I've been drinking 70- 80 beers every day for 45 years and I just quit. Cold turkey. Easy. Don't need AA. Been sober for a long time. Almost 3 hours now...
How did that guys letter not sound like a cult recruiter? The whole looking forward to Bill surrendering thing was one of the creepiest things I've ever heard.
Also it sounds like they’re trying to diagnose him when the whole ethos of any 12 step program is that you have to diagnose yourself, which is antithetical to any proper practice of medicine.
I quit drinking tons of vodka every night about a half year ago after being a booze hound for maybe 3 years. I couldn't do AA for the reasons Billy brought up here lol. What worked for me is to rationalize to myself how not being drunk all the time feels much better as an aggregate. Like not being bloated, sweaty, and tired makes life way better I've realized finally haha
I went to AA. I admitted I was still drinking and sat listening to everybody blatently dodge and lie to me about them not drinking and telling me that I should come back when I've quit... it is nice to get some help but I would urge caution.
My grandfather was a "get drunk and vanish for three days" type of guy up through his 30s, until he moved and got new friends and a job. He continued drinking socially without any issue to the end of his life at 91. On the other hand, some of my friends are true AA material and one died. It is NOT true for all people that you are always an alcoholic and can never trust yourself to have another drink again. Different approaches work for different people. It seems far more important to address the underlying cause.
@@tshred666 I just spoke with a good friend who's going thru that process in AA. I understand now that they DO try to get you to fix the cause as well as not drinking.
I went to aa for 6 months after getting my ass kicked in a bar fight. Then I realised my "alcoholism" ain't shit compared to these ppl & I don't need this group to stop drinking if I want to
9:20 No lie, Bill said the guy's tooth went through his lip and then an ad started playing. Right away some toddler says "my mouth hurts." Holy crap that was too funny 🤣
I was forced to attend AA meetings 2x a week for 6 months, and the shit i heard was fuckin crazy. Like ruined lives and destroyed families type of stuff. Even the ones that got sober were like, addicted to AA. It felt like a cult.
“Just cause you were under the sink drinking mouthwash during your kid’s birthday doesn’t mean I need to…” Nobody insults off the top of the head like Bill. The best in the business. Best there will ever be.
The donuts and cigarettes thing is very true. I remember I tried to get a sponsor at first- I asked “what should I do if I have a long day of hard work and I feel like I deserve a little a reward at the end of it, like a few beers or a joint?”. He said “buy a bag of York peppermint patties and eat them when you feel that way”. Dude, I just lost 30 pounds and I’m on a diet. Miss me with that obesity inducing crap. A lot of these people decide they can NEVER HAVE ANOTHER DRINK so they replace it with eating, smoking, sex, AA, etc. Why anyone would ever trust another AA member to guide them through life is beyond me. These people are not doctors, they’re not psychologists and they’re sure as hell not nutritionists.
Yes, absolutely. I've spent a few years in AA (on and off) and they 100% trade addictions there. Forget Unity, Service, and Recovery - their holy trinity is caffeine, nicotine, and sugar. The most insidious part? The higher power is supposed to be your main substitute for alcohol. They absolutely try to get you to get "high" on Jesus or whatever equivalent they can get you hooked on.
I think you’re being a little too hard on them. It’s not their fault you struggle with a weight problem. That advice probably does work for many people. The purpose of recommending sweets is to help soothe cravings in the early stages of recovery. Rehab centers encourage that patients with heroin addictions continue smoking while they are in withdrawals. It’s better to smoke for a month more months than to suffer a heroin relapse. I do agree that many addicts have a tendency to exchange addictions. So many alcoholics pick up weed-smoking as an alternative and just become potheads. Possibly marginally better, but hardly a healthy habit.
I’m a friend of Bill, and honestly it sounds more like you’re a moderate drinker. Aka not a true alcoholic. And other members of 12 step programs will shit on me for this, but I see no issue with the Bob Marley maintenance plan (or any other maintenance plans like opioid replacement therapy in the form of suboxone and methadone) so long as it doesn’t cause any serious adverse effects. Like if you can drink a few beers or smoke less than half a gram of cannabis and reserve it for the end of the day so it doesn’t interfere with your responsibilities, you aren’t an addict or an alcoholic.
@@Master_of_Critique If someone is a bona fide alcoholic, it’s true that they can never have another drink in their life. It’s better that they indulge in a bag of chocolates instead of sucking down a whole bottle of hard spirits.
Telling people especially kids there addicts is a good way to make them identify as it, I was told alot of shit like that when I was young, for 12 years I did almost every drug like crazy then when I stop thinking of myself as that I just stopped realized I never really enjoyed it and most of the time didn't even want to but since I was a kid I was told that was what I am so I became it, now you couldn't pay me to do that shit. That definitely makes me stupid but I saw a shit ton of people do the exact same thing. Identifying yourself as something is the most influential thing in your life and other people tend to decide it when your young, so Mabi don't go around telling everyone they have a problem
Just like feeding religion to kids. I think it's akin to child abuse. People who are taught that bs spend their lives fearing they'll go to hell if they put a foot wrong, and hope and pray for a better life in heaven when they die. What a waste of the gift of life here on earth. This is all we get-make the best of it.
AA is such a pain in the ass. Trading in one addiction for another. They also tell people they have a problem even when they have a drink every now and then because they want that drink and they can't see you having a good time. It's unfortunate, too bad for the alcoholics
I had to go to a few NA meetings while in a program and this is hilarious. The stories I heard made me wonder wtf I was doing there. One story was a doctor who kept stealing and using drugs from his office, he got so bad he would take uppers all day long and then when he go home he would inject propofol in his car in his garage and then run to his bed and hope he makes it to his bed in time. if you know what propofol is you know this is absolutely insane. propofol is given to knock a patient out before surgery. I also think the steps are weird and i didnt like "surrendering" power and responsibility.
I'm reminded here of something the great Tom Waits said on a live album ("Nighthawks at the Diner" from the mid-1970s) in a song about boozing it up: "You've been drinking cleaning products all night . . . open for suggestions!"
AA saved my life but this sanctimonious, cliche-spewing, self righteous advertisement makes us all look bad. It worked for me, if it didn't work for someone else, that's fine too.
I spent half my life in the program. Clancy's group in LA, etc. It saved my life BUT also had a shit ton of drama and highschool bullshit. I last after five years and stayed sober for 2.5 more years until my 13 y.o. daughter killed herself...
"I had 2 drinks 1 day, a beer the next" that is not an alcoholic. Lol. I drink like that too and in no way is that a drunk or alcoholic, it's a relaxation aid.
@@huntmine2343 Exactly! Like George Carlin said about drugs too. "Listen to your body. It'll tell you when you've had enough or when you're doing too much. It'll tell you when you've gained all you can with this substance and it's time to stop."
I think addiction all has to do how your brain is wired. Sometimes I like alcohol, some times I go months without it. I love weed but I didn't smoke it for 2 years. I had it basically every day for a week last month (on vacation) and I don't even think about it. I wish I could quit bread, my abs body fat concerns me more than weed and drinks.
Telling someone that "They should be in AA" is nonsense. That is one's own decision to make. Boasting about sobriety isn't a good look. Live and let live.
@@OutdoorBlues it means someone sees you living a good life after using drugs or drinking. Someone finds that attractive. They are interested and give it a go. Rather than boasting about how good your life is and telling other people what they should be doing.
Yeaaaa it’s a thing with bill; he doesn’t actually have real alcoholics around him every day to show that.......the homeless guy on the corner drinks 6 a day AT MINIMUM
Oh my god 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣 how many times did you guys rewind just to hear the punch lines lol.. I’ve gone To meetings and had a great but Bill nail it.. OH NO I THINK This Rant just became an actually AA MEETING!!! Aaahhhhb!! Lol- “hey keep coming back.” But really Bill broke it down some of us just binge and some of us can start and stop when we want and others need the religion.. great of all parties involved...
I spent many years in the program. Even married one of them .. I've been divorced from both for 5 years and don't miss it AT ALL. I never bought in and never fit in.. When you hear, "rarely has a person failed who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover will not or cannot completely give themselves to this program". That's a crock of shit. I am 25 years sober and never had a sponsor *(imagine taking their direction in life decisions). The last few years have been the bliss.
I’m a recovering alcoholic as well and I 100% concede that AA is mostly a bunch of gobley goop and a waste of fucking time, for me at least. “Smoking cigarettes and eating donuts!” Lmao. Billy Burr telling it like it is per usual. Btw, if I’m correct, I think AA has around a 5% success rate. Don’t quote me on this.
Definitely works for certain people. For others, it makes them want to drink and they end up having to get a couple drinks in them to get through the meeting.
You’re right - AA’s success rate is the lowest of any option. It’s a worse rate than just going cold turkey on one’s own. Secular programs have a much higher success rate. I’m not sure why AA even exists anymore. All AA does is set up drunks with other drunks.
Yup - the 5% success rate is an abysmal failure. That's the real reason for anonymity. After all, if it was successful, wouldn't you want everyone to know and release data to show it?
I love how Bill points out that drinkers eventually get too old for it. AA will insist that if you can control drinking, it's temporary at best and "it's like you never stopped" at worst; that's true for people who get addicted to alcohol, but most "weekend warrior" types quit their 20s behavior in their 30s.
Is there anything more pathetic than an AA member trying to drag other people down with them? Don’t listen to people who try to advertise their “enlightenment” to you.
I was able to stop drinking on my own, but I wasn't able to find a way to enjoy my sobriety until I went to AA. Nobody (including wives, courts, cops, lawyers) should ever force people to go to AA, it's almost guaranteed not to be very effective unless the person goes, or stays, of their own free will because they are desperate enough to stay, and the program is compatible with their vision of recovery.
Addictive personality types can get addicted to anything. Even AA meetings. I went for a while. I met people who had been sober for over 20 years who had just replaced their addiction to alcohol with an addiction to meetings. Always talking about themselves. . I have been sober for 12 years. 11 1/2 years without AA.
My issue with AA is that they insist if you associate with ANY person who sips alcohol just once a week isn’t worth your time and you MUST escape into our weird cult to survive. I’ve heard of whole families that get ripped apart because their family member replaces their own loved ones with these self pity meetings. A few of these groups are okay, but it’s not based off anything scientific. The answer AA members say is “well, maybe that’s just the single meeting you went to” all of the meetings are similar and creepy..it’s never about “well today I got a job and what’s best, I didn’t feel that urge to drink”. Instead the banter is “I’m completely useless cause I drank myself into oblivion”. Again, they insist, “you just went to the wrong meeting”, but all the meetings seem to be about personally beating yourself up
@@wmason1961 talking to real professionals is what’s helping me. I still crack, but man I crack way less when a true professional says, “it’s a bad day for you, what’s upsetting you?” rather than “you need to cut a million people away from your life, even the ones that are responsible”…see the difference?
I've gone to aa meetings as s kid to support my dad also for his anniversaries. My parents also sent me to a few meetings when I was in college as they felt me at 2 had a drinking problem cause I'd do out during the weekend drinking. Anyway after them realizing that this is what many college students do they realized I didn't need to go. The people there always have some story where the whole room laughed & nodded at whomever it was speaking told some stories b4 they got clean
Went to exactly two AA meetings. Shit was a joke. "Who's here for the court?" "We're not religious, we're spiritual." Guy leading it literally had a a "sobriety rocks" tattoo on his forearm.
"Works if ya work it, sucks if ya dont!" Ive been sober 8 yrs and my ass didnt go to no meetings at all. Did that shit as a kid. Its trash. I went to a counselor once a week for a yr. Shit was great
I did it off an on and I found it fake and non-inviting and realized their is a hierarchy of turds. It was worse than high school and I have experience in a handful of big cities as well as small...no difference. I tried hard just to be included... that's a problem. Hey, if it worked for you great but a group of fucked up people with issues beyond being able to socialize properly...man it made my shit worse until I stopped doing THAT!
I got busted growing pot and had in lue of the drug treatment program and had to do 2 aa everyday for 2 years straight as part of my probation. Omg as someone who doesn't drink and have to listen to the fucking stories everyday I wanted to blow my head off lmao. And after a year they kept asking me my drunk stories and i finally got mad and said I'm here cause of weed not alcohol and can't relate in any way to your crazy I stole my grandma's money to buy booze caus I can't stop lol needles to say never got asked again.
Your PO fucked up or you went to the wrong meeting. You normally would have been referred to NA. That wouldn't have been better though. Whoever had the bright idea that heroin junkies, meth tweakers, and stoners were basically close enough to put together in a group called Narcotics Anonymous probably never did any of those drugs.
Those guys are the reason why I don't go to AA regularly. A little goes a long way. I'm still not drinking- it's been almost 10 years. Well, maybe my severely damaged liver might also have been part of the reason...
AA is one of many avenues you can take so that you can regain your health and dignity, develop healthy relationships and become a contributing member of society. If AA is not your cup of tea, then go elsewhere or quit on your own if you have it in you...some people can do that. What works for one person may be repugnant to another. Spend your energy finding a way to make sobriety happen for you instead of ridiculing those who have found a solution that is different than yours. Live and let live and be glad for those who have found sobriety, no matter how they got there.
Any 12 step program is about learning and practicing not being a selfish prick, it's not about the substance. That's why you can apply the program to [insert list of any substance someone can overindulge in] and it'll still work if the person works the steps.
I was addicted to alcohol and drugs then AA. I relapsed and tried to go back to AA but hated it. Everyone said I was going to relapse and that “you can’t stay sober without AA.” I left AA forever and I’ve been sober three years. People there are the worst people you’ll meet in your entire life. You would have to look really hard to find someone as awful as they are in AA. If you go just go to early morning meetings. The rest are awful. I’m in a state where weed is legalized and everybody smokes weed anyways! What that’s not sober. After I left I felt like I was in a cult for years. I was.
there is only one step.when you decide to stop you will.its that easy, you sound angry at your self.the truth always hurts face it .tell her you love her.and liking yourself might help to.
AA is good for people supporting each other but I'm not into all the higher power and 12 step stuff plus I dont believe in labelling yourself and addict for life I did 8 months rehab and got clean and now I'm done with recovery 7 years later and my addiction no longer defines me that was then and this is now so I can laugh about it but that doesn't mean I dont appreciate the fuckin nightmare that addiction is and the affect it has on families we all got our own shit to deal with I love Bill's outlook
I'm in AA, and it's really helped a lot. Having said that, it's like any other organization, you're going to find good and bad. You can't dislike all restaurants because the first one you went to was bad.. My advice to anyone seeking help is to shop around to find the meeting or meetings that work for you. This guy that wrote in was projecting and makes a bad name for AA. If someone in AA has no other interests, that's a bad sign. I love being sober because I can actually get things done and be more like the person I want to be. I enjoyed Bill's take on this, he's self-effacing and honest.
Most AA meetings are bad because they are unscientific and run by people with no psychology or health background. People should go to doctors and psychiatrists for their addiction issues not pastors and other drug/alcohol addicts.
@T B Don't get Moronic my 52 yr old ex girlfriend is dead she died in January from a Binge Drink spree. Alcohol is not to be played with. Bill sounds like my Dead Ex who left my Son's without a Mother to go Binge drink.
I quit without AA, i still have mayne one beer on a holiday, but i havent been drunk in a long time , I never could quit for more then a few months when i was in AA
My experience with AA is that it became a dick measuring contest of ‘who is the bigger alcoholic?’ Immediately assumed I wasn’t a true alcoholic like them, and then when it came time to talk I didn’t want to share with them. My DWI and daily drinking was honestly nothing compared to the stories of eating out of a dumpster or performing sexual acts for a half pint. I got nothing out of AA except that it wasn’t going to help me.
Only YOU can diagnose YOU. AA, when done properly, doesn't tell people what there problem(s) are. It offers help should YOU choose to accept it. Its not for everyone, not even everyone with a drinking problem. AA just says you do you.
Nah, addicts with "god" in their heads will absolutely diagnose strangers. It's inevitable. AA pushes a rosy vision and wrings its hands of reality. One thing I never got was how anyone could read out loud about how decisions based on "self" put them "in a position to get hurt" to a room that they damn well know has r*pe victims in it. I can't believe all of them are so full of the spirit of a just and loving higher power that they've gone tone deaf. Maybe they just figure it's ok cause the passage is popular?
Bill says he drank for 6 days, but at least 3 of those days he said he only had 2 drinks. He said he took a day off, and got hammered 2 of those days. Anyone that is stone cold boozer would say that sounds like a good idea, but I know when I attempt this, by the 3rd day I will be drinking during the day. I will be trying to drink my hangovers away. I will be passing out, and after 8 - 9 days I will be so close to death that stopping drinking is all I have left. What Bill says about getting old is so right.
Coming from a 53 year old, full race, ruined my entire fuckin life from drinking and drugging, alcoholic, addict, now sober 7 years, Bill you ARE NOT an alcoholic!!
AA needs to move on from the past its sad and depressing having to go and watch the same persons week after week cry in the same share their shared 100 times already like there's no progress being made.. Sorry but that shit is down and outers for me thank God that I left before I turned into a full on sook myself.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I fucking hate AA/NA. I’m made to go and I loath it. I hate being reminded of drugs and alcohol. I’m not allowed to forget it and move on with my life. I don’t like sharing the most intimate parts of my life with a bunch of people who honestly could care less. They are just waiting for a chance to talk about themselves anyways.
You should still believe in God (Holy Trinity) and pray to Him you’re correct at AA they practice religious indifferentism, idolatry and group think Jesus will heal you.
There's nothing fun about court ordered rehab, but there is paperwork involved in anything that's court ordered, please don't tell me your a lawyer big time.
Hahah holy fuckin shit yes. Been to AA once and hearing the ridiculous stories was enough. I went with a friend and he wanted me to get a chip in the end but I thought it was a waste of time so I didn't grab one. AA is ridiculous.
There is a huge difference between dependence on a substance and addiction to a substance. People using antidepressants to improve their day to day functioning aren’t addicted to antidepressants (obviously I’m talking about non-addictive drugs, not Xanax or that type of shit). If your lifestyle is stabilized by drinking, you’re dependent. It’s not like you can’t live without it, but it’s a consistent part of your well rounded life. If your life IS drinking, you’re addicted. Bill’s relationship with alcohol sounds like dependence and not addiction. It’s probably not great to drink which he admits and tries to reduce his consumption, but it’s not like it’s a chief problem in his life.
Norm Macdonald: "Why do they call themselves 'anonymous', when the very first thing you do is declare your name and that you're an alcoholic?"
"One time I was on the Demon Rum......AND I BLEW A DOG FOR A PINT OF GIN!"
Do you like peach schnapps?
Ahhh classic, for sum reason it reminds me of why are we forced to vote in pencil in Australia....
That works as a joke, but people often don't use their full name, nor are they expected to.
Because the success rate is under 5%. AA has stats. Ever wonder why those aren't published?
AA is a cult! I beat meth on my own and quit pot and cigarettes recently. I am powerful!
I've been drinking 70- 80 beers every day for 45 years and I just quit. Cold turkey. Easy. Don't need AA. Been sober for a long time. Almost 3 hours now...
Sounds like heavy middle beach ball. I never drank that much but I got one .MR WELSH
That's an amazing story. Congratulations
That sounds like a huge lie tbh
@@hydroboostoxiaction6271 of cause its a lie. It wasn't 80 beers. I'm too ashamed but since you called me out... 170 beers per day
@@hydroboostoxiaction6271 Good detective work, Captain Obvious
How did that guys letter not sound like a cult recruiter? The whole looking forward to Bill surrendering thing was one of the creepiest things I've ever heard.
Also it sounds like they’re trying to diagnose him when the whole ethos of any 12 step program is that you have to diagnose yourself, which is antithetical to any proper practice of medicine.
I quit drinking tons of vodka every night about a half year ago after being a booze hound for maybe 3 years. I couldn't do AA for the reasons Billy brought up here lol. What worked for me is to rationalize to myself how not being drunk all the time feels much better as an aggregate. Like not being bloated, sweaty, and tired makes life way better I've realized finally haha
AA saved my life, but I still found this hilarious. Imagine that-Not being offended by everything
Nah. You did. You and the big man upstairs. From my experience, he's greater than anything man made. Especially, a room full of misery.
@@dms942 this is reading like something from south park lowkey
I went to AA. I admitted I was still drinking and sat listening to everybody blatently dodge and lie to me about them not drinking and telling me that I should come back when I've quit... it is nice to get some help but I would urge caution.
AA is trash
My grandfather was a "get drunk and vanish for three days" type of guy up through his 30s, until he moved and got new friends and a job. He continued drinking socially without any issue to the end of his life at 91. On the other hand, some of my friends are true AA material and one died. It is NOT true for all people that you are always an alcoholic and can never trust yourself to have another drink again. Different approaches work for different people. It seems far more important to address the underlying cause.
Which if the inventory and amends processes are followed correctly people will get to the root of why they feel the need to escape reality.
@@tshred666 I just spoke with a good friend who's going thru that process in AA. I understand now that they DO try to get you to fix the cause as well as not drinking.
I went to aa for 6 months after getting my ass kicked in a bar fight. Then I realised my "alcoholism" ain't shit compared to these ppl & I don't need this group to stop drinking if I want to
Hahah I’m a member of AA, but this is hilarious!! The real ones know, and we don’t need to recruit members haha
11th tradition
Attraction not promotion lol
You’re in a cult lmao just go to church on Sunday, it’s simpler
@@krisscanlon4051more like coercion . AA doesn’t need to recruit when the govt does it for them
9:20 No lie, Bill said the guy's tooth went through his lip and then an ad started playing. Right away some toddler says "my mouth hurts." Holy crap that was too funny 🤣
I’m in AA and this is hilarious, he’s just about right
I was forced to attend AA meetings 2x a week for 6 months, and the shit i heard was fuckin crazy. Like ruined lives and destroyed families type of stuff. Even the ones that got sober were like, addicted to AA. It felt like a cult.
A lot of addicts replace one thing with another.
@Bloodied Beserker Totally. My pops was an alcoholic. When he got "sober", he was still manipulating his way through life, and still does.
It is a cult
Yes a cult full of narcissists.
Everything is a cult based off this bs comment
When I noticed my drinking interfering with my life, I went cold turkey. No need for meetings. Been sober for 28 years. Try it, Bill!
What works for some, doesn't work for all
AA is a great program but i wouldn’t tell people there alcoholics that’s something they have to decide for themselves
AA is a terrible program. Non stop life long guilt? Everyday you're weak? Lmao it creates anxiety and forces people to be weak af
“Just cause you were under the sink drinking mouthwash during your kid’s birthday doesn’t mean I need to…”
Nobody insults off the top of the head like Bill. The best in the business. Best there will ever be.
Seriously. Even his misses (as far as being insulting) are comedic gold. "Piece of shit one bridge having ass city"
I been to AA meetings. Bill is right about people like this guy and there are so many!
I had to do AA for court. And there was one guy who always told the same exact story. "I was going through women and drugs like a tornado"
I'm a recovering alcoholic and I agree 100 percent. That's why I don't go to many meetings
The donuts and cigarettes thing is very true. I remember I tried to get a sponsor at first- I asked “what should I do if I have a long day of hard work and I feel like I deserve a little a reward at the end of it, like a few beers or a joint?”. He said “buy a bag of York peppermint patties and eat them when you feel that way”. Dude, I just lost 30 pounds and I’m on a diet. Miss me with that obesity inducing crap. A lot of these people decide they can NEVER HAVE ANOTHER DRINK so they replace it with eating, smoking, sex, AA, etc. Why anyone would ever trust another AA member to guide them through life is beyond me. These people are not doctors, they’re not psychologists and they’re sure as hell not nutritionists.
Yes, absolutely. I've spent a few years in AA (on and off) and they 100% trade addictions there. Forget Unity, Service, and Recovery - their holy trinity is caffeine, nicotine, and sugar.
The most insidious part? The higher power is supposed to be your main substitute for alcohol. They absolutely try to get you to get "high" on Jesus or whatever equivalent they can get you hooked on.
The blind leading the blind
I think you’re being a little too hard on them. It’s not their fault you struggle with a weight problem. That advice probably does work for many people. The purpose of recommending sweets is to help soothe cravings in the early stages of recovery. Rehab centers encourage that patients with heroin addictions continue smoking while they are in withdrawals. It’s better to smoke for a month more months than to suffer a heroin relapse. I do agree that many addicts have a tendency to exchange addictions. So many alcoholics pick up weed-smoking as an alternative and just become potheads. Possibly marginally better, but hardly a healthy habit.
I’m a friend of Bill, and honestly it sounds more like you’re a moderate drinker. Aka not a true alcoholic. And other members of 12 step programs will shit on me for this, but I see no issue with the Bob Marley maintenance plan (or any other maintenance plans like opioid replacement therapy in the form of suboxone and methadone) so long as it doesn’t cause any serious adverse effects. Like if you can drink a few beers or smoke less than half a gram of cannabis and reserve it for the end of the day so it doesn’t interfere with your responsibilities, you aren’t an addict or an alcoholic.
@@Master_of_Critique If someone is a bona fide alcoholic, it’s true that they can never have another drink in their life. It’s better that they indulge in a bag of chocolates instead of sucking down a whole bottle of hard spirits.
I’m sober and this is definitely a funny ass AA dude trolling Bill
Yea i got that vibe too
for real
Even if it’s a dude just having a laugh it’s still doing a disservice to the program as a whole
Chucky from child's play: "Killing is not an addiction, it is AY choice!"
Telling people especially kids there addicts is a good way to make them identify as it, I was told alot of shit like that when I was young, for 12 years I did almost every drug like crazy then when I stop thinking of myself as that I just stopped realized I never really enjoyed it and most of the time didn't even want to but since I was a kid I was told that was what I am so I became it, now you couldn't pay me to do that shit. That definitely makes me stupid but I saw a shit ton of people do the exact same thing. Identifying yourself as something is the most influential thing in your life and other people tend to decide it when your young, so Mabi don't go around telling everyone they have a problem
Just like feeding religion to kids. I think it's akin to child abuse. People who are taught that bs spend their lives fearing they'll go to hell if they put a foot wrong, and hope and pray for a better life in heaven when they die.
What a waste of the gift of life here on earth. This is all we get-make the best of it.
AA is such a pain in the ass. Trading in one addiction for another. They also tell people they have a problem even when they have a drink every now and then because they want that drink and they can't see you having a good time. It's unfortunate, too bad for the alcoholics
If they ask for donations it’s probably a scam. What really turned me off to it was you need aa or you’ll drink again
AA didn't say that, but maybe some jerk- off at a meeting did lol
@@markinmadisonwi that's what every chapter says "i am weak"
I had to go to a few NA meetings while in a program and this is hilarious. The stories I heard made me wonder wtf I was doing there. One story was a doctor who kept stealing and using drugs from his office, he got so bad he would take uppers all day long and then when he go home he would inject propofol in his car in his garage and then run to his bed and hope he makes it to his bed in time. if you know what propofol is you know this is absolutely insane. propofol is given to knock a patient out before surgery.
I also think the steps are weird and i didnt like "surrendering" power and responsibility.
I went to AA for like two months, then like old Bill said I wanted to kill myself... or go back to drinking. So I said "Thanks AA but I got to go."
Bill is just hilarious man lmfaooo
When I went to aa to support my wife,ya the stories are insane can't believe people are willing to put them selfs and others through it.
I'm reminded here of something the great Tom Waits said on a live album ("Nighthawks at the Diner" from the mid-1970s) in a song about boozing it up: "You've been drinking cleaning products all night . . . open for suggestions!"
AA saved my life but this sanctimonious, cliche-spewing, self righteous advertisement makes us all look bad.
It worked for me, if it didn't work for someone else, that's fine too.
Spot on critique
I spent half my life in the program. Clancy's group in LA, etc. It saved my life BUT also had a shit ton of drama and highschool bullshit. I last after five years and stayed sober for 2.5 more years until my 13 y.o. daughter killed herself...
Well said. I know people it helped, I know people who didn't need it, and I knew people that couldn't be helped by anything.
You are a blind sheep addict, we in the world pity u
Some of these responses are wild.
I've never laughed so hard at this podcast. He fucking ROASTED addicts. All of it was so funny because it was so accurate. 🤣
Most are just bs. Life is sometimes easy, and sometimes not easy.
"I had 2 drinks 1 day, a beer the next" that is not an alcoholic. Lol. I drink like that too and in no way is that a drunk or alcoholic, it's a relaxation aid.
Yeah man, its like saying a mom who likes a glass of red wine everyday is an alcoholic
Like weed, wine or masterbation
Facts. If you do something in moderation and can handle it and handle yourself it's not harmful
@@huntmine2343 Exactly! Like George Carlin said about drugs too. "Listen to your body. It'll tell you when you've had enough or when you're doing too much. It'll tell you when you've gained all you can with this substance and it's time to stop."
I am loving this podcast clip!!!!
I think addiction all has to do how your brain is wired. Sometimes I like alcohol, some times I go months without it. I love weed but I didn't smoke it for 2 years. I had it basically every day for a week last month (on vacation) and I don't even think about it. I wish I could quit bread, my abs body fat concerns me more than weed and drinks.
Anyone who is in the program knows that it's based on attraction rather than promotion.
Telling someone that "They should be in AA" is nonsense. That is one's own decision to make. Boasting about sobriety isn't a good look. Live and let live.
@@earthian3658 attraction? What’s that mean
@@OutdoorBlues it means someone sees you living a good life after using drugs or drinking. Someone finds that attractive. They are interested and give it a go. Rather than boasting about how good your life is and telling other people what they should be doing.
@@earthian3658Christians should take that into consideration...😂
No wonder he can stop drinking , man said 2 drinks a day
Yeaaaa it’s a thing with bill; he doesn’t actually have real alcoholics around him every day to show that.......the homeless guy on the corner drinks 6 a day AT MINIMUM
It happens if you have a working mind and average iq and knowledge
2 is never enough.
Oh my god 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣 how many times did you guys rewind just to hear the punch lines lol.. I’ve gone To meetings and had a great but Bill nail it.. OH NO I THINK This Rant just became an actually AA MEETING!!! Aaahhhhb!! Lol- “hey keep coming back.” But really Bill broke it down some of us just binge and some of us can start and stop when we want and others need the religion.. great of all parties involved...
I love 12 step fellowships AND this was hilarious! Guy who wrote in missed the whole attraction rather than promotion part
I go to AA meetings but this is fukin’ hilarious!
“Your journey to AA. Beer, shit I mean dear bill”
I spent many years in the program. Even married one of them .. I've been divorced from both for 5 years and don't miss it AT ALL. I never bought in and never fit in.. When you hear, "rarely has a person failed who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover will not or cannot completely give themselves to this program". That's a crock of shit. I am 25 years sober and never had a sponsor *(imagine taking their direction in life decisions). The last few years have been the bliss.
I'm not an alcoholic I am a drunk. Alcoholics go to meeting MR WELSH
I’m a recovering alcoholic as well and I 100% concede that AA is mostly a bunch of gobley goop and a waste of fucking time, for me at least. “Smoking cigarettes and eating donuts!” Lmao. Billy Burr telling it like it is per usual. Btw, if I’m correct, I think AA has around a 5% success rate. Don’t quote me on this.
Definitely works for certain people. For others, it makes them want to drink and they end up having to get a couple drinks in them to get through the meeting.
@@MaynardCrow agreed. Didn't mean this as a comment to bash on anyone that it helps. Should have worded it a little wiser.
You’re right - AA’s success rate is the lowest of any option. It’s a worse rate than just going cold turkey on one’s own. Secular programs have a much higher success rate. I’m not sure why AA even exists anymore. All AA does is set up drunks with other drunks.
Yup - the 5% success rate is an abysmal failure. That's the real reason for anonymity. After all, if it was successful, wouldn't you want everyone to know and release data to show it?
@@nthomas87 That's actually not true.
I love how Bill points out that drinkers eventually get too old for it. AA will insist that if you can control drinking, it's temporary at best and "it's like you never stopped" at worst; that's true for people who get addicted to alcohol, but most "weekend warrior" types quit their 20s behavior in their 30s.
THE Uncle Bill worth listening to!
2 drinks?!? Fuckin' lightweight.
Or his liver is failing from years of abuse. Good drinking buddy of mine had his tolerance go to shit once he wrecked that thing.
Is there anything more pathetic than an AA member trying to drag other people down with them? Don’t listen to people who try to advertise their “enlightenment” to you.
I was able to stop drinking on my own, but I wasn't able to find a way to enjoy my sobriety until I went to AA.
Nobody (including wives, courts, cops, lawyers) should ever force people to go to AA, it's almost guaranteed not to be very effective unless the person goes, or stays, of their own free will because they are desperate enough to stay, and the program is compatible with their vision of recovery.
Addictive personality types can get addicted to anything. Even AA meetings. I went for a while. I met people who had been sober for over 20 years who had just replaced their addiction to alcohol with an addiction to meetings. Always talking about themselves. . I have been sober for 12 years. 11 1/2 years without AA.
They are obsessed with themselves and their problems.
My issue with AA is that they insist if you associate with ANY person who sips alcohol just once a week isn’t worth your time and you MUST escape into our weird cult to survive. I’ve heard of whole families that get ripped apart because their family member replaces their own loved ones with these self pity meetings. A few of these groups are okay, but it’s not based off anything scientific. The answer AA members say is “well, maybe that’s just the single meeting you went to” all of the meetings are similar and creepy..it’s never about “well today I got a job and what’s best, I didn’t feel that urge to drink”. Instead the banter is “I’m completely useless cause I drank myself into oblivion”. Again, they insist, “you just went to the wrong meeting”, but all the meetings seem to be about personally beating yourself up
@@stevenw.miguel I agree. You will also meet people who are bragging about how strong they are to resist their addiction.
@@wmason1961 talking to real professionals is what’s helping me. I still crack, but man I crack way less when a true professional says, “it’s a bad day for you, what’s upsetting you?” rather than “you need to cut a million people away from your life, even the ones that are responsible”…see the difference?
But who will listen to their victim story 😂
Interesting podcast this one... gave me a lot of thoughts on my own drinking (not in any way that will make me stop).
I was in a band with a friend who had just committed to sobriety. That son of a gun.... god FORBID I have ONE drink after a show....
I drank every day for 15 years. I have been alcohol free for 70 days. Doesn't even cross my mind anymore.
This is just straight up truth!
Looks like Billy will need some kind of boat soon... because he's in the Nile! Get it? Haha I'm hilarious.
It’s “not a religious program”, yet 90% of the meetings close with THE LORD’S PRAYER…
It is fundamentally a spiritual/religious program, but plenty of people have successfully secularized it.
It’s funny as fuck when he yells of mic 😂
I've gone to aa meetings as s kid to support my dad also for his anniversaries. My parents also sent me to a few meetings when I was in college as they felt me at 2 had a drinking problem cause I'd do out during the weekend drinking. Anyway after them realizing that this is what many college students do they realized I didn't need to go. The people there always have some story where the whole room laughed & nodded at whomever it was speaking told some stories b4 they got clean
Went to exactly two AA meetings. Shit was a joke.
"Who's here for the court?"
"We're not religious, we're spiritual."
Guy leading it literally had a a "sobriety rocks" tattoo on his forearm.
"Works if ya work it, sucks if ya dont!" Ive been sober 8 yrs and my ass didnt go to no meetings at all. Did that shit as a kid. Its trash. I went to a counselor once a week for a yr. Shit was great
I’m in rehab and love AA and the meetings, but this is fucking hilarious
Bro, Billy and I have the same personality. Everything he said almost by the end is me as well. Lol
I wanted more drinks after AA meets...
"I dont need to go to your dumb ass group to smoke cigarettes and eat donuts" lol
I've gone to aa 2 different stints of 2-3 years, that's about all I could take lol
I did it off an on and I found it fake and non-inviting and realized their is a hierarchy of turds. It was worse than high school and I have experience in a handful of big cities as well as small...no difference. I tried hard just to be included... that's a problem. Hey, if it worked for you great but a group of fucked up people with issues beyond being able to socialize properly...man it made my shit worse until I stopped doing THAT!
Has anyone called him bill burrito before ?
I got busted growing pot and had in lue of the drug treatment program and had to do 2 aa everyday for 2 years straight as part of my probation. Omg as someone who doesn't drink and have to listen to the fucking stories everyday I wanted to blow my head off lmao. And after a year they kept asking me my drunk stories and i finally got mad and said I'm here cause of weed not alcohol and can't relate in any way to your crazy I stole my grandma's money to buy booze caus I can't stop lol needles to say never got asked again.
Your PO fucked up or you went to the wrong meeting. You normally would have been referred to NA. That wouldn't have been better though. Whoever had the bright idea that heroin junkies, meth tweakers, and stoners were basically close enough to put together in a group called Narcotics Anonymous probably never did any of those drugs.
Feeling good is as good as it gets, happy, happy , happy then doom and gloom, that's the way it works.
Hey hey there’s no problem drinking from 6 to 9pm lol
Love this!
When you have to say fuck every other word, ooooh what a feisty man.
You better?
Those guys are the reason why I don't go to AA regularly. A little goes a long way. I'm still not drinking- it's been almost 10 years.
Well, maybe my severely damaged liver might also have been part of the reason...
Congrats on your sobriety. :)
2:29 in .... did bill mean Gin Blossom nose cuz I’ve never heard of a wall flower nose😂 Gin Blossom is a great term.
This is my go to for a laugh wooooo
Interesting 6:55, blames not having a day job for his drinking. Sounds Legit. 😆
AA is one of many avenues you can take so that you can regain your health and dignity, develop healthy relationships and become a contributing member of society. If AA is not your cup of tea, then go elsewhere or quit on your own if you have it in you...some people can do that. What works for one person may be repugnant to another. Spend your energy finding a way to make sobriety happen for you instead of ridiculing those who have found a solution that is different than yours. Live and let live and be glad for those who have found sobriety, no matter how they got there.
Any 12 step program is about learning and practicing not being a selfish prick, it's not about the substance. That's why you can apply the program to [insert list of any substance someone can overindulge in] and it'll still work if the person works the steps.
I was addicted to alcohol and drugs then AA. I relapsed and tried to go back to AA but hated it. Everyone said I was going to relapse and that “you can’t stay sober without AA.” I left AA forever and I’ve been sober three years. People there are the worst people you’ll meet in your entire life. You would have to look really hard to find someone as awful as they are in AA. If you go just go to early morning meetings. The rest are awful. I’m in a state where weed is legalized and everybody smokes weed anyways! What that’s not sober. After I left I felt like I was in a cult for years. I was.
there is only one step.when you decide to stop you will.its that easy, you sound angry at your self.the truth always hurts face it .tell her you love her.and liking yourself might help to.
AA is good for people supporting each other but I'm not into all the higher power and 12 step stuff plus I dont believe in labelling yourself and addict for life I did 8 months rehab and got clean and now I'm done with recovery 7 years later and my addiction no longer defines me that was then and this is now so I can laugh about it but that doesn't mean I dont appreciate the fuckin nightmare that addiction is and the affect it has on families we all got our own shit to deal with I love Bill's outlook
Attended couldn't stand it. These people act as if it's the only way to be sober is ridiculous.
Most of bill stories .... i imagine nia s laughter in background !!!! .. he s often right though
I'm in AA, and it's really helped a lot. Having said that, it's like any other organization, you're going to find good and bad. You can't dislike all restaurants because the first one you went to was bad.. My advice to anyone seeking help is to shop around to find the meeting or meetings that work for you. This guy that wrote in was projecting and makes a bad name for AA. If someone in AA has no other interests, that's a bad sign. I love being sober because I can actually get things done and be more like the person I want to be. I enjoyed Bill's take on this, he's self-effacing and honest.
Did you get honest yet
@@accidentalmusic2749 Yes, and I love it. Are you in the program?
@@Mandrake591 no I'm to drunk to drive to a meeting do you have anything to drink 🙃
@@accidentalmusic2749 🤣
Most AA meetings are bad because they are unscientific and run by people with no psychology or health background. People should go to doctors and psychiatrists for their addiction issues not pastors and other drug/alcohol addicts.
Bill has a Binge Drinking functional Alcoholic story.
He may shake it off but Binge Drinkers sometimes die while in the midst of a Binge.
@T B Don't get Moronic my 52 yr old ex girlfriend is dead she died in January from a Binge Drink spree.
Alcohol is not to be played with.
Bill sounds like my Dead Ex who left my Son's without a Mother to go Binge drink.
Real alcoholics tend to the from the DTs or liver failure.
I quit without AA, i still have mayne one beer on a holiday, but i havent been drunk in a long time , I never could quit for more then a few months when i was in AA
My experience with AA is that it became a dick measuring contest of ‘who is the bigger alcoholic?’ Immediately assumed I wasn’t a true alcoholic like them, and then when it came time to talk I didn’t want to share with them. My DWI and daily drinking was honestly nothing compared to the stories of eating out of a dumpster or performing sexual acts for a half pint. I got nothing out of AA except that it wasn’t going to help me.
can someone explain the bit about noses hanging off faces?
Only YOU can diagnose YOU. AA, when done properly, doesn't tell people what there problem(s) are. It offers help should YOU choose to accept it. Its not for everyone, not even everyone with a drinking problem. AA just says you do you.
Nah, addicts with "god" in their heads will absolutely diagnose strangers. It's inevitable. AA pushes a rosy vision and wrings its hands of reality.
One thing I never got was how anyone could read out loud about how decisions based on "self" put them "in a position to get hurt" to a room that they damn well know has r*pe victims in it. I can't believe all of them are so full of the spirit of a just and loving higher power that they've gone tone deaf. Maybe they just figure it's ok cause the passage is popular?
Bill says he drank for 6 days, but at least 3 of those days he said he only had 2 drinks. He said he took a day off, and got hammered 2 of those days. Anyone that is stone cold boozer would say that sounds like a good idea, but I know when I attempt this, by the 3rd day I will be drinking during the day. I will be trying to drink my hangovers away. I will be passing out, and after 8 - 9 days I will be so close to death that stopping drinking is all I have left. What Bill says about getting old is so right.
Coming from a 53 year old, full race, ruined my entire fuckin life from drinking and drugging, alcoholic, addict, now sober 7 years, Bill you ARE NOT an alcoholic!!
AA needs to move on from the past its sad and depressing having to go and watch the same persons week after week cry in the same share their shared 100 times already like there's no progress being made.. Sorry but that shit is down and outers for me thank God that I left before I turned into a full on sook myself..
I fucking hate AA/NA. I’m made to go and I loath it. I hate being reminded of drugs and alcohol. I’m not allowed to forget it and move on with my life. I don’t like sharing the most intimate parts of my life with a bunch of people who honestly could care less. They are just waiting for a chance to talk about themselves anyways.
Spell it right
@@jasonbower7763 mmkay
You should still believe in God (Holy Trinity) and pray to Him
you’re correct at AA they practice religious indifferentism, idolatry and group think
Jesus will heal you.
Fun fact. It's all anonymous so they can't and don't actually check if you go to those for via court.
You have to get a sheet signed and show your probation officer lol. Duh
@@ryangeorge3982 Signed by an anonymous person. Do the math friend...
@@rickgraham7641 oh shit lol. Consider me schooled lol
There's nothing fun about court ordered rehab, but there is paperwork involved in anything that's court ordered, please don't tell me your a lawyer big time.
@@johnmarrs7913 i think he told a bad joke about it all being anonymous since anonymous is in the name. It happens
Yeah, AA people are NUTS!!
Hahah holy fuckin shit yes. Been to AA once and hearing the ridiculous stories was enough. I went with a friend and he wanted me to get a chip in the end but I thought it was a waste of time so I didn't grab one. AA is ridiculous.
I’m so glad that I’m a lightweight when it comes to drinking (my max is two Coronas).
Everything is vanity, Bill.😂
Hilariously true. I live for your missives, 70 and stuck at home
There is a huge difference between dependence on a substance and addiction to a substance. People using antidepressants to improve their day to day functioning aren’t addicted to antidepressants (obviously I’m talking about non-addictive drugs, not Xanax or that type of shit). If your lifestyle is stabilized by drinking, you’re dependent. It’s not like you can’t live without it, but it’s a consistent part of your well rounded life. If your life IS drinking, you’re addicted. Bill’s relationship with alcohol sounds like dependence and not addiction. It’s probably not great to drink which he admits and tries to reduce his consumption, but it’s not like it’s a chief problem in his life.
Justification and Rationalization...