Hes certainly rivals f d r and it wouldn't surprise me if he isn't more capable and smarter. I think he would be our version of Mandela or Gandhi if he got elected.
Just imagine if we had an honest media and publicly funded elections with NO LOBBYISTS INVOLVED!!! No corporate cash or dark money! This country could be a wonderful place to live!
HB 1 was a bill designed to take big money out of politics! However mostly republicans and some democrats voted against it ! Look up HB1 read it for yourself!
Just tax the f'g rich!!! See how much better all our lives would get if The People actually pushed their politicians b4 voting for them to do that!!! As for rightwingers-- they are brainwashed cultists and need an education b4 even voting. I would give up on them.
Definitely feeling anxiety, also depressing sadness to notice how many people are clearly not operating in reality, or are brainwashed to believe absolute lies. I LOVE your energy, BERNIE SANDERS. THANK YOU for your 50+ years of dedicated service to our nation.
it's mostly right wing white dudes that want to maintain this unsustainable system for the same reason as billionaires because they get free exploitative advantage along with right wing "religious" ppl / believe in a ferry in the sky that doesn't exist as justification for your inhumane evil of using ppl and then coming up with some bullsh*t excuse for when you cant use them anymore throw them out like " oh they were an un"moral" person maybe it wasn't so bad and oh if they cant "help themselves" too bad" and stupidist part is the foundational basis of the ideology of which that ferry in the sky that doesn't exist opperates on a foundation completely opposite to and incompatable with america and this deep radicalisation of unknowledgable ppl that starts from education system where they taught ppl to literally be thoughtless sheep into a mindset of toleration toleration of get whatever the gold star is that you get and you dont get upset when in reality it is usually just some crap that a grown up threw on there as personal convinience and then toleration of bordem getting told what to do etc and then these unknowledgable ppl will be able to be radicalised without even pre astablished foundational knowledge like with religion americans literally cannot even be apart of any religion (FACT) But they know so little about the religion and so little about their own country because the education system lies to them about it tells them the story / delusion that they want them to hear that will convienience them and then teaches them acceptance and so it's Not so hard to see how they could be radicalised into delusion when / where they are started off with a foundational belief system of lies and delusion
It has been found that one million isn't enough 💰😯Many of us will not be able to retire!! That's the goal of the Republican party. No retirement for the poor's 😈😵
@@davegreene8588 No, its both red & blue. 40+ years of trickle down by both parties, is getting NO better under biden. I will never again vote for ANY 1% candidate. They're asking for every bank to be robbed daily, nationwide.
he is talking all his life. whats the point if he calls demented corrupt biden and piece of shit corrupt barack his friends. barack and joe gave trillions to wall street. bernie has never criticize them. this is just lip service.
@@MarkFin9423 Just reminder, There are a lot of millionaires in USA . Bernie is 80 years old and still working, and he has been senator for long time. Plus he wrote books that brought him millions. Bernie talking about billionaires who rigged the system to get the most profit. Bernie does not lobby other senators to cut his taxes. Bernie does not say you cannot be millionaire or Billionaire, he said pay your fair share.
@@nickthompson1812 Now all textbooks manufactured by 2 or 3 corporations. It depends what college you go , you must buy books from particular corporation. In my college was "Pearson". so Pearson books were 100 times expensive than the same books from other other companies. And each year you have to buy new edition books. And that happens because the congress passes laws to benefit one book publisher over all others.
I agree, as am elderly homeless disabled veteran. Charities have never helped. 40 years of trickle down economics, by both red & blue, have been disastrous.
@@jimcarrington6744 The fact that anyone is homeless in this country is a complete scandal. It is unacceptable for us to allow for anyone to suffer like that.
Go Bernie. You tell it. The best speech I have ever heard come out of the mouth of an American leader. Thank goodness for this speech to the American people and the world. The Congress needs to get with this said program...now!
few on the senate floor give a damn about bernie's discussions, but he continues doing them FOR US...to educate US, to pass on to the masses. the beginning of the way out of this is to SHARE what he is trying to disclose to our very blind nation.
You're absolutely right. And yes, I guess only a few give a damn. Here in Germany, it's the exact same thing in the "Bundestag", when people were/are talking who come up with topics, facts and ideas like Bernie does and has, the others are either yelling or running around or seemingly telling jokes to each other or do stuff in their mobiles. Even ex-chancellor Merkel did that, there are videos where she even made faces to the speakers and so on, she was an absolute disgrace! And they made and still make people believe that only capitalism and growth are the only way to go and that more social ideas and equity are a bad seed.. people were rendert so stupid and naive over decades, it's unbelievable...
@@Raygeemusic thank you for sharing this. i often think of the number of people across the planet who are also being crushed by a few in power-- imagine if we could all come together in an enormous march against oppression! thanks again-- in solidarity ❤️
His consistent heroism keeps me from sinking into despair at times. Today's speech raises me from the depths of cynicism brought about by the events he's touched on, (which I've witnessed), that have led to oligarchic - friendly representatives in both parties, and a media that is bent on hiding the truth. I've watched the working class be destroyed and then intentionally pitted against their neighbors and their own best interest. Bernie is the only real American in the Senate, it seems.
BRAVO!!! STANDING OVATION!! BERNIE SANDERS!! BRAVO!! Cheers and whistles!! We LOVE the TRUTH, and we can always count on you to tell it, so Thank You, Bernie! I hope msm airs this 24/7 until those who don't love the truth run screaming!! (Or they awaken to LOVE the Truth!!)
Oh, Bernie, what I wouldn't give to see you become POTUS. After 45 years of avoiding politics like the plague, I registered to vote because of you. You are the finest human being alive, of those I am aware, and have proven over and over to actually BE the kind of person other people pretend to be when they think someone's watching.
Unfortunately we don't have the foundation, in terms of people in positions of judicial and congress seats, to make the most of a Bernie presidency. So even if we got it, at this point it'd be throwing pearls to swine.
I never had time to keep up with politics until I retired. Bernie caught my attention immediately. He says what he means and means what he says and he’s honest.
I was supportive of Bernie both attempts. Since then I have become very disappointed by him. It’s his bs. QUESTION: Where is his fight and righteous action for what he believes when compared to Joe Manchin actions. How is it that Manchin knows how to get his point across forcefully as opposed to Bernie’s prattle??? You have one less fool here. I am out.
@@rayburnefitzpatrick7575 Wake Up, MORON! Are you too Lazy to think for yourself, or just to "stoopid" try connecting the dots to see the big picture? Joe Manchin as well as the other corrupt (90% of Congress and Senators) have millions and million$ and MILLION$$$ in dark money from hundreds of Lobbyists to get Joe Manchin's "point across forcefully", while Bernie hardly ever gets air time on the corrupt Corporate owned mainstream media! YES! Rayburne Fitzpatrick, PLEASE get "out", you are not smart enough or courageous enough to stand with Bernie Sanders. *I* *stand* *with* *Bernie* *Sanders* *because* *BERNIE* *SANDERS* *STANDS* *FOR* *US!!!*
Some people know these issues but don't think they are that important. Some people think they can kiss ass and join the club. sanders knows it's wrong and it will be the demise of the United States. Thank you Bernie
Such Wisdom...my heart Aches that Bernie Sanders, who cares for the People of America.., is not our current President. However he is a great person. Bernie, your leadership will save our Democracy. ❤ 👏 GOD BLESS BERNIE SANDERS.
Bernie's passion to lift the downtrodden hasn't changed over the decades, and he deserves much more honor and power in this country for that. I wish he was our POTUS NOW, but the powers that be won't allow it until those who support Bernie rise again and again until the relentlessness finally triumphs over the powers that be.
Ned: In both 2016 & 2020, Bernie's run for president only went south because Democratic Party leaders used 2 popular corporate democrats to derail his momentum: 2016, is was the late John Lewis, in 2020 it was James Clyburn--both black congressman in South Carolina. If any group in US needs desperate progressive change it's black Americans. So why in hell do black Americans follow corporatists/conservadems over the cliff over & over again?? Both Lewis & Clyburn openly disparaged & hate Bernie & all he stands for. And black voters in South Carolina and beyond follow their corporate masters to vote for corporatists Hillary 2016, then corporatist Biden 2020. The black voters shoot themselves, and all of us in the foot over & over again. Until this voting block wakes the hell up, nothing will change for progressives!
@@andreah6379 I agree with what you said. "The powers that be" also includes Lewis and Clyburn. I openly criticized Lewis for what he did to Bernie's campaign.
How many minimum wages could become living wages, at no additional cost to consumers or shareholders, if CEO compensation were reduced in favour of shop floor staff compensation? Sure, CEOs often get paid in options and shares rather than actual cash, but why not allow a shop floor worker to get paid like that too? I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
In my opinion, it is legalized wage theft. There is so much that could be given to the workers instead of the already overstuffed coffers of upper management. Lower insurance premiums, more vacation days, higher wages, etc. It is shameful it's been allowed to happen.
he is talking all his life. whats the point if he calls demented corrupt biden and piece of shit corrupt barack his friends. barack and joe gave trillions to wall street. bernie has never criticize them. this is just lip service.
Like the way you evil lying communist scumbags treated the patriot Trump? Bernie is a Marxist traitor. You are just too dumb to know anything about anything.
@@truthwarrior122 You definitely need to change your screen name. Truth is the last thing coming from you, or that orange bastard you worship. You have no idea what communism or Marxism is. But you sure do like Fascism from the way you praise the twice impeached EX-president. Who only worked for himself and the 1% the entire time he was pretending to be president. Golfing 23% of his term in office. Lying about an election. Dividing the citizens of this country. Bringing white nationalist ideology into the norms and making it something to be proud of. Trying to overthrow our government. Attempting a coup. Disrupting the peaceful transfer of power. Destroying government documents. Stealing top secret and confidential documents. Removing said documents from the White House knowing it was against the law. Flushing documents down the toilet. Refusing to send the National Guard to the Capitol on Jan 6th. While an armed mob, HE SENT, was trying to hang Mike Pence and murder Nancy Pelosi too. He is a lying, cheating, misogynistic, bigoted, racist con man. And he never gave one steaming shit about this country or the people in it. He was only ever in it for the money and the protection from lawsuits the office gave him. He must love you. After all, we know how much he loves the uneducated.
Senator Bernie Sanders is now and has always been not only the world's senator but the unabashed moral leader of the US and of North America. I love your leadership.
Thank you Bernie for your clear voice letting us know the facts in this country! Please keep speaking out and loud about this, God bless you for all you do!
*THE RULE I GREW UP ON:* _Whenever a Republican starts to complain about corruption, they are doing it themselves now._ *_"The Don, my dear friends is not about the truth..., he's about the reason there is no truth."_*
In my opinion, this is long overdue. What is happening in this country with CEO/upper management salaries and bonuses is basically wage theft. That is money that should be going in the pockets of the workers who ACTUALLY KEEP the company running and doing the work required. The hundreds of thousands, some millions, of dollars of their bonuses alone, could give their employees cheaper insurance rates, extra vacation days, pay increases, better Christmas bonuses, maternity/paternity leave, company picnics, etc., etc., etc. But instead they would rather line their own pockets even more, and frustrate their workers further and keep their lives as difficult as possible. Make sure to give them just enough to survive each week, but not enough that they can do without that check and take time off to find another, better job.
A man for all seasons and persons. Bernie has integrity and compassion. When his vision for America and the rest of the world, becomes reality, we can consider ourselves completely human.
Imagine Joe Biden being one-tenth as eloquent, compassionate, honest and hard-working as Bernie. Imagine if the Democrats and GOP actually gave a damn about the American people and not just about lining their own pockets.... Bernie is the people's President.
Vote for progressives, we need more than just someone to take up the mantle of Bernie..we need an army to take the peoples wealth back from the billionaires.
Yes, you are absolutely correct. November 2022 is coming. Please make sure you are registered, help someone get registered, drive someone to the polling center, volunteer for a progressive candidate, donate to a progressive candidate and Please Go Vote!
Well said Bernie! If only the GOP house and senate had opened their ears for more than 10 seconds to actually LISTEN to Bernie. However I have little faith in the GOP of the last 30+ years. Selective hearing and being the party of “NO” unless it benefits the multi millionaire/billionaire class is futile for all people of this country in need of positivity in taking care of the planet and the people living well beneath even the top 25% wealth class.
The most real politician that I've ever seen and is so concerned with the public that he really exemplifies the way that a politician should be. How many other politicians speak out against corporate interests? Being supportive of capitalism is one thing, but with free reign it easily spirals out of control
I can't help but feel angry that Bernie is surrounded by empty chairs during this speech. Most likely the people who most need to be listening to this speech are at that moment on the phone begging the very billionaires he's talking about for money so these politicians can continue to do nothing for the working class and poor. I am so disgusted by this country. The core principles we now show the world are greed, indifference to suffering and ignorance. I'm sad that I lived long enough to witness our downfall.
From UK: No wonder the Dems sidelined him. He's too much on the nose about the painful state of things in US. To me, he seems a lone voice in the system, a cry of reality ignored and soon, looking at Canada, to be silenced...
Bernie Sanders is the moral consciousness of the American people and we rejected him for the same old crap. He should be entering his second term as president, but I'm fully aware that we live in hell.
The DNC would rather have had an old blabbering idiot over Bernie. I actually voted for Trump out of protest. Would have easily voted for Bernie or Andrew Yang
Bernie may be old in years, but he's got a young and strong spirit and mind. I hope he lives a long healthy life. I want him to run in 2024. His caring for this earth and humanity is one hundred percent genuine. This country, and this entire world needs him. We love you Bernie!
I take issue with only one thing in this speech: Vanguard is a mutual fund company that predominately handles retirement accounts for workers. It is NOT a hedge fund, like Blackrock or State Street. Vanguard is owned by the investors in its funds, meaning it is owned by its shareholders (of which I am a small fish with my IRA). The fact that Vanguard is so successful is because its funds are successful. Blackrock, by comparison, is owned by Laurence D. Fink is Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "Bloomberg has also referred to BlackRock as the 'fourth branch of government,' due to its close relationship with the central banks. BlackRock actually lends money to the central bank, the Federal Reserve, and is their principal adviser." Nov 8, 2021 "Dozens of BlackRock employees have held senior positions in the White House under the Bush, Obama and Biden administrations. BlackRock also developed the computer system that the central banks use." And State Street is owned by BlackRock.
There's a disconnect between the rancher and the retail cost for meat. Beef prices are rising in the grocery store but the price we get for our cattle at the auction barn hasn't gone up. At least not the last time I sold which was 4 or 5 months ago.
Hey if you want to make me a billionaire I'll stop complaining about billionaires having all the money. It wouldn't be as much of a problem as it is when people can't get their basic needs met.
Greed has destroyed capitalism. Insane. Unsustainable. Something will give eventually if this is allowed to continue. It’s disgusting a country like the US that has such wealth has such injustice and unfairness.
The way out of this mess? Worker coops. If you start companies make them coops. If look seek employment, seek coops. And in the law require companies to grant full voting stock to anyone who does work for them, with a dividend. When employees become 20% or more own the stockholders, the meaning og share holder value utterly changes. Democracy at Work. It is time to shed the plantation and feudal estate past of work life.
In 40+ years, the only thing that has changed in this mans' words to the machine are the numbers and percentages. Every year the numbers get worse, and yet, year after year, hardly anyone else in Washington is willing to lift a finger to fix these issues. And still, after all this time, he persists. Bernie has more integrity in his pinky toe than 90% of the rest of congress put together. He's one of the most honest and sincere politicians in history. He is, quite literally, an American treasure.
Senator Bernie you keep my faith in humanity going, thank you for being a decent human being amongst a world full of hateful lunatics may God bless you
And, now with the rate of inflation going up so rapidly many of our seniors are struggling financially. Yes, they got a small raise in SS this year, but inflation already consumed this raise. So please keep an eye on your grandparents and retired parents and maybe get a clearer idea of their finances. They may need help, but they will probably never ask for help.
Bernie telling the truth.
Every time Bernie speaks.
The greatest politician that I have known in my lifetime! I love Bernie!
Yessss! Agreed.
Hes certainly rivals f d r and it wouldn't surprise me if he isn't more capable and smarter. I think he would be our version of Mandela or Gandhi if he got elected.
Forgettaboutit!!! He's MINE!!! 🍀
That's really sad....
Thank you Bernie, for again speaking the truth!
Just imagine if we had an honest media and publicly funded elections with NO LOBBYISTS INVOLVED!!! No corporate cash or dark money! This country could be a wonderful place to live!
HB 1 was a bill designed to take big money out of politics! However mostly republicans and some democrats voted against it ! Look up HB1 read it for yourself!
Just tax the f'g rich!!!
See how much better all our lives would get if The People actually pushed their politicians b4 voting for them to do that!!!
As for rightwingers-- they are brainwashed cultists and need an education b4 even voting. I would give up on them.
Definitely feeling anxiety, also depressing sadness to notice how many people are clearly not operating in reality, or are brainwashed to believe absolute lies. I LOVE your energy, BERNIE SANDERS. THANK YOU for your 50+ years of dedicated service to our nation.
it's mostly right wing white dudes that want to maintain this unsustainable system for the same reason as billionaires because they get free exploitative advantage along with right wing "religious" ppl / believe in a ferry in the sky that doesn't exist as justification for your inhumane evil of using ppl and then coming up with some bullsh*t excuse for when you cant use them anymore throw them out like " oh they were an un"moral" person maybe it wasn't so bad and oh if they cant "help themselves" too bad" and stupidist part is the foundational basis of the ideology of which that ferry in the sky that doesn't exist opperates on a foundation completely opposite to and incompatable with america and this deep radicalisation of unknowledgable ppl that starts from education system where they taught ppl to literally be thoughtless sheep into a mindset of toleration toleration of get whatever the gold star is that you get and you dont get upset when in reality it is usually just some crap that a grown up threw on there as personal convinience and then toleration of bordem getting told what to do etc and then these unknowledgable ppl will be able to be radicalised without even pre astablished foundational knowledge like with religion americans literally cannot even be apart of any religion (FACT) But they know so little about the religion and so little about their own country because the education system lies to them about it tells them the story / delusion that they want them to hear that will convienience them and then teaches them acceptance and so it's Not so hard to see how they could be radicalised into delusion when / where they are started off with a foundational belief system of lies and delusion
One of your most moving and important speeches.
This is a legendary speech Bernie.
It is!
Bernie deserves those mittens.
@@JP-fn5xt Indeed, but I suspect that even without them, he's one of the only few there who can handle the cold hard facts!
Bernie has a net worth of 3 million
He hates capitalism for us
For him its working great
80 years old and still fighting for us! Love you Bernie.
Still fighting for his millions of dollars.*
Thank you, Bernie Sanders for continuing to speak truth to power and still trying to help all of workers out here across the US.
Anyone with millions is doing great. Most of us will never retire with even 1 mil
It has been found that one million isn't enough 💰😯Many of us will not be able to retire!! That's the goal of the Republican party. No retirement for the poor's 😈😵
I'm elderly, & homeless, as a disabled veteran.
Mankind should have become extinct long ago.
It may happen - IF the "right"wingers' tricks and stunts aren't sufficiently battled against.
@@davegreene8588 No, its both red & blue.
40+ years of trickle down by both parties, is getting NO better under biden.
I will never again vote for ANY 1% candidate.
They're asking for every bank to be robbed daily, nationwide.
This is a speech that will be in textbooks. Thank you Bernie for speaking for the people.
he is talking all his life. whats the point if he calls demented corrupt biden and piece of shit corrupt barack his friends. barack and joe gave trillions to wall street. bernie has never criticize them. this is just lip service.
@@MarkFin9423 Just reminder, There are a lot of millionaires in USA . Bernie is 80 years old and still working, and he has been senator for long time. Plus he wrote books that brought him millions. Bernie talking about billionaires who rigged the system to get the most profit. Bernie does not lobby other senators to cut his taxes. Bernie does not say you cannot be millionaire or Billionaire, he said pay your fair share.
it won't be in textbooks bc the people who own the textbook companies are billionaires
Jam said it above, those who write the textbooks are the same ones profiting from the pandemic.
@@nickthompson1812 Now all textbooks manufactured by 2 or 3 corporations. It depends what college you go , you must buy books from particular corporation. In my college was "Pearson". so Pearson books were 100 times expensive than the same books from other other companies. And each year you have to buy new edition books. And that happens because the congress passes laws to benefit one book publisher over all others.
Thank you for this and all of your work Mr. Sanders 🙏🌷
The poor and the fixed income needs help bad we cannot afford groceries or bills it's getting harder and harder for the fixed income
I agree, as am elderly homeless disabled veteran.
Charities have never helped.
40 years of trickle down economics, by both red & blue, have been disastrous.
@@jimcarrington6744 The fact that anyone is homeless in this country is a complete scandal. It is unacceptable for us to allow for anyone to suffer like that.
The people’s champ, Bernie Sanders
The most popular politician for a reason. Thank you Bernie 🐦.
Go Bernie. You tell it. The best speech I have ever heard come out of the mouth of an American leader. Thank goodness for this speech to the American people and the world. The Congress needs to get with this said program...now!
Sen Porter, Warren, Whitehouse and Sanders are true leaders in the fight for economic justice. We need more leaders like them.
Thank God for Bernie. Nothing will be changed until we get louder and louder
You have to look at his family's history and wonder why he's a socialist. Still baffled
You're a fool. Look into his background, and investments since.
So you love great speeches as opposed to mobilization from elected leadership senators??? Okay. Now you have another one.
Thank you for speaking the truth and standing up for working ppl
few on the senate floor give a damn about bernie's discussions,
but he continues doing them FOR US...to educate US, to pass on to the masses.
the beginning of the way out of this is to SHARE what he is trying to disclose to our very blind nation.
You're absolutely right. And yes, I guess only a few give a damn. Here in Germany, it's the exact same thing in the "Bundestag", when people were/are talking who come up with topics, facts and ideas like Bernie does and has, the others are either yelling or running around or seemingly telling jokes to each other or do stuff in their mobiles. Even ex-chancellor Merkel did that, there are videos where she even made faces to the speakers and so on, she was an absolute disgrace! And they made and still make people believe that only capitalism and growth are the only way to go and that more social ideas and equity are a bad seed.. people were rendert so stupid and naive over decades, it's unbelievable...
@@Raygeemusic thank you for sharing this. i often think of the number of people across the planet who are also being crushed by a few in power--
imagine if we could all come together in an enormous march against oppression!
thanks again--
in solidarity ❤️
@@mdj864 Yes, I often think about exactly this, too, and if we'd marched against it.. That would be so awesome! Thank you, too, In solidarity ❤
Bernie is so real , he speaks the truth 🔥
Doesn’t matter he had his shot he allowed biden to win
@@Thatdudejones1 He didn't allow it. Our system is broken.
@@marryellenmonahan5585 Jews are all the same Sanders make the globalist puppet Biden fraud happen you are a fraud ascwell
Better pull up your didee, lulu!
Your stupidity is escaping!
Bernie Sanders!!! Your heart is in the right place and your intentions are good ❤️
Thank you for caring Senator 💖 may God bless and protect you
Senator, I voted for you for President; and you and your platform continue to represent me. Thank You.
Why would billionaires let him win? It would be cheaper to make him a billionaire than to give a dollar to one billion people.
His consistent heroism keeps me from sinking into despair at times. Today's speech raises me from the depths of cynicism brought about by the events he's touched on, (which I've witnessed), that have led to oligarchic - friendly representatives in both parties, and a media that is bent on hiding the truth. I've watched the working class be destroyed and then intentionally pitted against their neighbors and their own best interest.
Bernie is the only real American in the Senate, it seems.
Bernie is the best, by far; there are a _very few other_ excellent members, though, and they need greater *prominence* - soon!
Why would any real American want to go to the senate and put that onto their soul?
BRAVO!!! STANDING OVATION!! BERNIE SANDERS!! BRAVO!! Cheers and whistles!! We LOVE the TRUTH, and we can always count on you to tell it, so Thank You, Bernie! I hope msm airs this 24/7 until those who don't love the truth run screaming!! (Or they awaken to LOVE the Truth!!)
Oh, Bernie, what I wouldn't give to see you become POTUS. After 45 years of avoiding politics like the plague, I registered to vote because of you. You are the finest human being alive, of those I am aware, and have proven over and over to actually BE the kind of person other people pretend to be when they think someone's watching.
Unfortunately we don't have the foundation, in terms of people in positions of judicial and congress seats, to make the most of a Bernie presidency.
So even if we got it, at this point it'd be throwing pearls to swine.
I never had time to keep up with politics until I retired. Bernie caught my attention immediately. He says what he means and means what he says and he’s honest.
I was supportive of Bernie both attempts. Since then I have become very disappointed by him. It’s his bs.
QUESTION: Where is his fight and righteous action for what he believes when compared to Joe Manchin actions. How is it that Manchin knows how to get his point across forcefully as opposed to Bernie’s prattle???
You have one less fool here. I am out.
@@rayburnefitzpatrick7575 Wake Up, MORON! Are you too Lazy to think for yourself, or just to "stoopid" try connecting the dots to see the big picture? Joe Manchin as well as the other corrupt (90% of Congress and Senators) have millions and million$ and MILLION$$$ in dark money from hundreds of Lobbyists to get Joe Manchin's "point across forcefully", while Bernie hardly ever gets air time on the corrupt Corporate owned mainstream media!
YES! Rayburne Fitzpatrick, PLEASE get "out", you are not smart enough or courageous enough to stand with Bernie Sanders.
*I* *stand* *with* *Bernie* *Sanders* *because* *BERNIE* *SANDERS* *STANDS* *FOR* *US!!!*
God Bless Bernie Sanders now and forever, amen 🙏🏼
Some people know these issues but don't think they are that important. Some people think they can kiss ass and join the club. sanders knows it's wrong and it will be the demise of the United States. Thank you Bernie
All the time I think why is everyone around me poor everywhere I go? Bernie's the only one who answers it
Such Wisdom...my heart Aches that Bernie Sanders, who cares for the People of America.., is not our current President. However he is a great person. Bernie, your leadership will save our Democracy. ❤ 👏 GOD BLESS BERNIE SANDERS.
A real person in our Senator !🤗
Bernie's passion to lift the downtrodden hasn't changed over the decades, and he deserves much more honor and power in this country for that.
I wish he was our POTUS NOW, but the powers that be won't allow it until those who support Bernie rise again and again until the relentlessness finally triumphs over the powers that be.
Ned: In both 2016 & 2020, Bernie's run for president only went south because Democratic Party leaders used 2 popular corporate democrats to derail his momentum: 2016, is was the late John Lewis, in 2020 it was James Clyburn--both black congressman in South Carolina.
If any group in US needs desperate progressive change it's black Americans. So why in hell do black Americans follow corporatists/conservadems over the cliff over & over again?? Both Lewis & Clyburn openly disparaged & hate Bernie & all he stands for. And black voters in South Carolina and beyond follow their corporate masters to vote for corporatists Hillary 2016, then corporatist Biden 2020.
The black voters shoot themselves, and all of us in the foot over & over again. Until this voting block wakes the hell up, nothing will change for progressives!
I agree with what you said.
"The powers that be" also includes Lewis and Clyburn.
I openly criticized Lewis for what he did to Bernie's campaign.
How many minimum wages could become living wages, at no additional cost to consumers or shareholders, if CEO compensation were reduced in favour of shop floor staff compensation? Sure, CEOs often get paid in options and shares rather than actual cash, but why not allow a shop floor worker to get paid like that too? I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
In my opinion, it is legalized wage theft. There is so much that could be given to the workers instead of the already overstuffed coffers of upper management. Lower insurance premiums, more vacation days, higher wages, etc. It is shameful it's been allowed to happen.
*******Bernard Sanders FOR PRESIDENT 2024*******
#GCOOP #GetCorporateOutOfPolitics
#PublicServants #NotMoreCEOs #EndLobbyistCorruption #EndNationsWealthExtraction
Thank you Bernie. We need so many more just like you
Most people don’t know what to do when they find a patriot who speaks the truth as a politician. They’re coming around. Just wait. I love Bernie.
he is talking all his life. whats the point if he calls demented corrupt biden and piece of shit corrupt barack his friends. barack and joe gave trillions to wall street. bernie has never criticize them. this is just lip service.
Like the way you evil lying communist scumbags treated the patriot Trump? Bernie is a Marxist traitor. You are just too dumb to know anything about anything.
@@truthwarrior122 You definitely need to change your screen name. Truth is the last thing coming from you, or that orange bastard you worship.
You have no idea what communism or Marxism is. But you sure do like Fascism from the way you praise the twice impeached EX-president. Who only worked for himself and the 1% the entire time he was pretending to be president.
Golfing 23% of his term in office.
Lying about an election.
Dividing the citizens of this country.
Bringing white nationalist ideology into the norms and making it something to be proud of.
Trying to overthrow our government.
Attempting a coup.
Disrupting the peaceful transfer of power.
Destroying government documents.
Stealing top secret and confidential documents.
Removing said documents from the White House knowing it was against the law.
Flushing documents down the toilet.
Refusing to send the National Guard to the Capitol on Jan 6th. While an armed mob, HE SENT, was trying to hang Mike Pence and murder Nancy Pelosi too.
He is a lying, cheating, misogynistic, bigoted, racist con man. And he never gave one steaming shit about this country or the people in it. He was only ever in it for the money and the protection from lawsuits the office gave him.
He must love you. After all, we know how much he loves the uneducated.
Bernie ! This is what real patriotism looks like !
Senator Bernie Sanders is now and has always been not only the world's senator but the unabashed moral leader of the US and of North America. I love your leadership.
Bernie almost singlehandedly keeping the torch of hope alive for America.
Thank you Bernie for your clear voice letting us know the facts in this country! Please keep speaking out and loud about this, God bless you for all you do!
Oh yeah??
HEY BERNIE PUPPETS...Why not get the facts for a change?
Listening to this speech has made me feel so validated... Thanks Bernie, you're a legend!
Bernie, thank you for representing us. Thank you for speaking up. Congress needs to act on these issues now.
*THE RULE I GREW UP ON:* _Whenever a Republican starts to complain about corruption, they are doing it themselves now._
*_"The Don, my dear friends is not about the truth..., he's about the reason there is no truth."_*
Oh, there is truth; It's just that repubs HATE it!
Excellent points, all true. Thank you Bernie. For being the "worlds most deliberative body" I never see people in those chairs.
*Bottom Line:* _If you can't arrest BILLIONAIRES.... Billionaires can ARREST YOU!_
In my opinion, this is long overdue. What is happening in this country with CEO/upper management salaries and bonuses is basically wage theft. That is money that should be going in the pockets of the workers who ACTUALLY KEEP the company running and doing the work required. The hundreds of thousands, some millions, of dollars of their bonuses alone, could give their employees cheaper insurance rates, extra vacation days, pay increases, better Christmas bonuses, maternity/paternity leave, company picnics, etc., etc., etc. But instead they would rather line their own pockets even more, and frustrate their workers further and keep their lives as difficult as possible. Make sure to give them just enough to survive each week, but not enough that they can do without that check and take time off to find another, better job.
The world needs 10 or 100 more politicians like Bernie Sanders.
An underestimate.
At the end of that speech, I could say that’s I shed a tear. Beautifully said Bernie! There is a lot of needed change🙏
A man for all seasons and persons. Bernie has integrity and compassion. When his vision for America and the rest of the world, becomes reality, we can consider ourselves completely human.
Imagine Joe Biden being one-tenth as eloquent, compassionate, honest and hard-working as Bernie. Imagine if the Democrats and GOP actually gave a damn about the American people and not just about lining their own pockets.... Bernie is the people's President.
Vote for progressives, we need more than just someone to take up the mantle of Bernie..we need an army to take the peoples wealth back from the billionaires.
Yes, you are absolutely correct. November 2022 is coming. Please make sure you are registered, help someone get registered, drive someone to the polling center, volunteer for a progressive candidate, donate to a progressive candidate and Please Go Vote!
And guns. If you are not armed they will kill you.
Thank you Bernie ~
These are your people Bernie
Thanks Bernie for standing up for us every chance you get. Working class people get it.
Thank you Senator Sanders!!
Every single American should hear this speech.
Well said Bernie!
If only the GOP house and senate had opened their ears for more than 10 seconds to actually LISTEN to Bernie. However I have little faith in the GOP of the last 30+ years.
Selective hearing and being the party of “NO” unless it benefits the multi millionaire/billionaire class is futile for all people of this country in need of positivity in taking care of the planet and the people living well beneath even the top 25% wealth class.
The most real politician that I've ever seen and is so concerned with the public that he really exemplifies the way that a politician should be. How many other politicians speak out against corporate interests? Being supportive of capitalism is one thing, but with free reign it easily spirals out of control
I can't help but feel angry that Bernie is surrounded by empty chairs during this speech. Most likely the people who most need to be listening to this speech are at that moment on the phone begging the very billionaires he's talking about for money so these politicians can continue to do nothing for the working class and poor. I am so disgusted by this country. The core principles we now show the world are greed, indifference to suffering and ignorance. I'm sad that I lived long enough to witness our downfall.
When he talks like that it almost makes you think something might happen
Love you Bernie Sanders 💯💗🌸🌷❤🌺🌹💯
You are always on the right side of History! Thank you tio Bernie!
From UK: No wonder the Dems sidelined him. He's too much on the nose about the painful state of things in US. To me, he seems a lone voice in the system, a cry of reality ignored and soon, looking at Canada, to be silenced...
As a Canadian, I would like to start a petition to ask Mr. Sanders to become a Canadian citizen and run for Prime Minister.
Bernie Sanders is the moral consciousness of the American people and we rejected him for the same old crap.
He should be entering his second term as president, but I'm fully aware that we live in hell.
The DNC would rather have had an old blabbering idiot over Bernie. I actually voted for Trump out of protest. Would have easily voted for Bernie or Andrew Yang
Thank You Mr. Sanders
I wish Bernie would run again in spite of his age. Even if he turned senile, he be better than any of the other politicians in America.
"Why doesn't this have millions of views..."
Why do I ask questions that I already know the answer to?
I'm disturbed,, angry and agitated that our government is not helping the American people.
27:14 Silence, no reaction at all, no standing ovation... the truth might be painfull to them.
Let's just pray people will have the attention span to listen!!! 95% together are the true power!!! Love to all the hard works😇
We love you Bernie! To anyone who is depressed or anxious just know you are not alone and you are loved. :))
Bernie may be old in years, but he's got a young and strong spirit and mind. I hope he lives a long healthy life. I want him to run in 2024. His caring for this earth and humanity is one hundred percent genuine. This country, and this entire world needs him. We love you Bernie!
I wish more people listened to Senator Sanders
Outstanding speech!
I take issue with only one thing in this speech: Vanguard is a mutual fund company that predominately handles retirement accounts for workers. It is NOT a hedge fund, like Blackrock or State Street. Vanguard is owned by the investors in its funds, meaning it is owned by its shareholders (of which I am a small fish with my IRA). The fact that Vanguard is so successful is because its funds are successful.
Blackrock, by comparison, is owned by Laurence D. Fink is Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "Bloomberg has also referred to BlackRock as the 'fourth branch of government,' due to its close relationship with the central banks. BlackRock actually lends money to the central bank, the Federal Reserve, and is their principal adviser." Nov 8, 2021 "Dozens of BlackRock employees have held senior positions in the White House under the Bush, Obama and Biden administrations. BlackRock also developed the computer system that the central banks use."
And State Street is owned by BlackRock.
As a billionaire I appreciate you bernie.
I worked for a major oil company and the sole goal is to be sure stockholders have a great profit.
Why doesn’t Bernie Sanders have 19 million subscribers???
it's always heartbreaking to hear Bernie and to confront that with rethoric on main stream media
I wish this man was our POTUS.
There's a disconnect between the rancher and the retail cost for meat. Beef prices are rising in the grocery store but the price we get for our cattle at the auction barn hasn't gone up. At least not the last time I sold which was 4 or 5 months ago.
i love you Bernie 🥺❤️
Hey if you want to make me a billionaire I'll stop complaining about billionaires having all the money. It wouldn't be as much of a problem as it is when people can't get their basic needs met.
One of the best political speeches I’ve seen. I hope it has an impact someday, and sooner rather than later.
Bern baby, Bern! 💕
Thx Bernie. You go bro!🥰
Greed has destroyed capitalism. Insane. Unsustainable. Something will give eventually if this is allowed to continue. It’s disgusting a country like the US that has such wealth has such injustice and unfairness.
The way out of this mess? Worker coops. If you start companies make them coops. If look seek employment, seek coops. And in the law require companies to grant full voting stock to anyone who does work for them, with a dividend. When employees become 20% or more own the stockholders, the meaning og share holder value utterly changes. Democracy at Work. It is time to shed the plantation and feudal estate past of work life.
In 40+ years, the only thing that has changed in this mans' words to the machine are the numbers and percentages. Every year the numbers get worse, and yet, year after year, hardly anyone else in Washington is willing to lift a finger to fix these issues. And still, after all this time, he persists. Bernie has more integrity in his pinky toe than 90% of the rest of congress put together. He's one of the most honest and sincere politicians in history. He is, quite literally, an American treasure.
Bernie Sanders, the best PRESIDENT America will never have.
We love you Bernie. I agree with you
Thank you Senator. I wish i could retire to Vermont.
You're definitely right berrie you're so right and in sight of America people are what you're saying
Senator Bernie you keep my faith in humanity going, thank you for being a decent human being amongst a world full of hateful lunatics may God bless you
I love you Bernie, we don't deserve you😪😪
This man should be our president.
TY Bernie you are the man we love you♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Bernie Sanders...YOU ARE MY AMERICAN!!!
And, now with the rate of inflation going up so rapidly many of our seniors are struggling financially. Yes, they got a small raise in SS this year, but inflation already consumed this raise. So please keep an eye on your grandparents and retired parents and maybe get a clearer idea of their finances. They may need help, but they will probably never ask for help.
We need more leaders like Burnie! Wake up America!!!