Gor's "Skyrim Guard Song: MUST HAVE BEEN THE WIND by The Chalkeaters Black Gryph0n" REACTION
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
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think about how this works in universe: this guy improvised a song SO GOOD he ended a civil war that was going on for many years already, made peace with dragons, relieved tensions years in the making, and more, because he thought the entire war was just some wind
Sheogorath would be proud
Not that he thought it was the wind, it was by showing his optimism and kindness through the song. Notice how it only gains traction after he saves those guys.
Sheogorath probably helped, just because he thought it'd be funny if a random whiterun guard singing a song solved all the problems instead of the destined Dragonborn
A charismatic bard if ever there was one.
His boss is still probably confused
This have to be the true ending of skyrim
So true brother
This is such an inspiring song. The dude knows what’s happening around but stays positive and happy through it all. And ends the war in the process
Have you ever seen/heard of a channel called Ymfah? They don't upload terribly often but they generally upload silly (but pretty epic sometimes) methods of showing broken things in games..
As a few examples:
Beating skyrim's magic guild without using or learning any spells.
Beating skyrim without being able to walk.
Various dark souls ones like beating them without levelling up or doing 'pacifist' runs.
He even did a Elden ring without talking to anyone (which meant he couldn't even get Torrent).
The videos generally are pretty long (about an hour) so idk if it's something you'd want to do a video of you reacting, but I definitely recommend checking at least 1 of them out in your own time if you get the chance.
New chalkeaters video inspires me!
A great meme song! By the way, the famous guard meme about taking an arrow through the knee is never said in this song because this specific guard was never an adventurer, so he never took an arrow through the knee
I saw the video and saw the community Post announcement I waited for it and was not disappointed
Now imagine this with mods made in the actual game
Genshin Impact next? Uh oh.
I'm wet and ready!
wat @@cheesywithers
@@GorTheMovieGod wat?
Who else wants to smash nahida
Arrow to the knee is better then a crossbow bolt to the dk...
Befowe I begin my actuaw comment, I wouwd wike to apowogize in advance fow my inadequate wevew of Engwish pwoficiency. I am not a native speakew of the wowwd's cuwwent wingua fwanca which unfowtunatewy weads to me making numewous embawwassing mistakes being made whenevew I attempt to communicate using this wanguage. Whenevew I am weminded of how I wack the abiwity to convey my thoughts in an ewoquent mannew I feew as though I have committed a cawdinaw sin, as though evewy Engwish teachew in the wowwd awe simuwtaneouswy shaking theiw heads and sighing due to how uttewwy disappointed they awe at me.
Awthough I know that saying sowwy to those of you who awe weading my comment wiww not change the fact that I faiw misewabwy to wwite and speak pewfect Engwish, I am wwiting this as a way to detew a cewtain type of peopwe who cannot stand poow Engwish (Awso known infowmawwy as "Gwammaw Nazis") fwom mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessawy comments detaiwing my evewy bwundew. In my humbwe opinion, making gwammaticaw ewwows shouwd be pewfectwy acceptabwe as native speakews shouwd not expect non-native speakews to be abwe to communicate in theiw second ow thiwd wanguages ewoquentwy. If you awe abwe to compwetewy undewstand what the othew pewson wwote, is thewe weawwy a pwobwem with what they've wwitten? No, because the entiwe concept of communication is the exchange of infowmation between othew intewwigent beings, which means that no mattew how the exchange of infowmation is made, as wong as the infowmation is accuwatewy shawed thewe is not a fundamentaw issue with theiw abiwity to communicate. To see it in anothew way, wemembew that someone who isn't fwuent in Engwish is fwuent in anothew wanguage. When you think about it this way, isn't it impwessive fow someone to speak a second wanguage in any capacity? Having empathy and wespect awe quawities that awe sowewy missing fow faw too many peopwe these days, especiawwy on the intewnet.
That being said, I am awawe that not aww netizens who cowwect othews awe doing it to widicuwe and shame. wthough I know that saying sowwy to those of you who awe weading my comment wiww not change the fact that I faiw misewabwy to wwite and speak pewfect Engwish, I am wwiting this as a way to detew a cewtain type of peopwe who cannot stand poow Engwish (Awso known infowmawwy as "Gwammaw Nazis") fwom mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessawy comments detaiwing my evewy bwundew. In my humbwe opinion, making gwammaticaw ewwows shouwd be pewfectwy acceptabwe as native speakews shouwd not expect non-native speakews to be abwe to communicate in theiw second ow thiwd wanguages ewoquentwy. If you awe abwe to compwetewy undewstand what the othew pewson wwote, is thewe weawwy a pwobwem with what they've wwitten? No, because the entiwe concept of communication is the exchange of infowmation between othew intewwigent beings, which means that no mattew how the exchange of infowmation is made, as wong as the infowmation is accuwatewy shawed thewe is not a fundamentaw issue with theiw abiwity to communicate. Thewe awe some who do so with the intent to hewp othews impwove and gwow. Howevew, dispwaying the faiwuwes of othew peopwe pubwicwy wiww cause the pewson who is cwiticized to feew negative emotions such as shame and sadness due to the fact that theiw mistake has been made obvious which sevewewy undewmines the point they wewe twying to make in spite of theiw unfamiwiawity with the Engwish wanguage.
Awthough I know that saying sowwy to those of you who awe weading my comment wiww not change the fact that I faiw misewabwy to wwite and speak pewfect Engwish, I am wwiting this as a way to detew a cewtain type of peopwe who cannot stand poow Engwish (Awso known infowmawwy as "Gwammaw Nazis") fwom mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessawy comments detaiwing my evewy bwundew. In my humbwe opinion, making gwammaticaw ewwows shouwd be pewfectwy acceptabwe as native speakews shouwd not expect non-native speakews to be abwe to communicate in theiw second ow thiwd wanguages ewoquentwy. If you awe abwe to compwetewy undewstand what the othew pewson wwote, is thewe weawwy a pwobwem with what they've wwitten? No, because the entiwe concept of communication is the exchange of infowmation between othew intewwigent beings, which means that no mattew how the exchange of infowmation is made, as wong as the infowmation is accuwatewy shawed thewe is not a fundamentaw issue with theiw abiwity to communicate. To see it in anothew way, wemembew that someone who isn't fwuent in Engwish is fwuent in anothew wanguage. When you think about it this way, isn't it impwessive fow someone to speak a second wanguage in any capacity? Having empathy and wespect awe quawities that awe sowewy missing fow faw too many peopwe these days, especiawwy on the intewnet.
Thewe awe some who do so with the intent to hewp othews impwove and gwow. Howevew, dispwaying the faiwuwes of othew peopwe pubwicwy wiww cause the pewson who is cwiticized to feew negative emotions such as shame and sadness due to the fact that theiw mistake has been made obvious which sevewewy undewmines the point they wewe twying to make in spite of theiw unfamiwiawity with the Engwish wanguage.
Awthough I know that saying sowwy to those of you who awe weading my comment wiww not change the fact that I faiw misewabwy to wwite and speak pewfect Engwish, I am wwiting this as a way to detew a cewtain type of peopwe who cannot stand poow Engwish (Awso known infowmawwy as "Gwammaw Nazis") fwom mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessawy comments detaiwing my evewy bwundew. In my humbwe opinion, making gwammaticaw ewwows shouwd be pewfectwy acceptabwe as native speakews shouwd not expect non-native speakews to be abwe to communicate in theiw second ow thiwd wanguages ewoquentwy. If you awe abwe to compwetewy undewstand what the othew pewson wwote, is thewe weawwy a pwobwem with what they've wwitten?
That being said, I am awawe that not aww netizens who cowwect othews awe doing it to widicuwe and shame. wthough I know that saying sowwy to those of you who awe weading my comment wiww not change the fact that I faiw misewabwy to wwite and speak pewfect Engwish, I am wwiting this as a way to detew a cewtain type of peopwe who cannot stand poow Engwish (Awso known infowmawwy as "Gwammaw Nazis") fwom mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessawy comments detaiwing my evewy bwundew. In my humbwe opinion, making gwammaticaw ewwows shouwd be pewfectwy acceptabwe as native speakews shouwd not expect non-native speakews to be abwe to communicate in theiw second ow thiwd wanguages ewoquentwy. If you awe abwe to compwetewy undewstand what the othew pewson wwote, is thewe weawwy a pwobwem with what they've wwitten? No, because the entiwe concept of communication is the exchange of infowmation between othew intewwigent beings, which means that no mattew how the exchange of infowmation is made, as wong as the infowmation is accuwatewy shawed thewe is not a fundamentaw issue with theiw abiwity to communicate. Thewe awe some who do so with the intent to hewp othews impwove and gwow. Howevew, dispwaying the faiwuwes of othew peopwe pubwicwy wiww cause the pewson who is cwiticized to feew negative emotions such as shame and sadness due to the fact that theiw mistake has been made obvious which sevewewy undewmines the point they wewe twying to make in spite of theiw unfamiwiawity with the Engwish wanguage.
In most ciwcumstances peopwe awe not wooking fow wanguage hewp when they post anything onwine. Most peopwe just want to enjoy themsewves and have a good time on the intewnet which is why I wouwd not encouwage cowwecting othew peopwe wegawdwess of youw intentions. If you weawwy do want to hewp othews with theiw spewwing ow gwammaw, I wouwd highwy wecommend you to hewp via messaging pwivatewy because not onwy wiww you not embawwass anyone, you can awso go mowe in-depth with youw expwanation which I'm suwe the othew pewson wiww gweatwy appweciate if they want hewp, but I digwess. I know that I've wwitten a bit of an essay, but I hope I've made my points cweaw. Anyways, hewe is the comment I wanted to make: