Allie Beth Stuckey: Forming Biblical Opinions on Modern Cultural Topics | Kirk Cameron on TBN

  • Опубликовано: 28 июл 2022
  • Takeaways: Author Allie Beth Stuckey joins Kirk Cameron to discuss how Christians can form biblical opinions on current cultural topics. Later, they discuss why it's such a blessing that we are not enough on our own and how we can battle insecurities with help of the Bible.
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    Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today this week and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.
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Комментарии • 34

  • @danielemiceli2040
    @danielemiceli2040 Год назад +1

    You can tell, Allie's a genuine Christian

  • @JMastro2010
    @JMastro2010 Год назад +14

    I have been listening to Allie for a long time! She is great!

  • @tarahurst8722
    @tarahurst8722 Год назад +7

    She speaks the truth and I am thankful for her podcasts, stance, and Biblical outlook on world events.

  • @rickylantz
    @rickylantz Год назад +10

    Thank God for Allie!

  • @emgennagenna5297
    @emgennagenna5297 Год назад +27

    Allie has so much wisdom for a young girl. You are our hope for future generations!

  • @AnnoyingMoose
    @AnnoyingMoose Год назад +4

    My wife's favourite verse was Jeremiah 29:11 which is why it's on her gravestone.

  • @maryl.559
    @maryl.559 Год назад +17

    God gives you the confidence to speak His truth in Love no matter the consequences. Awesome message today

  • @trujilloalm
    @trujilloalm Год назад +10

    It's so exhausting to try to be your best version, you can do that, you can handle a new-born, baby blues, after birth weight loss, marriage, full-time job, a house... I tried because I'm a modern woman who was supposed to be able to do anything. Well, now my kids are 5 and 8, I'm more relaxed to myself, I do what I can and I ask for help anytime I feel I need it. I'm very happy now I understand there's no need to be "superwoman".

  • @marieseidel8102
    @marieseidel8102 Год назад +11

    Love this interview!! Allie has a great perspective on awesome topics!! Thanks

  • @ProdSangreNueva
    @ProdSangreNueva Год назад +1

    I’m a fan of Allie cause she handles de Word God like a sword, it’s really great to watch a young girl so full of wisdom. It also amazes me she hardly breathes when she talks. Such a talented person. God bless her and her family.

  • @DavidMccallister65
    @DavidMccallister65 Год назад +1

    I love Allie and I'm so thankful for her work and service

  • @lilyfromafar969
    @lilyfromafar969 10 месяцев назад

    Bravo 👏 great advice.

  • @junoe983
    @junoe983 Год назад +3

    One take away - my desires are not indicative of God’s will for me. Indeed they may even be at odds with God’s purpose for me!

  • @mcintron3491
    @mcintron3491 Год назад +1

    Great interview!
    God bless you all.

  • @Naphtali70
    @Naphtali70 Год назад +1

    Good job. I am glad
    You are doing this.

  • @kimgary5771
    @kimgary5771 Год назад +1

    Love Allie 🙏

  • @robertadkins92
    @robertadkins92 Год назад

    Wow! Very knowledgable young lady!

  • @erhardtharris8727
    @erhardtharris8727 Год назад +1

    Hey, Kirk!

  • @valeriegoldstein3483
    @valeriegoldstein3483 Год назад

    I remember my pastor responding to the claim “no, I don’t love myself, I hate myself because I’m fat and ugly”… the gist of his response?
    If you really hated yourself, you’d be glad you are ugly because we rejoice in the misfortunes of people we hate. You hate being fat and ugly because you want better for you, you think you deserve better for you. You want the best for yourself. The despair or anger or depression over your deficiencies is rooted in self love, not self hate.

  • @jamoss2007
    @jamoss2007 Год назад +3

    Im in the Worse situation due to insecurities...
    I dont see a way out, around or away from the fall out...
    only gets worse by the day.
    The Holy Spirit leads, yet I fail to follow completely due to insecurities and its buried me in the misery.

    • @trujilloalm
      @trujilloalm Год назад

      Try to bring beauty to your life: buy flowers, clean your house, comb your hair... make an effort to surround yourself with beautiful things... and breath deeply.

    • @charitybrook6279
      @charitybrook6279 Год назад +2

      We are our own worst enemies. As Scripture says, "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak".
      You know what your struggles and insecurities are. So form a plan. Put boundaries between yourself and your flesh and die to yourself while living for Christ daily.
      I tell you this as I struggle myself, but to give up is death.
      We won't follow perfectly overnight. Don't let the enemy get into your ear and stop you from making progress because you think you aren't good enough.
      None of us is good enough, only God is good. And that makes me so much more thankful for His sacrifice!
      Don't stop praying, and be in the Scriptures. Take little steps day by day towards trying to walk more like Christ did. Test yourself on the fruits of the spirit and see where you need fixing.
      When we have a physical ailment we seek out the cure. Well the cure for all ailments is a closer walk with God.
      I will pray for you, please pray for me too as I try my best as well.

    • @maryl.559
      @maryl.559 Год назад +2

      For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7......God loves for us to pray scripture back to him. It becomes a personal relationship with the Lord because He is His Word. So...Dear Lord, you have not given this person a spirit of fear or insecurities. I pray that you fill this person with your power your love and a sound mind. With clarity of thinking your thoughts for them everyday. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
      It takes changing the way you see yourself to seeing the way God thinks of you. The easiest place that satan attacks us is our mind because he knows he cant have our heart. Never give up.
      God loves you so much.

    • @saidycedano5775
      @saidycedano5775 Год назад

      I hope you are doing better my friend, I have shared some advice below if you need it! I spent months in the same issue - upwards of about 7 months in a constant loop and stuck. I had paralyzing anxiety that would not let me progress, plan my days accordingly, project for the future, be accountable and responsible, and more. By the Grace of God I stand today with opportunities and a future, but my past actions appeared that was not going to be the case at some point. Its still a day to day battle. My advice is: First and foremost, repent. Repentance means to recognize in our heart that we have done wrong, that we are weak, that we may have lost out, that we are not living the life He has for us, but repent to HIM. do not let your mind run in circles about the situation, do not self-inflict shame, do not rely on your assessments of yourself, go to Him in prayer and go to His word. otherwise, you may end up with a blurry view of your life, confused and lost, the wrong kind of shame and recognition can make you feel stuck , make sure it is He who is revealing areas of growth and washing you clean, simply repent by acknowledging what you feel in your heart that is not working in your life, and tell Him you cannot do this alone and need Him - speak that to Him in prayer and from the heart. Then, you must surrender yourself, acknowledging you are a human who will never be perfect, but Jesus is, and that's why we get to have setbacks and still receive His guidance. Surrender your need to rely on yourself. For instance, I used to remember "I put myself in this mess, there's no way I can get myself out, it has to be an authority outside of me, it has to be Jesus. I will not rely on me, but on Jesus living in me". which meant I had to build a bond with Him and be willing to sacrifice my desires for His. Its a learning process every day and will be until the day we die. Then, ask Him to enthrone Himself in your heart and mind, ask the Holy Spirit to be the one guiding you out, showing you little by little what other options are there for you to manage your life better.

  • @bethannawhite2275
    @bethannawhite2275 Год назад

    Ally Beth has spoken about being Calvinist in her theology. Wondering if you align with those beliefs Mr. Cameron.
    Thank you

  • @matthewfabian189
    @matthewfabian189 Год назад

    Good stuff!

  • @CoradosCorded3strands
    @CoradosCorded3strands Год назад

    We must read the whole chapter. Verses before and after. And most importantly ask Holy Spirit to reveal the context the truth and how it applies in your life. Gods word is alive!!

  • @Janwills415
    @Janwills415 Год назад

    Amen Allie, we are not enough but God’s grace Is sufficient and His power is perfected in our weakness. Ugh, this hits my Spirit big time. The lie “you are enough”, etc… has gotten into me without my awareness. The enemy of our soul is prowling around sprinkling the air with confusion upon confusion. Praise God He is always enough- especially when I am not.

  • @stepone6159
    @stepone6159 Год назад

    @roland watts. There is a difference between leaving (a) church and Jesus. There is a difference between repentant born again, by the Holy Spirit of God, disciples (learners of His heart and ways of relating to people and having Him transform your heart and mind) and churchianity (having a form of religion, but lacking in any power to change and mature).

  • @JQ787
    @JQ787 Год назад

    I love her may Yahweh help her guide others mind and hearts, in the name of Jesus Amen!

  • @DiZazzosforJesus
    @DiZazzosforJesus Год назад +1

    Could it be that the leaders of today's institutional church have gotten so caught up in other things that the power of God is not moving? God is not asking any leader to 'entertain' believers and make them happy, looking at the words of Jesus, Jesus wanted all of His people to GO and make disciples of all the nations, Jesus wanted His people to love Him with all their heart and soul, Jesus wanted all of His people to be ready for His return, Jesus wanted us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and through it all He said He would love us and not forsake us, He would give rest to the weary and show us His grace and mercy. God's word, which is the truth we should be staying with, said we are to contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all time handed down to the saints. It does not say 'plus what ever you want to add' or 'if you want to worship me in your own special way', believers if it is not in God's word, don't make it part of your worship and service to Him.
    To us it seems that leaders are caught up in how to fix America and so many other things. Jesus called out certain believers to be leaders so that they would preach as He directed. Instead, we have leaders selling or buying books, devotionals, programs, trainings, conferences, merchandise, etc.; focusing on youth groups, Sunday school classes, VBS, singles groups, recovery groups, grief groups, men's groups, woman's groups, etc.; making sure they have board meetings and church votes, following the government standards, not paying taxes and calling it a blessing from God, even though the church of satan does not have to pay taxes either, sending out tax statements (yet pretending they don't know who gives the most money), making sure their building is beautiful, etc.; focusing months on holidays set up by the catholic church not by God, bringing in secular 'holidays' right into the worship of God, such as mother's day, father's day, thanksgiving, the fourth of July, etc.; setting up denominations that get hung up on one thing or another and believing they are the only group doing it right, AKA, I follow Cephas, I follow Paul, I follow Appolos. Absolutely none of this is in God's word yet leaders focus on these things anyway.
    Why, why can't leaders and believers see how they have gotten off track? Every Christian believer seems to be thankful for what Jesus has done in their life, but not thankful enough to rid themselves of what is not in God's word. Why?
    Remember Jesus said, when He returns will He find faith on the earth. Jesus did not speak frivolously, Jesus spoke many time about such things, being ready, following the narrow road which few would find because they are on the broadway, Jesus is warning His followers, that they will be led astray, yet even when you point out the most common ways they have gone astray, they will not listen and get back on the narrow way.
    Is there anyone out there that will purify how they serve and worship the Lord? Do leaders and believers understand that when you add to God's word, you make your worship and service lukewarm? Do leaders and believers understand that for centuries God has put up with this lukewarmness and He has given us the message that the time of His vomiting this lukewarm church is approaching very, very quickly. These messages are warnings to His people that you need to heed the knocking on the door and come out from the church that 'does it their own way'. Do not fall for those that say Revelation 3:14-22 is about 'fake' Christians that were never really saved, God sent an angel to each of His churches because they are His people.
    We have been preaching the messages from God as a warning to His people. Time is running very short and you will be without excuse. He who has ears to hear, please hear before it is too late! Last Days Message - Even Though Today's Leaders Say It, We Are Not Called To Straighten Out The World. We Are Called To Reach The Lost! Christians are not called to fix the world. Remember whose kingdom you are in. Human effort cannot save the world, only sharing the gospel can help people. Jesus and the apostles never involved themselves in the Roman government, their focus was the lost. Jesus is looking for followers that keep His word with no added traditions and ways of man. So much through the centuries, continuing today, has been added to God's word, that God is holding back His power looking for followers that will get back to the purity of His word. Believers dump all the added 'extras' that have been added to the worship of God and you will see the power of God move to change people's lives. Believers you MUST serve God as He desires, do not serve God as you desire because those ways are not in His word, and He is not pleased with them. Man-made 'programs', 'classes', 'books', 'conferences', 'devotionals' and traditions are holding back the power of God. Only God knows everything that you've been through, and man will never know it. Believers spend time with God rather than doing such things that are the ideas of men. Man got off track shortly after Jesus went to sit at the right hand of the Father and believers need to recognize that and get back solely to what is in God's word. Nothing else is needed. Pay attention to the knocking on the institutional, mainstream church and come out from among them and get back to the purity of God's word. Does anyone out there have the ears to hear this message and make those changes? If you don't, you are in danger of being part of the vomit that Jesus speaks about in Revelation 3:14-22 which is soon to come to pass. We earnestly ask you to examine yourself and the leaders you are following.видео.html

  • @terriNCCC
    @terriNCCC Год назад

    Question you need to ask, would Jesus accept a gay or trans person into his circle where he was teaching would he be kind and love them. Yes he would. I wouldn’t. But YES. HE. WOULD.

  • @rolandwatts3218
    @rolandwatts3218 Год назад

    6:10. Indeed we do find basic principles in the bible. However, there is often no good reason to accept them, just because they are in the bible. The authors of the various books lived in different cultures and while they articulate many principles that are common across cultures, they also articulate many that we either ignore, or find abominable. For example, we eat various foods that the biblical authors found repulsive. We find the idea of taking any chattel slaves from foreign countries to be repulsive, and so we ignore that principle. And while some Christians advocate the killing of homosexuals, we generally ignore that, as well as the principle which advocates the same punishment for adulterers and unruly youth.
    7:45. The reason why people misuse verses is because often the bible is not "pretty clear". Believers often kid themselves that the bible is the clear, inerrant and infallible word from God to us, but then they go on to finger point each other as "false prophets" or "wolves in sheep's clothing", and their basis for doing so turns out to be ... their opinions about what the bible means. Believers have, and continue to fight over all kinds of things and their justifications are invariably, biblically based.
    Finally, I think believers really need to understand that the theologies which can be a "blessing" to people in that they help them cope with the darts that life throws at them, those same theologies can be a curse to many others. To see that this is so, they need to actually listen to the voices of ex believers. That way they may gain a better appreciation as to why many people are leaving the church. The problem is, believers are so heavily invested in their various theologies as truth and all that is good, that they lack an ability to understand where ex believers are coming from. As a result, they cannot actually listen.