Extreme Parenting: 'Radical Unschooling'

  • Опубликовано: 18 апр 2010
  • Hands-off approach to education allows kids to make their own decisions.

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @marcwyant1217
    @marcwyant1217 6 лет назад +518

    I would love to hear updates on what these kids are doing with their lives now 7 years later

  • @lola7993
    @lola7993 6 лет назад +482

    „Do you WANT to brush your teeth?” Come on, you can’t leave things like that to a child of that age! They can’t understand the consequences of neglecting their hygiene.

  • @jebsmith323
    @jebsmith323 6 лет назад +319

    "Trust your kids to find their own interests." How can they do that if they don't explore any options?

  • @kellystar6733
    @kellystar6733 6 лет назад +257

    And.....the kids are never moving out.

  • @09cokeefe
    @09cokeefe 8 лет назад +629

    no offense, they didn't choose the best example family...

  • @jflsdknf
    @jflsdknf Год назад +6

    I've noticed many of the "unschooled" kids have speech difficulties such as lisps. The older girl here too doesn't talk her age, she comes across as much younger mentally.

  • @katiemossi5975
    @katiemossi5975 6 лет назад +39

    I was “unschooled” by means of negligence and lived this life as a teenager. I ended up a severe alcoholic. I have an above average IQ. If I had been encouraged to finish school I could have gone to college for free. This is a horrible idea. There are kids in developing countries that would give anything for free education.

  • @hansonfeng7440
    @hansonfeng7440 6 лет назад +146

    Unschooling sounds more like a dropout lifestyle

  • @tracylouisepoynton
    @tracylouisepoynton 6 лет назад +93

    I thought unschooling was still very much focused on learning just done at a pace that suits the child this just looks awful uneducated kids are at a handicap

  • @salahibrahimmaalim1481
    @salahibrahimmaalim1481 6 лет назад +174

    they should learn how to read and write atleast.

  • @reveluvreveluv7257
    @reveluvreveluv7257 4 года назад +30

    I was unschooled for quite a while and when I did go back to school i was more motivated than a lot of my peers because i was used to having to motivate myself. I was only behind in maths and Irish which the students who had always been in school we’re also behind in. I went back to school for an easier route to university but i will never regret the time i was unschooled. I learned what i wanted to.. and i actually did learn, i got enough sleep and my mental health wasn’t in the state it is now. I choose to follow a rough curriculum for English, music, geography and biology because i was interested in those subjects and not because my parents told me to. I had time for hobbies which now means that they are a a high enough level for practical subjects that I don’t have to stress about them and can focus on the theory aspects. I think it doesn’t suit every family or child, lot of home/unschooled teen girls are autistic or have mental health issues that prevent them from going to school and I’ve found any I’ve met to be highly motivated about whatever they are choosing to learn, but there’s also a boy in my class who’s recently come back to school after four years unschooling and he simply lacks the focus for the classroom and is so far behind in maths and English that he’s doing foundation level subjects. His parents never enforced anything on him and he simply cant handle the pressure.

  • @bubbakloecker2818
    @bubbakloecker2818 7 лет назад +340

    I'm homeschooled but from what I am seeing Unschooling isn't doing anything positive for anyone education wise.

  • @leannerobinson1536
    @leannerobinson1536 Год назад +10

    I would also like to state that as a nurse of 17 years, twice I've seen the horrible outcome of families like this one. The second case was a brother and sister that moved into our nursing home at the ages of 50-something because when their parents died, they couldn't care for themselves. There were so many psychological problems between the 2 of them. This is the result of negligent "unschooling". I myself hated school and dropped out before I completed 9th grade. I was a gifted student and getting up and going to school literally felt like hell to me. When I was as 20 I got pregnant, got my GED and tested into honors classes at Kent state university. I graduated with honors and made the dean's list as well as the president's list almost every semester. Turns out I actually love school when I get to learn about what I'm interested in.

  • @Tarage
    @Tarage 7 лет назад +614

    Show me an 'unschooler' who has been successful in later life. Has a job, a family, isn't living in poverty and hasn't 'taken over the family business'. Show me an 'unschooler' who is well adjusted in society.

  • @juliemckenzie5960
    @juliemckenzie5960 6 лет назад +55

    Regardless of how you choose to educate your children, parents must be parents! Children thrive on routine and having chores makes them feel like the valued member of the family that they are. Chores also empower children by teaching them life skills they will need when they become adults and live on their own.

  • @k.s.k.7721
    @k.s.k.7721 6 лет назад +9

    Denmark is experimenting with unschooling. Children are allowed to study/explore or experiment with anything - all ages mingle and they use adults for general guidance and assistance when they reach a roadblock. Apparently it's going pretty well, even though it's considered odd even in Denmark.

  • @Pricelessjourneys
    @Pricelessjourneys 9 лет назад +74

    Unschooling is not meant to be hands off for parents. In allowing freedom with food you do it for the purpose of destigmatizing unhealthy food but not just going and buying donuts all the time. If my son asked for a donut I would let him try it, but I would also let him know it is not healthy and that blueberries and carrots are healthy, and those options would be available. My daughter ate a ton of cheese and got constipated. So I told her it was because you ate so much cheese. Then she chose to eat fruit without being coerced. That is true unschooling to me. Not to this extreme at all. Granted I do not know them. I can't have my kids up all night as I have to sleep myself and given my kids are young and one has special needs, I would not just leave them unattended.

  • @march950
    @march950 4 года назад +10

    "Theres no rules or punishment"

  • @miaanaliese6504
    @miaanaliese6504 5 лет назад +34

    This is radical unschooling "normal" unschooling is basicly just like being homeschooled but we pick what we want to do for school there is still obviously still chores and rules

  • @iluvdaizeys
    @iluvdaizeys 6 лет назад +16

    I would love to see a "Where are they now?" segment.