Heh. Haven't lost to a Vayne in lane with Illaoi yet. Play back, farm with Q till 3, fish for a few E's, don't go aggro, and she'll basically int herself out of frustration, lol. It works every...single...time, lol.
Both Teams have Low IQ, If you are saying that the enemy has more IQ than your Team than you Just dont notice the enemies Doing mistakes, this Challenger Dude obviously dies notice those mistakes and punishes them while Most Low Elo Players dont even See the mistakes of the enemies, they are too concentrated focusing on their Teammates mistakes which is why so many people say "I Always have the worse Team"
@@Idontknow-rh6cl You are right. Many don't want to believe that the enemy is bad, but you are just worse. So they look for faults in their allies and blame them to feel better. I had a jhin do this very things yesterday. But no he went 1/12 and I went 6/1. It is like many think "if you aren't doing what I think you should do, then you are bad"
I mean, look at the ADCs. They’re pretty fed too. As an ADC main, we also get hard carried the whole early (unless we pick Lucian or Draven, then you’re the playmaker).
@@wizarddaddy47 depends on the adc, but I disagree, I've hard carried games with some awful teammates, though I stick to the good 1v9 adcs like vayne, trist, samira who can self peel
I wouldn't call this playing "dirty," just playing correctly. At the end of the day, league is just chess with lots of added mechanics. Staying ahead of your opponent on rotations, tempo, and map movement is a far better strategy than trying to take out as many of their pieces as possible (or in this case, ramming the two queens at each other and hoping yours beats the other).
no, league is not "just chess with added mechanics", that's just a stretch to sound smart. You can have similarities in some concepts here and there but it's never going in the same category.
@@tjeppe5685 not really, as you can see all that's being said is that weird stretchy statement and the rest is feeble comparisons to back it up. If the point was that league is strategic then there wouldn't be these wacky comparisons to try to justify the stretch
@@loganlamoreaux5347 if you are an ADC and you're behind, then you can be the perfect decoy in teamfights with champs that can buy time (Vayne, Kai'sa, Xayah...) because for some random reason people thinks that always you should focus the ADC when that's not true if you can't do dmg. ADC role has a lot of potential but needs more commitment to it than other roles
@@loganlamoreaux5347 I've noticed this strat working a lot. Let's say I lost lane playing Jinx. In a teamfight my autos will do 50 dmg to the 2.5k hp darius who just ghosts and runs me down for free gold and gets a penta. OR I can split push, get solo gold and xp, maybe bring the darius or someone else away from a teamfight and even if I die I'm useless in a teamfight anyway so it turns the teamfight from a 4v5 to a 4v4 and maybe I can get turrets or free gold. I've seen other adcs constantly split push all game after losing lane and they eventually scale and win with like 13 deaths.
he also uses the 10 death powerspike, infinite scaling/having late game while his opponents have none , 10 cs a minute, doign a solo bolo now and then and then end it with the baussff special to nuke the 2 nexus turrets.
Hes a very smart player. His mechanics at times let him down but he's always trying to do the right thing by the team and happily will die for foward momentum.
Understanding when to not group is amazing advice for low elo peeps. Teamfights are coin flips anyways. I really loved this video, well done! Great examples
Same here , whenever I watch these guides and listen to his voice , after 5 minutes I get sleepy. No offense to that guy though , he explains things very well
This is the first video in season 11 which is a real guide for adc in the whole "Season 11 ADC Guide" playlist. I really like this channel but I wish there would be better & more guides for adc's. But since im interested in Mid and Jgl too I can watch at least these. Because 90% are Mid or Jgl Guides. Thanks anyways for these nice videos!
as a draven player, its hard not to want to simply shove mid as 5 after winning a good fight. this is a great video & hopefully i can get out of plat!!
I really like your comment. Not only draven players tend to do this 5 men push after winning a fight etc. The longer you play the more you are used to do certain things in a certain way. You have to consciously try to "re-program" yourself.
Ikr, it feels so frustrating to see a play on any role that is fed. Or the enemy plays so badly that it mostly feels like they outplayed themselves more than the player did. Like, what's the point of showing me a 30/1 Yi soloing baron and the enemy team that has 8 kills in total? Might as well tell me "people die when they are killed" and just skip to the next step of the guide
Great video. Definitely whiffed on the Tristana example, but I got the other two. Are you able to do a video on when/where to camp like that? I'd also like videos on what to do if you're the team going against the Lucian in example 1. What to do when the enemy ADC has watched Skill Capped and you're trying your best to prevent him from winning when your team is preparing for the baron dance.
Any role has more impact than adc (unless we are talking about samira, jhin or mf that can go lethality). There are literally 2 other roles in the game right now: dmg dealers (mages+assasins) and tanky dmg dealers (tanks and fighters). Crit has become a dogshit stat becasue it takes too long to build to 80%-100% and utilise it.
i like it how the video multiple times says "even as the adc" mentioning this is the worst role to influence the game even in s11 after s8 s9 and s10. Anyways gj Skillcaped thank you for a good strategy as always, i hope my team won't x4 report me for not participating in 5v5 unwinnable fights.
Well, if you went up in diamond people don't do these mistakes, so you can't showcase what you want. This video isn't targeted to high elo players, but people who wanna climb. What's the point on giving a bronze player a tip that won't work against his elo because people play differently?
I love how the idea at 6:55 is that jhin should split top with tf in enemy team. After tf burned his ult you justify how good top side vision is so he is safe to push XD omg
OK, this is what I need to work on now. I have gotten the hang of wave management, and objective importance. I know I could climb many divisions if my team listened to me. But since they don't I need a firmer grasp of this type of strategizing within the game. Cause although I am able to make the right calls in these situations, it takes me to long to analyze the situation. I need to have such an understanding I can recognize the situations as groups and make my desicions then.
This video is good and i answer every question but it only works if you are ahead or your champion is strong in this minute of the game. I think you should do a video where the adc is behind and what to do then to win a game. It’s only my opinion :D
Can you make a video like this but for supports? I feel as if most of the time i have no control of the game (late) in macro and i have to only follow my teammates no matter what stupid decision they choose to make now
This is very good and I'm sure I need to look for more openings now. And btwDoes the five division offer count for d2 to challenger since it's five divs.
Dumb question but what if I push mid and my team tries baron and then loses it to the enemy team? My push gets stopped fast with strong baron effected minions when they come for me. Wouldnt that be the bigger loss? (just thinking about that they dont stop the baron and successfully steal it)
Yeah if I do this two of my team get executed to Baron then spam "Report Lucian" and "GG bot diff" then AFK. Oh and someone probably says something racist and/or homophobic. Welcome to League everybody!
who cares?' you take inhibitor aniways, that's a big advantage. Also, maybe your team can't do baron but neither can the enemy team now. You made the right decision and the chances to win are higher, if you don't like what your team is saying just mute them and keep carrying them..
@@monpotestbon1413 I am not hardstuck, just too lazy to play enough to climb higher than Plat. But my point here is that the play that is best if everyone on both teams plays perfectly is not necessary the best play given the actual players on both teams. There's an example of this where Hector takes an inhibitor at 20mins in Plat while also explaining why it is never optimal to take an inhibitor at 20mins but that he did it anyway because it seemed likely his team would tilt and play badly if he didn't. The play which isn't technically ideal but keeps your bronze teammates in a good mental is often better than the play which is best if all the players on both teams are top 10 Korean challenger players.
Why I do what Lucian do at my games and my team just continue at Baron, loses it, everybody dies and even that I take 2 or 3 inihibitors I still lose game?
Thing is, if he went top some of the game shis team would still push mid, die 4v5 and blame the adc, so it all relies on this happening less than 50% of the time in order to have a positive win rate. I am not sure that it does. I mean if fizz died when they tried to engage, it would be gg.
*Video: Do this if you want to win. Shows decent teams at 27min, who looks at the minimap and makes decisions in terms of positioning. *Reality: At 12 min jgl 0/8, mid 2/6, and it's over anyway. Once you cough up 27mins as a team, you go sidelane, ur team leaves you totally alone and get OS by anyone from the enemy team.
When I do as jhin did I'm being yelled at, my team looses a teamfight for some reason because they can't just back up and not fight and then I'm left 1v5 at enemy nexus and, of course, can't finish the game that way. It all depends on your mates really. You can't *just* win a game if you're playing with little kiddos not knowing what they're doing.
Almost all of these weren't from the ADC playing well but hoping that the enemy team misplays, face checking jungle against a 13 kill tristana - dropping a 5v2 / 3 - sending your entire team to kill the not fed ADC pushing base. Usually these guids are good but this doesnt teach you much other than "hope the enemy team fucks up to obvious plays".
The thing is the enemy is always making mistakes, so as long as u give them a chance to miss play, they will throw eventually. The trick is baiting them into akward decisions so they go for a bad call and lose the game. Yes, if the enemy plays perfectly theres nothing u can do, but no team is going to play 100% accurate the whole game, so theres no way they cant be punished in someway.
Let me tell you a secret. Every single LoL player below Grandmaster makes at least 20 big mistakes every game. You just dont see them because you arent paying attention or the mistakes dont get punished. BY forcing the enemy to make hard choices its almost guaranteed that they make a game losing mistake, but you still have to know how to exploit it. Its always knowledge + execution. If you lack either, you lose.
@@XTr3m3b4sh The issue here is these plays are easily miss plays like I said. Rolling your dice on what missplay they make is not a good way to win. Using their missplay against thtem is - but making a questionable decision and hoping they don't respond correctly is not. If darius face checked tristana there there's a high likelyhood shes dead. Going top with leona could easily result in a 3v5 in midlane. Hoping the malphite doesn't just recall, 1v1 you, then TP back to baron (tho the lucian play was arguebly quite good). None of these plays were exploiting a mistake by the enemy they only worked becuase of a mistake afterwards and that's just guesswork. What i'm saying is a lot of these "game winning plays" are also VERY easily game losing ones .
Only problem with this if they have nocturne, khazix, zed, or some assassin with a flash, you will just die and your team will stop baron for a moment, but will start it again and then die, and the enemy get baron. The end.
Honestly chaos is the word I use as well when I do that "splitpush" with Ziggs, as I do get that is more valuable to take objectives at hand that attempt to get them (Ghost + TP Mid)
I disagree with the assessment that Senna could not pop someone quickly with that amount of gold and time. Unless things are going very poorly or you just ignore wraiths, you should have more than enough damage with a auto->Q->auto combo there. I can do it with three items rn and mob boots.
Using this concept will win you WAY more games my fellow adcs!
You guys needs to make a video of how to carry from top. Almost all videos are jungle, adc, or mid. Videos are great but almost none for top laners.
only adc? hmmm can I some copy this concept on champ supports that can kill for example pyke and pantheon ?
Ah, the Ziggs method. Run it down a lane when your team wants to do some neutral objectives.
Not to be toxic, but all of these adc's were fed and all of them are lane bullies
"Stop playing fair as adc!"
Well,vayne toplaners already do that tbh!
u play aatrox?
@@PxPaper I don't even play toplane!But i see those poor bruisers melted by adcs like vayne,lucian,draven on toplane!
Same with Illaoi mid
Heh. Haven't lost to a Vayne in lane with Illaoi yet. Play back, farm with Q till 3, fish for a few E's, don't go aggro, and she'll basically int herself out of frustration, lol. It works every...single...time, lol.
@@karsonkammerzell6955 When i'm autofilled toplane,i usually go full ap malphite to counter that bastard!Nonstop poke with q+ludens=profit
"They can't overextend while defending their own base"
-someone who hasn't played lower ranked solo queue
The rules are different in low ELO and it's downright DARIUS
@@FooeyMcgooey ADC: leaves summoner plattform > Somehow gets oneshoted - my experience so far
this video in a nutshell: splitpush and hope the enemy has low iq
They always have low iq
But it reversed, our team that will have low iq XD
Both Teams have Low IQ, If you are saying that the enemy has more IQ than your Team than you Just dont notice the enemies Doing mistakes, this Challenger Dude obviously dies notice those mistakes and punishes them while Most Low Elo Players dont even See the mistakes of the enemies, they are too concentrated focusing on their Teammates mistakes which is why so many people say "I Always have the worse Team"
@@Idontknow-rh6cl You are right. Many don't want to believe that the enemy is bad, but you are just worse. So they look for faults in their allies and blame them to feel better. I had a jhin do this very things yesterday. But no he went 1/12 and I went 6/1. It is like many think "if you aren't doing what I think you should do, then you are bad"
@@pedrohenrique-db3xd both teams have low iq
You know whats so sad about these replays ? The ADC's teammates probably had no clue how hard they got carried.
They don't need to know. Only you do.
I mean, look at the ADCs. They’re pretty fed too. As an ADC main, we also get hard carried the whole early (unless we pick Lucian or Draven, then you’re the playmaker).
Such is the case with most games
I mean adcs cant carry without competent teammates so...
@@wizarddaddy47 depends on the adc, but I disagree, I've hard carried games with some awful teammates, though I stick to the good 1v9 adcs like vayne, trist, samira who can self peel
I wouldn't call this playing "dirty," just playing correctly. At the end of the day, league is just chess with lots of added mechanics. Staying ahead of your opponent on rotations, tempo, and map movement is a far better strategy than trying to take out as many of their pieces as possible (or in this case, ramming the two queens at each other and hoping yours beats the other).
Sounds hot
no, league is not "just chess with added mechanics", that's just a stretch to sound smart. You can have similarities in some concepts here and there but it's never going in the same category.
@@yellowblobby thats not the point. its meant to say league is a strategic game, no?
@@tjeppe5685 not really, as you can see all that's being said is that weird stretchy statement and the rest is feeble comparisons to back it up.
If the point was that league is strategic then there wouldn't be these wacky comparisons to try to justify the stretch
@@yellowblobby the reasons for wacky comparisons is to make it easier to understand, and also it just sounds fun
"Stop playing fair!"
"Ight, time to use scripts-"
"Tristana has to hide in a bush and wait"
*cries in aurelion sol*
sol adc is great! his bush cheese is second to none!
@@gregbean7512 idk if you are sarcastic or really don't know that a sol can't hide in bush
@@vinaayagamkarunagaran3439 he was being sarcastic
bro ur profile pick, are u the aurelion main that i talked with on the League discord server?
Why aurelion sol cant?
so basically to sum up the video: even on adc, when your fed you can splitpush (if done correctly)
also if ur behind you can splitpush cause you are worth very little and with good vision you can buy a lot of time being a distraction
the tone of his voice arent happy but arent sad either its a perfect mix so it doesnt come off as strong so its soothing
@@loganlamoreaux5347 if you are an ADC and you're behind, then you can be the perfect decoy in teamfights with champs that can buy time (Vayne, Kai'sa, Xayah...) because for some random reason people thinks that always you should focus the ADC when that's not true if you can't do dmg. ADC role has a lot of potential but needs more commitment to it than other roles
Split push and die instantly to Qiyana or Kayn. Got it
@@loganlamoreaux5347 I've noticed this strat working a lot. Let's say I lost lane playing Jinx. In a teamfight my autos will do 50 dmg to the 2.5k hp darius who just ghosts and runs me down for free gold and gets a penta. OR I can split push, get solo gold and xp, maybe bring the darius or someone else away from a teamfight and even if I die I'm useless in a teamfight anyway so it turns the teamfight from a 4v5 to a 4v4 and maybe I can get turrets or free gold. I've seen other adcs constantly split push all game after losing lane and they eventually scale and win with like 13 deaths.
I feel like this is how theBaussffs wins 90% of his games
he also uses the 10 death powerspike, infinite scaling/having late game while his opponents have none , 10 cs a minute, doign a solo bolo now and then and then end it with the baussff special to nuke the 2 nexus turrets.
Hes a very smart player. His mechanics at times let him down but he's always trying to do the right thing by the team and happily will die for foward momentum.
This video actually came in clutch in promos, just assessed control over the entire game. Thanks SkillCapped
Understanding when to not group is amazing advice for low elo peeps. Teamfights are coin flips anyways. I really loved this video, well done! Great examples
Me: i cant sleep
Also me: listens to his voice and dies
Same here , whenever I watch these guides and listen to his voice , after 5 minutes I get sleepy. No offense to that guy though , he explains things very well
his voice is fkin soothing man
4:35 they are a team full of squishy champions, SHOWS FULLTANK DARIUS
they have twitch yone samira and lux. just because they have 1 bruiser doesnt make their team tanky my guy xD
@@infinityplugs4385 Not the team as a whole, but they highlight him as *a* squishy champion, with the white borders
Wait a second. You can see the amount of ward charges on the enemy support from tab??? WHAT.
I thought, just like potions is doesn't update.
@@X33Ultras0und potions update
@@pytrax3134 even the refillable ones?
@@X33Ultras0und all of them
@@pytrax3134 didn't know that. Thanks, now I can track how much wards the enemy support has.
"hope the enemy team has no hands" is what he's thinking while making these examples
i really wish they can do a guide about" what should you buy in this situation " because i really suck at that :'(
I think now days it’s a lot simpler, a lot of cc? Quick silver, a lot of dive and dash? Galeforce, a lot of tanks? Kraken slayer/lord domic.
@@kylekung2455 agreed, it boils down to "what does the enemy have?" and then fit the item to your champion play style.
This video:Tips on how to win games,
1. Start winning the game
2. Finish winning the game
fr, all of those adcs were ahead already anyway
This is one of the best SCC videos I've seen yet. Great analysis.
This is the first video in season 11 which is a real guide for adc in the whole "Season 11 ADC Guide" playlist. I really like this channel but I wish there would be better & more guides for adc's. But since im interested in Mid and Jgl too I can watch at least these. Because 90% are Mid or Jgl Guides. Thanks anyways for these nice videos!
as a draven player, its hard not to want to simply shove mid as 5 after winning a good fight. this is a great video & hopefully i can get out of plat!!
I really like your comment. Not only draven players tend to do this 5 men push after winning a fight etc. The longer you play the more you are used to do certain things in a certain way. You have to consciously try to "re-program" yourself.
love how basically all youtube guides either the team and or the player are massively fed
Ikr, it feels so frustrating to see a play on any role that is fed. Or the enemy plays so badly that it mostly feels like they outplayed themselves more than the player did.
Like, what's the point of showing me a 30/1 Yi soloing baron and the enemy team that has 8 kills in total? Might as well tell me "people die when they are killed" and just skip to the next step of the guide
Great video. Definitely whiffed on the Tristana example, but I got the other two. Are you able to do a video on when/where to camp like that?
I'd also like videos on what to do if you're the team going against the Lucian in example 1. What to do when the enemy ADC has watched Skill Capped and you're trying your best to prevent him from winning when your team is preparing for the baron dance.
Ayyy! A real SkillCapped video again. RESUBSCRIBED!
New, improved video idea...
STOP playing ADC if you want to WIN - Support Guide
@Random Username "Just switch to mid" an ADC guide
Any role has more impact than adc (unless we are talking about samira, jhin or mf that can go lethality). There are literally 2 other roles in the game right now: dmg dealers (mages+assasins) and tanky dmg dealers (tanks and fighters). Crit has become a dogshit stat becasue it takes too long to build to 80%-100% and utilise it.
i like it how the video multiple times says "even as the adc" mentioning this is the worst role to influence the game even in s11 after s8 s9 and s10. Anyways gj Skillcaped thank you for a good strategy as always, i hope my team won't x4 report me for not participating in 5v5 unwinnable fights.
They will get triggered cause “OMG YOURE ALIVE PING PING PING PING”
Checked the elo, This game had rank average Bronze 1 ! WOW What High quality lesson!
Well, if you went up in diamond people don't do these mistakes, so you can't showcase what you want. This video isn't targeted to high elo players, but people who wanna climb. What's the point on giving a bronze player a tip that won't work against his elo because people play differently?
"Before we continue check out our big ad" *video ends after*
i will watch this and think of this vid 24/7 when i get peer pressure to chase enemy into unwarded jg, start teamfight when we aren't even ready...
I love how the idea at 6:55 is that jhin should split top with tf in enemy team. After tf burned his ult you justify how good top side vision is so he is safe to push XD omg
OK, this is what I need to work on now. I have gotten the hang of wave management, and objective importance. I know I could climb many divisions if my team listened to me. But since they don't I need a firmer grasp of this type of strategizing within the game. Cause although I am able to make the right calls in these situations, it takes me to long to analyze the situation. I need to have such an understanding I can recognize the situations as groups and make my desicions then.
Most of his decision making is based on macro decisions, around objectives and especially around farms and fixing waves
That’s what I understood
Love this guide. Exactly what I was looking for :)
that wukong, nida and zed dong baron witouth the botlane its so classic, its probably 90% watching this video tbh
Thanks for the knowledge !!
Wow... This is just too good... Thank you SkillCapped!
riot cheat banning team: *interesting*
cheaters: *interesting*
me, a support main: *i n t e r e s t i n g*
This video is good and i answer every question but it only works if you are ahead or your champion is strong in this minute of the game. I think you should do a video where the adc is behind and what to do then to win a game. It’s only my opinion :D
05:10 if you were in that situation with even a farming senna with what four items? you only need to auto q auto to kill anyone
in silver lucians team continues doing baron and spamping him "?"
8:23 "Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?"
I would like to know the name of the background music.
Was the vid muted?
@@Kassadin. No.
@@Kassadin. ???
Can you make a video like this but for supports? I feel as if most of the time i have no control of the game (late) in macro and i have to only follow my teammates no matter what stupid decision they choose to make now
That reasoning makes so much sense
This is very good and I'm sure I need to look for more openings now.
And btwDoes the five division offer count for d2 to challenger since it's five divs.
Finally, ADC content yesssss
The fact that Tristana and Lucian had near perfect cs makes me wonder if this is just a smurf
I always do this shit. Usually just to annoy the hell out of them after 10 min of 4 men ganks
most important thing: the adc was +3 lvl ahead
This can be turned into a TV show
Dumb question but what if I push mid and my team tries baron and then loses it to the enemy team?
My push gets stopped fast with strong baron effected minions when they come for me.
Wouldnt that be the bigger loss? (just thinking about that they dont stop the baron and successfully steal it)
Yeah if I do this two of my team get executed to Baron then spam "Report Lucian" and "GG bot diff" then AFK. Oh and someone probably says something racist and/or homophobic. Welcome to League everybody!
who cares?' you take inhibitor aniways, that's a big advantage. Also, maybe your team can't do baron but neither can the enemy team now. You made the right decision and the chances to win are higher, if you don't like what your team is saying just mute them and keep carrying them..
You can't carry them if they ragequit, ff, or stop playing just to type
@@queendaisy4528 That's right but those are exceptions, people ragequitting aren't as common as people just trash talking while playing.
@@queendaisy4528 people rage quit one game out of 20. That's not why you are hardstuck
I am not hardstuck, just too lazy to play enough to climb higher than Plat.
But my point here is that the play that is best if everyone on both teams plays perfectly is not necessary the best play given the actual players on both teams. There's an example of this where Hector takes an inhibitor at 20mins in Plat while also explaining why it is never optimal to take an inhibitor at 20mins but that he did it anyway because it seemed likely his team would tilt and play badly if he didn't.
The play which isn't technically ideal but keeps your bronze teammates in a good mental is often better than the play which is best if all the players on both teams are top 10 Korean challenger players.
*Reads title*
Me: Ok. *Locks in Samira*
does it work with toplane champs too?
Why I do what Lucian do at my games and my team just continue at Baron, loses it, everybody dies and even that I take 2 or 3 inihibitors I still lose game?
1:16 autoattack like every adc
Thing is, if he went top some of the game shis team would still push mid, die 4v5 and blame the adc, so it all relies on this happening less than 50% of the time in order to have a positive win rate. I am not sure that it does. I mean if fizz died when they tried to engage, it would be gg.
If Jhin tries to teamfight its a 95% loss chance at least. Any play is better than that.
Talk about marksmans and pick lucian (jumping caster) as example .
damn this guide was helpful even as someone who doesn't main adc
When you guess something right in these videos thinking you're smart but then he explains why you're correct..
*Video: Do this if you want to win. Shows decent teams at 27min, who looks at the minimap and makes decisions in terms of positioning.
*Reality: At 12 min jgl 0/8, mid 2/6, and it's over anyway. Once you cough up 27mins as a team, you go sidelane, ur team leaves you totally alone and get OS by anyone from the enemy team.
yt be playing with the ads throwing pro guides advertisements on this channel
Notification squad:3
When I do as jhin did I'm being yelled at, my team looses a teamfight for some reason because they can't just back up and not fight and then I'm left 1v5 at enemy nexus and, of course, can't finish the game that way. It all depends on your mates really. You can't *just* win a game if you're playing with little kiddos not knowing what they're doing.
Thanks for all skipp capped
This situations only happens when you aren't playing against a assassin who's jumping on you every time you appears in mini map.
I do this alot when my team can't team fight but still try. I just leave them to die and push opposite objective
The music makes me feel like I’m actually going to hit challenger
5:18 sorry but are you guys not playing dark harvest collecter muramana senna? shaking my smh my heaf
some man said :"chaos is a ladder"
Glad to be this early!
My way of fighting dirty is freezing waves even when it's not necessary and emoting to mess with my opponents.
This video: splitpush, leave your team
My team: aight the adc left, let's fight!
I wanna see this in diamond, that Lucian would get 1v1'd by Malphite and then tp to baron to secure that aswell.
Malph is extremely easy to outplay and the higher the rank, the more the skill-intensive champs win because they will just outplay you.
i need tipps when my teammates got 0:10 in 3 lanes thx
love ya guys
Almost all of these weren't from the ADC playing well but hoping that the enemy team misplays, face checking jungle against a 13 kill tristana - dropping a 5v2 / 3 - sending your entire team to kill the not fed ADC pushing base. Usually these guids are good but this doesnt teach you much other than "hope the enemy team fucks up to obvious plays".
The thing is the enemy is always making mistakes, so as long as u give them a chance to miss play, they will throw eventually. The trick is baiting them into akward decisions so they go for a bad call and lose the game. Yes, if the enemy plays perfectly theres nothing u can do, but no team is going to play 100% accurate the whole game, so theres no way they cant be punished in someway.
Let me tell you a secret. Every single LoL player below Grandmaster makes at least 20 big mistakes every game. You just dont see them because you arent paying attention or the mistakes dont get punished. BY forcing the enemy to make hard choices its almost guaranteed that they make a game losing mistake, but you still have to know how to exploit it. Its always knowledge + execution. If you lack either, you lose.
@@XTr3m3b4sh The issue here is these plays are easily miss plays like I said. Rolling your dice on what missplay they make is not a good way to win. Using their missplay against thtem is - but making a questionable decision and hoping they don't respond correctly is not. If darius face checked tristana there there's a high likelyhood shes dead. Going top with leona could easily result in a 3v5 in midlane. Hoping the malphite doesn't just recall, 1v1 you, then TP back to baron (tho the lucian play was arguebly quite good). None of these plays were exploiting a mistake by the enemy they only worked becuase of a mistake afterwards and that's just guesswork. What i'm saying is a lot of these "game winning plays" are also VERY easily game losing ones .
after starting to main Yone as ADC I started to act like this with different adcs.
8:24 I understood that reference
Are skilled capped and progudies the same people and sites?
Only problem with this if they have nocturne, khazix, zed, or some assassin with a flash, you will just die and your team will stop baron for a moment, but will start it again and then die, and the enemy get baron. The end.
Im do all the thing that you told but my team still die all time, So what's the next plan?
and then how to play supp. either get many free kills for your adc to snowball or rush mobi and gank top and mid
Oh boy, here I go winning again
Honestly chaos is the word I use as well when I do that "splitpush" with Ziggs, as I do get that is more valuable to take objectives at hand that attempt to get them (Ghost + TP Mid)
To sum up: you can win a game as an adc if the enemy int, as we all see in the examples :)
dose skillcap have any package for broke people ? :)
Just the kinda concept we should have in one of the most popular games in the world...
what do i do if my jgl mid int 11 deaths in 20min
Instructions unclear: now I’m permabanned for hacking
cant pop anyone with jinx? have you not seen her w damage
That was interesting even as a mid main.
What is a draygon?
I disagree with the assessment that Senna could not pop someone quickly with that amount of gold and time. Unless things are going very poorly or you just ignore wraiths, you should have more than enough damage with a auto->Q->auto combo there. I can do it with three items rn and mob boots.
I go to push any lane and 1 second later my whole team goes all in 4-3 vs 5 and dies
2:30 my elo scenario enemy team 5vs4 my team take baron and push malph and samira fast recall kill lucien with ulti maph tp join the team and defeated
The giveaway is still available?
Jinx comes mid fails a dive and says "lux no W rep mid"
I'm a garen main. I kill 1 person, run around a wall, get full health, make them run and smack the inhibitor repeatedly