My grandmother contracted Spanish Flu in 1918. She was three months pregnant. The doctor had come to the house and told her family there was nothing more he could do. My great-grandmother started making a cough syrup comprised of boiled water, honey, lemon juice, and the jelly from flaxseed. she had put the flaxseed into a thin cotton or better yet gauze material tight It Off and boiled it till the jelly started coming out then you have to really squeeze the jelly out of the rest of it.... it's a hard process. Mix it all together let it cool put it in a quart jar and put it in the refrigerator .My great-grandmother gave that to my grandmother ....when the doctor returned later that night he said ......I don't know what you're doing but it's working. So my family has made that cough syrup every year ...keeps in the refrigerator you can take a big tablespoon of it every half hour or so. I think it's the property of the flaxseed gel was as a healing property but I don't know that. Because it's so hard to get the Jelly out of the seeds I found that you can get flaxseed oil for dietary consumption and I'm going to make a batch of it with that. better that than nothing. my grandmother survived she lived to be 98 but it took her three months to learn how to walk again it was so devastating at the time. but praise God she lived a very long and fruitful life. May we pray for God's protection and guidance amen
C MOBERG I believe it was healing her lungs. I read something recently that makes me believe that when I was researching natural remedies for pneumonia.
I think it was flaxseed jelly.I did it for I had gastrodoudenit.It was happened twice a year and was very severe.Thanks to God-changing diet(plant based)made different.
During WW2 my mother was in Britain and they got vitamin c by boiling rose hips. We've lost so much valuable knowledge. Thank you for your videos, full of valuable information and your calm clear method of presentation is appreciated!
@@@katiemoyer8679 Take a notebook and go spend some time with your grand parents, or someone in their age bracket. Many of them are lonely and will welcome a chance to teach you a skill. We loose a lot, because they keep us too busy, so we can depend more on them for the things that our grandparents did for themselves. We head to the store to buy stuff made with ingredients we can't pronounce when we can make most of these things cheaper and healthier!
tea made from cedar "leaves" is extremely high in Vitamin C. Doesn't taste great, but doesn't taste awful either. very easy to make, and they're around year round.
With the hand sanitizers. When you make the puddle in your palm. Dip your nails into it. Getting it behind your nails. In a Registered nurse. That’s a hint I was taught years ago. This is weird but if you sing Happy Birthday slowly, twice whilst washing your hands. Including around the thumb, behind the nails and up your wrists. Your timing is about right. There has been research on Thieves oil. Diffusing it helps to build up your lungs and helps with congestion. Mustard packs made with brown paper is a very old treatment for pneumonia. Is worth a read. Blessings!
I've been watching you for a while, you have helped to remind me the kind of woman Christian woman I was raised to be. The lessons I learned in my Christian school I went to thru 8th grade. I am 53 now with 3 grow children and 4 grandsons I dont get to see, 2 beautiful grandchildren that live on the same property with my husband, in the house next to us with my oldest daughter, and my youngest daughter is 5 months along. My mom and granny never taught me how to cook and they were southern cooks. that could cook anything and everything...... and when I tried, and failed, I felt like it was like so many other areas of my life I had failed in. But after watching you over these last months, and now with this Covid-19...I realized it was time to read Proverbs 31, to have a long prayer with the Lord, and have faith that I was The Mother and Grandmother I had always wished I could be. So girl, I got my self a Pressure cooker, A InstanaPot, We now have plenty of items ready for cooking from scratch, to prep with, and I got out my 357, and have decided it is time to hit the range, and get back to being the woman I know he put me here to be. I just want you to know, Your positive, caring, uplifting, and always Faith Filled Ways Shine thru, and helped to guild me back. to where I needed to be,,,, God is always right on time., and I had me watching your videos for a reason and I will continue watch....and I love your Bible studies,,,, to be a constant supporter!!! God Bless!! and Thank you so so very much....
Aron James wean yourself off sugar, by using a little less in every cup of coffee every couple of days. Stevia plant is so many times sweeter than sugar (with no calories)is probably the best substitute
I was just about to say that for disinfectant wipes you’ll need to keep it wet but then I started hearing you disclaim it. I’m glad you brought up the need for keeping the surface wet bc a lot of people assume you can wipe and go and you’re fine. And again with the sanitizer. I just learned of needing to keep sanitizer on for about 30 seconds. I also can’t wait to see my brothers and sisters in Christ. You have such a lovely spirit!
LbFaith Figueroa I am pretty certain that it needs to remain longer than 30 seconds to be effective, but I don’t know where I read that, so I REALLY hope someone with better knowledge & information than I have weighs in, however full saturation as shown is imperative!! Proper hand washing w/soap & hot water is most effective, but I watched a surgeon show how to correctly wash hands & it’s honestly like scrubbing in. Best of luck to all!
Be very careful with liquid hand sanitizers and gel. It is extremely flammable. If you cook on a gas type stove, campfire, or use a flame lighter to start a fire the alcohol is all over your hands, or whatever/wherever you apply it, and has the potential to ignite. If it does you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO EXTINGUISH THE FLAME WITH WATER; it/you will continue to burn until the product is completely gone. I always thought that if it evaporated, there would be no danger to using it around open flames but that is not true. There are videos out there proving these facts.
Thank you so so much I am cooking onions, garlic, peppers into everything we eat lots of fresh fruit, and washing hands like gang Buster's, thank you for the great tips and I ask in jesus's name please God bless you, your family, and all of us!!
Doesn't the hot water counteracts to get that sweet vitamin C? I mean, that's the reason why you prerare your rosehip tea with cold water soaking overnight. Thanks for an answer. :)
We keep a gallon of water going at all times with the juice of a few limes and an orange in it, tastes great and boosts vitamin C. Under this current outbreak, we are also taking extra vitamins in tablet form, such as C and D, as well as a teaspoon of elderberry syrup every day. I ordered an elderberry syrup making kit on Amazon, I would really recommend it, made by Nicole's Naturals, you just have to add local honey, it's great. We have also started to limit out outings to work and grocery store only. Thank you for these amazing and helpful videos. My God Bless and protect you all!
For adults the elderberry is up to a tablespoon. Your taking a young child’s dose. Make your own using dried elderberries and water, ginger and cinnamon. Saves you money. Just made some today. Cheers and you’re welcome.
I have been prepping for a few weeks now and got everything I needed for immune health and sanitizing the home etc. Then had a friend come to visit us and almost immediately she became sick with a very bad ear infection and we ended up i n A& E at the City Hospital with her, sitting among sick people in a waiting room for 4 hours, then she was admitted onto a ward and today spent 2.5 hours there and tomorrow back I go again to pick her up, everything I have tried to avoid doing happened in the last 3 days. A mouth full of antibacterial lozenges and praying psalm 91 trusting in God, I have auto immune responses and my husband has chest weakness from pneumonia and we are nearly 70. God bless everyone and keep you all safe!
Peppers are also high in vitamin C and the hotter the higher the amount of vitamin C. Also Moringa tea is great for it as you told us a few months back.
I've been anxiously waiting for Part 2. Thank you so much for sharing your time, knowledge and Love with us. I Always learn something new from you! Sending Blessings to you and all.
I am chronically ill and I am quite nervous. I have gotten my preps all in organized meds in supplies. I am not leaving at all unless I have to go to the dr which I do every three months for medications. But my dr called me in 90 days of the med that keeps me alive - I have all I need. Just sad I can’t see my grandkids more because they are still in school. FaceTime is a blessing. God be with us.
Thank you for such good info. and tips. You are a Beautiful lady. Even during winter months, I work out in my yard/garden and some people say I'm Crazy for working in the cold, and my response to those is, if I let the extreme weather stops me, I'll never get anything done and I love outdoors especially in my garden, those beautiful FLOWERS!!!! not for only outdoors but I have so many beautiful house plants. I'm all for essential oils, there are a few that I'm using in particular, Oregano, Clove, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Black castor & Argon oil, I take so many good quality vitamins, juicing celery, carrots, beets, apple ect.
Thank You you made some very good points, I enjoy your channel, I'm a retired EMT/firefighter/swift-water rescue/high & low Angle rescue/ search & rescue/ ect. ect. ect. Something I do is I do with out a lot of things. People don't quite understand this quote. The average house hold from yester year kept enough supply's in store to go for aprox. 6-12 months before they HAD TO RESTOCK. I try to do this in my home, and it's NOT HARD. Now meat, raw veggies, fresh fruit, these things are harder to keep stocked for that long, NOT impossible though. But some of the things I do keep are RICE, DRIED BEANS, BREAD MAKING SUPPLIES, I DO HAVE SMALL CHICKENS, SO THAT WOULD BE MEAT AND EGGS, In and emergency folks ask how I would get chicken feed if I would not go into town😁 chickens with the right breeds will feed themselves!! Also as you have talked about knowing your environment there is so much food almost year round that God has provided all we have to do is go get it. Now IF the Grid goes down this is something that is also NOT SCARY!!!! all you have to do is look back in time my Grand parents had a GREAT life and only had as they called it "luxury" during the last part ( electricity, running water, indoor plumbing, GROCERY STORES ) Yet they were funny thing they were always very healthy never needed doctors UNTIL THEY GOT ALL THE LUXURIES, So As for me and mine the Lord our God told us to stay separate, HE did this for a reason. That is not to say that we should not spread HIS word. But our homes should be separate, HE (the LORD ) said we are a peculiar people I would say that is very true. Also may I ask you a personal question Beloved are you a Sabbath keeper?? (you don't need to answer ) I would say if there is question look at the ten commandments. #4 It starts with remember the Sabbath day and to keep it Holy. Since it was placed in the commandments It CAN NOT BE DISMISSED. If you look at a calendar the first day of the week IS SUNDAY . I have heard all of the arguments. and I have broken them down and research them one-by-one. At the time I started I had NO agenda one way or the other. I hope you find so time to do this also, unless you are already SIGHTED. God bless your sister in Christ Deb
All such good information. I just told my mom to buy a bikini so we can all lay out in the sun 15 minutes a day. At 80, she was resistant to the idea. Trying to stay as stress free as I can with everything going on. Neither side of my family had any deaths during the Spanish Flu because they just stayed on the farm. Church was their only outing and the whole community was the same. Thinking of participating in Church via Facebook for a few weeks.
The Lord bless you and keep you... thanks so much for the info. I learned something new from you today: pine needles! as you were saying that, I turned my head toward the window and saw the huge pine tree right in front. You're such a blessing to many
I've been boiling my water for a couple months now. Need to use it in ice cube trays and brushing your teeth also. I also use Vinegar to clean with and at times Alcohol.
Essential oils like doTERRA’s On Guard or Young Living’s Thieves. All the essential oil types you mentioned are home staples. Drinking chai tea. Gargling daily, drinking water, keeping up on vitamins. Stocking up moderately with canned or frozen veggies stocked, canned foods, bleach, TP, tissues, pet food. So glad you mentioned prescriptions! I didn’t consider that. All your ideas are valuable and appreciated. Thank you!
Thank you for an excellent video. A few points to consider: 1 hand sanitizer is a "feel good" gel. The University of Washington did a study of health care workers using hand sanitizer and it showed no significant decrease in sanitation. Simply "Wash your hands. " 2 anti-bacterial soap does one thing and one thing only, "prevents the growth of bacteria IN THE SOAP. Still, wash your hands. 3. 70% isopropyl alcohol is the best concentration to have. 90% alcohol evaporates too quickly to kill germs, the contact time is too short. This leads to point # 4 When using wipes as a disinfectant, you do not have to keep the area saturated. As long as the surface (non-porous and easily cleanable) is thoroughly wetted, and alowed to dry on its own, it will be disinfected with sufficient contact time. Keeping it wet for 2 minutes will not hurt anything but, it won't add any additional benefits. I have worked in the medical field for 30 years and 20 years Public Health. Keep safe, God bless you all and we shall overcome.
My doctor of Accupuncture and a Medical Doctor said to help keep the mucus in your lungs moving is to drink warm beverages. Any kind of warm drinks for example: plain water, or with any of the following non caffeinated teas, ginger, sliced lemon or apple cider vinegar. Drink the very warm beverage all day long. It helped my cough when I had Pneumonia a few months ago. Stay away from cold beverages & caffeine these makes you cough worse. Blessings to all...
A good book is " Be your own doctor" by rachel weaver now take the book as something that is suggestions because every one has their own chemical process in them
Hi Christa, You always have the most wonderful advice! And it made me so happy to see that I had the same Vit C brand as you. I wonder if cypress tree needles (what we call “cedar” trees here in Texas) are high in Vit C? I am going to research this. Thanks for the inspiration!! And I am so happy to hear you talk about fermented foods. They are such a lifesaver. I was just drinking some kvass!! 🤗 And I have to thank you for your previous video about Moringa...I am already stocked up on that! Oh are such a wonderful resource...calm and so well informed. You’re the best!! Love you, Mary❤️😘❤️
Mary's Nest I grew up in Russia and kvass used to be sold in the streets as a refreshener. Nowadays, children are drinking pepsi and cola and getting all sorts of infections.
I'm glad you brought up about potentially dangerous natural remedies such as colloidal silver. I've also heard people swear by zinc lozenges by upon further research, looks like it could build up dangerously in the system and cause unfortunate effects like upset stomach, loss of smell temporarily, and other weird things.
Here are my 4 greatest immune boosters: 1) Add raw honey and cinnamon to your coffee every day. 2) Eat a tablespoon full of raw solid coconut oil every other day, it's great for your teeth, mouth, and throat so chew it up until it's all melted and it's fantastic for your digestive system (keep it in a cool dark place so it stays solid). 3) Eat a salad of whatever vegetables you can get and throw in whatever you like (nuts & pretzel pieces are my favorites) at least every other day. 4) Eat as many mushrooms as you can with whatever you like. Pizza, subs, eggs, salads, steaks, fish, soups, casseroles...pretty much anything!
Great video Christa! Will be drying probiotic greens now. ❤️. If any of you ferment your own veggies it’s great to add more than one veggie. Add several for more vitamin content. Add garlic. Theives in a humidifier has killed pneumonia when antibiotics were not cutting it alone.
Mushrooms are a wonderful source of vitamin d. I even dehydrate them. That way I have them on hand. Another thing is anyone that suffers with autoimmune disorders will NOT want to eat things that boost the immune system! Their immune system is already over active and can actually cause the person to flare. Have a blessed day and stay safe and well! I hope this may be helpful.
Yes. I had read this some years ago and have kept it in mind as autoimmune disorders run in my family. I have kept this in mind with regards to the products I buy or plan to use during this time. I'm glad you brought this to everyone's attention. Thank you very much.
this video is how everyone should be doing now anyway, great video, instead of grass in your back yard, grow veggies, and fruit and herbs, share your pine needles with everyone
I just found you on utube. I really like the natural ways you mention 😊. And that you share God's word. Your so humble and easy to understand. Bless you 😇
Really important note regarding rubbing alcohol. Higher concentration is not better. 70% is what you need for disinfection - the water slows down the evaporation time, allowing the alcohol to sanitize.
I clean my nose and eyes w colloidal silver( yrs ago I had a terrible staph infection that started spreading w boils all over my body, took that thing @ around 7:00 pm by 1:00 am the thing started draining all the boils,(please consider the source of your colloidal silver and the pmp) mop my floors w bleach, continuously wash my hands, and carry antibacterial wipes w me everywhere I go. Please do yourself and others a great help by carrying your own! But also thank the Almighty Father for everything He has allowed to experience! I rest my 💜in Him!
I don’t depend on hand sanitizers. Being a dialysis Nurse for 20 years I carry and use a nail brush and do a surgical hand scrub and rinse and apply rose water spray.
Great advice 👍 My friend uses colloidal silver in a nebulizer for lung infections and it helps her get rid of them! She has a serious cronic condition.
I love everything you do or saying! Thank you so much :) It's my personal idea I do trust Colloidal silver studied and experiences showed that it kills any virus . I have a nebulizer to put C silver in it and it's feel different in a good way. I use it as a sanitizer mix with organic Thieves essential oil blend for cleaning or for the hands. Nowadays when it's almost everyday sprayed good to have a UV face tanning lamp for the extra D vitamin and the sanitizing effect also good for a faster healing.Alkaline diet it's so important because no virus can live in alkaline body. I do take advise from Dr. Sebi's food list ,meals.
I make delicious smoothies w/ spinach,kale,carrots,apple,beets,berries,bananas,pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries,coconut water I usually have my fruits,n beets frozen ready to blend w/ the rest. God Bless
Hope your doing ok Christa! I think I heard in one of your past vids that u live in Tennessee. Looks like you guys had some terrible storms last night and I hope your doing ok. Thanks again for your awesome channel! God bless you sister!
Yes I learnt the hard way having zinc on a empty stomach, 😕 not good, peppers or capsicums like us Aussies call them are very high in vitamin c. Love watching videos like yours, we all need to go back to natural way of living like our grandparents days, living off the land eating clean, cut out the toxins, stay safe xxx
I think I put this on your last video but I am going to add it to this one also because I think it is important. I do not trust the liquid or fabric hand sanitzers, I do not think they are strong enough. I pour out half the liquid and add vodka. With the cloth ones I pour either vodka or bleach into them depending on what I am going to use them for. On grocery carts, doors, etc. I use the vodka soaked cloth wipes. In our home I use the bleach, sometimes I use an old wash cloth and put on gloves and put on all handles and surfaces that will not be damaged by it. I really soak it and scrub. My Doctor told me to use silver ointment and put it in our nose before we went out. I just thought about it last night but everyone in the household should have their on seperate tube of toothpaste, I noticed that the end of my brush hit the end of the paste. If another family member has ANY kind of infection it could cross contaminate. Steralize toothbrush after each use. You can put a few ounces of blech in commode tank every time you use it also. As for shower use a garden hand sprayer and add 10 drops of bleach per gallon for 30 minutes then add boiled water to make it comfortable to use. That is what we did when we went camping. You are just adorable . Thank you and have a blessed day. Job 19 25-27.
Thank you! And thanks for sharing that scripture. Just started watching you and I like what you share, again thanks ...Blessings to you and your family!
I started Keto 6 weeks ago which is an excellent immune booster! I’m going to take an inventory of my medicine cabinet and make sure I have all the supplements you mentioned! Thank you Christa and God bless ❤️
Bi CArb and warm water,gargle with it after brushing, and yes Apple cider Vinegar. As far as water goes, I boil my water in the morning and then pour it into a Thermos bottle or two for use later in the day.
Unfortunately the time to prep was 2 months ago when COVID-19 started taking off. Everyone's running for food & supplies today & are likely being infected as everyone else is doing the same thing.
Get some Osha Root or it's tincture. It keeps your lungs strong. They have it at health food stores. If you can't find it alone, get Lung Tonic and it includes the Osha Root. It will help tremendously. God bless us all.
I got purification tablets and various things around the house can strain it first. I'm collecting 2 liters to fill soon along with jug water and water in blue jugs. Got kitty litter containers to collect water and store dry goods.
You do lovely presentations. I hope people know that taking vitamin d on you own can damage your liver if you don't need it. Please see your doctor & have the blood test done to check your levels. Let your dr. guide you on how much to take & for how long. Blessings to you all.
Thanks for this video, Christa. I will be sharing it on my Community tab to make sure our viewers see it and learn. I especially appreciate your mentioning that we should have grace with one another during this time. We are sharing the same message with folks. Blessings! 💜katie
I feel blessed to have come across your channel and have learned so much from you! There was one error in your presentation regarding the percent of alcohol. The ideal is 70%. The alcohol percentage you mentioned is too high to be effective. Essentislly alcohol dries out the casing of the virus, at 90% or higher it evaporates too quickly and does not cause the death of the virus, but at the lower % like 60s and 70s, it dries it out at just the right rate to destroy it. I know I'm not using the exact right terminology bit I remember the 70% exactly from school. Keep up the great work. You are a good soul!
Regarding boiling all your water, keep in mind that you are paying a lot for the energy/fuel to boil that water. You could go ahead and get the Berkey water filter and it would eventually pay for itself in fuel savings. Something to keep in mind. Also, when you boil, some of that water is lost through evaporation so in a situation where you need to conserve water or energy, boiling is not the best option. I strongly urge people who can afford it to get the Big Berkey or larger if you have a large family.
My grandmother contracted Spanish Flu in 1918. She was three months pregnant. The doctor had come to the house and told her family there was nothing more he could do. My great-grandmother started making a cough syrup comprised of boiled water, honey, lemon juice, and the jelly from flaxseed. she had put the flaxseed into a thin cotton or better yet gauze material tight It Off and boiled it till the jelly started coming out then you have to really squeeze the jelly out of the rest of it.... it's a hard process. Mix it all together let it cool put it in a quart jar and put it in the refrigerator .My great-grandmother gave that to my grandmother ....when the doctor returned later that night he said ......I don't know what you're doing but it's working. So my family has made that cough syrup every year ...keeps in the refrigerator you can take a big tablespoon of it every half hour or so. I think it's the property of the flaxseed gel was as a healing property but I don't know that. Because it's so hard to get the Jelly out of the seeds I found that you can get flaxseed oil for dietary consumption and I'm going to make a batch of it with that. better that than nothing. my grandmother survived she lived to be 98 but it took her three months to learn how to walk again it was so devastating at the time. but praise God she lived a very long and fruitful life. May we pray for God's protection and guidance amen
Could we have the recipe please?
C MOBERG I believe it was healing her lungs. I read something recently that makes me believe that when I was researching natural remedies for pneumonia.
I think it was flaxseed jelly.I did it for I had gastrodoudenit.It was happened twice a year and was very severe.Thanks to God-changing diet(plant based)made different.
Great story! Thanks for sharing this. ❤️katie
Flax seed is loaded with omegas. Very good.
During WW2 my mother was in Britain and they got vitamin c by boiling rose hips. We've lost so much valuable knowledge. Thank you for your videos, full of valuable information and your calm clear method of presentation is appreciated!
We have not lost the information. Talk to neighbors, family, many of those boomers out there are holding much of this info. Elders are your resources.
Take a notebook and go spend some time with your grand parents, or someone in their age bracket. Many of them are lonely and will welcome a chance to teach you a skill. We loose a lot, because they keep us too busy, so we can depend more on them for the things that our grandparents did for themselves. We head to the store to buy stuff made with ingredients we can't pronounce when we can make most of these things cheaper and healthier!
tea made from cedar "leaves" is extremely high in Vitamin C. Doesn't taste great, but doesn't taste awful either. very easy to make, and they're around year round.
I love your softer voice. So many preparedness channels right now are so ramped up it causes stress just listening to them ♡ ty ♡
Beautiful scripture at the end. I enjoy the fact that you add the Lord into your videos.
I love how you feed your spiritual family the Good News from THE MOST HIGH...prepared!
With the hand sanitizers. When you make the puddle in your palm. Dip your nails into it. Getting it behind your nails. In a Registered nurse. That’s a hint I was taught years ago. This is weird but if you sing Happy Birthday slowly, twice whilst washing your hands. Including around the thumb, behind the nails and up your wrists. Your timing is about right. There has been research on Thieves oil. Diffusing it helps to build up your lungs and helps with congestion. Mustard packs made with brown paper is a very old treatment for pneumonia. Is worth a read. Blessings!
Thank you. I knew about Happy Birthday but appreciate the EO info.
Trim your nails short. That fancy $65 set of fake nails? Chop them off! Keep them short!
This is time to wear short nails.
Hand Sanitizers are loaded with chemicals that are harmful. Even Hormone Disruptors.... Good ole soap and water when you can.
The world needs more people like you! Thanks for the encouragement.
I'm so glad that you're able to make difficult things easier for my wife. Your softer approach is often way better than mine. Thank you Christa! 😊
I've been watching you for a while, you have helped to remind me the kind of woman Christian woman I was raised to be. The lessons I learned in my Christian school I went to thru 8th grade. I am 53 now with 3 grow children and 4 grandsons I dont get to see, 2 beautiful grandchildren that live on the same property with my husband, in the house next to us with my oldest daughter, and my youngest daughter is 5 months along. My mom and granny never taught me how to cook and they were southern cooks. that could cook anything and everything...... and when I tried, and failed, I felt like it was like so many other areas of my life I had failed in. But after watching you over these last months, and now with this Covid-19...I realized it was time to read Proverbs 31, to have a long prayer with the Lord, and have faith that I was The Mother and Grandmother I had always wished I could be. So girl, I got my self a Pressure cooker, A InstanaPot, We now have plenty of items ready for cooking from scratch, to prep with, and I got out my 357, and have decided it is time to hit the range, and get back to being the woman I know he put me here to be. I just want you to know, Your positive, caring, uplifting, and always Faith Filled Ways Shine thru, and helped to guild me back. to where I needed to be,,,, God is always right on time., and I had me watching your videos for a reason and I will continue watch....and I love your Bible studies,,,, to be a constant supporter!!! God Bless!! and Thank you so so very much....
She is definitely a Proverbs 31 woman!
Amen! May God be praised! Jesus, I trust in You!
Getting off the sugar is essential. Sugar causes inflammation in the body, and inflammation is bad for your immune system.
Jamie Eyre easier said than done sis
Jamie Eyre it also ages a person. The sugar kills the elasticity in the skin. One is crazy to consume that crap
Easier said than done...but AMEN!! I agree.
(viruses love sugar)
@Aron James sorry your body see's it all as just sugar
Aron James wean yourself off sugar, by using a little less in every cup of coffee every couple of days.
Stevia plant is so many times sweeter than sugar (with no calories)is probably the best substitute
I was just about to say that for disinfectant wipes you’ll need to keep it wet but then I started hearing you disclaim it.
I’m glad you brought up the need for keeping the surface wet bc a lot of people assume you can wipe and go and you’re fine. And again with the sanitizer. I just learned of needing to keep sanitizer on for about 30 seconds.
I also can’t wait to see my brothers and sisters in Christ. You have such a lovely spirit!
LbFaith Figueroa I am pretty certain that it needs to remain longer than 30 seconds to be effective, but I don’t know where I read that, so I REALLY hope someone with better knowledge & information than I have weighs in, however full saturation as shown is imperative!! Proper hand washing w/soap & hot water is most effective, but I watched a surgeon show how to correctly wash hands & it’s honestly like scrubbing in. Best of luck to all!
Be very careful with liquid hand sanitizers and gel. It is extremely flammable. If you cook on a gas type stove, campfire, or use a flame lighter to start a fire the alcohol is all over your hands, or whatever/wherever you apply it, and has the potential to ignite. If it does you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO EXTINGUISH THE FLAME WITH WATER; it/you will continue to burn until the product is completely gone. I always thought that if it evaporated, there would be no danger to using it around open flames but that is not true. There are videos out there proving these facts.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge in such a beautiful, loving way.
Thank you so so much I am cooking onions, garlic, peppers into everything we eat lots of fresh fruit, and washing hands like gang Buster's, thank you for the great tips and I ask in jesus's name please God bless you, your family, and all of us!!
As always I'm doing garlic . And I just heard it's a good idea to declare Psalms 91 over our family every day.
Oh thank you didn't know about pine needle tree!
Doesn't the hot water counteracts to get that sweet vitamin C? I mean, that's the reason why you prerare your rosehip tea with cold water soaking overnight. Thanks for an answer. :)
So calm and bright in such uncertain times..
We keep a gallon of water going at all times with the juice of a few limes and an orange in it, tastes great and boosts vitamin C. Under this current outbreak, we are also taking extra vitamins in tablet form, such as C and D, as well as a teaspoon of elderberry syrup every day. I ordered an elderberry syrup making kit on Amazon, I would really recommend it, made by Nicole's Naturals, you just have to add local honey, it's great. We have also started to limit out outings to work and grocery store only. Thank you for these amazing and helpful videos. My God Bless and protect you all!
For adults the elderberry is up to a tablespoon. Your taking a young child’s dose. Make your own using dried elderberries and water, ginger and cinnamon. Saves you money. Just made some today. Cheers and you’re welcome.
there again gummies are all sugar bad for viruses
Thank you all.💙
@Barbara Changes, could you give us a more detailed recipe please. Thanks.
I have been prepping for a few weeks now and got everything I needed for immune health and sanitizing the home etc. Then had a friend come to visit us and almost immediately she became sick with a very bad ear infection and we ended up i n A& E at the City Hospital with her, sitting among sick people in a waiting room for 4 hours, then she was admitted onto a ward and today spent 2.5 hours there and tomorrow back I go again to pick her up, everything I have tried to avoid doing happened in the last 3 days. A mouth full of antibacterial lozenges and praying psalm 91 trusting in God, I have auto immune responses and my husband has chest weakness from pneumonia and we are nearly 70. God bless everyone and keep you all safe!
Look into mullein tea good for lungs.
Peppers are also high in vitamin C and the hotter the higher the amount of vitamin C. Also Moringa tea is great for it as you told us a few months back.
I live in the woods, away from people, I have a little pantry and I thanks to God on every day
You are most fortunate. I love the woods.
I've been anxiously waiting for Part 2. Thank you so much for sharing your time, knowledge and Love with us. I Always learn something new from you! Sending Blessings to you and all.
Thanks a Million for this Video. Awesoe.💥💥💥
I am chronically ill and I am quite nervous. I have gotten my preps all in organized meds in supplies. I am not leaving at all unless I have to go to the dr which I do every three months for medications. But my dr called me in 90 days of the med that keeps me alive - I have all I need.
Just sad I can’t see my grandkids more because they are still in school. FaceTime is a blessing. God be with us.
Fasting for three days is good too, generates new stem cells to replace old and damage ones. Consult with your doctor tho.
Thank you for such good info. and tips. You are a Beautiful lady. Even during winter months, I work out in my yard/garden and some people say I'm Crazy for working in the cold, and my response to those is, if I let the extreme weather stops me, I'll never get anything done and I love outdoors especially in my garden, those beautiful FLOWERS!!!! not for only outdoors but I have so many beautiful house plants. I'm all for essential oils, there are a few that I'm using in particular, Oregano, Clove, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Black castor & Argon oil, I take so many good quality vitamins, juicing celery, carrots, beets, apple ect.
Thank You you made some very good points, I enjoy your channel, I'm a retired EMT/firefighter/swift-water rescue/high & low Angle rescue/ search & rescue/ ect. ect. ect. Something I do is I do with out a lot of things. People don't quite understand this quote. The average house hold from yester year kept enough supply's in store to go for aprox. 6-12 months before they HAD TO RESTOCK. I try to do this in my home, and it's NOT HARD. Now meat, raw veggies, fresh fruit, these things are harder to keep stocked for that long, NOT impossible though. But some of the things I do keep are RICE, DRIED BEANS, BREAD MAKING SUPPLIES, I DO HAVE SMALL CHICKENS, SO THAT WOULD BE MEAT AND EGGS, In and emergency folks ask how I would get chicken feed if I would not go into town😁 chickens with the right breeds will feed themselves!! Also as you have talked about knowing your environment there is so much food almost year round that God has provided all we have to do is go get it. Now IF the Grid goes down this is something that is also NOT SCARY!!!! all you have to do is look back in time my Grand parents had a GREAT life and only had as they called it "luxury" during the last part ( electricity, running water, indoor plumbing, GROCERY STORES ) Yet they were funny thing they were always very healthy never needed doctors UNTIL THEY GOT ALL THE LUXURIES,
So As for me and mine the Lord our God told us to stay separate, HE did this for a reason. That is not to say that we should not spread HIS word. But our homes should be separate, HE (the LORD ) said we are a peculiar people I would say that is very true.
Also may I ask you a personal question Beloved are you a Sabbath keeper?? (you don't need to answer ) I would say if there is question look at the ten commandments. #4 It starts with remember the Sabbath day and to keep it Holy. Since it was placed in the commandments It CAN NOT BE DISMISSED. If you look at a calendar the first day of the week IS SUNDAY . I have heard all of the arguments. and I have broken them down and research them one-by-one. At the time I started I had NO agenda one way or the other. I hope you find so time to do this also, unless you are already SIGHTED.
God bless your sister in Christ
Thanks for sharing your wisdom with such a gentle spirit.
All such good information. I just told my mom to buy a bikini so we can all lay out in the sun 15 minutes a day. At 80, she was resistant to the idea. Trying to stay as stress free as I can with everything going on. Neither side of my family had any deaths during the Spanish Flu because they just stayed on the farm. Church was their only outing and the whole community was the same. Thinking of participating in Church via Facebook for a few weeks.
Thank you Christa, you are a blessing, may God keep His hand upon you for being a true servant and honoring Him
The Lord bless you and keep you... thanks so much for the info. I learned something new from you today: pine needles! as you were saying that, I turned my head toward the window and saw the huge pine tree right in front. You're such a blessing to many
My neighbor has 3 pine trees in his yard,one borders my yard, so I have to learn how to make the pine needle tea. Good info Sister! Thanks, God bless🙏
You are so smart and practical-a true blessing to all who watch your videos! Love the Scripture readings you do!! God bless you, Christa!!
Thank you God for your channel. Thank You for your calm, your insight and your soothing demeanor. 🤗
You would have to guard your vegetable garden unfortunately when people startto go hungry in a pandemic situation.
I've been boiling my water for a couple months now. Need to use it in ice cube trays and brushing your teeth also. I also use Vinegar to clean with and at times Alcohol.
I drink echinacae, reishi mushroom, and gingertea.
Amongst other stuff.....
Essential oils like doTERRA’s On Guard or Young Living’s Thieves. All the essential oil types you mentioned are home staples. Drinking chai tea. Gargling daily, drinking water, keeping up on vitamins. Stocking up moderately with canned or frozen veggies stocked, canned foods, bleach, TP, tissues, pet food. So glad you mentioned prescriptions! I didn’t consider that. All your ideas are valuable and appreciated. Thank you!
Thank you for an excellent video. A few points to consider:
1 hand sanitizer is a "feel good" gel. The University of Washington did a study of health care workers using hand sanitizer and it showed no significant decrease in sanitation. Simply "Wash your hands. "
2 anti-bacterial soap does one thing and one thing only, "prevents the growth of bacteria IN THE SOAP. Still, wash your hands.
3. 70% isopropyl alcohol is the best concentration to have. 90% alcohol evaporates too quickly to kill germs, the contact time is too short. This leads to point #
4 When using wipes as a disinfectant, you do not have to keep the area saturated. As long as the surface (non-porous and easily cleanable) is thoroughly wetted, and alowed to dry on its own, it will be disinfected with sufficient contact time. Keeping it wet for 2 minutes will not hurt anything but, it won't add any additional benefits.
I have worked in the medical field for 30 years and 20 years Public Health. Keep safe, God bless you all and we shall overcome.
Careful on the water filter systems, many use coconut fibres and people allergic to coconut have reported issues with filtered water.
My doctor of Accupuncture and a Medical Doctor said to help keep the mucus in your lungs moving is to drink warm beverages. Any kind of warm drinks for example: plain water, or with any of the following non caffeinated teas, ginger, sliced lemon or apple cider vinegar. Drink the very warm beverage all day long. It helped my cough when I had Pneumonia a few months ago.
Stay away from cold beverages & caffeine these makes you cough worse. Blessings to all...
You are so good at this! You help us get prepared, but you’re also soothing bc of your spirituality. Thank you!
Thank you for your videos, you make a lot of sense for one so young, May God bless and give you much wisdom.
Your light is shining! I pray the Lord will continue to bless you! Thank you.
You are an inspiration and full of helpful insights, I love listening to you. God bless you!
Liposomal vitamin c has highest oral bioavailability. IV vitamin c is best however not as available for most people.
Yes, I get that at Redpill Living
A good book is " Be your own doctor" by rachel weaver now take the book as something that is suggestions because every one has their own chemical process in them
warm water with honey , lemon and ginger
Hi Christa, You always have the most wonderful advice! And it made me so happy to see that I had the same Vit C brand as you. I wonder if cypress tree needles (what we call “cedar” trees here in Texas) are high in Vit C? I am going to research this. Thanks for the inspiration!! And I am so happy to hear you talk about fermented foods. They are such a lifesaver. I was just drinking some kvass!! 🤗 And I have to thank you for your previous video about Moringa...I am already stocked up on that! Oh are such a wonderful resource...calm and so well informed. You’re the best!! Love you, Mary❤️😘❤️
Mary's Nest I grew up in Russia and kvass used to be sold in the streets as a refreshener. Nowadays, children are drinking pepsi and cola and getting all sorts of infections.
You showed Mullen in the quick footage of the field when you were talking about Vit D. Mullen is good for bronchial problems...such as the flu.
Yes, that's a good one too.
I'm glad you brought up about potentially dangerous natural remedies such as colloidal silver. I've also heard people swear by zinc lozenges by upon further research, looks like it could build up dangerously in the system and cause unfortunate effects like upset stomach, loss of smell temporarily, and other weird things.
I will be looking for you at that banquet table and will thank you for your graciousness and kindness.
Here are my 4 greatest immune boosters:
1) Add raw honey and cinnamon to your coffee every day.
2) Eat a tablespoon full of raw solid coconut oil every other day, it's great for your teeth, mouth, and throat so chew it up until it's all melted and it's fantastic for your digestive system (keep it in a cool dark place so it stays solid).
3) Eat a salad of whatever vegetables you can get and throw in whatever you like (nuts & pretzel pieces are my favorites) at least every other day.
4) Eat as many mushrooms as you can with whatever you like. Pizza, subs, eggs, salads, steaks, fish, soups, casseroles...pretty much anything!
Great video Christa! Will be drying probiotic greens now. ❤️. If any of you ferment your own veggies it’s great to add more than one veggie. Add several for more vitamin content. Add garlic. Theives in a humidifier has killed pneumonia when antibiotics were not cutting it alone.
Mushrooms are a wonderful source of vitamin d. I even dehydrate them. That way I have them on hand. Another thing is anyone that suffers with autoimmune disorders will NOT want to eat things that boost the immune system! Their immune system is already over active and can actually cause the person to flare. Have a blessed day and stay safe and well! I hope this may be helpful.
Yes. I had read this some years ago and have kept it in mind as autoimmune disorders run in my family. I have kept this in mind with regards to the products I buy or plan to use during this time. I'm glad you brought this to everyone's attention. Thank you very much.
Pine needle tea.. good to know!!
this video is how everyone should be doing now anyway, great video, instead of grass in your back yard, grow veggies, and fruit and herbs, share your pine needles with everyone
I just found you on utube. I really like the natural ways you mention 😊. And that you share God's word. Your so humble and easy to understand. Bless you 😇
Amen! Such a source of inspiration in these troublous times. God bless you!🙏🏾
Really important note regarding rubbing alcohol. Higher concentration is not better. 70% is what you need for disinfection - the water slows down the evaporation time, allowing the alcohol to sanitize.
I clean my nose and eyes w colloidal silver( yrs ago I had a terrible staph infection that started spreading w boils all over my body, took that thing @ around 7:00 pm by 1:00 am the thing started draining all the boils,(please consider the source of your colloidal silver and the pmp) mop my floors w bleach, continuously wash my hands, and carry antibacterial wipes w me everywhere I go. Please do yourself and others a great help by carrying your own! But also thank the Almighty Father for everything He has allowed to experience! I rest my 💜in Him!
A. R. What “thing” did you take @ around 7?
How did you clean your eyes?
Thank you and God bless you.
Truly blessed to have subscribed to your station. Thank you. God bless
I don’t depend on hand sanitizers. Being a dialysis
Nurse for 20 years I carry and use a nail brush and do a surgical hand scrub and rinse and apply rose water spray.
Thank you so much for sharing your information. God Bless You and Your Family!!!
Preparedness: find a Christina, put a ring on her finger and keep her happy. You're prepared. 😉
Don Quixote Accurate!
Dont quite understand why this lady isn't married yet?
@@Maskedbloom same.
@@Maskedbloom Because Men in USA are not lucky enough to have a nice lady like her as a wife
It dont taste that great but I'm taking cod liver oil. Just for immunity.
I love your softer voice and Thanks for the encouragement.
Great advice 👍
My friend uses colloidal silver in a nebulizer for lung infections and it helps her get rid of them! She has a serious cronic condition.
So glad you mentioned rubbing alcohol and that you need to pay attention to the strength! 90% is great!
Good video, you covered several things I was unaware of, thanks! God Bless!
I love everything you do or saying! Thank you so much :) It's my personal idea I do trust Colloidal silver studied and experiences showed that it kills any virus . I have a nebulizer to put C silver in it and it's feel different in a good way. I use it as a sanitizer mix with organic Thieves essential oil blend for cleaning or for the hands. Nowadays when it's almost everyday sprayed good to have a UV face tanning lamp for the extra D vitamin and the sanitizing effect also good for a faster healing.Alkaline diet it's so important because no virus can live in alkaline body. I do take advise from Dr. Sebi's food list ,meals.
Thank you so much! We are so much better prepared because of your videos. Bless you!
I make delicious smoothies w/ spinach,kale,carrots,apple,beets,berries,bananas,pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries,coconut water I usually have my fruits,n beets frozen ready to blend w/ the rest. God Bless
Hope your doing ok Christa! I think I heard in one of your past vids that u live in Tennessee. Looks like you guys had some terrible storms last night and I hope your doing ok. Thanks again for your awesome channel! God bless you sister!
Yes I learnt the hard way having zinc on a empty stomach, 😕 not good, peppers or capsicums like us Aussies call them are very high in vitamin c. Love watching videos like yours, we all need to go back to natural way of living like our grandparents days, living off the land eating clean, cut out the toxins, stay safe xxx
I think I put this on your last video but I am going to add it to this one also because I think it is important.
I do not trust the liquid or fabric hand sanitzers, I do not think they are strong enough. I pour out half the liquid and add vodka. With the cloth ones I pour either vodka or bleach into them depending on what I am going to use them for. On grocery carts, doors, etc. I use the vodka soaked cloth wipes.
In our home I use the bleach, sometimes I use an old wash cloth and put on gloves and put on all handles and surfaces that will not be damaged by it. I really soak it and scrub.
My Doctor told me to use silver ointment and put it in our nose before we went out.
I just thought about it last night but everyone in the household should have their on seperate tube of toothpaste, I noticed that the end of my brush hit the end of the paste. If another family member has ANY kind of infection it could cross contaminate. Steralize toothbrush after each use.
You can put a few ounces of blech in commode tank every time you use it also.
As for shower use a garden hand sprayer and add 10 drops of bleach per gallon for 30 minutes then add boiled water to make it comfortable to use. That is what we did when we went camping.
You are just adorable . Thank you and have a blessed day. Job 19 25-27.
Adding cayenne to your soups will keep your circulation healthy and help your immune system, too!
What do you think with Hulda Clark zapper?!
I can't say I believe it has any credence, Koepu. Didn't she herself die of cancer?
I Am A FIRM believer of Elderberry
Do your research on this, in the Coronavirus case will not help.
thank you for your time and for being so gracious,i always go away with knowledge, wisdom and encouragement
You are so welcome. Thank you, Sarah!
Thank you so much for giving your good advice in these troubling times - and useful all the time!
Thank you! And thanks for sharing that scripture. Just started watching you and I like what you share, again thanks ...Blessings to you and your family!
I started Keto 6 weeks ago which is an excellent immune booster! I’m going to take an inventory of my medicine cabinet and make sure I have all the supplements you mentioned! Thank you Christa and God bless ❤️
Eat sauerkraut
I could eat it every day!!👍
@@dnk1870 Buy Bubbies brand.
Hi, Thank you so much for how you explain things. Your so kind and give off a sense of Calmness.
May Our Heavenly Father Continue to Direct You.
Bi CArb and warm water,gargle with it after brushing, and yes Apple cider Vinegar. As far as water goes, I boil my water in the morning and then pour it into a Thermos bottle or two for use later in the day.
Take your vinegar at least half an hour before eating so it doesn’t interfere with stomach acids. Vinegar is acidic but turns alkaline once taken.
Unfortunately the time to prep was 2 months ago when COVID-19 started taking off.
Everyone's running for food & supplies today & are likely being infected as everyone else is doing the same thing.
Thank you for this wonderful lesson. Sometimes we forget about the most important item, water. Thanks again!
I subscribed today!
Get some Osha Root or it's tincture. It keeps your lungs strong. They have it at health food stores. If you can't find it alone, get Lung Tonic and it includes the Osha Root. It will help tremendously. God bless us all.
Thanks I had forgotten all about Osha Root
You would probably need to boil the water that ice is made of also.
I got purification tablets and various things around the house can strain it first. I'm collecting 2 liters to fill soon along with jug water and water in blue jugs. Got kitty litter containers to collect water and store dry goods.
You do lovely presentations. I hope people know that taking vitamin d on you own can damage your liver if you don't need it. Please see your doctor & have the blood test done to check your levels. Let your dr. guide you on how much to take & for how long. Blessings to you all.
Thanks for this video, Christa. I will be sharing it on my Community tab to make sure our viewers see it and learn. I especially appreciate your mentioning that we should have grace with one another during this time. We are sharing the same message with folks. Blessings! 💜katie
TOP 4 in order... Guava, kiwi, red bell peppers, strawberries all have higher vitamin C than oranges.
I feel blessed to have come across your channel and have learned so much from you! There was one error in your presentation regarding the percent of alcohol. The ideal is 70%. The alcohol percentage you mentioned is too high to be effective. Essentislly alcohol dries out the casing of the virus, at 90% or higher it evaporates too quickly and does not cause the death of the virus, but at the lower % like 60s and 70s, it dries it out at just the right rate to destroy it. I know I'm not using the exact right terminology bit I remember the 70% exactly from school. Keep up the great work. You are a good soul!
God's blessings over you and thank you for sharing this video and hugs to you now and some time in the future. ☺
Zinc is great but take a break off it every 2-3 month.
Interesting video! Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
I love your approach and LOVE this video!! Feeling all the warm and fuzzy feelings. Staying calm but prepared. Thank you
With so many different do you know which ones are safe? I have about 30 of them in my back yard.
Thanks for the pine needle tea tips...I have them right outside my home and didn't think of it!... God Bless...
Regarding boiling all your water, keep in mind that you are paying a lot for the energy/fuel to boil that water. You could go ahead and get the Berkey water filter and it would eventually pay for itself in fuel savings. Something to keep in mind. Also, when you boil, some of that water is lost through evaporation so in a situation where you need to conserve water or energy, boiling is not the best option. I strongly urge people who can afford it to get the Big Berkey or larger if you have a large family.
Thank you for this. My child is immunocompromised. ❤️