I thought I was INTP, but then I saw that sentence at 2:12 and it got me to doubt, re-evaluate my assessment, which is inherent INTP behavior, which led me back to believing I am an INTP for now. Edit: Also, six is simply wrong. S(i) makes us VERY vulnerable to routine, and keeps us in our comfort zone.
Now that is absolutely true about the fact that us INTP’s don’t share information, or open up about personal information for the reason that we are so reserved (like the INTJ’s), ie afraid of being judged. I hardly ever open up to people I know it’s a waste of time and that people just will not get me. Also, I do know that if I do choose to open open, people will be intimidated by my level of intensity.
My personality type in INTP. I tend to be very open and not fear judgement even though I am almost certain that I will not be understood. I experience the same regarding intimidating people by being too intense for their liking. Honestly, I don’t know how to not be intent. It’s in the core of my being. Maybe some day I’ll meet someone who ‘gets’ me. Hopefully you’ll find people that get and appreciate you and your intense nature!
@Leopold Well, I do understand what you're saying, I think it's because I'm INTP. My conclusion to the fact that no one understands us, except for ourselves. I also do not fear the judgment of others, I truly couldn't care less (as long as they don't call me stupid or dumb, etc). It's really annoying that no one will understand us; I could try to tell people how I feel about certain things, but usually I don't even try to explain, because if I would explain they still wouldn't understand me, so it's a waste of energy. People wanna know our problems, we tell them our problems, people run away screaming because they don't get the complexity of our problems, especially emotional problems.
INTP here. I have no problem creating a process or routine, in fact I enjoy it... just as long as I dont have to follow it. Essentially, I'll create it for everyone else. If I have to follow it then I'll refine it until its as efficient and repeatable as possible, then automate it because its hard for me to do the same thing twice.
Yep. Plus our Si LIKES routine. But we also don't want to be limited. I have found that reframing "routine" as "system" makes me stick to it. Also we do like people and are interested in people IF, we are healthy.
Spot on. Cyber security engineer here. Just had a conversation with the wife tonight how I need to share my thoughts and feelings more. I feel them I just dont express them. One thing I will say as an INTP is that I don’t feel or consider myself that smart. In fact the more I learn the dumber I feel because I realize how much I don’t know.
Your not feeling smart and feeling less smart as you get smarter is actually a testimony of you being *really* smart. No Dunning-Kruger effect for you!
Well we are lazy until we have a project on our hands and then we do stuff other people cant because of our hyper focus and work rate. But it is true that most of the time we are lazy.
@Lightflames85 That's pretty interesting. To me details are essential since they decide the validity of the "bigger picture", since not being thorough with the smaller details means potentially overlooking things that contradict your big picture. And I also just find the nuances of the details to be fascinating in their own right.
In all situations I always want to know the truth, and always ask WHY. People around me always tell me to just accept the way things are and stop questioning. It's annoying and it's sad
"Don't be fooled, though, by the sense of closeness you may feel. It's likely the INTP doesn't feel that same closeness. To the INTP, you have been an interesting diversion."
@@notallgarbage INTP-A here. I’m in a settled, long-term relationship. I would say that it is true until we meet someone we are satisfied meets our standards. At least, anecdotally, that has been the case with me. I’d call it “situationship” vs “relationship”: one is “good enough for right now” and the other has long legs and a rockin’ body.
I don’t recognise that. I am of the intp type and when I come across people I can connect with I do bond and form relationships for life.. well not life.. if I catch you lying (and I will if you do) about important stuff that’s the end of it too..
@@davidhoogendijk6675 Yes, well, the “situationship” doesn’t apply to me, either. It’s more a way to describe how some other personality types might approach a relationship. I very much hold to your way of seeing things, too. Edit: But, just to be clear, I can see how for more turbulent types of INTP, this sort of situation might arise. The type does tend to be one of the more agreeable ones out there - at least in terms of keeping the social peace and harmony, just not in terms of flaws in arguments, evidence, etc. - so “just going along with the flow”, even if not quite an ideal relationship, seems to be a default possibility for some, I think, until they do happen to find someone worthy. I don’t know whether I’ve just been lucky in that regard, and you might have been yourself, so I would take all of this with a grain of salt because no theory encompasses all possibilities.
I agree with this, but only to a point. It *entirely* depends on who I’m with. It’s not that I can’t bond well with someone, it’s just that I’m **really selective** about who. If I’m not feeling that connection with someone, they’re just a diversion to me regardless of how friendly I act and they think I am. In fact, I’m actually *repelled* from getting closer, but that may have more to do with my attachment issues than my personality type.
I've never related so much to a point he mentioned about how INTPs don't care about titles. We can be who we are at the bottom of the totem pole as well as the top. That's awfully true.
Well thats only true as long as we are respected. While we generally dont care what others think we do care when it effects us. Things like wage and respect does effect us even if we try not to be affected by it.
Agree, and as you climb a corporate ladder, you were doing more management type stuff, which is not so interesting to me. When I worked at a corporate agency, I loved my job as a low title and didn’t want to be a boss because in my lower position, I worked on so many differentprojects and such a great variety, there were always challenges when the bosses would request different types of things and I had to figure out how to make them happen
Dammit, get out of my head! Yes, I'm an INTP, and you pretty much hit things right on this. I'm 53 years old, and I make my living solving problems and seeing patterns that others do not see or don't understand. My wife is also an NTP, but she's closer to X (between E and I) than I, so she can cover some of my 'missing' things. I love that we both understand the need for alone time.
Thats great that your wife is also NTP, I feel like those who are intp or other similar personality types definitely need someone who feels things similar to them such as the alone time
You are so darned lucky that your partner is an xNTP. I wish mind was, as he wouldn’t be misunderstanding me too me, letting us Te get in the way, and constantly be giving me unsolicited advise, which I really don’t like. The best partner for an INTP is another INTP.
One of the things they missed around the 6:00 mark and it's not often mentioned by us is the 3 reason. We're often exceptionally good liars ourselves. We know most of the INs and Outs of lying and emotional manipulation. Because we don't relate to those same emotions as much as others. Lying often comes as easily as telling the truth. Though personally I find the most difficult part of being an INTP-A is being aware of exactly how unfeeling I really am yet feeling it all at once he same time. It's a weird parallel where while I know I should feel bad that you dog got ran over and I think puppies are amazingly adorable I also don't give a fly fuck because it's not MY dog. I don't hate your dog and I would do anything I can do protect anything living that's innocent. But I don't FEEL IT. being INTP-A is really weird.
I felt this in my gut. I'm also sometimes bothered by how unbothered I am with other people's problems and sometimes feelings. Also I can tell a lie with no hesitation for good or for bad. And I have the ability to guess how others are feeling or just know what they are thinking sometimes it's really weird 😂.
@@RithikaV You have what is called cognitive empathy. It’s having the ability to intellectually understand what people think and how they feel without an emotional component. It’s not a bad thing.
Yes I hate rutine I feel stuck if i need to do the same shit over and over. I cant even watch things I have watched before or i have a hard time doing so.
We love deeply as well. 😢 just like any human. ... but we are less likely to stick around for games and time wasters. We are logical. Head over heart. But we still love. But we prefer someone who understands logic and has common sense as well.
I was following right along until the last one; I am fine with routines, as long as I don't feel like I am forced into them, I need to feel like I am free to adjust on a whim.
This video is spot on. In my case though, as an INTP, I was never really good at math and science. I was more adept at languages, I am fluent in Swedish, English and Mandarin. I have also noticed us INTP have different music tastes depending on the individual, in my case I like EDM more than other genres.
0:59 I've always wanted to ask teachers questions but the questions would just prolong the lecture and I didn't want my classmates hating me for doing so.
@@Cherrylipgloss2025 what if you're wrong? They state they have the curiosity but have school. Makes sense if you think about it. Not like you can't google shit on your own time anyways
Yup. I feel like I can't go full INTP, otherwise navigating life and social interactions become too difficult. I embraced it more when I was single and just leaving college. Back then I was responsible only for myself and didn't have to care about the feelings of others. So now there's me and the version of me that people see.
Yup. Cause most humans don't operate off logic. If what you say doesn't benefit them or align with their beliefs they want nothing to do with you or what you say. If it does benefit them or aligns with their beliefs then they will jump on board cause you validated their belief.
That is true among healthy INTJ’s, in which us INTP’s respect. If they are unhealthy, they tend to door slam the INTP if our Ti engages any any kind of constructive criticism, spots error, or even if they don’t agree with them in a subject. Some also don’t like to share their ideas
Im an INTP and the people I cant respect the most are INTJs. In fact I have disgust. Very limited creativity or vision, they think like a calculator, but think they are so smart with their limited minds.
Me after twelve MBTI tests told me I am an INTP and then I checked it with three different articles: I DEFINITELY NEED TO WATCH THIS VIDEO AND CHECK MYSELF
Sometimes i feel like im not actual an INTP. But then i remember that both times ive taken the test(once last year and once again this year) I've gotten INTP with pretty much the same results. The main reason I ten to think I'm not into is because of the feeling part. I am actually very good at reading people I'm close with emotions, I am sensitive but to stubborn to act upon my feelings. So I tend to go for my logic even though I am feeling a certain way. I DO open up, it's just that I only do it with my closest friends since it feels weird and uncomfy to do it with anyone else. I think emotions are healthy, but do think that people need to stop relying on it too much. And I'm not the perfect lie detector. Yet I keep getting INTP. So I guess I am one. And I am proud to be one, I just dont felly conform with the whole emotionless robots part.
Well, this matter is related to the Enneagram. I am just like you, and the answers to my questions were found when I delved into the Enneagram. You can search it, But I think you are either 5w4 Or 4w5
I think for our kind its not that we dont have empati but more that feels in a lot of cases makes horrible decision makers or does not solve the problem by letting Emotions slow you down. We are not gonna comfort you when your being a idi*t we would rather help you to not be one. No matter how that makes you feel. Helping is in our eyes kinder then seeing you suffer needlesly.
Hard to say if I'm an INTP. I've taken the test twice in my life and the first time I was an INTP, the second I was an INTJ. Looking at the results, my P/J is dead in the center. I do feel like a lot of INTP characteristics describe me, but not all of them.
literally me, but I'm more emotional since I probably have inattentive ADHD and due to my mother's genes and upbringing, but it's almost exclusively on the introspective level, since I don't show my emotions to most people except my closest friends - I have a poker face for the majority of time. But my empathy, analytical skills and psychological knowledge / experience allows me to get a better understanding of other people (most of whom function on simpler levels anyway), and actually is and will be very useful in my career and personal life. I am very empathetic actually and only want the best for everyone, but being misunderstood and hated has really taken it's toll, along with all the downsides of having untreated ADHD and all it's follow-up disorders. Being incompatible with "normal" society and deeply analyzing my own psyche and personality, as well as being fed up with the pointless struggle actually inspired me to pursue my ambitious dreams on my own NOW without waiting, regardless of what others' might think about me, how my status in society will be for this intense period of time, the poverty, the risks (that I consider absolutely worth the possible outcomes), how I won't have a piece of paper that says I am actually a MASTER at my craft (I do have my Bachelor degree soon, though) and how hard I will have to work to achieve my goals. Also my method to achieve this goal is beyond all societal conventions and standards (not even the most supportive parents would consider it worth their full support and trust), but this method is what I have determined to be the most efficient, fast and healthy (mentally and physically) way for me to achieve it. Actual capability, genuineness, knowledge and experience is worth more than any diploma or title with "status", and reaching the level I want to would take extensive wasted time, energy and money to obtain. I will reach my goals or die trying, all or nothing at all - that's my extreme way of thinking. If you're THE PERSON in the room or the boss, noone but people who don't matter will care what your academical title is.
With regard to detecting inconsistencies, I think I may spend too much time doing this, especially when reading. Many years ago I worked in a university Mathematics Department in a clerical capacity, preparing papers for submission to journals. Let me stress that I know nothing beyond multiplication and division, and these papers sometimes contained multi-level equations that were more than a page long. While keying in one of these massive equations over and over, I noticed there was one instance where it appeared that a segment was missing. I pointed it out to the author who henceforth considered me some sort of mathematical genius. He didn’t understand that I had no idea what the equation meant. Just pattern recognition, man. 😂
5:45 I relate to other points but this point is not pointed out by many, I often times get that someone is saying a lie, but I let them lie, cause telling them that they are lying will only get more arguments which are even more unconvincing than the actual lie they are trying to hide.... And that is waste of my time, so I just let them say all their BS made up stuff and turn around and sigh loudly in my brain... And walk away from them....
INTP do not despise routine, it's the opposite we find comfort in routine and it's good for us to try new things to grow our knowledge base, but we have Si which is someone with good memory and likes comfort/routine, we like what we know we like.
Depends on the routine. For example we like to make our own routine, not go with the generic day to day life routine of most humans. We find the routine that works for us, not this fine I'll work a 9-5 ad get up at 7am have coffee, and toast, rush out the door to a job we don't like, complain about life, and pay bills, yadda yadda. That generic routine is not something we like.
* sigh * yea… I’m never bored. Ever. My mind doesn’t allow for it. Which can become a tad exhausting at times. I have a perpetually unquenchable thirst for the unknown. My mind is a clever little fvcker. I’m a master of tricking myself into believing I want more knowledge. Lmfao. 😂
INTP who joined the Army. When it came time for reenlistment. The reenlistment officer looked at me and said something to the affect of, we dont need to do this. Have a good day. And that was the end of it. Had a bit of a reputation I think I was unaware of. True but unaware of.
Consistency is what I appreciate , rather than routine. Like I'm consistencyI'm happier routinely doing different work everyday but able to work consistently make money.
I hate routine so much … always about improving things, learning, learning to expert & timing things to later analyze how things are becoming more efficient or less mundane
INTP female here! I meet all these qualities, but i hate the idea that we are robotic. I actually have many emotions and feelings, I just do my best to push them aside as I know that they are going to hinder me more than help me. It's not always easy, but facts over feelings are how we accomplish goals and overcome obstacles. It is difficult to make friends with other women when we do not prioritize every feeling.
Maybe you were confusing your ideal self to your perceived self. You could be somewhere in the middle. It's normal to have emotions. Don't push them to the side, stay on top of them. 😊
The part about routine was very interesting. I have also found that as long as I am the one to set the routine I don't mind it because I do it the way I do it for VERY specific reasons not just because "this is how I do it". Once I find something that work it frees my mind up to think about solving the next problem or task. I have what I call the mental tornado. So many thoughts swirling around all the time and rarely am I am to grab onto one long enough to complete it and move on to the next. Setting certain routines frees up those mental resources allowing me more mental time to attack the tornado.
I decided to take the test when I was intoxicated and lacking sleep to compare results. Every time, I got INTP despite my altered thinking or state of mind. Just an interesting observation.
Same, sick and not sick and then stoned and then semi drunk. Lol but I do like to stick to ideas based of FACTS lol but video dude said otherwise and has me questioning...
About the lie detecting thing; as an INTP I don't care if someone is lying I know that the truth will be found* somehow therefore I don't even consider whether someone is lying or not, because ultimately they will most likely be proven wrong through logical reasoning.
Ive caught so much flak in my life over asking questions, teachers, parents and priests were the endless battle. Because ive been surrounded by everything but INTPs, Ive just spent an inordinate amount of time in my head. Obviously it can get a bit lonely but "belief is a beautiful armor that makes for the heaviest sword." Waiting for the idiot to leave is better than arguing to me, id rather just keep thinking.
Took 4 different tests. All 4 said INTP. Man did they hit the nail on the head. Authority drives me nuts, I don't like routines, and when people give me their bullshit I'll call them out on it.
I was told many times to "open up, come out of my shell" Someone even said that they'd try to get me to come out of my shell. I told them that many have tried and failed. If, on the rare occasion, I'm going to share something, it's going to be on *my* terms and nobody else's.
I think you should talk more about the cognitive stack of psychological types. "T" Isn't just "Thinking". The T in intp and the T in intj are two different things. I can understand that talking about cognitive stack can be harder and will make your videos more difficult to underatand, but in my opinion this will help people to realise that types aren't just made of letters piled up as "enfp, intp, estj" ecc...
The routine thing is serious lol. My mom tried to make a schedule for me to stick to when I was about 12 years old. Its actually hard to express the level of unmotivation and despair it made me feel... not lying 😅. It lasted about a week. Always question if Im an INTP, then I watch videos like this lol
Yoooo nah in my experience there are too many liars out there 😂😂😂 . I also agree on the fact that we're good liars in the video, but sometimes I wonder if we're just full of ourselves 😅
Im an INTP, and im one thru and thru -introverted to a fault, facts have always just been idk, vaguely important points proven by others, that can be looked up later, unless i can use it to strike out into a new way of doing things - and dates are things i write down because other people require me to, but i never know what day it is. Plans are just yesterdays ideas for a great itinerary, today requires a NEW one!! Lol
Ohhh I been sent out the class because the teacher coach said dopamine was like valium to the brain and I was like.... You said what now? Challenge accepted
A reason we don't open up to many is cause many can't understand us or what we say or don't want to. We get called names and insulted and "Oh you think you're so smart!" It's like no I don't "think I am" I literally am, I am correcting your error and you get mad at me for it, and as the masses or stupid, it's frankly not really logical to us to intentionally open up to people when we already know exactly how the situation will play out. We wait and observe, if someone comes to US and has a genuine interest in what we have to say as a logical person THEN we know okay this person isn't going to snap at me for pointing out all the problems they missed and showing them the truth.
As I’ve grown older, I realize more and more how important emotions are. So I have made my latest project examining and getting in touch with my own emotions. I may be more an “F” rather than “T”
for the lie detector, it's more like we've been overthinking everything so hard since a very long time that we learn to recognize when we are overthinking and when we are right to have a doubt
I always questioned my teachers, I just never challenged them. I knew that they were stupid and so I just kept that to myself because I didn't want to get in trouble or waste the effort. Sheldon Cooper's mom once said, "it's alright to be the smartest person in the room but you do have to keep pointing it out... Because people don't like it."
There's some nuance here. There's a problem with saying we don't like emotions. What we don't like is for emotions to take the lead. After all, emotions have their own logic. Finding the meeting point between science and art is more worthwhile than discounting either. It's also too broad to say we don't like routine. What we like is a framework in which we have freedom. If the framework is too loose, we get sidetracked and don't get anywhere, which leads to frustration. If it's too tight, we lose control and end up having to follow authorities even when we disagree.
My problem is that I do question higher authority a lot... I just don't see why I need to respect them as other people do. I wish I would show loyalty but I can't
Im pretty sure im more of a infp but every time i take a test my thinking feeling stat tends to be really close to 50/50 because even though i value hard facts and logic i also think feelings and emotional states should not be disregarded as they can influence large parts of life. Hobestly i could go either way as a INTP and INFP
INTP here😃, I’m extremely introverted and don’t liked people a lot- whenever I have tried to open up about some of my issues( Recent one being my classmates and their horrible behavior) my brother, mother, or father-whoever I’m talking too- just straight up change the subject or act like it’s not a big deal💀 like I haven’t told them how much some things irritate me. My brother bullied me for about 2 years of my life for liking anime & other random stuff- ( I regret very much for not stopping him right away or telling my mom) This ofc which cause me to be insecure and now he wonders why I obviously don’t like him??… my father has straight up told me I need to search up what empathy means and start using it💀 if this isn’t proof enough I don’t know what is
Hey y i relate to it veryuch execept that emotin part like people says intps are emotionless but i am not that is why i took many tests but everyime i get intp but i also understamds others feelings and emotioms and i am not t just a robot 🤖 i say i am more of mixed type. idk what to expect from it
When I was little I had an uncle who recognised my need to take things apart to understand them so he would give me old radio's TV's and lawn mower engines so I could do what i do. I have a perfectly honed BS meter too. ha ha
The only problem I have is that people think I'm unfriendly and reserved so they stay away from me, I never once really felt that others were comfortable enough to be around me 😢😢, but me neither to be honest 😂😂😂
Status is eraned, do not assume someone got there by being lazy, so think before your rebel against authority or a title. Inthe end, how your treat other matters, it goes both ways.
Breaking routines 😅 I need to have atleast two different brands of coffee for my morning coffee. I find hard to buy same brand of car more than twice a row. And I need to do that atleast every second year cause I get bored to same car to drive. And so on...
I am good at seeing when people are being fake most of the time. I would say im super curious by nature and i have my own kompas in life. I am however super bad at sticking to a rutine and really hate how rutine our work life seems. I injoy being creative and solving problems. I am very much a free spirit that dislike when others try to tell me what to do.
54 year old we didnt use these terms ba k when so im a INTP with a TBI figure that one out LOL ,all that plus im emotional as hell cause that part is broken ,cant spell or math but my intuition is off the chart and studied almost all religions since a computer was ,,0 long freinds completly alone no parents or wife all my life 6 months its over but im happy that way and scard to bother with hurt becaue it hurts great vid im learning👍
I’m totally fine with hierarchical structures 😂 I just think we should earn the titles. They can be quite efficient when used properly. That’s like saying I don’t like cars because you put the wrong tires on one. Not my fault you don’t know how to use a car.
They CAN be, but often we see people being in charge because of personality and outward connections while their work is mediocre at best. Some people fail up, and that is the worst boss. We are capable the task, but personable leadership is difficult for me, at least, so we can be trudging along and go unnoticed.
@@mindscopechannel I doubt that's a typo: Seems more like an editing mistake. The sentence is actually perfectly correct, it is a trait shared between both types.
I'd say so. I've found that in most cases people won't relate to everything within a type however that type is still the one that they're most closely aligned with
Well not all INTPs are going to be the exact same. I'm pretty good at spotting the inconsistencies in people's stories. I can catch lies and fakeness rather quickly.
In my situation, I feel emotions, I just don't know that they're emotions right away, or I don't know what to do with them, how to express them, or how to understand them. But, they are there. Also, I see holes and inconsistencies in people all of the time (lies) when Im the observer, but for some reason I don't realize when I'm the target and that the inconsistencies I was noticing were bullets for me. Thanks for the comment! Have fun on your self discovery as an INTP
the video is cool and all but it really bothers me how that stock image of a supposed molecule at 6:20 is so poorly designed. Oxygen can´t form 3 covalent bonds, only two possible because of the two missing electrons of the valence layer, not to speak of that impossible aromatic structure, and it really bothers me for some reason. Other than that, video was ok
Just one thing: It's not that I choose to not make cup of coffee every morning. I just cannot do that. Most probably I will not remember that on the next morning, thinking about something else... And I really would like to have a coffee every morning ;D
I'm intp, but no, i'm not smart, never genius type. Most of my friend who has best grade, but somehow i just interested in certain topics and gotta understand the whole concept first. I think slower, i try to understand. My friends tend to just skipping learning part and it works, they get accademical things easy and get good grades. I just felt so average, never intelligent type. But my thought process still dominantly using Ti, and Ne.
Starting right out of the gate you got #1 totally backwards. Its not that we don't respect titles. We just assume that someone got their title because they know what they are doing and that someone is above you in the hierarchy because they have knowledge and expertise that you don't have. At least not yet. And then we turn 25. Things really go downhill from there.
As usual with these types of videos, there is a mixture of true and false information, and it's because first, it just copies the information from other videos and sources, and second, because it is not focused on the cognitive functions, which drive and define the personality. Myers-Briggs letters mean little in that, for example, high N is intuitive, but Ne functions opposite to Ni, so just being called an intuitive means very little. In particular, the sensing function is overlooked, and that is the key to distinguishing INTPs from other types, as well as disproving many of the claims mentioned. I'll just point out the false information. INTPs are not innovators. They are not originators. They are analyzers--they take what already exists and use it or analyze it. Hence they are improvers, fixers, tweakers, perfecters. Those are their strengths. Of the famous people mentioned, neither Einstein nor Lincoln were INTPs--haven't analyzed Jefferson and Socrates, yet, but my guess is unlikely. INTPs are seldom famous. And seldom leaders. The most intelligent type? Debatable. I would say that xNTJs can readily absorb information much faster and more easily than INTPs and being more proactive, are more visible and will appear more intelligent. I don't see not opening up as from being misunderstood. INTPs are clear communicators, especially in writing, although may stumble on words in person (Si trait). INTPs don't open up because they think that others won't be interested or will reject their ideas (most others are Ni, which comes off as narrow-minded). And disliking confrontation (Si) they simply won't bother--just too much trouble. INTPs are not scared of emotions. They feel them strongly and understand them. I know when I'm angry, upset, nostalgic, sad, etc. There's just no place for them in making decisions. This is why the world is so screwed up. INTPs are lie detectors. False. This demonstrates a lack of understanding of the functions, and confusion between "perception" and "analysis." INTPs will analyze ideas and find flaws and inconsistencies. This is slow and deliberate. A function of Ti and Ne. Perception is instantaneous and driven by Se, which is not in the INTP's cognitive function stack. INTPs have weak perception of the external environment; their perception is inwardly focused, Si. So an INTP may meet someone and later think about the conversation and eventually come to the conclusion that the person was lying (analysis) but would be unlikely to perceive him as a liar on the spot. INTPs avoid routine. False. It's actually the opposite. While INTPs are not afraid of trying new or different things (Ne), their child Si is what governs routine, and they will develop systems or methods to keep their lives predictable. Si is comfort, safety, security, also responsible for perfection and detail in their projects, also things like classification and categorization. Self-control, self-awareness, self-consciousness (why they are physically awkward). Not spontaneous, not free spirits--that is all Se. Along these lines, the person growing up constantly asking why, challenging adults for an answer--this is not an INTP. Again, the INTP is inhibited in such behavior by Si. INTPs are truly shy. These actions are a function of Se--interpersonal confrontation. Most of the people I knew who acted like this were ISTPs. The lack of understanding of the sensing function as well as the other misconceptions is why most people who think they are INTPs are actually INTJs or ISTPs. You aren't an INTP based on a very flawed personality test, then claim that all INTPs are different and you are unique among them. Your cognitive functions define your behavior which is essentially your personality. So yes, people of the same personality type should behave similarly. Otherwise the classification of personality is meaningless.
“Le sens commun n’est pas si commun (Common sense is not so common)” #Voltaire 1764 Hey Mr. T, I have no problem with these misinforming videos my problem is with the majority of viewers who believe they’re intelligently superior without any critical thinking skill. Those (easily triggered easily manipulated) individuals are incapable of learning even if they watch basic educational content created by academics. *C#. BACKGROUND (a peek at the wizard behind the curtain)* • I’m a 34 years old with no higher education. • English is my 2nd language. (+Arabic & French) • I’m a classically-trained pianist since I was 7. • An A student from 1st grade till I graduated with a degree in advanced science. • I’m fully aware that my opinions & feelings are NOT irrefutable facts. [Public education] *D#. MY TRAITS vs YOUR TYPES* Your language aptitude energized me to research this subject more just to engage with you, -I didn’t even watch this video- I’m sceptical by default so reviewing this problematic classification from the [against it] perspective made my thought process a literal mess. The savage criticism by Psychologists are distractingly hilarious, I was analysing & giggling & trying to remain objective... however I’m curiously driven. “So yes, people of the same personality type should behave similarly” I disagree, unless by behave similarly you mean (React) to certain triggers in specific circumstances within one range of emotions. Linking 16 personality types to behavioral aspects is like linking the 12 astrological signs to astronomical alignments. When we subconsciously believe there’s a pattern in randomness, our minds proactively let us find patterns. It’s hard for logic to prevail over emotions. In general we behave based on our own cognitive biases whether we’re aware or not. Noticed almost all commenters who are claiming to have this one specific personality “TYPE” has the charisma of a beige wall ;X *E#. GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGED* The mental stimulation of writing this reply is a therapeutic exercise for me personally. Whether I’m right or wrong that’s not the point the most valuable takeaway is getting my groove back for a moment & engage with you. Thank you so much for writing this post & my apologies in case this is not refined intelligibly as I hoped.
I use to always be ISTJ when doing the test in the past and now come up as INTP, although I'm not even remotely intelligent to fit that aspect. 1 - 5 I can relate to a good amount, #6 however the Taurus in me kinda overtakes things. I'm fairly comfortable with routine lol.
Disagree on the last one, routine doesn't bother me, depends on the routine. I would say I don't support the "normal" human life routine. However I do have a fairly simplistic routine, I don't change much, however it's cause I'm just in my head everyday, I don't care for most of the things external to my head, I find the world boring, been there, done that, let the other humans play in that sandbox. There's a limited amount of things in it, and nothing new to find. I've grown bored of that stuff, so every day my routine is I'm alone for like 20 hours in my room, I eat the same stuff which isn't much cause I'm picky and yet eat really basic things, and I spend time being what an outsider would call "lazy and wasting my life doing nothing" lol. But I'm just in my mind looking into the unknown, I get a thought and I follow it, and seek out whatever truth I happen to find.
Only an INTP would see a ton load of videos to make sure for who knows how many times that they're INTPs. As I'm doing now. Still every single one of what's mentioned is true in my case.
Whats Your Personality Type?
I thought I was INTP, but then I saw that sentence at 2:12 and it got me to doubt, re-evaluate my assessment, which is inherent INTP behavior, which led me back to believing I am an INTP for now. Edit: Also, six is simply wrong. S(i) makes us VERY vulnerable to routine, and keeps us in our comfort zone.
in tp po pi
INTP but sometimes feel like a istp
Now that is absolutely true about the fact that us INTP’s don’t share information, or open up about personal information for the reason that we are so reserved (like the INTJ’s), ie afraid of being judged. I hardly ever open up to people I know it’s a waste of time and that people just will not get me. Also, I do know that if I do choose to open open, people will be intimidated by my level of intensity.
This makes a lot of sense based on what I've read about INTP's
My personality type in INTP. I tend to be very open and not fear judgement even though I am almost certain that I will not be understood. I experience the same regarding intimidating people by being too intense for their liking. Honestly, I don’t know how to not be intent. It’s in the core of my being. Maybe some day I’ll meet someone who ‘gets’ me. Hopefully you’ll find people that get and appreciate you and your intense nature!
@@1_out_of_10_dentists Being open and not fearing judgement are great traits to have honestly
I get you just based off this comment. I’m not sharing the info bc that’s now more info out in the world I gotta deal with being out there
@Leopold Well, I do understand what you're saying, I think it's because I'm INTP. My conclusion to the fact that no one understands us, except for ourselves. I also do not fear the judgment of others, I truly couldn't care less (as long as they don't call me stupid or dumb, etc). It's really annoying that no one will understand us; I could try to tell people how I feel about certain things, but usually I don't even try to explain, because if I would explain they still wouldn't understand me, so it's a waste of energy. People wanna know our problems, we tell them our problems, people run away screaming because they don't get the complexity of our problems, especially emotional problems.
INTP here. I have no problem creating a process or routine, in fact I enjoy it... just as long as I dont have to follow it. Essentially, I'll create it for everyone else. If I have to follow it then I'll refine it until its as efficient and repeatable as possible, then automate it because its hard for me to do the same thing twice.
ha ha ha! so true
Reading that brought me great joy, because that is exactly what I would do too.
Yep. Plus our Si LIKES routine. But we also don't want to be limited. I have found that reframing "routine" as "system" makes me stick to it.
Also we do like people and are interested in people IF, we are healthy.
that seems like a great idea, ill be trying it
Routine is for making things more efficient it serve us. It cannot and shouldn’t control us. Change routine can make things more interesting
Spot on. Cyber security engineer here. Just had a conversation with the wife tonight how I need to share my thoughts and feelings more. I feel them I just dont express them. One thing I will say as an INTP is that I don’t feel or consider myself that smart. In fact the more I learn the dumber I feel because I realize how much I don’t know.
As an INTP-T, i approve every word of your comment
Your not feeling smart and feeling less smart as you get smarter is actually a testimony of you being *really* smart. No Dunning-Kruger effect for you!
You forgot one thing
We are lazy but smart-INTP
spiderman must've been an intp
@@cpilfold420he seems very extroverted tho maybe an entp
False news!
Well we are lazy until we have a project on our hands and then we do stuff other people cant because of our hyper focus and work rate. But it is true that most of the time we are lazy.
i feel guilty.. should be feeling guilty?
I wouldn’t say that INTPs like ideas, not facts. It is facts that they use to evaluate ideas.
There is no trade off.
We are more Dreamers then do'ers we need others to setup the structure and handle details so we can do what we are best at: being the idea guy.
this exactly!!
@Lightflames85 That's pretty interesting. To me details are essential since they decide the validity of the "bigger picture", since not being thorough with the smaller details means potentially overlooking things that contradict your big picture. And I also just find the nuances of the details to be fascinating in their own right.
They like both, hence "NT"
In all situations I always want to know the truth, and always ask WHY.
People around me always tell me to just accept the way things are and stop questioning.
It's annoying and it's sad
Humans aren't a logical species. Just a child playing make believe that they are special and adults and know anything.
"Don't be fooled, though, by the sense of closeness you may feel. It's likely the INTP doesn't feel that same closeness. To the INTP, you have been an interesting diversion."
not always true. They can bond. They are human beings.
@@notallgarbage INTP-A here. I’m in a settled, long-term relationship. I would say that it is true until we meet someone we are satisfied meets our standards. At least, anecdotally, that has been the case with me. I’d call it “situationship” vs “relationship”: one is “good enough for right now” and the other has long legs and a rockin’ body.
I don’t recognise that. I am of the intp type and when I come across people I can connect with I do bond and form relationships for life.. well not life.. if I catch you lying (and I will if you do) about important stuff that’s the end of it too..
@@davidhoogendijk6675 Yes, well, the “situationship” doesn’t apply to me, either. It’s more a way to describe how some other personality types might approach a relationship. I very much hold to your way of seeing things, too.
Edit: But, just to be clear, I can see how for more turbulent types of INTP, this sort of situation might arise. The type does tend to be one of the more agreeable ones out there - at least in terms of keeping the social peace and harmony, just not in terms of flaws in arguments, evidence, etc. - so “just going along with the flow”, even if not quite an ideal relationship, seems to be a default possibility for some, I think, until they do happen to find someone worthy. I don’t know whether I’ve just been lucky in that regard, and you might have been yourself, so I would take all of this with a grain of salt because no theory encompasses all possibilities.
I agree with this, but only to a point. It *entirely* depends on who I’m with. It’s not that I can’t bond well with someone, it’s just that I’m **really selective** about who. If I’m not feeling that connection with someone, they’re just a diversion to me regardless of how friendly I act and they think I am. In fact, I’m actually *repelled* from getting closer, but that may have more to do with my attachment issues than my personality type.
I've never related so much to a point he mentioned about how INTPs don't care about titles. We can be who we are at the bottom of the totem pole as well as the top. That's awfully true.
Well thats only true as long as we are respected. While we generally dont care what others think we do care when it effects us. Things like wage and respect does effect us even if we try not to be affected by it.
Agree, and as you climb a corporate ladder, you were doing more management type stuff, which is not so interesting to me. When I worked at a corporate agency, I loved my job as a low title and didn’t want to be a boss because in my lower position, I worked on so many differentprojects and such a great variety, there were always challenges when the bosses would request different types of things and I had to figure out how to make them happen
Dammit, get out of my head! Yes, I'm an INTP, and you pretty much hit things right on this. I'm 53 years old, and I make my living solving problems and seeing patterns that others do not see or don't understand. My wife is also an NTP, but she's closer to X (between E and I) than I, so she can cover some of my 'missing' things. I love that we both understand the need for alone time.
Thats great that your wife is also NTP, I feel like those who are intp or other similar personality types definitely need someone who feels things similar to them such as the alone time
What do you do? I’m an INTP looking for a job I can be good at.
@@rickybradley6177 Nominally, I'm in IT for a bank, but they use me as a problem solver, not just on the IT side of things.
You are so darned lucky that your partner is an xNTP. I wish mind was, as he wouldn’t be misunderstanding me too me, letting us Te get in the way, and constantly be giving me unsolicited advise, which I really don’t like. The best partner for an INTP is another INTP.
Sounds like heaven
As an intp, I like breaking theories apart, and pencils. Idk, the snap is just satisfying
One of the things they missed around the 6:00 mark and it's not often mentioned by us is the 3 reason. We're often exceptionally good liars ourselves. We know most of the INs and Outs of lying and emotional manipulation. Because we don't relate to those same emotions as much as others. Lying often comes as easily as telling the truth. Though personally I find the most difficult part of being an INTP-A is being aware of exactly how unfeeling I really am yet feeling it all at once he same time. It's a weird parallel where while I know I should feel bad that you dog got ran over and I think puppies are amazingly adorable I also don't give a fly fuck because it's not MY dog. I don't hate your dog and I would do anything I can do protect anything living that's innocent. But I don't FEEL IT. being INTP-A is really weird.
I felt this in my gut. I'm also sometimes bothered by how unbothered I am with other people's problems and sometimes feelings. Also I can tell a lie with no hesitation for good or for bad. And I have the ability to guess how others are feeling or just know what they are thinking sometimes it's really weird 😂.
I was scared that I might be a psychopath because of this. Nice to know I'm not the only one.
Same thing here. I feel it’s a bit effed up, but I can’t feel what I can’t feel.
@@RithikaV You have what is called cognitive empathy. It’s having the ability to intellectually understand what people think and how they feel without an emotional component. It’s not a bad thing.
As an INTP, I find this interesting because I am terrible at lying.
Definitely true about needing to mix things up and not liking routine.
Yes I hate rutine I feel stuck if i need to do the same shit over and over. I cant even watch things I have watched before or i have a hard time doing so.
We love deeply as well. 😢 just like any human. ... but we are less likely to stick around for games and time wasters. We are logical. Head over heart. But we still love. But we prefer someone who understands logic and has common sense as well.
Makes sense
I was following right along until the last one; I am fine with routines, as long as I don't feel like I am forced into them, I need to feel like I am free to adjust on a whim.
This video is spot on. In my case though, as an INTP, I was never really good at math and science. I was more adept at languages, I am fluent in Swedish, English and Mandarin. I have also noticed us INTP have different music tastes depending on the individual, in my case I like EDM more than other genres.
Baristas do indeed benefit the world more than most business managers.
That's false and seems very mean spirited to post so much toxicity!
@@Cherrylipgloss2025So much toxicity??? What's so toxic in what that person said?
"Recharge your batteries" perfect description.
0:59 I've always wanted to ask teachers questions but the questions would just prolong the lecture and I didn't want my classmates hating me for doing so.
That's understandable
That would often happen on TV shows, lol. I would refrain from asking too many questions for the same reason.
INTP would ask anyway! You're not an INTP!!
@@Cherrylipgloss2025 what if you're wrong? They state they have the curiosity but have school. Makes sense if you think about it. Not like you can't google shit on your own time anyways
@@Cherrylipgloss2025one single choice does not make u not "intp"
I feel that if I actually be myself/open up, most people can't follow me. Unless they are INTP.
I've seen a few other intp's say this
Yup. I feel like I can't go full INTP, otherwise navigating life and social interactions become too difficult. I embraced it more when I was single and just leaving college. Back then I was responsible only for myself and didn't have to care about the feelings of others. So now there's me and the version of me that people see.
I think intj are good listeners and will get you.
Yup. Cause most humans don't operate off logic. If what you say doesn't benefit them or align with their beliefs they want nothing to do with you or what you say. If it does benefit them or aligns with their beliefs then they will jump on board cause you validated their belief.
I feel a so deep respect to my INTJ boss, because he never have lost the trust in me.
Trust is very valuable
That is true among healthy INTJ’s, in which us INTP’s respect. If they are unhealthy, they tend to door slam the INTP if our Ti engages any any kind of constructive criticism, spots error, or even if they don’t agree with them in a subject. Some also don’t like to share their ideas
Im an INTP and the people I cant respect the most are INTJs. In fact I have disgust. Very limited creativity or vision, they think like a calculator, but think they are so smart with their limited minds.
Me after twelve MBTI tests told me I am an INTP and then I checked it with three different articles: I DEFINITELY NEED TO WATCH THIS VIDEO AND CHECK MYSELF
This is soo me lmao
Sometimes i feel like im not actual an INTP. But then i remember that both times ive taken the test(once last year and once again this year) I've gotten INTP with pretty much the same results. The main reason I ten to think I'm not into is because of the feeling part. I am actually very good at reading people I'm close with emotions, I am sensitive but to stubborn to act upon my feelings. So I tend to go for my logic even though I am feeling a certain way. I DO open up, it's just that I only do it with my closest friends since it feels weird and uncomfy to do it with anyone else. I think emotions are healthy, but do think that people need to stop relying on it too much. And I'm not the perfect lie detector. Yet I keep getting INTP. So I guess I am one. And I am proud to be one, I just dont felly conform with the whole emotionless robots part.
Well, this matter is related to the Enneagram. I am just like you, and the answers to my questions were found when I delved into the Enneagram. You can search it, But I think you are either 5w4 Or 4w5
@@NextGen--11-x3y il look it up and update if I find something. Thanks for telling me
@@NextGen--11-x3y intp cant be 4w5, that's mostly a 'feeling' type enneagram, that person is for sure 5w4
@@yaenajinjae7574 Maybe you're right
I think for our kind its not that we dont have empati but more that feels in a lot of cases makes horrible decision makers or does not solve the problem by letting Emotions slow you down. We are not gonna comfort you when your being a idi*t we would rather help you to not be one. No matter how that makes you feel. Helping is in our eyes kinder then seeing you suffer needlesly.
I don't dislike authority. I just want answers.
Hard to say if I'm an INTP. I've taken the test twice in my life and the first time I was an INTP, the second I was an INTJ. Looking at the results, my P/J is dead in the center. I do feel like a lot of INTP characteristics describe me, but not all of them.
literally me, but I'm more emotional since I probably have inattentive ADHD and due to my mother's genes and upbringing, but it's almost exclusively on the introspective level, since I don't show my emotions to most people except my closest friends - I have a poker face for the majority of time. But my empathy, analytical skills and psychological knowledge / experience allows me to get a better understanding of other people (most of whom function on simpler levels anyway), and actually is and will be very useful in my career and personal life.
I am very empathetic actually and only want the best for everyone, but being misunderstood and hated has really taken it's toll, along with all the downsides of having untreated ADHD and all it's follow-up disorders.
Being incompatible with "normal" society and deeply analyzing my own psyche and personality, as well as being fed up with the pointless struggle actually inspired me to pursue my ambitious dreams on my own NOW without waiting, regardless of what others' might think about me, how my status in society will be for this intense period of time, the poverty, the risks (that I consider absolutely worth the possible outcomes), how I won't have a piece of paper that says I am actually a MASTER at my craft (I do have my Bachelor degree soon, though) and how hard I will have to work to achieve my goals.
Also my method to achieve this goal is beyond all societal conventions and standards (not even the most supportive parents would consider it worth their full support and trust), but this method is what I have determined to be the most efficient, fast and healthy (mentally and physically) way for me to achieve it. Actual capability, genuineness, knowledge and experience is worth more than any diploma or title with "status", and reaching the level I want to would take extensive wasted time, energy and money to obtain.
I will reach my goals or die trying, all or nothing at all - that's my extreme way of thinking.
If you're THE PERSON in the room or the boss, noone but people who don't matter will care what your academical title is.
With regard to detecting inconsistencies, I think I may spend too much time doing this, especially when reading. Many years ago I worked in a university Mathematics Department in a clerical capacity, preparing papers for submission to journals. Let me stress that I know nothing beyond multiplication and division, and these papers sometimes contained multi-level equations that were more than a page long.
While keying in one of these massive equations over and over, I noticed there was one instance where it appeared that a segment was missing. I pointed it out to the author who henceforth considered me some sort of mathematical genius. He didn’t understand that I had no idea what the equation meant. Just pattern recognition, man. 😂
5:45 I relate to other points but this point is not pointed out by many, I often times get that someone is saying a lie, but I let them lie, cause telling them that they are lying will only get more arguments which are even more unconvincing than the actual lie they are trying to hide.... And that is waste of my time, so I just let them say all their BS made up stuff and turn around and sigh loudly in my brain... And walk away from them....
INTP do not despise routine, it's the opposite we find comfort in routine and it's good for us to try new things to grow our knowledge base, but we have Si which is someone with good memory and likes comfort/routine, we like what we know we like.
Depends on the routine. For example we like to make our own routine, not go with the generic day to day life routine of most humans. We find the routine that works for us, not this fine I'll work a 9-5 ad get up at 7am have coffee, and toast, rush out the door to a job we don't like, complain about life, and pay bills, yadda yadda. That generic routine is not something we like.
An entire channel that gossips about me. Thanks!
I have routines.. or maybe just one.. I wake up drink coffee and smoke a sigaret. I let life take it from there for the rest of the day.
* sigh * yea… I’m never bored. Ever. My mind doesn’t allow for it. Which can become a tad exhausting at times. I have a perpetually unquenchable thirst for the unknown. My mind is a clever little fvcker. I’m a master of tricking myself into believing I want more knowledge. Lmfao.
INTP who joined the Army. When it came time for reenlistment. The reenlistment officer looked at me and said something to the affect of, we dont need to do this. Have a good day. And that was the end of it. Had a bit of a reputation I think I was unaware of. True but unaware of.
Consistency is what I appreciate , rather than routine.
Like I'm consistencyI'm happier routinely doing different work everyday but able to work consistently make money.
Makes sense for sure
I hate routine so much … always about improving things, learning, learning to expert & timing things to later analyze how things are becoming more efficient or less mundane
INTP female here! I meet all these qualities, but i hate the idea that we are robotic. I actually have many emotions and feelings, I just do my best to push them aside as I know that they are going to hinder me more than help me. It's not always easy, but facts over feelings are how we accomplish goals and overcome obstacles. It is difficult to make friends with other women when we do not prioritize every feeling.
Maybe you were confusing your ideal self to your perceived self. You could be somewhere in the middle. It's normal to have emotions. Don't push them to the side, stay on top of them. 😊
The part about routine was very interesting. I have also found that as long as I am the one to set the routine I don't mind it because I do it the way I do it for VERY specific reasons not just because "this is how I do it". Once I find something that work it frees my mind up to think about solving the next problem or task. I have what I call the mental tornado. So many thoughts swirling around all the time and rarely am I am to grab onto one long enough to complete it and move on to the next. Setting certain routines frees up those mental resources allowing me more mental time to attack the tornado.
I decided to take the test when I was intoxicated and lacking sleep to compare results. Every time, I got INTP despite my altered thinking or state of mind.
Just an interesting observation.
Did you try this because you didn't believe the results or was it for personal experiment because I did the same thing.
I tried stoned not stoned. Same
@@killerjp9911 pretty much both
Same, sick and not sick and then stoned and then semi drunk. Lol but I do like to stick to ideas based of FACTS lol but video dude said otherwise and has me questioning...
About the lie detecting thing; as an INTP I don't care if someone is lying I know that the truth will be found* somehow therefore I don't even consider whether someone is lying or not, because ultimately they will most likely be proven wrong through logical reasoning.
Ive caught so much flak in my life over asking questions, teachers, parents and priests were the endless battle. Because ive been surrounded by everything but INTPs, Ive just spent an inordinate amount of time in my head. Obviously it can get a bit lonely but "belief is a beautiful armor that makes for the heaviest sword." Waiting for the idiot to leave is better than arguing to me, id rather just keep thinking.
Took 4 different tests. All 4 said INTP. Man did they hit the nail on the head. Authority drives me nuts, I don't like routines, and when people give me their bullshit I'll call them out on it.
I was told many times to "open up, come out of my shell" Someone even said that they'd try to get me to come out of my shell. I told them that many have tried and failed.
If, on the rare occasion, I'm going to share something, it's going to be on *my* terms and nobody else's.
There has been much debate as to wether Thomas Jefferson is an INTP. Most people think he was an INFJ, but for me I also think he was one of us.
Interesting I had no idea
I think you should talk more about the cognitive stack of psychological types. "T" Isn't just "Thinking". The T in intp and the T in intj are two different things. I can understand that talking about cognitive stack can be harder and will make your videos more difficult to underatand, but in my opinion this will help people to realise that types aren't just made of letters piled up as "enfp, intp, estj" ecc...
I see where you're coming from, thanks for the insight!
The routine thing is serious lol. My mom tried to make a schedule for me to stick to when I was about 12 years old. Its actually hard to express the level of unmotivation and despair it made me feel... not lying 😅. It lasted about a week.
Always question if Im an INTP, then I watch videos like this lol
Good at detecting lies and also good at thinking youre getting lied to even when you arent just because people behave inconsistent
Yoooo nah in my experience there are too many liars out there 😂😂😂 . I also agree on the fact that we're good liars in the video, but sometimes I wonder if we're just full of ourselves 😅
Im an INTP, and im one thru and thru -introverted to a fault, facts have always just been idk, vaguely important points proven by others, that can be looked up later, unless i can use it to strike out into a new way of doing things - and dates are things i write down because other people require me to, but i never know what day it is. Plans are just yesterdays ideas for a great itinerary, today requires a NEW one!! Lol
Ohhh I been sent out the class because the teacher coach said dopamine was like valium to the brain and I was like.... You said what now? Challenge accepted
A reason we don't open up to many is cause many can't understand us or what we say or don't want to. We get called names and insulted and "Oh you think you're so smart!" It's like no I don't "think I am" I literally am, I am correcting your error and you get mad at me for it, and as the masses or stupid, it's frankly not really logical to us to intentionally open up to people when we already know exactly how the situation will play out. We wait and observe, if someone comes to US and has a genuine interest in what we have to say as a logical person THEN we know okay this person isn't going to snap at me for pointing out all the problems they missed and showing them the truth.
As I’ve grown older, I realize more and more how important emotions are. So I have made my latest project examining and getting in touch with my own emotions. I may be more an “F” rather than “T”
for the lie detector, it's more like we've been overthinking everything so hard since a very long time that we learn to recognize when we are overthinking and when we are right to have a doubt
I always questioned my teachers, I just never challenged them. I knew that they were stupid and so I just kept that to myself because I didn't want to get in trouble or waste the effort. Sheldon Cooper's mom once said, "it's alright to be the smartest person in the room but you do have to keep pointing it out... Because people don't like it."
Now, an INTP with ADHD is a nightmare
2:11 Subtitles show it as INFP, I'm getting more and more confused
Exactly. Me too.
When I retired, people asked me what I'd be doing to keep busy. What?? The purpose of retiring is NOT TO BE BUSY!!
There's some nuance here. There's a problem with saying we don't like emotions. What we don't like is for emotions to take the lead. After all, emotions have their own logic. Finding the meeting point between science and art is more worthwhile than discounting either.
It's also too broad to say we don't like routine. What we like is a framework in which we have freedom. If the framework is too loose, we get sidetracked and don't get anywhere, which leads to frustration. If it's too tight, we lose control and end up having to follow authorities even when we disagree.
16personalities has consistently told me I’m an INFP and another test scores me twice as an INTP and they both resonate.. now I’m confused.
My problem is that I do question higher authority a lot... I just don't see why I need to respect them as other people do. I wish I would show loyalty but I can't
True. High authority with high logical flaw in their system.
Im pretty sure im more of a infp but every time i take a test my thinking feeling stat tends to be really close to 50/50 because even though i value hard facts and logic i also think feelings and emotional states should not be disregarded as they can influence large parts of life.
Hobestly i could go either way as a INTP and INFP
I’m not in total agreement with the routine portion. My routine runs like clockwork.
INTP here😃, I’m extremely introverted and don’t liked people a lot- whenever I have tried to open up about some of my issues( Recent one being my classmates and their horrible behavior) my brother, mother, or father-whoever I’m talking too- just straight up change the subject or act like it’s not a big deal💀 like I haven’t told them how much some things irritate me. My brother bullied me for about 2 years of my life for liking anime & other random stuff- ( I regret very much for not stopping him right away or telling my mom) This ofc which cause me to be insecure and now he wonders why I obviously don’t like him??… my father has straight up told me I need to search up what empathy means and start using it💀 if this isn’t proof enough I don’t know what is
Hey y i relate to it veryuch execept that emotin part like people says intps are emotionless but i am not that is why i took many tests but everyime i get intp but i also understamds others feelings and emotioms and i am not t just a robot 🤖 i say i am more of mixed type. idk what to expect from it
When I was little I had an uncle who recognised my need to take things apart to understand them so he would give me old radio's TV's and lawn mower engines so I could do what i do. I have a perfectly honed BS meter too. ha ha
I feel like the last point, everyone can relate to.
The only problem I have is that people think I'm unfriendly and reserved so they stay away from me, I never once really felt that others were comfortable enough to be around me 😢😢, but me neither to be honest 😂😂😂
Status is eraned, do not assume someone got there by being lazy, so think before your rebel against authority or a title. Inthe end, how your treat other matters, it goes both ways.
Breaking routines 😅
I need to have atleast two different brands of coffee for my morning coffee. I find hard to buy same brand of car more than twice a row. And I need to do that atleast every second year cause I get bored to same car to drive. And so on...
Lol, well can't blame you for wanting to try different cars though
I am good at seeing when people are being fake most of the time. I would say im super curious by nature and i have my own kompas in life. I am however super bad at sticking to a rutine and really hate how rutine our work life seems. I injoy being creative and solving problems. I am very much a free spirit that dislike when others try to tell me what to do.
Whaaaat!? I am an intp meyers Briggs type. It’s nothin special or rare. Everybody’s gotta be somebody
That last one.... Ouch!
I definitely love taking physical things apart.
Me too.. see how things work on the inside
2:13 Why does it say INFP?
it was probably reused from another video, or maybe auto correct changed it
It sounds very similar compared to INFP. Maybe these labels aren’t a good reference after all !
They are definitely similar
So you’re saying me and Socrates can just hit up at the crib and just find things we have in common?
1. Agree
2. Agree
3. Idk
4. Idk
5. Agree
6. Idk or probably
7. Agree
54 year old we didnt use these terms ba k when so im a INTP with a TBI figure that one out LOL ,all that plus im emotional as hell cause that part is broken ,cant spell or math but my intuition is off the chart and studied almost all religions since a computer was ,,0 long freinds completly alone no parents or wife all my life 6 months its over but im happy that way and scard to bother with hurt becaue it hurts great vid im learning👍
I’m totally fine with hierarchical structures 😂 I just think we should earn the titles. They can be quite efficient when used properly. That’s like saying I don’t like cars because you put the wrong tires on one. Not my fault you don’t know how to use a car.
Hierarchical structures can be (and often are) merit based.
They CAN be, but often we see people being in charge because of personality and outward connections while their work is mediocre at best. Some people fail up, and that is the worst boss. We are capable the task, but personable leadership is difficult for me, at least, so we can be trudging along and go unnoticed.
Check the "INFP" in point #2
Typo 🤦🏼♂️ thanks
@@mindscopechannel I doubt that's a typo: Seems more like an editing mistake.
The sentence is actually perfectly correct, it is a trait shared between both types.
@@fovarberma752 fair point
My other INTP friend could relate to all of these... But I can't. I feel emotions and I can't detect lies always... Can I still be an INTP?
I'd say so. I've found that in most cases people won't relate to everything within a type however that type is still the one that they're most closely aligned with
I can’t detect lies either
But i struggle heavily with emotions
I have them, obviously, but it’s hard
Well not all INTPs are going to be the exact same. I'm pretty good at spotting the inconsistencies in people's stories. I can catch lies and fakeness rather quickly.
In my situation, I feel emotions, I just don't know that they're emotions right away, or I don't know what to do with them, how to express them, or how to understand them. But, they are there. Also, I see holes and inconsistencies in people all of the time (lies) when Im the observer, but for some reason I don't realize when I'm the target and that the inconsistencies I was noticing were bullets for me. Thanks for the comment! Have fun on your self discovery as an INTP
Same...but I did the test 3 times in 2 years
This is exactly me,100%
the video is cool and all but it really bothers me how that stock image of a supposed molecule at 6:20 is so poorly designed. Oxygen can´t form 3 covalent bonds, only two possible because of the two missing electrons of the valence layer, not to speak of that impossible aromatic structure, and it really bothers me for some reason. Other than that, video was ok
@2:14 it says “INFPs” not INTPs 2:14
Just one thing: It's not that I choose to not make cup of coffee every morning. I just cannot do that. Most probably I will not remember that on the next morning, thinking about something else... And I really would like to have a coffee every morning ;D
AS an INTP-T we are super lazy and i cant follow a routine i have to change it everyday
Gurl that personality is what I got and I don't think so I'm literally so smart but average
Why is no talking about the picture they used for Abraham Lincoln?!? ruclips.net/video/Ytvcb39-SMM/видео.html
Can you be Intp and naive?
You, by default, need to be naive at least once for you to be knowledgeable in a specific aspect so it's perfectly fine
I'm intp, but no, i'm not smart, never genius type. Most of my friend who has best grade, but somehow i just interested in certain topics and gotta understand the whole concept first. I think slower, i try to understand. My friends tend to just skipping learning part and it works, they get accademical things easy and get good grades. I just felt so average, never intelligent type. But my thought process still dominantly using Ti, and Ne.
Starting right out of the gate you got #1 totally backwards. Its not that we don't respect titles. We just assume that someone got their title because they know what they are doing and that someone is above you in the hierarchy because they have knowledge and expertise that you don't have. At least not yet. And then we turn 25. Things really go downhill from there.
As usual with these types of videos, there is a mixture of true and false information, and it's because first, it just copies the information from other videos and sources, and second, because it is not focused on the cognitive functions, which drive and define the personality. Myers-Briggs letters mean little in that, for example, high N is intuitive, but Ne functions opposite to Ni, so just being called an intuitive means very little.
In particular, the sensing function is overlooked, and that is the key to distinguishing INTPs from other types, as well as disproving many of the claims mentioned.
I'll just point out the false information. INTPs are not innovators. They are not originators. They are analyzers--they take what already exists and use it or analyze it. Hence they are improvers, fixers, tweakers, perfecters. Those are their strengths. Of the famous people mentioned, neither Einstein nor Lincoln were INTPs--haven't analyzed Jefferson and Socrates, yet, but my guess is unlikely. INTPs are seldom famous. And seldom leaders.
The most intelligent type? Debatable. I would say that xNTJs can readily absorb information much faster and more easily than INTPs and being more proactive, are more visible and will appear more intelligent.
I don't see not opening up as from being misunderstood. INTPs are clear communicators, especially in writing, although may stumble on words in person (Si trait). INTPs don't open up because they think that others won't be interested or will reject their ideas (most others are Ni, which comes off as narrow-minded). And disliking confrontation (Si) they simply won't bother--just too much trouble.
INTPs are not scared of emotions. They feel them strongly and understand them. I know when I'm angry, upset, nostalgic, sad, etc. There's just no place for them in making decisions. This is why the world is so screwed up.
INTPs are lie detectors. False. This demonstrates a lack of understanding of the functions, and confusion between "perception" and "analysis." INTPs will analyze ideas and find flaws and inconsistencies. This is slow and deliberate. A function of Ti and Ne. Perception is instantaneous and driven by Se, which is not in the INTP's cognitive function stack. INTPs have weak perception of the external environment; their perception is inwardly focused, Si. So an INTP may meet someone and later think about the conversation and eventually come to the conclusion that the person was lying (analysis) but would be unlikely to perceive him as a liar on the spot.
INTPs avoid routine. False. It's actually the opposite. While INTPs are not afraid of trying new or different things (Ne), their child Si is what governs routine, and they will develop systems or methods to keep their lives predictable. Si is comfort, safety, security, also responsible for perfection and detail in their projects, also things like classification and categorization. Self-control, self-awareness, self-consciousness (why they are physically awkward). Not spontaneous, not free spirits--that is all Se.
Along these lines, the person growing up constantly asking why, challenging adults for an answer--this is not an INTP. Again, the INTP is inhibited in such behavior by Si. INTPs are truly shy. These actions are a function of Se--interpersonal confrontation. Most of the people I knew who acted like this were ISTPs.
The lack of understanding of the sensing function as well as the other misconceptions is why most people who think they are INTPs are actually INTJs or ISTPs. You aren't an INTP based on a very flawed personality test, then claim that all INTPs are different and you are unique among them. Your cognitive functions define your behavior which is essentially your personality. So yes, people of the same personality type should behave similarly. Otherwise the classification of personality is meaningless.
“Le sens commun n’est pas si commun (Common sense is not so common)” #Voltaire 1764
Hey Mr. T, I have no problem with these misinforming videos my problem is with the majority of viewers who believe they’re intelligently superior without any critical thinking skill. Those (easily triggered easily manipulated) individuals are incapable of learning even if they watch basic educational content created by academics.
*C#. BACKGROUND (a peek at the wizard behind the curtain)*
• I’m a 34 years old with no higher education.
• English is my 2nd language. (+Arabic & French)
• I’m a classically-trained pianist since I was 7.
• An A student from 1st grade till I graduated with a degree in advanced science.
• I’m fully aware that my opinions & feelings are NOT irrefutable facts.
[Public education]
Your language aptitude energized me to research this subject more just to engage with you, -I didn’t even watch this video- I’m sceptical by default so reviewing this problematic classification from the [against it] perspective made my thought process a literal mess. The savage criticism by Psychologists are distractingly hilarious, I was analysing & giggling & trying to remain objective... however I’m curiously driven.
“So yes, people of the same personality type should behave similarly”
I disagree, unless by behave similarly you mean (React) to certain triggers in specific circumstances within one range of emotions. Linking 16 personality types to behavioral aspects is like linking the 12 astrological signs to astronomical alignments. When we subconsciously believe there’s a pattern in randomness, our minds proactively let us find patterns. It’s hard for logic to prevail over emotions. In general we behave based on our own cognitive biases whether we’re aware or not.
Noticed almost all commenters who are claiming to have this one specific personality “TYPE” has the charisma of a beige wall ;X
The mental stimulation of writing this reply is a therapeutic exercise for me personally. Whether I’m right or wrong that’s not the point the most valuable takeaway is getting my groove back for a moment & engage with you. Thank you so much for writing this post & my apologies in case this is not refined intelligibly as I hoped.
I feel kind of stupid for taking this much enjoyment in watching RUclips videos about how smart and amazing I am. Does that make me an INTP?
This video makes my ego feel good
I use to always be ISTJ when doing the test in the past and now come up as INTP, although I'm not even remotely intelligent to fit that aspect.
1 - 5 I can relate to a good amount, #6 however the Taurus in me kinda overtakes things. I'm fairly comfortable with routine lol.
Same haha, intp-t Taurus Sun and rising
Disagree on the last one, routine doesn't bother me, depends on the routine. I would say I don't support the "normal" human life routine. However I do have a fairly simplistic routine, I don't change much, however it's cause I'm just in my head everyday, I don't care for most of the things external to my head, I find the world boring, been there, done that, let the other humans play in that sandbox. There's a limited amount of things in it, and nothing new to find. I've grown bored of that stuff, so every day my routine is I'm alone for like 20 hours in my room, I eat the same stuff which isn't much cause I'm picky and yet eat really basic things, and I spend time being what an outsider would call "lazy and wasting my life doing nothing" lol. But I'm just in my mind looking into the unknown, I get a thought and I follow it, and seek out whatever truth I happen to find.
Patrick Starfish is an INTP
Why did they mention Extraverted Intuition function at 6:03?
They're amazing
An intp should create a video for intp
Only an INTP would see a ton load of videos to make sure for who knows how many times that they're INTPs. As I'm doing now. Still every single one of what's mentioned is true in my case.
Nah I love breaking sticks in the forest