i remember learning nollie frontside flips as a youngin' but i thought they were nollie backside flips because it just made sense. it took me awhile to finally figure it out and even though it seems a little counter-intuitive, i'm used to it now. it's still something that gets brought up on every single youtube video with nollie rotation tricks in them
yep.. i bet you get that in in every one... right now im having a debate with someone commenting on one of my tutorials... and im trying to referee them to rad rat so they can be enlightened
To me is all about the direction I'm facing during the spin regardless of wich stance I'm rolling. But if I'm playing a game of S.K.A.T.E I will use the "popular" names as if I don't my opponent is going to start arguing "hey, that's BS not FS blablabla"
Interesting. I was just about to do a video on this topic, because three people out of over a 100 comments on my Skate 4 video disagreed with what I think is a a nollie bs shove. When I started skating most of my friends thought nollie was just inverted. We had the tricks right, but didn't understand why, since it's actually fakie that just copies the regular names. Great video! :)
You said that its more common to think of fakie as switch nollie, but I like to think of nollie as switch fakie, it just makes everything simpler. A nollie bs 180 should be called a nollie fs 180 because youre literally doing it how you would do a fakie front 180. I really hate how the 80's had to do this, because now people get mad if you get it "wrong"
Great topic, it makes more sense now! also the shoulder thing you mentioned (about fakie that should feel as rolling backwards but nollie feeling as you're rolling forwards) is something I had noticed before but couldn't explain!
I think it doesn't matter wheter we change fakie or nollie, but one of them needs to be reversed. Then we will have one of this this: a) if we change nollie, then FS/BS is determined by body motion, no matter travel direction, b) we change fakie and FS/BS is determined by direction we face during spin. In both situations we would have a logical unbroken pattern.
Excellent video. For fakie tricks, just picture yourself doing the exact same motion but rolling forwards (not fakie) and you have your frontside and backside. Fakie simply means you are rolling backwards. For nollie, just picture yourself popping off the tail as opposed to the nose.
Great great video. You actually just settled an ongoing argument between a friend and I regarding nollie directions, so thanks! Also, was wondering if you ever thought about doing vids on the history of certain skate brands. Maybe brands that have already gone under so that the timeline is set in stone. Would love to see you talk about world industries or something like that.
Talk about hand touches when landing tricks. Does it count? Are their exceptions to hand touches? I feel like if the hand touch kept your from falling then it doesn't count. If the touch was just a graze and didn't act as support it is a land but would consider it sketchy.
great video man the grind part was really interesting to even think about that sorta thing. like I never think about that but now I am gonna look at everything differently now.
In my circles it was always based on which side of your body you were rotating through. I.e rotating TO your front was always frontside and to your back backside. E.g doing a frontside flip in fakie OR nollie becomes backside as your travelling backwards through the rotation.
I have a trick name that bothers me for quite some time. A fakie ollie to switch fs board should in my opinion be called fakie fs lipslide, since you're facing the rail. However, most pros, and I believe even the trickipedia section of the berrics calls it a fakie bs lip. So what's right? The same thing happens with the fakie fs/bs tail. And I have a funny remark, since technically a hard flip is a fs shove it plus a kickflip, a nollie varial flip could also be called (just from the technical perspective of naming tricks) a nollie hardflip. Of course that's rubbish, but it's fun to think of it.
I would agree with you completely. The direction of a grind is decided before you even pop (unless it's a 270 in). Another one I would disagree with is fakie crooked grind. Logic would say that it would be a fakie nosegrind at an angle (like a switch suski), but people use that for a fakie ollie to switch crook.
Session Skateboarding Sim does a magnificent job of differentiating between nollie and fakie...and mad props for such an informatively informatous videographication brohammagrammanheim 😊
I've always understood its origin, but I still prefer naming them both the same. A fakie fs flip to me is a normal stance bs flip, going backwards. A nollie fs flip is a switch bs flip, going forwards. Really doesnt matter to me how a trick is named though, as long as I know whats going on.
Nope, not doin it. If I'm spinning heels first I'm going back side. simple.IE. Nollie front side 360 and caballerial are the same trick with different stances. This just makes sense. People get confused because so many other people get it wrong. Including The Berrics. I'll stick with what makes sense to me, Jake Phelps and Jeff Grosso. Oh yeah, and Mike Carrol.(crail couch talking about "fakie front side flips".)
35Y/OSK8ERLOVINGLIFE SK8ERVERYTHING this is how everyone I grew up with went about it an I'm sticking to it. I think this makes the most sense. You heels and "back" forward in the rotation. Same with grinds and slides.
I know my view on fs and bs is "wrong" but heres my logic... Think of a a hardflip, you do a front shuv and a kickflip, then a frontside flip is the same except you go with the board. Yet in nollie you do a nollie hardflip but if you go with the board then its a nollie bs flip. that makes no sense??? surely by this logic a nollie hardflip should be called a nollie varial flip. Im not saying I call nollie hardflips nollie varials btw, im saying that i call nollie bs anything fs
nice to see this. I was confused by this for a while when I starte skating. I've always been very particular in naming tricks, so it bugged me that I don't really get the fakie/nollie thing. then at some point (which I cannot recall exactly) it just clicked: fakie simply means riding backwards and doing regular tricks, and nollie means ridig forward and popping the nose, hence the same rotation name as it is in regular. I was a bit proud of myself figuring that out on my own. considering this comment I still am. :D
I don't think ambidexterity is the "new style" or "new fad", so much as a newer fact. When I started skating, I started with the basics of riding, and then learning how to ollie. But I also knew that riding fakie and riding switch are ridiculously important for navigating transition skating properly. At first, because I lived on a hill, I would practice just riding up by pushing, and then letting myself roll back down in fakie, only stopping when I felt I had too much speed and was uncomfortable with it. My first experience with transitions was trying out a mini ramp for the first time, and realizing I had absolutely no idea how to do it and falling instantly. 5 minutes later, I realized that I could get a feel for transitions by keeping my weight perfectly centered on the board while rolling back and forth in the mini ramp. It didn't let me learn any tricks, but it helped me learn what that shift in the angle of the ground felt like and to not be scared of it. Then, I tried doing the same on those spaces in the sidewalk that have ramps for people to drive to their driveways from. I did the same thing, just going very slowly with both feet on bolts, and riding up it and back down. Eventually, I tried this but with my foot on the tail instead, but I made sure to keep literally all of my weight on my front foot so that I wouldn't slip out. After I got a feel for it, I learned how to pump downwards, and got a lot more comfortable with it. Then I learned how to pump upwards. Then I learned how to pump upwards in switch, and ride transition upwards and downwards in fakie. I wasn't doing it so much as "I need to have switch/fakie riding down so that I can eventually do switch Tre flips.", But more of "I need to learn how to be comfortable switch and fakie because it will help me learn how to do transitions like mini ramp and bowls." I'm goofy btw
My friends and I thought frontside and backside 180s were opposite because when we would do them over handrails we would approach it like the grind or slide.
Someone told me a good rule of thumb back in the day - frontside or backside depends on which way your BACK foot is spinning in your natural stance be it goofy or regular. Makes it very easy to differentiate if your riding fakie because your back foot is now in the front. A fakie ollie may look like a nollie to the casual, but anyone that skates know it's an ollie while riding backwards. Add a spin while riding fakie and you still go by which way your back foot is spinning just keep in mind your back foot is in the front. It does get weird when you ride switch because now your back foot is the opposite of your natural goofy or regular stance, but you still go by the back foot regardless.
I'm one of those with the more ambidextrous modern mindset to trick naming, thinking about fakie as a "switch nollie" rather than as "riding backwards." While I understand and acknowledge the history and how "fakie" came to be, I will still use the same rule for fakie that I use for regular, switch, and nollie for consistency. Avoiding this "riding backwards" mentality makes more sense of switch grinds, too. A switch 5-0 is doing a switch ollie and grinding on the back truck, but a 5-0 suddenly becomes a nosegrind even though it looks exactly the same just because you popped off the other end? Just as language in society evolves, I don't see why skateboarding nomenclature can't adapt too. Actually, if I remember correctly: In Skate 2 at least, if your character had a regular stance and you did a fakie 180, it would use the same modern rule for fakie as the others, but if your character was goofy and you did a fakie 180, it would be reversed and match the old-school directions. So even Skate didn't know which was right! Oh, and thanks for reminding me about Project 8's backwards bullshit.
Nailed it. People tend to overthink this, and have been debating it since before THPS. Fakie simply means "backward", regardless of whether or not the trick appears to happen like its nollie counterpart.
i was taught that the popping foot decides the spin direction which is simple and works for everything so im gonna keep using that, and since skating going in the olympics i think they need a simple way define thinks
I think the difference between rolling backwards "fakie" and rolling "switch nollie" is in the shoulders, which dictate foot position and field of vision. One could argue that ambidextrous style skating is "switch nollie" while old school is fakie.
The easiest way to think about it is if you're skating goofy, fs is clockwise, and bs is counterclockwise. If you're skating regular, fs is counterclockwise, and bs is clockwise
It's simply because fakie tricks are just the same tricks (with the same names) backwards, because you are literally skating backwards, while nollie is skating forward and doing an ollie on the nose (do not think of it as switch fakie, this is the wrong way to think of it) so the direction is the same as if you were skating forward. That's is all it is. Take a frontside 180. Skating backwards, it's just a fakie fs 180, you just stick fakie in front of it and you're done (but you're really going backside). Skating nollie, a frontside 180 is a 180 in which your front is moving forward, just like a normal fs 180. You're going frontside. So the nollie directions are actually correct. The fakie directions are actually reversed in terms of the nomenclature of direction, but that's just the way it's always been. Because you stick "fakie" in front of the name, that takes care of it.
I learned Nollie backside flips and switch frontside flips around the same time, because they feel the same. For years thought I was doing a Nollie frontside flips because it is the same trick as doing a switch frontside flip riding fakie. I get it now but it was confusing.
The grind thing you showed, one is switch 5-0 and other one is nose grind. Dunno why so many people make it unnecessarily harder for newer skaters to understand skate terminology!
I think this whole nomenclatura is total BS because it makes things unnecessarily difficult. Why not regard a whole trick? Why separating the nollie from the flip or shuvit? Makes no sense... it's like calling a fakie kickflip a backfoot flip because... "back foot", you know?
Refreshing to know there's someone else out there who would rather make sense than call tricks by their most popular, and incorrect term. A working knowledge is far superior to common knowledge.
well, just start calling it in way that makes most sense, other people will follow because it is just too ridiculous. and btw, most contest commentators are confused by this too, just look how they call tricks at SLS events
It doesn't have to change at all. I just thought there'd be more skaters who'd be able to think well enough for them selves to not just simply "follow suite" I mean, it's really not that complicated. I guess that's what happens when trend whores infiltrate something created by trend setters.
Fakie, nollie, switch, none of that is confusing. I haven't even been skating long but it was easy to see that fakie simply meant "backwards." The nollie/fakie spin names are not messed up in Skate, because you're not analyzing them as if you were doing them on transition. The rule I tell everyone else that's new to skating: If the wall of the transition is facing your front, it's frontside. If it's facing your back, it's backside. That's not all too complicated. If the character were going up a transition at 4:02, his rotation would have his back towards the metaphorical wall. Thereby making it backside.
when i started skating, we would always discuss why FS is called FS en BS is called BS. Maybe it sounds weird but if we translate it to Dutch (i'm from Belgium). We would say something like backwards to a Frontside, and forward to a Backside. Here is an example : with a FRONTside 180 you turn to your backside and with a BACKside 180 you turn to your frontside. Does this make sense? Maybe it just gets lost in translation.
It's funny. The Berrics are all about "Caballerials are always fakie never nollie" so they should know that fakie front 180s are not frontside half cabs because Caballerials are only backside. Also, Skate got nollie rotations right... mostly. They got shuvits wrong. You do a nollie shuv, it's called a nollie fs shuv. I can see why though. It's the same motion as a front shuv, yada yada, but they should've known from getting nollie rotations right that something was off about their nollie fs 180s and nollie fs shuvs going opposite directions.
No, there is no "Caballero". The "caballerial" was named after Steve Caballero, so it wouldn't make sense to call it a "Caballero". But yeah, a fakie backside spin is a "Caballerial" and a fakie frontside spin is a fakie frontside spin.
thank's for clarifying , for like many years , i thought it was the way i explained lol , also with half cabs , those are only the same way as cabballerials ? , or those go both ways ?
I knew a dude in my town who was an absolutely amazing skateboarder who could do any variation of fakie, switch, nollie whatev. tricks. But he always referred to the fakie stance as "switch nollie", cause he didn't give a fuck lol. I think the real masters of skateboarding get to a point where once they've learned all the standard tricks in all stances, they no longer think about the details of the discrete tricks they are doing, and it all becomes intuitive and spontaneous. Like, Rodney Mullen has probably done so many flip variations that when he hops on the board, they just come out on their own, and the magazine editors are left to figure out what they technically are.
this is kinda blowing my mind a little. recently turned 38 and been skating about 30 years and only noticed this recently. my natural stance is regular. was watching one of jonny giger's videos and thought he had mislabeled a trick, iirc it was a nollie bs flip(which i would've called fs). i can see both pov, but was(and i guess still am) one of the ones to see nollie as 'switch fakie' and switch as mirror image of regular. also i would argue that a halfcab is a fakie bs 180 and thus a 'fs halfcab' does not exist, or rather if it's fs it wouldn't be called a halfcab whichever way you want to take it. skateboarding is such an individual form of expression, i think it's kinda lame to get hung-up on or argue about the minutia of such matters. in a game of skate you just do what the other person did, it doesn't really matter what either of you call it
have you heard of Project Session? It's an indie skateboard game in development by Crea-ture studios. You should cover it so your fans can support the project!
I have. I've been following their progress here and there. If they make some kind of big announcement or put out a beta or something, I'd be happy to talk about it.
It's a paradox which people find hard to understand! The easiest way to get it right is to think of the tricks (or direction of tricks) in the way they were originated from surfing. The "direction" comes from the APPROACH to the wave (or lip/coping on a ramp). It gets more complicated when you take into account whether the trick is set-up / popped from your "back" or "front" foot (think motion/direction of a BS half Cab and a switch FS grind on a mini ramp). The roots of skateboarding come from turning, so the origins of trick names aren't based around "fakie" which came later and "switch" which was even later. The name "fakie" is pretty interesting itself - hardly anyone realises where the name comes from. It actually meant to "fake" a turn - as in someone has skated up a ramp or bowl, and they didn't kickturn - they "faked" it. That was looked down on slightly. Fakie then came to mean riding backwards as well. On the subject of "switch", Caballero was doing "opposite-footed" inverts on vert (which is still an insane trick now) in the very early 80s and Mark Gonzales was doing "switchstance" or "opposite-footed" ollies by the mid 80s.
But there is also tricks that are called because of how it feels, I mean a hardflip is a frontside shuvit + a kickflip, but nollie it is a backside shuvit + a kickflip and its not called varial kickflip.
So .you can do a nollie hard flip..but turn your body 180 and it somehow becomes a nollie bs flip.....WRONG,,, everyone is wrong... it should be determined by the side you pop on ..not the way you can orient your body... same for a nollie inward heel .. how does adding a 180 with body change it to a fs heelflip
Hey radrat( or anyone ) how can I be more involved and watch more pro skateboarding? Besides clips on RUclips and whenever the x games roll around I'm not sure where to find more, thanks!
when i first started i did not understand frontside and back side and also varial heels were still heelflip shove it's lol but one things that really frustrates me is people saying nollie cab that is illogical and also disrespectful to steve cab , a nollie cab would be saying nollie fakie 180 , just say nollie fs or bs 180 , or nollie 360 there is no "nollie cab " and people that do that are confusing other skaters and disrespecting steve, also what constitutes as a blunt slide if it is a double sided ledge and they tail slide , on the side farther away it counts as a blunt slide that i will never under stand i think those 2 things would be great to talk about at least the blunts :) and noseblunts to me it sounds like you are taking credit more then you deserve by claiming a harder trick then what you performed .... , anyways any thoughts by any one ?
JACOB KENSINGTON i think the easiest way to think of a bluntslide is just a tailslide (or noseslide if we're talking noseblunts) with both trucks over the surface you're grinding. I think a lot of confusion comes from the idea that blunts HAVE TO BE vertical or tilted upward or whatever. On a ledge, you have no choice but to tilt, because the ledge is in the way of your wheels and trucks. But on a rail, you just level out because there's nothing in the way. Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's next to impossible to do a "tilted" bluntslide on a rail. You just don't have the leverage.
Frontside and backside were coined from surfing and then pool skating. Just think of your normal stance approaching the lip, coping, ledge, or rail for a slide or grind and you have your answer. Also, there is no such thing as a switch stance nollie.
Skate 3 also has BS and FS switched for goofy stance, and due to that i always thought that FS was BS and in the other way. I had to watch a video to really figure out what is BS and what is FS, but i still get confused with nollie and fakie :(
Another way / Easier way to look at nollie tricks is how the board rotates, not the person. Take a second and think about a nollie big spin, the board is rotating exactly like a normal big spin, except you're just popping the trick off the nose. if you think about it this way, nollie tricks make a bit more sense.
Because skate community had no universal term for regular skaters skating fakie / nollie back when skating started, and now that we got 4 stands, old heads be confusing AF saying sht that don't make sense! Stay to regular naming in all stands, much better for your head and community!
i try to enlighten people on the time by just asking them to do a nollie bs shuv on flat, they always do it wrong and im like do a nollie bs bigspin, they do it right, then im like why do you think a nollie bs shuv is the other way, usually ends with them just like well fuckk..... all the directions of a nollie tricks are the same as normal stance except popped off the nose.
Its called the right thing because the persons riding stance dictates the difference. A nollie backside 180 is a nollie backside 180 and a frontside half cab is a frontside halfcab, thete is no switch for nollie and fakie only regular tricks that are not nollie or fakie.
I think the reason why backside Tricks are called frontside when done nollie is that you turn your body same direction. To be honest i think it's illogical to call nollie tricks this way, for example BS bigspin, fakie BS bigspin, switch BS bigspin and Nollie FS Bigspin are all the same trick done in different stances.
but no tho. nollie is the only one that's wrong. Fs shuv is kicked infront of you by your popping foot in every stance except nollie. You could say that its actually fakie that needs to be flipped around aswell, then my argument is fucked, except that also doesnt make sense since then it alters the formula to other flip tricks but that doesnt work coz kickflip and heelflip stay contant in every stance. If you keep digging at it nollie spins are the odd one out everytime.
To make a fronside boardslide one must do a backside 90 ollie. The same problem again. Languages fail to describe things and events exactly and the rules are a social concensus like why are pronounced differently the "oo"s in g oo d and bl oo d .
If a caballerial only refers to going fakie and spinning toes first, than how is ever going fakie and spinning heels first front side?...That's right...it's not
they just reverse it cause it is fakie so it's back wards , but in that case would that not mean a heel flip and kick flip are technically reversed ? so in that logic ya there is plot holes , or logic holes ? , shit i duno what to call it :/
Yup, that's why they they do it, and also why they're "wrong" considering a working knowledge of physical movement. You can't just give something a label indicating a physical attribute(direction) and then reverse it for some illogical(or at least not as logical as...) reason like "fakie is going back wards so the wordage has to as well" LMAO.
never really thought about it. if my man boobs turn first, it was frontside, if my fat ass faced the oncoming obstacle first as i turned it was BACKSIDE. Rolling fakie was the reverse of that - it was like even though you were moving backwards, the ACTION of the trick (meaning the trick with its rotation) stayed named the same. Good video, thanks. It's like I really needed a mind fuck at this point of the afternoon at work... hahahaha
stereo types , people are afraid of anything different , just like some people see a black person , o know i might get robbed , silly stuff , it's just based on a false created fear is all ...
yo you needed some graphics or some very simple explanation. Way too many words and you still didnt summarize it. I finally pieced it together by watching some of your examples and you couldve just said that FS and BS depends on the orientation of your board. Riding backward or forwards doesnt matter. The spin direction is based upon the direction your board is facing. I think the biggest issue is that the naming convention was based upon an era that we've evolved way past. The board shape and ambidextrous nature of skating makes it so the spin direction should be based upon direction of travel, not direction of the board. That said I dont see it changing
i remember learning nollie frontside flips as a youngin' but i thought they were nollie backside flips because it just made sense. it took me awhile to finally figure it out and even though it seems a little counter-intuitive, i'm used to it now. it's still something that gets brought up on every single youtube video with nollie rotation tricks in them
yep.. i bet you get that in in every one... right now im having a debate with someone commenting on one of my tutorials... and im trying to referee them to rad rat so they can be enlightened
To me is all about the direction I'm facing during the spin regardless of wich stance I'm rolling.
But if I'm playing a game of S.K.A.T.E I will use the "popular" names as if I don't my opponent is going to start arguing "hey, that's BS not FS blablabla"
Interesting. I was just about to do a video on this topic, because three people out of over a 100 comments on my Skate 4 video disagreed with what I think is a a nollie bs shove. When I started skating most of my friends thought nollie was just inverted. We had the tricks right, but didn't understand why, since it's actually fakie that just copies the regular names. Great video! :)
I've had lots of arguments over the years about this too. I'm glad you liked the video!
You said that its more common to think of fakie as switch nollie, but I like to think of nollie as switch fakie, it just makes everything simpler. A nollie bs 180 should be called a nollie fs 180 because youre literally doing it how you would do a fakie front 180. I really hate how the 80's had to do this, because now people get mad if you get it "wrong"
Picter Nollie and fakie have nothing to do with each other Nollie is a nose Ollie. Fakie is skating backwards.
Great topic, it makes more sense now! also the shoulder thing you mentioned (about fakie that should feel as rolling backwards but nollie feeling as you're rolling forwards) is something I had noticed before but couldn't explain!
I think it doesn't matter wheter we change fakie or nollie, but one of them needs to be reversed. Then we will have one of this this:
a) if we change nollie, then FS/BS is determined by body motion, no matter travel direction,
b) we change fakie and FS/BS is determined by direction we face during spin.
In both situations we would have a logical unbroken pattern.
My vote goes to B. Makes more sense.
Excellent video. For fakie tricks, just picture yourself doing the exact same motion but rolling forwards (not fakie) and you have your frontside and backside. Fakie simply means you are rolling backwards. For nollie, just picture yourself popping off the tail as opposed to the nose.
This channel just keeps getting better and better. I feel so much more educated about skateboarding every time I watch.
After 15 years of skateboarding (on-and-off) I finally understand! Thanks so much! Your videos rule!
Great great video. You actually just settled an ongoing argument between a friend and I regarding nollie directions, so thanks! Also, was wondering if you ever thought about doing vids on the history of certain skate brands. Maybe brands that have already gone under so that the timeline is set in stone. Would love to see you talk about world industries or something like that.
Talk about hand touches when landing tricks. Does it count? Are their exceptions to hand touches?
I feel like if the hand touch kept your from falling then it doesn't count. If the touch was just a graze and didn't act as support it is a land but would consider it sketchy.
Good question! I'll talk about this soon
Like when Hawk landed the first 900
I think it’s ok if it’s done well lol like picture Eric Ellington steez
Another question i've been wondering about! Thanks for the great vids RadRat
great video man the grind part was really interesting to even think about that sorta thing. like I never think about that but now I am gonna look at everything differently now.
So which way would a nollie laser go? You wouldn’t push back with your foot like it’s an inward heel right?
In my circles it was always based on which side of your body you were rotating through. I.e rotating TO your front was always frontside and to your back backside. E.g doing a frontside flip in fakie OR nollie becomes backside as your travelling backwards through the rotation.
I have a trick name that bothers me for quite some time. A fakie ollie to switch fs board should in my opinion be called fakie fs lipslide, since you're facing the rail. However, most pros, and I believe even the trickipedia section of the berrics calls it a fakie bs lip. So what's right? The same thing happens with the fakie fs/bs tail.
And I have a funny remark, since technically a hard flip is a fs shove it plus a kickflip, a nollie varial flip could also be called (just from the technical perspective of naming tricks) a nollie hardflip. Of course that's rubbish, but it's fun to think of it.
I would agree with you completely. The direction of a grind is decided before you even pop (unless it's a 270 in). Another one I would disagree with is fakie crooked grind. Logic would say that it would be a fakie nosegrind at an angle (like a switch suski), but people use that for a fakie ollie to switch crook.
You're totally right and I noticed that before, too!
Francesco Saturnino in ledge or rail skating FS or BS is only ever determined by which side of you the rail is on.
Rad Rat Video surely it'd be a fakie 5-0?
Session Skateboarding Sim does a magnificent job of differentiating between nollie and fakie...and mad props for such an informatively informatous videographication brohammagrammanheim 😊
I've always understood its origin, but I still prefer naming them both the same. A fakie fs flip to me is a normal stance bs flip, going backwards. A nollie fs flip is a switch bs flip, going forwards. Really doesnt matter to me how a trick is named though, as long as I know whats going on.
Thank you for making this! I was seriously JUST about to ask this question.
question for your next videos? are having rails on your skateboard making a comeback in recent times?
Check Ask Rad Rat 17
Nope, not doin it. If I'm spinning heels first I'm going back side. simple.IE. Nollie front side 360 and caballerial are the same trick with different stances. This just makes sense. People get confused because so many other people get it wrong. Including The Berrics. I'll stick with what makes sense to me, Jake Phelps and Jeff Grosso. Oh yeah, and Mike Carrol.(crail couch talking about "fakie front side flips".)
35Y/OSK8ERLOVINGLIFE SK8ERVERYTHING this is how everyone I grew up with went about it an I'm sticking to it. I think this makes the most sense. You heels and "back" forward in the rotation. Same with grinds and slides.
So is a nollie shuv it actually a nollie front shuv it or is it just the 180s?
I know my view on fs and bs is "wrong" but heres my logic...
Think of a a hardflip, you do a front shuv and a kickflip, then a frontside flip is the same except you go with the board.
Yet in nollie you do a nollie hardflip but if you go with the board then its a nollie bs flip. that makes no sense??? surely by this logic a nollie hardflip should be called a nollie varial flip. Im not saying I call nollie hardflips nollie varials btw, im saying that i call nollie bs anything fs
nice to see this. I was confused by this for a while when I starte skating. I've always been very particular in naming tricks, so it bugged me that I don't really get the fakie/nollie thing. then at some point (which I cannot recall exactly) it just clicked: fakie simply means riding backwards and doing regular tricks, and nollie means ridig forward and popping the nose, hence the same rotation name as it is in regular. I was a bit proud of myself figuring that out on my own. considering this comment I still am. :D
I don't think ambidexterity is the "new style" or "new fad", so much as a newer fact. When I started skating, I started with the basics of riding, and then learning how to ollie. But I also knew that riding fakie and riding switch are ridiculously important for navigating transition skating properly. At first, because I lived on a hill, I would practice just riding up by pushing, and then letting myself roll back down in fakie, only stopping when I felt I had too much speed and was uncomfortable with it. My first experience with transitions was trying out a mini ramp for the first time, and realizing I had absolutely no idea how to do it and falling instantly. 5 minutes later, I realized that I could get a feel for transitions by keeping my weight perfectly centered on the board while rolling back and forth in the mini ramp. It didn't let me learn any tricks, but it helped me learn what that shift in the angle of the ground felt like and to not be scared of it. Then, I tried doing the same on those spaces in the sidewalk that have ramps for people to drive to their driveways from. I did the same thing, just going very slowly with both feet on bolts, and riding up it and back down. Eventually, I tried this but with my foot on the tail instead, but I made sure to keep literally all of my weight on my front foot so that I wouldn't slip out. After I got a feel for it, I learned how to pump downwards, and got a lot more comfortable with it. Then I learned how to pump upwards. Then I learned how to pump upwards in switch, and ride transition upwards and downwards in fakie. I wasn't doing it so much as "I need to have switch/fakie riding down so that I can eventually do switch Tre flips.", But more of "I need to learn how to be comfortable switch and fakie because it will help me learn how to do transitions like mini ramp and bowls." I'm goofy btw
My friends and I thought frontside and backside 180s were opposite because when we would do them over handrails we would approach it like the grind or slide.
Someone told me a good rule of thumb back in the day - frontside or backside depends on which way your BACK foot is spinning in your natural stance be it goofy or regular. Makes it very easy to differentiate if your riding fakie because your back foot is now in the front. A fakie ollie may look like a nollie to the casual, but anyone that skates know it's an ollie while riding backwards. Add a spin while riding fakie and you still go by which way your back foot is spinning just keep in mind your back foot is in the front. It does get weird when you ride switch because now your back foot is the opposite of your natural goofy or regular stance, but you still go by the back foot regardless.
I'm one of those with the more ambidextrous modern mindset to trick naming, thinking about fakie as a "switch nollie" rather than as "riding backwards." While I understand and acknowledge the history and how "fakie" came to be, I will still use the same rule for fakie that I use for regular, switch, and nollie for consistency.
Avoiding this "riding backwards" mentality makes more sense of switch grinds, too. A switch 5-0 is doing a switch ollie and grinding on the back truck, but a 5-0 suddenly becomes a nosegrind even though it looks exactly the same just because you popped off the other end?
Just as language in society evolves, I don't see why skateboarding nomenclature can't adapt too.
Actually, if I remember correctly: In Skate 2 at least, if your character had a regular stance and you did a fakie 180, it would use the same modern rule for fakie as the others, but if your character was goofy and you did a fakie 180, it would be reversed and match the old-school directions. So even Skate didn't know which was right!
Oh, and thanks for reminding me about Project 8's backwards bullshit.
Nailed it. People tend to overthink this, and have been debating it since before THPS. Fakie simply means "backward", regardless of whether or not the trick appears to happen like its nollie counterpart.
I’m trying figure out, if I do a frontside shuv but I’m rolling fakie is it then called a fakie backside shuv?
i was taught that the popping foot decides the spin direction which is simple and works for everything so im gonna keep using that, and since skating going in the olympics i think they need a simple way define thinks
I think the difference between rolling backwards "fakie" and rolling "switch nollie" is in the shoulders, which dictate foot position and field of vision. One could argue that ambidextrous style skating is "switch nollie" while old school is fakie.
The easiest way to think about it is if you're skating goofy, fs is clockwise, and bs is counterclockwise. If you're skating regular, fs is counterclockwise, and bs is clockwise
It's simply because fakie tricks are just the same tricks (with the same names) backwards, because you are literally skating backwards, while nollie is skating forward and doing an ollie on the nose (do not think of it as switch fakie, this is the wrong way to think of it) so the direction is the same as if you were skating forward. That's is all it is.
Take a frontside 180. Skating backwards, it's just a fakie fs 180, you just stick fakie in front of it and you're done (but you're really going backside). Skating nollie, a frontside 180 is a 180 in which your front is moving forward, just like a normal fs 180. You're going frontside. So the nollie directions are actually correct. The fakie directions are actually reversed in terms of the nomenclature of direction, but that's just the way it's always been. Because you stick "fakie" in front of the name, that takes care of it.
I learned Nollie backside flips and switch frontside flips around the same time, because they feel the same. For years thought I was doing a Nollie frontside flips because it is the same trick as doing a switch frontside flip riding fakie. I get it now but it was confusing.
The grind thing you showed, one is switch 5-0 and other one is nose grind. Dunno why so many people make it unnecessarily harder for newer skaters to understand skate terminology!
Longboarding makes so much more sense here. It's toeside vs. Heelside, not fronts ide vs. Backside.
Penis side vs asshole side
I love the time you put into your videos. You rock.
I think this whole nomenclatura is total BS because it makes things unnecessarily difficult.
Why not regard a whole trick? Why separating the nollie from the flip or shuvit? Makes no sense... it's like calling a fakie kickflip a backfoot flip because... "back foot", you know?
Refreshing to know there's someone else out there who would rather make sense than call tricks by their most popular, and incorrect term. A working knowledge is far superior to common knowledge.
Yeah, it's weird, and I don't really like it, but who are you going to argue with to get it changed? It is what it is.
well, just start calling it in way that makes most sense, other people will follow because it is just too ridiculous. and btw, most contest commentators are confused by this too, just look how they call tricks at SLS events
It doesn't have to change at all. I just thought there'd be more skaters who'd be able to think well enough for them selves to not just simply "follow suite" I mean, it's really not that complicated. I guess that's what happens when trend whores infiltrate something created by trend setters.
Fakie, nollie, switch, none of that is confusing. I haven't even been skating long but it was easy to see that fakie simply meant "backwards." The nollie/fakie spin names are not messed up in Skate, because you're not analyzing them as if you were doing them on transition. The rule I tell everyone else that's new to skating: If the wall of the transition is facing your front, it's frontside. If it's facing your back, it's backside. That's not all too complicated.
If the character were going up a transition at 4:02, his rotation would have his back towards the metaphorical wall. Thereby making it backside.
Yup this one always confused me til I actually started learning the tricks.
when i started skating, we would always discuss why FS is called FS en BS is called BS. Maybe it sounds weird but if we translate it to Dutch (i'm from Belgium). We would say something like backwards to a Frontside, and forward to a Backside. Here is an example : with a FRONTside 180 you turn to your backside and with a BACKside 180 you turn to your frontside. Does this make sense? Maybe it just gets lost in translation.
It's funny. The Berrics are all about "Caballerials are always fakie never nollie" so they should know that fakie front 180s are not frontside half cabs because Caballerials are only backside.
Also, Skate got nollie rotations right... mostly. They got shuvits wrong. You do a nollie shuv, it's called a nollie fs shuv. I can see why though. It's the same motion as a front shuv, yada yada, but they should've known from getting nollie rotations right that something was off about their nollie fs 180s and nollie fs shuvs going opposite directions.
i thought a fakie backside 360 is caballerial and , fs is cabballero , so i don't know :/
No. A fakie frontside is not a caballerial. It is a fakie frontside, nothing else.
so there is no caballero then ? , there is caballerial ?, and then fakie 360 is opposite way then ?
No, there is no "Caballero". The "caballerial" was named after Steve Caballero, so it wouldn't make sense to call it a "Caballero". But yeah, a fakie backside spin is a "Caballerial" and a fakie frontside spin is a fakie frontside spin.
thank's for clarifying , for like many years , i thought it was the way i explained lol , also with half cabs , those are only the same way as cabballerials ? , or those go both ways ?
Gonna keep sharing your vids so that you get more subs.
I knew a dude in my town who was an absolutely amazing skateboarder who could do any variation of fakie, switch, nollie whatev. tricks. But he always referred to the fakie stance as "switch nollie", cause he didn't give a fuck lol. I think the real masters of skateboarding get to a point where once they've learned all the standard tricks in all stances, they no longer think about the details of the discrete tricks they are doing, and it all becomes intuitive and spontaneous. Like, Rodney Mullen has probably done so many flip variations that when he hops on the board, they just come out on their own, and the magazine editors are left to figure out what they technically are.
5:05 damn, I wish they'd sell THPS2 griptape!
this is kinda blowing my mind a little. recently turned 38 and been skating about 30 years and only noticed this recently. my natural stance is regular. was watching one of jonny giger's videos and thought he had mislabeled a trick, iirc it was a nollie bs flip(which i would've called fs). i can see both pov, but was(and i guess still am) one of the ones to see nollie as 'switch fakie' and switch as mirror image of regular. also i would argue that a halfcab is a fakie bs 180 and thus a 'fs halfcab' does not exist, or rather if it's fs it wouldn't be called a halfcab whichever way you want to take it. skateboarding is such an individual form of expression, i think it's kinda lame to get hung-up on or argue about the minutia of such matters. in a game of skate you just do what the other person did, it doesn't really matter what either of you call it
have you heard of Project Session? It's an indie skateboard game in development by Crea-ture studios. You should cover it so your fans can support the project!
you following them on face book ? , they are making good progress :) and up date decently often :P
They also post on their subreddit quite a bit: reddit.com/r/projectsession
I have. I've been following their progress here and there. If they make some kind of big announcement or put out a beta or something, I'd be happy to talk about it.
It's a paradox which people find hard to understand! The easiest way to get it right is to think of the tricks (or direction of tricks) in the way they were originated from surfing. The "direction" comes from the APPROACH to the wave (or lip/coping on a ramp). It gets more complicated when you take into account whether the trick is set-up / popped from your "back" or "front" foot (think motion/direction of a BS half Cab and a switch FS grind on a mini ramp).
The roots of skateboarding come from turning, so the origins of trick names aren't based around "fakie" which came later and "switch" which was even later. The name "fakie" is pretty interesting itself - hardly anyone realises where the name comes from. It actually meant to "fake" a turn - as in someone has skated up a ramp or bowl, and they didn't kickturn - they "faked" it. That was looked down on slightly. Fakie then came to mean riding backwards as well.
On the subject of "switch", Caballero was doing "opposite-footed" inverts on vert (which is still an insane trick now) in the very early 80s and Mark Gonzales was doing "switchstance" or "opposite-footed" ollies by the mid 80s.
But there is also tricks that are called because of how it feels, I mean a hardflip is a frontside shuvit + a kickflip, but nollie it is a backside shuvit + a kickflip and its not called varial kickflip.
btw yoi should review Skate Champ, I think its a very well done game, it has some bugs and errors sometimes but its fun tho.
Haha when I first start skating I thought that a fakie Ollie was a nollie , I didn t even thought you could Ollie from your nose
So .you can do a nollie hard flip..but turn your body 180 and it somehow becomes a nollie bs flip.....WRONG,,, everyone is wrong... it should be determined by the side you pop on ..not the way you can orient your body... same for a nollie inward heel .. how does adding a 180 with body change it to a fs heelflip
Hey radrat( or anyone ) how can I be more involved and watch more pro skateboarding? Besides clips on RUclips and whenever the x games roll around I'm not sure where to find more, thanks!
when i first started i did not understand frontside and back side and also varial heels were still heelflip shove it's lol but one things that really frustrates me is people saying nollie cab that is illogical and also disrespectful to steve cab , a nollie cab would be saying nollie fakie 180 , just say nollie fs or bs 180 , or nollie 360 there is no "nollie cab " and people that do that are confusing other skaters and disrespecting steve, also what constitutes as a blunt slide if it is a double sided ledge and they tail slide , on the side farther away it counts as a blunt slide that i will never under stand i think those 2 things would be great to talk about at least the blunts :) and noseblunts to me it sounds like you are taking credit more then you deserve by claiming a harder trick then what you performed .... , anyways any thoughts by any one ?
JACOB KENSINGTON i think the easiest way to think of a bluntslide is just a tailslide (or noseslide if we're talking noseblunts) with both trucks over the surface you're grinding. I think a lot of confusion comes from the idea that blunts HAVE TO BE vertical or tilted upward or whatever. On a ledge, you have no choice but to tilt, because the ledge is in the way of your wheels and trucks. But on a rail, you just level out because there's nothing in the way. Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's next to impossible to do a "tilted" bluntslide on a rail. You just don't have the leverage.
I decided awhile that I'm just gonna call the tricks whatever i want
Did you comb your hair backwards?
Frontside and backside were coined from surfing and then pool skating. Just think of your normal stance approaching the lip, coping, ledge, or rail for a slide or grind and you have your answer. Also, there is no such thing as a switch stance nollie.
With the close symmetry of the boards today, reversing bs and fs in fakie is just silly. Need to move with the times and stop complicating things.
Skate 3 also has BS and FS switched for goofy stance, and due to that i always thought that FS was BS and in the other way. I had to watch a video to really figure out what is BS and what is FS, but i still get confused with nollie and fakie :(
People get confused because they think about the board in relation to the body and not in relation to the floor.
Another way / Easier way to look at nollie tricks is how the board rotates, not the person. Take a second and think about a nollie big spin, the board is rotating exactly like a normal big spin, except you're just popping the trick off the nose. if you think about it this way, nollie tricks make a bit more sense.
I posted a video doing a nollie backside 180 on Instagram and people were going nuts arguing about it.
Because skate community had no universal term for regular skaters skating fakie / nollie back when skating started, and now that we got 4 stands, old heads be confusing AF saying sht that don't make sense! Stay to regular naming in all stands, much better for your head and community!
This just made skateboarding that much more hard to figure out. Not your fault, just a point that I never thought of before.
nollie tricks are regular tricks just popped off the nose...that's the way I learned.
Why is it called 180 nosegrind then?
Because it's a 180 to fakie nosegrind. You could call it 180 to switch 5-0, but people were doing them before switch was really a thing
as much as this makes me ashamed I have been skateboarding for 15 years I never really got it, thanks!!
i try to enlighten people on the time by just asking them to do a nollie bs shuv on flat, they always do it wrong and im like do a nollie bs bigspin, they do it right, then im like why do you think a nollie bs shuv is the other way, usually ends with them just like well fuckk..... all the directions of a nollie tricks are the same as normal stance except popped off the nose.
Its all way more confusing than it needs to be. Oh well it is the way it is now, its not gna change
Yeah, exactly. I don't really like it, but there's no point in trying to name things differently when everyone else agrees.
I want nollie frontside and fakie frontside to look the same. I want the stupid confusion between it gone.
Its called the right thing because the persons riding stance dictates the difference. A nollie backside 180 is a nollie backside 180 and a frontside half cab is a frontside halfcab, thete is no switch for nollie and fakie only regular tricks that are not nollie or fakie.
I think the reason why backside Tricks are called frontside when done nollie is that you turn your body same direction. To be honest i think it's illogical to call nollie tricks this way, for example BS bigspin, fakie BS bigspin, switch BS bigspin and Nollie FS Bigspin are all the same trick done in different stances.
but no tho. nollie is the only one that's wrong.
Fs shuv is kicked infront of you by your popping foot in every stance except nollie.
You could say that its actually fakie that needs to be flipped around aswell, then my argument is fucked, except that also doesnt make sense since then it alters the formula to other flip tricks but that doesnt work coz kickflip and heelflip stay contant in every stance.
If you keep digging at it nollie spins are the odd one out everytime.
This hurt my head
Talk about the phenomenon called Tom penny
To make a fronside boardslide one must do a backside 90 ollie. The same problem again. Languages fail to describe things and events exactly and the rules are a social concensus like why are pronounced differently the "oo"s in g oo d and bl oo d .
after 13 years i found out...I was the only skater in my town. never noticed it on tony hawks either lol
Trust me, you don't want to play THPS5.
he has
No he hasn't. He doesn't have a current gen console, and he sees no point in buying the last gen versions.
I mean, I don't WANT to, but I know I'll have to cover it for the channel when I get there
Rad Rat Video Don't forget the beer. You will need it! It's like a sick joke.
If a caballerial only refers to going fakie and spinning toes first, than how is ever going fakie and spinning heels first front side?...That's right...it's not
they just reverse it cause it is fakie so it's back wards , but in that case would that not mean a heel flip and kick flip are technically reversed ? so in that logic ya there is plot holes , or logic holes ? , shit i duno what to call it :/
Yup, that's why they they do it, and also why they're "wrong" considering a working knowledge of physical movement. You can't just give something a label indicating a physical attribute(direction) and then reverse it for some illogical(or at least not as logical as...) reason like "fakie is going back wards so the wordage has to as well" LMAO.
i tapped the logo and nothing happened...
Been skating for about 11 years and I still get it wrong!
never really thought about it. if my man boobs turn first, it was frontside, if my fat ass faced the oncoming obstacle first as i turned it was BACKSIDE. Rolling fakie was the reverse of that - it was like even though you were moving backwards, the ACTION of the trick (meaning the trick with its rotation) stayed named the same. Good video, thanks. It's like I really needed a mind fuck at this point of the afternoon at work... hahahaha
Why do some people look at skateboarders as criminals?
'cause a lot of them will resist getting kicked out of spots, and when they actually break stuff like windows, and cars, they scatter.
stereo types , people are afraid of anything different , just like some people see a black person , o know i might get robbed , silly stuff , it's just based on a false created fear is all ...
I talk about that a bit in Ask Rad Rat 12
Nollie spin directions make sense
gr8t video
Fakes ones are wrong... that's why its called fakie
100th like
yo you needed some graphics or some very simple explanation. Way too many words and you still didnt summarize it. I finally pieced it together by watching some of your examples and you couldve just said that FS and BS depends on the orientation of your board. Riding backward or forwards doesnt matter. The spin direction is based upon the direction your board is facing.
I think the biggest issue is that the naming convention was based upon an era that we've evolved way past. The board shape and ambidextrous nature of skating makes it so the spin direction should be based upon direction of travel, not direction of the board. That said I dont see it changing