Massive Pin Tumbler Lock. How Locks Work. FarmCraft101

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @wewd
    @wewd 4 года назад +3405

    "This is the LockPickingLawyer and what I have for you today is a massive pin tumbler lock..."

    • @_aullik
      @_aullik 4 года назад +270

      That would be kinda funny to send this to him and Bill and watch them make the tools to pick it.

    • @Runoratsu
      @Runoratsu 4 года назад +82

      @@_aullik I wish they could make that happen!

    • @jwil6902
      @jwil6902 4 года назад +159

      Slight click on one, two is binding...

    • @Halrin
      @Halrin 4 года назад +88

      I came here to make the same comment, as soon as I saw the video in my feed. Haha

    • @backyardgetaways198
      @backyardgetaways198 4 года назад +22

      Same came over from r/lockpicking

  • @georgeupfield4329
    @georgeupfield4329 4 года назад +36

    That’s possibly one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen someone make out of wood - really nice work!!

  • @AffordBindEquipment
    @AffordBindEquipment 4 года назад +555

    I think a to-scale door for it to go into would be appropriate.

    • @pd4165
      @pd4165 4 года назад +26

      I see a sales opportunity.
      If anyone has any magic beans that they could sell me.....

    • @TrevorDennis100
      @TrevorDennis100 4 года назад +6

      Invite your boss round for a meal, and offer to show him what you have in the shed. When you get to the shed produce the giant key and insert in the giant lock. Turn around to see boss' car disappear in a cloud of rubber. 😈

    • @blahblahjumpswing1504
      @blahblahjumpswing1504 4 года назад +3

      Garage door, a barn door.

    • @Volt64bolt
      @Volt64bolt 4 года назад


    • @chippysteve4524
      @chippysteve4524 4 года назад +1

      I agree but the door has to be made from egg sandwiches

  • @jacehollinger624
    @jacehollinger624 4 года назад +205

    You should make a giant play house for your kids and put that on the door.

  • @axeldaval3410
    @axeldaval3410 4 года назад +80

    Pulling the key in and out while hearing the pins fall is just so satisfying

    • @Richard-qs8dn
      @Richard-qs8dn 4 года назад +1

      Maybe the lock has arrived from an time machine, and is the origin to the saying:
      《It's so quiet, you can hear a pin drop》.

    • @spoonfedcobra
      @spoonfedcobra 4 года назад

      While we're talking about things that are satisfying 7:55

  • @blahhotel1499
    @blahhotel1499 4 года назад +5

    As a locksmith, this is super cool. I love it. And great job explaining how the internals work

  • @icemaiop
    @icemaiop 4 года назад +132

    More oversized mechanisms and gadgets please! This is so interesting to watch.

    • @owendaulton9316
      @owendaulton9316 4 года назад +2

      Yeah, an oversized watch! I guess that's just a clock, but a big one with all wood mechanisms would be awesome.

    • @timmynormand8082
      @timmynormand8082 4 года назад +4

      A combination lock. No key

    • @timmynormand8082
      @timmynormand8082 4 года назад +1

      @Bro. Matthew - Matthew Groen hahahaha back to basics. That's a good one

    • @chippysteve4524
      @chippysteve4524 4 года назад +1

      I'd buy a mousetrap that works on burglars or a lie detector robust enough to work on Trump!

  • @allenrichards8170
    @allenrichards8170 4 года назад +1

    I am a retired locksmith and got a real kick out of this project. Well done sir. Very nice. :-)

  • @duckman12569
    @duckman12569 4 года назад +32

    Looks like a very useful tool for a locksmith school

  • @krkavinsandron
    @krkavinsandron 4 года назад +4

    Your craftsmanship is really inspiring, shows how much passion one can have on his profession.

  • @1framistan
    @1framistan 4 года назад +176

    Isn't it odd that when things are very TINY, they seem difficult to understand. But when a giant sized replica is seen... then it is easily understood. In the field of Electronics that is also true.

    • @sail4life
      @sail4life 4 года назад +43

      So true, when its a couple of milliamps, you have no idea what's going on. But, pump a couple of real Amps through it and the flash and subsequent smoke instantly reveal what was going on!

    • @PeachIceCreamy
      @PeachIceCreamy 4 года назад +2

      Dennis Meulensteen very good joke, haha.

    • @ykyjohn
      @ykyjohn 4 года назад +2

      it must be at the right size actually, because if it is too much big will also be hard to understand.

    • @aserta
      @aserta 4 года назад

      Eh, dunno that it applies to a lock, i've yet to see someone not understand how a lock works, at least when i explain it.

    • @ripcobain88
      @ripcobain88 4 года назад +2

      so.. just make core i7 from wood.

  • @donnahobson9263
    @donnahobson9263 2 года назад

    I like the sound it makes when the key goes in.

  • @CristiNeagu
    @CristiNeagu 4 года назад +125

    Collab time! Make some security pins, some picking tools, and send it over to either LockPickingLawyer or BosnianBill (or both!) and have them pick it!

    • @Beregorn88
      @Beregorn88 4 года назад +9

      At the moment it is clearly vulnerable to a comb attack...

    • @adrianlarson658
      @adrianlarson658 4 года назад +20

      LPL : This lock has a major flaw…FIRE!

    • @ve2zzz
      @ve2zzz 4 года назад

      @@adrianlarson658 ...And the power of the Ramset !

    • @Travis.Ladegast
      @Travis.Ladegast 4 года назад +5

      @@Beregorn88 It would be more funny if they labeled it unpickable.

    • @FelisLeopard
      @FelisLeopard 4 года назад +2

      @@Travis.Ladegast Technically, you cannot just buy a picking tool for this one. And no blank key too :)

  • @darreno9874
    @darreno9874 2 года назад

    Nice job, a lock is so simple when someone shows you how. God bless

  • @andrewp221
    @andrewp221 4 года назад +4

    That looked like a fun project, done just for the joy of doing it rather than as a task to be completed. Great job.

  • @chrisdoe6890
    @chrisdoe6890 2 года назад

    This is a great crossover video for teaching locksmith 101 and carpentry master craft. Well done indeed.

  • @danyouse3749
    @danyouse3749 4 года назад +519

    "if its the wrong key"
    so if someone has a different giant wooden key, it wouldnt work

    • @kickinbackinOC
      @kickinbackinOC 4 года назад +1


    • @Iuciel707
      @Iuciel707 4 года назад +63

      It Woodent work*

    • @reemissa3029
      @reemissa3029 4 года назад +8

      u can pick this lock with your fingers lol

    • @donsang4988
      @donsang4988 4 года назад +2

      @@Iuciel707 ha ha hee hee hee!😎😎😎😎

    • @satibel
      @satibel 4 года назад +4

      *pulls out a comically large pick and tensioner*

  • @depeltenburg6916
    @depeltenburg6916 3 года назад +1

    This should be brought to the LPL (Lock Picking Lawyer) interested to see what tools he’s gonna use for this one!

  • @TwinShards
    @TwinShards 4 года назад +34

    This giant keyway is pratically useless BUT that feel so useful for learning because you can show in great detail how a normal small version behave.

  • @jeanneduchene5394
    @jeanneduchene5394 4 года назад

    I love both locks that you made. I'm a retired sculptor and I appreciate watching you create with wood.

    • @porkyswelding
      @porkyswelding 2 года назад

      why don't you show your sculptures on your channel?

  • @RaymondOreFineArt
    @RaymondOreFineArt 4 года назад +36

    Found this absolutely fascinating so a big yes to more like it

  • @adampease
    @adampease 2 года назад

    I watched your channel for tips on tree felling. Then I was surprised to see this creative and precise woodworking project. Great work on a fun project!

  • @TerryMcKean
    @TerryMcKean 4 года назад +8

    That's definitely a beautiful creation and an awesome teaching tool for students of locksmithing to learn from. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  • @ihzero
    @ihzero 4 года назад +1

    Oh boy, the lockpickinglawyer sure would want one of those.
    Absolutely loved this project!

  • @ranank.3336
    @ranank.3336 4 года назад +108

    This was made with slightly more precision than Master lock no.3

    • @kickinbackinOC
      @kickinbackinOC 4 года назад +1


    • @enricodesign619
      @enricodesign619 4 года назад

      true :) i can pick one of those blindfolded now (most lockpicking is hearing and feeling anyways, but you get the point) :)

  • @stubberific
    @stubberific 4 года назад +1

    That's an amazing instructional build. Just the other day I was explaining to my daughters how a lock works. Today, I showed them your video. It blew their minds to see the concept realized. You are a true craftsman. Keep up the great work.

  • @williamwilliams7706
    @williamwilliams7706 4 года назад +19

    Brilliant. You always have something interesting. I'm going to be the first and say that LPL will stick one his picks in the lock and actuate the bolt in the back because it isn't protected. God I watch too much YT.

  • @brettschmeisser2568
    @brettschmeisser2568 4 года назад

    Nothing like having a awesome Woodworking Shop the past the quarantine time like the video

  • @autotoyexchangegarage7053
    @autotoyexchangegarage7053 4 года назад +41

    Now you need a half dozen huge wooden keys on a keyring so you can try them all before finding the working one.

  • @howardharris8663
    @howardharris8663 4 года назад +1

    Now you just need a giant playhouse for the key to go to.. but backwards but proof of concept all the way. Very inspiring. You did a wonderful job.

  • @doctorthee
    @doctorthee 4 года назад +8

    Kids would love this for their playhouses

  • @cat3crazy
    @cat3crazy 4 года назад

    I enjoyed watching the video. I understood the principle of how a key works but seeing it made it much clearer. I would like to see more videos like this one.

  • @Zarvain
    @Zarvain 4 года назад +19

    I just love how every once in a while the auto-generated captions actually do justice to a scene: 13:33 [Applause].

  • @seanbhaney
    @seanbhaney Год назад

    This is BRILLIANT!!! Never have I seen such woodmanship before....keep it up!!

  • @KingBobXVI
    @KingBobXVI 4 года назад +132

    "Nothing on one, two is binding..."

    • @kerrybarneyiii1202
      @kerrybarneyiii1202 4 года назад

      Little bit of wax will fix any binding in this lock

    • @whalesauce3647
      @whalesauce3647 4 года назад +9

      @@kerrybarneyiii1202 I feel like the joke/reference flew so far over your head that it's in space.

    • @Bela-tn3sn
      @Bela-tn3sn 4 года назад +1

      Jacob Duenwald 😂☠️☠️☠️☠️

    • @Clvisnsnvntks
      @Clvisnsnvntks 4 года назад

      Back to the beginning

  • @sampoturunen9337
    @sampoturunen9337 4 года назад

    This must be THE coolest thing in youtube. Thumbs up. Im jelous now and want those same tools and craftmanship you have to build something as cool as that

  • @shanek6582
    @shanek6582 4 года назад +44

    If you send that to LPL he can tell everyone to check out your channel, probably be a good move.

    • @zwz.zdenek
      @zwz.zdenek 4 года назад +1

      He'd better send it to Bill because LPL would never publish a failed pick attempt.

    • @jamestrotter7852
      @jamestrotter7852 4 года назад

      @@zwz.zdenek but... this would be stupid easy to pick.. so that doesn't really apply

    • @dsheshin
      @dsheshin 4 года назад

      +200k of subs in a jiffy

    • @kkaze
      @kkaze 4 года назад

      Its easy but cool.
      Imagine LPL using a giant pick lol

  • @jeremyshull8850
    @jeremyshull8850 4 года назад

    The newspaper technique is next level! Great video!

  • @foxpopuli6982
    @foxpopuli6982 4 года назад +5

    Absolutely beautiful. BosnianBill would be proud.
    He'd also have it open within 30 miunutes.
    It would only take that long because he'd have to make new picks.....out of rebar.....

  • @tommicks53
    @tommicks53 2 года назад

    Looks like you had a lot of fun making this. 😉

  • @johnjacobs8568
    @johnjacobs8568 2 года назад +3

    Really super awesome! I just found your channel recently and am binge watching all you content as a priority. I just love your videos. Great sense of humour, excellent content, brilliant to watch work, wonderful filming technique = just a super smart practical wonderful guy! Great variety too. You deserve way more subscribers so hopefully you get to a million sooner rather than later!

  • @Dollapfin
    @Dollapfin 4 года назад

    I could never for the life of me understand locks until I saw this. So awesome.

  • @billrugg-easey4764
    @billrugg-easey4764 4 года назад +4

    This is the best video I’ve seen during lockdown

  • @andyadams1832
    @andyadams1832 Год назад

    I agree with making a door. Or something like that. I really enjoyed watching your videos on building items like this, please keep them coming. Andy

  • @Eddavids2
    @Eddavids2 4 года назад +19

    Make giant lock picks and send it to the lockpicking lawyer see if he can pick it

    • @roysammons2445
      @roysammons2445 4 года назад +1

      Ask LPL and Bosnianbill, they may make their own and say "I will be using the pick thay Bosnianbill and I made".

  • @saintjimmy2244
    @saintjimmy2244 4 года назад +1

    Bloody amazing , mate.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌👍 legend. You could smell the sawdust.

  • @neoplan6116
    @neoplan6116 4 года назад +18

    Now implement - of camera - some nasty security pins and send it to the LockPickingLawyer! This would be fun, would have been a great April fooler...😂😂😂

  • @WideOpenThrottle1984
    @WideOpenThrottle1984 4 года назад

    Watching this as a locksmith I am very impressed! It was fun to watch. Thank you!

  • @evunotry-force2073
    @evunotry-force2073 4 года назад +6

    You might need to add a backing plate to the back so people don't reach through the lock and actuate the latch

  • @herbk98
    @herbk98 Год назад

    Absolutely Brilliant! Every time I watch one of your videos I am totally impressed by the breadth of your knowledge and skills and enthusiasm. Thank you for sharing yourself with us in this medium.

  • @DanKoning777
    @DanKoning777 4 года назад +103

    So this nationwide *"lock"* down has you bored too huh? All I did was wash the cat. Well done.

    • @chewtoyize
      @chewtoyize 4 года назад +1

      LOL ,i imagine puss enjoyed its wash immensely

    • @Volt64bolt
      @Volt64bolt 4 года назад +2

      How do you wash a cat? Last time I tried I had to wear full body armour and still had to go to hospital

    • @DanKoning777
      @DanKoning777 4 года назад +1

      @@Volt64bolt // The best way to wash a cat is to buy another cat and let them "wash" each other.

    • @willywauw
      @willywauw 4 года назад

      @Dan Koning Make that the cat wise

    • @roysammons2445
      @roysammons2445 4 года назад

      And why is it called a bible?
      Oh and I don't mean the cat: )

  • @johnhampson7
    @johnhampson7 2 года назад +1

    Absolutely marvellous piece of work. I for one would love to see more like this.

  • @tomray8765
    @tomray8765 4 года назад +7

    Cut some Vertical SLOTS into the sides of the "Bible" so we can see the pins move up and down---wide enough to see inside but not so wide as the pins and springs drop out

  • @KomarProject
    @KomarProject 4 года назад +1

    Can’t believe I never seen your channel before. Totally following you now!!! Awesome content !!

  • @victorrenato835
    @victorrenato835 4 года назад +8

    10069 years after... So, this is the proof that giants existed!

  • @andyc5612
    @andyc5612 4 года назад

    Mate, that’s brilliant. Awesome teaching tool. And great workmanship too. 10/10

  • @BitcoinJake09
    @BitcoinJake09 4 года назад +66

    Me: can I use your restroom?
    The key the Gas station attendant gives you.

    • @desertmulehunter
      @desertmulehunter 4 года назад +3

      Everybody in the station knows where you're going! 🤣🤣

    • @Omar-xo7pm
      @Omar-xo7pm 4 года назад +3

      youtube comments kill me

  • @pinksunshine8843
    @pinksunshine8843 4 года назад

    Never thought I'd be here but i am three videos down and am totally enjoying it. Yeah i subscribed.

  • @koalaboygaming346
    @koalaboygaming346 4 года назад +12

    Well damn that’s gonna have to be a big door.

  • @jaimejaimeChannel
    @jaimejaimeChannel 3 года назад

    very nice. Every kid should know how a tumbler lock works.

  • @J0VyanBH
    @J0VyanBH 4 года назад +7

    “ey dawg can i lock this up?”
    “sure but make sure it's a tumbler lock”
    *pulls out comically large tumbler lock”

  • @Aman26Ai
    @Aman26Ai 4 года назад

    Mesmerizing!!! I loved watching it. Such a masterpiece. My father is a carpenter so I have shared this video with him. And he loved it too. He appreciated your skills morethan I am doing.

  • @TheK2silencer
    @TheK2silencer 4 года назад +51

    LPL: "i can open this lock with a single match and this is unexcusable flaw"

    • @kickinbackinOC
      @kickinbackinOC 4 года назад +2


    • @reemissa3029
      @reemissa3029 4 года назад

      i know i can google it but what does lpl mean
      oh right lockpickinglawyer i found it out 1 sec after commenting

    • @goast_the_vixen7428
      @goast_the_vixen7428 4 года назад

      flips it over

  • @bill1772
    @bill1772 4 года назад

    Your Skill Level is amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed your making the 10X model - Now, all you need is a "door". Thank you!

  • @psikogeek
    @psikogeek 4 года назад +19

    Don't lose your keys.

  • @axemeagain2554
    @axemeagain2554 4 года назад

    I am into Locksport, and randomly found your video... Was really good! Nice work!

  • @serialtoon
    @serialtoon 4 года назад +3

    I was wondering if he was going to add different pins in the off chance someone else with a huge wooden key comes around and start opening his lock.

  • @Richard-qs8dn
    @Richard-qs8dn 4 года назад

    Great job Sir.
    Now you can properly lock your barn door.
    You might wanna consider giving the loch as an present to LockPickingLawyer 🙂
    Love to see him pick this one.....

  • @XDBjoernXD
    @XDBjoernXD 4 года назад

    This is exactly the thing that kids have to see to understand. I love it. Keep on doing it :)

  • @lovesockboy
    @lovesockboy 4 года назад +4

    5 AM theengz
    me, sleepy af: *gon' sleep
    me: say less

  • @brandonylion
    @brandonylion 4 года назад

    I'm a locksmith, and I approve of this video.

  • @add859tankionline
    @add859tankionline 4 года назад +3

    Why do you put newspaper between the layers of wood when gluing?
    Ok nvm.. that is a pretty neat trick haha

  • @oPENshettima
    @oPENshettima 4 года назад

    Although I understand how key mechanism works, I really enjoyed how you made it so simple to understand even to a layman on keys. Kudos!

  • @tonysolar284
    @tonysolar284 4 года назад +6

    Me saying something about locks in general that no one else has said yet.

    • @drolandcorp
      @drolandcorp 4 года назад +3

      Me disagreeing and saying something political for no reason

    • @shadowcockrell8278
      @shadowcockrell8278 4 года назад +2

      Me saying something about agreeing

    • @Plofomeister
      @Plofomeister 4 года назад +1

      Me just dropping a reply because i need Subs

    • @drolandcorp
      @drolandcorp 4 года назад

      @@Plofomeister me scamming your subs with free bitcoin

    • @Plofomeister
      @Plofomeister 4 года назад

      @@drolandcorp me becomming sad because my PC Broke today

  • @tolentarpay5464
    @tolentarpay5464 4 года назад

    Your bandsaw-handling is incredible! Those circles look so smooth...

  • @tiguilethug2305
    @tiguilethug2305 4 года назад +3

    Do a giant dore in wood with this like for he can see

  • @joedogmckeel
    @joedogmckeel 4 года назад

    Brilliant. I will be showing this to my grandkids to explain how a lock works.

  • @arti2901deer
    @arti2901deer 4 года назад +6

    13:51 "noice"

    • @TwinShards
      @TwinShards 4 года назад

      I see what you did there.

  • @Zer-Esy
    @Zer-Esy 4 года назад

    So he made all of that so we all know how it works...let take a moment to appreciate him as he deserves

  • @elbotho
    @elbotho 4 года назад

    This is such an amazing education tool you created there. Makes it so easy to understand how a lock works!

  • @gauravmishra23210
    @gauravmishra23210 4 года назад

    From India 🇮🇳 It's a work of experience and long practice. Great work. 🙂🤗🙏👌👌

  • @biggy2184
    @biggy2184 4 года назад

    Even though I don't understand you, because I don't know your language, it's still interesting and exciting to watch you)

  • @stevew3978
    @stevew3978 4 года назад

    Neat idea. You should also think about adding a giant tension wrench and giant lock pick to match.

  • @samtech7x7
    @samtech7x7 4 года назад

    I am like wtf!!! Dude is a genius. Wonderful job man.

  • @craigsudman4556
    @craigsudman4556 2 года назад

    Looks like you've got a lock on this project John. Great video thumbs up.

  • @jimulder1109
    @jimulder1109 4 года назад

    Such a delicate job. Thanks for your wonderful craft and nice explanation.

  • @Jimmy-qy6gk
    @Jimmy-qy6gk 4 года назад

    Amazing Talent! I thought that I was a great carpenter but this guy is on another level. Great work!

  • @oscarparandyk4843
    @oscarparandyk4843 4 года назад

    Nice craftsmanship dude! What’s the next episode? Maybe part two of the lock , I mean like a giant padlock around this lock... but I don’t have very good ideas anyway... anyway this vid was great!

  • @asvarien
    @asvarien 4 года назад

    I'm super impressed at how quickly and confidently you cut out those circles on the bandsaw. (Yes I've taken into account the sped up footage.)

  • @stealeethridge7139
    @stealeethridge7139 4 года назад

    Really impressed with your work. watched the pad lock video, might be the most impressive carpentry video I have seen. Keep it up

  • @ahmednajiabd
    @ahmednajiabd 3 года назад

    عبقري ومحترف
    وفاهم فكرة عمل المفتاح وقام بتنفيذها بشكل جميل ودقيق

  • @fredericpariggi8004
    @fredericpariggi8004 4 года назад

    Wow!!! Beautiful jobs, congratulations. From France thank you.

  • @noname-ve7wo
    @noname-ve7wo 4 года назад

    So satisfing when the key goes in. So cool

  • @doubleT84
    @doubleT84 4 года назад

    As THAT UNCLE, my sister and friends will love it when I teach their kids how to work with wood - and how to pick locks.

  • @dasibaho
    @dasibaho 4 года назад

    Locks and wood turning. Everything I love ❤️

  • @dannon4
    @dannon4 4 года назад


  • @sfusaf82
    @sfusaf82 4 года назад

    loved this video. since i'm away from all of my wood working stuff, it is nice to live vicariously through your channel. keep up the great work

  • @brandonhorwath6351
    @brandonhorwath6351 4 года назад

    I love it. I plan to make one as soon as I can. I would try to make a solid cylinder, cut it in half and tool the keyway in; then, use a "shim" to make up for the kerf when gluing back together. I will sand it up to 3000 grit, inside and out. Right before final assembly, fill it with graphite...Also, CA glue is just super glue. The best accelerator for your spray bottle is water.

  • @Covert_Op
    @Covert_Op 4 года назад

    This was a really cool key lock build. Good job young man

  • @scottandersen420
    @scottandersen420 2 года назад

    Super nice work, very entertaining!