As a father who has lost children, this scene gutted me. I sobbed for hours afterward. I long to hear at my deathbed, "Go to them," and "You're home." I will see them again. But not yet. Not yet.
God knows when our time is due. Your children are waiting for you, but you still have time. Don't dissapoint them by going the other way in life. Be a good man, a man with of honor and and high morals, so their longing for you is not in vein... Let them be proud of you by giving all you've got
Historically, completely inaccurate. Killed by a Greek wrestler as he bathed with the consent of the Praetoreon Guard. But this was the beginning of the end. It was managed decline from this point on.
We cry for Maximus not for his character or even for Maximus himself. We cry for those free souls who fought for freedom and taught us not to kneel in front of tyranny. May all of them rest in peace.
Duty? Sure. Honor? Of course. "country"??? no. He was (in lore) a conscripted spaniard who was compelled to serve the roman empire. Had absolutely nothing to do with "country".
@@JgHaverty by that time the Spaniards were as much as Roman as the Italians, otherwise Roman law and Latin language would not still be prevalent in Portugal and Spain as much as it is.
This reminds me of my father who passed away in January 2024. He was a warrior, he survived the polio decease as a child, a war, extreme poverty, physical disability due to the polio, earthquakes, heart attack, diabetes, Covid 19, a stroke and finally neumonía before he passed away. Rest in heaven Dad.
THE United States---- WAS ** WORTH BEING REGISTEred ,... @ 18;.... 'n' NOW @ 72 ***** to VOTE--against--piecea[t]RRUMMPP LLC;.....twice---is a priveldge / honor! (THRICE) !
Sincere condolences to you. For so many of us, the loss of our father is the loss of a hero. Your father was even more than that. It sounds like he may have been a hero to many. But most of all, and I'm sure he'd agree, he was your dad. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Yesterday, I carried my dad's coffin on my shoulder to the front of the church - the same way he supported me for all my life. This was playing as we entered. I have never, ever been prouder in my life, and I can tell you that I probably never will be again. I honoured my gladiator; my hero. Like Maximus, his fight was over only after he lived long enough to ensure everything was okay for his family. To any of you reading this, you need not a moment exactly like mine to show you what really matters in life, just keep your heart and eyes open for what that may look like for you. Thank you for everything and I love you, Dad xxx
It's always a great ending, when the person whose sole "raison d'être" was to play victim, and who did f* all, lectures everybody else about how they failed. Besides, what about the wrongs Maximus supported when he went conquering for Rome? Did he care who the men were he killed or what they were fighting for? Rome's corruption only became an issue to him, when it destroyed his own life. As great as the "film making" in this film is, if you are honest with yourself, you have to conceed that the story was shit.
Hans, John Williams, Ennio, and, IMO the best of them all, an 81 year young gentleman named Ilaiyaraaja (Indian composer who has 1,200 (and counting) movies to his credit - and if you know Indian movies, most of them have songs in addition to the background score) are the greatest when it comes to film music
Maximus isn't just a character. He's a set of ideals and values beyond the person who embodies them. That's why we weep, not just for the injustice he experienced before his death but for how well be upheld those principles till the end.✊
This was a brilliant movie. I'm 66 now and I still cry when I see the ending of this movie. The music is epic. The movie is epic. I can watch this movie constantly.
“Lucius is safe?” Last 3 words before he dies. This shows the love that he still has for Lucilla, as well as the yearning to be with his own son and wife. The only thing that we go with from this world are the bonds of love and relationships of the heart. Wonderful movie and mesmerizing ending…
Глава НДИ, депутат Кнессета Авигдор Либерман, заявил в прошлый четверг, что он поддерживает отделение религии от государства, и сегодня мы впервые публикуем его полную программу по этому вопросу. На первом этапе эта программа включает в себя принятие 15 законопроектов, которые уже поданы депутатами от НДИ, среди них - упразднение религиозных советов, военная или альтернативная служба для всех, только один главный раввин, отмена обязательного судебного разбирательства в раввинатских судах, обязательное изучение основных дисциплин, гражданские браки и разводы, общественный транспорт по субботам и субсидирование садиков и яслей для детей работающих родителей. В рамках законопроекта о всеобщей воинской повинности, к примеру, предлагается полностью отменить в религиозном секторе статус освобожденных от службы в армии в связи с изучением Торы. Законопроект о раввинатских судах предполагает, что бракоразводные вопросы (опека над детьми, раздел имущества и алименты детям) будут обсуждаться только в гражданском суде, кроме тех случаев, когда пара подпишет совместный документ с просьбой перенести рассмотрение этих вопросов в раввинатский суд. Минфин не видит необходимости в развитии въездного туризма в Израиле Более того - в соответствии с законопроектом об обязательном изучении основных дисциплин, учебное заведение, которое не будет вносить их в учебную программу, будет лишено государственной поддержки. Либерман и его партия подали также законопроект об обязательном условии наличия 150-процентной рабочей ставки для желающих получить государственное финансирование детских садов и яслей. Кроме того, они предлагают законодательно утвердить право на инфраструктурные работы по субботам, упорядочить вопросы выдачи кашрута и обусловить временными рамками сроки каденции городских раввинов. Либерман сообщил, что намеревается продвигать эту программу. "Если мы не отделим государство от религии, у нас не будет государства. Невозможно идти на компромисс по вопросу равного разделению ответственности в экономике и безопасности. Государству Израиль необходима конституция, включая конституционный суд, и отделение религии от государства. Это совершенно абсурдная ситуация, когда наши дети и внуки служат в армии, работают и платят налоги и на деле защищают и обеспечивают тех, кто сидят в ешивах. Отделение религии от государства и равная гражданская ответственность - это два самых важных вопроса для будущего государства Израиль".הרצליה מאיצה את אישורן של תכניות ומקדמת היתרי בנייה, בזמן שעלויות הקרקעות ביחס לקרקע זמינה לבנייה, עדיין נותרו נמוכות. רגע לפני זינוק מטאורי במחירים, ממהרים המשקיעים לרכוש קרקעות אחרונות בעיר, כשעיניהם נשואות גבוה לשורת הרווח הצפויה. בפרויקט הרובע הצפוני הצפוי בקרוב להפקדה ובפרויקט חוף התכלת הנמצא בימים אלו בשלב הכנת תכניות מפורטות בינואר האחרון נרשמה התקדמות משמעותית בפרויקט, עם פרסום התכנית המפורטת למתחם. היעד המסתמן לסיום הליכי התכנון ואישור התכנית הוא כשנתיים בלבד (על פי הערכת השמאי), כאשר אושרה אשתקד גם תכנית המגורים בשטח שדה הקרקעות הזמינות בהרצליה נמצאות כעת לאחר עליית מחירים ראשונה, בנקודת מפתח משמעותית עבור המשקיעים. "אנחנו עדיין נמצאים בשלב שכדאי מאוד להשקיע, כאשר
@@jorgevaccari2374 В своей полной приверженности борьбе за укрепление своей власти любой ценой премьер-министр Биньямин Нетаниягу без колебаний отказывается от будущего израильских детей. Полностью подчиняясь коалиционным требованиям ультраортодоксальных партий, он решил приговорить большое их число к жизни в нищете, невежестве и неравных возможностях. На протяжении всей военной операции против «Исламского джихада» в Газе, хвастаясь своей воинственностью и нежеланием своего правительства идти на компромисс, Нетаниягу уступал всем требованиям коалиции, которые ему предъявлялись. Он уступил председателю ШАС Арье Дери и выделил дополнительное финансирование на программу продуктовых талонов, увеличив ее бюджет с 850 миллионов шекелей (234 миллиона долларов) до миллиарда шекелей. Он сделал это, несмотря на постановление суда, которое гласит что эти ваучеры выдавались предвзято в пользу ультраортодоксальных семей. Премьер также проигнорировал предупреждение бюджетного отдела министерства финансов о том, что это создаст отрицательный стимул для участия харедим на рынке труда. Нетаниягу также согласился увеличить финансирование неподконтрольных государству ультраортодоксальных учебных заведений на 230 миллионов шекелей. На самом деле это увеличение государственного финансирования этих школ вдвое. Они не подлежат никакому надзору, и там не преподают основные светские предметы. Передача такой крупной суммы денег также является нарушением закона, который не позволяет таким школам получать более 55 процентов того, что получают обычные государственные школы. Бюджетное управление предупредило, что Нетаниягу готовит будущее поколение ультраортодоксальных граждан, которым придется выйти на рынок труда без необходимых навыков. Но на самом деле это не имеет значения для того, кто озабочен только будущим своего правительства. Политика, ведущая Государство Израиль по пути Ливана к банкротству Финансирование иешив также увеличилось до 2 миллиардов шекелей в год, несмотря на выводы аналитиков бюджетного отдела, что это приведет к сокращению занятости мужчин-харедим почти на 5 процентов. В сочетании с дополнительным финансированием, которое получают министерства, контролируемые религиозными сионистами, сотни миллионов шекелей на дополнительную поддержку еврейской идентичности и другие программы будут направлены в государственные религиозные школы-интернаты. Благодаря Нетаниягу, беспрецедентные 13,7 миллиардов шекелей государственных средств пойдут на выполнение требований партий его коалиции, при этом основная масса этих денег будет выделена на нужды лишь одной общины, укрепление идеологии еврейского превосходства и содержание ультраортодоксального населения в гетто и вне рынка труда. На такие разрушительные цели еще никогда не тратилось столько средств. Дети-ультраортодоксы первыми заплатят цену бедности и невежества, а вслед за ними - все Государство Израиль. Бюджетный отдел уверен, что коалиционные соглашения приведут к резкому падению уровня занятости ультраортодоксов и к сокращению валового внутреннего продукта на 6,7 триллиона шекелей к 2060 году, что потребует 16-процентного увеличения налоговых поступлений. Таким будет историческое наследие Нетаниягу - премьер-министра, который опустил Израиль до статуса страны третьего мира.לקת מפרקים גורמת לנפיחות ועיוותים במפרקי הידיים והרגליים עד כדי כאבים עזים וחוסר יכולת להזיז אותם. הסיבות לכך רבות ומגוונות והרפואה המודרנית לא תמיד מאבחנת אותן ומציעה טיפול יעיל, דבר שמוביל הרבה חולים לסבל מתמשך. אבחון באמצעות גלגל העין - אירידיולוגיה, יכול לאתר את הגורם המדויק - ולאפשר תוכנית טיפול אישית ואפקטיבית שמובילה להחלמה ניר ברקת, שעבר מסכת ארוכה של טיפולים שונים בעקבות מחלת הסרטן בה חלה, פיתח גם דלקת במפרקים שהתבטאה בכאבים עזים וצורך לקחת משככי כאבים חזקים עוד יותר. "לא כך רציתי לחיות", הוא מספר. "הכאבים העזים והתרופות החזקות שלקחתי בגלל דלקת המפרקים שיבשו לי את החיים עוד יותר." ניר שהתמודד כבר עם אתגרים רפואיים מורכבים, רצה להחזיר לעצמו את איכות החיים.
Ridley Scott is one of the few directors who know how to make a movie that touches every range of human emotions. He is on the level of Spielberg, Cameron, Kubrick, Wyler, Jackson, Zemeckis, Lean. He's not afraid to touch on the possibility of an afterlife and how that affects people's lives while they live and at the end of their life. The ending of this movie is so satisfying, and the movie is a masterpiece of film making.....Kudos to a great filmmaker.
I lost a friend to depression. Her name was Anna, and she passed away on February 10, 2023. She was an angel in the lives of many. We lived in difficult times at the university since a girl was brutally murdered inside the university, and we were all quite shaken by it, including Anna, she decided to wrote a poem in honor of her and asked me to help her paste it all over the university, it was her last wish, she took her own life, I couldn't save her. Anna and I wanted to be teachers in the future, and we always talked about working together one day. But I honored her wish with dedication and love, and while I was pasting the poems all over the university, I played this song for some reason. Anna will always be my inexhaustible source of inspiration. All the classes I give will be for her, she will always be the angel of my profession, and she will always be with me. Now you are free, Anna. I will see you again, but not yet, not yet.
I am so very sorry Lucas for the very deep sad loss of your friend Anna, who passed away a day before my Father's 46th anniversary of his passing. What a lovely way to honour and remember Anna, not forgetting that girl who was brutally taken away. May God bless you all including those touched, like me, by this very sad story. I too will remember those words for those I have lost, in passing and in other ways.... 'I will see you again, but not yet, not yet.' ❤️🙏✝️👑
Did anyone else notice how at 3:05 the princess places her hand palm downward on her head? That was the traditional gesture of mourning in ancient Rome. It's the little touches like that that make this such a good movie
Sara la pelicula es magnifica, llena de simbolismos, el enamoramiento platonico, como asin te veo radiante y bella es un placer escrirte con respecrto gracias
It’s interesting the mix of people who carried him at the end. You had gladiators who had been slaves of Rome, Roman soldiers, a Roman Senator, and a future Roman emperor. I think it’s symbolic how so many different people all showed respect and honor to Maximus.
Maximus was literally asked by Markus Arealius to take over rome on his death bed. It makes sense that Maximus was known by all, and respected. Even when he denounced his own status and became a gladiator. The senate knew him, Even the slaves have heard of maximus..he's a legend. yeah Honor him
That final scene was beautiful, not only because it wrapped up the whole movie amazingly, but because it showed how abandoned his enemy was. Not a single soldier wept, and that final shot showed that with him being little more than a dull, white dot, with much more intense colour in the scene than just him.
I always adored Connie Nielsen in this. She embues the character with such a commanding presence, but throughout you can see the hurt inflicted on her by just how life is. She had to walk away from Maximus, she's lost her husband and her father, her son is targeted by her creepy brother, and ultimately the one man she wanted ends up putting everything right while peacing out.
I remember watching Gladiator in the cinema, it was epic, loud, beautiful, full of emotion, excitement and action. The colours were amazing and the cinematography simply stunning. This scene always makes me shed a few tears. Crowe embodied Maximus and Scott had made another epic film that would be watched over and over again!
you are so lucky, I seen it on a VHS tape that I got for christmas, and being a kid at the time, I thought it would be super boring since it was an adult movie, I was transcended and lost in a world I never knew existed. I just posted my reaction to Gladiator 2 on channel if anybody interested. Would love to hear your thoughts
Possibly, the most epic movie of all time! The story, actors and soundtrack are beyond reproach. Outstanding in every way! Every time I see and hear this, I get goosebumps. Thanks for sharing in HD! If you have trouble understanding the lyrics, it's because the performer, Lisa Gerrard sings in her own language!
When I found out my wife was pregnant, we hadn't chosen a name, but I always wanted to have a boy named Maximus and it was because of this movie. Unfortunately, after he was born, he he was here only a brief time. When it came time for the end, I held him in my arms as he took the last breath as we watched this movie together. Whenever that time may be I'm ready to go home to see him. My son, Maximus Blade will never be forgotten. Till we meet again.
Every time. and I mean EVERY TIME I hear her say "He was a soldier of Rome. Honor him." I get massive goosebumps. After 20 years of seeing this movie many times.
Die Musik ab 0:30, der Respekt seiner alten Kampfgefährten, nach dem Fall ihr zu sagen, dass der Sohn in Sicherheit ist, die Liebe zu seiner Familie und die Sehnsucht nach Ihnen... aber der Satz he was a soldier of rom-honour him der Augenblick, wo dann immer die Tränen laufen...Einer der besten Filme aller Zeiten
Many times I have watched this movie. And many times I have seen this ending. Only now did I realize Maximus’s final words were “Lucius is safe”. And this brought me to a powerful realization. Maximus lost his wife and son in the most horrible way possible. The anger, the pain, the despair he suffered must have been unfathomable. How he could ever overcome such a loss would be too much for most men to take. But, Maximus did just that. Because he learned to love again. He wasn’t just fighting to avenge his blood family’s death. He was fighting to protect his living family, the family he adopted into his heart, Lucilla and Lucius.
Yes they were once lovers Lucilla and Maximus (being the number one soldier protector and leader of Marcus Aurelius army this was mentioned when Lucilla secretly when to speak with Maximus and imprisoned upon Lucilla's brother Commodus order)- during their younger days when Marcus Aurelius was still alive - that's why the older brother was so jealous of Maximus Decimus Meridius, because Marcus Aurelius preferred him over his son, Commodus. []To quote from another great reply -My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." - Maximus Decimus Meridius]☺ -
This is how my sister felt when she was dying, of leukemia and died suddenly without knowing of why, she went coma and there we knew, and the next day passed.. my everything in the world. I saw and hugged her a few days, worried her.. i miss you so much my everything in the world. 4 years. She always took care of me and hugged me deeply
@@dr.emilschaffhausen4683 almost everyday i suffer.. because i was used being with her. Sometimes almost cry again and again.. she needed help but i wasn't much around and never realized that she is deadly sick i saw how she suffered, she also couldn't think of, and she thought like she is just making troubles to others
@@dr.emilschaffhausen4683 i wasn't much around in her last months/weeks, except my promise to her, after move, to surely visit her twice a week. Exactly then she died. Before she died she messaged me that I am a liar and i should not come back to her again. I was just a week abroad and this actually i meant, right after i wanted visit and surprise her. I missed and worried her so much.. then suddenly in hospital in coma, how i met her again.. i cried alot when i saw her like that i knew something is big i shocked and trembled when i saw her in hospital, hugged her so much Then the doctor told me she is almost dead and will pass, nothing to do It broke my everything This woman did so much for me and i couldn't return as much Thank you for asking and listening, i now cry again. She was the most important human being for me. A hidden jem that not much people knew that someone like her existed in the world.. and now gone without any traces
@@AndreiBogorodski Give in. Jump in the pool. Drink the coolaid. In 50 years time you'll grow to regret it otherwise. The world is a dark and lonely place without loving family.
I’m not sure what it is but Ridley Scott has always captivated me. This movie is so many things all at once and this scene tugs at my soul. Some distant part of me left over from my ancestors I guess. I get goosebumps and my eyes well up every time I hear her say “he was a soldier of Rome, honor him” almost a quarter century old and it’s still brilliant
This is one of the best endings in film history. Even I get a tear every time Maximus dies. Lucilla asking the soldiers to honor him is poignant in its own way and the music is awesome.
I always loved the way this ending was handled, in particular the fact that Maximus literally just collapses. No heroic struggle, no screams of glory, he's just dazed and dead on his feet and then, a minute later, just plain dead. It's so cold and stark, yet when paired with his view of Elysium, and the music track to match, there's a beautiful peace to it.
It made me cry so much. that im scared to watch it again & I'm 65yrs of age😅. No words can explain the fight & sacrifice of a hero , a husband & a father. Hats off again to the producers, directors, cast & all members who worked hard to present to us this amazing movie . Thank you 😊
Dont remember how many times i have watched this movie and every time the last shot makes my eyes moists. whenever I am free, my family jokes..arre..u r nit watchibg Gladiator 😊. The direction, acting, action and Cinemaphotogrphy, all are top class.. Its tribute to Ridley scot and Russell crow that they made you cry in the end... Salute..
So beautiful yet we honor this ending Amazing how the Queen doesn’t say the phrase to Maximus, “Don’t leave” instead she said to him to go to his family
In Rome, the Emperor's wife was not a Queen, nor an Empress lol. She was simply wife. Nothing more, nothing less. Rome's emperors were not considered blue bloods and not guaranteed power to their offsprings. There were even occasions where an emperor would be selected from the lesser nobility or even the plebs by the Pretorian Guard.
For those that dont know Lisa Girrard who sings these songs...there are no lyrics because these songs are simply incoherent words which is how she meant it. She is a phenomenon for sure.. love her voice and unique music.
I miss this kind of movies for a boy who born in late 90s. Every bit of this movie is amazing the sequel, the scenery and everything. I wish they will produce movie’s like this again.
Not often a film can grab hold of you and make you live through the eyes of the characters and feel real emotion like this epic film has and is still doing to a new generation of watchers a timeless masterpiece .
@@xjuhox Russell Crowe is someone very special to me. In the film the Gladiator Russell Crowe seems more real than just an actor. Ki watched that film more than a 100 times but I never got fed up of watching him. Great guy.
Early 2000's was were Russel Crowe shone as an actor for me. These were the 3 movies of his I loved watching during that early millennium . 2000 - Gladiator 2001 - A Beautiful Mind 2003 - Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Most georgious intonations of melodie in movies ever. One of the most noble and georgious ending scene ever. "He was a soldier of Rome, honor him!" Very strongly and confidently said words.
I cried watching this movie. Absolute legend. Best music, cast and Russell Crowe was incredible. If you've not seen it, please do!!. This will live on forever as one of the greatest movie ever made❤
To me Gladiator is one of the best & one of my favorite movie of all time. I have seen this movie so many times & it never gets old, I can’t believe this came out 24 years ago! The music gives it the nostalgia, perfection on this masterpiece.
This is the most perfect and emotional ending I've ever seen. The scene where little boy runs to meet his father broke my heart, coz in real world he was so happy to finally meet his father but was brutally crushed. This movie is a perfect balance of emotions.
какая любовь к захвачикам и порабатителям 12 веков подряд рим пировал извращался там и сейчас какие интриги за власть ни один цезарь не умер своей смертью всех убили или отравили предоннасть зависела от кошелька отвага от жалования и страха ))))))))))
As a father who has lost children, this scene gutted me. I sobbed for hours afterward. I long to hear at my deathbed, "Go to them," and "You're home." I will see them again. But not yet. Not yet.
God knows when our time is due. Your children are waiting for you, but you still have time.
Don't dissapoint them by going the other way in life. Be a good man, a man with of honor and and high morals, so their longing for you is not in vein...
Let them be proud of you by giving all you've got
For sure you will mate, but not yet. No yet.
Am 73 now and still regard this movie as the greatest ever-an absolute masterpiece.
You don't see many people your age watching RUclips
@@amitkenan3878 There is plenty pf people of my age watching You Tube.
I feel like there will never be a movie that beats it !! Period ❤❤❤❤
Yes, bigger than Ben Hur.
Historically, completely inaccurate. Killed by a Greek wrestler as he bathed with the consent of the Praetoreon Guard. But this was the beginning of the end. It was managed decline from this point on.
We cry for Maximus not for his character or even for Maximus himself. We cry for those free souls who fought for freedom and taught us not to kneel in front of tyranny. May all of them rest in peace.
yes indeed , sic semper tyrannis !!!
We agree completely.
Ws/ military analyst
M.C. Chief Chaplain
Speaker for the
Franciscan Branch
Order of the Temple
But they'll always be tyranny and oppression. It's just human nature.
Finland have this fight ahead. We are losing our democracy. We fight.
A film is nothing without the music and Hans Zimmer nailed this one. This is one of the best films ever!
Millón de veces acertados nada sin la música
❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏 absolutely right 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Totally agree!
No country for old men
"He was a soldier of Rome. Honour him"
I like Her commanding voice☺️
Connie is a beautiful actress.
Me too! I always rewind this part so many times so I can hear her say that .she is a fantastic Actress ❤
Right!! I think that's how she became the Queen of the Amazons in Wonder Woman. Very great voice.
They only need 2 ppl to carry him lol
Duty, honor, country. That is what this character portrayed. It is not often in life that men live those principles. Amazing movie Mr. Ridley Scott.
Did you know Marcus Nonius Macrinus was a Real-Life “Gladiator,” found in Italy, and Russell Crowe's Gladiator was based on him.
"Lucius is safe."
Duty? Sure.
Honor? Of course.
"country"??? no. He was (in lore) a conscripted spaniard who was compelled to serve the roman empire. Had absolutely nothing to do with "country".
@@JgHaverty by that time the Spaniards were as much as Roman as the Italians, otherwise Roman law and Latin language would not still be prevalent in Portugal and Spain as much as it is.
This reminds me of my father who passed away in January 2024. He was a warrior, he survived the polio decease as a child, a war, extreme poverty, physical disability due to the polio, earthquakes, heart attack, diabetes, Covid 19, a stroke and finally neumonía before he passed away. Rest in heaven Dad.
hells bells your Dad had a hard life
THE United States---- WAS ** WORTH BEING REGISTEred ,... @ 18;.... 'n' NOW @ 72 ***** to VOTE--against--piecea[t]RRUMMPP LLC;.....twice---is a priveldge / honor! (THRICE) !
Your Dad was a fighter.
Sincere condolences to you. For so many of us, the loss of our father is the loss of a hero. Your father was even more than that. It sounds like he may have been a hero to many. But most of all, and I'm sure he'd agree, he was your dad. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Gladiator the perfect movie we never needed a sequel.
Nicely said joker 1989
It should be a crime if it does release
Gladiator 2 will be a great movie but this masterpiece will remain.
@user-gl1tc7wi8g gladiator 2 will be a flop that's the only thing it will be.
You guys are so negative when it's not even out yet.
"There was a dream that was Rome. It shall be realized"
"He was a soldier of Rome, Honor him" the respect that comes with this is unparalleled. Goosebumps everytime!
She said it so well. Very commanding
When Romans introduced themselves, they stated their name, their family name and stated they were citizens of Rome....
"Shame on the house of Antoninus for such barbarity. Shame."
"B-but you were enemies!"
Oops wrong movie
@@fr9714 Every time it brings tears to my eyes.
He was supposed to be the next emperor if it wasn't to Commodus.
Yesterday, I carried my dad's coffin on my shoulder to the front of the church - the same way he supported me for all my life. This was playing as we entered. I have never, ever been prouder in my life, and I can tell you that I probably never will be again. I honoured my gladiator; my hero. Like Maximus, his fight was over only after he lived long enough to ensure everything was okay for his family. To any of you reading this, you need not a moment exactly like mine to show you what really matters in life, just keep your heart and eyes open for what that may look like for you. Thank you for everything and I love you, Dad xxx
Vires et Honestas. Godspeed
You made my tears come out.
Quien canta esa cancion
Beautiful but extremely sad. How powerful can music be. Your dad will be very proud of you xx
Your made me very emotional
"He was a soldier of Rome....Honor him".
She delivered that line perfectly.
Her performance is as outstanding as it is underrated. Perfect.
@@laurabobo674 I agree! She was amazing throughout the entire movie.
Just posted my reaction to Gladiator 2 on channel if anybody interested =D
The music made this scene a thousand times more emotional.
without doubt, hanz zimmer is an alien
"He was a soldier of Rome, HONOR Him"
Goosebumps everytime.
From a gorgeous woman ..........woman
Damn right goosebumps..
I would prefer if she injected more grief into that speech
HONOR HIM...I get goose bumps every time.
with that music from hanz zimmer 1000% goosebumps
22 years later and still one of the best endings ever
It's always a great ending, when the person whose sole "raison d'être" was to play victim, and who did f* all, lectures everybody else about how they failed.
Besides, what about the wrongs Maximus supported when he went conquering for Rome?
Did he care who the men were he killed or what they were fighting for?
Rome's corruption only became an issue to him, when it destroyed his own life.
As great as the "film making" in this film is, if you are honest with yourself, you have to conceed that the story was shit.
I agree.
@@Ryan_Winter You paint with a consistently black brush, and undeservedly so.
Hans Zimmer - one of the very BEST Musicians, of ALL TIMES!
ennio cries.
Enio Morricone o meu preferido!
Hans, John Williams, Ennio, and, IMO the best of them all, an 81 year young gentleman named Ilaiyaraaja (Indian composer who has 1,200 (and counting) movies to his credit - and if you know Indian movies, most of them have songs in addition to the background score) are the greatest when it comes to film music
Não existe filme melhor do que esse
Perdi a conta de quantas vezes eu assisti esse filmasso
Maximus isn't just a character. He's a set of ideals and values beyond the person who embodies them. That's why we weep, not just for the injustice he experienced before his death but for how well be upheld those principles till the end.✊
@yousymik Well said.
yeah, now we live in a time where people have no principles due to all the influences online
This was a brilliant movie. I'm 66 now and I still cry when I see the ending of this movie. The music is epic. The movie is epic. I can watch this movie constantly.
INCREDIBLE. TOTALLY AGREE, NOTHING LIKE THIS MOVIE. Just posted my reaction to Gladiator 2 on channel if anybody interested
The part when he is reunited with his wife and little boy always has me crying my eyes out - so poetic
David Nightingale - ALWAYS 👍👍
Poetic indeed.
@@ell442sugarbae8 Tffff is this
Ohh boy
"He was a soldier of Rome!!" "Honor him"
I probably watched this movie 1000 times and I never get tired of it.
Yes super movie
Jemu Cześć i Chwała! 💖
2022 America needs her patriot TRUMP, Back in 2024.
Never fails always cry on this scene. Watched this gem of a movie many times. Russell Crowe’s best character ever. Finely portrayed.
He's a amazing actor but yeah this is it
Great in american gangster
Women cry after watching Titanic. Men cry after watching Gladiator
Very poignant.
I cried watching gladiator.
Ich weine mehr bei ihm... er hat mir gezeigt, was Liebe und Treue ist.❤
I cry after watching Gladiator….. no many how many times I watch it, I always cry at this ending.
“Lucius is safe?” Last 3 words before he dies. This shows the love that he still has for Lucilla, as well as the yearning to be with his own son and wife. The only thing that we go with from this world are the bonds of love and relationships of the heart. Wonderful movie and mesmerizing ending…
Глава НДИ, депутат Кнессета Авигдор Либерман, заявил в прошлый четверг, что он поддерживает отделение религии от государства, и сегодня мы впервые публикуем его полную программу по этому вопросу.
На первом этапе эта программа включает в себя принятие 15 законопроектов, которые уже поданы депутатами от НДИ, среди них - упразднение религиозных советов, военная или альтернативная служба для всех, только один главный раввин, отмена обязательного судебного разбирательства в раввинатских судах, обязательное изучение основных дисциплин, гражданские браки и разводы, общественный транспорт по субботам и субсидирование садиков и яслей для детей работающих родителей.
В рамках законопроекта о всеобщей воинской повинности, к примеру, предлагается полностью отменить в религиозном секторе статус освобожденных от службы в армии в связи с изучением Торы. Законопроект о раввинатских судах предполагает, что бракоразводные вопросы (опека над детьми, раздел имущества и алименты детям) будут обсуждаться только в гражданском суде, кроме тех случаев, когда пара подпишет совместный документ с просьбой перенести рассмотрение этих вопросов в раввинатский суд.
Минфин не видит необходимости в развитии въездного туризма в Израиле
Более того - в соответствии с законопроектом об обязательном изучении основных дисциплин, учебное заведение, которое не будет вносить их в учебную программу, будет лишено государственной поддержки. Либерман и его партия подали также законопроект об обязательном условии наличия 150-процентной рабочей ставки для желающих получить государственное финансирование детских садов и яслей. Кроме того, они предлагают законодательно утвердить право на инфраструктурные работы по субботам, упорядочить вопросы выдачи кашрута и обусловить временными рамками сроки каденции городских раввинов.
Либерман сообщил, что намеревается продвигать эту программу. "Если мы не отделим государство от религии, у нас не будет государства. Невозможно идти на компромисс по вопросу равного разделению ответственности в экономике и безопасности. Государству Израиль необходима конституция, включая конституционный суд, и отделение религии от государства.
Это совершенно абсурдная ситуация, когда наши дети и внуки служат в армии, работают и платят налоги и на деле защищают и обеспечивают тех, кто сидят в ешивах. Отделение религии от государства и равная гражданская ответственность - это два самых важных вопроса для будущего государства Израиль".הרצליה מאיצה את אישורן של תכניות ומקדמת היתרי בנייה, בזמן שעלויות הקרקעות ביחס לקרקע זמינה לבנייה, עדיין נותרו נמוכות. רגע לפני זינוק מטאורי במחירים, ממהרים המשקיעים לרכוש קרקעות אחרונות בעיר, כשעיניהם נשואות גבוה לשורת הרווח הצפויה. בפרויקט הרובע הצפוני הצפוי בקרוב להפקדה ובפרויקט חוף התכלת הנמצא בימים אלו בשלב הכנת תכניות מפורטות בינואר האחרון נרשמה התקדמות משמעותית בפרויקט, עם פרסום התכנית המפורטת למתחם. היעד המסתמן לסיום הליכי התכנון ואישור התכנית הוא כשנתיים בלבד (על פי הערכת השמאי), כאשר אושרה אשתקד גם תכנית המגורים בשטח שדה הקרקעות הזמינות בהרצליה נמצאות כעת לאחר עליית מחירים ראשונה, בנקודת מפתח משמעותית עבור המשקיעים. "אנחנו עדיין נמצאים בשלב שכדאי מאוד להשקיע, כאשר
@@СергейВампир-л6в beware. You must continue with defense
@@СергейВампир-л6в Cuidado con bajar las defensas. Están potencialmente rodeados de países enemigos !!!!!!!
@@jorgevaccari2374 В своей полной приверженности борьбе за укрепление своей власти любой ценой премьер-министр Биньямин Нетаниягу без колебаний отказывается от будущего израильских детей. Полностью подчиняясь коалиционным требованиям ультраортодоксальных партий, он решил приговорить большое их число к жизни в нищете, невежестве и неравных возможностях.
На протяжении всей военной операции против «Исламского джихада» в Газе, хвастаясь своей воинственностью и нежеланием своего правительства идти на компромисс, Нетаниягу уступал всем требованиям коалиции, которые ему предъявлялись.
Он уступил председателю ШАС Арье Дери и выделил дополнительное финансирование на программу продуктовых талонов, увеличив ее бюджет с 850 миллионов шекелей (234 миллиона долларов) до миллиарда шекелей. Он сделал это, несмотря на постановление суда, которое гласит что эти ваучеры выдавались предвзято в пользу ультраортодоксальных семей. Премьер также проигнорировал предупреждение бюджетного отдела министерства финансов о том, что это создаст отрицательный стимул для участия харедим на рынке труда.
Нетаниягу также согласился увеличить финансирование неподконтрольных государству ультраортодоксальных учебных заведений на 230 миллионов шекелей. На самом деле это увеличение государственного финансирования этих школ вдвое. Они не подлежат никакому надзору, и там не преподают основные светские предметы.
Передача такой крупной суммы денег также является нарушением закона, который не позволяет таким школам получать более 55 процентов того, что получают обычные государственные школы. Бюджетное управление предупредило, что Нетаниягу готовит будущее поколение ультраортодоксальных граждан, которым придется выйти на рынок труда без необходимых навыков. Но на самом деле это не имеет значения для того, кто озабочен только будущим своего правительства.
Политика, ведущая Государство Израиль по пути Ливана к банкротству
Финансирование иешив также увеличилось до 2 миллиардов шекелей в год, несмотря на выводы аналитиков бюджетного отдела, что это приведет к сокращению занятости мужчин-харедим почти на 5 процентов. В сочетании с дополнительным финансированием, которое получают министерства, контролируемые религиозными сионистами, сотни миллионов шекелей на дополнительную поддержку еврейской идентичности и другие программы будут направлены в государственные религиозные школы-интернаты.
Благодаря Нетаниягу, беспрецедентные 13,7 миллиардов шекелей государственных средств пойдут на выполнение требований партий его коалиции, при этом основная масса этих денег будет выделена на нужды лишь одной общины, укрепление идеологии еврейского превосходства и содержание ультраортодоксального населения в гетто и вне рынка труда.
На такие разрушительные цели еще никогда не тратилось столько средств. Дети-ультраортодоксы первыми заплатят цену бедности и невежества, а вслед за ними - все Государство Израиль.
Бюджетный отдел уверен, что коалиционные соглашения приведут к резкому падению уровня занятости ультраортодоксов и к сокращению валового внутреннего продукта на 6,7 триллиона шекелей к 2060 году, что потребует 16-процентного увеличения налоговых поступлений. Таким будет историческое наследие Нетаниягу - премьер-министра, который опустил Израиль до статуса страны третьего мира.לקת מפרקים גורמת לנפיחות ועיוותים במפרקי הידיים והרגליים עד כדי כאבים עזים וחוסר יכולת להזיז אותם. הסיבות לכך רבות ומגוונות והרפואה המודרנית לא תמיד מאבחנת אותן ומציעה טיפול יעיל, דבר שמוביל הרבה חולים לסבל מתמשך. אבחון באמצעות גלגל העין - אירידיולוגיה, יכול לאתר את הגורם המדויק - ולאפשר תוכנית טיפול אישית ואפקטיבית שמובילה להחלמה ניר ברקת, שעבר מסכת ארוכה של טיפולים שונים בעקבות מחלת הסרטן בה חלה, פיתח גם דלקת במפרקים שהתבטאה בכאבים עזים וצורך לקחת משככי כאבים חזקים עוד יותר. "לא כך רציתי לחיות", הוא מספר. "הכאבים העזים והתרופות החזקות שלקחתי בגלל דלקת המפרקים שיבשו לי את החיים עוד יותר." ניר שהתמודד כבר עם אתגרים רפואיים מורכבים, רצה להחזיר לעצמו את איכות החיים.
Ridley Scott is one of the few directors who know how to make a movie that touches every range of human emotions. He is on the level of Spielberg, Cameron, Kubrick, Wyler, Jackson, Zemeckis, Lean. He's not afraid to touch on the possibility of an afterlife and how that affects people's lives while they live and at the end of their life. The ending of this movie is so satisfying, and the movie is a masterpiece of film making.....Kudos to a great filmmaker.
Scott is just the director. He's not the writer of the movie.
@@vulcanrider2446 𝙝𝙤𝙬 ꓄ꁝ꒐ꇙ ꅐꏂꏂꀘꏂꋊ꒯🍕🏠🎉 ꋬꋊ꒯ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꅐꋬꌦ ꁝꄲꂵꏂ👊
@@vulcanrider2446 Your ignorance is ridiculous. No the wonder you ride a Vulcan.
@@vulcanrider2446But it is the vision of the director who brings life to the words on a script.
What about Mel Gibson
I lost a friend to depression. Her name was Anna, and she passed away on February 10, 2023. She was an angel in the lives of many. We lived in difficult times at the university since a girl was brutally murdered inside the university, and we were all quite shaken by it, including Anna, she decided to wrote a poem in honor of her and asked me to help her paste it all over the university, it was her last wish, she took her own life, I couldn't save her. Anna and I wanted to be teachers in the future, and we always talked about working together one day. But I honored her wish with dedication and love, and while I was pasting the poems all over the university, I played this song for some reason. Anna will always be my inexhaustible source of inspiration. All the classes I give will be for her, she will always be the angel of my profession, and she will always be with me.
Now you are free, Anna. I will see you again, but not yet, not yet.
I am so very sorry Lucas for the very deep sad loss of your friend Anna, who passed away a day before my Father's 46th anniversary of his passing.
What a lovely way to honour and remember Anna, not forgetting that girl who was brutally taken away.
May God bless you all including those touched, like me, by this very sad story.
I too will remember those words for those I have lost, in passing and in other ways....
'I will see you again, but not yet, not yet.' ❤️🙏✝️👑
@@Roy_Maman5307God bless you and your family my friend.
❤❤ thank you for sharing
Om Shanthi 🙏
May she rest in peace
Such a powerful ending! His wife & son waited for him to come home to be together in the after life. Thank you, again, Ridley Scott!
It's been 23 years, I'm 38, and I still cry every time. Every. Single. Time.
Uhhhh hello doctor Phil is this you? Yea my friend here needs your advice. Jus kidding I’ve wept once myself 😵💫
I don't cry when I see this my eyes just sweat and my heart only gets sad every time I see this.
@@wolverines_boneclaws5362your eyes sweat huh 🤔 tooshay 😂
Outstanding work
I am 58 and I cry everytime when i see Gladiator 😢😢😢
Did anyone else notice how at 3:05 the princess places her hand palm downward on her head? That was the traditional gesture of mourning in ancient Rome. It's the little touches like that that make this such a good movie
never knew that, I just posted my reaction to Gladiator 2 on channel if anybody interested. Would love to hear your thoughts
Who’s here after watching Gladiator 2?
Me maximaL ❤🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👍😍
Me 😢
Me, an excellent sequel.
Definite excellence👍
The singer is Lisa Gerrard. She is phenomenal, probably one of the best vocalists alive.
Voix angélique
Sara la pelicula es magnifica, llena de simbolismos, el enamoramiento platonico, como asin te veo radiante y bella es un placer escrirte con respecrto gracias
Posłuchaj Sissel Kyrkjebo😉
It’s interesting the mix of people who carried him at the end. You had gladiators who had been slaves of Rome, Roman soldiers, a Roman Senator, and a future Roman emperor. I think it’s symbolic how so many different people all showed respect and honor to Maximus.
Maximus was literally asked by Markus Arealius to take over rome on his death bed. It makes sense that Maximus was known by all, and respected. Even when he denounced his own status and became a gladiator. The senate knew him, Even the slaves have heard of maximus..he's a legend. yeah Honor him
@@MrCatseye999 Sure not anyone to Honor in this country, at least not on this planet.
They would all suffer because of Commodus. This is their gratitude to him
And the Praetorian Guard were mostly Germanic
Ahh ffs 😂 just live your own life
One of the greatest movies ever made "i will see you again but not yet Not yet" 😭❤
Movie name 😮
@@nawax9407 Gladiator
@@nawax9407Read the title ?
Perfect delivery by Djimon .
That final scene was beautiful, not only because it wrapped up the whole movie amazingly, but because it showed how abandoned his enemy was. Not a single soldier wept, and that final shot showed that with him being little more than a dull, white dot, with much more intense colour in the scene than just him.
But really music carried the scene
@@vamshi4904 ¹1¹11
That was so powerful. Absolutel perfection.
I always adored Connie Nielsen in this. She embues the character with such a commanding presence, but throughout you can see the hurt inflicted on her by just how life is. She had to walk away from Maximus, she's lost her husband and her father, her son is targeted by her creepy brother, and ultimately the one man she wanted ends up putting everything right while peacing out.
I think you miss the point. Her brother is the boys father. He's not an honourable man?
I fall in love with Connie Nielsen!
Me too, I think she has such presence and beauty, she plays the part so well, great actress and beautiful lady.
Well said👍🏽
@@robinclarke9978 no he isnt that is why she was terried that he might have him killed
2024 and I still believe one of the greatest movie ever
always will be
I totally and utterly agree with you.
What are great stand-alone movie that absolutely never needed a sequel!
True.... A sequel kills the stand alone greatness
What a horrible sequel...
I remember watching Gladiator in the cinema, it was epic, loud, beautiful, full of emotion, excitement and action. The colours were amazing and the cinematography simply stunning. This scene always makes me shed a few tears. Crowe embodied Maximus and Scott had made another epic film that would be watched over and over again!
This is one of those movies that I am so glad I got to watch in the movie theater.
you are so lucky, I seen it on a VHS tape that I got for christmas, and being a kid at the time, I thought it would be super boring since it was an adult movie, I was transcended and lost in a world I never knew existed. I just posted my reaction to Gladiator 2 on channel if anybody interested. Would love to hear your thoughts
Possibly, the most epic movie of all time! The story, actors and soundtrack are beyond reproach. Outstanding in every way! Every time I see and hear this, I get goosebumps. Thanks for sharing in HD! If you have trouble understanding the lyrics, it's because the performer, Lisa Gerrard sings in her own language!
I cried watching this clip of the movie. It carries the deep meaning of life. Gladiator is my all-time favorite movie.
If you don't cry at the end of this movie, you are NOT human!
When I found out my wife was pregnant, we hadn't chosen a name, but I always wanted to have a boy named Maximus and it was because of this movie. Unfortunately, after he was born, he he was here only a brief time. When it came time for the end, I held him in my arms as he took the last breath as we watched this movie together. Whenever that time may be I'm ready to go home to see him. My son, Maximus Blade will never be forgotten. Till we meet again.
You will see him again but not yet not yet
Every time. and I mean EVERY TIME I hear her say "He was a soldier of Rome. Honor him." I get massive goosebumps. After 20 years of seeing this movie many times.
Its jus a stupid movie
There are magic moments in cinema.This is one of them.
too true! i just seen the second one, check my reaction
Die Musik ab 0:30, der Respekt seiner alten Kampfgefährten, nach dem Fall ihr zu sagen, dass der Sohn in Sicherheit ist, die Liebe zu seiner Familie und die Sehnsucht nach Ihnen... aber der Satz he was a soldier of rom-honour him der Augenblick, wo dann immer die Tränen laufen...Einer der besten Filme aller Zeiten
One of the best closing scenes to a movie I have ever seen.
Many times I have watched this movie. And many times I have seen this ending. Only now did I realize Maximus’s final words were “Lucius is safe”. And this brought me to a powerful realization. Maximus lost his wife and son in the most horrible way possible. The anger, the pain, the despair he suffered must have been unfathomable. How he could ever overcome such a loss would be too much for most men to take. But, Maximus did just that. Because he learned to love again. He wasn’t just fighting to avenge his blood family’s death. He was fighting to protect his living family, the family he adopted into his heart, Lucilla and Lucius.
Wow!!! OMG now im gonna cry the whole ocean 😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, thank you for such an amazing break down 😢❤❤❤
And "free my men." His fellow gladiators became his brothers.
Yes they were once lovers Lucilla and Maximus (being the number one soldier protector and leader of Marcus Aurelius army this was mentioned when Lucilla secretly when to speak with Maximus and imprisoned upon Lucilla's brother Commodus order)- during their younger days when Marcus Aurelius was still alive - that's why the older brother was so jealous of Maximus Decimus Meridius, because Marcus Aurelius preferred him over his son, Commodus. []To quote from another great reply -My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." - Maximus Decimus Meridius]☺ -
@@stevemuldoon9451and they showed it when they carried him out of the arena
This is how my sister felt when she was dying, of leukemia and died suddenly without knowing of why, she went coma and there we knew, and the next day passed.. my everything in the world. I saw and hugged her a few days, worried her.. i miss you so much my everything in the world. 4 years. She always took care of me and hugged me deeply
How are you doing today?
@@dr.emilschaffhausen4683 almost everyday i suffer.. because i was used being with her. Sometimes almost cry again and again.. she needed help but i wasn't much around and never realized that she is deadly sick i saw how she suffered, she also couldn't think of, and she thought like she is just making troubles to others
@@dr.emilschaffhausen4683 i wasn't much around in her last months/weeks, except my promise to her, after move, to surely visit her twice a week. Exactly then she died. Before she died she messaged me that I am a liar and i should not come back to her again. I was just a week abroad and this actually i meant, right after i wanted visit and surprise her. I missed and worried her so much.. then suddenly in hospital in coma, how i met her again.. i cried alot when i saw her like that i knew something is big i shocked and trembled when i saw her in hospital, hugged her so much
Then the doctor told me she is almost dead and will pass, nothing to do
It broke my everything
This woman did so much for me and i couldn't return as much
Thank you for asking and listening, i now cry again. She was the most important human being for me. A hidden jem that not much people knew that someone like her existed in the world.. and now gone without any traces
@@dr.emilschaffhausen4683 i replied to you, but I don't know why they disappeared ;(
My replies to you are automatically deleted :(
It’s what every man wants, a home; wife and children.
This so much this
@@AndreiBogorodski Give in. Jump in the pool. Drink the coolaid. In 50 years time you'll grow to regret it otherwise. The world is a dark and lonely place without loving family.
@@dr.emilschaffhausen4683 i wanted reply to you but my message is gone as soon as I tagged you
@@AndreiBogorodski or most wants like that
I’m not sure what it is but Ridley Scott has always captivated me. This movie is so many things all at once and this scene tugs at my soul. Some distant part of me left over from my ancestors I guess. I get goosebumps and my eyes well up every time I hear her say “he was a soldier of Rome, honor him” almost a quarter century old and it’s still brilliant
This is one of the best endings in film history. Even I get a tear every time Maximus dies. Lucilla asking the soldiers to honor him is poignant in its own way and the music is awesome.
Only once i grew up is when i understood how deeply emotional 300, troy and gladiator are. All 3 are masterpieces on more than one level🖤💔🕊️
For sure❤ this is the 😢best interpretazione of Russel krouw. I am a big estimator of this 😮actor.Gianni
Brings tears to my eyes every time I watch this film, the music is absolutely unreal, one of the best films ever
They do not make movies like they used to. This is a classic and beautiful script.
@@kcet1948,il y a eu Troie qui n'est pas mal non plus,
mais celui-ci c'est le meilleur
@@kcet1948 The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, The Last of the Mohicans, and (Game of Thrones, though not a movie), and a few others.
THE best
@@palomino9860 lol no way they are trash
Such a powerful scene: for the slave, everything; for the emperor, nothing. 23 years later, still makes me tear up.
This scene still brings tears to my eyes. Giving HONOR worthy men and women who have sacrificed so much and suffered in so powerful.
Same here.
Everytime i watch it
This song has been floating in my subconscious for 24 years.
"He was a soldier of rome... Honor him"
I always loved the way this ending was handled, in particular the fact that Maximus literally just collapses. No heroic struggle, no screams of glory, he's just dazed and dead on his feet and then, a minute later, just plain dead. It's so cold and stark, yet when paired with his view of Elysium, and the music track to match, there's a beautiful peace to it.
63 years of age and this still has me breaking down in tears of sorrow and joy.
I’m 66 the same just so moving and with the music gets me every time 😢
Cry babies. 😭
Oh who am I kidding...this gets me everytime too. What a performance.
It made me cry so much. that im scared to watch it again & I'm 65yrs of age😅. No words can explain the fight & sacrifice of a hero , a husband & a father. Hats off again to the producers, directors, cast & all members who worked hard to present to us this amazing movie . Thank you 😊
Бесподобный фильм! Просто шедевр! Жена плакала, при просмотре, я еле сдержался... Всем артистам и режиссеру, большое спасибо!!!
Супер фильм
Мой покойный брат 7 нас смотрел этот фильм.
“He was a soldier of Rome. Honor him.” That he was and that they did. One of the most awesome movies I’ve ever seen in the theaters.
They don't make movies like this anymore - and it is our loss. Stay strong everyone.
I am a woman and I sob every time I watch this best movie ever and listen to this music, I cry for my mom, dad and all my beloved who died
THE BEST MOVIE EVER 22 YEARS LATER still crying watching it
The soundtrack to this film is outstanding. "Now We Are Free" is one of my favourite tracks from the film.
One of my top five movies of all time. The music, the acting, the setting, the action, the history, all of it was superb.
What are the others if I may ask?
@@m.a.i.l.a5481I think they are...
1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. Interstellar
3. Inception
4.V for Vendetta
@@RDJ-tk4jp yesss for Shawshank Redemption. One of my top 5 too. I haven’t watched the others, but I will
@@m.a.i.l.a5481 Dont miss it. These are masterpieces.
@@RDJ-tk4jp Braveheart is up there.
Anyone who has ever lost anyone they loved, I know your eyes are filled with tears right now x
Lost my grandad last September I will see him again but not yet not yet
Dont remember how many times i have watched this movie and every time the last shot makes my eyes moists. whenever I am free, my family jokes..arre..u r nit watchibg Gladiator 😊. The direction, acting, action and Cinemaphotogrphy, all are top class.. Its tribute to Ridley scot and Russell crow that they made you cry in the end... Salute..
So beautiful yet we honor this ending
Amazing how the Queen doesn’t say the phrase to Maximus, “Don’t leave” instead she said to him to go to his family
Because she truly loved him and wanted him to be happy.
Correct. They were waiting for him in Heaven.
She was a part of the conspiracy!
In Rome, the Emperor's wife was not a Queen, nor an Empress lol. She was simply wife. Nothing more, nothing less. Rome's emperors were not considered blue bloods and not guaranteed power to their offsprings. There were even occasions where an emperor would be selected from the lesser nobility or even the plebs by the Pretorian Guard.
For those that dont know Lisa Girrard who sings these songs...there are no lyrics because these songs are simply incoherent words which is how she meant it. She is a phenomenon for sure.. love her voice and unique music.
Hans Zimmer has such a beautiful, distinctive music style.❤️
And Lisa Gerrard's voice was perfect.
I miss this kind of movies for a boy who born in late 90s. Every bit of this movie is amazing the sequel, the scenery and everything. I wish they will produce movie’s like this again.
Not often a film can grab hold of you and make you live through the eyes of the characters and feel real emotion like this epic film has and is still doing to a new generation of watchers a timeless masterpiece .
- I'm in tears every time I see this scene
- After all this time?
- Always.
What a movie. What a masterpiece. '[...] echoes in Eternity'
Im with you...I cry like im crazy, it touches me every time 😢😢
Perfect faint as he manages to avoid his heading hitting the floor. 1:38.
If you learn how to fight, you learn how to control fall
Says who ? @@AIRWOLF-l6g
How the Queen musters courage to get up and deliver the speech after Maximus passes up shows what a beautiful and powerful personality she is
Her little boy, was Maximus’ love child. He inherits the throne when old enough, maybe 13?❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
There’s no queen, she is still just Commodus’ sister.
Most wonderful film of all time.I do have doubt some other actor could play Russell Crowd's part as good as he did. Marvelous ending.
Daniel Craig, Vin Diesel, Tom Cruise... etc.
@@xjuhox Russell Crowe is someone very special to me. In the film the Gladiator Russell Crowe seems more real than just an actor. Ki watched that film more than a 100 times but I never got fed up of watching him. Great guy.
@@xjuhox vin diesel 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@xjuhox lol tiny Tom Thumb, don't make me laugh, this film needed a real man, not a couch hopping midget :D
Aye our son been to war not a good thing when they come home
Early 2000's was were Russel Crowe shone as an actor for me. These were the 3 movies of his I loved watching during that early millennium .
2000 - Gladiator
2001 - A Beautiful Mind
2003 - Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
hes pretty good in american gangster too
to be remembered not as a hero but a person that did what others couldnt might be the best life story to have ever been told.
These are the Wishes of Marcus Aurelius. Maximus Decimus was a fine soldier. Loyal to the end.
One of the greatest movies of all time. Lisa Gerard voice makes this scene so much more profound and powerful. Honor him.
Hans Zimmer greatest soundtrack.... pure genius.
And Lisa Gerrard🙂
I think his music is also in Man on Fire, with Denzel Washington.
This film is so good and has me crying my eyes out I refuse to watch the sequel . 'He was a soldier of Rome ! Honour him '
Most georgious intonations of melodie in movies ever.
One of the most noble and georgious ending scene ever.
"He was a soldier of Rome, honor him!" Very strongly and confidently said words.
Goosebumps every single time, maybe the best standalone film ever
It's not standalone anymore. Now it has a "special" sister.
I cried watching this movie. Absolute legend. Best music, cast and Russell Crowe was incredible. If you've not seen it, please do!!. This will live on forever as one of the greatest movie ever made❤
Gladiator 2 trailer needs to take some notes... MUSIC IS IMPORTANT.
Right?! How tacky and unfitting was the Jay Z song instead of something regal and other worldly like here. I was shocked.
Um dos melhores filmes de todos os tempos!Já assisti inúmeras vezes e sempre me emociono bastante com esta cena😢😢😢
Concordo com vc primeira vez que vim esse filme tinha 10 anos hoje tô 35 anos e muito bom
나도요! from Korea
mam 45 lat no i przy tej scenie sie poryczalem! A film cudowny jest nadal
Best climax to an epic film EVER. All he wanted was his revenge and to be reunited with his family. He got his wish. He went home.
"Now we are free. I will see you again, but not yet; not yet."
To me Gladiator is one of the best & one of my favorite movie of all time. I have seen this movie so many times & it never gets old, I can’t believe this came out 24 years ago! The music gives it the nostalgia, perfection on this masterpiece.
Zu wissen in die Arme des über alles geliebten Menschen heimzukehren macht es leichter zu gehen. Dieses Lied ist einfach herzerwärmend schön...
This is the most perfect and emotional ending I've ever seen. The scene where little boy runs to meet his father broke my heart, coz in real world he was so happy to finally meet his father but was brutally crushed. This movie is a perfect balance of emotions.
Such a great Thank you to Ridley, Russel, Joaquin, Connie and of course Hans and all the other GREAT ARTISTS. This Movie is for all Time.
A movie with depth, soul and intensity along with that music!!!!!!!!!
Потрясающий фильм о любви, отваге, верности, преданности. О том, чего не хватаем нам сегодня.
какая любовь к захвачикам и порабатителям 12 веков подряд рим пировал извращался там и сейчас какие интриги за власть ни один цезарь не умер своей смертью всех убили или отравили предоннасть зависела от кошелька отвага от жалования и страха ))))))))))
@@lubovlisenok1111 Джентльмены удачи.
Neumím rozdělit ruštinu od Ukrajinštiny,takže nevím kdo vlastně psal tento komentář. Pokud to byl ale Rus, tak bych se styděl!
Still get those goosebumps just like the first day i watched it in Sept 2000..... Great movie, Greatest soundtrack ever...
It's 2022💪
Respect soldiers, regardless of time and place, they serve their families and country with their hearts.
Of the 10 best movies ever made, this is 3 of them.
Pliase, 10 film's
I’ve been listening to the soundtrack since 2001 and I still love it it still touches me
Lyrics? Of course, translated to English?
2:26 is a beautiful scene when his son raises his hand he salute , excellent !
Saluting? The boy and his mother (2:37) look to me as if they're just shading their eyes.