John Barrowman: "The Doctor And I"
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- John Barrowman sings "The Doctor And I" (an altered version of "The Wizard and I" from the musical Wicked). The song is available on iTunes UK. I made this video with my favourite Doctor/Jack scenes from all four Doctor Who series. Enjoy! - No copyright infringement intended.
John Barrowman is the biggest fangirl of The Doctor, yes he is!!!
if they made a musical called the doctor and i, i would love to see it, also i think captain jack should be in more doctor who episodes
Did you enjoy the latest one :)
Yes finally someone agrees with me. Jack should have had more episodes in doctor who
@@jackharkness4474 you're in luck, he's coming back in season 13
@@aswarmofcrabs oh my God that's brilliant
How have I never heard this song before? How have I not seen this video before? WICKED AND DOCTOR WHO?! WHATWHATWHAT THIS IS SO PERFECT
oh. my. god. barrowman did his own fansong... holy hell. *GENIUS!*
I love that scene so much from the end of season 4, when the doctor and many companions are all flying the Tardis together. The emotions there are so well done, because that for those actors is there last time all together. Season 5 was completely new from then on, and I just love love that scene from season 4. It's so perfect
WHOAitsCharmander I felt The Stolen Earth/Journey's End was Russell T. Davies' tribute to his time on the show, by combining the main series with his two spin-offs.
Yeah it was so incredible. By the end of season 4, I mean The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, not the End of Time, since thats technically not season 4.
WHOAitsCharmander Exactly. And it was nice seeing the Hub and Sarah Jane's attic make an actual appearance in the show.
I did too!!!
I love That scene so much as well
All rise for our fandom's anthem.
Yes, indeed, that's John Barrowman singing. Check out his other music videos from his concerts on YT. He is an amazing singer and has started his career over 20 years ago in musical theatre.
Oh, John Barrowman, you sing for every fan and companion.
I want caption Jack to come and meet the twelve doctor. It would be fantastic and brilliant
I cant believe that I have only just heard this song. It is wonderful and I love it so much. The Doctor and Captain Jack make a great team and should travel together forever.
He changed the lyrics from The Wizard and I to The Doctor and I. But it's actually a song from the musical Wicked.
i love listening to John sing, especially with this vid
Great voice! I like this guy very much. He did such a great team with the Tenth Doctor. I miss him.
You have no idea how AMAZED I am! This is most definatley the definition of perfect. I am happy for two reasons. 1) JOHN'S VOICE IS AMAZING!!!! 2) OH MY GOD IT'S WIKED BUT WITH DIFFERENT LYRICS
For someone who loved Doctor Who and Wicked: This is just fantastic! :D
Brilliant! It's so well put together, the picture biography goes so well with the song lyrics, and covers Captain Jack's story arc from beginning to end with Doctors Who 9 & Ten. Well done!
Literally every second of this fits perfectly. I knew the audio recording from the album but this is just awesomeness incarnate. I miss Jack. I flesh out thier relationship, or at least extend it in my fan-fic. But they quite literally missed something wonderful when they let John Barrowman go.
This was just... Wow. Just brilliant. I love this so, so, so very much! And it's proof that John Barrowman might just be even geekier than his fans. I love that man.
AWWWW!!! Major fangirling here. I love Doctor Who and Wicked is one of my favorite musicals. Great choices with the video.
Jack better come back to DW sometime soon. He'd probably be hardcore flirting with River, Amy, AND the Doctor. And poor Rory would be like, Dude, thats my wife AND my daughter youre hitting on. Knock it the hell off.
Good news!!
Dear God can we _please_ get another Jack story?
aperson22222 Moffat wanted to use him in "A Good Man goes to War", but for reasons that I don't know it didn't happen.
Oh yeah? I don't think that was the right time for it. Too much going on in that one already, he would have stolen an already busy show. It might have been a way to transition him from that space bar to returning to Earth for _Miracle Day,_ but that would be adding a rather hefty subplot into an episode that was already teetering on the brink of becoming a convoluted mess.
aperson22222 But with the Headless Monks, it could be explained how Jack became the Face of Boo.
That would be the end of Torchwood; and since they relaunched it a month after "A Good Man" aired, that was not going to happen.
aperson22222 Maybe that's why Moffat didn't do it.
@forgetmenot9002 The original song is "The Wizard and I" from the Musical "Wicked". But John Barrowman knows the composer and he allowed John to change the lyrics. And yes, it's really sung by John Barrowman. It was released as an iTunes Exclusive in the UK last year.
love this song, love tennant and barrowman together, they have a wonderful chemistry, a refined and sarcastic sense of humour. Very beautiful video . thanks for doing it and posting it.
His voice is AMAZING!
If this is actually John I will flip out! That man has got a set of lungs on him!
...and then I'll meet the most adorable teaboy ever to live and we'll fall in love and NOTHING WILL GO WRONG BECAUSE WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!
Okay! My favorite musical with my favorite tv show and one of my favorite male singers! THIS IS MADE OF EPIC WIN! GOD ITS AWESOME!
He has such a great voice.
This song is so priceless!
A truly lovely of this song. The video selections were a wonderful addition to the lyrics , perfectly placed. Well done!
This was great! I didn't even know this song existed before a few minutes ago, nut as soon as I heard it, I started searching for a fanvid for it. Well done!
Love this song ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Realized halfway through that I was singing along. Didn't stop.
I'd have included a scene with Jack's brother Gray when he's talking about his brother, but otherwise an EXCELLENT bit of work; nice job
Best song ever...
That was a brilliantly made video! Really enjoyed it!
one of the best videos EVER!!!!! thanks for making and sych a great song oh how muhc i love john Barrowman
THIS IS AMAZING!!!! The combination of two awesome things....Doctor Who and Wicked!!!!!
I am wowed! Masterfully done.
what a great song
I'm crying. I'm seriously crying. I
This... Is... AWESOME!
This made my whole day.
wow this is amazing I love both wicked and doctor who LOVED IT
Jack and Doctor for ever👍😀
i so love this video it so cute and sweet. This song is so sweet four this guy
This is always a delight to hear. Glad to have this on my playlist. (2019 and still brilliant!)
You've done a splendid job with this! I'm just embedding it in an article I'm writing; it suits my needs perfectly.
This the best it's all about The Doctor so I love it
Wow and wonderful
*squee!* I just found the song i'm gonna sign for my sign language final!
*shakes fist* BARROWMAN!
I like cry during this song!! I love it so much!!
Oh my gosh, I love this!
It's on itunes?! Yaaay he sang it when I saw him Fri night!
That. Was. AMAZING :D
Is it bad that I teared up a little bit at the end? Just a little bit! Because I'm overly emotional and I cry at everything.
That made me cry so hard!
This is so perfect
OMG, that was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ooh, for "No brother acts ashamed," you should have shown Gray burying him alive.
This is quite wonderful
wonderful! Thank you for this! :-)
My new favourite song (I luv wicked)
Im going to cry
Jack said in an interview that he has spoken with Moffatt about returning to Who to work with 11, especially with 2013 being the 50th anniversary of Who. And Moffatt said he'd love to have Jack back!! So ..... I don't think we need to hope for that anymore, I think it's pretty much implied :)
I love this song. The video was
@chuckbear LOL! Now I would pay to see THAT!
I haven't seen the 2005 episodes for ages and Jack looks so weird without his WWII gear. Does anyone else want Jack back for Series 6 or 7?
Doctor/Jack FTW!
You did an excellent job with this video Bettina.
I’m crying 😂 this is perfect
Did you know that the Unlimited motif is actually a seven note progression based on Somewhere Over the Rainbow but that Stephen Shwartz only kept it to seven notes so as not to risk copyright infringement? The underlying chords and harmony are different so most people don't notice it ☺
"I wish I'd never met you Doctor. (Kiss) I was much better off as a coward." Thanks to my daughter for introducing me to this guy.
@bimba2021 Thank you very much for your nice compliments! I feel flattered. LOL I did indeed tweet the link to JB when I created the video a while ago. And I was at the Royal Albert Hall on Monday, and when I saw the tour video I was stunned how many scenes were identical to mine. They may have taken my vid as inspiration, who knows. lol They should just have asked me and I would have gladly allowed them to use mine ;-)
My two favourite things, Wicked and Doctor Who :D
I'm sure that Jack would very much like the Doctor to "defabricate" him for all the universe to see
I’m mega late, but who cares! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!
This guy is my god
Very good. Thank you.
i love
I'm in love. :'D
this totally sounds like the theme song from some 80's sitcom
Fantastic vid!!!
If it were to be... John Barrowman for male Elphaba. :D
I'm still thinking that, if the Face of Boo ever were to return to the show, John Barrowman should provide the voice, just as a little inside joke to the fact that it's actually captain Jack.
I Love the vid it's amazing :D
Also, there should be slightly updated version of this video with a clip from The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot in it from the scene with John Barrowman and Davison, Colin Baker (Thanks, Tom. Now I have to write both parts of the name) and McCoy.
But I'm not forcing anything. This one is brilliant as it is.
we want 11th meet jack
BARROWMAN!! (shakes fist)
My life is complete
Awwwww love love love !!! :D -3
He was supposed to be in "A Good Man Goes to War," it kinda sucks Barrowman couldn't make it because of "Miracle Day" filming. Bring back Jack!
I believe Moffat was the one to originally think up Jack, and he put a lot into Jack. He'd probably do well in a Moffat world.
@ShanaraShannon We need to get some Captain Jack back in Doctor Who! He is by far the best companion ever!! I love Torchwood and John Barrowman is just awesome!! Great actor, fantastic man! But I really miss Jack in DW and Team TARDIS!