I love that He uses phrases like, "We're not sure, but this is what we THINK is happening" Instead of Here's what that means for you. Confessing to not knowing things for sure is a sign of higher intelligence.
He comes across as more grounded and balanced in applying his spiritual practices and education/profession then the typical extremes of abandoning one because of the other or playing the cash grab game of pretending one validates people giving you money for the other
Sweets, sugar, chocolate, watermelon nahi khayege to hum hawas /kaam vaasna se dur ho jayege. Ragi soup piyo. 💪💪👍 1 saal se brahmacharya ka palan kar raha hu.
It is needed ...POINT of Evolution ...So he says JIVE TALKING . Esoterics without Practice ...Effective Practice ...Is NONSENSE I have all that and more .....but didn't find my Twin ..So it's rubbish as this ...😂
Summary: Meditation is about focusing on something, and letting everything else fall away. Eventually, the thing you're focusing on falls away as well, and you are left with an empty mind. From there, you can ascend to higher/transcendent states, but emptiness is the basic idea. Tantra is a bigger meditative tradition, but tantric sex is the process of using sex as that focal point. You may notice that the mind is usually empty during orgasm. So, Tantra contains a lot of techniques for prolonging the orgasm without ejaculation. Traditional tantric sex involves two people chanting and meditating together. Most religious traditions involve celibacy or some restriction around sex. Part of this may be because celibacy physiologically changes people to be more spiritual, or because desire is a distraction from higher forms of consciousness. However, high-level hindu monks can still have sex, if they have become indifferent to lust, and be considered to have a kind of celibacy. The goal is equanimity, because if one is obsessing over not having sex, the desire is still controlling the person. "The more you fight your mind, the less healthy you're going to be". There was an interesting digression that mindfulness techniques don't work on people with trauma -- in that case something intense like an ice plunge is used to clear the mind. NNN may arise from a transmuted/sublimated desire for achievement or control in other areas of life. It can be positive if it's used to break free of porn addiction.
All cool points except for your take on tantra. It is highly reductive. Tantric sex is only a small, specialized part of tantra, not the entirety of it. For those who are wondering, tantra, simply put, is ritualistic worship of Hindu deities. It's an entire path with its own scriptures and mantras. There are codified procedures for rituals for attaining different benefits. Tantric sex is only a niche application of this idea.
it's not transcendence it's just full focus without reptile brain interference to do tantra you need a person, so you start already removing need that you.have fulfilled and also you get to point of that person removing their ego affecting yours monks change their brains every change can be equally beneficial as bad in the same time Buddhist countries were historically as aggressive as other countries it's like concept of clearing conscious being also excuse for virtue signalling and cutting off from compensation for previous sins not compensating otters for these
Oh god tantra is not only about sex Where does do you all get that idea or which books do you refer? Tantra is wider subject and one part of or say one of the route of tantra have this sex part in particular way and due to this it gets this negative connotation There 95% tantric ritual which does not involve sex Tantra basically a technique to reach higher self Using mantra as fuel and using tantra as techniques you need channelise the energy then transfer it to an yantra or machine for your or society betterment Watch Rajarshi Nandys talk on tantra rituals
@@spman_19SR_25 thanks for the correction! Edited. There may been some confusion because they were only talking about tantric sex specifically as opposed to broader tantra
This guy is way too good in the way he is explaining and drawing examples like drinking water temperature - simple amazing . Apparently he has written a few books too. And host has done fantastic job by not interrupting his flow of thoughts
Getting to samadhi state of mind is easy i am got it in just a year it was hard before because people were not as interconnected as they are now so no right information was available on the topic and you have to listen to the right people for me it was osho and Acharya Prashant they both serve everything you need in a plate just listen to them and apply the knowledge and wait patiently.Its the best thing which happened to me@@anantsky
if all that energy youre saving up you dont use for something else, its gonna give trouble, yes. your body in most cases will expel it on its own through wet dreams to save itself. you gotta move that energy around otherwise there is no point in retention. imho
Correct. I actually discovered how to use this to induce Lucid Dreams and Out of Body Experience. Eventually I published two books on how to do this. Dreaming and OBE are ways to circulate stored energy.
I have done this for forty years and its so natural for me. I actually feel the sexual energy ascending through the meridiana to my nostrils and my brain. Its a beautiful regenerativa feeling
Anyone who's serious about semen retention has to accept the fact that everything (including all of yourself) is energy. Otherwise you'll lack the necessary understanding to navigate the intensity that is inevitably going to build in your system. Opening yourself up to higher levels of energy is a form of art and needs a looong time to master. Overall, not many guys have the level of consciousness that is needed to even sense how profound this practice is.
Professional who has actual personal experience, maturity, spiritual elevation and actual understanding like this man here should be the one counselling people not those fools that got A++ for a 📜 people think monk is an easy thing. Most of y'all hadn't even tried a 10 day vipassana course. Full time monks got lots of chores, work and service apart from full day of meditation/sadhana/Kriya. His community is truly lucky to have a gem like this that stay in the market place rather than isolating into deeper higher states of consciousness for self ascension.
The cross-over I have been hoping for. I think there are a lot of interesting topics you guys could touch on and contribute to a more holistic perspective.
I did karma yoga (physical work with awareness), asanas (physical postures dynamically), bhakti yoga (love for God), raja yoga (meditation), gnana yoga (reading of spriritual books), satsang (attending speeches by enlightened yogis) and hatha yoga (cleansing/purificaton of the body and its energies), and I suppressed my sexuality as best as I could. God came and opened anahata chakra (the heart center) by raising kundalini (not in the physical body but in the cosmic body, the time-space continuum, which is our wider body). I was 23 years old at the time. Now I am 56. Never once did I have sex or masterbate during these 33 years, and nocturnal emission very rarely, once evey a few years, perhaps it has't happened now for ten years. To fight against "primary instict" successfully is possible, but it's good to do many things, not just try meditation. You have to be more involoved in yoga. Then God can also come into the picture, through guru.
One doesn't need to "fight" sexual tendencies if kundalini is awakened. Below is an analogy: If one's stomach is full then he will not eat a tasty cheese loaded Pizza even if you force him.
@@anantsky There is always temptation, but abstention is much more easy and spontaneus when higher chakras function. The "suppresion" of my sexuality that I mentioned related to the period before the chakra awakening. After that of course it was infinitely easier. Let me also note the kundalini's role in my case was only to open the higher chakra. Then, while the chakra stayed awake henceforth, kundalini went to slumber again. It is not active. I don't know how it is to have an active kundalini day in day out, but I have read it just might make abstention more difficult. Perhaps it also depends on which chakras are functioning, because it is actually possible to have an active kundalini without higher chakras functioning. That's why it just might be that, as long as one is not ready for enlightenment, awakening the chakras could be more important than an active kundalini day in day out. But I don't know. I am no expert on this. I only know my own experience and the result. PS. I deem your simile of the stomach being full accurate. When there is a higher chakra functioning, you are fuller in a permanent, continuous way, you have more energy in the psyche, and you don't need an explosion of sexual, orgasmic energy to make you feel alive. And it makes sense that the higher you go, the fuller you feel within your psyche. (AND within your body. Because body then becomes united with psyche, they become part of the same vibration. That's why saints who visit us in dreams have a strong physicality of a spiritual kind. They have in essence turned body to a living, conscious fire, that exists unaltered even when the physical body rots. That's partly the result of an active love for eternity, to which it just might happen that God responds.)
@@VideoTranslations The purpose of all types of Yoga is to activate kundalini either directly or indirectly. The more kundalini one gathers the higher the spiritual experiences. The ultimate prize is to open the Sahasrara chakra which takes years of practice focusing at Ajna chakra. After kundalini has been activated one has to maintain the flow with everyday sadhana.
@@VideoTranslations Well let me enlighten you a little bit. First of all, stop deluding yourself by believing that your kundalini raised some how and then went back and and all other stuff that you mentioned. You're as close to being wrong as to labelling an apple tree as a mango tree! Kundalini Yoga and meditation is the most powerful and yet the most dangerous form of Yoga and meditation because it involves working with and transmuting your life energies themselves. It's akin to nuclear energy- when used correctly, it can power up millions of homes, but when handled wrong- it becomes a bomb with power to destroy millions. Practices like these literally take "lifetimes" to succeed- whether you believe in the cycle of birth and death is another thing, but one should never attempt such thing on his own just by reading some online tutorial or joining an online or offline course. Now when you said "God came and opened anahata chakra (the heart center) by raising kundalini (not in the physical body but in the cosmic body, the time-space continuum, which is our wider body)." Well I don't know what you experienced but it never happens this way, it never has happened in the history and it never will 'cause that's not the mechanism. And if you really did attend all of those kinds of Yoga sessions then you would be aware that the Kundalini energy lies dormant at the base in the Muladhar chakra wrapped around in 3 and half coils. This energy awakens either through "lifetimes" of spiritual practice or can happen by another enlightened Guru. BUT...!! The moment it happens, it will result in the instantaneous death of that person! Why? Because as the Kundalini raises from the base, it pierces through the seven chakra up to the Sahasrar Chakra and that's when enlightenment happens and the person becomes free from the cycle of birth and death. It is never half way up to this or that chakra. And the enlightened beings who don't die- well they are spiritually adept enough to be able to keep hold of their bodies if they wish to in order to do some work or higher purpose, otherwise like what normally happens- they die.
@@winniepooh4130 The kundalini may, as you say, go from the base to the crown. That's one experience. But we are all in different stages of spiritual evolution depending on which chakras are open. It is not "all or none". It's not as if we are all on the base chakra and then the kundalini goes to the crone and we die unless we become saviors of humanity. At some point during our evolution a chakra opens by the awakening of kundalini. (Is there any other way for the chakra to open?) The kundalini doesn't go half way through a chakra. It goes *all* the way to the particular chakra. But it doesn't go all the qay to the *crone* chakra, as you suggest, because it often takes many lifetimes from one chakra to the other. If we were all at the base chakra, then there would be no in-between. We would either be lowest or highest. But in fact, there are stations in between. This train is not an express one. Or, more precisely, though it is very swift, it does do stops before the final destination. Then you get out, make more effort, store more energy, and you are on your way again. My guru ignited the experience to me. At its end, he showed me also a previous lifetime of mine. He came to me inside my sleep, at a different plane. I think he has also written somewhere that it is better for all the chakras to be open before the kundalini rises. Chakras being open is a different thing. They open through kundalini, but this doesn't mean that it is active day in - day out. Because we all have some chakras open, but our kundalini is not active day-in day-out. It got active at some point in a previous lifetime, opened a chakra, then you are operating from that chakra, but kundalini is not active in the way it is inside some kundalini yogis. There are no explosions any more. One explosion, chakra opens, then no explosions. After some years or lifetimes, on more explosion, next chakra opens, then no more explosions. This is how I undertand it generally happens. Although it seems that in some people, it becomes active irrespective of how many chakras have been awakened.
Great explanation. Simple and straightforward. Rajnishiji said same thing. But I guess he spoke from spiritual perspective. This guy is for our ordinary day today life. Sex is reality & how we ordinary people can come to terms with it. Thank you.
I used to tell people skydiving was very much like meditation for me. Once you jump, regardless of what is going on in your life, you’re only thinking about one thing during those 40 seconds of freefall and 4 minutes under canopy, and that is the ground coming towards you very very quickly. This did not resonate for folks who have never meditated or skydived. Perhaps comparing meditation to orgasm would be better understood.
I fully agree. I meditate since 92 but the focus i need when Kite Surfing, 68 yrs young, is fantastic. It is a very unforgiving sport. It is a little easier now but first few years i could hear myself thinj
I went skydiving a couple years ago and I agree. The mind (and body) cannot help but be fully present. It's too extreme and unusual to think about anything else.
Been limiting ejaculation (not necessarily orgasam) since I was 28 (I’m now 44). The idea was well known and discussed in the Nor Cal hippie/new age/festie circles when I was in my 20’s. I have more energy, focus, drive, ambition, sex drive, a deeper voice, peace, health, and I look (not my opinion here) 10 years younger than my age. IDK, I’m going to continue… I’ve learned to orgasam without ejaculation, but it took some time exploring and learning this. Maybe I actually ejaculate a couple times a month, but I orgasam closer to (5-20)times a month, depending on the month. I’ve had many partners over the years, and they all benefit from getting as much as they want:) cheers to conversations about this subject reaching the main stream!
Same here. In fact I started with this retention thing at 25 yrs, now 39. Healthy in all respects, testosterone at 39 matches that of a 23 yr old guy.. 80 percent of the time my partner, a girl always 😊, finishes before I do...in fact I don't like to ejaculate. Ejaculation seems to drain away all the energy...whereas Orgasm without ejaculation keeps you energetic and ready for another and another round. Sad to hear people commenting here in disbelief... PPL just cannot seem to believe that it works. Poor chaps
@@kumark214 you can’t force the hold, that can lead to retrograde ejaculate (seamen in the bladder) which is not the worst, but is not healthy either. The real deal is learning to orgasm energetically, and not feeling the need for actual physical contraction type orgasm. Learning to accomplish this on your own is the first step, although exploring with a partner is the most fun😅
Tantra in a Vajrayana Buddhist Perspective is about working with basically with the chakras, channels, and energy flow. The goal is Enlightenment of All Buddhist Practices. This is aided by clearing the channels, opening the chakras, and bringing the energy into the central channel. The Energy naturally flows in the central channel they say when you die, when you orgasm, and when you sneeze [lol]. Semen Retention is part of the practice so as to not lose your Bodhichitta, Loving Kindness, Compassion and wisdom.
either way, cutting out super high stimuli or pmo in general is just good. to much of anything is bad. it creates addictions. it's not a healthy way to cope with life.
He is spot on when he says that if you practice yoga right, you automatically become detached and your desires rein in and that ppl are forcing themselves to go desireless which will backfire. As the yoga practice gets denser, one starts to experience the temporariness and futility of desires and that is when natural detachment comes through. This detachment is effortless and does not create any dichotomy.
If you practice semen retention with proper rest, yogic food [ satwik food ] and a loving sex partner, bliss will start after three hours of sex practice and you will go to samadhi and sex will be completely trasformed into love and you will come out of sex addiction . You will become master of sex insted of servant of sex. Afterwords no more sex is required,because you experience the ultimate bliss. A great silence enter your mind . You will become dreamer without dreams and thinker without thought. You will meet yourself in absolute silence. All thoughts suddenly vanishes. Your ego vanishes, real YOU [ atman] remains. Your soul will detach from everthing and become completely free. This state of mind is called Nirvana in yoga. After achiving nirvana your mind body organism will never be interested in attachments called samsara.
No that happens when you are having sex with your wife because you are free from guilt from anyone one including God. Fornication will always bring shame and evil.
When we try to explain everything from modern premature science point of view… it is mostly dry of essence…. We ignore emotional and devotional dimension involved in highly advanced practices which r essential to succeed…
Pratyahara: observing the mind wander while offering it a home to come back and relax which is an object of focus. During Pratyahara the mind wanders and comes back to the object of focus alternately. Dharna: When the minds chooses not to wander and comes to rest on the object of focus. Dhyana: when the object and the mind become one. Samadhi: the realisation that the object and the Brahman (universal power) is one and the Purusha (the perfect, eternal being in every one of us) becomes one with the Brahman.
Great👍. This was very meaningful and a real good insight into ones mind and which is the purpose of dhyana.. Wonderful way of letting me dive into this deep water💦.
Well, I’m a Hindu, so let me explain what Dharana is not - it is NOT focusing on an “idol” as the speaker claims. It IS focusing on one’s “svadharma” - one’s chosen aspect of God. If the a spect is “learning”, then you meditating on that attribute, and you pray to achieve eminence in learning. You pray for that attribute of God - learning - also exemplified by the goddess Saraswati - to guide you in your quest to become a learned human being. The chanting of specific Sanskrit verses to enable the goddess of learning to enter your soul and guide you in your learning journey is what I practice. Now do you understand?
Well, it is something to focus on. It can be what you said, it can the idol he mentioned and it can also be a very tiny but powerful mantra that my Guru taught me. The way it was explained to me was “like a drop falling into the ocean, creating ripples far and wide and slowly converging on the point of impact” . Helps with deep meditation. I’m also a Hindu and the religion is replete with beautiful metaphors to explain important things. Your explanation I believe is one of them
If you look at Joe Dispenza’s work you’ll understand why you should not waste your semen on porn… instead use that Kundalini energy for your pineal gland to access higher states of consciousness
@@demarcusds95 most of the info in his books is available in his interviews/podcasts. While giving you some insights he ultimately tries to upsell you... selling meditation dvds with ad breaks like really??
What's evil is the propaganda of Kundalini that was brought into america by Yogi Bhajan. The true knowledge in the western culture is Holy Spirit and it activates on its own through good without having to force it, chase it or do weird practices to active it. Just pray deeply to God everyday and it will activate in you in non detrimental ways that can drive you crazy like in the kundalini teachings @@alsahib3768
Though you now reject semen retention, I’m impressed you were able to achieve that goal. I myself haven’t the foggiest notion how one could go about doing that. I have always thought that orgasm and ejaculation were literally inextricably linked.
Same. The cramps aren’t fun. Was also just annoyed, not calm. Cutting out adult videos and other external stimulation that isn’t natural is absolutely worth it though.
@@ILoveWeightedPullups it wasn't worth it for me. It's different for everybody. And there is nothing unnatural about voyeurism or masturbation. Everything that occurs WITHIN nature is natural. But even it it wasn't natural it wouldn't matter to me because I already do a lot of unnatural things such as wearing shoes.
I have to push back on his observation that during orgasm where we lose focus or the reason why we love drugs... My best orgasms is when I am connected with that person in exchanging love and appreciation. Not trying to sound holy, and my limited experience with drugs is that it opens different doors and awareness. Marijuana can induce really cool nostalgic glimpses. So my point is it's not the same for everybody. But I appreciate his description of meditation goals.
The hippie movement started with various groups of westerners finding gurus in India and transferring this knowledge. Indian gurus still are the reason for vegetarian veganism Natural cosmetics like aveeda… even alternative medicine or Silva mind or pranayama yoga - converted to Christian or Islamic yoga.. all from India… every mind science has its origin in India - spices were medicines
The fact that he lists, in Sanskrit, the three stages of meditation according to yoga but can’t say why all religions place some kind of conditions or restrictions on sexual activity is weird. True Yoga meditation paths clearly explain the higher and lower forms of sexual activity and why just having as much sex as you want with whomever you want is spiritually counterproductive.
it is bullshit. imho siddhasana doesn't restrict flow in this area. but pressing it is stimulating for this area, so efect is quite opposite. but to stay in it long time could has imho some drawbacks so i wouldn't recommend to overdo it. siddhasana is as i know rather position for pranayama, real position for meditation is padmasana, which has not these issues...
In meditation , thoughts dont "go away" u get better and better at a)..either letting them go and refocusing on your "point of attention ", mantra, breath, candle etc. b) giving little or no attention to the random thought(s) and refocusing on the mantra/point of attention. Its practice. Its called the practice of meditation. Actually staying fully focused , with no thoughts, is rare, and a gift to be let go of and to resume the practice. The "enjoyment" is a side effect and not the goal. One enjoys "strength" to be of use. Thats my experience ...lol, and lots of "so, so " practice.
In reading somewhere years ago, I saw the no-mind-state moment during orgasm described very aptly as an "ellipsis of consciousness." Since puberty I'd had an instinct to want to avoid ejaculation. With time, I developed that into practicing what might be described (less than accurately, perhaps) as "tantric masturbation." Eventually, though, I found my preferred sexual state in semen retention/celibacy.
Exactly, these westerners deliberately say east which is Indian if it is intellectual but if it is bad then they say it is Indian. They are complex ridden of our antique culture. They propagate a lot Egyptian, Greece, Chinese and even Buddhist but never Indian. Because Indian antique culture is source of all these cultures.
Yep. A form of cultural appropriation. They take from Indian culture, erase the source reference, and then attempt to resell it back to us for a profit.
these things are way older than india as state. and are as we speak of aryan ancestry anyway. so not affiliated with very big part of today's india society (i mean their roots)...
Should not be an "outlet" because it will easily become an addiction. What do you do when everything seemingly stops going your way. What will you rely on?
Celibacy is a "practice", always a work in progress, and we work with the cycle of the moon. Release at Full, preserve at New. I don't see how anyone could take a vow of celibacy for life, it is impossible as you say, we will involuntarily release semen at night or whenever. It is however the ejaculation that is important. We Converse As Much Semen As Possible According To The Strenght of our Character as an individual. The "Immaculate Conception" teaches us that the ultimate in "Tantra", for a man, is at the moment of orgasm, to pull up at the "perineum" and he will release just one drop of semen but draw the rest of the orgasm back up through the kundalini pathway.
The 7 steps before samadhi make us ready for samadhi to happen. samadhi itself is of multiple types about 7-8 of them. Savikalpa samadhi, Nirvikalp samadhi, sa-asmita, sasmita, Dharmamegha, Sabija, Nirbija, Savitarka, Mahasamadhi/kaivalya/moksha/mukti/nirvana.
He keeps saying things like 'We don't know why', 'We don't understand it', 'We don't know if it's true', etc. Please learn to listen to others, not just to yourself, you will be surprised that you might learn a few new things... 🙏🏻
As per ayurveda all natural urges are controlled by vata. It is also called Vegas - eg fart reflex, sneezing reflex, yawning reflex, ejaculation reflex. If you try to stop any of these reflex your entire body's vata will get disturbed. If vata gets disturbed you will age faster.
At 3:48 my third eye took me to a crime scene where a woman was gang raped. I couldn't see if the men ejaculated but their attention was not all concentrated on the act of sex they were busy performing. They were pretty worried about what was going on in their surroundings. Then the husband returned from work, found the gang of 4 and he dealt with them all 4 at once, freeing his wife. This reminds me to remain vigilant and not allow meditation to let me drift into an ideal world of fantasy, thinking that nothing can take my attention off from sex is a code of trouble. Stay sharp, stay alert, stay awake, stay alive. And Free meditation
101 is nothing stop being stupid if you choose that path you have to bring it home, go one year and you will see how your life will change for the craziest. 100 days is nothing
I just want to know how to be rid of my libido for good, since there's no pill that can do it. Can meditation do this? I've meditated for years, but I guess I really suck at it.
SPOT FUCKING ON. about time someone speak scientifically on Indian philosophy that can be understood by the masses. A sort of Huberman take on Indian philosophy
3:35 Not actually true... I am "socially" required to observe the moment. However, I could just as easily be carrying on a conversation with a partner about something else, and I have...
6:51 restricted sexual activity. And we not sure why. We are sure why...... For the exact same reason as overindulgence in anything is bad. Gluttony could make you fat. Alcohol leads to impaired judgement. Sex leads to unequal burdens for which there has to be created a fair playground. Not all humans have sex as priority number one and there's nothing as bad as having to fake a headache constantly. Restricted sex could solve a lot of headaches.
Overall in the west it seems that the shame around enjoying sex should be examined as if we are able to address this, then we can be a major step closer towards freeing many people from their issues sexually.
In my opinion if you're going to do it I'd do it under the guidance of a professional or after a lot of study. You see so many people not doing it right which only achieves frustration and negative consequences. It needs to be done correctly.
To their points, this practice to fulfill enlightenment via sex would not be optimal if you have experienced sexual trauma. Need to face that first, reframe sex in your life and then readdress. He presents this well.
I love that He uses phrases like, "We're not sure, but this is what we THINK is happening" Instead of Here's what that means for you. Confessing to not knowing things for sure is a sign of higher intelligence.
It also means he probably is very sympathetic and caring about his patients
He comes across as more grounded and balanced in applying his spiritual practices and education/profession then the typical extremes of abandoning one because of the other or playing the cash grab game of pretending one validates people giving you money for the other
Sweets, sugar, chocolate, watermelon nahi khayege to hum hawas /kaam vaasna se dur ho jayege. Ragi soup piyo. 💪💪👍
1 saal se brahmacharya ka palan kar raha hu.
Avoid sweets, sugar, chocolate, watermelon, fastfoods etc to avoid lust feelings.
Brahmacharya since 6 months. 💪💪👍
It is needed ...POINT of Evolution ...So he says JIVE TALKING .
Esoterics without Practice ...Effective Practice ...Is NONSENSE
I have all that and more .....but didn't find my Twin ..So it's rubbish as this ...😂
Former Buddhist monk here. He presented the subject very very well
Why former?
@@Power50505 personal decision. There’s a provision for returning vows
😂😂😂former monk?😂😂😂what happnd...u got bored of the buulllsgite mate?
@@polarisss148No kundalini has awakened in him. He shouldn't be talking about the sacred topic of Yoga.
Hindu Yogic
Meditation is about focusing on something, and letting everything else fall away. Eventually, the thing you're focusing on falls away as well, and you are left with an empty mind. From there, you can ascend to higher/transcendent states, but emptiness is the basic idea. Tantra is a bigger meditative tradition, but tantric sex is the process of using sex as that focal point. You may notice that the mind is usually empty during orgasm. So, Tantra contains a lot of techniques for prolonging the orgasm without ejaculation. Traditional tantric sex involves two people chanting and meditating together.
Most religious traditions involve celibacy or some restriction around sex. Part of this may be because celibacy physiologically changes people to be more spiritual, or because desire is a distraction from higher forms of consciousness. However, high-level hindu monks can still have sex, if they have become indifferent to lust, and be considered to have a kind of celibacy. The goal is equanimity, because if one is obsessing over not having sex, the desire is still controlling the person.
"The more you fight your mind, the less healthy you're going to be".
There was an interesting digression that mindfulness techniques don't work on people with trauma -- in that case something intense like an ice plunge is used to clear the mind.
NNN may arise from a transmuted/sublimated desire for achievement or control in other areas of life. It can be positive if it's used to break free of porn addiction.
All cool points except for your take on tantra. It is highly reductive. Tantric sex is only a small, specialized part of tantra, not the entirety of it.
For those who are wondering, tantra, simply put, is ritualistic worship of Hindu deities. It's an entire path with its own scriptures and mantras. There are codified procedures for rituals for attaining different benefits. Tantric sex is only a niche application of this idea.
it's not transcendence it's just full focus without reptile brain interference
to do tantra you need a person, so you start already removing need that you.have fulfilled and also you get to point of that person removing their ego affecting yours
monks change their brains every change can be equally beneficial as bad in the same time Buddhist countries were historically as aggressive as other countries it's like concept of clearing conscious being also excuse for virtue signalling and cutting off from compensation for previous sins not compensating otters for these
Oh god tantra is not only about sex
Where does do you all get that idea or which books do you refer?
Tantra is wider subject and one part of or say one of the route of tantra have this sex part in particular way and due to this it gets this negative connotation
There 95% tantric ritual which does not involve sex
Tantra basically a technique to reach higher self
Using mantra as fuel and using tantra as techniques you need channelise the energy then transfer it to an yantra or machine for your or society betterment
Watch Rajarshi Nandys talk on tantra rituals
@@spman_19SR_25 thanks for the correction! Edited. There may been some confusion because they were only talking about tantric sex specifically as opposed to broader tantra
Appreciation for your summary. Mahalo nui🙌🏽
This guy is way too good in the way he is explaining and drawing examples like drinking water temperature - simple amazing . Apparently he has written a few books too. And host has done fantastic job by not interrupting his flow of thoughts
becuase he puts a accent
He helped me to get out of a very dark place with his RUclips channel.
This young doctor speaks sense and science. Enjoyed his explanations.
He's talking about Samadhi like selling street food. Don't think his consciousness has expanded even a bit.
Getting to samadhi state of mind is easy i am got it in just a year it was hard before because people were not as interconnected as they are now so no right information was available on the topic and you have to listen to the right people for me it was osho and Acharya Prashant they both serve everything you need in a plate just listen to them and apply the knowledge and wait patiently.Its the best thing which happened to me@@anantsky
if all that energy youre saving up you dont use for something else, its gonna give trouble, yes. your body in most cases will expel it on its own through wet dreams to save itself. you gotta move that energy around otherwise there is no point in retention. imho
Most sense full comment!
True that the energy will find a way. One possible way is through a creative outlet. It doesn’t have to be via ejaculation.
Correct. I actually discovered how to use this to induce Lucid Dreams and Out of Body Experience. Eventually I published two books on how to do this. Dreaming and OBE are ways to circulate stored energy.
I have done this for forty years and its so natural for me.
I actually feel the sexual energy ascending through the meridiana to my nostrils and my brain.
Its a beautiful regenerativa feeling
Good talk. I've taught Tantra for forty years and watched lives change.
Any good resources for beginners?
Anyone who's serious about semen retention has to accept the fact that everything (including all of yourself) is energy. Otherwise you'll lack the necessary understanding to navigate the intensity that is inevitably going to build in your system. Opening yourself up to higher levels of energy is a form of art and needs a looong time to master. Overall, not many guys have the level of consciousness that is needed to even sense how profound this practice is.
Professional who has actual personal experience, maturity, spiritual elevation and actual understanding like this man here should be the one counselling people not those fools that got A++ for a 📜 people think monk is an easy thing. Most of y'all hadn't even tried a 10 day vipassana course. Full time monks got lots of chores, work and service apart from full day of meditation/sadhana/Kriya. His community is truly lucky to have a gem like this that stay in the market place rather than isolating into deeper higher states of consciousness for self ascension.
He is a therapist. He needs to people to make money. He gives people knowledge in exchange of money.
Just be aware of your every act I say everything in your life including marital bliss which is the sole creation of World. And do nothing.
Bro shouldnt be commenting on youtube if thats the case
they ascend only to non-living zombie state and die with the same result as anyone else
@@szymonbaranowski8184you’re only looking at the physical plane
I’m so impressed by his way of explaining things.
The cross-over I have been hoping for. I think there are a lot of interesting topics you guys could touch on and contribute to a more holistic perspective.
Good to hear from the practitioner.🙏
Glued together many complex feelings and mind guidance we all know , just have struggles to put it together.Thank you
I did karma yoga (physical work with awareness), asanas (physical postures dynamically), bhakti yoga (love for God), raja yoga (meditation), gnana yoga (reading of spriritual books), satsang (attending speeches by enlightened yogis) and hatha yoga (cleansing/purificaton of the body and its energies), and I suppressed my sexuality as best as I could. God came and opened anahata chakra (the heart center) by raising kundalini (not in the physical body but in the cosmic body, the time-space continuum, which is our wider body). I was 23 years old at the time. Now I am 56. Never once did I have sex or masterbate during these 33 years, and nocturnal emission very rarely, once evey a few years, perhaps it has't happened now for ten years.
To fight against "primary instict" successfully is possible, but it's good to do many things, not just try meditation. You have to be more involoved in yoga.
Then God can also come into the picture, through guru.
One doesn't need to "fight" sexual tendencies if kundalini is awakened.
Below is an analogy:
If one's stomach is full then he will not eat a tasty cheese loaded Pizza even if you force him.
@@anantsky There is always temptation, but abstention is much more easy and spontaneus when higher chakras function. The "suppresion" of my sexuality that I mentioned related to the period before the chakra awakening. After that of course it was infinitely easier.
Let me also note the kundalini's role in my case was only to open the higher chakra. Then, while the chakra stayed awake henceforth, kundalini went to slumber again. It is not active.
I don't know how it is to have an active kundalini day in day out, but I have read it just might make abstention more difficult. Perhaps it also depends on which chakras are functioning, because it is actually possible to have an active kundalini without higher chakras functioning. That's why it just might be that, as long as one is not ready for enlightenment, awakening the chakras could be more important than an active kundalini day in day out.
But I don't know. I am no expert on this. I only know my own experience and the result.
PS. I deem your simile of the stomach being full accurate. When there is a higher chakra functioning, you are fuller in a permanent, continuous way, you have more energy in the psyche, and you don't need an explosion of sexual, orgasmic energy to make you feel alive.
And it makes sense that the higher you go, the fuller you feel within your psyche. (AND within your body. Because body then becomes united with psyche, they become part of the same vibration. That's why saints who visit us in dreams have a strong physicality of a spiritual kind. They have in essence turned body to a living, conscious fire, that exists unaltered even when the physical body rots. That's partly the result of an active love for eternity, to which it just might happen that God responds.)
@@VideoTranslations The purpose of all types of Yoga is to activate kundalini either directly or indirectly. The more kundalini one gathers the higher the spiritual experiences. The ultimate prize is to open the Sahasrara chakra which takes years of practice focusing at Ajna chakra. After kundalini has been activated one has to maintain the flow with everyday sadhana.
@@VideoTranslations Well let me enlighten you a little bit. First of all, stop deluding yourself by believing that your kundalini raised some how and then went back and and all other stuff that you mentioned. You're as close to being wrong as to labelling an apple tree as a mango tree! Kundalini Yoga and meditation is the most powerful and yet the most dangerous form of Yoga and meditation because it involves working with and transmuting your life energies themselves. It's akin to nuclear energy- when used correctly, it can power up millions of homes, but when handled wrong- it becomes a bomb with power to destroy millions.
Practices like these literally take "lifetimes" to succeed- whether you believe in the cycle of birth and death is another thing, but one should never attempt such thing on his own just by reading some online tutorial or joining an online or offline course.
Now when you said "God came and opened anahata chakra (the heart center) by raising kundalini (not in the physical body but in the cosmic body, the time-space continuum, which is our wider body)." Well I don't know what you experienced but it never happens this way, it never has happened in the history and it never will 'cause that's not the mechanism.
And if you really did attend all of those kinds of Yoga sessions then you would be aware that the Kundalini energy lies dormant at the base in the Muladhar chakra wrapped around in 3 and half coils. This energy awakens either through "lifetimes" of spiritual practice or can happen by another enlightened Guru. BUT...!! The moment it happens, it will result in the instantaneous death of that person! Why? Because as the Kundalini raises from the base, it pierces through the seven chakra up to the Sahasrar Chakra and that's when enlightenment happens and the person becomes free from the cycle of birth and death. It is never half way up to this or that chakra.
And the enlightened beings who don't die- well they are spiritually adept enough to be able to keep hold of their bodies if they wish to in order to do some work or higher purpose, otherwise like what normally happens- they die.
@@winniepooh4130 The kundalini may, as you say, go from the base to the crown. That's one experience. But we are all in different stages of spiritual evolution depending on which chakras are open. It is not "all or none". It's not as if we are all on the base chakra and then the kundalini goes to the crone and we die unless we become saviors of humanity. At some point during our evolution a chakra opens by the awakening of kundalini. (Is there any other way for the chakra to open?) The kundalini doesn't go half way through a chakra. It goes *all* the way to the particular chakra. But it doesn't go all the qay to the *crone* chakra, as you suggest, because it often takes many lifetimes from one chakra to the other. If we were all at the base chakra, then there would be no in-between. We would either be lowest or highest. But in fact, there are stations in between. This train is not an express one. Or, more precisely, though it is very swift, it does do stops before the final destination. Then you get out, make more effort, store more energy, and you are on your way again.
My guru ignited the experience to me. At its end, he showed me also a previous lifetime of mine.
He came to me inside my sleep, at a different plane.
I think he has also written somewhere that it is better for all the chakras to be open before the kundalini rises.
Chakras being open is a different thing. They open through kundalini, but this doesn't mean that it is active day in - day out. Because we all have some chakras open, but our kundalini is not active day-in day-out. It got active at some point in a previous lifetime, opened a chakra, then you are operating from that chakra, but kundalini is not active in the way it is inside some kundalini yogis.
There are no explosions any more. One explosion, chakra opens, then no explosions. After some years or lifetimes, on more explosion, next chakra opens, then no more explosions.
This is how I undertand it generally happens. Although it seems that in some people, it becomes active irrespective of how many chakras have been awakened.
Great explanation. Simple and straightforward. Rajnishiji said same thing. But I guess he spoke from spiritual perspective. This guy is for our ordinary day today life. Sex is reality & how we ordinary people can come to terms with it.
Thank you.
This was very fascinating to listen to. Thanks for all the great work !
I used to tell people skydiving was very much like meditation for me. Once you jump, regardless of what is going on in your life, you’re only thinking about one thing during those 40 seconds of freefall and 4 minutes under canopy, and that is the ground coming towards you very very quickly. This did not resonate for folks who have never meditated or skydived. Perhaps comparing meditation to orgasm would be better understood.
I've not skydived but a great analogy
I fully agree. I meditate since 92 but the focus i need when Kite Surfing, 68 yrs young, is fantastic. It is a very unforgiving sport. It is a little easier now but first few years i could hear myself thinj
O great today it is going well and boom before the thought was finished i was falling, which is somewhat violent!!
I went skydiving a couple years ago and I agree. The mind (and body) cannot help but be fully present. It's too extreme and unusual to think about anything else.
@@karynakloude160 there’s a great deal of sensory overload.
Finest topic, particularly so coz the way professor K explains.
He is an authoriry
Been limiting ejaculation (not necessarily orgasam) since I was 28 (I’m now 44). The idea was well known and discussed in the Nor Cal hippie/new age/festie circles when I was in my 20’s. I have more energy, focus, drive, ambition, sex drive, a deeper voice, peace, health, and I look (not my opinion here) 10 years younger than my age. IDK, I’m going to continue… I’ve learned to orgasam without ejaculation, but it took some time exploring and learning this. Maybe I actually ejaculate a couple times a month, but I orgasam closer to (5-20)times a month, depending on the month. I’ve had many partners over the years, and they all benefit from getting as much as they want:) cheers to conversations about this subject reaching the main stream!
Please educate me on that plz
I tried that and was able to but it kind of screwed me up a bit I think. I read somewhere that it can screw up your physiology.
@@stevenbrewer8788 hi kindly educate more on this
Same here.
In fact I started with this retention thing at 25 yrs, now 39.
Healthy in all respects, testosterone at 39 matches that of a 23 yr old guy..
80 percent of the time my partner, a girl always 😊, finishes before I do...in fact I don't like to ejaculate.
Ejaculation seems to drain away all the energy...whereas Orgasm without ejaculation keeps you energetic and ready for another and another round.
Sad to hear people commenting here in disbelief... PPL just cannot seem to believe that it works.
Poor chaps
@@kumark214 you can’t force the hold, that can lead to retrograde ejaculate (seamen in the bladder) which is not the worst, but is not healthy either. The real deal is learning to orgasm energetically, and not feeling the need for actual physical contraction type orgasm. Learning to accomplish this on your own is the first step, although exploring with a partner is the most fun😅
Complicated topic but nicely explained, bravo!
Tantra in a Vajrayana Buddhist Perspective is about working with basically with the chakras, channels, and energy flow. The goal is Enlightenment of All Buddhist Practices. This is aided by clearing the channels, opening the chakras, and bringing the energy into the central channel. The Energy naturally flows in the central channel they say when you die, when you orgasm, and when you sneeze [lol]. Semen Retention is part of the practice so as to not lose your Bodhichitta, Loving Kindness, Compassion and wisdom.
this guy knows what he is talking about . Took me twice more than his age to figure these things .
Very nice interview Rena! Very good quality content! Very well conducted interview! And hes amazing guest ofcourse! All the best to you two! Cheers!!
Excellent … Very lucid and to the point . Never bludgeon your mind into submission …. .
Why would a man want to reduce his testosterone? That seems extremely counter productive to his masculinity; is it not?
He just said why. Listen again. Regarding Masculinity, kundalini/chakra raising is much more important than masculinity/feminity.
@JoyP09yeah but that doesn't confirm my current beliefs, I didn't come here to learn I'm here for validation
either way, cutting out super high stimuli or pmo in general is just good. to much of anything is bad. it creates addictions. it's not a healthy way to cope with life.
He is spot on when he says that if you practice yoga right, you automatically become detached and your desires rein in and that ppl are forcing themselves to go desireless which will backfire. As the yoga practice gets denser, one starts to experience the temporariness and futility of desires and that is when natural detachment comes through. This detachment is effortless and does not create any dichotomy.
Fantastic duo, loved every part of this discussion
Beautifully explained, felt hypnotized he is so good at explaining it!!
"Sambhog Se Samadhi Tak" in 17 minutes.
If you practice semen retention with proper rest, yogic food [ satwik food ] and a loving sex partner, bliss will start after three hours of sex practice and you will go to samadhi and sex will be completely trasformed into love and you will come out of sex addiction . You will become master of sex insted of servant of sex. Afterwords no more sex is required,because you experience the ultimate bliss. A great silence enter your mind . You will become dreamer without dreams and thinker without thought. You will meet yourself in absolute silence. All thoughts suddenly vanishes. Your ego vanishes, real YOU [ atman] remains. Your soul will detach from everthing and become completely free. This state of mind is called Nirvana in yoga. After achiving nirvana your mind body organism will never be interested in attachments called samsara.
Is this knowledge experiential or from books?
No that happens when you are having sex with your wife because you are free from guilt from anyone one including God. Fornication will always bring shame and evil.
You can’t practice semen retention having sex. Sex should only be for conceiving life
Spiritual fiction Bro
@@theERPGuru it is experiential. Many people sadhus (devotee) follow this technique from hundred of years
When we try to explain everything from modern premature science point of view… it is mostly dry of essence…. We ignore emotional and devotional dimension involved in highly advanced practices which r essential to succeed…
Wish all 'educated' understand religion this way, world will not be the same if we have 1000's of Mr.K out there
Thing is…the western religions offer no type of scientific substance at all…which creates a prejudice
What an enlightening talk❤
Pratyahara: observing the mind wander while offering it a home to come back and relax which is an object of focus. During Pratyahara the mind wanders and comes back to the object of focus alternately.
Dharna: When the minds chooses not to wander and comes to rest on the object of focus.
Dhyana: when the object and the mind become one.
Samadhi: the realisation that the object and the Brahman (universal power) is one and the Purusha (the perfect, eternal being in every one of us) becomes one with the Brahman.
Great👍. This was very meaningful and a real good insight into ones mind and which is the purpose of dhyana.. Wonderful way of letting me dive into this deep water💦.
Well, I’m a Hindu, so let me explain what Dharana is not - it is NOT focusing on an “idol” as the speaker claims. It IS focusing on one’s “svadharma” - one’s chosen aspect of God. If the a spect is “learning”, then you meditating on that attribute, and you pray to achieve eminence in learning. You pray for that attribute of God - learning - also exemplified by the goddess Saraswati - to guide you in your quest to become a learned human being. The chanting of specific Sanskrit verses to enable the goddess of learning to enter your soul and guide you in your learning journey is what I practice. Now do you understand?
Well, it is something to focus on. It can be what you said, it can the idol he mentioned and it can also be a very tiny but powerful mantra that my Guru taught me. The way it was explained to me was “like a drop falling into the ocean, creating ripples far and wide and slowly converging on the point of impact” . Helps with deep meditation.
I’m also a Hindu and the religion is replete with beautiful metaphors to explain important things. Your explanation I believe is one of them
Thank you for the Insight . Great explanation
What valuable information and clarity you provided 🙏 so much appreciation ❤️
If you look at Joe Dispenza’s work you’ll understand why you should not waste your semen on porn… instead use that Kundalini energy for your pineal gland to access higher states of consciousness
Does he talk about this in any books?
@@demarcusds95 most of the info in his books is available in his interviews/podcasts. While giving you some insights he ultimately tries to upsell you... selling meditation dvds with ad breaks like really??
Is kundalini not evil??
What's evil is the propaganda of Kundalini that was brought into america by Yogi Bhajan. The true knowledge in the western culture is Holy Spirit and it activates on its own through good without having to force it, chase it or do weird practices to active it. Just pray deeply to God everyday and it will activate in you in non detrimental ways that can drive you crazy like in the kundalini teachings @@alsahib3768
@@alsahib3768it depends on the characteristics of the person, if the person is evil then it'd be evil to them and vise versa
Love this content! Very informative
Being celibate sometimes is a good thing. But honestly, there's nothing wrong with occasionally doing it.
There is, unless it's with your wife.
Have faith in scriptures.
Love this video. Thank you ❤
another good vid by dr.rena.she knows alot about sex&more.shes not affraid to ask the questions&shes a woman.''keep it up''
H 7:56 😢
7:56 😮😢😮
Both my favorite docs yessir🔥🔥🙏
Dr K is the man!
I did semen retention for a few months several times now and I'm never doing it again. There were no benefits but only increased issues.
Though you now reject semen retention, I’m impressed you were able to achieve that goal. I myself haven’t the foggiest notion how one could go about doing that. I have always thought that orgasm and ejaculation were literally inextricably linked.
Same. The cramps aren’t fun. Was also just annoyed, not calm.
Cutting out adult videos and other external stimulation that isn’t natural is absolutely worth it though.
@@ILoveWeightedPullupsyeah, two totally different things.
@@ILoveWeightedPullups it wasn't worth it for me. It's different for everybody. And there is nothing unnatural about voyeurism or masturbation. Everything that occurs WITHIN nature is natural. But even it it wasn't natural it wouldn't matter to me because I already do a lot of unnatural things such as wearing shoes.
"Increased issues" *groan*
I have to push back on his observation that during orgasm where we lose focus or the reason why we love drugs... My best orgasms is when I am connected with that person in exchanging love and appreciation. Not trying to sound holy, and my limited experience with drugs is that it opens different doors and awareness. Marijuana can induce really cool nostalgic glimpses. So my point is it's not the same for everybody. But I appreciate his description of meditation goals.
The hippie movement started with various groups of westerners finding gurus in India and transferring this knowledge. Indian gurus still are the reason for vegetarian veganism Natural cosmetics like aveeda… even alternative medicine or Silva mind or pranayama yoga - converted to Christian or Islamic yoga.. all from India… every mind science has its origin in India - spices were medicines
The fact that he lists, in Sanskrit, the three stages of meditation according to yoga but can’t say why all religions place some kind of conditions or restrictions on sexual activity is weird. True Yoga meditation paths clearly explain the higher and lower forms of sexual activity and why just having as much sex as you want with whomever you want is spiritually counterproductive.
Wonderful piece .
Very interesting- more aligned with OSHO philosophy
Great episode of self accepting and self owning
7:37 So does that mean that we should not do Siddhasana for long time?? It affects mens fertility?
it is bullshit. imho siddhasana doesn't restrict flow in this area. but pressing it is stimulating for this area, so efect is quite opposite. but to stay in it long time could has imho some drawbacks so i wouldn't recommend to overdo it. siddhasana is as i know rather position for pranayama, real position for meditation is padmasana, which has not these issues...
Hallelujah for this film!
In meditation , thoughts dont "go away" u get better and better at a)..either letting them go and refocusing on your "point of attention ", mantra, breath, candle etc. b) giving little or no attention to the random thought(s) and refocusing on the mantra/point of attention. Its practice. Its called the practice of meditation. Actually staying fully focused , with no thoughts, is rare, and a gift to be let go of and to resume the practice. The "enjoyment" is a side effect and not the goal. One enjoys "strength" to be of use. Thats my experience ...lol, and lots of "so, so " practice.
Wow, most complex explanation in the world.
In reading somewhere years ago, I saw the no-mind-state moment during orgasm described very aptly as an "ellipsis of consciousness." Since puberty I'd had an instinct to want to avoid ejaculation. With time, I developed that into practicing what might be described (less than accurately, perhaps) as "tantric masturbation." Eventually, though, I found my preferred sexual state in semen retention/celibacy.
It's not 'Eastern Philosophy', its 'Indian Philosophy'.
Exactly, these westerners deliberately say east which is Indian if it is intellectual but if it is bad then they say it is Indian. They are complex ridden of our antique culture. They propagate a lot Egyptian, Greece, Chinese and even Buddhist but never Indian. Because Indian antique culture is source of all these cultures.
Yep. A form of cultural appropriation. They take from Indian culture, erase the source reference, and then attempt to resell it back to us for a profit.
@@kanwalsethi9822 Very rightly said!
but we need to share good things to the world for peace and prosperity of the world and betterment of humanity ❤❤❤
these things are way older than india as state. and are as we speak of aryan ancestry anyway. so not affiliated with very big part of today's india society (i mean their roots)...
When you focus on your breath during meditation. Can your breath be your alambana?
yes, ofc. best of all...
Should not be an "outlet" because it will easily become an addiction. What do you do when everything seemingly stops going your way. What will you rely on?
Good info for the inexperience western mind...you can't meditate without moral discipline
Celibacy is a "practice", always a work in progress, and we work with the cycle of the moon. Release at Full, preserve at New.
I don't see how anyone could take a vow of celibacy for life, it is impossible as you say, we will involuntarily release semen at night or whenever.
It is however the ejaculation that is important. We Converse As Much Semen As Possible According To The Strenght of our Character as an individual.
The "Immaculate Conception" teaches us that the ultimate in "Tantra", for a man, is at the moment of orgasm, to pull up at the "perineum" and he will release just one drop of semen but draw the rest of the orgasm back up through the kundalini pathway.
Thank you for video ❤
ABALAMBANA is Sanskrit of the word support. Same word is used many Indian languages.
It’s almost November!
Have Rena Malik and Dr. Kanojia read "Cupid's poisoned arrow" ?
Bodies cannot join.. never will. But boy have we tried. True joining happens in the heart because it is the only place we are truly the same.
It's November 16... 😳 Too late for this year! 😅
This is what Emmett Fox says Jesus is teaching, turn the other cheek. Give it no energy. This was a profound moment for me. Synchronicity. Thank you
I'd love to know more about Samadhi.
Yoga nidra
Anapana Meditation
The 7 steps before samadhi make us ready for samadhi to happen. samadhi itself is of multiple types about 7-8 of them. Savikalpa samadhi, Nirvikalp samadhi, sa-asmita, sasmita, Dharmamegha, Sabija, Nirbija, Savitarka, Mahasamadhi/kaivalya/moksha/mukti/nirvana.
Read books by Osho.
It's amazing how these you tube 🧙♂️ wizards know everything
He keeps saying things like 'We don't know why', 'We don't understand it', 'We don't know if it's true', etc. Please learn to listen to others, not just to yourself, you will be surprised that you might learn a few new things... 🙏🏻
great talk ! Thx for this very informative video doc's
I ❤you both. Lifetime yoga practice. Knowledge and experience with this. But this completes my understanding. Thank you. 🙏
As per ayurveda all natural urges are controlled by vata. It is also called Vegas - eg fart reflex, sneezing reflex, yawning reflex, ejaculation reflex. If you try to stop any of these reflex your entire body's vata will get disturbed. If vata gets disturbed you will age faster.
At 3:48 my third eye took me to a crime scene where a woman was gang raped.
I couldn't see if the men ejaculated but their attention was not all concentrated on the act of sex they were busy performing.
They were pretty worried about what was going on in their surroundings.
Then the husband returned from work, found the gang of 4 and he dealt with them all 4 at once, freeing his wife.
This reminds me to remain vigilant and not allow meditation to let me drift into an ideal world of fantasy, thinking that nothing can take my attention off from sex is a code of trouble.
Stay sharp, stay alert, stay awake, stay alive.
Free meditation
Forcing myself into submission and self-blame is an act coming from low self-love. Energy flows where attention goes...
101 days of SR here. I'm now looking for a prey to break that streak in.
101 is nothing stop being stupid if you choose that path you have to bring it home, go one year and you will see how your life will change for the craziest. 100 days is nothing
One Love!
Always forward, never ever backward!!
This one is a very nice podcast
I just want to know how to be rid of my libido for good, since there's no pill that can do it. Can meditation do this? I've meditated for years, but I guess I really suck at it.
It's a habit that builds over controlling impulses over time. It's hard work but it pays off.
SPOT FUCKING ON. about time someone speak scientifically on Indian philosophy that can be understood by the masses. A sort of Huberman take on Indian philosophy
I’ve been waiting for my brothers to understand for so long 😂
It’s like he continuing Yoganandas/ Vivekanandas work here
Retention of semen to avoid porn it's extremely healthy cause u need a release normaly with a partner how it should be
Say it louder for the people on the back
Why they are mentioning November?
Is this only happen to November born person?
3:35 Not actually true... I am "socially" required to observe the moment. However, I could just as easily be carrying on a conversation with a partner about something else, and I have...
We’re done ✅ “evolutionarily” wow 😯
The spiritual practice of semen retention is taught in Yoga, Red Tantra, and Taoist Sex Kung Fu.
You should interview Layla Martin it would be so epic it would break the internet
if you really want to go deeper about Tantra or Sex Magic
But in indian law, tantric sex is pinned as unnatural or illegal in constitution.
Spell binding ignorance or deliberate disinformation?
brilliant discussion DR K explanation of orgasm reminds me of the french word for orgasm translates to the little death
Men have been perfecting semen retention since the invention of the PlayStation
11:39 bro threw his middle finger up 😆
The science of edging XD
my brain rot found this hilarious. (I'm done for)
Is there a Dr practicing in the area of medicine in the CT area
6:51 restricted sexual activity. And we not sure why.
We are sure why......
For the exact same reason as overindulgence in anything is bad.
Gluttony could make you fat.
Alcohol leads to impaired judgement.
Sex leads to unequal burdens for which there has to be created a fair playground.
Not all humans have sex as priority number one and there's nothing as bad as having to fake a headache constantly.
Restricted sex could solve a lot of headaches.
Overall in the west it seems that the shame around enjoying sex should be examined as if we are able to address this, then we can be a major step closer towards freeing many people from their issues sexually.
In my opinion if you're going to do it I'd do it under the guidance of a professional or after a lot of study. You see so many people not doing it right which only achieves frustration and negative consequences. It needs to be done correctly.
To be done correctly is an easy thing to say and you are probably correct but how would one go about doing that?
To their points, this practice to fulfill enlightenment via sex would not be optimal if you have experienced sexual trauma. Need to face that first, reframe sex in your life and then readdress. He presents this well.
They totally smashed after this episode