11 women complain about their husbands

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • The Hadith of Um Zara - The 11 women
    Fundamental Issues and Islamic principles taken from this hadeeth
    The etiquette of a man listening to his wife without interrupting her speech. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) listened to Aisha (radi Allahu anha) without cutting her off while she was talking.
    The superiority of Aisha’s knowledge, comprehension and her preservation of the Shariah.
    Having nightly or evening chats are from the Sunnah.
    Thus hadeeth shows the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) had excellent character.
    This hadith details the moral excellence of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)Whenever He was asked for something, He never said: “No”.Aisha (Radi Allahu Anha) asked the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) about this hadith and he narrated to her word for word.
    It’s recommended for a scholar to make things easy to understand when asked about general issues. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) would repeat His speech 3x,so that it could be understood.
    It’s recommended to ask questions in order to learn the religion. Aisha (radi Allah anha) asked the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) about the Hadith of Um Zara’.
    Indirect expressions for divorce are invalid unless accompanied with the intention for divorce. Abu Zara’ divorced Um Zara and the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) told Aisha (Radi Allah anha), “I am to you as Abu Zar was to his wife Um Zara’.”
    Just because something or someone resembles person or thing it does not necessary carry the same verdict. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) compared Himself to Abu Zara’ who divorced his wife and the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) didn’t divorce Aisha based on his comparison of Himself to Abu Zara’.
    It’s permissible for the man to remind his wife about his kind treatment towards her to strengthen the bond of love.
    It’s allowed for a man to address some of his family in the presence of others. In one narration Aisha (radi Allahu Anha) mentioned there were other women with her, and the Prophet () said: I am to you as Abu Zar was to his wife Um Zara’”
    It is recommended for a man to do things to make his wife happy through his speech or actions.
    There is no harm for the man to remind his wife of his kindness towards her in order to avoid ungratefulness.
    If a man loves one of his wives more than others there is no blame on his behalf for that feeling. This hadith clearly shows the love the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) had for Aisha.
    It’s permissible to praise yourself if that praise brings about goodness in religious and worldly affairs. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: I am to you as Abu Zar was to his wife Um Zara”
    It’s permissible to praise a man in his face if that praise doesn’t corrupt his sense of self. Aisha (Radi Allahu Anha) told the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) “You are better to me than Abu Zara towards his wife.” [ collected in Musnad Abu Ishaq 2/237 with a sound isnad]
    It’s permissible to narrated authentic stories from the previous nations. In some narrations it mentioned these 11 women were in Jahiliyah.
    It’s permissible to joke with your family from time to time.
    It’s permissible to mention some beautiful descriptions of unknown women to other men or women. This is established in this hadith. It’s not allowed to mention a known woman’s description to others; as this might entice the listener to desire her. i.e my friends wife shouldn’t be described to me.
    This hadith shows that a man can have the same Kunya as his wife.
    This hadtih shows that whenever women get together in most times and chat they talk about men or just gossip.

    [1] Al-Bukhari (5189)Muslim(244
    [2] Shaykh Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Abdillah born 777 in Damacus . He travelled the earth and learned from 100’s of scholars during his era. Among the most well-known scholars he learned from was Ibn Mullaqqin,Al-Balqeeni, ibn As-Sa-niqh, Ath-Thahabbi’s son (Abdur Rahman). He authored Ithaful Salik bi Riwayatil Muwatta, Iftahul Qara’I li Sahih Al-Bukhari,Musnad Tamim Ad-Darami, and numerous others.

Комментарии • 173

  • @fatimaisak8125
    @fatimaisak8125 3 года назад +77

    "The Worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s Faults. - Ali Ibn Abi Talib”

    • @ColonelFluffles
      @ColonelFluffles 3 года назад +2

      Are you offended by the video as a woman? Well guess what, that's the most stupendous quote I've read so far, because you're learning from other people's faults by having that initial interest in it. Even in the Quran, the way stories are told, Allah urges us to look at other's mistakes so that we learn.

    • @ortho5387
      @ortho5387 2 года назад

      You probably shia innit

  • @Btraain
    @Btraain 3 года назад +39

    Ma shaa Allah exactly what we as a ummah need. In my surroundings it is as if everybody is blind to emotional intelligence and how the opposite gender is working. Thus, many failed relationships can be seen, broken families and abuse. May Allah swt. help our ummah.

  • @m_a_l_i_k_a_
    @m_a_l_i_k_a_ 3 года назад +30

    I love your work and content, may Allaah give you baaraka and tawfiq!

  • @mariebarbee7491
    @mariebarbee7491 3 года назад +4

    Wonderful job we as a people need to hear these things, they must be talked about so change can come. Peace and blessings.

  • @MrTimmy23
    @MrTimmy23 3 года назад +5

    brother, keep up the good work. We need more muslims speaking about the important issues and educating the youth

  • @user-uv7pj3pw3g
    @user-uv7pj3pw3g 3 года назад +37

    He has A lot of Ashes means he always have guests to feed and welcome as in he is generous , people used to use wood to make fire for the cooking and when the fire dies there is Always Ashes around the tent and that is how Arabs use to describe someone who is generous . Allah knows best

    • @kayc.8283
      @kayc.8283 3 года назад +4

      JazaKallah khair for the explanation ❤️

    • @hamidswift
      @hamidswift 3 года назад +4

      Beauty of the language.

  • @shaestatarannum7177
    @shaestatarannum7177 3 года назад +3

    This really got me thinking...Read hadeeth and understand them..ti follow our prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

  • @ahmadhamada1641
    @ahmadhamada1641 2 года назад +6

    2 points i can add
    The man being like a cheeta in house and a lion outside means sleeping alot in house and very active outside
    Like a man working for long hours and only coming home to sleep and go back to work
    Alot of ashes means generous, it indicates coking for many people and thus producing ashes

  • @adonis9568
    @adonis9568 3 года назад +22

    I don't know you before mufti menk's knitting
    Now iam a follower of you
    Love 💘from India 🇮🇳

    • @meldewitte
      @meldewitte 3 года назад +1

      Me tooo 😊

    • @adonis9568
      @adonis9568 3 года назад +1

      @@meldewitte are you from India

    • @meldewitte
      @meldewitte 3 года назад +2

      @@adonis9568 no no im from Belgium 😊

    • @adonis9568
      @adonis9568 3 года назад +1

      @@meldewitte oh cool

    • @adonis9568
      @adonis9568 3 года назад

      @@meldewitte name??

  • @zemzemtrade5844
    @zemzemtrade5844 Год назад

    اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ قَلْبٍ لاَ يَخْشَعُ، ومِنْ دُعَاءٍ لاَ يُسْمَعُ، وَمِنْ نَفْسٍ لاَ تَشْبَعُ

  • @angelinataherin3102
    @angelinataherin3102 3 года назад +17

    as a woman, i think man should be soft, and kind with his wife and family, but also strong and manly. and the greatest example is prophet Muhammad (pbuh) . so brothers use kind words towards ur wives. i know we, women are very complicated. even when u will praise her, we will be like nayyy u r jnot serious, but then inside we will be feeling very happy. and when we grt angry, just give us kind smile, idk but it shuts our angers, but remember, being strong does not mean being harsh to ur wives, talking with then in a strict and harsh tone(sadly which may be the definition of an alpha male in the west). Dont look into the west culture to know about manliness. look into The Quran and sunnah to know what a real man is. also dont think that to be kind and loving towards ur wife, u have to be like a mice. no, that"s a big no. dont be like those, who r always on their wives's side, even when she is wrong.support her when she is right ; correct her when she is wrong. but dont be harsh while correcting her and dont correct her in a humiliating way. when u r angry with us about something, instead og screaming, just start being silent, that makes us really guilty and see us our own bad sides.

    • @Mark-go7qm
      @Mark-go7qm 3 года назад +5

      Don't need lectures from women for how to be a man. Your words and actions don't have resemblance often

    • @angelinataherin3102
      @angelinataherin3102 3 года назад +6

      @@Mark-go7qm can u explain how my words ans actions dont have resemblance?

    • @angelinataherin3102
      @angelinataherin3102 3 года назад +15

      @@Mark-go7qm and stop being arrogant. u know arrogance is haram in Islam. then I can also say I dont need to learn how to be a good muslimah from brother gabriel. because I don't need to know how to be a woman from a man. Allah created man and woman to complete eachother, not for to compete with eachother.

    • @Mark-go7qm
      @Mark-go7qm 3 года назад

      @@angelinataherin3102 womens*

    • @angelinataherin3102
      @angelinataherin3102 3 года назад +2

      @@Mark-go7qm ok. then why Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) took advice from his wife umm salamah (ra)? according to ir theory, all women's words and actions dont have resemblance.

  • @radiation8174
    @radiation8174 3 года назад +5

    We all have our weaknesses, the question is how can we help each other?

  • @sis.m.
    @sis.m. 3 года назад +1

    Good job brother, keep doing videos!! MashaAllah

  • @centric145
    @centric145 3 года назад +1

    Of course,men and women will always remember the one who take their hearts.Alhamdulillah my second is the best.

  • @MoSiddeek
    @MoSiddeek 2 года назад +3

    9:10 "...He has lots of ashes." It means that he's hospitable and always hosts people to eat meat, so there's always ashes left behind from the cooking. "Has lots of ashes" is a common way to describe someone who's generous.

  • @parbaatkauspaar5385
    @parbaatkauspaar5385 3 года назад


  • @yasminenazarine1629
    @yasminenazarine1629 3 года назад +12

    In West husband wife so much problems because of free living chiidrens run away from their parents home being alone with only boyfriends girlfriends roommate 😳

  • @iimiboy
    @iimiboy 3 года назад +5

    Agree sheikh no way I'm speaking about my woman other than good

  • @hadisergan1
    @hadisergan1 2 года назад

    oyalaikumussalam oyarahmatullahi oyabarkatuh, jajakAllah khairan, love you

  • @nibrassAlmarifa
    @nibrassAlmarifa 3 года назад

    Great job bro.

  • @farahsiddique6702
    @farahsiddique6702 3 года назад +4


  • @m_a_l_i_k_a_
    @m_a_l_i_k_a_ 3 года назад +16

    Unfortunately many Muslims are prejudiced against such kind of topics and generally what crosses psychology issues. It is a black and white understanding what many people have mostly in our community and it is hard to prove the other way cause Muslims are very ignorant on this matters. We need a lot of growth and maturity and education in regard to these topics and relationship issues.

    • @ummerfarooq5383
      @ummerfarooq5383 3 года назад +2

      Your attack against the muslims is what it is.

    • @m_a_l_i_k_a_
      @m_a_l_i_k_a_ 3 года назад +2

      @@ummerfarooq5383 You consider my words as an attack against the muslims?🤔

    • @ummerfarooq5383
      @ummerfarooq5383 3 года назад

      @@m_a_l_i_k_a_ the arabic word mü§lim translates into English via etymology concordance as 'saviour'.

    • @m_a_l_i_k_a_
      @m_a_l_i_k_a_ 3 года назад +2

      @@ummerfarooq5383 and what does this have to do with what I said?

    • @ummerfarooq5383
      @ummerfarooq5383 3 года назад

      @@m_a_l_i_k_a_ are you still holding up what you blurted out???

  • @kh4liqi
    @kh4liqi 3 года назад +2

    Can we have 11 Complaints about women by men please!

    • @aishaseid2813
      @aishaseid2813 3 года назад +1

      We didn't found the Shaba of Rasululah selwatu Rabi wa selamu Aalayk ya Habibti ya Rasululah Sat down and complain those wives please make duaa instead of complain my brother!🙏

  • @imblessed62
    @imblessed62 3 года назад +3

    I also hear men are worse talking about the women

  • @bisolasolina5098
    @bisolasolina5098 4 месяца назад

    Asalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh. I'm confused. Was it the prophet S.A.W telling Aisha R.A or Aisha R.A informing the prophet of what she heard? Please clarify, jazakallahu khairan.

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад +3

    this is why women lose their deeds to their husbands, they should help each other get good deeds not lose it.
    Men are more polygamous, and many get over divorce faster, they might nto get over the injustices of divorce in west faster... thats different!

  • @YourLordIsOne
    @YourLordIsOne 2 года назад

    wa aleikom ASsalaam wa ra7matullah wa barakatuh

  • @nuran5537
    @nuran5537 3 года назад +7

    The rabbit one was soo cute //^//

    • @QQ_0205
      @QQ_0205 3 года назад +1


    • @aneesahussein1522
      @aneesahussein1522 3 года назад

      Rabbit means he is soft skin and wanna do it all the time.

  • @zmafam2615
    @zmafam2615 3 года назад


  • @meowsaymeow
    @meowsaymeow 10 месяцев назад

    Mufti menk tries to say if my wife says this. He 😂😂😂

  • @mafgm1606
    @mafgm1606 2 года назад

    22:48 😭😭Subhan Allah

  • @ummerfarooq5383
    @ummerfarooq5383 3 года назад +1

    14:40 it's not a laughing matter for those who live at the door of famine.

  • @sk3440
    @sk3440 20 дней назад

    The reason wo. En move on faster than men is because by the time they end up leaving a relationship they have already emotionally checked out long ago. So it looks like they are moving on faster but they've mentally and emotionally been through the stages of a breakup. So emotionally checked out.

  • @mirakbar9029
    @mirakbar9029 3 года назад +7

    One think I understand that - doesn't matter how hard you try there is no proper translation of Arabic sentences to any other language. You have to live this language (i.e. live Arab speaking country) and culture to understand Quran and Hadid.

    • @ummerfarooq5383
      @ummerfarooq5383 3 года назад

      Yes there is. It is based upon etymology concordance

    • @rickyusuf8696
      @rickyusuf8696 3 года назад +1

      Well, this Hadith is super tough on Arabic language.

    • @proudtobe9932
      @proudtobe9932 3 года назад +1

      That’s why the scholars explain other scholars books

  • @sarahsegers5411
    @sarahsegers5411 3 года назад

    I like to contact you , because i have a huge problem in my marriage. And i just dont know what to do .

  • @zeyadkenawi8268
    @zeyadkenawi8268 3 года назад +2

    this hadith is very hard to understand. Sheikh alheweny explained it in a 3 hours lecture

    • @OS-ii7po
      @OS-ii7po 3 года назад

      is there on youtube?

    • @zeyadkenawi8268
      @zeyadkenawi8268 3 года назад +1

      @@OS-ii7po it's in Arabic

    • @OS-ii7po
      @OS-ii7po 3 года назад

      @@zeyadkenawi8268 im really intrested in it

    • @zeyadkenawi8268
      @zeyadkenawi8268 3 года назад

      @@OS-ii7po ruclips.net/video/xI8HoXcxuSE/видео.html
      I thought I have commented already but it seems that youtube is broken. Sorry brother

    • @OS-ii7po
      @OS-ii7po 3 года назад +1

      @@zeyadkenawi8268 thank you

  • @meowsaymeow
    @meowsaymeow 10 месяцев назад

    This may not be sharia. Yet every human has different tolerance personalities. If it's just about sharia why would hazrat Ayesha r.a. talk about this. And that it be narrated by her.

  • @centric145
    @centric145 3 года назад +7

    You have no idea how much men speak about their wives.When I found out I was so disgusted.

    • @aneesahussein1522
      @aneesahussein1522 3 года назад +14

      Generally men dont speak about their wives.

    • @umar3298
      @umar3298 2 года назад +2

      @@aneesahussein1522 haha so false, Majority of the men I encountered only say bad things

    • @shtv5685
      @shtv5685 2 года назад +5

      @@umar3298 if you are around bad peoples then what do you expect from them good things...😅

    • @abdullahayad3933
      @abdullahayad3933 2 года назад +2

      Majority of men keep to themselves, and if the situation is really bad and they need to share with a good friend what they are going through they do so on a very narrow and way

    • @aspiringkamikaze1894
      @aspiringkamikaze1894 2 года назад

      No man with Gheerah would do it.

  • @IamBeingReal
    @IamBeingReal 3 года назад

    What does Islam say if either the husband or wife became an atheist/agnostic/with doubts etc. ????

    • @lucky-hw5ys
      @lucky-hw5ys 2 года назад

      Iam not sure they divorced if she didnot return to islam .

  • @navedian739
    @navedian739 Год назад

    Shaikh seems so frustrated whike talking of tbis topic 😅haha poor man

  • @hibohaginur9874
    @hibohaginur9874 3 года назад


  • @nabeelimam
    @nabeelimam 2 года назад

    this was a funny video 😆

  • @Princess-nw8tc
    @Princess-nw8tc 3 года назад

    My life mach a little with the fifth woman only she and i know its not a story it is actually a reality

  • @tahirballikaya213
    @tahirballikaya213 Год назад +2

    In red pill when a woman had an alpha male, basically a high value man and he leaves her she becomes an "alpha widow". So then she is like branded forever from this man, so no matter how great the newer man is, he will always fail meeting her new standards because she will associate him with her former alpha man. Umm Zar's story kind of remembered me of this. I think there is lots of wisdom in red pill even there is concepts that are not conform with islam

    • @aitransformed5497
      @aitransformed5497 Год назад

      After gaining redpill knowledge i got a great understanding of women. It's like i got tired of women's deception, now i don't interact with them much at all. But ISLAM is always better! Never Ever Compare ISLAM with other things.

  • @Badr-w6l
    @Badr-w6l 3 года назад


  • @ammidadi9017
    @ammidadi9017 2 года назад

    Are you American English or german

  • @ummerfarooq5383
    @ummerfarooq5383 3 года назад

    7:57 yes a person can possess all the sicknesses in the world when they are cracked in the head like a shrieking shattering shia

  • @khadijahmath3923
    @khadijahmath3923 3 года назад

    MashaAllah for give me you are quite good looking.

    • @muhammadmafaz8530
      @muhammadmafaz8530 3 года назад

      Nothing to forgive if you like him just propose if it's okay for both can get married. He's a knowledgeable man.

    • @shahee6579
      @shahee6579 3 года назад +1

      Not appropriate really sis

  • @babysham318
    @babysham318 3 года назад

    The way women are they complain about anything and everything even if something is good and is going smooth still going to complain why things don’t go wrong. I guess you just have to let the bend rib be bent.

  • @centric145
    @centric145 3 года назад

    But how the prophet was like abu zara?you mean if he go out and see a beautiful woman he will marry her but the difference is that he will not divorce her?

    • @angelinataherin3102
      @angelinataherin3102 3 года назад

      no. the behaviour, the love and the care

    • @muhammadmafaz8530
      @muhammadmafaz8530 3 года назад

      Yes no issues

    • @tahirballikaya213
      @tahirballikaya213 Год назад +2

      Think about it, Abu zar divorced her and she still praised him and said my new generous and great husband can't even come close to him. This is very rare, showing what a great husband he was

    • @centric145
      @centric145 Год назад +1

      @@tahirballikaya213 indeed,people should be fair .Even if you dislike something about him that does not mean you dislike him over all. I wonder what her second husband felt when he heard about her remark.

    • @linaazmiin7479
      @linaazmiin7479 Год назад

      Same I wonder too

  • @farahsiddique6702
    @farahsiddique6702 3 года назад +3

    Haha very funny

  • @mohammadmursalin6817
    @mohammadmursalin6817 2 года назад

    "you need to be the nicest...."..................not necessarily true, because women love Bad Boys. Nice guys finish last and that is why a lot of times you need to treat a woman like trash just like a Bad Boy does. Women remember and enjoy Shock or sudden or unexpected things that is why they are so obsessed with being "surprised" like surprise present or surprise party etc etc. I have seen this myself. They always remember the bad boy because they made them Feel excited and gave them the purpose or idea that "he is a bad boy, but I can FIX him". Please correct me if I am wrong. Of course this is not all women, but it is Most women.

  • @arifahmed9801
    @arifahmed9801 3 года назад

    Your first will be special

  • @z_a_h_h_m_s_aitogik1767
    @z_a_h_h_m_s_aitogik1767 3 года назад

    That is minority of the community secondly are you undercover Muslim I am confused for your behaviour

  • @yazzbazzs3602
    @yazzbazzs3602 3 года назад +4

    Can I be Second wife sheikh?🌸🤣 Ya Allah where to find man like this🙊🙈🤦🏽‍♀️🌸

    • @tausifahmed673
      @tausifahmed673 3 года назад +1

      are you proposing.

    • @ibnamanot
      @ibnamanot 3 года назад

      @@tausifahmed673 lol.

    • @ibnamanot
      @ibnamanot 3 года назад

      try messaging him on instagram, if you are serious.

    • @sarahm6267
      @sarahm6267 3 года назад +1

      @@ibnamanot 🤣🤣🤣🤣your encouragement is making me laugh

    • @blueflame3531
      @blueflame3531 3 года назад +1

      @@ibnamanot Wrong advise. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @faizeladam1404
    @faizeladam1404 3 года назад

    A woman is supposed to have mercy for the husband who will generally lose his libido earlier and not shower criticism on him.

    • @hmm5505
      @hmm5505 3 года назад +6

      The men should go to gym and get healthy.

    • @muhammadmafaz8530
      @muhammadmafaz8530 3 года назад

      @@Mark-go7qm she gives tips so we can improve.

    • @shadowstorm5261
      @shadowstorm5261 2 года назад +4

      They don't lose it earlier. Do you even know about biology?

    • @user-ux8pj3rf4w
      @user-ux8pj3rf4w 2 года назад

      Women go through menopause and tend to lose their libido before the men if they don't deal with the issue by changing their eating habit , take herbal medicine and exercise. The menopause and perimenaupose can start as early as 35 but usually hit late 40s . So please do your research and don't talk about things you don't know

    • @RealityCheck1
      @RealityCheck1 Год назад +1

      Any man will lose libido to a waswasa woman

  • @bottomline7923
    @bottomline7923 3 года назад

    Wow. What a handsome manly man. He knows women so well.. he is like a god himself.

  • @IamBeingReal
    @IamBeingReal 3 года назад

    What does Islam say if either the husband or wife became an atheist/agnostic/with doubts etc. ????

    • @wikidads6382
      @wikidads6382 2 года назад

      The person should speak to someone knowledgeable regarding the doubts to get answers.