Life in a Rural Bulgarian Village | We Were Mistaken For Criminal Runaways Hiding In Tents

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • My name is Laurie and I swapped city life (Manhattan, New York) for a simple life in a semi-abandoned village (Село) in the Balkan Mountains (Eastern Europe).
    I literally woke up one morning and realized NYC wasn’t for me. I booked a ticket (the same day!), packed a little suitcase, and moved to my beloved teeny-tiny Bulgarian farm… lost in time. And when I say lost in time I mean LOST-IN-TIME. No time-crunching jobs, no watching the clock, hardly any internet service at all, really. Imagine a village from the Middle Ages… that’s pretty much what you get here. And I’m loving every second of it!
    I went from living in a city of 8 million to living on an old, historic farm… population: under 40. From skyscrapers to crumbling abandoned houses. From fast food takeout to barrel grill cooking. The advantages of village life are endless…
    Update: My boyfriend and I have saved up and begun renovating our abandoned ancestral homestead (farmhouse). It hasn’t been easy but definitely interesting and extremely rewarding. There is nothing better than farming, harvesting and foraging for our own food… and keeping tradition alive. 🌱
    ЗА МЕН:
    Аз съм Лори, на която всички се чудят как замени градския живот (Манхатън, Ню Йорк) със спокоен живот в малко полуизоставено село в България.
    Събудих се една сутрин и осъзнах, че Ню Йорк не е за мен. Купих си билет (същият ден!), стегнах си малкото куфарче, и се завърнах в България… в бащиното ми селце, там, където животът е спрял, и там, където разбираш кои неща наистина имат смисъл! Забравих какво е стрес, напрежение и нареждане на деня спрямо часовника! Часовник, какво е това? За да ползваш телефона си, отиваш до специално място, където има обхват, и така говориш! Чувстваш се така, сякаш живееш в годините от Възрожденския ни период! Обожавам и ценя всеки миг, прекаран тук!
    Всички се чудят не е ли трудно да живееш в село с по-малко от 40 души, отчитайки, че идвам от град с 8 милиона жители! От небостъргачи до рушащи се изоставени къщи…От доставки на бързи храни до готвене на жар и весели чевермета! Предимствата да живееш на село са безкрайни... На първо място трябва да осъзнаеш какво дава то на душата ти, защото тя е най-важна! След това да забравиш за клишето, че няма реализация!
    В момента: Моят приятел и аз обновихме изоставената къща на предците ни! Пригодихме я така, че да не ни липсва каквото и да е удобство! Не беше лесно, но определено интересно и изключително възнаграждаващо. Няма нищо по-добро от земеделието, отглеждането и търсенето на собствена храна... и поддържането на традицията жива. 🌱
    #rurallifevlogs #villagelifevscitylife #villagelifeinmountains #животнасело
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Комментарии • 30

  • @ingevansand9180
    @ingevansand9180 4 месяца назад +1

    I must say... You guys really looked like a dangerous gang 😂😅
    A funny story to tell to your children when you're old 😉

  • @karipreston1204
    @karipreston1204 5 месяцев назад

    Got to love baby goats and chickens.

  • @dcsblessedbees
    @dcsblessedbees 5 месяцев назад +2

    A lot of unrest lately ya might want to watch out, Farmers are getting protective of their land for good reason. Blessed Days...

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  5 месяцев назад +2

      Oooo you are 100% right about that! We have barbed wire around our house because there have been break-ins nearby. I don’t blame the tractor driver at all! I would have freaked out too hahaha 😄

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  5 месяцев назад +1

      Blessed days to you and your loved ones!

    • @dcsblessedbees
      @dcsblessedbees 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 Stay safe.😁

  • @Daytona2
    @Daytona2 5 месяцев назад +1

    I'm with the poor terrified farmer, I'd have called the police on ya too 😂
    +5:27 Is the blue stone like that out of the ground or do you think it's some kind of chemical reaction with (acidic) rain ?
    I guess that downpour type rain is a problem unless the ground is we'll broken up to absorb it, like on the farms.
    I wonder what the river environment is like upstream.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  5 месяцев назад +1

      Ooooo I would have done the same! I don’t blame the poor guy at all! I’m just happy he didn’t have a gun on him 😄- not that I think he would actually shoot 😳.
      The blue stones are natural to our river. When I was little I remember collecting them and keeping them in water because they would stay bluer that way. They always amazed me. There are also a lot of pink and green rocks.
      The downpour is a blessing because overall we don’t get a lot of rain. The summers are particularly tough because we often see long droughts before the rains come. We actually have rain parties sometimes 😃.
      The water upstream is generally deeper and has much more fish. I filmed the video below allllll the way upstream and it was so deep that you could jump from the cliff I was standing on (I didn’t dare because there seemed to be rocks below but the water itself was definitely deep enough)!видео.htmlsi=qQdTiVT-ZuUp3iHs

    • @Daytona2
      @Daytona2 5 месяцев назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 😂
      Oh wow, I've never seen that type of blue stone before
      I can completely understand rain parties!
      Oh, I remember the upstream river vid - it's good that it's so natural, so the droughts sound like a general climate problem then 😕

  • @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL
    @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL 5 месяцев назад

    Once again, thank you for sharing these glimpses into your world. Always educational AND entertaining! Allow me to thank you by sharing something that was shared with me by one of my friends in Kotel. I'm lucky to know many wise peeps! "На този свят не е лесно да си добър.Трябва да си и достатъчно силен, за да понесеш последствията от добротата си." Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make обяд for the СЪПРУГА! 😁 Hope to talk to ya soon!

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  5 месяцев назад +1

      Thank YOU so much for watching and commenting awesomeness AS ALWAYS! I hope this one was extra entertaining 😅. It’s hard to capture how fun this day was in a video but I will really never forget this experience 😅😂🤣.
      What wise friends you have! Yet another thing I will be writing down from your comments and texts!
      Congratulations again on getting married!!!!!! 👰🏼 🤵🏻‍♂️ I couldn’t be happier for you!! Make sure you spoil her rotten! 😌😃

    • @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL
      @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL 5 месяцев назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 Thank you! We're off to an interesting start! 🤣 After all of the excitement and eating too much, the Mrs is повръщане. Alas, this is nothing new. Last time we went away for a weekend, same thing happened. 🤷‍♂️ Now just you stop your criminal tent behavior! 😜

  • @futurekron
    @futurekron 3 месяца назад

    I can smell that fresh fried fish all the way here in the USA. Yummy. And wait! Is that green drink koolaid? You know, us (Polish) kids were rasied on green koolaid (our family favorite) on the farm here in the USA back in the day. I'm sure your drink is much more exotic ('fancy'), but it brings back fond memories of REAL sugar drinks, sodas and candies. (P.S. I'm impressed that the authorities came so fast with a call from the local farmer. Reassuring! One thing that I enjoy here in rural NC is that I can have 2 sheriff's cars here in less than 10 minutes with an emergency call...that's one concern I had about BG!?)

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      What I would give to be able to send you some fresh fried fish in the mail! It’s soooo crispy and fresh… I have no words except: 🤤.
      Haha The drink is an actually coffee in a Fanta or Seltzer bottle 😃. One thing I learned really quickly about people in Bulgaria is they can’t go anywhere without their morning coffee and (often) cigarette 😅🤣. I’ve never actually tried green koolaid! Now you got me curious 🧐
      Oooo our region is swarming with border police because we have had a lot of trouble with undocumented migrants. They come within minutes. Definitelyyyy reassuring!

    • @futurekron
      @futurekron 3 месяца назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 Thanks for those details (especially the border police...reassuring indeed!)

  • @derekbilston9290
    @derekbilston9290 5 месяцев назад

    Its good that the Police are active 😊

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  5 месяцев назад

      Oooo definitely! They are definitely doing their jobs well 😎

  • @slimdusty6328
    @slimdusty6328 4 месяца назад

    haaa so funny 😊

  • @michelroofthooft4362
    @michelroofthooft4362 5 месяцев назад

    Nice video, very amusing laurie, so for the moment I’m already in hungary, visiting some friends, and in a few days from now will travel further to Bulgaria,.. still hoping for your responce for some communication,…

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  5 месяцев назад

      Haha I hope it was entertaining! We definitely had a lot of fun that day 😄😁
      I messaged you back on our old thread! So sorry about the late reply. I don’t get notifications about new responses and they keep getting buried.

  • @KF-qj2rn
    @KF-qj2rn 4 месяца назад

    i was reading an article on US milk the other day, it has hormones from the cows that are banned in many countries, even Canada! so we can't export it to these countries...
    "US milk Banned in: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, and the EU Why it's banned: Got rBGH? That's what Europe, Canada, and many other countries are asking about milk produced in the United States, where dairy cows are fed with a synthetic man-made growth hormone rBGH to increase milk production.
    20 Gross Foods We Can Buy in the US That Are Banned in Other Co…"

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  4 месяца назад +1

      Omg this is terrifying 😟😣I never buy store bought milk even in Bulgaria because it tastes nothinggggg like milk from our farm. Store bought milk grosses me out..
      I have also heard that the USA cannot export pork and other meats. In Europe f(or at east Bulgaria) the pig has to weigh no more than 100 kilos. In the USA the poor animals are injected with growth hormones and other garbage…

    • @KF-qj2rn
      @KF-qj2rn 4 месяца назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 Interesting, I think for awhile in the 2000s they were exporting feral hog pork to Europe. Near me they have a company Smith Brothers since forever which delivers dairy products to home on routes, I assume their quality is better. And then there's honey, I always wonder if it's pure because i read an article they were adding corn syrup, which you'd never detect....

  • @antoniodelrey164
    @antoniodelrey164 4 месяца назад

    There used to be a joke in Bulgaria during communism. It goes something like this. Are you a policeman or do you just look stupid? I guess your disguises as women didn’t fool them! Hahaha. What a beautiful place! You are really becoming an all around expert on so many things. I’m so happy for you. Best wishes and Happy Easter soon!

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  4 месяца назад

      Hahaha oooo you got me laughing there 😂🤣😅. It took them a while to understand that we weren’t criminals. Funniest part is the lady with the dark hair is the village mayor and they know her! It was just crazy 🤪. I definitely feel I am gaining a lot of very interesting experience!! Thank you so much!! Happy (almost) Easter to you too! 🐰 🥚 🐣

    • @antoniodelrey164
      @antoniodelrey164 4 месяца назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 I’m glad to make you laugh and you did same to me when I read that the village mayor was one of your group! What a place…but so beautiful. Something magical about the land. All good.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  4 месяца назад

      @@antoniodelrey164 haha isn’t that crazy?! 😄