How to Help Friends Escape the Prosperity Gospel

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode: 689
    Transcript: www.desiringgo...

Комментарии • 60

  • @noticed19
    @noticed19 4 года назад +12

    I was raised in a large, charismatic church where I heard the prosperity gospel preached to me every Sunday morning and Wednesday night in some fashion or another. Only recently did my heart begin to soften to the true Gospel of Scripture, and this channel in particular has been an integral part of my growth in understanding. I know this video is old and you'll probably never see this, but thank you for all you do, Pastor John! I'm so grateful to you and your team for handling the Word rightly and equipping the Church with so much wisdom and kindness!

    • @MySuewho
      @MySuewho 4 года назад

      Stay the course Nivole. Our Heavenly Father will equip you through the power of the Holy Spirit. David Platt's Secret Church is a wonderful resource
      His book Radical will encourage you. May God bless you.

    • @noticed19
      @noticed19 4 года назад +1

      Thank you for the encouragement and reading suggestions, @@MySuewho! I will certainly have to check those out. God bless!

  • @MuantanamoMobile
    @MuantanamoMobile 4 года назад +19

    “Looking at his disciples, he said: ‘Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.’” ~ Luke 6:20-21
    “Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” ~ James 2:5
    Prosperity gospel adherents like to point to Abraham, Jacoba, Job, Joseph, David as being wealthy out of context without scripture the word of God, and claim that Poverty is a sin. Ignoring that they were all initially Shepherds who were then called by God, not Priests nor full-time Prophets i.e Pastors/Evangelists/modern-day "Prophets" etc.
    Abraham (had no children for a very long time), Jacob(was on the run from Esau and in bondage to his uncle laban for 20 years), Job (lost everything and suffered greatly but remained faithful), Joseph (Joseph was first a slave, then falsely imprisoned for several years before he became a Prime Minister), David (it took about 15-20 years after being anointed to become King, he spent a lot of the time on the run for his life from numerous enemies), sometimes they cite even Solomon (Despite his God-given wisdom, His Great wealth, numerous wives turned his heart away from God to Idolatry his "Prosperity" became an Idol).
    They all went through great suffering and periods of lack, as they faithfully served God, Not what the "Prosperity gospel" preaches. Also Nowhere in the bible is it stated that Noah was rich, the ark could have taken him about 55-75 years to build.
    "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."
    ~ 2 Timothy 4:3

  • @uwezoramadhani5508
    @uwezoramadhani5508 5 лет назад +36

    Preaching the true gospel to prosperity believers is like engaging a serious war. I have tried a lot it seems to not working. Because they've been conditioned to think in that way.

    • @nicolethompson8613
      @nicolethompson8613 4 года назад +3

      @@AFY-nd5nr it isn't that simple. My mom was raised Reformed but felt the enormity of salvation first via Billy Graham. It is a slippery slope fed by scripture that is very easily manipulated if the teachers aren't raising the evidence against those teachings. They may not all buy into it as fully as others, either, (my mom does not expect to be wealthy, but still listens to Joyce Meyer). My mother was saved at a young age, and I do not doubt the sincerity of her belief in being saved through Christ alone by the grace of God, and her works and incredibly generous spirit bear that out as well. However, she drew away from the Baptist Church we went to when I was a child because they were cruel to sinners - shunning an unwed mother who was new to the church, etc. Now she does not want to go to a church where they don't believe in tongues. We switched to a WoF church when I was about 12 (I am now 45 and attend a Presbyterian Church and have become a huge fan of John Piper and other reformed teachings, but I listened to Joyce Meyer regularly up until God showed me the flaws in WoF a couple of years ago. It has been a long road to seeing past the scripture that was always taught to support those views, and to hear qualified theologists explain those passages more fully. Funnily enough, I think the start of my questioning WoF was the fact that I could never accept that Kenneth Copeland, the TBN people, or the Joel Osteens were people of God. Looking into Copeland to show my mom how demonic he is led me down a path to see how fully I had been deceived by less obvious deceptions that seemed quite scriptural. I wasn't in it to seek wealth, nor was/is my mom, it was simply seeking the truth but an overcorrection from the distasteful teachings and behavior of that Baptist Church, and the religiosity of some of the Reformed pastors she had grown up with. Did she/does she/did I have itching ears? Probably. But not to gain material things. The self-help aspects are very alluring - listening to Joyce Meyer in the morning was like a pep talk to get me through my day, and it did make me feel better - the problem was it had to be done again the next morning, there was no continual peace, and that is when I learned that feeling good when you hear about God does not necessarily mean the message is all from God. Had it been true gospel I would have been able to start my morning full of contentment without it - but I speak of spiritual contentment, not riches. Please don't give up on WoF people, many of us have just been fed a wrong interpretation of scripture for many years and were seeking God, and an emotional connection to him, while I now see those types of emotions aren't always about or from God. Sorry for the long message but I want to help people like you to know how to help people who just need the truth explained in scriptural detail. Please pray for me and my Mom as I am in a slow process of trying to get her out from under that type of teaching. I really don't know how to approach it - we are so close and I am pretty sure she is concerned I am the one that has been led astray!

    • @nicolethompson8613
      @nicolethompson8613 4 года назад

      @@AFY-nd5nr I am so sorry you had to go through that. Some people will be easier to help than others I guess. I think if I could wake up my Mom can too, as she is truly seeking after God's will first and foremost, and has a good foundation of the truth before all of that deception seeped in. I have no fear of her getting mad, I just know she will feel very badly when she knows she allowed her children to be deceived and won't want to have to own that right away. I am trying to do it slowly and gently, worked on turning her on to John Piper on a recent camping trip. There is no denying the pure love of the Lord that shines through his very countenance and the joy of the Lord and genuine zeal (not the Copeland kind lol) he feels for Jesus and his mission. No hard feelings at all, very glad you replied and I will pray for your family as well. Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened...they just need some steering on where to seek but at least hopefully they have somewhere a true desire to know Him. Hope that makes sense. Clearly seeking comfort for ones self is not the way, but hopefully a part of them seeks the Truth and the Way. God bless you and yours!

    • @nicolethompson8613
      @nicolethompson8613 4 года назад

      @@AFY-nd5nr thank you, those are wonderful bases to start from, I think it is wonderful advice. I really like the American Gospel movie too, have it downloaded and just waiting to watch with my folks, I can't stop re-watching it and my son is loving it too!

    • @nicolethompson8613
      @nicolethompson8613 4 года назад

      @@AFY-nd5nr we watched that every year I was a kid and sometimes later! So glad to find a link to show my son, thank you!

  • @rickperez1336
    @rickperez1336 7 лет назад +7

    Thank you i have this issue in my family...its very difficult to have a discussion when its your family...and this is a person who has been a believer for many years...the person has gone through a lot of difficult times through life and now over the past several years has now drifted toward this teaching...

    • @gospeltruth9345
      @gospeltruth9345 7 лет назад +2

      Rick Perez I was entangled in the prosperity gospel for years here in Australia. It's a growing market and the deception is deep. I know that this is to be expexted according to 2 Timothy 4:3 but don't give up God's grace is boundless.

    • @Natmcad0589
      @Natmcad0589 5 лет назад +1

      I recommend to watch the documental American Gospel with your family. It really worked for mine!

  • @cuckoophendula8211
    @cuckoophendula8211 4 года назад +3

    OMG the quote he's talking about from his wedding is from the book of Habbakuk! Even though I'm new to the bible, I know this particularly because I randomly just flipped to that page one day, and felt it so meaningful to what I went through.

  • @blacksheepgirl
    @blacksheepgirl 3 года назад +2

    THANK YOUU!!! I have been loosing vision. I was born with lower vision and other health and other problems. I PRAISE JESUS MY LORD!!! My friend even said that you really shouldn't be here with all your health problems. PRAISE JESUS! PRAISE MY LORD! If I can be a blessing to anyone in anyway or help anybody in anyway I praise MY LORD. he has drawn closer to me. i f i didn't have these issues maye i woudln't be saved. PRIASE YESHUA JESUS!!!! :) GREAT JOYYY!!! even though I grumble to much a lot of times. PRIASE JESUS! PRAISE JESUSSSS!!!!!!!!!

  • @brucegraystaff7428
    @brucegraystaff7428 Год назад

    Finally an answer to this very important question.

  • @WasLostButNowAmFound
    @WasLostButNowAmFound 5 лет назад +9

    New Creation Church - Joseph Prince and CIty Harvest in Singapore are bastions of Prosperity gospel heresy.

  • @henokhsatrio8804
    @henokhsatrio8804 6 месяцев назад

    I grew up in charismatic megachurch and sometimes they preach about properity gospel. I have to say that some of these teachings really mess my brain, even until today. I'm still trying to recover myself, because it makes me see God in a wrong way. One of the example is it's still really hard for not to think that if I'm not wealthy enough, it means God hates me. Or when I see other people that have much more than me, I become jealous and feels like God likes them more.

  • @lamonthicks9555
    @lamonthicks9555 2 года назад

    I grew up in W.O.F and one of my biggest regrets is leading people that I cared about to those churches becouse I didn't know any better.

  • @JewandGreek
    @JewandGreek 6 лет назад +14

    Here's the problem with the "we'll be healed when we get to heaven" view. Heaven isn't about healing. It's about resurrection. We'll have a glorified body that can't get sick or die. The context of Isaiah 53:4,5 is physical healing according to Matthew 8:16,17. That means that physical healing is provided for us in the atonement, although it's only healing of a temporal mortal body. All of the people that Jesus healed eventually died, but the healing was still real. The suffering that we are called to as believers isn't sickness. It's difficulties, persecutions, struggles ... etc.

  • @conversationsconcerningus973
    @conversationsconcerningus973 3 года назад +1

    I have such a problem with prosperity. I think Dr. Rob Bowman states it well, "the prosperity gospel is not soundly orthodoxy or soundly heretical." It is a hard on these grounds to fight against it

  • @jamiwall207
    @jamiwall207 2 дня назад

    These teachers also will tell you that suffering is just the test or a form of process to get to your "blessing, money, destiny, wife, husband, children..." aka worldly stuff or desire of you heart. Afterall, (they say) what can't be tested can't be trusted. And then when it does not come, they say you did not do it right, you have to wait longer, pray harder, keep asking you did not ask enough... and people take this on blind faith. They do not speak the truth and teach from the beginning that all of God's blessings on earth that we receive in our walk with God is here to fulfill and glorify God Himself not us. Giving your life to Christ is a form of suffrage and the world will hate you. Teachers like these care a lot about their self image and every blessing you do get from God also belongs to them because, "See did I not say that it would happen?" Alway read God's word and test these men and women in calm and kindness. They do not want you to study theology or study Bible history.

  • @blacksheepgirl
    @blacksheepgirl 3 года назад

    can i give in someway to help other handicapped people. mine isn't much of anything. i have been loosing muscles idk why but it's ok Jesus is taking care of it! I'm only 48, but i feel like 68, but I'm so thankful i heard this!! JESUS GET S ALL THE FLORY!!! ! :DDDDDD

  • @blacksheepgirl
    @blacksheepgirl 3 года назад

    iw as looking for a video to help my friend get out of the prosperity gospel and i got blesssed 100 fold!!!!

  • @allen4659
    @allen4659 3 года назад +4

    Tell them to stay home on Sundays, keep their TV off.

  • @ricklamb772
    @ricklamb772 2 года назад +2

    You all can think your going to save someone from the prosperity message,dream on.America suffers from the love of money,plain and simple,everyone knows it,no one admitted it,science,money,covetness,pride,and lies,have a strangle hold on all of us.The only way to escape it is for God to love you enough to literally rip it from your grasp.Force you kicking and screaming into a Godlier more contened life style and the freedom that comes with it.But it will be painful,we are so spoiled, so envious of the worlds false prosperity.oh its real,but it cannot satisfy in comparison to a true purpose and relationship in God and Christ Jesus.So when God takes your stuff and throws it in the trash where it belongs,raise your hands towards heaven and give Him praise He's setting you free and preparing you for His great purpose in His destiny for those who believe.Be ye content in what ever state you find yourself,and you have found peace.

  • @AnHebrewChild
    @AnHebrewChild 2 года назад

    1. Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
    2. Teach them to observe all things whatsoever Jesus commanded us.
    (Teach those things which Jesus taught)

  • @jacobsekatale6195
    @jacobsekatale6195 4 года назад

    amen brother, the kingdom of God is not in high society.

  • @augustine.c8204
    @augustine.c8204 6 лет назад +12

    gosh, the prosperity gospel is truly an abomination. stick to the Bible in its entirety

  • @Mr.Enigmatik
    @Mr.Enigmatik Год назад

    Why aren’t pastors like Piper directly calling out prosperity gospel teachers? It’s false teaching and therefore very dangerous is it not? These false teachers can’t possibly have pure motives because they’re only satisfying itching ears. They are doing far more damage than I think anyone realizes. And I used to listen to Joyce Meyer a lot. Reading Pipers book ‘Desiring God’ is actually what steered me from going down that twisted path almost 20 years ago.

  • @awakeningmae9264
    @awakeningmae9264 4 года назад

    Thank you

  • @jag6138
    @jag6138 4 года назад +4

    Prosperity gospel is such a nasty trap that I see so many close ones get entangled in. This mega church culture is really rife

  • @kevinjanghj
    @kevinjanghj Год назад

    How about helping friends trapped in the antinomian 'cheap grace' gospel taught by people the likes of Joseph Prince of New Creation Church who claims that the Law is against us and needs to be abolished?

  • @mossman891
    @mossman891 2 года назад +3

    i have family members that if you try to lovingly sit down and show them the false teaching of the prosperity gospel...even in the most gentle manner....they fight viciously...i dont believe the spirit of God is in the prosperity gospel...i believe it is an evil spirit...the fruit it bears has shown its value...

    • @AnHebrewChild
      @AnHebrewChild 2 года назад

      Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
      The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    • @AnHebrewChild
      @AnHebrewChild 2 года назад

      I love what Jesus says. And yes, it is another spirit in it. There is a spirit of Mammon.

  • @teachmetruth3539
    @teachmetruth3539 3 года назад

    One of the prosperity preachers favorite verse in the Bible is 3John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
    Prosper in the Greek is Euodoō (G2137) compound of G2095=Eu, meaning good or well.
    And G3598 Hodos meaning “Way” or “road”
    Prosper is not our word prosper and not our word health.
    The word prosper is Euodoō , it’s constructed from Eu (well) and hodos (way).
    Put the word together it’s Euodoō in the original Greek Bible.
    Hodos is the common Greek word for “way”. It’s the same word Jesus used when he said, “I am the way” in John 14:6.
    And Eu means “well”. We see that on our word Eulogy. A eulogy is when you stand at a funeral and say well logos (words), well words over someone who died.
    Jesus said “I am the way (Hodos). He said there was a narrow Hodos (way) and a broad Hodos (way.
    So what John was wishing for gaius was the well way which is Christ.
    Also health is in the Greek “hugiano” meaning healthy words, uncorrupt words
    Prosperity preachers use that to say God is wishing for us to prosper and have money and physical health. It has nothing to do with money and physical health.

  • @Maluhia808
    @Maluhia808 7 лет назад +1

    pastor what do you thing about MGTOW Men going their own way. Men giving up on marriage

    • @damianperez7736
      @damianperez7736 4 года назад +1

      It's a rational response to a degenerate society

    • @Maluhia808
      @Maluhia808 4 года назад

      @@damianperez7736 true

    • @jaredbickmore2474
      @jaredbickmore2474 2 года назад

      Plus marriage these days for men tends to be a Lossing deal

  • @veronicachristopher-fellow5866
    @veronicachristopher-fellow5866 3 года назад +1

    What is wrong wishing health

  • @kathryncampbell7049
    @kathryncampbell7049 Год назад

    if a christian doesn't want their healing or prosperity or their angels, available to them, I will gladly receive theirs with mine.

  • @puntodevistacontroversial8210
    @puntodevistacontroversial8210 4 года назад +2

    How do I convince my family that POVERTY is a Sin According to the Bible . how do I convinced them that the bible says , the house of the POOR is filled with RICHES but dacays because of bad CHOICES . how do I explain to them that JOHN says GOD wants to bless us in all THING. How do i explain to them Abraham the father of FAITH was rich . Noble Noa was rich .Job a just man was rich Joseph the dreamer rich and Powerfull. David a man according to Gods Heart was rich. The Answer is lack of WISDOM and IMMATURITY will keep you POOR

    • @MuantanamoMobile
      @MuantanamoMobile 4 года назад +6

      “Looking at his disciples, he said: ‘Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.’” ~ Luke 6:20-21
      “Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” ~ James 2:5
      Please Provide any verses from the BIBLE the word of God, that clearly verify your claim of Poverty being a sin. They were all initially Shepherds who were then called by God, not Priests i.e Pastors.
      Abraham (had no children for a very long time), Jacob(was on the run from Esau and in bondage to his uncle laban for 20 years), Job (lost everything and suffered greatly but remained faithful), Joseph (Joseph was first a slave, then falsely imprisoned for several years before he became a Prime Minister), David (it took about 15-20 years after being anointed to become King, he spent a lot of the time on the run for his life from numerous enemies).
      They all went through great suffering and periods of lack, as they faithfully served God, Not what the "Prosperity gospel" preaches. Also Nowhere in the bible is it stated that Noah was rich, the ark could have taken him about 55-75 years to build.
      "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."
      ~ 2 Timothy 4:3

    • @jacobsekatale6195
      @jacobsekatale6195 4 года назад +3

      Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
      John 6:26‭-‬27 KJV

    • @Clairsmith123
      @Clairsmith123 4 года назад +2

      @@jacobsekatale6195 AMEN!

    • @Saved_by_Christ
      @Saved_by_Christ 4 года назад +2

      Puntodevista controversial Certainly Christian should seek to live in wisdom and in maturity, and even self-control, however, poverty is not a sin. 2 Corinthians chapter 8, the Macedonian churches showed the godly generosity in the midst of their extreme poverty.
      2 Cor 8:1-2 “And now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. 2 In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.”

    • @bepreparedforwhatscoming4975
      @bepreparedforwhatscoming4975 Год назад

      ​@@MuantanamoMobileyes because poor are more likely to be desperate, and when your desperate, you're more likely to find God. Poverty is not the solution then. Improving your faith and relationship with him, is.
      2) if all Christians are poor, then the most wealthy people would be the most evil people. This create even more problems for the majority of Christians, especially since most don't grow their own food, for example. Being poor is unwise.
      Why can't someone be wealthy and love following Jesus? So long as we're glorifying him throughout our life, what's the problem?
      *Rich people should donate their money, and poor people (specifically the middle class) should donate their time. This way, each person is donating what they have in abundance.*
      Ideally, be a wealthy Christian in order to donate some money and be more helpful to the world. Most people can't handle having excess money, which is why they're poor. Money isn't the problem. Your lack of desire to seve God is.

  • @petert9660
    @petert9660 4 года назад

    whats with all this virtue signaling.theres nothing sinful about wanting to better yourself financially read the proverbs......this sounds like communism to me.iam sure jpiper is prosperouw and he should be but dont deny the common man to have more and hope for more in this life