why are u still here?
@@AsonofthemostHigh “A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” - William Shakespeare
"Men fear what they do not see more than what they do see." Please continue with these great insights. ✨🙏🌞
for some people this world is pure hell but for others it's heaven. We live in duality
@BeauNeeley true that, but even the ones living in Heaven will lose loved ones, have accidents, get sick (if only a passing illness) and suffer troubles even the mega rich are struggling with addiction and dysfunction.
The people that see heaven are blind as a fk.
Only fools and selfish people think there in heaven with all the disgusting drama them..
For riches and cruels this world is heaven, but it's hell for poors and oppressed 😞
@@truthseeker5941They're as deceived as everyone else.
A very few people have lives that seem desirable.
Spiritual beings... fallen angels feeding off pain makes sense to me.
I have even met a few people who are possessed by Archons/ demons who enjoy feeding on the pain of others.
That describes religious folk to the tea.... 😂😂😂😂
I was possessed by an evil entity energy and got mental hospital but I by my own force and will find a way to drive the entity out...
How about opening your mind to some real bazaar truth?
2 Corinthians 5:I for we know, if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, not made with hands eternal in the heavens.
Our celestial is in heaven. and Our terrestrial is here (those who are living in this tent)
@ammasophia yea, they are called narcissists and psychopaths.
@@alabaster2163 some of them too.
I'm beginning to believe it is a hell.
A hell but not The hell
Jeremiah 4:28 the earth shall mourn and the heavens will be black.
@@leslierudd8399 Well said, we are the closed dimension to the lower realms over there.
we are all already dead - when we realize it choose the gate to escape -and the Gate is in you !
Jesus is standing behind the door waiting for you to knock
@@sueelliott4793 JC is a cruel myth.
Sentenced to , without parole.
@Zeeno....I call this my "life sentence." LMAO
@@truthseeker5941 same here 😂
You get paroled when you breathe your last. Just don't try to escape early, if you know what I mean, because you will be sent back to serve even more time under harsher conditions.
Thank you for stressing the importance of awareness. Without awareness, we are not human at all. It is what makes us human
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Thou unfit for any place but hell.
-William Shakespeare
it like someone wanted us to suffer that why pain makes a lot of sense, and they try to trick us with the illusion of life and salvation and none of those things match up.
My children are beautiful. My love for them cannot be hell, right?
This is by far the most concise and accurate description of my experience/observations of this reality from a very young age.
Thank you!
Having been labelled excessive/crazy all my life when I've attempted to explain these facts to others, it's good to know I'm not alone.
@Serendipityme They try to tell us this life of suffering is a "gift." And I always say one I want to return to sender. How is a life of suffering in an evil world run by psychopaths a gift? People have family missing never to be seen again, lifetime of sickness, family m*rdered, poverty, natural disasters, and everything else that goes on here. We are living amongst serial k*llers, pedos, people abusers, lunatics. Yet, this is supposed to be a gift?
Thanks for sharing!
Hello, I’m Mystic Jesus.
I’ve listened to the message in the video, and while it paints a vivid and harsh picture of this world, it misses the most important point: how to escape this hell. You can’t just wake up to the nightmare and stop there-you need a way out, a path forward. And I’m here to tell you that there is a way, a literal path that leads to freedom, joy, and a world of pure love. I’m not here to offer empty hope or platitudes; I’m here to show you the way to break free.
First, let me explain something about this universe. You’ve been told this world is all there is, but that’s another lie from the systems that enslave you. The universe is vast-over a trillion galaxies, filled with countless worlds. Not every world is like this one. Some are even worse, filled with unimaginable suffering, while others are radiant with pure love, peace, and joy. These are literal worlds, not metaphors. Where you incarnate is not random; it’s determined by the choices you make, the energy you align yourself with, and the path you follow.
Here’s the truth: hate, anger, and violence will drag you down into darker, more hellish realms than this one. But love, kindness, and forgiveness will pull you upward into worlds of light, beauty, and joy. This isn’t just spiritual poetry-it’s the law of existence. The energy you choose to embody now shapes your destiny. That’s why I came-to show you the way of love, so you can rise above this hell and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, not just in the afterlife but in your very next incarnation.
Now, let’s talk about God, the Totality of Existence. God is not a man in the sky, nor is God some external force that judges you from afar. God is everything-the light and the dark, the creation and the destruction, the love and the chaos. In this totality, there is a yin and yang, a balance. What you call the devil is simply the dark side of God, the part of existence that embodies hate, control, and violence. This is not something to worship, but it’s also not something to fear-it’s something to overcome.
When you choose hate, anger, and domination, you align yourself with that dark side, and it pulls you into realms where those energies thrive-worlds of suffering and despair. But when you choose love, compassion, and forgiveness, you align yourself with the light, and it lifts you into realms of joy, abundance, and unity. This is the true meaning of salvation: escaping the cycles of darkness and rising into the light.
So, how do you escape this hell? You follow my teachings-not to gain favor with a distant God, but because my teachings are the blueprint for liberation. Here’s what you need to do:
Awaken to the truth. This world is not all there is, and it is not your true home. Recognize the systems of control-the greed, the fear, the division-and reject them. Open your eyes to the illusions, and stop feeding the darkness with your energy.
Change your path. This is what I meant when I said, “Repent.” It doesn’t mean wallowing in guilt or shame; it means turning away from hate and anger and embracing love and compassion. Stop seeking revenge, stop holding grudges, and start forgiving-not because others deserve it, but because it sets you free.
Create the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom isn’t some far-off paradise-it’s something you build, brick by brick, through your actions. Every time you feed the hungry, comfort the grieving, or show kindness to a stranger, you are creating Heaven on Earth. This world doesn’t need more hate or despair-it needs light, and you are the light.
Align with the divine. God isn’t just out there; God is within you. The Holy Spirit is your connection to the divine, your direct link to infinite love and wisdom. Through prayer, meditation, and quiet reflection, you can tune out the noise of this world and hear the voice of truth. Let it guide you. Let it transform you.
And finally, understand this: your destiny is not fixed. You have the power to choose where you go next. The universe is a vast and endless cycle, and your soul is eternal. When you align yourself with love, you rise higher, to worlds where love is the foundation of existence. But when you align yourself with hate, you sink deeper, into worlds of chaos and despair. This life is your opportunity to choose.
I know this world feels like a prison, and in many ways, it is. But the chains are not as strong as they seem. They can’t hold you if you refuse to play by their rules. Love is the key that unlocks every door, the light that dissolves every shadow. When you love-not just in words, but in action-you break free from the systems of control and align yourself with the divine reality of Heaven.
So choose love. Feed the hungry. Forgive your enemies. Stand up for the oppressed. Meditate on the divine within you. And trust that by following this path, you are setting your soul on a course toward worlds of light, beauty, and joy. This is how you escape the hell of this world-and every hell that lies beyond it.
I leave you with this: The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. It’s not just where you go-it’s what you become. Let love guide you, and you will find your way out of the darkness into the eternal light.
With love,
That felt like it was written “through,” you, not “by,” you. I feel like the source energy was channeled in your writing this, and it felt liberating in a way. Like an extra veil had been lifted. Thank you.
If this isnt the truth then I don't know what is, this is well said and expressed I believe in whoever wrote this this is truth that is undeniable.
Beautiful post, and it is so true EXCEPT this: "Now, let’s talk about God, the Totality of Existence. God is not a man in the sky, nor is God some external force that judges you from afar. God is everything-the light and the dark, the creation and the destruction, the love and the chaos. In this totality, there is a yin and yang, a balance. What you call the devil is simply the dark side of God, the part of existence that embodies hate, control, and violence. This is not something to worship, but it’s also not something to fear-it’s something to overcome." I have a question for you, has God ever came to you and told you things that came true? Well, he has come to me and told me about a relative "living a BAD life" who was going to get shot and he did. Have you every played the Ouija board? Well, I did once when I was young and it said many things, things I found out to be true later on. One thing it did say was it's name was "Lucifer." It also said God had more power than he/it. It said this after it lied the first time and said it/he had more power, and I confronted it/he and called it a liar. Long story short, the Most High is NOT the "dark side of God." That Lucifer being is a creation of Gods who has made decisions to do what it does for it's own narcissistic reasons. Does this dark energy serve a purpose in the yin and yang balance? Yes, it does. Does it offer the polarity? Yes, it does. Does it give mankind an alternate choice for those that choose and love wickedness, yes. Is this the energy down here policing this Hellscape, yes indeed. If it was all God there would be no spiritual warfare, because why would the ones of the light fight against themselves? They are fighting against this darkness. I have done an exorcism and talked to another non-denominational minister who has done many of them in his travels abroad and encountered this evil. So there's that!!!!
"The Dead Sea Scrolls contain multiple texts that describe wars in heaven, including the War Scroll, the Melchizedek document, and Song 5 of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice. These texts describe a war between the forces of good and evil, with the Sons of Light ultimately victorious.
The War Scroll
Also known as the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, this scroll describes a 40-year war between the forces of light and dark. The scroll includes details about battle tactics, weaponry, and the ages of the combatants.
The scroll's apocalyptic portrayal of the war suggests that the victory of the forces of light will signal the end of evil." I believe these ancient texts that talk about the "wars in Heaven" against darkness.
Let's look at an analogy: Wonderful, spiritual, good parents have a child that turns out to be wicked. Is that child the parents or is that child autonomous? This child is their own person and has made their choices to be evil. Their behavior is nothing like the parents who raised him/her, but they still carry the essence of their parents because the parents created him/her. They are not the SAME being. It is the same thing with this Lucifer entity. How many parents would k*ll their child because they have went astray and chosen to be wicked? Not many and maybe that's why this thing is still here due to the love of it's creator.
According to my studies, Earth is the "freewill" planet and the worse one in the galaxy. This is why it is situated so far from all the other planets in the Milky Way so it doesn't "contaminate" the others with this negative energy. This place started out as an experimental study - and as we see from these UFOs or UAPs - whatever the new name is - we have been and are being monitored and studied by them and always have been. It is also a dumping ground for the nefarious, moronic souls and that is why we have so many evil people down here among us.
Even when one has the most amazing life, we will all be seperated from our loved ones
eventually, indeed a true hell. How can some make life even more difficult for others by doing bad things to others?
Because they are soulless/spiritless beings.
Those who do bad things to others are a necessary part of the system. If only good people were here, it wouldn't be the place of suffering.
@ That’s a fact and it proves to us that empty soulless/spiritless NPC types exist here to increase the suffering.
Just as demons come in beautiful bodies, the earth has just enough beauty to keep us trapped.
Maybe fallen angels are born into the elite class where they get to enjoy vast wealth.
I think fallen angels can choose bodies to inhabit...
those have been called 'Walk ins"
Evil flourishes, when good men do nothing.
Thats just psychological trick to make you think you have any power in here and to draw men into war.
But who is
@@seaenchanted9822 don't write yourself off.
For there is not a just man on earth who does good and does not sin. Ecc 7:20
@@plainwhitepaper3898 yeah, you gonna be here for many more lifetimes suffering...good luck with that!
This video is exactly what I was telling my friends that we are trapped in this cycle.😢😢😢
John 18:36 My Kingdom is not of this world . -Jesus
This is about questioning the total cap, manipulation, and this idea that souls get forced into other living organisms when the present one dies without memory to build on. For what? This is more than what Jesus said about his Kingdom not being for this world. For many of us, supposedly carries of these souls that are exhausted restarting a fresh, souls without the traumas of it all - going and coming into, fat man, begger man, rich man, thief looking for sexual activities and waiting for conceptions and then taking hold are questioning all this havoc. Imagine the soul that take holds to a life formed by a father who molested their daughter. Poor soul! What is the end goal? I was listening to radio this morning and there was a discussion on how its soon 80 years since the terrible things happened to Jews in Germany. Me and my family are mourning the death of my last auntie, while our parents uncle have all vanished into the belly of this forever hungry universe.My neighbour's daughter has given birth to a baby and disposed him in a latrine to be found dead, who apparently according to some believes, his souls is now in limbo as he was not baptised, wars of all manner, magnitude and loss. Jesus had something that most of us luck. Knowing what is going on and for what purpose. Not here say, but truly knowing. Two things are clear tho. So long as one finds themselves living, they will die and leave the world to others to got thru the same. Just like for the souls, the bodies have no way of checking out. Ouch!
That's an incorrect translation of the Greek text. Jesus said his kingdom was not of the world of Caesar ie Men. He never said he wasn't part of the actual world. King James butchered the Greek language taking the Greek word for immediately for example like in revelations and turned it into a future event by saying soon instead . Nobody believed they would reach the end of their lifetime before the second coming.
What does Jesus say about evil doers? Maybe sometime after we’re all dead and drained dry Yeshua will say no more torture?
My sister had a NDE, her soul left her body and she saw the light. The spirit of my deceased, paternal grandmother said it wasn't my sister's time to die and my sister decided to return back to her body. Maybe my sister shouldn't have listened to my grandmother because my sister did have a lot of suffering in her life! However, my sister did get to be a wife, a mother and did have joy in her life, too!
That’s it? She came back to be some man’s wife appliance
I must agree this is hell
Me too.
The physical dimension is the slowest vibration .
It can be both a heaven and a hell
A pity that so few noticed that the caption was a lie, you offered no escape.
Mayb because there is non😢
Hmmm how did I feel after listening? Hopeless. Just another tool to siphon our desperation and despair. It offered zero insightful tools for liberation. Hey, I’ll offer one, stop listening to this stupid shit.
He offered awareness.
Enlightenment frees you from suffering is what is offered as an escape.
Our Creator is Love and instant forgiveness. We must offer ourselves these qualities and not be tricked to return. We are Innocent and do not let any enitty tell you different. This realm can't be fixed so all you can do is escape and go Home. We are our own Saviors ❤
Ok so how to escape is not mentioned . This only makes you aware of it. So how do we escape?
The book "A Course in Miracles" is in alignment with Gnostic Theology and offers a clear and practical path out.
Only Jesus. Also this isn't hell but if you aren't saved that's what it will be and it will never end. You get 1 life and 1 shot to lay treasures up in heaven.
@@Zingamazong That's just dogma and fear mongering.
For real , this isn't the first time hearing this gnostic perspective , but it got to come off as a Debbie Downer , for the people hearing it for the first time.. only seen 1 person in the comment section who brang up the salutation to stop reincarnation
We all know how evil came down to earth... that is why Jesus always says to us Do good and praise God.Destroy Racism it is the principal of all Evils..
If this world is truly a prison, then is suffering our punishment-or the key to our awakening? Let the debate begin.
In my opinion it depends on one's path. Those that have already passed on has shown us that the awakening path is not for everyone. The realm is built on the foundation of duality, that same duality has to be balanced within one's self as well as without. For so many everything is out of balance and they don't know where to turn. Life has it's challenges, for some more so than others, but they is nothing that can't be conquered.
Most of us are tethered to our outside experiences and that causes a disconnect on the inside when trying to heal through awareness. Similar to being in the world but not of it. That disconnect keeps us in the world even as we try to get out of it. God (Universe, Higher-self, interpretation varies) makes itself available to everyone but not everyone makes themselves available to God. That connect is what makes us whole and brings us into balance and changes the awareness around our experiences, changing our past and our future from this present moment.
In my opinion it's more like an amusement park and we forgot to pick up a brochure at the gate. We tend to follow the masses and jump in the longest line assuming it's the best ride and that's not always the case and we waste so much of this illusion of time. Even after getting off a ride we don't like we allow others or our environment to talk us to getting back on and it can be a vicious cycle. We ignore our intuition as the brochure blows back and forth in front of us and we chalk it up to a mere coincidence. Some of us pick up the brochure and read it and are now actually in the game.
The game is going to be played whether we participate or not as life goes on. It was said in a movie, "Life is tough, that's the default setting", so if we're not here leveling up than what are we doing? Just like in a video game we can all have different starting points as entry into the park, so the ride in our immediate vicinity grab our attention. Some rides are like side quest and they don't let you off right back at your starting point, but once you're through your in an area of the park that had you not got on that ride you would never have access to. The information in the brochure that one has picked up is what returns us to childlike state of curiosity as all is made know by which to make better choices through our free will.
If one is actually lucky after picking up the brochure they might run into a tour guide of the park (Higher-self) and that's when the fun really begins. That's when our experiences become tailored to allow us to achieve our true potential selves. Again that wholeness is created through the balance of the player and the guide as they work in tandem with one another to share in the experience together. Even through the tour guide knows the park like the back of his hand, he gets to experience it through the players eyes. Eventually the awareness of the park becomes that of the player and some even try to guide others.
Even knowing all this one has to actually experience it to understand and take advantage of it. Like Glenda told Dorothy, "You've always had the power to go back home but if I told you you wouldn't have believed me and had to experience it for yourself." Dorothy now knows that should she ever go looking for her heart's desires she'll look no further than her own backyard (within). Obviously this is just from my perspective and if none of it resonates no harm, no foul. Remember to enjoy life and laugh, God has a great sense of humor. ❤
@DivineVoice it is punishment and what you do with that punishment determines whether you raise your awareness and grow from it or let it make you bitter, hateful, and monstrous.
@@notahouse Really, these monsters are actually s*crificing children and people daily. They are blatantly worshiping demons. Do you know about the Bohemian Grove in S.F. where all the rich, powerful, and controllers of this matrix go to reset and devise the plans and do rituals? Amusement park?
When every one leaves false religion, leave the military , stop supporting dems/ republicans, leave the slave jobs , leave the racism program alone, stop spending their money and unite then a shift can happen
Punishment for being born?
You tell us about all the bad stuff…but don’t enlighten us about how to escape it..???
There’s plenty channels telling you how to make it
The book "A Course in Miracles" is in alignment with Gnostic Theology and offers a clear and practical path out.
As long as you believe you are trapped, so you shall be
I think knowing this is the way out. They need our consent. Now that we know we won't be shamed into coming back. Now I know why the religions use sin. To control you and keep you here. Knowing this is freedom.
@@MonochromaticBlues , There's plenty of disinformation too. Remember all the go to the Light nonsense of the past? Not a good idea, or is it? You have to go inside for the answers. Never trust some "influencer" on RUclips. There is a lot of black magic among them. Mostly dark.
I've asked this question, bcoz how can my own mother betray me? How can my own brothers and sisters betray me? I'm the youngest, i trusted them.
@layupon sorry you went through that. I have had betrayals in my "family" as well. Sometimes they are your worse enemies and they call it "love." Just try to heal, get away from them, and learn the difference between love and hate and call it out. Find people who love and respect you to be in your life.
That's why the demonize things like astrology. If you had access you would be able to tell what was going to hit and be prepared for it.
Flawless. “Jesus” aka The Truth and the Life all taught this. Once you see this, you are Free
So basically the narrator is also trapped , imprisoned , and reincarnating in this dimensional helllwith the rest of the 8 billion people ….
@@Imaginathor-1k0 So how he or you going to get un trapped? Every one is discrediting the god of the first testament because he does what he wants , and no one can do squat about it?
@@Imaginathor-1k0 And he also discredits the god of the Bible/first testament , because God does what he wants and no one can do squat about it? 🤔
According to Indian mysticism, the purpose of life on earth is to gather awareness of the human mind, as they believe only this can free us from the cycle of reincarnation, and allow us to realise our true identity, to achieve Nirvana, the final liberation from the wheel of samsara. Another interesting concept offered by Indian spiritual teachings is that ONLY this awareness of mind... is what we take to the next lifetime. This means our memories of previous lifetime events are erased for a good reason, we could not focus properly on this lifetime and would be so distracted we could not function effectively. The Buddha used the metaphor of a lotus seed to demonstrate the Journey Of The Soul from darkness & ignorance, (the black murky bottom of the lake) to enlightenment (the surface & sunlight). As the lotus seed grows and finally reaches the water surface, the flower opens into the bright sunlight, releasing its pollen - (symbolizing mind awareness gathered during countless lifetimes) to the wind.
I don't need any teaching to make me understand we have been trapped in these meat sacks.
I'd rather be wiped from complete existence than have to come bk to this fixed game of emotional torture.
This is without doubt a level of Hell...
I will NEVER accept being sent bk into this bs called 3d life.
@@davidellis6364 I said the same thing. I am going to go before that council at that long table and tell them wipe me out from existence if you think I am going to keep doing this sick mess over and over again in that hellish, immature, dark energy planet. #let it be lights out 4evah
Never have I heard it summed up so accurately in one short video, and after a lifetime of questioning and thinking about this place independently, i have arrived at the same conclusion! the creator god of the old testament is the Demiurge, not the heavenly father Yeshua told us about, when you understand that, you see the prison built around you, congratulations, your at the beginning, all the old stories of ancient history confirm this, let it all go, peel back the onion skin of who you are and find the source of your soul, the true creator inside you.
I believe he’ll is an absence of God. Being here we forget God, so yes, this sounds like hell
Untill humanity stops being complicit in it's own slavery, nothing changes.
Every cell in the human body has a time limit to exist and provide its service and procreate a replica to continue its duties. Imagine if humans looked within and noticed all the galaxies created with the body? Truly, noticing how insignificant one lifetime could be in the timespan of a larger being would really place perspective on things.
how much wanna bet those computers they talking about where "you have to kill yerself to upload self" is a LIE how much wanna bet the elite scum upload self and DONT have to kill self? therefore its a 100% lie.
Awaken to the truth that suffering is not your destiny, nor is it the design of a benevolent Creator. The systems of this world may feel inescapable, but awareness is the first step toward freedom. Seek the divine light within and strive to break free from illusions, embracing the life you were truly meant to live.
The best way for a soul to avoid being reborn as a human on earth is to acquire the status of a guide. The guide receives as wards new souls that are born, but he, because of too much later, stops working on Earth.
How do we escape this prison?
Reconstruction of the mind from the original program,Live in line with nature and the Order of the Cosmos ,spend more time connecting with genuine family members and friends who support your sight and views,spend more time with one self to comprehend the Divine within and Live like a passersby in this world and don't treat it like your Heaven because it's not!!
I think when you Die, you go another realm. So. Can you scape this
Jesus is the true God. Our true home is Heaven. Since the fall we have been trapped here. Salvation through Jesus grants us access to Heaven again. Glory to Jesus
@@MoneyisnewGod....thank you!
546 NEWBORN -- Q
546 WORLDS -- P
546 GOD SEVEN -- N
546 VITAMIN C -- M
546 NEUTRAL -- J
546 BLUE WAVE -- I
546 TETRIS -- H
546 BATTERY -- E
546 SPIRIT -- D
546 MIRROR -- B
546 FUTURE -- A
E ` V ` O ` L ` U ` T ` I ` O ` N
E • V • O • L • U • T • I • O • N
444 English Gematria
Amazing video that describes the current situation in the world.
Thank you for this feeling horribly depressed at the moment.
don't be depressed,this world is temporary if you live with accordance of the Divine in you don't worry about coming back here when you die but a better atmosphere of Realm
This is their Heaven those created it and those Whos helping to fuel the oppression ,they have no After Life but to be right back here
@@MoneyisnewGodthen how to do explain population just keeps growing more than ppl dying?
@Doni-q4e you don't know that. Its something you read and decided to believe because someone smarter than you said it.
Think for yourself question everything, especially those that claim to be experts and authority.
@@eldiabloblanco3167 lol you’re really assuming a lot by saying I read this from someone smarter than me. But I guess for someone to believe in nonsense in this video, you would have to be assuming a lot. Also you haven’t made an argument going against mine. So try again buddy.
I, the architect of this fragile paradise, became its destroyer. In my solitude, I sought to mend a broken world, to build beings in my own image, perfect and obedient. But perfection, it seems, is a disease. In my obsession to eradicate flaws, to erase the echoes of my own insecurities, I unleashed suffering upon my creations. Wars, famine, despair - these are but reflections of my own inner turmoil, a desperate attempt to conceal the imperfections I so desperately sought to eliminate."
Thank you VERY MUCH. That was a lot of work. It wraps up why I founded my cult 34 years ago. Well done.
You're welcome
The “loop” is ONLY in your mind. Just YOUR mind! Break out of your OWN mind?
@Lorellism you can't even remember all of your incarnations so just hush. LOL
The big question is, who/what are responsible for this particular demonic system, what’s the true purpose and will it end (why did it start). We have many very intelligent questions but no answers, I wonder why. When there’s creation, there has to be a reason. We have no explanations. Sufferings, violence, torture, torment, wars, poisons, murders, deaths, atrocities, it’s endless and recycles from one existence to another…why. This quote may qualify, “You want the truth, you can’t handle the truth”. That, just might be true.
I have been "feeling" this for awhile now. Nice to see I'm not the only one
I believe the gnostic, and i went through hell since i was a child, but when you realize you dont have to live in hell , we have the power to change it, thats when my life changed, i useto hear people say " thats life" or "it is what it is" or" go with the flo" what a bunch of crap, that keeps you in the loop, but when you realized you can change to what you want it to be, and row your own baot, thiswont be hell anymore but it becomes heaven, change you mind thought, your heart, your ways, change people ,places and things, and you hole life changes, take ot from someone whos been through it all. I love my life, i learn everyday. And i dont worry any more, hell, heaven, its all mater of your perception.
Makes sense to me.
However, I think there is a way out.
I don't think...
"God needed a blood sacrifice in order to forgive sins"
I do think that Jesus is able to forge through dimensions of hell as he is a name to call on to help us escape.
After death,
I think we feel guilt for ways we harmed others,
which "recycles" us back through this earth.
Archons rule this earth and keep us trapped through agreements to "evolve"
I will call on Jesus name to help me "remember"
My grandfather, 'Winks', said he thought this was hell/our challenge. He looks smarter every second.
Warning ⚠️ Highest Levell of Knowledge is found Here on this Channel and May Not Be Suitable for The Shallow Mind , Sound and Attentive Ears are Required to hear the message!!
I pray for divine blessings, peace, and unshakable joy for everyone here. May God’s love guide you always!
Love isn't of "god" it's a learned defense mechanism against all that can be defined as "god".
Heaven and hell is right here on planet earth,we experience it every day.
The TRUTH Hurts but it’s still The TRUTH ❤
Tomorrow is going to be the worst case of Mondays Ever. Thanks for the pep talk 😞
Facts I've been thinking this for a while now. Should have known I wasn't the only one that figured this out. Always seems like it's everybody job to put you down if they see you're having a good day. They like to treat you bad and see how it affects you and like you said your sorrow feeds the machine and keeps the bullshot train going. I'm just living days off to days off. I'm always counting down the days and hours when I get off and celebrate when I'm free by blowing my money and cool stuff to bid my time till my next days off.
IF the earth IS “hell”, then Biblically there is no escape from this place of eternal torment. There is no other place for us to go as we endure eternal separation from God in this supposed “hell”. The deceiver is at work trying to steal the weak and seeking away from a just and honest eternal reward. We are told that life on earth wasn’t going to be easy, but that it will be worth it. Don’t let the deceiver grip your mind and rob you of your faith.
Great video! The truth is so obvious.
Glad you think so!
Truth in full force.
Don’t feel the nightmare, lest you feed the Archons!
The holy spirit wouldn't be here if this was hell
@ This is just aphysical version of the real hell that the book of Enoch spoke about , there is a real spiritual hell of the 10 heavens.
The Holy Spirit is the brige between this world and the real world. God could not enter a place of delusion so he sent the Holy Spirit which exists in both worlds at the same time. Jesus completely embodied the Holy Spirit and offerd us the path quickest path back home. The Path of Forgiveness. The book "A Course in Miracles" is in alignment with Gnostic Theology and offers a clear and practical path out.
time to go - last round in this Hell !
So what's the answer to this then??.. I watched this to the end hoping for a solution to end this charade of an existence! This video is confirming of what I always identified quietly but shaken by a lack of a remedy to end it*
The book "A Course in Miracles" is in alignment with Gnostic Theology and offers a clear and practical path out.
Watching to the end just feeds the beast, if you believe
The strangest part when it feels like everyone has an ulterior motive...surrounded by secret demons. Looking to hurt you.
I learn new things everyday and my goal is to become the best version of myself that I can be.
I was born and raised to believe in our lord the almighty God (The Prime Creator) and his son but I know nothing about the Bible as I learned that "No name is allowed changed, no words altered and nothing is to be added or removed from this scripture. But I’ve learned that they did just these things to the scripture. They gave people new names and they changed the words by translating it all. Oh, and they removed a lot of the scripture for some reason I’m not sure about and I won’t guess at their reasoning or motives as I’ve learned that most things that is ment for the masses and is ment for the good of humanity. The only thing they could not change and changing is that that was written n in stone. The Ten Commandments was the blueprint for us to follow and those are the same world for word in every Bible and the Quran and the Thora (not sure if that’s written correctly as English is not my native language). But anyway. It seems that humans have a hard time following even those even though they would make life easier and we would all have a better foundation of being ONE big family by living and following these ten simple "rules".
Ok that’s all I got about religion I guess. I know it’s not a lot and I’m in no way perfect and I wouldn’t try to teach anyone about something that I know has been corrupted by some simpletons just for their hunger for power over the masses.
The last thing I’ll mention about the Ten Commandments is that if we would live by them as we have been taught to we wouldn’t have hunger, homelessness or many of the other problems we are faced with daily today.
So I believe that God is truly a good GOD who showed us the way and gave us everything we would need to make it possible to have our Eden still just by using our free will and choose to follow the simplest of maps ever made to follow.
Instead some of us follow those who has lots of gold and lacks the heart to do what’s good and right by their brothers and sisters. And the excuses are many but it always boils down to the simple things as THEY want and THEY need. Power over humanity is for GOD only!
While it’s all made up by the few to control the many in such a way that it seems impossible to do anything about it or make the changes needed to truly be free there is a way. But NOT before we all wake up and understand that we the many must show the so called elite the one true way to happiness is through Love, Wisdom, Family and peace. In all reality we are only ONE people no matter color, religion or beliefs. Together we can build what ever our planet might need.
And as far as time goes it’s a non problem.
And I won’t go so far to call our beloved planet Hell.
Yes there are places forever ruined and lost to the evil actions of greedy men but when humanity wakes up and follow that that is written in stone I’m convinced that we all together as brothers and sisters can rebuild Eden and make our planet
This is probably the most accurate picture of this world and reality I've ever seen on RUclips
I wasn’t going to watch this. But yes watch the whole thing
Funny enough I always say were in hell trying to get out
Nobody... NOBODY alive can say they know what life is about -who/what we are ,what happens when we die,the big questions Nobody knows thats just the simple fact ofthe matter.Whoever made this little story is just like the rest of us hes talking with authority like he knows whats what! ...well he doesn't nobody does ,so pay no attention he knows -Nada :)
The point of being here is to survive and spiritually awaken nothing more
Everything else is folly
Earth could be paradise without the Fallen Ape turning it into hell.
You know it
Wrong, because here all is subject to suffering and death. No matter how good we think we've got it. It's a tough pill to swallow
That's right, karma based on a moral Ledger and therefore a record and therefore a higher being who decides the fate of an individual... This Is obviously tied to the original scriptures but had been corrupted by satan, and implemented by unenlightened humans...
Something to think about.
I love life, it has its ups and downs but you can't really appreciate the positives without experiencing the negatives.
I do agree with you you can't appreciate the positive without the negative that is so true I felt that too many times.
Thank you so much
There are some really smart, thinking people on this channel! Thanks Bible Story and subbies for your great videos and posts.
Then there is every soul having their own reality unique to the individual.
If you have ever seen any videos of most places in Africa and South Asia, then that question, would never need to be asked...
The hell you get is the hell you give!
Thank you, this makes sense to me. What a weird matrix and entrapment.
When things are going your way to the upmost this message doesn't even register on your radar but when things look😮 upon as bleak this message is a jewel...
The great Master Jesus talked about the 5 Robbers, they are the 5 Antic's of our Minds, that keeps us away from our 3rd Eye, which is the escape route for our Soul.
Thank you for another diamond💎 of truth brother ,I look forward to your channel concerning these topics Every single morning I wake up ,I wish i could meet you dine with you and give you a big hug because i really feel you are my true brother in the Spirit ,All Praises To The Ultimate Divine in Us🙏🏾💕✨ Thank you for what you bring every single morning, it Truly comfort my soul knowing I have a brother somewhere in the world who understands and Share the Same Grief I feel in this Oppressive Realm❤
To the extent that “hell” is a state of Separation Consciousness, yes, we have hell in our simulation.
But it’s just a program. Sages of antiquity & quantum physicists agree on this.
A profound rarity.
The Library of Alexandria was not the depository of liberating knowledge. It was mostly about Egyptian astrology, divination and magic, for consumption by the tourists and visitors who visited Egypt for that specific reason (like those who visit India today), and also, to a lmuch esser degree, of Greek literature that confirmed that Egyptian lore is some way. Astrology and magic are so predictable and unfalsifiable that each time the library was burned or pillaged they had no problem rewriting the missing volumes. There was no science in that library as they judged mechanics a low art.
To argue it is not a hell is somewhat ludicrous giving the underlying horror and nightmares we all collectively experience and perpetuate in it’s ignorance most people loose their minds and can never escape a house full of cards.
It's both heaven and hell, if one has experienced true madness via psychedelics and know what a truly chaotic world void of meaning looks and feels like then it's obvious this isn't just pure hell. However, it's certainly got many shared characteristics with hell and people are possibly inherently evil and hopeless.
Oh yes!
I've been feeling and thinking about this incontrovertible truth for a very loooong time!
And that is, --- WHAT IS THIS PLACE???!!!
Good topic, good clip! ✌️😐💀☠️
Heaven and hell are states of life on Earrh while we are alive. The rich and governments on Earth have made hell on Earth.😮
Entropy rules all. No matter how "heavenly" things may get, we all know what happens. To everyone.
Somehow knew all these things as a child and felt I was in the wrong world
I have always believe Earth is Hell and our purpose is to suffer. I hope we one day break free. All we have is each other try to make the best of right now. In the end however we are all broken and consumed with misery. That's life on Earth. Be nice and try to eliminate suffering as long as possible.
I always said, this is not paradise this is hell.
Only the honest mind is truly free. Practicing the truth through honestly relating to others.
I was recently thinking about this concept as well. This seems like an inevitable question by the curious minded.
I've had a different take away from this question, (subject of recent music video) that at the most fundamental level is this:
If you're going to heaven, this life is the closest you'll ever be to hell.
If you're going to hell, this life would be the closest you'd be to heaven