@FPVUniversity yeah. human nature, unfortunately. the whole communism vs. capitalism thing. Unfortunately, our nature rewards capitalism. No Star Trek fortune anytime soon. :-( The problem is that BLHeli_32 had no competition; except open source. Monopoly is not good except for standardization. I guess they are under the delusion that folks are still using BLHeli_S too 😆?
you are 100% correct there are multiple assembly labs on both side who will keep use BLHeli. Now one cares. Except those who were geetting money from BLHeli
@@testpilotian3188 I am Russian. I am not even quad pilot, I am speed boat hobbist from small regional city. I use BLHeli32, and understand different beetween 32 and S. Will use Am32, no problem :) Professional quad pilot and producers of cource use and know what they use. Sorry for my bad english. Peace and kindness to all.
If you were buying or building hobby drones to be used as single use flying bombs, would you use BLHELI_32 or cheaper BLHELI_S ESCs? This whole thing looks a bit shady to me and I have to wonder if the conflict is being used as an excuse to cover up the real reason. While they may not be obligated to release the software as open source or sell it so someone else could maintain it, the should have to pay manufacturers back for license purchases that have not been received and they should be held legally accountable for not providing access to software updates that have already been created. This whole thing seems extremely shady and I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out that there are other reasons that this happened.
I have no stake in the war, and don't really care which way it goes, but didn't Ukraine use FPV quads as weapons first? Why didn't anyone care when they did it?
@user-otzlixr Again, my point of focus is not on whether or not they do it, but why people only seem to care when one side of the conflict does it. Apparently a massive amount of bias is clouding rationality here.
@user-otzlixr I stand by what I opened with. What companies shut down because Ukraine used hobby UAVs for warfare? What blame did they get for the consequences of such actions? What condemnation did they get for doing it first? People only spoke up when Russia did it. This is not defense of Russia or condemnation of Ukraine. This is me pointing out that only one side of the conflict gets blamed for doing the exact same action. I condemned their use from the start because I didn't need politicians to have reasons to take such a great hobby away.
IMO this is very dumb decision. Mostly because it affects both sides equally. Secondly - because, as it is said on the video, there are alternatives. But also because Norway would get less taxes (even if it's pennies).
Yep, totally agree. Nothing will be a major change re: "sides", just a hickup - it's not like either side won't get alternatives anyway! The "indigestion" might last a day or two (or not at all) and then, as far as the war is concerned, they'll be at it again. Then what did this action by "BL_Heli AS" achieve? A clear conscience in their minds, loss of income (maybe), and a large chunk of the rest of the world's hobbyists being pissed off by the almost pointlessness of this action...
Let's not forget that whatever either side "adopts" will likely be available to the other side - so this really is pointless. Not like the drones are gonna survive blowing up a tank or getting hit by ground/air to air ordinance... So whatever they can find will do - for the limited life of the drone.
@@FG-Supercharged well, there might be a point. Because the one who adopts new technology faster, will have superiority for some duration of time, and will be able to save more lives during this period of time. Also if your technology is complex enough so it is difficult to reverse-engineer (eg, it is a compiled software with closed source or your own microchip), this time window will be quite long. And during this time window while opponent is busy reverse-engineering and copying your design, you keep innovating and building new enhanced designs. So by the moment they able to start producing v1 of your design, you already releasing v2 of it.
@@seriypr Hi. I'm not disrespecting or denying your points. I feel we have the same points of view but look at it differently. "Anything goes to get the job done". Nobody in this war is operating in a "technical vacuum". They'll do whatever needs to be done to achieve the objective and this "modern" world means everyone/anything has a chance to impress. Brands, names, tags, versions, influencers, sceptics, reporters, AI. etc., mean nothing when the only objective is "use whatever is available to (mindlessly) destroy someone/something and get closer to the end the objective".
Totally agree, it's the Ukrainian army who starts first using FPV drones in war, Russians started using them later, so it's Ukrainian army and southern supporters fault
They don't use blheli32, they use cheapest thing available. Quad needs to fly from point A to point B just once. They don't care if it oscillates or does not have rpm filter
@@GuayusaPure yeah but the reason of BLHeli_32 shutting down their business is because they're afraid if their product is involved in war. Their government can punish them.
What can BLHeli32 do that Bluejay can't do? 32 used to have bidirectional Dshot as its draw but then bluejay bought that feature for free. So why even use BLHeli 32?
For standalone use without an FC in fixed-wings BLHeli_32 can do low voltage protection, current protection, variable strength propeller braking, temperature protection, finer grained control over ramp up power and prop acceleration, S.Port telemetry, undamped mode (to let a prop spin freely in the airflow), etc.
@@cinemoriahFPV For most people, they don't have "tinker with ESC settings" as their hobby. Most flyers don't know or care what firmware is on the ESC - they throttle up, the motors spin. For these people, most people - they *are* the same. Either firmware spins up the motors about the same.
recent documentary on FPv drones i Ukraine suggest they plan to make over 1 million single use FPV drones this year. And yeah everyone on either side of the war will just upload BLHeli from locally stored files.
@@FPVUniversityobviously not precise enough, because you know nothing about the origins of the conflict. How about you start blaming NATO and your own shit ass country for supplying weapons to a country that’s clearly never meant to win this war even with the support of the rest of the world? Poland wants its land back from Ukraine. And the entire Europe are following Mr iForgot Biden like little blind puppies without the will of their own.
When Western Countries shit on everyone's face, nobody complains about the smell, but when Russia farts, everyone smells it and complains that it is making them sick. Then they stop manufacturing Beans!!!!!
sshhhg.. bro has historical problems with their "slavic big brother" thats why he is complaining; oh also they tend to be "wanna be TRUE EUROPEANs" so they shit everything historically theirs and elect clowns as presidents and then cry because they fucked up 🤣🤣🤣
Any ESC firmware & hardware will fly a drone allowing anyone & any government to gather intelligence & to deliver munitions. I'm not sure how this prevents Russia or Ukraine from doing anything with drones that require ESCs. I also assume that any government, including Russia, has enough knowledge & resources to get the BLHeli32 source code or to write their own firmware & put it on ESCs if they really need to do that. I doubt they are playing around with ESC firmware anyway.
This is so stupid that it’s impossible to even find words. You blame Putin for the side effect, but he is not the one imposing sanctions. These stupid sanctions only bother ordinary people. The conflict continued despite the fact that sanctions were generated endlessly, and they were so stupid that it was even interesting how someone had the brains to come up with such a thing. This only emphasizes the narrow-mindedness and inconsistency of some politicians. First of all, our hobby will suffer and someone will have a financial hole. I'm sure BH will just fork or change the code and use it under a new name.
@@FPVUniversity I understand you and your opinion about who was the impetus for this. But remind me who is introducing insane sanctions that do not solve anything for the conflict, but only bring problems to ordinary people.
BS Heli is NOT doing this for the right reasons. they can always release their source code to the open source community but they're not doing that are they
@@veloyozh To confront the most aggressive military bloc (NATO) and destroy the hegemony of the USA? Is it bad? Go to your stall on the other side of the planet and stay out of our way.
@@veloyozh Unfortunately, my comment has been deleted. So we won't be able to talk. As well as a lot of RUclips channels that could cover the events from the other side were deleted.
There is something changing for todays BLHELI_32 users: The servers are down and you can NOT even update BLHELI_32 ESCs anymore. That's really bad! I wanted to update mine but it's too late now. Is there a backup with the binaries to update existing ESCs to the latest version?
And of course one of my esc aren't being recognized and I have to reflash my 4-1 and i cant. I hope they come up with a solution because as of now I havea brand new esc that I can't use!!! Bullshit!!!
I started buying extras a little while ago. I've got an St Link on the way. If I have to I'll program it to AM32. Putin sent me a "I'm a stupid little whore princess." Me so sorry note. He still loves America, he just gets too emotional when he has to say it and has been rumored that he pees a little every time he thinks a out how America makes his heart flutter.
@@FPVUniversity most of them are blheli-s or most likely bluejay, and with both having limitless copies available - nothing will change (Just as you've said)
If I understand correctly BLHELI is a Norwegian company, so why should it close it down, because AM32 is made by a Chinese company, so it's even worse, they could stop supplying Ukraine.
Interestingly, nowadays it's quite safe to say: "someone is 99.99999% a stupid if he blames Ukraine for war and it's consequences". Current problem is connected to sanctions against Russia, and related import control. There are no any sanctions in that regard against Ukraine, and it's totally legal to sell such products to Ukraine.
Ukraine wasn't peaceful country at all. Their president Zelenskiy election promise was to stop the war (in Donbass). He had freedom and time to chose what to do and he (with the help of western countries) has chosen to accept the war and fight. So if you hold one side entirely responsible, then you are susceptible to propaganda, both sides are to blame. Yes, some attacked first, but don’t say that the rules in this game were not clear to anyone (among politicians). One side thought that it would be an easy victory, the other believed that they were bluffing. This is not a situation where a criminal runs around the corner and stabs you. This is a situation where everyone understood everything, and the conflict of interests escalated into a war, because no one wanted to avoid it.
So nothing really changes at all. What about when all those people who were working on blheli32 set up a new company move to a country that doesn't have those rules, and restart the process where they left off?
I can blame Putin that every night I sleep not in my room, but in corridor, because of Russian air attacks I can blame Putin that my close friend was hit by Russian army bomb - so he is almost like living vegitable - he can not see, he hardly speek and really hard for him to move at all. And it's because of Russian army attack But I agree that it's not fare to blame everything on Putin. It's on Putin and all those Russian people who support him. Who make war in Ukraine. Who put bombs on civil Ukrainian cities. Who every day kill or help to kill civil people here
Всего лиш одна из фамилий, в роССии существует коллективный путлер, можна подставить любую другую извесную фамилию рашиста и результат будет тот же самый, потому что имперцы и шовинисты. Иначе как один человек может заставить милионы других убивать своих соседей (что-то там у вас было про братьев) - только лиш с полного согласия онных. Так что да, вы абсолютно правы ответственность лежит не только на одном лиш пуйле, репарации выплачивать будут все россияне и те кто был за войну и даже те кто был против (коих максимально минимально в рашке)
А чо разве нет ? Кто залез в Украину ещё в 2014 ?, а теперь окончательно решил подвергнуть геноциду население целой страны. Теперь многие события в мире являются пусть и не прямой причиной решений, принятых ссыкливым гопником из питерской подворотни.
@@MoguIBudu Да, адекватных не много, это точно. Людей откровенно зомбировали начиная с 2012 года, происходило расчеловечивание целой нации. Пропаганде успешно удалось создать образ врага и пипл это схавал. Репарации выплачивать боюсь что будем мы не скоро, разве что после смены рашисткого режима, который опять же может произойти лишь насильственным путём.
@@wattage2007 it's a free world and we all can do whatever we want (as long we are not breaking laws). Good luck my friend and like always happy flying!
yeah Zelensky attacked ruSSia... that is the case when the commentator is completely devoid of logic and critical thinking, and in his head there is only Kremlin propaganda... who has invaded whose country and is destroying the civilian population, wiping out cities and other settlements from the face of the earth?
За окошком дождь и град. Это Путин виноват! Кошка бросила котят - Это Путин виноват, Зайку бросила хозяйка - Кто виновен, угадай-ка! Вот кончается доска У несчастного бычка, Наша Таня громко плачет - Рядом Путин, не иначе! Свет погас, упал забор, У авто заглох мотор, Зуб здоровый удалили Иль залез в квартиру вор, Не понравилось кино, Наступили вы в говно… У любого катаклизма Объяснение одно… Знает каждый демократ - Это Путин виноват! Кто вчера в моём подъезде Лифт зассал до потолка? Мне, товарищи, поверьте- Это Путина рука! Я поймал по пьяни «белку» - Это Путина проделки! Куча под столом говна. Это Путина вина! Засорился унитаз - Это Путина приказ, Накидал туда бычков, Воду слил - и был таков! По ночам бельё ворует, Стёкла в нашем доме бьёт. Пьяным во дворе танцует. Это Путин - обормот! Нет спасенья от злодея! Матом пишет на стенах, Изломал кусты в аллее. Это Путин - ох и ах! Либерала дождик мочит - Путин весело хохочет. Затопило вашу дачу? - Это Путин, не иначе! Вас гроза в пути застала? - То рука Кремля достала. Холод, ветер, снегопад - Снова Путин виноват. Сносит крышу ураганом? - Это Путин мстит баранам. Шторм, цунами, наводненье? - Это Путин, без сомненья! Ливень, оползень, циклон - Виноват конечно он Сель, лавина, камнепад? - Ясно: Путин виноват! Смерч, тайфун, землетрясенье - Нет от Путина спасенья! В темя клюнула ворона? - Это -юный друг ОМОНа. Пчелы, осы жалят вас? - Это путинский СпецНаз. Видишь этого шмеля? - Он на службе у Кремля! Если верите в такое - Это просто паранойя!
@@FPVUniversity Good, neither do I Pawel. I’m just a sarky git who lives in reality. Perhaps if more people knew who Vicky “cookies” Nuland and her crowd is then maybe the world would be in a different state right now. Sorry Pawel, not wanting to get political, our hobby should be free from that!!!
Unsubbed! This stupid war should not be part oft this hobby. Both countries use drones to kill people. I understand since you are polish, you are biased towards Ukraine.
Oh no no no. UA uses it to DEFEND from the INVADERS. Z forces use it to kill the innocent. Apparently destruction of civilian structures are somehow related to “demilitarization”… what a joke.
I don’t get it, you are mad and unsubbing because he’s talking about the sanctions due to war? It sounds like you would be offended if you found out salt came from the ocean.
@@FPVUniversity the complexity of the geopolitical landscape in ukr and russ cannot be summarized by making a joke about the closing of a "paid/closed source" project. P may have a lot of flaws, but Z is no saint either. Both have their own sets of skeletons in their closet. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prelude_to_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine
@@FPVUniversity Украина нападала несколько раз на Россию. 1993-1995 год, украинские нацисты воевали в России против России в Чечне, есть видео. Украина сбила российский пассажирский самолет над Черным морем в 2001. Есть еще несколько фактов. Украина- агрессор. Украина это инструмент США против России, больше ничего. Они продались полностью США ни за что. Будут брошены как Афганистан.
I don't think you got sense of sarcasm from Pawel. btw he was pretty neutral in his words since 2022-02-24.... not lie mr Josha Bardwel ake UK ass likker
It's even crazier seeing people believing that Ukraine is a great democratic country. One of the most corrupt countries in Europe. Source: transparency international
Pawel, with "putin" in the title, you triggered an attack of a russian bot farm, resulting in numerous predictable comments criticizing the USA and praising the russian Hitler. That's the world we live in.
@@sasha4erny забудь всё что ты им сказал. это просто очередной атрецеон в этом году захвати россию... были монголо-тотары, был польский лже дмитрий, был наполеон, был гитлер, теперь пендосы через меньонов за демократию и все такое прочие. Паша конечно прикалывается снимая такие провокационные видосы. Но он забывает самую важную особенность: следующей после украины жертвой п_досы приготовили Польшу... ничего им плохого не жилаю. просто смеятся можно только тогда когда ты в безопасности... вот Павел и смеётся
@@FPVUniversity Ненависти нет. ни к Украине, ни к западу. Есть сожаление за то что США и Запад решили съесть Россию, потому что пора кого-то съесть, а никакой другой приличной страны не осталось. Ирак, Сирия, Ливия, Югославия разрушены США и НАТО. Но на этот раз не получится. Запад вынужден будет разговаривать, как бы этого не хотелось. И чем дальше запад не принимает условия России, тем хуже эти условия становятся для запада.
@@FPVUniversity that's wise, next step - buy blhely32 licence owner company for cheap by Chinese, US or Russian company. But I think there is no big deal. There are a lot of other ESC software to do the job.
Another example is how OpenSource is critical to the survival of FPV.
It's funny how the most critical part of it gets no money from the deal :)
@FPVUniversity yeah. human nature, unfortunately. the whole communism vs. capitalism thing. Unfortunately, our nature rewards capitalism. No Star Trek fortune anytime soon. :-(
The problem is that BLHeli_32 had no competition; except open source. Monopoly is not good except for standardization. I guess they are under the delusion that folks are still using BLHeli_S too 😆?
I donated, I believed 😢 RIP bl_heli
It's long past due that we moved to open source ESC software
This is so funny because if it is used by Russia, they 100% don't care and will work around this anyways.
you are 100% correct there are multiple assembly labs on both side who will keep use BLHeli. Now one cares. Except those who were geetting money from BLHeli
Russia isn’t even using it, they’re probably using stock BLHeli and don’t have the intelligence of experience to know the difference between the two.
@@testpilotian3188 I am willing to say they don't even need to know the difference. Pretty much anything will work.
@@testpilotian3188 I am Russian. I am not even quad pilot, I am speed boat hobbist from small regional city. I use BLHeli32, and understand different beetween 32 and S. Will use Am32, no problem :) Professional quad pilot and producers of cource use and know what they use. Sorry for my bad english. Peace and kindness to all.
If you were buying or building hobby drones to be used as single use flying bombs, would you use BLHELI_32 or cheaper BLHELI_S ESCs? This whole thing looks a bit shady to me and I have to wonder if the conflict is being used as an excuse to cover up the real reason. While they may not be obligated to release the software as open source or sell it so someone else could maintain it, the should have to pay manufacturers back for license purchases that have not been received and they should be held legally accountable for not providing access to software updates that have already been created. This whole thing seems extremely shady and I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out that there are other reasons that this happened.
Please, using the same logic, sanction your food and water manufacturers too
I have no stake in the war, and don't really care which way it goes, but didn't Ukraine use FPV quads as weapons first? Why didn't anyone care when they did it?
Blasphemy... you should not question anything the Ukraine does! 😆
When you have a limited supply of armaments, you do what you can do.
@@alexpolitic Not sure how that's related.
@user-otzlixr Again, my point of focus is not on whether or not they do it, but why people only seem to care when one side of the conflict does it. Apparently a massive amount of bias is clouding rationality here.
@user-otzlixr I stand by what I opened with. What companies shut down because Ukraine used hobby UAVs for warfare? What blame did they get for the consequences of such actions? What condemnation did they get for doing it first? People only spoke up when Russia did it. This is not defense of Russia or condemnation of Ukraine. This is me pointing out that only one side of the conflict gets blamed for doing the exact same action. I condemned their use from the start because I didn't need politicians to have reasons to take such a great hobby away.
And now what?? We all switch to AM32 as simple as that ??
Not that simple. The BLheli_32 bootloader needs to be unlocked first.
@@robert_g_fbg Or you just need to know a bit more about STM32 programming than average ESC user and use CubeIDE and STLink to flash firmware ;)
IMO this is very dumb decision. Mostly because it affects both sides equally. Secondly - because, as it is said on the video, there are alternatives.
But also because Norway would get less taxes (even if it's pennies).
Yep, totally agree. Nothing will be a major change re: "sides", just a hickup - it's not like either side won't get alternatives anyway! The "indigestion" might last a day or two (or not at all) and then, as far as the war is concerned, they'll be at it again. Then what did this action by "BL_Heli AS" achieve? A clear conscience in their minds, loss of income (maybe), and a large chunk of the rest of the world's hobbyists being pissed off by the almost pointlessness of this action...
Let's not forget that whatever either side "adopts" will likely be available to the other side - so this really is pointless. Not like the drones are gonna survive blowing up a tank or getting hit by ground/air to air ordinance... So whatever they can find will do - for the limited life of the drone.
@@FG-Supercharged well, there might be a point. Because the one who adopts new technology faster, will have superiority for some duration of time, and will be able to save more lives during this period of time.
Also if your technology is complex enough so it is difficult to reverse-engineer (eg, it is a compiled software with closed source or your own microchip), this time window will be quite long.
And during this time window while opponent is busy reverse-engineering and copying your design, you keep innovating and building new enhanced designs. So by the moment they able to start producing v1 of your design, you already releasing v2 of it.
@@seriypr Hi. I'm not disrespecting or denying your points. I feel we have the same points of view but look at it differently. "Anything goes to get the job done". Nobody in this war is operating in a "technical vacuum". They'll do whatever needs to be done to achieve the objective and this "modern" world means everyone/anything has a chance to impress. Brands, names, tags, versions, influencers, sceptics, reporters, AI. etc., mean nothing when the only objective is "use whatever is available to (mindlessly) destroy someone/something and get closer to the end the objective".
Both Russia and Ukraine can use BLHeli32, so it's fair.
It's Western governments faults, they are the one banning humanity, including our hobbies.
100%, it's just an excuse to limit the avg persons freedoms. No diff to RFID, stupid licenses for every etc etc
Totally agree, it's the Ukrainian army who starts first using FPV drones in war, Russians started using them later, so it's Ukrainian army and southern supporters fault
@@codemanfpv6189 lol. I wish russians will come to your home as well. So you will understand how your crying is pathetic
They don't use blheli32, they use cheapest thing available. Quad needs to fly from point A to point B just once. They don't care if it oscillates or does not have rpm filter
@@GuayusaPure yeah but the reason of BLHeli_32 shutting down their business is because they're afraid if their product is involved in war. Their government can punish them.
I won’t be blaming anyone but EU politicians. This is weak willed capitulation.
Sanctions screws everybody. Our hobby has been weaponized. Welcome to AM32
Or the bird thingy. It plays music on my motors. I like it.
So it's the sanctions that screw everybody, not the terrorist state called russia that invades everybody?
What about Nvidia Jetson TX2? It is a critical component in Lancet Kamikaze Drones. Is it going to be banned too?
Для Путина нет невозможного)))
No, because for Nvidia China is extremely big market
@@ДенисПетров-н5вособенно в вопросах взяття за щеку
What can BLHeli32 do that Bluejay can't do? 32 used to have bidirectional Dshot as its draw but then bluejay bought that feature for free. So why even use BLHeli 32?
For standalone use without an FC in fixed-wings BLHeli_32 can do low voltage protection, current protection, variable strength propeller braking, temperature protection, finer grained control over ramp up power and prop acceleration, S.Port telemetry, undamped mode (to let a prop spin freely in the airflow), etc.
Anyone who thinks bluejay is the same as BL32 is hilarious 😂
@@cinemoriahFPV It was an honest question. Unless a person really digs in, it's often not obvious what all the major features are.
@@techstuff6829 But can it play Oops I Did It Again on my motors?
For most people, they don't have "tinker with ESC settings" as their hobby. Most flyers don't know or care what firmware is on the ESC - they throttle up, the motors spin.
For these people, most people - they *are* the same. Either firmware spins up the motors about the same.
recent documentary on FPv drones i Ukraine suggest they plan to make over 1 million single use FPV drones this year. And yeah everyone on either side of the war will just upload BLHeli from locally stored files.
I blame Victoria Nuland for everything
With all due respect, I have no idea who that person is :)
@@FPVUniversity right, and that's why you blame Putin for everything
No. I only blame him for invading Ukraine and then causing this whole mess as a side effect. I'm very precise when blaming anything
@@FPVUniversityobviously not precise enough, because you know nothing about the origins of the conflict. How about you start blaming NATO and your own shit ass country for supplying weapons to a country that’s clearly never meant to win this war even with the support of the rest of the world? Poland wants its land back from Ukraine. And the entire Europe are following Mr iForgot Biden like little blind puppies without the will of their own.
She has no responsibility that you grown dumb though
When Western Countries shit on everyone's face, nobody complains about the smell, but when Russia farts, everyone smells it and complains that it is making them sick. Then they stop manufacturing Beans!!!!!
sshhhg.. bro has historical problems with their "slavic big brother" thats why he is complaining; oh also they tend to be "wanna be TRUE EUROPEANs" so they shit everything historically theirs and elect clowns as presidents and then cry because they fucked up 🤣🤣🤣
Any ESC firmware & hardware will fly a drone allowing anyone & any government to gather intelligence & to deliver munitions. I'm not sure how this prevents Russia or Ukraine from doing anything with drones that require ESCs. I also assume that any government, including Russia, has enough knowledge & resources to get the BLHeli32 source code or to write their own firmware & put it on ESCs if they really need to do that. I doubt they are playing around with ESC firmware anyway.
This is so stupid that it’s impossible to even find words. You blame Putin for the side effect, but he is not the one imposing sanctions. These stupid sanctions only bother ordinary people. The conflict continued despite the fact that sanctions were generated endlessly, and they were so stupid that it was even interesting how someone had the brains to come up with such a thing. This only emphasizes the narrow-mindedness and inconsistency of some politicians. First of all, our hobby will suffer and someone will have a financial hole. I'm sure BH will just fork or change the code and use it under a new name.
So, please remind me who invaded whom?
@@FPVUniversity I understand you and your opinion about who was the impetus for this.
But remind me who is introducing insane sanctions that do not solve anything for the conflict, but only bring problems to ordinary people.
I just don’t understand why these sanctions are so stupid... And how to properly solve the problem.
BS Heli is NOT doing this for the right reasons. they can always release their source code to the open source community but they're not doing that are they
They are following orders.
I like your format of short but succinct videos, thank you! By the way, I voted for Putin in the elections.
And your'e supporting him to do his devil's job.
@@veloyozh To confront the most aggressive military bloc (NATO) and destroy the hegemony of the USA? Is it bad? Go to your stall on the other side of the planet and stay out of our way.
@@veloyozh Unfortunately, my comment has been deleted. So we won't be able to talk. As well as a lot of RUclips channels that could cover the events from the other side were deleted.
@@SeeSharp10 You and your country does not have right on "your side". Russia occupied Ukraine, so Russia is the agressor. All supporters are guilty.
@@veloyozh I wish I could live in a world where everything is so simple and naive.
There is something changing for todays BLHELI_32 users: The servers are down and you can NOT even update BLHELI_32 ESCs anymore. That's really bad! I wanted to update mine but it's too late now. Is there a backup with the binaries to update existing ESCs to the latest version?
Yes, exactly like predicted. No more updates or flashes for BLHEli_32
So what happens if i just ordered a bl heli 32 esc?
Mine arrived yesterday -.-
Remember it was Ukraine who started using FPV drones in the war, then Russia followed...
This is another, lol
The militants started using them back in the Syrian war
Would you advise not to use them?
@@HyperionFPV это больная русофобия и двойные стандарты. Это начало конца западного превосходства.
Remember it was Russia who started the war, then Ukraine followed...
And of course one of my esc aren't being recognized and I have to reflash my 4-1 and i cant. I hope they come up with a solution because as of now I havea brand new esc that I can't use!!! Bullshit!!!
I see a massive foot in the door for Bluejay here
For BlueJay, AM32 and ESCape32
@@FPVUniversity what can you say about ESCape32? Is already you can say that the product is working or is still at alpha level ?
If Paweł Spychalski disappears mysteriously we will blame Putin
I seriously doubt I'm that important ;)
@@FPVUniversity just lock your windows please and don't accept tea from strangers.. thanks.
@@FPVUniversity Don't underestimate pettiness of short and self-important people.
Not only unimportant, also brainwashed to the core
@@GuayusaPure ruclips.net/video/BUdVzgHovbQ/видео.htmlfeature=shared
I have a bunch of Hobbywing xrotor 60A and 65A, I see they are compatible with escape32… but not many pilots talk about it
Does this affect kiss and fettec?? I think not??
no, absolutely not
Will they sell escs without any software? I am already using bluejay for quite some time now. I dont care about blheli.
ESC without software is useless and noone will buy.
Ah is that why I received a "server unavailable" when I tried to update my esc?
You are definitely too close to Germany. In Germany, Putin is to blame for everything. He seems to be able to do more than Chuck Norris. 😂😂😂
Germany just changed possession of child porn from a Felony to a misdemeanor crime. That should tell you all you need to know about Germany.🤦♂️🤡
Chuck Norris didn't kill people.
Ja genau der böse Westen hat doch immer Schuld weiß man doch.😂😂😂
Du hast ja sowas von recht
Who, exactly, do you think is responsible for invading Ukraine?
Think it's a Biden's fault 😏
I started buying extras a little while ago. I've got an St Link on the way. If I have to I'll program it to AM32. Putin sent me a "I'm a stupid little whore princess." Me so sorry note. He still loves America, he just gets too emotional when he has to say it and has been rumored that he pees a little every time he thinks a out how America makes his heart flutter.
What can BLHeli ESCs do that regular ESCs can't?
Besides the fact that its installed on probably 90% on all ESCs, nothing special
@@FPVUniversity most of them are blheli-s or most likely bluejay, and with both having limitless copies available - nothing will change
(Just as you've said)
If I understand correctly BLHELI is a Norwegian company, so why should it close it down, because AM32 is made by a Chinese company, so it's even worse, they could stop supplying Ukraine.
Ukraine is using it as well… We can blame them as well. Background is way deeper then just blaming Russia.
Please do remind me, my memory is getting worse and worse... Who invaded whom? Twice
@@FPVUniversity such a narrow-mindedness...
Interestingly, nowadays it's quite safe to say: "someone is 99.99999% a stupid if he blames Ukraine for war and it's consequences". Current problem is connected to sanctions against Russia, and related import control. There are no any sanctions in that regard against Ukraine, and it's totally legal to sell such products to Ukraine.
@@FPVUniversity Ukrainians in 2014.
Ukraine wasn't peaceful country at all. Their president Zelenskiy election promise was to stop the war (in Donbass). He had freedom and time to chose what to do and he (with the help of western countries) has chosen to accept the war and fight.
So if you hold one side entirely responsible, then you are susceptible to propaganda, both sides are to blame. Yes, some attacked first, but don’t say that the rules in this game were not clear to anyone (among politicians). One side thought that it would be an easy victory, the other believed that they were bluffing.
This is not a situation where a criminal runs around the corner and stabs you. This is a situation where everyone understood everything, and the conflict of interests escalated into a war, because no one wanted to avoid it.
Посмотрите их журналистку Панченко. особенно ролик история украины. всё станет понятно.
Stop your propaganda ! Russia is 100% responsible for the war, don't try to gaslight people.
Breaking news? Yeah, you get them here. Thanks, Professor.
So nothing really changes at all. What about when all those people who were working on blheli32 set up a new company move to a country that doesn't have those rules, and restart the process where they left off?
Comments getting deleted if you say something against Ukraine. What a joke.
I blame vicki nuland.
It’s getting lame to blame everything on Putin.
define "everything"
Yeah, how dare we blame the dictator responsible for invading a peaceful country 🙃
I can blame Putin that every night I sleep not in my room, but in corridor, because of Russian air attacks
I can blame Putin that my close friend was hit by Russian army bomb - so he is almost like living vegitable - he can not see, he hardly speek and really hard for him to move at all. And it's because of Russian army attack
But I agree that it's not fare to blame everything on Putin.
It's on Putin and all those Russian people who support him. Who make war in Ukraine. Who put bombs on civil Ukrainian cities. Who every day kill or help to kill civil people here
Why lame? If putin didn't decide to start a war, BLHeli would be fine and prospering.
Poor baby, saying bad stuff against a ruthless dictator
All it means its going to cost more and harder to get. Thats all.
This seems pointless. Just as we all will switch to another firmware, so will those using drones for warfare.
Thenks for info
i blame the sanctions
Huh? Blame the reason for the sanctions first.
Sanctions are consequence not a cause. Learn critical thinking.
I knew it was war related . The hobby shops are already gouging in store stocking prices ! I would imagine that DJI vehicle don't have BLH in it ?
Lol dfinitely not. Maybe if we are lucky, DJI will start licensing out their software to replace BLHeli.
Кошка бросила котят - это Путин виноват. А так по идее это подтолкнет создание открытых или других прошивок для esc.
Всего лиш одна из фамилий, в роССии существует коллективный путлер, можна подставить любую другую извесную фамилию рашиста и результат будет тот же самый, потому что имперцы и шовинисты. Иначе как один человек может заставить милионы других убивать своих соседей (что-то там у вас было про братьев) - только лиш с полного согласия онных. Так что да, вы абсолютно правы ответственность лежит не только на одном лиш пуйле, репарации выплачивать будут все россияне и те кто был за войну и даже те кто был против (коих максимально минимально в рашке)
@@MoguIBudu ля ты клоун, я не могу🤣
А чо разве нет ? Кто залез в Украину ещё в 2014 ?, а теперь окончательно решил подвергнуть геноциду население целой страны. Теперь многие события в мире являются пусть и не прямой причиной решений, принятых ссыкливым гопником из питерской подворотни.
@@MoguIBudu Да, адекватных не много, это точно. Людей откровенно зомбировали начиная с 2012 года, происходило расчеловечивание целой нации. Пропаганде успешно удалось создать образ врага и пипл это схавал. Репарации выплачивать боюсь что будем мы не скоро, разве что после смены рашисткого режима, который опять же может произойти лишь насильственным путём.
@@remainsmemories626 через годик с клоуна посмеемся вместе ))) главное чтоб ты смог )
Yeah this will stick it to Putin.
LOLz they stopped because they are tired of providing the Ukrainians with the ESC software for their Kamikaze drones?
The standard facepalming thumbnail, very popular among the clickbait community.
yes, thanks for noticing. Looks like it worked in this case very well
@@FPVUniversity Yes, it lost you another subscriber. Well done.
@@wattage2007 it's a free world and we all can do whatever we want (as long we are not breaking laws). Good luck my friend and like always happy flying!
Whats the next esc firmware gonna be....most esc are bl heli?
I was a member for exactly 4 years, but I can no longer support so much nonsense. Sorry
it's a free world. Thanks you you support and good luck
@FPVUniversity thanks for blaming the person who is to blame. Fuck Putin
Тут я вспомнил песенку одну) Раша - виноваша😂
нашёл кому писать. они же поверят.
*Nato's fault
Brother you high or something?
who did NATO invade?
First thing I do when I get new esc .. flash to bluejay
I have a new BL32 Esc. I am still an FPV beginner. Should I really flash to Bluejay now? Is that really a good idea? And are there any other options?
Well, i´ve seen Betaflight, Inav, Ardu and DJI OSDs in several drone videos of both sides of the conflict...
Btf is open source
@@bren42069 inav and ardupilot also
Lol lets be honest someone up high in the empire is panicking and shut BLheli down.
Blame Vlad Mad Zelensky lol
yeah Zelensky attacked ruSSia... that is the case when the commentator is completely devoid of logic and critical thinking, and in his head there is only Kremlin propaganda...
who has invaded whose country and is destroying the civilian population, wiping out cities and other settlements from the face of the earth?
Nice try, ivan. But no. Go cry somewhere else
"Ukrainian team blew up Nord Stream pipeline" by the Wall Street Journal
Any questions Mr. Spechalsky i guess almost the same with the BLHELI32
454 Archibald Neck
The uk CAA will be DELIGHTED!..😂🤗
You've got a kindergarten group poetry contest going in the comments 😂
За окошком дождь и град. Это Путин виноват!
Кошка бросила котят - Это Путин виноват,
Зайку бросила хозяйка - Кто виновен, угадай-ка!
Вот кончается доска У несчастного бычка,
Наша Таня громко плачет - Рядом Путин, не иначе!
Свет погас, упал забор, У авто заглох мотор,
Зуб здоровый удалили Иль залез в квартиру вор,
Не понравилось кино, Наступили вы в говно…
У любого катаклизма Объяснение одно…
Знает каждый демократ - Это Путин виноват!
Кто вчера в моём подъезде Лифт зассал до потолка?
Мне, товарищи, поверьте- Это Путина рука!
Я поймал по пьяни «белку» - Это Путина проделки!
Куча под столом говна. Это Путина вина!
Засорился унитаз - Это Путина приказ,
Накидал туда бычков, Воду слил - и был таков!
По ночам бельё ворует, Стёкла в нашем доме бьёт.
Пьяным во дворе танцует. Это Путин - обормот!
Нет спасенья от злодея! Матом пишет на стенах,
Изломал кусты в аллее. Это Путин - ох и ах!
Либерала дождик мочит - Путин весело хохочет.
Затопило вашу дачу? - Это Путин, не иначе!
Вас гроза в пути застала? - То рука Кремля достала.
Холод, ветер, снегопад - Снова Путин виноват.
Сносит крышу ураганом? - Это Путин мстит баранам.
Шторм, цунами, наводненье? - Это Путин, без сомненья!
Ливень, оползень, циклон - Виноват конечно он
Сель, лавина, камнепад? - Ясно: Путин виноват!
Смерч, тайфун, землетрясенье - Нет от Путина спасенья!
В темя клюнула ворона? - Это -юный друг ОМОНа.
Пчелы, осы жалят вас? - Это путинский СпецНаз.
Видишь этого шмеля? - Он на службе у Кремля!
Если верите в такое - Это просто паранойя!
Гонят на плешивого почём зря :)
@@andyukraineваш 🤡 еще волосатый?
Ебало завали, холоп
agree 100%
юморной стишок, еще смешнее будет когда все россияне будут выплачивать репарации по итогу, от тогда от души посмеемся всем миром )))
Bluejay allday everyday
But Bluejay doesn't support the 32bit ESCs. Only 8-bit.
@@rjbishop12 for me enough)
@@rjbishop12 Enough for me)
I also blame Putin for all the bad things that happen to me. 😂
Well, I don't
@@FPVUniversity Good, neither do I Pawel. I’m just a sarky git who lives in reality. Perhaps if more people knew who Vicky “cookies” Nuland and her crowd is then maybe the world would be in a different state right now. Sorry Pawel, not wanting to get political, our hobby should be free from that!!!
What an awesome "square" English 😆😂😆😂😆
Что за крики. У нас уже давно все полётные контроллеры собираются свои и имеют свои прошивки. ОЙ
But its also used by Ukraine? So they are also hurting them 🤔
that does not matter
Does inav not use bluejay? And as far as sanctions and whose fault it is you certainly are showing your bias.
yes, we use it. Will try to figure out something...
@@ZipovUA slava ukraini
Where is the issue with bias against Putler ?
041 Franecki Row
War is lame and useless
I wonder of the 0's and 1's know they are russian 0's and 1's
8:47 😂😂😂😂
Unsubbed! This stupid war should not be part oft this hobby. Both countries use drones to kill people. I understand since you are polish, you are biased towards Ukraine.
Me too. His content has been getting pretty tedious recently but this narrative is beyond ridiculous.
Oh no no no. UA uses it to DEFEND from the INVADERS. Z forces use it to kill the innocent. Apparently destruction of civilian structures are somehow related to “demilitarization”… what a joke.
I don’t get it, you are mad and unsubbing because he’s talking about the sanctions due to war? It sounds like you would be offended if you found out salt came from the ocean.
I unsubbed, because he's talking sh*t. Plain and simple
Just FYI, Pawel neither invaded Ukraine nor imposed the sanctions on Russia. He's just *telling* you about what happened.
Only Putin's fault ? lol
He started this war.
But this is EU and US, who imposed the sanctions
@@zorik79 It"s more complicated...
@@Fleche_FPV tell me about. I am from Ukraine.
Well... Let's see what happens. But it's definitely not looking great right now...
Thanks, Pawel! 😊
Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
why is it P 's fault? when its Ukr who used diy fpv drone with payload
Who started the war?
@@FPVUniversity who built the dam at the border of crimea?
@@FPVUniversity the complexity of the geopolitical landscape in ukr and russ cannot be summarized by making a joke about the closing of a "paid/closed source" project.
P may have a lot of flaws, but Z is no saint either. Both have their own sets of skeletons in their closet.
@@FPVUniversity Украина нападала несколько раз на Россию. 1993-1995 год, украинские нацисты воевали в России против России в Чечне, есть видео. Украина сбила российский пассажирский самолет над Черным морем в 2001. Есть еще несколько фактов. Украина- агрессор.
Украина это инструмент США против России, больше ничего. Они продались полностью США ни за что. Будут брошены как Афганистан.
Crimea is a part of Ukraine, occupied by russians a few years earlier. Try harder, Ivan.
oh no... what will I do now... probably absolutely nothing
I don't think you got sense of sarcasm from Pawel.
btw he was pretty neutral in his words since 2022-02-24.... not lie mr Josha Bardwel ake UK ass likker
Кошка бросила котят - это Путин виноват
Crazy to see people defend Putin and that type of government...
Russian bot farm in action
It's even crazier seeing people believing that Ukraine is a great democratic country. One of the most corrupt countries in Europe. Source: transparency international
What type of government? Ones which jail political rivals? Zekensky’s type of government then.
@@wattage2007 Sure, Vladimir
@@Invid72 East Scotland born and bred. Stick that up yer hoop.
Pawel, with "putin" in the title, you triggered an attack of a russian bot farm, resulting in numerous predictable comments criticizing the USA and praising the russian Hitler. That's the world we live in.
I just see that haters gonna hate :)
@@sasha4erny забудь всё что ты им сказал. это просто очередной атрецеон в этом году захвати россию... были монголо-тотары, был польский лже дмитрий, был наполеон, был гитлер, теперь пендосы через меньонов за демократию и все такое прочие.
Паша конечно прикалывается снимая такие провокационные видосы. Но он забывает самую важную особенность: следующей после украины жертвой п_досы приготовили Польшу... ничего им плохого не жилаю. просто смеятся можно только тогда когда ты в безопасности... вот Павел и смеётся
At least there is 2 same brain in the room ,99 % of comments are Russian bot ,imho
@@FPVUniversity Ненависти нет. ни к Украине, ни к западу. Есть сожаление за то что США и Запад решили съесть Россию, потому что пора кого-то съесть, а никакой другой приличной страны не осталось. Ирак, Сирия, Ливия, Югославия разрушены США и НАТО. Но на этот раз не получится. Запад вынужден будет разговаривать, как бы этого не хотелось. И чем дальше запад не принимает условия России, тем хуже эти условия становятся для запада.
I guess Pawel benefits from this bot attack a bit)))
What about Benjamin Netanyahu?
That's not even his real name, why change ya name to sound more Jewish, if you really are Jewish?
Makes no sense, unless he's NOT Jewish.
what about him? How is he connected to this topic?
@@FPVUniversity Probably in response to the "use in warfare" part of the statement from Irina...
🇱🇹 ❤ 🇺🇦
UA is nazi. We remmeber how LT supported Wafen SS...
Good video
Glad you enjoyed
what about the BLheli_s?
For now nothing. But development might be impacted
Thank you for the info
Мы русские сделаем аналог bl32, вот тогда посмотрим кто есть ху
sure, why not, I don't care
@@FPVUniversity that's wise, next step - buy blhely32 licence owner company for cheap by Chinese, US or Russian company. But I think there is no big deal. There are a lot of other ESC software to do the job.
every russian is guilty, not just Putin.
Thanks for info,stay safe
365 Shanahan Ville