4500 hr PIC seems a lot, where everybody else are asking from 500 to 3000. All this trouble for half salary of any Chinese carrier, doesn’t look like a winning strategy. I love Japan and I love Boeing, but under this conditions I’d rather stay where I am.
Japanese women are hotter and the air is cleaner. I wouldn't want to work in China. There are lots of little details that make Japan a much better place to live than China.
They offer a sweet deal. But Air Japan only hire expats to work cargo. Which I dont see anything wrong with that but if youre a passenger person, should reconsider
@@moritojason1209 Hey Jason! Yes of course and a Capt pay/benefits with them is absolutely tremendous. But their passenger lines ANA Nippon usually just hire Japanese (to my knowledge) which makes sense unless you can speak Japanese. But the sister company, Air Japan, hires Expat i think just for Cargo. Which I could careless really its amazing pay and benefits and at the end of the day you get to fly an amazing jet. As the saying goes, Cargo doesn't complain. May I ask where you are from? I am Canadian getting into Aviation and my dream is to go expat after Canadian training. Cheers Mate, Matt
@@mattball7074 thanks! Yeah i was wondering if I were hired for Air Japan and could upgrade to ANA but I haven't heard of anyone doing that. I guess they strictly prefer Japanese for ANA. I am also a Canadian and currently a Flight instructor, and same as you, my dream is to go expat as well, preferably any of the Japanese Airlines. Good luck in your future aviation studies and career!
@@moritojason1209 cheers buddy. Im from NS living in AB about to start the journey. Its a wise move to go expat on many levels IMO. I wish you the best of luck & im sure youll land a nice seat in a nice jet!
Wow, just wow. This is my life goal as a pilot #Boeing767😍
Very good about this I feel interested about all of this
0:12 he doesnt look happy with his job
0:20 He means that japanese CA are too good to resist :)
Is it possible to get any jobs without commercial jet experiences in Air Japan?
Chan Berukubashu haha nope
4500 hr PIC seems a lot, where everybody else are asking from 500 to 3000. All this trouble for half salary of any Chinese carrier, doesn’t look like a winning strategy. I love Japan and I love Boeing, but under this conditions I’d rather stay where I am.
Japanese women are hotter and the air is cleaner. I wouldn't want to work in China. There are lots of little details that make Japan a much better place to live than China.
Are you in China, sir?
What's the difference between ANA and Air Japan? Are they 2 different airlines? Do air japan pilots also fly for ANA?
Air Japan does international leisure-focused flights. They’re owned by and operate ANA aircraft
Can a foreigner apply for passenger fleet after claiming citizenship in Japan ?
Yea I was asking that in Google too lol
They offer a sweet deal. But Air Japan only hire expats to work cargo. Which I dont see anything wrong with that but if youre a passenger person, should reconsider
Matt Ball there’s no upgrade? Trying to get as much info as I can because I’m interested in flying for them in the future.
@@moritojason1209 Hey Jason! Yes of course and a Capt pay/benefits with them is absolutely tremendous. But their passenger lines ANA Nippon usually just hire Japanese (to my knowledge) which makes sense unless you can speak Japanese.
But the sister company, Air Japan, hires Expat i think just for Cargo. Which I could careless really its amazing pay and benefits and at the end of the day you get to fly an amazing jet. As the saying goes, Cargo doesn't complain.
May I ask where you are from? I am Canadian getting into Aviation and my dream is to go expat after Canadian training.
Cheers Mate,
@@mattball7074 thanks! Yeah i was wondering if I were hired for Air Japan and could upgrade to ANA but I haven't heard of anyone doing that. I guess they strictly prefer Japanese for ANA.
I am also a Canadian and currently a Flight instructor, and same as you, my dream is to go expat as well, preferably any of the Japanese Airlines.
Good luck in your future aviation studies and career!
@@moritojason1209 cheers buddy. Im from NS living in AB about to start the journey. Its a wise move to go expat on many levels IMO. I wish you the best of luck & im sure youll land a nice seat in a nice jet!