George Riedel is fameous! He wrote the music to a lot if songs in Astrid Lindgrens films and he also worked with Jan Johansson on Jazz på svenska, the album that includes "Visa från Utanmyra".
I have to tell you, this song is not in chess. It's in the Emil film series. I think it's a misunderstanding Tommy was in Chess but Astrid Lindgren always wanted Tommy to sing this song to her that is why he sings it. She loved Tommy's voice and what's not to love.
Fun fact: Tommy körberg is in the movie Ronja Rövardotter, as one of the Rövare... And also sings. Another fun fact: Benny Andersson and Björn Ulveus wrote the music and lyrics for Chess . Probably thats why Tommy Körberg followed along? :)
Körberg är ju såklart en tekniskt överlägsen sångare men det är ändå något med att man har sett Björn Gustafson i rollen som drängen Alfred i Emil-filmerna som gör att hans version går mer in i hjärtat. And also, "Vem kan man lita på" is far from a joke-song.. :)
Ja, Tommy är en gudabenådad talang men Björn än originalet. Ska vi ge oss in i Astrid Lindgren och Georg Riedel så finns det mycket att gräva ur i form av klassiker!
Ja det kanske låter tokigt, men för vissa låtar krävs en mer oskicklig sångare än ett proffs. För visst är Tommy skickligare, men i en del sammanhang som detta gör det mer sången rätta om artisten inte är den skickligaste.
Fast nu är det just Tommy han ville se, även om Björn gjorde originalet så är detta bättre T.o.m Astrid ville ha Tommy på sin begravning och det säger inte lite det
What a great reaction, I could see how captured you were!! Also, Tommy takes great pride in this song. Astrid is as you probably know the biggest national treasure of this country and often when she met Tommy at a party or so she always whispered in his ear: "This is boring. Sing for me!" And he said: "What song?" and she said: "You already know which song, silly"! And so he sang Fattig bonddräng, it was a little thing they had. And then he sang it on her funeral. Makes alot of sense considering the bonddräng meets God. Although Astrid probably went to Nangijala. You should defo visit more of Astrid's wonderful stories with your kids btw! Pippi, Emil and Ronja is AWESOME, but there's also Bröderna Lejonhjärta, Saltkråkan, Bullerbyn, Lotta på Bråkmakargatan, Madicken och Mio min mio. A staple in every swedish childhood, and it truly is so well written. Also, why not go for a trip o Astrid Lindgrens värld with your family sometime? Every kid I know, including myself when I was a kid, LOVES it. Just a tip!
I really love this song, the lyrics are so beautiful and so very Astrid Lindgren. Her life philosophy in a way. I guess that's why she wanted Tommy to sing this song on her funeral. He sings it well, indeed. But still - the original is the original and you will understand when you watch Emil i Lönneberga. The carachter Alfred and the actor Björn Gustavsson, who sings this song in the original version, is very loved. Alfreds friendship with young Emil in the story is very unique.
As many has pointed out: Not from Chess. Here is the original, official video, with footage from the TV-series (that was compiled into 3 movies) sung by the actor who played the farmhand:видео.html
As you love duets, I should mention Gemini - 'Mio min mio', also from the storys by Astrid Lindgren aswell as beeing one of the Swedish musical classics. Gemini was a duo of Anders and Karin Glenmark (brother and sister).
This is actually a cover. And was released around the millennium. The original from the 70s was sung by an actor named Björn Gustafsson. If you've seen the Jönssonligan movies, he plays Dynamit-Harry in them.
Hoola Bandoola was a proggband in the 70s a band from Malmö and one of the bandmembers Björn Afzelius had a hit with his cover tusen bitar by danish Anne Linnet. And Mikael Wiehe has done a number of bangers
Emil i Lönneberga is a boy in Småland in South of Sweden about 1900. He is a boy who does a lot of pranks and to awoid punishment he is making a lot of woodenfigures. It is a description of Småland in a hard but mostly happy time. A lot of good music amoung others, "Idas sommarvisa" that every kid in Sweden sings when they go on summerholyday. I book you must read is Bröderna Lejonhjärta that deskribes death for many kids with deadly deasises. Often you can se the frase "vi ses in Nangijala" and that is the name of "afterlife" that Astrid Lindgren gave US.
I'm sad to see you didn't heed the heavily upvoted comments in both your last video and your Upcoming Reactions video that told you to listen to the original instead. It's very different and captures the swedish folk soul i'd say, many swedes associates it with their childhood and feel how it speaks about those that came before, that struggled to build this country that we can enjoy living in today. Maybe you can listen to it at some point. It's perfect for your criteria "getting to know the swedish people." Tommy's version looses something when it's to polished in my opinion, it's a nice song, but just not the same as the original.
Well, tbh Astrid Lindgren wrote the song with Tommy Körberg in mind, that's why he was asked to sing this song on her funeral. It was one of her requests.
"Put this white robe on and hang out with me man". How can you not LOVE that :D Thanks Jon. I've now caught myself rather listening to your reactions than the actual songs - you can't get a better grade than that. Thank You. /Swede living in London
Det sjuka är ju att detta förknippas med ett barnprogram egentligen då sången är helt genial. Otroligt vacker och fin innebörd som säkerligen var många av våra släktingars vardag för 100-200 år sedan.
Jag har nu hört den här sången så många gånger att jag inte längre gråter varje gång - men det tog ett antal år! Astrid Lindgren har skrivit väldigt många böcker och berättelser (tillräckligt för att Astrid Lindgren-podden, som läste och diskuterade dem, ska ha 34 avsnitt och ändå hoppade över en del). Georg Riedel skrev många melodier till dem, särskilt till just Emil, men även Pippi - utom själva signaturmelodin - och några andra. Där finns klassiker att ta av, om du får brist på material! Idas sommarvisa framför allt, sen sånt som Hujedamej, Snickarboa, Sjörövar-Fabbe och Världens bästa Karlsson.
You should read and also watch everything from Astrid, definitely check out Emil i Lönneberga. Astrids books and the movies made from them are not just for children but nice to read and watch as adults too.
Well, this song wasn't in Chess. It was in "Emil i Lönneberga", sung by Björn Gustafson. Meolody by George Riedel, one of our best, and lyrics by Astrid Lindgren - our very best author.
Maybe you could do a thuesdaynight hang with songs from Astrid Lindgrens movies, there's lots of them! Mats Paulson - Barfotavisan Tomas Ledin - Blå blå känslor, are also two nice songs with summery feel to them.
Nå har jeg sett denne 6-7 ganger... Nydelig. Jeg tror Astrid jobber som rådgiver i himmelen i dag 😉 Kan ikke du gjøre reaksjon på Astris filmer? -Emil -Ronja Røverdotter -Lotta i bråkmakergata -Rasmus på loffen -Vi på saltkråkan -Bullarbyn -Karlson på taket -Madikken -Pippi Langstrømpe Beklager min Norsk. Liten utfordring der kanskje.
I've just seen your reaction to Ebba Grön and Imperiet, and I would love to see you react to "Balladen om en Amerikansk officer" by Imperiet. It's a beautiful and sad story about a war crime tribunal.
The song is very touching as its indeed a story of one, if not many farm-hands that worked their arses off until the very end but in the end get to be embraced by god and rest. From Emil i Löneberga, the one that sings it is a character that is a farmhand that is beloved by Emil and of course many Swedish audience to this day.
The name "Hoola Bandoola" was a bit of a joke name (though the group itself and their music was mostly very serious, political and stuff) If memory serves they chose it after watching a Donald Duck cartoon where a group of worker ants are chanting the phrase "Hoola Bandoola".
Vore underbart om du gjorde hela chess!!! Men tyvärr var inte den här sången med där, precis som många skrivit. Den här versionen är så långt ifrån originalet, så då kan du även lyssna på tolkningar av andra låtar från tex tv-programmet så mycket bättre 😉
You have kind of already sneak peaked at Chess when you reacted to Chess - Anthem with Tommy ..and that is the most powerful song in the whole musical 🥰
Chess är en svensk/brittisk musikal från 1986 med musik av Benny Andersson och Björn Ulvaeus, sångtexter av Tim Rice och manus av Richard Nelson. Sånger i chess 1 Merano 2 The Arbiter 3 Nobody's Side 4 Chess 5 Embassy Lament 6 Anthem 7 One Night In Bangkok 8 Heaven Help My Heart 9 I Know Him So Well 10 Pity The Child 11 You And I 12 The Story Of Chess
The Stockholm production of Chess was filmed and shown om TV. It was available on DVD, but I don't know if it's still in print. Also, Chess has kind of a troubled history as the script get's re-written with almost every major production. The Stockholm script was very different from both the London and the New York scripts. There are staged concert versions of Chess uploaded to RUclips. The are several starring Josh Groban and Adam Pascal that are pretty good, using an amalgamation of the London and New York scripts.
I ett av mellanspel i detta arrangemang spelas melodin från en annan låt Hårgalåten. Det är en låt från mitt landskap Hälsingland, men typiskt svensk. Det är en hambo som är en dans inom gammeldansen. Texten är från en sägen (för att hålla pli på ungdomarna). Lyssna gärna på den. Sen finns även vackra brudlåtar såsom Delsbos och Jämtlands.
Du borde ha lyssnat på originalsången med Björn Gustafsson i rollen som drängen Alfred istället. För även om Tommy Körberg är förjävla bra sångare så är hans version mer pompös och polerad vilket gör att något går förlorat från originalet.
Speaking of Chess: The original version is the very best! But I have a hard time finding a recorded version of it on film. But The Swedish version works as well. It's about to be playing live in Helsingborg at this summer. I've been seeing it live in two times. First in Stockholm with Tommy Körberg and Helene Sjöholm. The second time I watched this musical, it was in Säffle. You won't be disappointed! 🙂
@@sannaolsson9106 tror också att jag kan ha den Svenska någonstans. Men jag skulle vilja se originalversionen från London också, då den har en del scener som inte finns med i den svenska.🙂
Not really a Swedish classic but you should really have a look at Körberg's and Celine Dion's performance of Beuty and the beast from liseberg (found on YT), and Celine's baffled reaction when he gets into gear (there is a fun story behind it). xD
Detta var en mäktig version! Men det var en tillfällig version för något tv-sammanhang så kören och pianospelet ingår inte i den klassiska inspelningen. Nu när du råkade blanda ihop Emil med Chess så bara måste du ju reagera på Tommys signature song från Chess: "Anthem". Den är lika storslagen som Stad i ljus!
I’m looking forward to see what you think of Hoola bandoola. I recommend that you pick a late version av the song because in the 1970 version they sing in something like rikssvenska and that doesn’t sound good. The song is gonna be sung in skånska. Try the version from 1996 who is on their latest best of album.
Kul att du valde denna låt! Vill du ha förslag på låtar att "react to" som faktiskt kommer från Chess, så rekommenderar jag "Pity the Child" eller "I know him so well" alt. "Vem ser ett barn" eller "Jag vet vad han vill", som de låtarna heter på svenska. Men jag föredrar, som sagt, de engelska versionerna.
I suggest Jonathan to listen to Nova Luther covering the song "It Ain't Me". Nova comes from Sweden and she has a fantastic voice. I understand classics are wanted, and this version is a classic. Not yet, but it will be!! The songwriter is Norwegian, however.видео.html
Fun fact: The piano interlude starting at 4:32 is an excerpt from "Hårgalåten", an old Swedish folk melody (from Hårga).
Tack! 😊👍 Satt precis och undrade vad det stycket hette, känner ju igen det så klart, men kunde inte komma på..
That song takes me back to music class in school. It has an eerie story.
@@omenbrassmonkey Hårga mountain is an "eerie" place 🙂
Den legenden har jag berättat och spelat fiol till vid flera Halloweenfester!
Det finns en härligt kuslig animation till Hårgalåten här på youtube, av Brittany Arnold.
Om du inte sett eller läst Emil i Lönneberga har du många trevliga och roliga timmar framför dig med dina barn. ❤️
George Riedel is fameous! He wrote the music to a lot if songs in Astrid Lindgrens films and he also worked with Jan Johansson on Jazz på svenska, the album that includes "Visa från Utanmyra".
I have to tell you, this song is not in chess. It's in the Emil film series. I think it's a misunderstanding Tommy was in Chess but Astrid Lindgren always wanted Tommy to sing this song to her that is why he sings it. She loved Tommy's voice and what's not to love.
Tommy var med i Chess, det är därifrån Anthem kommer.
@@elizahJ precis men inte en fattig bonndräng. Den är från Emil filmen.
Thanks for the info! I'm sure I'll be told another 600 times within the next week. haha
@@JonathanRollinssthlm305 It's not in Chess! Just in case you missed that part. 😆😆😆
Tommy sang this song at Astrids funeral..
Fun fact: Tommy körberg is in the movie Ronja Rövardotter, as one of the Rövare... And also sings.
Another fun fact: Benny Andersson and Björn Ulveus wrote the music and lyrics for Chess . Probably thats why Tommy Körberg followed along? :)
Körberg är ju såklart en tekniskt överlägsen sångare men det är ändå något med att man har sett Björn Gustafson i rollen som drängen Alfred i Emil-filmerna som gör att hans version går mer in i hjärtat.
And also, "Vem kan man lita på" is far from a joke-song.. :)
Ja, Tommy är en gudabenådad talang men Björn än originalet.
Ska vi ge oss in i Astrid Lindgren och Georg Riedel så finns det mycket att gräva ur i form av klassiker!
Ja det kanske låter tokigt, men för vissa låtar krävs en mer oskicklig sångare än ett proffs.
För visst är Tommy skickligare, men i en del sammanhang som detta gör det mer sången rätta om artisten inte är den skickligaste.
Ultima Thules version är klart den bästa jag någonsin hört..
Fast nu är det just Tommy han ville se, även om Björn gjorde originalet så är detta bättre
T.o.m Astrid ville ha Tommy på sin begravning och det säger inte lite det
What a great reaction, I could see how captured you were!! Also, Tommy takes great pride in this song. Astrid is as you probably know the biggest national treasure of this country and often when she met Tommy at a party or so she always whispered in his ear: "This is boring. Sing for me!" And he said: "What song?" and she said: "You already know which song, silly"! And so he sang Fattig bonddräng, it was a little thing they had. And then he sang it on her funeral. Makes alot of sense considering the bonddräng meets God. Although Astrid probably went to Nangijala.
You should defo visit more of Astrid's wonderful stories with your kids btw! Pippi, Emil and Ronja is AWESOME, but there's also Bröderna Lejonhjärta, Saltkråkan, Bullerbyn, Lotta på Bråkmakargatan, Madicken och Mio min mio. A staple in every swedish childhood, and it truly is so well written. Also, why not go for a trip o Astrid Lindgrens värld with your family sometime? Every kid I know, including myself when I was a kid, LOVES it. Just a tip!
Song is not from Chess but from the Emil i Lönneberga movie. It was orginally sung by Björn Gustafson (the actor, not the comedian).
Well, Björn agustavsson (t.o) is an actor and a comeidian . Just think of his roll in Jönssonligan, Oj då, en till och sjukan 🤣
@@bigbang1891 Haderajan!
@@bigbang1891 and Björn Gustavsson (t.y) is a comedian and an actor...
@@Huxteble Yeah, but no way near as good
@@bigbang1891 Bara för att de har samma namn ska de inte jämföras.
I really love this song, the lyrics are so beautiful and so very Astrid Lindgren. Her life philosophy in a way. I guess that's why she wanted Tommy to sing this song on her funeral. He sings it well, indeed.
But still - the original is the original and you will understand when you watch Emil i Lönneberga. The carachter Alfred and the actor Björn Gustavsson, who sings this song in the original version, is very loved. Alfreds friendship with young Emil in the story is very unique.
Tommy also acted/sang in Astrid Lindgren’s Ronia the Robber’s Daughter in the 80’s - the soundtrack is so amazing! 😍
Composed by Björn Isfält
woow.. never saw that version before.. love it! i cryed.. haha
Hårgalåten as the bridge, very famous folkmusik. Oh, I love Tommy, and Astrid, and folk music.
As many has pointed out: Not from Chess. Here is the original, official video, with footage from the TV-series (that was compiled into 3 movies) sung by the actor who played the farmhand:видео.html
Åh, så fint att se.
If those are the only Astrid Lindgren storys you have heard of then that is a drop in the ocean my friend.
As you love duets, I should mention Gemini - 'Mio min mio', also from the storys by Astrid Lindgren aswell as beeing one of the Swedish musical classics. Gemini was a duo of Anders and Karin Glenmark (brother and sister).
This one is the best! Cocktail of wonderfulness. Love it.
Kudos to the fantastic pianist!
🙏Thank you for this beautiful song and reaction! ❤️
This is actually a cover. And was released around the millennium.
The original from the 70s was sung by an actor named Björn Gustafsson. If you've seen the Jönssonligan movies, he plays Dynamit-Harry in them.
Hoola Bandoola was a proggband in the 70s a band from Malmö and one of the bandmembers Björn Afzelius had a hit with his cover tusen bitar by danish Anne Linnet. And Mikael Wiehe has done a number of bangers
Emil i Lönneberga is a boy in Småland in South of Sweden about 1900. He is a boy who does a lot of pranks and to awoid punishment he is making a lot of woodenfigures. It is a description of Småland in a hard but mostly happy time. A lot of good music amoung others, "Idas sommarvisa" that every kid in Sweden sings when they go on summerholyday.
I book you must read is Bröderna Lejonhjärta that deskribes death for many kids with deadly deasises. Often you can se the frase "vi ses in Nangijala" and that is the name of "afterlife" that Astrid Lindgren gave US.
Now, *that's* what I call a classic.
God I'm in love with this channel! Subscribed!
I'm sad to see you didn't heed the heavily upvoted comments in both your last video and your Upcoming Reactions video that told you to listen to the original instead. It's very different and captures the swedish folk soul i'd say, many swedes associates it with their childhood and feel how it speaks about those that came before, that struggled to build this country that we can enjoy living in today. Maybe you can listen to it at some point. It's perfect for your criteria "getting to know the swedish people." Tommy's version looses something when it's to polished in my opinion, it's a nice song, but just not the same as the original.
Well spoken!
Exakt, Björn Gustafssons orginal är mer klassisk, även om Tommys version är väldans bra med.. lite överspelad bara, men välsjungen.
Yes, i her tears in my eyes every time i hear this song
Agreed. We actually had the original Björn Gustafsson version on my mom's funeral. It is just a part of my soul.
Well, tbh Astrid Lindgren wrote the song with Tommy Körberg in mind, that's why he was asked to sing this song on her funeral. It was one of her requests.
I realy Hope You going to se Emil i Lönneberga!!! This song is magic , i love when Tommy Körberg sings it!!!
"Put this white robe on and hang out with me man".
How can you not LOVE that :D
Thanks Jon.
I've now caught myself rather listening to your reactions than the actual songs - you can't get a better grade than that.
Thank You.
/Swede living in London
Yeah, this is a real classic! Even that I'm not religiuos, I can't resist the beutyful message in this song.
Bästa versionen jag hört🥲
As a fan of Tommy I support u all the way in this choice 🙏
He sang this one at Astrid’s funeral by her request
RIP Astrid Lindgren
Thanks amerikanen! Loved this. Keep it up!
Min absoluta favorit från den tv-serien är när Lina sjunger Varför å varför. Så otroligt rolig.
Det sjuka är ju att detta förknippas med ett barnprogram egentligen då sången är helt genial. Otroligt vacker och fin innebörd som säkerligen var många av våra släktingars vardag för 100-200 år sedan.
Astrid Lindgren was such an amazing storyteller.
I think you should do some live reactions to Astrid Lindgren movies. :)
Tommy Körberg vilken jäkla röst.
Jag har nu hört den här sången så många gånger att jag inte längre gråter varje gång - men det tog ett antal år!
Astrid Lindgren har skrivit väldigt många böcker och berättelser (tillräckligt för att Astrid Lindgren-podden, som läste och diskuterade dem, ska ha 34 avsnitt och ändå hoppade över en del). Georg Riedel skrev många melodier till dem, särskilt till just Emil, men även Pippi - utom själva signaturmelodin - och några andra. Där finns klassiker att ta av, om du får brist på material! Idas sommarvisa framför allt, sen sånt som Hujedamej, Snickarboa, Sjörövar-Fabbe och Världens bästa Karlsson.
You should read and also watch everything from Astrid, definitely check out Emil i Lönneberga.
Astrids books and the movies made from them are not just for children but nice to read and watch as adults too.
Well, this song wasn't in Chess. It was in "Emil i Lönneberga", sung by Björn Gustafson. Meolody by George Riedel, one of our best, and lyrics by Astrid Lindgren - our very best author.
Best feel good channel out there.✨👍
Great channel! Please react to Susanne Alfvengren När vi rör varann.
Fantastiskt 🙌
Maybe you could do a thuesdaynight hang with songs from Astrid Lindgrens movies, there's lots of them!
Mats Paulson - Barfotavisan
Tomas Ledin - Blå blå känslor, are also two nice songs with summery feel to them.
Original version from Emil I Lönneberga. ♥видео.html
Lyrics by Astrid Lindgren and music by Georg Riedel.
*Coming from a native Swede* ”Fattig bonddräng” actually literally translates to “Poor farm boy” - ‘dräng’ being an old Swedish word for ‘boy’
Nå har jeg sett denne 6-7 ganger... Nydelig.
Jeg tror Astrid jobber som rådgiver i himmelen i dag 😉
Kan ikke du gjøre reaksjon på Astris filmer?
-Ronja Røverdotter
-Lotta i bråkmakergata
-Rasmus på loffen
-Vi på saltkråkan
-Karlson på taket
-Pippi Langstrømpe
Beklager min Norsk. Liten utfordring der kanskje.
Mio min Mio ( Gemini )
Bröderna Lejonhjärta, musiken från gamla filmen.
Åh, jag älskar den låten. Ger mig rysningar bara jag tänker på den!
I've just seen your reaction to Ebba Grön and Imperiet, and I would love to see you react to "Balladen om en Amerikansk officer" by Imperiet.
It's a beautiful and sad story about a war crime tribunal.
The song is very touching as its indeed a story of one, if not many farm-hands that worked their arses off until the very end but in the end get to be embraced by god and rest.
From Emil i Löneberga, the one that sings it is a character that is a farmhand that is beloved by Emil and of course many Swedish audience to this day.
Tommy is the man with the voice!
The name "Hoola Bandoola" was a bit of a joke name (though the group itself and their music was mostly very serious, political and stuff) If memory serves they chose it after watching a Donald Duck cartoon where a group of worker ants are chanting the phrase "Hoola Bandoola".
Vore underbart om du gjorde hela chess!!! Men tyvärr var inte den här sången med där, precis som många skrivit. Den här versionen är så långt ifrån originalet, så då kan du även lyssna på tolkningar av andra låtar från tex tv-programmet så mycket bättre 😉
En av de vackraste texter jag vet. Älskade underbara Astrid Lindgren!
Janne Lucas - Växeln hallå
Tommy has been married to Anki Lidèn, the mother of Tim Bergling a.k.a Avicii, and his son Anton was Tim's half brother.
You have kind of already sneak peaked at Chess when you reacted to Chess - Anthem with Tommy ..and that is the most powerful song in the whole musical 🥰
Chess är en svensk/brittisk musikal från 1986 med musik av Benny Andersson och Björn Ulvaeus, sångtexter av Tim Rice och manus av Richard Nelson.
Sånger i chess
The Arbiter
Nobody's Side
Embassy Lament
One Night In Bangkok
Heaven Help My Heart
I Know Him So Well
Pity The Child
You And I
The Story Of Chess
The Stockholm production of Chess was filmed and shown om TV. It was available on DVD, but I don't know if it's still in print.
Also, Chess has kind of a troubled history as the script get's re-written with almost every major production. The Stockholm script was very different from both the London and the New York scripts.
There are staged concert versions of Chess uploaded to RUclips. The are several starring Josh Groban and Adam Pascal that are pretty good, using an amalgamation of the London and New York scripts.
Great reaction!
I ett av mellanspel i detta arrangemang spelas melodin från en annan låt Hårgalåten. Det är en låt från mitt landskap Hälsingland, men typiskt svensk. Det är en hambo som är en dans inom gammeldansen. Texten är från en sägen (för att hålla pli på ungdomarna). Lyssna gärna på den.
Sen finns även vackra brudlåtar såsom Delsbos och Jämtlands.
Fungerar fact: I den här versionen spelar pianisten bitar ur Hårgalåten. En Svensk folkmelodi.
You should react to the Astrid Lindgren films! Anyone wanting to understand or leran about swedish culture should watch them!
Would LOVE if you made a reaction to "Ronja Rövardotter- Mattis & Bårka låten"
Jag kan aldrig höra den här utan att gråta. Så rörande!
Reagera till "Sommarnatt" med Snowstorm. Det är en riktig klassiker!
"Flickan och kråkan" react till den
I Wanna watch ypu react to the "Emil i Lönneberga-Trilogy", both Madicken movies, Bröderna Lejonhjärta and Rasmus på Luffen.
Du borde ha lyssnat på originalsången med Björn Gustafsson i rollen som drängen Alfred istället. För även om Tommy Körberg är förjävla bra sångare så är hans version mer pompös och polerad vilket gör att något går förlorat från originalet.
Somebody's taken Maria away - Tom(my Körberg), Mick and Maniacs, 1967
Speaking of Chess: The original version is the very best! But I have a hard time finding a recorded version of it on film. But The Swedish version works as well. It's about to be playing live in Helsingborg at this summer. I've been seeing it live in two times. First in Stockholm with Tommy Körberg and Helene Sjöholm. The second time I watched this musical, it was in Säffle. You won't be disappointed! 🙂
Chess finns på DVD. Jag har den här hemma. Finns säkert fortfarande att köpa.
@@sannaolsson9106 tror också att jag kan ha den Svenska någonstans. Men jag skulle vilja se originalversionen från London också, då den har en del scener som inte finns med i den svenska.🙂
Not really a Swedish classic but you should really have a look at Körberg's and Celine Dion's performance of Beuty and the beast from liseberg (found on YT), and Celine's baffled reaction when he gets into gear (there is a fun story behind it). xD
Detta var en mäktig version! Men det var en tillfällig version för något tv-sammanhang så kören och pianospelet ingår inte i den klassiska inspelningen. Nu när du råkade blanda ihop Emil med Chess så bara måste du ju reagera på Tommys signature song från Chess: "Anthem". Den är lika storslagen som Stad i ljus!
Jonathan har redan reagerat på Tommys original version av Anthem från Chess (1984)
Håll mitt hjärta. Björn Skifs
I’m looking forward to see what you think of Hoola bandoola. I recommend that you pick a late version av the song because in the 1970 version they sing in something like rikssvenska and that doesn’t sound good. The song is gonna be sung in skånska.
Try the version from 1996 who is on their latest best of album.
På tal om bonddräng är ju Drängarna - Kung över ängarna eller Vill du bli min fru riktiga klassiker😎
Rest in peace Georg Riedel
Snälla gör Takidas Curly Sue (Studioversionen, inte live)
Damn it! This is the version you should have listened to!видео.html
Kul att du valde denna låt! Vill du ha förslag på låtar att "react to" som faktiskt kommer från Chess, så rekommenderar jag "Pity the Child" eller "I know him so well" alt. "Vem ser ett barn" eller "Jag vet vad han vill", som de låtarna heter på svenska. Men jag föredrar, som sagt, de engelska versionerna.
Plz listen to: ödet var min väg with Nordman
Rysningar ❤
Ta en tidig Tommy Körberg. Drömmen om Elin.
Meningen försvinner lite när det inte är Alfred som sjunger.
from the time where swedes emigrated to the USA ...
it was harsh... in sweden
I suggest Jonathan to listen to Nova Luther covering the song "It Ain't Me". Nova comes from Sweden and she has a fantastic voice. I understand classics are wanted, and this version is a classic. Not yet, but it will be!! The songwriter is Norwegian, however.видео.html
It is not from Chess. It is from the kids- movie "Emil i Lönneberga "!!!!
En sån total oförståelse för materialet han sjunger. I klass med att höra Loa Falkman sjunga Lady in red.
Din reaktion i den här videon är makalös!!
Det är Björn Gustafson's version som är en svensk klassikerвидео.html
Musiken från Bröderna Lejonhjärta! Från den gamla filmen.
Du borde lyssna på GO & FISKA med gyllene tider. Den är väl känd i Sverige och en riktig banger:видео.html
React to Thåström -FanFanFan 😉 Preferably a live version.
Just find your channel btw. I like it.
04:33 Hårgalåten helt random av pianisten haha
I don’t think this version of this song is even close to good… You should hear Ultima Thule’s version of Fattig bonddräng! Wow, just listen to it 🙏🏼
This song is NOT from Chess
If you want to learn about Swedes and Swedishness from a Swedish perspective - you could do much worse than watch Emil i Lönneberga!
Its not in Chess 😂🤣😂