Now that we have posted this video, after I have seen it myself, I see that I have made a mistake. Not in the content of the video - the content really, is my total love for St Brendan - but in the delivery. It is interesting to me, because it feels like a subliminal reaction to what I am saying. I wonder if you will notice it... I'll wait until Friday and I'll tell you in the next video what I did wrong and why I think it is important I share it with you. Be blessed, dear ones. Be blessed beyond your hopes!
Alright, I do want to explain this. Mircea Valentin, in a comment below, noticed exactly the 'mistake' I had in mind. Basically, I am trying my best to learn how to record, edit, post etc (I have zero experience with all of this, and my only 'team' are the occasional sheep and birds that pop in my video at the absolute wrong times). As I'm learning, I am trying all sorts of things; some work, others clearly do not, but that is how one learns. In this video, I tried to apply a kind of editing that basically cuts away all silent spaces (breathing in and out, looking for words etc). I personally do not like the result at all, and I shall not continue to use this style of editing. I found it interesting though, that this 'loss of voice' happened in the video in which I was talking about St Brendan, the best example of someone who searched for 'his voice' in Christ his entire life. BUT, this process of finding oneself implies failed attempts, mistakes etc - without these, we could never learn, we could never move forward. So: do not be afraid to make mistakes; just be ready to acknowledge them as mistakes, learn from the process and move on! Yours in Christ, learning from my mistakes like everyone else (God willing), fr seraphim
I love him, dear one. There is no other way to describe what I feel. I love him, just as I love St Oran of Iona, St Nicholas, St Isaac, St Seraphim, St Matrona and so on. There are some Saints who grab your heart and all you can do is love them all your life.
Mull Monastery dear Father, I have many including St Jacob of Hamatoura ( and St Patrick
Dearest Beloved of God Fr. Seraphim, this video on the spiritual heart of St. Brendon touched me deeply. Being of Irish descent I have always felt very close to the lives of the Celtic Saints, particularly St. Brendon. I am not aware if visitors such as myself are welcome yet to spend a few days at your Monasteries, but I pray for a day that I would be welcome to make a pilgrimage or retreat there with you and your community. May the peace of Christ empower you and your monastery to continue doing beautiful things for God. ---Fr. Terrence McGillicuddy
Not only do I discover the truth and awesomeness of Orthodox Christianity this week, but I am grateful and surprised to learn of a Saint that I share a name with! So much to learn !
Thank you Father. I haven't even finished the video. Yet I feel such a deep movement. Please pray for me to find who I am supposed to be. I definitely feel like I may have been pretending to be someone I am not for quite some time.
It all begins inside, dear one. Usually, it begins with a fear or a disappointment about ourselves. You need to make peace with yourself and to accept who you are, even if that implies accepting that you are a sinner. It is safer to begin from the humble awareness that you are a sinner, than to build an image of a Saint on foundations made of sand. Christ is Love, please remember that always.
Thank you good brother for your messages I listen from San Diego CA Yes Christ has risen! Hallelujah thank you for your words about wait brandon I like what you said about how he would not allow any thing or anyone defer him from becoming his true self. God wants us all to seek him so he can reveal to us our gifting and callings, and this is important so we go in the right direction in our lives. I was raised in a pentecostal church in the Boston area that where I first experienced the deep Love of God through encountering the Holy Spirit. Some of my friends have become orthodox I’ve been learning more about orthodoxy sometimes through you thank you God bless you all there
Indeed He is risen! Once again, thank you, Father Seraphim, for your teachings! May each and every one of us "become the saints He created us to be". God bless you and your Monastery!
It is difficult to know how to express one's love for a Saint, dear Gretchen. All one can do is pray, wait and do one's best to share that love with everyone. This is what this video is all about - my frail attempt to share the love I feel for St Brendan. Take good care, dear one.
Adevarat a inviat! Iubire si milă pentru intregul Adam,așa cum spunea si sfantul Sofronie Saharov! Cu rugaciunile sf.Brandon ,doriri de tot binele sfintiei voastre și întregii obsti Doamne ajută !
Authenticity is a lesson I need to learn. Perhaps the courage and humility to be authentic. Your lessons and reflections in your videos help me tremendously Thank you Father!
I am so grateful that you found something useful in our work, dear Luke. I am the last to know how to become an authentic person, but I can recognise it in others, and St Brendan is one of the most striking examples. I hope to learn more and to grow myself by asking in prayer the guidance of these Saints. With their help, may we all grow into who we were created to become.
Dear Father Seraphim thank you for inspiring me and those I share your youtube talks with. Your gentleness and Christ-love touches me so deeply every time I listen to you. On this talk I was moved seeing those intricate interconnected webs of God's love reaching out to me this time through your talk on St. Brendan. When I was asked by my spiritual father several years ago to be godfather to a catechumen at his church who was a former student of mine, I was told that his baptismal name was going to be Brendan. I had never heard of this saint, nor had I heard any of your talks at that time either, Father. I began to read about him, I listened to you talk about him. I bought books on his life. And the link to Mull Monastery and to you, Father, kept growing stronger. Thank you for all that you have given to me and others in these talks. God Bless you. Every morning it is a joy to remember you and the monastery in my prayers.
Dear Demetrius, I am thankful St Brendan brought you in the life of this small Monastery. It is a wonder, a true miracle, how the Saints of the Isles have protected and guided us, how profoundly they have blessed and supported us - step by step, person by person, despite all our unworthiness. Please keep me and the Monastery in your prayers.
Christ is Risen, Thank you father for a much needed message for this time, to remind us of the true priorities of life and why we are. There are so many distractions and pressures but there is nothing which can stop us becoming who we are in Christ whatever the outside situation.
All that is of spiritual value comes with great temptation, dear Phoebe. This can almost be used as a 'tool' to show us which way we should move forward - in whichever direction he feel the evil one does not want us. to go, that must the right. way forward, because that is where the treasure must be. Stay safe, dear one.
Thank you Father. I'm always so thankful to receive spiritual insight from your deep reflections. It has generated much pondering and personal questions which I am ruminating with. I'm praying for you and your community.
Must confess that find these videos increasingly easier to related to, dear one. When I do something - anything, really - and I sense that there is a benefit in that thing, I grow wings, I see an opportunity to finally do something, finally act in a way that may be pleasant to God. So thank you for letting us know that you find any use in these videos - that makes it much easier to keep going. Christ is risen, dear one!
Chris! What a lovely surprise! How did you find these videos, all the way from Canada 🇨🇦 ? Give my love in Christ to everyone next time you meet them, and do keep me and the Monastery in your prayers. You are in mine. Christ is risen!
Hello Fr.Serafhim it is Nicholas from Leeds.Thank you for your talks me and my family listen to them when you post. Please keep us in your prayers as we do for you. Thank you✝️
Dear Nicholas, I am so happy to hear from you! I hope you and your mum & dad are alright. I miss you and I remember how much I enjoyed your visit to Mull. Thank God you came when you did! Take good care of yourself, my dear friend.
Just viewed this today; we named our middle son after Brendan. He is 8 and has a big personality and brings joy wherever he goes. We, of course, pray all God's best for him and that the Lord will use him as He sees best.
Thanks Father. The idea that the a lack of authenticity makes everything - hopes, pains, even prayer - mood unreal feels painfully accurate. I have prayed (always half-heartedly, always weakly) and felt as if the words were not quite truthful even though they were true, because they were coming from somewhere that was not quite the middle of me, somewhere to one side of me if that makes sense. Thanks again for your videos. Please pray for me.
This pain, dear Tom, is frightening. But it is also a very accurate tool in telling us when we have strayed from ourselves. As long as we feel this pain, that is a sign our real selves are still there, still fighting under the surface - and that is a blessing, because it means we can still hope to get back 'home'. May we all be blessed, dear one.
Great Video. Thank you Father so much. I loved your humor at the beginning about the Icon and prayer rope. I've ordered both and look forward to them very much. Blessings!
Well, my dear Larry, what else can I do? I never hid the fact. that almost everything I end up doing (our pilgrimages, podcasts, booklets, my retreats to the US, these videos etc) are motivated by the need for me to fund the Monastery. Whether or not Iike doing them is completely irrelevant - this is the 'job' God gave me and I want with all my heart to do it as well as I can. BUT, because He is so good to this idiot monk, I gradually end up loving everything I do. May He bless us all, dear one.
@@mullmonastery Father, I really enjoy all your pod cast and videos. I especially like when you talk about love and changing the world by becoming Christ like. I think we tend to sometimes make Christianity to complicated. We're looking for answers to things, for head knowledge but not really looking into our own hearts or even perhaps into the examples of the Saints themselves.
Indeed He is Risen ☦ God bless Father beautiful Saint indeed. O Saint Brendan intercede and pray for us to our Lord God that He may save us and forgive us Amen. Glory be to God and blessed be All His Angels and Saints Amen. Peace be with you always Father. My favorite Saint is St. Ephraim the Syrian. I had a rough start but now on my knees with the aftermath. Favorite prayer for healing is the Jesus prayer ~Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me~
The Syrian fathers are beyond belief how beautiful they are! St Isaac has changed my life. May they pray for us and help us grow in our own spiritual lives.
Thank you for sharing St Brendan's life with us. At the beginning of the year a paper copy of St. Brendan's icon slipped out from between the pages of my Bible. I don't recall where the icon came from but I added it to my prayer corner with the intention to learn more about him. Your zeal for him is inspiring. Could you recommend a book about St Brendan that I can read? Would you also please tell us more about St Ita? Her icon is also in our prayer corner, right above St. Brendan. I had no idea until today that St Ita and St Brendan had such a close relationship.
I would read the Voyage, dear Katherine. You will find it easily, in various editions. Saints reveal themselves more through their actions - their struggles, their miracles - than the biographical details we have (or lack). And yes, I shall record something about St Ita closer to her Feast Day, thank you for suggesting it. In fact, I could start a little series of videos about our icons of the Celtic Saints, as a way to talk about them. That is a very good idea, thank you!
Dear Jonathan, it is a joy to hear from you. The brothers and I were talking about you a few days ago - your visit seems so recent to all of us, but it actually happened half a year ago already... Anyway, be well, be safe. Christ is risen!
Thank you, Father. So glad you are doing regular videos now. I took your advice and ordered (2) prayer ropes, since you were concerned about my survival 😉 However, I never got any confirmation, nor response to my messages inquiring about this...
Dear Anthony, this is what you get when you order things from a small monastery on a Scottish Isle 😊 Yes, our shop does not send any sort of confirmation (we must change a setting somewhere), but we have received your order and we are very grateful for the support it offers. We are now hunting down a sheep, so we may sheer it and make some fresh new ropes!
AMEN pater Efreim with yr blessings i could not agree more We should LO❤E our fellow brothers from Adam Eve & Judas & all creation in the world as we are all in the same category.... God f.give us all 🙏🏻😪🙏🏻
Dear Fr. Seraphim, these videos have been such a blessing. Thank you. I have a question I hope you may be able to answer some time: During this pandemic, it has become clear that I am called to the monastic life. This is something I have felt for a long time, but has only become clear recently. Now that I am 25 years old, after much prayer I feel the time has come. I trust you know what this is like. However, I do have a very close relationship with my mother and family. I am hoping you could comment on family relations as a monastic. My mother is worried that I will never see or talk to her again when I leave for the monastery.
Dear Victor, this is not something I can advise publicly, because one cannot apply the same advice to everyone in such personal circumstances. Write me an email ( and I shall see what God gives me. There are as many attitudes to the relationship with one's family as there are monastics. Be blessed, dear one.
Thank you Father, indeed powerful. I am interested to understand more, my question is why pray to a saint and not directly to Jesus, or the Father? Would love to know genuinely
You are perfectly right, dear Mircea. This is exactly the mistake I had in mind when I wrote the comment above (see the first comment of the video). This is very new to me and I am learning as I record. Because long videos tend to lose viewers, I am forced to choose between not getting my message across (by censoring what I say so I keep the video as short as possible) or creating these over-edited videos that do not feel or sound like myself. This is a mistake I had to make (once), but it is not one I shall repeat. Thank you for the comment. I appreciate the honesty.
@@mullmonastery I can see your kind heart, we want to see you as you are and is actually less work, everyone thinks sometimes about what they have to say or take pauses thats normal, if you do it in nature we can listen to the birds or watch the sky :d God Bless
All I can notice I have not looked at Friday for obvious reasons. You are holding the icon close to your person. You are standing behind a rock and keeping your arm in front of you at times. You are not looking into the camera as usual, frequently glancing away. So body language says I am in my own world with my Beloved Saint. I should say knowing you that you are not like this at all, the opposite is true.
Yeah sorry 😐 I’m never going to be like that and I don’t know who I am totally bro. And honestly? I don’t know what’s true and isn’t now I’m questioning everything. My life is hell I don’t need to question anything. And I’m not going to do that. Too hurt man. Sorry
You don't need to question everything, dear one. When you are in the middle of the darkness, when life feels like hell, all you need to do is breathe in and breathe out. I know that some times, for a while (weeks, months or years) one's soul can be like paralysed, and that like seems 'on hold', frozen. Be gentle to yourself. Do not judge yourself, do not condemn yourself, do not push yourself too much in any direction - just breathe in and out, hour after hour, day after day. Darkness is only absence of light, it does not exist in itself - sooner or later, this void will be lifted and light will burst in your soul again. I shall pray for you, whoever you are (not because my prayer means anything, but because I know this darkness and I know that it takes love and patience to overcome it). Your brother in Christ, fr seraphim
You have answered in a way that was helpful to me. A man whom loves god and has spoken to you. I went out amongst the wilds today and was met by providence. I am Matthew. I’m sorry I’ve lacked faith. Thank you fr serafim. God bless you. A true friend to.
@@mullmonastery I didn't get a chance to reply. I am the one who wrote to you. Matthew. Maybe I did reply. What I will say is this father. I was mad. My life has been hell for many years. Many, many years. I am finally finishing out my collegiate extravaganza. And we'll see. Pray for me as I imagine you have, and I have prayed for the Earth for years now. Thank you for your prayers. May God bless your monastery. And may I visit at some point in time. Matthew from America. Love to you. Grace for Grace. Strength to strength
Adevarat a inviat! Iubire si milă pentru intregul Adam,așa cum spunea si sfantul Sofronie Saharov! Cu rugaciunile sf.Brandon ,doriri de tot binele sfintiei voastre și întregii obsti Doamne ajută !
Now that we have posted this video, after I have seen it myself, I see that I have made a mistake. Not in the content of the video - the content really, is my total love for St Brendan - but in the delivery. It is interesting to me, because it feels like a subliminal reaction to what I am saying. I wonder if you will notice it... I'll wait until Friday and I'll tell you in the next video what I did wrong and why I think it is important I share it with you. Be blessed, dear ones. Be blessed beyond your hopes!
Alright, I do want to explain this. Mircea Valentin, in a comment below, noticed exactly the 'mistake' I had in mind. Basically, I am trying my best to learn how to record, edit, post etc (I have zero experience with all of this, and my only 'team' are the occasional sheep and birds that pop in my video at the absolute wrong times). As I'm learning, I am trying all sorts of things; some work, others clearly do not, but that is how one learns. In this video, I tried to apply a kind of editing that basically cuts away all silent spaces (breathing in and out, looking for words etc). I personally do not like the result at all, and I shall not continue to use this style of editing. I found it interesting though, that this 'loss of voice' happened in the video in which I was talking about St Brendan, the best example of someone who searched for 'his voice' in Christ his entire life. BUT, this process of finding oneself implies failed attempts, mistakes etc - without these, we could never learn, we could never move forward. So: do not be afraid to make mistakes; just be ready to acknowledge them as mistakes, learn from the process and move on! Yours in Christ, learning from my mistakes like everyone else (God willing), fr seraphim
Beautiful Father. Your zeal for St Brendan is infectious.
I love him, dear one. There is no other way to describe what I feel. I love him, just as I love St Oran of Iona, St Nicholas, St Isaac, St Seraphim, St Matrona and so on. There are some Saints who grab your heart and all you can do is love them all your life.
Mull Monastery dear Father, I have many including St Jacob of Hamatoura ( and St Patrick
Dearest Beloved of God Fr. Seraphim, this video on the spiritual heart of St. Brendon touched me deeply. Being of Irish descent I have always felt very close to the lives of the Celtic Saints, particularly St. Brendon. I am not aware if visitors such as myself are welcome yet to spend a few days at your Monasteries, but I pray for a day that I would be welcome to make a pilgrimage or retreat there with you and your community. May the peace of Christ empower you and your monastery to continue doing beautiful things for God. ---Fr. Terrence McGillicuddy
I'm listening to this right now in St. Brendan's birthplace of Fenit, Co.Kerry. Thank you for that wonderful insight Father. May God bless you.
Not only do I discover the truth and awesomeness of Orthodox Christianity this week, but I am grateful and surprised to learn of a Saint that I share a name with! So much to learn !
Glory be to God, dear Brendan. You have an amazing spiritual protector and intercessor before Christ. May he always keep you under his protection.
@@mullmonastery Thank you for such divine and comforting words! Glory be to God🙏☦:)
Thank you Father. I haven't even finished the video. Yet I feel such a deep movement. Please pray for me to find who I am supposed to be.
I definitely feel like I may have been pretending to be someone I am not for quite some time.
It all begins inside, dear one. Usually, it begins with a fear or a disappointment about ourselves. You need to make peace with yourself and to accept who you are, even if that implies accepting that you are a sinner. It is safer to begin from the humble awareness that you are a sinner, than to build an image of a Saint on foundations made of sand. Christ is Love, please remember that always.
Thank you good brother for your messages I listen from San Diego CA
Yes Christ has risen! Hallelujah thank you for your words about wait brandon I like what you said about how he would not allow any thing or anyone defer him from becoming his true self. God wants us all to seek him so he can reveal to us our gifting and callings, and this is important so we go in the right direction in our lives. I was raised in a pentecostal church in the Boston area that where I first experienced the deep Love of God through encountering the Holy Spirit. Some of my friends have become orthodox I’ve been learning more about orthodoxy sometimes through you thank you God bless you all there
Indeed He is risen!
Once again, thank you, Father Seraphim, for your teachings! May each and every one of us "become the saints He created us to be". God bless you and your Monastery!
May Christ hear your prayer and may His will be done for all of us, dear Maria. Stay safe, dear one.
Indeed He is risen! Thank you, Father Seraphim.
It is difficult to know how to express one's love for a Saint, dear Gretchen. All one can do is pray, wait and do one's best to share that love with everyone. This is what this video is all about - my frail attempt to share the love I feel for St Brendan. Take good care, dear one.
Adevarat a inviat!
Iubire si milă pentru intregul Adam,așa cum spunea si sfantul Sofronie Saharov!
Cu rugaciunile sf.Brandon ,doriri de tot binele sfintiei voastre și întregii obsti
Doamne ajută !
Authenticity is a lesson I need to learn. Perhaps the courage and humility to be authentic.
Your lessons and reflections in your videos help me tremendously Thank you Father!
I am so grateful that you found something useful in our work, dear Luke. I am the last to know how to become an authentic person, but I can recognise it in others, and St Brendan is one of the most striking examples. I hope to learn more and to grow myself by asking in prayer the guidance of these Saints. With their help, may we all grow into who we were created to become.
GOD bless you and St Brendan bless you and intercede for you and your brothers in Christ.
Dear Father Seraphim thank you for inspiring me and those I share your youtube talks with. Your gentleness and Christ-love touches me so deeply every time I listen to you. On this talk I was moved seeing those intricate interconnected webs of God's love reaching out to me this time through your talk on St. Brendan. When I was asked by my spiritual father several years ago to be godfather to a catechumen at his church who was a former student of mine, I was told that his baptismal name was going to be Brendan. I had never heard of this saint, nor had I heard any of your talks at that time either, Father. I began to read about him, I listened to you talk about him. I bought books on his life. And the link to Mull Monastery and to you, Father, kept growing stronger. Thank you for all that you have given to me and others in these talks. God Bless you. Every morning it is a joy to remember you and the monastery in my prayers.
Dear Demetrius, I am thankful St Brendan brought you in the life of this small Monastery. It is a wonder, a true miracle, how the Saints of the Isles have protected and guided us, how profoundly they have blessed and supported us - step by step, person by person, despite all our unworthiness. Please keep me and the Monastery in your prayers.
Christ is Risen,
Thank you father for a much needed message for this time, to remind us of the true priorities of life and why we are. There are so many distractions and pressures but there is nothing which can stop us becoming who we are in Christ whatever the outside situation.
All that is of spiritual value comes with great temptation, dear Phoebe. This can almost be used as a 'tool' to show us which way we should move forward - in whichever direction he feel the evil one does not want us. to go, that must the right. way forward, because that is where the treasure must be. Stay safe, dear one.
Thank you Father. I'm always so thankful to receive spiritual insight from your deep reflections. It has generated much pondering and personal questions which I am ruminating with.
I'm praying for you and your community.
Must confess that find these videos increasingly easier to related to, dear one. When I do something - anything, really - and I sense that there is a benefit in that thing, I grow wings, I see an opportunity to finally do something, finally act in a way that may be pleasant to God. So thank you for letting us know that you find any use in these videos - that makes it much easier to keep going. Christ is risen, dear one!
Thank you Father Serafim, your words and encouragement mean so much. Thank you.
Chris! What a lovely surprise! How did you find these videos, all the way from Canada 🇨🇦 ? Give my love in Christ to everyone next time you meet them, and do keep me and the Monastery in your prayers. You are in mine. Christ is risen!
Hello Fr.Serafhim it is Nicholas from Leeds.Thank you for your talks me and my family listen to them when you post. Please keep us in your prayers as we do for you. Thank you✝️
Dear Nicholas, I am so happy to hear from you! I hope you and your mum & dad are alright. I miss you and I remember how much I enjoyed your visit to Mull. Thank God you came when you did! Take good care of yourself, my dear friend.
Just viewed this today; we named our middle son after Brendan. He is 8 and has a big personality and brings joy wherever he goes. We, of course, pray all God's best for him and that the Lord will use him as He sees best.
Thanks Father. The idea that the a lack of authenticity makes everything - hopes, pains, even prayer - mood unreal feels painfully accurate. I have prayed (always half-heartedly, always weakly) and felt as if the words were not quite truthful even though they were true, because they were coming from somewhere that was not quite the middle of me, somewhere to one side of me if that makes sense. Thanks again for your videos. Please pray for me.
This pain, dear Tom, is frightening. But it is also a very accurate tool in telling us when we have strayed from ourselves. As long as we feel this pain, that is a sign our real selves are still there, still fighting under the surface - and that is a blessing, because it means we can still hope to get back 'home'. May we all be blessed, dear one.
Great Video. Thank you Father so much. I loved your humor at the beginning about the Icon and prayer rope. I've ordered both and look forward to them very much. Blessings!
Well, my dear Larry, what else can I do? I never hid the fact. that almost everything I end up doing (our pilgrimages, podcasts, booklets, my retreats to the US, these videos etc) are motivated by the need for me to fund the Monastery. Whether or not Iike doing them is completely irrelevant - this is the 'job' God gave me and I want with all my heart to do it as well as I can. BUT, because He is so good to this idiot monk, I gradually end up loving everything I do. May He bless us all, dear one.
Father, I really enjoy all your pod cast and videos. I especially like when you talk about love and changing the world by becoming Christ like. I think we tend to sometimes make Christianity to complicated. We're looking for answers to things, for head knowledge but not really looking into our own hearts or even perhaps into the examples of the Saints themselves.
Indeed He is Risen ☦
God bless Father beautiful Saint indeed.
O Saint Brendan intercede and pray for us to our Lord God that He may save us and forgive us Amen.
Glory be to God and blessed be All His Angels and Saints Amen.
Peace be with you always Father.
My favorite Saint is St. Ephraim the Syrian. I had a rough start but now on my knees with the aftermath. Favorite prayer for healing is the Jesus prayer
~Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me~
The Syrian fathers are beyond belief how beautiful they are! St Isaac has changed my life. May they pray for us and help us grow in our own spiritual lives.
Multumim parinte Serafim.Si celor care au lucrat la subtitrarea in romana.🤗🦋
Pride and going your own way V tradition and Saints like Saint Brendan...
Thank you for sharing St Brendan's life with us. At the beginning of the year a paper copy of St. Brendan's icon slipped out from between the pages of my Bible. I don't recall where the icon came from but I added it to my prayer corner with the intention to learn more about him. Your zeal for him is inspiring. Could you recommend a book about St Brendan that I can read? Would you also please tell us more about St Ita? Her icon is also in our prayer corner, right above St. Brendan. I had no idea until today that St Ita and St Brendan had such a close relationship.
I would read the Voyage, dear Katherine. You will find it easily, in various editions. Saints reveal themselves more through their actions - their struggles, their miracles - than the biographical details we have (or lack). And yes, I shall record something about St Ita closer to her Feast Day, thank you for suggesting it. In fact, I could start a little series of videos about our icons of the Celtic Saints, as a way to talk about them. That is a very good idea, thank you!
Wonderful presentation, dear Fr. Prayers from Dallas. NR
Thank you for your kindness, dear Dallas. I love St Brendan and this is the very least I can do to express my love.
Thank you, Father.
I like how you surround your self with icons next you awesome. God bless you Abuna, please remember me on your prayers my name is Trhas!
Dear father always a great blessing thank you, your orthodox English friend, Jonathan 😷
Dear Jonathan, it is a joy to hear from you. The brothers and I were talking about you a few days ago - your visit seems so recent to all of us, but it actually happened half a year ago already... Anyway, be well, be safe. Christ is risen!
Mull Monastery thank you father. I pray every morning for you all by name. Hope the brothers are well? Are the sisters still with you?
Thank you, Father. So glad you are doing regular videos now. I took your advice and ordered (2) prayer ropes, since you were concerned about my survival 😉 However, I never got any confirmation, nor response to my messages inquiring about this...
Dear Anthony, this is what you get when you order things from a small monastery on a Scottish Isle 😊 Yes, our shop does not send any sort of confirmation (we must change a setting somewhere), but we have received your order and we are very grateful for the support it offers. We are now hunting down a sheep, so we may sheer it and make some fresh new ropes!
Mull Monastery Ok, great! I just wanted to make sure you got it. Please forgive me if this appears impatient. Thank you, Father!
🌺☦️Christ is Risen☦️🌸
AMEN pater Efreim with yr blessings i could not agree more
We should LO❤E our fellow brothers from Adam Eve & Judas
& all creation in the world as we are all in the same category....
God f.give us all 🙏🏻😪🙏🏻
Dear Fr. Seraphim, these videos have been such a blessing. Thank you.
I have a question I hope you may be able to answer some time:
During this pandemic, it has become clear that I am called to the monastic life. This is something I have felt for a long time, but has only become clear recently. Now that I am 25 years old, after much prayer I feel the time has come. I trust you know what this is like.
However, I do have a very close relationship with my mother and family. I am hoping you could comment on family relations as a monastic. My mother is worried that I will never see or talk to her again when I leave for the monastery.
Dear Victor, this is not something I can advise publicly, because one cannot apply the same advice to everyone in such personal circumstances. Write me an email ( and I shall see what God gives me. There are as many attitudes to the relationship with one's family as there are monastics. Be blessed, dear one.
Hi, I am a Romanian Orthodox. I have a question about Saint Brendan meeting Judah. When he met Judah, since Judah died by hung himself?
Thank you Father, indeed powerful. I am interested to understand more, my question is why pray to a saint and not directly to Jesus, or the Father? Would love to know genuinely
We have a St Brandon's Church in Brancepeth, Durham. Is this one and the same Saint?
Where can we read saint Brendan's story ?
What is the kontakion for this dear Saint? Or something like that. Are there any?
Do you have an orthodox bible in the English language? Or could you provide me a link to one?
Where is he buried? I would like to venerate his holy relics
This video beying so cut from second tot second is actually anoying try posting raw original videos from now on they would be more apreciated
You are perfectly right, dear Mircea. This is exactly the mistake I had in mind when I wrote the comment above (see the first comment of the video). This is very new to me and I am learning as I record. Because long videos tend to lose viewers, I am forced to choose between not getting my message across (by censoring what I say so I keep the video as short as possible) or creating these over-edited videos that do not feel or sound like myself. This is a mistake I had to make (once), but it is not one I shall repeat. Thank you for the comment. I appreciate the honesty.
@@mullmonastery I can see your kind heart, we want to see you as you are and is actually less work, everyone thinks sometimes about what they have to say or take pauses thats normal, if you do it in nature we can listen to the birds or watch the sky :d God Bless
All I can notice I have not looked at Friday for obvious reasons. You are holding the icon close to your person. You are standing behind a rock and keeping your arm in front of you at times. You are not looking into the camera as usual, frequently glancing away. So body language says I am in my own world with my Beloved Saint. I should say knowing you that you are not like this at all, the opposite is true.
Yeah sorry 😐 I’m never going to be like that and I don’t know who I am totally bro.
And honestly? I don’t know what’s true and isn’t now I’m questioning everything.
My life is hell I don’t need to question anything.
And I’m not going to do that.
Too hurt man.
You don't need to question everything, dear one. When you are in the middle of the darkness, when life feels like hell, all you need to do is breathe in and breathe out. I know that some times, for a while (weeks, months or years) one's soul can be like paralysed, and that like seems 'on hold', frozen. Be gentle to yourself. Do not judge yourself, do not condemn yourself, do not push yourself too much in any direction - just breathe in and out, hour after hour, day after day. Darkness is only absence of light, it does not exist in itself - sooner or later, this void will be lifted and light will burst in your soul again. I shall pray for you, whoever you are (not because my prayer means anything, but because I know this darkness and I know that it takes love and patience to overcome it). Your brother in Christ, fr seraphim
You have answered in a way that was helpful to me. A man whom loves god and has spoken to you.
I went out amongst the wilds today and was met by providence. I am Matthew.
I’m sorry I’ve lacked faith. Thank you fr serafim.
God bless you. A true friend to.
@@mullmonastery I didn't get a chance to reply. I am the one who wrote to you. Matthew. Maybe I did reply. What I will say is this father. I was mad. My life has been hell for many years. Many, many years. I am finally finishing out my collegiate extravaganza. And we'll see. Pray for me as I imagine you have, and I have prayed for the Earth for years now. Thank you for your prayers. May God bless your monastery. And may I visit at some point in time. Matthew from America. Love to you. Grace for Grace. Strength to strength
Adevarat a inviat!
Iubire si milă pentru intregul Adam,așa cum spunea si sfantul Sofronie Saharov!
Cu rugaciunile sf.Brandon ,doriri de tot binele sfintiei voastre și întregii obsti
Doamne ajută !