Nah more like 600’s to now. It’s never stopped. Go ask anyone in the middle of Africa that’s Christian. Muslims wage war on them everyday. Islam has always been the cancer of the world
They still are on the offensive. These ‘terrorists’ are just devout Muslims that continue to adhere to the Quran by leading Jihad against all who aren’t Muslim.
@@aaronmiller5912 That's funny, I have nothing to do with that point in American history, yet my European, first generation Polish American, actual Nazi evading and killing skin color somehow implicates me into that intellectually flawed word salad you just produced as if the crusades are even remotely relatable to enslaving African Americans.
Oh 😳 The siege of Jerusalem by the first Crusade was bloody and Barbaric even by mediaeval standards thou O.O And the tragedy of the third Crusade marked the end of Christian faith in balkans
@@gvibration1 I meant the collapse of self rule in Balkans and the rise of Muslim majority European states Kosovo:- 97.4% Muslim , Albania : - 61% Muslim , Bosnia and Herzegovina :- 51% Muslim
@@reactorhamster3323 Yes the army repented and were welcomed back before the sacking Constantinople for which they were excommunicated again and they did not repent so far as i am aware
@P K yes i know, but excamunication is public except in cases of automatic excommunication, repentance for which is also public so that a priest in good standing can give the sacraments to the one who has formerly been excommunicated
@P K you misunderstand me, after attacking zara they were excommunicated then they repented. Done. Then afterwards sacked Constantinople for which they were excommunicated again and so far as I am aware the did not repent again. That is all I'm saying. I am not saying I know their minds and hearts at all.
If you're a Christian, conservative, republican or even libertarian please go ahead and cancel your Disney subscription or anything with Disney. Boycott them to the fullest. This was the last straw. I need all you conservatives to start preparing for the worst. It's crystal clear now half of American populus wants you dead and they'll do anything to punish or banish us from the same society our forefathers have created for us. This isn't about holding the line anymore! It's about striking back and protecting your family from everything that seeks to destroy you. If you were waiting for sign. Well this is it. I have big plans in to bring us together in the next few months and you should start too. God bless all the Patriots and people that love this country and even my enemies. You're gonna need it.
Which is why those who hate word of God use the crusades as an attack against Christianity. Those who hate the word of God either hate the truth or they don't care about the truth. No wonder those same individuals don't care about the historical facts of the crusades since they don't care about the truth.
I don't have anyone else's bias to use. Besides, those who judge such things usually do so from a Christian perspective, even if they don't believe it. Christian values underlie Western Democracy. One does need to beware of Saul Alinsky's tactics. One of his rules was to always hold his opponents to their highest standards while lying, cheating, and stealing himself. Always make it about how evil his opponents were. This does not lead to a balanced view of history. I, as a white male am a mass murderer, while Stalin was a saint according to the Left's narrative. Saul Alinsky's rules are the handbook for community organizers i.e. communist agitators. Everyone should learn them. Know your enemy.
@@jwrosenbury , I know that you think that was a thoughtful statement but I don’t understand what you are trying to say. Historians all agree that judging history by modern standards doesn’t work well.
@@chairde If history is anything other than a dalliance for bored aristocrats, someone, somewhere is using to inform their decision making. (Reviewing past decisions is an important part of the decision making process.) Since it is impossible to make decisions without some frame of reference about what a good decision is and what a bad decision is, value judgements must be made. Historians can all agree that judging history by any values is bad. This defuses any responsibility they might have for doing good or useful work, ensuring their paycheck. Any narrative they invent or push can be praised since there are no values associated with anything. I understand that. But the people actually using the data they collect do need to use standards. One cannot act or make decisions without choosing a set of values to differentiate between expected outcomes. It is smart of historians to place the value of their paychecks above the value of their work output. But the rest of us aren't so lucky. The refusal to apply standards is at the heart of Post-Modernism. It is Nihilistic and evil, from a Christian perspective.
@@jwrosenbury , The ancient Romans were not Christian and neither were the ancient Greeks. In fact Christianity was in the Middle East and Africa long before it was in Europe.
@@chairde Ancient History is generally thought to run up to (but not include) the rise of Islam. The later part of that, Late Antiquity, runs from the renaming of Constantinople and the shift in power from Rome to Constantinople (3rd Century C.E.). Since St. Peter was the first bishop in Rome sometime around the mid 1st Century C.E., yes, at least some of the later ancient Romans were Christians. Of course most Romans were not Christians, but neither were most of anyone else in that period. Christianity was spread far and wide (but not deep) by the Apostles. India, Africa, Spain, Georgia, and Germany were all likely early centers of evangelization. Asia Minor was mostly Greek and an early powerhouse for Christianity.
The Crusades were a moral obligation of Christians at that time. Necessary for the defence of the Christian faith and the existence of the kingdom of God here on earth and also, to defend the beautiful European civilization which has shaped the world today. If not, the whole world might be Islam as we speak. Deus Vult. Viva Christo. From an African Christian. Love from Ghana.
Perhaps it might be good to reread what went on during the crusades. Christians and Jews were slaughtered by the thousands by soldiers that raped and illaged with the best if them. The attack on Constantinople was about the superiority of the western church. Where to begin? Slavery, the church favored it not only by owning slaves but by sanctioning countries to conquer lands, enslave the population and bring in slaves from Africa to live in the most miserable conditions in these Catholic countries. The support of the inquisition including accepting confession and conversion under torture. The divine rights of kings and the feudal system all part of catholic rule. Let's not forget the thousands of protestants killed for their heretic beliefs. The Catholic resistance to printing the bible included execution of people for simpl y owning a bible. Get the idea!! What we see in Islamic run countries today is much like the Catholic church of the past.
As an ex muslim , and now a christian . I agree totally with what you said . there is jihad in islam and that's one of the reasons why i left it , the majority of muslims don't want to accept the fact that mohammed was a warlord . Jesus is 100% the opposite of mohammed . Jesus preached so he can gain the hearts of the people . Mohammed failed to preache in mecca , so he turned into a politician and warlord when he arrived to el medina.
We don't actually know anything definitely about Jesus. The gospels were written basically 200 years after he died but if Jesus was like anything like the literally dozens of 1st century Judeans being called Messiah (which we know from roman accounts) he was a dooms day prophet and likely not entirely non-violent since the messiah was supposed to re-establish the kingdom of David which involved a holy war against the Romans. We know the gospels are not entirely trust worthy either considering there a numerous factual errors especially considering the relationship of Romans and the Pharisees to one another. The reluctant to kill Jesus but pressured by the Jews Pontius Pilate of the Bible is basically a complete conscious anti-semitic fabrication that we know is false because of the Romans own records. Pilate was actually removed as governor of Judea because his brutality towards the Jews (he engaged in mass group punishment and executions and hunted everybody rumored to be a "messiah") was so over the top that it actually horrified the Roman Emperor. So we're 99% sure it wasn't the Pharisees that killed Jesus but the Romans and it was for political reasons. Also Crucifixion was a punishment reserved for only crimes against the state so the whole story of the two thieves on the cross is entirely made up. Jesus if he was crucified nest to anybody was crucified next to other 1st century Jewish preachers accused of being the Messiah. So what we know about Jesus is pretty close to nothing. The Gospels are basically like me trying to write a story about my great great great great great grandfather who's story has been passed down over generations which by the time it reaches me barely resembles actual history. I know he was a farmer who was crushed by a tree and was born in Ireland but I have no idea what kind of a person he was let alone know anything he actually said or believed. Also we know the gospels aren't entirely trustworthy because actually only a century ago we discovered a partial fragment of a gospel which was not included in the new testament (the new testament was compiled by a vote at the council of Nicea and left out numerous gospels that were proposed) that directly contradicted the narrative presented in the Gospels of Jesus's relationship with his disciples. The Gospel of Mary claims to say that Mary (we don't know which one but it could be Mary Magdalene or one of Jesus's sisters) was in fact Jesus's most favored apostle and that Peter disliked her greatly for being a woman and sought to push her out of the group. So the gospels contradict each other and nobody really knows what's real and what's not but we do know the Gospel of Mary is the only one to claim to be a first person account and is written in that way. Unfortunately it's only a fragment. The Real Jesus is unfortunately lost to people who didn't know him and he was likely much more complex than what is presented in the New Testament. Muhammad on the other hand yes became a war lord but that was mainly because everybody was trying to kill him and had he not become a war lord Islam would've been crushed in its infancy. But I wouldn't be surprised if the real Jesus believed in the revolutionary overthrow of the Roman occupation. He was a Jewish Rabbi the 1st century Judea and from what we know from Roman accounts none of the people claiming to be messiah were entirely non-violent since their ultimate objective was to restore the kingdom of god (the Kingdom of David). Had Jesus not been Crucified who knows if he would've become something like Muhammad. If his ultimate goal was to be a messiah for the Jewish People in Judea which it likely was at some point or another he would have to take up a sword against the Romans.
For a long time, I too held this shameful view of the Crusades, but in recent years have learned enough about the backdrop to understand it better. It is amazing how much we have rewritten history. More people need to learn history so we don't repeat it.
Yeah like if I defend Lutheran Protestantist Christianity I will get a lot of hate from the expanding threat of Islam (No offense to them they are just a threat to the good will of God)
@@Jonslau They are really good at expanding into other monothestic religion's territories, then blaming them when they defend themselves (The Crusades, and Israel-Palestine Conflict for example)
It's hard for me to think the Crusades a _good_ thing, in the same way it's hard for me to think in any war as a good thing. However I agree that the way in which they are depicted is as propaganda against Catholicism rather than aiming for understanding what really happened.
The main good thing that I see came out of them is the thriving of Christendom. Wars are never pretty, and the ends never justify the means, but there comes a point where in order to save the good things you have it becomes necessary to fight back against a militant enemy closing in around you and threatening your good things. Perhaps if you’re really saintly, you can continue to turn the other cheek (like early church martyrs), but even Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple with a whip.
The easiest way to think about it is that War is just another tool humans use. You can use a hammer to build a house. You can use a hammer to kill your neighbor. Don't hate the hammer, though, since it's just a tool. The Axis Powers of WW2 used war to conquer peaceful lands, slaughter innocent people, and attempt to dominate the world. The Allied Powers used war to defend peaceful lands, save innocent people and bring freedom to the world. War can be your very best friend. While you might not want to wage war, there are times when the worst thing you can do is NOT wage war.
I recall a quote from Medal of Honor: European Assault at the beginning of the game: “I have come to realize that there is nothing good about war, but there is good in why you fight wars.”
Like what about how crusade increased presecution of Copt by Ayubbid? Are you aware that Egypt was still majority Christian till 13-14th century, and when crusader ravaged it, they were also slaughtering eastern Christians?
The monarchs came under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church. Islam was having a field day (400 years) and it had to be stopped. The Polish Calvary pushed the Muslim armies back at the Battle of Vienna. That’s how close they came to taking over Europe.
I remember as a child I loved learning about the middle ages and thought it was so cool. But then by the time I was in high school I had been brain washed to think the opposite. I was so happy to later on be brought back to my love of Christendom, but reinforced with knowledge. Thanks for spreading the word and fighting the good fight.
Christendom united Europe under the banner of christendom to defend against Islamic invasion. People hate learning about the truth just to push their political narrative
I had a similar experience growing up. I had toy knights, dragons and catapults. Then got beat down in high school with pro-enlightenment history classes. According to the teachers everyone on earth was stupid and stumbling until the enlightenment caused them to 'wake up and smell the coffee'. Years after school I discovered a bunch of YT history channels and I fell in love with Christendom, lives of the saints, hectic battles and sieges and the broader medieval world. It was a big domino that eventually lead me to becoming Catholic.
the sad reality of western culture is one in which we cannot imagine opposing anyone who believes a lie that stands against us with our own lies. The Crusades were a war and to be a Christian in support of any war stands against our nature
The dismantling of the Templars was a mistake. Imagine if the Church had a standing militia providing young men of warrior caste an opportunity to dedicate their life to practicing martial arts and chivalry.
You don't really need the Templar order for that, as they weren't the only order of their kind. That kind of order just kinda naturally died out, cause we didn't need it anymore
It is worth noting that this concept of Islam being a "religion of peace" wasn't pushed until the Ottoman Empire fell. Apparently the Muslim world thought, "oh shit. Our "convert or die by the sword' momentum is faltering. We better switch gears."
They just reverted to their original position from the early times of Islam when Muslims were but a minority. They were peaceful back then. From the moment they became the strongest force in Arabia, things started getting sour. David Wood made a few years ago a video about the early history of Islam where he explains this in detail.
@@ХристоМартунковграфЛозенски I am well aware of David Wood. In fact I was pointing out a fact his passed friend Nabeel Qureshi explained regarding this "religion of peace" thing.
How does the history of Christianity compare e.g. before and after Constantine? What about inquisitions and persecution of Jews where there were many were coerced into conversion? Asking as a Christian.
I’ve been a Protestant for 12 years, preached an evangelical gospel to prisoners for many of those years and even started a M.Div from Liberty University but dropped it because of theological reasons. I have come back to the Catholic Church (baptized as an infant) and am in the process of getting confirmed. Thank you Brian Holdsworth for helping me see the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the validity of the Papacy.
@@danielviets4427 the M.Div was from a Protestant seminary. I couldn’t pursue a career in theology from a Baptist seminary any longer because of my new Roman Catholic convictions. Although I felt a calling to become a minister as a Protestant, I am taking a hiatus as a new catholic to reinvent myself, raise our children (a 1 year old and another on the way) and see where God takes us from here. Also, I’m married so the priesthood is not an option.
I'm an atheist (with some strong pagan leanings, haha) and I don't really like ANY of the Abrahamic religions. That said, I have always spoken up in defense of the Crusades and called BS on people who conveniently ignore Muslim expansion and treatment of the people they conquered. I really enjoyed your video and appreciate you putting it up! Thank you!
"treatment of the people they conquered" / when Jeruzalem was Surrendered to the Rashiduns, No massacre's were committed unlike the First Crusade / So yeah on average the Muslim powers of the time were far more civilized then those barbarian Crusaders, Not always the case, but most of the time
@@aburoach9268 you seem to be only counting when Jerusalem was conquered. I'm talking about ALL former Christian lands. People were forcibly converted. Slaves were taken. Holy sites were destroyed, etc...
@@ogrehaslayers605 forcibly converted? It’s haraam to forcibly convert someone they aren’t even counted as a muslim in islam if they were forcibly converted. You guys in the west seem to believe you know everything about us but you only talk about your point of view. Not ours. Muslim expansion was hella better than the christian one for starters where you had to convert or die. Muslims had a lot of disbelievers in their countries and jews loved to live under them. Why would the jews flee to my home country of morocco after the iberian peninsula fall into christian hands again? For a muslim country there is no difference if there are non believers in their country because in muslim belief , disbelievers pay jizja for compensation because they dont have to go to war with us and they dint have to pay zakaat which is a yearly payment to the poor. And if you are old a child a widow a mother without a husband or just poor you didnt have to pay jizja and they had all the benefits we muslims had but there was a compensation while christians just had taxes for everybody so a disbeliever wouldn’t bring much more to the table so they forcibly converted people. Close your one direction minded books and be more open to other perspectives of history you just sound dumb talking like that.
@@ogrehaslayers605 I'm not denying that happened at certain places by certain muslim powers during certain wars or raids / However, that particular argument cannot be made during the First crusade, Because by that time, the Muslim world posed no threat to Europe, They were too busy fighting Each other, As a matter of Fact, The Crusades United and strengthened the Muslim States by making them focus their attention on a common threat and their rule over the non muslim on their respective territories was not bad More Christians & Jews were killed by Crusaders then by Saracens during the Crusades
While the crusades were justified, the looting, pillaging and destruction of Constantinople by the crusaders is one of the most sinful and barbaric acts to happen in the christian world. This event directly led to the fall of the eastern christians and the rise of Islam.
the sac of constantinople one of the causes : response to the looting , killing and destruction of the catholic population in constantinople instigated by some fanatical bysantine monks about 8 years before the sac of C.... Of course, just like the causes of the crusades , this is little known ..But it's not the only cause.
The Eastern Roman Empire was already on it's heels and Islam on the rise. Manzikert, loss of North Africa, loss of the Holy Land and loss of Syria. Not justifying the looting of Constantinople, but it was but one of a series of events leading to the decline and ultimate fall of the Eastern Roman Empire.
@@Kitiwake England was proud catholic and so was Henry VIII til marrying Catherine of Aragon and with the Pope refusing the annulment of their marriage.
I'm curious to know more about him because he would be my 24th great-granduncle. Because his parents Henry Plantagenet and Aliénor of Aquitane are my 25th great grandparents. And my 24th great-grandfather is his brother John Plantagenet.
Great video. As a Spaniard Catholic, I can perfectly relate to that feeling of shame towards history -expulsion of Jews and Moors, encomiendas, Inquisition, Franco and so on. Trying to balance undeniable historical evil with love for your faith and your country can be difficult.
If the Moors lorded over an Iberian "paradise," why the Reconquista? Many of the apologists for the Moors and the Muslims harbor a bias against Christians. Catholics, specifically . Hence there is a fallacious and prejudiced view based on much error pertaining to the gifts that were bequeathed to Europe from the Muslims, who actually received much of their knowledge from the Greeks and Romans who preceded them. Or from India, where the Greeks, via Alexander, had left vestiges of an influence. There is a longstanding error perpetuated by many, that Europe was lost in ignorance and darkness until the Renaissance, and this is just pure rubbish. Its,like those classisists who labeled Medieval architecture"Gothic," because they considered it rude and crude in comparison to the classical order. The same reason why French history didn't begin until the French Revolution. Much of this train of thinking is buried in antiCatholic sentiment. Anyone versed in authentic history should have no apologies for the Reconquista, or the Crusades.
Heey the picture in 3:29 is a representation of Pedro de Valdivia founding the city of Santiago of Chile (where I live) and it just happens it is precisely TODAY February 12 its anniversary!!
@@tadmorfilmfreelebanesetort2962 Yes 😔there's been a series of very visceral and violent revolts and in some of them with church burnings (they targeted churches linked to police or military institutions, because they are "the enemies", but enemies of whom? 🤷♂️). Nobody knows exactly what they are rioting for (neither the rioters themselves, if you ask them) but there's a whole revolutionary/libertarianist/communist agenda being pushed taking advantage of this
@@GeorgeWashington1792 Jesus was never against defending oneself when necessary. Biblical meekness is strength under control not milquetoast passivity.
We have to realize that a lot of our history was written by our enemies. That’s why we’re so ashamed of things like the Crusades, the Inquisition, Borgia popes (ok, they were bad), Galileo, the Spanish Empire, etc. A lot of it was written by protestant Englishmen trying to make everything pope-ish and Spaniard look bad. That torch was picked up by the enlightenment/ masonic revolutionary minds like Voltaire and Rousseau. Carried on gleefully by today’s atheists and communists. Time to reclaim Catholic history and counter their narrative
@@marlonmoncrieffe0728 Like for example is not proven that Cesar Borgia was actually Alexander son. Some say it was his nephew, but in reality there is not documented letters or archives that prove it was his son. Also is also not proven that Lucrecia was Alexander mistress. No documents exists stating that. A lot of the stuff you hear about the Borgias specially the TV series is fake or not 100% proven. I recommend you check out the book: The Borgias: The hidden history by G.J Meyer.
I doubt you'll be happy to hear it but as an atheist with pagan sense of ethics, Cesare Borgia and Pope Alexander VI are heroes of mine and one of the reasons I find Catholicism more attractive than any other religion. They really defended high art, culture, and natural human inequality in the days of proto-Protestant "Bonfire of the Vanities" barbarian/plebeian nonsense
@@Sellipsis Just because everyone else does it doesn’t mean we can. Christians are held to a higher moral standard. Of course war can be justified at times, as the Crusades were or the Maccabean revolts
Thank you for this video. This will be a helpful resource; so often the Crusades come up in apologetic conversations with Protestant Christians. They forget that, being prior to the Reformation, the Crusades are part of their history as well.
So Americans shouldnot be proud of American Independence. Cool. Britan should bend their heads because they had empire isn't it. Cool. First to and tell Luther he was all wrong@@Lucretia916
Thank you for this! There really is a lot of ignorance about the Crusades, especially when people think that the intent was to try to make people Christian by force.
I've never had a problem feeling okay about the crusades. I'm in favor of reconquering what they'd lost. Antioch and Alexandria had been very important in Christianity.
Lol they literary wanted to sack Nicaea, and when they didn't get to... Well siege Antioch in hopeless situation, then sack the city brutally. Btw Antioch was still Christian city, it was only 10 years away from being under Eastern Roman rule. So if you notice anything, they were literary killing Christian in the city. Let's compare it to Nikephoros Phokas supposed "religious' war, he was expelling Muslim civillians.
The biggest thing is that I would not describe the crusades as a “defensive” war. The situation in the east and the involvement from the west is best described as a “protectorate” war, with the defense of Christian allied territory being the prime goal
Let us not forget that when Pope Urban II was approached by Alexis it took him a YEAR of discernment before he actually approved the defense of Christian territory.
That was really excellent! Thank you for making that video because recently I have encountered anti-Catholics who have thrown the crusades my face basically.
The books of Rodney Stark were very eye-opening for me with regard to the crusades. Modern people, and really every generation, tries to make themselves look better by comparison to previous generations by focusing on the bad and ignoring the good to a deceptive degree.
The crusades are why Europe is Europe today. During the early middle ages/post Rome age Europe was constantly under threat from the Muslim armies marching from India to Spain.
In fact, started as a defensive call to arms to protect Byzantium. After that, became a defense of the conquered people of Asia Minor. The Spanish had their Reconquista to take back the Christian lands taken by the Muslims. The Crusades is the same, just not in Iberia, but Middle East. The original Muslim territories were never touched, being this Arabia.
As an American I LOVE and am proud of the history of the Crusades. They were very morally justified and fought with great honor. And we're still a Christian nation thank God.
Good. 👍 Brave topic. As an European I can confirm that the history of Europe is messy and complicated. It's not as one dimensional as we are made to believe.
I don't think nearly enough people talk about the major difference between the mercenaries who fought only for plunder and the extremists who only sought death for those they hated, contrasted/compared to the noble Knights who bled for Our Lord valiantly.
He's wrong about ww2. As a matter of fact he talks about the Christian lands yet forgets about the prussian empire and Germanys right to her territories
Not christian yet and not a person who uses the crusades as an argument just saw a meme with a christian metal song, checked out said Christian metal song, enjoyed it and got trapped down a rabbit hole. enjoyed the video keep going!
Misunderstanding happens through the lack of proper education. I’m wondering if we as a country have ever had proper education. Facts mater Not feelings.
As far as I remember, I have always remember the crusades as something really epic. And I'm immensely proud to have had part of my ancestors who went there and fought, sometimes losing all their (relative) fortune. Deus vult !
The city that gave me birth, Bari, in the Italian South-eastern region of Apulia, was one of the ports from where Crusader warriors from all over Europe sailed to the Holy Land. My people fought against the Saracens for centuries. We're proud descendants of those Faith-warriors, and we're proud of our history. Crusades are our History.
Pretty good timing on this upload. American university, Valparaiso University, announced it was dropping its Crusaders name, mascot and logo due to the Crusades not representing their values. Others said it presents sexism, racism and xenophobia. This wasn't the first time the mascot and name came into question. Back in the year 2000 a couple of students came forth into changing it due to the same reasons listed by the university's interim president. When people defend the name and mascot they' were called names such as boomer and accused of being part of a "sick and twisted religion." Of course, a part of those that supported the change said they were "very glad" of the change and "if things stayed the way they always had, nothing would ever get better." Don't be surprised - this was the same person who called defenders of the name and mascot boomers. Ironically the previous mascot was a German viking but due to anti-German sentiments during WWII it was changed to Crusaders. It seems to me that depending on the social and political upheaval at any given time a school moniker and/mascot is one petition away from being axed on the grounds of any -ism and "not representing our values." #CancelCulture
Well done mr Holdsworth. I remember I questioned my professor on why she depicted the crusades as a bad thing while the Christian world being conquered by muslims for 100ds of years wasn't even mentioned. She literally had no answer. My fellow history - students hadn't even tought about it, since this is the popular narrative here in Western-Europe. But with my Eastern-European background, islamic oppression is still not forgotten. We remember it, and we are amazed to see how history (and common sense, frankly) are forgotten here. That will cost us..
I say this a dedicated pagan and someone generally critical of Christianity: The Northern Crusades against the Baltic pagans were completely justifiable from any reasonable perspective.
This is the correct position. Of course some evils occurred over the course of this. But what other people group would we have preferred to colonize the world? Certainly not the Muslims, Chinese, Mongols, or even Russians.
@@tperkins17Maybe we could’ve just, you know... Have a progressive, technologically advanced, civilised world WITHOUT any sort of war or conflict? Why do you think European Colonialism was NECESSARY for that to happen?
The British Empire was cringe Spanish Empire was based Cringe British Empire most genocidal Empire in history Based Spanish Empire first global Empire and spreads Christianity around the world
People love to bring up the crusades, but they almost never know the centuries long struggle with the Muslim world that caused it. From the Emirate of Sicily and Italy, the Barbary pirates, the Sack of Baltimore, to the conquest of Spain, Europe was raided for slaves and land for centuries before they developed the means to attack back. If it wasn't for men like Vlad Tepes, all of Europe may have become another part of the "greater- middle- east" we see in parts of Africa and Asia today. Thank you for being a true Historian. Respect.
This is interesting. Very hard to find accurate history at this point in time. I have struggled to find a balanced world history curriculum for my homeschooled children. Most of the curriculums I’ve reviewed have the (ignorant) biases you’re referring to.
One thing I might suggest is that you go heavy on the lessons about Critical Thinking so the kids can develop the ability to ask the right questions, see the red flags, and understand that there might just be more to the story than what they're getting. One of my favorite fun videos --видео.html It's through critical thinking that we can understand things like God not ever saying "thou shall not kill" because that's just ridiculous on the face of it when you consider that every meal requires killing of plants and animals. It's a simple declaratory sentence, something He wouldn't get wrong especially if he's capable of building Saturn in his spare time. The true interpretation is "thou shall not murder" which means something altogether different and you can easily live your life by. The problem is that it also makes it harder for kings and popes to control the masses, hence the revisionism. With the Crusades, one thing I always ask children is simple -- "Do you think that Christians were just hanging around in Europe doing nothing until one weekend they decided to ride thousands of miles on horseback so they could slay a bunch of innocent muslims who were just hanging out in Pakistan eating cheese and working on their tans? Does that sound reasonable, or is there maybe more to it?" It might sound silly, but it gets them thinking. Put it in terms they can understand. Ask them questions. Challenge them to see the people back then much like people still are today. Who gets out of bed one morning and just decides to ride thousands of miles, leaving their wives and children, when they could just as easily stay home and cut firewood in preparation for the coming winter?
You had me with the WW2 analogy, until you brought up the atomic bombs. That wasn’t an “atrocity”, it was the least horrible course of action. Japan wasn’t giving up, and they were given ample warning. Even after the bombs dropped, many officials wanted to keep fighting. There was even an attempt to intercept the recording of the emperor’s surrender message before it aired. The alternative was a land invasion which most likely would’ve resulted in even more deaths.
@@doogallas I didn’t say the bombing was pleasant or that I was glad that those innocent people had to die. I just take issue with it being called an “atrocity”. That sort of implies that they were killed in cold blood and/or there was a better solution.
@BVale Yes, the Soviets were a big part of it. Not only were they eager to “help”, they were right next door. I don’t think most people realize how close Japan is to Russia, probably because maps kind of skew it (a globe gives one a better idea). They’re so close that there are islands between Hokkaido and the Russian mainland that are disputed territory. Time wasn’t something they had a lot of. Even if you want to say the Americans only dropped the bomb because they didn’t want the Soviets to control something that they had their own eyes on, as the pinkos do, the end result was that Japan was spared decades of life under Soviet rule. As for a blockade, that’s a decent point. Japan’s navy was pretty well finished by that point in the war, so a blockade might’ve been effective, but it also would’ve given the Soviets time for a land invasion. It’d practically guarantee it. Let’s not forget that the Soviets were far more willing to take casualties than the rest of the Allies throughout that war, and that’s precisely what would’ve been required.
The way they portrayed the crusaders are just shameful! The crusaders create a one united army to protect their land against incoming enemy that attack them. They retake Spain and tried to retake their land from the Muslim who invade them 1st.
The crusades were primarily aimed against the Muslims, but some were aimed at Orthodox Christians. The sack of Constantinople was not a defensive action, but an offensive one. The crusaders set up their own states on the ruins of the Byzantine Empire which they overturned, an action blessed by the pope. The Latin Empire of Constantinople lasted from 1204 to 1261, when the Byzantines were finally able to retake the city. When the first crusade took Jerusalem in 1099, they replaced all the Orthodox clergy in the city with Roman Catholic clergy, (as they later did in Byzantium) and they did not return Jerusalem to Byzantine rule, as they had agreed to do.
The 4th crusade was not intended to be an attack on Constantinople. The reality is, the city locked out the Crusaders, forcing them, in desperation, to attack the city. The Pope commanded the crusaders to avoid this outcome and when they did it anyways, he excommunicated them. So no, your characterization is not accurate.
@@William_Farmer Because they had been diverted to Constantinople by an appeal from Alexios IV who claimed to be the true emperor of Byzantium and was unjustly deposed. He promised that if the crusaders came to his aid and reestablished his rightful succession, he would support the crusade to Jerusalem with Byzantine forces. They agreed, although not unanimously. The Pope also caught wind of the diversion and sent envoys to demand a halt but they were intercepted and prevented from delivering the message. When the crusaders arrived at Constantinople, they paraded Alexios on a galley for citizens to see from the wall, but were met with sneers and arrows. They had been deceived about his support and now could not continue to Jerusalem without support from Constantinople because they were low on supplies and the means of getting there. So, they were forced to attack Constantinople to restore Alexios to gain the resources they needed to complete the crusade. This became a disaster, obviously, and the Pope condemned them for it.
As a fellow Middle Eastern Christian, we were also taught in schools(even private schools who belong to the Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches) that the Crusades were bad. Today I thank God that the European stepped up in this defensive war, or else Christianity in the middle east would have been long gone. Deus Vult ✝️
In my opinion, as a Protestant, I think that the crusades are one of the best things that the catholic church has ever done. Now that is not to say that some of the atrocities committed by both sides were horrible, but the principles that the church set out in the beginning causing the crusades were right.
I think its because this video has a very dishonest framing. for one, framing every muslim country on the planet as the "muslim world" is a strange way of putting it. These countries waged war with each other, they hated eachother, and some were bitter enemies. framing all of this as "the muslim world" would be just as ridiculous as framing entire histories of the european nations as a unified "christian world". but that is simply one critique.@@arandomcrusader6707
another dishonest thing he does in this video is with his use of the term "the crusades". There were at least 8 major crusades that took place during what we call the crusades. And to frame "the crusades" implies that the event on the whole was a response to muslim expansion. This is, tbf, wrong. I could see a case to be made for the first crusades being defensive (although the first act of the crusades was actually the ransacking of a jewish village). Some of these crusades werent even fought against muslims, for example the northern crusades which targeted slavic people. Not to mention the fact that there are unnamed crusades, smaller crusades that happened between larger acts.@@arandomcrusader6707
Great short video explaining the historical context. When I am confronted with this question by non-Catholics I often pause, not because I lack the justifications you lay out in your argument, but because I know there is so much context that needs to be filled in that I question where is the best place to start. Now I have a quick RUclips resource I can give them ;-)
As a Muslim I have no problems with catholic’s defending the Crusades, just like I have no issues with my fellow Englishmen defending the British Empire 🤷🏾♂️. It’s history whether we like it or not very bad things happened and very good things happened. You are right I was taught in “popular culture” before I even watched Kingdom of Heaven *one of my favourite films btw haha* that the Crusades where these insane bloodthirsty revenge maniacs fighting for the cross and pope. But when I got my first book on this topic by Thomas Asbridge “The First Crusades: A New History” it opened my mind and there was way more historical context going on haha. So I have ordered more books on this topic from *actual* historians like Jonathan Riley-Smith and Karen Armstrong. And hopefully more in the future 👍🏾 Also btw I was going to challenge you on the reason why the Crusade was launched was because of “expansion”? Pope Urban never said in his speech that it was because of “expansion” from the Muslims, it was the allegations that was put forward by Roman Greeks that “supposedly” these horrendous things was happening in the Christian lands and the holy land. Which Thomas Asbridge says in his book that it was probably exaggeration or straight up made up to have an excuse to launch this army into the holy land 🤷🏾♂️. Again that’s just my information front hat one book And also when did Pope Urban say “this was a defensive war”? And which *historian* or *scholar* on the Crusades said this? Also you said the film “The Kingdom of Heaven” depicting Europe or more specifically France, which was where “Balian of Ibelin” was from, as “grim” well I’m from Europe and more specifically the north of England majority of the time it’s dark, cloudy, rainy and grim 😂
@@softb ohhh Yhh I understand that they have “socialist” in their name but they weren’t really socialist where they? Didn’t Hitler and his Nazi party hate communism?
Islam was literally on the offensive from the 600’s to the 1800’s. The Crusades were a response to that as it was happening, and a blip in comparison.
Nah more like 600’s to now. It’s never stopped. Go ask anyone in the middle of Africa that’s Christian. Muslims wage war on them everyday. Islam has always been the cancer of the world
You can change 1800s to right now. Europe is still being flooded by them.
They still are on the offensive. These ‘terrorists’ are just devout Muslims that continue to adhere to the Quran by leading Jihad against all who aren’t Muslim.
As popular historian Christopher Tyerman said:
"With every new century,comes a new bias towards the crusades"
haha yea. reminds me of "every year white people add a decade to how long ago slavery was"
@@aaronmiller5912 That's funny, I have nothing to do with that point in American history, yet my European, first generation Polish American, actual Nazi evading and killing skin color somehow implicates me into that intellectually flawed word salad you just produced as if the crusades are even remotely relatable to enslaving African Americans.
Oh 😳 The siege of Jerusalem by the first Crusade was bloody and Barbaric even by mediaeval standards thou
O.O And the tragedy of the third Crusade marked the end of Christian faith in balkans
@@rebeccaanderson5626 no Christians in the Balkans?
@@gvibration1 I meant the collapse of self rule in Balkans and the rise of Muslim majority European states
Kosovo:- 97.4% Muslim , Albania : - 61% Muslim , Bosnia and Herzegovina :- 51% Muslim
I don't think of the crusades with shame.
The pope actually excommunicated that army after siege of Zara. An already Catholic city before they sacked Constantinople.
@@reactorhamster3323 Yes the army repented and were welcomed back before the sacking Constantinople for which they were excommunicated again and they did not repent so far as i am aware
@@shadow9495 a point easily forgotten by detractors.
@P K yes i know, but excamunication is public except in cases of automatic excommunication, repentance for which is also public so that a priest in good standing can give the sacraments to the one who has formerly been excommunicated
@P K you misunderstand me, after attacking zara they were excommunicated then they repented. Done. Then afterwards sacked Constantinople for which they were excommunicated again and so far as I am aware the did not repent again. That is all I'm saying. I am not saying I know their minds and hearts at all.
real crusades history is only for those serious about history. great channel
agreed, best crusades history channel
If you're a Christian, conservative, republican or even libertarian please go ahead and cancel your Disney subscription or anything with Disney. Boycott them to the fullest.
This was the last straw. I need all you conservatives to start preparing for the worst. It's crystal clear now half of American populus wants you dead and they'll do anything to punish or banish us from the same society our forefathers have created for us. This isn't about holding the line anymore! It's about striking back and protecting your family from everything that seeks to destroy you. If you were waiting for sign. Well this is it. I have big plans in to bring us together in the next few months and you should start too. God bless all the Patriots and people that love this country and even my enemies. You're gonna need it.
A great channel. Guy puts in a lot of work.
Which is why those who hate word of God use the crusades as an attack against Christianity. Those who hate the word of God either hate the truth or they don't care about the truth. No wonder those same individuals don't care about the historical facts of the crusades since they don't care about the truth.
I'm glad people are seeing past the one-sided modern telling of the Crusades. Thank you Brian!
Did you draw your profile picture?
@@spidernymph8964 Unfortunately not, I wish I had skills like that.
@@villentretenmerthjackdaw4205 Same
What's the modern day telling of the crusades?
It's either history or is not.
Opinion needs to be honestly held.
@@Kitiwake it’s “blah blah blah crusaders bad, blah blah muslims good”
"Less pasty citizenry" is one of the best descriptions I've heard.
You shouldn’t judge history by today’s biases.
I don't have anyone else's bias to use.
Besides, those who judge such things usually do so from a Christian perspective, even if they don't believe it. Christian values underlie Western Democracy.
One does need to beware of Saul Alinsky's tactics. One of his rules was to always hold his opponents to their highest standards while lying, cheating, and stealing himself. Always make it about how evil his opponents were. This does not lead to a balanced view of history. I, as a white male am a mass murderer, while Stalin was a saint according to the Left's narrative.
Saul Alinsky's rules are the handbook for community organizers i.e. communist agitators. Everyone should learn them. Know your enemy.
@@jwrosenbury , I know that you think that was a thoughtful statement but I don’t understand what you are trying to say. Historians all agree that judging history by modern standards doesn’t work well.
@@chairde If history is anything other than a dalliance for bored aristocrats, someone, somewhere is using to inform their decision making. (Reviewing past decisions is an important part of the decision making process.) Since it is impossible to make decisions without some frame of reference about what a good decision is and what a bad decision is, value judgements must be made.
Historians can all agree that judging history by any values is bad. This defuses any responsibility they might have for doing good or useful work, ensuring their paycheck. Any narrative they invent or push can be praised since there are no values associated with anything. I understand that. But the people actually using the data they collect do need to use standards. One cannot act or make decisions without choosing a set of values to differentiate between expected outcomes.
It is smart of historians to place the value of their paychecks above the value of their work output. But the rest of us aren't so lucky.
The refusal to apply standards is at the heart of Post-Modernism. It is Nihilistic and evil, from a Christian perspective.
@@jwrosenbury , The ancient Romans were not Christian and neither were the ancient Greeks. In fact Christianity was in the Middle East and Africa long before it was in Europe.
@@chairde Ancient History is generally thought to run up to (but not include) the rise of Islam. The later part of that, Late Antiquity, runs from the renaming of Constantinople and the shift in power from Rome to Constantinople (3rd Century C.E.).
Since St. Peter was the first bishop in Rome sometime around the mid 1st Century C.E., yes, at least some of the later ancient Romans were Christians.
Of course most Romans were not Christians, but neither were most of anyone else in that period. Christianity was spread far and wide (but not deep) by the Apostles. India, Africa, Spain, Georgia, and Germany were all likely early centers of evangelization. Asia Minor was mostly Greek and an early powerhouse for Christianity.
The Crusades were a moral obligation of Christians at that time. Necessary for the defence of the Christian faith and the existence of the kingdom of God here on earth and also, to defend the beautiful European civilization which has shaped the world today. If not, the whole world might be Islam as we speak. Deus Vult. Viva Christo. From an African Christian. Love from Ghana.
Deus Vult, Viva Christo.
muslims had no write to enter rome or any church i think the crusades were morally very right
Perhaps it might be good to reread what went on during the crusades. Christians and Jews were slaughtered by the thousands by soldiers that raped and illaged with the best if them. The attack on Constantinople was about the superiority of the western church. Where to begin? Slavery, the church favored it not only by owning slaves but by sanctioning countries to conquer lands, enslave the population and bring in slaves from Africa to live in the most miserable conditions in these Catholic countries. The support of the inquisition including accepting confession and conversion under torture. The divine rights of kings and the feudal system all part of catholic rule. Let's not forget the thousands of protestants killed for their heretic beliefs. The Catholic resistance to printing the bible included execution of people for simpl y owning a bible. Get the idea!! What we see in Islamic run countries today is much like the Catholic church of the past.
@@SaraKhamou-sd1riCompletely incorrect.
Sa ngalan ng Ama, at ng Anak, at ng Espiritu Santo.
As an ex muslim , and now a christian . I agree totally with what you said . there is jihad in islam and that's one of the reasons why i left it , the majority of muslims don't want to accept the fact that mohammed was a warlord .
Jesus is 100% the opposite of mohammed . Jesus preached so he can gain the hearts of the people . Mohammed failed to preache in mecca , so he turned into a politician and warlord when he arrived to el medina.
We don't actually know anything definitely about Jesus. The gospels were written basically 200 years after he died but if Jesus was like anything like the literally dozens of 1st century Judeans being called Messiah (which we know from roman accounts) he was a dooms day prophet and likely not entirely non-violent since the messiah was supposed to re-establish the kingdom of David which involved a holy war against the Romans. We know the gospels are not entirely trust worthy either considering there a numerous factual errors especially considering the relationship of Romans and the Pharisees to one another. The reluctant to kill Jesus but pressured by the Jews Pontius Pilate of the Bible is basically a complete conscious anti-semitic fabrication that we know is false because of the Romans own records. Pilate was actually removed as governor of Judea because his brutality towards the Jews (he engaged in mass group punishment and executions and hunted everybody rumored to be a "messiah") was so over the top that it actually horrified the Roman Emperor. So we're 99% sure it wasn't the Pharisees that killed Jesus but the Romans and it was for political reasons. Also Crucifixion was a punishment reserved for only crimes against the state so the whole story of the two thieves on the cross is entirely made up. Jesus if he was crucified nest to anybody was crucified next to other 1st century Jewish preachers accused of being the Messiah. So what we know about Jesus is pretty close to nothing. The Gospels are basically like me trying to write a story about my great great great great great grandfather who's story has been passed down over generations which by the time it reaches me barely resembles actual history. I know he was a farmer who was crushed by a tree and was born in Ireland but I have no idea what kind of a person he was let alone know anything he actually said or believed. Also we know the gospels aren't entirely trustworthy because actually only a century ago we discovered a partial fragment of a gospel which was not included in the new testament (the new testament was compiled by a vote at the council of Nicea and left out numerous gospels that were proposed) that directly contradicted the narrative presented in the Gospels of Jesus's relationship with his disciples. The Gospel of Mary claims to say that Mary (we don't know which one but it could be Mary Magdalene or one of Jesus's sisters) was in fact Jesus's most favored apostle and that Peter disliked her greatly for being a woman and sought to push her out of the group. So the gospels contradict each other and nobody really knows what's real and what's not but we do know the Gospel of Mary is the only one to claim to be a first person account and is written in that way. Unfortunately it's only a fragment. The Real Jesus is unfortunately lost to people who didn't know him and he was likely much more complex than what is presented in the New Testament. Muhammad on the other hand yes became a war lord but that was mainly because everybody was trying to kill him and had he not become a war lord Islam would've been crushed in its infancy. But I wouldn't be surprised if the real Jesus believed in the revolutionary overthrow of the Roman occupation. He was a Jewish Rabbi the 1st century Judea and from what we know from Roman accounts none of the people claiming to be messiah were entirely non-violent since their ultimate objective was to restore the kingdom of god (the Kingdom of David). Had Jesus not been Crucified who knows if he would've become something like Muhammad. If his ultimate goal was to be a messiah for the Jewish People in Judea which it likely was at some point or another he would have to take up a sword against the Romans.
How many rakaat are in wudhu?
@@kingbruhnessb4043 as many shatan armies that are gangr*ping Mohammad right now
Wordlord is a pejorative. And you've clearly never read the old testament
@@paulohara4153much to do about your opinion.. I’ll believe the truth in the gospels.
For a long time, I too held this shameful view of the Crusades, but in recent years have learned enough about the backdrop to understand it better. It is amazing how much we have rewritten history. More people need to learn history so we don't repeat it.
about time someone defends our faith.
fuck the crusades
Yeah like if I defend Lutheran Protestantist Christianity I will get a lot of hate from the expanding threat of Islam (No offense to them they are just a threat to the good will of God)
@@Jonslau They are really good at expanding into other monothestic religion's territories, then blaming them when they defend themselves (The Crusades, and Israel-Palestine Conflict for example)
@@gokusamm Yes because killing innocent women and children is self defense.
@@aceofspades58 Ah so men are not people in your eyes?
“Deos de Volt”! Viva Christo. This is the way.
What is deos de volt?
Deus vult ?
Deus Vault. Glory to Jesus Christ.
the grammatically correct phrase is Deus lo Vult.
It's hard for me to think the Crusades a _good_ thing, in the same way it's hard for me to think in any war as a good thing. However I agree that the way in which they are depicted is as propaganda against Catholicism rather than aiming for understanding what really happened.
The main good thing that I see came out of them is the thriving of Christendom. Wars are never pretty, and the ends never justify the means, but there comes a point where in order to save the good things you have it becomes necessary to fight back against a militant enemy closing in around you and threatening your good things. Perhaps if you’re really saintly, you can continue to turn the other cheek (like early church martyrs), but even Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple with a whip.
The easiest way to think about it is that War is just another tool humans use. You can use a hammer to build a house. You can use a hammer to kill your neighbor. Don't hate the hammer, though, since it's just a tool.
The Axis Powers of WW2 used war to conquer peaceful lands, slaughter innocent people, and attempt to dominate the world. The Allied Powers used war to defend peaceful lands, save innocent people and bring freedom to the world.
War can be your very best friend. While you might not want to wage war, there are times when the worst thing you can do is NOT wage war.
I recall a quote from Medal of Honor: European Assault at the beginning of the game:
“I have come to realize that there is nothing good about war, but there is good in why you fight wars.”
Like what about how crusade increased presecution of Copt by Ayubbid? Are you aware that Egypt was still majority Christian till 13-14th century, and when crusader ravaged it, they were also slaughtering eastern Christians?
The monarchs came under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church. Islam was having a field day (400 years) and it had to be stopped. The Polish Calvary pushed the Muslim armies back at the Battle of Vienna.
That’s how close they came to taking over Europe.
Yes, I love the shoutout to Real Crusades History!
😅seige of ma'ara search about it
I remember as a child I loved learning about the middle ages and thought it was so cool. But then by the time I was in high school I had been brain washed to think the opposite. I was so happy to later on be brought back to my love of Christendom, but reinforced with knowledge. Thanks for spreading the word and fighting the good fight.
I'm subscribing to you because you used the word Christendom, which I never see.
@@Jonslau Thank you. I don't have any video content made, but I still appreciate it. God bless.
@Keith Mayhew Hammond Eh it's not the content that matters
Christendom united Europe under the banner of christendom to defend against Islamic invasion. People hate learning about the truth just to push their political narrative
I had a similar experience growing up. I had toy knights, dragons and catapults. Then got beat down in high school with pro-enlightenment history classes. According to the teachers everyone on earth was stupid and stumbling until the enlightenment caused them to 'wake up and smell the coffee'. Years after school I discovered a bunch of YT history channels and I fell in love with Christendom, lives of the saints, hectic battles and sieges and the broader medieval world. It was a big domino that eventually lead me to becoming Catholic.
I'm not ashamed of the crusades I'm proud of them as a Christian 😎
the sad reality of western culture is one in which we cannot imagine opposing anyone who believes a lie that stands against us with our own lies. The Crusades were a war and to be a Christian in support of any war stands against our nature
not the fourth one that one was........eeeeshhhh
@@blank1393Rogue Crusaders who were excommunicated in the end and were punished.
Ave Christus Rex ✝️
The dismantling of the Templars was a mistake. Imagine if the Church had a standing militia providing young men of warrior caste an opportunity to dedicate their life to practicing martial arts and chivalry.
Your words resonate a deep wisdom far beyond the fathoming of the eyes who read them.
Isn't the Swiss Guard a similar thing?
You don't really need the Templar order for that, as they weren't the only order of their kind. That kind of order just kinda naturally died out, cause we didn't need it anymore
@@johnhoelzeman6683 - Oh? And what in your estimate replaced such orders?
@@johnhoelzeman6683 Uh, it was kind of destroyed by the French king, Phillip IV, if I recall correctly.
I learned about the "Just War Theory" in my Christian Ethics class in school. St. Augustine is also the Saint I chose when I became a Catholic.
It is worth noting that this concept of Islam being a "religion of peace" wasn't pushed until the Ottoman Empire fell. Apparently the Muslim world thought, "oh shit. Our "convert or die by the sword' momentum is faltering. We better switch gears."
@P K Saudi Arabia finance education propaganda in American colleges to teach that Islam is a religion of peace
They just reverted to their original position from the early times of Islam when Muslims were but a minority. They were peaceful back then. From the moment they became the strongest force in Arabia, things started getting sour.
David Wood made a few years ago a video about the early history of Islam where he explains this in detail.
@@ХристоМартунковграфЛозенски I am well aware of David Wood. In fact I was pointing out a fact his passed friend Nabeel Qureshi explained regarding this "religion of peace" thing.
How does the history of Christianity compare e.g. before and after Constantine? What about inquisitions and persecution of Jews where there were many were coerced into conversion? Asking as a Christian.
I’ve been a Protestant for 12 years, preached an evangelical gospel to prisoners for many of those years and even started a M.Div from Liberty University but dropped it because of theological reasons. I have come back to the Catholic Church (baptized as an infant) and am in the process of getting confirmed. Thank you Brian Holdsworth for helping me see the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the validity of the Papacy.
Praise the Lord! Welcome home.
Thank you for sharing! If you don't mind my asking, what were some of the theological reasons that caused you to drop your M. Div? Thanks in advance!
@@danielviets4427 the M.Div was from a Protestant seminary. I couldn’t pursue a career in theology from a Baptist seminary any longer because of my new Roman Catholic convictions. Although I felt a calling to become a minister as a Protestant, I am taking a hiatus as a new catholic to reinvent myself, raise our children (a 1 year old and another on the way) and see where God takes us from here. Also, I’m married so the priesthood is not an option.
Heart warming.
Liberty University is a fake university anyways. Good thing you dropped out.
I'm an atheist (with some strong pagan leanings, haha) and I don't really like ANY of the Abrahamic religions.
That said, I have always spoken up in defense of the Crusades and called BS on people who conveniently ignore Muslim expansion and treatment of the people they conquered.
I really enjoyed your video and appreciate you putting it up! Thank you!
thanks mate, God bless you I hope you explore this more
"treatment of the people they conquered" / when Jeruzalem was Surrendered to the Rashiduns, No massacre's were committed unlike the First Crusade / So yeah on average the Muslim powers of the time were far more civilized then those barbarian Crusaders, Not always the case, but most of the time
@@aburoach9268 you seem to be only counting when Jerusalem was conquered. I'm talking about ALL former Christian lands. People were forcibly converted. Slaves were taken. Holy sites were destroyed, etc...
@@ogrehaslayers605 forcibly converted? It’s haraam to forcibly convert someone they aren’t even counted as a muslim in islam if they were forcibly converted. You guys in the west seem to believe you know everything about us but you only talk about your point of view. Not ours. Muslim expansion was hella better than the christian one for starters where you had to convert or die. Muslims had a lot of disbelievers in their countries and jews loved to live under them. Why would the jews flee to my home country of morocco after the iberian peninsula fall into christian hands again? For a muslim country there is no difference if there are non believers in their country because in muslim belief , disbelievers pay jizja for compensation because they dont have to go to war with us and they dint have to pay zakaat which is a yearly payment to the poor. And if you are old a child a widow a mother without a husband or just poor you didnt have to pay jizja and they had all the benefits we muslims had but there was a compensation while christians just had taxes for everybody so a disbeliever wouldn’t bring much more to the table so they forcibly converted people. Close your one direction minded books and be more open to other perspectives of history you just sound dumb talking like that.
@@ogrehaslayers605 I'm not denying that happened at certain places by certain muslim powers during certain wars or raids / However, that particular argument cannot be made during the First crusade, Because by that time, the Muslim world posed no threat to Europe, They were too busy fighting Each other, As a matter of Fact, The Crusades United and strengthened the Muslim States by making them focus their attention on a common threat
and their rule over the non muslim on their respective territories was not bad
More Christians & Jews were killed by Crusaders then by Saracens during the Crusades
Real Crusades History! Nice call out. I've been listening to that channel longer than I've been listening to you, Brian.
While the crusades were justified, the looting, pillaging and destruction of Constantinople by the crusaders is one of the most sinful and barbaric acts to happen in the christian world. This event directly led to the fall of the eastern christians and the rise of Islam.
the sac of constantinople one of the causes : response to the looting , killing and destruction of the catholic population in constantinople instigated by some fanatical bysantine monks about 8 years before the sac of C.... Of course, just like the causes of the crusades , this is little known ..But it's not the only cause.
Idk. It seems pretty justified to me.
The Eastern Roman Empire was already on it's heels and Islam on the rise. Manzikert, loss of North Africa, loss of the Holy Land and loss of Syria. Not justifying the looting of Constantinople, but it was but one of a series of events leading to the decline and ultimate fall of the Eastern Roman Empire.
@@npswm1314 The Church does not believe that the means justify the ends. We must not commit sin in order to rid ourselves of it or any problem.
I'm just going to say, respectfully please look deeper into the sacking. Examine the reasons behind the situations leading to this conflict.
Richard the Lionheart, hammer of the Saracens, has entered the chat.
The English Catholic King.
@@Kitiwake England was proud catholic and so was Henry VIII til marrying Catherine of Aragon and with the Pope refusing the annulment of their marriage.
Saladin is here.
I'm curious to know more about him because he would be my 24th great-granduncle. Because his parents Henry Plantagenet and Aliénor of Aquitane are my 25th great grandparents. And my 24th great-grandfather is his brother John Plantagenet.
@koorabelayo4035 yeah, he got wrecked, lad. Richard slapped his army around every time they met. Against superior odds, too.
Great video. As a Spaniard Catholic, I can perfectly relate to that feeling of shame towards history -expulsion of Jews and Moors, encomiendas, Inquisition, Franco and so on. Trying to balance undeniable historical evil with love for your faith and your country can be difficult.
If the Moors lorded over an Iberian "paradise," why the Reconquista? Many of the apologists for the Moors and the Muslims harbor a bias against Christians. Catholics, specifically . Hence there is a fallacious and prejudiced view based on much error pertaining to the gifts that were bequeathed to Europe from the Muslims, who actually received much of their knowledge from the Greeks and Romans who preceded them. Or from India, where the Greeks, via Alexander, had left vestiges of an influence. There is a longstanding error perpetuated by many, that Europe was lost in ignorance and darkness until the Renaissance, and this is just pure rubbish. Its,like those classisists who labeled Medieval architecture"Gothic," because they considered it rude and crude in comparison to the classical order. The same reason why French history didn't begin until the French Revolution. Much of this train of thinking is buried in antiCatholic sentiment. Anyone versed in authentic history should have no apologies for the Reconquista, or the Crusades.
@Ha Neul Yeah but I mean my ancestors were also expulsed. They were just Jewish merchants that were there since Roman times.
@@martyfromnebraska1045 piss off
Good work kicking those A holes out of Europe! Lets Keep em Out!
Franco was a hero who saved Spain
Heey the picture in 3:29 is a representation of Pedro de Valdivia founding the city of Santiago of Chile (where I live) and it just happens it is precisely TODAY February 12 its anniversary!!
Que gusto que no soy el único chileno viendo este video. Saludos desde Michigan, y que Dios ayude a la iglesia católica chilena
what's going on in chili? Burning catholic churches?
@@tadmorfilmfreelebanesetort2962 Yes 😔there's been a series of very visceral and violent revolts and in some of them with church burnings (they targeted churches linked to police or military institutions, because they are "the enemies", but enemies of whom? 🤷♂️). Nobody knows exactly what they are rioting for (neither the rioters themselves, if you ask them) but there's a whole revolutionary/libertarianist/communist agenda being pushed taking advantage of this
@@arderique2688 thanks for the information
i'm living in a place liberated by the crusade of the Holy League.
I've been looking forward to this one, as it made sense you would do one eventually. Good stuff.
Deus vult. Seriously.
Deus Vult! God Wills It!
Deus Vult, my bothers in Christ.
no god does not will it. jesus would be disappointed watching the crusades
@@GeorgeWashington1792 Jesus was never against defending oneself when necessary. Biblical meekness is strength under control not milquetoast passivity.
Make the middle east christian again. quite ironic that it spells mmeca
And Proud.
Yes my brother be proud we civilized the world
We have to realize that a lot of our history was written by our enemies. That’s why we’re so ashamed of things like the Crusades, the Inquisition, Borgia popes (ok, they were bad), Galileo, the Spanish Empire, etc. A lot of it was written by protestant Englishmen trying to make everything pope-ish and Spaniard look bad. That torch was picked up by the enlightenment/ masonic revolutionary minds like Voltaire and Rousseau. Carried on gleefully by today’s atheists and communists. Time to reclaim Catholic history and counter their narrative
Many of the things said are the Borgias is fake or simply not proven.
@@juanpahuerta492 Ooh, like what?
The Borgias fascinate me.
@@marlonmoncrieffe0728 Like for example is not proven that Cesar Borgia was actually Alexander son. Some say it was his nephew, but in reality there is not documented letters or archives that prove it was his son. Also is also not proven that Lucrecia was Alexander mistress. No documents exists stating that. A lot of the stuff you hear about the Borgias specially the TV series is fake or not 100% proven. I recommend you check out the book: The Borgias: The hidden history by G.J Meyer.
@@juanpahuerta492 same about the Spanish Inquisition
I doubt you'll be happy to hear it but as an atheist with pagan sense of ethics, Cesare Borgia and Pope Alexander VI are heroes of mine and one of the reasons I find Catholicism more attractive than any other religion. They really defended high art, culture, and natural human inequality in the days of proto-Protestant "Bonfire of the Vanities" barbarian/plebeian nonsense
The crusades were objectively good. The fact 19th century europe didn't try harder to take the near east is shameful
Imperialism is bad actually
@@alessiodelcastillo1613 it's not imperialism it's liberation
hast thou forgotten thine british and french empires? 👀
@@alessiodelcastillo1613 its not in a world where everyone is an imperialist. Conquer or you will be conquered.
@@Sellipsis Just because everyone else does it doesn’t mean we can. Christians are held to a higher moral standard. Of course war can be justified at times, as the Crusades were or the Maccabean revolts
Thank you for this video. This will be a helpful resource; so often the Crusades come up in apologetic conversations with Protestant Christians. They forget that, being prior to the Reformation, the Crusades are part of their history as well.
I'm a protestant, and never thought about it as bad. Christ is christ
Just because something is part of your history doesn’t mean you should be proud of it
So Americans shouldnot be proud of American Independence. Cool. Britan should bend their heads because they had empire isn't it. Cool. First to and tell Luther he was all wrong@@Lucretia916
@@AthanSMaliakkal Americans and Brits probably shouldn’t be proud of their history either lol
Shoulda sat down in full plate mail, missed opportunity Brian
The Crusades were fought in the chain mail era.
@@sanjivjhangiani3243 I stand corrected, still missed opportunity tho 🤣
Ex muslim north african here. thank you for your objectivity and modesty.
Thank you for this! There really is a lot of ignorance about the Crusades, especially when people think that the intent was to try to make people Christian by force.
They did, during the siege of Aleppo some crusader forced the nearby villager to become Catholic
This was amazing!! Thank you for having this channel!! May God's perpetual light continue to shine on you.
I've never had a problem feeling okay about the crusades. I'm in favor of reconquering what they'd lost. Antioch and Alexandria had been very important in Christianity.
Lol they literary wanted to sack Nicaea, and when they didn't get to... Well siege Antioch in hopeless situation, then sack the city brutally. Btw Antioch was still Christian city, it was only 10 years away from being under Eastern Roman rule. So if you notice anything, they were literary killing Christian in the city.
Let's compare it to Nikephoros Phokas supposed "religious' war, he was expelling Muslim civillians.
@@hachibidelta4237 muslim civilians??? Lol they are invaders.
Superb 😊
So glad you promote the Real Crusades channel!
I follow it for a couple of years now and it is brilliant. 👍🏻
Muhammad was a military genius, and Islam is a military movement.
Pax Christi.
Not genius..
But savage
@@inhocsignovinces6472 A savage genius. Pax Christi.
Of course, he was satan reincarnate.
Got my Deus Vult decal on my coffee cup I use at work and a memento mori decal on the other side.
The biggest thing is that I would not describe the crusades as a “defensive” war. The situation in the east and the involvement from the west is best described as a “protectorate” war, with the defense of Christian allied territory being the prime goal
So articulate and well composed!! Thanks for taking the time to share.
Let us not forget that when Pope Urban II was approached by Alexis it took him a YEAR of discernment before he actually approved the defense of Christian territory.
That was really excellent! Thank you for making that video because recently I have encountered anti-Catholics who have thrown the crusades my face basically.
The books of Rodney Stark were very eye-opening for me with regard to the crusades. Modern people, and really every generation, tries to make themselves look better by comparison to previous generations by focusing on the bad and ignoring the good to a deceptive degree.
Thank you so much. So refreshing to hear balanced approach.
As a history major, i only discovered this context in my 40s... Thank you for this
The crusades are why Europe is Europe today. During the early middle ages/post Rome age Europe was constantly under threat from the Muslim armies marching from India to Spain.
From India?
At the time Muslims still didn't even conquer India? It was after that
As an athiest i hate how one sided this conflict is portrayed in the media
I know you probably hear this 24/7, but God loves you dude. He loved me in my sin, and he loves me now.
In fact, started as a defensive call to arms to protect Byzantium.
After that, became a defense of the conquered people of Asia Minor. The Spanish had their Reconquista to take back the Christian lands taken by the Muslims. The Crusades is the same, just not in Iberia, but Middle East. The original Muslim territories were never touched, being this Arabia.
The emperor asked for mercenary not religious zealot pillaging his land.
As an American I LOVE and am proud of the history of the Crusades. They were very morally justified and fought with great honor. And we're still a Christian nation thank God.
Good. 👍 Brave topic. As an European I can confirm that the history of Europe is messy and complicated. It's not as one dimensional as we are made to believe.
The textra context makes a big difference on perception. Keep up the good work!
May the Lord bless your apostolate Brian. I really appreciate your work.
Dude with that hair and beard you could totally play Richard the Lionheart in a movie about the third crusade.
Our Faithful Leaders were once great warriors!
Our faithful leaders today are the exact opposite.
Amen!!! It's time to rise once more 🙏🏼💪🏼
I don't think nearly enough people talk about the major difference between the mercenaries who fought only for plunder and the extremists who only sought death for those they hated, contrasted/compared to the noble Knights who bled for Our Lord valiantly.
Historically correct and truthful, great job. Thanks your brother in Christ !
He's wrong about ww2. As a matter of fact he talks about the Christian lands yet forgets about the prussian empire and Germanys right to her territories
Not christian yet and not a person who uses the crusades as an argument just saw a meme with a christian metal song, checked out said Christian metal song, enjoyed it and got trapped down a rabbit hole. enjoyed the video keep going!
Funny how all the Christian-haters never want to talk about how lands from Pakistan to Spain including the Holy Land came to be Muslim to begin with.
You explained this so well man!!!!
I was amazed to see the crystal clear view you have on this topic!
KEEP. IT. UP!!!!!!!!!!!
Liked and subscribed, God bless you for defending our history!
Misunderstanding happens through the lack of proper education. I’m wondering if we as a country have ever had proper education. Facts mater Not feelings.
As far as I remember, I have always remember the crusades as something really epic.
And I'm immensely proud to have had part of my ancestors who went there and fought, sometimes losing all their (relative) fortune. Deus vult !
The city that gave me birth, Bari, in the Italian South-eastern region of Apulia, was one of the ports from where Crusader warriors from all over Europe sailed to the Holy Land. My people fought against the Saracens for centuries. We're proud descendants of those Faith-warriors, and we're proud of our history. Crusades are our History.
I clicked in this video in 1 second.
My Great+ Grandfather fought and died with honor in the crusades.
Thanks for the historical information
AMEN - Shocked to start leaning about this in my late 40s
Pretty good timing on this upload. American university, Valparaiso University, announced it was dropping its Crusaders name, mascot and logo due to the Crusades not representing their values. Others said it presents sexism, racism and xenophobia. This wasn't the first time the mascot and name came into question.
Back in the year 2000 a couple of students came forth into changing it due to the same reasons listed by the university's interim president. When people defend the name and mascot they' were called names such as boomer and accused of being part of a "sick and twisted religion." Of course, a part of those that supported the change said they were "very glad" of the change and "if things stayed the way they always had, nothing would ever get better." Don't be surprised - this was the same person who called defenders of the name and mascot boomers.
Ironically the previous mascot was a German viking but due to anti-German sentiments during WWII it was changed to Crusaders. It seems to me that depending on the social and political upheaval at any given time a school moniker and/mascot is one petition away from being axed on the grounds of any -ism and "not representing our values."
Well done mr Holdsworth. I remember I questioned my professor on why she depicted the crusades as a bad thing while the Christian world being conquered by muslims for 100ds of years wasn't even mentioned. She literally had no answer. My fellow history - students hadn't even tought about it, since this is the popular narrative here in Western-Europe. But with my Eastern-European background, islamic oppression is still not forgotten. We remember it, and we are amazed to see how history (and common sense, frankly) are forgotten here. That will cost us..
I say this a dedicated pagan and someone generally critical of Christianity: The Northern Crusades against the Baltic pagans were completely justifiable from any reasonable perspective.
This is really good. I like how you compared crusades with allies fighting Germany, that was brilliant and spot on. Cheers and God Bless You.
Lets forget the fact that it took 400 years of constant islamic invasion of Christian and jewish lands.
RCH is an excellent channel! Thank you for this video, more people need to know the facts!
I’m only ashamed that we lost the Holy Land.
As you should
In our house, we call them the “Great Crusades” and I would’ve joined them
Unpopular opinion, European colonialism created the civilized western world, and we should be thankful for that.
This is the correct position.
Of course some evils occurred over the course of this. But what other people group would we have preferred to colonize the world? Certainly not the Muslims, Chinese, Mongols, or even Russians.
@@tperkins17Maybe we could’ve just, you know...
Have a progressive, technologically advanced, civilised world WITHOUT any sort of war or conflict? Why do you think European Colonialism was NECESSARY for that to happen?
@@theillustriouscosmowitch617 No civilization was built like that
The British Empire was cringe
Spanish Empire was based
Cringe British Empire most genocidal Empire in history
Based Spanish Empire first global Empire and spreads Christianity around the world
People love to bring up the crusades, but they almost never know the centuries long struggle with the Muslim world that caused it. From the Emirate of Sicily and Italy, the Barbary pirates, the Sack of Baltimore, to the conquest of Spain, Europe was raided for slaves and land for centuries before they developed the means to attack back. If it wasn't for men like Vlad Tepes, all of Europe may have become another part of the "greater- middle- east" we see in parts of Africa and Asia today. Thank you for being a true Historian. Respect.
This is interesting. Very hard to find accurate history at this point in time. I have struggled to find a balanced world history curriculum for my homeschooled children. Most of the curriculums I’ve reviewed have the (ignorant) biases you’re referring to.
One thing I might suggest is that you go heavy on the lessons about Critical Thinking so the kids can develop the ability to ask the right questions, see the red flags, and understand that there might just be more to the story than what they're getting. One of my favorite fun videos --видео.html
It's through critical thinking that we can understand things like God not ever saying "thou shall not kill" because that's just ridiculous on the face of it when you consider that every meal requires killing of plants and animals. It's a simple declaratory sentence, something He wouldn't get wrong especially if he's capable of building Saturn in his spare time. The true interpretation is "thou shall not murder" which means something altogether different and you can easily live your life by. The problem is that it also makes it harder for kings and popes to control the masses, hence the revisionism.
With the Crusades, one thing I always ask children is simple -- "Do you think that Christians were just hanging around in Europe doing nothing until one weekend they decided to ride thousands of miles on horseback so they could slay a bunch of innocent muslims who were just hanging out in Pakistan eating cheese and working on their tans? Does that sound reasonable, or is there maybe more to it?"
It might sound silly, but it gets them thinking. Put it in terms they can understand. Ask them questions. Challenge them to see the people back then much like people still are today. Who gets out of bed one morning and just decides to ride thousands of miles, leaving their wives and children, when they could just as easily stay home and cut firewood in preparation for the coming winter?
Did it bother anyone else that there was no background music for the first two minutes...and then the music suddenly started at 2:50?
You had me with the WW2 analogy, until you brought up the atomic bombs. That wasn’t an “atrocity”, it was the least horrible course of action. Japan wasn’t giving up, and they were given ample warning. Even after the bombs dropped, many officials wanted to keep fighting. There was even an attempt to intercept the recording of the emperor’s surrender message before it aired. The alternative was a land invasion which most likely would’ve resulted in even more deaths.
Hey Brian Holdsworth, this is the kinda people who side with you. Good job dude.
@@doogallas I didn’t say the bombing was pleasant or that I was glad that those innocent people had to die. I just take issue with it being called an “atrocity”. That sort of implies that they were killed in cold blood and/or there was a better solution.
@BVale Yes, the Soviets were a big part of it. Not only were they eager to “help”, they were right next door. I don’t think most people realize how close Japan is to Russia, probably because maps kind of skew it (a globe gives one a better idea). They’re so close that there are islands between Hokkaido and the Russian mainland that are disputed territory. Time wasn’t something they had a lot of. Even if you want to say the Americans only dropped the bomb because they didn’t want the Soviets to control something that they had their own eyes on, as the pinkos do, the end result was that Japan was spared decades of life under Soviet rule.
As for a blockade, that’s a decent point. Japan’s navy was pretty well finished by that point in the war, so a blockade might’ve been effective, but it also would’ve given the Soviets time for a land invasion. It’d practically guarantee it. Let’s not forget that the Soviets were far more willing to take casualties than the rest of the Allies throughout that war, and that’s precisely what would’ve been required.
The way they portrayed the crusaders are just shameful! The crusaders create a one united army to protect their land against incoming enemy that attack them. They retake Spain and tried to retake their land from the Muslim who invade them 1st.
I was never against the crusades. We'd all be praying toward Mecca five times daily had the Crusades not happened.
The crusades were primarily aimed against the Muslims, but some were aimed at Orthodox Christians. The sack of Constantinople was not a defensive action, but an offensive one. The crusaders set up their own states on the ruins of the Byzantine Empire which they overturned, an action blessed by the pope. The Latin Empire of Constantinople lasted from 1204 to 1261, when the Byzantines were finally able to retake the city. When the first crusade took Jerusalem in 1099, they replaced all the Orthodox clergy in the city with Roman Catholic clergy, (as they later did in Byzantium) and they did not return Jerusalem to Byzantine rule, as they had agreed to do.
The 4th crusade was not intended to be an attack on Constantinople. The reality is, the city locked out the Crusaders, forcing them, in desperation, to attack the city. The Pope commanded the crusaders to avoid this outcome and when they did it anyways, he excommunicated them. So no, your characterization is not accurate.
@@BrianHoldsworth Why do you say they were desperate, and why does this mean they had no choice but to attack the city?
@@William_Farmer Because they had been diverted to Constantinople by an appeal from Alexios IV who claimed to be the true emperor of Byzantium and was unjustly deposed. He promised that if the crusaders came to his aid and reestablished his rightful succession, he would support the crusade to Jerusalem with Byzantine forces. They agreed, although not unanimously. The Pope also caught wind of the diversion and sent envoys to demand a halt but they were intercepted and prevented from delivering the message. When the crusaders arrived at Constantinople, they paraded Alexios on a galley for citizens to see from the wall, but were met with sneers and arrows. They had been deceived about his support and now could not continue to Jerusalem without support from Constantinople because they were low on supplies and the means of getting there. So, they were forced to attack Constantinople to restore Alexios to gain the resources they needed to complete the crusade. This became a disaster, obviously, and the Pope condemned them for it.видео.html
There was no shame until the sack of Constantinople.
But not for the pope.
@John The sacking of Constantinople resulted in the enevitable demise of Christendom in the East. Just retribution it seems you think.
When i think of the crusades I think of great christian warriors.
I see them as mercenaries who seek for lands and riches they could not get in Europe
@Bruh-cg2fk you're thinking of Islam.
As a fellow Middle Eastern Christian, we were also taught in schools(even private schools who belong to the Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches) that the Crusades were bad.
Today I thank God that the European stepped up in this defensive war, or else Christianity in the middle east would have been long gone.
Deus Vult ✝️
In my opinion, as a Protestant, I think that the crusades are one of the best things that the catholic church has ever done. Now that is not to say that some of the atrocities committed by both sides were horrible, but the principles that the church set out in the beginning causing the crusades were right.
Its not
You're a Protestant, if your heresy existed during the Crusades then they would've killed you
@hachibidelta4237I know this is a year old comment but why?
I think its because this video has a very dishonest framing. for one, framing every muslim country on the planet as the "muslim world" is a strange way of putting it. These countries waged war with each other, they hated eachother, and some were bitter enemies. framing all of this as "the muslim world" would be just as ridiculous as framing entire histories of the european nations as a unified "christian world". but that is simply one critique.@@arandomcrusader6707
another dishonest thing he does in this video is with his use of the term "the crusades". There were at least 8 major crusades that took place during what we call the crusades. And to frame "the crusades" implies that the event on the whole was a response to muslim expansion. This is, tbf, wrong. I could see a case to be made for the first crusades being defensive (although the first act of the crusades was actually the ransacking of a jewish village). Some of these crusades werent even fought against muslims, for example the northern crusades which targeted slavic people. Not to mention the fact that there are unnamed crusades, smaller crusades that happened between larger acts.@@arandomcrusader6707
Yes, Christians should be ashamed about the crusades...
Ashamed that we lost!
Excellent video!
Great short video explaining the historical context. When I am confronted with this question by non-Catholics I often pause, not because I lack the justifications you lay out in your argument, but because I know there is so much context that needs to be filled in that I question where is the best place to start. Now I have a quick RUclips resource I can give them ;-)
Wish we were still religious, so many non believers
The Crusaders were warriors of the faith. Sacrificing all they had to defend Holy Mother Church. May God bless them forever.
The Crusades were the pinnacle of Catholic piety and bravery, BTW having a sword and helmet on the background is a giveaway and awesome,
When I saw the title I just had to watch. I wasn’t sure how you were going to handle that (or get out of it), but you didn’t do too badly. :-)
"WW2 was a defensive war" lmao you need to read more about why that war was fought otherwise I agree
Could you please clarify your point? From the Allied point of view, it was a defensive war.
Interesting video. You're getting better at this. Keep up bro
As a Muslim I have no problems with catholic’s defending the Crusades, just like I have no issues with my fellow Englishmen defending the British Empire 🤷🏾♂️. It’s history whether we like it or not very bad things happened and very good things happened.
You are right I was taught in “popular culture” before I even watched Kingdom of Heaven *one of my favourite films btw haha* that the Crusades where these insane bloodthirsty revenge maniacs fighting for the cross and pope.
But when I got my first book on this topic by Thomas Asbridge “The First Crusades: A New History” it opened my mind and there was way more historical context going on haha.
So I have ordered more books on this topic from *actual* historians like Jonathan Riley-Smith and Karen Armstrong. And hopefully more in the future 👍🏾
Also btw I was going to challenge you on the reason why the Crusade was launched was because of “expansion”? Pope Urban never said in his speech that it was because of “expansion” from the Muslims, it was the allegations that was put forward by Roman Greeks that “supposedly” these horrendous things was happening in the Christian lands and the holy land. Which Thomas Asbridge says in his book that it was probably exaggeration or straight up made up to have an excuse to launch this army into the holy land 🤷🏾♂️. Again that’s just my information front hat one book
And also when did Pope Urban say “this was a defensive war”? And which *historian* or *scholar* on the Crusades said this?
Also you said the film “The Kingdom of Heaven” depicting Europe or more specifically France, which was where “Balian of Ibelin” was from, as “grim” well I’m from Europe and more specifically the north of England majority of the time it’s dark, cloudy, rainy and grim 😂
Me too
I either have no issue with my fellow germans defending their uhh socialist age
@@softb lol “socialist age”?
@@MohamedShou you're gonna love the joke:
@@softb ohhh Yhh I understand that they have “socialist” in their name but they weren’t really socialist where they? Didn’t Hitler and his Nazi party hate communism?