One of (if not) the most important thing about the Ray fight happends before Ray even spawns. If there is no top or bottom objective spawning from 3:00 - 2:30 and your pokemon has leveled up to where it has most of its benefits such as a move upgrade or significant stat buff (example would be Mew getting a 10% CDR at Lv.13). Then you should already be in the Ray area around 2:30 - 2:15, preferably hiding in one of the enemy side's bushes. This is called getting in to position and gives you an immediate edge over the coming Ray fight. You give your team vision and/or block off one of the enemy team's entry point into the Ray area. Avoid hiding in the enemy side's bushes if you're alone and have no back up if an enemy comes, immediately retreat if you gauge you cannot kill the incoming opponent (s) within about 5s. With this you/your team has control over the Ray area which often decides which team will win. The best thing you can do to win a fight is to make sure the fight is won before it even begins. Also if there is a top or bottom objective spawning between 3:00 - 2:10 and there is more than 3 people from both team there to try and take it, THAT is your Ray fight and be prepared to commit and use your Unite. If a team wins an top/bottom objective team fight at end-game, it is the equivalent of winning the Ray fight. You of course may also use this to your advantage and commit in such a fight to seal the end-game quickly.
This is a super detailed comment, so anyone reading - take some value. This is a whole video worth of information that I have on the shelf in the making! 100% agree with it all!!
This is a great comment. If there's an objective, and we can rip and pressure the enemy and get out alive, we don't need to be hoarding our precious unites like only rayquaza matters lol So many people ignore the last eleki (both the people who say eleki is NEVER worth it, *_and_* the people who die fighting for the first 2 elekis but randomly decide last one doesn't matter). There is so much that the in-game tutorials do not teach and if the devs fixed just that, it would make the whole game a million times better.
OMG! I have been waiting for a Pokemon Unite content creator to go over end-fight positioning in detail. You've even busted it out by various roles in the end-fight! So good! I am so appreciative for this. Thanks!
Late comment, so I doubt you’ll see it, but if you do, please make a video on the jobs of each role throughout the game? Who should the assassin be looking for throughout the game. Should a defender leave lane to get middle birds? Stuff like that. I know a lot of it comes down to how the game is going, but knowing a bit more about what’s expected of each of the roles at various points throughout the game could be very helpful! Awesome content!
@@UniteClimbing maybe split the videos into different roles? How to play and maybe what each role should do to help the team better. Example, should hoopa invade enemy jungle? Probably not. What should hoopa be doing during down time that fits the role of the supporter? Is an attacker’s role to solo push/back cap a tier 2 to score 30 points? Unlikely. Where should an attacker go if both opponents first goals are broken and there are no current team objectives? Maybe it’s a bit too subjective. I just feel like a lot of videos out here show how to play a certain mon, or are just showboating videos. The way you do your content is already leaps and bounds more helpful than others I’ve found, and getting a bit more of a game plan for each role might help people stop playing their Espeon like a Snorlax, then spamming “thanks” when they get obliterated.
I wish I could gift this wondeful knowledge to every player on the surface of the Earth. Including me at the exact moment I'm anxious about the possible outcome of this fight xD Splendid analysis!
I recently started the fight as mammo, picking one of the opponent squishy attacks and throwing it behind me. Turns out my team had another plan and they justvwatch me die to 5 people while they just stand in the bushes and then one by one get picked by the opposite team because they reveal themself one by one. Also my teammates trying to catch the last opponent standing back to our goalzone instead of helping me with ray just to die and me dying tobthe 3 people coming back. Your guide is pretty good! Thanks :-)
Your video is very helpful for me to understand the fight better now when your team has a overall balanced team but it would be great if you also explained the rayquaza fight with different team comps, because the teams in solo queue are rarely balanced. What if your Jungler isn't a ranged attacker? What if there is no support? What if you have no assassin? You covered the "what if there's no defender", there the tankiest pokemon takes it's place. I think that putting different pokemon, especially popular ones, in other positions/roles and showing what could work would be very helpful.
I think he labelled the roles pretty badly in this video. So the jungler can be an all rounder and fufill the “assassin role” sweeping the team. As for the unbalanced roles/teams. Strategy kind of goes out the window at that point. The whole point of having different roles in a team is so you have the tools to win a team fight e.g engage, peel, burst, tank shred. You should be doing everything you can to ensure a good team comp before the game even starts e.g spam pinging “defender/supporter” needed and if that doesn’t work you play that role instead.
1. If your jungler isn't ranged (ie, jungle Aegi who is an assassin) then play the fight dependant on the vision you have. 2. If you have no support or assassin (which happens frequently in SoloQ) then play it as simple as a tank and dps behind you. I hope it helps with positioning!
These are the roles in unite? Yeah sure some overlap because a jungler is where you farm, but is typically the ranged attacker in SoloQ. As for the rest of the comment, 100%. Or just be the one to use the defender
@@UniteClimbing you see a lot of ttar and garchomp in the jungle and other players play speedsters like dodrio/gengar in that place as well. It would be less confusing if it was just classifying pokemon based on the roles they play/characteristics instead of where they start on the map. You did this well w the supporter/cc attacker role section.
@@RaikouNK that's true, I guess for that particular role (the melee jungle) we should add that they float with the attack cc role! For more follow up damage in the main fight
All this time I was losing fights because of these silly mistakes. I'm going to learn this strategy by heart now and give my all. Also congrats on 1k subs. That's gonna skyrocket soon ❤️. All the best bro.
Thanks! This has been really helpful. As someone who plays defenders a lot, I didn't know that I should be the one to start the fight. One thing I find frustrating is when the enemy team goes to backcap, I know that we should be able to punish them but I have never figured out how. Often the team does nothing and the backcapper is able to get back and the enemy team are then in the lead. But I guess if I am defender and see that happening I can start the fight by attacking the bushes.
This is a tricky point. I'll often spam the 'gather here ping' then heavily engage! Tricky is you are a super squishy, so pray that a tank engages before hand
This is honestly one of the best videos I’ve ever watched. I’m a lucario main who’s been able to get 1600 every season, but 1 thing I’m not very consistent with is the rayquaza fights and I actually wasn’t too familiar with sweeping. Like I know who I’m generally trying to target but never knew how to position to get that done. But after watching this and trying it out in my games, I haven’t lost a ray fight in solo q. Already shared this with a few of my friends this video is powerful
In soloq its hard to find these many defenders who will check the bushes so if ur a speedster like gengar throw ur dreameater in bush to check or use future sight from garde or shadow sneak from deci to face check bushes, it really helps.
Just discorverd you now, honestly i think you are one of the best content creator on Unite, period. No one has done this kind of explainations, cristal clear. The amount of informations spoken clearly is insane, bravo. Can't wait to see you blow up, keep it up dude
This was quite a helpful video! I have been trying to climb Solo q and pick my mon based on team comp but mostly have to play Defender, so I play Slowbro, but when I get to play All rounder or Attacker I play Machamp and Venusaur. I understand that checking the bushes, giving vision and initiating the fight is the main role of the Defender in the fight, but my problem arises after the fight starts. Often times I am the 1st to show up to Ray but most of my team is late and the enemies show up on time and while I stall for quite a while due to being Slowbro most of the time, the enemy team gets me, and most of my team shows up WHEN I am dead and the enemy gets Ray cuz I was not present to Dlowbeam the carry or Ray stealer. One scenario that confuses me a lot is when most of my team is not near Ray (someone backcapping while most of my team fights enemy at their base, for example) and I see 2 enemies ripping Ray at a fast pace, it's fast enough that even if I help my team and I win the team fight away from Ray, they will finish Ray by the time we come there, and usually I ge spotted so they may go after me, and it usually turns into a 1 vs 2. So I am confused, should I go to Ray or to my team fighting the 3 enemies? If I go to Ray, should I try to stop/stall the 2 enemies while calling my team to Ray or stay there at a safe distance from the enemies and try to steal Ray?
Honestly, you're describing the SoloQ experience. Don't engage a fight. Don't get picked off. If you die, they pretty much win. Literally run away until your team shows up. If they rip ray, then I'd honestly run to score then try to defend with slowbro unite. You won't steal with bro. These scenarios you are describing are typically the 'unwinnable' matches, so typically you'll lose (and so your team should for playing dumb, it just so happens you're along for the ride). Solution? Not sure. That's why I'm making these videos 🥲
@@UniteClimbing So I guess the best I can do is get a lead throughout the match big enough to save the team even if they get Ray if we stop at least 2 guys (Smth like 400 points...?), then don't int at Ray just to stop the enemies, and then defend using Slowbeam once they get Ray to make sure they can't surpass the the score lead I had (or at least tried to have) the whole game? (I'm just assuming that having a big score lead throughout the match is the only scenario where this is barely winnable)
@@UniteClimbing Aight, thanks for your guides and advice! (TBH I have secured Ray with Scaldbro a surprising amount of times but I admit that it's near impossible when I'm alone with 2 full health enemies coming after me)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on an early gather in the enemy pinch point bushes. Ie, is it clever or a throw to try surprise pick off some of the enemy before they've settled in for the fight? You mention those no-go brown lines, but they're still behind the enemy side pinch points.
I noticed that when I win matches or close ray fights this is what I do. Now I actually understand why it works instead of doing it purely on instinct.
I love the breakdown by role! But, in solo q one really can't expect much. Especially by way of team comp. Usually my whole team is squishies and *at least one* is afk. I do my best to fill in as tank/support, and I get mvp a lot but it seems that just makes the matchmaking system find even worse teammates each time.
Make a video about in which time laner also do farm so laner pokemon also reach lvl 13 in final fight. At the end of game i always at lvl 11 or 12 not lvl 13
Outplay them. Often the positioning is similar! Spectate any game and you'll notice it. If you're the jungler, be mindful of who their assassin in, how far can they dive? Are you in a position to escape/avoid it? Have the knowledge, then look to outplay 🙌
Wait for them, ping them to group. If they don't, do your best to steal Ray, but let's be honest it's a team game and if you don't have a team then you ain't gonna win. There are some games you literally just can't win because people in solo q are terrible 😂
@@UniteClimbing yeah I loved playing tsreena when she was good but you're right It's bad right now no worries Also what itemset do you think is best for blastoise since spoons release?
As a mamoswine main I tend to score 50 4 seconds before the 2nd minute mark when I'm losing because that makes us either even or puts pressure on the enemy meaning we don't need rayquaza but my teammates always want to rip rayquaza
Hmm wish they would had made a tutorial that best describes that in game for newbies. Most SoloQ ends with half the team playing like 3 yr olds who have no game sense. Or one team dominates the other side and spawn camps. I do love these guides though. Helps me reduce my own mistakes.
Can we make unite video duoQ with Mr.Mime and espeon Mr.mime can stun pokemons a lot with confusion and barier while you make the pokemon stun i will use physhock and phsybem on them its another stun confusion and psyshock has like 4 seconds cool down we can take down the enemy pokemon without even the enemy pokemon attacking us....Some pokemon like Buzzwole leech life move can be canceled when confusion hits buzzwole if you think this is an awesome Combo..... I dont have any friends in unite to tell them what pokemon to choose so pls bro we can just play one 10minutes match we can talk in discord while we are playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro we overlevel them and was fighting them at base then our lvl 15 Dragapult hit a wall and got bodied by 4 people we had to retreat I mean how the hell does he hit a wall with dragon dance?
My Problem is, I understand Strategies but If team mates don't know strategies or they are following different strategies thar is the main problem. I try to share this video to players in discord server.
Trevenant was so freakishly strong before, and the crazy thing is it was never nerfed; it's gotten little buffs three different patches. *_But_* in the current meta (with all the CC + rapid fire snipers) Trev's range is kinda awkward, its moves & combos can get disrupted or outmaneuvered, and its momentum just suffers a lot as a result. Then there's also the issue of all the newer pokemon with hyper mobility and/or invisibility. Now on top of sableye there's dragapult, and on top of dodrio there's [newly viable] blue urshifu. It's hard out there for trees, but yeah, it's not unaccurate to say Trev can't do much at ray in the meta right now.
I can smell a personal agenda being pushed with this video. That line is not everything. That line is not throwing the game. Let say everyone watched this video, then everyone know’s this tactics. So guess what would happen. Either they follow it or have a different tactic like go score a goal beyond that line. I think this is good to be put out there but there are more strategies out there not just this.
One of (if not) the most important thing about the Ray fight happends before Ray even spawns. If there is no top or bottom objective spawning from 3:00 - 2:30 and your pokemon has leveled up to where it has most of its benefits such as a move upgrade or significant stat buff (example would be Mew getting a 10% CDR at Lv.13). Then you should already be in the Ray area around 2:30 - 2:15, preferably hiding in one of the enemy side's bushes. This is called getting in to position and gives you an immediate edge over the coming Ray fight. You give your team vision and/or block off one of the enemy team's entry point into the Ray area. Avoid hiding in the enemy side's bushes if you're alone and have no back up if an enemy comes, immediately retreat if you gauge you cannot kill the incoming opponent (s) within about 5s. With this you/your team has control over the Ray area which often decides which team will win. The best thing you can do to win a fight is to make sure the fight is won before it even begins.
Also if there is a top or bottom objective spawning between 3:00 - 2:10 and there is more than 3 people from both team there to try and take it, THAT is your Ray fight and be prepared to commit and use your Unite. If a team wins an top/bottom objective team fight at end-game, it is the equivalent of winning the Ray fight. You of course may also use this to your advantage and commit in such a fight to seal the end-game quickly.
This is a super detailed comment, so anyone reading - take some value.
This is a whole video worth of information that I have on the shelf in the making! 100% agree with it all!!
This is a great comment. If there's an objective, and we can rip and pressure the enemy and get out alive, we don't need to be hoarding our precious unites like only rayquaza matters lol
So many people ignore the last eleki (both the people who say eleki is NEVER worth it, *_and_* the people who die fighting for the first 2 elekis but randomly decide last one doesn't matter). There is so much that the in-game tutorials do not teach and if the devs fixed just that, it would make the whole game a million times better.
OMG! I have been waiting for a Pokemon Unite content creator to go over end-fight positioning in detail. You've even busted it out by various roles in the end-fight! So good! I am so appreciative for this. Thanks!
I hope it helps mate 😍
@@UniteClimbing For me, already has. Now if I can only get my teammates on board 🙂
Late comment, so I doubt you’ll see it, but if you do, please make a video on the jobs of each role throughout the game? Who should the assassin be looking for throughout the game. Should a defender leave lane to get middle birds? Stuff like that. I know a lot of it comes down to how the game is going, but knowing a bit more about what’s expected of each of the roles at various points throughout the game could be very helpful! Awesome content!
This is a good idea. Like a video explaining how to actually play the game? This would be a really long video but I think it is worth making!
@@UniteClimbing maybe split the videos into different roles? How to play and maybe what each role should do to help the team better. Example, should hoopa invade enemy jungle? Probably not. What should hoopa be doing during down time that fits the role of the supporter? Is an attacker’s role to solo push/back cap a tier 2 to score 30 points? Unlikely. Where should an attacker go if both opponents first goals are broken and there are no current team objectives? Maybe it’s a bit too subjective. I just feel like a lot of videos out here show how to play a certain mon, or are just showboating videos. The way you do your content is already leaps and bounds more helpful than others I’ve found, and getting a bit more of a game plan for each role might help people stop playing their Espeon like a Snorlax, then spamming “thanks” when they get obliterated.
I wish I could gift this wondeful knowledge to every player on the surface of the Earth. Including me at the exact moment I'm anxious about the possible outcome of this fight xD Splendid analysis!
You got this! It is tough, but being mindful of this will help
I recently started the fight as mammo, picking one of the opponent squishy attacks and throwing it behind me. Turns out my team had another plan and they justvwatch me die to 5 people while they just stand in the bushes and then one by one get picked by the opposite team because they reveal themself one by one.
Also my teammates trying to catch the last opponent standing back to our goalzone instead of helping me with ray just to die and me dying tobthe 3 people coming back.
Your guide is pretty good! Thanks :-)
soloq moment
This will happen bro! But it is rarer and rarer as time is going on!
Your video is very helpful for me to understand the fight better now when your team has a overall balanced team but it would be great if you also explained the rayquaza fight with different team comps, because the teams in solo queue are rarely balanced. What if your Jungler isn't a ranged attacker? What if there is no support? What if you have no assassin? You covered the "what if there's no defender", there the tankiest pokemon takes it's place. I think that putting different pokemon, especially popular ones, in other positions/roles and showing what could work would be very helpful.
I think he labelled the roles pretty badly in this video. So the jungler can be an all rounder and fufill the “assassin role” sweeping the team.
As for the unbalanced roles/teams. Strategy kind of goes out the window at that point. The whole point of having different roles in a team is so you have the tools to win a team fight e.g engage, peel, burst, tank shred.
You should be doing everything you can to ensure a good team comp before the game even starts e.g spam pinging “defender/supporter” needed and if that doesn’t work you play that role instead.
1. If your jungler isn't ranged (ie, jungle Aegi who is an assassin) then play the fight dependant on the vision you have.
2. If you have no support or assassin (which happens frequently in SoloQ) then play it as simple as a tank and dps behind you.
I hope it helps with positioning!
These are the roles in unite? Yeah sure some overlap because a jungler is where you farm, but is typically the ranged attacker in SoloQ.
As for the rest of the comment, 100%. Or just be the one to use the defender
@@UniteClimbing you see a lot of ttar and garchomp in the jungle and other players play speedsters like dodrio/gengar in that place as well.
It would be less confusing if it was just classifying pokemon based on the roles they play/characteristics instead of where they start on the map. You did this well w the supporter/cc attacker role section.
@@RaikouNK that's true, I guess for that particular role (the melee jungle) we should add that they float with the attack cc role! For more follow up damage in the main fight
All this time I was losing fights because of these silly mistakes. I'm going to learn this strategy by heart now and give my all. Also congrats on 1k subs. That's gonna skyrocket soon ❤️. All the best bro.
You got this! Thanks bro 😍
This is what I been waiting for. Thank you so much.
No worries mate, more to come on this topic. It's the tip of the iceberg!
Thank you for doing God’s work and helping people be better at unite 🙏🏼 You’re literally saving lives 😭
Thanks bro just trying to help build community knowledge ❤️
Thanks! This has been really helpful. As someone who plays defenders a lot, I didn't know that I should be the one to start the fight. One thing I find frustrating is when the enemy team goes to backcap, I know that we should be able to punish them but I have never figured out how. Often the team does nothing and the backcapper is able to get back and the enemy team are then in the lead. But I guess if I am defender and see that happening I can start the fight by attacking the bushes.
This is a tricky point. I'll often spam the 'gather here ping' then heavily engage! Tricky is you are a super squishy, so pray that a tank engages before hand
This is honestly one of the best videos I’ve ever watched. I’m a lucario main who’s been able to get 1600 every season, but 1 thing I’m not very consistent with is the rayquaza fights and I actually wasn’t too familiar with sweeping. Like I know who I’m generally trying to target but never knew how to position to get that done. But after watching this and trying it out in my games, I haven’t lost a ray fight in solo q. Already shared this with a few of my friends this video is powerful
That's awesome mate! Positioning and presence is an under discussed topic in this game!!
In soloq its hard to find these many defenders who will check the bushes so if ur a speedster like gengar throw ur dreameater in bush to check or use future sight from garde or shadow sneak from deci to face check bushes, it really helps.
Yes!! I always poke pushes with spirit shackle. Awesome point bro 🙌🙌🙌🙌
Great guide as always.
1k, congrats :).
Thanks a ton bro 😍
Just discorverd you now, honestly i think you are one of the best content creator on Unite, period. No one has done this kind of explainations, cristal clear. The amount of informations spoken clearly is insane, bravo. Can't wait to see you blow up, keep it up dude
Thanks mate I really appreciate this 😍🙌 plenty more to come!
Too often that Ray fight is over before it starts. Great tips to have a plan and do what is needed
Haha well said, far too often
congrats on 1k, well deserved
Much appreciated!
This was quite a helpful video!
I have been trying to climb Solo q and pick my mon based on team comp but mostly have to play Defender, so I play Slowbro, but when I get to play All rounder or Attacker I play Machamp and Venusaur.
I understand that checking the bushes, giving vision and initiating the fight is the main role of the Defender in the fight, but my problem arises after the fight starts.
Often times I am the 1st to show up to Ray but most of my team is late and the enemies show up on time and while I stall for quite a while due to being Slowbro most of the time, the enemy team gets me, and most of my team shows up WHEN I am dead and the enemy gets Ray cuz I was not present to Dlowbeam the carry or Ray stealer.
One scenario that confuses me a lot is when most of my team is not near Ray (someone backcapping while most of my team fights enemy at their base, for example) and I see 2 enemies ripping Ray at a fast pace, it's fast enough that even if I help my team and I win the team fight away from Ray, they will finish Ray by the time we come there, and usually I ge spotted so they may go after me, and it usually turns into a 1 vs 2.
So I am confused, should I go to Ray or to my team fighting the 3 enemies? If I go to Ray, should I try to stop/stall the 2 enemies while calling my team to Ray or stay there at a safe distance from the enemies and try to steal Ray?
Honestly, you're describing the SoloQ experience.
Don't engage a fight. Don't get picked off. If you die, they pretty much win. Literally run away until your team shows up. If they rip ray, then I'd honestly run to score then try to defend with slowbro unite. You won't steal with bro.
These scenarios you are describing are typically the 'unwinnable' matches, so typically you'll lose (and so your team should for playing dumb, it just so happens you're along for the ride). Solution? Not sure. That's why I'm making these videos 🥲
@@UniteClimbing So I guess the best I can do is get a lead throughout the match big enough to save the team even if they get Ray if we stop at least 2 guys (Smth like 400 points...?), then don't int at Ray just to stop the enemies, and then defend using Slowbeam once they get Ray to make sure they can't surpass the the score lead I had (or at least tried to have) the whole game?
(I'm just assuming that having a big score lead throughout the match is the only scenario where this is barely winnable)
@@UniteClimbing Also, I get how you feel bro.
You have to suffer through Solo q frequently just so we don't have to.
@@pkmntrainerred4247 pretty much!
@@UniteClimbing Aight, thanks for your guides and advice!
(TBH I have secured Ray with Scaldbro a surprising amount of times but I admit that it's near impossible when I'm alone with 2 full health enemies coming after me)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on an early gather in the enemy pinch point bushes. Ie, is it clever or a throw to try surprise pick off some of the enemy before they've settled in for the fight?
You mention those no-go brown lines, but they're still behind the enemy side pinch points.
If you can be in this position safely, yes! But it is a rare case.
I noticed that when I win matches or close ray fights this is what I do. Now I actually understand why it works instead of doing it purely on instinct.
Always trust positioning!!
I assume as Urshifu I should be following the path you mentioned in the Aegislash vid.
I love the breakdown by role! But, in solo q one really can't expect much. Especially by way of team comp.
Usually my whole team is squishies and *at least one* is afk.
I do my best to fill in as tank/support, and I get mvp a lot but it seems that just makes the matchmaking system find even worse teammates each time.
Wow really? It is never that bad in my experience. Sometimes you get the games where everyone is a squishy, so I just play the thickest tank.
Make a video about in which time laner also do farm so laner pokemon also reach lvl 13 in final fight. At the end of game i always at lvl 11 or 12 not lvl 13
This is true, super pokemon specific. Did I answer this question for Lucario, in my Lucario video?
Nice guide
Pls make a video about the assassin role pls
Aegislash mate! The best of them all 😉
What if the opposite team also does the same?
Better team wins with some luck!
Statistically 1 person always breaks formation so it's a matter of luck whether your teammates help instead of throw.
Outplay them. Often the positioning is similar! Spectate any game and you'll notice it. If you're the jungler, be mindful of who their assassin in, how far can they dive? Are you in a position to escape/avoid it?
Have the knowledge, then look to outplay 🙌
aaand you’ve earned a sub just by saying “stop throwing the game”
Hahah thanks mate! People are getting better but it still needs work
what about if all your team isn't in position how do you approach ray?
Wait for them, ping them to group. If they don't, do your best to steal Ray, but let's be honest it's a team game and if you don't have a team then you ain't gonna win. There are some games you literally just can't win because people in solo q are terrible 😂
You wait, try not to get picked off by enemies. If your team just doesn't come at all, then that sucks. But it's often rare (in masters)
Big help
I'm glad mate 😍
it's crazy how many soloq maches where my defender would back cap or assume i as the zeraora would go in and initiate the fight
It needs to be wide spread knowledge!
@@UniteClimbing crazier how if you look at their profile sometimes they don’t even play defender
Hey bro could you make a tsreena guide please
I can, and I will. But tsareena is just so bad right now. Which is sad because I was an almost Tsar main 6 months ago
@@UniteClimbing yeah I loved playing tsreena when she was good but you're right It's bad right now no worries
Also what itemset do you think is best for blastoise since spoons release?
As a mamoswine main I tend to score 50 4 seconds before the 2nd minute mark when I'm losing because that makes us either even or puts pressure on the enemy meaning we don't need rayquaza but my teammates always want to rip rayquaza
I hope this video can convince you to play otherwise 🙌
"Where's the line? It's right there." And that's how Dora lost her job.
Hahahha 😅 people please stop the exploring
Hey i become 1 thound subscriber
Nice to see you grow
Bro ..... Can u make how to play in compititive 🫡🫡 pls. ....
I feel like this is a coaching thing, as it is really unique to each team comp!
Yep.... And pls do a vid on how to play in competitive .... With strategies ...😄😄 Because our team is losing 🥲💔
Hmm wish they would had made a tutorial that best describes that in game for newbies. Most SoloQ ends with half the team playing like 3 yr olds who have no game sense. Or one team dominates the other side and spawn camps.
I do love these guides though. Helps me reduce my own mistakes.
Thanks mate! I have more of these on the way
W Guide W Channel
Thanks mate 🙌
Can we make unite video duoQ with Mr.Mime and espeon
Mr.mime can stun pokemons a lot with confusion and barier
while you make the pokemon stun i will use physhock and phsybem on them its another stun confusion and psyshock has like 4 seconds cool down we can take down the enemy pokemon without even the enemy pokemon attacking us....Some pokemon like Buzzwole leech life move can be canceled when confusion hits buzzwole if you think this is an awesome Combo..... I dont have any friends in unite to tell them what pokemon to choose so pls bro we can just play one 10minutes match we can talk in discord while we are playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro we overlevel them and was fighting them at base then our lvl 15 Dragapult hit a wall and got bodied by 4 people we had to retreat I mean how the hell does he hit a wall with dragon dance?
Damn bro you got this next time!
My Problem is, I understand Strategies but If team mates don't know strategies or they are following different strategies thar is the main problem.
I try to share this video to players in discord server.
Thanks for sharing bro! I want this to be common knowledge so I'll keep making similar videos
That line doesn't matter for certain pokemon like talonflame,lucario :)
Nice video
Yes, a well pilotted Lucario or Talon or Greedant is an exception to this line 😅
EXACTLY!! my attackers will go score their 50 at 2min even at 1600 master
It will happen until we're all blue in the face. There must be psychology behind it
1k subs before gang
Not Agree on Trevenent point
I kinda regret saying it to be honest. Trev is a great tank, but in the wrong hands kinda does nothing at ray fight
Agree on that
Trevenant was so freakishly strong before, and the crazy thing is it was never nerfed; it's gotten little buffs three different patches. *_But_* in the current meta (with all the CC + rapid fire snipers) Trev's range is kinda awkward, its moves & combos can get disrupted or outmaneuvered, and its momentum just suffers a lot as a result.
Then there's also the issue of all the newer pokemon with hyper mobility and/or invisibility.
Now on top of sableye there's dragapult, and on top of dodrio there's [newly viable] blue urshifu. It's hard out there for trees, but yeah, it's not unaccurate to say Trev can't do much at ray in the meta right now.
Are you a teacher...?
Yeah I am 😅
@@UniteClimbing it works perfectly. Your vids give me Khan Academy vibes!
I can smell a personal agenda being pushed with this video. That line is not everything. That line is not throwing the game.
Let say everyone watched this video, then everyone know’s this tactics. So guess what would happen. Either they follow it or have a different tactic like go score a goal beyond that line. I think this is good to be put out there but there are more strategies out there not just this.