1.4 Million People and NO Frequent Bus Network | South Tangerang Transit Exposed!
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- Tangerang Selatan acts like a “Kabupaten” (Regency) and is unworthy of city status
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People who live in the suburbs of Jakarta.More interested in the Jakarta gubernatorial election than their own mayoral election
gubernatorial? governer yg bener mah. di bogor ga terlalu tertarik ama pilkada jakarta, lebih tertarik ama pilwakot bogornya
Both Tangerangs are the epitome of every car-centric property developers fantasy
You know it from the 180 degree turn in view when you pass Cisauk
Mayor Just need buy 500 bus and Made BRT line.
But our people care more about the Jakarta than the city where they live.
intermoda kinda like dead terminal if the bus arent active to serve public commuter to jakarta
We can't even get good public transport in big cities like jogja. Let alone suburbs like BSD which have private sector transit. Also, if BSD wasn't outside DKi Jakarta i bet transjakarta would've already taken over
I agree! Driving in Trio Tangerang is us subsidizing the government’s indifference/incompetence to public transport 😢
Saya dengar masalah transum Tangsel itu karena walikota yang AFK gak sih? Saya orang Jakarta saja jadi CMIIW.
Memang kenyataannya begitu.
Hampir semua perkembangan pesat di tangsel itu dilakukan developer besar (bsd, bintaro, alam sutera)
Justru daerah yang dikontrol langsung pemkot tangsel (ciputat dan pamulang) hampir nggak pernah kelihatan adanya perubahan sejak 15 tahun yang lalu.
Dari 7 kecamatan, 4 kecamatan dibantu diurusin sama developer swasta, tapi pemkot tetap full nerima pajak dari semua kecamatan itu.
Duit pajaknya lari kemana? Entahlah, tanyakan kepada rumput yang bergoyang.
orang Bintaro disini. klo mau naik transportasi publik di kabupaten nyamar jadi kota ini, mending KRL ama tj aja udh. yg lain ampas semua, ni kota udh jd dinastinya airin
Despite all the money and land that those private developers have, they designed the worst possible outcome: car-centric suburban sprawl.
Great video btw
Driving in Tangsel, especially Serpong and BSD is SO miserable. I hope after I graduate from uni I would go to Jakarta instead.
i just moved from jakarta to old bsd. driving in jakarta is 200% worse 😂
@@chase14000 What I mean by "go" is to get a job in Jakarta, so I just commute by train and bus instead of driving.
@@Clukay404 Then I'd suggest to look for a job and a place to live that's only 0-1 transit between modes required, preferrably by MRT. Tanahabang, Manggarai, Sudirman KRL stations during rush hour is pure hell. It applies to TJ terminals too, not to mention not all TJ routes has it's own seperated lane, so not only you're gonna be standing, cramped inside the bus you're gonna be stuck on traffic too. Though these are just my personal experience, so please take it with a grain of salt
@@chase14000 ah i see thanks for the suggestions
The Government, land developer, or anyone in that city are indeed must stop thinking public transit is for the poor only. By that logic, the Moscow metro which had really nice station, must be having millions of poor users? Can't agree with you more, transit is human right not commodity
The mayor is not the governor. Walikota bukan gubernur Jakarta. Jakarta aja di pikirkan
Kota Moskow aja gak membangun metro di oblatas Moskow. Karena itu tanggung jawab provinsi sebelah bukan dia.
Sama di video ini . Ini bukan tanggung jawab gubernur Jakarta tapi walikota Tangerang Selatan
@@AlfarrisiMuammar At least the RZD has extensive network across the oblast
I was a Jakarta MRT user from this area, until the end of the pandemic where the RoyalTrans MRT shuttle used a booking system to reserve a space on board that fills up so quickly the instant the seats become available. I have to stay up till midnight to book them, and if I miss it I don't get a ride. I hate to drive and sit in traffic going to work and back home, but driving really is the better choice living there. I have no idea how it is like now, but I never need them ever again.
Tangsel di Utara Tol (BSD, alsut, gadser) itu Tangsel Swasta.
Yg di Selatan Tol (Pamulang dll) itu Tangsel Negeri 😂
Kudunya sih sudah ada BRT yang nyambung antara KRL, daerah pemukiman, dan daerah perkantoran/industri/pemerintahan.
lebih bagus klo ada bus dalkot, biar g kalah ama yg laen. ketimpangan sosial di Tangsel udh terlalu tinggi dan tidak ada aksi dari pemkot
This is what happen when Entire region controlled by Private land company,whole area built for Car companies hence why their road are so wide
Well, half of it, incompetent government controls the other half
Compared to Japan, especially Tokyo, half of their city was built by the private railroad company, which is why their city is so walkable.
@@shindoridethose areas are so miserable because of the government... it's like a split now, splitting the city wouldn't make alot of differences. also nobody talks about setu lol 😂
Well, this video made me believe that South Tangerang's transport network is literally going like a plane with autopilot engaged but with no pilot
when i first travelled to tangsel, i couldn't believe how car-centric and pedestrian-hostile the city was, even by indonesia's standards. it's honestly no surprise when you learn about the history of the development of tangsel esp. the private areas
I live in Bintaro Jaya bre. The Only Connection that i can reach is Pondok Ranji station. I would prefer having BisKita that runs from Pondok Ranji Station to IKEA Alam Sutera via JORR 2 - BSD
Another example of lack of transportation network can be seen on Lebak bulus all the way to Pamulang, it's always jammed starting from 6am all the way to 10pm could be more, no matter the day, people will always go with private vehicle since there is abysmal transport network. And in some part of the subdistrict you have to walk for over 3 km to get to the nearest public transport, we're f'ked
8:51 Exactly
A trip from Kalideres to BSD is either 40-60 mins motorcycle rides, a train ride with 2 transits in the most hellish station, or a green angkot that is in a really bad condition
3:49 Wait a Minute .There is no public transportation on the South Side Rangkasbitung KRL line.
So this is the reason why this line rarely has as many passengers as other KRL lines.
There's angkots and thats it
Though Green line is still very crowded at weekends and at rush hour, I don't think it's less than other lines
the green line is Very crowded still.. it tops pink line and sometimes red line too
pray for tangsel public transport 😞😞
Great video!
Yeah I live in South Tangerang, since the public transportation is terrible I choose to use motorcycle. Honestly, for me it's quite dangerous riding motorcycle in South Tangerang, the big roads (with minimum 3 lines) make people drive like crazy. Everytime I ride my motorcycle I just ask for God that someone didn't crash me from behind or I can cross the road safely 😂😂😂
Anyway, first time I went to BSD I feel like living in another world or abroad. But, after I lived in Sweden and traveling around Europe, I just realized it's just a poor carcentric city implementing the terrible design of America cities 😂😂
Do one on Bekasi. PLEASE. We have CL, LRT, dan Transjakarta, yet the traffic is still horrendous.
Tangsel also has Airport DAMRI, Soetta-BSD Intermark & Soetta-Transpark Bintaro
every airport connection should blacklist of this content, intercity connection is more important
airlink? seriously? do we need to put that into factor just to get slightly better chance to save this city's ruined transport?
yuk bisa yuk walikota & wakilnya yg nyalonin lg (yg kayanya udah pasti menang lg) bangun & kerja jgn nampang di billboard/baliho doang
Tapi utk nyetir ke Jakarta Selatan... Tangsel is the best suburb in Metropolitan Jakarta to drive.
Sy udah ngerasain nyetir Depok
- Jaksel, Cibubur-Jaksel, Karawaci-Jaksel...
In term of driving experience, Tangsel-Jaksel still wins sih.... karena tol nya paling less crowded dan rush hour nya paling cepat selesai juga.
Jadi kalau mau buat public transport di Tangsel... itu saingannya ya jalan tol dan konetivitas nya... Arteri Tol itu sangat straightforward... sementara public transport itu ribet dan muter kesana kemari.
Makanya pembeli rumah di Tangsel kan mayoritas karyawan di area Jaksel juga...
KRL itu pun mau di kata dia cepat , tp cuman cepat di kereta nya doank... karena kita lupa antara rumah kita ke stasiun awal dan dari stasiun tujuan ke kantor itu juga takes time😂.
Sy ke kantor di sudirman naik KRL including waiting time dan koneksi transjakarta/gojek di stasiun Palmerah dan Rawa Buntu habis waktu 1.5 jam . Bawa mobil sama juga 1.5 jam tapi dari rumah ke parkiran kantor. 😅
Gimana tuhhhh 😅😅 benerin dulu akses di Palmerah, baru bisa deh kita ngomong public transport yang layak.
You should make videos like this more to make people aware of how bad this city is. Maybe the people in charge can do something after someone make them watching your vids
man, i live far from the pusat kota of both tangsel and tangerang but i feel bad for y'all
Udah nggak aneh lagi kalo Tangsel bisanya cuma minta disuapin developer doang, ngomongnya doang smart city tapi.... ah sudahlah...
Jakarta aja ngasih 4 koridor bus di Tangerang salatan S11,S12,S21,S31 . sebagai jalur pengumpan ke MRT Jakarta. Disubsidi pakai uang pajak Jakarta lagi
Pemerintah kota Tangerang Selatan ke mana kok gak ada jalur bus pengumpan ke stasiun KRL .
"smart" sih, ngapain kerja kl bisa "outsourcing"?
le "smart city" tapi bus service yg gk efisien dan macet dimana-mana
@@Clukay404 gak mau macet ya gak usah pakai mobil. Mobil gak pernah terjebak macet. Tapi mobil itu lah sumber kemacetan itu sendiri
Rather than being called 'smart', I think it would be more right to call 'devious' wkwkwkwk 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Why is public transportation so bad in Tangerang Selatan?
1. The majority of land is used for landed low density houses and are in clusters which makes walking a tedious job for most people.
2. There is a 'competition' amongst the developers. One developer fears adding a connection will benefit the other counterpart.
3. Wide road with little to none sidewalk in the main avenue with motorcyclists speeding on almost every lane. Dangerous to wait here.
i live in south tangerang and i dont even know we have more than angkot and krl lol
I'm perfectly capable of riding motorcycle and do ride motorcycle in South Tangerang and Jakarta. But being limited to operate and maintain my vehicle is annoying. I don't want to spend 60 minutes riding between Jakarta Barat and Gading Serpong navigating through roads I've never been through - I only moved in few years ago from Sumatra - riding in the heat and traffic. A reliable & frequent transit is basic needs, not a luxury. It doesn't need it to be rapid, just as good as or slightly longer than cars is enough as long as it goes to places people go to.
why do the developers have a car centric mindset and not built public transport system while they can play a real life cities skylines?
The thing is, even if you a ton of money and donating it to Tangsel so they can buy more and more buses, they would reject it right away saying "majority of us using car" (red:we don't care about the less fortunate)
I'm convinced these developers are actually serving the automotives and gas Industries than actual people lmao
Do Cinere next!
"This is Sutera loop, oh wait it's dead"
"And finnaly trans anggrek, oh wait it's dead"
pretty much everyone is dead after the pandemic
on weekends i have to wait for like 30 mins on the green KRL line that shit pisses me off so bad
Realest shit. I can't drive and my school is in the edge of Jaksel and my house is on the edge of Bintaro (Pondok Aren) dawg i must get a grabbike that costs 50-70k. The public transport gap is so hella big, I only get to either choose the krl from Sudimara/Jurangmangu (if the road is not closed) or take the tj route L13E but both of em dosen't get close to my school lmao. Also there's no public transportation from the station/bus stop to my school even tho it's in jaksel
semenjak mayasari ga bermain d JORR BSD-Poris sudah aga ancur transportasi umum d tangsel, bayangkan kalo ada gangguan Krl di serpong-tanah abang, pasti pada kalang kabut itu karena kehilangan angkutan umum
Walikota AFK!!!
Even some Regency in Java have better public transportation than Tanggerang Selatan😅
Keluh kesah warga TangSel transit publik gk ada No.???
Untung si subscriber onlyfans batal maju 😂😂😂
i personally disagree with the "re trained" Angkot Drivers I have some insight info about this problem
idk man jaklingko drivers are insane
True but Id rather have that than have any attempt of making new bus lines blocked by overlapping angkot lines
New vid
The government can mandate these huge developers to contribute in the cost for building public transport, esp the MRT line but government will not do this as these companies will lobby the government as much as possible. Fuck car centric development concept. It should be banned in cities and satelitte crowded cities.
I've been in all the version of Tangerangs and all of them are horrible.
Yeah, i hate bsd city
"pleease for the love of god no more big fat ulgy rukos i hate them they dont do jack anywaydeidhahid" - my mind after bsd makes the 324792304th ruko
I'm fine with rukos, id rather have them build that compared to them going full americano and building detached single family homes
But I wish they prioritized getting more bsd link buses for once.
And for GS, besides buses they desperately need more parks
If the private developer is smart, they can turn the ugly rukos unit into a mixed house duplex
@@Clukay404 would do that 100% tho
I agree! Driving in Trio Tangerang is us subsidizing the government’s indifference/incompetence to public transport 😢
Solution = the mayor only needs to buy 500 buses.
But they don't want do it.
They just wait for people to demonstrate to president, let the central government pay for Public transportation in South Tangerang .