NZ/Samoan Dawn Raids.avi

  • Опубликовано: 4 янв 2011
  • Another Hit From Sandy Bell's Video Collection,Thanks again R.I.P

Комментарии • 122

  • @fonoman911
    @fonoman911 11 лет назад +30

    educate our young generation with the truth, still today we are the back bone of the country, not to mentioned tv personal, athletes and well known politicians. a positive anything is better than a negative nothing. KNOWLEDGE IS KING!!

  • @vailima49aston99
    @vailima49aston99 7 лет назад +28

    Enjoyed this video I'm a kiwi born Samoan my parents were both from Samoa and fortunately I was born after the dawn raids but my parents remember it fondly. Watching this made me proud to be Samoan my people have contributed enormously to New Zealand in all aspects of life and I'm glad New Zealand is a much better place to live in

    • @j.ckennedy2669
      @j.ckennedy2669 4 года назад

      @@sheldoncooper0 - What hole did you crawl out of ? FYI - I've lived in Australia for over 20 years, the majority of Asian families keep to themselves and do not assimilate to the Australian way of life.
      As for Euro's in NZ who have the same ol stereotype mentality,. From what you've expressed little has changed except for your pathetic put down of Samoans. Samoans try and be gangster you say? Have you not heard of Samoan Of Booya Tribe? So white Kiwi's aren't disruptive in schools? Your perception of Samoan's is PATHETIC.,

    • @j.ckennedy2669
      @j.ckennedy2669 4 года назад +3

      @@sheldoncooper0 - Most importantly what have you given back to humanity? Just your typical race hate speech from a clueless psychotic racist who has the DNA of a fera;l hilly billy from wayy back with severe mental issues?
      So let me guess you don't have obese or criminals in your self entitled ancestry from your past, or a society that we live in in the real world?
      or the fact that Samoans contribute in the Arts & Entertainment, Sports, Government industry on an international scale donating their time, money and commitment to the community regardless of colour, size, social structure.
      I ask you again, what have you contributed ? Utter racist bullshit from a coward who hides behind their PC. Your embarrassingly pathetic.

    • @sheldoncooper0
      @sheldoncooper0 3 года назад +2

      @@j.ckennedy2669 Are you Jewish?

    • @vailima49aston99
      @vailima49aston99 3 года назад

      @@j.ckennedy2669 keyboard warrior is real omg they exist

    • @vailima49aston99
      @vailima49aston99 3 года назад

      @@j.ckennedy2669 you live in Australia shut the fuck up you will NEVER KNOW what nz was like for my people

  • @calioh30
    @calioh30 12 лет назад +33

    This is a great example of racism in NZ at its finest - 2/3rds of overstayers were european and yet 2/3rds of those prosecuted were islanders. A very sad time in our history where govt purported us to the rest of the world as multicultural nation. Hope muldoon is rotting in hell for all his stuff ups that he caused in our society!

  • @hazellemoto5873
    @hazellemoto5873 9 лет назад +25

    Thank you for posting this video. Amazing how we tend to forget such a dark period in our recent history. These events and the National propaganda have aided the negative stereo typing of Pacific Island today. I was not alive during the raids, however it still hurts me to watch and try to observe critically. Our kids need to learn about this side of our history to appreciate the struggle of their grand parents and take educational opportunities with both hands, so the legacies can continue and we all progress.

  • @mvaigafaf
    @mvaigafaf 10 лет назад +26

    I grew up in this era and proud to be called a kiwi with a samoan background, Discrimination comes from fear and ignorance.

    • @mvaigafaf
      @mvaigafaf 9 лет назад +8

      *****..well done for saying something so intelligent

  • @TiorioriTeWhiu
    @TiorioriTeWhiu 7 лет назад +35

    A kiwi is an indigenous flightless bird; New Zealander's are the indigenous Maori people since Toi, Whatonga, and Kupe (Brothers-Polynesia Triangle). Polynesian's have more blood right to travel to & from Aotearoa freely, without interruption before any British descendant immigrant. Pakeha are European's immigrated from Great Britain, sent to alleviate their own overpopulation back in their own country; also with orders from house of Lords prior to 1840 to implement
    colonization and steal sovereignty. This was achieved by genocide, acts of war against the Maori Sovereign Nation est 1835 by Royal Assent of His Majesty King William IV of Great Britain. The plan the British carried out were based on writings by Abel Tasman & Capt Cook to which the house of Lord's agreed with Edward Gibbon Wakefield's ideology of colonization of New Zealand est.1835 The NSW Australian Government placed Aotearoa under Australia, so that when Hobson arrived, he was tasked with achieving a Colonial rule. The current government, the Dominion of New Zealand residing in Wellington is still to this day functioning under NSW Australian Government. Hence there is still no rush of a legal constitution, which also means they are an illegal Parliament. Should they achieve a constitution, they will finally achieve annexation of Aotearoa since 900 AD. Maori are still the legal Sovereigns of New Zealand 1835. The Te Tirti o Waitangi 1840 does not have Her Majesty Queen Victoria's Royal Seal, therefore it is illegitimate, which is why, Parliament, The Executive's of Cabinet, and the Judiciary are the best actors from any Hollywood movie. There is NO Dominion of New Zealand, only legal theft, murder, and deception. The State of New Zealand 1835 is still therefore, a Sovereign Country.

    • @raidenjax6223
      @raidenjax6223 4 года назад


    • @sheldoncooper0
      @sheldoncooper0 3 года назад

      White inventions: electricity, sewage system, democracy, government, lighting, internet, heating, clean drinking water, space flight, rockets, space travel, tablets, radar technology, antibiotics, and so on.
      Maori and Polynesian Inventions:
      Also Maori and Polynesian: “I demand equal rights due to our peoples great contributions to humanity”

  • @hanaa2846
    @hanaa2846 2 года назад +2

    I’m a proud Samoan and I always will be. My nana told me about the dawn raid and how 2 men car to hide in her house. When I saw Jacinda ardens apology I had not one single dry eye through the whole video. But I couldn’t understand why the other Government’s before Jacinda ardern. When I saw the tv cartoon thing I started crying. Whoever made that God may forgive them but I may never

  • @paulalesese906
    @paulalesese906 4 года назад +3

    My grandfather was here at the time, but was at a bus stop when his house was raided

  • @tictaktotiki
    @tictaktotiki 4 года назад +1

    love these the quality is just fine.real and authentic to back in the day..
    our kids are going to be taught NZ history in schools..
    Thank goodness for that,These are exactly the sort of videos they should be seeing.
    discussing these events..
    discussing how far those kids from those dawn raids parents have come.
    then our Pacifica will get the respect they so deserve.
    The Maori and Pacifica are the jewels in the crown of this country.their rich culture,their kind compassioate personalities.
    their laughter and wide smiles..
    that is what has shaped Aotearoa into the best little country in the world.
    look forward with anticipation.not back at bitterness that we had no part in .
    be responsible for the 'you ' in the here and now.
    learn from the past to grow in the future..

  • @vaiioane270
    @vaiioane270 9 лет назад +3

    I think guys we needed to let the past goes, we are in 2015 and all what happened in the past already sorted...God loves everyone, He loves sinners but He hates sin....I love White people, black, brown and so on. NZ has been helping all nations across the Pacific many many years ago until now...I thank Maori and White people for allowing me to come and stay in their homeland....God bless everyone...

  • @martinasafo125
    @martinasafo125 3 года назад +3

    Does anyone else see the link between this and what is happening in Australia now?

  • @VMA225
    @VMA225 6 лет назад

    Brilliant !!!

  • @markreynolds6220
    @markreynolds6220 6 лет назад +7

    Alot of segregation in the comments. The vast majority of us r just working people. DONT FALL INTO THE TRAP OF BEIGN DIVIDED AND RULED

    • @Samoan_Metalhead
      @Samoan_Metalhead 5 лет назад +3

      Indeed uce! A lot of racist comments and blame towards NZ European. Government used Polynesian as an scapegoat and used propaganda via media to focus on Polynesian as threat to NZ economy. Do not be divided. That's a leftist agenda

  • @harrythejackrussell9630
    @harrythejackrussell9630 3 года назад +1

    My Samoan step dad worked all his life and never was out of work, loyal to everyone but at times felt like a criminal for being here. The Government are a bunch of pricks.

  • @vaiioane270
    @vaiioane270 9 лет назад +33

    This is funny white police officers asked Maori people for their passports as well hahahahahah...

    • @ffl8031
      @ffl8031 4 года назад +2

      whakarongomai hhahah

    • @EOTUBDB
      @EOTUBDB 3 года назад

      A pass port didn't mean shit cause if you were allowed to be here they would make up a random charge and throw you in the cells

  • @caroleota6325
    @caroleota6325 4 года назад +1

    Fono Mati Ur absolutely correct.

  • @marzseaga714
    @marzseaga714 3 года назад +1

    I was about 3/4 when I was forced out of bed in the middle of the night made to stand up against the wall I watched family members hiding or taken away.

  • @Lissa2dfloor
    @Lissa2dfloor 13 лет назад

    does anyone know the lyrics or the name of the song that plays during the ending credits plz??!!!

  • @steveafoa5841
    @steveafoa5841 6 лет назад +7

    First time seeing this .Far....New Zealand's racial relations have come a long way since then .. Just feel for our people who actually took part in it first hand can only imagine how they felt...but yeah ! We got seats in the beehive now....and the highest paid actor in the world right now is guess what......Samoan baby lol yeeah

    • @tictaktotiki
      @tictaktotiki 4 года назад +1

      hell yeah.well said from palagi.
      i can only imagine what a bland little country we would be without the richness of their culture and character.
      always the laughter ringing out across our land.from OUR
      .what huge inroads those children of the parents who left their homeland to give their children a good chance at life have made. in such a short time frame.
      they are everywhere...not so many in the lowly paid jobs tho.awesome.
      in the top jobs, they are always so refreshing to deal with. kind compassionate.always polite and respectful

  • @tabbs3
    @tabbs3 4 года назад +1

    Hey thats my grandpas family Tafua. him and his brother oliva came down to the states for a funeral and i think he was the high chief of my grampas side cause we served him and did all his feaus. I felt like he was a king cause his fork and plate an the rest of his utensils no one couldnt touch cause hes the only one that could. It was weird cause im from the states and hes from the island it was interesting. But now i understand our culture such a blessing to us not only because what i just said but everything in general. Alofas RIL Grandpa sefo

  • @keiheaherakiwi1611
    @keiheaherakiwi1611 4 года назад +2

    All those who were in brought as the labour force should have been granted automatic residence ..... end of (opinion only)

  • @MrSicc274
    @MrSicc274 Год назад +1

    People forget Aotearoa is Polynesian

  • @estherbruce2954
    @estherbruce2954 2 года назад

    does anyone know what year this documentary was made ?

  • @rosemaryfungavaka5944
    @rosemaryfungavaka5944 10 лет назад +2

    When my numbers up ima remba this vidd..shot4thee history lesson

  • @csinapati
    @csinapati Год назад +1

    My goodness, how do they feel today seeing themselves or their families watching today the actions of their own & this government/police etc., ??? --- Karma seems to have now struck against these People's in High Seats of Power!!!

  • @louaiga74
    @louaiga74 9 лет назад +3

    thank god dawn raids are a thing of the past. We have come so far since then as a very multicultural society,and appreciate what islanders in that generation went through and suffered at the hands of racist nz govt. As far as anyone trying to deport my ass,well I put my middle finger up to you all,so deport that😊

  • @aliastjohn9568
    @aliastjohn9568 4 года назад

    anyone know the song in the backround at 4 minutes 29 seconds

  • @leaanafamily
    @leaanafamily 10 лет назад +5

    samoans are a big part of nz society in all aspects film, sports, work force,etc just like the whites, and sadly a number of them are also linked to a life of gangs drugs and violence also just like the whites, its not the colour of your skin that matters we're all human and that's what matters!

    • @sheldoncooper0
      @sheldoncooper0 4 года назад

      yeah big difference. the majority of samoans are a net liability. whites invented electricity, computers, internet etc. what did samoans do? run it straight?

    • @j.ckennedy2669
      @j.ckennedy2669 4 года назад +2

      @@sheldoncooper0 - Just to educate you - Samoan Politicians, Entertainers, Actors, Sports Stars, they contribute to the economy, .... What did you invent? Same ole race hate bullshit from wayyyy back.

    • @raidenjax6223
      @raidenjax6223 4 года назад +1

      @@sheldoncooper0 Mostly Jewish inventions you dumb shit.

  • @KiDD275
    @KiDD275 13 лет назад +1

    nice one,makes you think about what your forefathers had to go through back then.

  • @kevincarter2193
    @kevincarter2193 11 лет назад

    good info

  • @effysiale9857
    @effysiale9857 4 года назад +3

    This was so unfair

  • @linglingz8278
    @linglingz8278 3 года назад

    It’s the Whakarongo mai for me 😩🤣

  • @harrythejackrussell9630
    @harrythejackrussell9630 3 года назад +1

    We can't blame the police we blame the people above them that gave the orders to remove people. Without Polynesian people for one example is our rugby and rugby league would not be what it is today.

  • @brianpilimai6806
    @brianpilimai6806 4 года назад +4

    Send the British back!!

    • @j.ckennedy2669
      @j.ckennedy2669 4 года назад

      @29Feb sober - And your people are paying the price - Now that's really pathetic.

    • @j.ckennedy2669
      @j.ckennedy2669 4 года назад +1

      @29Feb sober - Still hung up on the race issue hey 29Feb sober ? Your name is this month of Feb but it's not even the 29 th? Perhaps it's time you book your next AA meeting and stay sober?

    • @j.ckennedy2669
      @j.ckennedy2669 4 года назад

      ​@29Feb sober - Oh so I'm now a Dickhead ? Subtle humour you say? Na mate, that was for real. Second thought - Scrub the AA meeting and get yourself lobotomized ya head case.

    • @zachsakaria4957
      @zachsakaria4957 3 года назад +1

      @@j.ckennedy2669 bro u talking to a ghost?

    • @j.ckennedy2669
      @j.ckennedy2669 3 года назад +1

      @@zachsakaria4957 -- Na bro, the idiot who made comments before me removed his

  • @kennefinefi8238
    @kennefinefi8238 3 года назад

    Still the same in an undercover way

  • @Kiwiz1830
    @Kiwiz1830 11 месяцев назад

    That old white man was right keep to your own brittish stock. In Britain they should go back to with the stock also

  • @melaroha8003
    @melaroha8003 10 лет назад +13

    Samoa, Maori, tongan are a one nation we are the most high chosen people, as for the Europeans they are not

    • @nztea3777
      @nztea3777 4 года назад

      Heir apparent got nothing else to do in life but be a keyboard warrior? Replying to every race-related comment. We all know you wouldn't have the balls to say it in real life.

    • @sheldoncooper0
      @sheldoncooper0 3 года назад +1

      @@nztea3777 Exactly. He wouldn’t say this to a Polynesian in real life as it is dangerous, similar to how no white European Nobel Prize winner or inventor would approach an ape or gorilla.

  • @rincewind4x2
    @rincewind4x2 11 лет назад

    whats a jersey and a freesian?

    • @LipoMaae94
      @LipoMaae94 4 года назад

      Cows, Jersey is the brown cow and friesian is the black and white cow

  • @MrSSVO
    @MrSSVO 6 лет назад +2

    police are still the same here in hamilton

  • @leaanafamily
    @leaanafamily 10 лет назад +7

    my dad saw the cop that stormed his auntys houst 10 years later in a pub in otahuhu and beat the shit out of him!! so much he walks with a limp today hahahaha

    • @pasifikaunited707
      @pasifikaunited707 10 лет назад

      The Star Hotel Pub? LOL

    • @JohnJohnson-qm3mr
      @JohnJohnson-qm3mr 9 лет назад +2

      jaylen williams beating people for doing their jobs

    • @cammik2229
      @cammik2229 7 лет назад +1

      John Johnson because they didn't have an option to refuse, right?

    • @jackvella6392
      @jackvella6392 7 лет назад

      John Johnson
      Ikr, ratshit

    • @tezzzy2727
      @tezzzy2727 6 лет назад

      pre harsh

  • @MobKnowledge
    @MobKnowledge 12 лет назад

    David Bane at 5:44.

  • @KIL0.G
    @KIL0.G 4 года назад +1

    Imagine them trying to do it nowadays

    • @raidenjax6223
      @raidenjax6223 4 года назад

      Not gonna happen we will eat them alive

    • @zachsakaria4957
      @zachsakaria4957 3 года назад

      @@raidenjax6223 uce...thats pretty gay

  • @steveafoa5841
    @steveafoa5841 6 лет назад +2

    Arrested for saying "whakarongo mai" hahaha that's a great one

  • @gooseneck7019
    @gooseneck7019 3 года назад

    No ashamed of this history

  • @infrequentflyer4271
    @infrequentflyer4271 5 лет назад

    can we get some better quality videos?

    • @zachsakaria4957
      @zachsakaria4957 3 года назад +2

      This was posted 10 years ago, filmed way earlier than that as well

  • @iaotaupausau4899
    @iaotaupausau4899 8 лет назад +1

    thats amazing to see our pacific island people who migrate from the islands to nz to get a job to earn money for their family back in the island but one thing lucky that the dawn raids were over but its sad that the pakeha and maori wanted the polynesians out of nz but how would their kids be educated thats just plain racisted tbh

  • @RomTheLegend
    @RomTheLegend 3 года назад


  • @MrZzr12
    @MrZzr12 12 лет назад


  • @markreynolds6220
    @markreynolds6220 6 лет назад +1

    And ys if u wer a white collar 2 work and pull 70k a year with a family 2 feed yor probably as working class as th nxt guy.

  • @ryand7832
    @ryand7832 5 лет назад +1

    This comments section, far out!

  • @vaiioane270
    @vaiioane270 9 лет назад +1

    Well at the end of the day, when YOU DIE, YOU CAN'T take your land, house, job, car with you only have one t-shirt a pair of shoes, pants to take with you down to the earth...and that's it, and you wait there until Jesus comes back..."And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2....."And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." John 5:29

  • @ryanmcalley376
    @ryanmcalley376 4 года назад

    helen clarke. the walking dead

  • @user-hg9eh2ti7r
    @user-hg9eh2ti7r Год назад

    It’s only fair

  • @pixelpotato4874
    @pixelpotato4874 7 лет назад

    Shit, no wonder, a White dairy farmer who happened to be police minister... sound familiar?... 😬

  • @cheekykent
    @cheekykent 8 лет назад +1

    A man builds, a man creates while the pests ask "where's my share?".

  • @djaylelilio8127
    @djaylelilio8127 11 лет назад +2

    Actually.. if you back up a bit love Awaak Typer.. its the maori land, wea maori's are from .. NOT the whites :) Get your facts right okay? Ia fa sole!!!

  • @DrAAAli
    @DrAAAli 3 года назад

    NZ easily one of the most racist places on earth, this stuff will exists albeit underground.

    • @daniella921
      @daniella921 3 года назад

      The gvt are to blame for this and white law. Youre ignorant if you think we are all equal.

  • @aftech7268
    @aftech7268 6 лет назад +2

    First of all the Samoans and pacific islanders are from the same gene pool as the maoris who owns that land you claim as your home - like the Hawaiians and the American Indians who lost land - you should be ashamed

  • @jimmysyndrome
    @jimmysyndrome 11 лет назад +1

    Sorry little buddy, but if you had the comprehension skills and the opposable thumbs required to read a newspaper then you'd know that New Zealand is 'on the brink of bankruptcy' because we've experienced three global recessions and two disastrous periods of financial deregulation since the 70s, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with polynesian migration. Also, I'm very sorry about the all the big words in this reply. Hopefully a responsible grown-up can help you look some of them up.

    • @tictaktotiki
      @tictaktotiki 4 года назад +1

      7 years ago...about that bankruptcy.....big words.....oh you mean comprehension.. twit

  • @suribrodestroy7773
    @suribrodestroy7773 4 года назад

    U broke the laws

    • @user-xk2wh6ym8z
      @user-xk2wh6ym8z 4 года назад +2

      suribro destroy so did Europeans yet they were never deported.

    • @zachsakaria4957
      @zachsakaria4957 3 года назад

      So did many Europeans and they weren't treated as harshly as us. Your point?

  • @awaak
    @awaak 11 лет назад +1

    I agree with you! This country seemed to go down hill when the Poly invasion begun!

    • @nuviwuvi1
      @nuviwuvi1 6 лет назад +2

      New Zealand Beats the rest
      Nope white man decision made it go down. They just needed to blame there stupidity on some one. Let's put it this way. Your dad meet your mum fell in love and made a mistake which was you.... Some problem here.....

    • @alphakennybody4997
      @alphakennybody4997 6 лет назад

      New Zealand Beats the rest and it's gonna continue and you can't do shit about it lol

    • @sheldoncooper0
      @sheldoncooper0 4 года назад


    • @j.ckennedy2669
      @j.ckennedy2669 4 года назад

      You poor misguided Hill Billy Imbred!

    • @islandudenz
      @islandudenz 4 года назад

      Ur an idiot Nz beats