Hey dude, I'm going to replace mine in the next week or so, I've been getting the same issue, every time I fill up the car starts rough/ cuts out and sometime out of nowhere I get a rough idle with no lights or codes. Hopefully this full sort it 😊
Hi, I am struggling to find the part number. Do you have it? Was just on the phone to the local ford garage just now and he can't find it! Also, how much?
Found the link but it says it’s out of stock. Hopefully it will have a part number in you can use at a Ford dealer www.ebay.co.uk/itm/393531311482?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=7k6w-3wmqzu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=gFfMSzbSRgm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=FB_MSG
Hey dude, I'm going to replace mine in the next week or so, I've been getting the same issue, every time I fill up the car starts rough/ cuts out and sometime out of nowhere I get a rough idle with no lights or codes. Hopefully this full sort it 😊
Excellent video!
Its basically a vacuum leak when the valve is sticking. My long term fuel trims are currently 18% with the valve open
This was causing weird running issues every now and again but could never seem to replicate it. No fault codes and using masses of fuel.
Hi, I am struggling to find the part number. Do you have it? Was just on the phone to the local ford garage just now and he can't find it! Also, how much?
I will find it for you when I get home in the morning 👍
Found the link but it says it’s out of stock. Hopefully it will have a part number in you can use at a Ford dealer
AU number: bv619d289ee
UK number: 5233601
USA number: BV6Z9D289E
its the same part they just use a different number