Anticipating the Birchbark Scrolls as an LDS Church Member / What Midegah has shared with me?

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • After 2 weeks of speaking with Chief David Midegah, here are some thoughts I have on what is being shared and what he is hoping for and not hoping for, specifically in regard to the reception of Leadership and general members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
    #Latter-Day Gathering
    To contact my privately please use the following email....

Комментарии • 101

  • @virginia6158
    @virginia6158 3 месяца назад +13

    I'm grateful you shared what I already knew in my heart, after watching many videos with Chief Midigah and others...that he is not calling for anyone to change their faith or beliefs, but to teach us (we rubberstamp-holding members of the Church!) the fact that other people were given records and guidance from the Savior, the Peacemaker. Also he's trying to find the correct path toward indigenous people everywhere to blossom as a rose!
    Anyone who has read the Book of Mormon should be expecting this and be THRILLED to see these things unfold!
    Chief Midigah is passionate and has personal history that has caused him to go through several decent / ascent phases, so, yes he is not hiding his passion. Uncomfortable for some, for sure.
    I appreciate this video!

  • @dallaspeterson2024
    @dallaspeterson2024 2 месяца назад

    Mormon leadership is not going to accept anything that challenges their authority and control over the members ! Most members ,active , believe in the doctrine of follow the.brethern instead of taking responsibility for themselves and follow the Spirit! An examination of church history should dispel the doctrine follow the brethren because God won't allow them to lead you astray!

  • @cindypuckett2782
    @cindypuckett2782 3 месяца назад +13

    Chief Midegah is telling us his people have a record more extensive and complete than the Mayan Popul Vuh, the Maya Codices, or the Aztec Codices. I don't think we quite yet know just the academic and anthropological significance of Midegah's scrolls but they already dwarf these aforementioned.
    We've had these voices of the people of the South for decades but mainly as fragments. The Popol Vuh has been published as a book. The various codices occupy prominent places in world class museums as soon as they can be purchased at immense cost from private collectors.
    Now comes the voice of the people of the North.
    Midegah's people preserved their written records, largely intact, spanning over 2,500 years.
    BYU developed technologies to read and revive the Dead Sea scrolls.
    These magnificent scrolls are so faithfully and well preserved that academic scholars and spiritual seekers alike can study them as soon as they can be published.
    I can see a wonderful collaboration between the Dead Sea Scrolls team at BYU, the document preservation teams, the Church printing department, and the BYU anthropology department to preserve this unparalleled record, connect it to other contemporary accounts, and publish it as appropriate.
    How beautiful that the Anashinabe people simply want to share these priceless teachings with us.

    • @TheYgds
      @TheYgds 3 месяца назад +4

      True, the Book of Mormon couldn't even contain 100th of the history of their people. This may give us insight into the other 99%.

    • @bannahhanover9673
      @bannahhanover9673 2 месяца назад

      I am excited too. It all falls into place with the whole gathering ❤

  • @latterdaycovenantliving
    @latterdaycovenantliving 3 месяца назад +19

    I agree! I think it’s hard to see people being so negative when he is our brother and deserves respect regardless of agreement

    • @terrywolsey8741
      @terrywolsey8741 3 месяца назад +1

      Interesting how things are unfolding and how quickly
      Maybe we can talk about how in my lines I am an 11 grand son of chief Powhatten, Joseph of Aremathia, and cardinal Wolsey
      Maybe we should talk?

    • @germanslice
      @germanslice 3 месяца назад +3

      As soon he said in one of his recent videos that he needed no latter-day prophet to guide him and that he only needs just only Jesus
      and He is a member of the church and hes saying he dosen't need to follow the prophet anymore and only needs Jesus and has his own authority and don't need the church's authority because he says his people have God's authority.
      Well that just isn't sounding quite right because all members of the church are taught to follow the prophet of God in
      order to follow Christ because the prophet of God follows Christ. And is the prophet who decides when to build the city of
      Zion when God tells him when the time is right. He should wait until the Prophet receives further light and revelation
      on the matter and not to be like Saul to do things presumptuously without waiting for the Lord's prophet.

    • @lindamartinez7006
      @lindamartinez7006 2 месяца назад


  • @SacaPuuntas
    @SacaPuuntas 3 месяца назад +4

    Anyone else feel like we are jumping the gun on this story a bit? Definitely interested and hopeful, but none of this is verified or has been corroborated by other Native American leaders (from what I know). Hoping it’s not another “golden plates found in the Middle East” scenario.

  • @EKowallis
    @EKowallis 3 месяца назад +5

    At first, I was extremely interested and then his message has become colder and colder. AND I guess we'll watch and see when the scrolls become available what the content is.

  • @paulsavage2157
    @paulsavage2157 3 месяца назад +7

    The Church is not likely to give any more of a "rubber stamp" on native documents than they did about the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled
    @Brandon-Is-Not-Fooled 3 месяца назад +2

    The "stamp of approval" is not the goal basically. Its not the purpose of sharing these scrolls. Its for us to hear and see it as an olive branch so to speak so we can strengthen our ties between the church and the natives. That relationship is what Midegah is after, I believe. That mutual respect and desire to communicate and share commonalities.

  • @kylelieb2977
    @kylelieb2977 3 месяца назад +5

    Even if they aren't scriptural, if they are authentic historical documents, that is of very high value. I've always felt like we have been sorely lacking in historical knowlege of the N. American people and to find out that they have, written documents that can teach us more about their histories is amazing.

  • @scottmelander5997
    @scottmelander5997 3 месяца назад +7

    I feel that it would be helpful to remember the parable of the good Samaritan in shaping one's perspective and relating to the complex knot of emotions and history and possibilities of what is being shared. I recently have watched a couple other videos in which chief midegah has spoken quite sharply and passionately about the pain and tragedy of his people, and quite understandably has called to be seen, to be heard, to be respected, and for kindness. Think therefore how much that is reminiscent of the man who fell among the thieves and was left half dead. I have also seen comments that show how members of the church are feeling defensive and are concerned about what they should do or believe, also understandable in my opinion. I must say I have not yet felt that chief midegah is calling us the thieves of this story, but are we not much more in danger of being a reflection of the priest or the levite in the parable? Are we not those from which compassion and comfort would be expected? We who believe in a way no others in the modern world do that the ancient inhabitants of the American continent have promised blessings from God. We who have faced ridicule and persecution for those beliefs. Would we be those who mourn with those that mourn, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort? Or would we pass by thinking in our hearts that it isn't worth doing unless there is something in it for us. Even if in the worst case scenario and the perspective of the truth of the restoration and that of the records and traditions of those that were here before prove to be as difficult to reconcile as the truth of the Samaritans and the Jews, would we not have a responsibility to love and serve and support? And if we did so, would we not find we are brothers, with far more in common than disagreement? I know there is goodness and truth in every people of the world. Personally I am excited to see new things, things held sacred, preserved by a people with a purpose, through prophecy and sacrifice. And when those people confirm my belief in Jesus Christ, that he loves all the people of the world and has asked everyone who has ever received his word to remember it, to hold it in their hearts and share it, well then, that deserves our attention.

  • @BettyHorn
    @BettyHorn 3 месяца назад +7

    Regardless of what anyone thinks of these scrolls, they are a history of these people. They might not be scripture, but we shouldn't say that they are invalid. That's like saying my family history is invalid. I find my genealogy sacred, but I don't believe it's scripture.

    • @cindlou7335
      @cindlou7335 3 месяца назад +2

      I agree. I hope nobody is saying that. From what I've seen and heard everyone seems legitimately interested. So we shall see!

    • @robertwebb4906
      @robertwebb4906 2 месяца назад

      Let us not forget the documents that were passed off as authentic to the Cruch in the early 1980s that were also proved to be forgeries. Hence Church leaders should approach all such "offers" to share with a full measure of skepticism. Though I remain very hopeful.

    • @BettyHorn
      @BettyHorn 2 месяца назад

      @@robertwebb4906 I agree. But I'm not sure this man is trying to pass these off as sacred scriptures, unless I'm missing something somewhere.

  • @ForgeBuildandDesign
    @ForgeBuildandDesign 3 месяца назад +5

    I am super excited to see what they have to say. The problem Ive had in listening to him across various channels and groups is that it seems like he is claiming what they have is more or better and that JS didn’t have a Native American that gave him the plates, which is wrong because Moroni was a part of the whole process and was the compiler and author. It seems like he is trying to put his beliefs and those of his tribe above the gospel and that he is trying to take credit for the BOM because it was written by Native Americans. I got the vibe of Laman and Lemuel getting mad that they weren’t the leaders. Now I know that comes with a lot of connotations so just take that comparison lightly. It also seems like he is trying to foist responsibility upon others for problems of the past and while I understand where they are coming from, for me personally it pushes me off. I get feelings of confrontation and contention in every video I have seen and that makes me shy away as that is not the way the spirit and God work. Take it as just one opinion and data point for perspective.

    • @ForgeBuildandDesign
      @ForgeBuildandDesign 3 месяца назад +1

      I also don’t think they need the “stamp of approval “ in order for it to be true for them and their history but as true scripture created by God for us in the latter days, I think we kind of need that stamp. So ya Im not one to try to deny their scrolls as being real. Who am I to tell them what their ancestors did or didn’t do.

    • @ColemanOutdoors
      @ColemanOutdoors 3 месяца назад

      Missing the "broken heart and contrite spirit" part.
      I'm sadden by the hostility and more by brothers and sisters I believe are looking beyond the mark.

    • @dallaspeterson2024
      @dallaspeterson2024 2 месяца назад

      Wow what a vivid imagination? How about some humility and asking God for correct understanding and revelation and a witness of the spirit as to it's truth! Mormons have this arrogance about them that is like the pharisees,unable to see the Savior they were waiting for! Only in their case unable to see the fulfillment of BofM prophesies regarding the decedent's of Lehi!

  • @adanalyst6925
    @adanalyst6925 3 месяца назад +6

    I love learning about other cultures and the interactions that they’ve had with God, no matter what form or how recognizable to me!
    If the Chief’s group chooses to show these scrolls that are so special to them to us, I’d be thrilled.

  • @confusedwhynot
    @confusedwhynot 3 месяца назад +14

    I am trying really hard to listen to Chief Midegah. I understand that his people have struggled, died, and been in some form of bondage or captivity for generations. The Book of Mormon is full of a history of people who have suffered. I understand that he is passionate about what he is sharing. I do have concerns about his intent and approach. I hope and pray that he can find a way to address his concerns without resentment or condemnation on others. It is way past time to heal old wounds and find common ground. We need to stand firm in our faith in our Savior Jesus Christ and seek to know his will for all of us. We need to show love and understanding.

    • @latter-daywatch
      @latter-daywatch  3 месяца назад +7

      I love his passionate way of sharing. I don't find it off-putting. But some people are sensitive to tone. I understand that is how some have felt. I personally like him speaking frank.

    • @de5083
      @de5083 3 месяца назад +1

      @@latter-daywatch I agree. If you don’t like his tone then skip the parts of the BofM where Nephi talks to Laman & Lemuel about Lehi’s vision of the Tree of Life or about helping him to build a ship, or when Abinidai talks to King Noah, Alma chapter5, Samuel the Lamanites speech and most of all skip Mormon 8:35-41 where Moroni is speaking directly to Latter Day Saints. If you believe Moroni is speaking to someone else please tell my who that is. Because we are the one who have and believe in BofM.

    • @VigilantWatcher
      @VigilantWatcher 3 месяца назад +2

      "I do have concerns about his intent and approach. I hope and pray that he can find a way to address his concerns without resentment or condemnation on others" Exactly! He's very contentious and you can tell he has let the hurt of his people get to him. Which as the Chief, he now is a steward over his people, and he should understand the pains of his people. I get that. However, if he professes that The Book of Mormon is true, the he should also believe in The Atonement of Jesus Christ which can remove that pain. He's has allowed that pain to fester within him rather than have the faith that all the pain and wrongs that he and his people (and everyone who has ever lived on earth) have endured can be healed through The Atonement of Jesus Christ. If he truly believed in The Book of Mormon he would be as the Sons of Mosiah to his people, he would be looking inwards at his people serving his people and tirelessly trying to convert them to Christ's true gospel, rather than looking outwards to get validation from the world and other faiths related to the artifacts that his people have preserved.

    • @ColemanOutdoors
      @ColemanOutdoors 3 месяца назад +1

      ​​@@latter-daywatchhonest question and I'm not trying to be mean or judgemental. Regardless of the treatment indigenous people's have faced, I'm struggling to see a broken heart and a contrite spirit in this Brother. You know the words Christ uttered from the cross. He bore all our pain and suffering. I know you know this. I'm trying to hear him, but accusations and veiled threats towards Christ's church is also a straight and narrow path to losing faith in the restored gospel. I fear for him. Here's my question. What happens to those in our faith who have pinned so much hope in his message if he was removed as the result of "appostesy and behavior unbecoming..."? He seems ready to go to "war"
      We all want a little validation for the proof of the BoM, it's exciting. It's not necessary. We know it's true becuase the Spirit bore witness.
      The Ammonites buried their weapons of war. We all can.

    • @germanslice
      @germanslice 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@ColemanOutdoors All This criticizing coming from Midegah against Church Leaders about his people reminds me of Lee back in the 1970s who did the same thing and kept on criticizing the leaders of the church and cut himself off from the Church....
      I thought in one of his videos I heaerd him say he dosen't need the prophet or his authority and only needs just Jesus and says he recognizes only his own people's authority and his own people's laws but dosen't seem to realize that hes also subject under Zion's laws as a member of the Church....

  • @de5083
    @de5083 3 месяца назад +3

    Thank you for you videos these are indeed exciting times. I have seen some videos where the interviewer wants to “map” Chief Midegah’s family to the Book of Mormon and miss the beautiful message that mirrors Jesus teachings of the importance of family, kindness, wisdom, respect, humility, honesty, truth, courage and love. People are skeptical and we should be but we should also be open minded and above all kind. I personally don’t need any more ‘proof’ that the Book of Mormon is true. I have all of the spiritual truth that I need. But I do find all of this fascinating. Follow the Spirit and you won’t be led astray.

  • @chenningfeld7
    @chenningfeld7 3 месяца назад +2

    My thoughts: we should be kind but not surprised
    There are some precedents of finding similarities from other historical sources, Unlike before, we have the opportunity to show love and respect for the people who hold the records
    Like many other samples I doubt they will be fully accepted or canonized but he has been led and prepared to speak to so many groups at this time
    In 1550, a Quiche Indian from a Mayan tribe in Guatemala, wrote shortly after the Spanish Conquest. Because of the destruction of the written records, the author relied on oral traditions to recreate the records The Popol Vuh and a dozen other examples discussed in the same source (below) contains traditions of the creation and the flood. It declares first and second migrations . . . which correspond to the two major migrations to the Western Hemisphere in the Book of Mormon.
    Source: Schaefer’s, Gilbert The Missionaries Little Book of Answers 2002 p. 104-118
    I hope you can review and continue sharing with us

  • @BazSupport
    @BazSupport 3 месяца назад +2

    “If you aren’t called as a judge, then you cannot judge.” (Something like that lol)
    - Chief Midegah

  • @gemelindacjp7976
    @gemelindacjp7976 3 месяца назад +2

    I don't understand why people are getting so worked up about so little information. Just wait and see.

  • @travisdulaney15
    @travisdulaney15 3 месяца назад +2

    I didn't know that the Native Americans took the catholic route and decided to declare they were not in apostacy and were worthy, had the authority and truth the whole time. I totally get they still had remnants of the truth, and parts of temple rituals, but i'm sorry, they are apostate versions, and were being practiced without authority. The good part, is when they learn that, and the spirit confirms it, they are great candidates for joining the church, but if they go on thinking they don't need the restored gospel, then they are basically in the same boat as all of other Christianity.

    • @nicholasread5397
      @nicholasread5397 3 месяца назад +2

      A person doesn't receive the Aaronic or Melchizedek priesthood through family descent, nor before the individual exercises faith, repentance and baptism by immersion, then receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost by the authority Christ set forth. When he appeared with the Father to Joseph Smith Jr, he didn't tell Joseph to not join the local Christian sects but instead seek out the Native Americans for a fullness of the gospel. Christ instead led Joseph to a path that saw John the Baptist restore the lesser priesthood, and Peter, James and John restore the higher priesthood. The Lord later sent Joseph on a mission to the Native American Indians, not the other way around. So we must keep in mind the Lord's is a house of order. That being said, if any tribe decides it's time to bring to light the histories or records of their ancestors, and if these testify Christ visited and taught them, it should be of interest as possibly fulfilling the prophecy about the ten tribes bringing their treasures to Zion, for surely this means their ancestral histories. I don't know if such records from the nations conquered by Conquistadors or Crusaders are hidden in the Vatican. I don't know if China, Japan and Russia are sitting on similar accounts. But we must soon be at a time when we will start to see the ice melt and such treasures come forth.

  • @lindamoses3697
    @lindamoses3697 3 месяца назад +2

    ❤It is wonderful that his tribe has saved these special scrolls. I'm sure it will be wonderful for the apostle to see his selected scrolls too. I have great respect for the posterity of Lehi. They have a great calling ahead of them. The poverty they have endured is disgraceful.

  • @ClintThomsen
    @ClintThomsen 3 месяца назад +2

    Seems to me like his primary goal is to settle old scores.

  • @lisamaria661
    @lisamaria661 3 месяца назад +1

    Midehah is 💯

  • @twizzles659
    @twizzles659 3 месяца назад +1


    • @latter-daywatch
      @latter-daywatch  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you. I will consider doing that or turning it way down. 🙂

  • @morganlindstrom9860
    @morganlindstrom9860 3 месяца назад

    Best video on this excitement to date! Thank you again for your level head. This has helped my perspective greatly! I really enjoy your perspective and the way you view things and are able to professionally convey your message.

  • @robertwebb4906
    @robertwebb4906 2 месяца назад

    While we should retain hope, founded in scriptures and supported by regulatory confirmations of ANY records that come forth in the fourth watch, we need to also withhold acceptance of these records until the Lord SAYS they are authentic. After all He is the one, in His own voice that confirmed the Book of Mormon is true. I for one believe He will keep to that same standard with any other writings that come forward.

  • @patimontana7224
    @patimontana7224 3 месяца назад

    My thoughts have been reserved as I am sure many have. I have followed Brother Mays and the other archeologist. Something stood out from a video I watched the other day where he was saying the Churchs stance has never been on pursuring "where" the Nephites landed and how they came to be in the Heartland area. The church has always said our focus should be on the teachings that the Book of Mormon teaches about the Savior Jesus Christ. It has always been to focus on the scriptures and the Savior. I don't know if they will ever give them a stamp of approval because it is not necessary in order to focus on the Savior. However, they have had many documents in their Library that was on the "Do not Read" list and yet Joseph was very interested in more records and translating them. So it leaves me confused. I thought, well maybe it is not our story to tell, Maybe this time it is the Tribal ancestors to tell and to gather their people. Yet we have also been told there would be more records to come before the 2nd coming and that the Book of Mormon ancestors would blossom like a rose before the 2nd coming. Chief Midegah has mentioned this as well. We have also been waiting for the lost tribes to appear. Are we going to dismiss them too? I am very reserved and very curious, but I do seek more insight from our Prophet and Apostles as to engagement in following this new information. He does say that Rabbi's did authenticate the flag and scrolls they had as being authentic. Maybe this is what is needed to connect the Jewish Nation to the work being done by the church and allow us to continue to do the work for the dead. However, they would first have to realize that Christ has indeed come and was crucified by their own people.

  • @elderinisrael
    @elderinisrael 3 месяца назад +4

    I feel that the time for the additional records to come forward is close, but I also think that while we are still under condemnation for our poor use of The Book of Mormon, no new scriptures will come forward until our condemnation is in effect.

  • @MommaCrissa
    @MommaCrissa 3 месяца назад +3

    Absolutely makes sense. Yes, it's about sharing. I have no idea why members of the church could be so closed minded. To me that is a sign of a darkened mind that is spoken about in the BofM.

  • @curtisdecker3175
    @curtisdecker3175 3 месяца назад

    Idk if it's going to be accepted as scripture but I'm not going to write it off as a fraud even if it's not scripture. It is still an account of people that we can learn from.

  • @ArslanOtcular
    @ArslanOtcular Месяц назад

    Hall Nancy Moore Lisa Gonzalez Laura

  • @Yazzie60
    @Yazzie60 3 месяца назад +1

    But why tell the world in the media?
    Why not talk with the prophet personally?
    And why is it him?
    And why are there no other Native Americans behind him?

    • @cindlou7335
      @cindlou7335 3 месяца назад

      What better way to tell? Social media is the public square.
      He is meeting with a GA next week.
      There are others on the same page as him.

    • @latter-daywatch
      @latter-daywatch  3 месяца назад +2

      Question 1 - because this is for the world, not just the Church.
      Question 2 - he is going to talk to an Apostle next week. But again, this isn't about getting the Church to validate what they have.
      Question 3 - because that is his mantle that has been given to him.
      Question 4 - I am wondering why you make this assumption. Wait and see just how many are actually behind him. It is a much wider circle than I think you can imagine it being.

  • @RebeccaGroendyke
    @RebeccaGroendyke 3 месяца назад +3

    We can also pray for discernment.

    • @unholywarrior9007
      @unholywarrior9007 3 месяца назад

      It's going to be more of a history. Not religious doctrine. I wouldn't mind reading the unabridged golden plates for the history. The scrolls wount be of much doctrine of any use. It's more like the Assyrian giving Eve sour grape wine and bread evil sacrament with a serpent sock puppet on his hand. A different religion

    • @Drew-fu8fc
      @Drew-fu8fc 3 месяца назад

      @@unholywarrior9007how do you know

    • @unholywarrior9007
      @unholywarrior9007 3 месяца назад

      @Drew-fu8fc so his cool story of the 2 sky girl and one boy adopted into the tribe. Don't be surprised get get new doctrine about that . And it will be interesting. But it won't be the religion your looking for

    • @Drew-fu8fc
      @Drew-fu8fc 3 месяца назад +1

      @@unholywarrior9007 I’m not really worried about it either way I just wonder how you know what it is if it hasn’t been shared

  • @jacbox3889
    @jacbox3889 3 месяца назад

    Thank you! Makes lots of sense.

  • @tuvoca825
    @tuvoca825 3 месяца назад

    Not sure what he is doing with this. Everyone needs to beware of seeking validation through noncannonical sources. Not sure of his motives.
    What I would watch for.... Ego? Greed? Vice? Inscurity/fear?
    I am not sure what his need is to do this publically.
    If it isn't cannon... what is it? I haven't seen it and it isn't cannon until it is. And technically the hymns are cannon and St Francis wrote one but until the Prophet of our day outs a stamp on it... it's outside for now. Maybe for their private use. Especially if it has a lot of unknown for us

    • @latter-daywatch
      @latter-daywatch  3 месяца назад

      He is just sharing. Don't throw yourself into a loop.

  • @richardmiller4499
    @richardmiller4499 3 месяца назад +3

    I will follow the Prophet and the majority of the First Presidency and Quorum of The Twelve Apostles.
    “Follow The Prophet He Knows The Way.” ❤

    • @MommaCrissa
      @MommaCrissa 3 месяца назад +1

      Just remember if anything comes up that youre not sure of, Joseph was the prophet of the restoration. Go back and look at his words in the Joseph Smith papers. No need for comment, just keep this thought in the back of your mind.

  • @akkdm1
    @akkdm1 3 месяца назад +1

    I’m trying to digest what he’s said so far. I’ve listened to 3-4 hours of some of his interviews. I cannot help but think of the Seventy Elder Lee who was the only GA to be ex-communicated. According to legend he (or his friend Tabongo) went into the church office building and was not greeted in the way he/they expected and became offended. Another example comes to mind of the man from Ecuador who translated the Book of Mormon into Quechua. He was very proud of his work yet he never attended church services.
    Certainly we will see a great gathering of the lost tribes in the last days. The time of the Gentiles is near completion. I do believe there will be a shift of power, influence and authority as the judgment of God falls upon those who have received the Gospel and now trod it under foot. I also believe the people who will build New Jerusalem are the same ones who build our homes and care for the gounds today (latin Americans and may of the tribe of Manaseh). However this plays out we should remain close to the living prophet, believe in Christ and remember “If you are not one, ye are not mine.”

    • @TheYgds
      @TheYgds 3 месяца назад +4

      Elder Lee had some other issues far more serious than not feeling appreciated, and the Brethren were quite tolerant for a good while before he was ex communicated. Unlike him, Chief Midegah shows a lot of respect for Church authority and priesthood, which has basically settled all of my reservations. What he is saying may revolutionize how we view our own history and how we view things like the Great Apostasy, that while the Old World went into a general apostasy, the New World may not have, that the Three Nephites established another line of Priesthood that has been maintained unbroken since the establishment of the Midewiwin. That it essentially went into hiding around the same time Joseph Smith was given the Book of Mormon, and that now may be the time for the Nephite Disciples and the Apostolic lines of authority to come into communion.
      I heard a that Elder Rasband (iirc, could have been another Apostle) remarked that Peter was "his boss". The Twelve Nephite disciples were established as judges over the Lehite nations (mixture of Judahites, Menassahites, Jaredites and many other unmentioned peoples that mixed with them), I suppose, under the ancient Twelve Apostles, and that the modern Apostles are set as successors to the original Twelve. It would imply that an entire Priesthood Quorum composed of people that received their authority through the Nephite authority line would be a legitimate part of our Priesthood hierarchy. Just spit-balling, but something very interesting to consider.

    • @akkdm1
      @akkdm1 3 месяца назад

      @@TheYgds Wow! So amazing and inspiring! I feel much more at ease. I was thinking about how the 12 apostles called in 3rd Ne would be judges of the New World but forgot to mention it in my comment. You are correct, our understanding of the Nephite/Lehite, Jaredite heritage is about to explode. I used to think (ignorantly) that it was going to take a visit from Jesus to convince us that we are all essentially of the same tribe but now I see that groundwork was laid 2000 years ago!
      I am a descendant of Chief Hyanno of the Wampannoag tribe and Jacob Hamblin was my Great Great Uncle.

    • @TheYgds
      @TheYgds 3 месяца назад +1

      @@akkdm1 I don't want to get ahead of myself. Chief Midegah hasn't said that in clear terms, I'm just trying to make sense of the bits he is dropping around here and there. I could be completely wrong. It will still be a big benefit to hear this history in full.

    • @amynazza
      @amynazza 3 месяца назад

      Elder Lee isn’t the only GA to be excommunicated. The D&C is full of people who were excommunicated. There was an apostle who was excommunicated for adultery when my grandmother was still a child. There is a reason we are counseled to watch ourselves because it is so easy to fall into temptation and not stay humble and contrite.

    • @ColemanOutdoors
      @ColemanOutdoors 3 месяца назад

      3 Seventies have been removed in the last hundred years....give or take. The Elder Lee situation is very sad, but like the other commentor, much worse than just resentment/disagreement with leadership. They all stand as a reminder that we all succumb to temptation and need to be careful.

  • @dalesorensen298
    @dalesorensen298 3 месяца назад

    We know there were three Nephites and why wouldn't they minister to the Indian or Laminite ancesters. I have enjoyed listening to Chief Medigah my brother in Christ Jesus.

  • @donnaramos-2bgr8srv
    @donnaramos-2bgr8srv 3 месяца назад

    You have a good spirit about you, Dan. I never interpreted the sharing of these scrolls to be the coming forth of new scripture. I’m not sure why so many LDS jumped to that conclusion. Just to learn that this culture has been keeping records from down through the ages, is tremendous! For so long academia has asserted that the Indigenous people of North America had no written language. So this alone is huge! Anything on top of that is just icing on the cake, to me. And from the teases offered, the icing could be considerable.
    And yes, I was one who has been occasionally put off by Chief Midegah’s “manner”. Puzzled. Until I was listening to what the “grandmother” trauma specialist was saying about how broken so many of their families are. The trauma is raw and ongoing. Individuals may want unity, but not know how to achieve it, she said. And that may apply to us as well.
    I’ve let go of whatever expectations I’ve had. I think whatever comes of these meetings will be a good thing, and a blessing.

  • @jeffreybernson7978
    @jeffreybernson7978 3 месяца назад +1

    He wants to be CHIEF which conflicts with his want of PRIESTHOOD.. but he brings great insight into Book of Mormon geography

    • @latter-daywatch
      @latter-daywatch  3 месяца назад +2

      He was assigned to be Chief and has a deep respect for being given that.

    • @jeffreybernson7978
      @jeffreybernson7978 3 месяца назад +2

      @@latter-daywatch still
      A conflict … he claims the chiefs have priesthood !!! Not rightb

    • @de5083
      @de5083 3 месяца назад

      @@jeffreybernson7978 I have watched several videos with him and don’t recall him specifically stating the “Chiefs” have priesthood. I’m not saying he didn’t either. I try to keep an open mind. Jesus stated in 3 Nephi that he was going to other sheep presumably the 10 Tribes was one of those groups. He most likely ordained Apostles/disciples as he did in Jerusalem and the Nephites. The 3 translated Nephites disciples were ordained by the resurrected Jesus himself and are still on the earth and would have the ability to ordain whomever Jesus would have them ordain. It doesn’t have to cause a conflict of authority. When the 10 tribes return with their records and presumably Prophets they would also have priesthood authority. I think this is one reason that President Nelson said that without the constant influence of the Holy Ghost we won’t be able to survive spiritually in the coming days. Let’s be careful and not be deceived but also let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. Remember also that Joseph Smith said there are many truths in the Apocrypha but that you would need the spirit to discern what is truth and what is not. Let’s just all move forward with kindness, respect and love.

    • @jarenthompson915
      @jarenthompson915 3 месяца назад +4

      Well, after watching several videos, I've noticed the tone and spirit of the message change from a unity - peaceful to accusation and anger. Maybe the naysayers and venom from comments have gotten to him, who knows.
      But, in the last 2 videos I've watched, he did comment that his authority from the lodge (3 prophets, 3 nephites?) is just as valid as church authority from Peter, James, and John. That's a red flag.

    • @nancylowe2692
      @nancylowe2692 3 месяца назад

      Wow...I hadn't thought of that.

  • @norritasanders6075
    @norritasanders6075 3 месяца назад

    im excited to know we have the same ancestors Artemus Millet and john Taylor. Im trying to make the connection to Chief Midegah but so far have not been able to ask him if he can share a few more people in his line

    • @latter-daywatch
      @latter-daywatch  3 месяца назад

      I may be able to help you with this is you reach out to my email in the video description. If you wished to provide a vew details of your ancestry, I can give it to Midegah and see how he responds.

  • @YourOwnWay
    @YourOwnWay 3 месяца назад

    I respectfully suggest you edit your videos down to 5 minutes.

    • @latter-daywatch
      @latter-daywatch  3 месяца назад

      Thanks for the suggestion. Not going to. But thanks. I prefer long form content and cater to others who also do.

  • @ashleyingoldsby
    @ashleyingoldsby 3 месяца назад

    With you on this 100%

  • @CNStanza1
    @CNStanza1 3 месяца назад

    Why didn't me mention this before? maybe he did but I missed it 😅

    • @latter-daywatch
      @latter-daywatch  3 месяца назад

      He has, but he wanders a bit when he talks. Haha. And his tone doesn't always land well will everybody.

  • @bagnon
    @bagnon 3 месяца назад +1

    Faith will always remain the first principle of the Gospel. The church already has very convincing evidence that could be shared, but they keep it safely hidden in the vaults so everyone has opportunity to exercise faith and to lessen the consequence for those who would know it was true, but still didn't follow it.

    • @cindlou7335
      @cindlou7335 3 месяца назад

      Like what, for example?

    • @bagnon
      @bagnon 3 месяца назад

      @@cindlou7335 Records of Prophesies that have come true, artifacts, etc.

    • @cindlou7335
      @cindlou7335 3 месяца назад

      @@bagnon sources??

    • @benzun9600
      @benzun9600 3 месяца назад

      they keep them in vault because it goes against the current brethren teaches.

    • @cindlou7335
      @cindlou7335 3 месяца назад

      @benzun9600 like what exactly? Sources please.

  • @Drew-fu8fc
    @Drew-fu8fc 3 месяца назад

    This whole story is so interesting. I just want to know what these scrolls say on them. I am not sure why midegah hasn’t shared the contents. He doesn’t have to if he doesn’t want to, I’m just curious why he hasn’t.

    • @latter-daywatch
      @latter-daywatch  3 месяца назад +3

      Because it is not just his message to share. He wants to be respectful to the process and feelings of others who will also be sharing in fall.

    • @Drew-fu8fc
      @Drew-fu8fc 3 месяца назад +1

      @@latter-daywatch perfectly acceptable answer. He’s sharing something in fall? There’s lots of videos he’s done and it’s hard to piece the story together, is what I am saying.

    • @Dunlappin
      @Dunlappin 3 месяца назад

      It's also possible it contains parts we would consider very sacred, not to be shared with the outside world?

    • @Drew-fu8fc
      @Drew-fu8fc 3 месяца назад

      @@Dunlappin we don’t know because we haven’t been told that’s the case.

  • @toeknee1943
    @toeknee1943 3 месяца назад +2

    @latter-daywatch I wonder how Chief Midegah’s knowledge will align with the archetypes of comparative mythology and Joseph Smiths’ revelations on their origins.