Corn Bun 椰香玉米包子,外形逼真,内馅香甜,谁吃谁爱

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024
  • Hello, 大家好,欢迎来到我的频道。今天分享椰香玉米包子,外形非常逼真,如果只是看着,真的以为是玉米。包子的外皮用南瓜制做,内皮是椰奶,馅料用了玉米粒,整个包子吃起来有多重的香气,口感丰富,松软香甜,就是不喜欢吃包子的小朋友都抢着要。
    内馅: 玉米粒200克,鸡蛋2个,低筋面粉30克,玉米淀粉30克,糖30克,椰奶150克,黄油30克。
    1. 南瓜去皮切片蒸熟,用料理机打成南瓜泥备用。
    2. 把玉米粒和鸡蛋拌匀,加入低粉面粉,玉米淀粉和糖,放入料理机打成玉米浆。加入椰奶,拌匀,过筛到不沾锅,开小火不停翻炒直到成团而且不沾胶铲不沾锅,就用保鲜膜密封放凉备用。
    3. 取200克南瓜泥,加入鸡蛋和干酵母,拌匀,再加入面粉,糖和玉米油,揉成光滑柔软的面团。
    4. 椰奶,鸡蛋和干酵母拌匀,加入面粉糖和玉米油,揉成光滑柔软的面团。
    5. 把玉米馅料分成15克一份。
    6. 黄色面团分成45克一份。
    7. 白色面团分成25克一份。
    8. 把白色面团擀开,包上玉米馅,捏紧收口。
    9. 黄色面团放在模具上擀开,包上白色的包子胚,捏紧收口。
    10. 放入蒸锅里静置发酵一个小时至两倍大。
    11. 水开上锅,中大火蒸10分钟。关火,再焖五分钟。
    12. 开盖后即可享用。
    Hello, everyone, welcome to my channel. Today I’m sharing coconut-flavored corn buns, which look very much like corn. If you just look at them, you’d really think they were corn. The outer layer of the bun is made of pumpkin, the inner layer is made of coconut milk, and the filling is made of corn kernels. The whole bun has a rich aroma, rich texture, soft and sweet taste, and even children who don't like to eat steamed buns are rushing to get it.
    Filling: 200g corn kernels, 2 eggs, 30g low-gluten flour, 30g cornstarch, 30g sugar, 150g coconut milk, 30g butter.
    Outer yellow dough: 200g pumpkin puree, 5g yeast, 1 egg, 450g low-gluten flour, 50g sugar, 30g corn oil.
    Inner white dough: 100g coconut milk, 1 egg, 3g yeast, 280g low-gluten flour, 25g sugar, 20g corn oil.
    A corn bun mold.
    How to make:
    1. Peel and slice the pumpkin, steam it, and use a food processor to make pumpkin puree and set aside.
    2. Mix corn kernels and eggs well, add flour, corn starch and sugar, put it into a food processor and beat into corn syrup. Add coconut milk, mix well, sift into a non-stick pan, turn on low heat and stir-fry until the filling is solidified, also non-stick spatula and not stick to the pan, seal with plastic wrap and let cool until set aside.
    3. Take 200 grams of pumpkin puree, add eggs and dry yeast, mix well, then add flour, sugar and corn oil, and knead into a smooth and soft dough.
    4. Mix coconut milk, eggs and dry yeast, add flour sugar and corn oil, and knead into a smooth and soft dough.
    5. Divide the corn filling into 15g portions.
    6. Divide the yellow dough into 45g portions.
    7. Divide the white dough into 25g portions.
    8. Roll out the white dough, wrap it with corn filling, and pinch to seal.
    9. Place the yellow dough on the mold and roll it out, wrap it with the white bun embryo and pinch it tightly.
    10. Place in a steamer and let ferment for an hour until doubled in size.
    11. Bring water to a boil and steam over medium-high heat for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and simmer for another five minutes.
    12. Ready to enjoy after opening the lid.

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