You serious ? 😂 Instead of real american actors the turkish ones who look like american or european are played in turkish movies or tv series, aren't they ? So do the Hollywood movies when they need to refer to. Simple logic.
@thepacific_ocean Not only the actors. The drinks, the language, everything is wrong in this scene. And it has nothing to do with Turks or Turkish. It looks like some Balkan guys throwing random slang. Wich is ridiculous.
@@thepacific_ocean LOL you are saying you know turkish people better than turkish people themselves. Get outta here man haha, none of them are turkish (bartender idk), but hey who are we, the tukish people, to tell you what to believe. Keep fooling yourself xD
The bartender is the only one who speaks legit. Hollywood has not been able to find real Turkish cast, since the beginnings, who can properly speak Turkish and depict Turkish as the bad guys, no real Turkish person in their sane mind will act in ridiculous stereotypist roles such as these, even if you pay them lots of money. From their accents, I guess the actors depicting the hitmen are probably Iranian or Armenian.
Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası Türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıyafetleri dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense kasıtlı olarak Türkiyeyi filml görüntülerinde geri kalmış sanki Osmanlı döneminde yaşayan bir ülke görüntüleri gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil tamamen yalan .Bu konudan çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum😡
1. Skewed flag on windows. 2. The "Turkish" dudes don't sound Turkish speaking either language (apart from the bartender). 3. The game they're playing on the table is not a Turkish thing. 4. The drink they're having is never served as shots. Not saying every cultural nuance has to be perfect but for a movie of this budget, they could have at least Google'd some info.
Vagondaki kadınla çocuk Türk'ten çok İran vatandaşına benziyor. Evet camlardaki bayraklar çapraz duruyor Pakistan bayrağını mı kullanmak istediler artık neyse. Türkiye'de trenlerde alkol satışı yok. Türkçe bilip konuşan tek kişi orda olmaması gereken barmen, kötü adamın Türkçe söyledikleri anlaşılmıyor. Türkler sırayla saldırmaz teke tekte bile olsa sarılıp yere yatırır düşmanının işini yerde bitirir. Denzel sonunda "bugün sen seçeceksin" gibi bir şey zırvaladı galiba. Felaket.
@@bobbah676 no, i mean that i doubt the line was intended for people to relate to it in that matter, but i guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I hope you're doing well in your life.
A scene made up from an asshole. Trains in Türkiye are high-speed trains, and each train has police and gendarmerie for identification purposes. Even when going by bus, the gendarmerie stops the bus and checks your ID. Security measures in Türkiye are much higher than in Europe. Also, there are cameras everywhere, when such an incident happens on the train, it doesn't even take an hour for the Turkish police to find Danzel.
A scene made up from an asshole. Trains in Türkiye are high-speed trains, and each train has police and gendarmerie for identification purposes. Even when going by bus, the gendarmerie stops the bus and checks your ID. Security measures in Türkiye are much higher than in Europe. There are also cameras everywhere, when such an incident occurs on the train, the Turkish police will be watching Danzel, and also the police can easily arrest him within 1 hour. 😂
I'm doing my best Quicksilver, bc McCall can probly kill Bolt before he gets a chance to run, you'd need to be a mutant to hav a chance as soon as he sets that watch.
1) It is unfair to expect the actors to adopt turkish accent perfectly. They did well. (Bartender should be Turkish) 2) We never play domino. Next time, try something like Backgammon. 3) Never drink Turkish Rakı as shots. It is actually a spirit with 40%-65% volume. You will probably black out instantly haha. 4) Rest was awesome. Denzel is just being Denzel :)
I am from Turkey and except for the bartender I did not understand a single word what the others say. To be honest, Denzel's Turkish is FAR superior to hitmen rofl😆
maybe they spoke Kurdish lol but i doubt it. they guy with a beard (the father) is actually canadian from turkish parents but i have no idea about the language he spoke at home.
In these movies they get top class character actors to play the bad guys... this actor played his role superbly... all kinds of little touches that make it real
Heres something you may find interesting. :) The name of my country has nothing to do with the interesting and delicious bird ''turkey''. Name of my country has always been Turkiye, that is Turk-iye, where the -iye suffix means ''land of/belonging to''... ...just like the Latin suffix -ia in such countries as Latv-ia, Roman-ia, Eston-ia, Austr-ia, Austral-ia etc etc. Another example; decades ago Czechoslovakia Republic changed it's name to Czech Republic and a few years ago changed that to Czechia (that is Czech-ia). Anyways, most likely the Latin -ia suffix was derived from the Turkish version -iye, as Turkish is much much older. Because in old times people of different languages could only pronounce it as their languages allowed them, we got various differences in spelling like Turchia (in Italian), Turquie (in French) and Turkey (in English) all trying to resemble the pronounciation of ''Turk-ia'' thus Turkiye. Mind you this was way BEFORE the animal we currently know as 'turkey'' was found by the europeans when they explored the north americas.... ...they came across the bird and thought it was a specie of the fowl/chicken they had been buying from the country of Turkiye at the time, so they named the bird ''Turkey Fowl'' meaning ''Turkish Chicken''..... ....just like how a dog breed is known as German Shepherd (because it's from Germany), Rhodesian Ridgeback (because it's from Rhodesia), American Bulldog, British Terrier, Greek Harehound etc etc. In time you don't get to call the Greek Harehound as simply as ''Greek''; or you don't call the British Terrier as ''British''; or the German Shepherd as ''German'', but in time the Turkish Fowl started to be called just ''turkey'', and has been going on for hundreds of years. Now in 2023, this is causing confusion, especially when we have people across the world unable to point to their OWN country on the atlas, this ''confusion over the naming'' needed to be corrected. So my country decided to rectify this confusion that has been going on for so long and corrected the name in other languages to Türkiye, which it always was, we basically didn't change the name of our country, we changed the mistake made in the English language. : ) So, there's some tid bit information for you to have a great day, if you read upto this point you have a great night too, ohh just have a wonderfull life. : ) Best wishes. ;)
@@KenanTurkiye what the fuck is a (copy pasted) ü ????? This is english, not turkish. Including that german-ass looking u removes any chance of english speakers writing it out, and instead we will likely use what we can write, Turkey. Or turkiy? Which we pronounce as turkey, so.....
Why does Hollywood constantly want to show Turks in the clothes of the Ottoman Empire more than 100 years ago instead of today's Republic of Turkey? At least if the actors could manage their Turkish accents and the hostility they are trying to make against the Republic of Turkey would not come to light.
They didn't even properly learn not to stereotype the Latins and Black people living with them in the same nation, you are expecting too much from their level 🤣
Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıafetler dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense filmlerinde Türkiyeyi filmlerinde görüntülerde geri kalmış sanki 1960 larda yaşayan bir ülke görüntüleri gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil.Bu konuda çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum
One thing I never noticed til now was the subtle rejection of the shot of alcohol being rejected by Denzel and then him placing the teapot in between him and the guy as a way of declining a future offer
In all 3 of the movies, he's very particular (OCD, really) about his napkin set up for his tea. The shot glass was in his way of setting this up. I didn't think he was so subtle. He pauses with an annoyed look as soon as he sets the shot glass down. 😂
We have still about 75 years to go in this century. So better to speak of the by you preferred best actor during your lifetime then already to decide for the next 75 years. I admire your choice, but there will be better ones who still needs to be born before this century is over.
People writes about how turkish raki should be drink in another glass but they forget that TCDD(Turkish Railways) does not serve alcohol since 2008 :D:D:D Thanks Erdogan!
Switzerland? Are you jealous of Türkiye? Here is Switzerland either? if is it not enough for you I cant send you so many regions in Türkiye like this.видео.htmlsi=tgfN43vmB-7yrk1x
Please.... If hells angels rape train your wife and or daughter in canada, there is no castle laws, no self defense law that allows you to kill as tho it where combat.... which it would be... and there sure as hell is no allowence for vengence... There is however a chance they will not be arrested, not be convicted, and or spend time in prison still working for their criminal enterprise. And if you go solo for vengence in that situation, you better be rich to have the same chance of getting away with it as the criminal orginization does... People want justice? Start demanding a leader with an actual set of balls and a moral compass... And for the record, thats a slippery slope.
I love the versatility in McCall’s infiltration skills. He’s in disguise, he approaches the bar after closing time knowing full well that his target will automatically intervene offering his generosity. This allows McCall to finalise his plan to perfection. Great opening scene and Denzel owns it as always.
Wick is from the dark side. Someone from the underworld would pay him to get rid of the Equalizer. Denzel would get a tip and meet Wick on a train. Then Steven Seagal would come and rescue everyone
Imagine if they're both after the same person. Wick needing the target for his ticket back into the family, McCall avenging the death of someone he cared deeply for.
Okay, I got it, I got it... John Wick and The Equalizer are both hired independently by shady characters to retrieve an item of great cost. Steven Seagal is along as an advisor (and comic relief) for Ethan Hunt who is pursuing the same item for the US Government. In the end, the item is the puzzle box from Hellraiser, and at the conclusion, Pinhead arrives. "Gentlemen, welcome. Your journey is one of desire, but the desire was not yours." Then the shadowy hirer of Wick and Equalizer ( who should be Gary Oldman for no particular reason except that he's great ) was the guy who double-crossed Hunt and Seagal's character, and is working for a spooky underground cult, then gets dragged to hell after an epic battle featuring the mains slaughtering faceless henchmen. Batman can be in there somewhere, too. Also, throw in Samuel L. Jackson just because.
I can't understand why in that scene he never asked "Which one of you is Marco Xoxha?" (Hope I spelled the surname right.) Sam told him that a mobster boss by that name moved to Paris.
oh i like this word from Mr. Mccall in all most all movies "God is my witnesses/ God knows".. everytime when he say this word i feel like "hell yeah! now it's showtime.."
As a Turkish, 400 km away from Istanbul doesn't look different than Berlin city centre so no needed to add middle eastern characters in the train but good acting. The drink they had is RAKI that has 45 vol alcohol. Way stronger than any other kind of normal alcoholic drinks.
@@Aisyahkınık Thanks to Erdoğan. (!) Politic Islam even cannot tolerate drinking cold beer while watching beautiful sceneries of Turkey. It was not like this 10 years ago. We missing our more secular times.
@@Aisyahkınık Just Google this. “TCDD Alkollü içecekler”. Alcoholic beverages can be consumed by passengers in TCDD trains in the past. It’s forbidden in high speed trains 6 years ago. Your experiences doesn’t reflect anything official. On the other hand, I agree with you about your movie criticism.
What’s more incredible is that there are men like Denzel Washington’s character that actually exist They live in the shadows, and do the work that no one else can
There are two kinds of watches in the world- ones that are right, and ones like Denzel’s that never come out to the number of seconds he thought it would.
Lol that's because he's getting older and slowing down some. He's still counting the time it would've taken him as a younger man and comparing it to the time it takes him now. 😂
the pain a mother pays is so un real whether its human or a loving animal to its young is so undeniable , no man or male of the species understands that beautiful loving bond between mother and thier young
@@AlikTheChosenOne Ah, good to know. I know of raki, but have never had it. As I understand it is the Turkish equivalent of brandy. I've been to Turkey several times for business, but have never had the opportunity. Thanks.
@@Jjjjj777jjjj Its from the authentic hadith. Quran says to obey the messenger the only way we know how to do that is through hadith. For example the only way we know how to perform salah is through hadith. There's not a single credible Islamic scholar who would agree with you.
@@Jjjjj777jjjjin the quran is : “obey Allah and obey his messenger “ in allot of surah’s this comes back . So the quran is the word Allah ? How can we obey the prophet /the messenger ? By his sunnah which is also still with us as is the quran Therefor ,the one who uses his left hand to eat and drink should be taught the Islamic ruling and should be reminded of the Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on this matter. When a man ate with his left hand in his presence, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, Eat with your right hand. He said, I cannot. He said, May you never be able to! Nothing was stopping him but his stubborn arrogance, and he never raised his right hand to his mouth after that. (Narrated by Muslim, 3776). Hafsah (may Allah be pleased with her), the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to use his right hand for eating, drinking and getting dressed and his left hand for everything else. (Narrated by Abu Dawud, 30) Ahmad reported with a sound Isnad (chain of narration) from `Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) and attributed it to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): Whoever eats with his left hand, the devil eats with him. (Tuhfat Al-Ahwadhi, commentary on Hadith 1721)
Bless the real equalizers in this hellish life as they stand in the gap for so many ppl who are lost to their justice system. These men and women do exist in a non Hollywood way that is vital for the ppl.
@@mottthehoople693 they do exist obviously not to the same extent/Hollywood but they do. Especially for homeless ppl there essentially guard angels that saves lives and protect the vulnerable.
I love this film waiting for number 3, however in reality when he Washington walked towards the leader he would have just shot him, because a man like him would be armed, where he (Washington) was not, well that's what I would have done especially seeing what he just did to the other 3.
Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası Türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıyafetleri dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense kasıtlı olarak Türkiyeyi filml görüntülerinde geri kalmış sanki Osmanlı döneminde yaşayan bir ülke görüntüleri gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil tamamen yalan .Bu konudan çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum😡
Yep , real life is very disappointing when it comes to evening up the score , in reality it’s up to the individual otherwise nothing changes , serious intimidators & crooks don’t fear genuine people because they abide by the rules of decency & courtesy until they don’t , but that hardly ever happens.
I sure wish we could have seen which pain he choose! LOL! Also, I never saw before until now that he used the eye glass arm to kill the 1st guy. Man, that went really fast. Just great!
As a Turk, i can say that only the bartender is actually Turkish, and he is the only one speaking proper Turkish. the other actors playing Turkish roles are not even Turkish, and the language they speak among themselves doesn't resemble Turkish at all and i cant really understand what they are saying anyway.
Keşke tek sorun Türkçe konuşmaları olsaydı .Veeee Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası Türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıyafetleri dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense kasıtlı olarak Türkiyeyi filml görüntülerinde geri kalmış sanki Osmanlı döneminde yaşayan bir ülke imajı gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil tamamen yalan .Bu konudan çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum😡
@@ufuk6700607 Batılı yazarların biraz oryantalist bakış acısından kaynaklı mistik bir Osmanlı ya da daha da doğulu havasında tasvir etmelerinden dolayı durum böyle oluyor, ama bunu birazda kendimiz yapıyor muyuz ? Örneğin bir turist İstanbula geldiğide gittiği ilk yer Sultanahmet meydanı, Kapalı Çarşı vb. yerler, ilk gördükleri manzara turistleri etkilemek için fes giymiş geleneksel kıyafetli insanların ürün satması, dondurma çevirip duranlar, turist peşinde koşan fesli ayakkabı boyacıları değil mi, benim çocukluğumda turistik yerlerde bu kıyafetler ile ayı oynatanın dan tutunda maymun dans ettirenine kadar vardı, birde bölgenin ekosisteminde dahi bulunmayan palmiye türevi sıcak ilkim bitkilerini bu bölgelere ekiyoruz, üstüne zaten tarihi eski mimari yapıların duvarları ve tavanları Arapça hat çalışmaları ile dolu, misal Kapalı Çarşının giriş kapılarından biri olan Fesçiler Kapısı :) ve tarihi değeri olan hat çalışmaları ile süslenmiştir. Ya da güney sahillerinde turistler deve ile sahilde gezdirilmiyor mu, yıllardır tüm turist etkinliklerinde Arapça müzik eşliğinde dansöz oynatılmıyor mu, ya biz Eurovision'u dahi doğu batı sentezli oryantal ritimli şarkı ile kazandık adamlara mistik geldiği için 😁kıyafetler yanlış demişiniz e Anadolunun geneli zaten böyle değil mi. Yani kısaca biz kendimizi zaten böyle gösteriyoruz, yabancılarda gördüğünü kendince biraz değiştirerek anlatıyor.
The Turkish man is not speaking in Turkish, he is like speaking in Russian I think. When he said ‘Hadi Hadi’ he’s speech performance like ‘Davai davai’😅
Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası Türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıyafetleri dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense kasıtlı olarak Türkiyeyi filml görüntülerinde geri kalmış sanki Osmanlı döneminde yaşayan bir ülke görüntüleri gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil tamamen yalan .Bu konudan çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum😡
Watch 2:27 again. It's great to see that what the average viewer would think about that is normal but he's ocd. That sigh was a bit of annoyance at disrupting his field
“The State Department doesn’t know a thing about it Grace. Nobody does.” Idk I feel like the cleaning crew at a Turkish train station might know a thing or two when they find the bodies bleeding out in the Bar.
I remember watching this movie at is premiere in the cinema. That summer we were in Türkiye. Just when the movie had started, my friend was about to outrage and to go back to the desk to complain. He yelled, we selected the movie with the original language not the turkish synchronization. End he became even more mad when he heard the very bad turkish hahahaha. Finally after this scene the language switched the language haha
@@TheSudhanshu1982 gerçek 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 gerçekte olsa denzel sadece turist olarak gelir adami bir yerde sordugu anda onu alir götürür sikerler ondan sonra denzel eğer hayatta kalabilirse gay olarak yasamina devam eder,denemesi bedava gidin turkiyede bir adamin adini adresini sorun onu aradığınızı sorun bakin basiniza neler geliyor😂😂😂
The bartender is the only Turkish person lol
You serious ? 😂 Instead of real american actors the turkish ones who look like american or european are played in turkish movies or tv series, aren't they ? So do the Hollywood movies when they need to refer to. Simple logic.
@thepacific_ocean Not only the actors. The drinks, the language, everything is wrong in this scene. And it has nothing to do with Turks or Turkish. It looks like some Balkan guys throwing random slang. Wich is ridiculous.
@Alpaslann They look and act pretty much like cocky turkish gangstas. I have been to Turkey and know what the people out there look like.
@@thepacific_ocean Lmao you're unable to see the difference, wich is why "hollywood magic" works, I guess. Ignorance is bliss right
@@thepacific_ocean LOL you are saying you know turkish people better than turkish people themselves. Get outta here man haha, none of them are turkish (bartender idk), but hey who are we, the tukish people, to tell you what to believe. Keep fooling yourself xD
The bartender is the only one who speaks legit. Hollywood has not been able to find real Turkish cast, since the beginnings, who can properly speak Turkish and depict Turkish as the bad guys, no real Turkish person in their sane mind will act in ridiculous stereotypist roles such as these, even if you pay them lots of money. From their accents, I guess the actors depicting the hitmen are probably Iranian or Armenian.
Or Greek..
It's not Armenian accent either.
Everyone is a gangsta until McCall starts his timer.
Everybody is a gangster untill the walls start singing 😅
@@oddities-whatnotvery important
Got that right...
He looks at that watch...I'm out the nearest window.
@@JohnDoe-xm9ql Or... Or.. This is the perfect time to strike! He always does his watch ritual.
I agree with that.
As a Turkish person it looks like I'm the one who has to say it: This looks like Iran with alcohol not Turkiye. 😃
Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası Türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıyafetleri dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense kasıtlı olarak Türkiyeyi filml görüntülerinde geri kalmış sanki Osmanlı döneminde yaşayan bir ülke görüntüleri gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil tamamen yalan .Bu konudan çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum😡
Trenin üstündeki Türk bayrağı amblemi sana İran bayrağı gibi mi gözüktü
@@Peace.Warrior09 Dangalak, adam trenle alakalı bişey mi demiş? Konuşan elemanı Türk olarak göstermişler ama Türk gibi konuşmuyor.
@@Peace.Warrior09 Her bayrak diktiğin yer o ülke mi oluyor hzxhczxhzxh
Brilliant scene. The way the boss sits back nervously after his men have been done. Quality.
"Bugün, sen seçeceksin." - Denzel (Today, you will choose)
Thank you SO much! I wondered what he was saying!
What did the other guys say?
The other guys spoke Turkish so badly that even the Turks couldn't fully understand what other guys were saying. 😂 @@huntstyle
@@serefsiz75 well damn, I guess we'll never know what they were supposed to be saying then, lol
@@serefsiz75 LOL
1. Skewed flag on windows.
2. The "Turkish" dudes don't sound Turkish speaking either language (apart from the bartender).
3. The game they're playing on the table is not a Turkish thing.
4. The drink they're having is never served as shots.
Not saying every cultural nuance has to be perfect but for a movie of this budget, they could have at least Google'd some info.
holivud fiction
the actor who plays the gangster is a turkish canadian. i think he speaks turkish
Vagondaki kadınla çocuk Türk'ten çok İran vatandaşına benziyor. Evet camlardaki bayraklar çapraz duruyor Pakistan bayrağını mı kullanmak istediler artık neyse. Türkiye'de trenlerde alkol satışı yok. Türkçe bilip konuşan tek kişi orda olmaması gereken barmen, kötü adamın Türkçe söyledikleri anlaşılmıyor. Türkler sırayla saldırmaz teke tekte bile olsa sarılıp yere yatırır düşmanının işini yerde bitirir. Denzel sonunda "bugün sen seçeceksin" gibi bir şey zırvaladı galiba. Felaket.
They are playing dominoes, everyone plays that everywhere,
Why is there also the "need" to show older/broken trains? Lights flickering? I mean really?
Theres two kinds of pain in this world.
Pain that hurts... Pain that alters...
Its not just a cheese line, but something most adults can recognize.
Nah, it's just a cheese line.
@@floydbutnotsopink6328 Clearly you have had a wonderfull life, im glad for you
@@bobbah676 no, i mean that i doubt the line was intended for people to relate to it in that matter, but i guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I hope you're doing well in your life.
@@floydbutnotsopink6328 okay kid
you used to call him daddy@@fa-wf4um
Denzel speaks better turkish than the hitmen.
they are not Turkish murderers at all! can't even speak Turkish clearly
I think the bartender must be the hitman, he is the he only Turk in this video.
@@ebu9279 most likely. After seeing Danzel wasting those guys he probably said "nope, I am out".
@@arbozaliyan I would do that too 😅.
one of them is Andrej orloski former ufc heavyweight champ
not a single word in Turkish lmao
"adama su ver"
They speak Turkish with very bad Greek or Armenian accent - and their English tos is not Turkish accent ( I am Turkish)
When he says re-consider. You must.
Only people with a conscience re-consider , therefore they don’t become big time crims .
Hollywood standards dropped so low they made AI speak random languages to cut costs.
If I ever saw Denzel Washington look at his watch, I would make sure I'm not between him and someone he needs to equalize.
I cant wait to see Equalizer 3.
Hahaha, yeah I'd be outta there before he locks the door three the song but not knocking 😅
Naaaa sack up and ask him....."Do you want to go home or go to jail"????
I pretend I'm Robert McCall when I set the bezel on my watch for any reason.
Mumbling the time measurement to myself.
"5 minutes"
Yeah but if i am the baba yaga, i will be happy to accept his challenge.. 👊
Denzel Equalizer movies are one of best movies
Yes, He act with every nerve and muscle in his body. From Head to Toe
the third was meh
Full of idiotic mistakes. Yes, he is great 🤣
A scene made up from an asshole. Trains in Türkiye are high-speed trains, and each train has police and gendarmerie for identification purposes. Even when going by bus, the gendarmerie stops the bus and checks your ID. Security measures in Türkiye are much higher than in Europe. Also, there are cameras everywhere, when such an incident happens on the train, it doesn't even take an hour for the Turkish police to find Danzel.
A scene made up from an asshole. Trains in Türkiye are high-speed trains, and each train has police and gendarmerie for identification purposes. Even when going by bus, the gendarmerie stops the bus and checks your ID. Security measures in Türkiye are much higher than in Europe. There are also cameras everywhere, when such an incident occurs on the train, the Turkish police will be watching Danzel, and also the police can easily arrest him within 1 hour. 😂
When you hear the watch beep its time to do your best impression of Usain Bolt
haha thanks for the chuckle.
I'm doing my best Quicksilver, bc McCall can probly kill Bolt before he gets a chance to run, you'd need to be a mutant to hav a chance as soon as he sets that watch.
1) It is unfair to expect the actors to adopt turkish accent perfectly. They did well. (Bartender should be Turkish)
2) We never play domino. Next time, try something like Backgammon.
3) Never drink Turkish Rakı as shots. It is actually a spirit with 40%-65% volume. You will probably black out instantly haha.
4) Rest was awesome. Denzel is just being Denzel :)
Güzel tespitler
what is awesome? showing turkish man as bad people? innnocent american women etc.. typical american bs
its a fucking movie, man, its not real life ... imbecile !
tren penceresinde beyaz ayyıldız
Onur kardeşim bu bitmediniz tayfa olarak. Adam bu film yapmış. Yok telaffuz kötüydü, yok lehçesi vardı. Vay amk.
Denzel Washington really knows how to enjoy his tea or coffee in every movie. Makes me wanna sit on a table and enjoy it that way.
There is nothing as calming as sitting down to read with a nice cup of tea.
I am from Turkey and except for the bartender I did not understand a single word what the others say. To be honest, Denzel's Turkish is FAR superior to hitmen rofl😆
maybe they spoke Kurdish lol but i doubt it. they guy with a beard (the father) is actually canadian from turkish parents but i have no idea about the language he spoke at home.
what did mc call say?
Göktuğ bartender güzel Türkçe konuştu diğer adam da "adiiii" "Adiiii" dedi galiba.Trenlerde böyle güzel restoran var mı
@@MarkBailey-hn7uvhe said at the end"One day you will suffer" In Turkish Denzel said"Bir(one) gün(day)sen(you) çekeceksin(will suffer)
Thanks , teshekuler@@nazanaksoz8298😊
In these movies they get top class character actors to play the bad guys... this actor played his role superbly... all kinds of little touches that make it real
The body language at the end was very telling.
The movie director paid attention to little details of the movie.
Heres something you may find interesting. :)
The name of my country has nothing to do with the interesting and delicious bird ''turkey''.
Name of my country has always been Turkiye, that is Turk-iye, where the -iye suffix means ''land of/belonging to''...
...just like the Latin suffix -ia in such countries as Latv-ia, Roman-ia, Eston-ia, Austr-ia, Austral-ia etc etc. Another example; decades ago Czechoslovakia Republic changed it's name to Czech Republic and a few years ago changed that to Czechia (that is Czech-ia).
Anyways, most likely the Latin -ia suffix was derived from the Turkish version -iye,
as Turkish is much much older.
Because in old times people of different languages could only pronounce it as their languages allowed them, we got various differences in spelling like Turchia (in Italian), Turquie (in French) and Turkey (in English) all trying to resemble the pronounciation of ''Turk-ia'' thus Turkiye.
Mind you this was way BEFORE the animal we currently know as 'turkey'' was found by the europeans when they explored the north americas....
...they came across the bird and thought it was a specie of the fowl/chicken they had been buying from the country of Turkiye at the time, so they named the bird ''Turkey Fowl'' meaning ''Turkish Chicken''.....
....just like how a dog breed is known as German Shepherd (because it's from Germany), Rhodesian Ridgeback (because it's from Rhodesia), American Bulldog, British Terrier, Greek Harehound etc etc.
In time you don't get to call the Greek Harehound as simply as ''Greek''; or you don't call the British Terrier as ''British''; or the German Shepherd as ''German'', but in time the Turkish Fowl started to be called just ''turkey'', and has been going on for hundreds of years.
Now in 2023, this is causing confusion, especially when we have people across the world unable to point to their OWN country on the atlas, this ''confusion over the naming'' needed to be corrected.
So my country decided to rectify this confusion that has been going on for so long and corrected the name in other languages to Türkiye, which it always was, we basically didn't change the name of our country, we changed the mistake made in the English language. : )
So, there's some tid bit information for you to have a great day, if you read upto this point you have a great night too, ohh just have a wonderfull life. : )
Best wishes. ;)
@@KenanTurkiye what the fuck is a (copy pasted) ü ????? This is english, not turkish. Including that german-ass looking u removes any chance of english speakers writing it out, and instead we will likely use what we can write, Turkey. Or turkiy? Which we pronounce as turkey, so.....
@@KenanTurkiye very interesting indeed - great insight.
Absolutely brilliant....(!!!)
Why does Hollywood constantly want to show Turks in the clothes of the Ottoman Empire more than 100 years ago instead of today's Republic of Turkey? At least if the actors could manage their Turkish accents and the hostility they are trying to make against the Republic of Turkey would not come to light.
The Repulic is boring and everyone likes the ottoman empire
Simple. Orientalism and anti-Turkism.
They didn't even properly learn not to stereotype the Latins and Black people living with them in the same nation, you are expecting too much from their level 🤣
Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıafetler dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense filmlerinde Türkiyeyi filmlerinde görüntülerde geri kalmış sanki 1960 larda yaşayan bir ülke görüntüleri gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil.Bu konuda çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum
Why not ???
The bartender had the best Turkish in this scene.
Çünkü Türk.
There are two kinds of Pain in the world,Pain that hurts ,pain that alters.
i like how it is very polite in the beginning and turns pure violent in the end
McCall's thing is he always gives them a chance to repent.
That's how fights start in Turkey 🤣
One thing I never noticed til now was the subtle rejection of the shot of alcohol being rejected by Denzel and then him placing the teapot in between him and the guy as a way of declining a future offer
He pretended to be a Muslim priest or something. So it makes sense he declined it.
No,its a play on Life.
@@ThiHaGadgets exactly
In all 3 of the movies, he's very particular (OCD, really) about his napkin set up for his tea. The shot glass was in his way of setting this up. I didn't think he was so subtle. He pauses with an annoyed look as soon as he sets the shot glass down. 😂
He set the teapot to quickly grab and knock the second guy with it during the inevitable fight
Ah just another reminder that Mr. Denzel was, is and will always be the best actor EVER - genius in every role!!!!!!!!!!
It’s Ben Kingsley ya turnip.
What a prologue. I like these movies.
This is a very powerful movie, with one of the best actors in Hollywood!
nope those are not related to Turkishness even one bit. the accents, the plays, the game they are playing are all made up.
Without a doubt the best actor this century ❤
yes and this is not an opinion. it's a fact.
without a doubt the worst movie he acted in.
We have still about 75 years to go in this century. So better to speak of the by you preferred best actor during your lifetime then already to decide for the next 75 years. I admire your choice, but there will be better ones who still needs to be born before this century is over.
@@keessonneveld2314 dude Denzel is from 20th century.
Daniel Day Lewis has entered the chat.
People writes about how turkish raki should be drink in another glass but they forget that TCDD(Turkish Railways) does not serve alcohol since 2008 :D:D:D Thanks Erdogan!
Once that stopwatch starts it's game over. Looking forward to the new film.
00:31 The train reaches unexpected Switzerland 🤣🤣🤣
Switzerland? Are you jealous of Türkiye? Here is Switzerland either? if is it not enough for you I cant send you so many regions in Türkiye like this.видео.htmlsi=tgfN43vmB-7yrk1xвидео.htmlsi=PrzERa6H67roES5pвидео.htmlsi=OmwHiwF8nM-dr4mhвидео.htmlsi=gHSmiDE05hpd-0Le
In Turkey, we have many landscapes and railways like that one. Check "Doğu expresi" on google. Think before writing.
There are two kinds of pain in this world. The pain that hurts, and the pain that alters.
Bugün sen seçeceksin
@@uzunsaclkeladam7824 today you will choose
And then there's that pain when someone has you by the short hairs.
People who suffer PTSD KNOW pain that alters.
And then there's the pain of being married and thus henpecked.
There are 2 kinds of pain in this world,pain that hurts and pain that alters. "Today,you get to choose".😢
the bad guys' turkish is awful but the waiter has flawless turkish and with no accent. I guess he is the only turkish on the train :D
To be fair, Denzel DID say they'd been in America for years...
@@jingbot1071 so what ? a turkish language doesnt change to a ruzssian turkish of they been in america long time.
@faithproduzent5517 You think America doesn't have Russian enclaves?
The moment I see Denzel arranging the small objects around him, I'm out 😅
Denzel makes me feel like becoming an actor..he is so good
You should be a comedian instead.
Let me guess he’s gonna be a comedian and you’re gonna be the joke
Hey, all the best!
I've been inspired to play music before, and it turned out I am a musician. Perhaps this is something you should explore?
Luv the bit b4 trains lights fades out refering to 2 types of pain Denzel says in Turkish "sen sececeksin" (You will have to choose) 😂😂
I don’t normally watch these types of movies. But, as I was channel surfing, this one popped up, and I loved it.
Yalan ,yanlış donatılmış film mi hoşuna gitti.
@@namkcal7346What do you mean
Closest thing we gonna get to Denzel being Malcolm X again 😂
Underrated Comment 👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾
everyone wants to dispense justice, but no one faces their own iniquity
easier to look outside than inside
If hells angels rape train your wife and or daughter in canada, there is no castle laws, no self defense law that allows you to kill as tho it where combat.... which it would be... and there sure as hell is no allowence for vengence...
There is however a chance they will not be arrested, not be convicted, and or spend time in prison still working for their criminal enterprise.
And if you go solo for vengence in that situation, you better be rich to have the same chance of getting away with it as the criminal orginization does...
People want justice? Start demanding a leader with an actual set of balls and a moral compass...
And for the record, thats a slippery slope.
@@rossmarks1111 you have a great talent for saying so much, yet absolutely nothing at the same time
@@krypticunlimited6925maybe you should learn to read then you would understand what he is saying
I love the versatility in McCall’s infiltration skills. He’s in disguise, he approaches the bar after closing time knowing full well that his target will automatically intervene offering his generosity. This allows McCall to finalise his plan to perfection. Great opening scene and Denzel owns it as always.
imagine if wick and denzel teamed up. they'd be unstoppable.
Wick is from the dark side. Someone from the underworld would pay him to get rid of the Equalizer. Denzel would get a tip and meet Wick on a train. Then Steven Seagal would come and rescue everyone
Ethan Hunt of Mission Impossible, anyone?
Imagine if they're both after the same person. Wick needing the target for his ticket back into the family, McCall avenging the death of someone he cared deeply for.
Okay, I got it, I got it... John Wick and The Equalizer are both hired independently by shady characters to retrieve an item of great cost.
Steven Seagal is along as an advisor (and comic relief) for Ethan Hunt who is pursuing the same item for the US Government.
In the end, the item is the puzzle box from Hellraiser, and at the conclusion, Pinhead arrives.
"Gentlemen, welcome. Your journey is one of desire, but the desire was not yours."
Then the shadowy hirer of Wick and Equalizer ( who should be Gary Oldman for no particular reason except that he's great ) was the guy who double-crossed Hunt and Seagal's character, and is working for a spooky underground cult, then gets dragged to hell after an epic battle featuring the mains slaughtering faceless henchmen. Batman can be in there somewhere, too. Also, throw in Samuel L. Jackson just because.
@@illuminatus3125 Bro what the hell is this??
I really wish there were people who could provide justice in such a simple way.
Turkish Hitmen and his brother who don't know Turkish
There are two kinds of pain in this world , pain it hurts, pain it alters
Reminds me of Liam Neeson's scene when he was looking for Marco in Taken 1😄
Marco from Tropoia...his good luck just got real bad 👎
I can't understand why in that scene he never asked "Which one of you is Marco Xoxha?" (Hope I spelled the surname right.) Sam told him that a mobster boss by that name moved to Paris.
I thought it was Dr. Zakir Naik in the thumbnail💀
King Julian 😂😂😂
Dr. Zakir when he had enough 😂
@@sonyprototype5216 🤣🤣
dont 😂
I loved the T.B Show in the 80's And now I really love all 3 movies! REAL TALK FOR LIFE! 42 yr old who loves jb
Denzel with beard like that had me on the floor for at least 5 min the first time i watch it😊
oh i like this word from Mr. Mccall in all most all movies "God is my witnesses/ God knows".. everytime when he say this word i feel like "hell yeah! now it's showtime.."
I LOVE this movie!!! I've watched a bunch of times. Downloaded so I can always get my fix. It reminded me how much I love Denzel.
As a Turkish, 400 km away from Istanbul doesn't look different than Berlin city centre so no needed to add middle eastern characters in the train but good acting. The drink they had is RAKI that has 45 vol alcohol. Way stronger than any other kind of normal alcoholic drinks.
I love Turkish firearms the look spectacular and function phenomenally for me.
@@seanbrown2804 What you got?
@@Aisyahkınık Thanks to Erdoğan. (!) Politic Islam even cannot tolerate drinking cold beer while watching beautiful sceneries of Turkey. It was not like this 10 years ago. We missing our more secular times.
@@Aisyahkınık Oh yeah? Check relevant news about alcohol ban in TCDD menus written 6 years ago.
@@Aisyahkınık Just Google this. “TCDD Alkollü içecekler”. Alcoholic beverages can be consumed by passengers in TCDD trains in the past. It’s forbidden in high speed trains 6 years ago. Your experiences doesn’t reflect anything official. On the other hand, I agree with you about your movie criticism.
What’s more incredible is that there are men like Denzel Washington’s character that actually exist
They live in the shadows, and do the work that no one else can
In real life they die because there are no rewinds. You get only one attempt.
Sort off.
Denzel plays here DR.ZAKIR NAIK❤💪🏽😂😂😂😂
Ha ha
I love this scene with the mom and her baby girl. What a beatiful moment.
There are two kinds of watches in the world- ones that are right, and ones like Denzel’s that never come out to the number of seconds he thought it would.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I like it!
Lol that's because he's getting older and slowing down some. He's still counting the time it would've taken him as a younger man and comparing it to the time it takes him now. 😂
@@kendrickhudson218 Hadn't given it that much thought, but very possible. He's been doing it a long time.
He started it early, and stopped it late in this scene!
the pain a mother pays is so un real whether its human or a loving animal to its young is so undeniable , no man or male of the species understands that beautiful loving bond between mother and thier young
When McCall's OCD kicks in, it's lights out.
It is not possible for a Turkish man to watch this scene without cringing
The vodka, the terrible pronunciation, the complete lack of societal norms, it's a bit much.
What was cringe? That they drink?
The drink is raki, btw.
@@AlikTheChosenOne Ah, good to know. I know of raki, but have never had it. As I understand it is the Turkish equivalent of brandy. I've been to Turkey several times for business, but have never had the opportunity. Thanks.
Hollywood is good with fiction.
I as a Turk didn't understand anyone except the Bartender, lmao
Denzel's makeup as a Muslim is amazing but only mistake is that Muslims do not use their left hand to eat or drink.
It’s not in the Quran. Don’t make up stuff
I belive only things in the Quran, other things were written by humans. I can't believe them.
@@Jjjjj777jjjj Its from the authentic hadith. Quran says to obey the messenger the only way we know how to do that is through hadith. For example the only way we know how to perform salah is through hadith. There's not a single credible Islamic scholar who would agree with you.
@@Jjjjj777jjjjin the quran is : “obey Allah and obey his messenger “ in allot of surah’s this comes back .
So the quran is the word Allah ?
How can we obey the prophet /the messenger ?
By his sunnah which is also still with us as is the quran
Therefor ,the one who uses his left hand to eat and drink should be taught the Islamic ruling and should be reminded of the Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on this matter. When a man ate with his left hand in his presence, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, Eat with your right hand. He said, I cannot. He said, May you never be able to! Nothing was stopping him but his stubborn arrogance, and he never raised his right hand to his mouth after that. (Narrated by Muslim, 3776).
Hafsah (may Allah be pleased with her), the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to use his right hand for eating, drinking and getting dressed and his left hand for everything else. (Narrated by Abu Dawud, 30)
Ahmad reported with a sound Isnad (chain of narration) from `Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) and attributed it to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): Whoever eats with his left hand, the devil eats with him. (Tuhfat Al-Ahwadhi, commentary on Hadith 1721)
It's just sunnah man relax wtf?
Bless the real equalizers in this hellish life as they stand in the gap for so many ppl who are lost to their justice system.
These men and women do exist in a non Hollywood way that is vital for the ppl.
Onların ismi Türk , mesleğì Asker , Görevi Adaleti sağlamak için Can alıb Can vermektir.
Görev yeri ; Peygamber Ordusu.
Kazancı ; Mazlumların Duası .
there are none and If there were they'd be in gaol as we tend to let the scumbags run free...whilst punishing those who are good
@@mottthehoople693 they do exist obviously not to the same extent/Hollywood but they do.
Especially for homeless ppl there essentially guard angels that saves lives and protect the vulnerable.
@@kitsunelee007 Im very glad thats the case
I love this film waiting for number 3, however in reality when he Washington walked towards the leader he would have just shot him, because a man like him would be armed, where he (Washington) was not, well that's what I would have done especially seeing what he just did to the other 3.
Glad I found your channel. The comment about being 115lb and still being recommended ozempic was hilarious 🤣🤣
WOW. that is so awesome. You just have to be meaner than the evil ones.
denzel catching up on ta nehisi coates - nice touch
I can rewatch this scene a million times
Denzel Washington sir , one of the best actors in the world
Lol nothing looks like turkish on that scene :D
That empty look in his eyes like, "I don't care which you choose, I'm happy to oblige either way."
❤❤❤❤ Mustafa Kemal Atatürk...sen çok yaşa
Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası Türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıyafetleri dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense kasıtlı olarak Türkiyeyi filml görüntülerinde geri kalmış sanki Osmanlı döneminde yaşayan bir ülke görüntüleri gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil tamamen yalan .Bu konudan çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum😡
Denzel Washington sure loves to do movies about trains 🚂 😊😅The Taking Of Pelham 123, Unstoppable and this scene from The Equalizer 2
Denzel aka Othello the Turkish Moor
I wish there really was someone like The Equalizer out there helping people like Denzel does in these movies.
Yep , real life is very disappointing when it comes to evening up the score , in reality it’s up to the individual otherwise nothing changes , serious intimidators & crooks don’t fear genuine people because they abide by the rules of decency & courtesy until they don’t , but that hardly ever happens.
Dude knows how to use a teapot
I could do with Turkish tea right now.
never bring a tea pot to a pencil fight
@@KenanTurkiye Mixed grill...preceded by a little grilled squid for me thanks
No , he could have made use of the broken spout , maybe to extract an eye ?
The look on the Bosses face says it all. He was defeated and accepted it lol.
I sure wish we could have seen which pain he choose! LOL! Also, I never saw before until now that he used the eye glass arm to kill the 1st guy. Man, that went really fast. Just great!
i believe in these equalizer movies denzel plays an avenging angel.
Where'd the bartender go? lol
Did anyone notice that Andrei Arlovski was playing one of the Turkish mobsters, in this scene? All of the Equalizer films have an astounding cast!
@seeharvester - MMA fighter, Andrei "The Pitbull" Arlovski. Former UFC heavyweight champion.
I noticed his tap nose and immediately recognised him
Nobody beats Denzel in this one!💯
As a Turk, i can say that only the bartender is actually Turkish, and he is the only one speaking proper Turkish. the other actors playing Turkish roles are not even Turkish, and the language they speak among themselves doesn't resemble Turkish at all and i cant really understand what they are saying anyway.
Keşke tek sorun Türkçe konuşmaları olsaydı .Veeee Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası Türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıyafetleri dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense kasıtlı olarak Türkiyeyi filml görüntülerinde geri kalmış sanki Osmanlı döneminde yaşayan bir ülke imajı gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil tamamen yalan .Bu konudan çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum😡
@@ufuk6700607 Batılı yazarların biraz oryantalist bakış acısından kaynaklı mistik bir Osmanlı ya da daha da doğulu havasında tasvir etmelerinden dolayı durum böyle oluyor, ama bunu birazda kendimiz yapıyor muyuz ? Örneğin bir turist İstanbula geldiğide gittiği ilk yer Sultanahmet meydanı, Kapalı Çarşı vb. yerler, ilk gördükleri manzara turistleri etkilemek için fes giymiş geleneksel kıyafetli insanların ürün satması, dondurma çevirip duranlar, turist peşinde koşan fesli ayakkabı boyacıları değil mi, benim çocukluğumda turistik yerlerde bu kıyafetler ile ayı oynatanın dan tutunda maymun dans ettirenine kadar vardı, birde bölgenin ekosisteminde dahi bulunmayan palmiye türevi sıcak ilkim bitkilerini bu bölgelere ekiyoruz, üstüne zaten tarihi eski mimari yapıların duvarları ve tavanları Arapça hat çalışmaları ile dolu, misal Kapalı Çarşının giriş kapılarından biri olan Fesçiler Kapısı :) ve tarihi değeri olan hat çalışmaları ile süslenmiştir. Ya da güney sahillerinde turistler deve ile sahilde gezdirilmiyor mu, yıllardır tüm turist etkinliklerinde Arapça müzik eşliğinde dansöz oynatılmıyor mu, ya biz Eurovision'u dahi doğu batı sentezli oryantal ritimli şarkı ile kazandık adamlara mistik geldiği için 😁kıyafetler yanlış demişiniz e Anadolunun geneli zaten böyle değil mi. Yani kısaca biz kendimizi zaten böyle gösteriyoruz, yabancılarda gördüğünü kendince biraz değiştirerek anlatıyor.
The Turkish man is not speaking in Turkish, he is like speaking in Russian I think. When he said ‘Hadi Hadi’ he’s speech performance like ‘Davai davai’😅
In denzel we trust
its denzel or bust
Hitmen? These guys were kidnappers. The father kidnapped his daughter. He didn’t order a hit on her, lol.
Jeez, when will Hollywood give up on false showing how Turks are? There wasn't a single Turkish thing in this whole video
There was cagi 😂
Filmde Türkiyenin ilkel geri kalmış üçüncü dünya ülkesi gibi gösterilmesi dahası Türkiyede insanlar başlarında Fes şapkası kadınların kıyafetleri tamamen yanlış ve kötü .Trenlerimiz hicte böyle degildir.Türkiye ve insanları çok modern ve cagdaştır.. kıyafetleri dogru degil.Bu video beni gercekten üsmüştür.Ayrıca Türkiye ile ilgili birçok ülkenin film yapımcıları nedense kasıtlı olarak Türkiyeyi filml görüntülerinde geri kalmış sanki Osmanlı döneminde yaşayan bir ülke görüntüleri gösterilmekte .Halbuki hiçte dogru deil tamamen yalan .Bu konudan çok rahatsızım.Şiddetle kınıyorum😡
One of the best actors ever, damm
As a Turk, I did not understand anything except English words.
I hope you are not young also 😂
The guy in editing was a massive help here too.
Watch 2:27 again. It's great to see that what the average viewer would think about that is normal but he's ocd. That sigh was a bit of annoyance at disrupting his field
“The State Department doesn’t know a thing about it Grace. Nobody does.”
Idk I feel like the cleaning crew at a Turkish train station might know a thing or two when they find the bodies bleeding out in the Bar.
They brought that shit on themselves.
löl from Turkiye
Yes they did
I remember watching this movie at is premiere in the cinema. That summer we were in Türkiye. Just when the movie had started, my friend was about to outrage and to go back to the desk to complain. He yelled, we selected the movie with the original language not the turkish synchronization. End he became even more mad when he heard the very bad turkish hahahaha. Finally after this scene the language switched the language haha
Hacı Denzel
Denzel's acting in this scene is surreal , especially at the begining
This only happens in movies. In real life, the opposite happens.
Yeah we are seeing it in middle East 🤣🤣
@@TheSudhanshu1982If you were in the Middle East, you would piss your pants with fear. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 People in the Middle East are bravely fighting.
we re all humans you never know what the war will bring
@@TheSudhanshu1982 gerçek 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 gerçekte olsa denzel sadece turist olarak gelir adami bir yerde sordugu anda onu alir götürür sikerler ondan sonra denzel eğer hayatta kalabilirse gay olarak yasamina devam eder,denemesi bedava gidin turkiyede bir adamin adini adresini sorun onu aradığınızı sorun bakin basiniza neler geliyor😂😂😂
"... an abusive man, so not a real man..." Great line
4:26 When the brothers do not ask a very good question.
Ok, my questions is did the Turkish guy accept McCall's peaceful offer?
I loved how they left that for the audience to decide.
that's one thick plot armor