It would break the game because then people like me who cheat the game to get the levels (soul trap a dead body for hours) it would give me more incentive to continue instead of stopping at 100
Smithing is the skill that is the easiest to level... I can get smithing to level 100 twice faster than I can beat the main storyline. Just buy iron and leather, craft daggers, and eventually enchant those daggers to them sell them for a shit ton.
except finding the soul gems to craft is a pain in the ass. And makes the process longer than it has to be. So yes he is right resetting smithing sucks since you spend so much time doing.
Tbh, I hate the legendary thing, it's so unimmersive, "I'm the best smith in all of skyrim, I can make an iron sword op.....time to forget everything I know"
@@phadris2282 I mean, maybe if you could do it more slowly or something , cause sure, skills atrophy but there's a point where this concept can be taken to the extreme
I was thinking that legendary skills will be like "oh my, I'm a God now" and I was really sad, when my skills reset (illusion). My last save was half an hour earlier 😂
Aleksandra Olszok Finley some 1 how thought the same as me. I made my one handed and I thought I could kill stronger enemy's, first enemy I faced kicked my as#
Illusion is easy to power level, cast harmony (or whatever the AOE pacify spell is called) in a town like solitude or something. I went from 15 to 30something with one cast. I spammed my alchemy tree for my perks though, I've legendaried alchemy like 70something times.
to some extent after a skill has bean set to legendary once & you rebuild that tree the perks like enchanting bonus amounts of fortify stats or the weapon quality you can refine it to increase the 2 on to a little better then yo had be for. case in point with an Armor skill of 100 you can craft Dragon bone/ Dragon plate wepons & armor then refine them to Legendary once you have set your armorer skill to legendary & built it to 100 again you can now refine your existing Dragon bone/Dragon plate equipment again but to have them pick up bonuses like a Steal weapon you refined to Good, then Fine, then Legendary.
What they should have done is after resetting back to skill lvl15 and refunding perk points you should still be able to invest the perk points back into the skills in that tree without a level requirement. The downside would be that the skill is scaled back down to 15. For example I have speech lvl 100, and dont want to make it legendary because i would lose the perks where I can sell any item to any merchant and sell stolen items to merchants. What it should do is set speech back to 15 but still allow to keep the high lvl perks.
I dont think anyone really knows this about makin' things legendary as well, but if you notice in the archery skill tree in the description it says the power of your shot is based on your SKILL. So each time you level in that tree 15-100 each one up will indeed increase your dmg. And making it legendary will only decease it by 100% due to the loss of the first slot of the 5 perk points you put into it. But making it legendary you still get to keep the progress of your advancement of dmg. For example I'm about to be on legendary 3 in archery when I hit 100 the first time, I capped out at 159 base dmg for my Enhanced Dwarven Cross. Then I made it legendary cutting the dmg in half only. Built it all the way back up again and now my base dmg for the same weapon is now at almost 300 base dmg. Same goes for alchemy if you did the exploit (boring) if you notice once your alchemy is at like a ridiculous legendary level of like 100 or some shit lol. Any potion you make will be stupidly high with absolutely no points into it. Thats because each point 15-100 increases the strength of it Permanently by a small %. So yes, its most definitely worth making any skill you use the most legendary. Except sneak cause lol yeah that skill is overpowered without it bein' reset. And its a bitch to get back up because for some reason enemies just seem to see you from a fuckin' mile away due to the enemies level progress with your own. So keep that in mind lol. Hope this makes you guys wanna play again. In a more interesting more like diablo 2 playstyle. With every kill your level will go up. Instead of sittin' at a alchemy table all day. Or hitting shadowmere with spells, using alteration with infinate magika whatever the fuck. Its boring and makes the game really fuckin' lame. So yeah your right it does even without mods.
So basically, when your skill hits level 100 you can prestige it back to 15 and get all your skill points back. You can use this to level up for more skills points so you can actually have enough skill points to max everything out. Just don't do it to all your combat skills at the same time because you'll still be fighting high level enemies.
@@TheBoxingWorldTVyup, even with 100 in all skills you won’t be getting all the perks, however once you make a skill legendary it’s basically easy as fuck to level it back up since most of your gear and spells you know are powerful enough to allow you to burn through the levels. I made my two handed skills legendary on Legendary difficulty and after killing one giant it immediately advanced to level 20. Its a great method to progress through levels without exploits.
Arkron well if you want more perks but you’ve maxed out all of your skills to 100, then you have to make some legendary so you can gain more levels to give you more perk points
Well, if you've ever wanted to get every skill point for every skill tree in the game, the only way to do that is by legendary-ing skills. At level 81, you reach hard stop where it becomes impossible to get any more skill points. That's what Legendary is for.
@@scarletemperorrocky8900 It's not a fact of an actual "level cap" that's been implemented, it's just that you run out of things you can level up at a certain point. This is why Legendary was rolled out.
Legendary is poorly named. It should be called Re-noobify. You're basically taking a brick to the dome and forgetting everything you know about something you're a master in.
It would be cool if you set a a skill to legendary there would be a secret perk you could get like say counjoration the highest level raise dead spell would allow you to raise an undead army that would be fair
@@jadenxy There's that, and there's a few things that give you ghosts and/or skeletons on a temporary basis. Like there's the mage's college questline Arniel's Endevor, which gets you Conjure Arniel's Shade. This spell summons Arniel as a ghost for 60 seconds and costs zero magicka and takes zero seconds to cast. I keep him going whenever I'm in a dungeon or crypt because as a ghost he's immune to most physical and magical attacks. It's like having a second follower, except he can't carry anything.
Its basically Skyrim's way of "respecing" your charater. That being said, the only skills worth makimg legendary are smithing and enchanting. Power level those skills, make the most powerful gear possible then make them legendary. You never need those skills again and now you have game breaking gear and all those free perks
Nah. It’s Skyrim’s way of allowing you to continue leveling and keep getting perks. You respect by using one of the black books after you kill miirak in the DB DLC
@@beybl7869 how do you gain more perks points though? Would you be able to get smithing back too 100 with all perks purchased plus have extra perks points to use for something else?
@@24ozz yes, say you have smithing to 100 and have all 10 perks in that skill. If you then make that skill "legendary", it reset that skills lvl to 15 and banks those 10 perks points for you which you can redistribute anywhere you like. Afterwards, yes, you can absolutely lvl that skill to 100 again and yes you will have to purchase each perk anew and the higher you lvl your character, the less each individual skill lvl will increase your overall lvl which is what gives you perk points.
@@24ozz there's actually a good trick to game breakingly power lvl using (or rather abusing) this mechanic. First, you'll want to power lvl you enchanting until you can make 4 pieces of gear that have fortify alteration 25% (gauntlets/gloves, a ring, a neckless, and a helmet/hat). Now you can cast alteration spes for the cost of 0 majika. Now you need the telekinesis spell. Once you have it grab an item on the ground with it (any old item will do a worthless jewel, piece of firewood, anything) just grab and hold the item with telekinesis and while holding it, open your map and fast travel to the furthest point away from where you are that you can. When you arrive, your alteration should be at or close to 100 and you will (depending on what lvl you were at before) have gained 3 to 10 lvls. Make alteration legendary, rinse and repeat untill you're at you desired lvl. Pro tip: best to FT between Riften and Solitude or Windhelm and Markarth.
It's basically you can resetting your skill that you master back to 15 after reaching 100, so you can grinding exp and level point. But the enemy keep leveling up with you. For example (if you dont know), you can reach 100 sneak fast in early game by hitting Ralof from behind while crouching before you kill or sneak past the bear. Keep doing that until you reach 100, open skill menu, press space button to reset your sneak skill back to 15, and then hit Ralof again. Repeat the process for over 3 hours, and you can leveling up stupidly fast. That's why it calls "legendary", you keep resetting and mastering any skill over and over it makes your exp keep leveling higher and higher
You can work around the weakened con by using conjuration and practicing on a stripped enemy with death thrall and adjusting the difficulty so they can take more hits.
GTandSR yea! also helps atm im playing, as a main, a conjurer/bound weapons class so i alwayd have the motivation that i have to get back upto 100 haha
Personally I find that Block is the only skill that it makes sense to go legendary with because it can be leveled up again very easily and very fast. While it is true that Smithing and Alchemy can be leveled up quickly as well, both of them require materials to level up which will either become very expensive or time consuming as you will have to collect the necessary materials. Block doesn't require anything other than a shield and a willingness to stand and let something beat on it for awhile. Restoration skill is also useful if doing Block because you will take some damage.
Or conjuration, if your a veteran grinder then you'll have the patience to stand on a dead enemy and spam soul bind(or whatever the name is), and once you even get to 200 (leg 1 lvl 100) you never have to fight again because your damn atronochs can solo goku
It’s great if you decide you want to switch from heavy to light armour for example or an archer to a tank. This way you don’t have to feel like you have wasted perk point
So Legendary does absolutely nothing. And your level isn't important either because its wholly skill based. So its a dev ploy to keep you playing. A real life illusion spell. Sorta. Well, I finally got my Sneak up, and dropped it back down for nothing. Blah! That's stupid. Legendary should include some sort of permenanence. And fortification. And alas, it does not. So its existence is fruitless. Great.
It's great if you don't have enough perk points and also if you want higher stats. It also means you don't have to start levelling unwanted skills just to keep on gaining power.
Most people who play Skyrim now have been playing since 2011...... And its not a monthly subscription to play Skyrim, so there would be literally no gain to keep people playing other than people keep playing because they enjoy playing. Also if everyone is saying making skills legendary is pointless and terrible, just don't do it. XD Obviously there's a point to it or else people wouldn't get butt hurt about the draw backs when they could simply choose to ignore it.
It doesn't really 'do nothing' since it allows you to continue gaining perks. You don't get enough levels to max out every perk in every tree, or you're forced to level skills you don't want or need in order to get perks in a skill you do want to use. Besides, there are mods which introduce special perks obtained when you make a skill 'legendary'. Thanks modders!
Not true, it makes the bonuses from the perks stronger each time you make a skill legendary, either that or it increases the multiplier for that skill. It's not shown blatantly but you notice it on your damage, your armor rating, the potency of your potions, etc.
Rob Evans Late but some enemies have a high base level making it harder for lower levels to defeat them, plus leveling up gives you access to better armor, weapons, etc.
There's still no point. By the time you're 81 you can defeat anything. That's where real legendary comes to play. And access to better equipment? You already have the best equipment by level 40 or 50... and if you don't you are definitely not playing it right lmao.
This really helped because all my friends said the highest you can go is character level 100 and you have to really be careful about what you pick but now I see that’s not the case
I made my Sneak, Conjuration, Illusion legendary 5 times and my speech, lightarmor, onehanded, smithing, enchanting, blocking, pickpocketing, lockpicking, alchemy, alteration, archery and restoration once. My Skyrim character level is almost 170 and I already have the best gear so I only need Heavy Armour, Two Handed and Destruction as my only skills. (Destruction only to boost the chaos damage with health absorption on my sword)
I always thought going legendary gave you the option to try new builds and stuff. I legended my 2h skill and now i uae 1h. Next ill swiych to a bow. It helps mix things up so your not confined to a single build in my opinion
You can get every perk in the game. Use the Secret of Arcana power you get from one of Hermaeus Mora's black books and cast telekinesis on an item in the overworld, then bring up the map while holding in the trigger, fast travel to somewhere on the other side of the map, and after the loading screen your Alteration skill will be at 100. Legendary it (resetting it to 15) and assign your perk point. You are able to train with a Master Trainer up to level 90 in any skill tree. Then level up the last 10 levels until you are at 100 in each skill. Just keep legendary-ing Alteration using the Secret of Arcana / telekinesis trick and you'll be at level 252 in a lot less time than if you were to level up a skill 15-100 any other way. Hope this helps! get nothing for being legendary at stuff. Oh, what's that? My overall level increases? BIG WHOOP!!!! I want stuff. Not to have put in all that time and effort and get to a hundred skill points and then just... meh? What a frikking rip off. A legendary skill sounds amazing and super powerful when, in fact, you are giving yourself a wedgie, nerfing the thing you worked so hard on. Come on Bethesda, if we can't have TES 6 til I am considerably wrinklier then make my legendary skills worthy of the title LEGENDARY.
Step 1: achieve 100% alteration cost reduction. Step 2: go riften and use telekenesis on an item. Step 3: fast travel to solitude.([edit] while holding the item) 4: Profit.
um, from what I understand from this video, and seeing how you continue to gain perks after making a skill legendary (if you look closely from 2:31 to 3:21, he gained 2 points from level 81 to 83, despite resetting skill trees to 15, he didn't spend any perk points the whole time), this seems to be a way to be able to acquire every single perk in every single skill tree through constantly resetting your skill back, leveling it up again, gaining even more perk points, and repeat. I would say that's a pretty damn good pro to legendary skill trees lol
i think what would be the best way for this is to make you able to go legendary just one time. you dont get the perks points back, but instead the perks you have unlocked stay unlocked
a helpful hint if you have the dawn guard doc or end of the year edition(legendary ECT...) you can make arrows/ bolts it is a quick way to level smithing.
the easiest way to do this is to get with Lydia in that sneaky corner next to the doors of Whiterun. Drop ingots, leather and filled soul gems and make Lydia pick them up. Now walk out the doors of Whiterun and fast travel back. If you lure Lydia back in that same corner the same stuff she can pick up. Over and over again. You'll soon notice Lydia will not be your best partner as you can hear in her voice. Anyway smithing and enchanting this way can make you level up very easy. Keep in mind to have always a dwarven armor with smithing enchantments and fortify alchemy. If you keep self made items like these you can really walk around as a tank. No matter what armor you'll wear. I am alway walking around with a beefed up stormcloack armor i have next in my inventory. Even the iron dagger i made with adrianne avenicci. I keep it with strong enchantments like absorb health and fiery soul trap. I keep it with my skyforge weapons and the dragon armor and weapons i keep in my chest. There is no fun when you play way over beefed. So i stay with my armors i get from guilds and my stormcloack armor i got from the start with my self made helmet. I really love this game and it is made just perfect with all of its characters. I still have to buy those mansions for my befriended companions Faendal and Jenassa. Somehow i wish i could do something more for Brenuin. The characters always know how to get to you.
Restarted the game and did the level 100 sneak before passing the bear thing - I was thinking might as well make it legendary right away and just start smacking rolaf again getting it back up again then just starting with legendary sneak at 100 again. This video helped me make a decision. Thank you so much ❤
My highest Legendary is Illusion 6. When you reset the skill tree you gain levels back faster than before, one time I got Illusion up from 51 to 52 using four double casts of Muffle, first time through it took a full minute.
Thank you for finally clearing this up! You explained every aspect of this feature, good and bad, perfectly well. Now I know that I am probably never going to use it...
It been late but well, we have AE version this year so I think you might have comeback to skyrim. Well, the point of making a skill legendary was so that you can retrain it again and get more exp for your character. As in Skyrim, character lvl up from skill xp not from monster or human kill. So if you want more perk point for different skill branch, legendary is a way to go.
I personally use the Illusion skill for this by spamming Muffle. I started as a stealth archer so have commit 2 perks to make it worthwhile (so I can cast the spell at half mana cost), and even with insane mana regen going on, I still find it really tedious and mind-numbing. Im pretty sure you can literally afk level lockpicking anything with the skeleton key but I completed the Thieves Guild quest line already so I cant test it without starting a new character.
You forget to mention that every time you level up, you get a point towards manna, health, or stamina. Therefore the biggest thing about continuing to level up is getting more of these base stats over time as you turn perks legendary.
From my experience of playing Skyrim, I've found that turning my preferred combat skills (i.e. archery) legendary once was enough. Although I think I may have done it twice or three times. However, this time I'd rather stop myself from doing it because I've never had a chance to unlock all the perks that are possible for having a certain skill at 100. I decided to pick lockpicking as one of the few skills that I constantly reset to 15, and save the perks for more important skills such as light weight armor.
Endlessly level up one or two handed weapons. Get a follower who cannot die, for instance Serana. Continuously beat them to level up your weapon skill. After reaching level 100, reset it and continue. I also recommend using the warrior Stone while doing this to speed up the process.
It sounds like it's just for bragging rights to one's self or give you a reason to keep playing than starting a new game. All end up being bullshit for you to keep going.
Not to mention the fact that you gradually increase your total available perk points every consecutive time you Legendary a skill. Say you spend 10 points in Archery, and then Legendary it at 100. The skill goes down to 15, you have your 10 perk points back... and you can earn 10 more points by leveling Archery again, thereby making your effective perk total +10 from what it was before. So on so forth.
I don't get this. A perk point is earned when you level up your overall level, not when you increase your skill, right? where are the +10 points coming from that you mention?
@@kavenoff777 Wrong...In the video he was level 81 (character), he had spent 10 points in the skill, then made it legendary regaining those spent 10 points. He then re-leveled the skill to 100 and only got 2 additional points because his level went from 81 to 83 (character...not skill). In the Elder Scrolls universe, skill progression aided character level skyrim, this is no different, the only additional thing is with the perk points gained at every character level up...don't believe me? Check the video for his character level as he makes the skill legendary and when he shows his skill at 100 again...his character level went from 81 to 83...2 Character levels, so 2 additional perk points. Hope this helps clear up any confusion and helps you to learn to be more perceptive in the future :).
@@davidh.9235 The overall point I was making was that Legendary-ing (stupid word to use for a verb) gives more and more Perk Points the more you do it. Mind you, I was intentionally pulling numbers out of my ass with the first comment, as the exact numbers don't actually matter. That said, if the overall point (Legendary gives bonus perk points) didn't get across with said first comment, then clearly I didn't explain it correctly. That's my b.
Thank god for the Dragonborn DLC, when you defeat Miraak and can pick and choose where you want to assert your skill points. If you know you know, it's sooo handy. No need to go to 15 again.
lyrics: [Intro] Robbie: “Are you, uh, a real villain?” Bobbie: “Well, uh, technically... nah.” Robbie: “Have you ever caught a good guy, like, uh, like a real superhero?” Bobbie: “Nah.” Robbie: “Have you ever tried a disguise?” Bobbie: “Nah, nah...” Robbie: “Alright! I can see that I will have to teach you how to be villains!” [Hook] Hey! We are Number One Hey! We are Number One [Verse 1] Now listen closely Here's a little lesson in trickery This is going down in history If you wanna be a Villain Number One You have to chase a superhero on the run Just follow my moves, and sneak around Be careful not to make a sound (Shh) (No, don't touch that!) [Hook] We are Number One Hey! We are Number One We are Number One [Verse 2] Ha ha ha Now look at this net, that I just found When I say go, be ready to throw Go! (Throw it on him, not me!) (Ugh, let's try something else) Now watch and learn, here's the deal He'll slip and slide on this banana peel! (Ha ha ha, gasp! what are you doing!?) [Outro] Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba We are Number One Hey! Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba We are Number One Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba We are Number One Hey! Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba We are Number One Hey! Hey! EDIT: I just realised.... WRONG VIDEO
Sad day yesterday legendary my sneak and went back to 15 was awesome being able to walk right past creatures and get silent stealthy kills and nice bow shots lioe I was invincible
So... If your character has multiple main trees you make use of, you can prestige them in rotation. The literal only reason anyone should want to do this, is so they can get each useful perk they could ever want from those trees. Especially if you play with a mod that overhauls and adds tons of perks.
Enchant equipment to reduce alteration cost to zero, go to a busy city, start doing detect life, wedge the controller in the couch to keep the cast button pushed and walk away. Come back when it is at 100 to legendary it and repeat.
Don't forget about the Waking Dreams Black Book. After beating the Dragonborn DLC you get the ability to spend one dragon soul to get all of the skill points back from any skill tree, without resetting the level progression. And you don't have to be maxed out. So for instance, I could reset my level 76 archery that has 8 perk points spent. I would use a dragon soul, get 8 perk points back, and STILL be level 76 in archery. I could then use all those perks back in archery, or choose a different skill to invest them in.
Thats awesome yes to get all perks thats what i was trying to figure out. If it was possible thank you awesome video! Just got back into skyrim havnt played since 2013
I think this is great instead constantly restarting with a new character or getting burned out , I can keep my same character and change up my play style .
I think I read somewhere that once you transform skills to legendary, how you got to 100 initially no longer applies. You have to do things differently to 100 your legendary perks.
Conjuration sneak archer here and I noticed that after making it legendary and leveling to 100. You can never put perk points into this tree. This is a good way to make skills you don't use unviable but allow the perk points for other specs It seems.
Thank you for the information...answered most of my questions. Being the fact that a skill returns to 15 and the ability of it goes down as well I guess i won't go Legendary.
The point is that its infinite perks and rediculouse lvs and every trainer will retrain you so dont be afraid of making skills legendary its there for you 2 max out every skill tree to 100 at the same time you will max out hp magic points and stamina
GUYS WANNA FARM TILL 100 FOR SNEAK/RESTORATION AND ANY WEAPON DO MOLAG BALL QUEST-> CAPTURE THAT PRIEST-> Set difficulty to legendary - > Attack that poor bastard while sneaking and heal when he is about to die. You will increase all the attack and sneak and restoration perks.
It's actually a good Idea, I mean you don't need to make every skill tree legendary, so just make legendary those you don't need and keep grinding your perks, or maybe if you want to change, if you have 100 one handed and you want to change to put perks on two handed cause somehow you got it to 100 too, you can retrieve all your perks on one handed and put it to two handed and save it to your another load so you don't need to restard every quest just to make a new characters, ofc the decision is yours tho
Best skill trees to farm imo is pickpocket, illusion, conjuration and smithing. Pickpocket is just hella easy to level, I got a character to 40 in 2 days by making pickpocket legendary 4 to 5 times. Illusion and Conjuration you'll want to farm with muffle for Illusion and using soul trap on a dead body for Conjuration. Smithing is the hardest of these 4 however is much easier to level than other forging trees such as alchemy or enchanting, and is the best option if you play a full warrior build as to not indulge in stealth or magic.
I used giants to level up my blocking skill to 100 and then went legendary with it 3 times over. It’s the first thing I did. The giants right to the west of Whiterun and then south of the giants is a broken down tower that they can’t follow you into because they are too big for the door. They just stand at the door and look at you. I walk forward they hit my shield, I go up a blocking level, I back up, use restoration spell as a bonus. Then repeat. I probably can get blocking to 100 in about 30minutes? Then I just started playing the game. I never use a shield but I had a healthy amount of Magica and health and my healing spell was off to a good start. My first mission (personal mission, not game) I just made a straight run for the steed stone to give the extra 100 carry ability. After that I played normally. No glitches or anything like that.
If you have the "waking dreams" black book you dont even have to wait to get a skill to level 100... Just read the book and go to the end and you can take all the skill points from any perk.
I tend to make my illusion skill legendary where spamming muffle over and over is a pretty easy way to level up. same with alteration where so long as you have your gear reducing the cost and increasing magic regen you can get it up to level 100 again ridiculously fast.
Yes, very informative I wasn't sure until last night if my copy could do that, I'm anxious about whether or not legend my Block, because apparently tanking hits is how you level armor and shield
Does making a skill legendary increase it for example, if you reach level 100 with destruction and turn it legendary and reach level 100 again does that make the spells and skills stronger then normal level 100?
YAHGOA you can't fill out everything since every time you go legendary you get reset and have to start over. I still don't see any benefits for this feature.
So let me get this right. Making a skill legendary is mainly to do 3 things. 1. Increase lvl cap 2. Increase amount of total perk points you get 3. Respec ur character Correct me if im wrong.
You missed out and failed to address fundamentally the most important question regarding legendary skill levelling! If you can indeed continue to level again and again, do you each time get to put an additional 10 points into health, stamina or magic. If so that is a massive pro that negates any cons surely?
¨Well reseting smithing at lvl 100 isn't really a big issue, considering that you're already roaming with the best possible gear you could have (unless you're one of those who likes to break the game with i.e. alchemy)
Im pretty sure no one has noticed that each legendary you have for a skill actually makes it easier to level up, by decreasing the experience required to level up that skill
BOO, dude. Levelling up towards what? A higher number? If my skills are legendary I want them to feel that way, not get to a hundred, click Legendary and get kicked in the balls. How is not having the abilities granted by the perks I worked really hard for "Legendary"? Hey, Creation Club? Can you fix this? like you fixed almost everything else? Please?
Be careful how many times you do the legendary reset deal because when I kept grind out all my skill points were resetted to zero and than grinding became an ever more hell.
The only skill to make legendary is alteration. Then you can pop on some enchanted magic gear that brings your cast cost down to 0 or get that standing stone. Cast and hold telekinesis and detect life then fast travel across the map. Boom, skill is usually back to 100 or real close. Rinse and repeat to desired level.
I do wish that once you legendaried it made the skill like, 15% stronger or something
imagine legendary skill sneak 100x
you bump into someone and they dont even care
It does make it stronger. I prestiged my one handed and my damage never went over 200 and now it's 207. So it must.
It would break the game because then people like me who cheat the game to get the levels (soul trap a dead body for hours) it would give me more incentive to continue instead of stopping at 100
@@aubreyhuff46 if I'm reading you comment correctly, you never tried to prestige.
I use the alteration glitch to get to lvl 150
No way in hell am I gonna reset my smithing, the amount of time I spent is too much
Shard Anims see crafting glich you can craft an item what would level it back up to level 100 instantly. For infinite levels.
Smithing is the skill that is the easiest to level... I can get smithing to level 100 twice faster than I can beat the main storyline. Just buy iron and leather, craft daggers, and eventually enchant those daggers to them sell them for a shit ton.
Sounds like someone doesn't know the trouble of enchanting.
except finding the soul gems to craft is a pain in the ass. And makes the process longer than it has to be. So yes he is right resetting smithing sucks since you spend so much time doing.
Easiest way is to make leather braces they are the cheapest and easiest way to get smithing up
Tbh, I hate the legendary thing, it's so unimmersive, "I'm the best smith in all of skyrim, I can make an iron sword op.....time to forget everything I know"
Seems legit enough for me
@@phadris2282 I mean, maybe if you could do it more slowly or something , cause sure, skills atrophy but there's a point where this concept can be taken to the extreme
@@GoblinLord it'd be cool if the skill became like 10-15% better when you legendary it
@@diartgallapeni1421 or if it was like black ops two days and gave you a permanent unlock token
Trade you IQ points in for credit towards your next purchase
I was thinking that legendary skills will be like "oh my, I'm a God now" and I was really sad, when my skills reset (illusion). My last save was half an hour earlier 😂
I was exactly the same i thought I'd have some kind of beastly abilities, but no lol. Its a pretty misleading name really !
GTandSR Illusion is the easiest. Just cast muffle over and over. Easy to boost any build. Especially with enchanting.
Aleksandra Olszok Finley some 1 how thought the same as me. I made my one handed and I thought I could kill stronger enemy's, first enemy I faced kicked my as#
Illusion is easy to power level, cast harmony (or whatever the AOE pacify spell is called) in a town like solitude or something. I went from 15 to 30something with one cast.
I spammed my alchemy tree for my perks though, I've legendaried alchemy like 70something times.
to some extent after a skill has bean set to legendary once & you rebuild that tree the perks like enchanting bonus amounts of fortify stats or the weapon quality you can refine it to increase the 2 on to a little better then yo had be for. case in point with an Armor skill of 100 you can craft Dragon bone/ Dragon plate wepons & armor then refine them to Legendary once you have set your armorer skill to legendary & built it to 100 again you can now refine your existing Dragon bone/Dragon plate equipment again but to have them pick up bonuses like a Steal weapon you refined to Good, then Fine, then Legendary.
The only pro I really heard was that you can keep leveling. I thought you were going to say it makes the perks slightly stronger each time you do it.
NordicJuggernaut That would at least make it worth it, like "25% stronger" then legendary would be " 50%" or something like that.
Warrior Whitten same when I first played the game...
there used to be a mod that did this i think it was only like 5 points per legendary but it still a nice bonus
What they should have done is after resetting back to skill lvl15 and refunding perk points you should still be able to invest the perk points back into the skills in that tree without a level requirement. The downside would be that the skill is scaled back down to 15. For example I have speech lvl 100, and dont want to make it legendary because i would lose the perks where I can sell any item to any merchant and sell stolen items to merchants. What it should do is set speech back to 15 but still allow to keep the high lvl perks.
I dont think anyone really knows this about makin' things legendary as well, but if you notice in the archery skill tree in the description it says the power of your shot is based on your SKILL. So each time you level in that tree 15-100 each one up will indeed increase your dmg. And making it legendary will only decease it by 100% due to the loss of the first slot of the 5 perk points you put into it. But making it legendary you still get to keep the progress of your advancement of dmg. For example I'm about to be on legendary 3 in archery when I hit 100 the first time, I capped out at 159 base dmg for my Enhanced Dwarven Cross. Then I made it legendary cutting the dmg in half only. Built it all the way back up again and now my base dmg for the same weapon is now at almost 300 base dmg. Same goes for alchemy if you did the exploit (boring) if you notice once your alchemy is at like a ridiculous legendary level of like 100 or some shit lol. Any potion you make will be stupidly high with absolutely no points into it. Thats because each point 15-100 increases the strength of it Permanently by a small %. So yes, its most definitely worth making any skill you use the most legendary. Except sneak cause lol yeah that skill is overpowered without it bein' reset. And its a bitch to get back up because for some reason enemies just seem to see you from a fuckin' mile away due to the enemies level progress with your own. So keep that in mind lol. Hope this makes you guys wanna play again. In a more interesting more like diablo 2 playstyle. With every kill your level will go up. Instead of sittin' at a alchemy table all day. Or hitting shadowmere with spells, using alteration with infinate magika whatever the fuck. Its boring and makes the game really fuckin' lame.
So yeah your right it does even without mods.
Extra level
Con:Having to restart on everything
Tbh thats just shit
So basically, when your skill hits level 100 you can prestige it back to 15 and get all your skill points back. You can use this to level up for more skills points so you can actually have enough skill points to max everything out. Just don't do it to all your combat skills at the same time because you'll still be fighting high level enemies.
Wait so basically if I wanted to max out all my perks skill points I can’t do it without doing this?
@@TheBoxingWorldTVyup, even with 100 in all skills you won’t be getting all the perks, however once you make a skill legendary it’s basically easy as fuck to level it back up since most of your gear and spells you know are powerful enough to allow you to burn through the levels. I made my two handed skills legendary on Legendary difficulty and after killing one giant it immediately advanced to level 20. Its a great method to progress through levels without exploits.
So this mechanic is completely useless for me..... Good to know.
Arkron well if you want more perks but you’ve maxed out all of your skills to 100, then you have to make some legendary so you can gain more levels to give you more perk points
Well, if you've ever wanted to get every skill point for every skill tree in the game, the only way to do that is by legendary-ing skills. At level 81, you reach hard stop where it becomes impossible to get any more skill points. That's what Legendary is for.
Why can't they just REMOVE the level cap altogether?
@@scarletemperorrocky8900 It's not a fact of an actual "level cap" that's been implemented, it's just that you run out of things you can level up at a certain point. This is why Legendary was rolled out.
Oh wait. "It Just Works."
Legendary is poorly named. It should be called Re-noobify. You're basically taking a brick to the dome and forgetting everything you know about something you're a master in.
This is by far the most informative non-bs filler video I've seen. Thanks.
C N thanks dude, appreciate the feedback :)
It would be cool if you set a a skill to legendary there would be a secret perk you could get like say counjoration the highest level raise dead spell would allow you to raise an undead army that would be fair
Yeah I agree. Something that actually is 'legendary'
You can basically have an undead army with the atherial crown and some fenagaling
@@jadenxy There's that, and there's a few things that give you ghosts and/or skeletons on a temporary basis. Like there's the mage's college questline Arniel's Endevor, which gets you Conjure Arniel's Shade. This spell summons Arniel as a ghost for 60 seconds and costs zero magicka and takes zero seconds to cast. I keep him going whenever I'm in a dungeon or crypt because as a ghost he's immune to most physical and magical attacks. It's like having a second follower, except he can't carry anything.
Its basically Skyrim's way of "respecing" your charater. That being said, the only skills worth makimg legendary are smithing and enchanting. Power level those skills, make the most powerful gear possible then make them legendary. You never need those skills again and now you have game breaking gear and all those free perks
Nah. It’s Skyrim’s way of allowing you to continue leveling and keep getting perks. You respect by using one of the black books after you kill miirak in the DB DLC
@@beybl7869 how do you gain more perks points though? Would you be able to get smithing back too 100 with all perks purchased plus have extra perks points to use for something else?
yup thank you after much thought thats the plan.
@@24ozz yes, say you have smithing to 100 and have all 10 perks in that skill. If you then make that skill "legendary", it reset that skills lvl to 15 and banks those 10 perks points for you which you can redistribute anywhere you like. Afterwards, yes, you can absolutely lvl that skill to 100 again and yes you will have to purchase each perk anew and the higher you lvl your character, the less each individual skill lvl will increase your overall lvl which is what gives you perk points.
@@24ozz there's actually a good trick to game breakingly power lvl using (or rather abusing) this mechanic. First, you'll want to power lvl you enchanting until you can make 4 pieces of gear that have fortify alteration 25% (gauntlets/gloves, a ring, a neckless, and a helmet/hat). Now you can cast alteration spes for the cost of 0 majika. Now you need the telekinesis spell. Once you have it grab an item on the ground with it (any old item will do a worthless jewel, piece of firewood, anything) just grab and hold the item with telekinesis and while holding it, open your map and fast travel to the furthest point away from where you are that you can. When you arrive, your alteration should be at or close to 100 and you will (depending on what lvl you were at before) have gained 3 to 10 lvls. Make alteration legendary, rinse and repeat untill you're at you desired lvl. Pro tip: best to FT between Riften and Solitude or Windhelm and Markarth.
Your content is extremely high quality, I am positive you will grow to be a huge skyrim channel.
Joel Alexander Thanks so much!
GTandSR oblovion videos? Morrowind?
My only problem is time at the moment! I'd love to make videos on all of those but simply can't fit them in, at the moment anyway
Yeah, except he calls the Imperial Symbol the "Skyrim logo". Am I just a lore snob?
Ezekiel Summerstine y where wrog
I just dont understand how it makes it "legendary"
For me it means that this skill WAS once legendary but no more ;)
me neither, all it does is reset, it is a reset button not a legendary button or achievement.
The word "legendary" should have been some other word for this process
It's basically you can resetting your skill that you master back to 15 after reaching 100, so you can grinding exp and level point. But the enemy keep leveling up with you.
For example (if you dont know), you can reach 100 sneak fast in early game by hitting Ralof from behind while crouching before you kill or sneak past the bear. Keep doing that until you reach 100, open skill menu, press space button to reset your sneak skill back to 15, and then hit Ralof again.
Repeat the process for over 3 hours, and you can leveling up stupidly fast. That's why it calls "legendary", you keep resetting and mastering any skill over and over it makes your exp keep leveling higher and higher
Legendary skills are great for skills like enchanting and smithing, where you already have all your gear made
You can work around the weakened con by using conjuration and practicing on a stripped enemy with death thrall and adjusting the difficulty so they can take more hits.
surely just do this over and over with conjuration and the soul trap leveling super easy and fast
Yep its basically unlimited levelling!
GTandSR yea! also helps atm im playing, as a main, a conjurer/bound weapons class so i alwayd have the motivation that i have to get back upto 100 haha
Harry Gooch Muffle is the easiest way. Alteration helps too. Also well rested with Lover's Stone and Mage stone.
The Crazy Sal
Being married helps even more.
Harry Gooch it's easier with telekineses
Personally I find that Block is the only skill that it makes sense to go legendary with because it can be leveled up again very easily and very fast. While it is true that Smithing and Alchemy can be leveled up quickly as well, both of them require materials to level up which will either become very expensive or time consuming as you will have to collect the necessary materials. Block doesn't require anything other than a shield and a willingness to stand and let something beat on it for awhile. Restoration skill is also useful if doing Block because you will take some damage.
Pair block with restoration and you can kill two birds with one stone
Or conjuration, if your a veteran grinder then you'll have the patience to stand on a dead enemy and spam soul bind(or whatever the name is), and once you even get to 200 (leg 1 lvl 100) you never have to fight again because your damn atronochs can solo goku
It’s great if you decide you want to switch from heavy to light armour for example or an archer to a tank. This way you don’t have to feel like you have wasted perk point
So Legendary does absolutely nothing. And your level isn't important either because its wholly skill based. So its a dev ploy to keep you playing. A real life illusion spell. Sorta. Well, I finally got my Sneak up, and dropped it back down for nothing. Blah! That's stupid. Legendary should include some sort of permenanence. And fortification. And alas, it does not. So its existence is fruitless. Great.
It's great if you don't have enough perk points and also if you want higher stats.
It also means you don't have to start levelling unwanted skills just to keep on gaining power.
Most people who play Skyrim now have been playing since 2011...... And its not a monthly subscription to play Skyrim, so there would be literally no gain to keep people playing other than people keep playing because they enjoy playing. Also if everyone is saying making skills legendary is pointless and terrible, just don't do it. XD Obviously there's a point to it or else people wouldn't get butt hurt about the draw backs when they could simply choose to ignore it.
It doesn't really 'do nothing' since it allows you to continue gaining perks. You don't get enough levels to max out every perk in every tree, or you're forced to level skills you don't want or need in order to get perks in a skill you do want to use. Besides, there are mods which introduce special perks obtained when you make a skill 'legendary'. Thanks modders!
Not true, it makes the bonuses from the perks stronger each time you make a skill legendary, either that or it increases the multiplier for that skill. It's not shown blatantly but you notice it on your damage, your armor rating, the potency of your potions, etc.
Someone accidentally reset their enchanting skill lol
Or you can just get the community uncapper and continue to level up skills past 100!
Does leveling up even mean anything? Enemies in the game level with you Putting a skill as legendary only serves as an inconvenience at best.
Rob Evans Late but some enemies have a high base level making it harder for lower levels to defeat them, plus leveling up gives you access to better armor, weapons, etc.
Extra perk points
more health more stamina and more magicka
Rob Evans there is level caps on them
There's still no point. By the time you're 81 you can defeat anything. That's where real legendary comes to play. And access to better equipment? You already have the best equipment by level 40 or 50... and if you don't you are definitely not playing it right lmao.
When i first turned my skills lengendary i didnt realised it'd put all my stuff back to 15. It was a bad day after that
This really helped because all my friends said the highest you can go is character level 100 and you have to really be careful about what you pick but now I see that’s not the case
I made my Sneak, Conjuration, Illusion legendary 5 times and my speech, lightarmor, onehanded, smithing, enchanting, blocking, pickpocketing, lockpicking, alchemy, alteration, archery and restoration once. My Skyrim character level is almost 170 and I already have the best gear so I only need Heavy Armour, Two Handed and Destruction as my only skills. (Destruction only to boost the chaos damage with health absorption on my sword)
thanks for the information, I never knew what doing a skill tree legendary did
I always thought going legendary gave you the option to try new builds and stuff. I legended my 2h skill and now i uae 1h. Next ill swiych to a bow. It helps mix things up so your not confined to a single build in my opinion
You can get every perk in the game. Use the Secret of Arcana power you get from one of Hermaeus Mora's black books and cast telekinesis on an item in the overworld, then bring up the map while holding in the trigger, fast travel to somewhere on the other side of the map, and after the loading screen your Alteration skill will be at 100. Legendary it (resetting it to 15) and assign your perk point. You are able to train with a Master Trainer up to level 90 in any skill tree. Then level up the last 10 levels until you are at 100 in each skill. Just keep legendary-ing Alteration using the Secret of Arcana / telekinesis trick and you'll be at level 252 in a lot less time than if you were to level up a skill 15-100 any other way. Hope this helps!
Pickpocketing would be awful... what if you’ve pickpocketed everyone 😂
There is a way to power level on a prisoner in riften (I believe, not 100% sure).
My first ever skill to get to legendary 😂 get nothing for being legendary at stuff. Oh, what's that? My overall level increases? BIG WHOOP!!!! I want stuff. Not to have put in all that time and effort and get to a hundred skill points and then just... meh? What a frikking rip off.
A legendary skill sounds amazing and super powerful when, in fact, you are giving yourself a wedgie, nerfing the thing you worked so hard on. Come on Bethesda, if we can't have TES 6 til I am considerably wrinklier then make my legendary skills worthy of the title LEGENDARY.
Step 1: achieve 100% alteration cost reduction.
Step 2: go riften and use telekenesis on an item.
Step 3: fast travel to solitude.([edit] while holding the item)
4: Profit.
Isn't is easier to just use console instead? Both give no fun for me.
um, from what I understand from this video, and seeing how you continue to gain perks after making a skill legendary (if you look closely from 2:31 to 3:21, he gained 2 points from level 81 to 83, despite resetting skill trees to 15, he didn't spend any perk points the whole time), this seems to be a way to be able to acquire every single perk in every single skill tree through constantly resetting your skill back, leveling it up again, gaining even more perk points, and repeat. I would say that's a pretty damn good pro to legendary skill trees lol
Compared to the amount pf time it takes to get a skill to 100 legitimately 2 extra points arent really worth it
@@brian8ththo698 Alteration is really easy. Just get telekinesis and just use it on a bucket over and over and it takes about 15 minutes
i think what would be the best way for this is to make you able to go legendary just one time. you dont get the perks points back, but instead the perks you have unlocked stay unlocked
a helpful hint if you have the dawn guard doc or end of the year edition(legendary ECT...) you can make arrows/ bolts it is a quick way to level smithing.
Ive played on and off since release and didnt know this. Thank yoiu for a very concise video.
the easiest way to do this is to get with Lydia in that sneaky corner next to the doors of Whiterun. Drop ingots, leather and filled soul gems and make Lydia pick them up. Now walk out the doors of Whiterun and fast travel back. If you lure Lydia back in that same corner the same stuff she can pick up. Over and over again. You'll soon notice Lydia will not be your best partner as you can hear in her voice. Anyway smithing and enchanting this way can make you level up very easy. Keep in mind to have always a dwarven armor with smithing enchantments and fortify alchemy. If you keep self made items like these you can really walk around as a tank. No matter what armor you'll wear. I am alway walking around with a beefed up stormcloack armor i have next in my inventory. Even the iron dagger i made with adrianne avenicci. I keep it with strong enchantments like absorb health and fiery soul trap. I keep it with my skyforge weapons and the dragon armor and weapons i keep in my chest. There is no fun when you play way over beefed. So i stay with my armors i get from guilds and my stormcloack armor i got from the start with my self made helmet. I really love this game and it is made just perfect with all of its characters. I still have to buy those mansions for my befriended companions Faendal and Jenassa. Somehow i wish i could do something more for Brenuin. The characters always know how to get to you.
Restarted the game and did the level 100 sneak before passing the bear thing - I was thinking might as well make it legendary right away and just start smacking rolaf again getting it back up again then just starting with legendary sneak at 100 again.
This video helped me make a decision. Thank you so much ❤
My highest Legendary is Illusion 6. When you reset the skill tree you gain levels back faster than before, one time I got Illusion up from 51 to 52 using four double casts of Muffle, first time through it took a full minute.
Lol, this is op because i know an exploit to get my sneak skill from 15 to 100 in 5 mins
Tell me
@@Markus-br5zh sneak attack grey beards with iron dagger repeatedly, they don't notice you
Lol I just saw a video on that, now my sneak is 100
Thank you for finally clearing this up! You explained every aspect of this feature, good and bad, perfectly well. Now I know that I am probably never going to use it...
I know its late to say that but you must use it for the skills you dont care about
It been late but well, we have AE version this year so I think you might have comeback to skyrim. Well, the point of making a skill legendary was so that you can retrain it again and get more exp for your character.
As in Skyrim, character lvl up from skill xp not from monster or human kill.
So if you want more perk point for different skill branch, legendary is a way to go.
I personally use the Illusion skill for this by spamming Muffle. I started as a stealth archer so have commit 2 perks to make it worthwhile (so I can cast the spell at half mana cost), and even with insane mana regen going on, I still find it really tedious and mind-numbing.
Im pretty sure you can literally afk level lockpicking anything with the skeleton key but I completed the Thieves Guild quest line already so I cant test it without starting a new character.
You forget to mention that every time you level up, you get a point towards manna, health, or stamina. Therefore the biggest thing about continuing to level up is getting more of these base stats over time as you turn perks legendary.
Very well made and informative, on point, thank you!
The untouched skills…smithing, enchanting and possibly alchemy. Who the hell would reset those.
I guess the other benefit is that you can keep increasing your Magicka/health/stamina endlessly too.
From my experience of playing Skyrim, I've found that turning my preferred combat skills (i.e. archery) legendary once was enough. Although I think I may have done it twice or three times. However, this time I'd rather stop myself from doing it because I've never had a chance to unlock all the perks that are possible for having a certain skill at 100. I decided to pick lockpicking as one of the few skills that I constantly reset to 15, and save the perks for more important skills such as light weight armor.
yo dude u helped me see in skyrim leveling system on a wider perspective so now u have a new sub
The only reason I would legendary one of the skill trees is to spend it on something else, or just as a trophie.
Endlessly level up one or two handed weapons. Get a follower who cannot die, for instance Serana. Continuously beat them to level up your weapon skill. After reaching level 100, reset it and continue. I also recommend using the warrior Stone while doing this to speed up the process.
i wish there was something like "NG+" system like "Dark Souls" in this game
Very useful, thank you, now I understand what it's for and how to use it (and not regret it).
It sounds like it's just for bragging rights to one's self or give you a reason to keep playing than starting a new game. All end up being bullshit for you to keep going.
Not to mention the fact that you gradually increase your total available perk points every consecutive time you Legendary a skill.
Say you spend 10 points in Archery, and then Legendary it at 100.
The skill goes down to 15, you have your 10 perk points back... and you can earn 10 more points by leveling Archery again, thereby making your effective perk total +10 from what it was before.
So on so forth.
I don't get this. A perk point is earned when you level up your overall level, not when you increase your skill, right? where are the +10 points coming from that you mention?
You get them from leveling Archery a second time.
@@kavenoff777 Wrong...In the video he was level 81 (character), he had spent 10 points in the skill, then made it legendary regaining those spent 10 points. He then re-leveled the skill to 100 and only got 2 additional points because his level went from 81 to 83 (character...not skill). In the Elder Scrolls universe, skill progression aided character level skyrim, this is no different, the only additional thing is with the perk points gained at every character level up...don't believe me? Check the video for his character level as he makes the skill legendary and when he shows his skill at 100 again...his character level went from 81 to 83...2 Character levels, so 2 additional perk points. Hope this helps clear up any confusion and helps you to learn to be more perceptive in the future :).
@@davidh.9235 The overall point I was making was that Legendary-ing (stupid word to use for a verb) gives more and more Perk Points the more you do it.
Mind you, I was intentionally pulling numbers out of my ass with the first comment, as the exact numbers don't actually matter. That said, if the overall point (Legendary gives bonus perk points) didn't get across with said first comment, then clearly I didn't explain it correctly. That's my b.
Thank god for the Dragonborn DLC, when you defeat Miraak and can pick and choose where you want to assert your skill points. If you know you know, it's sooo handy. No need to go to 15 again.
Robbie: “Are you, uh, a real villain?”
Bobbie: “Well, uh, technically... nah.”
Robbie: “Have you ever caught a good guy, like, uh, like a real superhero?”
Bobbie: “Nah.”
Robbie: “Have you ever tried a disguise?”
Bobbie: “Nah, nah...”
Robbie: “Alright! I can see that I will have to teach you how to be villains!”
We are Number One
We are Number One
[Verse 1]
Now listen closely
Here's a little lesson in trickery
This is going down in history
If you wanna be a Villain Number One
You have to chase a superhero on the run
Just follow my moves, and sneak around
Be careful not to make a sound
(No, don't touch that!)
We are Number One
We are Number One
We are Number One
[Verse 2]
Ha ha ha
Now look at this net, that I just found
When I say go, be ready to throw
(Throw it on him, not me!)
(Ugh, let's try something else)
Now watch and learn, here's the deal
He'll slip and slide on this banana peel!
(Ha ha ha, gasp! what are you doing!?)
Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
We are Number One
Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
We are Number One
Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
We are Number One
Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
We are Number One
EDIT: I just realised.... WRONG VIDEO
Why the heckle
That's tough
Sad day yesterday legendary my sneak and went back to 15 was awesome being able to walk right past creatures and get silent stealthy kills and nice bow shots lioe I was invincible
So... If your character has multiple main trees you make use of, you can prestige them in rotation. The literal only reason anyone should want to do this, is so they can get each useful perk they could ever want from those trees. Especially if you play with a mod that overhauls and adds tons of perks.
This game should has new game +
Vagabund Vox 1 more decade for skyrim VI
Vagabund Vox play the new survival mode
Whaaat? No way bro I spent 2 months of playtime on one character just to go NG and lose my stockpile of 600 sweet rolls ?
Desert Sorceress 'Aw did someone steal your sweetroll?'
*Skyrim VI*
Enchant equipment to reduce alteration cost to zero, go to a busy city, start doing detect life, wedge the controller in the couch to keep the cast button pushed and walk away. Come back when it is at 100 to legendary it and repeat.
Don't forget about the Waking Dreams Black Book. After beating the Dragonborn DLC you get the ability to spend one dragon soul to get all of the skill points back from any skill tree, without resetting the level progression. And you don't have to be maxed out. So for instance, I could reset my level 76 archery that has 8 perk points spent. I would use a dragon soul, get 8 perk points back, and STILL be level 76 in archery. I could then use all those perks back in archery, or choose a different skill to invest them in.
Jesus christ man I have to pause your videos so many times because you get my laughing my ass off.
So the Level 273 Let's player I watched ones has basically no live?!
Im level 253 lol its easy to level up
Spencer Rees mate that’s over a year in game
@Spencer Rees ah yes the substitute to all necessary human need
@Spencer Rees true facts right there
@Spencer Rees you still playin skyrim my guy ?
thanks for the video, helped me out lots
It’s funny and scary that I find when when I just got my first legendary skill
Thats awesome yes to get all perks thats what i was trying to figure out. If it was possible thank you awesome video! Just got back into skyrim havnt played since 2013
I don't think even with mods there's enough content in the game to make that much skill grinding appealing.
I never knew I could do this, thanks!
Thanks dude big help, keep up the great work!
I think this is great instead constantly restarting with a new character or getting burned out , I can keep my same character and change up my play style .
I think I read somewhere that once you transform skills to legendary, how you got to 100 initially no longer applies. You have to do things differently to 100 your legendary perks.
Conjuration sneak archer here and I noticed that after making it legendary and leveling to 100. You can never put perk points into this tree. This is a good way to make skills you don't use unviable but allow the perk points for other specs It seems.
Block and light armour are useless to me so I do for them. Thinking about doing it for 1 handed weapons as it levels up easily
Thank you for the information...answered most of my questions.
Being the fact that a skill returns to 15 and the ability of it goes down as well I guess i won't go Legendary.
Super helpful video. Answered all my questions. Thanks a ton.
The point is that its infinite perks and rediculouse lvs and every trainer will retrain you so dont be afraid of making skills legendary its there for you 2 max out every skill tree to 100 at the same time you will max out hp magic points and stamina
GUYS WANNA FARM TILL 100 FOR SNEAK/RESTORATION AND ANY WEAPON DO MOLAG BALL QUEST-> CAPTURE THAT PRIEST-> Set difficulty to legendary - > Attack that poor bastard while sneaking and heal when he is about to die. You will increase all the attack and sneak and restoration perks.
With the fortify restoration glitch you can level up to legendary within seconds for speech, alchemy, block, light & heavy armor.
“If you have a massive will power”
Or console commands XD that works really well too
It's actually a good Idea, I mean you don't need to make every skill tree legendary, so just make legendary those you don't need and keep grinding your perks, or maybe if you want to change, if you have 100 one handed and you want to change to put perks on two handed cause somehow you got it to 100 too, you can retrieve all your perks on one handed and put it to two handed and save it to your another load so you don't need to restard every quest just to make a new characters, ofc the decision is yours tho
Best skill trees to farm imo is pickpocket, illusion, conjuration and smithing. Pickpocket is just hella easy to level, I got a character to 40 in 2 days by making pickpocket legendary 4 to 5 times. Illusion and Conjuration you'll want to farm with muffle for Illusion and using soul trap on a dead body for Conjuration. Smithing is the hardest of these 4 however is much easier to level than other forging trees such as alchemy or enchanting, and is the best option if you play a full warrior build as to not indulge in stealth or magic.
I think that I am going to get ptsd over how many times I have heard the word ‘guy’s’ in the last 7 minutes
I used giants to level up my blocking skill to 100 and then went legendary with it 3 times over. It’s the first thing I did.
The giants right to the west of Whiterun and then south of the giants is a broken down tower that they can’t follow you into because they are too big for the door. They just stand at the door and look at you. I walk forward they hit my shield, I go up a blocking level, I back up, use restoration spell as a bonus. Then repeat.
I probably can get blocking to 100 in about 30minutes?
Then I just started playing the game. I never use a shield but I had a healthy amount of Magica and health and my healing spell was off to a good start.
My first mission (personal mission, not game) I just made a straight run for the steed stone to give the extra 100 carry ability.
After that I played normally. No glitches or anything like that.
That’s a brilliant idea for the start of a game!
If you have the "waking dreams" black book you dont even have to wait to get a skill to level 100...
Just read the book and go to the end and you can take all the skill points from any perk.
I tend to make my illusion skill legendary where spamming muffle over and over is a pretty easy way to level up. same with alteration where so long as you have your gear reducing the cost and increasing magic regen you can get it up to level 100 again ridiculously fast.
Thank you for this video, you are awesome.
Yes, very informative
I wasn't sure until last night if my copy could do that, I'm anxious about whether or not legend my Block, because apparently tanking hits is how you level armor and shield
Does making a skill legendary increase it for example, if you reach level 100 with destruction and turn it legendary and reach level 100 again does that make the spells and skills stronger then normal level 100?
Thyr Lindberg no
Kleiny-ku so it's just there so you can reach over level 81?
Thyr Lindberg yes
It is so you can get more perk points total and fill out everything.
YAHGOA you can't fill out everything since every time you go legendary you get reset and have to start over. I still don't see any benefits for this feature.
So let me get this right. Making a skill legendary is mainly to do 3 things.
1. Increase lvl cap
2. Increase amount of total perk points you get
3. Respec ur character
Correct me if im wrong.
You missed out and failed to address fundamentally the most important question regarding legendary skill levelling!
If you can indeed continue to level again and again, do you each time get to put an additional 10 points into health, stamina or magic. If so that is a massive pro that negates any cons surely?
as you gain a level you get 1 choose between health, stamina, & magica. even when you are turning level 104 ECT...
@Marnige every enemy has a level cap, so eventually you will outlevel them to the point of turning Legendary difficulty into Novice
@@HondaN-rl3ls except for the magical anomilies those things dont reset till 36000
¨Well reseting smithing at lvl 100 isn't really a big issue, considering that you're already roaming with the best possible gear you could have (unless you're one of those who likes to break the game with i.e. alchemy)
Im pretty sure no one has noticed that each legendary you have for a skill actually makes it easier to level up, by decreasing the experience required to level up that skill
BOO, dude. Levelling up towards what? A higher number? If my skills are legendary I want them to feel that way, not get to a hundred, click Legendary and get kicked in the balls. How is not having the abilities granted by the perks I worked really hard for "Legendary"?
Hey, Creation Club? Can you fix this? like you fixed almost everything else? Please?
@@simonthedevil452 making a skill legendary will allow you to get past level 80
So guys, so guys, so guys, that deer tried to kill me...... So guys
Be careful how many times you do the legendary reset deal because when I kept grind out all my skill points were resetted to zero and than grinding became an ever more hell.
The trade off of making a skill tree legendary should be learning the same skill 10% faster each time and getting your perks back.
The only skill to make legendary is alteration. Then you can pop on some enchanted magic gear that brings your cast cost down to 0 or get that standing stone. Cast and hold telekinesis and detect life then fast travel across the map. Boom, skill is usually back to 100 or real close. Rinse and repeat to desired level.
Thanks a lot for explaining!
I played skyrim for awhile found some pretty cool stuff
Great video. Thank you
Why is everybody complaining about this mechanic. Indefinite leveling is bomb, especially when you get to aquire ALL of those perks!
nice vid, very informative