Yesod's theme sounds very synth-heavy and methodical, but it also feels a bit invigorating. Like now that Yesod has learned not to suppress his emotions and overcame his delusions, he's been given new life. As he says to Eileen, he chose his own path, deciding not to be a simple cog in a system.
Puzzle 02: Cog in the Machine [30 Picarats] The cogs that move the Floor of Technological Sciences seem to not mesh properly. Yesod says it creates an awful noise that's grating to the ears. Can you rearrange the cogs to make things run smoothly?
Yesod's theme sounds very synth-heavy and methodical, but it also feels a bit invigorating. Like now that Yesod has learned not to suppress his emotions and overcame his delusions, he's been given new life. As he says to Eileen, he chose his own path, deciding not to be a simple cog in a system.
기술과학의 층의 심볼에 너무 찰떡 ㄷㄷ
톱니가 맞물려 나가는 듯한 느낌도 들고요
When you need to strike extra fear into their hearts so you play this instead of the normal bgm
What Guests hear when they get bonked with Regret E.G.O page on their forehead
사이버펑크보다 더 사이버펑크 같은 브금!
A battle that will not be forgotten.
뭔가 왠지 레이튼이 생각나는 느낌적인 느낌이..
퍼즐을 풀어야만 할것같아..
Puzzle 02: Cog in the Machine [30 Picarats]
The cogs that move the Floor of Technological Sciences seem to not mesh properly. Yesod says it creates an awful noise that's grating to the ears. Can you rearrange the cogs to make things run smoothly?
처음듣자마자 리듬뽑은줄.... 이게 노래하는 기계?
사이버펑크같은 흑염이 지배하는층
딱밥 마려워진다