Angels, Dreams and Visions - Doug Batchelor

  • Опубликовано: 19 янв 2013
  • Interesting Sermon from the series "Everlasting Gospel" from Doug Batchelor.
    Thanks to Hope Channel and to Amazing Facts there you find many more sermons and another information.

Комментарии • 126

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Hey buddy, the SDA church is not a museum of saints but a hospital for people who are sick from sin. You ought to come by one Sabbath morning, Yahshua will be really happy for coming by!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Now you really convinced me.

  • @bretmuldner
    @bretmuldner 10 лет назад +3

    Didn't anyone teach you guys not to argue. Bickering does no one any good! And you cant open a closed mind, only GOD can do that!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Thanks the LORD Im rotting in the truth. Bye Eric. Dont forget to stop by a Saturday morning to church, it would do you very good for you!!!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Well, some have eyes and cannot see if though they are seeing and some have eras and dont listen when they are hearing.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад +2

    No Eric, I love Christ more than myself. You have no idea how much I had left behind because of Him. In Galatians 5:17 wasnt talking about the 10 commandments, it was talking about the Law of Moses that was oblitirated on the cross. Im not jewish, Christ and the disciples were, and they all still kept the Sabbath because its part of the 10 commandments. Hebrews 4 talks about this, 35 years later after Christ left to heaven. He was very clear in Matthew 5:17-18. Also in Isaiah 66:22-23 Luke 16:17

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Also, true Catholics go on Sunday since Christ changed the day of rest to the first day of the week because He rose on that day, according to the roman church. Stand up for what you believe, even though its not true.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    What? So, you mean your "soul" goes somewhere else than your spirit and your body???

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Actually, I was reading from the bible, just in their original language. Maybe your limited because you only speak 1 language, but for polyglots its a little easier to understand other languages.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Well if you think of them less than people, what would Yahshua thinks about you? The church came into existance as the prophecy said it would and satan is attacking the offsprings of the mother, church, who keeps the commandments of God and haves the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the spirit of prophecy. You can read it in Rev. 12:17. The spirit of prophecy is the gift of prophecy and the LORD has always had a messenger during all times, besides the 400 years between Malachiah and Matthew.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    The Ekklesia, was a visible body united in doctrine and teaching by the teaching authority of the Church It wasn't a bunch of cults running around with bibles declaring NEW DOCTRINE they were and with thousands of competing doctrines. Acts 15 is an explicit example. When the Judaizers attempted to corrupt the truth of the gospel, the Bishops assembled together with the Apostles and the Church laid down the doctrine that forever condemned the SDA.iTI was ONE BODY AND ONE FAITH AND ONE CHURCH!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    1 The Church of Rome's faith was "spoken of throughout the whole world". Rom.1:8 (OUCH!)
    3. Paul extended 'GRACE & PEACE" FROM GOD to the Church of Rome. (vs 7) (OUCH!)
    4. Paul thanked God for the Church of Rome (vs. 8) (OUCH!)

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    The prophets called Jerusalem a Harlot. The apostle John calls Jerusalem "Egypt and Sodom" where they murdered Christ. Elizabeth didn't bring the Christ in to the world, Mary did. Mary was raised, just like Elijah and Moses, she is greater than all of them and glorified by her Son, Christ Jesus.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    No Sunday law? I know ur not 11, so you probably just dont read the fine print in the news papers. Sunday law has started in some countries in Europe, started in Argentina and also in some places in the States. It hasnt been enforced yet which is different. The pope is someone chosen by people not YHWH. The children of God are those guided by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14). By the way, do you even know what part of a human body is its soul, according to the biblical record? Hint; its mortal!!!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Well, you know as little about church history as you do the scriptures. Polycarp, bishop of Symrna, and taught at the feet of the Apostle John wrote in 114AD, "The Church of God which sojourns at Smyrna, to the Church of God sojourning in Philomelium,1 and to all the congregations2 of the Holy and Catholic Church IN EVERY PLACE" .
    Search every church history for the Church of Rome where Paul wrote: whose faith is known THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD" IN 53AD and you come to the Catholic Church!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    I love Mary, I wouldnt be able to trust another woman to take care of my Saviour through His younger years, but even though she was undefiled to give birth to Christ, she still was human, therefore, she still was a sinner and she died and still waiting to be resurrected upon Yahshuas adventism. She was buried in Turkey where John the apostle also died. That woman in Rev. 12 is not Mary, that is the daughter of God, meaning His church, His people, His children from all the world in times.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    By the way, why did you leave the SDA church? Did someone from the congregation did something so grave that you choose to completely speak so harshly about us? Hey man, I may not know you, but Im here for you if you ever just wanna talk. Dont care if its even trashing about the church, I love comparing bible verses to peoples convictions!

  • @losove52
    @losove52 11 лет назад

    Yes, you need to look into the word of the matter not the person. The truth is God said it and not man. The fourth commandment is truth no matter what, how people keep it is between them and God. No one should believe it because of what someone said in her writing but in what he commanded. Read between the lines. How do you know who's keeping sabbath and who's not, that's alot of adventist to keep track of. You must be amazing.

  • @springsoflifeministries2396
    @springsoflifeministries2396 6 лет назад +1

    People having dreams and visions is one thing, but to make a doctrine and a belief system from someone who is having these occurrences is completely unscriptural. This is what the SDA church has done with all of Ellen White's trances. She wrote them down and the SDA church looks upon these as gospel truth. That is why they are a cult.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    That's how little you know about the Catholic Church. The Church condemns the worship of anyone but God and only The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is God.
    There is not the slightest rebellion against God, when the Gentiles and Christians don't keep the Sabbath, Leonel, has never found 1 verse that commands either Gentiles or Christians to keep the Sabbath. "people wouldn't forget", NO HE WROTE IT SO THE JEWS WOULDN'T FORGET.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    The Old and the New Covenant was never made with the gentiles, only the with Jews because the promise was made to Abraham. So, the moment we are reborn we become adopted into the breast of Abraham, becoming a spiritual Jew (Galatians 3:28-29). So by faith in Christ we are saved, not by works. Nevertheless, faith does not obliterate the 10 Commandments (Romans 3:31). Also, we do work to be done, because Christ is rewarding each one according to their works upon His adventism (Colossians 3:24). :)

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Trust me, I don't want a dictionary from a cult Thayer is recognized as the most learned scholar in modern times. If you don't know that hades isn't the grave, I can't imagine what other junk is in your dictionary. Oh my!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    "never" ???!!!!! Quoting the news,"The SDA murdered 50,000 plus people and "massacred about 5,000 people plus 50 CLERICS... dressed in a suit & tie (the SDA Pastor) watched as people were shot, beaten to death encouraging the killers to ensure that no one survived!" 10 years ago, not 1,000 years ago.. “Prosecutors at the UN war crimes court said that.. Pastor of the SDA Church & his son organized death squads & executed thousands…. “Most of the . victims were hacked to death with machetes”.

  • @dmcarden
    @dmcarden 9 лет назад +1

    Lots of conjecture regarding views on how things were before the fall..takes away any credibility from later parts of the sermon. Need to stick with what is exactly written vs. making up your own opinions

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 8 лет назад

      you know absolutely nothing about theology and dont even do that the Bible and only the Bible... Your kind say that and then stop up your ears to the leading of the Holy Spirit in the Bible!!!

    • @dmcarden
      @dmcarden 8 лет назад

      Brad Sexson
      you make no sense..what does the very last scripture in revelation say? Anyone who adds/deletes from this scroll..... probably know the bible better than you.. so respond with logic vs. emotion

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 8 лет назад

      and who is adding subtracting ?
      and knock off the pontificating I am not your boy

    • @dmcarden
      @dmcarden 8 лет назад

      Brad Sexson
      Wasting my time, appreciate the intelligent discussion, thx

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 8 лет назад


  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    The LORD always reffered Jerusalem as his daughter, as His bride, as a woman. Its irrelevant who gave birth to Christ. It could have been Elizabeth her cousin, but it doesnt matter, what matter is our Saviour Christ, nobody else can redeem us and forgive our sins, not his biological mother who died longtime ago.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Jerusalem is a Harlot as long as they refuse Christ.That is who the Apostle John is referring to in the book of Revelation, not the Catholic Church whom both he and the Apostle Paul loved and cherished. That is why Jerusalem is referred to as Egypt and Sodom. And, they which killed the prophets. In the same way, The SDA is the harlot too, because they reject the true Christ and like Jerusalem, they persecute the church Christ himself established while on earth fabrication all lies against her.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Oh, so God has a daughter and a son according to you. There is only one person who has ever lived that gave birth to a man child who is to rule with a rod of iron and that is Mary in all of her glory given to her by her Son in Rev. 12. She is the mother of God in the flesh Christ and therefore, the earthly Mother of God.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Look, the new testament was written in Greek, besides the gospel of Matthew. So, "the church" in Greek is Ekklesia which is the gathering of, the assembly or congregation. When Yahshua returns in His second adventism, He will take His Ekklesia, the people who congregated, not a denomination. So the christians were assembling from that time already and catholics do not follow Yahshua as His mediator but Mary, so that makes them Marians, not christians. Again, Im against satan, not catholics!!!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Youre reffering to the Spirit of God, the breath of life given to mankind by the 6th day, Ecclesiastes 12:7. Im talking about the spirit of man, which is completely different. This is exactly the confusion most of the peolpe have, dont know what the spirit and the soul of a human being is and what happens to it when the Spirit of God, breath of life, not the Holy Spirit, no longer is whithin us when we die. So, the spirit of a man is separate from the Spirit of God. He talks to us to our spirit!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Christ did not instituted the Catholic church. Youre about 300 years offset. The first pope was Constantine the roman emperor. Even History books accredit him for this, it wasnt Peter. Hey, the truth is the truth and it cant be changed. Sunday law was is soon to become a huge deal in the States. it already is in some countries in europe and also the country Im at. So, dont practice necromancia anymore my friend, it goes against the first commandment of YHWH. God bless you!!!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    I need help? You're the one in the cult, not me.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Hello, they werent Jews yet. They were Hebrews born in Egypt. Talk about gentiles!!! Im sorry, but the roman church worshippes Mary and Yahshua still hanging from the cross with eyes towards heaven. Its a wonderful spectacle image worshipping when people come and kneel before a statue made from clay or wood. Its not the fisst time it happens. People always worshipped a woman who gave birth to a divine child, only they called her Semiramis, queen of heaven. Same one you worship. Jeremiah 7:17-18.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    It's clear, you simply don't answer questions where you have no answer. You do this over and over, like every cult member, I've ever met.

  • @Regina-ws7sp
    @Regina-ws7sp 9 лет назад +4

    I like the sermon,but I dislike the Kabbala-christmas-trees in the church.Kabbalah teaches that lucifer is higher then God.If you love God,take this trees and this ungodly balls out of the church,please.Each of that balls is a demonic entity and very dangerous.Dont play with fire.

    • @johnyoung5858
      @johnyoung5858 9 лет назад

      Regina Lieder I must admit I am surprised to see those phallic symbols in the building of man who teaches so much truth. I guess no man can be trusted

    • @Regina-ws7sp
      @Regina-ws7sp 9 лет назад

      It is just a feeling.I surround myself with oldfashioned ethiopian crosses(.Handmade and no carved images).That leaves place for my own imagination and relationship with the Most High God.When I was younger,I was attracted to religious pictures and statues-,now it is the opposite.I always thought theese symbols would remind me of praying,but it was not so.God bless you!

    • @Regina-ws7sp
      @Regina-ws7sp 8 лет назад

      Nice Biblestudy,true,but I am still allergic to Christmas.I hope God Amlak will give us all wisdom how to worship Him without using satanic symbols in our churches and houses.God Amlak bless you!

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 8 лет назад

      OH dont even go there with the tree, your kind makes a self pious remark and turns around and not know who your Creator is! give it a rest, pharisee!!

    • @Regina-ws7sp
      @Regina-ws7sp 8 лет назад

      Dear Brad,i am not a pharisee.I listen to the Bible.That leaves no room for interpretation.Our God does not compromise with sin.Of course we can be tolerant.Rasta is always cool,we dont disturb people.I dont spoil Christmas for others.Jesus is born in September.Fact. 6 month after John the Baptist.There was Gold Incence and Myrrhe,no decked trees.We,the people invented that.Does God like it,if we invent traditions?There is a certain risk involved.I like to keep it safe,no experiments.Changing the Bible can be very dangerous and theese are not my words.Revelation 22 If anyone adds to this words....Christmas is added to the Bible.Still God is happy,that people pray a lot on Christmas.That is a good thing.Stay Blessed!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    That 1260 years stuff was bunk! Even Bacchocchi disproved it himself. That's what false prophet(ess) do, the make giant mistakes and make fools out of themselves. of EG Whites lie "the Papacy began in 538AD. which Bacchoicchi totally denies. Then we can go to the supposed "downfall of the Papacy in 1798" which Bacchoicchi denies. Little Ms White says, the Waldenses were Sabbath Keepers, which, Bacchoicchi denies She lied, fabricated and plagiarized. She never once kept any Sabbath.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Who said Christ obliterated the commandment? I didn't. Like the Pharisees in Christ's day, you fake sabbath keepers talk, talk, talk, but you don't walk, walk, walk. You say and do not. In fact, it was indeed, the Sabbath Keepers that 1st murdered Christ and then the Apostles after Christ. Read. Mt. 23:31-35, and see what a great group you are linked with.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    "His commandments" that John wishes everyone to keep is not the 10 commandments, which YOU DON'T KEEP ANYWAY! Who are you trying to fool? If you can keep the 10 commandments, you don't need Christ.
    The Commandments Christ gave us to keep is to love one another, that make Gentiles, forced to be Jewish in order to be Christians. And, you show your hate and disdain for Christ and his church by fabricating lies against them and ALL CHRISTIANITY.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    see SDA apostasy dot org.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    I go to the Catholic Church on Saturday while you are spreading lies and falsehood about the very church Christ himself instituted.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    The SDA's were born in apostasy and remain in apostasy. EG White was chief in their apostasy. There will be no "Sunday Law" trash. That's a joke & a deliberate attempt by her to carve out a following by stirring hate over something that will never happen. And, those who continue to carry out her false message, will lose their salvation because they are falsely accusing the Pope & the people of God, And, my friend, it won't be soul sleep or annihilationYOU BETTER COUNT THE COST OF YOUR HERESY!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    You ought to watch this. This lady is Karen Hude who used to be work for the world banks and she exposes all of the dirty works of the world criminals. Guess who was at the top? The Jesuits, and our new pope is a Jesuit. Remember Eric, this is not against the honest catholics like you, but about exposing satan!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Maybe your little Satan friend also told you Sheol and Hades means grave or sepulcher. If you attack the Pope, you are attacking Catholics. There is NEITHER JEW OR GENTILE with God. He's not a racist, as the SDA is.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 11 лет назад

    Beware of the Braggart that runs around boasting they keep the 10 commandments, because THEY DON'T. If they did, they wouldn't need Christ. However, when the SDA loudly boasts TO THE PUBLIC about them keeping 4th commandment, IT BECOMES THE PUBLIC INTEREST TO SEE IF THEY DO WHAT THEY BOAST ABOUT DOING. So, once they start bragging to the public, it's no longer a private matter, it becomes a public matter, The truth is they don't keep the 4th commandment, they ONLY FAKE IT for APPEARANCE SAKE.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Yeah, yyu are a remnant from Isaiah alright. You the remnant from Isa.1:10-15 where God hates their fake sabbath keeping and calls it an abomination unto him.
    You all never tire of patting yourselves on the back and telling how wonderful you think you are, just like the Pharisees who murdered Christ and then the Apostles.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Look, you believe every bit of propaganda you hear. I know the facts and I'm not afraid of the truth. When Polycarp said, "the Holy and Catholic Church IN EVERY PLACE", that is the only Church there was. Catholic means universal, so don't be foolish. Face the facts. The Adventst are as guilty as the Catholics, my friend. They murdered more in 1 week, than any Pope or at any time. So, take that big redwood tree out of your own eye first!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    I know what Catholic means, thats why I mantioned that. And when has the SDA participated in a mass murder of men, women and children? Never. When have you even heard SDA pastors molesting young boys? Never. There sure is a spirit in your church, but it isnt the Holy one. By the way, who cares what Polycarp said, its not divine inspiration. The catholic church is in the bible though, but not in the way you think. I hope one day you realiza how wrong you were all this time.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Look, you are reading from a cult and a false prophetess,. Your bible doesn't even have all the books of the Septuagint. Look up Vinces Expository dictionary. Look up Thayer's Greek Lexicon. Look up Brown Driver and Briggs.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Hey look, no one's begging you to reply. You can stay in your tiny little fake Jewish cult and rot. A 500 character forum is no place to have a real study.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Not as strong is as your inability to face and address the facts, which you keep running from. I don't have to fake all that stuff you do, I'm a real person I don't go around pretending to be something I'm not, as you do. I honestly don't know how you sleep at night, seriously. You have to have a hardened heart, to keep faking being something your not. You'd do well to simply fall on your knees and cry out to God, have mercy on me a sinner then go to hell for pretending to be what you are not.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    You are so gullible.. Everybody loves a conspiracy, people fabricate conspiracies so they can sell books and tapes. Every time there's a new pope, the SDA does a thousand tapes and videos on how it's finally the great false prophet, when the person they are listening to is the false prophet and deceiving, starting with the original Ms. Ellen G. White, who was a true sensationalist as the rest of these whackos are.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    You don't know me, who in hades are you to say that trash? I know better than be in a cult, my friend. You don't. The answers are at your fingertips but you refuse to see, therefore you are without excuse. The whole world knows you all are nothing more than a Judaizing cult of fake Sabbath keepers and preachers of the atheistic gospel of soul sleep and annihilationism, none of which is taught in scripture.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    The judgment of God will start with you heretics who corrupted the Gospel of Christ and abused his name to preach Moses as the way to salvation and soul sleep to the wicked. There will be no excuse for you all because the truth is at your fingertips and you all willfully ignore it. You have chosen your cult exchange for the truth, because you love your fake Sabbath keeping facade that feeds your ego a lot more than the true Christ, whom you abhor!

  • @jfanj101
    @jfanj101 10 лет назад

    This video was likely produced years ago and just recently posted...the part where the pastor explains the evils of trying to sell Gods word comes to mind and perhaps has released a lot of them...i could not stick a knife in any part of this me it was very real...especially given the times we live in...from the increase in the pouring out of dreams and visions...obviously we were created...even the science of numbers prove this...the choice is by whom...i choose GOD.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 11 лет назад

    1 The Church of Rome's faith was "spoken of throughout the whole world". Rom.1:8 (OUCH!)
    3. Paul extended 'GRACE & PEACE" FROM GOD to the Church of Rome. (vs 7) (OUCH!)
    4. Paul thanked God for the Church of Rome (vs. 8) (OUCH!)

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Ok. So what does it means according to your learning?

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    I completely agree with you with the whole Mary thing, but Jerusalem was a Harlot when they apostitized, it wasnt a constant state of being.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Part 2 from the article ,"The article in news then goes on to say, "Together they inflicted UNIMAGINABLE pain in a SLAUGHTER that lasted well into the night. .. witnesses said they would testify that in March last year, the saw the pastor, who was extradited from America last year, murder his accountant and watch the rape of 3 women at the hospital" . However, that doesn't matter because I'm sure they were keeping the Sabbath Day.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    I agree with you, theres Harlots everywhere.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Hey, if I read it in Hebrew and in Greek, why would I need a third party to mix the truth? So whats Hades, a lake of fire burning forever more???

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Hey, Im sorry if I hurt your feelings brother. It wasnt my intention. Nevertheless, the difference between the SDA church and everyone else is the fact that they live to the Law and to the Testimony (Isaiah 8:20), well not all because the church is an a lukewarm state as the Revelation 3 talks about in the Laodicean church. Btw, cult means "culto", which is to adorate and worship and so yes we are and yes we do, specially on the Sabbath YHWH has given us. Hey man, may the LORD bless you!!!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    "totally out of context" is the answer given by those who have no answer. You said it, no prove it. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr of Symrna in 114AD wrote:
    The Church of God which sojourns at Smyrna, to the Church of God sojourning in Philomelium,1 and to all the congregations2 of the Holy and Catholic Church in every place:" Rom.1:8 declares the Church of Rome's faith was SO GREAT, that "the whole world knew of it". It's the very same church today and more abundantly true now than then.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Im an SDA and I know that the final Atonement was on th cross. Nevertheless, after the sacrifice comes the part when the High Priest enters the Holiest Place and that happened when Yahshua ascended into heaven. Why do you think He hasnt return? Because the Judment of God has not been completed. He will return to reward those according to their works. By the way, SDA is a prophetic movement that YHWH is preparing for these last day events. Hope you ready for what its coming!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    It's not spam. It's the truth, you simply want to change the subject because you can't stand the truth staring you in the eye.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Has GOD ever shown you aything in a dream? Joel 2:28 is being fulfilled in these last days events. He sure is gathering His children.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Part 3, it reads further on, "just before they were killed, they said, "God no longer wants you!" the killers..then lobbed grenades INTO THE CHURCH AND HOSPITAL , using MACHETES to finish off those who survived the initial onslaught". Oh, and then they kept the sabbath.
    Just look up the New York Times article: Feb 20, 2003 - Rwandan Pastor and His Son Are Convicted of Genocide ... 78,
    Oh, having murdered thousands,I sure they then rested on the Sabbath day, like those that murdered Christ.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Oh, so you think I only speak one language?

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    How am I judaizing this conversation? You really need help.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    There is on proof that the Holy Spirit separates from the soul at death. Rom 8: says that death CANNOT separate us from the love of God.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Read Luke 16:16-31 when you get to the word "hell", it's hades in the Greek. It is the exact thing Christ explicitly shows it is, a place of "torment in this flame" for the wicked and a place of "comfort" for the righteous IMMEDIATELY AFTER DEATH, where the souls await the resurrection of the flesh and both are judged together.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Wrong again, there Leonel, The Greek word for SEPULCHER
    is 1. taphos(5028), akin to thapto, “to bury,” originally “a burial,” then, “a place for burial, a tomb,” occurs in Matt. 23:27; v. 29, RV (KJV, “tombs”); 27:61, 64, 66; 28:1; metaphorically, Rom. 3:13
    The Hebrew word for SEPULCHER IS qeber: a grave, sepulche #6913 I welcome everyone to look it up. IT'S NEVER HADES! Says, Thayer's Greek Lexicon.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Oh, praise YHWH that He sent me Saint Saavy to save me from obeying Him and to worship idols and dead saints and to pay indulgencies in order for my dead family members dont be in purgatory and pray over and over pre written prayers which He keeps count so I can accumlate points for being a good human being. Eric, he who says that knows Christ and dont keep His commandments a lier and there is no truth in him like satan from the begining. Christ is in the Mos Holiest place intrceeding for us!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    1 The Church of Rome's faith was "spoken of throughout the whole world". Rom.1:8 (OUCH!)
    3. Paul extended 'GRACE & PEACE" FROM GOD to the Church of Rome. (vs 7) (OUCH!)
    4. Paul thanked God for the Church of Rome (vs. 8) (OUCH!)

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Oh yeah, I'm so sure. I can just see the "soul and spirit" being covered up with dirt! What dope would believe the immaterial part of man is covered up with dirt. The scripture says, the spirit goes "back to God, who gave it". You understand so little.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Thanks man, but I got news for you... not all, but most SDA´s, are aware that there is an apostasy amongs the bretheren, from pastors to members. This was already foretold by Christ in the parable of the Wheat and the Tare, as well Ellen G. White stated that in Spirit of Prophecy. Its whithin the ailes of the church that people will turn in one another when the Sunday Law is enforced. Thats why I focus on Christ and not on people. Thats also the message of the Laodicean church, for all humanity!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    By the way, have you read what the Commandments of God are? Exodus 20 will tell you all about it. First one is not to have false idols and the roman church is packed with them, worshipping dead sinners as the apostles and Mary mother of Christ. Do not have any graven images and bow down to them, another direct rebellion against YHWH. REMEMBER TO KEEP THE SABBATH... how interesting that God had to kinda put that in so that people wouldnt forget. Its written on stone and it cant be erased! Peace!

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Not what the Torah and the Septuagint says. Are you sure you reading the translation in english??? Maybe is gibberish, who knows!!! Nevertheless, body, spirit and soul dies all together and goes to hell, to the grave...... Whats ur address so I can send you a nice diccionary. I love you brother!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 11 лет назад

    EG White, attracted a lying demon. And, today it follows the SDA members and ministers. They have learned to lie themselves by pretending to keep the 4th commandment when not 1 of them does. So, they live a lie. They think if they keep trying to find more members, that that will compensate for the fact they are lying to themselves and others. White lied about her dreams, and lied about her schemes . She lied about nearly everything. The lying demon that was in her, still haunts them her

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    I agree with the bible verse, but it was talking about the catholic church because it did not come into existance until the 4th century after Christ. This church is all people of all ages who believed in the coming of Christ from the begining, and the people present His days and the people to come after the cross. Not the Catholic church, they killed those who wanted to keep the church together during the dark ages. It sure come to existance again once the opportunity arises!

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    As Christ said, the Master is not greater than the servant. If they called him (Christ) Beelezub, they will also do likewise to his servants. Of course, you have know who it was that called Christ Beelzebub, none other than a Sabbath Keeper. The Sabbath Keeper persecuted Christ until they had him murdered. Oh, and then they kept the Sabbath like good little hypocrites of the worse kind. After that, they murdered the Apostles as Christ predicted in Mt. 23:30-35.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    it doesn't make any deference what language you read it in. Hades in never the grave and neither is sheol. Why do you all always try to change the subject when you are caught in a lie.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 11 лет назад

    The Adventist have made so many of their followers commit the unpardonable sin by blaspheme of the Holy Spirit in exactly the manner in which Christ describes it, that it is likely they sent. Countless numbers of their members To everlasting punishment. They ever repent instead, they become increasingly hardened, like the sabbath keepers Christ condemned in Mt. 23. I'm calling on them to repent, but theonly bow their backs until it will be too late for them too, as it was for those before them

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    I agree with you, theres nothing worst that religiuos people. Thats why I live my religion as a personal relation with YHWH, not trying to be saved by doctrines. Your bible text yet again is out of context. The LORD rather have obedient people to His Commandments than to sin and then repent. Remember than sin is to traspass the LAW, 1 John 3:4. And if anyone says that loves God and dont keep His commandments is a lier and theres no truth in him..... thats you brother. Come on, you cant fool me..

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    There has always been rumors about the SDA church and also people infiltrated possing as a member. Just like theres crazy people in all churches, we have our share, but God never support this kind of behavior. Send me a link about your allegation. I firmly believe that the majority of Gods children is in the catholic church and in every church He has children. My issue is not with the congregation but with satan possing as our Father in heaven, whether in my church or yours.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    The 1st covenant was made with Gentiles & it never required Sabbath keeping, you don't know the scriptures.The covenant regarding salvation was for "all nations" to be blessed, not just the Jews, you are wrong again.
    Only the Jews after the flesh were required to keep the Sabbath (the children of Israel) meaning the sons of Jacob, not the Gentile Nations. you are wrong again. Spiritual Jews ARE NOT THOSE WHO ARE CHILDREN OF JACOB. IF YOU ARE Christ's then are you spiritual Children of Abe

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Wrong again, squirt! Christ did not obliterate the commandments so you can just freely sin and them come and repent everytime over and over!
    To love your neighbor is to keep the last 6 commandments as it says in Romans 13:9-10. So if the second table of stone in the commandments has to do with how to love our neighbor,.... I wonder how do you love God with all ur heart, life and soul??? Oh, maybe its the first stone with the first 4 commandments towards Him. If you disobey them, you hate YHWH.

  • @gregcox6165
    @gregcox6165 10 лет назад +3

    BEWARE of EricSaavy (aka Robert Clanton). DO NOT ENGAGE HIM. He loves fighting and chaos, his fruits are apparent! There is no dialogue - just the “drive by” insults of his scribbling. He is utterly obsessed with hating the SDAs and anyone who keeps the Sabbath. He’s obviously a catholic apologist with some apparent training, probably Jesuit (based on his church history references and end notes), but there are many amateurish and sycophantic babblings about his work.
    He lurks DAILY on RUclips sites slamming anyone who disagrees with him. He’s not a well person.
    These are examples of his theological train wrecks, read for yourself:
    And here:

    • @josmaryelidok3387
      @josmaryelidok3387 10 лет назад +2

      I agree with you Greg cox. We need to pray for him. He is misleading the people away from the truth.

    • @bridgetbills4845
      @bridgetbills4845 10 лет назад +3

      He is truly obsessed with insulting with 1/2 truths. Paul did pray daily, but it wasn't for the catholic church. We need to pray about this man. God Bless all

    • @kimkent2492
      @kimkent2492 10 лет назад +1

      My brother this man teaches of JESUS, sometime The Name alone frighten the heart ....AMAZING FACTS dont look back now but Jesus see you

    • @nightgrappler
      @nightgrappler 8 лет назад

      +Greg Cox robt clayton is pretty full on your right he really hates sda church and seems to increasingly be going on rants about it let god deal with him his mind is so clouded and veiled with hate all you can do is pray for him as talking to him he just spews out his lies and does not believe biblical fact

    • @gregcox6165
      @gregcox6165 8 лет назад +1

      phatbodycombat you are correct - he's a catholic apologist and jesuit trained - his theology is utterly disturbing. You can google his name and see what pops up - his papers on Noahide and Galatians is sickening.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    When you study the scripture and your eyes are opened to the truth, you will realize that Judaizing as you do, is condemned by the very Apostles themselves. Christ is not happy when a saint turns from his ways and becomes a Christ hatemonger with the SDA. The Adventist despise the true Christ, because Christ didn't make his church a tiny little cult that fakes Sabbath Keeping. The SDA has made a christ that they like, not the real one, which they abhor down to their very fiber of being.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад +1

    1 The Church of Rome's faith was "spoken of throughout the whole world". Rom.1:8 (OUCH!)
    3. Paul extended 'GRACE & PEACE" FROM GOD to the Church of Rome. (vs 7) (OUCH!)
    4. Paul thanked God for the Church of Rome (vs. 8) (OUCH!)

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Sorry again, you better do better reasearch with bibliography on that one. The "universal" church wasnt instituted yet. Are you gonna ignore all the people killed by the hand of that past popes, or youre gonna deny that as well with the Holocoust, which the pope was hand in hand with Hitler? Nice meeting you.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    I love to watch the cult members, 1st when I show them from scripture the irrefutable proof regarding the Catholic Church, they say it didn't exist. Then when i show them from history of the church, they did exist, they say they don't care what history says. The truth be known, they don't care what scripture or history says.
    I know whose wrong, if you were able to defend yourself, ,you would, but you are not able. So, you simply deny the truth.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Completely irrelevant. From the book of Daniel my Father in heaven had announced that some great power was going to try to change "the law and the times" and guess what? Thats exactly what satan has done through the roman church from the beggining with their first pope back in 321 AD with Constantine the roman emperor. The Sunday law is as biblical as the destruction on Jerusalem in 70 AD. Hey, Yahshua said it Himself "I didnt come to abolish the law but to fulfill it", to set the example. Peace

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    I dont need to know you to understand the poor knowledge you have, friend. But I do know how satan works and how he uses people to attack YHWH remanent church, as defected as it may be. So, please explain to me to your best ability what death is since you think you know so much about this matter.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Yeah, you are entitled to your opinion, it's just not worth anything.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Aren't you special, you're so righteous you won't say God, you have to use YHWH. I'm so impressed with how righteous you are. you all are a '"remanent" church about as much as the JW's and the Mormons the scores of all the other cults claiming to be so "special" as being the remnant church. This is all about your ego and how "special" are. You've been suckered into a cult to feed your ego! And, you don't have enough sense to know it.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Why are you associated with one just like the Pharisees who fabricates so many lies against the Church Christ himself established while on earth? Truly, it is so, we are they, " Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church:" (Col.1:24). The whole intention of Adventism is to add affliction to the body of Christ by use of every evil their evil mind can dream up.

  • @leonelmondragon
    @leonelmondragon 10 лет назад

    Hell in hebrew is "Sheol" and "Hades" in greek and they both means sepulcher, AKA tomb. So the whole burning in hell is a fabrication of satan through the roman church to get people to pay indulgencies. Secondly, Im not attacking you or your congregation, but satan who disguises in all your churchs doctrines. Lastly, when you baptized you become a child of Abraham and Jacob, in other words, you are a son of ISRAEL. Theres no gentiles in the eyes of YHWH, just righteouss by faith and impious peep

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    I love my fellow man & care about whether they are in a cult that teaches their followers to blaspheme the Holy Spirit as a regular habit. And, I'm trying to save you b_tt, from it, but you are so hardened in heart, you won't even look at your where you are. When someone's headed to the hell they deny exists, you don't baby them out it. The wrongdoings of the Catholic Church, I don't deny there are, but not anywhere near fabrications you assert. God is not mocked, they will reap what they sow

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Since, you wish to use Isa.8:20 as the cult has taught you to do, please show me anywhere in the Law and the Testimony where there is one commandment for the Gentile nations to keep the Sabbath as the Jews. it's not there 1 time anywhere in scripture. Moses nor the prophets taught that the Gentiles had any obligation to keep the Sabbath as the Jews.
    Trust me, I know what a cult is and the SDA is a cult by the worst definition, with their heretical teachings and hatemongering.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    The Pope worships everyday as do many Catholics. Christ, by his resurrection entered his Rest from all his works which he had done on the 1st day of the week. We do enter his rest with him because we are resurrected in him. And, you SDA are jealousy and full of the envy and the works of the flesh, (gal.5;17-19). Therefore, you shall not enter his rest.
    The truth is, you despise the true Christ, you hate him because he didn't keep his church some tiny exclusive little Jewish Cult.

  • @EricSaavy
    @EricSaavy 10 лет назад

    Hebrews born in Egypt are still Jews This is elementary, my friend. A Jew is a Jew, not a Gentile, NO MATTER WHERE HE IS BORN. There is no similarity between Semariams and Mary. , Semariams was a whore. Mary is the undefiled mother of Christ. Mary is queen of Heaven because she is the Mother of the King of Heaven and shown to be in heaven in all of her glory given to her by her Son, Jesus Christ in Rev.12:1-8. If you don't like Christ's Mother, you don't like her Son either. How true it is.